' <auto-generated />
Imports System
Imports System.Collections
Imports System.Collections.Generic
Imports System.Collections.Immutable
Imports System.Diagnostics
Imports System.Linq
Imports System.Runtime.CompilerServices
Imports System.Text
Imports System.Threading
Imports Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Collections
Imports Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Text
Imports Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.VisualBasic.Symbols
Imports Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.VisualBasic.Syntax
Imports Roslyn.Utilities
Namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.VisualBasic
Friend Enum BoundKind as Byte
End Enum
Partial Friend MustInherit Class BoundExpression
Inherits BoundNode
Protected Sub New(kind As BoundKind, syntax as SyntaxNode, type As TypeSymbol, hasErrors As Boolean)
MyBase.New(kind, syntax, hasErrors)
Me._Type = type
End Sub
Protected Sub New(kind As BoundKind, syntax as SyntaxNode, type As TypeSymbol)
MyBase.New(kind, syntax)
Me._Type = type
End Sub
Private ReadOnly _Type As TypeSymbol
Public ReadOnly Property Type As TypeSymbol
Return _Type
End Get
End Property
End Class
Partial Friend NotInheritable Class BoundTypeArguments
Inherits BoundExpression
Public Sub New(syntax As SyntaxNode, arguments As ImmutableArray(Of TypeSymbol), hasErrors As Boolean)
MyBase.New(BoundKind.TypeArguments, syntax, Nothing, hasErrors)
Debug.Assert(Not (arguments.IsDefault), "Field 'arguments' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Me._Arguments = arguments
End Sub
Public Sub New(syntax As SyntaxNode, arguments As ImmutableArray(Of TypeSymbol))
MyBase.New(BoundKind.TypeArguments, syntax, Nothing)
Debug.Assert(Not (arguments.IsDefault), "Field 'arguments' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Me._Arguments = arguments
End Sub
Private ReadOnly _Arguments As ImmutableArray(Of TypeSymbol)
Public ReadOnly Property Arguments As ImmutableArray(Of TypeSymbol)
Return _Arguments
End Get
End Property
Public Overrides Function Accept(visitor as BoundTreeVisitor) As BoundNode
Return visitor.VisitTypeArguments(Me)
End Function
Public Function Update(arguments As ImmutableArray(Of TypeSymbol)) As BoundTypeArguments
If arguments <> Me.Arguments Then
Dim result = New BoundTypeArguments(Me.Syntax, arguments, Me.HasErrors)
Return result
End If
Return Me
End Function
End Class
Partial Friend NotInheritable Class BoundOmittedArgument
Inherits BoundExpression
Public Sub New(syntax As SyntaxNode, type As TypeSymbol, hasErrors As Boolean)
MyBase.New(BoundKind.OmittedArgument, syntax, type, hasErrors)
End Sub
Public Sub New(syntax As SyntaxNode, type As TypeSymbol)
MyBase.New(BoundKind.OmittedArgument, syntax, type)
End Sub
Public Overrides Function Accept(visitor as BoundTreeVisitor) As BoundNode
Return visitor.VisitOmittedArgument(Me)
End Function
Public Function Update(type As TypeSymbol) As BoundOmittedArgument
If type IsNot Me.Type Then
Dim result = New BoundOmittedArgument(Me.Syntax, type, Me.HasErrors)
Return result
End If
Return Me
End Function
End Class
Partial Friend MustInherit Class BoundValuePlaceholderBase
Inherits BoundExpression
Protected Sub New(kind As BoundKind, syntax as SyntaxNode, type As TypeSymbol, hasErrors As Boolean)
MyBase.New(kind, syntax, type, hasErrors)
Debug.Assert(type IsNot Nothing, "Field 'type' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
End Sub
Protected Sub New(kind As BoundKind, syntax as SyntaxNode, type As TypeSymbol)
MyBase.New(kind, syntax, type)
Debug.Assert(type IsNot Nothing, "Field 'type' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
End Sub
End Class
Partial Friend NotInheritable Class BoundLValueToRValueWrapper
Inherits BoundExpression
Public Sub New(syntax As SyntaxNode, underlyingLValue As BoundExpression, type As TypeSymbol, Optional hasErrors As Boolean = False)
MyBase.New(BoundKind.LValueToRValueWrapper, syntax, type, hasErrors OrElse underlyingLValue.NonNullAndHasErrors())
Debug.Assert(underlyingLValue IsNot Nothing, "Field 'underlyingLValue' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Debug.Assert(type IsNot Nothing, "Field 'type' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Me._UnderlyingLValue = underlyingLValue
End Sub
Private Partial Sub Validate()
End Sub
Private ReadOnly _UnderlyingLValue As BoundExpression
Public ReadOnly Property UnderlyingLValue As BoundExpression
Return _UnderlyingLValue
End Get
End Property
Public Overrides Function Accept(visitor as BoundTreeVisitor) As BoundNode
Return visitor.VisitLValueToRValueWrapper(Me)
End Function
Public Function Update(underlyingLValue As BoundExpression, type As TypeSymbol) As BoundLValueToRValueWrapper
If underlyingLValue IsNot Me.UnderlyingLValue OrElse type IsNot Me.Type Then
Dim result = New BoundLValueToRValueWrapper(Me.Syntax, underlyingLValue, type, Me.HasErrors)
Return result
End If
Return Me
End Function
End Class
Partial Friend MustInherit Class BoundLValuePlaceholderBase
Inherits BoundValuePlaceholderBase
Protected Sub New(kind As BoundKind, syntax as SyntaxNode, type As TypeSymbol, hasErrors As Boolean)
MyBase.New(kind, syntax, type, hasErrors)
Debug.Assert(type IsNot Nothing, "Field 'type' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
End Sub
Protected Sub New(kind As BoundKind, syntax as SyntaxNode, type As TypeSymbol)
MyBase.New(kind, syntax, type)
Debug.Assert(type IsNot Nothing, "Field 'type' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
End Sub
End Class
Partial Friend MustInherit Class BoundRValuePlaceholderBase
Inherits BoundValuePlaceholderBase
Protected Sub New(kind As BoundKind, syntax as SyntaxNode, type As TypeSymbol, hasErrors As Boolean)
MyBase.New(kind, syntax, type, hasErrors)
Debug.Assert(type IsNot Nothing, "Field 'type' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
End Sub
Protected Sub New(kind As BoundKind, syntax as SyntaxNode, type As TypeSymbol)
MyBase.New(kind, syntax, type)
Debug.Assert(type IsNot Nothing, "Field 'type' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
End Sub
End Class
Partial Friend NotInheritable Class BoundWithLValueExpressionPlaceholder
Inherits BoundLValuePlaceholderBase
Public Sub New(syntax As SyntaxNode, type As TypeSymbol, hasErrors As Boolean)
MyBase.New(BoundKind.WithLValueExpressionPlaceholder, syntax, type, hasErrors)
Debug.Assert(type IsNot Nothing, "Field 'type' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
End Sub
Public Sub New(syntax As SyntaxNode, type As TypeSymbol)
MyBase.New(BoundKind.WithLValueExpressionPlaceholder, syntax, type)
Debug.Assert(type IsNot Nothing, "Field 'type' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
End Sub
Public Overrides Function Accept(visitor as BoundTreeVisitor) As BoundNode
Return visitor.VisitWithLValueExpressionPlaceholder(Me)
End Function
Public Function Update(type As TypeSymbol) As BoundWithLValueExpressionPlaceholder
If type IsNot Me.Type Then
Dim result = New BoundWithLValueExpressionPlaceholder(Me.Syntax, type, Me.HasErrors)
Return result
End If
Return Me
End Function
End Class
Partial Friend NotInheritable Class BoundWithRValueExpressionPlaceholder
Inherits BoundRValuePlaceholderBase
Public Sub New(syntax As SyntaxNode, type As TypeSymbol, hasErrors As Boolean)
MyBase.New(BoundKind.WithRValueExpressionPlaceholder, syntax, type, hasErrors)
Debug.Assert(type IsNot Nothing, "Field 'type' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
End Sub
Public Sub New(syntax As SyntaxNode, type As TypeSymbol)
MyBase.New(BoundKind.WithRValueExpressionPlaceholder, syntax, type)
Debug.Assert(type IsNot Nothing, "Field 'type' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
End Sub
Public Overrides Function Accept(visitor as BoundTreeVisitor) As BoundNode
Return visitor.VisitWithRValueExpressionPlaceholder(Me)
End Function
Public Function Update(type As TypeSymbol) As BoundWithRValueExpressionPlaceholder
If type IsNot Me.Type Then
Dim result = New BoundWithRValueExpressionPlaceholder(Me.Syntax, type, Me.HasErrors)
Return result
End If
Return Me
End Function
End Class
Partial Friend NotInheritable Class BoundRValuePlaceholder
Inherits BoundRValuePlaceholderBase
Public Sub New(syntax As SyntaxNode, type As TypeSymbol, hasErrors As Boolean)
MyBase.New(BoundKind.RValuePlaceholder, syntax, type, hasErrors)
Debug.Assert(type IsNot Nothing, "Field 'type' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
End Sub
Private Partial Sub Validate()
End Sub
Public Sub New(syntax As SyntaxNode, type As TypeSymbol)
MyBase.New(BoundKind.RValuePlaceholder, syntax, type)
Debug.Assert(type IsNot Nothing, "Field 'type' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
End Sub
Public Overrides Function Accept(visitor as BoundTreeVisitor) As BoundNode
Return visitor.VisitRValuePlaceholder(Me)
End Function
Public Function Update(type As TypeSymbol) As BoundRValuePlaceholder
If type IsNot Me.Type Then
Dim result = New BoundRValuePlaceholder(Me.Syntax, type, Me.HasErrors)
Return result
End If
Return Me
End Function
End Class
Partial Friend NotInheritable Class BoundLValuePlaceholder
Inherits BoundLValuePlaceholderBase
Public Sub New(syntax As SyntaxNode, type As TypeSymbol, hasErrors As Boolean)
MyBase.New(BoundKind.LValuePlaceholder, syntax, type, hasErrors)
Debug.Assert(type IsNot Nothing, "Field 'type' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
End Sub
Private Partial Sub Validate()
End Sub
Public Sub New(syntax As SyntaxNode, type As TypeSymbol)
MyBase.New(BoundKind.LValuePlaceholder, syntax, type)
Debug.Assert(type IsNot Nothing, "Field 'type' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
End Sub
Public Overrides Function Accept(visitor as BoundTreeVisitor) As BoundNode
Return visitor.VisitLValuePlaceholder(Me)
End Function
Public Function Update(type As TypeSymbol) As BoundLValuePlaceholder
If type IsNot Me.Type Then
Dim result = New BoundLValuePlaceholder(Me.Syntax, type, Me.HasErrors)
Return result
End If
Return Me
End Function
End Class
Partial Friend NotInheritable Class BoundDup
Inherits BoundExpression
Public Sub New(syntax As SyntaxNode, isReference As Boolean, type As TypeSymbol, hasErrors As Boolean)
MyBase.New(BoundKind.Dup, syntax, type, hasErrors)
Me._IsReference = isReference
End Sub
Public Sub New(syntax As SyntaxNode, isReference As Boolean, type As TypeSymbol)
MyBase.New(BoundKind.Dup, syntax, type)
Me._IsReference = isReference
End Sub
Private ReadOnly _IsReference As Boolean
Public ReadOnly Property IsReference As Boolean
Return _IsReference
End Get
End Property
Public Overrides Function Accept(visitor as BoundTreeVisitor) As BoundNode
Return visitor.VisitDup(Me)
End Function
Public Function Update(isReference As Boolean, type As TypeSymbol) As BoundDup
If isReference <> Me.IsReference OrElse type IsNot Me.Type Then
Dim result = New BoundDup(Me.Syntax, isReference, type, Me.HasErrors)
Return result
End If
Return Me
End Function
End Class
Partial Friend NotInheritable Class BoundBadExpression
Inherits BoundExpression
Public Sub New(syntax As SyntaxNode, resultKind As LookupResultKind, symbols As ImmutableArray(Of Symbol), childBoundNodes As ImmutableArray(Of BoundExpression), type As TypeSymbol, Optional hasErrors As Boolean = False)
MyBase.New(BoundKind.BadExpression, syntax, type, hasErrors OrElse childBoundNodes.NonNullAndHasErrors())
Debug.Assert(Not (symbols.IsDefault), "Field 'symbols' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Debug.Assert(Not (childBoundNodes.IsDefault), "Field 'childBoundNodes' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Me._ResultKind = resultKind
Me._Symbols = symbols
Me._ChildBoundNodes = childBoundNodes
End Sub
Private Partial Sub Validate()
End Sub
Private ReadOnly _ResultKind As LookupResultKind
Public Overrides ReadOnly Property ResultKind As LookupResultKind
Return _ResultKind
End Get
End Property
Private ReadOnly _Symbols As ImmutableArray(Of Symbol)
Public ReadOnly Property Symbols As ImmutableArray(Of Symbol)
Return _Symbols
End Get
End Property
Private ReadOnly _ChildBoundNodes As ImmutableArray(Of BoundExpression)
Public ReadOnly Property ChildBoundNodes As ImmutableArray(Of BoundExpression)
Return _ChildBoundNodes
End Get
End Property
Public Overrides Function Accept(visitor as BoundTreeVisitor) As BoundNode
Return visitor.VisitBadExpression(Me)
End Function
Public Function Update(resultKind As LookupResultKind, symbols As ImmutableArray(Of Symbol), childBoundNodes As ImmutableArray(Of BoundExpression), type As TypeSymbol) As BoundBadExpression
If resultKind <> Me.ResultKind OrElse symbols <> Me.Symbols OrElse childBoundNodes <> Me.ChildBoundNodes OrElse type IsNot Me.Type Then
Dim result = New BoundBadExpression(Me.Syntax, resultKind, symbols, childBoundNodes, type, Me.HasErrors)
Return result
End If
Return Me
End Function
End Class
Partial Friend NotInheritable Class BoundBadStatement
Inherits BoundStatement
Public Sub New(syntax As SyntaxNode, childBoundNodes As ImmutableArray(Of BoundNode), Optional hasErrors As Boolean = False)
MyBase.New(BoundKind.BadStatement, syntax, hasErrors OrElse childBoundNodes.NonNullAndHasErrors())
Debug.Assert(Not (childBoundNodes.IsDefault), "Field 'childBoundNodes' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Me._ChildBoundNodes = childBoundNodes
End Sub
Private ReadOnly _ChildBoundNodes As ImmutableArray(Of BoundNode)
Public ReadOnly Property ChildBoundNodes As ImmutableArray(Of BoundNode)
Return _ChildBoundNodes
End Get
End Property
Public Overrides Function Accept(visitor as BoundTreeVisitor) As BoundNode
Return visitor.VisitBadStatement(Me)
End Function
Public Function Update(childBoundNodes As ImmutableArray(Of BoundNode)) As BoundBadStatement
If childBoundNodes <> Me.ChildBoundNodes Then
Dim result = New BoundBadStatement(Me.Syntax, childBoundNodes, Me.HasErrors)
Return result
End If
Return Me
End Function
End Class
Partial Friend NotInheritable Class BoundParenthesized
Inherits BoundExpression
Public Sub New(syntax As SyntaxNode, expression As BoundExpression, type As TypeSymbol, Optional hasErrors As Boolean = False)
MyBase.New(BoundKind.Parenthesized, syntax, type, hasErrors OrElse expression.NonNullAndHasErrors())
Debug.Assert(expression IsNot Nothing, "Field 'expression' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Me._Expression = expression
End Sub
Private Partial Sub Validate()
End Sub
Private ReadOnly _Expression As BoundExpression
Public ReadOnly Property Expression As BoundExpression
Return _Expression
End Get
End Property
Public Overrides Function Accept(visitor as BoundTreeVisitor) As BoundNode
Return visitor.VisitParenthesized(Me)
End Function
Public Function Update(expression As BoundExpression, type As TypeSymbol) As BoundParenthesized
If expression IsNot Me.Expression OrElse type IsNot Me.Type Then
Dim result = New BoundParenthesized(Me.Syntax, expression, type, Me.HasErrors)
Return result
End If
Return Me
End Function
End Class
Partial Friend NotInheritable Class BoundBadVariable
Inherits BoundExpression
Public Sub New(syntax As SyntaxNode, expression As BoundExpression, isLValue As Boolean, type As TypeSymbol, Optional hasErrors As Boolean = False)
MyBase.New(BoundKind.BadVariable, syntax, type, hasErrors OrElse expression.NonNullAndHasErrors())
Debug.Assert(expression IsNot Nothing, "Field 'expression' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Me._Expression = expression
Me._IsLValue = isLValue
End Sub
Private ReadOnly _Expression As BoundExpression
Public ReadOnly Property Expression As BoundExpression
Return _Expression
End Get
End Property
Private ReadOnly _IsLValue As Boolean
Public Overrides ReadOnly Property IsLValue As Boolean
Return _IsLValue
End Get
End Property
Public Overrides Function Accept(visitor as BoundTreeVisitor) As BoundNode
Return visitor.VisitBadVariable(Me)
End Function
Public Function Update(expression As BoundExpression, isLValue As Boolean, type As TypeSymbol) As BoundBadVariable
If expression IsNot Me.Expression OrElse isLValue <> Me.IsLValue OrElse type IsNot Me.Type Then
Dim result = New BoundBadVariable(Me.Syntax, expression, isLValue, type, Me.HasErrors)
Return result
End If
Return Me
End Function
End Class
Partial Friend NotInheritable Class BoundArrayAccess
Inherits BoundExpression
Public Sub New(syntax As SyntaxNode, expression As BoundExpression, indices As ImmutableArray(Of BoundExpression), isLValue As Boolean, type As TypeSymbol, Optional hasErrors As Boolean = False)
MyBase.New(BoundKind.ArrayAccess, syntax, type, hasErrors OrElse expression.NonNullAndHasErrors() OrElse indices.NonNullAndHasErrors())
Debug.Assert(expression IsNot Nothing, "Field 'expression' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Debug.Assert(Not (indices.IsDefault), "Field 'indices' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Debug.Assert(type IsNot Nothing, "Field 'type' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Me._Expression = expression
Me._Indices = indices
Me._IsLValue = isLValue
End Sub
Private Partial Sub Validate()
End Sub
Private ReadOnly _Expression As BoundExpression
Public ReadOnly Property Expression As BoundExpression
Return _Expression
End Get
End Property
Private ReadOnly _Indices As ImmutableArray(Of BoundExpression)
Public ReadOnly Property Indices As ImmutableArray(Of BoundExpression)
Return _Indices
End Get
End Property
Private ReadOnly _IsLValue As Boolean
Public Overrides ReadOnly Property IsLValue As Boolean
Return _IsLValue
End Get
End Property
Public Overrides Function Accept(visitor as BoundTreeVisitor) As BoundNode
Return visitor.VisitArrayAccess(Me)
End Function
Public Function Update(expression As BoundExpression, indices As ImmutableArray(Of BoundExpression), isLValue As Boolean, type As TypeSymbol) As BoundArrayAccess
If expression IsNot Me.Expression OrElse indices <> Me.Indices OrElse isLValue <> Me.IsLValue OrElse type IsNot Me.Type Then
Dim result = New BoundArrayAccess(Me.Syntax, expression, indices, isLValue, type, Me.HasErrors)
Return result
End If
Return Me
End Function
End Class
Partial Friend NotInheritable Class BoundArrayLength
Inherits BoundExpression
Public Sub New(syntax As SyntaxNode, expression As BoundExpression, type As TypeSymbol, Optional hasErrors As Boolean = False)
MyBase.New(BoundKind.ArrayLength, syntax, type, hasErrors OrElse expression.NonNullAndHasErrors())
Debug.Assert(expression IsNot Nothing, "Field 'expression' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Debug.Assert(type IsNot Nothing, "Field 'type' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Me._Expression = expression
End Sub
Private ReadOnly _Expression As BoundExpression
Public ReadOnly Property Expression As BoundExpression
Return _Expression
End Get
End Property
Public Overrides Function Accept(visitor as BoundTreeVisitor) As BoundNode
Return visitor.VisitArrayLength(Me)
End Function
Public Function Update(expression As BoundExpression, type As TypeSymbol) As BoundArrayLength
If expression IsNot Me.Expression OrElse type IsNot Me.Type Then
Dim result = New BoundArrayLength(Me.Syntax, expression, type, Me.HasErrors)
Return result
End If
Return Me
End Function
End Class
Partial Friend NotInheritable Class BoundGetType
Inherits BoundExpression
Public Sub New(syntax As SyntaxNode, sourceType As BoundTypeExpression, getTypeFromHandle As MethodSymbol, type As TypeSymbol, Optional hasErrors As Boolean = False)
MyBase.New(BoundKind.GetType, syntax, type, hasErrors OrElse sourceType.NonNullAndHasErrors())
Debug.Assert(sourceType IsNot Nothing, "Field 'sourceType' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Debug.Assert(type IsNot Nothing, "Field 'type' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Me._SourceType = sourceType
Me._GetTypeFromHandle = getTypeFromHandle
End Sub
Private ReadOnly _SourceType As BoundTypeExpression
Public ReadOnly Property SourceType As BoundTypeExpression
Return _SourceType
End Get
End Property
Private ReadOnly _GetTypeFromHandle As MethodSymbol
Public ReadOnly Property GetTypeFromHandle As MethodSymbol
Return _GetTypeFromHandle
End Get
End Property
Public Overrides Function Accept(visitor as BoundTreeVisitor) As BoundNode
Return visitor.VisitGetType(Me)
End Function
Public Function Update(sourceType As BoundTypeExpression, getTypeFromHandle As MethodSymbol, type As TypeSymbol) As BoundGetType
If sourceType IsNot Me.SourceType OrElse getTypeFromHandle IsNot Me.GetTypeFromHandle OrElse type IsNot Me.Type Then
Dim result = New BoundGetType(Me.Syntax, sourceType, getTypeFromHandle, type, Me.HasErrors)
Return result
End If
Return Me
End Function
End Class
Partial Friend NotInheritable Class BoundFieldInfo
Inherits BoundExpression
Public Sub New(syntax As SyntaxNode, field As FieldSymbol, type As TypeSymbol, hasErrors As Boolean)
MyBase.New(BoundKind.FieldInfo, syntax, type, hasErrors)
Debug.Assert(field IsNot Nothing, "Field 'field' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Debug.Assert(type IsNot Nothing, "Field 'type' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Me._Field = field
End Sub
Public Sub New(syntax As SyntaxNode, field As FieldSymbol, type As TypeSymbol)
MyBase.New(BoundKind.FieldInfo, syntax, type)
Debug.Assert(field IsNot Nothing, "Field 'field' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Debug.Assert(type IsNot Nothing, "Field 'type' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Me._Field = field
End Sub
Private ReadOnly _Field As FieldSymbol
Public ReadOnly Property Field As FieldSymbol
Return _Field
End Get
End Property
Public Overrides Function Accept(visitor as BoundTreeVisitor) As BoundNode
Return visitor.VisitFieldInfo(Me)
End Function
Public Function Update(field As FieldSymbol, type As TypeSymbol) As BoundFieldInfo
If field IsNot Me.Field OrElse type IsNot Me.Type Then
Dim result = New BoundFieldInfo(Me.Syntax, field, type, Me.HasErrors)
Return result
End If
Return Me
End Function
End Class
Partial Friend NotInheritable Class BoundMethodInfo
Inherits BoundExpression
Public Sub New(syntax As SyntaxNode, method As MethodSymbol, getMethodFromHandle As MethodSymbol, type As TypeSymbol, hasErrors As Boolean)
MyBase.New(BoundKind.MethodInfo, syntax, type, hasErrors)
Debug.Assert(method IsNot Nothing, "Field 'method' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Debug.Assert(getMethodFromHandle IsNot Nothing, "Field 'getMethodFromHandle' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Debug.Assert(type IsNot Nothing, "Field 'type' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Me._Method = method
Me._GetMethodFromHandle = getMethodFromHandle
End Sub
Public Sub New(syntax As SyntaxNode, method As MethodSymbol, getMethodFromHandle As MethodSymbol, type As TypeSymbol)
MyBase.New(BoundKind.MethodInfo, syntax, type)
Debug.Assert(method IsNot Nothing, "Field 'method' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Debug.Assert(getMethodFromHandle IsNot Nothing, "Field 'getMethodFromHandle' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Debug.Assert(type IsNot Nothing, "Field 'type' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Me._Method = method
Me._GetMethodFromHandle = getMethodFromHandle
End Sub
Private ReadOnly _Method As MethodSymbol
Public ReadOnly Property Method As MethodSymbol
Return _Method
End Get
End Property
Private ReadOnly _GetMethodFromHandle As MethodSymbol
Public ReadOnly Property GetMethodFromHandle As MethodSymbol
Return _GetMethodFromHandle
End Get
End Property
Public Overrides Function Accept(visitor as BoundTreeVisitor) As BoundNode
Return visitor.VisitMethodInfo(Me)
End Function
Public Function Update(method As MethodSymbol, getMethodFromHandle As MethodSymbol, type As TypeSymbol) As BoundMethodInfo
If method IsNot Me.Method OrElse getMethodFromHandle IsNot Me.GetMethodFromHandle OrElse type IsNot Me.Type Then
Dim result = New BoundMethodInfo(Me.Syntax, method, getMethodFromHandle, type, Me.HasErrors)
Return result
End If
Return Me
End Function
End Class
Partial Friend NotInheritable Class BoundTypeExpression
Inherits BoundExpression
Public Sub New(syntax As SyntaxNode, unevaluatedReceiverOpt As BoundExpression, aliasOpt As AliasSymbol, type As TypeSymbol, Optional hasErrors As Boolean = False)
MyBase.New(BoundKind.TypeExpression, syntax, type, hasErrors OrElse unevaluatedReceiverOpt.NonNullAndHasErrors())
Debug.Assert(type IsNot Nothing, "Field 'type' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Me._UnevaluatedReceiverOpt = unevaluatedReceiverOpt
Me._AliasOpt = aliasOpt
End Sub
Private ReadOnly _UnevaluatedReceiverOpt As BoundExpression
Public ReadOnly Property UnevaluatedReceiverOpt As BoundExpression
Return _UnevaluatedReceiverOpt
End Get
End Property
Private ReadOnly _AliasOpt As AliasSymbol
Public ReadOnly Property AliasOpt As AliasSymbol
Return _AliasOpt
End Get
End Property
Public Overrides Function Accept(visitor as BoundTreeVisitor) As BoundNode
Return visitor.VisitTypeExpression(Me)
End Function
Public Function Update(unevaluatedReceiverOpt As BoundExpression, aliasOpt As AliasSymbol, type As TypeSymbol) As BoundTypeExpression
If unevaluatedReceiverOpt IsNot Me.UnevaluatedReceiverOpt OrElse aliasOpt IsNot Me.AliasOpt OrElse type IsNot Me.Type Then
Dim result = New BoundTypeExpression(Me.Syntax, unevaluatedReceiverOpt, aliasOpt, type, Me.HasErrors)
Return result
End If
Return Me
End Function
End Class
Partial Friend NotInheritable Class BoundTypeOrValueExpression
Inherits BoundExpression
Public Sub New(syntax As SyntaxNode, data As BoundTypeOrValueData, type As TypeSymbol, hasErrors As Boolean)
MyBase.New(BoundKind.TypeOrValueExpression, syntax, type, hasErrors)
Debug.Assert(type IsNot Nothing, "Field 'type' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Me._Data = data
End Sub
Public Sub New(syntax As SyntaxNode, data As BoundTypeOrValueData, type As TypeSymbol)
MyBase.New(BoundKind.TypeOrValueExpression, syntax, type)
Debug.Assert(type IsNot Nothing, "Field 'type' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Me._Data = data
End Sub
Private ReadOnly _Data As BoundTypeOrValueData
Public ReadOnly Property Data As BoundTypeOrValueData
Return _Data
End Get
End Property
Public Overrides Function Accept(visitor as BoundTreeVisitor) As BoundNode
Return visitor.VisitTypeOrValueExpression(Me)
End Function
Public Function Update(data As BoundTypeOrValueData, type As TypeSymbol) As BoundTypeOrValueExpression
If data <> Me.Data OrElse type IsNot Me.Type Then
Dim result = New BoundTypeOrValueExpression(Me.Syntax, data, type, Me.HasErrors)
Return result
End If
Return Me
End Function
End Class
Partial Friend NotInheritable Class BoundNamespaceExpression
Inherits BoundExpression
Public Sub New(syntax As SyntaxNode, unevaluatedReceiverOpt As BoundExpression, aliasOpt As AliasSymbol, namespaceSymbol As NamespaceSymbol, Optional hasErrors As Boolean = False)
MyBase.New(BoundKind.NamespaceExpression, syntax, Nothing, hasErrors OrElse unevaluatedReceiverOpt.NonNullAndHasErrors())
Debug.Assert(namespaceSymbol IsNot Nothing, "Field 'namespaceSymbol' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Me._UnevaluatedReceiverOpt = unevaluatedReceiverOpt
Me._AliasOpt = aliasOpt
Me._NamespaceSymbol = namespaceSymbol
End Sub
Private Partial Sub Validate()
End Sub
Private ReadOnly _UnevaluatedReceiverOpt As BoundExpression
Public ReadOnly Property UnevaluatedReceiverOpt As BoundExpression
Return _UnevaluatedReceiverOpt
End Get
End Property
Private ReadOnly _AliasOpt As AliasSymbol
Public ReadOnly Property AliasOpt As AliasSymbol
Return _AliasOpt
End Get
End Property
Private ReadOnly _NamespaceSymbol As NamespaceSymbol
Public ReadOnly Property NamespaceSymbol As NamespaceSymbol
Return _NamespaceSymbol
End Get
End Property
Public Overrides Function Accept(visitor as BoundTreeVisitor) As BoundNode
Return visitor.VisitNamespaceExpression(Me)
End Function
Public Function Update(unevaluatedReceiverOpt As BoundExpression, aliasOpt As AliasSymbol, namespaceSymbol As NamespaceSymbol) As BoundNamespaceExpression
If unevaluatedReceiverOpt IsNot Me.UnevaluatedReceiverOpt OrElse aliasOpt IsNot Me.AliasOpt OrElse namespaceSymbol IsNot Me.NamespaceSymbol Then
Dim result = New BoundNamespaceExpression(Me.Syntax, unevaluatedReceiverOpt, aliasOpt, namespaceSymbol, Me.HasErrors)
Return result
End If
Return Me
End Function
End Class
Partial Friend NotInheritable Class BoundMethodDefIndex
Inherits BoundExpression
Public Sub New(syntax As SyntaxNode, method As MethodSymbol, type As TypeSymbol, hasErrors As Boolean)
MyBase.New(BoundKind.MethodDefIndex, syntax, type, hasErrors)
Debug.Assert(method IsNot Nothing, "Field 'method' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Debug.Assert(type IsNot Nothing, "Field 'type' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Me._Method = method
End Sub
Public Sub New(syntax As SyntaxNode, method As MethodSymbol, type As TypeSymbol)
MyBase.New(BoundKind.MethodDefIndex, syntax, type)
Debug.Assert(method IsNot Nothing, "Field 'method' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Debug.Assert(type IsNot Nothing, "Field 'type' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Me._Method = method
End Sub
Private ReadOnly _Method As MethodSymbol
Public ReadOnly Property Method As MethodSymbol
Return _Method
End Get
End Property
Public Overrides Function Accept(visitor as BoundTreeVisitor) As BoundNode
Return visitor.VisitMethodDefIndex(Me)
End Function
Public Function Update(method As MethodSymbol, type As TypeSymbol) As BoundMethodDefIndex
If method IsNot Me.Method OrElse type IsNot Me.Type Then
Dim result = New BoundMethodDefIndex(Me.Syntax, method, type, Me.HasErrors)
Return result
End If
Return Me
End Function
End Class
Partial Friend NotInheritable Class BoundMaximumMethodDefIndex
Inherits BoundExpression
Public Sub New(syntax As SyntaxNode, type As TypeSymbol, hasErrors As Boolean)
MyBase.New(BoundKind.MaximumMethodDefIndex, syntax, type, hasErrors)
Debug.Assert(type IsNot Nothing, "Field 'type' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
End Sub
Public Sub New(syntax As SyntaxNode, type As TypeSymbol)
MyBase.New(BoundKind.MaximumMethodDefIndex, syntax, type)
Debug.Assert(type IsNot Nothing, "Field 'type' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
End Sub
Public Overrides Function Accept(visitor as BoundTreeVisitor) As BoundNode
Return visitor.VisitMaximumMethodDefIndex(Me)
End Function
Public Function Update(type As TypeSymbol) As BoundMaximumMethodDefIndex
If type IsNot Me.Type Then
Dim result = New BoundMaximumMethodDefIndex(Me.Syntax, type, Me.HasErrors)
Return result
End If
Return Me
End Function
End Class
Partial Friend NotInheritable Class BoundInstrumentationPayloadRoot
Inherits BoundExpression
Public Sub New(syntax As SyntaxNode, analysisKind As Integer, isLValue As Boolean, type As TypeSymbol, hasErrors As Boolean)
MyBase.New(BoundKind.InstrumentationPayloadRoot, syntax, type, hasErrors)
Debug.Assert(type IsNot Nothing, "Field 'type' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Me._AnalysisKind = analysisKind
Me._IsLValue = isLValue
End Sub
Public Sub New(syntax As SyntaxNode, analysisKind As Integer, isLValue As Boolean, type As TypeSymbol)
MyBase.New(BoundKind.InstrumentationPayloadRoot, syntax, type)
Debug.Assert(type IsNot Nothing, "Field 'type' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Me._AnalysisKind = analysisKind
Me._IsLValue = isLValue
End Sub
Private ReadOnly _AnalysisKind As Integer
Public ReadOnly Property AnalysisKind As Integer
Return _AnalysisKind
End Get
End Property
Private ReadOnly _IsLValue As Boolean
Public Overrides ReadOnly Property IsLValue As Boolean
Return _IsLValue
End Get
End Property
Public Overrides Function Accept(visitor as BoundTreeVisitor) As BoundNode
Return visitor.VisitInstrumentationPayloadRoot(Me)
End Function
Public Function Update(analysisKind As Integer, isLValue As Boolean, type As TypeSymbol) As BoundInstrumentationPayloadRoot
If analysisKind <> Me.AnalysisKind OrElse isLValue <> Me.IsLValue OrElse type IsNot Me.Type Then
Dim result = New BoundInstrumentationPayloadRoot(Me.Syntax, analysisKind, isLValue, type, Me.HasErrors)
Return result
End If
Return Me
End Function
End Class
Partial Friend NotInheritable Class BoundModuleVersionId
Inherits BoundExpression
Public Sub New(syntax As SyntaxNode, isLValue As Boolean, type As TypeSymbol, hasErrors As Boolean)
MyBase.New(BoundKind.ModuleVersionId, syntax, type, hasErrors)
Debug.Assert(type IsNot Nothing, "Field 'type' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Me._IsLValue = isLValue
End Sub
Public Sub New(syntax As SyntaxNode, isLValue As Boolean, type As TypeSymbol)
MyBase.New(BoundKind.ModuleVersionId, syntax, type)
Debug.Assert(type IsNot Nothing, "Field 'type' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Me._IsLValue = isLValue
End Sub
Private ReadOnly _IsLValue As Boolean
Public Overrides ReadOnly Property IsLValue As Boolean
Return _IsLValue
End Get
End Property
Public Overrides Function Accept(visitor as BoundTreeVisitor) As BoundNode
Return visitor.VisitModuleVersionId(Me)
End Function
Public Function Update(isLValue As Boolean, type As TypeSymbol) As BoundModuleVersionId
If isLValue <> Me.IsLValue OrElse type IsNot Me.Type Then
Dim result = New BoundModuleVersionId(Me.Syntax, isLValue, type, Me.HasErrors)
Return result
End If
Return Me
End Function
End Class
Partial Friend NotInheritable Class BoundModuleVersionIdString
Inherits BoundExpression
Public Sub New(syntax As SyntaxNode, type As TypeSymbol, hasErrors As Boolean)
MyBase.New(BoundKind.ModuleVersionIdString, syntax, type, hasErrors)
Debug.Assert(type IsNot Nothing, "Field 'type' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
End Sub
Public Sub New(syntax As SyntaxNode, type As TypeSymbol)
MyBase.New(BoundKind.ModuleVersionIdString, syntax, type)
Debug.Assert(type IsNot Nothing, "Field 'type' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
End Sub
Public Overrides Function Accept(visitor as BoundTreeVisitor) As BoundNode
Return visitor.VisitModuleVersionIdString(Me)
End Function
Public Function Update(type As TypeSymbol) As BoundModuleVersionIdString
If type IsNot Me.Type Then
Dim result = New BoundModuleVersionIdString(Me.Syntax, type, Me.HasErrors)
Return result
End If
Return Me
End Function
End Class
Partial Friend NotInheritable Class BoundSourceDocumentIndex
Inherits BoundExpression
Public Sub New(syntax As SyntaxNode, document As Cci.DebugSourceDocument, type As TypeSymbol, hasErrors As Boolean)
MyBase.New(BoundKind.SourceDocumentIndex, syntax, type, hasErrors)
Debug.Assert(document IsNot Nothing, "Field 'document' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Debug.Assert(type IsNot Nothing, "Field 'type' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Me._Document = document
End Sub
Public Sub New(syntax As SyntaxNode, document As Cci.DebugSourceDocument, type As TypeSymbol)
MyBase.New(BoundKind.SourceDocumentIndex, syntax, type)
Debug.Assert(document IsNot Nothing, "Field 'document' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Debug.Assert(type IsNot Nothing, "Field 'type' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Me._Document = document
End Sub
Private ReadOnly _Document As Cci.DebugSourceDocument
Public ReadOnly Property Document As Cci.DebugSourceDocument
Return _Document
End Get
End Property
Public Overrides Function Accept(visitor as BoundTreeVisitor) As BoundNode
Return visitor.VisitSourceDocumentIndex(Me)
End Function
Public Function Update(document As Cci.DebugSourceDocument, type As TypeSymbol) As BoundSourceDocumentIndex
If document IsNot Me.Document OrElse type IsNot Me.Type Then
Dim result = New BoundSourceDocumentIndex(Me.Syntax, document, type, Me.HasErrors)
Return result
End If
Return Me
End Function
End Class
Partial Friend NotInheritable Class BoundUnaryOperator
Inherits BoundExpression
Public Sub New(syntax As SyntaxNode, operatorKind As UnaryOperatorKind, operand As BoundExpression, checked As Boolean, constantValueOpt As ConstantValue, type As TypeSymbol, Optional hasErrors As Boolean = False)
MyBase.New(BoundKind.UnaryOperator, syntax, type, hasErrors OrElse operand.NonNullAndHasErrors())
Debug.Assert(operand IsNot Nothing, "Field 'operand' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Debug.Assert(type IsNot Nothing, "Field 'type' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Me._OperatorKind = operatorKind
Me._Operand = operand
Me._Checked = checked
Me._ConstantValueOpt = constantValueOpt
End Sub
Private Partial Sub Validate()
End Sub
Private ReadOnly _OperatorKind As UnaryOperatorKind
Public ReadOnly Property OperatorKind As UnaryOperatorKind
Return _OperatorKind
End Get
End Property
Private ReadOnly _Operand As BoundExpression
Public ReadOnly Property Operand As BoundExpression
Return _Operand
End Get
End Property
Private ReadOnly _Checked As Boolean
Public ReadOnly Property Checked As Boolean
Return _Checked
End Get
End Property
Private ReadOnly _ConstantValueOpt As ConstantValue
Public Overrides ReadOnly Property ConstantValueOpt As ConstantValue
Return _ConstantValueOpt
End Get
End Property
Public Overrides Function Accept(visitor as BoundTreeVisitor) As BoundNode
Return visitor.VisitUnaryOperator(Me)
End Function
Public Function Update(operatorKind As UnaryOperatorKind, operand As BoundExpression, checked As Boolean, constantValueOpt As ConstantValue, type As TypeSymbol) As BoundUnaryOperator
If operatorKind <> Me.OperatorKind OrElse operand IsNot Me.Operand OrElse checked <> Me.Checked OrElse constantValueOpt IsNot Me.ConstantValueOpt OrElse type IsNot Me.Type Then
Dim result = New BoundUnaryOperator(Me.Syntax, operatorKind, operand, checked, constantValueOpt, type, Me.HasErrors)
Return result
End If
Return Me
End Function
End Class
Partial Friend NotInheritable Class BoundUserDefinedUnaryOperator
Inherits BoundExpression
Public Sub New(syntax As SyntaxNode, operatorKind As UnaryOperatorKind, underlyingExpression As BoundExpression, type As TypeSymbol, Optional hasErrors As Boolean = False)
MyBase.New(BoundKind.UserDefinedUnaryOperator, syntax, type, hasErrors OrElse underlyingExpression.NonNullAndHasErrors())
Debug.Assert(underlyingExpression IsNot Nothing, "Field 'underlyingExpression' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Debug.Assert(type IsNot Nothing, "Field 'type' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Me._OperatorKind = operatorKind
Me._UnderlyingExpression = underlyingExpression
End Sub
Private Partial Sub Validate()
End Sub
Private ReadOnly _OperatorKind As UnaryOperatorKind
Public ReadOnly Property OperatorKind As UnaryOperatorKind
Return _OperatorKind
End Get
End Property
Private ReadOnly _UnderlyingExpression As BoundExpression
Public ReadOnly Property UnderlyingExpression As BoundExpression
Return _UnderlyingExpression
End Get
End Property
Public Overrides Function Accept(visitor as BoundTreeVisitor) As BoundNode
Return visitor.VisitUserDefinedUnaryOperator(Me)
End Function
Public Function Update(operatorKind As UnaryOperatorKind, underlyingExpression As BoundExpression, type As TypeSymbol) As BoundUserDefinedUnaryOperator
If operatorKind <> Me.OperatorKind OrElse underlyingExpression IsNot Me.UnderlyingExpression OrElse type IsNot Me.Type Then
Dim result = New BoundUserDefinedUnaryOperator(Me.Syntax, operatorKind, underlyingExpression, type, Me.HasErrors)
Return result
End If
Return Me
End Function
End Class
Partial Friend NotInheritable Class BoundNullableIsTrueOperator
Inherits BoundExpression
Public Sub New(syntax As SyntaxNode, operand As BoundExpression, type As TypeSymbol, Optional hasErrors As Boolean = False)
MyBase.New(BoundKind.NullableIsTrueOperator, syntax, type, hasErrors OrElse operand.NonNullAndHasErrors())
Debug.Assert(operand IsNot Nothing, "Field 'operand' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Debug.Assert(type IsNot Nothing, "Field 'type' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Me._Operand = operand
End Sub
Private Partial Sub Validate()
End Sub
Private ReadOnly _Operand As BoundExpression
Public ReadOnly Property Operand As BoundExpression
Return _Operand
End Get
End Property
Public Overrides Function Accept(visitor as BoundTreeVisitor) As BoundNode
Return visitor.VisitNullableIsTrueOperator(Me)
End Function
Public Function Update(operand As BoundExpression, type As TypeSymbol) As BoundNullableIsTrueOperator
If operand IsNot Me.Operand OrElse type IsNot Me.Type Then
Dim result = New BoundNullableIsTrueOperator(Me.Syntax, operand, type, Me.HasErrors)
Return result
End If
Return Me
End Function
End Class
Partial Friend NotInheritable Class BoundBinaryOperator
Inherits BoundExpression
Public Sub New(syntax As SyntaxNode, operatorKind As BinaryOperatorKind, left As BoundExpression, right As BoundExpression, checked As Boolean, constantValueOpt As ConstantValue, type As TypeSymbol, Optional hasErrors As Boolean = False)
MyBase.New(BoundKind.BinaryOperator, syntax, type, hasErrors OrElse left.NonNullAndHasErrors() OrElse right.NonNullAndHasErrors())
Debug.Assert(left IsNot Nothing, "Field 'left' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Debug.Assert(right IsNot Nothing, "Field 'right' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Debug.Assert(type IsNot Nothing, "Field 'type' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Me._OperatorKind = operatorKind
Me._Left = left
Me._Right = right
Me._Checked = checked
Me._ConstantValueOpt = constantValueOpt
End Sub
Private Partial Sub Validate()
End Sub
Private ReadOnly _OperatorKind As BinaryOperatorKind
Public ReadOnly Property OperatorKind As BinaryOperatorKind
Return _OperatorKind
End Get
End Property
Private ReadOnly _Left As BoundExpression
Public ReadOnly Property Left As BoundExpression
Return _Left
End Get
End Property
Private ReadOnly _Right As BoundExpression
Public ReadOnly Property Right As BoundExpression
Return _Right
End Get
End Property
Private ReadOnly _Checked As Boolean
Public ReadOnly Property Checked As Boolean
Return _Checked
End Get
End Property
Private ReadOnly _ConstantValueOpt As ConstantValue
Public Overrides ReadOnly Property ConstantValueOpt As ConstantValue
Return _ConstantValueOpt
End Get
End Property
Public Overrides Function Accept(visitor as BoundTreeVisitor) As BoundNode
Return visitor.VisitBinaryOperator(Me)
End Function
Public Function Update(operatorKind As BinaryOperatorKind, left As BoundExpression, right As BoundExpression, checked As Boolean, constantValueOpt As ConstantValue, type As TypeSymbol) As BoundBinaryOperator
If operatorKind <> Me.OperatorKind OrElse left IsNot Me.Left OrElse right IsNot Me.Right OrElse checked <> Me.Checked OrElse constantValueOpt IsNot Me.ConstantValueOpt OrElse type IsNot Me.Type Then
Dim result = New BoundBinaryOperator(Me.Syntax, operatorKind, left, right, checked, constantValueOpt, type, Me.HasErrors)
Return result
End If
Return Me
End Function
End Class
Partial Friend NotInheritable Class BoundUserDefinedBinaryOperator
Inherits BoundExpression
Public Sub New(syntax As SyntaxNode, operatorKind As BinaryOperatorKind, underlyingExpression As BoundExpression, checked As Boolean, type As TypeSymbol, Optional hasErrors As Boolean = False)
MyBase.New(BoundKind.UserDefinedBinaryOperator, syntax, type, hasErrors OrElse underlyingExpression.NonNullAndHasErrors())
Debug.Assert(underlyingExpression IsNot Nothing, "Field 'underlyingExpression' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Debug.Assert(type IsNot Nothing, "Field 'type' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Me._OperatorKind = operatorKind
Me._UnderlyingExpression = underlyingExpression
Me._Checked = checked
End Sub
Private Partial Sub Validate()
End Sub
Private ReadOnly _OperatorKind As BinaryOperatorKind
Public ReadOnly Property OperatorKind As BinaryOperatorKind
Return _OperatorKind
End Get
End Property
Private ReadOnly _UnderlyingExpression As BoundExpression
Public ReadOnly Property UnderlyingExpression As BoundExpression
Return _UnderlyingExpression
End Get
End Property
Private ReadOnly _Checked As Boolean
Public ReadOnly Property Checked As Boolean
Return _Checked
End Get
End Property
Public Overrides Function Accept(visitor as BoundTreeVisitor) As BoundNode
Return visitor.VisitUserDefinedBinaryOperator(Me)
End Function
Public Function Update(operatorKind As BinaryOperatorKind, underlyingExpression As BoundExpression, checked As Boolean, type As TypeSymbol) As BoundUserDefinedBinaryOperator
If operatorKind <> Me.OperatorKind OrElse underlyingExpression IsNot Me.UnderlyingExpression OrElse checked <> Me.Checked OrElse type IsNot Me.Type Then
Dim result = New BoundUserDefinedBinaryOperator(Me.Syntax, operatorKind, underlyingExpression, checked, type, Me.HasErrors)
Return result
End If
Return Me
End Function
End Class
Partial Friend NotInheritable Class BoundUserDefinedShortCircuitingOperator
Inherits BoundExpression
Public Sub New(syntax As SyntaxNode, leftOperand As BoundExpression, leftOperandPlaceholder As BoundRValuePlaceholder, leftTest As BoundExpression, bitwiseOperator As BoundUserDefinedBinaryOperator, type As TypeSymbol, Optional hasErrors As Boolean = False)
MyBase.New(BoundKind.UserDefinedShortCircuitingOperator, syntax, type, hasErrors OrElse leftOperand.NonNullAndHasErrors() OrElse leftOperandPlaceholder.NonNullAndHasErrors() OrElse leftTest.NonNullAndHasErrors() OrElse bitwiseOperator.NonNullAndHasErrors())
Debug.Assert(bitwiseOperator IsNot Nothing, "Field 'bitwiseOperator' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Debug.Assert(type IsNot Nothing, "Field 'type' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Me._LeftOperand = leftOperand
Me._LeftOperandPlaceholder = leftOperandPlaceholder
Me._LeftTest = leftTest
Me._BitwiseOperator = bitwiseOperator
End Sub
Private Partial Sub Validate()
End Sub
Private ReadOnly _LeftOperand As BoundExpression
Public ReadOnly Property LeftOperand As BoundExpression
Return _LeftOperand
End Get
End Property
Private ReadOnly _LeftOperandPlaceholder As BoundRValuePlaceholder
Public ReadOnly Property LeftOperandPlaceholder As BoundRValuePlaceholder
Return _LeftOperandPlaceholder
End Get
End Property
Private ReadOnly _LeftTest As BoundExpression
Public ReadOnly Property LeftTest As BoundExpression
Return _LeftTest
End Get
End Property
Private ReadOnly _BitwiseOperator As BoundUserDefinedBinaryOperator
Public ReadOnly Property BitwiseOperator As BoundUserDefinedBinaryOperator
Return _BitwiseOperator
End Get
End Property
Public Overrides Function Accept(visitor as BoundTreeVisitor) As BoundNode
Return visitor.VisitUserDefinedShortCircuitingOperator(Me)
End Function
Public Function Update(leftOperand As BoundExpression, leftOperandPlaceholder As BoundRValuePlaceholder, leftTest As BoundExpression, bitwiseOperator As BoundUserDefinedBinaryOperator, type As TypeSymbol) As BoundUserDefinedShortCircuitingOperator
If leftOperand IsNot Me.LeftOperand OrElse leftOperandPlaceholder IsNot Me.LeftOperandPlaceholder OrElse leftTest IsNot Me.LeftTest OrElse bitwiseOperator IsNot Me.BitwiseOperator OrElse type IsNot Me.Type Then
Dim result = New BoundUserDefinedShortCircuitingOperator(Me.Syntax, leftOperand, leftOperandPlaceholder, leftTest, bitwiseOperator, type, Me.HasErrors)
Return result
End If
Return Me
End Function
End Class
Partial Friend NotInheritable Class BoundCompoundAssignmentTargetPlaceholder
Inherits BoundValuePlaceholderBase
Public Sub New(syntax As SyntaxNode, type As TypeSymbol, hasErrors As Boolean)
MyBase.New(BoundKind.CompoundAssignmentTargetPlaceholder, syntax, type, hasErrors)
Debug.Assert(type IsNot Nothing, "Field 'type' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
End Sub
Public Sub New(syntax As SyntaxNode, type As TypeSymbol)
MyBase.New(BoundKind.CompoundAssignmentTargetPlaceholder, syntax, type)
Debug.Assert(type IsNot Nothing, "Field 'type' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
End Sub
Public Overrides Function Accept(visitor as BoundTreeVisitor) As BoundNode
Return visitor.VisitCompoundAssignmentTargetPlaceholder(Me)
End Function
Public Function Update(type As TypeSymbol) As BoundCompoundAssignmentTargetPlaceholder
If type IsNot Me.Type Then
Dim result = New BoundCompoundAssignmentTargetPlaceholder(Me.Syntax, type, Me.HasErrors)
Return result
End If
Return Me
End Function
End Class
Partial Friend NotInheritable Class BoundAssignmentOperator
Inherits BoundExpression
Public Sub New(syntax As SyntaxNode, left As BoundExpression, leftOnTheRightOpt As BoundCompoundAssignmentTargetPlaceholder, right As BoundExpression, suppressObjectClone As Boolean, type As TypeSymbol, Optional hasErrors As Boolean = False)
MyBase.New(BoundKind.AssignmentOperator, syntax, type, hasErrors OrElse left.NonNullAndHasErrors() OrElse leftOnTheRightOpt.NonNullAndHasErrors() OrElse right.NonNullAndHasErrors())
Debug.Assert(left IsNot Nothing, "Field 'left' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Debug.Assert(right IsNot Nothing, "Field 'right' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Debug.Assert(type IsNot Nothing, "Field 'type' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Me._Left = left
Me._LeftOnTheRightOpt = leftOnTheRightOpt
Me._Right = right
Me._SuppressObjectClone = suppressObjectClone
End Sub
Private Partial Sub Validate()
End Sub
Private ReadOnly _Left As BoundExpression
Public ReadOnly Property Left As BoundExpression
Return _Left
End Get
End Property
Private ReadOnly _LeftOnTheRightOpt As BoundCompoundAssignmentTargetPlaceholder
Public ReadOnly Property LeftOnTheRightOpt As BoundCompoundAssignmentTargetPlaceholder
Return _LeftOnTheRightOpt
End Get
End Property
Private ReadOnly _Right As BoundExpression
Public ReadOnly Property Right As BoundExpression
Return _Right
End Get
End Property
Private ReadOnly _SuppressObjectClone As Boolean
Public ReadOnly Property SuppressObjectClone As Boolean
Return _SuppressObjectClone
End Get
End Property
Public Overrides Function Accept(visitor as BoundTreeVisitor) As BoundNode
Return visitor.VisitAssignmentOperator(Me)
End Function
Public Function Update(left As BoundExpression, leftOnTheRightOpt As BoundCompoundAssignmentTargetPlaceholder, right As BoundExpression, suppressObjectClone As Boolean, type As TypeSymbol) As BoundAssignmentOperator
If left IsNot Me.Left OrElse leftOnTheRightOpt IsNot Me.LeftOnTheRightOpt OrElse right IsNot Me.Right OrElse suppressObjectClone <> Me.SuppressObjectClone OrElse type IsNot Me.Type Then
Dim result = New BoundAssignmentOperator(Me.Syntax, left, leftOnTheRightOpt, right, suppressObjectClone, type, Me.HasErrors)
Return result
End If
Return Me
End Function
End Class
Partial Friend NotInheritable Class BoundReferenceAssignment
Inherits BoundExpression
Public Sub New(syntax As SyntaxNode, byRefLocal As BoundLocal, lValue As BoundExpression, isLValue As Boolean, type As TypeSymbol, Optional hasErrors As Boolean = False)
MyBase.New(BoundKind.ReferenceAssignment, syntax, type, hasErrors OrElse byRefLocal.NonNullAndHasErrors() OrElse lValue.NonNullAndHasErrors())
Debug.Assert(byRefLocal IsNot Nothing, "Field 'byRefLocal' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Debug.Assert(type IsNot Nothing, "Field 'type' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Me._ByRefLocal = byRefLocal
Me._LValue = lValue
Me._IsLValue = isLValue
End Sub
Private Partial Sub Validate()
End Sub
Private ReadOnly _ByRefLocal As BoundLocal
Public ReadOnly Property ByRefLocal As BoundLocal
Return _ByRefLocal
End Get
End Property
Private ReadOnly _LValue As BoundExpression
Public ReadOnly Property LValue As BoundExpression
Return _LValue
End Get
End Property
Private ReadOnly _IsLValue As Boolean
Public Overrides ReadOnly Property IsLValue As Boolean
Return _IsLValue
End Get
End Property
Public Overrides Function Accept(visitor as BoundTreeVisitor) As BoundNode
Return visitor.VisitReferenceAssignment(Me)
End Function
Public Function Update(byRefLocal As BoundLocal, lValue As BoundExpression, isLValue As Boolean, type As TypeSymbol) As BoundReferenceAssignment
If byRefLocal IsNot Me.ByRefLocal OrElse lValue IsNot Me.LValue OrElse isLValue <> Me.IsLValue OrElse type IsNot Me.Type Then
Dim result = New BoundReferenceAssignment(Me.Syntax, byRefLocal, lValue, isLValue, type, Me.HasErrors)
Return result
End If
Return Me
End Function
End Class
Partial Friend NotInheritable Class BoundAddressOfOperator
Inherits BoundExpression
Public Sub New(syntax As SyntaxNode, binder As Binder, withDependencies As Boolean, methodGroup As BoundMethodGroup, Optional hasErrors As Boolean = False)
MyBase.New(BoundKind.AddressOfOperator, syntax, Nothing, hasErrors OrElse methodGroup.NonNullAndHasErrors())
Debug.Assert(binder IsNot Nothing, "Field 'binder' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Debug.Assert(methodGroup IsNot Nothing, "Field 'methodGroup' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Me._Binder = binder
Me._WithDependencies = withDependencies
Me._MethodGroup = methodGroup
End Sub
Private ReadOnly _Binder As Binder
Public ReadOnly Property Binder As Binder
Return _Binder
End Get
End Property
Private ReadOnly _WithDependencies As Boolean
Public ReadOnly Property WithDependencies As Boolean
Return _WithDependencies
End Get
End Property
Private ReadOnly _MethodGroup As BoundMethodGroup
Public ReadOnly Property MethodGroup As BoundMethodGroup
Return _MethodGroup
End Get
End Property
Public Overrides Function Accept(visitor as BoundTreeVisitor) As BoundNode
Return visitor.VisitAddressOfOperator(Me)
End Function
Public Function Update(binder As Binder, withDependencies As Boolean, methodGroup As BoundMethodGroup) As BoundAddressOfOperator
If binder IsNot Me.Binder OrElse withDependencies <> Me.WithDependencies OrElse methodGroup IsNot Me.MethodGroup Then
Dim result = New BoundAddressOfOperator(Me.Syntax, binder, withDependencies, methodGroup, Me.HasErrors)
Return result
End If
Return Me
End Function
End Class
Partial Friend NotInheritable Class BoundTernaryConditionalExpression
Inherits BoundExpression
Public Sub New(syntax As SyntaxNode, condition As BoundExpression, whenTrue As BoundExpression, whenFalse As BoundExpression, constantValueOpt As ConstantValue, type As TypeSymbol, Optional hasErrors As Boolean = False)
MyBase.New(BoundKind.TernaryConditionalExpression, syntax, type, hasErrors OrElse condition.NonNullAndHasErrors() OrElse whenTrue.NonNullAndHasErrors() OrElse whenFalse.NonNullAndHasErrors())
Debug.Assert(condition IsNot Nothing, "Field 'condition' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Debug.Assert(whenTrue IsNot Nothing, "Field 'whenTrue' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Debug.Assert(whenFalse IsNot Nothing, "Field 'whenFalse' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Debug.Assert(type IsNot Nothing, "Field 'type' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Me._Condition = condition
Me._WhenTrue = whenTrue
Me._WhenFalse = whenFalse
Me._ConstantValueOpt = constantValueOpt
End Sub
Private Partial Sub Validate()
End Sub
Private ReadOnly _Condition As BoundExpression
Public ReadOnly Property Condition As BoundExpression
Return _Condition
End Get
End Property
Private ReadOnly _WhenTrue As BoundExpression
Public ReadOnly Property WhenTrue As BoundExpression
Return _WhenTrue
End Get
End Property
Private ReadOnly _WhenFalse As BoundExpression
Public ReadOnly Property WhenFalse As BoundExpression
Return _WhenFalse
End Get
End Property
Private ReadOnly _ConstantValueOpt As ConstantValue
Public Overrides ReadOnly Property ConstantValueOpt As ConstantValue
Return _ConstantValueOpt
End Get
End Property
Public Overrides Function Accept(visitor as BoundTreeVisitor) As BoundNode
Return visitor.VisitTernaryConditionalExpression(Me)
End Function
Public Function Update(condition As BoundExpression, whenTrue As BoundExpression, whenFalse As BoundExpression, constantValueOpt As ConstantValue, type As TypeSymbol) As BoundTernaryConditionalExpression
If condition IsNot Me.Condition OrElse whenTrue IsNot Me.WhenTrue OrElse whenFalse IsNot Me.WhenFalse OrElse constantValueOpt IsNot Me.ConstantValueOpt OrElse type IsNot Me.Type Then
Dim result = New BoundTernaryConditionalExpression(Me.Syntax, condition, whenTrue, whenFalse, constantValueOpt, type, Me.HasErrors)
Return result
End If
Return Me
End Function
End Class
Partial Friend NotInheritable Class BoundBinaryConditionalExpression
Inherits BoundExpression
Public Sub New(syntax As SyntaxNode, testExpression As BoundExpression, convertedTestExpression As BoundExpression, testExpressionPlaceholder As BoundRValuePlaceholder, elseExpression As BoundExpression, constantValueOpt As ConstantValue, type As TypeSymbol, Optional hasErrors As Boolean = False)
MyBase.New(BoundKind.BinaryConditionalExpression, syntax, type, hasErrors OrElse testExpression.NonNullAndHasErrors() OrElse convertedTestExpression.NonNullAndHasErrors() OrElse testExpressionPlaceholder.NonNullAndHasErrors() OrElse elseExpression.NonNullAndHasErrors())
Debug.Assert(testExpression IsNot Nothing, "Field 'testExpression' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Debug.Assert(elseExpression IsNot Nothing, "Field 'elseExpression' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Debug.Assert(type IsNot Nothing, "Field 'type' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Me._TestExpression = testExpression
Me._ConvertedTestExpression = convertedTestExpression
Me._TestExpressionPlaceholder = testExpressionPlaceholder
Me._ElseExpression = elseExpression
Me._ConstantValueOpt = constantValueOpt
End Sub
Private Partial Sub Validate()
End Sub
Private ReadOnly _TestExpression As BoundExpression
Public ReadOnly Property TestExpression As BoundExpression
Return _TestExpression
End Get
End Property
Private ReadOnly _ConvertedTestExpression As BoundExpression
Public ReadOnly Property ConvertedTestExpression As BoundExpression
Return _ConvertedTestExpression
End Get
End Property
Private ReadOnly _TestExpressionPlaceholder As BoundRValuePlaceholder
Public ReadOnly Property TestExpressionPlaceholder As BoundRValuePlaceholder
Return _TestExpressionPlaceholder
End Get
End Property
Private ReadOnly _ElseExpression As BoundExpression
Public ReadOnly Property ElseExpression As BoundExpression
Return _ElseExpression
End Get
End Property
Private ReadOnly _ConstantValueOpt As ConstantValue
Public Overrides ReadOnly Property ConstantValueOpt As ConstantValue
Return _ConstantValueOpt
End Get
End Property
Public Overrides Function Accept(visitor as BoundTreeVisitor) As BoundNode
Return visitor.VisitBinaryConditionalExpression(Me)
End Function
Public Function Update(testExpression As BoundExpression, convertedTestExpression As BoundExpression, testExpressionPlaceholder As BoundRValuePlaceholder, elseExpression As BoundExpression, constantValueOpt As ConstantValue, type As TypeSymbol) As BoundBinaryConditionalExpression
If testExpression IsNot Me.TestExpression OrElse convertedTestExpression IsNot Me.ConvertedTestExpression OrElse testExpressionPlaceholder IsNot Me.TestExpressionPlaceholder OrElse elseExpression IsNot Me.ElseExpression OrElse constantValueOpt IsNot Me.ConstantValueOpt OrElse type IsNot Me.Type Then
Dim result = New BoundBinaryConditionalExpression(Me.Syntax, testExpression, convertedTestExpression, testExpressionPlaceholder, elseExpression, constantValueOpt, type, Me.HasErrors)
Return result
End If
Return Me
End Function
End Class
Partial Friend MustInherit Class BoundConversionOrCast
Inherits BoundExpression
Protected Sub New(kind As BoundKind, syntax as SyntaxNode, type As TypeSymbol, hasErrors As Boolean)
MyBase.New(kind, syntax, type, hasErrors)
Debug.Assert(type IsNot Nothing, "Field 'type' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
End Sub
Protected Sub New(kind As BoundKind, syntax as SyntaxNode, type As TypeSymbol)
MyBase.New(kind, syntax, type)
Debug.Assert(type IsNot Nothing, "Field 'type' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
End Sub
End Class
Partial Friend NotInheritable Class BoundConversion
Inherits BoundConversionOrCast
Public Sub New(syntax As SyntaxNode, operand As BoundExpression, conversionKind As ConversionKind, checked As Boolean, explicitCastInCode As Boolean, constantValueOpt As ConstantValue, extendedInfoOpt As BoundExtendedConversionInfo, type As TypeSymbol, Optional hasErrors As Boolean = False)
MyBase.New(BoundKind.Conversion, syntax, type, hasErrors OrElse operand.NonNullAndHasErrors() OrElse extendedInfoOpt.NonNullAndHasErrors())
Debug.Assert(operand IsNot Nothing, "Field 'operand' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Debug.Assert(type IsNot Nothing, "Field 'type' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Me._Operand = operand
Me._ConversionKind = conversionKind
Me._Checked = checked
Me._ExplicitCastInCode = explicitCastInCode
Me._ConstantValueOpt = constantValueOpt
Me._ExtendedInfoOpt = extendedInfoOpt
End Sub
Private Partial Sub Validate()
End Sub
Private ReadOnly _Operand As BoundExpression
Public Overrides ReadOnly Property Operand As BoundExpression
Return _Operand
End Get
End Property
Private ReadOnly _ConversionKind As ConversionKind
Public Overrides ReadOnly Property ConversionKind As ConversionKind
Return _ConversionKind
End Get
End Property
Private ReadOnly _Checked As Boolean
Public ReadOnly Property Checked As Boolean
Return _Checked
End Get
End Property
Private ReadOnly _ExplicitCastInCode As Boolean
Public Overrides ReadOnly Property ExplicitCastInCode As Boolean
Return _ExplicitCastInCode
End Get
End Property
Private ReadOnly _ConstantValueOpt As ConstantValue
Public Overrides ReadOnly Property ConstantValueOpt As ConstantValue
Return _ConstantValueOpt
End Get
End Property
Private ReadOnly _ExtendedInfoOpt As BoundExtendedConversionInfo
Public ReadOnly Property ExtendedInfoOpt As BoundExtendedConversionInfo
Return _ExtendedInfoOpt
End Get
End Property
Public Overrides Function Accept(visitor as BoundTreeVisitor) As BoundNode
Return visitor.VisitConversion(Me)
End Function
Public Function Update(operand As BoundExpression, conversionKind As ConversionKind, checked As Boolean, explicitCastInCode As Boolean, constantValueOpt As ConstantValue, extendedInfoOpt As BoundExtendedConversionInfo, type As TypeSymbol) As BoundConversion
If operand IsNot Me.Operand OrElse conversionKind <> Me.ConversionKind OrElse checked <> Me.Checked OrElse explicitCastInCode <> Me.ExplicitCastInCode OrElse constantValueOpt IsNot Me.ConstantValueOpt OrElse extendedInfoOpt IsNot Me.ExtendedInfoOpt OrElse type IsNot Me.Type Then
Dim result = New BoundConversion(Me.Syntax, operand, conversionKind, checked, explicitCastInCode, constantValueOpt, extendedInfoOpt, type, Me.HasErrors)
Return result
End If
Return Me
End Function
End Class
Partial Friend MustInherit Class BoundExtendedConversionInfo
Inherits BoundNode
Protected Sub New(kind As BoundKind, syntax as SyntaxNode, hasErrors As Boolean)
MyBase.New(kind, syntax, hasErrors)
End Sub
Protected Sub New(kind As BoundKind, syntax as SyntaxNode)
MyBase.New(kind, syntax)
End Sub
End Class
Partial Friend NotInheritable Class BoundRelaxationLambda
Inherits BoundExtendedConversionInfo
Public Sub New(syntax As SyntaxNode, lambda As BoundLambda, receiverPlaceholderOpt As BoundRValuePlaceholder, Optional hasErrors As Boolean = False)
MyBase.New(BoundKind.RelaxationLambda, syntax, hasErrors OrElse lambda.NonNullAndHasErrors() OrElse receiverPlaceholderOpt.NonNullAndHasErrors())
Debug.Assert(lambda IsNot Nothing, "Field 'lambda' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Me._Lambda = lambda
Me._ReceiverPlaceholderOpt = receiverPlaceholderOpt
End Sub
Private ReadOnly _Lambda As BoundLambda
Public ReadOnly Property Lambda As BoundLambda
Return _Lambda
End Get
End Property
Private ReadOnly _ReceiverPlaceholderOpt As BoundRValuePlaceholder
Public ReadOnly Property ReceiverPlaceholderOpt As BoundRValuePlaceholder
Return _ReceiverPlaceholderOpt
End Get
End Property
Public Overrides Function Accept(visitor as BoundTreeVisitor) As BoundNode
Return visitor.VisitRelaxationLambda(Me)
End Function
Public Function Update(lambda As BoundLambda, receiverPlaceholderOpt As BoundRValuePlaceholder) As BoundRelaxationLambda
If lambda IsNot Me.Lambda OrElse receiverPlaceholderOpt IsNot Me.ReceiverPlaceholderOpt Then
Dim result = New BoundRelaxationLambda(Me.Syntax, lambda, receiverPlaceholderOpt, Me.HasErrors)
Return result
End If
Return Me
End Function
End Class
Partial Friend NotInheritable Class BoundConvertedTupleElements
Inherits BoundExtendedConversionInfo
Public Sub New(syntax As SyntaxNode, elementPlaceholders As ImmutableArray(Of BoundRValuePlaceholder), convertedElements As ImmutableArray(Of BoundExpression), Optional hasErrors As Boolean = False)
MyBase.New(BoundKind.ConvertedTupleElements, syntax, hasErrors OrElse elementPlaceholders.NonNullAndHasErrors() OrElse convertedElements.NonNullAndHasErrors())
Debug.Assert(Not (elementPlaceholders.IsDefault), "Field 'elementPlaceholders' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Debug.Assert(Not (convertedElements.IsDefault), "Field 'convertedElements' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Me._ElementPlaceholders = elementPlaceholders
Me._ConvertedElements = convertedElements
End Sub
Private Partial Sub Validate()
End Sub
Private ReadOnly _ElementPlaceholders As ImmutableArray(Of BoundRValuePlaceholder)
Public ReadOnly Property ElementPlaceholders As ImmutableArray(Of BoundRValuePlaceholder)
Return _ElementPlaceholders
End Get
End Property
Private ReadOnly _ConvertedElements As ImmutableArray(Of BoundExpression)
Public ReadOnly Property ConvertedElements As ImmutableArray(Of BoundExpression)
Return _ConvertedElements
End Get
End Property
Public Overrides Function Accept(visitor as BoundTreeVisitor) As BoundNode
Return visitor.VisitConvertedTupleElements(Me)
End Function
Public Function Update(elementPlaceholders As ImmutableArray(Of BoundRValuePlaceholder), convertedElements As ImmutableArray(Of BoundExpression)) As BoundConvertedTupleElements
If elementPlaceholders <> Me.ElementPlaceholders OrElse convertedElements <> Me.ConvertedElements Then
Dim result = New BoundConvertedTupleElements(Me.Syntax, elementPlaceholders, convertedElements, Me.HasErrors)
Return result
End If
Return Me
End Function
End Class
Partial Friend NotInheritable Class BoundUserDefinedConversion
Inherits BoundExpression
Public Sub New(syntax As SyntaxNode, underlyingExpression As BoundExpression, inOutConversionFlags As Byte, type As TypeSymbol, Optional hasErrors As Boolean = False)
MyBase.New(BoundKind.UserDefinedConversion, syntax, type, hasErrors OrElse underlyingExpression.NonNullAndHasErrors())
Debug.Assert(underlyingExpression IsNot Nothing, "Field 'underlyingExpression' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Debug.Assert(type IsNot Nothing, "Field 'type' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Me._UnderlyingExpression = underlyingExpression
Me._InOutConversionFlags = inOutConversionFlags
End Sub
Private Partial Sub Validate()
End Sub
Private ReadOnly _UnderlyingExpression As BoundExpression
Public ReadOnly Property UnderlyingExpression As BoundExpression
Return _UnderlyingExpression
End Get
End Property
Private ReadOnly _InOutConversionFlags As Byte
Public ReadOnly Property InOutConversionFlags As Byte
Return _InOutConversionFlags
End Get
End Property
Public Overrides Function Accept(visitor as BoundTreeVisitor) As BoundNode
Return visitor.VisitUserDefinedConversion(Me)
End Function
Public Function Update(underlyingExpression As BoundExpression, inOutConversionFlags As Byte, type As TypeSymbol) As BoundUserDefinedConversion
If underlyingExpression IsNot Me.UnderlyingExpression OrElse inOutConversionFlags <> Me.InOutConversionFlags OrElse type IsNot Me.Type Then
Dim result = New BoundUserDefinedConversion(Me.Syntax, underlyingExpression, inOutConversionFlags, type, Me.HasErrors)
Return result
End If
Return Me
End Function
End Class
Partial Friend NotInheritable Class BoundDirectCast
Inherits BoundConversionOrCast
Public Sub New(syntax As SyntaxNode, operand As BoundExpression, conversionKind As ConversionKind, suppressVirtualCalls As Boolean, constantValueOpt As ConstantValue, relaxationLambdaOpt As BoundLambda, type As TypeSymbol, Optional hasErrors As Boolean = False)
MyBase.New(BoundKind.DirectCast, syntax, type, hasErrors OrElse operand.NonNullAndHasErrors() OrElse relaxationLambdaOpt.NonNullAndHasErrors())
Debug.Assert(operand IsNot Nothing, "Field 'operand' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Debug.Assert(type IsNot Nothing, "Field 'type' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Me._Operand = operand
Me._ConversionKind = conversionKind
Me._SuppressVirtualCalls = suppressVirtualCalls
Me._ConstantValueOpt = constantValueOpt
Me._RelaxationLambdaOpt = relaxationLambdaOpt
End Sub
Private Partial Sub Validate()
End Sub
Private ReadOnly _Operand As BoundExpression
Public Overrides ReadOnly Property Operand As BoundExpression
Return _Operand
End Get
End Property
Private ReadOnly _ConversionKind As ConversionKind
Public Overrides ReadOnly Property ConversionKind As ConversionKind
Return _ConversionKind
End Get
End Property
Private ReadOnly _SuppressVirtualCalls As Boolean
Public Overrides ReadOnly Property SuppressVirtualCalls As Boolean
Return _SuppressVirtualCalls
End Get
End Property
Private ReadOnly _ConstantValueOpt As ConstantValue
Public Overrides ReadOnly Property ConstantValueOpt As ConstantValue
Return _ConstantValueOpt
End Get
End Property
Private ReadOnly _RelaxationLambdaOpt As BoundLambda
Public ReadOnly Property RelaxationLambdaOpt As BoundLambda
Return _RelaxationLambdaOpt
End Get
End Property
Public Overrides Function Accept(visitor as BoundTreeVisitor) As BoundNode
Return visitor.VisitDirectCast(Me)
End Function
Public Function Update(operand As BoundExpression, conversionKind As ConversionKind, suppressVirtualCalls As Boolean, constantValueOpt As ConstantValue, relaxationLambdaOpt As BoundLambda, type As TypeSymbol) As BoundDirectCast
If operand IsNot Me.Operand OrElse conversionKind <> Me.ConversionKind OrElse suppressVirtualCalls <> Me.SuppressVirtualCalls OrElse constantValueOpt IsNot Me.ConstantValueOpt OrElse relaxationLambdaOpt IsNot Me.RelaxationLambdaOpt OrElse type IsNot Me.Type Then
Dim result = New BoundDirectCast(Me.Syntax, operand, conversionKind, suppressVirtualCalls, constantValueOpt, relaxationLambdaOpt, type, Me.HasErrors)
Return result
End If
Return Me
End Function
End Class
Partial Friend NotInheritable Class BoundTryCast
Inherits BoundConversionOrCast
Public Sub New(syntax As SyntaxNode, operand As BoundExpression, conversionKind As ConversionKind, constantValueOpt As ConstantValue, relaxationLambdaOpt As BoundLambda, type As TypeSymbol, Optional hasErrors As Boolean = False)
MyBase.New(BoundKind.TryCast, syntax, type, hasErrors OrElse operand.NonNullAndHasErrors() OrElse relaxationLambdaOpt.NonNullAndHasErrors())
Debug.Assert(operand IsNot Nothing, "Field 'operand' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Debug.Assert(type IsNot Nothing, "Field 'type' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Me._Operand = operand
Me._ConversionKind = conversionKind
Me._ConstantValueOpt = constantValueOpt
Me._RelaxationLambdaOpt = relaxationLambdaOpt
End Sub
Private Partial Sub Validate()
End Sub
Private ReadOnly _Operand As BoundExpression
Public Overrides ReadOnly Property Operand As BoundExpression
Return _Operand
End Get
End Property
Private ReadOnly _ConversionKind As ConversionKind
Public Overrides ReadOnly Property ConversionKind As ConversionKind
Return _ConversionKind
End Get
End Property
Private ReadOnly _ConstantValueOpt As ConstantValue
Public Overrides ReadOnly Property ConstantValueOpt As ConstantValue
Return _ConstantValueOpt
End Get
End Property
Private ReadOnly _RelaxationLambdaOpt As BoundLambda
Public ReadOnly Property RelaxationLambdaOpt As BoundLambda
Return _RelaxationLambdaOpt
End Get
End Property
Public Overrides Function Accept(visitor as BoundTreeVisitor) As BoundNode
Return visitor.VisitTryCast(Me)
End Function
Public Function Update(operand As BoundExpression, conversionKind As ConversionKind, constantValueOpt As ConstantValue, relaxationLambdaOpt As BoundLambda, type As TypeSymbol) As BoundTryCast
If operand IsNot Me.Operand OrElse conversionKind <> Me.ConversionKind OrElse constantValueOpt IsNot Me.ConstantValueOpt OrElse relaxationLambdaOpt IsNot Me.RelaxationLambdaOpt OrElse type IsNot Me.Type Then
Dim result = New BoundTryCast(Me.Syntax, operand, conversionKind, constantValueOpt, relaxationLambdaOpt, type, Me.HasErrors)
Return result
End If
Return Me
End Function
End Class
Partial Friend NotInheritable Class BoundTypeOf
Inherits BoundExpression
Public Sub New(syntax As SyntaxNode, operand As BoundExpression, isTypeOfIsNotExpression As Boolean, targetType As TypeSymbol, type As TypeSymbol, Optional hasErrors As Boolean = False)
MyBase.New(BoundKind.TypeOf, syntax, type, hasErrors OrElse operand.NonNullAndHasErrors())
Debug.Assert(operand IsNot Nothing, "Field 'operand' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Debug.Assert(targetType IsNot Nothing, "Field 'targetType' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Debug.Assert(type IsNot Nothing, "Field 'type' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Me._Operand = operand
Me._IsTypeOfIsNotExpression = isTypeOfIsNotExpression
Me._TargetType = targetType
End Sub
Private ReadOnly _Operand As BoundExpression
Public ReadOnly Property Operand As BoundExpression
Return _Operand
End Get
End Property
Private ReadOnly _IsTypeOfIsNotExpression As Boolean
Public ReadOnly Property IsTypeOfIsNotExpression As Boolean
Return _IsTypeOfIsNotExpression
End Get
End Property
Private ReadOnly _TargetType As TypeSymbol
Public ReadOnly Property TargetType As TypeSymbol
Return _TargetType
End Get
End Property
Public Overrides Function Accept(visitor as BoundTreeVisitor) As BoundNode
Return visitor.VisitTypeOf(Me)
End Function
Public Function Update(operand As BoundExpression, isTypeOfIsNotExpression As Boolean, targetType As TypeSymbol, type As TypeSymbol) As BoundTypeOf
If operand IsNot Me.Operand OrElse isTypeOfIsNotExpression <> Me.IsTypeOfIsNotExpression OrElse targetType IsNot Me.TargetType OrElse type IsNot Me.Type Then
Dim result = New BoundTypeOf(Me.Syntax, operand, isTypeOfIsNotExpression, targetType, type, Me.HasErrors)
Return result
End If
Return Me
End Function
End Class
Partial Friend MustInherit Class BoundStatement
Inherits BoundNode
Protected Sub New(kind As BoundKind, syntax as SyntaxNode, hasErrors As Boolean)
MyBase.New(kind, syntax, hasErrors)
End Sub
Protected Sub New(kind As BoundKind, syntax as SyntaxNode)
MyBase.New(kind, syntax)
End Sub
End Class
Partial Friend NotInheritable Class BoundSequencePoint
Inherits BoundStatement
Public Sub New(syntax As SyntaxNode, statementOpt As BoundStatement, Optional hasErrors As Boolean = False)
MyBase.New(BoundKind.SequencePoint, syntax, hasErrors OrElse statementOpt.NonNullAndHasErrors())
Me._StatementOpt = statementOpt
End Sub
Private ReadOnly _StatementOpt As BoundStatement
Public ReadOnly Property StatementOpt As BoundStatement
Return _StatementOpt
End Get
End Property
Public Overrides Function Accept(visitor as BoundTreeVisitor) As BoundNode
Return visitor.VisitSequencePoint(Me)
End Function
Public Function Update(statementOpt As BoundStatement) As BoundSequencePoint
If statementOpt IsNot Me.StatementOpt Then
Dim result = New BoundSequencePoint(Me.Syntax, statementOpt, Me.HasErrors)
Return result
End If
Return Me
End Function
End Class
Partial Friend NotInheritable Class BoundSequencePointExpression
Inherits BoundExpression
Public Sub New(syntax As SyntaxNode, expression As BoundExpression, type As TypeSymbol, Optional hasErrors As Boolean = False)
MyBase.New(BoundKind.SequencePointExpression, syntax, type, hasErrors OrElse expression.NonNullAndHasErrors())
Debug.Assert(expression IsNot Nothing, "Field 'expression' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Me._Expression = expression
End Sub
Private ReadOnly _Expression As BoundExpression
Public ReadOnly Property Expression As BoundExpression
Return _Expression
End Get
End Property
Public Overrides Function Accept(visitor as BoundTreeVisitor) As BoundNode
Return visitor.VisitSequencePointExpression(Me)
End Function
Public Function Update(expression As BoundExpression, type As TypeSymbol) As BoundSequencePointExpression
If expression IsNot Me.Expression OrElse type IsNot Me.Type Then
Dim result = New BoundSequencePointExpression(Me.Syntax, expression, type, Me.HasErrors)
Return result
End If
Return Me
End Function
End Class
Partial Friend NotInheritable Class BoundSequencePointWithSpan
Inherits BoundStatement
Public Sub New(syntax As SyntaxNode, statementOpt As BoundStatement, span As TextSpan, Optional hasErrors As Boolean = False)
MyBase.New(BoundKind.SequencePointWithSpan, syntax, hasErrors OrElse statementOpt.NonNullAndHasErrors())
Me._StatementOpt = statementOpt
Me._Span = span
End Sub
Private ReadOnly _StatementOpt As BoundStatement
Public ReadOnly Property StatementOpt As BoundStatement
Return _StatementOpt
End Get
End Property
Private ReadOnly _Span As TextSpan
Public ReadOnly Property Span As TextSpan
Return _Span
End Get
End Property
Public Overrides Function Accept(visitor as BoundTreeVisitor) As BoundNode
Return visitor.VisitSequencePointWithSpan(Me)
End Function
Public Function Update(statementOpt As BoundStatement, span As TextSpan) As BoundSequencePointWithSpan
If statementOpt IsNot Me.StatementOpt OrElse span <> Me.Span Then
Dim result = New BoundSequencePointWithSpan(Me.Syntax, statementOpt, span, Me.HasErrors)
Return result
End If
Return Me
End Function
End Class
Partial Friend NotInheritable Class BoundNoOpStatement
Inherits BoundStatement
Public Sub New(syntax As SyntaxNode, flavor As NoOpStatementFlavor, hasErrors As Boolean)
MyBase.New(BoundKind.NoOpStatement, syntax, hasErrors)
Me._Flavor = flavor
End Sub
Public Sub New(syntax As SyntaxNode, flavor As NoOpStatementFlavor)
MyBase.New(BoundKind.NoOpStatement, syntax)
Me._Flavor = flavor
End Sub
Private ReadOnly _Flavor As NoOpStatementFlavor
Public ReadOnly Property Flavor As NoOpStatementFlavor
Return _Flavor
End Get
End Property
Public Overrides Function Accept(visitor as BoundTreeVisitor) As BoundNode
Return visitor.VisitNoOpStatement(Me)
End Function
Public Function Update(flavor As NoOpStatementFlavor) As BoundNoOpStatement
If flavor <> Me.Flavor Then
Dim result = New BoundNoOpStatement(Me.Syntax, flavor, Me.HasErrors)
Return result
End If
Return Me
End Function
End Class
Partial Friend MustInherit Class BoundMethodOrPropertyGroup
Inherits BoundExpression
Protected Sub New(kind As BoundKind, syntax as SyntaxNode, receiverOpt As BoundExpression, qualificationKind As QualificationKind, Optional hasErrors As Boolean = False)
MyBase.New(kind, syntax, Nothing, hasErrors)
Me._ReceiverOpt = receiverOpt
Me._QualificationKind = qualificationKind
End Sub
Private ReadOnly _ReceiverOpt As BoundExpression
Public ReadOnly Property ReceiverOpt As BoundExpression
Return _ReceiverOpt
End Get
End Property
Private ReadOnly _QualificationKind As QualificationKind
Public ReadOnly Property QualificationKind As QualificationKind
Return _QualificationKind
End Get
End Property
End Class
Partial Friend NotInheritable Class BoundMethodGroup
Inherits BoundMethodOrPropertyGroup
Public Sub New(syntax As SyntaxNode, typeArgumentsOpt As BoundTypeArguments, methods As ImmutableArray(Of MethodSymbol), pendingExtensionMethodsOpt As ExtensionMethodGroup, resultKind As LookupResultKind, receiverOpt As BoundExpression, qualificationKind As QualificationKind, Optional hasErrors As Boolean = False)
MyBase.New(BoundKind.MethodGroup, syntax, receiverOpt, qualificationKind, hasErrors OrElse typeArgumentsOpt.NonNullAndHasErrors() OrElse receiverOpt.NonNullAndHasErrors())
Debug.Assert(Not (methods.IsDefault), "Field 'methods' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Me._TypeArgumentsOpt = typeArgumentsOpt
Me._Methods = methods
Me._PendingExtensionMethodsOpt = pendingExtensionMethodsOpt
Me._ResultKind = resultKind
End Sub
Private ReadOnly _TypeArgumentsOpt As BoundTypeArguments
Public ReadOnly Property TypeArgumentsOpt As BoundTypeArguments
Return _TypeArgumentsOpt
End Get
End Property
Private ReadOnly _Methods As ImmutableArray(Of MethodSymbol)
Public ReadOnly Property Methods As ImmutableArray(Of MethodSymbol)
Return _Methods
End Get
End Property
Private ReadOnly _PendingExtensionMethodsOpt As ExtensionMethodGroup
Public ReadOnly Property PendingExtensionMethodsOpt As ExtensionMethodGroup
Return _PendingExtensionMethodsOpt
End Get
End Property
Private ReadOnly _ResultKind As LookupResultKind
Public Overrides ReadOnly Property ResultKind As LookupResultKind
Return _ResultKind
End Get
End Property
Public Overrides Function Accept(visitor as BoundTreeVisitor) As BoundNode
Return visitor.VisitMethodGroup(Me)
End Function
Public Function Update(typeArgumentsOpt As BoundTypeArguments, methods As ImmutableArray(Of MethodSymbol), pendingExtensionMethodsOpt As ExtensionMethodGroup, resultKind As LookupResultKind, receiverOpt As BoundExpression, qualificationKind As QualificationKind) As BoundMethodGroup
If typeArgumentsOpt IsNot Me.TypeArgumentsOpt OrElse methods <> Me.Methods OrElse pendingExtensionMethodsOpt IsNot Me.PendingExtensionMethodsOpt OrElse resultKind <> Me.ResultKind OrElse receiverOpt IsNot Me.ReceiverOpt OrElse qualificationKind <> Me.QualificationKind Then
Dim result = New BoundMethodGroup(Me.Syntax, typeArgumentsOpt, methods, pendingExtensionMethodsOpt, resultKind, receiverOpt, qualificationKind, Me.HasErrors)
Return result
End If
Return Me
End Function
End Class
Partial Friend NotInheritable Class BoundPropertyGroup
Inherits BoundMethodOrPropertyGroup
Public Sub New(syntax As SyntaxNode, properties As ImmutableArray(Of PropertySymbol), resultKind As LookupResultKind, receiverOpt As BoundExpression, qualificationKind As QualificationKind, Optional hasErrors As Boolean = False)
MyBase.New(BoundKind.PropertyGroup, syntax, receiverOpt, qualificationKind, hasErrors OrElse receiverOpt.NonNullAndHasErrors())
Debug.Assert(Not (properties.IsDefault), "Field 'properties' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Me._Properties = properties
Me._ResultKind = resultKind
End Sub
Private ReadOnly _Properties As ImmutableArray(Of PropertySymbol)
Public ReadOnly Property Properties As ImmutableArray(Of PropertySymbol)
Return _Properties
End Get
End Property
Private ReadOnly _ResultKind As LookupResultKind
Public Overrides ReadOnly Property ResultKind As LookupResultKind
Return _ResultKind
End Get
End Property
Public Overrides Function Accept(visitor as BoundTreeVisitor) As BoundNode
Return visitor.VisitPropertyGroup(Me)
End Function
Public Function Update(properties As ImmutableArray(Of PropertySymbol), resultKind As LookupResultKind, receiverOpt As BoundExpression, qualificationKind As QualificationKind) As BoundPropertyGroup
If properties <> Me.Properties OrElse resultKind <> Me.ResultKind OrElse receiverOpt IsNot Me.ReceiverOpt OrElse qualificationKind <> Me.QualificationKind Then
Dim result = New BoundPropertyGroup(Me.Syntax, properties, resultKind, receiverOpt, qualificationKind, Me.HasErrors)
Return result
End If
Return Me
End Function
End Class
Partial Friend NotInheritable Class BoundReturnStatement
Inherits BoundStatement
Public Sub New(syntax As SyntaxNode, expressionOpt As BoundExpression, functionLocalOpt As LocalSymbol, exitLabelOpt As LabelSymbol, Optional hasErrors As Boolean = False)
MyBase.New(BoundKind.ReturnStatement, syntax, hasErrors OrElse expressionOpt.NonNullAndHasErrors())
Me._ExpressionOpt = expressionOpt
Me._FunctionLocalOpt = functionLocalOpt
Me._ExitLabelOpt = exitLabelOpt
End Sub
Private Partial Sub Validate()
End Sub
Private ReadOnly _ExpressionOpt As BoundExpression
Public ReadOnly Property ExpressionOpt As BoundExpression
Return _ExpressionOpt
End Get
End Property
Private ReadOnly _FunctionLocalOpt As LocalSymbol
Public ReadOnly Property FunctionLocalOpt As LocalSymbol
Return _FunctionLocalOpt
End Get
End Property
Private ReadOnly _ExitLabelOpt As LabelSymbol
Public ReadOnly Property ExitLabelOpt As LabelSymbol
Return _ExitLabelOpt
End Get
End Property
Public Overrides Function Accept(visitor as BoundTreeVisitor) As BoundNode
Return visitor.VisitReturnStatement(Me)
End Function
Public Function Update(expressionOpt As BoundExpression, functionLocalOpt As LocalSymbol, exitLabelOpt As LabelSymbol) As BoundReturnStatement
If expressionOpt IsNot Me.ExpressionOpt OrElse functionLocalOpt IsNot Me.FunctionLocalOpt OrElse exitLabelOpt IsNot Me.ExitLabelOpt Then
Dim result = New BoundReturnStatement(Me.Syntax, expressionOpt, functionLocalOpt, exitLabelOpt, Me.HasErrors)
Return result
End If
Return Me
End Function
End Class
Partial Friend NotInheritable Class BoundYieldStatement
Inherits BoundStatement
Public Sub New(syntax As SyntaxNode, expression As BoundExpression, Optional hasErrors As Boolean = False)
MyBase.New(BoundKind.YieldStatement, syntax, hasErrors OrElse expression.NonNullAndHasErrors())
Debug.Assert(expression IsNot Nothing, "Field 'expression' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Me._Expression = expression
End Sub
Private Partial Sub Validate()
End Sub
Private ReadOnly _Expression As BoundExpression
Public ReadOnly Property Expression As BoundExpression
Return _Expression
End Get
End Property
Public Overrides Function Accept(visitor as BoundTreeVisitor) As BoundNode
Return visitor.VisitYieldStatement(Me)
End Function
Public Function Update(expression As BoundExpression) As BoundYieldStatement
If expression IsNot Me.Expression Then
Dim result = New BoundYieldStatement(Me.Syntax, expression, Me.HasErrors)
Return result
End If
Return Me
End Function
End Class
Partial Friend NotInheritable Class BoundThrowStatement
Inherits BoundStatement
Public Sub New(syntax As SyntaxNode, expressionOpt As BoundExpression, Optional hasErrors As Boolean = False)
MyBase.New(BoundKind.ThrowStatement, syntax, hasErrors OrElse expressionOpt.NonNullAndHasErrors())
Me._ExpressionOpt = expressionOpt
End Sub
Private ReadOnly _ExpressionOpt As BoundExpression
Public ReadOnly Property ExpressionOpt As BoundExpression
Return _ExpressionOpt
End Get
End Property
Public Overrides Function Accept(visitor as BoundTreeVisitor) As BoundNode
Return visitor.VisitThrowStatement(Me)
End Function
Public Function Update(expressionOpt As BoundExpression) As BoundThrowStatement
If expressionOpt IsNot Me.ExpressionOpt Then
Dim result = New BoundThrowStatement(Me.Syntax, expressionOpt, Me.HasErrors)
Return result
End If
Return Me
End Function
End Class
Partial Friend NotInheritable Class BoundRedimStatement
Inherits BoundStatement
Public Sub New(syntax As SyntaxNode, clauses As ImmutableArray(Of BoundRedimClause), Optional hasErrors As Boolean = False)
MyBase.New(BoundKind.RedimStatement, syntax, hasErrors OrElse clauses.NonNullAndHasErrors())
Debug.Assert(Not (clauses.IsDefault), "Field 'clauses' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Me._Clauses = clauses
End Sub
Private ReadOnly _Clauses As ImmutableArray(Of BoundRedimClause)
Public ReadOnly Property Clauses As ImmutableArray(Of BoundRedimClause)
Return _Clauses
End Get
End Property
Public Overrides Function Accept(visitor as BoundTreeVisitor) As BoundNode
Return visitor.VisitRedimStatement(Me)
End Function
Public Function Update(clauses As ImmutableArray(Of BoundRedimClause)) As BoundRedimStatement
If clauses <> Me.Clauses Then
Dim result = New BoundRedimStatement(Me.Syntax, clauses, Me.HasErrors)
Return result
End If
Return Me
End Function
End Class
Partial Friend NotInheritable Class BoundRedimClause
Inherits BoundStatement
Public Sub New(syntax As SyntaxNode, operand As BoundExpression, indices As ImmutableArray(Of BoundExpression), arrayTypeOpt As ArrayTypeSymbol, preserve As Boolean, Optional hasErrors As Boolean = False)
MyBase.New(BoundKind.RedimClause, syntax, hasErrors OrElse operand.NonNullAndHasErrors() OrElse indices.NonNullAndHasErrors())
Debug.Assert(operand IsNot Nothing, "Field 'operand' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Debug.Assert(Not (indices.IsDefault), "Field 'indices' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Me._Operand = operand
Me._Indices = indices
Me._ArrayTypeOpt = arrayTypeOpt
Me._Preserve = preserve
End Sub
Private Partial Sub Validate()
End Sub
Private ReadOnly _Operand As BoundExpression
Public ReadOnly Property Operand As BoundExpression
Return _Operand
End Get
End Property
Private ReadOnly _Indices As ImmutableArray(Of BoundExpression)
Public ReadOnly Property Indices As ImmutableArray(Of BoundExpression)
Return _Indices
End Get
End Property
Private ReadOnly _ArrayTypeOpt As ArrayTypeSymbol
Public ReadOnly Property ArrayTypeOpt As ArrayTypeSymbol
Return _ArrayTypeOpt
End Get
End Property
Private ReadOnly _Preserve As Boolean
Public ReadOnly Property Preserve As Boolean
Return _Preserve
End Get
End Property
Public Overrides Function Accept(visitor as BoundTreeVisitor) As BoundNode
Return visitor.VisitRedimClause(Me)
End Function
Public Function Update(operand As BoundExpression, indices As ImmutableArray(Of BoundExpression), arrayTypeOpt As ArrayTypeSymbol, preserve As Boolean) As BoundRedimClause
If operand IsNot Me.Operand OrElse indices <> Me.Indices OrElse arrayTypeOpt IsNot Me.ArrayTypeOpt OrElse preserve <> Me.Preserve Then
Dim result = New BoundRedimClause(Me.Syntax, operand, indices, arrayTypeOpt, preserve, Me.HasErrors)
Return result
End If
Return Me
End Function
End Class
Partial Friend NotInheritable Class BoundEraseStatement
Inherits BoundStatement
Public Sub New(syntax As SyntaxNode, clauses As ImmutableArray(Of BoundAssignmentOperator), Optional hasErrors As Boolean = False)
MyBase.New(BoundKind.EraseStatement, syntax, hasErrors OrElse clauses.NonNullAndHasErrors())
Debug.Assert(Not (clauses.IsDefault), "Field 'clauses' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Me._Clauses = clauses
End Sub
Private ReadOnly _Clauses As ImmutableArray(Of BoundAssignmentOperator)
Public ReadOnly Property Clauses As ImmutableArray(Of BoundAssignmentOperator)
Return _Clauses
End Get
End Property
Public Overrides Function Accept(visitor as BoundTreeVisitor) As BoundNode
Return visitor.VisitEraseStatement(Me)
End Function
Public Function Update(clauses As ImmutableArray(Of BoundAssignmentOperator)) As BoundEraseStatement
If clauses <> Me.Clauses Then
Dim result = New BoundEraseStatement(Me.Syntax, clauses, Me.HasErrors)
Return result
End If
Return Me
End Function
End Class
Partial Friend NotInheritable Class BoundCall
Inherits BoundExpression
Public Sub New(syntax As SyntaxNode, method As MethodSymbol, methodGroupOpt As BoundMethodGroup, receiverOpt As BoundExpression, arguments As ImmutableArray(Of BoundExpression), defaultArguments As BitVector, constantValueOpt As ConstantValue, isLValue As Boolean, suppressObjectClone As Boolean, type As TypeSymbol, Optional hasErrors As Boolean = False)
MyBase.New(BoundKind.Call, syntax, type, hasErrors OrElse methodGroupOpt.NonNullAndHasErrors() OrElse receiverOpt.NonNullAndHasErrors() OrElse arguments.NonNullAndHasErrors())
Debug.Assert(method IsNot Nothing, "Field 'method' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Debug.Assert(Not (arguments.IsDefault), "Field 'arguments' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Debug.Assert(type IsNot Nothing, "Field 'type' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Me._Method = method
Me._MethodGroupOpt = methodGroupOpt
Me._ReceiverOpt = receiverOpt
Me._Arguments = arguments
Me._DefaultArguments = defaultArguments
Me._ConstantValueOpt = constantValueOpt
Me._IsLValue = isLValue
Me._SuppressObjectClone = suppressObjectClone
End Sub
Private Partial Sub Validate()
End Sub
Private ReadOnly _Method As MethodSymbol
Public ReadOnly Property Method As MethodSymbol
Return _Method
End Get
End Property
Private ReadOnly _MethodGroupOpt As BoundMethodGroup
Public ReadOnly Property MethodGroupOpt As BoundMethodGroup
Return _MethodGroupOpt
End Get
End Property
Private ReadOnly _ReceiverOpt As BoundExpression
Public ReadOnly Property ReceiverOpt As BoundExpression
Return _ReceiverOpt
End Get
End Property
Private ReadOnly _Arguments As ImmutableArray(Of BoundExpression)
Public ReadOnly Property Arguments As ImmutableArray(Of BoundExpression)
Return _Arguments
End Get
End Property
Private ReadOnly _DefaultArguments As BitVector
Public ReadOnly Property DefaultArguments As BitVector
Return _DefaultArguments
End Get
End Property
Private ReadOnly _ConstantValueOpt As ConstantValue
Public Overrides ReadOnly Property ConstantValueOpt As ConstantValue
Return _ConstantValueOpt
End Get
End Property
Private ReadOnly _IsLValue As Boolean
Public Overrides ReadOnly Property IsLValue As Boolean
Return _IsLValue
End Get
End Property
Private ReadOnly _SuppressObjectClone As Boolean
Public ReadOnly Property SuppressObjectClone As Boolean
Return _SuppressObjectClone
End Get
End Property
Public Overrides Function Accept(visitor as BoundTreeVisitor) As BoundNode
Return visitor.VisitCall(Me)
End Function
Public Function Update(method As MethodSymbol, methodGroupOpt As BoundMethodGroup, receiverOpt As BoundExpression, arguments As ImmutableArray(Of BoundExpression), defaultArguments As BitVector, constantValueOpt As ConstantValue, isLValue As Boolean, suppressObjectClone As Boolean, type As TypeSymbol) As BoundCall
If method IsNot Me.Method OrElse methodGroupOpt IsNot Me.MethodGroupOpt OrElse receiverOpt IsNot Me.ReceiverOpt OrElse arguments <> Me.Arguments OrElse defaultArguments <> Me.DefaultArguments OrElse constantValueOpt IsNot Me.ConstantValueOpt OrElse isLValue <> Me.IsLValue OrElse suppressObjectClone <> Me.SuppressObjectClone OrElse type IsNot Me.Type Then
Dim result = New BoundCall(Me.Syntax, method, methodGroupOpt, receiverOpt, arguments, defaultArguments, constantValueOpt, isLValue, suppressObjectClone, type, Me.HasErrors)
Return result
End If
Return Me
End Function
End Class
Partial Friend NotInheritable Class BoundAttribute
Inherits BoundExpression
Public Sub New(syntax As SyntaxNode, constructor As MethodSymbol, constructorArguments As ImmutableArray(Of BoundExpression), constructorDefaultArguments As BitVector, namedArguments As ImmutableArray(Of BoundExpression), resultKind As LookupResultKind, type As TypeSymbol, Optional hasErrors As Boolean = False)
MyBase.New(BoundKind.Attribute, syntax, type, hasErrors OrElse constructorArguments.NonNullAndHasErrors() OrElse namedArguments.NonNullAndHasErrors())
Debug.Assert(Not (constructorArguments.IsDefault), "Field 'constructorArguments' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Debug.Assert(Not (namedArguments.IsDefault), "Field 'namedArguments' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Debug.Assert(type IsNot Nothing, "Field 'type' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Me._Constructor = constructor
Me._ConstructorArguments = constructorArguments
Me._ConstructorDefaultArguments = constructorDefaultArguments
Me._NamedArguments = namedArguments
Me._ResultKind = resultKind
End Sub
Private ReadOnly _Constructor As MethodSymbol
Public ReadOnly Property Constructor As MethodSymbol
Return _Constructor
End Get
End Property
Private ReadOnly _ConstructorArguments As ImmutableArray(Of BoundExpression)
Public ReadOnly Property ConstructorArguments As ImmutableArray(Of BoundExpression)
Return _ConstructorArguments
End Get
End Property
Private ReadOnly _ConstructorDefaultArguments As BitVector
Public ReadOnly Property ConstructorDefaultArguments As BitVector
Return _ConstructorDefaultArguments
End Get
End Property
Private ReadOnly _NamedArguments As ImmutableArray(Of BoundExpression)
Public ReadOnly Property NamedArguments As ImmutableArray(Of BoundExpression)
Return _NamedArguments
End Get
End Property
Private ReadOnly _ResultKind As LookupResultKind
Public Overrides ReadOnly Property ResultKind As LookupResultKind
Return _ResultKind
End Get
End Property
Public Overrides Function Accept(visitor as BoundTreeVisitor) As BoundNode
Return visitor.VisitAttribute(Me)
End Function
Public Function Update(constructor As MethodSymbol, constructorArguments As ImmutableArray(Of BoundExpression), constructorDefaultArguments As BitVector, namedArguments As ImmutableArray(Of BoundExpression), resultKind As LookupResultKind, type As TypeSymbol) As BoundAttribute
If constructor IsNot Me.Constructor OrElse constructorArguments <> Me.ConstructorArguments OrElse constructorDefaultArguments <> Me.ConstructorDefaultArguments OrElse namedArguments <> Me.NamedArguments OrElse resultKind <> Me.ResultKind OrElse type IsNot Me.Type Then
Dim result = New BoundAttribute(Me.Syntax, constructor, constructorArguments, constructorDefaultArguments, namedArguments, resultKind, type, Me.HasErrors)
Return result
End If
Return Me
End Function
End Class
Partial Friend NotInheritable Class BoundLateMemberAccess
Inherits BoundExpression
Public Sub New(syntax As SyntaxNode, nameOpt As String, containerTypeOpt As TypeSymbol, receiverOpt As BoundExpression, typeArgumentsOpt As BoundTypeArguments, accessKind As LateBoundAccessKind, type As TypeSymbol, Optional hasErrors As Boolean = False)
MyBase.New(BoundKind.LateMemberAccess, syntax, type, hasErrors OrElse receiverOpt.NonNullAndHasErrors() OrElse typeArgumentsOpt.NonNullAndHasErrors())
Debug.Assert(type IsNot Nothing, "Field 'type' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Me._NameOpt = nameOpt
Me._ContainerTypeOpt = containerTypeOpt
Me._ReceiverOpt = receiverOpt
Me._TypeArgumentsOpt = typeArgumentsOpt
Me._AccessKind = accessKind
End Sub
Private Partial Sub Validate()
End Sub
Private ReadOnly _NameOpt As String
Public ReadOnly Property NameOpt As String
Return _NameOpt
End Get
End Property
Private ReadOnly _ContainerTypeOpt As TypeSymbol
Public ReadOnly Property ContainerTypeOpt As TypeSymbol
Return _ContainerTypeOpt
End Get
End Property
Private ReadOnly _ReceiverOpt As BoundExpression
Public ReadOnly Property ReceiverOpt As BoundExpression
Return _ReceiverOpt
End Get
End Property
Private ReadOnly _TypeArgumentsOpt As BoundTypeArguments
Public ReadOnly Property TypeArgumentsOpt As BoundTypeArguments
Return _TypeArgumentsOpt
End Get
End Property
Private ReadOnly _AccessKind As LateBoundAccessKind
Public ReadOnly Property AccessKind As LateBoundAccessKind
Return _AccessKind
End Get
End Property
Public Overrides Function Accept(visitor as BoundTreeVisitor) As BoundNode
Return visitor.VisitLateMemberAccess(Me)
End Function
Public Function Update(nameOpt As String, containerTypeOpt As TypeSymbol, receiverOpt As BoundExpression, typeArgumentsOpt As BoundTypeArguments, accessKind As LateBoundAccessKind, type As TypeSymbol) As BoundLateMemberAccess
If nameOpt IsNot Me.NameOpt OrElse containerTypeOpt IsNot Me.ContainerTypeOpt OrElse receiverOpt IsNot Me.ReceiverOpt OrElse typeArgumentsOpt IsNot Me.TypeArgumentsOpt OrElse accessKind <> Me.AccessKind OrElse type IsNot Me.Type Then
Dim result = New BoundLateMemberAccess(Me.Syntax, nameOpt, containerTypeOpt, receiverOpt, typeArgumentsOpt, accessKind, type, Me.HasErrors)
Return result
End If
Return Me
End Function
End Class
Partial Friend NotInheritable Class BoundLateInvocation
Inherits BoundExpression
Public Sub New(syntax As SyntaxNode, member As BoundExpression, argumentsOpt As ImmutableArray(Of BoundExpression), argumentNamesOpt As ImmutableArray(Of string), accessKind As LateBoundAccessKind, methodOrPropertyGroupOpt As BoundMethodOrPropertyGroup, type As TypeSymbol, Optional hasErrors As Boolean = False)
MyBase.New(BoundKind.LateInvocation, syntax, type, hasErrors OrElse member.NonNullAndHasErrors() OrElse argumentsOpt.NonNullAndHasErrors() OrElse methodOrPropertyGroupOpt.NonNullAndHasErrors())
Debug.Assert(member IsNot Nothing, "Field 'member' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Debug.Assert(type IsNot Nothing, "Field 'type' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Me._Member = member
Me._ArgumentsOpt = argumentsOpt
Me._ArgumentNamesOpt = argumentNamesOpt
Me._AccessKind = accessKind
Me._MethodOrPropertyGroupOpt = methodOrPropertyGroupOpt
End Sub
Private Partial Sub Validate()
End Sub
Private ReadOnly _Member As BoundExpression
Public ReadOnly Property Member As BoundExpression
Return _Member
End Get
End Property
Private ReadOnly _ArgumentsOpt As ImmutableArray(Of BoundExpression)
Public ReadOnly Property ArgumentsOpt As ImmutableArray(Of BoundExpression)
Return _ArgumentsOpt
End Get
End Property
Private ReadOnly _ArgumentNamesOpt As ImmutableArray(Of string)
Public ReadOnly Property ArgumentNamesOpt As ImmutableArray(Of string)
Return _ArgumentNamesOpt
End Get
End Property
Private ReadOnly _AccessKind As LateBoundAccessKind
Public ReadOnly Property AccessKind As LateBoundAccessKind
Return _AccessKind
End Get
End Property
Private ReadOnly _MethodOrPropertyGroupOpt As BoundMethodOrPropertyGroup
Public ReadOnly Property MethodOrPropertyGroupOpt As BoundMethodOrPropertyGroup
Return _MethodOrPropertyGroupOpt
End Get
End Property
Public Overrides Function Accept(visitor as BoundTreeVisitor) As BoundNode
Return visitor.VisitLateInvocation(Me)
End Function
Public Function Update(member As BoundExpression, argumentsOpt As ImmutableArray(Of BoundExpression), argumentNamesOpt As ImmutableArray(Of string), accessKind As LateBoundAccessKind, methodOrPropertyGroupOpt As BoundMethodOrPropertyGroup, type As TypeSymbol) As BoundLateInvocation
If member IsNot Me.Member OrElse argumentsOpt <> Me.ArgumentsOpt OrElse argumentNamesOpt <> Me.ArgumentNamesOpt OrElse accessKind <> Me.AccessKind OrElse methodOrPropertyGroupOpt IsNot Me.MethodOrPropertyGroupOpt OrElse type IsNot Me.Type Then
Dim result = New BoundLateInvocation(Me.Syntax, member, argumentsOpt, argumentNamesOpt, accessKind, methodOrPropertyGroupOpt, type, Me.HasErrors)
Return result
End If
Return Me
End Function
End Class
Partial Friend NotInheritable Class BoundLateAddressOfOperator
Inherits BoundExpression
Public Sub New(syntax As SyntaxNode, binder As Binder, memberAccess As BoundLateMemberAccess, type As TypeSymbol, Optional hasErrors As Boolean = False)
MyBase.New(BoundKind.LateAddressOfOperator, syntax, type, hasErrors OrElse memberAccess.NonNullAndHasErrors())
Debug.Assert(binder IsNot Nothing, "Field 'binder' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Debug.Assert(memberAccess IsNot Nothing, "Field 'memberAccess' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Me._Binder = binder
Me._MemberAccess = memberAccess
End Sub
Private ReadOnly _Binder As Binder
Public ReadOnly Property Binder As Binder
Return _Binder
End Get
End Property
Private ReadOnly _MemberAccess As BoundLateMemberAccess
Public ReadOnly Property MemberAccess As BoundLateMemberAccess
Return _MemberAccess
End Get
End Property
Public Overrides Function Accept(visitor as BoundTreeVisitor) As BoundNode
Return visitor.VisitLateAddressOfOperator(Me)
End Function
Public Function Update(binder As Binder, memberAccess As BoundLateMemberAccess, type As TypeSymbol) As BoundLateAddressOfOperator
If binder IsNot Me.Binder OrElse memberAccess IsNot Me.MemberAccess OrElse type IsNot Me.Type Then
Dim result = New BoundLateAddressOfOperator(Me.Syntax, binder, memberAccess, type, Me.HasErrors)
Return result
End If
Return Me
End Function
End Class
Partial Friend MustInherit Class BoundTupleExpression
Inherits BoundExpression
Protected Sub New(kind As BoundKind, syntax as SyntaxNode, arguments As ImmutableArray(Of BoundExpression), type As TypeSymbol, Optional hasErrors As Boolean = False)
MyBase.New(kind, syntax, type, hasErrors)
Debug.Assert(Not (arguments.IsDefault), "Field 'arguments' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Me._Arguments = arguments
End Sub
Private ReadOnly _Arguments As ImmutableArray(Of BoundExpression)
Public ReadOnly Property Arguments As ImmutableArray(Of BoundExpression)
Return _Arguments
End Get
End Property
End Class
Partial Friend NotInheritable Class BoundTupleLiteral
Inherits BoundTupleExpression
Public Sub New(syntax As SyntaxNode, inferredType As TupleTypeSymbol, argumentNamesOpt As ImmutableArray(Of String), inferredNamesOpt As ImmutableArray(Of Boolean), arguments As ImmutableArray(Of BoundExpression), type As TypeSymbol, Optional hasErrors As Boolean = False)
MyBase.New(BoundKind.TupleLiteral, syntax, arguments, type, hasErrors OrElse arguments.NonNullAndHasErrors())
Debug.Assert(Not (arguments.IsDefault), "Field 'arguments' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Me._InferredType = inferredType
Me._ArgumentNamesOpt = argumentNamesOpt
Me._InferredNamesOpt = inferredNamesOpt
End Sub
Private ReadOnly _InferredType As TupleTypeSymbol
Public ReadOnly Property InferredType As TupleTypeSymbol
Return _InferredType
End Get
End Property
Private ReadOnly _ArgumentNamesOpt As ImmutableArray(Of String)
Public ReadOnly Property ArgumentNamesOpt As ImmutableArray(Of String)
Return _ArgumentNamesOpt
End Get
End Property
Private ReadOnly _InferredNamesOpt As ImmutableArray(Of Boolean)
Public ReadOnly Property InferredNamesOpt As ImmutableArray(Of Boolean)
Return _InferredNamesOpt
End Get
End Property
Public Overrides Function Accept(visitor as BoundTreeVisitor) As BoundNode
Return visitor.VisitTupleLiteral(Me)
End Function
Public Function Update(inferredType As TupleTypeSymbol, argumentNamesOpt As ImmutableArray(Of String), inferredNamesOpt As ImmutableArray(Of Boolean), arguments As ImmutableArray(Of BoundExpression), type As TypeSymbol) As BoundTupleLiteral
If inferredType IsNot Me.InferredType OrElse argumentNamesOpt <> Me.ArgumentNamesOpt OrElse inferredNamesOpt <> Me.InferredNamesOpt OrElse arguments <> Me.Arguments OrElse type IsNot Me.Type Then
Dim result = New BoundTupleLiteral(Me.Syntax, inferredType, argumentNamesOpt, inferredNamesOpt, arguments, type, Me.HasErrors)
Return result
End If
Return Me
End Function
End Class
Partial Friend NotInheritable Class BoundConvertedTupleLiteral
Inherits BoundTupleExpression
Public Sub New(syntax As SyntaxNode, naturalTypeOpt As TypeSymbol, arguments As ImmutableArray(Of BoundExpression), type As TypeSymbol, Optional hasErrors As Boolean = False)
MyBase.New(BoundKind.ConvertedTupleLiteral, syntax, arguments, type, hasErrors OrElse arguments.NonNullAndHasErrors())
Debug.Assert(Not (arguments.IsDefault), "Field 'arguments' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Debug.Assert(type IsNot Nothing, "Field 'type' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Me._NaturalTypeOpt = naturalTypeOpt
End Sub
Private ReadOnly _NaturalTypeOpt As TypeSymbol
Public ReadOnly Property NaturalTypeOpt As TypeSymbol
Return _NaturalTypeOpt
End Get
End Property
Public Overrides Function Accept(visitor as BoundTreeVisitor) As BoundNode
Return visitor.VisitConvertedTupleLiteral(Me)
End Function
Public Function Update(naturalTypeOpt As TypeSymbol, arguments As ImmutableArray(Of BoundExpression), type As TypeSymbol) As BoundConvertedTupleLiteral
If naturalTypeOpt IsNot Me.NaturalTypeOpt OrElse arguments <> Me.Arguments OrElse type IsNot Me.Type Then
Dim result = New BoundConvertedTupleLiteral(Me.Syntax, naturalTypeOpt, arguments, type, Me.HasErrors)
Return result
End If
Return Me
End Function
End Class
Partial Friend MustInherit Class BoundObjectCreationExpressionBase
Inherits BoundExpression
Protected Sub New(kind As BoundKind, syntax as SyntaxNode, initializerOpt As BoundObjectInitializerExpressionBase, type As TypeSymbol, Optional hasErrors As Boolean = False)
MyBase.New(kind, syntax, type, hasErrors)
Debug.Assert(type IsNot Nothing, "Field 'type' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Me._InitializerOpt = initializerOpt
End Sub
Private Partial Sub Validate()
End Sub
Private ReadOnly _InitializerOpt As BoundObjectInitializerExpressionBase
Public ReadOnly Property InitializerOpt As BoundObjectInitializerExpressionBase
Return _InitializerOpt
End Get
End Property
End Class
Partial Friend NotInheritable Class BoundObjectCreationExpression
Inherits BoundObjectCreationExpressionBase
Public Sub New(syntax As SyntaxNode, constructorOpt As MethodSymbol, methodGroupOpt As BoundMethodGroup, arguments As ImmutableArray(Of BoundExpression), defaultArguments As BitVector, initializerOpt As BoundObjectInitializerExpressionBase, type As TypeSymbol, Optional hasErrors As Boolean = False)
MyBase.New(BoundKind.ObjectCreationExpression, syntax, initializerOpt, type, hasErrors OrElse methodGroupOpt.NonNullAndHasErrors() OrElse arguments.NonNullAndHasErrors() OrElse initializerOpt.NonNullAndHasErrors())
Debug.Assert(Not (arguments.IsDefault), "Field 'arguments' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Debug.Assert(type IsNot Nothing, "Field 'type' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Me._ConstructorOpt = constructorOpt
Me._MethodGroupOpt = methodGroupOpt
Me._Arguments = arguments
Me._DefaultArguments = defaultArguments
End Sub
Private Partial Sub Validate()
End Sub
Private ReadOnly _ConstructorOpt As MethodSymbol
Public ReadOnly Property ConstructorOpt As MethodSymbol
Return _ConstructorOpt
End Get
End Property
Private ReadOnly _MethodGroupOpt As BoundMethodGroup
Public ReadOnly Property MethodGroupOpt As BoundMethodGroup
Return _MethodGroupOpt
End Get
End Property
Private ReadOnly _Arguments As ImmutableArray(Of BoundExpression)
Public ReadOnly Property Arguments As ImmutableArray(Of BoundExpression)
Return _Arguments
End Get
End Property
Private ReadOnly _DefaultArguments As BitVector
Public ReadOnly Property DefaultArguments As BitVector
Return _DefaultArguments
End Get
End Property
Public Overrides Function Accept(visitor as BoundTreeVisitor) As BoundNode
Return visitor.VisitObjectCreationExpression(Me)
End Function
Public Function Update(constructorOpt As MethodSymbol, methodGroupOpt As BoundMethodGroup, arguments As ImmutableArray(Of BoundExpression), defaultArguments As BitVector, initializerOpt As BoundObjectInitializerExpressionBase, type As TypeSymbol) As BoundObjectCreationExpression
If constructorOpt IsNot Me.ConstructorOpt OrElse methodGroupOpt IsNot Me.MethodGroupOpt OrElse arguments <> Me.Arguments OrElse defaultArguments <> Me.DefaultArguments OrElse initializerOpt IsNot Me.InitializerOpt OrElse type IsNot Me.Type Then
Dim result = New BoundObjectCreationExpression(Me.Syntax, constructorOpt, methodGroupOpt, arguments, defaultArguments, initializerOpt, type, Me.HasErrors)
Return result
End If
Return Me
End Function
End Class
Partial Friend NotInheritable Class BoundNoPiaObjectCreationExpression
Inherits BoundObjectCreationExpressionBase
Public Sub New(syntax As SyntaxNode, guidString As string, initializerOpt As BoundObjectInitializerExpressionBase, type As TypeSymbol, Optional hasErrors As Boolean = False)
MyBase.New(BoundKind.NoPiaObjectCreationExpression, syntax, initializerOpt, type, hasErrors OrElse initializerOpt.NonNullAndHasErrors())
Debug.Assert(type IsNot Nothing, "Field 'type' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Me._GuidString = guidString
End Sub
Private ReadOnly _GuidString As string
Public ReadOnly Property GuidString As string
Return _GuidString
End Get
End Property
Public Overrides Function Accept(visitor as BoundTreeVisitor) As BoundNode
Return visitor.VisitNoPiaObjectCreationExpression(Me)
End Function
Public Function Update(guidString As string, initializerOpt As BoundObjectInitializerExpressionBase, type As TypeSymbol) As BoundNoPiaObjectCreationExpression
If guidString IsNot Me.GuidString OrElse initializerOpt IsNot Me.InitializerOpt OrElse type IsNot Me.Type Then
Dim result = New BoundNoPiaObjectCreationExpression(Me.Syntax, guidString, initializerOpt, type, Me.HasErrors)
Return result
End If
Return Me
End Function
End Class
Partial Friend NotInheritable Class BoundAnonymousTypeCreationExpression
Inherits BoundExpression
Public Sub New(syntax As SyntaxNode, binderOpt As Binder.AnonymousTypeCreationBinder, declarations As ImmutableArray(Of BoundAnonymousTypePropertyAccess), arguments As ImmutableArray(Of BoundExpression), type As TypeSymbol, Optional hasErrors As Boolean = False)
MyBase.New(BoundKind.AnonymousTypeCreationExpression, syntax, type, hasErrors OrElse declarations.NonNullAndHasErrors() OrElse arguments.NonNullAndHasErrors())
Debug.Assert(Not (declarations.IsDefault), "Field 'declarations' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Debug.Assert(Not (arguments.IsDefault), "Field 'arguments' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Me._BinderOpt = binderOpt
Me._Declarations = declarations
Me._Arguments = arguments
End Sub
Private ReadOnly _BinderOpt As Binder.AnonymousTypeCreationBinder
Public ReadOnly Property BinderOpt As Binder.AnonymousTypeCreationBinder
Return _BinderOpt
End Get
End Property
Private ReadOnly _Declarations As ImmutableArray(Of BoundAnonymousTypePropertyAccess)
Public ReadOnly Property Declarations As ImmutableArray(Of BoundAnonymousTypePropertyAccess)
Return _Declarations
End Get
End Property
Private ReadOnly _Arguments As ImmutableArray(Of BoundExpression)
Public ReadOnly Property Arguments As ImmutableArray(Of BoundExpression)
Return _Arguments
End Get
End Property
Public Overrides Function Accept(visitor as BoundTreeVisitor) As BoundNode
Return visitor.VisitAnonymousTypeCreationExpression(Me)
End Function
Public Function Update(binderOpt As Binder.AnonymousTypeCreationBinder, declarations As ImmutableArray(Of BoundAnonymousTypePropertyAccess), arguments As ImmutableArray(Of BoundExpression), type As TypeSymbol) As BoundAnonymousTypeCreationExpression
If binderOpt IsNot Me.BinderOpt OrElse declarations <> Me.Declarations OrElse arguments <> Me.Arguments OrElse type IsNot Me.Type Then
Dim result = New BoundAnonymousTypeCreationExpression(Me.Syntax, binderOpt, declarations, arguments, type, Me.HasErrors)
Return result
End If
Return Me
End Function
End Class
Partial Friend NotInheritable Class BoundAnonymousTypePropertyAccess
Inherits BoundExpression
Public Sub New(syntax As SyntaxNode, binder As Binder.AnonymousTypeCreationBinder, propertyIndex As Integer, type As TypeSymbol, hasErrors As Boolean)
MyBase.New(BoundKind.AnonymousTypePropertyAccess, syntax, type, hasErrors)
Debug.Assert(binder IsNot Nothing, "Field 'binder' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Me._Binder = binder
Me._PropertyIndex = propertyIndex
End Sub
Public Sub New(syntax As SyntaxNode, binder As Binder.AnonymousTypeCreationBinder, propertyIndex As Integer, type As TypeSymbol)
MyBase.New(BoundKind.AnonymousTypePropertyAccess, syntax, type)
Debug.Assert(binder IsNot Nothing, "Field 'binder' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Me._Binder = binder
Me._PropertyIndex = propertyIndex
End Sub
Private ReadOnly _Binder As Binder.AnonymousTypeCreationBinder
Public ReadOnly Property Binder As Binder.AnonymousTypeCreationBinder
Return _Binder
End Get
End Property
Private ReadOnly _PropertyIndex As Integer
Public ReadOnly Property PropertyIndex As Integer
Return _PropertyIndex
End Get
End Property
Public Overrides Function Accept(visitor as BoundTreeVisitor) As BoundNode
Return visitor.VisitAnonymousTypePropertyAccess(Me)
End Function
Public Function Update(binder As Binder.AnonymousTypeCreationBinder, propertyIndex As Integer, type As TypeSymbol) As BoundAnonymousTypePropertyAccess
If binder IsNot Me.Binder OrElse propertyIndex <> Me.PropertyIndex OrElse type IsNot Me.Type Then
Dim result = New BoundAnonymousTypePropertyAccess(Me.Syntax, binder, propertyIndex, type, Me.HasErrors)
Return result
End If
Return Me
End Function
End Class
Partial Friend NotInheritable Class BoundAnonymousTypeFieldInitializer
Inherits BoundExpression
Public Sub New(syntax As SyntaxNode, binder As Binder.AnonymousTypeFieldInitializerBinder, value As BoundExpression, type As TypeSymbol, Optional hasErrors As Boolean = False)
MyBase.New(BoundKind.AnonymousTypeFieldInitializer, syntax, type, hasErrors OrElse value.NonNullAndHasErrors())
Debug.Assert(binder IsNot Nothing, "Field 'binder' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Debug.Assert(value IsNot Nothing, "Field 'value' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Me._Binder = binder
Me._Value = value
End Sub
Private ReadOnly _Binder As Binder.AnonymousTypeFieldInitializerBinder
Public ReadOnly Property Binder As Binder.AnonymousTypeFieldInitializerBinder
Return _Binder
End Get
End Property
Private ReadOnly _Value As BoundExpression
Public ReadOnly Property Value As BoundExpression
Return _Value
End Get
End Property
Public Overrides Function Accept(visitor as BoundTreeVisitor) As BoundNode
Return visitor.VisitAnonymousTypeFieldInitializer(Me)
End Function
Public Function Update(binder As Binder.AnonymousTypeFieldInitializerBinder, value As BoundExpression, type As TypeSymbol) As BoundAnonymousTypeFieldInitializer
If binder IsNot Me.Binder OrElse value IsNot Me.Value OrElse type IsNot Me.Type Then
Dim result = New BoundAnonymousTypeFieldInitializer(Me.Syntax, binder, value, type, Me.HasErrors)
Return result
End If
Return Me
End Function
End Class
Partial Friend MustInherit Class BoundObjectInitializerExpressionBase
Inherits BoundExpression
Protected Sub New(kind As BoundKind, syntax as SyntaxNode, placeholderOpt As BoundWithLValueExpressionPlaceholder, initializers As ImmutableArray(Of BoundExpression), type As TypeSymbol, Optional hasErrors As Boolean = False)
MyBase.New(kind, syntax, type, hasErrors)
Debug.Assert(Not (initializers.IsDefault), "Field 'initializers' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Me._PlaceholderOpt = placeholderOpt
Me._Initializers = initializers
End Sub
Private ReadOnly _PlaceholderOpt As BoundWithLValueExpressionPlaceholder
Public ReadOnly Property PlaceholderOpt As BoundWithLValueExpressionPlaceholder
Return _PlaceholderOpt
End Get
End Property
Private ReadOnly _Initializers As ImmutableArray(Of BoundExpression)
Public ReadOnly Property Initializers As ImmutableArray(Of BoundExpression)
Return _Initializers
End Get
End Property
End Class
Partial Friend NotInheritable Class BoundObjectInitializerExpression
Inherits BoundObjectInitializerExpressionBase
Public Sub New(syntax As SyntaxNode, createTemporaryLocalForInitialization As Boolean, placeholderOpt As BoundWithLValueExpressionPlaceholder, initializers As ImmutableArray(Of BoundExpression), type As TypeSymbol, Optional hasErrors As Boolean = False)
MyBase.New(BoundKind.ObjectInitializerExpression, syntax, placeholderOpt, initializers, type, hasErrors OrElse placeholderOpt.NonNullAndHasErrors() OrElse initializers.NonNullAndHasErrors())
Debug.Assert(Not (initializers.IsDefault), "Field 'initializers' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Me._CreateTemporaryLocalForInitialization = createTemporaryLocalForInitialization
End Sub
Private Partial Sub Validate()
End Sub
Private ReadOnly _CreateTemporaryLocalForInitialization As Boolean
Public ReadOnly Property CreateTemporaryLocalForInitialization As Boolean
Return _CreateTemporaryLocalForInitialization
End Get
End Property
Public Overrides Function Accept(visitor as BoundTreeVisitor) As BoundNode
Return visitor.VisitObjectInitializerExpression(Me)
End Function
Public Function Update(createTemporaryLocalForInitialization As Boolean, placeholderOpt As BoundWithLValueExpressionPlaceholder, initializers As ImmutableArray(Of BoundExpression), type As TypeSymbol) As BoundObjectInitializerExpression
If createTemporaryLocalForInitialization <> Me.CreateTemporaryLocalForInitialization OrElse placeholderOpt IsNot Me.PlaceholderOpt OrElse initializers <> Me.Initializers OrElse type IsNot Me.Type Then
Dim result = New BoundObjectInitializerExpression(Me.Syntax, createTemporaryLocalForInitialization, placeholderOpt, initializers, type, Me.HasErrors)
Return result
End If
Return Me
End Function
End Class
Partial Friend NotInheritable Class BoundCollectionInitializerExpression
Inherits BoundObjectInitializerExpressionBase
Public Sub New(syntax As SyntaxNode, placeholderOpt As BoundWithLValueExpressionPlaceholder, initializers As ImmutableArray(Of BoundExpression), type As TypeSymbol, Optional hasErrors As Boolean = False)
MyBase.New(BoundKind.CollectionInitializerExpression, syntax, placeholderOpt, initializers, type, hasErrors OrElse placeholderOpt.NonNullAndHasErrors() OrElse initializers.NonNullAndHasErrors())
Debug.Assert(Not (initializers.IsDefault), "Field 'initializers' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
End Sub
Private Partial Sub Validate()
End Sub
Public Overrides Function Accept(visitor as BoundTreeVisitor) As BoundNode
Return visitor.VisitCollectionInitializerExpression(Me)
End Function
Public Function Update(placeholderOpt As BoundWithLValueExpressionPlaceholder, initializers As ImmutableArray(Of BoundExpression), type As TypeSymbol) As BoundCollectionInitializerExpression
If placeholderOpt IsNot Me.PlaceholderOpt OrElse initializers <> Me.Initializers OrElse type IsNot Me.Type Then
Dim result = New BoundCollectionInitializerExpression(Me.Syntax, placeholderOpt, initializers, type, Me.HasErrors)
Return result
End If
Return Me
End Function
End Class
Partial Friend NotInheritable Class BoundNewT
Inherits BoundObjectCreationExpressionBase
Public Sub New(syntax As SyntaxNode, initializerOpt As BoundObjectInitializerExpressionBase, type As TypeSymbol, Optional hasErrors As Boolean = False)
MyBase.New(BoundKind.NewT, syntax, initializerOpt, type, hasErrors OrElse initializerOpt.NonNullAndHasErrors())
Debug.Assert(type IsNot Nothing, "Field 'type' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
End Sub
Private Partial Sub Validate()
End Sub
Public Overrides Function Accept(visitor as BoundTreeVisitor) As BoundNode
Return visitor.VisitNewT(Me)
End Function
Public Function Update(initializerOpt As BoundObjectInitializerExpressionBase, type As TypeSymbol) As BoundNewT
If initializerOpt IsNot Me.InitializerOpt OrElse type IsNot Me.Type Then
Dim result = New BoundNewT(Me.Syntax, initializerOpt, type, Me.HasErrors)
Return result
End If
Return Me
End Function
End Class
Partial Friend NotInheritable Class BoundDelegateCreationExpression
Inherits BoundExpression
Public Sub New(syntax As SyntaxNode, receiverOpt As BoundExpression, method As MethodSymbol, relaxationLambdaOpt As BoundLambda, relaxationReceiverPlaceholderOpt As BoundRValuePlaceholder, methodGroupOpt As BoundMethodGroup, type As TypeSymbol, Optional hasErrors As Boolean = False)
MyBase.New(BoundKind.DelegateCreationExpression, syntax, type, hasErrors OrElse receiverOpt.NonNullAndHasErrors() OrElse relaxationLambdaOpt.NonNullAndHasErrors() OrElse relaxationReceiverPlaceholderOpt.NonNullAndHasErrors() OrElse methodGroupOpt.NonNullAndHasErrors())
Debug.Assert(method IsNot Nothing, "Field 'method' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Debug.Assert(type IsNot Nothing, "Field 'type' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Me._ReceiverOpt = receiverOpt
Me._Method = method
Me._RelaxationLambdaOpt = relaxationLambdaOpt
Me._RelaxationReceiverPlaceholderOpt = relaxationReceiverPlaceholderOpt
Me._MethodGroupOpt = methodGroupOpt
End Sub
Private ReadOnly _ReceiverOpt As BoundExpression
Public ReadOnly Property ReceiverOpt As BoundExpression
Return _ReceiverOpt
End Get
End Property
Private ReadOnly _Method As MethodSymbol
Public ReadOnly Property Method As MethodSymbol
Return _Method
End Get
End Property
Private ReadOnly _RelaxationLambdaOpt As BoundLambda
Public ReadOnly Property RelaxationLambdaOpt As BoundLambda
Return _RelaxationLambdaOpt
End Get
End Property
Private ReadOnly _RelaxationReceiverPlaceholderOpt As BoundRValuePlaceholder
Public ReadOnly Property RelaxationReceiverPlaceholderOpt As BoundRValuePlaceholder
Return _RelaxationReceiverPlaceholderOpt
End Get
End Property
Private ReadOnly _MethodGroupOpt As BoundMethodGroup
Public ReadOnly Property MethodGroupOpt As BoundMethodGroup
Return _MethodGroupOpt
End Get
End Property
Public Overrides Function Accept(visitor as BoundTreeVisitor) As BoundNode
Return visitor.VisitDelegateCreationExpression(Me)
End Function
Public Function Update(receiverOpt As BoundExpression, method As MethodSymbol, relaxationLambdaOpt As BoundLambda, relaxationReceiverPlaceholderOpt As BoundRValuePlaceholder, methodGroupOpt As BoundMethodGroup, type As TypeSymbol) As BoundDelegateCreationExpression
If receiverOpt IsNot Me.ReceiverOpt OrElse method IsNot Me.Method OrElse relaxationLambdaOpt IsNot Me.RelaxationLambdaOpt OrElse relaxationReceiverPlaceholderOpt IsNot Me.RelaxationReceiverPlaceholderOpt OrElse methodGroupOpt IsNot Me.MethodGroupOpt OrElse type IsNot Me.Type Then
Dim result = New BoundDelegateCreationExpression(Me.Syntax, receiverOpt, method, relaxationLambdaOpt, relaxationReceiverPlaceholderOpt, methodGroupOpt, type, Me.HasErrors)
Return result
End If
Return Me
End Function
End Class
Partial Friend NotInheritable Class BoundArrayCreation
Inherits BoundExpression
Public Sub New(syntax As SyntaxNode, isParamArrayArgument As Boolean, bounds As ImmutableArray(Of BoundExpression), initializerOpt As BoundArrayInitialization, arrayLiteralOpt As BoundArrayLiteral, arrayLiteralConversion As ConversionKind, type As TypeSymbol, Optional hasErrors As Boolean = False)
MyBase.New(BoundKind.ArrayCreation, syntax, type, hasErrors OrElse bounds.NonNullAndHasErrors() OrElse initializerOpt.NonNullAndHasErrors() OrElse arrayLiteralOpt.NonNullAndHasErrors())
Debug.Assert(Not (bounds.IsDefault), "Field 'bounds' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Debug.Assert(type IsNot Nothing, "Field 'type' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Me._IsParamArrayArgument = isParamArrayArgument
Me._Bounds = bounds
Me._InitializerOpt = initializerOpt
Me._ArrayLiteralOpt = arrayLiteralOpt
Me._ArrayLiteralConversion = arrayLiteralConversion
End Sub
Private Partial Sub Validate()
End Sub
Private ReadOnly _IsParamArrayArgument As Boolean
Public ReadOnly Property IsParamArrayArgument As Boolean
Return _IsParamArrayArgument
End Get
End Property
Private ReadOnly _Bounds As ImmutableArray(Of BoundExpression)
Public ReadOnly Property Bounds As ImmutableArray(Of BoundExpression)
Return _Bounds
End Get
End Property
Private ReadOnly _InitializerOpt As BoundArrayInitialization
Public ReadOnly Property InitializerOpt As BoundArrayInitialization
Return _InitializerOpt
End Get
End Property
Private ReadOnly _ArrayLiteralOpt As BoundArrayLiteral
Public ReadOnly Property ArrayLiteralOpt As BoundArrayLiteral
Return _ArrayLiteralOpt
End Get
End Property
Private ReadOnly _ArrayLiteralConversion As ConversionKind
Public ReadOnly Property ArrayLiteralConversion As ConversionKind
Return _ArrayLiteralConversion
End Get
End Property
Public Overrides Function Accept(visitor as BoundTreeVisitor) As BoundNode
Return visitor.VisitArrayCreation(Me)
End Function
Public Function Update(isParamArrayArgument As Boolean, bounds As ImmutableArray(Of BoundExpression), initializerOpt As BoundArrayInitialization, arrayLiteralOpt As BoundArrayLiteral, arrayLiteralConversion As ConversionKind, type As TypeSymbol) As BoundArrayCreation
If isParamArrayArgument <> Me.IsParamArrayArgument OrElse bounds <> Me.Bounds OrElse initializerOpt IsNot Me.InitializerOpt OrElse arrayLiteralOpt IsNot Me.ArrayLiteralOpt OrElse arrayLiteralConversion <> Me.ArrayLiteralConversion OrElse type IsNot Me.Type Then
Dim result = New BoundArrayCreation(Me.Syntax, isParamArrayArgument, bounds, initializerOpt, arrayLiteralOpt, arrayLiteralConversion, type, Me.HasErrors)
Return result
End If
Return Me
End Function
End Class
Partial Friend NotInheritable Class BoundArrayLiteral
Inherits BoundExpression
Public Sub New(syntax As SyntaxNode, hasDominantType As Boolean, numberOfCandidates As Integer, inferredType As ArrayTypeSymbol, bounds As ImmutableArray(Of BoundExpression), initializer As BoundArrayInitialization, binder As Binder, Optional hasErrors As Boolean = False)
MyBase.New(BoundKind.ArrayLiteral, syntax, Nothing, hasErrors OrElse bounds.NonNullAndHasErrors() OrElse initializer.NonNullAndHasErrors())
Debug.Assert(inferredType IsNot Nothing, "Field 'inferredType' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Debug.Assert(Not (bounds.IsDefault), "Field 'bounds' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Debug.Assert(initializer IsNot Nothing, "Field 'initializer' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Debug.Assert(binder IsNot Nothing, "Field 'binder' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Me._HasDominantType = hasDominantType
Me._NumberOfCandidates = numberOfCandidates
Me._InferredType = inferredType
Me._Bounds = bounds
Me._Initializer = initializer
Me._Binder = binder
End Sub
Private ReadOnly _HasDominantType As Boolean
Public ReadOnly Property HasDominantType As Boolean
Return _HasDominantType
End Get
End Property
Private ReadOnly _NumberOfCandidates As Integer
Public ReadOnly Property NumberOfCandidates As Integer
Return _NumberOfCandidates
End Get
End Property
Private ReadOnly _InferredType As ArrayTypeSymbol
Public ReadOnly Property InferredType As ArrayTypeSymbol
Return _InferredType
End Get
End Property
Private ReadOnly _Bounds As ImmutableArray(Of BoundExpression)
Public ReadOnly Property Bounds As ImmutableArray(Of BoundExpression)
Return _Bounds
End Get
End Property
Private ReadOnly _Initializer As BoundArrayInitialization
Public ReadOnly Property Initializer As BoundArrayInitialization
Return _Initializer
End Get
End Property
Private ReadOnly _Binder As Binder
Public ReadOnly Property Binder As Binder
Return _Binder
End Get
End Property
Public Overrides Function Accept(visitor as BoundTreeVisitor) As BoundNode
Return visitor.VisitArrayLiteral(Me)
End Function
Public Function Update(hasDominantType As Boolean, numberOfCandidates As Integer, inferredType As ArrayTypeSymbol, bounds As ImmutableArray(Of BoundExpression), initializer As BoundArrayInitialization, binder As Binder) As BoundArrayLiteral
If hasDominantType <> Me.HasDominantType OrElse numberOfCandidates <> Me.NumberOfCandidates OrElse inferredType IsNot Me.InferredType OrElse bounds <> Me.Bounds OrElse initializer IsNot Me.Initializer OrElse binder IsNot Me.Binder Then
Dim result = New BoundArrayLiteral(Me.Syntax, hasDominantType, numberOfCandidates, inferredType, bounds, initializer, binder, Me.HasErrors)
Return result
End If
Return Me
End Function
End Class
Partial Friend NotInheritable Class BoundArrayInitialization
Inherits BoundExpression
Public Sub New(syntax As SyntaxNode, initializers As ImmutableArray(Of BoundExpression), type As TypeSymbol, Optional hasErrors As Boolean = False)
MyBase.New(BoundKind.ArrayInitialization, syntax, type, hasErrors OrElse initializers.NonNullAndHasErrors())
Debug.Assert(Not (initializers.IsDefault), "Field 'initializers' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Me._Initializers = initializers
End Sub
Private ReadOnly _Initializers As ImmutableArray(Of BoundExpression)
Public ReadOnly Property Initializers As ImmutableArray(Of BoundExpression)
Return _Initializers
End Get
End Property
Public Overrides Function Accept(visitor as BoundTreeVisitor) As BoundNode
Return visitor.VisitArrayInitialization(Me)
End Function
Public Function Update(initializers As ImmutableArray(Of BoundExpression), type As TypeSymbol) As BoundArrayInitialization
If initializers <> Me.Initializers OrElse type IsNot Me.Type Then
Dim result = New BoundArrayInitialization(Me.Syntax, initializers, type, Me.HasErrors)
Return result
End If
Return Me
End Function
End Class
Partial Friend NotInheritable Class BoundFieldAccess
Inherits BoundExpression
Public Sub New(syntax As SyntaxNode, receiverOpt As BoundExpression, fieldSymbol As FieldSymbol, isLValue As Boolean, suppressVirtualCalls As Boolean, constantsInProgressOpt As ConstantFieldsInProgress, type As TypeSymbol, Optional hasErrors As Boolean = False)
MyBase.New(BoundKind.FieldAccess, syntax, type, hasErrors OrElse receiverOpt.NonNullAndHasErrors())
Debug.Assert(fieldSymbol IsNot Nothing, "Field 'fieldSymbol' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Debug.Assert(type IsNot Nothing, "Field 'type' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Me._ReceiverOpt = receiverOpt
Me._FieldSymbol = fieldSymbol
Me._IsLValue = isLValue
Me._SuppressVirtualCalls = suppressVirtualCalls
Me._ConstantsInProgressOpt = constantsInProgressOpt
End Sub
Private Partial Sub Validate()
End Sub
Private ReadOnly _ReceiverOpt As BoundExpression
Public ReadOnly Property ReceiverOpt As BoundExpression
Return _ReceiverOpt
End Get
End Property
Private ReadOnly _FieldSymbol As FieldSymbol
Public ReadOnly Property FieldSymbol As FieldSymbol
Return _FieldSymbol
End Get
End Property
Private ReadOnly _IsLValue As Boolean
Public Overrides ReadOnly Property IsLValue As Boolean
Return _IsLValue
End Get
End Property
Private ReadOnly _SuppressVirtualCalls As Boolean
Public Overrides ReadOnly Property SuppressVirtualCalls As Boolean
Return _SuppressVirtualCalls
End Get
End Property
Private ReadOnly _ConstantsInProgressOpt As ConstantFieldsInProgress
Public ReadOnly Property ConstantsInProgressOpt As ConstantFieldsInProgress
Return _ConstantsInProgressOpt
End Get
End Property
Public Overrides Function Accept(visitor as BoundTreeVisitor) As BoundNode
Return visitor.VisitFieldAccess(Me)
End Function
Public Function Update(receiverOpt As BoundExpression, fieldSymbol As FieldSymbol, isLValue As Boolean, suppressVirtualCalls As Boolean, constantsInProgressOpt As ConstantFieldsInProgress, type As TypeSymbol) As BoundFieldAccess
If receiverOpt IsNot Me.ReceiverOpt OrElse fieldSymbol IsNot Me.FieldSymbol OrElse isLValue <> Me.IsLValue OrElse suppressVirtualCalls <> Me.SuppressVirtualCalls OrElse constantsInProgressOpt IsNot Me.ConstantsInProgressOpt OrElse type IsNot Me.Type Then
Dim result = New BoundFieldAccess(Me.Syntax, receiverOpt, fieldSymbol, isLValue, suppressVirtualCalls, constantsInProgressOpt, type, Me.HasErrors)
Return result
End If
Return Me
End Function
End Class
Partial Friend NotInheritable Class BoundPropertyAccess
Inherits BoundExpression
Public Sub New(syntax As SyntaxNode, propertySymbol As PropertySymbol, propertyGroupOpt As BoundPropertyGroup, accessKind As PropertyAccessKind, isWriteable As Boolean, isLValue As Boolean, receiverOpt As BoundExpression, arguments As ImmutableArray(Of BoundExpression), defaultArguments As BitVector, type As TypeSymbol, Optional hasErrors As Boolean = False)
MyBase.New(BoundKind.PropertyAccess, syntax, type, hasErrors OrElse propertyGroupOpt.NonNullAndHasErrors() OrElse receiverOpt.NonNullAndHasErrors() OrElse arguments.NonNullAndHasErrors())
Debug.Assert(propertySymbol IsNot Nothing, "Field 'propertySymbol' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Debug.Assert(Not (arguments.IsDefault), "Field 'arguments' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Debug.Assert(type IsNot Nothing, "Field 'type' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Me._PropertySymbol = propertySymbol
Me._PropertyGroupOpt = propertyGroupOpt
Me._AccessKind = accessKind
Me._IsWriteable = isWriteable
Me._IsLValue = isLValue
Me._ReceiverOpt = receiverOpt
Me._Arguments = arguments
Me._DefaultArguments = defaultArguments
End Sub
Private Partial Sub Validate()
End Sub
Private ReadOnly _PropertySymbol As PropertySymbol
Public ReadOnly Property PropertySymbol As PropertySymbol
Return _PropertySymbol
End Get
End Property
Private ReadOnly _PropertyGroupOpt As BoundPropertyGroup
Public ReadOnly Property PropertyGroupOpt As BoundPropertyGroup
Return _PropertyGroupOpt
End Get
End Property
Private ReadOnly _AccessKind As PropertyAccessKind
Public ReadOnly Property AccessKind As PropertyAccessKind
Return _AccessKind
End Get
End Property
Private ReadOnly _IsWriteable As Boolean
Public ReadOnly Property IsWriteable As Boolean
Return _IsWriteable
End Get
End Property
Private ReadOnly _IsLValue As Boolean
Public Overrides ReadOnly Property IsLValue As Boolean
Return _IsLValue
End Get
End Property
Private ReadOnly _ReceiverOpt As BoundExpression
Public ReadOnly Property ReceiverOpt As BoundExpression
Return _ReceiverOpt
End Get
End Property
Private ReadOnly _Arguments As ImmutableArray(Of BoundExpression)
Public ReadOnly Property Arguments As ImmutableArray(Of BoundExpression)
Return _Arguments
End Get
End Property
Private ReadOnly _DefaultArguments As BitVector
Public ReadOnly Property DefaultArguments As BitVector
Return _DefaultArguments
End Get
End Property
Public Overrides Function Accept(visitor as BoundTreeVisitor) As BoundNode
Return visitor.VisitPropertyAccess(Me)
End Function
Public Function Update(propertySymbol As PropertySymbol, propertyGroupOpt As BoundPropertyGroup, accessKind As PropertyAccessKind, isWriteable As Boolean, isLValue As Boolean, receiverOpt As BoundExpression, arguments As ImmutableArray(Of BoundExpression), defaultArguments As BitVector, type As TypeSymbol) As BoundPropertyAccess
If propertySymbol IsNot Me.PropertySymbol OrElse propertyGroupOpt IsNot Me.PropertyGroupOpt OrElse accessKind <> Me.AccessKind OrElse isWriteable <> Me.IsWriteable OrElse isLValue <> Me.IsLValue OrElse receiverOpt IsNot Me.ReceiverOpt OrElse arguments <> Me.Arguments OrElse defaultArguments <> Me.DefaultArguments OrElse type IsNot Me.Type Then
Dim result = New BoundPropertyAccess(Me.Syntax, propertySymbol, propertyGroupOpt, accessKind, isWriteable, isLValue, receiverOpt, arguments, defaultArguments, type, Me.HasErrors)
Return result
End If
Return Me
End Function
End Class
Partial Friend NotInheritable Class BoundEventAccess
Inherits BoundExpression
Public Sub New(syntax As SyntaxNode, receiverOpt As BoundExpression, eventSymbol As EventSymbol, type As TypeSymbol, Optional hasErrors As Boolean = False)
MyBase.New(BoundKind.EventAccess, syntax, type, hasErrors OrElse receiverOpt.NonNullAndHasErrors())
Debug.Assert(eventSymbol IsNot Nothing, "Field 'eventSymbol' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Debug.Assert(type IsNot Nothing, "Field 'type' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Me._ReceiverOpt = receiverOpt
Me._EventSymbol = eventSymbol
End Sub
Private ReadOnly _ReceiverOpt As BoundExpression
Public ReadOnly Property ReceiverOpt As BoundExpression
Return _ReceiverOpt
End Get
End Property
Private ReadOnly _EventSymbol As EventSymbol
Public ReadOnly Property EventSymbol As EventSymbol
Return _EventSymbol
End Get
End Property
Public Overrides Function Accept(visitor as BoundTreeVisitor) As BoundNode
Return visitor.VisitEventAccess(Me)
End Function
Public Function Update(receiverOpt As BoundExpression, eventSymbol As EventSymbol, type As TypeSymbol) As BoundEventAccess
If receiverOpt IsNot Me.ReceiverOpt OrElse eventSymbol IsNot Me.EventSymbol OrElse type IsNot Me.Type Then
Dim result = New BoundEventAccess(Me.Syntax, receiverOpt, eventSymbol, type, Me.HasErrors)
Return result
End If
Return Me
End Function
End Class
Partial Friend NotInheritable Class BoundBlock
Inherits BoundStatement
Public Sub New(syntax As SyntaxNode, statementListSyntax As SyntaxList(Of StatementSyntax), locals As ImmutableArray(Of LocalSymbol), statements As ImmutableArray(Of BoundStatement), Optional hasErrors As Boolean = False)
MyBase.New(BoundKind.Block, syntax, hasErrors OrElse statements.NonNullAndHasErrors())
Debug.Assert(Not (locals.IsDefault), "Field 'locals' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Debug.Assert(Not (statements.IsDefault), "Field 'statements' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Me._StatementListSyntax = statementListSyntax
Me._Locals = locals
Me._Statements = statements
End Sub
Private ReadOnly _StatementListSyntax As SyntaxList(Of StatementSyntax)
Public ReadOnly Property StatementListSyntax As SyntaxList(Of StatementSyntax)
Return _StatementListSyntax
End Get
End Property
Private ReadOnly _Locals As ImmutableArray(Of LocalSymbol)
Public ReadOnly Property Locals As ImmutableArray(Of LocalSymbol)
Return _Locals
End Get
End Property
Private ReadOnly _Statements As ImmutableArray(Of BoundStatement)
Public ReadOnly Property Statements As ImmutableArray(Of BoundStatement)
Return _Statements
End Get
End Property
Public Overrides Function Accept(visitor as BoundTreeVisitor) As BoundNode
Return visitor.VisitBlock(Me)
End Function
Public Function Update(statementListSyntax As SyntaxList(Of StatementSyntax), locals As ImmutableArray(Of LocalSymbol), statements As ImmutableArray(Of BoundStatement)) As BoundBlock
If statementListSyntax <> Me.StatementListSyntax OrElse locals <> Me.Locals OrElse statements <> Me.Statements Then
Dim result = New BoundBlock(Me.Syntax, statementListSyntax, locals, statements, Me.HasErrors)
Return result
End If
Return Me
End Function
End Class
Partial Friend NotInheritable Class BoundStateMachineScope
Inherits BoundStatement
Public Sub New(syntax As SyntaxNode, fields As ImmutableArray(Of FieldSymbol), statement As BoundStatement, Optional hasErrors As Boolean = False)
MyBase.New(BoundKind.StateMachineScope, syntax, hasErrors OrElse statement.NonNullAndHasErrors())
Debug.Assert(Not (fields.IsDefault), "Field 'fields' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Debug.Assert(statement IsNot Nothing, "Field 'statement' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Me._Fields = fields
Me._Statement = statement
End Sub
Private ReadOnly _Fields As ImmutableArray(Of FieldSymbol)
Public ReadOnly Property Fields As ImmutableArray(Of FieldSymbol)
Return _Fields
End Get
End Property
Private ReadOnly _Statement As BoundStatement
Public ReadOnly Property Statement As BoundStatement
Return _Statement
End Get
End Property
Public Overrides Function Accept(visitor as BoundTreeVisitor) As BoundNode
Return visitor.VisitStateMachineScope(Me)
End Function
Public Function Update(fields As ImmutableArray(Of FieldSymbol), statement As BoundStatement) As BoundStateMachineScope
If fields <> Me.Fields OrElse statement IsNot Me.Statement Then
Dim result = New BoundStateMachineScope(Me.Syntax, fields, statement, Me.HasErrors)
Return result
End If
Return Me
End Function
End Class
Partial Friend MustInherit Class BoundLocalDeclarationBase
Inherits BoundStatement
Protected Sub New(kind As BoundKind, syntax as SyntaxNode, hasErrors As Boolean)
MyBase.New(kind, syntax, hasErrors)
End Sub
Protected Sub New(kind As BoundKind, syntax as SyntaxNode)
MyBase.New(kind, syntax)
End Sub
End Class
Partial Friend NotInheritable Class BoundLocalDeclaration
Inherits BoundLocalDeclarationBase
Public Sub New(syntax As SyntaxNode, localSymbol As LocalSymbol, declarationInitializerOpt As BoundExpression, identifierInitializerOpt As BoundArrayCreation, initializedByAsNew As Boolean, Optional hasErrors As Boolean = False)
MyBase.New(BoundKind.LocalDeclaration, syntax, hasErrors OrElse declarationInitializerOpt.NonNullAndHasErrors() OrElse identifierInitializerOpt.NonNullAndHasErrors())
Debug.Assert(localSymbol IsNot Nothing, "Field 'localSymbol' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Me._LocalSymbol = localSymbol
Me._DeclarationInitializerOpt = declarationInitializerOpt
Me._IdentifierInitializerOpt = identifierInitializerOpt
Me._InitializedByAsNew = initializedByAsNew
End Sub
Private Partial Sub Validate()
End Sub
Private ReadOnly _LocalSymbol As LocalSymbol
Public ReadOnly Property LocalSymbol As LocalSymbol
Return _LocalSymbol
End Get
End Property
Private ReadOnly _DeclarationInitializerOpt As BoundExpression
Public ReadOnly Property DeclarationInitializerOpt As BoundExpression
Return _DeclarationInitializerOpt
End Get
End Property
Private ReadOnly _IdentifierInitializerOpt As BoundArrayCreation
Public ReadOnly Property IdentifierInitializerOpt As BoundArrayCreation
Return _IdentifierInitializerOpt
End Get
End Property
Private ReadOnly _InitializedByAsNew As Boolean
Public ReadOnly Property InitializedByAsNew As Boolean
Return _InitializedByAsNew
End Get
End Property
Public Overrides Function Accept(visitor as BoundTreeVisitor) As BoundNode
Return visitor.VisitLocalDeclaration(Me)
End Function
Public Function Update(localSymbol As LocalSymbol, declarationInitializerOpt As BoundExpression, identifierInitializerOpt As BoundArrayCreation, initializedByAsNew As Boolean) As BoundLocalDeclaration
If localSymbol IsNot Me.LocalSymbol OrElse declarationInitializerOpt IsNot Me.DeclarationInitializerOpt OrElse identifierInitializerOpt IsNot Me.IdentifierInitializerOpt OrElse initializedByAsNew <> Me.InitializedByAsNew Then
Dim result = New BoundLocalDeclaration(Me.Syntax, localSymbol, declarationInitializerOpt, identifierInitializerOpt, initializedByAsNew, Me.HasErrors)
Return result
End If
Return Me
End Function
End Class
Partial Friend NotInheritable Class BoundAsNewLocalDeclarations
Inherits BoundLocalDeclarationBase
Public Sub New(syntax As SyntaxNode, localDeclarations As ImmutableArray(Of BoundLocalDeclaration), initializer As BoundExpression, binder As Binder, Optional hasErrors As Boolean = False)
MyBase.New(BoundKind.AsNewLocalDeclarations, syntax, hasErrors OrElse localDeclarations.NonNullAndHasErrors() OrElse initializer.NonNullAndHasErrors())
Debug.Assert(Not (localDeclarations.IsDefault), "Field 'localDeclarations' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Debug.Assert(initializer IsNot Nothing, "Field 'initializer' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Debug.Assert(binder IsNot Nothing, "Field 'binder' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Me._LocalDeclarations = localDeclarations
Me._Initializer = initializer
Me._Binder = binder
End Sub
Private ReadOnly _LocalDeclarations As ImmutableArray(Of BoundLocalDeclaration)
Public ReadOnly Property LocalDeclarations As ImmutableArray(Of BoundLocalDeclaration)
Return _LocalDeclarations
End Get
End Property
Private ReadOnly _Initializer As BoundExpression
Public ReadOnly Property Initializer As BoundExpression
Return _Initializer
End Get
End Property
Private ReadOnly _Binder As Binder
Public ReadOnly Property Binder As Binder
Return _Binder
End Get
End Property
Public Overrides Function Accept(visitor as BoundTreeVisitor) As BoundNode
Return visitor.VisitAsNewLocalDeclarations(Me)
End Function
Public Function Update(localDeclarations As ImmutableArray(Of BoundLocalDeclaration), initializer As BoundExpression, binder As Binder) As BoundAsNewLocalDeclarations
If localDeclarations <> Me.LocalDeclarations OrElse initializer IsNot Me.Initializer OrElse binder IsNot Me.Binder Then
Dim result = New BoundAsNewLocalDeclarations(Me.Syntax, localDeclarations, initializer, binder, Me.HasErrors)
Return result
End If
Return Me
End Function
End Class
Partial Friend NotInheritable Class BoundDimStatement
Inherits BoundStatement
Public Sub New(syntax As SyntaxNode, localDeclarations As ImmutableArray(Of BoundLocalDeclarationBase), initializerOpt As BoundExpression, Optional hasErrors As Boolean = False)
MyBase.New(BoundKind.DimStatement, syntax, hasErrors OrElse localDeclarations.NonNullAndHasErrors() OrElse initializerOpt.NonNullAndHasErrors())
Debug.Assert(Not (localDeclarations.IsDefault), "Field 'localDeclarations' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Me._LocalDeclarations = localDeclarations
Me._InitializerOpt = initializerOpt
End Sub
Private ReadOnly _LocalDeclarations As ImmutableArray(Of BoundLocalDeclarationBase)
Public ReadOnly Property LocalDeclarations As ImmutableArray(Of BoundLocalDeclarationBase)
Return _LocalDeclarations
End Get
End Property
Private ReadOnly _InitializerOpt As BoundExpression
Public ReadOnly Property InitializerOpt As BoundExpression
Return _InitializerOpt
End Get
End Property
Public Overrides Function Accept(visitor as BoundTreeVisitor) As BoundNode
Return visitor.VisitDimStatement(Me)
End Function
Public Function Update(localDeclarations As ImmutableArray(Of BoundLocalDeclarationBase), initializerOpt As BoundExpression) As BoundDimStatement
If localDeclarations <> Me.LocalDeclarations OrElse initializerOpt IsNot Me.InitializerOpt Then
Dim result = New BoundDimStatement(Me.Syntax, localDeclarations, initializerOpt, Me.HasErrors)
Return result
End If
Return Me
End Function
End Class
Partial Friend Class BoundInitializer
Inherits BoundStatement
Protected Sub New(kind As BoundKind, syntax as SyntaxNode, hasErrors As Boolean)
MyBase.New(kind, syntax, hasErrors)
End Sub
Protected Sub New(kind As BoundKind, syntax as SyntaxNode)
MyBase.New(kind, syntax)
End Sub
Public Sub New(syntax As SyntaxNode, hasErrors As Boolean)
MyBase.New(BoundKind.Initializer, syntax, hasErrors)
End Sub
Public Sub New(syntax As SyntaxNode)
MyBase.New(BoundKind.Initializer, syntax)
End Sub
Public Overrides Function Accept(visitor as BoundTreeVisitor) As BoundNode
Return visitor.VisitInitializer(Me)
End Function
End Class
Partial Friend MustInherit Class BoundFieldOrPropertyInitializer
Inherits BoundInitializer
Protected Sub New(kind As BoundKind, syntax as SyntaxNode, memberAccessExpressionOpt As BoundExpression, initialValue As BoundExpression, binderOpt As Binder, Optional hasErrors As Boolean = False)
MyBase.New(kind, syntax, hasErrors)
Debug.Assert(initialValue IsNot Nothing, "Field 'initialValue' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Me._MemberAccessExpressionOpt = memberAccessExpressionOpt
Me._InitialValue = initialValue
Me._BinderOpt = binderOpt
End Sub
Private ReadOnly _MemberAccessExpressionOpt As BoundExpression
Public ReadOnly Property MemberAccessExpressionOpt As BoundExpression
Return _MemberAccessExpressionOpt
End Get
End Property
Private ReadOnly _InitialValue As BoundExpression
Public ReadOnly Property InitialValue As BoundExpression
Return _InitialValue
End Get
End Property
Private ReadOnly _BinderOpt As Binder
Public ReadOnly Property BinderOpt As Binder
Return _BinderOpt
End Get
End Property
End Class
Partial Friend NotInheritable Class BoundFieldInitializer
Inherits BoundFieldOrPropertyInitializer
Public Sub New(syntax As SyntaxNode, initializedFields As ImmutableArray(Of FieldSymbol), memberAccessExpressionOpt As BoundExpression, initialValue As BoundExpression, binderOpt As Binder, Optional hasErrors As Boolean = False)
MyBase.New(BoundKind.FieldInitializer, syntax, memberAccessExpressionOpt, initialValue, binderOpt, hasErrors OrElse memberAccessExpressionOpt.NonNullAndHasErrors() OrElse initialValue.NonNullAndHasErrors())
Debug.Assert(Not (initializedFields.IsDefault), "Field 'initializedFields' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Debug.Assert(initialValue IsNot Nothing, "Field 'initialValue' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Me._InitializedFields = initializedFields
End Sub
Private ReadOnly _InitializedFields As ImmutableArray(Of FieldSymbol)
Public ReadOnly Property InitializedFields As ImmutableArray(Of FieldSymbol)
Return _InitializedFields
End Get
End Property
Public Overrides Function Accept(visitor as BoundTreeVisitor) As BoundNode
Return visitor.VisitFieldInitializer(Me)
End Function
Public Function Update(initializedFields As ImmutableArray(Of FieldSymbol), memberAccessExpressionOpt As BoundExpression, initialValue As BoundExpression, binderOpt As Binder) As BoundFieldInitializer
If initializedFields <> Me.InitializedFields OrElse memberAccessExpressionOpt IsNot Me.MemberAccessExpressionOpt OrElse initialValue IsNot Me.InitialValue OrElse binderOpt IsNot Me.BinderOpt Then
Dim result = New BoundFieldInitializer(Me.Syntax, initializedFields, memberAccessExpressionOpt, initialValue, binderOpt, Me.HasErrors)
Return result
End If
Return Me
End Function
End Class
Partial Friend NotInheritable Class BoundPropertyInitializer
Inherits BoundFieldOrPropertyInitializer
Public Sub New(syntax As SyntaxNode, initializedProperties As ImmutableArray(Of PropertySymbol), memberAccessExpressionOpt As BoundExpression, initialValue As BoundExpression, binderOpt As Binder, Optional hasErrors As Boolean = False)
MyBase.New(BoundKind.PropertyInitializer, syntax, memberAccessExpressionOpt, initialValue, binderOpt, hasErrors OrElse memberAccessExpressionOpt.NonNullAndHasErrors() OrElse initialValue.NonNullAndHasErrors())
Debug.Assert(Not (initializedProperties.IsDefault), "Field 'initializedProperties' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Debug.Assert(initialValue IsNot Nothing, "Field 'initialValue' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Me._InitializedProperties = initializedProperties
End Sub
Private ReadOnly _InitializedProperties As ImmutableArray(Of PropertySymbol)
Public ReadOnly Property InitializedProperties As ImmutableArray(Of PropertySymbol)
Return _InitializedProperties
End Get
End Property
Public Overrides Function Accept(visitor as BoundTreeVisitor) As BoundNode
Return visitor.VisitPropertyInitializer(Me)
End Function
Public Function Update(initializedProperties As ImmutableArray(Of PropertySymbol), memberAccessExpressionOpt As BoundExpression, initialValue As BoundExpression, binderOpt As Binder) As BoundPropertyInitializer
If initializedProperties <> Me.InitializedProperties OrElse memberAccessExpressionOpt IsNot Me.MemberAccessExpressionOpt OrElse initialValue IsNot Me.InitialValue OrElse binderOpt IsNot Me.BinderOpt Then
Dim result = New BoundPropertyInitializer(Me.Syntax, initializedProperties, memberAccessExpressionOpt, initialValue, binderOpt, Me.HasErrors)
Return result
End If
Return Me
End Function
End Class
Partial Friend NotInheritable Class BoundParameterEqualsValue
Inherits BoundNode
Public Sub New(syntax As SyntaxNode, parameter As ParameterSymbol, value As BoundExpression, Optional hasErrors As Boolean = False)
MyBase.New(BoundKind.ParameterEqualsValue, syntax, hasErrors OrElse value.NonNullAndHasErrors())
Debug.Assert(parameter IsNot Nothing, "Field 'parameter' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Debug.Assert(value IsNot Nothing, "Field 'value' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Me._Parameter = parameter
Me._Value = value
End Sub
Private ReadOnly _Parameter As ParameterSymbol
Public ReadOnly Property Parameter As ParameterSymbol
Return _Parameter
End Get
End Property
Private ReadOnly _Value As BoundExpression
Public ReadOnly Property Value As BoundExpression
Return _Value
End Get
End Property
Public Overrides Function Accept(visitor as BoundTreeVisitor) As BoundNode
Return visitor.VisitParameterEqualsValue(Me)
End Function
Public Function Update(parameter As ParameterSymbol, value As BoundExpression) As BoundParameterEqualsValue
If parameter IsNot Me.Parameter OrElse value IsNot Me.Value Then
Dim result = New BoundParameterEqualsValue(Me.Syntax, parameter, value, Me.HasErrors)
Return result
End If
Return Me
End Function
End Class
Partial Friend NotInheritable Class BoundGlobalStatementInitializer
Inherits BoundInitializer
Public Sub New(syntax As SyntaxNode, statement As BoundStatement, Optional hasErrors As Boolean = False)
MyBase.New(BoundKind.GlobalStatementInitializer, syntax, hasErrors OrElse statement.NonNullAndHasErrors())
Debug.Assert(statement IsNot Nothing, "Field 'statement' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Me._Statement = statement
End Sub
Private ReadOnly _Statement As BoundStatement
Public ReadOnly Property Statement As BoundStatement
Return _Statement
End Get
End Property
Public Overrides Function Accept(visitor as BoundTreeVisitor) As BoundNode
Return visitor.VisitGlobalStatementInitializer(Me)
End Function
Public Function Update(statement As BoundStatement) As BoundGlobalStatementInitializer
If statement IsNot Me.Statement Then
Dim result = New BoundGlobalStatementInitializer(Me.Syntax, statement, Me.HasErrors)
Return result
End If
Return Me
End Function
End Class
Partial Friend NotInheritable Class BoundSequence
Inherits BoundExpression
Public Sub New(syntax As SyntaxNode, locals As ImmutableArray(Of LocalSymbol), sideEffects As ImmutableArray(Of BoundExpression), valueOpt As BoundExpression, type As TypeSymbol, Optional hasErrors As Boolean = False)
MyBase.New(BoundKind.Sequence, syntax, type, hasErrors OrElse sideEffects.NonNullAndHasErrors() OrElse valueOpt.NonNullAndHasErrors())
Debug.Assert(Not (locals.IsDefault), "Field 'locals' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Debug.Assert(Not (sideEffects.IsDefault), "Field 'sideEffects' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Debug.Assert(type IsNot Nothing, "Field 'type' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Me._Locals = locals
Me._SideEffects = sideEffects
Me._ValueOpt = valueOpt
End Sub
Private Partial Sub Validate()
End Sub
Private ReadOnly _Locals As ImmutableArray(Of LocalSymbol)
Public ReadOnly Property Locals As ImmutableArray(Of LocalSymbol)
Return _Locals
End Get
End Property
Private ReadOnly _SideEffects As ImmutableArray(Of BoundExpression)
Public ReadOnly Property SideEffects As ImmutableArray(Of BoundExpression)
Return _SideEffects
End Get
End Property
Private ReadOnly _ValueOpt As BoundExpression
Public ReadOnly Property ValueOpt As BoundExpression
Return _ValueOpt
End Get
End Property
Public Overrides Function Accept(visitor as BoundTreeVisitor) As BoundNode
Return visitor.VisitSequence(Me)
End Function
Public Function Update(locals As ImmutableArray(Of LocalSymbol), sideEffects As ImmutableArray(Of BoundExpression), valueOpt As BoundExpression, type As TypeSymbol) As BoundSequence
If locals <> Me.Locals OrElse sideEffects <> Me.SideEffects OrElse valueOpt IsNot Me.ValueOpt OrElse type IsNot Me.Type Then
Dim result = New BoundSequence(Me.Syntax, locals, sideEffects, valueOpt, type, Me.HasErrors)
Return result
End If
Return Me
End Function
End Class
Partial Friend NotInheritable Class BoundExpressionStatement
Inherits BoundStatement
Public Sub New(syntax As SyntaxNode, expression As BoundExpression, Optional hasErrors As Boolean = False)
MyBase.New(BoundKind.ExpressionStatement, syntax, hasErrors OrElse expression.NonNullAndHasErrors())
Debug.Assert(expression IsNot Nothing, "Field 'expression' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Me._Expression = expression
End Sub
Private ReadOnly _Expression As BoundExpression
Public ReadOnly Property Expression As BoundExpression
Return _Expression
End Get
End Property
Public Overrides Function Accept(visitor as BoundTreeVisitor) As BoundNode
Return visitor.VisitExpressionStatement(Me)
End Function
Public Function Update(expression As BoundExpression) As BoundExpressionStatement
If expression IsNot Me.Expression Then
Dim result = New BoundExpressionStatement(Me.Syntax, expression, Me.HasErrors)
Return result
End If
Return Me
End Function
End Class
Partial Friend NotInheritable Class BoundIfStatement
Inherits BoundStatement
Public Sub New(syntax As SyntaxNode, condition As BoundExpression, consequence As BoundStatement, alternativeOpt As BoundStatement, Optional hasErrors As Boolean = False)
MyBase.New(BoundKind.IfStatement, syntax, hasErrors OrElse condition.NonNullAndHasErrors() OrElse consequence.NonNullAndHasErrors() OrElse alternativeOpt.NonNullAndHasErrors())
Debug.Assert(condition IsNot Nothing, "Field 'condition' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Debug.Assert(consequence IsNot Nothing, "Field 'consequence' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Me._Condition = condition
Me._Consequence = consequence
Me._AlternativeOpt = alternativeOpt
End Sub
Private ReadOnly _Condition As BoundExpression
Public ReadOnly Property Condition As BoundExpression
Return _Condition
End Get
End Property
Private ReadOnly _Consequence As BoundStatement
Public ReadOnly Property Consequence As BoundStatement
Return _Consequence
End Get
End Property
Private ReadOnly _AlternativeOpt As BoundStatement
Public ReadOnly Property AlternativeOpt As BoundStatement
Return _AlternativeOpt
End Get
End Property
Public Overrides Function Accept(visitor as BoundTreeVisitor) As BoundNode
Return visitor.VisitIfStatement(Me)
End Function
Public Function Update(condition As BoundExpression, consequence As BoundStatement, alternativeOpt As BoundStatement) As BoundIfStatement
If condition IsNot Me.Condition OrElse consequence IsNot Me.Consequence OrElse alternativeOpt IsNot Me.AlternativeOpt Then
Dim result = New BoundIfStatement(Me.Syntax, condition, consequence, alternativeOpt, Me.HasErrors)
Return result
End If
Return Me
End Function
End Class
Partial Friend NotInheritable Class BoundSelectStatement
Inherits BoundStatement
Public Sub New(syntax As SyntaxNode, expressionStatement As BoundExpressionStatement, exprPlaceholderOpt As BoundRValuePlaceholder, caseBlocks As ImmutableArray(Of BoundCaseBlock), recommendSwitchTable As Boolean, exitLabel As LabelSymbol, Optional hasErrors As Boolean = False)
MyBase.New(BoundKind.SelectStatement, syntax, hasErrors OrElse expressionStatement.NonNullAndHasErrors() OrElse exprPlaceholderOpt.NonNullAndHasErrors() OrElse caseBlocks.NonNullAndHasErrors())
Debug.Assert(expressionStatement IsNot Nothing, "Field 'expressionStatement' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Debug.Assert(Not (caseBlocks.IsDefault), "Field 'caseBlocks' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Debug.Assert(exitLabel IsNot Nothing, "Field 'exitLabel' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Me._ExpressionStatement = expressionStatement
Me._ExprPlaceholderOpt = exprPlaceholderOpt
Me._CaseBlocks = caseBlocks
Me._RecommendSwitchTable = recommendSwitchTable
Me._ExitLabel = exitLabel
End Sub
Private ReadOnly _ExpressionStatement As BoundExpressionStatement
Public ReadOnly Property ExpressionStatement As BoundExpressionStatement
Return _ExpressionStatement
End Get
End Property
Private ReadOnly _ExprPlaceholderOpt As BoundRValuePlaceholder
Public ReadOnly Property ExprPlaceholderOpt As BoundRValuePlaceholder
Return _ExprPlaceholderOpt
End Get
End Property
Private ReadOnly _CaseBlocks As ImmutableArray(Of BoundCaseBlock)
Public ReadOnly Property CaseBlocks As ImmutableArray(Of BoundCaseBlock)
Return _CaseBlocks
End Get
End Property
Private ReadOnly _RecommendSwitchTable As Boolean
Public ReadOnly Property RecommendSwitchTable As Boolean
Return _RecommendSwitchTable
End Get
End Property
Private ReadOnly _ExitLabel As LabelSymbol
Public ReadOnly Property ExitLabel As LabelSymbol
Return _ExitLabel
End Get
End Property
Public Overrides Function Accept(visitor as BoundTreeVisitor) As BoundNode
Return visitor.VisitSelectStatement(Me)
End Function
Public Function Update(expressionStatement As BoundExpressionStatement, exprPlaceholderOpt As BoundRValuePlaceholder, caseBlocks As ImmutableArray(Of BoundCaseBlock), recommendSwitchTable As Boolean, exitLabel As LabelSymbol) As BoundSelectStatement
If expressionStatement IsNot Me.ExpressionStatement OrElse exprPlaceholderOpt IsNot Me.ExprPlaceholderOpt OrElse caseBlocks <> Me.CaseBlocks OrElse recommendSwitchTable <> Me.RecommendSwitchTable OrElse exitLabel IsNot Me.ExitLabel Then
Dim result = New BoundSelectStatement(Me.Syntax, expressionStatement, exprPlaceholderOpt, caseBlocks, recommendSwitchTable, exitLabel, Me.HasErrors)
Return result
End If
Return Me
End Function
End Class
Partial Friend NotInheritable Class BoundCaseBlock
Inherits BoundStatement
Public Sub New(syntax As SyntaxNode, caseStatement As BoundCaseStatement, body As BoundBlock, Optional hasErrors As Boolean = False)
MyBase.New(BoundKind.CaseBlock, syntax, hasErrors OrElse caseStatement.NonNullAndHasErrors() OrElse body.NonNullAndHasErrors())
Debug.Assert(caseStatement IsNot Nothing, "Field 'caseStatement' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Debug.Assert(body IsNot Nothing, "Field 'body' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Me._CaseStatement = caseStatement
Me._Body = body
End Sub
Private ReadOnly _CaseStatement As BoundCaseStatement
Public ReadOnly Property CaseStatement As BoundCaseStatement
Return _CaseStatement
End Get
End Property
Private ReadOnly _Body As BoundBlock
Public ReadOnly Property Body As BoundBlock
Return _Body
End Get
End Property
Public Overrides Function Accept(visitor as BoundTreeVisitor) As BoundNode
Return visitor.VisitCaseBlock(Me)
End Function
Public Function Update(caseStatement As BoundCaseStatement, body As BoundBlock) As BoundCaseBlock
If caseStatement IsNot Me.CaseStatement OrElse body IsNot Me.Body Then
Dim result = New BoundCaseBlock(Me.Syntax, caseStatement, body, Me.HasErrors)
Return result
End If
Return Me
End Function
End Class
Partial Friend NotInheritable Class BoundCaseStatement
Inherits BoundStatement
Public Sub New(syntax As SyntaxNode, caseClauses As ImmutableArray(Of BoundCaseClause), conditionOpt As BoundExpression, Optional hasErrors As Boolean = False)
MyBase.New(BoundKind.CaseStatement, syntax, hasErrors OrElse caseClauses.NonNullAndHasErrors() OrElse conditionOpt.NonNullAndHasErrors())
Debug.Assert(Not (caseClauses.IsDefault), "Field 'caseClauses' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Me._CaseClauses = caseClauses
Me._ConditionOpt = conditionOpt
End Sub
Private ReadOnly _CaseClauses As ImmutableArray(Of BoundCaseClause)
Public ReadOnly Property CaseClauses As ImmutableArray(Of BoundCaseClause)
Return _CaseClauses
End Get
End Property
Private ReadOnly _ConditionOpt As BoundExpression
Public ReadOnly Property ConditionOpt As BoundExpression
Return _ConditionOpt
End Get
End Property
Public Overrides Function Accept(visitor as BoundTreeVisitor) As BoundNode
Return visitor.VisitCaseStatement(Me)
End Function
Public Function Update(caseClauses As ImmutableArray(Of BoundCaseClause), conditionOpt As BoundExpression) As BoundCaseStatement
If caseClauses <> Me.CaseClauses OrElse conditionOpt IsNot Me.ConditionOpt Then
Dim result = New BoundCaseStatement(Me.Syntax, caseClauses, conditionOpt, Me.HasErrors)
Return result
End If
Return Me
End Function
End Class
Partial Friend MustInherit Class BoundCaseClause
Inherits BoundNode
Protected Sub New(kind As BoundKind, syntax as SyntaxNode, hasErrors As Boolean)
MyBase.New(kind, syntax, hasErrors)
End Sub
Protected Sub New(kind As BoundKind, syntax as SyntaxNode)
MyBase.New(kind, syntax)
End Sub
End Class
Partial Friend MustInherit Class BoundSingleValueCaseClause
Inherits BoundCaseClause
Protected Sub New(kind As BoundKind, syntax as SyntaxNode, valueOpt As BoundExpression, conditionOpt As BoundExpression, Optional hasErrors As Boolean = False)
MyBase.New(kind, syntax, hasErrors)
Me._ValueOpt = valueOpt
Me._ConditionOpt = conditionOpt
End Sub
Private ReadOnly _ValueOpt As BoundExpression
Public ReadOnly Property ValueOpt As BoundExpression
Return _ValueOpt
End Get
End Property
Private ReadOnly _ConditionOpt As BoundExpression
Public ReadOnly Property ConditionOpt As BoundExpression
Return _ConditionOpt
End Get
End Property
End Class
Partial Friend NotInheritable Class BoundSimpleCaseClause
Inherits BoundSingleValueCaseClause
Public Sub New(syntax As SyntaxNode, valueOpt As BoundExpression, conditionOpt As BoundExpression, Optional hasErrors As Boolean = False)
MyBase.New(BoundKind.SimpleCaseClause, syntax, valueOpt, conditionOpt, hasErrors OrElse valueOpt.NonNullAndHasErrors() OrElse conditionOpt.NonNullAndHasErrors())
End Sub
Private Partial Sub Validate()
End Sub
Public Overrides Function Accept(visitor as BoundTreeVisitor) As BoundNode
Return visitor.VisitSimpleCaseClause(Me)
End Function
Public Function Update(valueOpt As BoundExpression, conditionOpt As BoundExpression) As BoundSimpleCaseClause
If valueOpt IsNot Me.ValueOpt OrElse conditionOpt IsNot Me.ConditionOpt Then
Dim result = New BoundSimpleCaseClause(Me.Syntax, valueOpt, conditionOpt, Me.HasErrors)
Return result
End If
Return Me
End Function
End Class
Partial Friend NotInheritable Class BoundRangeCaseClause
Inherits BoundCaseClause
Public Sub New(syntax As SyntaxNode, lowerBoundOpt As BoundExpression, upperBoundOpt As BoundExpression, lowerBoundConditionOpt As BoundExpression, upperBoundConditionOpt As BoundExpression, Optional hasErrors As Boolean = False)
MyBase.New(BoundKind.RangeCaseClause, syntax, hasErrors OrElse lowerBoundOpt.NonNullAndHasErrors() OrElse upperBoundOpt.NonNullAndHasErrors() OrElse lowerBoundConditionOpt.NonNullAndHasErrors() OrElse upperBoundConditionOpt.NonNullAndHasErrors())
Me._LowerBoundOpt = lowerBoundOpt
Me._UpperBoundOpt = upperBoundOpt
Me._LowerBoundConditionOpt = lowerBoundConditionOpt
Me._UpperBoundConditionOpt = upperBoundConditionOpt
End Sub
Private Partial Sub Validate()
End Sub
Private ReadOnly _LowerBoundOpt As BoundExpression
Public ReadOnly Property LowerBoundOpt As BoundExpression
Return _LowerBoundOpt
End Get
End Property
Private ReadOnly _UpperBoundOpt As BoundExpression
Public ReadOnly Property UpperBoundOpt As BoundExpression
Return _UpperBoundOpt
End Get
End Property
Private ReadOnly _LowerBoundConditionOpt As BoundExpression
Public ReadOnly Property LowerBoundConditionOpt As BoundExpression
Return _LowerBoundConditionOpt
End Get
End Property
Private ReadOnly _UpperBoundConditionOpt As BoundExpression
Public ReadOnly Property UpperBoundConditionOpt As BoundExpression
Return _UpperBoundConditionOpt
End Get
End Property
Public Overrides Function Accept(visitor as BoundTreeVisitor) As BoundNode
Return visitor.VisitRangeCaseClause(Me)
End Function
Public Function Update(lowerBoundOpt As BoundExpression, upperBoundOpt As BoundExpression, lowerBoundConditionOpt As BoundExpression, upperBoundConditionOpt As BoundExpression) As BoundRangeCaseClause
If lowerBoundOpt IsNot Me.LowerBoundOpt OrElse upperBoundOpt IsNot Me.UpperBoundOpt OrElse lowerBoundConditionOpt IsNot Me.LowerBoundConditionOpt OrElse upperBoundConditionOpt IsNot Me.UpperBoundConditionOpt Then
Dim result = New BoundRangeCaseClause(Me.Syntax, lowerBoundOpt, upperBoundOpt, lowerBoundConditionOpt, upperBoundConditionOpt, Me.HasErrors)
Return result
End If
Return Me
End Function
End Class
Partial Friend NotInheritable Class BoundRelationalCaseClause
Inherits BoundSingleValueCaseClause
Public Sub New(syntax As SyntaxNode, operatorKind As BinaryOperatorKind, valueOpt As BoundExpression, conditionOpt As BoundExpression, Optional hasErrors As Boolean = False)
MyBase.New(BoundKind.RelationalCaseClause, syntax, valueOpt, conditionOpt, hasErrors OrElse valueOpt.NonNullAndHasErrors() OrElse conditionOpt.NonNullAndHasErrors())
Me._OperatorKind = operatorKind
End Sub
Private Partial Sub Validate()
End Sub
Private ReadOnly _OperatorKind As BinaryOperatorKind
Public ReadOnly Property OperatorKind As BinaryOperatorKind
Return _OperatorKind
End Get
End Property
Public Overrides Function Accept(visitor as BoundTreeVisitor) As BoundNode
Return visitor.VisitRelationalCaseClause(Me)
End Function
Public Function Update(operatorKind As BinaryOperatorKind, valueOpt As BoundExpression, conditionOpt As BoundExpression) As BoundRelationalCaseClause
If operatorKind <> Me.OperatorKind OrElse valueOpt IsNot Me.ValueOpt OrElse conditionOpt IsNot Me.ConditionOpt Then
Dim result = New BoundRelationalCaseClause(Me.Syntax, operatorKind, valueOpt, conditionOpt, Me.HasErrors)
Return result
End If
Return Me
End Function
End Class
Partial Friend MustInherit Class BoundLoopStatement
Inherits BoundStatement
Protected Sub New(kind As BoundKind, syntax as SyntaxNode, continueLabel As LabelSymbol, exitLabel As LabelSymbol, hasErrors As Boolean)
MyBase.New(kind, syntax, hasErrors)
Debug.Assert(continueLabel IsNot Nothing, "Field 'continueLabel' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Debug.Assert(exitLabel IsNot Nothing, "Field 'exitLabel' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Me._ContinueLabel = continueLabel
Me._ExitLabel = exitLabel
End Sub
Protected Sub New(kind As BoundKind, syntax as SyntaxNode, continueLabel As LabelSymbol, exitLabel As LabelSymbol)
MyBase.New(kind, syntax)
Debug.Assert(continueLabel IsNot Nothing, "Field 'continueLabel' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Debug.Assert(exitLabel IsNot Nothing, "Field 'exitLabel' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Me._ContinueLabel = continueLabel
Me._ExitLabel = exitLabel
End Sub
Private ReadOnly _ContinueLabel As LabelSymbol
Public ReadOnly Property ContinueLabel As LabelSymbol
Return _ContinueLabel
End Get
End Property
Private ReadOnly _ExitLabel As LabelSymbol
Public ReadOnly Property ExitLabel As LabelSymbol
Return _ExitLabel
End Get
End Property
End Class
Partial Friend NotInheritable Class BoundDoLoopStatement
Inherits BoundLoopStatement
Public Sub New(syntax As SyntaxNode, topConditionOpt As BoundExpression, bottomConditionOpt As BoundExpression, topConditionIsUntil As Boolean, bottomConditionIsUntil As Boolean, body As BoundStatement, continueLabel As LabelSymbol, exitLabel As LabelSymbol, Optional hasErrors As Boolean = False)
MyBase.New(BoundKind.DoLoopStatement, syntax, continueLabel, exitLabel, hasErrors OrElse topConditionOpt.NonNullAndHasErrors() OrElse bottomConditionOpt.NonNullAndHasErrors() OrElse body.NonNullAndHasErrors())
Debug.Assert(body IsNot Nothing, "Field 'body' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Debug.Assert(continueLabel IsNot Nothing, "Field 'continueLabel' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Debug.Assert(exitLabel IsNot Nothing, "Field 'exitLabel' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Me._TopConditionOpt = topConditionOpt
Me._BottomConditionOpt = bottomConditionOpt
Me._TopConditionIsUntil = topConditionIsUntil
Me._BottomConditionIsUntil = bottomConditionIsUntil
Me._Body = body
End Sub
Private ReadOnly _TopConditionOpt As BoundExpression
Public ReadOnly Property TopConditionOpt As BoundExpression
Return _TopConditionOpt
End Get
End Property
Private ReadOnly _BottomConditionOpt As BoundExpression
Public ReadOnly Property BottomConditionOpt As BoundExpression
Return _BottomConditionOpt
End Get
End Property
Private ReadOnly _TopConditionIsUntil As Boolean
Public ReadOnly Property TopConditionIsUntil As Boolean
Return _TopConditionIsUntil
End Get
End Property
Private ReadOnly _BottomConditionIsUntil As Boolean
Public ReadOnly Property BottomConditionIsUntil As Boolean
Return _BottomConditionIsUntil
End Get
End Property
Private ReadOnly _Body As BoundStatement
Public ReadOnly Property Body As BoundStatement
Return _Body
End Get
End Property
Public Overrides Function Accept(visitor as BoundTreeVisitor) As BoundNode
Return visitor.VisitDoLoopStatement(Me)
End Function
Public Function Update(topConditionOpt As BoundExpression, bottomConditionOpt As BoundExpression, topConditionIsUntil As Boolean, bottomConditionIsUntil As Boolean, body As BoundStatement, continueLabel As LabelSymbol, exitLabel As LabelSymbol) As BoundDoLoopStatement
If topConditionOpt IsNot Me.TopConditionOpt OrElse bottomConditionOpt IsNot Me.BottomConditionOpt OrElse topConditionIsUntil <> Me.TopConditionIsUntil OrElse bottomConditionIsUntil <> Me.BottomConditionIsUntil OrElse body IsNot Me.Body OrElse continueLabel IsNot Me.ContinueLabel OrElse exitLabel IsNot Me.ExitLabel Then
Dim result = New BoundDoLoopStatement(Me.Syntax, topConditionOpt, bottomConditionOpt, topConditionIsUntil, bottomConditionIsUntil, body, continueLabel, exitLabel, Me.HasErrors)
Return result
End If
Return Me
End Function
End Class
Partial Friend NotInheritable Class BoundWhileStatement
Inherits BoundLoopStatement
Public Sub New(syntax As SyntaxNode, condition As BoundExpression, body As BoundStatement, continueLabel As LabelSymbol, exitLabel As LabelSymbol, Optional hasErrors As Boolean = False)
MyBase.New(BoundKind.WhileStatement, syntax, continueLabel, exitLabel, hasErrors OrElse condition.NonNullAndHasErrors() OrElse body.NonNullAndHasErrors())
Debug.Assert(condition IsNot Nothing, "Field 'condition' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Debug.Assert(body IsNot Nothing, "Field 'body' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Debug.Assert(continueLabel IsNot Nothing, "Field 'continueLabel' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Debug.Assert(exitLabel IsNot Nothing, "Field 'exitLabel' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Me._Condition = condition
Me._Body = body
End Sub
Private ReadOnly _Condition As BoundExpression
Public ReadOnly Property Condition As BoundExpression
Return _Condition
End Get
End Property
Private ReadOnly _Body As BoundStatement
Public ReadOnly Property Body As BoundStatement
Return _Body
End Get
End Property
Public Overrides Function Accept(visitor as BoundTreeVisitor) As BoundNode
Return visitor.VisitWhileStatement(Me)
End Function
Public Function Update(condition As BoundExpression, body As BoundStatement, continueLabel As LabelSymbol, exitLabel As LabelSymbol) As BoundWhileStatement
If condition IsNot Me.Condition OrElse body IsNot Me.Body OrElse continueLabel IsNot Me.ContinueLabel OrElse exitLabel IsNot Me.ExitLabel Then
Dim result = New BoundWhileStatement(Me.Syntax, condition, body, continueLabel, exitLabel, Me.HasErrors)
Return result
End If
Return Me
End Function
End Class
Partial Friend MustInherit Class BoundForStatement
Inherits BoundLoopStatement
Protected Sub New(kind As BoundKind, syntax as SyntaxNode, declaredOrInferredLocalOpt As LocalSymbol, controlVariable As BoundExpression, body As BoundStatement, nextVariablesOpt As ImmutableArray(Of BoundExpression), continueLabel As LabelSymbol, exitLabel As LabelSymbol, Optional hasErrors As Boolean = False)
MyBase.New(kind, syntax, continueLabel, exitLabel, hasErrors)
Debug.Assert(controlVariable IsNot Nothing, "Field 'controlVariable' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Debug.Assert(body IsNot Nothing, "Field 'body' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Debug.Assert(continueLabel IsNot Nothing, "Field 'continueLabel' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Debug.Assert(exitLabel IsNot Nothing, "Field 'exitLabel' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Me._DeclaredOrInferredLocalOpt = declaredOrInferredLocalOpt
Me._ControlVariable = controlVariable
Me._Body = body
Me._NextVariablesOpt = nextVariablesOpt
End Sub
Private ReadOnly _DeclaredOrInferredLocalOpt As LocalSymbol
Public ReadOnly Property DeclaredOrInferredLocalOpt As LocalSymbol
Return _DeclaredOrInferredLocalOpt
End Get
End Property
Private ReadOnly _ControlVariable As BoundExpression
Public ReadOnly Property ControlVariable As BoundExpression
Return _ControlVariable
End Get
End Property
Private ReadOnly _Body As BoundStatement
Public ReadOnly Property Body As BoundStatement
Return _Body
End Get
End Property
Private ReadOnly _NextVariablesOpt As ImmutableArray(Of BoundExpression)
Public ReadOnly Property NextVariablesOpt As ImmutableArray(Of BoundExpression)
Return _NextVariablesOpt
End Get
End Property
End Class
Partial Friend NotInheritable Class BoundForToUserDefinedOperators
Inherits BoundNode
Public Sub New(syntax As SyntaxNode, leftOperandPlaceholder As BoundRValuePlaceholder, rightOperandPlaceholder As BoundRValuePlaceholder, addition As BoundUserDefinedBinaryOperator, subtraction As BoundUserDefinedBinaryOperator, lessThanOrEqual As BoundExpression, greaterThanOrEqual As BoundExpression, Optional hasErrors As Boolean = False)
MyBase.New(BoundKind.ForToUserDefinedOperators, syntax, hasErrors OrElse leftOperandPlaceholder.NonNullAndHasErrors() OrElse rightOperandPlaceholder.NonNullAndHasErrors() OrElse addition.NonNullAndHasErrors() OrElse subtraction.NonNullAndHasErrors() OrElse lessThanOrEqual.NonNullAndHasErrors() OrElse greaterThanOrEqual.NonNullAndHasErrors())
Debug.Assert(leftOperandPlaceholder IsNot Nothing, "Field 'leftOperandPlaceholder' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Debug.Assert(rightOperandPlaceholder IsNot Nothing, "Field 'rightOperandPlaceholder' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Debug.Assert(addition IsNot Nothing, "Field 'addition' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Debug.Assert(subtraction IsNot Nothing, "Field 'subtraction' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Debug.Assert(lessThanOrEqual IsNot Nothing, "Field 'lessThanOrEqual' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Debug.Assert(greaterThanOrEqual IsNot Nothing, "Field 'greaterThanOrEqual' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Me._LeftOperandPlaceholder = leftOperandPlaceholder
Me._RightOperandPlaceholder = rightOperandPlaceholder
Me._Addition = addition
Me._Subtraction = subtraction
Me._LessThanOrEqual = lessThanOrEqual
Me._GreaterThanOrEqual = greaterThanOrEqual
End Sub
Private Partial Sub Validate()
End Sub
Private ReadOnly _LeftOperandPlaceholder As BoundRValuePlaceholder
Public ReadOnly Property LeftOperandPlaceholder As BoundRValuePlaceholder
Return _LeftOperandPlaceholder
End Get
End Property
Private ReadOnly _RightOperandPlaceholder As BoundRValuePlaceholder
Public ReadOnly Property RightOperandPlaceholder As BoundRValuePlaceholder
Return _RightOperandPlaceholder
End Get
End Property
Private ReadOnly _Addition As BoundUserDefinedBinaryOperator
Public ReadOnly Property Addition As BoundUserDefinedBinaryOperator
Return _Addition
End Get
End Property
Private ReadOnly _Subtraction As BoundUserDefinedBinaryOperator
Public ReadOnly Property Subtraction As BoundUserDefinedBinaryOperator
Return _Subtraction
End Get
End Property
Private ReadOnly _LessThanOrEqual As BoundExpression
Public ReadOnly Property LessThanOrEqual As BoundExpression
Return _LessThanOrEqual
End Get
End Property
Private ReadOnly _GreaterThanOrEqual As BoundExpression
Public ReadOnly Property GreaterThanOrEqual As BoundExpression
Return _GreaterThanOrEqual
End Get
End Property
Public Overrides Function Accept(visitor as BoundTreeVisitor) As BoundNode
Return visitor.VisitForToUserDefinedOperators(Me)
End Function
Public Function Update(leftOperandPlaceholder As BoundRValuePlaceholder, rightOperandPlaceholder As BoundRValuePlaceholder, addition As BoundUserDefinedBinaryOperator, subtraction As BoundUserDefinedBinaryOperator, lessThanOrEqual As BoundExpression, greaterThanOrEqual As BoundExpression) As BoundForToUserDefinedOperators
If leftOperandPlaceholder IsNot Me.LeftOperandPlaceholder OrElse rightOperandPlaceholder IsNot Me.RightOperandPlaceholder OrElse addition IsNot Me.Addition OrElse subtraction IsNot Me.Subtraction OrElse lessThanOrEqual IsNot Me.LessThanOrEqual OrElse greaterThanOrEqual IsNot Me.GreaterThanOrEqual Then
Dim result = New BoundForToUserDefinedOperators(Me.Syntax, leftOperandPlaceholder, rightOperandPlaceholder, addition, subtraction, lessThanOrEqual, greaterThanOrEqual, Me.HasErrors)
Return result
End If
Return Me
End Function
End Class
Partial Friend NotInheritable Class BoundForToStatement
Inherits BoundForStatement
Public Sub New(syntax As SyntaxNode, initialValue As BoundExpression, limitValue As BoundExpression, stepValue As BoundExpression, checked As Boolean, operatorsOpt As BoundForToUserDefinedOperators, declaredOrInferredLocalOpt As LocalSymbol, controlVariable As BoundExpression, body As BoundStatement, nextVariablesOpt As ImmutableArray(Of BoundExpression), continueLabel As LabelSymbol, exitLabel As LabelSymbol, Optional hasErrors As Boolean = False)
MyBase.New(BoundKind.ForToStatement, syntax, declaredOrInferredLocalOpt, controlVariable, body, nextVariablesOpt, continueLabel, exitLabel, hasErrors OrElse initialValue.NonNullAndHasErrors() OrElse limitValue.NonNullAndHasErrors() OrElse stepValue.NonNullAndHasErrors() OrElse operatorsOpt.NonNullAndHasErrors() OrElse controlVariable.NonNullAndHasErrors() OrElse body.NonNullAndHasErrors() OrElse nextVariablesOpt.NonNullAndHasErrors())
Debug.Assert(initialValue IsNot Nothing, "Field 'initialValue' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Debug.Assert(limitValue IsNot Nothing, "Field 'limitValue' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Debug.Assert(stepValue IsNot Nothing, "Field 'stepValue' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Debug.Assert(controlVariable IsNot Nothing, "Field 'controlVariable' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Debug.Assert(body IsNot Nothing, "Field 'body' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Debug.Assert(continueLabel IsNot Nothing, "Field 'continueLabel' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Debug.Assert(exitLabel IsNot Nothing, "Field 'exitLabel' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Me._InitialValue = initialValue
Me._LimitValue = limitValue
Me._StepValue = stepValue
Me._Checked = checked
Me._OperatorsOpt = operatorsOpt
End Sub
Private ReadOnly _InitialValue As BoundExpression
Public ReadOnly Property InitialValue As BoundExpression
Return _InitialValue
End Get
End Property
Private ReadOnly _LimitValue As BoundExpression
Public ReadOnly Property LimitValue As BoundExpression
Return _LimitValue
End Get
End Property
Private ReadOnly _StepValue As BoundExpression
Public ReadOnly Property StepValue As BoundExpression
Return _StepValue
End Get
End Property
Private ReadOnly _Checked As Boolean
Public ReadOnly Property Checked As Boolean
Return _Checked
End Get
End Property
Private ReadOnly _OperatorsOpt As BoundForToUserDefinedOperators
Public ReadOnly Property OperatorsOpt As BoundForToUserDefinedOperators
Return _OperatorsOpt
End Get
End Property
Public Overrides Function Accept(visitor as BoundTreeVisitor) As BoundNode
Return visitor.VisitForToStatement(Me)
End Function
Public Function Update(initialValue As BoundExpression, limitValue As BoundExpression, stepValue As BoundExpression, checked As Boolean, operatorsOpt As BoundForToUserDefinedOperators, declaredOrInferredLocalOpt As LocalSymbol, controlVariable As BoundExpression, body As BoundStatement, nextVariablesOpt As ImmutableArray(Of BoundExpression), continueLabel As LabelSymbol, exitLabel As LabelSymbol) As BoundForToStatement
If initialValue IsNot Me.InitialValue OrElse limitValue IsNot Me.LimitValue OrElse stepValue IsNot Me.StepValue OrElse checked <> Me.Checked OrElse operatorsOpt IsNot Me.OperatorsOpt OrElse declaredOrInferredLocalOpt IsNot Me.DeclaredOrInferredLocalOpt OrElse controlVariable IsNot Me.ControlVariable OrElse body IsNot Me.Body OrElse nextVariablesOpt <> Me.NextVariablesOpt OrElse continueLabel IsNot Me.ContinueLabel OrElse exitLabel IsNot Me.ExitLabel Then
Dim result = New BoundForToStatement(Me.Syntax, initialValue, limitValue, stepValue, checked, operatorsOpt, declaredOrInferredLocalOpt, controlVariable, body, nextVariablesOpt, continueLabel, exitLabel, Me.HasErrors)
Return result
End If
Return Me
End Function
End Class
Partial Friend NotInheritable Class BoundForEachStatement
Inherits BoundForStatement
Public Sub New(syntax As SyntaxNode, collection As BoundExpression, enumeratorInfo As ForEachEnumeratorInfo, declaredOrInferredLocalOpt As LocalSymbol, controlVariable As BoundExpression, body As BoundStatement, nextVariablesOpt As ImmutableArray(Of BoundExpression), continueLabel As LabelSymbol, exitLabel As LabelSymbol, Optional hasErrors As Boolean = False)
MyBase.New(BoundKind.ForEachStatement, syntax, declaredOrInferredLocalOpt, controlVariable, body, nextVariablesOpt, continueLabel, exitLabel, hasErrors OrElse collection.NonNullAndHasErrors() OrElse controlVariable.NonNullAndHasErrors() OrElse body.NonNullAndHasErrors() OrElse nextVariablesOpt.NonNullAndHasErrors())
Debug.Assert(collection IsNot Nothing, "Field 'collection' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Debug.Assert(enumeratorInfo IsNot Nothing, "Field 'enumeratorInfo' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Debug.Assert(controlVariable IsNot Nothing, "Field 'controlVariable' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Debug.Assert(body IsNot Nothing, "Field 'body' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Debug.Assert(continueLabel IsNot Nothing, "Field 'continueLabel' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Debug.Assert(exitLabel IsNot Nothing, "Field 'exitLabel' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Me._Collection = collection
Me._EnumeratorInfo = enumeratorInfo
End Sub
Private ReadOnly _Collection As BoundExpression
Public ReadOnly Property Collection As BoundExpression
Return _Collection
End Get
End Property
Private ReadOnly _EnumeratorInfo As ForEachEnumeratorInfo
Public ReadOnly Property EnumeratorInfo As ForEachEnumeratorInfo
Return _EnumeratorInfo
End Get
End Property
Public Overrides Function Accept(visitor as BoundTreeVisitor) As BoundNode
Return visitor.VisitForEachStatement(Me)
End Function
Public Function Update(collection As BoundExpression, enumeratorInfo As ForEachEnumeratorInfo, declaredOrInferredLocalOpt As LocalSymbol, controlVariable As BoundExpression, body As BoundStatement, nextVariablesOpt As ImmutableArray(Of BoundExpression), continueLabel As LabelSymbol, exitLabel As LabelSymbol) As BoundForEachStatement
If collection IsNot Me.Collection OrElse enumeratorInfo IsNot Me.EnumeratorInfo OrElse declaredOrInferredLocalOpt IsNot Me.DeclaredOrInferredLocalOpt OrElse controlVariable IsNot Me.ControlVariable OrElse body IsNot Me.Body OrElse nextVariablesOpt <> Me.NextVariablesOpt OrElse continueLabel IsNot Me.ContinueLabel OrElse exitLabel IsNot Me.ExitLabel Then
Dim result = New BoundForEachStatement(Me.Syntax, collection, enumeratorInfo, declaredOrInferredLocalOpt, controlVariable, body, nextVariablesOpt, continueLabel, exitLabel, Me.HasErrors)
Return result
End If
Return Me
End Function
End Class
Partial Friend NotInheritable Class BoundExitStatement
Inherits BoundStatement
Public Sub New(syntax As SyntaxNode, label As LabelSymbol, hasErrors As Boolean)
MyBase.New(BoundKind.ExitStatement, syntax, hasErrors)
Debug.Assert(label IsNot Nothing, "Field 'label' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Me._Label = label
End Sub
Public Sub New(syntax As SyntaxNode, label As LabelSymbol)
MyBase.New(BoundKind.ExitStatement, syntax)
Debug.Assert(label IsNot Nothing, "Field 'label' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Me._Label = label
End Sub
Private ReadOnly _Label As LabelSymbol
Public ReadOnly Property Label As LabelSymbol
Return _Label
End Get
End Property
Public Overrides Function Accept(visitor as BoundTreeVisitor) As BoundNode
Return visitor.VisitExitStatement(Me)
End Function
Public Function Update(label As LabelSymbol) As BoundExitStatement
If label IsNot Me.Label Then
Dim result = New BoundExitStatement(Me.Syntax, label, Me.HasErrors)
Return result
End If
Return Me
End Function
End Class
Partial Friend NotInheritable Class BoundContinueStatement
Inherits BoundStatement
Public Sub New(syntax As SyntaxNode, label As LabelSymbol, hasErrors As Boolean)
MyBase.New(BoundKind.ContinueStatement, syntax, hasErrors)
Debug.Assert(label IsNot Nothing, "Field 'label' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Me._Label = label
End Sub
Public Sub New(syntax As SyntaxNode, label As LabelSymbol)
MyBase.New(BoundKind.ContinueStatement, syntax)
Debug.Assert(label IsNot Nothing, "Field 'label' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Me._Label = label
End Sub
Private ReadOnly _Label As LabelSymbol
Public ReadOnly Property Label As LabelSymbol
Return _Label
End Get
End Property
Public Overrides Function Accept(visitor as BoundTreeVisitor) As BoundNode
Return visitor.VisitContinueStatement(Me)
End Function
Public Function Update(label As LabelSymbol) As BoundContinueStatement
If label IsNot Me.Label Then
Dim result = New BoundContinueStatement(Me.Syntax, label, Me.HasErrors)
Return result
End If
Return Me
End Function
End Class
Partial Friend NotInheritable Class BoundTryStatement
Inherits BoundStatement
Public Sub New(syntax As SyntaxNode, tryBlock As BoundBlock, catchBlocks As ImmutableArray(Of BoundCatchBlock), finallyBlockOpt As BoundBlock, exitLabelOpt As LabelSymbol, Optional hasErrors As Boolean = False)
MyBase.New(BoundKind.TryStatement, syntax, hasErrors OrElse tryBlock.NonNullAndHasErrors() OrElse catchBlocks.NonNullAndHasErrors() OrElse finallyBlockOpt.NonNullAndHasErrors())
Debug.Assert(tryBlock IsNot Nothing, "Field 'tryBlock' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Debug.Assert(Not (catchBlocks.IsDefault), "Field 'catchBlocks' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Me._TryBlock = tryBlock
Me._CatchBlocks = catchBlocks
Me._FinallyBlockOpt = finallyBlockOpt
Me._ExitLabelOpt = exitLabelOpt
End Sub
Private ReadOnly _TryBlock As BoundBlock
Public ReadOnly Property TryBlock As BoundBlock
Return _TryBlock
End Get
End Property
Private ReadOnly _CatchBlocks As ImmutableArray(Of BoundCatchBlock)
Public ReadOnly Property CatchBlocks As ImmutableArray(Of BoundCatchBlock)
Return _CatchBlocks
End Get
End Property
Private ReadOnly _FinallyBlockOpt As BoundBlock
Public ReadOnly Property FinallyBlockOpt As BoundBlock
Return _FinallyBlockOpt
End Get
End Property
Private ReadOnly _ExitLabelOpt As LabelSymbol
Public ReadOnly Property ExitLabelOpt As LabelSymbol
Return _ExitLabelOpt
End Get
End Property
Public Overrides Function Accept(visitor as BoundTreeVisitor) As BoundNode
Return visitor.VisitTryStatement(Me)
End Function
Public Function Update(tryBlock As BoundBlock, catchBlocks As ImmutableArray(Of BoundCatchBlock), finallyBlockOpt As BoundBlock, exitLabelOpt As LabelSymbol) As BoundTryStatement
If tryBlock IsNot Me.TryBlock OrElse catchBlocks <> Me.CatchBlocks OrElse finallyBlockOpt IsNot Me.FinallyBlockOpt OrElse exitLabelOpt IsNot Me.ExitLabelOpt Then
Dim result = New BoundTryStatement(Me.Syntax, tryBlock, catchBlocks, finallyBlockOpt, exitLabelOpt, Me.HasErrors)
Return result
End If
Return Me
End Function
End Class
Partial Friend NotInheritable Class BoundCatchBlock
Inherits BoundNode
Public Sub New(syntax As SyntaxNode, localOpt As LocalSymbol, exceptionSourceOpt As BoundExpression, errorLineNumberOpt As BoundExpression, exceptionFilterOpt As BoundExpression, body As BoundBlock, isSynthesizedAsyncCatchAll As Boolean, Optional hasErrors As Boolean = False)
MyBase.New(BoundKind.CatchBlock, syntax, hasErrors OrElse exceptionSourceOpt.NonNullAndHasErrors() OrElse errorLineNumberOpt.NonNullAndHasErrors() OrElse exceptionFilterOpt.NonNullAndHasErrors() OrElse body.NonNullAndHasErrors())
Debug.Assert(body IsNot Nothing, "Field 'body' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Me._LocalOpt = localOpt
Me._ExceptionSourceOpt = exceptionSourceOpt
Me._ErrorLineNumberOpt = errorLineNumberOpt
Me._ExceptionFilterOpt = exceptionFilterOpt
Me._Body = body
Me._IsSynthesizedAsyncCatchAll = isSynthesizedAsyncCatchAll
End Sub
Private ReadOnly _LocalOpt As LocalSymbol
Public ReadOnly Property LocalOpt As LocalSymbol
Return _LocalOpt
End Get
End Property
Private ReadOnly _ExceptionSourceOpt As BoundExpression
Public ReadOnly Property ExceptionSourceOpt As BoundExpression
Return _ExceptionSourceOpt
End Get
End Property
Private ReadOnly _ErrorLineNumberOpt As BoundExpression
Public ReadOnly Property ErrorLineNumberOpt As BoundExpression
Return _ErrorLineNumberOpt
End Get
End Property
Private ReadOnly _ExceptionFilterOpt As BoundExpression
Public ReadOnly Property ExceptionFilterOpt As BoundExpression
Return _ExceptionFilterOpt
End Get
End Property
Private ReadOnly _Body As BoundBlock
Public ReadOnly Property Body As BoundBlock
Return _Body
End Get
End Property
Private ReadOnly _IsSynthesizedAsyncCatchAll As Boolean
Public ReadOnly Property IsSynthesizedAsyncCatchAll As Boolean
Return _IsSynthesizedAsyncCatchAll
End Get
End Property
Public Overrides Function Accept(visitor as BoundTreeVisitor) As BoundNode
Return visitor.VisitCatchBlock(Me)
End Function
Public Function Update(localOpt As LocalSymbol, exceptionSourceOpt As BoundExpression, errorLineNumberOpt As BoundExpression, exceptionFilterOpt As BoundExpression, body As BoundBlock, isSynthesizedAsyncCatchAll As Boolean) As BoundCatchBlock
If localOpt IsNot Me.LocalOpt OrElse exceptionSourceOpt IsNot Me.ExceptionSourceOpt OrElse errorLineNumberOpt IsNot Me.ErrorLineNumberOpt OrElse exceptionFilterOpt IsNot Me.ExceptionFilterOpt OrElse body IsNot Me.Body OrElse isSynthesizedAsyncCatchAll <> Me.IsSynthesizedAsyncCatchAll Then
Dim result = New BoundCatchBlock(Me.Syntax, localOpt, exceptionSourceOpt, errorLineNumberOpt, exceptionFilterOpt, body, isSynthesizedAsyncCatchAll, Me.HasErrors)
Return result
End If
Return Me
End Function
End Class
Partial Friend NotInheritable Class BoundLiteral
Inherits BoundExpression
Public Sub New(syntax As SyntaxNode, value As ConstantValue, type As TypeSymbol, hasErrors As Boolean)
MyBase.New(BoundKind.Literal, syntax, type, hasErrors)
Debug.Assert(value IsNot Nothing, "Field 'value' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Me._Value = value
End Sub
Private Partial Sub Validate()
End Sub
Public Sub New(syntax As SyntaxNode, value As ConstantValue, type As TypeSymbol)
MyBase.New(BoundKind.Literal, syntax, type)
Debug.Assert(value IsNot Nothing, "Field 'value' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Me._Value = value
End Sub
Private ReadOnly _Value As ConstantValue
Public ReadOnly Property Value As ConstantValue
Return _Value
End Get
End Property
Public Overrides Function Accept(visitor as BoundTreeVisitor) As BoundNode
Return visitor.VisitLiteral(Me)
End Function
Public Function Update(value As ConstantValue, type As TypeSymbol) As BoundLiteral
If value IsNot Me.Value OrElse type IsNot Me.Type Then
Dim result = New BoundLiteral(Me.Syntax, value, type, Me.HasErrors)
Return result
End If
Return Me
End Function
End Class
Partial Friend NotInheritable Class BoundMeReference
Inherits BoundExpression
Public Sub New(syntax As SyntaxNode, type As TypeSymbol, hasErrors As Boolean)
MyBase.New(BoundKind.MeReference, syntax, type, hasErrors)
Debug.Assert(type IsNot Nothing, "Field 'type' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
End Sub
Public Sub New(syntax As SyntaxNode, type As TypeSymbol)
MyBase.New(BoundKind.MeReference, syntax, type)
Debug.Assert(type IsNot Nothing, "Field 'type' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
End Sub
Public Overrides Function Accept(visitor as BoundTreeVisitor) As BoundNode
Return visitor.VisitMeReference(Me)
End Function
Public Function Update(type As TypeSymbol) As BoundMeReference
If type IsNot Me.Type Then
Dim result = New BoundMeReference(Me.Syntax, type, Me.HasErrors)
Return result
End If
Return Me
End Function
End Class
Partial Friend NotInheritable Class BoundValueTypeMeReference
Inherits BoundExpression
Public Sub New(syntax As SyntaxNode, type As TypeSymbol, hasErrors As Boolean)
MyBase.New(BoundKind.ValueTypeMeReference, syntax, type, hasErrors)
Debug.Assert(type IsNot Nothing, "Field 'type' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
End Sub
Private Partial Sub Validate()
End Sub
Public Sub New(syntax As SyntaxNode, type As TypeSymbol)
MyBase.New(BoundKind.ValueTypeMeReference, syntax, type)
Debug.Assert(type IsNot Nothing, "Field 'type' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
End Sub
Public Overrides Function Accept(visitor as BoundTreeVisitor) As BoundNode
Return visitor.VisitValueTypeMeReference(Me)
End Function
Public Function Update(type As TypeSymbol) As BoundValueTypeMeReference
If type IsNot Me.Type Then
Dim result = New BoundValueTypeMeReference(Me.Syntax, type, Me.HasErrors)
Return result
End If
Return Me
End Function
End Class
Partial Friend NotInheritable Class BoundMyBaseReference
Inherits BoundExpression
Public Sub New(syntax As SyntaxNode, type As TypeSymbol, hasErrors As Boolean)
MyBase.New(BoundKind.MyBaseReference, syntax, type, hasErrors)
Debug.Assert(type IsNot Nothing, "Field 'type' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
End Sub
Public Sub New(syntax As SyntaxNode, type As TypeSymbol)
MyBase.New(BoundKind.MyBaseReference, syntax, type)
Debug.Assert(type IsNot Nothing, "Field 'type' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
End Sub
Public Overrides Function Accept(visitor as BoundTreeVisitor) As BoundNode
Return visitor.VisitMyBaseReference(Me)
End Function
Public Function Update(type As TypeSymbol) As BoundMyBaseReference
If type IsNot Me.Type Then
Dim result = New BoundMyBaseReference(Me.Syntax, type, Me.HasErrors)
Return result
End If
Return Me
End Function
End Class
Partial Friend NotInheritable Class BoundMyClassReference
Inherits BoundExpression
Public Sub New(syntax As SyntaxNode, type As TypeSymbol, hasErrors As Boolean)
MyBase.New(BoundKind.MyClassReference, syntax, type, hasErrors)
Debug.Assert(type IsNot Nothing, "Field 'type' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
End Sub
Public Sub New(syntax As SyntaxNode, type As TypeSymbol)
MyBase.New(BoundKind.MyClassReference, syntax, type)
Debug.Assert(type IsNot Nothing, "Field 'type' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
End Sub
Public Overrides Function Accept(visitor as BoundTreeVisitor) As BoundNode
Return visitor.VisitMyClassReference(Me)
End Function
Public Function Update(type As TypeSymbol) As BoundMyClassReference
If type IsNot Me.Type Then
Dim result = New BoundMyClassReference(Me.Syntax, type, Me.HasErrors)
Return result
End If
Return Me
End Function
End Class
Partial Friend NotInheritable Class BoundPreviousSubmissionReference
Inherits BoundExpression
Public Sub New(syntax As SyntaxNode, sourceType As NamedTypeSymbol, type As TypeSymbol, hasErrors As Boolean)
MyBase.New(BoundKind.PreviousSubmissionReference, syntax, type, hasErrors)
Debug.Assert(sourceType IsNot Nothing, "Field 'sourceType' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Debug.Assert(type IsNot Nothing, "Field 'type' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Me._SourceType = sourceType
End Sub
Public Sub New(syntax As SyntaxNode, sourceType As NamedTypeSymbol, type As TypeSymbol)
MyBase.New(BoundKind.PreviousSubmissionReference, syntax, type)
Debug.Assert(sourceType IsNot Nothing, "Field 'sourceType' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Debug.Assert(type IsNot Nothing, "Field 'type' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Me._SourceType = sourceType
End Sub
Private ReadOnly _SourceType As NamedTypeSymbol
Public ReadOnly Property SourceType As NamedTypeSymbol
Return _SourceType
End Get
End Property
Public Overrides Function Accept(visitor as BoundTreeVisitor) As BoundNode
Return visitor.VisitPreviousSubmissionReference(Me)
End Function
Public Function Update(sourceType As NamedTypeSymbol, type As TypeSymbol) As BoundPreviousSubmissionReference
If sourceType IsNot Me.SourceType OrElse type IsNot Me.Type Then
Dim result = New BoundPreviousSubmissionReference(Me.Syntax, sourceType, type, Me.HasErrors)
Return result
End If
Return Me
End Function
End Class
Partial Friend NotInheritable Class BoundHostObjectMemberReference
Inherits BoundExpression
Public Sub New(syntax As SyntaxNode, type As TypeSymbol, hasErrors As Boolean)
MyBase.New(BoundKind.HostObjectMemberReference, syntax, type, hasErrors)
Debug.Assert(type IsNot Nothing, "Field 'type' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
End Sub
Public Sub New(syntax As SyntaxNode, type As TypeSymbol)
MyBase.New(BoundKind.HostObjectMemberReference, syntax, type)
Debug.Assert(type IsNot Nothing, "Field 'type' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
End Sub
Public Overrides Function Accept(visitor as BoundTreeVisitor) As BoundNode
Return visitor.VisitHostObjectMemberReference(Me)
End Function
Public Function Update(type As TypeSymbol) As BoundHostObjectMemberReference
If type IsNot Me.Type Then
Dim result = New BoundHostObjectMemberReference(Me.Syntax, type, Me.HasErrors)
Return result
End If
Return Me
End Function
End Class
Partial Friend NotInheritable Class BoundLocal
Inherits BoundExpression
Public Sub New(syntax As SyntaxNode, localSymbol As LocalSymbol, isLValue As Boolean, type As TypeSymbol, hasErrors As Boolean)
MyBase.New(BoundKind.Local, syntax, type, hasErrors)
Debug.Assert(localSymbol IsNot Nothing, "Field 'localSymbol' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Debug.Assert(type IsNot Nothing, "Field 'type' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Me._LocalSymbol = localSymbol
Me._IsLValue = isLValue
End Sub
Private Partial Sub Validate()
End Sub
Public Sub New(syntax As SyntaxNode, localSymbol As LocalSymbol, isLValue As Boolean, type As TypeSymbol)
MyBase.New(BoundKind.Local, syntax, type)
Debug.Assert(localSymbol IsNot Nothing, "Field 'localSymbol' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Debug.Assert(type IsNot Nothing, "Field 'type' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Me._LocalSymbol = localSymbol
Me._IsLValue = isLValue
End Sub
Private ReadOnly _LocalSymbol As LocalSymbol
Public ReadOnly Property LocalSymbol As LocalSymbol
Return _LocalSymbol
End Get
End Property
Private ReadOnly _IsLValue As Boolean
Public Overrides ReadOnly Property IsLValue As Boolean
Return _IsLValue
End Get
End Property
Public Overrides Function Accept(visitor as BoundTreeVisitor) As BoundNode
Return visitor.VisitLocal(Me)
End Function
Public Function Update(localSymbol As LocalSymbol, isLValue As Boolean, type As TypeSymbol) As BoundLocal
If localSymbol IsNot Me.LocalSymbol OrElse isLValue <> Me.IsLValue OrElse type IsNot Me.Type Then
Dim result = New BoundLocal(Me.Syntax, localSymbol, isLValue, type, Me.HasErrors)
Return result
End If
Return Me
End Function
End Class
Partial Friend NotInheritable Class BoundPseudoVariable
Inherits BoundExpression
Public Sub New(syntax As SyntaxNode, localSymbol As LocalSymbol, isLValue As Boolean, emitExpressions As PseudoVariableExpressions, type As TypeSymbol, hasErrors As Boolean)
MyBase.New(BoundKind.PseudoVariable, syntax, type, hasErrors)
Debug.Assert(localSymbol IsNot Nothing, "Field 'localSymbol' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Debug.Assert(emitExpressions IsNot Nothing, "Field 'emitExpressions' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Debug.Assert(type IsNot Nothing, "Field 'type' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Me._LocalSymbol = localSymbol
Me._IsLValue = isLValue
Me._EmitExpressions = emitExpressions
End Sub
Private Partial Sub Validate()
End Sub
Public Sub New(syntax As SyntaxNode, localSymbol As LocalSymbol, isLValue As Boolean, emitExpressions As PseudoVariableExpressions, type As TypeSymbol)
MyBase.New(BoundKind.PseudoVariable, syntax, type)
Debug.Assert(localSymbol IsNot Nothing, "Field 'localSymbol' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Debug.Assert(emitExpressions IsNot Nothing, "Field 'emitExpressions' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Debug.Assert(type IsNot Nothing, "Field 'type' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Me._LocalSymbol = localSymbol
Me._IsLValue = isLValue
Me._EmitExpressions = emitExpressions
End Sub
Private ReadOnly _LocalSymbol As LocalSymbol
Public ReadOnly Property LocalSymbol As LocalSymbol
Return _LocalSymbol
End Get
End Property
Private ReadOnly _IsLValue As Boolean
Public Overrides ReadOnly Property IsLValue As Boolean
Return _IsLValue
End Get
End Property
Private ReadOnly _EmitExpressions As PseudoVariableExpressions
Public ReadOnly Property EmitExpressions As PseudoVariableExpressions
Return _EmitExpressions
End Get
End Property
Public Overrides Function Accept(visitor as BoundTreeVisitor) As BoundNode
Return visitor.VisitPseudoVariable(Me)
End Function
Public Function Update(localSymbol As LocalSymbol, isLValue As Boolean, emitExpressions As PseudoVariableExpressions, type As TypeSymbol) As BoundPseudoVariable
If localSymbol IsNot Me.LocalSymbol OrElse isLValue <> Me.IsLValue OrElse emitExpressions IsNot Me.EmitExpressions OrElse type IsNot Me.Type Then
Dim result = New BoundPseudoVariable(Me.Syntax, localSymbol, isLValue, emitExpressions, type, Me.HasErrors)
Return result
End If
Return Me
End Function
End Class
Partial Friend NotInheritable Class BoundParameter
Inherits BoundExpression
Public Sub New(syntax As SyntaxNode, parameterSymbol As ParameterSymbol, isLValue As Boolean, suppressVirtualCalls As Boolean, type As TypeSymbol, hasErrors As Boolean)
MyBase.New(BoundKind.Parameter, syntax, type, hasErrors)
Debug.Assert(parameterSymbol IsNot Nothing, "Field 'parameterSymbol' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Debug.Assert(type IsNot Nothing, "Field 'type' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Me._ParameterSymbol = parameterSymbol
Me._IsLValue = isLValue
Me._SuppressVirtualCalls = suppressVirtualCalls
End Sub
Public Sub New(syntax As SyntaxNode, parameterSymbol As ParameterSymbol, isLValue As Boolean, suppressVirtualCalls As Boolean, type As TypeSymbol)
MyBase.New(BoundKind.Parameter, syntax, type)
Debug.Assert(parameterSymbol IsNot Nothing, "Field 'parameterSymbol' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Debug.Assert(type IsNot Nothing, "Field 'type' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Me._ParameterSymbol = parameterSymbol
Me._IsLValue = isLValue
Me._SuppressVirtualCalls = suppressVirtualCalls
End Sub
Private ReadOnly _ParameterSymbol As ParameterSymbol
Public ReadOnly Property ParameterSymbol As ParameterSymbol
Return _ParameterSymbol
End Get
End Property
Private ReadOnly _IsLValue As Boolean
Public Overrides ReadOnly Property IsLValue As Boolean
Return _IsLValue
End Get
End Property
Private ReadOnly _SuppressVirtualCalls As Boolean
Public Overrides ReadOnly Property SuppressVirtualCalls As Boolean
Return _SuppressVirtualCalls
End Get
End Property
Public Overrides Function Accept(visitor as BoundTreeVisitor) As BoundNode
Return visitor.VisitParameter(Me)
End Function
Public Function Update(parameterSymbol As ParameterSymbol, isLValue As Boolean, suppressVirtualCalls As Boolean, type As TypeSymbol) As BoundParameter
If parameterSymbol IsNot Me.ParameterSymbol OrElse isLValue <> Me.IsLValue OrElse suppressVirtualCalls <> Me.SuppressVirtualCalls OrElse type IsNot Me.Type Then
Dim result = New BoundParameter(Me.Syntax, parameterSymbol, isLValue, suppressVirtualCalls, type, Me.HasErrors)
Return result
End If
Return Me
End Function
End Class
Partial Friend NotInheritable Class BoundByRefArgumentPlaceholder
Inherits BoundValuePlaceholderBase
Public Sub New(syntax As SyntaxNode, isOut As Boolean, type As TypeSymbol, hasErrors As Boolean)
MyBase.New(BoundKind.ByRefArgumentPlaceholder, syntax, type, hasErrors)
Debug.Assert(type IsNot Nothing, "Field 'type' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Me._IsOut = isOut
End Sub
Public Sub New(syntax As SyntaxNode, isOut As Boolean, type As TypeSymbol)
MyBase.New(BoundKind.ByRefArgumentPlaceholder, syntax, type)
Debug.Assert(type IsNot Nothing, "Field 'type' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Me._IsOut = isOut
End Sub
Private ReadOnly _IsOut As Boolean
Public ReadOnly Property IsOut As Boolean
Return _IsOut
End Get
End Property
Public Overrides Function Accept(visitor as BoundTreeVisitor) As BoundNode
Return visitor.VisitByRefArgumentPlaceholder(Me)
End Function
Public Function Update(isOut As Boolean, type As TypeSymbol) As BoundByRefArgumentPlaceholder
If isOut <> Me.IsOut OrElse type IsNot Me.Type Then
Dim result = New BoundByRefArgumentPlaceholder(Me.Syntax, isOut, type, Me.HasErrors)
Return result
End If
Return Me
End Function
End Class
Partial Friend NotInheritable Class BoundByRefArgumentWithCopyBack
Inherits BoundExpression
Public Sub New(syntax As SyntaxNode, originalArgument As BoundExpression, inConversion As BoundExpression, inPlaceholder As BoundByRefArgumentPlaceholder, outConversion As BoundExpression, outPlaceholder As BoundRValuePlaceholder, type As TypeSymbol, Optional hasErrors As Boolean = False)
MyBase.New(BoundKind.ByRefArgumentWithCopyBack, syntax, type, hasErrors OrElse originalArgument.NonNullAndHasErrors() OrElse inConversion.NonNullAndHasErrors() OrElse inPlaceholder.NonNullAndHasErrors() OrElse outConversion.NonNullAndHasErrors() OrElse outPlaceholder.NonNullAndHasErrors())
Debug.Assert(originalArgument IsNot Nothing, "Field 'originalArgument' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Debug.Assert(inConversion IsNot Nothing, "Field 'inConversion' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Debug.Assert(inPlaceholder IsNot Nothing, "Field 'inPlaceholder' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Debug.Assert(outConversion IsNot Nothing, "Field 'outConversion' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Debug.Assert(outPlaceholder IsNot Nothing, "Field 'outPlaceholder' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Me._OriginalArgument = originalArgument
Me._InConversion = inConversion
Me._InPlaceholder = inPlaceholder
Me._OutConversion = outConversion
Me._OutPlaceholder = outPlaceholder
End Sub
Private Partial Sub Validate()
End Sub
Private ReadOnly _OriginalArgument As BoundExpression
Public ReadOnly Property OriginalArgument As BoundExpression
Return _OriginalArgument
End Get
End Property
Private ReadOnly _InConversion As BoundExpression
Public ReadOnly Property InConversion As BoundExpression
Return _InConversion
End Get
End Property
Private ReadOnly _InPlaceholder As BoundByRefArgumentPlaceholder
Public ReadOnly Property InPlaceholder As BoundByRefArgumentPlaceholder
Return _InPlaceholder
End Get
End Property
Private ReadOnly _OutConversion As BoundExpression
Public ReadOnly Property OutConversion As BoundExpression
Return _OutConversion
End Get
End Property
Private ReadOnly _OutPlaceholder As BoundRValuePlaceholder
Public ReadOnly Property OutPlaceholder As BoundRValuePlaceholder
Return _OutPlaceholder
End Get
End Property
Public Overrides Function Accept(visitor as BoundTreeVisitor) As BoundNode
Return visitor.VisitByRefArgumentWithCopyBack(Me)
End Function
Public Function Update(originalArgument As BoundExpression, inConversion As BoundExpression, inPlaceholder As BoundByRefArgumentPlaceholder, outConversion As BoundExpression, outPlaceholder As BoundRValuePlaceholder, type As TypeSymbol) As BoundByRefArgumentWithCopyBack
If originalArgument IsNot Me.OriginalArgument OrElse inConversion IsNot Me.InConversion OrElse inPlaceholder IsNot Me.InPlaceholder OrElse outConversion IsNot Me.OutConversion OrElse outPlaceholder IsNot Me.OutPlaceholder OrElse type IsNot Me.Type Then
Dim result = New BoundByRefArgumentWithCopyBack(Me.Syntax, originalArgument, inConversion, inPlaceholder, outConversion, outPlaceholder, type, Me.HasErrors)
Return result
End If
Return Me
End Function
End Class
Partial Friend NotInheritable Class BoundLateBoundArgumentSupportingAssignmentWithCapture
Inherits BoundExpression
Public Sub New(syntax As SyntaxNode, originalArgument As BoundExpression, localSymbol As SynthesizedLocal, type As TypeSymbol, Optional hasErrors As Boolean = False)
MyBase.New(BoundKind.LateBoundArgumentSupportingAssignmentWithCapture, syntax, type, hasErrors OrElse originalArgument.NonNullAndHasErrors())
Debug.Assert(originalArgument IsNot Nothing, "Field 'originalArgument' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Debug.Assert(localSymbol IsNot Nothing, "Field 'localSymbol' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Me._OriginalArgument = originalArgument
Me._LocalSymbol = localSymbol
End Sub
Private Partial Sub Validate()
End Sub
Private ReadOnly _OriginalArgument As BoundExpression
Public ReadOnly Property OriginalArgument As BoundExpression
Return _OriginalArgument
End Get
End Property
Private ReadOnly _LocalSymbol As SynthesizedLocal
Public ReadOnly Property LocalSymbol As SynthesizedLocal
Return _LocalSymbol
End Get
End Property
Public Overrides Function Accept(visitor as BoundTreeVisitor) As BoundNode
Return visitor.VisitLateBoundArgumentSupportingAssignmentWithCapture(Me)
End Function
Public Function Update(originalArgument As BoundExpression, localSymbol As SynthesizedLocal, type As TypeSymbol) As BoundLateBoundArgumentSupportingAssignmentWithCapture
If originalArgument IsNot Me.OriginalArgument OrElse localSymbol IsNot Me.LocalSymbol OrElse type IsNot Me.Type Then
Dim result = New BoundLateBoundArgumentSupportingAssignmentWithCapture(Me.Syntax, originalArgument, localSymbol, type, Me.HasErrors)
Return result
End If
Return Me
End Function
End Class
Partial Friend NotInheritable Class BoundLabelStatement
Inherits BoundStatement
Public Sub New(syntax As SyntaxNode, label As LabelSymbol, hasErrors As Boolean)
MyBase.New(BoundKind.LabelStatement, syntax, hasErrors)
Debug.Assert(label IsNot Nothing, "Field 'label' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Me._Label = label
End Sub
Public Sub New(syntax As SyntaxNode, label As LabelSymbol)
MyBase.New(BoundKind.LabelStatement, syntax)
Debug.Assert(label IsNot Nothing, "Field 'label' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Me._Label = label
End Sub
Private ReadOnly _Label As LabelSymbol
Public ReadOnly Property Label As LabelSymbol
Return _Label
End Get
End Property
Public Overrides Function Accept(visitor as BoundTreeVisitor) As BoundNode
Return visitor.VisitLabelStatement(Me)
End Function
Public Function Update(label As LabelSymbol) As BoundLabelStatement
If label IsNot Me.Label Then
Dim result = New BoundLabelStatement(Me.Syntax, label, Me.HasErrors)
Return result
End If
Return Me
End Function
End Class
Partial Friend NotInheritable Class BoundLabel
Inherits BoundExpression
Public Sub New(syntax As SyntaxNode, label As LabelSymbol, type As TypeSymbol, hasErrors As Boolean)
MyBase.New(BoundKind.Label, syntax, type, hasErrors)
Debug.Assert(label IsNot Nothing, "Field 'label' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Me._Label = label
End Sub
Public Sub New(syntax As SyntaxNode, label As LabelSymbol, type As TypeSymbol)
MyBase.New(BoundKind.Label, syntax, type)
Debug.Assert(label IsNot Nothing, "Field 'label' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Me._Label = label
End Sub
Private ReadOnly _Label As LabelSymbol
Public ReadOnly Property Label As LabelSymbol
Return _Label
End Get
End Property
Public Overrides Function Accept(visitor as BoundTreeVisitor) As BoundNode
Return visitor.VisitLabel(Me)
End Function
Public Function Update(label As LabelSymbol, type As TypeSymbol) As BoundLabel
If label IsNot Me.Label OrElse type IsNot Me.Type Then
Dim result = New BoundLabel(Me.Syntax, label, type, Me.HasErrors)
Return result
End If
Return Me
End Function
End Class
Partial Friend NotInheritable Class BoundGotoStatement
Inherits BoundStatement
Public Sub New(syntax As SyntaxNode, label As LabelSymbol, labelExpressionOpt As BoundLabel, Optional hasErrors As Boolean = False)
MyBase.New(BoundKind.GotoStatement, syntax, hasErrors OrElse labelExpressionOpt.NonNullAndHasErrors())
Debug.Assert(label IsNot Nothing, "Field 'label' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Me._Label = label
Me._LabelExpressionOpt = labelExpressionOpt
End Sub
Private ReadOnly _Label As LabelSymbol
Public ReadOnly Property Label As LabelSymbol
Return _Label
End Get
End Property
Private ReadOnly _LabelExpressionOpt As BoundLabel
Public ReadOnly Property LabelExpressionOpt As BoundLabel
Return _LabelExpressionOpt
End Get
End Property
Public Overrides Function Accept(visitor as BoundTreeVisitor) As BoundNode
Return visitor.VisitGotoStatement(Me)
End Function
Public Function Update(label As LabelSymbol, labelExpressionOpt As BoundLabel) As BoundGotoStatement
If label IsNot Me.Label OrElse labelExpressionOpt IsNot Me.LabelExpressionOpt Then
Dim result = New BoundGotoStatement(Me.Syntax, label, labelExpressionOpt, Me.HasErrors)
Return result
End If
Return Me
End Function
End Class
Partial Friend NotInheritable Class BoundStatementList
Inherits BoundStatement
Public Sub New(syntax As SyntaxNode, statements As ImmutableArray(Of BoundStatement), Optional hasErrors As Boolean = False)
MyBase.New(BoundKind.StatementList, syntax, hasErrors OrElse statements.NonNullAndHasErrors())
Debug.Assert(Not (statements.IsDefault), "Field 'statements' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Me._Statements = statements
End Sub
Private ReadOnly _Statements As ImmutableArray(Of BoundStatement)
Public ReadOnly Property Statements As ImmutableArray(Of BoundStatement)
Return _Statements
End Get
End Property
Public Overrides Function Accept(visitor as BoundTreeVisitor) As BoundNode
Return visitor.VisitStatementList(Me)
End Function
Public Function Update(statements As ImmutableArray(Of BoundStatement)) As BoundStatementList
If statements <> Me.Statements Then
Dim result = New BoundStatementList(Me.Syntax, statements, Me.HasErrors)
Return result
End If
Return Me
End Function
End Class
Partial Friend NotInheritable Class BoundConditionalGoto
Inherits BoundStatement
Public Sub New(syntax As SyntaxNode, condition As BoundExpression, jumpIfTrue As Boolean, label As LabelSymbol, Optional hasErrors As Boolean = False)
MyBase.New(BoundKind.ConditionalGoto, syntax, hasErrors OrElse condition.NonNullAndHasErrors())
Debug.Assert(condition IsNot Nothing, "Field 'condition' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Debug.Assert(label IsNot Nothing, "Field 'label' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Me._Condition = condition
Me._JumpIfTrue = jumpIfTrue
Me._Label = label
End Sub
Private ReadOnly _Condition As BoundExpression
Public ReadOnly Property Condition As BoundExpression
Return _Condition
End Get
End Property
Private ReadOnly _JumpIfTrue As Boolean
Public ReadOnly Property JumpIfTrue As Boolean
Return _JumpIfTrue
End Get
End Property
Private ReadOnly _Label As LabelSymbol
Public ReadOnly Property Label As LabelSymbol
Return _Label
End Get
End Property
Public Overrides Function Accept(visitor as BoundTreeVisitor) As BoundNode
Return visitor.VisitConditionalGoto(Me)
End Function
Public Function Update(condition As BoundExpression, jumpIfTrue As Boolean, label As LabelSymbol) As BoundConditionalGoto
If condition IsNot Me.Condition OrElse jumpIfTrue <> Me.JumpIfTrue OrElse label IsNot Me.Label Then
Dim result = New BoundConditionalGoto(Me.Syntax, condition, jumpIfTrue, label, Me.HasErrors)
Return result
End If
Return Me
End Function
End Class
Partial Friend NotInheritable Class BoundWithStatement
Inherits BoundStatement
Public Sub New(syntax As SyntaxNode, originalExpression As BoundExpression, body As BoundBlock, binder As WithBlockBinder, Optional hasErrors As Boolean = False)
MyBase.New(BoundKind.WithStatement, syntax, hasErrors OrElse originalExpression.NonNullAndHasErrors() OrElse body.NonNullAndHasErrors())
Debug.Assert(originalExpression IsNot Nothing, "Field 'originalExpression' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Debug.Assert(body IsNot Nothing, "Field 'body' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Debug.Assert(binder IsNot Nothing, "Field 'binder' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Me._OriginalExpression = originalExpression
Me._Body = body
Me._Binder = binder
End Sub
Private ReadOnly _OriginalExpression As BoundExpression
Public ReadOnly Property OriginalExpression As BoundExpression
Return _OriginalExpression
End Get
End Property
Private ReadOnly _Body As BoundBlock
Public ReadOnly Property Body As BoundBlock
Return _Body
End Get
End Property
Private ReadOnly _Binder As WithBlockBinder
Public ReadOnly Property Binder As WithBlockBinder
Return _Binder
End Get
End Property
Public Overrides Function Accept(visitor as BoundTreeVisitor) As BoundNode
Return visitor.VisitWithStatement(Me)
End Function
Public Function Update(originalExpression As BoundExpression, body As BoundBlock, binder As WithBlockBinder) As BoundWithStatement
If originalExpression IsNot Me.OriginalExpression OrElse body IsNot Me.Body OrElse binder IsNot Me.Binder Then
Dim result = New BoundWithStatement(Me.Syntax, originalExpression, body, binder, Me.HasErrors)
Return result
End If
Return Me
End Function
End Class
Partial Friend NotInheritable Class UnboundLambda
Inherits BoundExpression
Public Sub New(syntax As SyntaxNode, binder As Binder, flags As SourceMemberFlags, parameters As ImmutableArray(Of ParameterSymbol), returnType As TypeSymbol, bindingCache As UnboundLambda.UnboundLambdaBindingCache, hasErrors As Boolean)
MyBase.New(BoundKind.UnboundLambda, syntax, Nothing, hasErrors)
Debug.Assert(binder IsNot Nothing, "Field 'binder' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Debug.Assert(Not (parameters.IsDefault), "Field 'parameters' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Debug.Assert(bindingCache IsNot Nothing, "Field 'bindingCache' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Me._Binder = binder
Me._Flags = flags
Me._Parameters = parameters
Me._ReturnType = returnType
Me._BindingCache = bindingCache
End Sub
Private Partial Sub Validate()
End Sub
Public Sub New(syntax As SyntaxNode, binder As Binder, flags As SourceMemberFlags, parameters As ImmutableArray(Of ParameterSymbol), returnType As TypeSymbol, bindingCache As UnboundLambda.UnboundLambdaBindingCache)
MyBase.New(BoundKind.UnboundLambda, syntax, Nothing)
Debug.Assert(binder IsNot Nothing, "Field 'binder' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Debug.Assert(Not (parameters.IsDefault), "Field 'parameters' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Debug.Assert(bindingCache IsNot Nothing, "Field 'bindingCache' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Me._Binder = binder
Me._Flags = flags
Me._Parameters = parameters
Me._ReturnType = returnType
Me._BindingCache = bindingCache
End Sub
Private ReadOnly _Binder As Binder
Public ReadOnly Property Binder As Binder
Return _Binder
End Get
End Property
Private ReadOnly _Flags As SourceMemberFlags
Public ReadOnly Property Flags As SourceMemberFlags
Return _Flags
End Get
End Property
Private ReadOnly _Parameters As ImmutableArray(Of ParameterSymbol)
Public ReadOnly Property Parameters As ImmutableArray(Of ParameterSymbol)
Return _Parameters
End Get
End Property
Private ReadOnly _ReturnType As TypeSymbol
Public ReadOnly Property ReturnType As TypeSymbol
Return _ReturnType
End Get
End Property
Private ReadOnly _BindingCache As UnboundLambda.UnboundLambdaBindingCache
Public ReadOnly Property BindingCache As UnboundLambda.UnboundLambdaBindingCache
Return _BindingCache
End Get
End Property
Public Overrides Function Accept(visitor as BoundTreeVisitor) As BoundNode
Return visitor.VisitUnboundLambda(Me)
End Function
Public Function Update(binder As Binder, flags As SourceMemberFlags, parameters As ImmutableArray(Of ParameterSymbol), returnType As TypeSymbol, bindingCache As UnboundLambda.UnboundLambdaBindingCache) As UnboundLambda
If binder IsNot Me.Binder OrElse flags <> Me.Flags OrElse parameters <> Me.Parameters OrElse returnType IsNot Me.ReturnType OrElse bindingCache IsNot Me.BindingCache Then
Dim result = New UnboundLambda(Me.Syntax, binder, flags, parameters, returnType, bindingCache, Me.HasErrors)
Return result
End If
Return Me
End Function
End Class
Partial Friend NotInheritable Class BoundLambda
Inherits BoundExpression
Public Sub New(syntax As SyntaxNode, lambdaSymbol As LambdaSymbol, body As BoundBlock, diagnostics As ReadOnlyBindingDiagnostic(Of AssemblySymbol), lambdaBinderOpt As LambdaBodyBinder, delegateRelaxation As ConversionKind, methodConversionKind As MethodConversionKind, Optional hasErrors As Boolean = False)
MyBase.New(BoundKind.Lambda, syntax, Nothing, hasErrors OrElse body.NonNullAndHasErrors())
Debug.Assert(lambdaSymbol IsNot Nothing, "Field 'lambdaSymbol' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Debug.Assert(body IsNot Nothing, "Field 'body' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Me._LambdaSymbol = lambdaSymbol
Me._Body = body
Me._Diagnostics = diagnostics
Me._LambdaBinderOpt = lambdaBinderOpt
Me._DelegateRelaxation = delegateRelaxation
Me._MethodConversionKind = methodConversionKind
End Sub
Private Partial Sub Validate()
End Sub
Private ReadOnly _LambdaSymbol As LambdaSymbol
Public ReadOnly Property LambdaSymbol As LambdaSymbol
Return _LambdaSymbol
End Get
End Property
Private ReadOnly _Body As BoundBlock
Public ReadOnly Property Body As BoundBlock
Return _Body
End Get
End Property
Private ReadOnly _Diagnostics As ReadOnlyBindingDiagnostic(Of AssemblySymbol)
Public ReadOnly Property Diagnostics As ReadOnlyBindingDiagnostic(Of AssemblySymbol)
Return _Diagnostics
End Get
End Property
Private ReadOnly _LambdaBinderOpt As LambdaBodyBinder
Public ReadOnly Property LambdaBinderOpt As LambdaBodyBinder
Return _LambdaBinderOpt
End Get
End Property
Private ReadOnly _DelegateRelaxation As ConversionKind
Public ReadOnly Property DelegateRelaxation As ConversionKind
Return _DelegateRelaxation
End Get
End Property
Private ReadOnly _MethodConversionKind As MethodConversionKind
Public ReadOnly Property MethodConversionKind As MethodConversionKind
Return _MethodConversionKind
End Get
End Property
Public Overrides Function Accept(visitor as BoundTreeVisitor) As BoundNode
Return visitor.VisitLambda(Me)
End Function
Public Function Update(lambdaSymbol As LambdaSymbol, body As BoundBlock, diagnostics As ReadOnlyBindingDiagnostic(Of AssemblySymbol), lambdaBinderOpt As LambdaBodyBinder, delegateRelaxation As ConversionKind, methodConversionKind As MethodConversionKind) As BoundLambda
If lambdaSymbol IsNot Me.LambdaSymbol OrElse body IsNot Me.Body OrElse diagnostics <> Me.Diagnostics OrElse lambdaBinderOpt IsNot Me.LambdaBinderOpt OrElse delegateRelaxation <> Me.DelegateRelaxation OrElse methodConversionKind <> Me.MethodConversionKind Then
Dim result = New BoundLambda(Me.Syntax, lambdaSymbol, body, diagnostics, lambdaBinderOpt, delegateRelaxation, methodConversionKind, Me.HasErrors)
Return result
End If
Return Me
End Function
End Class
Partial Friend NotInheritable Class BoundQueryExpression
Inherits BoundExpression
Public Sub New(syntax As SyntaxNode, lastOperator As BoundQueryClauseBase, type As TypeSymbol, Optional hasErrors As Boolean = False)
MyBase.New(BoundKind.QueryExpression, syntax, type, hasErrors OrElse lastOperator.NonNullAndHasErrors())
Debug.Assert(lastOperator IsNot Nothing, "Field 'lastOperator' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Debug.Assert(type IsNot Nothing, "Field 'type' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Me._LastOperator = lastOperator
End Sub
Private ReadOnly _LastOperator As BoundQueryClauseBase
Public ReadOnly Property LastOperator As BoundQueryClauseBase
Return _LastOperator
End Get
End Property
Public Overrides Function Accept(visitor as BoundTreeVisitor) As BoundNode
Return visitor.VisitQueryExpression(Me)
End Function
Public Function Update(lastOperator As BoundQueryClauseBase, type As TypeSymbol) As BoundQueryExpression
If lastOperator IsNot Me.LastOperator OrElse type IsNot Me.Type Then
Dim result = New BoundQueryExpression(Me.Syntax, lastOperator, type, Me.HasErrors)
Return result
End If
Return Me
End Function
End Class
Partial Friend MustInherit Class BoundQueryPart
Inherits BoundExpression
Protected Sub New(kind As BoundKind, syntax as SyntaxNode, type As TypeSymbol, hasErrors As Boolean)
MyBase.New(kind, syntax, type, hasErrors)
Debug.Assert(type IsNot Nothing, "Field 'type' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
End Sub
Protected Sub New(kind As BoundKind, syntax as SyntaxNode, type As TypeSymbol)
MyBase.New(kind, syntax, type)
Debug.Assert(type IsNot Nothing, "Field 'type' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
End Sub
End Class
Partial Friend NotInheritable Class BoundQuerySource
Inherits BoundQueryPart
Public Sub New(syntax As SyntaxNode, expression As BoundExpression, type As TypeSymbol, Optional hasErrors As Boolean = False)
MyBase.New(BoundKind.QuerySource, syntax, type, hasErrors OrElse expression.NonNullAndHasErrors())
Debug.Assert(expression IsNot Nothing, "Field 'expression' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Debug.Assert(type IsNot Nothing, "Field 'type' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Me._Expression = expression
End Sub
Private ReadOnly _Expression As BoundExpression
Public ReadOnly Property Expression As BoundExpression
Return _Expression
End Get
End Property
Public Overrides Function Accept(visitor as BoundTreeVisitor) As BoundNode
Return visitor.VisitQuerySource(Me)
End Function
Public Function Update(expression As BoundExpression, type As TypeSymbol) As BoundQuerySource
If expression IsNot Me.Expression OrElse type IsNot Me.Type Then
Dim result = New BoundQuerySource(Me.Syntax, expression, type, Me.HasErrors)
Return result
End If
Return Me
End Function
End Class
Partial Friend NotInheritable Class BoundToQueryableCollectionConversion
Inherits BoundQueryPart
Public Sub New(syntax As SyntaxNode, conversionCall As BoundCall, type As TypeSymbol, Optional hasErrors As Boolean = False)
MyBase.New(BoundKind.ToQueryableCollectionConversion, syntax, type, hasErrors OrElse conversionCall.NonNullAndHasErrors())
Debug.Assert(conversionCall IsNot Nothing, "Field 'conversionCall' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Debug.Assert(type IsNot Nothing, "Field 'type' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Me._ConversionCall = conversionCall
End Sub
Private ReadOnly _ConversionCall As BoundCall
Public ReadOnly Property ConversionCall As BoundCall
Return _ConversionCall
End Get
End Property
Public Overrides Function Accept(visitor as BoundTreeVisitor) As BoundNode
Return visitor.VisitToQueryableCollectionConversion(Me)
End Function
Public Function Update(conversionCall As BoundCall, type As TypeSymbol) As BoundToQueryableCollectionConversion
If conversionCall IsNot Me.ConversionCall OrElse type IsNot Me.Type Then
Dim result = New BoundToQueryableCollectionConversion(Me.Syntax, conversionCall, type, Me.HasErrors)
Return result
End If
Return Me
End Function
End Class
Partial Friend MustInherit Class BoundQueryClauseBase
Inherits BoundQueryPart
Protected Sub New(kind As BoundKind, syntax as SyntaxNode, rangeVariables As ImmutableArray(Of RangeVariableSymbol), compoundVariableType As TypeSymbol, binders As ImmutableArray(Of Binder), type As TypeSymbol, hasErrors As Boolean)
MyBase.New(kind, syntax, type, hasErrors)
Debug.Assert(Not (rangeVariables.IsDefault), "Field 'rangeVariables' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Debug.Assert(compoundVariableType IsNot Nothing, "Field 'compoundVariableType' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Debug.Assert(Not (binders.IsDefault), "Field 'binders' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Debug.Assert(type IsNot Nothing, "Field 'type' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Me._RangeVariables = rangeVariables
Me._CompoundVariableType = compoundVariableType
Me._Binders = binders
End Sub
Protected Sub New(kind As BoundKind, syntax as SyntaxNode, rangeVariables As ImmutableArray(Of RangeVariableSymbol), compoundVariableType As TypeSymbol, binders As ImmutableArray(Of Binder), type As TypeSymbol)
MyBase.New(kind, syntax, type)
Debug.Assert(Not (rangeVariables.IsDefault), "Field 'rangeVariables' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Debug.Assert(compoundVariableType IsNot Nothing, "Field 'compoundVariableType' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Debug.Assert(Not (binders.IsDefault), "Field 'binders' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Debug.Assert(type IsNot Nothing, "Field 'type' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Me._RangeVariables = rangeVariables
Me._CompoundVariableType = compoundVariableType
Me._Binders = binders
End Sub
Private ReadOnly _RangeVariables As ImmutableArray(Of RangeVariableSymbol)
Public ReadOnly Property RangeVariables As ImmutableArray(Of RangeVariableSymbol)
Return _RangeVariables
End Get
End Property
Private ReadOnly _CompoundVariableType As TypeSymbol
Public ReadOnly Property CompoundVariableType As TypeSymbol
Return _CompoundVariableType
End Get
End Property
Private ReadOnly _Binders As ImmutableArray(Of Binder)
Public ReadOnly Property Binders As ImmutableArray(Of Binder)
Return _Binders
End Get
End Property
End Class
Partial Friend NotInheritable Class BoundQueryableSource
Inherits BoundQueryClauseBase
Public Sub New(syntax As SyntaxNode, source As BoundQueryPart, rangeVariableOpt As RangeVariableSymbol, rangeVariables As ImmutableArray(Of RangeVariableSymbol), compoundVariableType As TypeSymbol, binders As ImmutableArray(Of Binder), type As TypeSymbol, Optional hasErrors As Boolean = False)
MyBase.New(BoundKind.QueryableSource, syntax, rangeVariables, compoundVariableType, binders, type, hasErrors OrElse source.NonNullAndHasErrors())
Debug.Assert(source IsNot Nothing, "Field 'source' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Debug.Assert(Not (rangeVariables.IsDefault), "Field 'rangeVariables' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Debug.Assert(compoundVariableType IsNot Nothing, "Field 'compoundVariableType' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Debug.Assert(Not (binders.IsDefault), "Field 'binders' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Debug.Assert(type IsNot Nothing, "Field 'type' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Me._Source = source
Me._RangeVariableOpt = rangeVariableOpt
End Sub
Private Partial Sub Validate()
End Sub
Private ReadOnly _Source As BoundQueryPart
Public ReadOnly Property Source As BoundQueryPart
Return _Source
End Get
End Property
Private ReadOnly _RangeVariableOpt As RangeVariableSymbol
Public ReadOnly Property RangeVariableOpt As RangeVariableSymbol
Return _RangeVariableOpt
End Get
End Property
Public Overrides Function Accept(visitor as BoundTreeVisitor) As BoundNode
Return visitor.VisitQueryableSource(Me)
End Function
Public Function Update(source As BoundQueryPart, rangeVariableOpt As RangeVariableSymbol, rangeVariables As ImmutableArray(Of RangeVariableSymbol), compoundVariableType As TypeSymbol, binders As ImmutableArray(Of Binder), type As TypeSymbol) As BoundQueryableSource
If source IsNot Me.Source OrElse rangeVariableOpt IsNot Me.RangeVariableOpt OrElse rangeVariables <> Me.RangeVariables OrElse compoundVariableType IsNot Me.CompoundVariableType OrElse binders <> Me.Binders OrElse type IsNot Me.Type Then
Dim result = New BoundQueryableSource(Me.Syntax, source, rangeVariableOpt, rangeVariables, compoundVariableType, binders, type, Me.HasErrors)
Return result
End If
Return Me
End Function
End Class
Partial Friend NotInheritable Class BoundQueryClause
Inherits BoundQueryClauseBase
Public Sub New(syntax As SyntaxNode, underlyingExpression As BoundExpression, rangeVariables As ImmutableArray(Of RangeVariableSymbol), compoundVariableType As TypeSymbol, binders As ImmutableArray(Of Binder), type As TypeSymbol, Optional hasErrors As Boolean = False)
MyBase.New(BoundKind.QueryClause, syntax, rangeVariables, compoundVariableType, binders, type, hasErrors OrElse underlyingExpression.NonNullAndHasErrors())
Debug.Assert(underlyingExpression IsNot Nothing, "Field 'underlyingExpression' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Debug.Assert(Not (rangeVariables.IsDefault), "Field 'rangeVariables' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Debug.Assert(compoundVariableType IsNot Nothing, "Field 'compoundVariableType' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Debug.Assert(Not (binders.IsDefault), "Field 'binders' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Debug.Assert(type IsNot Nothing, "Field 'type' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Me._UnderlyingExpression = underlyingExpression
End Sub
Private ReadOnly _UnderlyingExpression As BoundExpression
Public ReadOnly Property UnderlyingExpression As BoundExpression
Return _UnderlyingExpression
End Get
End Property
Public Overrides Function Accept(visitor as BoundTreeVisitor) As BoundNode
Return visitor.VisitQueryClause(Me)
End Function
Public Function Update(underlyingExpression As BoundExpression, rangeVariables As ImmutableArray(Of RangeVariableSymbol), compoundVariableType As TypeSymbol, binders As ImmutableArray(Of Binder), type As TypeSymbol) As BoundQueryClause
If underlyingExpression IsNot Me.UnderlyingExpression OrElse rangeVariables <> Me.RangeVariables OrElse compoundVariableType IsNot Me.CompoundVariableType OrElse binders <> Me.Binders OrElse type IsNot Me.Type Then
Dim result = New BoundQueryClause(Me.Syntax, underlyingExpression, rangeVariables, compoundVariableType, binders, type, Me.HasErrors)
Return result
End If
Return Me
End Function
End Class
Partial Friend NotInheritable Class BoundOrdering
Inherits BoundQueryPart
Public Sub New(syntax As SyntaxNode, underlyingExpression As BoundExpression, type As TypeSymbol, Optional hasErrors As Boolean = False)
MyBase.New(BoundKind.Ordering, syntax, type, hasErrors OrElse underlyingExpression.NonNullAndHasErrors())
Debug.Assert(underlyingExpression IsNot Nothing, "Field 'underlyingExpression' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Debug.Assert(type IsNot Nothing, "Field 'type' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Me._UnderlyingExpression = underlyingExpression
End Sub
Private ReadOnly _UnderlyingExpression As BoundExpression
Public ReadOnly Property UnderlyingExpression As BoundExpression
Return _UnderlyingExpression
End Get
End Property
Public Overrides Function Accept(visitor as BoundTreeVisitor) As BoundNode
Return visitor.VisitOrdering(Me)
End Function
Public Function Update(underlyingExpression As BoundExpression, type As TypeSymbol) As BoundOrdering
If underlyingExpression IsNot Me.UnderlyingExpression OrElse type IsNot Me.Type Then
Dim result = New BoundOrdering(Me.Syntax, underlyingExpression, type, Me.HasErrors)
Return result
End If
Return Me
End Function
End Class
Partial Friend NotInheritable Class BoundQueryLambda
Inherits BoundExpression
Public Sub New(syntax As SyntaxNode, lambdaSymbol As SynthesizedLambdaSymbol, rangeVariables As ImmutableArray(Of RangeVariableSymbol), expression As BoundExpression, exprIsOperandOfConditionalBranch As Boolean, Optional hasErrors As Boolean = False)
MyBase.New(BoundKind.QueryLambda, syntax, Nothing, hasErrors OrElse expression.NonNullAndHasErrors())
Debug.Assert(lambdaSymbol IsNot Nothing, "Field 'lambdaSymbol' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Debug.Assert(Not (rangeVariables.IsDefault), "Field 'rangeVariables' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Debug.Assert(expression IsNot Nothing, "Field 'expression' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Me._LambdaSymbol = lambdaSymbol
Me._RangeVariables = rangeVariables
Me._Expression = expression
Me._ExprIsOperandOfConditionalBranch = exprIsOperandOfConditionalBranch
End Sub
Private ReadOnly _LambdaSymbol As SynthesizedLambdaSymbol
Public ReadOnly Property LambdaSymbol As SynthesizedLambdaSymbol
Return _LambdaSymbol
End Get
End Property
Private ReadOnly _RangeVariables As ImmutableArray(Of RangeVariableSymbol)
Public ReadOnly Property RangeVariables As ImmutableArray(Of RangeVariableSymbol)
Return _RangeVariables
End Get
End Property
Private ReadOnly _Expression As BoundExpression
Public ReadOnly Property Expression As BoundExpression
Return _Expression
End Get
End Property
Private ReadOnly _ExprIsOperandOfConditionalBranch As Boolean
Public ReadOnly Property ExprIsOperandOfConditionalBranch As Boolean
Return _ExprIsOperandOfConditionalBranch
End Get
End Property
Public Overrides Function Accept(visitor as BoundTreeVisitor) As BoundNode
Return visitor.VisitQueryLambda(Me)
End Function
Public Function Update(lambdaSymbol As SynthesizedLambdaSymbol, rangeVariables As ImmutableArray(Of RangeVariableSymbol), expression As BoundExpression, exprIsOperandOfConditionalBranch As Boolean) As BoundQueryLambda
If lambdaSymbol IsNot Me.LambdaSymbol OrElse rangeVariables <> Me.RangeVariables OrElse expression IsNot Me.Expression OrElse exprIsOperandOfConditionalBranch <> Me.ExprIsOperandOfConditionalBranch Then
Dim result = New BoundQueryLambda(Me.Syntax, lambdaSymbol, rangeVariables, expression, exprIsOperandOfConditionalBranch, Me.HasErrors)
Return result
End If
Return Me
End Function
End Class
Partial Friend NotInheritable Class BoundRangeVariableAssignment
Inherits BoundQueryPart
Public Sub New(syntax As SyntaxNode, rangeVariable As RangeVariableSymbol, value As BoundExpression, type As TypeSymbol, Optional hasErrors As Boolean = False)
MyBase.New(BoundKind.RangeVariableAssignment, syntax, type, hasErrors OrElse value.NonNullAndHasErrors())
Debug.Assert(rangeVariable IsNot Nothing, "Field 'rangeVariable' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Debug.Assert(value IsNot Nothing, "Field 'value' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Debug.Assert(type IsNot Nothing, "Field 'type' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Me._RangeVariable = rangeVariable
Me._Value = value
End Sub
Private ReadOnly _RangeVariable As RangeVariableSymbol
Public ReadOnly Property RangeVariable As RangeVariableSymbol
Return _RangeVariable
End Get
End Property
Private ReadOnly _Value As BoundExpression
Public ReadOnly Property Value As BoundExpression
Return _Value
End Get
End Property
Public Overrides Function Accept(visitor as BoundTreeVisitor) As BoundNode
Return visitor.VisitRangeVariableAssignment(Me)
End Function
Public Function Update(rangeVariable As RangeVariableSymbol, value As BoundExpression, type As TypeSymbol) As BoundRangeVariableAssignment
If rangeVariable IsNot Me.RangeVariable OrElse value IsNot Me.Value OrElse type IsNot Me.Type Then
Dim result = New BoundRangeVariableAssignment(Me.Syntax, rangeVariable, value, type, Me.HasErrors)
Return result
End If
Return Me
End Function
End Class
Partial Friend NotInheritable Class GroupTypeInferenceLambda
Inherits BoundExpression
Public Sub New(syntax As SyntaxNode, binder As Binder, parameters As ImmutableArray(Of ParameterSymbol), compilation As VisualBasicCompilation, hasErrors As Boolean)
MyBase.New(BoundKind.GroupTypeInferenceLambda, syntax, Nothing, hasErrors)
Debug.Assert(binder IsNot Nothing, "Field 'binder' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Debug.Assert(Not (parameters.IsDefault), "Field 'parameters' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Debug.Assert(compilation IsNot Nothing, "Field 'compilation' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Me._Binder = binder
Me._Parameters = parameters
Me._Compilation = compilation
End Sub
Public Sub New(syntax As SyntaxNode, binder As Binder, parameters As ImmutableArray(Of ParameterSymbol), compilation As VisualBasicCompilation)
MyBase.New(BoundKind.GroupTypeInferenceLambda, syntax, Nothing)
Debug.Assert(binder IsNot Nothing, "Field 'binder' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Debug.Assert(Not (parameters.IsDefault), "Field 'parameters' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Debug.Assert(compilation IsNot Nothing, "Field 'compilation' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Me._Binder = binder
Me._Parameters = parameters
Me._Compilation = compilation
End Sub
Private ReadOnly _Binder As Binder
Public ReadOnly Property Binder As Binder
Return _Binder
End Get
End Property
Private ReadOnly _Parameters As ImmutableArray(Of ParameterSymbol)
Public ReadOnly Property Parameters As ImmutableArray(Of ParameterSymbol)
Return _Parameters
End Get
End Property
Private ReadOnly _Compilation As VisualBasicCompilation
Public ReadOnly Property Compilation As VisualBasicCompilation
Return _Compilation
End Get
End Property
Public Overrides Function Accept(visitor as BoundTreeVisitor) As BoundNode
Return visitor.VisitGroupTypeInferenceLambda(Me)
End Function
Public Function Update(binder As Binder, parameters As ImmutableArray(Of ParameterSymbol), compilation As VisualBasicCompilation) As GroupTypeInferenceLambda
If binder IsNot Me.Binder OrElse parameters <> Me.Parameters OrElse compilation IsNot Me.Compilation Then
Dim result = New GroupTypeInferenceLambda(Me.Syntax, binder, parameters, compilation, Me.HasErrors)
Return result
End If
Return Me
End Function
End Class
Partial Friend NotInheritable Class BoundAggregateClause
Inherits BoundQueryClauseBase
Public Sub New(syntax As SyntaxNode, capturedGroupOpt As BoundQueryClauseBase, groupPlaceholderOpt As BoundRValuePlaceholder, underlyingExpression As BoundExpression, rangeVariables As ImmutableArray(Of RangeVariableSymbol), compoundVariableType As TypeSymbol, binders As ImmutableArray(Of Binder), type As TypeSymbol, Optional hasErrors As Boolean = False)
MyBase.New(BoundKind.AggregateClause, syntax, rangeVariables, compoundVariableType, binders, type, hasErrors OrElse capturedGroupOpt.NonNullAndHasErrors() OrElse groupPlaceholderOpt.NonNullAndHasErrors() OrElse underlyingExpression.NonNullAndHasErrors())
Debug.Assert(underlyingExpression IsNot Nothing, "Field 'underlyingExpression' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Debug.Assert(Not (rangeVariables.IsDefault), "Field 'rangeVariables' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Debug.Assert(compoundVariableType IsNot Nothing, "Field 'compoundVariableType' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Debug.Assert(Not (binders.IsDefault), "Field 'binders' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Debug.Assert(type IsNot Nothing, "Field 'type' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Me._CapturedGroupOpt = capturedGroupOpt
Me._GroupPlaceholderOpt = groupPlaceholderOpt
Me._UnderlyingExpression = underlyingExpression
End Sub
Private ReadOnly _CapturedGroupOpt As BoundQueryClauseBase
Public ReadOnly Property CapturedGroupOpt As BoundQueryClauseBase
Return _CapturedGroupOpt
End Get
End Property
Private ReadOnly _GroupPlaceholderOpt As BoundRValuePlaceholder
Public ReadOnly Property GroupPlaceholderOpt As BoundRValuePlaceholder
Return _GroupPlaceholderOpt
End Get
End Property
Private ReadOnly _UnderlyingExpression As BoundExpression
Public ReadOnly Property UnderlyingExpression As BoundExpression
Return _UnderlyingExpression
End Get
End Property
Public Overrides Function Accept(visitor as BoundTreeVisitor) As BoundNode
Return visitor.VisitAggregateClause(Me)
End Function
Public Function Update(capturedGroupOpt As BoundQueryClauseBase, groupPlaceholderOpt As BoundRValuePlaceholder, underlyingExpression As BoundExpression, rangeVariables As ImmutableArray(Of RangeVariableSymbol), compoundVariableType As TypeSymbol, binders As ImmutableArray(Of Binder), type As TypeSymbol) As BoundAggregateClause
If capturedGroupOpt IsNot Me.CapturedGroupOpt OrElse groupPlaceholderOpt IsNot Me.GroupPlaceholderOpt OrElse underlyingExpression IsNot Me.UnderlyingExpression OrElse rangeVariables <> Me.RangeVariables OrElse compoundVariableType IsNot Me.CompoundVariableType OrElse binders <> Me.Binders OrElse type IsNot Me.Type Then
Dim result = New BoundAggregateClause(Me.Syntax, capturedGroupOpt, groupPlaceholderOpt, underlyingExpression, rangeVariables, compoundVariableType, binders, type, Me.HasErrors)
Return result
End If
Return Me
End Function
End Class
Partial Friend NotInheritable Class BoundGroupAggregation
Inherits BoundQueryPart
Public Sub New(syntax As SyntaxNode, group As BoundExpression, type As TypeSymbol, Optional hasErrors As Boolean = False)
MyBase.New(BoundKind.GroupAggregation, syntax, type, hasErrors OrElse group.NonNullAndHasErrors())
Debug.Assert(group IsNot Nothing, "Field 'group' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Debug.Assert(type IsNot Nothing, "Field 'type' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Me._Group = group
End Sub
Private ReadOnly _Group As BoundExpression
Public ReadOnly Property Group As BoundExpression
Return _Group
End Get
End Property
Public Overrides Function Accept(visitor as BoundTreeVisitor) As BoundNode
Return visitor.VisitGroupAggregation(Me)
End Function
Public Function Update(group As BoundExpression, type As TypeSymbol) As BoundGroupAggregation
If group IsNot Me.Group OrElse type IsNot Me.Type Then
Dim result = New BoundGroupAggregation(Me.Syntax, group, type, Me.HasErrors)
Return result
End If
Return Me
End Function
End Class
Partial Friend NotInheritable Class BoundRangeVariable
Inherits BoundExpression
Public Sub New(syntax As SyntaxNode, rangeVariable As RangeVariableSymbol, type As TypeSymbol, hasErrors As Boolean)
MyBase.New(BoundKind.RangeVariable, syntax, type, hasErrors)
Debug.Assert(rangeVariable IsNot Nothing, "Field 'rangeVariable' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Debug.Assert(type IsNot Nothing, "Field 'type' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Me._RangeVariable = rangeVariable
End Sub
Public Sub New(syntax As SyntaxNode, rangeVariable As RangeVariableSymbol, type As TypeSymbol)
MyBase.New(BoundKind.RangeVariable, syntax, type)
Debug.Assert(rangeVariable IsNot Nothing, "Field 'rangeVariable' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Debug.Assert(type IsNot Nothing, "Field 'type' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Me._RangeVariable = rangeVariable
End Sub
Private ReadOnly _RangeVariable As RangeVariableSymbol
Public ReadOnly Property RangeVariable As RangeVariableSymbol
Return _RangeVariable
End Get
End Property
Public Overrides Function Accept(visitor as BoundTreeVisitor) As BoundNode
Return visitor.VisitRangeVariable(Me)
End Function
Public Function Update(rangeVariable As RangeVariableSymbol, type As TypeSymbol) As BoundRangeVariable
If rangeVariable IsNot Me.RangeVariable OrElse type IsNot Me.Type Then
Dim result = New BoundRangeVariable(Me.Syntax, rangeVariable, type, Me.HasErrors)
Return result
End If
Return Me
End Function
End Class
Partial Friend MustInherit Class BoundAddRemoveHandlerStatement
Inherits BoundStatement
Protected Sub New(kind As BoundKind, syntax as SyntaxNode, eventAccess As BoundExpression, handler As BoundExpression, Optional hasErrors As Boolean = False)
MyBase.New(kind, syntax, hasErrors)
Debug.Assert(eventAccess IsNot Nothing, "Field 'eventAccess' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Debug.Assert(handler IsNot Nothing, "Field 'handler' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Me._EventAccess = eventAccess
Me._Handler = handler
End Sub
Private ReadOnly _EventAccess As BoundExpression
Public ReadOnly Property EventAccess As BoundExpression
Return _EventAccess
End Get
End Property
Private ReadOnly _Handler As BoundExpression
Public ReadOnly Property Handler As BoundExpression
Return _Handler
End Get
End Property
End Class
Partial Friend NotInheritable Class BoundAddHandlerStatement
Inherits BoundAddRemoveHandlerStatement
Public Sub New(syntax As SyntaxNode, eventAccess As BoundExpression, handler As BoundExpression, Optional hasErrors As Boolean = False)
MyBase.New(BoundKind.AddHandlerStatement, syntax, eventAccess, handler, hasErrors OrElse eventAccess.NonNullAndHasErrors() OrElse handler.NonNullAndHasErrors())
Debug.Assert(eventAccess IsNot Nothing, "Field 'eventAccess' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Debug.Assert(handler IsNot Nothing, "Field 'handler' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
End Sub
Public Overrides Function Accept(visitor as BoundTreeVisitor) As BoundNode
Return visitor.VisitAddHandlerStatement(Me)
End Function
Public Function Update(eventAccess As BoundExpression, handler As BoundExpression) As BoundAddHandlerStatement
If eventAccess IsNot Me.EventAccess OrElse handler IsNot Me.Handler Then
Dim result = New BoundAddHandlerStatement(Me.Syntax, eventAccess, handler, Me.HasErrors)
Return result
End If
Return Me
End Function
End Class
Partial Friend NotInheritable Class BoundRemoveHandlerStatement
Inherits BoundAddRemoveHandlerStatement
Public Sub New(syntax As SyntaxNode, eventAccess As BoundExpression, handler As BoundExpression, Optional hasErrors As Boolean = False)
MyBase.New(BoundKind.RemoveHandlerStatement, syntax, eventAccess, handler, hasErrors OrElse eventAccess.NonNullAndHasErrors() OrElse handler.NonNullAndHasErrors())
Debug.Assert(eventAccess IsNot Nothing, "Field 'eventAccess' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Debug.Assert(handler IsNot Nothing, "Field 'handler' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
End Sub
Public Overrides Function Accept(visitor as BoundTreeVisitor) As BoundNode
Return visitor.VisitRemoveHandlerStatement(Me)
End Function
Public Function Update(eventAccess As BoundExpression, handler As BoundExpression) As BoundRemoveHandlerStatement
If eventAccess IsNot Me.EventAccess OrElse handler IsNot Me.Handler Then
Dim result = New BoundRemoveHandlerStatement(Me.Syntax, eventAccess, handler, Me.HasErrors)
Return result
End If
Return Me
End Function
End Class
Partial Friend NotInheritable Class BoundRaiseEventStatement
Inherits BoundStatement
Public Sub New(syntax As SyntaxNode, eventSymbol As EventSymbol, eventInvocation As BoundExpression, Optional hasErrors As Boolean = False)
MyBase.New(BoundKind.RaiseEventStatement, syntax, hasErrors OrElse eventInvocation.NonNullAndHasErrors())
Debug.Assert(eventSymbol IsNot Nothing, "Field 'eventSymbol' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Debug.Assert(eventInvocation IsNot Nothing, "Field 'eventInvocation' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Me._EventSymbol = eventSymbol
Me._EventInvocation = eventInvocation
End Sub
Private ReadOnly _EventSymbol As EventSymbol
Public ReadOnly Property EventSymbol As EventSymbol
Return _EventSymbol
End Get
End Property
Private ReadOnly _EventInvocation As BoundExpression
Public ReadOnly Property EventInvocation As BoundExpression
Return _EventInvocation
End Get
End Property
Public Overrides Function Accept(visitor as BoundTreeVisitor) As BoundNode
Return visitor.VisitRaiseEventStatement(Me)
End Function
Public Function Update(eventSymbol As EventSymbol, eventInvocation As BoundExpression) As BoundRaiseEventStatement
If eventSymbol IsNot Me.EventSymbol OrElse eventInvocation IsNot Me.EventInvocation Then
Dim result = New BoundRaiseEventStatement(Me.Syntax, eventSymbol, eventInvocation, Me.HasErrors)
Return result
End If
Return Me
End Function
End Class
Partial Friend NotInheritable Class BoundUsingStatement
Inherits BoundStatement
Public Sub New(syntax As SyntaxNode, resourceList As ImmutableArray(Of BoundLocalDeclarationBase), resourceExpressionOpt As BoundExpression, body As BoundBlock, usingInfo As UsingInfo, locals As ImmutableArray(Of LocalSymbol), Optional hasErrors As Boolean = False)
MyBase.New(BoundKind.UsingStatement, syntax, hasErrors OrElse resourceList.NonNullAndHasErrors() OrElse resourceExpressionOpt.NonNullAndHasErrors() OrElse body.NonNullAndHasErrors())
Debug.Assert(body IsNot Nothing, "Field 'body' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Debug.Assert(usingInfo IsNot Nothing, "Field 'usingInfo' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Debug.Assert(Not (locals.IsDefault), "Field 'locals' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Me._ResourceList = resourceList
Me._ResourceExpressionOpt = resourceExpressionOpt
Me._Body = body
Me._UsingInfo = usingInfo
Me._Locals = locals
End Sub
Private ReadOnly _ResourceList As ImmutableArray(Of BoundLocalDeclarationBase)
Public ReadOnly Property ResourceList As ImmutableArray(Of BoundLocalDeclarationBase)
Return _ResourceList
End Get
End Property
Private ReadOnly _ResourceExpressionOpt As BoundExpression
Public ReadOnly Property ResourceExpressionOpt As BoundExpression
Return _ResourceExpressionOpt
End Get
End Property
Private ReadOnly _Body As BoundBlock
Public ReadOnly Property Body As BoundBlock
Return _Body
End Get
End Property
Private ReadOnly _UsingInfo As UsingInfo
Public ReadOnly Property UsingInfo As UsingInfo
Return _UsingInfo
End Get
End Property
Private ReadOnly _Locals As ImmutableArray(Of LocalSymbol)
Public ReadOnly Property Locals As ImmutableArray(Of LocalSymbol)
Return _Locals
End Get
End Property
Public Overrides Function Accept(visitor as BoundTreeVisitor) As BoundNode
Return visitor.VisitUsingStatement(Me)
End Function
Public Function Update(resourceList As ImmutableArray(Of BoundLocalDeclarationBase), resourceExpressionOpt As BoundExpression, body As BoundBlock, usingInfo As UsingInfo, locals As ImmutableArray(Of LocalSymbol)) As BoundUsingStatement
If resourceList <> Me.ResourceList OrElse resourceExpressionOpt IsNot Me.ResourceExpressionOpt OrElse body IsNot Me.Body OrElse usingInfo IsNot Me.UsingInfo OrElse locals <> Me.Locals Then
Dim result = New BoundUsingStatement(Me.Syntax, resourceList, resourceExpressionOpt, body, usingInfo, locals, Me.HasErrors)
Return result
End If
Return Me
End Function
End Class
Partial Friend NotInheritable Class BoundSyncLockStatement
Inherits BoundStatement
Public Sub New(syntax As SyntaxNode, lockExpression As BoundExpression, body As BoundBlock, Optional hasErrors As Boolean = False)
MyBase.New(BoundKind.SyncLockStatement, syntax, hasErrors OrElse lockExpression.NonNullAndHasErrors() OrElse body.NonNullAndHasErrors())
Debug.Assert(lockExpression IsNot Nothing, "Field 'lockExpression' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Debug.Assert(body IsNot Nothing, "Field 'body' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Me._LockExpression = lockExpression
Me._Body = body
End Sub
Private ReadOnly _LockExpression As BoundExpression
Public ReadOnly Property LockExpression As BoundExpression
Return _LockExpression
End Get
End Property
Private ReadOnly _Body As BoundBlock
Public ReadOnly Property Body As BoundBlock
Return _Body
End Get
End Property
Public Overrides Function Accept(visitor as BoundTreeVisitor) As BoundNode
Return visitor.VisitSyncLockStatement(Me)
End Function
Public Function Update(lockExpression As BoundExpression, body As BoundBlock) As BoundSyncLockStatement
If lockExpression IsNot Me.LockExpression OrElse body IsNot Me.Body Then
Dim result = New BoundSyncLockStatement(Me.Syntax, lockExpression, body, Me.HasErrors)
Return result
End If
Return Me
End Function
End Class
Partial Friend NotInheritable Class BoundXmlName
Inherits BoundExpression
Public Sub New(syntax As SyntaxNode, xmlNamespace As BoundExpression, localName As BoundExpression, objectCreation As BoundExpression, type As TypeSymbol, Optional hasErrors As Boolean = False)
MyBase.New(BoundKind.XmlName, syntax, type, hasErrors OrElse xmlNamespace.NonNullAndHasErrors() OrElse localName.NonNullAndHasErrors() OrElse objectCreation.NonNullAndHasErrors())
Debug.Assert(xmlNamespace IsNot Nothing, "Field 'xmlNamespace' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Debug.Assert(localName IsNot Nothing, "Field 'localName' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Debug.Assert(objectCreation IsNot Nothing, "Field 'objectCreation' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Debug.Assert(type IsNot Nothing, "Field 'type' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Me._XmlNamespace = xmlNamespace
Me._LocalName = localName
Me._ObjectCreation = objectCreation
End Sub
Private ReadOnly _XmlNamespace As BoundExpression
Public ReadOnly Property XmlNamespace As BoundExpression
Return _XmlNamespace
End Get
End Property
Private ReadOnly _LocalName As BoundExpression
Public ReadOnly Property LocalName As BoundExpression
Return _LocalName
End Get
End Property
Private ReadOnly _ObjectCreation As BoundExpression
Public ReadOnly Property ObjectCreation As BoundExpression
Return _ObjectCreation
End Get
End Property
Public Overrides Function Accept(visitor as BoundTreeVisitor) As BoundNode
Return visitor.VisitXmlName(Me)
End Function
Public Function Update(xmlNamespace As BoundExpression, localName As BoundExpression, objectCreation As BoundExpression, type As TypeSymbol) As BoundXmlName
If xmlNamespace IsNot Me.XmlNamespace OrElse localName IsNot Me.LocalName OrElse objectCreation IsNot Me.ObjectCreation OrElse type IsNot Me.Type Then
Dim result = New BoundXmlName(Me.Syntax, xmlNamespace, localName, objectCreation, type, Me.HasErrors)
Return result
End If
Return Me
End Function
End Class
Partial Friend NotInheritable Class BoundXmlNamespace
Inherits BoundExpression
Public Sub New(syntax As SyntaxNode, xmlNamespace As BoundExpression, objectCreation As BoundExpression, type As TypeSymbol, Optional hasErrors As Boolean = False)
MyBase.New(BoundKind.XmlNamespace, syntax, type, hasErrors OrElse xmlNamespace.NonNullAndHasErrors() OrElse objectCreation.NonNullAndHasErrors())
Debug.Assert(xmlNamespace IsNot Nothing, "Field 'xmlNamespace' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Debug.Assert(objectCreation IsNot Nothing, "Field 'objectCreation' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Debug.Assert(type IsNot Nothing, "Field 'type' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Me._XmlNamespace = xmlNamespace
Me._ObjectCreation = objectCreation
End Sub
Private ReadOnly _XmlNamespace As BoundExpression
Public ReadOnly Property XmlNamespace As BoundExpression
Return _XmlNamespace
End Get
End Property
Private ReadOnly _ObjectCreation As BoundExpression
Public ReadOnly Property ObjectCreation As BoundExpression
Return _ObjectCreation
End Get
End Property
Public Overrides Function Accept(visitor as BoundTreeVisitor) As BoundNode
Return visitor.VisitXmlNamespace(Me)
End Function
Public Function Update(xmlNamespace As BoundExpression, objectCreation As BoundExpression, type As TypeSymbol) As BoundXmlNamespace
If xmlNamespace IsNot Me.XmlNamespace OrElse objectCreation IsNot Me.ObjectCreation OrElse type IsNot Me.Type Then
Dim result = New BoundXmlNamespace(Me.Syntax, xmlNamespace, objectCreation, type, Me.HasErrors)
Return result
End If
Return Me
End Function
End Class
Partial Friend NotInheritable Class BoundXmlDocument
Inherits BoundExpression
Public Sub New(syntax As SyntaxNode, declaration As BoundExpression, childNodes As ImmutableArray(Of BoundExpression), rewriterInfo As BoundXmlContainerRewriterInfo, type As TypeSymbol, Optional hasErrors As Boolean = False)
MyBase.New(BoundKind.XmlDocument, syntax, type, hasErrors OrElse declaration.NonNullAndHasErrors() OrElse childNodes.NonNullAndHasErrors())
Debug.Assert(declaration IsNot Nothing, "Field 'declaration' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Debug.Assert(Not (childNodes.IsDefault), "Field 'childNodes' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Debug.Assert(rewriterInfo IsNot Nothing, "Field 'rewriterInfo' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Debug.Assert(type IsNot Nothing, "Field 'type' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Me._Declaration = declaration
Me._ChildNodes = childNodes
Me._RewriterInfo = rewriterInfo
End Sub
Private ReadOnly _Declaration As BoundExpression
Public ReadOnly Property Declaration As BoundExpression
Return _Declaration
End Get
End Property
Private ReadOnly _ChildNodes As ImmutableArray(Of BoundExpression)
Public ReadOnly Property ChildNodes As ImmutableArray(Of BoundExpression)
Return _ChildNodes
End Get
End Property
Private ReadOnly _RewriterInfo As BoundXmlContainerRewriterInfo
Public ReadOnly Property RewriterInfo As BoundXmlContainerRewriterInfo
Return _RewriterInfo
End Get
End Property
Public Overrides Function Accept(visitor as BoundTreeVisitor) As BoundNode
Return visitor.VisitXmlDocument(Me)
End Function
Public Function Update(declaration As BoundExpression, childNodes As ImmutableArray(Of BoundExpression), rewriterInfo As BoundXmlContainerRewriterInfo, type As TypeSymbol) As BoundXmlDocument
If declaration IsNot Me.Declaration OrElse childNodes <> Me.ChildNodes OrElse rewriterInfo IsNot Me.RewriterInfo OrElse type IsNot Me.Type Then
Dim result = New BoundXmlDocument(Me.Syntax, declaration, childNodes, rewriterInfo, type, Me.HasErrors)
Return result
End If
Return Me
End Function
End Class
Partial Friend NotInheritable Class BoundXmlDeclaration
Inherits BoundExpression
Public Sub New(syntax As SyntaxNode, version As BoundExpression, encoding As BoundExpression, standalone As BoundExpression, objectCreation As BoundExpression, type As TypeSymbol, Optional hasErrors As Boolean = False)
MyBase.New(BoundKind.XmlDeclaration, syntax, type, hasErrors OrElse version.NonNullAndHasErrors() OrElse encoding.NonNullAndHasErrors() OrElse standalone.NonNullAndHasErrors() OrElse objectCreation.NonNullAndHasErrors())
Debug.Assert(objectCreation IsNot Nothing, "Field 'objectCreation' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Debug.Assert(type IsNot Nothing, "Field 'type' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Me._Version = version
Me._Encoding = encoding
Me._Standalone = standalone
Me._ObjectCreation = objectCreation
End Sub
Private ReadOnly _Version As BoundExpression
Public ReadOnly Property Version As BoundExpression
Return _Version
End Get
End Property
Private ReadOnly _Encoding As BoundExpression
Public ReadOnly Property Encoding As BoundExpression
Return _Encoding
End Get
End Property
Private ReadOnly _Standalone As BoundExpression
Public ReadOnly Property Standalone As BoundExpression
Return _Standalone
End Get
End Property
Private ReadOnly _ObjectCreation As BoundExpression
Public ReadOnly Property ObjectCreation As BoundExpression
Return _ObjectCreation
End Get
End Property
Public Overrides Function Accept(visitor as BoundTreeVisitor) As BoundNode
Return visitor.VisitXmlDeclaration(Me)
End Function
Public Function Update(version As BoundExpression, encoding As BoundExpression, standalone As BoundExpression, objectCreation As BoundExpression, type As TypeSymbol) As BoundXmlDeclaration
If version IsNot Me.Version OrElse encoding IsNot Me.Encoding OrElse standalone IsNot Me.Standalone OrElse objectCreation IsNot Me.ObjectCreation OrElse type IsNot Me.Type Then
Dim result = New BoundXmlDeclaration(Me.Syntax, version, encoding, standalone, objectCreation, type, Me.HasErrors)
Return result
End If
Return Me
End Function
End Class
Partial Friend NotInheritable Class BoundXmlProcessingInstruction
Inherits BoundExpression
Public Sub New(syntax As SyntaxNode, target As BoundExpression, data As BoundExpression, objectCreation As BoundExpression, type As TypeSymbol, Optional hasErrors As Boolean = False)
MyBase.New(BoundKind.XmlProcessingInstruction, syntax, type, hasErrors OrElse target.NonNullAndHasErrors() OrElse data.NonNullAndHasErrors() OrElse objectCreation.NonNullAndHasErrors())
Debug.Assert(target IsNot Nothing, "Field 'target' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Debug.Assert(data IsNot Nothing, "Field 'data' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Debug.Assert(objectCreation IsNot Nothing, "Field 'objectCreation' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Debug.Assert(type IsNot Nothing, "Field 'type' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Me._Target = target
Me._Data = data
Me._ObjectCreation = objectCreation
End Sub
Private ReadOnly _Target As BoundExpression
Public ReadOnly Property Target As BoundExpression
Return _Target
End Get
End Property
Private ReadOnly _Data As BoundExpression
Public ReadOnly Property Data As BoundExpression
Return _Data
End Get
End Property
Private ReadOnly _ObjectCreation As BoundExpression
Public ReadOnly Property ObjectCreation As BoundExpression
Return _ObjectCreation
End Get
End Property
Public Overrides Function Accept(visitor as BoundTreeVisitor) As BoundNode
Return visitor.VisitXmlProcessingInstruction(Me)
End Function
Public Function Update(target As BoundExpression, data As BoundExpression, objectCreation As BoundExpression, type As TypeSymbol) As BoundXmlProcessingInstruction
If target IsNot Me.Target OrElse data IsNot Me.Data OrElse objectCreation IsNot Me.ObjectCreation OrElse type IsNot Me.Type Then
Dim result = New BoundXmlProcessingInstruction(Me.Syntax, target, data, objectCreation, type, Me.HasErrors)
Return result
End If
Return Me
End Function
End Class
Partial Friend NotInheritable Class BoundXmlComment
Inherits BoundExpression
Public Sub New(syntax As SyntaxNode, value As BoundExpression, objectCreation As BoundExpression, type As TypeSymbol, Optional hasErrors As Boolean = False)
MyBase.New(BoundKind.XmlComment, syntax, type, hasErrors OrElse value.NonNullAndHasErrors() OrElse objectCreation.NonNullAndHasErrors())
Debug.Assert(value IsNot Nothing, "Field 'value' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Debug.Assert(objectCreation IsNot Nothing, "Field 'objectCreation' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Debug.Assert(type IsNot Nothing, "Field 'type' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Me._Value = value
Me._ObjectCreation = objectCreation
End Sub
Private ReadOnly _Value As BoundExpression
Public ReadOnly Property Value As BoundExpression
Return _Value
End Get
End Property
Private ReadOnly _ObjectCreation As BoundExpression
Public ReadOnly Property ObjectCreation As BoundExpression
Return _ObjectCreation
End Get
End Property
Public Overrides Function Accept(visitor as BoundTreeVisitor) As BoundNode
Return visitor.VisitXmlComment(Me)
End Function
Public Function Update(value As BoundExpression, objectCreation As BoundExpression, type As TypeSymbol) As BoundXmlComment
If value IsNot Me.Value OrElse objectCreation IsNot Me.ObjectCreation OrElse type IsNot Me.Type Then
Dim result = New BoundXmlComment(Me.Syntax, value, objectCreation, type, Me.HasErrors)
Return result
End If
Return Me
End Function
End Class
Partial Friend NotInheritable Class BoundXmlAttribute
Inherits BoundExpression
Public Sub New(syntax As SyntaxNode, name As BoundExpression, value As BoundExpression, matchesImport As Boolean, objectCreation As BoundExpression, type As TypeSymbol, Optional hasErrors As Boolean = False)
MyBase.New(BoundKind.XmlAttribute, syntax, type, hasErrors OrElse name.NonNullAndHasErrors() OrElse value.NonNullAndHasErrors() OrElse objectCreation.NonNullAndHasErrors())
Debug.Assert(name IsNot Nothing, "Field 'name' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Debug.Assert(value IsNot Nothing, "Field 'value' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Debug.Assert(objectCreation IsNot Nothing, "Field 'objectCreation' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Debug.Assert(type IsNot Nothing, "Field 'type' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Me._Name = name
Me._Value = value
Me._MatchesImport = matchesImport
Me._ObjectCreation = objectCreation
End Sub
Private Partial Sub Validate()
End Sub
Private ReadOnly _Name As BoundExpression
Public ReadOnly Property Name As BoundExpression
Return _Name
End Get
End Property
Private ReadOnly _Value As BoundExpression
Public ReadOnly Property Value As BoundExpression
Return _Value
End Get
End Property
Private ReadOnly _MatchesImport As Boolean
Public ReadOnly Property MatchesImport As Boolean
Return _MatchesImport
End Get
End Property
Private ReadOnly _ObjectCreation As BoundExpression
Public ReadOnly Property ObjectCreation As BoundExpression
Return _ObjectCreation
End Get
End Property
Public Overrides Function Accept(visitor as BoundTreeVisitor) As BoundNode
Return visitor.VisitXmlAttribute(Me)
End Function
Public Function Update(name As BoundExpression, value As BoundExpression, matchesImport As Boolean, objectCreation As BoundExpression, type As TypeSymbol) As BoundXmlAttribute
If name IsNot Me.Name OrElse value IsNot Me.Value OrElse matchesImport <> Me.MatchesImport OrElse objectCreation IsNot Me.ObjectCreation OrElse type IsNot Me.Type Then
Dim result = New BoundXmlAttribute(Me.Syntax, name, value, matchesImport, objectCreation, type, Me.HasErrors)
Return result
End If
Return Me
End Function
End Class
Partial Friend NotInheritable Class BoundXmlElement
Inherits BoundExpression
Public Sub New(syntax As SyntaxNode, argument As BoundExpression, childNodes As ImmutableArray(Of BoundExpression), rewriterInfo As BoundXmlContainerRewriterInfo, type As TypeSymbol, Optional hasErrors As Boolean = False)
MyBase.New(BoundKind.XmlElement, syntax, type, hasErrors OrElse argument.NonNullAndHasErrors() OrElse childNodes.NonNullAndHasErrors())
Debug.Assert(argument IsNot Nothing, "Field 'argument' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Debug.Assert(Not (childNodes.IsDefault), "Field 'childNodes' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Debug.Assert(rewriterInfo IsNot Nothing, "Field 'rewriterInfo' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Debug.Assert(type IsNot Nothing, "Field 'type' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Me._Argument = argument
Me._ChildNodes = childNodes
Me._RewriterInfo = rewriterInfo
End Sub
Private ReadOnly _Argument As BoundExpression
Public ReadOnly Property Argument As BoundExpression
Return _Argument
End Get
End Property
Private ReadOnly _ChildNodes As ImmutableArray(Of BoundExpression)
Public ReadOnly Property ChildNodes As ImmutableArray(Of BoundExpression)
Return _ChildNodes
End Get
End Property
Private ReadOnly _RewriterInfo As BoundXmlContainerRewriterInfo
Public ReadOnly Property RewriterInfo As BoundXmlContainerRewriterInfo
Return _RewriterInfo
End Get
End Property
Public Overrides Function Accept(visitor as BoundTreeVisitor) As BoundNode
Return visitor.VisitXmlElement(Me)
End Function
Public Function Update(argument As BoundExpression, childNodes As ImmutableArray(Of BoundExpression), rewriterInfo As BoundXmlContainerRewriterInfo, type As TypeSymbol) As BoundXmlElement
If argument IsNot Me.Argument OrElse childNodes <> Me.ChildNodes OrElse rewriterInfo IsNot Me.RewriterInfo OrElse type IsNot Me.Type Then
Dim result = New BoundXmlElement(Me.Syntax, argument, childNodes, rewriterInfo, type, Me.HasErrors)
Return result
End If
Return Me
End Function
End Class
Partial Friend NotInheritable Class BoundXmlMemberAccess
Inherits BoundExpression
Public Sub New(syntax As SyntaxNode, memberAccess As BoundExpression, type As TypeSymbol, Optional hasErrors As Boolean = False)
MyBase.New(BoundKind.XmlMemberAccess, syntax, type, hasErrors OrElse memberAccess.NonNullAndHasErrors())
Debug.Assert(memberAccess IsNot Nothing, "Field 'memberAccess' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Debug.Assert(type IsNot Nothing, "Field 'type' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Me._MemberAccess = memberAccess
End Sub
Private ReadOnly _MemberAccess As BoundExpression
Public ReadOnly Property MemberAccess As BoundExpression
Return _MemberAccess
End Get
End Property
Public Overrides Function Accept(visitor as BoundTreeVisitor) As BoundNode
Return visitor.VisitXmlMemberAccess(Me)
End Function
Public Function Update(memberAccess As BoundExpression, type As TypeSymbol) As BoundXmlMemberAccess
If memberAccess IsNot Me.MemberAccess OrElse type IsNot Me.Type Then
Dim result = New BoundXmlMemberAccess(Me.Syntax, memberAccess, type, Me.HasErrors)
Return result
End If
Return Me
End Function
End Class
Partial Friend NotInheritable Class BoundXmlEmbeddedExpression
Inherits BoundExpression
Public Sub New(syntax As SyntaxNode, expression As BoundExpression, type As TypeSymbol, Optional hasErrors As Boolean = False)
MyBase.New(BoundKind.XmlEmbeddedExpression, syntax, type, hasErrors OrElse expression.NonNullAndHasErrors())
Debug.Assert(expression IsNot Nothing, "Field 'expression' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Debug.Assert(type IsNot Nothing, "Field 'type' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Me._Expression = expression
End Sub
Private ReadOnly _Expression As BoundExpression
Public ReadOnly Property Expression As BoundExpression
Return _Expression
End Get
End Property
Public Overrides Function Accept(visitor as BoundTreeVisitor) As BoundNode
Return visitor.VisitXmlEmbeddedExpression(Me)
End Function
Public Function Update(expression As BoundExpression, type As TypeSymbol) As BoundXmlEmbeddedExpression
If expression IsNot Me.Expression OrElse type IsNot Me.Type Then
Dim result = New BoundXmlEmbeddedExpression(Me.Syntax, expression, type, Me.HasErrors)
Return result
End If
Return Me
End Function
End Class
Partial Friend NotInheritable Class BoundXmlCData
Inherits BoundExpression
Public Sub New(syntax As SyntaxNode, value As BoundLiteral, objectCreation As BoundExpression, type As TypeSymbol, Optional hasErrors As Boolean = False)
MyBase.New(BoundKind.XmlCData, syntax, type, hasErrors OrElse value.NonNullAndHasErrors() OrElse objectCreation.NonNullAndHasErrors())
Debug.Assert(value IsNot Nothing, "Field 'value' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Debug.Assert(objectCreation IsNot Nothing, "Field 'objectCreation' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Debug.Assert(type IsNot Nothing, "Field 'type' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Me._Value = value
Me._ObjectCreation = objectCreation
End Sub
Private ReadOnly _Value As BoundLiteral
Public ReadOnly Property Value As BoundLiteral
Return _Value
End Get
End Property
Private ReadOnly _ObjectCreation As BoundExpression
Public ReadOnly Property ObjectCreation As BoundExpression
Return _ObjectCreation
End Get
End Property
Public Overrides Function Accept(visitor as BoundTreeVisitor) As BoundNode
Return visitor.VisitXmlCData(Me)
End Function
Public Function Update(value As BoundLiteral, objectCreation As BoundExpression, type As TypeSymbol) As BoundXmlCData
If value IsNot Me.Value OrElse objectCreation IsNot Me.ObjectCreation OrElse type IsNot Me.Type Then
Dim result = New BoundXmlCData(Me.Syntax, value, objectCreation, type, Me.HasErrors)
Return result
End If
Return Me
End Function
End Class
Partial Friend NotInheritable Class BoundResumeStatement
Inherits BoundStatement
Public Sub New(syntax As SyntaxNode, resumeKind As ResumeStatementKind, labelOpt As LabelSymbol, labelExpressionOpt As BoundExpression, Optional hasErrors As Boolean = False)
MyBase.New(BoundKind.ResumeStatement, syntax, hasErrors OrElse labelExpressionOpt.NonNullAndHasErrors())
Me._ResumeKind = resumeKind
Me._LabelOpt = labelOpt
Me._LabelExpressionOpt = labelExpressionOpt
End Sub
Private Partial Sub Validate()
End Sub
Private ReadOnly _ResumeKind As ResumeStatementKind
Public ReadOnly Property ResumeKind As ResumeStatementKind
Return _ResumeKind
End Get
End Property
Private ReadOnly _LabelOpt As LabelSymbol
Public ReadOnly Property LabelOpt As LabelSymbol
Return _LabelOpt
End Get
End Property
Private ReadOnly _LabelExpressionOpt As BoundExpression
Public ReadOnly Property LabelExpressionOpt As BoundExpression
Return _LabelExpressionOpt
End Get
End Property
Public Overrides Function Accept(visitor as BoundTreeVisitor) As BoundNode
Return visitor.VisitResumeStatement(Me)
End Function
Public Function Update(resumeKind As ResumeStatementKind, labelOpt As LabelSymbol, labelExpressionOpt As BoundExpression) As BoundResumeStatement
If resumeKind <> Me.ResumeKind OrElse labelOpt IsNot Me.LabelOpt OrElse labelExpressionOpt IsNot Me.LabelExpressionOpt Then
Dim result = New BoundResumeStatement(Me.Syntax, resumeKind, labelOpt, labelExpressionOpt, Me.HasErrors)
Return result
End If
Return Me
End Function
End Class
Partial Friend NotInheritable Class BoundOnErrorStatement
Inherits BoundStatement
Public Sub New(syntax As SyntaxNode, onErrorKind As OnErrorStatementKind, labelOpt As LabelSymbol, labelExpressionOpt As BoundExpression, Optional hasErrors As Boolean = False)
MyBase.New(BoundKind.OnErrorStatement, syntax, hasErrors OrElse labelExpressionOpt.NonNullAndHasErrors())
Me._OnErrorKind = onErrorKind
Me._LabelOpt = labelOpt
Me._LabelExpressionOpt = labelExpressionOpt
End Sub
Private Partial Sub Validate()
End Sub
Private ReadOnly _OnErrorKind As OnErrorStatementKind
Public ReadOnly Property OnErrorKind As OnErrorStatementKind
Return _OnErrorKind
End Get
End Property
Private ReadOnly _LabelOpt As LabelSymbol
Public ReadOnly Property LabelOpt As LabelSymbol
Return _LabelOpt
End Get
End Property
Private ReadOnly _LabelExpressionOpt As BoundExpression
Public ReadOnly Property LabelExpressionOpt As BoundExpression
Return _LabelExpressionOpt
End Get
End Property
Public Overrides Function Accept(visitor as BoundTreeVisitor) As BoundNode
Return visitor.VisitOnErrorStatement(Me)
End Function
Public Function Update(onErrorKind As OnErrorStatementKind, labelOpt As LabelSymbol, labelExpressionOpt As BoundExpression) As BoundOnErrorStatement
If onErrorKind <> Me.OnErrorKind OrElse labelOpt IsNot Me.LabelOpt OrElse labelExpressionOpt IsNot Me.LabelExpressionOpt Then
Dim result = New BoundOnErrorStatement(Me.Syntax, onErrorKind, labelOpt, labelExpressionOpt, Me.HasErrors)
Return result
End If
Return Me
End Function
End Class
Partial Friend NotInheritable Class BoundUnstructuredExceptionHandlingStatement
Inherits BoundStatement
Public Sub New(syntax As SyntaxNode, containsOnError As Boolean, containsResume As Boolean, resumeWithoutLabelOpt As StatementSyntax, trackLineNumber As Boolean, body As BoundBlock, Optional hasErrors As Boolean = False)
MyBase.New(BoundKind.UnstructuredExceptionHandlingStatement, syntax, hasErrors OrElse body.NonNullAndHasErrors())
Debug.Assert(body IsNot Nothing, "Field 'body' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Me._ContainsOnError = containsOnError
Me._ContainsResume = containsResume
Me._ResumeWithoutLabelOpt = resumeWithoutLabelOpt
Me._TrackLineNumber = trackLineNumber
Me._Body = body
End Sub
Private Partial Sub Validate()
End Sub
Private ReadOnly _ContainsOnError As Boolean
Public ReadOnly Property ContainsOnError As Boolean
Return _ContainsOnError
End Get
End Property
Private ReadOnly _ContainsResume As Boolean
Public ReadOnly Property ContainsResume As Boolean
Return _ContainsResume
End Get
End Property
Private ReadOnly _ResumeWithoutLabelOpt As StatementSyntax
Public ReadOnly Property ResumeWithoutLabelOpt As StatementSyntax
Return _ResumeWithoutLabelOpt
End Get
End Property
Private ReadOnly _TrackLineNumber As Boolean
Public ReadOnly Property TrackLineNumber As Boolean
Return _TrackLineNumber
End Get
End Property
Private ReadOnly _Body As BoundBlock
Public ReadOnly Property Body As BoundBlock
Return _Body
End Get
End Property
Public Overrides Function Accept(visitor as BoundTreeVisitor) As BoundNode
Return visitor.VisitUnstructuredExceptionHandlingStatement(Me)
End Function
Public Function Update(containsOnError As Boolean, containsResume As Boolean, resumeWithoutLabelOpt As StatementSyntax, trackLineNumber As Boolean, body As BoundBlock) As BoundUnstructuredExceptionHandlingStatement
If containsOnError <> Me.ContainsOnError OrElse containsResume <> Me.ContainsResume OrElse resumeWithoutLabelOpt IsNot Me.ResumeWithoutLabelOpt OrElse trackLineNumber <> Me.TrackLineNumber OrElse body IsNot Me.Body Then
Dim result = New BoundUnstructuredExceptionHandlingStatement(Me.Syntax, containsOnError, containsResume, resumeWithoutLabelOpt, trackLineNumber, body, Me.HasErrors)
Return result
End If
Return Me
End Function
End Class
Partial Friend NotInheritable Class BoundUnstructuredExceptionHandlingCatchFilter
Inherits BoundExpression
Public Sub New(syntax As SyntaxNode, activeHandlerLocal As BoundLocal, resumeTargetLocal As BoundLocal, type As TypeSymbol, Optional hasErrors As Boolean = False)
MyBase.New(BoundKind.UnstructuredExceptionHandlingCatchFilter, syntax, type, hasErrors OrElse activeHandlerLocal.NonNullAndHasErrors() OrElse resumeTargetLocal.NonNullAndHasErrors())
Debug.Assert(activeHandlerLocal IsNot Nothing, "Field 'activeHandlerLocal' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Debug.Assert(resumeTargetLocal IsNot Nothing, "Field 'resumeTargetLocal' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Debug.Assert(type IsNot Nothing, "Field 'type' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Me._ActiveHandlerLocal = activeHandlerLocal
Me._ResumeTargetLocal = resumeTargetLocal
End Sub
Private Partial Sub Validate()
End Sub
Private ReadOnly _ActiveHandlerLocal As BoundLocal
Public ReadOnly Property ActiveHandlerLocal As BoundLocal
Return _ActiveHandlerLocal
End Get
End Property
Private ReadOnly _ResumeTargetLocal As BoundLocal
Public ReadOnly Property ResumeTargetLocal As BoundLocal
Return _ResumeTargetLocal
End Get
End Property
Public Overrides Function Accept(visitor as BoundTreeVisitor) As BoundNode
Return visitor.VisitUnstructuredExceptionHandlingCatchFilter(Me)
End Function
Public Function Update(activeHandlerLocal As BoundLocal, resumeTargetLocal As BoundLocal, type As TypeSymbol) As BoundUnstructuredExceptionHandlingCatchFilter
If activeHandlerLocal IsNot Me.ActiveHandlerLocal OrElse resumeTargetLocal IsNot Me.ResumeTargetLocal OrElse type IsNot Me.Type Then
Dim result = New BoundUnstructuredExceptionHandlingCatchFilter(Me.Syntax, activeHandlerLocal, resumeTargetLocal, type, Me.HasErrors)
Return result
End If
Return Me
End Function
End Class
Partial Friend NotInheritable Class BoundUnstructuredExceptionOnErrorSwitch
Inherits BoundStatement
Public Sub New(syntax As SyntaxNode, value As BoundExpression, jumps As ImmutableArray(Of BoundGotoStatement), Optional hasErrors As Boolean = False)
MyBase.New(BoundKind.UnstructuredExceptionOnErrorSwitch, syntax, hasErrors OrElse value.NonNullAndHasErrors() OrElse jumps.NonNullAndHasErrors())
Debug.Assert(value IsNot Nothing, "Field 'value' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Debug.Assert(Not (jumps.IsDefault), "Field 'jumps' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Me._Value = value
Me._Jumps = jumps
End Sub
Private Partial Sub Validate()
End Sub
Private ReadOnly _Value As BoundExpression
Public ReadOnly Property Value As BoundExpression
Return _Value
End Get
End Property
Private ReadOnly _Jumps As ImmutableArray(Of BoundGotoStatement)
Public ReadOnly Property Jumps As ImmutableArray(Of BoundGotoStatement)
Return _Jumps
End Get
End Property
Public Overrides Function Accept(visitor as BoundTreeVisitor) As BoundNode
Return visitor.VisitUnstructuredExceptionOnErrorSwitch(Me)
End Function
Public Function Update(value As BoundExpression, jumps As ImmutableArray(Of BoundGotoStatement)) As BoundUnstructuredExceptionOnErrorSwitch
If value IsNot Me.Value OrElse jumps <> Me.Jumps Then
Dim result = New BoundUnstructuredExceptionOnErrorSwitch(Me.Syntax, value, jumps, Me.HasErrors)
Return result
End If
Return Me
End Function
End Class
Partial Friend NotInheritable Class BoundUnstructuredExceptionResumeSwitch
Inherits BoundStatement
Public Sub New(syntax As SyntaxNode, resumeTargetTemporary As BoundLocal, resumeLabel As BoundLabelStatement, resumeNextLabel As BoundLabelStatement, jumps As ImmutableArray(Of BoundGotoStatement), Optional hasErrors As Boolean = False)
MyBase.New(BoundKind.UnstructuredExceptionResumeSwitch, syntax, hasErrors OrElse resumeTargetTemporary.NonNullAndHasErrors() OrElse resumeLabel.NonNullAndHasErrors() OrElse resumeNextLabel.NonNullAndHasErrors() OrElse jumps.NonNullAndHasErrors())
Debug.Assert(resumeTargetTemporary IsNot Nothing, "Field 'resumeTargetTemporary' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Debug.Assert(resumeLabel IsNot Nothing, "Field 'resumeLabel' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Debug.Assert(resumeNextLabel IsNot Nothing, "Field 'resumeNextLabel' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Debug.Assert(Not (jumps.IsDefault), "Field 'jumps' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Me._ResumeTargetTemporary = resumeTargetTemporary
Me._ResumeLabel = resumeLabel
Me._ResumeNextLabel = resumeNextLabel
Me._Jumps = jumps
End Sub
Private Partial Sub Validate()
End Sub
Private ReadOnly _ResumeTargetTemporary As BoundLocal
Public ReadOnly Property ResumeTargetTemporary As BoundLocal
Return _ResumeTargetTemporary
End Get
End Property
Private ReadOnly _ResumeLabel As BoundLabelStatement
Public ReadOnly Property ResumeLabel As BoundLabelStatement
Return _ResumeLabel
End Get
End Property
Private ReadOnly _ResumeNextLabel As BoundLabelStatement
Public ReadOnly Property ResumeNextLabel As BoundLabelStatement
Return _ResumeNextLabel
End Get
End Property
Private ReadOnly _Jumps As ImmutableArray(Of BoundGotoStatement)
Public ReadOnly Property Jumps As ImmutableArray(Of BoundGotoStatement)
Return _Jumps
End Get
End Property
Public Overrides Function Accept(visitor as BoundTreeVisitor) As BoundNode
Return visitor.VisitUnstructuredExceptionResumeSwitch(Me)
End Function
Public Function Update(resumeTargetTemporary As BoundLocal, resumeLabel As BoundLabelStatement, resumeNextLabel As BoundLabelStatement, jumps As ImmutableArray(Of BoundGotoStatement)) As BoundUnstructuredExceptionResumeSwitch
If resumeTargetTemporary IsNot Me.ResumeTargetTemporary OrElse resumeLabel IsNot Me.ResumeLabel OrElse resumeNextLabel IsNot Me.ResumeNextLabel OrElse jumps <> Me.Jumps Then
Dim result = New BoundUnstructuredExceptionResumeSwitch(Me.Syntax, resumeTargetTemporary, resumeLabel, resumeNextLabel, jumps, Me.HasErrors)
Return result
End If
Return Me
End Function
End Class
Partial Friend NotInheritable Class BoundAwaitOperator
Inherits BoundExpression
Public Sub New(syntax As SyntaxNode, operand As BoundExpression, awaitableInstancePlaceholder As BoundRValuePlaceholder, getAwaiter As BoundExpression, awaiterInstancePlaceholder As BoundLValuePlaceholder, isCompleted As BoundExpression, getResult As BoundExpression, type As TypeSymbol, Optional hasErrors As Boolean = False)
MyBase.New(BoundKind.AwaitOperator, syntax, type, hasErrors OrElse operand.NonNullAndHasErrors() OrElse awaitableInstancePlaceholder.NonNullAndHasErrors() OrElse getAwaiter.NonNullAndHasErrors() OrElse awaiterInstancePlaceholder.NonNullAndHasErrors() OrElse isCompleted.NonNullAndHasErrors() OrElse getResult.NonNullAndHasErrors())
Debug.Assert(operand IsNot Nothing, "Field 'operand' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Debug.Assert(awaitableInstancePlaceholder IsNot Nothing, "Field 'awaitableInstancePlaceholder' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Debug.Assert(getAwaiter IsNot Nothing, "Field 'getAwaiter' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Debug.Assert(awaiterInstancePlaceholder IsNot Nothing, "Field 'awaiterInstancePlaceholder' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Debug.Assert(isCompleted IsNot Nothing, "Field 'isCompleted' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Debug.Assert(getResult IsNot Nothing, "Field 'getResult' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Debug.Assert(type IsNot Nothing, "Field 'type' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Me._Operand = operand
Me._AwaitableInstancePlaceholder = awaitableInstancePlaceholder
Me._GetAwaiter = getAwaiter
Me._AwaiterInstancePlaceholder = awaiterInstancePlaceholder
Me._IsCompleted = isCompleted
Me._GetResult = getResult
End Sub
Private Partial Sub Validate()
End Sub
Private ReadOnly _Operand As BoundExpression
Public ReadOnly Property Operand As BoundExpression
Return _Operand
End Get
End Property
Private ReadOnly _AwaitableInstancePlaceholder As BoundRValuePlaceholder
Public ReadOnly Property AwaitableInstancePlaceholder As BoundRValuePlaceholder
Return _AwaitableInstancePlaceholder
End Get
End Property
Private ReadOnly _GetAwaiter As BoundExpression
Public ReadOnly Property GetAwaiter As BoundExpression
Return _GetAwaiter
End Get
End Property
Private ReadOnly _AwaiterInstancePlaceholder As BoundLValuePlaceholder
Public ReadOnly Property AwaiterInstancePlaceholder As BoundLValuePlaceholder
Return _AwaiterInstancePlaceholder
End Get
End Property
Private ReadOnly _IsCompleted As BoundExpression
Public ReadOnly Property IsCompleted As BoundExpression
Return _IsCompleted
End Get
End Property
Private ReadOnly _GetResult As BoundExpression
Public ReadOnly Property GetResult As BoundExpression
Return _GetResult
End Get
End Property
Public Overrides Function Accept(visitor as BoundTreeVisitor) As BoundNode
Return visitor.VisitAwaitOperator(Me)
End Function
Public Function Update(operand As BoundExpression, awaitableInstancePlaceholder As BoundRValuePlaceholder, getAwaiter As BoundExpression, awaiterInstancePlaceholder As BoundLValuePlaceholder, isCompleted As BoundExpression, getResult As BoundExpression, type As TypeSymbol) As BoundAwaitOperator
If operand IsNot Me.Operand OrElse awaitableInstancePlaceholder IsNot Me.AwaitableInstancePlaceholder OrElse getAwaiter IsNot Me.GetAwaiter OrElse awaiterInstancePlaceholder IsNot Me.AwaiterInstancePlaceholder OrElse isCompleted IsNot Me.IsCompleted OrElse getResult IsNot Me.GetResult OrElse type IsNot Me.Type Then
Dim result = New BoundAwaitOperator(Me.Syntax, operand, awaitableInstancePlaceholder, getAwaiter, awaiterInstancePlaceholder, isCompleted, getResult, type, Me.HasErrors)
Return result
End If
Return Me
End Function
End Class
Partial Friend NotInheritable Class BoundSpillSequence
Inherits BoundExpression
Public Sub New(syntax As SyntaxNode, locals As ImmutableArray(Of LocalSymbol), spillFields As ImmutableArray(Of FieldSymbol), statements As ImmutableArray(Of BoundStatement), valueOpt As BoundExpression, type As TypeSymbol, Optional hasErrors As Boolean = False)
MyBase.New(BoundKind.SpillSequence, syntax, type, hasErrors OrElse statements.NonNullAndHasErrors() OrElse valueOpt.NonNullAndHasErrors())
Debug.Assert(Not (locals.IsDefault), "Field 'locals' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Debug.Assert(Not (spillFields.IsDefault), "Field 'spillFields' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Debug.Assert(Not (statements.IsDefault), "Field 'statements' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Me._Locals = locals
Me._SpillFields = spillFields
Me._Statements = statements
Me._ValueOpt = valueOpt
End Sub
Private Partial Sub Validate()
End Sub
Private ReadOnly _Locals As ImmutableArray(Of LocalSymbol)
Public ReadOnly Property Locals As ImmutableArray(Of LocalSymbol)
Return _Locals
End Get
End Property
Private ReadOnly _SpillFields As ImmutableArray(Of FieldSymbol)
Public ReadOnly Property SpillFields As ImmutableArray(Of FieldSymbol)
Return _SpillFields
End Get
End Property
Private ReadOnly _Statements As ImmutableArray(Of BoundStatement)
Public ReadOnly Property Statements As ImmutableArray(Of BoundStatement)
Return _Statements
End Get
End Property
Private ReadOnly _ValueOpt As BoundExpression
Public ReadOnly Property ValueOpt As BoundExpression
Return _ValueOpt
End Get
End Property
Public Overrides Function Accept(visitor as BoundTreeVisitor) As BoundNode
Return visitor.VisitSpillSequence(Me)
End Function
Public Function Update(locals As ImmutableArray(Of LocalSymbol), spillFields As ImmutableArray(Of FieldSymbol), statements As ImmutableArray(Of BoundStatement), valueOpt As BoundExpression, type As TypeSymbol) As BoundSpillSequence
If locals <> Me.Locals OrElse spillFields <> Me.SpillFields OrElse statements <> Me.Statements OrElse valueOpt IsNot Me.ValueOpt OrElse type IsNot Me.Type Then
Dim result = New BoundSpillSequence(Me.Syntax, locals, spillFields, statements, valueOpt, type, Me.HasErrors)
Return result
End If
Return Me
End Function
End Class
Partial Friend NotInheritable Class BoundStopStatement
Inherits BoundStatement
Public Sub New(syntax As SyntaxNode, hasErrors As Boolean)
MyBase.New(BoundKind.StopStatement, syntax, hasErrors)
End Sub
Public Sub New(syntax As SyntaxNode)
MyBase.New(BoundKind.StopStatement, syntax)
End Sub
Public Overrides Function Accept(visitor as BoundTreeVisitor) As BoundNode
Return visitor.VisitStopStatement(Me)
End Function
End Class
Partial Friend NotInheritable Class BoundEndStatement
Inherits BoundStatement
Public Sub New(syntax As SyntaxNode, hasErrors As Boolean)
MyBase.New(BoundKind.EndStatement, syntax, hasErrors)
End Sub
Public Sub New(syntax As SyntaxNode)
MyBase.New(BoundKind.EndStatement, syntax)
End Sub
Public Overrides Function Accept(visitor as BoundTreeVisitor) As BoundNode
Return visitor.VisitEndStatement(Me)
End Function
End Class
Partial Friend NotInheritable Class BoundMidResult
Inherits BoundExpression
Public Sub New(syntax As SyntaxNode, original As BoundExpression, start As BoundExpression, lengthOpt As BoundExpression, source As BoundExpression, type As TypeSymbol, Optional hasErrors As Boolean = False)
MyBase.New(BoundKind.MidResult, syntax, type, hasErrors OrElse original.NonNullAndHasErrors() OrElse start.NonNullAndHasErrors() OrElse lengthOpt.NonNullAndHasErrors() OrElse source.NonNullAndHasErrors())
Debug.Assert(original IsNot Nothing, "Field 'original' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Debug.Assert(start IsNot Nothing, "Field 'start' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Debug.Assert(source IsNot Nothing, "Field 'source' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Debug.Assert(type IsNot Nothing, "Field 'type' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Me._Original = original
Me._Start = start
Me._LengthOpt = lengthOpt
Me._Source = source
End Sub
Private Partial Sub Validate()
End Sub
Private ReadOnly _Original As BoundExpression
Public ReadOnly Property Original As BoundExpression
Return _Original
End Get
End Property
Private ReadOnly _Start As BoundExpression
Public ReadOnly Property Start As BoundExpression
Return _Start
End Get
End Property
Private ReadOnly _LengthOpt As BoundExpression
Public ReadOnly Property LengthOpt As BoundExpression
Return _LengthOpt
End Get
End Property
Private ReadOnly _Source As BoundExpression
Public ReadOnly Property Source As BoundExpression
Return _Source
End Get
End Property
Public Overrides Function Accept(visitor as BoundTreeVisitor) As BoundNode
Return visitor.VisitMidResult(Me)
End Function
Public Function Update(original As BoundExpression, start As BoundExpression, lengthOpt As BoundExpression, source As BoundExpression, type As TypeSymbol) As BoundMidResult
If original IsNot Me.Original OrElse start IsNot Me.Start OrElse lengthOpt IsNot Me.LengthOpt OrElse source IsNot Me.Source OrElse type IsNot Me.Type Then
Dim result = New BoundMidResult(Me.Syntax, original, start, lengthOpt, source, type, Me.HasErrors)
Return result
End If
Return Me
End Function
End Class
Partial Friend NotInheritable Class BoundConditionalAccess
Inherits BoundExpression
Public Sub New(syntax As SyntaxNode, receiver As BoundExpression, placeholder As BoundRValuePlaceholder, accessExpression As BoundExpression, type As TypeSymbol, Optional hasErrors As Boolean = False)
MyBase.New(BoundKind.ConditionalAccess, syntax, type, hasErrors OrElse receiver.NonNullAndHasErrors() OrElse placeholder.NonNullAndHasErrors() OrElse accessExpression.NonNullAndHasErrors())
Debug.Assert(receiver IsNot Nothing, "Field 'receiver' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Debug.Assert(placeholder IsNot Nothing, "Field 'placeholder' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Debug.Assert(accessExpression IsNot Nothing, "Field 'accessExpression' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Me._Receiver = receiver
Me._Placeholder = placeholder
Me._AccessExpression = accessExpression
End Sub
Private ReadOnly _Receiver As BoundExpression
Public ReadOnly Property Receiver As BoundExpression
Return _Receiver
End Get
End Property
Private ReadOnly _Placeholder As BoundRValuePlaceholder
Public ReadOnly Property Placeholder As BoundRValuePlaceholder
Return _Placeholder
End Get
End Property
Private ReadOnly _AccessExpression As BoundExpression
Public ReadOnly Property AccessExpression As BoundExpression
Return _AccessExpression
End Get
End Property
Public Overrides Function Accept(visitor as BoundTreeVisitor) As BoundNode
Return visitor.VisitConditionalAccess(Me)
End Function
Public Function Update(receiver As BoundExpression, placeholder As BoundRValuePlaceholder, accessExpression As BoundExpression, type As TypeSymbol) As BoundConditionalAccess
If receiver IsNot Me.Receiver OrElse placeholder IsNot Me.Placeholder OrElse accessExpression IsNot Me.AccessExpression OrElse type IsNot Me.Type Then
Dim result = New BoundConditionalAccess(Me.Syntax, receiver, placeholder, accessExpression, type, Me.HasErrors)
Return result
End If
Return Me
End Function
End Class
Partial Friend NotInheritable Class BoundConditionalAccessReceiverPlaceholder
Inherits BoundRValuePlaceholderBase
Public Sub New(syntax As SyntaxNode, placeholderId As Integer, capture As Boolean, type As TypeSymbol, hasErrors As Boolean)
MyBase.New(BoundKind.ConditionalAccessReceiverPlaceholder, syntax, type, hasErrors)
Debug.Assert(type IsNot Nothing, "Field 'type' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Me._PlaceholderId = placeholderId
Me._Capture = capture
End Sub
Private Partial Sub Validate()
End Sub
Public Sub New(syntax As SyntaxNode, placeholderId As Integer, capture As Boolean, type As TypeSymbol)
MyBase.New(BoundKind.ConditionalAccessReceiverPlaceholder, syntax, type)
Debug.Assert(type IsNot Nothing, "Field 'type' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Me._PlaceholderId = placeholderId
Me._Capture = capture
End Sub
Private ReadOnly _PlaceholderId As Integer
Public ReadOnly Property PlaceholderId As Integer
Return _PlaceholderId
End Get
End Property
Private ReadOnly _Capture As Boolean
Public ReadOnly Property Capture As Boolean
Return _Capture
End Get
End Property
Public Overrides Function Accept(visitor as BoundTreeVisitor) As BoundNode
Return visitor.VisitConditionalAccessReceiverPlaceholder(Me)
End Function
Public Function Update(placeholderId As Integer, capture As Boolean, type As TypeSymbol) As BoundConditionalAccessReceiverPlaceholder
If placeholderId <> Me.PlaceholderId OrElse capture <> Me.Capture OrElse type IsNot Me.Type Then
Dim result = New BoundConditionalAccessReceiverPlaceholder(Me.Syntax, placeholderId, capture, type, Me.HasErrors)
Return result
End If
Return Me
End Function
End Class
Partial Friend NotInheritable Class BoundLoweredConditionalAccess
Inherits BoundExpression
Public Sub New(syntax As SyntaxNode, receiver As BoundExpression, captureReceiver As Boolean, placeholderId As Integer, whenNotNull As BoundExpression, whenNullOpt As BoundExpression, type As TypeSymbol, Optional hasErrors As Boolean = False)
MyBase.New(BoundKind.LoweredConditionalAccess, syntax, type, hasErrors OrElse receiver.NonNullAndHasErrors() OrElse whenNotNull.NonNullAndHasErrors() OrElse whenNullOpt.NonNullAndHasErrors())
Debug.Assert(receiver IsNot Nothing, "Field 'receiver' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Debug.Assert(whenNotNull IsNot Nothing, "Field 'whenNotNull' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Debug.Assert(type IsNot Nothing, "Field 'type' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Me._Receiver = receiver
Me._CaptureReceiver = captureReceiver
Me._PlaceholderId = placeholderId
Me._WhenNotNull = whenNotNull
Me._WhenNullOpt = whenNullOpt
End Sub
Private Partial Sub Validate()
End Sub
Private ReadOnly _Receiver As BoundExpression
Public ReadOnly Property Receiver As BoundExpression
Return _Receiver
End Get
End Property
Private ReadOnly _CaptureReceiver As Boolean
Public ReadOnly Property CaptureReceiver As Boolean
Return _CaptureReceiver
End Get
End Property
Private ReadOnly _PlaceholderId As Integer
Public ReadOnly Property PlaceholderId As Integer
Return _PlaceholderId
End Get
End Property
Private ReadOnly _WhenNotNull As BoundExpression
Public ReadOnly Property WhenNotNull As BoundExpression
Return _WhenNotNull
End Get
End Property
Private ReadOnly _WhenNullOpt As BoundExpression
Public ReadOnly Property WhenNullOpt As BoundExpression
Return _WhenNullOpt
End Get
End Property
Public Overrides Function Accept(visitor as BoundTreeVisitor) As BoundNode
Return visitor.VisitLoweredConditionalAccess(Me)
End Function
Public Function Update(receiver As BoundExpression, captureReceiver As Boolean, placeholderId As Integer, whenNotNull As BoundExpression, whenNullOpt As BoundExpression, type As TypeSymbol) As BoundLoweredConditionalAccess
If receiver IsNot Me.Receiver OrElse captureReceiver <> Me.CaptureReceiver OrElse placeholderId <> Me.PlaceholderId OrElse whenNotNull IsNot Me.WhenNotNull OrElse whenNullOpt IsNot Me.WhenNullOpt OrElse type IsNot Me.Type Then
Dim result = New BoundLoweredConditionalAccess(Me.Syntax, receiver, captureReceiver, placeholderId, whenNotNull, whenNullOpt, type, Me.HasErrors)
Return result
End If
Return Me
End Function
End Class
Partial Friend NotInheritable Class BoundComplexConditionalAccessReceiver
Inherits BoundExpression
Public Sub New(syntax As SyntaxNode, valueTypeReceiver As BoundExpression, referenceTypeReceiver As BoundExpression, type As TypeSymbol, Optional hasErrors As Boolean = False)
MyBase.New(BoundKind.ComplexConditionalAccessReceiver, syntax, type, hasErrors OrElse valueTypeReceiver.NonNullAndHasErrors() OrElse referenceTypeReceiver.NonNullAndHasErrors())
Debug.Assert(valueTypeReceiver IsNot Nothing, "Field 'valueTypeReceiver' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Debug.Assert(referenceTypeReceiver IsNot Nothing, "Field 'referenceTypeReceiver' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Debug.Assert(type IsNot Nothing, "Field 'type' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Me._ValueTypeReceiver = valueTypeReceiver
Me._ReferenceTypeReceiver = referenceTypeReceiver
End Sub
Private Partial Sub Validate()
End Sub
Private ReadOnly _ValueTypeReceiver As BoundExpression
Public ReadOnly Property ValueTypeReceiver As BoundExpression
Return _ValueTypeReceiver
End Get
End Property
Private ReadOnly _ReferenceTypeReceiver As BoundExpression
Public ReadOnly Property ReferenceTypeReceiver As BoundExpression
Return _ReferenceTypeReceiver
End Get
End Property
Public Overrides Function Accept(visitor as BoundTreeVisitor) As BoundNode
Return visitor.VisitComplexConditionalAccessReceiver(Me)
End Function
Public Function Update(valueTypeReceiver As BoundExpression, referenceTypeReceiver As BoundExpression, type As TypeSymbol) As BoundComplexConditionalAccessReceiver
If valueTypeReceiver IsNot Me.ValueTypeReceiver OrElse referenceTypeReceiver IsNot Me.ReferenceTypeReceiver OrElse type IsNot Me.Type Then
Dim result = New BoundComplexConditionalAccessReceiver(Me.Syntax, valueTypeReceiver, referenceTypeReceiver, type, Me.HasErrors)
Return result
End If
Return Me
End Function
End Class
Partial Friend NotInheritable Class BoundNameOfOperator
Inherits BoundExpression
Public Sub New(syntax As SyntaxNode, argument As BoundExpression, constantValueOpt As ConstantValue, type As TypeSymbol, Optional hasErrors As Boolean = False)
MyBase.New(BoundKind.NameOfOperator, syntax, type, hasErrors OrElse argument.NonNullAndHasErrors())
Debug.Assert(argument IsNot Nothing, "Field 'argument' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Debug.Assert(type IsNot Nothing, "Field 'type' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Me._Argument = argument
Me._ConstantValueOpt = constantValueOpt
End Sub
Private Partial Sub Validate()
End Sub
Private ReadOnly _Argument As BoundExpression
Public ReadOnly Property Argument As BoundExpression
Return _Argument
End Get
End Property
Private ReadOnly _ConstantValueOpt As ConstantValue
Public Overrides ReadOnly Property ConstantValueOpt As ConstantValue
Return _ConstantValueOpt
End Get
End Property
Public Overrides Function Accept(visitor as BoundTreeVisitor) As BoundNode
Return visitor.VisitNameOfOperator(Me)
End Function
Public Function Update(argument As BoundExpression, constantValueOpt As ConstantValue, type As TypeSymbol) As BoundNameOfOperator
If argument IsNot Me.Argument OrElse constantValueOpt IsNot Me.ConstantValueOpt OrElse type IsNot Me.Type Then
Dim result = New BoundNameOfOperator(Me.Syntax, argument, constantValueOpt, type, Me.HasErrors)
Return result
End If
Return Me
End Function
End Class
Partial Friend NotInheritable Class BoundTypeAsValueExpression
Inherits BoundExpression
Public Sub New(syntax As SyntaxNode, expression As BoundTypeExpression, type As TypeSymbol, Optional hasErrors As Boolean = False)
MyBase.New(BoundKind.TypeAsValueExpression, syntax, type, hasErrors OrElse expression.NonNullAndHasErrors())
Debug.Assert(expression IsNot Nothing, "Field 'expression' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Debug.Assert(type IsNot Nothing, "Field 'type' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Me._Expression = expression
End Sub
Private Partial Sub Validate()
End Sub
Private ReadOnly _Expression As BoundTypeExpression
Public ReadOnly Property Expression As BoundTypeExpression
Return _Expression
End Get
End Property
Public Overrides Function Accept(visitor as BoundTreeVisitor) As BoundNode
Return visitor.VisitTypeAsValueExpression(Me)
End Function
Public Function Update(expression As BoundTypeExpression, type As TypeSymbol) As BoundTypeAsValueExpression
If expression IsNot Me.Expression OrElse type IsNot Me.Type Then
Dim result = New BoundTypeAsValueExpression(Me.Syntax, expression, type, Me.HasErrors)
Return result
End If
Return Me
End Function
End Class
Partial Friend NotInheritable Class BoundInterpolatedStringExpression
Inherits BoundExpression
Public Sub New(syntax As SyntaxNode, contents As ImmutableArray(Of BoundNode), constructionOpt As BoundExpression, type As TypeSymbol, Optional hasErrors As Boolean = False)
MyBase.New(BoundKind.InterpolatedStringExpression, syntax, type, hasErrors OrElse contents.NonNullAndHasErrors() OrElse constructionOpt.NonNullAndHasErrors())
Debug.Assert(Not (contents.IsDefault), "Field 'contents' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Debug.Assert(type IsNot Nothing, "Field 'type' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Me._Contents = contents
Me._ConstructionOpt = constructionOpt
End Sub
Private Partial Sub Validate()
End Sub
Private ReadOnly _Contents As ImmutableArray(Of BoundNode)
Public ReadOnly Property Contents As ImmutableArray(Of BoundNode)
Return _Contents
End Get
End Property
Private ReadOnly _ConstructionOpt As BoundExpression
Public ReadOnly Property ConstructionOpt As BoundExpression
Return _ConstructionOpt
End Get
End Property
Public Overrides Function Accept(visitor as BoundTreeVisitor) As BoundNode
Return visitor.VisitInterpolatedStringExpression(Me)
End Function
Public Function Update(contents As ImmutableArray(Of BoundNode), constructionOpt As BoundExpression, type As TypeSymbol) As BoundInterpolatedStringExpression
If contents <> Me.Contents OrElse constructionOpt IsNot Me.ConstructionOpt OrElse type IsNot Me.Type Then
Dim result = New BoundInterpolatedStringExpression(Me.Syntax, contents, constructionOpt, type, Me.HasErrors)
Return result
End If
Return Me
End Function
End Class
Partial Friend NotInheritable Class BoundInterpolation
Inherits BoundNode
Public Sub New(syntax As SyntaxNode, expression As BoundExpression, alignmentOpt As BoundExpression, formatStringOpt As BoundLiteral, Optional hasErrors As Boolean = False)
MyBase.New(BoundKind.Interpolation, syntax, hasErrors OrElse expression.NonNullAndHasErrors() OrElse alignmentOpt.NonNullAndHasErrors() OrElse formatStringOpt.NonNullAndHasErrors())
Debug.Assert(expression IsNot Nothing, "Field 'expression' cannot be null (use Null=""allow"" in BoundNodes.xml to remove this check)")
Me._Expression = expression
Me._AlignmentOpt = alignmentOpt
Me._FormatStringOpt = formatStringOpt
End Sub
Private ReadOnly _Expression As BoundExpression
Public ReadOnly Property Expression As BoundExpression
Return _Expression
End Get
End Property
Private ReadOnly _AlignmentOpt As BoundExpression
Public ReadOnly Property AlignmentOpt As BoundExpression
Return _AlignmentOpt
End Get
End Property
Private ReadOnly _FormatStringOpt As BoundLiteral
Public ReadOnly Property FormatStringOpt As BoundLiteral
Return _FormatStringOpt
End Get
End Property
Public Overrides Function Accept(visitor as BoundTreeVisitor) As BoundNode
Return visitor.VisitInterpolation(Me)
End Function
Public Function Update(expression As BoundExpression, alignmentOpt As BoundExpression, formatStringOpt As BoundLiteral) As BoundInterpolation
If expression IsNot Me.Expression OrElse alignmentOpt IsNot Me.AlignmentOpt OrElse formatStringOpt IsNot Me.FormatStringOpt Then
Dim result = New BoundInterpolation(Me.Syntax, expression, alignmentOpt, formatStringOpt, Me.HasErrors)
Return result
End If
Return Me
End Function
End Class
Friend MustInherit Partial Class BoundTreeVisitor(Of A, R)
<MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.NoInlining), DebuggerStepThrough>
Friend Function VisitInternal(node As BoundNode, arg As A) As R
Select Case node.Kind
Case BoundKind.TypeArguments
Return VisitTypeArguments(CType(node, BoundTypeArguments), arg)
Case BoundKind.OmittedArgument
Return VisitOmittedArgument(CType(node, BoundOmittedArgument), arg)
Case BoundKind.LValueToRValueWrapper
Return VisitLValueToRValueWrapper(CType(node, BoundLValueToRValueWrapper), arg)
Case BoundKind.WithLValueExpressionPlaceholder
Return VisitWithLValueExpressionPlaceholder(CType(node, BoundWithLValueExpressionPlaceholder), arg)
Case BoundKind.WithRValueExpressionPlaceholder
Return VisitWithRValueExpressionPlaceholder(CType(node, BoundWithRValueExpressionPlaceholder), arg)
Case BoundKind.RValuePlaceholder
Return VisitRValuePlaceholder(CType(node, BoundRValuePlaceholder), arg)
Case BoundKind.LValuePlaceholder
Return VisitLValuePlaceholder(CType(node, BoundLValuePlaceholder), arg)
Case BoundKind.Dup
Return VisitDup(CType(node, BoundDup), arg)
Case BoundKind.BadExpression
Return VisitBadExpression(CType(node, BoundBadExpression), arg)
Case BoundKind.BadStatement
Return VisitBadStatement(CType(node, BoundBadStatement), arg)
Case BoundKind.Parenthesized
Return VisitParenthesized(CType(node, BoundParenthesized), arg)
Case BoundKind.BadVariable
Return VisitBadVariable(CType(node, BoundBadVariable), arg)
Case BoundKind.ArrayAccess
Return VisitArrayAccess(CType(node, BoundArrayAccess), arg)
Case BoundKind.ArrayLength
Return VisitArrayLength(CType(node, BoundArrayLength), arg)
Case BoundKind.[GetType]
Return VisitGetType(CType(node, BoundGetType), arg)
Case BoundKind.FieldInfo
Return VisitFieldInfo(CType(node, BoundFieldInfo), arg)
Case BoundKind.MethodInfo
Return VisitMethodInfo(CType(node, BoundMethodInfo), arg)
Case BoundKind.TypeExpression
Return VisitTypeExpression(CType(node, BoundTypeExpression), arg)
Case BoundKind.TypeOrValueExpression
Return VisitTypeOrValueExpression(CType(node, BoundTypeOrValueExpression), arg)
Case BoundKind.NamespaceExpression
Return VisitNamespaceExpression(CType(node, BoundNamespaceExpression), arg)
Case BoundKind.MethodDefIndex
Return VisitMethodDefIndex(CType(node, BoundMethodDefIndex), arg)
Case BoundKind.MaximumMethodDefIndex
Return VisitMaximumMethodDefIndex(CType(node, BoundMaximumMethodDefIndex), arg)
Case BoundKind.InstrumentationPayloadRoot
Return VisitInstrumentationPayloadRoot(CType(node, BoundInstrumentationPayloadRoot), arg)
Case BoundKind.ModuleVersionId
Return VisitModuleVersionId(CType(node, BoundModuleVersionId), arg)
Case BoundKind.ModuleVersionIdString
Return VisitModuleVersionIdString(CType(node, BoundModuleVersionIdString), arg)
Case BoundKind.SourceDocumentIndex
Return VisitSourceDocumentIndex(CType(node, BoundSourceDocumentIndex), arg)
Case BoundKind.UnaryOperator
Return VisitUnaryOperator(CType(node, BoundUnaryOperator), arg)
Case BoundKind.UserDefinedUnaryOperator
Return VisitUserDefinedUnaryOperator(CType(node, BoundUserDefinedUnaryOperator), arg)
Case BoundKind.NullableIsTrueOperator
Return VisitNullableIsTrueOperator(CType(node, BoundNullableIsTrueOperator), arg)
Case BoundKind.BinaryOperator
Return VisitBinaryOperator(CType(node, BoundBinaryOperator), arg)
Case BoundKind.UserDefinedBinaryOperator
Return VisitUserDefinedBinaryOperator(CType(node, BoundUserDefinedBinaryOperator), arg)
Case BoundKind.UserDefinedShortCircuitingOperator
Return VisitUserDefinedShortCircuitingOperator(CType(node, BoundUserDefinedShortCircuitingOperator), arg)
Case BoundKind.CompoundAssignmentTargetPlaceholder
Return VisitCompoundAssignmentTargetPlaceholder(CType(node, BoundCompoundAssignmentTargetPlaceholder), arg)
Case BoundKind.AssignmentOperator
Return VisitAssignmentOperator(CType(node, BoundAssignmentOperator), arg)
Case BoundKind.ReferenceAssignment
Return VisitReferenceAssignment(CType(node, BoundReferenceAssignment), arg)
Case BoundKind.AddressOfOperator
Return VisitAddressOfOperator(CType(node, BoundAddressOfOperator), arg)
Case BoundKind.TernaryConditionalExpression
Return VisitTernaryConditionalExpression(CType(node, BoundTernaryConditionalExpression), arg)
Case BoundKind.BinaryConditionalExpression
Return VisitBinaryConditionalExpression(CType(node, BoundBinaryConditionalExpression), arg)
Case BoundKind.Conversion
Return VisitConversion(CType(node, BoundConversion), arg)
Case BoundKind.RelaxationLambda
Return VisitRelaxationLambda(CType(node, BoundRelaxationLambda), arg)
Case BoundKind.ConvertedTupleElements
Return VisitConvertedTupleElements(CType(node, BoundConvertedTupleElements), arg)
Case BoundKind.UserDefinedConversion
Return VisitUserDefinedConversion(CType(node, BoundUserDefinedConversion), arg)
Case BoundKind.[DirectCast]
Return VisitDirectCast(CType(node, BoundDirectCast), arg)
Case BoundKind.[TryCast]
Return VisitTryCast(CType(node, BoundTryCast), arg)
Case BoundKind.[TypeOf]
Return VisitTypeOf(CType(node, BoundTypeOf), arg)
Case BoundKind.SequencePoint
Return VisitSequencePoint(CType(node, BoundSequencePoint), arg)
Case BoundKind.SequencePointExpression
Return VisitSequencePointExpression(CType(node, BoundSequencePointExpression), arg)
Case BoundKind.SequencePointWithSpan
Return VisitSequencePointWithSpan(CType(node, BoundSequencePointWithSpan), arg)
Case BoundKind.NoOpStatement
Return VisitNoOpStatement(CType(node, BoundNoOpStatement), arg)
Case BoundKind.MethodGroup
Return VisitMethodGroup(CType(node, BoundMethodGroup), arg)
Case BoundKind.PropertyGroup
Return VisitPropertyGroup(CType(node, BoundPropertyGroup), arg)
Case BoundKind.ReturnStatement
Return VisitReturnStatement(CType(node, BoundReturnStatement), arg)
Case BoundKind.YieldStatement
Return VisitYieldStatement(CType(node, BoundYieldStatement), arg)
Case BoundKind.ThrowStatement
Return VisitThrowStatement(CType(node, BoundThrowStatement), arg)
Case BoundKind.RedimStatement
Return VisitRedimStatement(CType(node, BoundRedimStatement), arg)
Case BoundKind.RedimClause
Return VisitRedimClause(CType(node, BoundRedimClause), arg)
Case BoundKind.EraseStatement
Return VisitEraseStatement(CType(node, BoundEraseStatement), arg)
Case BoundKind.[Call]
Return VisitCall(CType(node, BoundCall), arg)
Case BoundKind.Attribute
Return VisitAttribute(CType(node, BoundAttribute), arg)
Case BoundKind.LateMemberAccess
Return VisitLateMemberAccess(CType(node, BoundLateMemberAccess), arg)
Case BoundKind.LateInvocation
Return VisitLateInvocation(CType(node, BoundLateInvocation), arg)
Case BoundKind.LateAddressOfOperator
Return VisitLateAddressOfOperator(CType(node, BoundLateAddressOfOperator), arg)
Case BoundKind.TupleLiteral
Return VisitTupleLiteral(CType(node, BoundTupleLiteral), arg)
Case BoundKind.ConvertedTupleLiteral
Return VisitConvertedTupleLiteral(CType(node, BoundConvertedTupleLiteral), arg)
Case BoundKind.ObjectCreationExpression
Return VisitObjectCreationExpression(CType(node, BoundObjectCreationExpression), arg)
Case BoundKind.NoPiaObjectCreationExpression
Return VisitNoPiaObjectCreationExpression(CType(node, BoundNoPiaObjectCreationExpression), arg)
Case BoundKind.AnonymousTypeCreationExpression
Return VisitAnonymousTypeCreationExpression(CType(node, BoundAnonymousTypeCreationExpression), arg)
Case BoundKind.AnonymousTypePropertyAccess
Return VisitAnonymousTypePropertyAccess(CType(node, BoundAnonymousTypePropertyAccess), arg)
Case BoundKind.AnonymousTypeFieldInitializer
Return VisitAnonymousTypeFieldInitializer(CType(node, BoundAnonymousTypeFieldInitializer), arg)
Case BoundKind.ObjectInitializerExpression
Return VisitObjectInitializerExpression(CType(node, BoundObjectInitializerExpression), arg)
Case BoundKind.CollectionInitializerExpression
Return VisitCollectionInitializerExpression(CType(node, BoundCollectionInitializerExpression), arg)
Case BoundKind.NewT
Return VisitNewT(CType(node, BoundNewT), arg)
Case BoundKind.DelegateCreationExpression
Return VisitDelegateCreationExpression(CType(node, BoundDelegateCreationExpression), arg)
Case BoundKind.ArrayCreation
Return VisitArrayCreation(CType(node, BoundArrayCreation), arg)
Case BoundKind.ArrayLiteral
Return VisitArrayLiteral(CType(node, BoundArrayLiteral), arg)
Case BoundKind.ArrayInitialization
Return VisitArrayInitialization(CType(node, BoundArrayInitialization), arg)
Case BoundKind.FieldAccess
Return VisitFieldAccess(CType(node, BoundFieldAccess), arg)
Case BoundKind.PropertyAccess
Return VisitPropertyAccess(CType(node, BoundPropertyAccess), arg)
Case BoundKind.EventAccess
Return VisitEventAccess(CType(node, BoundEventAccess), arg)
Case BoundKind.Block
Return VisitBlock(CType(node, BoundBlock), arg)
Case BoundKind.StateMachineScope
Return VisitStateMachineScope(CType(node, BoundStateMachineScope), arg)
Case BoundKind.LocalDeclaration
Return VisitLocalDeclaration(CType(node, BoundLocalDeclaration), arg)
Case BoundKind.AsNewLocalDeclarations
Return VisitAsNewLocalDeclarations(CType(node, BoundAsNewLocalDeclarations), arg)
Case BoundKind.DimStatement
Return VisitDimStatement(CType(node, BoundDimStatement), arg)
Case BoundKind.Initializer
Return VisitInitializer(CType(node, BoundInitializer), arg)
Case BoundKind.FieldInitializer
Return VisitFieldInitializer(CType(node, BoundFieldInitializer), arg)
Case BoundKind.PropertyInitializer
Return VisitPropertyInitializer(CType(node, BoundPropertyInitializer), arg)
Case BoundKind.ParameterEqualsValue
Return VisitParameterEqualsValue(CType(node, BoundParameterEqualsValue), arg)
Case BoundKind.GlobalStatementInitializer
Return VisitGlobalStatementInitializer(CType(node, BoundGlobalStatementInitializer), arg)
Case BoundKind.Sequence
Return VisitSequence(CType(node, BoundSequence), arg)
Case BoundKind.ExpressionStatement
Return VisitExpressionStatement(CType(node, BoundExpressionStatement), arg)
Case BoundKind.IfStatement
Return VisitIfStatement(CType(node, BoundIfStatement), arg)
Case BoundKind.SelectStatement
Return VisitSelectStatement(CType(node, BoundSelectStatement), arg)
Case BoundKind.CaseBlock
Return VisitCaseBlock(CType(node, BoundCaseBlock), arg)
Case BoundKind.CaseStatement
Return VisitCaseStatement(CType(node, BoundCaseStatement), arg)
Case BoundKind.SimpleCaseClause
Return VisitSimpleCaseClause(CType(node, BoundSimpleCaseClause), arg)
Case BoundKind.RangeCaseClause
Return VisitRangeCaseClause(CType(node, BoundRangeCaseClause), arg)
Case BoundKind.RelationalCaseClause
Return VisitRelationalCaseClause(CType(node, BoundRelationalCaseClause), arg)
Case BoundKind.DoLoopStatement
Return VisitDoLoopStatement(CType(node, BoundDoLoopStatement), arg)
Case BoundKind.WhileStatement
Return VisitWhileStatement(CType(node, BoundWhileStatement), arg)
Case BoundKind.ForToUserDefinedOperators
Return VisitForToUserDefinedOperators(CType(node, BoundForToUserDefinedOperators), arg)
Case BoundKind.ForToStatement
Return VisitForToStatement(CType(node, BoundForToStatement), arg)
Case BoundKind.ForEachStatement
Return VisitForEachStatement(CType(node, BoundForEachStatement), arg)
Case BoundKind.ExitStatement
Return VisitExitStatement(CType(node, BoundExitStatement), arg)
Case BoundKind.ContinueStatement
Return VisitContinueStatement(CType(node, BoundContinueStatement), arg)
Case BoundKind.TryStatement
Return VisitTryStatement(CType(node, BoundTryStatement), arg)
Case BoundKind.CatchBlock
Return VisitCatchBlock(CType(node, BoundCatchBlock), arg)
Case BoundKind.Literal
Return VisitLiteral(CType(node, BoundLiteral), arg)
Case BoundKind.MeReference
Return VisitMeReference(CType(node, BoundMeReference), arg)
Case BoundKind.ValueTypeMeReference
Return VisitValueTypeMeReference(CType(node, BoundValueTypeMeReference), arg)
Case BoundKind.MyBaseReference
Return VisitMyBaseReference(CType(node, BoundMyBaseReference), arg)
Case BoundKind.MyClassReference
Return VisitMyClassReference(CType(node, BoundMyClassReference), arg)
Case BoundKind.PreviousSubmissionReference
Return VisitPreviousSubmissionReference(CType(node, BoundPreviousSubmissionReference), arg)
Case BoundKind.HostObjectMemberReference
Return VisitHostObjectMemberReference(CType(node, BoundHostObjectMemberReference), arg)
Case BoundKind.Local
Return VisitLocal(CType(node, BoundLocal), arg)
Case BoundKind.PseudoVariable
Return VisitPseudoVariable(CType(node, BoundPseudoVariable), arg)
Case BoundKind.Parameter
Return VisitParameter(CType(node, BoundParameter), arg)
Case BoundKind.ByRefArgumentPlaceholder
Return VisitByRefArgumentPlaceholder(CType(node, BoundByRefArgumentPlaceholder), arg)
Case BoundKind.ByRefArgumentWithCopyBack
Return VisitByRefArgumentWithCopyBack(CType(node, BoundByRefArgumentWithCopyBack), arg)
Case BoundKind.LateBoundArgumentSupportingAssignmentWithCapture
Return VisitLateBoundArgumentSupportingAssignmentWithCapture(CType(node, BoundLateBoundArgumentSupportingAssignmentWithCapture), arg)
Case BoundKind.LabelStatement
Return VisitLabelStatement(CType(node, BoundLabelStatement), arg)
Case BoundKind.Label
Return VisitLabel(CType(node, BoundLabel), arg)
Case BoundKind.GotoStatement
Return VisitGotoStatement(CType(node, BoundGotoStatement), arg)
Case BoundKind.StatementList
Return VisitStatementList(CType(node, BoundStatementList), arg)
Case BoundKind.ConditionalGoto
Return VisitConditionalGoto(CType(node, BoundConditionalGoto), arg)
Case BoundKind.WithStatement
Return VisitWithStatement(CType(node, BoundWithStatement), arg)
Case BoundKind.UnboundLambda
Return VisitUnboundLambda(CType(node, UnboundLambda), arg)
Case BoundKind.Lambda
Return VisitLambda(CType(node, BoundLambda), arg)
Case BoundKind.QueryExpression
Return VisitQueryExpression(CType(node, BoundQueryExpression), arg)
Case BoundKind.QuerySource
Return VisitQuerySource(CType(node, BoundQuerySource), arg)
Case BoundKind.ToQueryableCollectionConversion
Return VisitToQueryableCollectionConversion(CType(node, BoundToQueryableCollectionConversion), arg)
Case BoundKind.QueryableSource
Return VisitQueryableSource(CType(node, BoundQueryableSource), arg)
Case BoundKind.QueryClause
Return VisitQueryClause(CType(node, BoundQueryClause), arg)
Case BoundKind.Ordering
Return VisitOrdering(CType(node, BoundOrdering), arg)
Case BoundKind.QueryLambda
Return VisitQueryLambda(CType(node, BoundQueryLambda), arg)
Case BoundKind.RangeVariableAssignment
Return VisitRangeVariableAssignment(CType(node, BoundRangeVariableAssignment), arg)
Case BoundKind.GroupTypeInferenceLambda
Return VisitGroupTypeInferenceLambda(CType(node, GroupTypeInferenceLambda), arg)
Case BoundKind.AggregateClause
Return VisitAggregateClause(CType(node, BoundAggregateClause), arg)
Case BoundKind.GroupAggregation
Return VisitGroupAggregation(CType(node, BoundGroupAggregation), arg)
Case BoundKind.RangeVariable
Return VisitRangeVariable(CType(node, BoundRangeVariable), arg)
Case BoundKind.AddHandlerStatement
Return VisitAddHandlerStatement(CType(node, BoundAddHandlerStatement), arg)
Case BoundKind.RemoveHandlerStatement
Return VisitRemoveHandlerStatement(CType(node, BoundRemoveHandlerStatement), arg)
Case BoundKind.RaiseEventStatement
Return VisitRaiseEventStatement(CType(node, BoundRaiseEventStatement), arg)
Case BoundKind.UsingStatement
Return VisitUsingStatement(CType(node, BoundUsingStatement), arg)
Case BoundKind.SyncLockStatement
Return VisitSyncLockStatement(CType(node, BoundSyncLockStatement), arg)
Case BoundKind.XmlName
Return VisitXmlName(CType(node, BoundXmlName), arg)
Case BoundKind.XmlNamespace
Return VisitXmlNamespace(CType(node, BoundXmlNamespace), arg)
Case BoundKind.XmlDocument
Return VisitXmlDocument(CType(node, BoundXmlDocument), arg)
Case BoundKind.XmlDeclaration
Return VisitXmlDeclaration(CType(node, BoundXmlDeclaration), arg)
Case BoundKind.XmlProcessingInstruction
Return VisitXmlProcessingInstruction(CType(node, BoundXmlProcessingInstruction), arg)
Case BoundKind.XmlComment
Return VisitXmlComment(CType(node, BoundXmlComment), arg)
Case BoundKind.XmlAttribute
Return VisitXmlAttribute(CType(node, BoundXmlAttribute), arg)
Case BoundKind.XmlElement
Return VisitXmlElement(CType(node, BoundXmlElement), arg)
Case BoundKind.XmlMemberAccess
Return VisitXmlMemberAccess(CType(node, BoundXmlMemberAccess), arg)
Case BoundKind.XmlEmbeddedExpression
Return VisitXmlEmbeddedExpression(CType(node, BoundXmlEmbeddedExpression), arg)
Case BoundKind.XmlCData
Return VisitXmlCData(CType(node, BoundXmlCData), arg)
Case BoundKind.ResumeStatement
Return VisitResumeStatement(CType(node, BoundResumeStatement), arg)
Case BoundKind.OnErrorStatement
Return VisitOnErrorStatement(CType(node, BoundOnErrorStatement), arg)
Case BoundKind.UnstructuredExceptionHandlingStatement
Return VisitUnstructuredExceptionHandlingStatement(CType(node, BoundUnstructuredExceptionHandlingStatement), arg)
Case BoundKind.UnstructuredExceptionHandlingCatchFilter
Return VisitUnstructuredExceptionHandlingCatchFilter(CType(node, BoundUnstructuredExceptionHandlingCatchFilter), arg)
Case BoundKind.UnstructuredExceptionOnErrorSwitch
Return VisitUnstructuredExceptionOnErrorSwitch(CType(node, BoundUnstructuredExceptionOnErrorSwitch), arg)
Case BoundKind.UnstructuredExceptionResumeSwitch
Return VisitUnstructuredExceptionResumeSwitch(CType(node, BoundUnstructuredExceptionResumeSwitch), arg)
Case BoundKind.AwaitOperator
Return VisitAwaitOperator(CType(node, BoundAwaitOperator), arg)
Case BoundKind.SpillSequence
Return VisitSpillSequence(CType(node, BoundSpillSequence), arg)
Case BoundKind.StopStatement
Return VisitStopStatement(CType(node, BoundStopStatement), arg)
Case BoundKind.EndStatement
Return VisitEndStatement(CType(node, BoundEndStatement), arg)
Case BoundKind.MidResult
Return VisitMidResult(CType(node, BoundMidResult), arg)
Case BoundKind.ConditionalAccess
Return VisitConditionalAccess(CType(node, BoundConditionalAccess), arg)
Case BoundKind.ConditionalAccessReceiverPlaceholder
Return VisitConditionalAccessReceiverPlaceholder(CType(node, BoundConditionalAccessReceiverPlaceholder), arg)
Case BoundKind.LoweredConditionalAccess
Return VisitLoweredConditionalAccess(CType(node, BoundLoweredConditionalAccess), arg)
Case BoundKind.ComplexConditionalAccessReceiver
Return VisitComplexConditionalAccessReceiver(CType(node, BoundComplexConditionalAccessReceiver), arg)
Case BoundKind.NameOfOperator
Return VisitNameOfOperator(CType(node, BoundNameOfOperator), arg)
Case BoundKind.TypeAsValueExpression
Return VisitTypeAsValueExpression(CType(node, BoundTypeAsValueExpression), arg)
Case BoundKind.InterpolatedStringExpression
Return VisitInterpolatedStringExpression(CType(node, BoundInterpolatedStringExpression), arg)
Case BoundKind.Interpolation
Return VisitInterpolation(CType(node, BoundInterpolation), arg)
End Select
Return DefaultVisit(node, arg)
End Function
End Class
Friend MustInherit Partial Class BoundTreeVisitor(Of A, R)
Public Overridable Function VisitTypeArguments(node As BoundTypeArguments, arg As A) As R
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node, arg)
End Function
Public Overridable Function VisitOmittedArgument(node As BoundOmittedArgument, arg As A) As R
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node, arg)
End Function
Public Overridable Function VisitLValueToRValueWrapper(node As BoundLValueToRValueWrapper, arg As A) As R
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node, arg)
End Function
Public Overridable Function VisitWithLValueExpressionPlaceholder(node As BoundWithLValueExpressionPlaceholder, arg As A) As R
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node, arg)
End Function
Public Overridable Function VisitWithRValueExpressionPlaceholder(node As BoundWithRValueExpressionPlaceholder, arg As A) As R
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node, arg)
End Function
Public Overridable Function VisitRValuePlaceholder(node As BoundRValuePlaceholder, arg As A) As R
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node, arg)
End Function
Public Overridable Function VisitLValuePlaceholder(node As BoundLValuePlaceholder, arg As A) As R
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node, arg)
End Function
Public Overridable Function VisitDup(node As BoundDup, arg As A) As R
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node, arg)
End Function
Public Overridable Function VisitBadExpression(node As BoundBadExpression, arg As A) As R
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node, arg)
End Function
Public Overridable Function VisitBadStatement(node As BoundBadStatement, arg As A) As R
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node, arg)
End Function
Public Overridable Function VisitParenthesized(node As BoundParenthesized, arg As A) As R
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node, arg)
End Function
Public Overridable Function VisitBadVariable(node As BoundBadVariable, arg As A) As R
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node, arg)
End Function
Public Overridable Function VisitArrayAccess(node As BoundArrayAccess, arg As A) As R
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node, arg)
End Function
Public Overridable Function VisitArrayLength(node As BoundArrayLength, arg As A) As R
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node, arg)
End Function
Public Overridable Function VisitGetType(node As BoundGetType, arg As A) As R
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node, arg)
End Function
Public Overridable Function VisitFieldInfo(node As BoundFieldInfo, arg As A) As R
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node, arg)
End Function
Public Overridable Function VisitMethodInfo(node As BoundMethodInfo, arg As A) As R
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node, arg)
End Function
Public Overridable Function VisitTypeExpression(node As BoundTypeExpression, arg As A) As R
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node, arg)
End Function
Public Overridable Function VisitTypeOrValueExpression(node As BoundTypeOrValueExpression, arg As A) As R
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node, arg)
End Function
Public Overridable Function VisitNamespaceExpression(node As BoundNamespaceExpression, arg As A) As R
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node, arg)
End Function
Public Overridable Function VisitMethodDefIndex(node As BoundMethodDefIndex, arg As A) As R
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node, arg)
End Function
Public Overridable Function VisitMaximumMethodDefIndex(node As BoundMaximumMethodDefIndex, arg As A) As R
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node, arg)
End Function
Public Overridable Function VisitInstrumentationPayloadRoot(node As BoundInstrumentationPayloadRoot, arg As A) As R
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node, arg)
End Function
Public Overridable Function VisitModuleVersionId(node As BoundModuleVersionId, arg As A) As R
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node, arg)
End Function
Public Overridable Function VisitModuleVersionIdString(node As BoundModuleVersionIdString, arg As A) As R
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node, arg)
End Function
Public Overridable Function VisitSourceDocumentIndex(node As BoundSourceDocumentIndex, arg As A) As R
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node, arg)
End Function
Public Overridable Function VisitUnaryOperator(node As BoundUnaryOperator, arg As A) As R
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node, arg)
End Function
Public Overridable Function VisitUserDefinedUnaryOperator(node As BoundUserDefinedUnaryOperator, arg As A) As R
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node, arg)
End Function
Public Overridable Function VisitNullableIsTrueOperator(node As BoundNullableIsTrueOperator, arg As A) As R
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node, arg)
End Function
Public Overridable Function VisitBinaryOperator(node As BoundBinaryOperator, arg As A) As R
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node, arg)
End Function
Public Overridable Function VisitUserDefinedBinaryOperator(node As BoundUserDefinedBinaryOperator, arg As A) As R
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node, arg)
End Function
Public Overridable Function VisitUserDefinedShortCircuitingOperator(node As BoundUserDefinedShortCircuitingOperator, arg As A) As R
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node, arg)
End Function
Public Overridable Function VisitCompoundAssignmentTargetPlaceholder(node As BoundCompoundAssignmentTargetPlaceholder, arg As A) As R
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node, arg)
End Function
Public Overridable Function VisitAssignmentOperator(node As BoundAssignmentOperator, arg As A) As R
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node, arg)
End Function
Public Overridable Function VisitReferenceAssignment(node As BoundReferenceAssignment, arg As A) As R
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node, arg)
End Function
Public Overridable Function VisitAddressOfOperator(node As BoundAddressOfOperator, arg As A) As R
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node, arg)
End Function
Public Overridable Function VisitTernaryConditionalExpression(node As BoundTernaryConditionalExpression, arg As A) As R
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node, arg)
End Function
Public Overridable Function VisitBinaryConditionalExpression(node As BoundBinaryConditionalExpression, arg As A) As R
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node, arg)
End Function
Public Overridable Function VisitConversion(node As BoundConversion, arg As A) As R
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node, arg)
End Function
Public Overridable Function VisitRelaxationLambda(node As BoundRelaxationLambda, arg As A) As R
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node, arg)
End Function
Public Overridable Function VisitConvertedTupleElements(node As BoundConvertedTupleElements, arg As A) As R
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node, arg)
End Function
Public Overridable Function VisitUserDefinedConversion(node As BoundUserDefinedConversion, arg As A) As R
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node, arg)
End Function
Public Overridable Function VisitDirectCast(node As BoundDirectCast, arg As A) As R
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node, arg)
End Function
Public Overridable Function VisitTryCast(node As BoundTryCast, arg As A) As R
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node, arg)
End Function
Public Overridable Function VisitTypeOf(node As BoundTypeOf, arg As A) As R
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node, arg)
End Function
Public Overridable Function VisitSequencePoint(node As BoundSequencePoint, arg As A) As R
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node, arg)
End Function
Public Overridable Function VisitSequencePointExpression(node As BoundSequencePointExpression, arg As A) As R
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node, arg)
End Function
Public Overridable Function VisitSequencePointWithSpan(node As BoundSequencePointWithSpan, arg As A) As R
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node, arg)
End Function
Public Overridable Function VisitNoOpStatement(node As BoundNoOpStatement, arg As A) As R
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node, arg)
End Function
Public Overridable Function VisitMethodGroup(node As BoundMethodGroup, arg As A) As R
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node, arg)
End Function
Public Overridable Function VisitPropertyGroup(node As BoundPropertyGroup, arg As A) As R
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node, arg)
End Function
Public Overridable Function VisitReturnStatement(node As BoundReturnStatement, arg As A) As R
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node, arg)
End Function
Public Overridable Function VisitYieldStatement(node As BoundYieldStatement, arg As A) As R
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node, arg)
End Function
Public Overridable Function VisitThrowStatement(node As BoundThrowStatement, arg As A) As R
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node, arg)
End Function
Public Overridable Function VisitRedimStatement(node As BoundRedimStatement, arg As A) As R
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node, arg)
End Function
Public Overridable Function VisitRedimClause(node As BoundRedimClause, arg As A) As R
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node, arg)
End Function
Public Overridable Function VisitEraseStatement(node As BoundEraseStatement, arg As A) As R
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node, arg)
End Function
Public Overridable Function VisitCall(node As BoundCall, arg As A) As R
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node, arg)
End Function
Public Overridable Function VisitAttribute(node As BoundAttribute, arg As A) As R
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node, arg)
End Function
Public Overridable Function VisitLateMemberAccess(node As BoundLateMemberAccess, arg As A) As R
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node, arg)
End Function
Public Overridable Function VisitLateInvocation(node As BoundLateInvocation, arg As A) As R
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node, arg)
End Function
Public Overridable Function VisitLateAddressOfOperator(node As BoundLateAddressOfOperator, arg As A) As R
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node, arg)
End Function
Public Overridable Function VisitTupleLiteral(node As BoundTupleLiteral, arg As A) As R
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node, arg)
End Function
Public Overridable Function VisitConvertedTupleLiteral(node As BoundConvertedTupleLiteral, arg As A) As R
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node, arg)
End Function
Public Overridable Function VisitObjectCreationExpression(node As BoundObjectCreationExpression, arg As A) As R
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node, arg)
End Function
Public Overridable Function VisitNoPiaObjectCreationExpression(node As BoundNoPiaObjectCreationExpression, arg As A) As R
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node, arg)
End Function
Public Overridable Function VisitAnonymousTypeCreationExpression(node As BoundAnonymousTypeCreationExpression, arg As A) As R
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node, arg)
End Function
Public Overridable Function VisitAnonymousTypePropertyAccess(node As BoundAnonymousTypePropertyAccess, arg As A) As R
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node, arg)
End Function
Public Overridable Function VisitAnonymousTypeFieldInitializer(node As BoundAnonymousTypeFieldInitializer, arg As A) As R
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node, arg)
End Function
Public Overridable Function VisitObjectInitializerExpression(node As BoundObjectInitializerExpression, arg As A) As R
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node, arg)
End Function
Public Overridable Function VisitCollectionInitializerExpression(node As BoundCollectionInitializerExpression, arg As A) As R
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node, arg)
End Function
Public Overridable Function VisitNewT(node As BoundNewT, arg As A) As R
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node, arg)
End Function
Public Overridable Function VisitDelegateCreationExpression(node As BoundDelegateCreationExpression, arg As A) As R
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node, arg)
End Function
Public Overridable Function VisitArrayCreation(node As BoundArrayCreation, arg As A) As R
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node, arg)
End Function
Public Overridable Function VisitArrayLiteral(node As BoundArrayLiteral, arg As A) As R
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node, arg)
End Function
Public Overridable Function VisitArrayInitialization(node As BoundArrayInitialization, arg As A) As R
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node, arg)
End Function
Public Overridable Function VisitFieldAccess(node As BoundFieldAccess, arg As A) As R
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node, arg)
End Function
Public Overridable Function VisitPropertyAccess(node As BoundPropertyAccess, arg As A) As R
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node, arg)
End Function
Public Overridable Function VisitEventAccess(node As BoundEventAccess, arg As A) As R
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node, arg)
End Function
Public Overridable Function VisitBlock(node As BoundBlock, arg As A) As R
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node, arg)
End Function
Public Overridable Function VisitStateMachineScope(node As BoundStateMachineScope, arg As A) As R
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node, arg)
End Function
Public Overridable Function VisitLocalDeclaration(node As BoundLocalDeclaration, arg As A) As R
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node, arg)
End Function
Public Overridable Function VisitAsNewLocalDeclarations(node As BoundAsNewLocalDeclarations, arg As A) As R
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node, arg)
End Function
Public Overridable Function VisitDimStatement(node As BoundDimStatement, arg As A) As R
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node, arg)
End Function
Public Overridable Function VisitInitializer(node As BoundInitializer, arg As A) As R
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node, arg)
End Function
Public Overridable Function VisitFieldInitializer(node As BoundFieldInitializer, arg As A) As R
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node, arg)
End Function
Public Overridable Function VisitPropertyInitializer(node As BoundPropertyInitializer, arg As A) As R
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node, arg)
End Function
Public Overridable Function VisitParameterEqualsValue(node As BoundParameterEqualsValue, arg As A) As R
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node, arg)
End Function
Public Overridable Function VisitGlobalStatementInitializer(node As BoundGlobalStatementInitializer, arg As A) As R
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node, arg)
End Function
Public Overridable Function VisitSequence(node As BoundSequence, arg As A) As R
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node, arg)
End Function
Public Overridable Function VisitExpressionStatement(node As BoundExpressionStatement, arg As A) As R
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node, arg)
End Function
Public Overridable Function VisitIfStatement(node As BoundIfStatement, arg As A) As R
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node, arg)
End Function
Public Overridable Function VisitSelectStatement(node As BoundSelectStatement, arg As A) As R
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node, arg)
End Function
Public Overridable Function VisitCaseBlock(node As BoundCaseBlock, arg As A) As R
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node, arg)
End Function
Public Overridable Function VisitCaseStatement(node As BoundCaseStatement, arg As A) As R
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node, arg)
End Function
Public Overridable Function VisitSimpleCaseClause(node As BoundSimpleCaseClause, arg As A) As R
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node, arg)
End Function
Public Overridable Function VisitRangeCaseClause(node As BoundRangeCaseClause, arg As A) As R
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node, arg)
End Function
Public Overridable Function VisitRelationalCaseClause(node As BoundRelationalCaseClause, arg As A) As R
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node, arg)
End Function
Public Overridable Function VisitDoLoopStatement(node As BoundDoLoopStatement, arg As A) As R
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node, arg)
End Function
Public Overridable Function VisitWhileStatement(node As BoundWhileStatement, arg As A) As R
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node, arg)
End Function
Public Overridable Function VisitForToUserDefinedOperators(node As BoundForToUserDefinedOperators, arg As A) As R
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node, arg)
End Function
Public Overridable Function VisitForToStatement(node As BoundForToStatement, arg As A) As R
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node, arg)
End Function
Public Overridable Function VisitForEachStatement(node As BoundForEachStatement, arg As A) As R
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node, arg)
End Function
Public Overridable Function VisitExitStatement(node As BoundExitStatement, arg As A) As R
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node, arg)
End Function
Public Overridable Function VisitContinueStatement(node As BoundContinueStatement, arg As A) As R
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node, arg)
End Function
Public Overridable Function VisitTryStatement(node As BoundTryStatement, arg As A) As R
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node, arg)
End Function
Public Overridable Function VisitCatchBlock(node As BoundCatchBlock, arg As A) As R
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node, arg)
End Function
Public Overridable Function VisitLiteral(node As BoundLiteral, arg As A) As R
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node, arg)
End Function
Public Overridable Function VisitMeReference(node As BoundMeReference, arg As A) As R
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node, arg)
End Function
Public Overridable Function VisitValueTypeMeReference(node As BoundValueTypeMeReference, arg As A) As R
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node, arg)
End Function
Public Overridable Function VisitMyBaseReference(node As BoundMyBaseReference, arg As A) As R
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node, arg)
End Function
Public Overridable Function VisitMyClassReference(node As BoundMyClassReference, arg As A) As R
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node, arg)
End Function
Public Overridable Function VisitPreviousSubmissionReference(node As BoundPreviousSubmissionReference, arg As A) As R
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node, arg)
End Function
Public Overridable Function VisitHostObjectMemberReference(node As BoundHostObjectMemberReference, arg As A) As R
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node, arg)
End Function
Public Overridable Function VisitLocal(node As BoundLocal, arg As A) As R
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node, arg)
End Function
Public Overridable Function VisitPseudoVariable(node As BoundPseudoVariable, arg As A) As R
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node, arg)
End Function
Public Overridable Function VisitParameter(node As BoundParameter, arg As A) As R
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node, arg)
End Function
Public Overridable Function VisitByRefArgumentPlaceholder(node As BoundByRefArgumentPlaceholder, arg As A) As R
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node, arg)
End Function
Public Overridable Function VisitByRefArgumentWithCopyBack(node As BoundByRefArgumentWithCopyBack, arg As A) As R
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node, arg)
End Function
Public Overridable Function VisitLateBoundArgumentSupportingAssignmentWithCapture(node As BoundLateBoundArgumentSupportingAssignmentWithCapture, arg As A) As R
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node, arg)
End Function
Public Overridable Function VisitLabelStatement(node As BoundLabelStatement, arg As A) As R
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node, arg)
End Function
Public Overridable Function VisitLabel(node As BoundLabel, arg As A) As R
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node, arg)
End Function
Public Overridable Function VisitGotoStatement(node As BoundGotoStatement, arg As A) As R
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node, arg)
End Function
Public Overridable Function VisitStatementList(node As BoundStatementList, arg As A) As R
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node, arg)
End Function
Public Overridable Function VisitConditionalGoto(node As BoundConditionalGoto, arg As A) As R
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node, arg)
End Function
Public Overridable Function VisitWithStatement(node As BoundWithStatement, arg As A) As R
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node, arg)
End Function
Public Overridable Function VisitUnboundLambda(node As UnboundLambda, arg As A) As R
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node, arg)
End Function
Public Overridable Function VisitLambda(node As BoundLambda, arg As A) As R
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node, arg)
End Function
Public Overridable Function VisitQueryExpression(node As BoundQueryExpression, arg As A) As R
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node, arg)
End Function
Public Overridable Function VisitQuerySource(node As BoundQuerySource, arg As A) As R
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node, arg)
End Function
Public Overridable Function VisitToQueryableCollectionConversion(node As BoundToQueryableCollectionConversion, arg As A) As R
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node, arg)
End Function
Public Overridable Function VisitQueryableSource(node As BoundQueryableSource, arg As A) As R
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node, arg)
End Function
Public Overridable Function VisitQueryClause(node As BoundQueryClause, arg As A) As R
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node, arg)
End Function
Public Overridable Function VisitOrdering(node As BoundOrdering, arg As A) As R
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node, arg)
End Function
Public Overridable Function VisitQueryLambda(node As BoundQueryLambda, arg As A) As R
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node, arg)
End Function
Public Overridable Function VisitRangeVariableAssignment(node As BoundRangeVariableAssignment, arg As A) As R
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node, arg)
End Function
Public Overridable Function VisitGroupTypeInferenceLambda(node As GroupTypeInferenceLambda, arg As A) As R
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node, arg)
End Function
Public Overridable Function VisitAggregateClause(node As BoundAggregateClause, arg As A) As R
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node, arg)
End Function
Public Overridable Function VisitGroupAggregation(node As BoundGroupAggregation, arg As A) As R
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node, arg)
End Function
Public Overridable Function VisitRangeVariable(node As BoundRangeVariable, arg As A) As R
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node, arg)
End Function
Public Overridable Function VisitAddHandlerStatement(node As BoundAddHandlerStatement, arg As A) As R
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node, arg)
End Function
Public Overridable Function VisitRemoveHandlerStatement(node As BoundRemoveHandlerStatement, arg As A) As R
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node, arg)
End Function
Public Overridable Function VisitRaiseEventStatement(node As BoundRaiseEventStatement, arg As A) As R
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node, arg)
End Function
Public Overridable Function VisitUsingStatement(node As BoundUsingStatement, arg As A) As R
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node, arg)
End Function
Public Overridable Function VisitSyncLockStatement(node As BoundSyncLockStatement, arg As A) As R
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node, arg)
End Function
Public Overridable Function VisitXmlName(node As BoundXmlName, arg As A) As R
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node, arg)
End Function
Public Overridable Function VisitXmlNamespace(node As BoundXmlNamespace, arg As A) As R
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node, arg)
End Function
Public Overridable Function VisitXmlDocument(node As BoundXmlDocument, arg As A) As R
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node, arg)
End Function
Public Overridable Function VisitXmlDeclaration(node As BoundXmlDeclaration, arg As A) As R
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node, arg)
End Function
Public Overridable Function VisitXmlProcessingInstruction(node As BoundXmlProcessingInstruction, arg As A) As R
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node, arg)
End Function
Public Overridable Function VisitXmlComment(node As BoundXmlComment, arg As A) As R
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node, arg)
End Function
Public Overridable Function VisitXmlAttribute(node As BoundXmlAttribute, arg As A) As R
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node, arg)
End Function
Public Overridable Function VisitXmlElement(node As BoundXmlElement, arg As A) As R
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node, arg)
End Function
Public Overridable Function VisitXmlMemberAccess(node As BoundXmlMemberAccess, arg As A) As R
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node, arg)
End Function
Public Overridable Function VisitXmlEmbeddedExpression(node As BoundXmlEmbeddedExpression, arg As A) As R
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node, arg)
End Function
Public Overridable Function VisitXmlCData(node As BoundXmlCData, arg As A) As R
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node, arg)
End Function
Public Overridable Function VisitResumeStatement(node As BoundResumeStatement, arg As A) As R
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node, arg)
End Function
Public Overridable Function VisitOnErrorStatement(node As BoundOnErrorStatement, arg As A) As R
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node, arg)
End Function
Public Overridable Function VisitUnstructuredExceptionHandlingStatement(node As BoundUnstructuredExceptionHandlingStatement, arg As A) As R
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node, arg)
End Function
Public Overridable Function VisitUnstructuredExceptionHandlingCatchFilter(node As BoundUnstructuredExceptionHandlingCatchFilter, arg As A) As R
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node, arg)
End Function
Public Overridable Function VisitUnstructuredExceptionOnErrorSwitch(node As BoundUnstructuredExceptionOnErrorSwitch, arg As A) As R
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node, arg)
End Function
Public Overridable Function VisitUnstructuredExceptionResumeSwitch(node As BoundUnstructuredExceptionResumeSwitch, arg As A) As R
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node, arg)
End Function
Public Overridable Function VisitAwaitOperator(node As BoundAwaitOperator, arg As A) As R
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node, arg)
End Function
Public Overridable Function VisitSpillSequence(node As BoundSpillSequence, arg As A) As R
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node, arg)
End Function
Public Overridable Function VisitStopStatement(node As BoundStopStatement, arg As A) As R
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node, arg)
End Function
Public Overridable Function VisitEndStatement(node As BoundEndStatement, arg As A) As R
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node, arg)
End Function
Public Overridable Function VisitMidResult(node As BoundMidResult, arg As A) As R
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node, arg)
End Function
Public Overridable Function VisitConditionalAccess(node As BoundConditionalAccess, arg As A) As R
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node, arg)
End Function
Public Overridable Function VisitConditionalAccessReceiverPlaceholder(node As BoundConditionalAccessReceiverPlaceholder, arg As A) As R
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node, arg)
End Function
Public Overridable Function VisitLoweredConditionalAccess(node As BoundLoweredConditionalAccess, arg As A) As R
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node, arg)
End Function
Public Overridable Function VisitComplexConditionalAccessReceiver(node As BoundComplexConditionalAccessReceiver, arg As A) As R
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node, arg)
End Function
Public Overridable Function VisitNameOfOperator(node As BoundNameOfOperator, arg As A) As R
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node, arg)
End Function
Public Overridable Function VisitTypeAsValueExpression(node As BoundTypeAsValueExpression, arg As A) As R
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node, arg)
End Function
Public Overridable Function VisitInterpolatedStringExpression(node As BoundInterpolatedStringExpression, arg As A) As R
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node, arg)
End Function
Public Overridable Function VisitInterpolation(node As BoundInterpolation, arg As A) As R
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node, arg)
End Function
End Class
Friend MustInherit Partial Class BoundTreeVisitor
Public Overridable Function VisitTypeArguments(node As BoundTypeArguments) As BoundNode
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node)
End Function
Public Overridable Function VisitOmittedArgument(node As BoundOmittedArgument) As BoundNode
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node)
End Function
Public Overridable Function VisitLValueToRValueWrapper(node As BoundLValueToRValueWrapper) As BoundNode
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node)
End Function
Public Overridable Function VisitWithLValueExpressionPlaceholder(node As BoundWithLValueExpressionPlaceholder) As BoundNode
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node)
End Function
Public Overridable Function VisitWithRValueExpressionPlaceholder(node As BoundWithRValueExpressionPlaceholder) As BoundNode
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node)
End Function
Public Overridable Function VisitRValuePlaceholder(node As BoundRValuePlaceholder) As BoundNode
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node)
End Function
Public Overridable Function VisitLValuePlaceholder(node As BoundLValuePlaceholder) As BoundNode
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node)
End Function
Public Overridable Function VisitDup(node As BoundDup) As BoundNode
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node)
End Function
Public Overridable Function VisitBadExpression(node As BoundBadExpression) As BoundNode
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node)
End Function
Public Overridable Function VisitBadStatement(node As BoundBadStatement) As BoundNode
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node)
End Function
Public Overridable Function VisitParenthesized(node As BoundParenthesized) As BoundNode
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node)
End Function
Public Overridable Function VisitBadVariable(node As BoundBadVariable) As BoundNode
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node)
End Function
Public Overridable Function VisitArrayAccess(node As BoundArrayAccess) As BoundNode
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node)
End Function
Public Overridable Function VisitArrayLength(node As BoundArrayLength) As BoundNode
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node)
End Function
Public Overridable Function VisitGetType(node As BoundGetType) As BoundNode
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node)
End Function
Public Overridable Function VisitFieldInfo(node As BoundFieldInfo) As BoundNode
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node)
End Function
Public Overridable Function VisitMethodInfo(node As BoundMethodInfo) As BoundNode
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node)
End Function
Public Overridable Function VisitTypeExpression(node As BoundTypeExpression) As BoundNode
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node)
End Function
Public Overridable Function VisitTypeOrValueExpression(node As BoundTypeOrValueExpression) As BoundNode
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node)
End Function
Public Overridable Function VisitNamespaceExpression(node As BoundNamespaceExpression) As BoundNode
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node)
End Function
Public Overridable Function VisitMethodDefIndex(node As BoundMethodDefIndex) As BoundNode
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node)
End Function
Public Overridable Function VisitMaximumMethodDefIndex(node As BoundMaximumMethodDefIndex) As BoundNode
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node)
End Function
Public Overridable Function VisitInstrumentationPayloadRoot(node As BoundInstrumentationPayloadRoot) As BoundNode
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node)
End Function
Public Overridable Function VisitModuleVersionId(node As BoundModuleVersionId) As BoundNode
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node)
End Function
Public Overridable Function VisitModuleVersionIdString(node As BoundModuleVersionIdString) As BoundNode
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node)
End Function
Public Overridable Function VisitSourceDocumentIndex(node As BoundSourceDocumentIndex) As BoundNode
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node)
End Function
Public Overridable Function VisitUnaryOperator(node As BoundUnaryOperator) As BoundNode
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node)
End Function
Public Overridable Function VisitUserDefinedUnaryOperator(node As BoundUserDefinedUnaryOperator) As BoundNode
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node)
End Function
Public Overridable Function VisitNullableIsTrueOperator(node As BoundNullableIsTrueOperator) As BoundNode
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node)
End Function
Public Overridable Function VisitBinaryOperator(node As BoundBinaryOperator) As BoundNode
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node)
End Function
Public Overridable Function VisitUserDefinedBinaryOperator(node As BoundUserDefinedBinaryOperator) As BoundNode
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node)
End Function
Public Overridable Function VisitUserDefinedShortCircuitingOperator(node As BoundUserDefinedShortCircuitingOperator) As BoundNode
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node)
End Function
Public Overridable Function VisitCompoundAssignmentTargetPlaceholder(node As BoundCompoundAssignmentTargetPlaceholder) As BoundNode
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node)
End Function
Public Overridable Function VisitAssignmentOperator(node As BoundAssignmentOperator) As BoundNode
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node)
End Function
Public Overridable Function VisitReferenceAssignment(node As BoundReferenceAssignment) As BoundNode
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node)
End Function
Public Overridable Function VisitAddressOfOperator(node As BoundAddressOfOperator) As BoundNode
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node)
End Function
Public Overridable Function VisitTernaryConditionalExpression(node As BoundTernaryConditionalExpression) As BoundNode
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node)
End Function
Public Overridable Function VisitBinaryConditionalExpression(node As BoundBinaryConditionalExpression) As BoundNode
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node)
End Function
Public Overridable Function VisitConversion(node As BoundConversion) As BoundNode
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node)
End Function
Public Overridable Function VisitRelaxationLambda(node As BoundRelaxationLambda) As BoundNode
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node)
End Function
Public Overridable Function VisitConvertedTupleElements(node As BoundConvertedTupleElements) As BoundNode
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node)
End Function
Public Overridable Function VisitUserDefinedConversion(node As BoundUserDefinedConversion) As BoundNode
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node)
End Function
Public Overridable Function VisitDirectCast(node As BoundDirectCast) As BoundNode
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node)
End Function
Public Overridable Function VisitTryCast(node As BoundTryCast) As BoundNode
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node)
End Function
Public Overridable Function VisitTypeOf(node As BoundTypeOf) As BoundNode
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node)
End Function
Public Overridable Function VisitSequencePoint(node As BoundSequencePoint) As BoundNode
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node)
End Function
Public Overridable Function VisitSequencePointExpression(node As BoundSequencePointExpression) As BoundNode
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node)
End Function
Public Overridable Function VisitSequencePointWithSpan(node As BoundSequencePointWithSpan) As BoundNode
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node)
End Function
Public Overridable Function VisitNoOpStatement(node As BoundNoOpStatement) As BoundNode
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node)
End Function
Public Overridable Function VisitMethodGroup(node As BoundMethodGroup) As BoundNode
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node)
End Function
Public Overridable Function VisitPropertyGroup(node As BoundPropertyGroup) As BoundNode
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node)
End Function
Public Overridable Function VisitReturnStatement(node As BoundReturnStatement) As BoundNode
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node)
End Function
Public Overridable Function VisitYieldStatement(node As BoundYieldStatement) As BoundNode
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node)
End Function
Public Overridable Function VisitThrowStatement(node As BoundThrowStatement) As BoundNode
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node)
End Function
Public Overridable Function VisitRedimStatement(node As BoundRedimStatement) As BoundNode
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node)
End Function
Public Overridable Function VisitRedimClause(node As BoundRedimClause) As BoundNode
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node)
End Function
Public Overridable Function VisitEraseStatement(node As BoundEraseStatement) As BoundNode
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node)
End Function
Public Overridable Function VisitCall(node As BoundCall) As BoundNode
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node)
End Function
Public Overridable Function VisitAttribute(node As BoundAttribute) As BoundNode
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node)
End Function
Public Overridable Function VisitLateMemberAccess(node As BoundLateMemberAccess) As BoundNode
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node)
End Function
Public Overridable Function VisitLateInvocation(node As BoundLateInvocation) As BoundNode
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node)
End Function
Public Overridable Function VisitLateAddressOfOperator(node As BoundLateAddressOfOperator) As BoundNode
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node)
End Function
Public Overridable Function VisitTupleLiteral(node As BoundTupleLiteral) As BoundNode
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node)
End Function
Public Overridable Function VisitConvertedTupleLiteral(node As BoundConvertedTupleLiteral) As BoundNode
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node)
End Function
Public Overridable Function VisitObjectCreationExpression(node As BoundObjectCreationExpression) As BoundNode
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node)
End Function
Public Overridable Function VisitNoPiaObjectCreationExpression(node As BoundNoPiaObjectCreationExpression) As BoundNode
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node)
End Function
Public Overridable Function VisitAnonymousTypeCreationExpression(node As BoundAnonymousTypeCreationExpression) As BoundNode
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node)
End Function
Public Overridable Function VisitAnonymousTypePropertyAccess(node As BoundAnonymousTypePropertyAccess) As BoundNode
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node)
End Function
Public Overridable Function VisitAnonymousTypeFieldInitializer(node As BoundAnonymousTypeFieldInitializer) As BoundNode
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node)
End Function
Public Overridable Function VisitObjectInitializerExpression(node As BoundObjectInitializerExpression) As BoundNode
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node)
End Function
Public Overridable Function VisitCollectionInitializerExpression(node As BoundCollectionInitializerExpression) As BoundNode
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node)
End Function
Public Overridable Function VisitNewT(node As BoundNewT) As BoundNode
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node)
End Function
Public Overridable Function VisitDelegateCreationExpression(node As BoundDelegateCreationExpression) As BoundNode
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node)
End Function
Public Overridable Function VisitArrayCreation(node As BoundArrayCreation) As BoundNode
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node)
End Function
Public Overridable Function VisitArrayLiteral(node As BoundArrayLiteral) As BoundNode
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node)
End Function
Public Overridable Function VisitArrayInitialization(node As BoundArrayInitialization) As BoundNode
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node)
End Function
Public Overridable Function VisitFieldAccess(node As BoundFieldAccess) As BoundNode
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node)
End Function
Public Overridable Function VisitPropertyAccess(node As BoundPropertyAccess) As BoundNode
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node)
End Function
Public Overridable Function VisitEventAccess(node As BoundEventAccess) As BoundNode
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node)
End Function
Public Overridable Function VisitBlock(node As BoundBlock) As BoundNode
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node)
End Function
Public Overridable Function VisitStateMachineScope(node As BoundStateMachineScope) As BoundNode
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node)
End Function
Public Overridable Function VisitLocalDeclaration(node As BoundLocalDeclaration) As BoundNode
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node)
End Function
Public Overridable Function VisitAsNewLocalDeclarations(node As BoundAsNewLocalDeclarations) As BoundNode
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node)
End Function
Public Overridable Function VisitDimStatement(node As BoundDimStatement) As BoundNode
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node)
End Function
Public Overridable Function VisitInitializer(node As BoundInitializer) As BoundNode
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node)
End Function
Public Overridable Function VisitFieldInitializer(node As BoundFieldInitializer) As BoundNode
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node)
End Function
Public Overridable Function VisitPropertyInitializer(node As BoundPropertyInitializer) As BoundNode
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node)
End Function
Public Overridable Function VisitParameterEqualsValue(node As BoundParameterEqualsValue) As BoundNode
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node)
End Function
Public Overridable Function VisitGlobalStatementInitializer(node As BoundGlobalStatementInitializer) As BoundNode
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node)
End Function
Public Overridable Function VisitSequence(node As BoundSequence) As BoundNode
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node)
End Function
Public Overridable Function VisitExpressionStatement(node As BoundExpressionStatement) As BoundNode
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node)
End Function
Public Overridable Function VisitIfStatement(node As BoundIfStatement) As BoundNode
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node)
End Function
Public Overridable Function VisitSelectStatement(node As BoundSelectStatement) As BoundNode
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node)
End Function
Public Overridable Function VisitCaseBlock(node As BoundCaseBlock) As BoundNode
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node)
End Function
Public Overridable Function VisitCaseStatement(node As BoundCaseStatement) As BoundNode
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node)
End Function
Public Overridable Function VisitSimpleCaseClause(node As BoundSimpleCaseClause) As BoundNode
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node)
End Function
Public Overridable Function VisitRangeCaseClause(node As BoundRangeCaseClause) As BoundNode
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node)
End Function
Public Overridable Function VisitRelationalCaseClause(node As BoundRelationalCaseClause) As BoundNode
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node)
End Function
Public Overridable Function VisitDoLoopStatement(node As BoundDoLoopStatement) As BoundNode
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node)
End Function
Public Overridable Function VisitWhileStatement(node As BoundWhileStatement) As BoundNode
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node)
End Function
Public Overridable Function VisitForToUserDefinedOperators(node As BoundForToUserDefinedOperators) As BoundNode
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node)
End Function
Public Overridable Function VisitForToStatement(node As BoundForToStatement) As BoundNode
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node)
End Function
Public Overridable Function VisitForEachStatement(node As BoundForEachStatement) As BoundNode
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node)
End Function
Public Overridable Function VisitExitStatement(node As BoundExitStatement) As BoundNode
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node)
End Function
Public Overridable Function VisitContinueStatement(node As BoundContinueStatement) As BoundNode
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node)
End Function
Public Overridable Function VisitTryStatement(node As BoundTryStatement) As BoundNode
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node)
End Function
Public Overridable Function VisitCatchBlock(node As BoundCatchBlock) As BoundNode
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node)
End Function
Public Overridable Function VisitLiteral(node As BoundLiteral) As BoundNode
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node)
End Function
Public Overridable Function VisitMeReference(node As BoundMeReference) As BoundNode
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node)
End Function
Public Overridable Function VisitValueTypeMeReference(node As BoundValueTypeMeReference) As BoundNode
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node)
End Function
Public Overridable Function VisitMyBaseReference(node As BoundMyBaseReference) As BoundNode
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node)
End Function
Public Overridable Function VisitMyClassReference(node As BoundMyClassReference) As BoundNode
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node)
End Function
Public Overridable Function VisitPreviousSubmissionReference(node As BoundPreviousSubmissionReference) As BoundNode
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node)
End Function
Public Overridable Function VisitHostObjectMemberReference(node As BoundHostObjectMemberReference) As BoundNode
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node)
End Function
Public Overridable Function VisitLocal(node As BoundLocal) As BoundNode
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node)
End Function
Public Overridable Function VisitPseudoVariable(node As BoundPseudoVariable) As BoundNode
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node)
End Function
Public Overridable Function VisitParameter(node As BoundParameter) As BoundNode
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node)
End Function
Public Overridable Function VisitByRefArgumentPlaceholder(node As BoundByRefArgumentPlaceholder) As BoundNode
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node)
End Function
Public Overridable Function VisitByRefArgumentWithCopyBack(node As BoundByRefArgumentWithCopyBack) As BoundNode
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node)
End Function
Public Overridable Function VisitLateBoundArgumentSupportingAssignmentWithCapture(node As BoundLateBoundArgumentSupportingAssignmentWithCapture) As BoundNode
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node)
End Function
Public Overridable Function VisitLabelStatement(node As BoundLabelStatement) As BoundNode
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node)
End Function
Public Overridable Function VisitLabel(node As BoundLabel) As BoundNode
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node)
End Function
Public Overridable Function VisitGotoStatement(node As BoundGotoStatement) As BoundNode
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node)
End Function
Public Overridable Function VisitStatementList(node As BoundStatementList) As BoundNode
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node)
End Function
Public Overridable Function VisitConditionalGoto(node As BoundConditionalGoto) As BoundNode
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node)
End Function
Public Overridable Function VisitWithStatement(node As BoundWithStatement) As BoundNode
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node)
End Function
Public Overridable Function VisitUnboundLambda(node As UnboundLambda) As BoundNode
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node)
End Function
Public Overridable Function VisitLambda(node As BoundLambda) As BoundNode
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node)
End Function
Public Overridable Function VisitQueryExpression(node As BoundQueryExpression) As BoundNode
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node)
End Function
Public Overridable Function VisitQuerySource(node As BoundQuerySource) As BoundNode
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node)
End Function
Public Overridable Function VisitToQueryableCollectionConversion(node As BoundToQueryableCollectionConversion) As BoundNode
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node)
End Function
Public Overridable Function VisitQueryableSource(node As BoundQueryableSource) As BoundNode
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node)
End Function
Public Overridable Function VisitQueryClause(node As BoundQueryClause) As BoundNode
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node)
End Function
Public Overridable Function VisitOrdering(node As BoundOrdering) As BoundNode
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node)
End Function
Public Overridable Function VisitQueryLambda(node As BoundQueryLambda) As BoundNode
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node)
End Function
Public Overridable Function VisitRangeVariableAssignment(node As BoundRangeVariableAssignment) As BoundNode
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node)
End Function
Public Overridable Function VisitGroupTypeInferenceLambda(node As GroupTypeInferenceLambda) As BoundNode
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node)
End Function
Public Overridable Function VisitAggregateClause(node As BoundAggregateClause) As BoundNode
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node)
End Function
Public Overridable Function VisitGroupAggregation(node As BoundGroupAggregation) As BoundNode
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node)
End Function
Public Overridable Function VisitRangeVariable(node As BoundRangeVariable) As BoundNode
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node)
End Function
Public Overridable Function VisitAddHandlerStatement(node As BoundAddHandlerStatement) As BoundNode
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node)
End Function
Public Overridable Function VisitRemoveHandlerStatement(node As BoundRemoveHandlerStatement) As BoundNode
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node)
End Function
Public Overridable Function VisitRaiseEventStatement(node As BoundRaiseEventStatement) As BoundNode
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node)
End Function
Public Overridable Function VisitUsingStatement(node As BoundUsingStatement) As BoundNode
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node)
End Function
Public Overridable Function VisitSyncLockStatement(node As BoundSyncLockStatement) As BoundNode
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node)
End Function
Public Overridable Function VisitXmlName(node As BoundXmlName) As BoundNode
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node)
End Function
Public Overridable Function VisitXmlNamespace(node As BoundXmlNamespace) As BoundNode
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node)
End Function
Public Overridable Function VisitXmlDocument(node As BoundXmlDocument) As BoundNode
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node)
End Function
Public Overridable Function VisitXmlDeclaration(node As BoundXmlDeclaration) As BoundNode
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node)
End Function
Public Overridable Function VisitXmlProcessingInstruction(node As BoundXmlProcessingInstruction) As BoundNode
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node)
End Function
Public Overridable Function VisitXmlComment(node As BoundXmlComment) As BoundNode
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node)
End Function
Public Overridable Function VisitXmlAttribute(node As BoundXmlAttribute) As BoundNode
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node)
End Function
Public Overridable Function VisitXmlElement(node As BoundXmlElement) As BoundNode
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node)
End Function
Public Overridable Function VisitXmlMemberAccess(node As BoundXmlMemberAccess) As BoundNode
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node)
End Function
Public Overridable Function VisitXmlEmbeddedExpression(node As BoundXmlEmbeddedExpression) As BoundNode
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node)
End Function
Public Overridable Function VisitXmlCData(node As BoundXmlCData) As BoundNode
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node)
End Function
Public Overridable Function VisitResumeStatement(node As BoundResumeStatement) As BoundNode
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node)
End Function
Public Overridable Function VisitOnErrorStatement(node As BoundOnErrorStatement) As BoundNode
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node)
End Function
Public Overridable Function VisitUnstructuredExceptionHandlingStatement(node As BoundUnstructuredExceptionHandlingStatement) As BoundNode
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node)
End Function
Public Overridable Function VisitUnstructuredExceptionHandlingCatchFilter(node As BoundUnstructuredExceptionHandlingCatchFilter) As BoundNode
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node)
End Function
Public Overridable Function VisitUnstructuredExceptionOnErrorSwitch(node As BoundUnstructuredExceptionOnErrorSwitch) As BoundNode
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node)
End Function
Public Overridable Function VisitUnstructuredExceptionResumeSwitch(node As BoundUnstructuredExceptionResumeSwitch) As BoundNode
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node)
End Function
Public Overridable Function VisitAwaitOperator(node As BoundAwaitOperator) As BoundNode
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node)
End Function
Public Overridable Function VisitSpillSequence(node As BoundSpillSequence) As BoundNode
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node)
End Function
Public Overridable Function VisitStopStatement(node As BoundStopStatement) As BoundNode
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node)
End Function
Public Overridable Function VisitEndStatement(node As BoundEndStatement) As BoundNode
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node)
End Function
Public Overridable Function VisitMidResult(node As BoundMidResult) As BoundNode
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node)
End Function
Public Overridable Function VisitConditionalAccess(node As BoundConditionalAccess) As BoundNode
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node)
End Function
Public Overridable Function VisitConditionalAccessReceiverPlaceholder(node As BoundConditionalAccessReceiverPlaceholder) As BoundNode
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node)
End Function
Public Overridable Function VisitLoweredConditionalAccess(node As BoundLoweredConditionalAccess) As BoundNode
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node)
End Function
Public Overridable Function VisitComplexConditionalAccessReceiver(node As BoundComplexConditionalAccessReceiver) As BoundNode
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node)
End Function
Public Overridable Function VisitNameOfOperator(node As BoundNameOfOperator) As BoundNode
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node)
End Function
Public Overridable Function VisitTypeAsValueExpression(node As BoundTypeAsValueExpression) As BoundNode
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node)
End Function
Public Overridable Function VisitInterpolatedStringExpression(node As BoundInterpolatedStringExpression) As BoundNode
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node)
End Function
Public Overridable Function VisitInterpolation(node As BoundInterpolation) As BoundNode
Return Me.DefaultVisit(node)
End Function
End Class
Friend MustInherit Partial Class BoundTreeWalker
Inherits BoundTreeVisitor
Public Overrides Function VisitTypeArguments(node As BoundTypeArguments) As BoundNode
Return Nothing
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitOmittedArgument(node As BoundOmittedArgument) As BoundNode
Return Nothing
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitLValueToRValueWrapper(node As BoundLValueToRValueWrapper) As BoundNode
Return Nothing
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitWithLValueExpressionPlaceholder(node As BoundWithLValueExpressionPlaceholder) As BoundNode
Return Nothing
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitWithRValueExpressionPlaceholder(node As BoundWithRValueExpressionPlaceholder) As BoundNode
Return Nothing
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitRValuePlaceholder(node As BoundRValuePlaceholder) As BoundNode
Return Nothing
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitLValuePlaceholder(node As BoundLValuePlaceholder) As BoundNode
Return Nothing
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitDup(node As BoundDup) As BoundNode
Return Nothing
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitBadExpression(node As BoundBadExpression) As BoundNode
Return Nothing
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitBadStatement(node As BoundBadStatement) As BoundNode
Return Nothing
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitParenthesized(node As BoundParenthesized) As BoundNode
Return Nothing
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitBadVariable(node As BoundBadVariable) As BoundNode
Return Nothing
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitArrayAccess(node As BoundArrayAccess) As BoundNode
Return Nothing
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitArrayLength(node As BoundArrayLength) As BoundNode
Return Nothing
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitGetType(node As BoundGetType) As BoundNode
Return Nothing
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitFieldInfo(node As BoundFieldInfo) As BoundNode
Return Nothing
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitMethodInfo(node As BoundMethodInfo) As BoundNode
Return Nothing
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitTypeExpression(node As BoundTypeExpression) As BoundNode
Return Nothing
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitTypeOrValueExpression(node As BoundTypeOrValueExpression) As BoundNode
Return Nothing
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitNamespaceExpression(node As BoundNamespaceExpression) As BoundNode
Return Nothing
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitMethodDefIndex(node As BoundMethodDefIndex) As BoundNode
Return Nothing
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitMaximumMethodDefIndex(node As BoundMaximumMethodDefIndex) As BoundNode
Return Nothing
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitInstrumentationPayloadRoot(node As BoundInstrumentationPayloadRoot) As BoundNode
Return Nothing
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitModuleVersionId(node As BoundModuleVersionId) As BoundNode
Return Nothing
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitModuleVersionIdString(node As BoundModuleVersionIdString) As BoundNode
Return Nothing
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitSourceDocumentIndex(node As BoundSourceDocumentIndex) As BoundNode
Return Nothing
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitUnaryOperator(node As BoundUnaryOperator) As BoundNode
Return Nothing
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitUserDefinedUnaryOperator(node As BoundUserDefinedUnaryOperator) As BoundNode
Return Nothing
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitNullableIsTrueOperator(node As BoundNullableIsTrueOperator) As BoundNode
Return Nothing
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitBinaryOperator(node As BoundBinaryOperator) As BoundNode
Return Nothing
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitUserDefinedBinaryOperator(node As BoundUserDefinedBinaryOperator) As BoundNode
Return Nothing
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitUserDefinedShortCircuitingOperator(node As BoundUserDefinedShortCircuitingOperator) As BoundNode
Return Nothing
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitCompoundAssignmentTargetPlaceholder(node As BoundCompoundAssignmentTargetPlaceholder) As BoundNode
Return Nothing
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitAssignmentOperator(node As BoundAssignmentOperator) As BoundNode
Return Nothing
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitReferenceAssignment(node As BoundReferenceAssignment) As BoundNode
Return Nothing
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitAddressOfOperator(node As BoundAddressOfOperator) As BoundNode
Return Nothing
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitTernaryConditionalExpression(node As BoundTernaryConditionalExpression) As BoundNode
Return Nothing
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitBinaryConditionalExpression(node As BoundBinaryConditionalExpression) As BoundNode
Return Nothing
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitConversion(node As BoundConversion) As BoundNode
Return Nothing
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitRelaxationLambda(node As BoundRelaxationLambda) As BoundNode
Return Nothing
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitConvertedTupleElements(node As BoundConvertedTupleElements) As BoundNode
Return Nothing
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitUserDefinedConversion(node As BoundUserDefinedConversion) As BoundNode
Return Nothing
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitDirectCast(node As BoundDirectCast) As BoundNode
Return Nothing
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitTryCast(node As BoundTryCast) As BoundNode
Return Nothing
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitTypeOf(node As BoundTypeOf) As BoundNode
Return Nothing
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitSequencePoint(node As BoundSequencePoint) As BoundNode
Return Nothing
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitSequencePointExpression(node As BoundSequencePointExpression) As BoundNode
Return Nothing
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitSequencePointWithSpan(node As BoundSequencePointWithSpan) As BoundNode
Return Nothing
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitNoOpStatement(node As BoundNoOpStatement) As BoundNode
Return Nothing
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitMethodGroup(node As BoundMethodGroup) As BoundNode
Return Nothing
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitPropertyGroup(node As BoundPropertyGroup) As BoundNode
Return Nothing
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitReturnStatement(node As BoundReturnStatement) As BoundNode
Return Nothing
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitYieldStatement(node As BoundYieldStatement) As BoundNode
Return Nothing
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitThrowStatement(node As BoundThrowStatement) As BoundNode
Return Nothing
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitRedimStatement(node As BoundRedimStatement) As BoundNode
Return Nothing
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitRedimClause(node As BoundRedimClause) As BoundNode
Return Nothing
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitEraseStatement(node As BoundEraseStatement) As BoundNode
Return Nothing
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitCall(node As BoundCall) As BoundNode
Return Nothing
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitAttribute(node As BoundAttribute) As BoundNode
Return Nothing
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitLateMemberAccess(node As BoundLateMemberAccess) As BoundNode
Return Nothing
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitLateInvocation(node As BoundLateInvocation) As BoundNode
Return Nothing
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitLateAddressOfOperator(node As BoundLateAddressOfOperator) As BoundNode
Return Nothing
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitTupleLiteral(node As BoundTupleLiteral) As BoundNode
Return Nothing
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitConvertedTupleLiteral(node As BoundConvertedTupleLiteral) As BoundNode
Return Nothing
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitObjectCreationExpression(node As BoundObjectCreationExpression) As BoundNode
Return Nothing
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitNoPiaObjectCreationExpression(node As BoundNoPiaObjectCreationExpression) As BoundNode
Return Nothing
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitAnonymousTypeCreationExpression(node As BoundAnonymousTypeCreationExpression) As BoundNode
Return Nothing
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitAnonymousTypePropertyAccess(node As BoundAnonymousTypePropertyAccess) As BoundNode
Return Nothing
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitAnonymousTypeFieldInitializer(node As BoundAnonymousTypeFieldInitializer) As BoundNode
Return Nothing
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitObjectInitializerExpression(node As BoundObjectInitializerExpression) As BoundNode
Return Nothing
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitCollectionInitializerExpression(node As BoundCollectionInitializerExpression) As BoundNode
Return Nothing
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitNewT(node As BoundNewT) As BoundNode
Return Nothing
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitDelegateCreationExpression(node As BoundDelegateCreationExpression) As BoundNode
Return Nothing
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitArrayCreation(node As BoundArrayCreation) As BoundNode
Return Nothing
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitArrayLiteral(node As BoundArrayLiteral) As BoundNode
Return Nothing
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitArrayInitialization(node As BoundArrayInitialization) As BoundNode
Return Nothing
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitFieldAccess(node As BoundFieldAccess) As BoundNode
Return Nothing
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitPropertyAccess(node As BoundPropertyAccess) As BoundNode
Return Nothing
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitEventAccess(node As BoundEventAccess) As BoundNode
Return Nothing
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitBlock(node As BoundBlock) As BoundNode
Return Nothing
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitStateMachineScope(node As BoundStateMachineScope) As BoundNode
Return Nothing
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitLocalDeclaration(node As BoundLocalDeclaration) As BoundNode
Return Nothing
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitAsNewLocalDeclarations(node As BoundAsNewLocalDeclarations) As BoundNode
Return Nothing
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitDimStatement(node As BoundDimStatement) As BoundNode
Return Nothing
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitInitializer(node As BoundInitializer) As BoundNode
Return Nothing
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitFieldInitializer(node As BoundFieldInitializer) As BoundNode
Return Nothing
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitPropertyInitializer(node As BoundPropertyInitializer) As BoundNode
Return Nothing
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitParameterEqualsValue(node As BoundParameterEqualsValue) As BoundNode
Return Nothing
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitGlobalStatementInitializer(node As BoundGlobalStatementInitializer) As BoundNode
Return Nothing
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitSequence(node As BoundSequence) As BoundNode
Return Nothing
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitExpressionStatement(node As BoundExpressionStatement) As BoundNode
Return Nothing
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitIfStatement(node As BoundIfStatement) As BoundNode
Return Nothing
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitSelectStatement(node As BoundSelectStatement) As BoundNode
Return Nothing
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitCaseBlock(node As BoundCaseBlock) As BoundNode
Return Nothing
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitCaseStatement(node As BoundCaseStatement) As BoundNode
Return Nothing
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitSimpleCaseClause(node As BoundSimpleCaseClause) As BoundNode
Return Nothing
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitRangeCaseClause(node As BoundRangeCaseClause) As BoundNode
Return Nothing
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitRelationalCaseClause(node As BoundRelationalCaseClause) As BoundNode
Return Nothing
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitDoLoopStatement(node As BoundDoLoopStatement) As BoundNode
Return Nothing
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitWhileStatement(node As BoundWhileStatement) As BoundNode
Return Nothing
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitForToUserDefinedOperators(node As BoundForToUserDefinedOperators) As BoundNode
Return Nothing
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitForToStatement(node As BoundForToStatement) As BoundNode
Return Nothing
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitForEachStatement(node As BoundForEachStatement) As BoundNode
Return Nothing
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitExitStatement(node As BoundExitStatement) As BoundNode
Return Nothing
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitContinueStatement(node As BoundContinueStatement) As BoundNode
Return Nothing
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitTryStatement(node As BoundTryStatement) As BoundNode
Return Nothing
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitCatchBlock(node As BoundCatchBlock) As BoundNode
Return Nothing
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitLiteral(node As BoundLiteral) As BoundNode
Return Nothing
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitMeReference(node As BoundMeReference) As BoundNode
Return Nothing
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitValueTypeMeReference(node As BoundValueTypeMeReference) As BoundNode
Return Nothing
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitMyBaseReference(node As BoundMyBaseReference) As BoundNode
Return Nothing
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitMyClassReference(node As BoundMyClassReference) As BoundNode
Return Nothing
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitPreviousSubmissionReference(node As BoundPreviousSubmissionReference) As BoundNode
Return Nothing
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitHostObjectMemberReference(node As BoundHostObjectMemberReference) As BoundNode
Return Nothing
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitLocal(node As BoundLocal) As BoundNode
Return Nothing
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitPseudoVariable(node As BoundPseudoVariable) As BoundNode
Return Nothing
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitParameter(node As BoundParameter) As BoundNode
Return Nothing
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitByRefArgumentPlaceholder(node As BoundByRefArgumentPlaceholder) As BoundNode
Return Nothing
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitByRefArgumentWithCopyBack(node As BoundByRefArgumentWithCopyBack) As BoundNode
Return Nothing
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitLateBoundArgumentSupportingAssignmentWithCapture(node As BoundLateBoundArgumentSupportingAssignmentWithCapture) As BoundNode
Return Nothing
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitLabelStatement(node As BoundLabelStatement) As BoundNode
Return Nothing
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitLabel(node As BoundLabel) As BoundNode
Return Nothing
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitGotoStatement(node As BoundGotoStatement) As BoundNode
Return Nothing
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitStatementList(node As BoundStatementList) As BoundNode
Return Nothing
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitConditionalGoto(node As BoundConditionalGoto) As BoundNode
Return Nothing
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitWithStatement(node As BoundWithStatement) As BoundNode
Return Nothing
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitUnboundLambda(node As UnboundLambda) As BoundNode
Return Nothing
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitLambda(node As BoundLambda) As BoundNode
Return Nothing
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitQueryExpression(node As BoundQueryExpression) As BoundNode
Return Nothing
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitQuerySource(node As BoundQuerySource) As BoundNode
Return Nothing
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitToQueryableCollectionConversion(node As BoundToQueryableCollectionConversion) As BoundNode
Return Nothing
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitQueryableSource(node As BoundQueryableSource) As BoundNode
Return Nothing
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitQueryClause(node As BoundQueryClause) As BoundNode
Return Nothing
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitOrdering(node As BoundOrdering) As BoundNode
Return Nothing
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitQueryLambda(node As BoundQueryLambda) As BoundNode
Return Nothing
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitRangeVariableAssignment(node As BoundRangeVariableAssignment) As BoundNode
Return Nothing
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitGroupTypeInferenceLambda(node As GroupTypeInferenceLambda) As BoundNode
Return Nothing
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitAggregateClause(node As BoundAggregateClause) As BoundNode
Return Nothing
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitGroupAggregation(node As BoundGroupAggregation) As BoundNode
Return Nothing
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitRangeVariable(node As BoundRangeVariable) As BoundNode
Return Nothing
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitAddHandlerStatement(node As BoundAddHandlerStatement) As BoundNode
Return Nothing
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitRemoveHandlerStatement(node As BoundRemoveHandlerStatement) As BoundNode
Return Nothing
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitRaiseEventStatement(node As BoundRaiseEventStatement) As BoundNode
Return Nothing
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitUsingStatement(node As BoundUsingStatement) As BoundNode
Return Nothing
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitSyncLockStatement(node As BoundSyncLockStatement) As BoundNode
Return Nothing
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitXmlName(node As BoundXmlName) As BoundNode
Return Nothing
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitXmlNamespace(node As BoundXmlNamespace) As BoundNode
Return Nothing
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitXmlDocument(node As BoundXmlDocument) As BoundNode
Return Nothing
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitXmlDeclaration(node As BoundXmlDeclaration) As BoundNode
Return Nothing
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitXmlProcessingInstruction(node As BoundXmlProcessingInstruction) As BoundNode
Return Nothing
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitXmlComment(node As BoundXmlComment) As BoundNode
Return Nothing
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitXmlAttribute(node As BoundXmlAttribute) As BoundNode
Return Nothing
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitXmlElement(node As BoundXmlElement) As BoundNode
Return Nothing
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitXmlMemberAccess(node As BoundXmlMemberAccess) As BoundNode
Return Nothing
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitXmlEmbeddedExpression(node As BoundXmlEmbeddedExpression) As BoundNode
Return Nothing
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitXmlCData(node As BoundXmlCData) As BoundNode
Return Nothing
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitResumeStatement(node As BoundResumeStatement) As BoundNode
Return Nothing
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitOnErrorStatement(node As BoundOnErrorStatement) As BoundNode
Return Nothing
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitUnstructuredExceptionHandlingStatement(node As BoundUnstructuredExceptionHandlingStatement) As BoundNode
Return Nothing
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitUnstructuredExceptionHandlingCatchFilter(node As BoundUnstructuredExceptionHandlingCatchFilter) As BoundNode
Return Nothing
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitUnstructuredExceptionOnErrorSwitch(node As BoundUnstructuredExceptionOnErrorSwitch) As BoundNode
Return Nothing
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitUnstructuredExceptionResumeSwitch(node As BoundUnstructuredExceptionResumeSwitch) As BoundNode
Return Nothing
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitAwaitOperator(node As BoundAwaitOperator) As BoundNode
Return Nothing
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitSpillSequence(node As BoundSpillSequence) As BoundNode
Return Nothing
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitStopStatement(node As BoundStopStatement) As BoundNode
Return Nothing
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitEndStatement(node As BoundEndStatement) As BoundNode
Return Nothing
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitMidResult(node As BoundMidResult) As BoundNode
Return Nothing
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitConditionalAccess(node As BoundConditionalAccess) As BoundNode
Return Nothing
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitConditionalAccessReceiverPlaceholder(node As BoundConditionalAccessReceiverPlaceholder) As BoundNode
Return Nothing
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitLoweredConditionalAccess(node As BoundLoweredConditionalAccess) As BoundNode
Return Nothing
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitComplexConditionalAccessReceiver(node As BoundComplexConditionalAccessReceiver) As BoundNode
Return Nothing
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitNameOfOperator(node As BoundNameOfOperator) As BoundNode
Return Nothing
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitTypeAsValueExpression(node As BoundTypeAsValueExpression) As BoundNode
Return Nothing
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitInterpolatedStringExpression(node As BoundInterpolatedStringExpression) As BoundNode
Return Nothing
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitInterpolation(node As BoundInterpolation) As BoundNode
Return Nothing
End Function
End Class
Friend MustInherit Partial Class BoundTreeRewriter
Inherits BoundTreeVisitor
Public Overrides Function VisitTypeArguments(node As BoundTypeArguments) As BoundNode
Dim type as TypeSymbol = Me.VisitType(node.Type)
Return node.Update(node.Arguments)
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitOmittedArgument(node As BoundOmittedArgument) As BoundNode
Dim type as TypeSymbol = Me.VisitType(node.Type)
Return node.Update(type)
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitLValueToRValueWrapper(node As BoundLValueToRValueWrapper) As BoundNode
Dim underlyingLValue As BoundExpression = DirectCast(Me.Visit(node.UnderlyingLValue), BoundExpression)
Dim type as TypeSymbol = Me.VisitType(node.Type)
Return node.Update(underlyingLValue, type)
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitWithLValueExpressionPlaceholder(node As BoundWithLValueExpressionPlaceholder) As BoundNode
Dim type as TypeSymbol = Me.VisitType(node.Type)
Return node.Update(type)
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitWithRValueExpressionPlaceholder(node As BoundWithRValueExpressionPlaceholder) As BoundNode
Dim type as TypeSymbol = Me.VisitType(node.Type)
Return node.Update(type)
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitRValuePlaceholder(node As BoundRValuePlaceholder) As BoundNode
Dim type as TypeSymbol = Me.VisitType(node.Type)
Return node.Update(type)
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitLValuePlaceholder(node As BoundLValuePlaceholder) As BoundNode
Dim type as TypeSymbol = Me.VisitType(node.Type)
Return node.Update(type)
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitDup(node As BoundDup) As BoundNode
Dim type as TypeSymbol = Me.VisitType(node.Type)
Return node.Update(node.IsReference, type)
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitBadExpression(node As BoundBadExpression) As BoundNode
Dim childBoundNodes As ImmutableArray(Of BoundExpression) = Me.VisitList(node.ChildBoundNodes)
Dim type as TypeSymbol = Me.VisitType(node.Type)
Return node.Update(node.ResultKind, node.Symbols, childBoundNodes, type)
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitBadStatement(node As BoundBadStatement) As BoundNode
Dim childBoundNodes As ImmutableArray(Of BoundNode) = Me.VisitList(node.ChildBoundNodes)
Return node.Update(childBoundNodes)
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitParenthesized(node As BoundParenthesized) As BoundNode
Dim expression As BoundExpression = DirectCast(Me.Visit(node.Expression), BoundExpression)
Dim type as TypeSymbol = Me.VisitType(node.Type)
Return node.Update(expression, type)
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitBadVariable(node As BoundBadVariable) As BoundNode
Dim expression As BoundExpression = DirectCast(Me.Visit(node.Expression), BoundExpression)
Dim type as TypeSymbol = Me.VisitType(node.Type)
Return node.Update(expression, node.IsLValue, type)
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitArrayAccess(node As BoundArrayAccess) As BoundNode
Dim expression As BoundExpression = DirectCast(Me.Visit(node.Expression), BoundExpression)
Dim indices As ImmutableArray(Of BoundExpression) = Me.VisitList(node.Indices)
Dim type as TypeSymbol = Me.VisitType(node.Type)
Return node.Update(expression, indices, node.IsLValue, type)
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitArrayLength(node As BoundArrayLength) As BoundNode
Dim expression As BoundExpression = DirectCast(Me.Visit(node.Expression), BoundExpression)
Dim type as TypeSymbol = Me.VisitType(node.Type)
Return node.Update(expression, type)
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitGetType(node As BoundGetType) As BoundNode
Dim sourceType As BoundTypeExpression = DirectCast(Me.Visit(node.SourceType), BoundTypeExpression)
Dim type as TypeSymbol = Me.VisitType(node.Type)
Return node.Update(sourceType, node.GetTypeFromHandle, type)
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitFieldInfo(node As BoundFieldInfo) As BoundNode
Dim type as TypeSymbol = Me.VisitType(node.Type)
Return node.Update(node.Field, type)
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitMethodInfo(node As BoundMethodInfo) As BoundNode
Dim type as TypeSymbol = Me.VisitType(node.Type)
Return node.Update(node.Method, node.GetMethodFromHandle, type)
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitTypeExpression(node As BoundTypeExpression) As BoundNode
Dim unevaluatedReceiverOpt As BoundExpression = node.UnevaluatedReceiverOpt
Dim type as TypeSymbol = Me.VisitType(node.Type)
Return node.Update(unevaluatedReceiverOpt, node.AliasOpt, type)
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitTypeOrValueExpression(node As BoundTypeOrValueExpression) As BoundNode
Dim type as TypeSymbol = Me.VisitType(node.Type)
Return node.Update(node.Data, type)
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitNamespaceExpression(node As BoundNamespaceExpression) As BoundNode
Dim unevaluatedReceiverOpt As BoundExpression = DirectCast(Me.Visit(node.UnevaluatedReceiverOpt), BoundExpression)
Dim type as TypeSymbol = Me.VisitType(node.Type)
Return node.Update(unevaluatedReceiverOpt, node.AliasOpt, node.NamespaceSymbol)
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitMethodDefIndex(node As BoundMethodDefIndex) As BoundNode
Dim type as TypeSymbol = Me.VisitType(node.Type)
Return node.Update(node.Method, type)
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitMaximumMethodDefIndex(node As BoundMaximumMethodDefIndex) As BoundNode
Dim type as TypeSymbol = Me.VisitType(node.Type)
Return node.Update(type)
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitInstrumentationPayloadRoot(node As BoundInstrumentationPayloadRoot) As BoundNode
Dim type as TypeSymbol = Me.VisitType(node.Type)
Return node.Update(node.AnalysisKind, node.IsLValue, type)
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitModuleVersionId(node As BoundModuleVersionId) As BoundNode
Dim type as TypeSymbol = Me.VisitType(node.Type)
Return node.Update(node.IsLValue, type)
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitModuleVersionIdString(node As BoundModuleVersionIdString) As BoundNode
Dim type as TypeSymbol = Me.VisitType(node.Type)
Return node.Update(type)
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitSourceDocumentIndex(node As BoundSourceDocumentIndex) As BoundNode
Dim type as TypeSymbol = Me.VisitType(node.Type)
Return node.Update(node.Document, type)
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitUnaryOperator(node As BoundUnaryOperator) As BoundNode
Dim operand As BoundExpression = DirectCast(Me.Visit(node.Operand), BoundExpression)
Dim type as TypeSymbol = Me.VisitType(node.Type)
Return node.Update(node.OperatorKind, operand, node.Checked, node.ConstantValueOpt, type)
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitUserDefinedUnaryOperator(node As BoundUserDefinedUnaryOperator) As BoundNode
Dim underlyingExpression As BoundExpression = DirectCast(Me.Visit(node.UnderlyingExpression), BoundExpression)
Dim type as TypeSymbol = Me.VisitType(node.Type)
Return node.Update(node.OperatorKind, underlyingExpression, type)
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitNullableIsTrueOperator(node As BoundNullableIsTrueOperator) As BoundNode
Dim operand As BoundExpression = DirectCast(Me.Visit(node.Operand), BoundExpression)
Dim type as TypeSymbol = Me.VisitType(node.Type)
Return node.Update(operand, type)
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitBinaryOperator(node As BoundBinaryOperator) As BoundNode
Dim left As BoundExpression = DirectCast(Me.Visit(node.Left), BoundExpression)
Dim right As BoundExpression = DirectCast(Me.Visit(node.Right), BoundExpression)
Dim type as TypeSymbol = Me.VisitType(node.Type)
Return node.Update(node.OperatorKind, left, right, node.Checked, node.ConstantValueOpt, type)
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitUserDefinedBinaryOperator(node As BoundUserDefinedBinaryOperator) As BoundNode
Dim underlyingExpression As BoundExpression = DirectCast(Me.Visit(node.UnderlyingExpression), BoundExpression)
Dim type as TypeSymbol = Me.VisitType(node.Type)
Return node.Update(node.OperatorKind, underlyingExpression, node.Checked, type)
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitUserDefinedShortCircuitingOperator(node As BoundUserDefinedShortCircuitingOperator) As BoundNode
Dim leftOperand As BoundExpression = DirectCast(Me.Visit(node.LeftOperand), BoundExpression)
Dim leftOperandPlaceholder As BoundRValuePlaceholder = DirectCast(Me.Visit(node.LeftOperandPlaceholder), BoundRValuePlaceholder)
Dim leftTest As BoundExpression = DirectCast(Me.Visit(node.LeftTest), BoundExpression)
Dim bitwiseOperator As BoundUserDefinedBinaryOperator = DirectCast(Me.Visit(node.BitwiseOperator), BoundUserDefinedBinaryOperator)
Dim type as TypeSymbol = Me.VisitType(node.Type)
Return node.Update(leftOperand, leftOperandPlaceholder, leftTest, bitwiseOperator, type)
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitCompoundAssignmentTargetPlaceholder(node As BoundCompoundAssignmentTargetPlaceholder) As BoundNode
Dim type as TypeSymbol = Me.VisitType(node.Type)
Return node.Update(type)
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitAssignmentOperator(node As BoundAssignmentOperator) As BoundNode
Dim left As BoundExpression = DirectCast(Me.Visit(node.Left), BoundExpression)
Dim leftOnTheRightOpt As BoundCompoundAssignmentTargetPlaceholder = DirectCast(Me.Visit(node.LeftOnTheRightOpt), BoundCompoundAssignmentTargetPlaceholder)
Dim right As BoundExpression = DirectCast(Me.Visit(node.Right), BoundExpression)
Dim type as TypeSymbol = Me.VisitType(node.Type)
Return node.Update(left, leftOnTheRightOpt, right, node.SuppressObjectClone, type)
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitReferenceAssignment(node As BoundReferenceAssignment) As BoundNode
Dim byRefLocal As BoundLocal = DirectCast(Me.Visit(node.ByRefLocal), BoundLocal)
Dim lValue As BoundExpression = DirectCast(Me.Visit(node.LValue), BoundExpression)
Dim type as TypeSymbol = Me.VisitType(node.Type)
Return node.Update(byRefLocal, lValue, node.IsLValue, type)
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitAddressOfOperator(node As BoundAddressOfOperator) As BoundNode
Dim methodGroup As BoundMethodGroup = DirectCast(Me.Visit(node.MethodGroup), BoundMethodGroup)
Dim type as TypeSymbol = Me.VisitType(node.Type)
Return node.Update(node.Binder, node.WithDependencies, methodGroup)
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitTernaryConditionalExpression(node As BoundTernaryConditionalExpression) As BoundNode
Dim condition As BoundExpression = DirectCast(Me.Visit(node.Condition), BoundExpression)
Dim whenTrue As BoundExpression = DirectCast(Me.Visit(node.WhenTrue), BoundExpression)
Dim whenFalse As BoundExpression = DirectCast(Me.Visit(node.WhenFalse), BoundExpression)
Dim type as TypeSymbol = Me.VisitType(node.Type)
Return node.Update(condition, whenTrue, whenFalse, node.ConstantValueOpt, type)
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitBinaryConditionalExpression(node As BoundBinaryConditionalExpression) As BoundNode
Dim testExpression As BoundExpression = DirectCast(Me.Visit(node.TestExpression), BoundExpression)
Dim convertedTestExpression As BoundExpression = node.ConvertedTestExpression
Dim testExpressionPlaceholder As BoundRValuePlaceholder = node.TestExpressionPlaceholder
Dim elseExpression As BoundExpression = DirectCast(Me.Visit(node.ElseExpression), BoundExpression)
Dim type as TypeSymbol = Me.VisitType(node.Type)
Return node.Update(testExpression, convertedTestExpression, testExpressionPlaceholder, elseExpression, node.ConstantValueOpt, type)
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitConversion(node As BoundConversion) As BoundNode
Dim operand As BoundExpression = DirectCast(Me.Visit(node.Operand), BoundExpression)
Dim extendedInfoOpt As BoundExtendedConversionInfo = DirectCast(Me.Visit(node.ExtendedInfoOpt), BoundExtendedConversionInfo)
Dim type as TypeSymbol = Me.VisitType(node.Type)
Return node.Update(operand, node.ConversionKind, node.Checked, node.ExplicitCastInCode, node.ConstantValueOpt, extendedInfoOpt, type)
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitRelaxationLambda(node As BoundRelaxationLambda) As BoundNode
Dim lambda As BoundLambda = DirectCast(Me.Visit(node.Lambda), BoundLambda)
Dim receiverPlaceholderOpt As BoundRValuePlaceholder = DirectCast(Me.Visit(node.ReceiverPlaceholderOpt), BoundRValuePlaceholder)
Return node.Update(lambda, receiverPlaceholderOpt)
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitConvertedTupleElements(node As BoundConvertedTupleElements) As BoundNode
Dim elementPlaceholders As ImmutableArray(Of BoundRValuePlaceholder) = Me.VisitList(node.ElementPlaceholders)
Dim convertedElements As ImmutableArray(Of BoundExpression) = Me.VisitList(node.ConvertedElements)
Return node.Update(elementPlaceholders, convertedElements)
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitUserDefinedConversion(node As BoundUserDefinedConversion) As BoundNode
Dim underlyingExpression As BoundExpression = DirectCast(Me.Visit(node.UnderlyingExpression), BoundExpression)
Dim type as TypeSymbol = Me.VisitType(node.Type)
Return node.Update(underlyingExpression, node.InOutConversionFlags, type)
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitDirectCast(node As BoundDirectCast) As BoundNode
Dim operand As BoundExpression = DirectCast(Me.Visit(node.Operand), BoundExpression)
Dim relaxationLambdaOpt As BoundLambda = DirectCast(Me.Visit(node.RelaxationLambdaOpt), BoundLambda)
Dim type as TypeSymbol = Me.VisitType(node.Type)
Return node.Update(operand, node.ConversionKind, node.SuppressVirtualCalls, node.ConstantValueOpt, relaxationLambdaOpt, type)
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitTryCast(node As BoundTryCast) As BoundNode
Dim operand As BoundExpression = DirectCast(Me.Visit(node.Operand), BoundExpression)
Dim relaxationLambdaOpt As BoundLambda = DirectCast(Me.Visit(node.RelaxationLambdaOpt), BoundLambda)
Dim type as TypeSymbol = Me.VisitType(node.Type)
Return node.Update(operand, node.ConversionKind, node.ConstantValueOpt, relaxationLambdaOpt, type)
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitTypeOf(node As BoundTypeOf) As BoundNode
Dim operand As BoundExpression = DirectCast(Me.Visit(node.Operand), BoundExpression)
Dim targetType as TypeSymbol = Me.VisitType(node.TargetType)
Dim type as TypeSymbol = Me.VisitType(node.Type)
Return node.Update(operand, node.IsTypeOfIsNotExpression, targetType, type)
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitSequencePoint(node As BoundSequencePoint) As BoundNode
Dim statementOpt As BoundStatement = DirectCast(Me.Visit(node.StatementOpt), BoundStatement)
Return node.Update(statementOpt)
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitSequencePointExpression(node As BoundSequencePointExpression) As BoundNode
Dim expression As BoundExpression = DirectCast(Me.Visit(node.Expression), BoundExpression)
Dim type as TypeSymbol = Me.VisitType(node.Type)
Return node.Update(expression, type)
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitSequencePointWithSpan(node As BoundSequencePointWithSpan) As BoundNode
Dim statementOpt As BoundStatement = DirectCast(Me.Visit(node.StatementOpt), BoundStatement)
Return node.Update(statementOpt, node.Span)
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitNoOpStatement(node As BoundNoOpStatement) As BoundNode
Return node
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitMethodGroup(node As BoundMethodGroup) As BoundNode
Dim typeArgumentsOpt As BoundTypeArguments = DirectCast(Me.Visit(node.TypeArgumentsOpt), BoundTypeArguments)
Dim receiverOpt As BoundExpression = DirectCast(Me.Visit(node.ReceiverOpt), BoundExpression)
Dim type as TypeSymbol = Me.VisitType(node.Type)
Return node.Update(typeArgumentsOpt, node.Methods, node.PendingExtensionMethodsOpt, node.ResultKind, receiverOpt, node.QualificationKind)
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitPropertyGroup(node As BoundPropertyGroup) As BoundNode
Dim receiverOpt As BoundExpression = DirectCast(Me.Visit(node.ReceiverOpt), BoundExpression)
Dim type as TypeSymbol = Me.VisitType(node.Type)
Return node.Update(node.Properties, node.ResultKind, receiverOpt, node.QualificationKind)
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitReturnStatement(node As BoundReturnStatement) As BoundNode
Dim expressionOpt As BoundExpression = DirectCast(Me.Visit(node.ExpressionOpt), BoundExpression)
Return node.Update(expressionOpt, node.FunctionLocalOpt, node.ExitLabelOpt)
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitYieldStatement(node As BoundYieldStatement) As BoundNode
Dim expression As BoundExpression = DirectCast(Me.Visit(node.Expression), BoundExpression)
Return node.Update(expression)
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitThrowStatement(node As BoundThrowStatement) As BoundNode
Dim expressionOpt As BoundExpression = DirectCast(Me.Visit(node.ExpressionOpt), BoundExpression)
Return node.Update(expressionOpt)
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitRedimStatement(node As BoundRedimStatement) As BoundNode
Dim clauses As ImmutableArray(Of BoundRedimClause) = Me.VisitList(node.Clauses)
Return node.Update(clauses)
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitRedimClause(node As BoundRedimClause) As BoundNode
Dim operand As BoundExpression = DirectCast(Me.Visit(node.Operand), BoundExpression)
Dim indices As ImmutableArray(Of BoundExpression) = Me.VisitList(node.Indices)
Return node.Update(operand, indices, node.ArrayTypeOpt, node.Preserve)
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitEraseStatement(node As BoundEraseStatement) As BoundNode
Dim clauses As ImmutableArray(Of BoundAssignmentOperator) = Me.VisitList(node.Clauses)
Return node.Update(clauses)
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitCall(node As BoundCall) As BoundNode
Dim methodGroupOpt As BoundMethodGroup = node.MethodGroupOpt
Dim receiverOpt As BoundExpression = DirectCast(Me.Visit(node.ReceiverOpt), BoundExpression)
Dim arguments As ImmutableArray(Of BoundExpression) = Me.VisitList(node.Arguments)
Dim type as TypeSymbol = Me.VisitType(node.Type)
Return node.Update(node.Method, methodGroupOpt, receiverOpt, arguments, node.DefaultArguments, node.ConstantValueOpt, node.IsLValue, node.SuppressObjectClone, type)
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitAttribute(node As BoundAttribute) As BoundNode
Dim constructorArguments As ImmutableArray(Of BoundExpression) = Me.VisitList(node.ConstructorArguments)
Dim namedArguments As ImmutableArray(Of BoundExpression) = Me.VisitList(node.NamedArguments)
Dim type as TypeSymbol = Me.VisitType(node.Type)
Return node.Update(node.Constructor, constructorArguments, node.ConstructorDefaultArguments, namedArguments, node.ResultKind, type)
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitLateMemberAccess(node As BoundLateMemberAccess) As BoundNode
Dim receiverOpt As BoundExpression = DirectCast(Me.Visit(node.ReceiverOpt), BoundExpression)
Dim typeArgumentsOpt As BoundTypeArguments = DirectCast(Me.Visit(node.TypeArgumentsOpt), BoundTypeArguments)
Dim containerTypeOpt as TypeSymbol = Me.VisitType(node.ContainerTypeOpt)
Dim type as TypeSymbol = Me.VisitType(node.Type)
Return node.Update(node.NameOpt, containerTypeOpt, receiverOpt, typeArgumentsOpt, node.AccessKind, type)
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitLateInvocation(node As BoundLateInvocation) As BoundNode
Dim member As BoundExpression = DirectCast(Me.Visit(node.Member), BoundExpression)
Dim argumentsOpt As ImmutableArray(Of BoundExpression) = Me.VisitList(node.ArgumentsOpt)
Dim methodOrPropertyGroupOpt As BoundMethodOrPropertyGroup = node.MethodOrPropertyGroupOpt
Dim type as TypeSymbol = Me.VisitType(node.Type)
Return node.Update(member, argumentsOpt, node.ArgumentNamesOpt, node.AccessKind, methodOrPropertyGroupOpt, type)
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitLateAddressOfOperator(node As BoundLateAddressOfOperator) As BoundNode
Dim memberAccess As BoundLateMemberAccess = DirectCast(Me.Visit(node.MemberAccess), BoundLateMemberAccess)
Dim type as TypeSymbol = Me.VisitType(node.Type)
Return node.Update(node.Binder, memberAccess, type)
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitTupleLiteral(node As BoundTupleLiteral) As BoundNode
Dim arguments As ImmutableArray(Of BoundExpression) = Me.VisitList(node.Arguments)
Dim type as TypeSymbol = Me.VisitType(node.Type)
Return node.Update(node.InferredType, node.ArgumentNamesOpt, node.InferredNamesOpt, arguments, type)
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitConvertedTupleLiteral(node As BoundConvertedTupleLiteral) As BoundNode
Dim arguments As ImmutableArray(Of BoundExpression) = Me.VisitList(node.Arguments)
Dim naturalTypeOpt as TypeSymbol = Me.VisitType(node.NaturalTypeOpt)
Dim type as TypeSymbol = Me.VisitType(node.Type)
Return node.Update(naturalTypeOpt, arguments, type)
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitObjectCreationExpression(node As BoundObjectCreationExpression) As BoundNode
Dim methodGroupOpt As BoundMethodGroup = node.MethodGroupOpt
Dim arguments As ImmutableArray(Of BoundExpression) = Me.VisitList(node.Arguments)
Dim initializerOpt As BoundObjectInitializerExpressionBase = DirectCast(Me.Visit(node.InitializerOpt), BoundObjectInitializerExpressionBase)
Dim type as TypeSymbol = Me.VisitType(node.Type)
Return node.Update(node.ConstructorOpt, methodGroupOpt, arguments, node.DefaultArguments, initializerOpt, type)
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitNoPiaObjectCreationExpression(node As BoundNoPiaObjectCreationExpression) As BoundNode
Dim initializerOpt As BoundObjectInitializerExpressionBase = DirectCast(Me.Visit(node.InitializerOpt), BoundObjectInitializerExpressionBase)
Dim type as TypeSymbol = Me.VisitType(node.Type)
Return node.Update(node.GuidString, initializerOpt, type)
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitAnonymousTypeCreationExpression(node As BoundAnonymousTypeCreationExpression) As BoundNode
Dim declarations As ImmutableArray(Of BoundAnonymousTypePropertyAccess) = Me.VisitList(node.Declarations)
Dim arguments As ImmutableArray(Of BoundExpression) = Me.VisitList(node.Arguments)
Dim type as TypeSymbol = Me.VisitType(node.Type)
Return node.Update(node.BinderOpt, declarations, arguments, type)
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitAnonymousTypePropertyAccess(node As BoundAnonymousTypePropertyAccess) As BoundNode
Dim type as TypeSymbol = Me.VisitType(node.Type)
Return node.Update(node.Binder, node.PropertyIndex, type)
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitAnonymousTypeFieldInitializer(node As BoundAnonymousTypeFieldInitializer) As BoundNode
Dim value As BoundExpression = DirectCast(Me.Visit(node.Value), BoundExpression)
Dim type as TypeSymbol = Me.VisitType(node.Type)
Return node.Update(node.Binder, value, type)
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitObjectInitializerExpression(node As BoundObjectInitializerExpression) As BoundNode
Dim placeholderOpt As BoundWithLValueExpressionPlaceholder = DirectCast(Me.Visit(node.PlaceholderOpt), BoundWithLValueExpressionPlaceholder)
Dim initializers As ImmutableArray(Of BoundExpression) = Me.VisitList(node.Initializers)
Dim type as TypeSymbol = Me.VisitType(node.Type)
Return node.Update(node.CreateTemporaryLocalForInitialization, placeholderOpt, initializers, type)
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitCollectionInitializerExpression(node As BoundCollectionInitializerExpression) As BoundNode
Dim placeholderOpt As BoundWithLValueExpressionPlaceholder = DirectCast(Me.Visit(node.PlaceholderOpt), BoundWithLValueExpressionPlaceholder)
Dim initializers As ImmutableArray(Of BoundExpression) = Me.VisitList(node.Initializers)
Dim type as TypeSymbol = Me.VisitType(node.Type)
Return node.Update(placeholderOpt, initializers, type)
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitNewT(node As BoundNewT) As BoundNode
Dim initializerOpt As BoundObjectInitializerExpressionBase = DirectCast(Me.Visit(node.InitializerOpt), BoundObjectInitializerExpressionBase)
Dim type as TypeSymbol = Me.VisitType(node.Type)
Return node.Update(initializerOpt, type)
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitDelegateCreationExpression(node As BoundDelegateCreationExpression) As BoundNode
Dim receiverOpt As BoundExpression = DirectCast(Me.Visit(node.ReceiverOpt), BoundExpression)
Dim relaxationLambdaOpt As BoundLambda = DirectCast(Me.Visit(node.RelaxationLambdaOpt), BoundLambda)
Dim relaxationReceiverPlaceholderOpt As BoundRValuePlaceholder = DirectCast(Me.Visit(node.RelaxationReceiverPlaceholderOpt), BoundRValuePlaceholder)
Dim methodGroupOpt As BoundMethodGroup = node.MethodGroupOpt
Dim type as TypeSymbol = Me.VisitType(node.Type)
Return node.Update(receiverOpt, node.Method, relaxationLambdaOpt, relaxationReceiverPlaceholderOpt, methodGroupOpt, type)
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitArrayCreation(node As BoundArrayCreation) As BoundNode
Dim bounds As ImmutableArray(Of BoundExpression) = Me.VisitList(node.Bounds)
Dim initializerOpt As BoundArrayInitialization = DirectCast(Me.Visit(node.InitializerOpt), BoundArrayInitialization)
Dim arrayLiteralOpt As BoundArrayLiteral = node.ArrayLiteralOpt
Dim type as TypeSymbol = Me.VisitType(node.Type)
Return node.Update(node.IsParamArrayArgument, bounds, initializerOpt, arrayLiteralOpt, node.ArrayLiteralConversion, type)
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitArrayLiteral(node As BoundArrayLiteral) As BoundNode
Dim bounds As ImmutableArray(Of BoundExpression) = Me.VisitList(node.Bounds)
Dim initializer As BoundArrayInitialization = DirectCast(Me.Visit(node.Initializer), BoundArrayInitialization)
Dim type as TypeSymbol = Me.VisitType(node.Type)
Return node.Update(node.HasDominantType, node.NumberOfCandidates, node.InferredType, bounds, initializer, node.Binder)
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitArrayInitialization(node As BoundArrayInitialization) As BoundNode
Dim initializers As ImmutableArray(Of BoundExpression) = Me.VisitList(node.Initializers)
Dim type as TypeSymbol = Me.VisitType(node.Type)
Return node.Update(initializers, type)
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitFieldAccess(node As BoundFieldAccess) As BoundNode
Dim receiverOpt As BoundExpression = DirectCast(Me.Visit(node.ReceiverOpt), BoundExpression)
Dim type as TypeSymbol = Me.VisitType(node.Type)
Return node.Update(receiverOpt, node.FieldSymbol, node.IsLValue, node.SuppressVirtualCalls, node.ConstantsInProgressOpt, type)
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitPropertyAccess(node As BoundPropertyAccess) As BoundNode
Dim propertyGroupOpt As BoundPropertyGroup = node.PropertyGroupOpt
Dim receiverOpt As BoundExpression = DirectCast(Me.Visit(node.ReceiverOpt), BoundExpression)
Dim arguments As ImmutableArray(Of BoundExpression) = Me.VisitList(node.Arguments)
Dim type as TypeSymbol = Me.VisitType(node.Type)
Return node.Update(node.PropertySymbol, propertyGroupOpt, node.AccessKind, node.IsWriteable, node.IsLValue, receiverOpt, arguments, node.DefaultArguments, type)
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitEventAccess(node As BoundEventAccess) As BoundNode
Dim receiverOpt As BoundExpression = DirectCast(Me.Visit(node.ReceiverOpt), BoundExpression)
Dim type as TypeSymbol = Me.VisitType(node.Type)
Return node.Update(receiverOpt, node.EventSymbol, type)
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitBlock(node As BoundBlock) As BoundNode
Dim statements As ImmutableArray(Of BoundStatement) = Me.VisitList(node.Statements)
Return node.Update(node.StatementListSyntax, node.Locals, statements)
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitStateMachineScope(node As BoundStateMachineScope) As BoundNode
Dim statement As BoundStatement = DirectCast(Me.Visit(node.Statement), BoundStatement)
Return node.Update(node.Fields, statement)
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitLocalDeclaration(node As BoundLocalDeclaration) As BoundNode
Dim declarationInitializerOpt As BoundExpression = DirectCast(Me.Visit(node.DeclarationInitializerOpt), BoundExpression)
Dim identifierInitializerOpt As BoundArrayCreation = DirectCast(Me.Visit(node.IdentifierInitializerOpt), BoundArrayCreation)
Return node.Update(node.LocalSymbol, declarationInitializerOpt, identifierInitializerOpt, node.InitializedByAsNew)
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitAsNewLocalDeclarations(node As BoundAsNewLocalDeclarations) As BoundNode
Dim localDeclarations As ImmutableArray(Of BoundLocalDeclaration) = Me.VisitList(node.LocalDeclarations)
Dim initializer As BoundExpression = DirectCast(Me.Visit(node.Initializer), BoundExpression)
Return node.Update(localDeclarations, initializer, node.Binder)
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitDimStatement(node As BoundDimStatement) As BoundNode
Dim localDeclarations As ImmutableArray(Of BoundLocalDeclarationBase) = Me.VisitList(node.LocalDeclarations)
Dim initializerOpt As BoundExpression = DirectCast(Me.Visit(node.InitializerOpt), BoundExpression)
Return node.Update(localDeclarations, initializerOpt)
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitInitializer(node As BoundInitializer) As BoundNode
Return node
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitFieldInitializer(node As BoundFieldInitializer) As BoundNode
Dim memberAccessExpressionOpt As BoundExpression = DirectCast(Me.Visit(node.MemberAccessExpressionOpt), BoundExpression)
Dim initialValue As BoundExpression = DirectCast(Me.Visit(node.InitialValue), BoundExpression)
Return node.Update(node.InitializedFields, memberAccessExpressionOpt, initialValue, node.BinderOpt)
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitPropertyInitializer(node As BoundPropertyInitializer) As BoundNode
Dim memberAccessExpressionOpt As BoundExpression = DirectCast(Me.Visit(node.MemberAccessExpressionOpt), BoundExpression)
Dim initialValue As BoundExpression = DirectCast(Me.Visit(node.InitialValue), BoundExpression)
Return node.Update(node.InitializedProperties, memberAccessExpressionOpt, initialValue, node.BinderOpt)
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitParameterEqualsValue(node As BoundParameterEqualsValue) As BoundNode
Dim value As BoundExpression = DirectCast(Me.Visit(node.Value), BoundExpression)
Return node.Update(node.Parameter, value)
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitGlobalStatementInitializer(node As BoundGlobalStatementInitializer) As BoundNode
Dim statement As BoundStatement = DirectCast(Me.Visit(node.Statement), BoundStatement)
Return node.Update(statement)
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitSequence(node As BoundSequence) As BoundNode
Dim sideEffects As ImmutableArray(Of BoundExpression) = Me.VisitList(node.SideEffects)
Dim valueOpt As BoundExpression = DirectCast(Me.Visit(node.ValueOpt), BoundExpression)
Dim type as TypeSymbol = Me.VisitType(node.Type)
Return node.Update(node.Locals, sideEffects, valueOpt, type)
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitExpressionStatement(node As BoundExpressionStatement) As BoundNode
Dim expression As BoundExpression = DirectCast(Me.Visit(node.Expression), BoundExpression)
Return node.Update(expression)
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitIfStatement(node As BoundIfStatement) As BoundNode
Dim condition As BoundExpression = DirectCast(Me.Visit(node.Condition), BoundExpression)
Dim consequence As BoundStatement = DirectCast(Me.Visit(node.Consequence), BoundStatement)
Dim alternativeOpt As BoundStatement = DirectCast(Me.Visit(node.AlternativeOpt), BoundStatement)
Return node.Update(condition, consequence, alternativeOpt)
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitSelectStatement(node As BoundSelectStatement) As BoundNode
Dim expressionStatement As BoundExpressionStatement = DirectCast(Me.Visit(node.ExpressionStatement), BoundExpressionStatement)
Dim exprPlaceholderOpt As BoundRValuePlaceholder = DirectCast(Me.Visit(node.ExprPlaceholderOpt), BoundRValuePlaceholder)
Dim caseBlocks As ImmutableArray(Of BoundCaseBlock) = Me.VisitList(node.CaseBlocks)
Return node.Update(expressionStatement, exprPlaceholderOpt, caseBlocks, node.RecommendSwitchTable, node.ExitLabel)
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitCaseBlock(node As BoundCaseBlock) As BoundNode
Dim caseStatement As BoundCaseStatement = DirectCast(Me.Visit(node.CaseStatement), BoundCaseStatement)
Dim body As BoundBlock = DirectCast(Me.Visit(node.Body), BoundBlock)
Return node.Update(caseStatement, body)
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitCaseStatement(node As BoundCaseStatement) As BoundNode
Dim caseClauses As ImmutableArray(Of BoundCaseClause) = Me.VisitList(node.CaseClauses)
Dim conditionOpt As BoundExpression = DirectCast(Me.Visit(node.ConditionOpt), BoundExpression)
Return node.Update(caseClauses, conditionOpt)
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitSimpleCaseClause(node As BoundSimpleCaseClause) As BoundNode
Dim valueOpt As BoundExpression = DirectCast(Me.Visit(node.ValueOpt), BoundExpression)
Dim conditionOpt As BoundExpression = DirectCast(Me.Visit(node.ConditionOpt), BoundExpression)
Return node.Update(valueOpt, conditionOpt)
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitRangeCaseClause(node As BoundRangeCaseClause) As BoundNode
Dim lowerBoundOpt As BoundExpression = DirectCast(Me.Visit(node.LowerBoundOpt), BoundExpression)
Dim upperBoundOpt As BoundExpression = DirectCast(Me.Visit(node.UpperBoundOpt), BoundExpression)
Dim lowerBoundConditionOpt As BoundExpression = DirectCast(Me.Visit(node.LowerBoundConditionOpt), BoundExpression)
Dim upperBoundConditionOpt As BoundExpression = DirectCast(Me.Visit(node.UpperBoundConditionOpt), BoundExpression)
Return node.Update(lowerBoundOpt, upperBoundOpt, lowerBoundConditionOpt, upperBoundConditionOpt)
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitRelationalCaseClause(node As BoundRelationalCaseClause) As BoundNode
Dim valueOpt As BoundExpression = DirectCast(Me.Visit(node.ValueOpt), BoundExpression)
Dim conditionOpt As BoundExpression = DirectCast(Me.Visit(node.ConditionOpt), BoundExpression)
Return node.Update(node.OperatorKind, valueOpt, conditionOpt)
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitDoLoopStatement(node As BoundDoLoopStatement) As BoundNode
Dim topConditionOpt As BoundExpression = DirectCast(Me.Visit(node.TopConditionOpt), BoundExpression)
Dim bottomConditionOpt As BoundExpression = DirectCast(Me.Visit(node.BottomConditionOpt), BoundExpression)
Dim body As BoundStatement = DirectCast(Me.Visit(node.Body), BoundStatement)
Return node.Update(topConditionOpt, bottomConditionOpt, node.TopConditionIsUntil, node.BottomConditionIsUntil, body, node.ContinueLabel, node.ExitLabel)
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitWhileStatement(node As BoundWhileStatement) As BoundNode
Dim condition As BoundExpression = DirectCast(Me.Visit(node.Condition), BoundExpression)
Dim body As BoundStatement = DirectCast(Me.Visit(node.Body), BoundStatement)
Return node.Update(condition, body, node.ContinueLabel, node.ExitLabel)
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitForToUserDefinedOperators(node As BoundForToUserDefinedOperators) As BoundNode
Dim leftOperandPlaceholder As BoundRValuePlaceholder = DirectCast(Me.Visit(node.LeftOperandPlaceholder), BoundRValuePlaceholder)
Dim rightOperandPlaceholder As BoundRValuePlaceholder = DirectCast(Me.Visit(node.RightOperandPlaceholder), BoundRValuePlaceholder)
Dim addition As BoundUserDefinedBinaryOperator = DirectCast(Me.Visit(node.Addition), BoundUserDefinedBinaryOperator)
Dim subtraction As BoundUserDefinedBinaryOperator = DirectCast(Me.Visit(node.Subtraction), BoundUserDefinedBinaryOperator)
Dim lessThanOrEqual As BoundExpression = DirectCast(Me.Visit(node.LessThanOrEqual), BoundExpression)
Dim greaterThanOrEqual As BoundExpression = DirectCast(Me.Visit(node.GreaterThanOrEqual), BoundExpression)
Return node.Update(leftOperandPlaceholder, rightOperandPlaceholder, addition, subtraction, lessThanOrEqual, greaterThanOrEqual)
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitForToStatement(node As BoundForToStatement) As BoundNode
Dim initialValue As BoundExpression = DirectCast(Me.Visit(node.InitialValue), BoundExpression)
Dim limitValue As BoundExpression = DirectCast(Me.Visit(node.LimitValue), BoundExpression)
Dim stepValue As BoundExpression = DirectCast(Me.Visit(node.StepValue), BoundExpression)
Dim operatorsOpt As BoundForToUserDefinedOperators = DirectCast(Me.Visit(node.OperatorsOpt), BoundForToUserDefinedOperators)
Dim controlVariable As BoundExpression = DirectCast(Me.Visit(node.ControlVariable), BoundExpression)
Dim body As BoundStatement = DirectCast(Me.Visit(node.Body), BoundStatement)
Dim nextVariablesOpt As ImmutableArray(Of BoundExpression) = Me.VisitList(node.NextVariablesOpt)
Return node.Update(initialValue, limitValue, stepValue, node.Checked, operatorsOpt, node.DeclaredOrInferredLocalOpt, controlVariable, body, nextVariablesOpt, node.ContinueLabel, node.ExitLabel)
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitForEachStatement(node As BoundForEachStatement) As BoundNode
Dim collection As BoundExpression = DirectCast(Me.Visit(node.Collection), BoundExpression)
Dim controlVariable As BoundExpression = DirectCast(Me.Visit(node.ControlVariable), BoundExpression)
Dim body As BoundStatement = DirectCast(Me.Visit(node.Body), BoundStatement)
Dim nextVariablesOpt As ImmutableArray(Of BoundExpression) = Me.VisitList(node.NextVariablesOpt)
Return node.Update(collection, node.EnumeratorInfo, node.DeclaredOrInferredLocalOpt, controlVariable, body, nextVariablesOpt, node.ContinueLabel, node.ExitLabel)
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitExitStatement(node As BoundExitStatement) As BoundNode
Return node
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitContinueStatement(node As BoundContinueStatement) As BoundNode
Return node
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitTryStatement(node As BoundTryStatement) As BoundNode
Dim tryBlock As BoundBlock = DirectCast(Me.Visit(node.TryBlock), BoundBlock)
Dim catchBlocks As ImmutableArray(Of BoundCatchBlock) = Me.VisitList(node.CatchBlocks)
Dim finallyBlockOpt As BoundBlock = DirectCast(Me.Visit(node.FinallyBlockOpt), BoundBlock)
Return node.Update(tryBlock, catchBlocks, finallyBlockOpt, node.ExitLabelOpt)
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitCatchBlock(node As BoundCatchBlock) As BoundNode
Dim exceptionSourceOpt As BoundExpression = DirectCast(Me.Visit(node.ExceptionSourceOpt), BoundExpression)
Dim errorLineNumberOpt As BoundExpression = DirectCast(Me.Visit(node.ErrorLineNumberOpt), BoundExpression)
Dim exceptionFilterOpt As BoundExpression = DirectCast(Me.Visit(node.ExceptionFilterOpt), BoundExpression)
Dim body As BoundBlock = DirectCast(Me.Visit(node.Body), BoundBlock)
Return node.Update(node.LocalOpt, exceptionSourceOpt, errorLineNumberOpt, exceptionFilterOpt, body, node.IsSynthesizedAsyncCatchAll)
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitLiteral(node As BoundLiteral) As BoundNode
Dim type as TypeSymbol = Me.VisitType(node.Type)
Return node.Update(node.Value, type)
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitMeReference(node As BoundMeReference) As BoundNode
Dim type as TypeSymbol = Me.VisitType(node.Type)
Return node.Update(type)
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitValueTypeMeReference(node As BoundValueTypeMeReference) As BoundNode
Dim type as TypeSymbol = Me.VisitType(node.Type)
Return node.Update(type)
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitMyBaseReference(node As BoundMyBaseReference) As BoundNode
Dim type as TypeSymbol = Me.VisitType(node.Type)
Return node.Update(type)
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitMyClassReference(node As BoundMyClassReference) As BoundNode
Dim type as TypeSymbol = Me.VisitType(node.Type)
Return node.Update(type)
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitPreviousSubmissionReference(node As BoundPreviousSubmissionReference) As BoundNode
Dim type as TypeSymbol = Me.VisitType(node.Type)
Return node.Update(node.SourceType, type)
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitHostObjectMemberReference(node As BoundHostObjectMemberReference) As BoundNode
Dim type as TypeSymbol = Me.VisitType(node.Type)
Return node.Update(type)
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitLocal(node As BoundLocal) As BoundNode
Dim type as TypeSymbol = Me.VisitType(node.Type)
Return node.Update(node.LocalSymbol, node.IsLValue, type)
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitPseudoVariable(node As BoundPseudoVariable) As BoundNode
Dim type as TypeSymbol = Me.VisitType(node.Type)
Return node.Update(node.LocalSymbol, node.IsLValue, node.EmitExpressions, type)
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitParameter(node As BoundParameter) As BoundNode
Dim type as TypeSymbol = Me.VisitType(node.Type)
Return node.Update(node.ParameterSymbol, node.IsLValue, node.SuppressVirtualCalls, type)
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitByRefArgumentPlaceholder(node As BoundByRefArgumentPlaceholder) As BoundNode
Dim type as TypeSymbol = Me.VisitType(node.Type)
Return node.Update(node.IsOut, type)
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitByRefArgumentWithCopyBack(node As BoundByRefArgumentWithCopyBack) As BoundNode
Dim originalArgument As BoundExpression = DirectCast(Me.Visit(node.OriginalArgument), BoundExpression)
Dim inConversion As BoundExpression = DirectCast(Me.Visit(node.InConversion), BoundExpression)
Dim inPlaceholder As BoundByRefArgumentPlaceholder = DirectCast(Me.Visit(node.InPlaceholder), BoundByRefArgumentPlaceholder)
Dim outConversion As BoundExpression = DirectCast(Me.Visit(node.OutConversion), BoundExpression)
Dim outPlaceholder As BoundRValuePlaceholder = DirectCast(Me.Visit(node.OutPlaceholder), BoundRValuePlaceholder)
Dim type as TypeSymbol = Me.VisitType(node.Type)
Return node.Update(originalArgument, inConversion, inPlaceholder, outConversion, outPlaceholder, type)
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitLateBoundArgumentSupportingAssignmentWithCapture(node As BoundLateBoundArgumentSupportingAssignmentWithCapture) As BoundNode
Dim originalArgument As BoundExpression = DirectCast(Me.Visit(node.OriginalArgument), BoundExpression)
Dim type as TypeSymbol = Me.VisitType(node.Type)
Return node.Update(originalArgument, node.LocalSymbol, type)
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitLabelStatement(node As BoundLabelStatement) As BoundNode
Return node
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitLabel(node As BoundLabel) As BoundNode
Dim type as TypeSymbol = Me.VisitType(node.Type)
Return node.Update(node.Label, type)
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitGotoStatement(node As BoundGotoStatement) As BoundNode
Dim labelExpressionOpt As BoundLabel = DirectCast(Me.Visit(node.LabelExpressionOpt), BoundLabel)
Return node.Update(node.Label, labelExpressionOpt)
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitStatementList(node As BoundStatementList) As BoundNode
Dim statements As ImmutableArray(Of BoundStatement) = Me.VisitList(node.Statements)
Return node.Update(statements)
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitConditionalGoto(node As BoundConditionalGoto) As BoundNode
Dim condition As BoundExpression = DirectCast(Me.Visit(node.Condition), BoundExpression)
Return node.Update(condition, node.JumpIfTrue, node.Label)
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitWithStatement(node As BoundWithStatement) As BoundNode
Dim originalExpression As BoundExpression = DirectCast(Me.Visit(node.OriginalExpression), BoundExpression)
Dim body As BoundBlock = DirectCast(Me.Visit(node.Body), BoundBlock)
Return node.Update(originalExpression, body, node.Binder)
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitUnboundLambda(node As UnboundLambda) As BoundNode
Dim returnType as TypeSymbol = Me.VisitType(node.ReturnType)
Dim type as TypeSymbol = Me.VisitType(node.Type)
Return node.Update(node.Binder, node.Flags, node.Parameters, returnType, node.BindingCache)
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitLambda(node As BoundLambda) As BoundNode
Dim body As BoundBlock = DirectCast(Me.Visit(node.Body), BoundBlock)
Dim type as TypeSymbol = Me.VisitType(node.Type)
Return node.Update(node.LambdaSymbol, body, node.Diagnostics, node.LambdaBinderOpt, node.DelegateRelaxation, node.MethodConversionKind)
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitQueryExpression(node As BoundQueryExpression) As BoundNode
Dim lastOperator As BoundQueryClauseBase = DirectCast(Me.Visit(node.LastOperator), BoundQueryClauseBase)
Dim type as TypeSymbol = Me.VisitType(node.Type)
Return node.Update(lastOperator, type)
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitQuerySource(node As BoundQuerySource) As BoundNode
Dim expression As BoundExpression = DirectCast(Me.Visit(node.Expression), BoundExpression)
Dim type as TypeSymbol = Me.VisitType(node.Type)
Return node.Update(expression, type)
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitToQueryableCollectionConversion(node As BoundToQueryableCollectionConversion) As BoundNode
Dim conversionCall As BoundCall = DirectCast(Me.Visit(node.ConversionCall), BoundCall)
Dim type as TypeSymbol = Me.VisitType(node.Type)
Return node.Update(conversionCall, type)
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitQueryableSource(node As BoundQueryableSource) As BoundNode
Dim source As BoundQueryPart = DirectCast(Me.Visit(node.Source), BoundQueryPart)
Dim compoundVariableType as TypeSymbol = Me.VisitType(node.CompoundVariableType)
Dim type as TypeSymbol = Me.VisitType(node.Type)
Return node.Update(source, node.RangeVariableOpt, node.RangeVariables, compoundVariableType, node.Binders, type)
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitQueryClause(node As BoundQueryClause) As BoundNode
Dim underlyingExpression As BoundExpression = DirectCast(Me.Visit(node.UnderlyingExpression), BoundExpression)
Dim compoundVariableType as TypeSymbol = Me.VisitType(node.CompoundVariableType)
Dim type as TypeSymbol = Me.VisitType(node.Type)
Return node.Update(underlyingExpression, node.RangeVariables, compoundVariableType, node.Binders, type)
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitOrdering(node As BoundOrdering) As BoundNode
Dim underlyingExpression As BoundExpression = DirectCast(Me.Visit(node.UnderlyingExpression), BoundExpression)
Dim type as TypeSymbol = Me.VisitType(node.Type)
Return node.Update(underlyingExpression, type)
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitQueryLambda(node As BoundQueryLambda) As BoundNode
Dim expression As BoundExpression = DirectCast(Me.Visit(node.Expression), BoundExpression)
Dim type as TypeSymbol = Me.VisitType(node.Type)
Return node.Update(node.LambdaSymbol, node.RangeVariables, expression, node.ExprIsOperandOfConditionalBranch)
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitRangeVariableAssignment(node As BoundRangeVariableAssignment) As BoundNode
Dim value As BoundExpression = DirectCast(Me.Visit(node.Value), BoundExpression)
Dim type as TypeSymbol = Me.VisitType(node.Type)
Return node.Update(node.RangeVariable, value, type)
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitGroupTypeInferenceLambda(node As GroupTypeInferenceLambda) As BoundNode
Dim type as TypeSymbol = Me.VisitType(node.Type)
Return node.Update(node.Binder, node.Parameters, node.Compilation)
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitAggregateClause(node As BoundAggregateClause) As BoundNode
Dim capturedGroupOpt As BoundQueryClauseBase = DirectCast(Me.Visit(node.CapturedGroupOpt), BoundQueryClauseBase)
Dim groupPlaceholderOpt As BoundRValuePlaceholder = DirectCast(Me.Visit(node.GroupPlaceholderOpt), BoundRValuePlaceholder)
Dim underlyingExpression As BoundExpression = DirectCast(Me.Visit(node.UnderlyingExpression), BoundExpression)
Dim compoundVariableType as TypeSymbol = Me.VisitType(node.CompoundVariableType)
Dim type as TypeSymbol = Me.VisitType(node.Type)
Return node.Update(capturedGroupOpt, groupPlaceholderOpt, underlyingExpression, node.RangeVariables, compoundVariableType, node.Binders, type)
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitGroupAggregation(node As BoundGroupAggregation) As BoundNode
Dim group As BoundExpression = DirectCast(Me.Visit(node.Group), BoundExpression)
Dim type as TypeSymbol = Me.VisitType(node.Type)
Return node.Update(group, type)
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitRangeVariable(node As BoundRangeVariable) As BoundNode
Dim type as TypeSymbol = Me.VisitType(node.Type)
Return node.Update(node.RangeVariable, type)
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitAddHandlerStatement(node As BoundAddHandlerStatement) As BoundNode
Dim eventAccess As BoundExpression = DirectCast(Me.Visit(node.EventAccess), BoundExpression)
Dim handler As BoundExpression = DirectCast(Me.Visit(node.Handler), BoundExpression)
Return node.Update(eventAccess, handler)
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitRemoveHandlerStatement(node As BoundRemoveHandlerStatement) As BoundNode
Dim eventAccess As BoundExpression = DirectCast(Me.Visit(node.EventAccess), BoundExpression)
Dim handler As BoundExpression = DirectCast(Me.Visit(node.Handler), BoundExpression)
Return node.Update(eventAccess, handler)
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitRaiseEventStatement(node As BoundRaiseEventStatement) As BoundNode
Dim eventInvocation As BoundExpression = DirectCast(Me.Visit(node.EventInvocation), BoundExpression)
Return node.Update(node.EventSymbol, eventInvocation)
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitUsingStatement(node As BoundUsingStatement) As BoundNode
Dim resourceList As ImmutableArray(Of BoundLocalDeclarationBase) = Me.VisitList(node.ResourceList)
Dim resourceExpressionOpt As BoundExpression = DirectCast(Me.Visit(node.ResourceExpressionOpt), BoundExpression)
Dim body As BoundBlock = DirectCast(Me.Visit(node.Body), BoundBlock)
Return node.Update(resourceList, resourceExpressionOpt, body, node.UsingInfo, node.Locals)
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitSyncLockStatement(node As BoundSyncLockStatement) As BoundNode
Dim lockExpression As BoundExpression = DirectCast(Me.Visit(node.LockExpression), BoundExpression)
Dim body As BoundBlock = DirectCast(Me.Visit(node.Body), BoundBlock)
Return node.Update(lockExpression, body)
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitXmlName(node As BoundXmlName) As BoundNode
Dim xmlNamespace As BoundExpression = DirectCast(Me.Visit(node.XmlNamespace), BoundExpression)
Dim localName As BoundExpression = DirectCast(Me.Visit(node.LocalName), BoundExpression)
Dim objectCreation As BoundExpression = node.ObjectCreation
Dim type as TypeSymbol = Me.VisitType(node.Type)
Return node.Update(xmlNamespace, localName, objectCreation, type)
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitXmlNamespace(node As BoundXmlNamespace) As BoundNode
Dim xmlNamespace As BoundExpression = DirectCast(Me.Visit(node.XmlNamespace), BoundExpression)
Dim objectCreation As BoundExpression = node.ObjectCreation
Dim type as TypeSymbol = Me.VisitType(node.Type)
Return node.Update(xmlNamespace, objectCreation, type)
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitXmlDocument(node As BoundXmlDocument) As BoundNode
Dim declaration As BoundExpression = DirectCast(Me.Visit(node.Declaration), BoundExpression)
Dim childNodes As ImmutableArray(Of BoundExpression) = Me.VisitList(node.ChildNodes)
Dim type as TypeSymbol = Me.VisitType(node.Type)
Return node.Update(declaration, childNodes, node.RewriterInfo, type)
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitXmlDeclaration(node As BoundXmlDeclaration) As BoundNode
Dim version As BoundExpression = DirectCast(Me.Visit(node.Version), BoundExpression)
Dim encoding As BoundExpression = DirectCast(Me.Visit(node.Encoding), BoundExpression)
Dim standalone As BoundExpression = DirectCast(Me.Visit(node.Standalone), BoundExpression)
Dim objectCreation As BoundExpression = node.ObjectCreation
Dim type as TypeSymbol = Me.VisitType(node.Type)
Return node.Update(version, encoding, standalone, objectCreation, type)
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitXmlProcessingInstruction(node As BoundXmlProcessingInstruction) As BoundNode
Dim target As BoundExpression = DirectCast(Me.Visit(node.Target), BoundExpression)
Dim data As BoundExpression = DirectCast(Me.Visit(node.Data), BoundExpression)
Dim objectCreation As BoundExpression = node.ObjectCreation
Dim type as TypeSymbol = Me.VisitType(node.Type)
Return node.Update(target, data, objectCreation, type)
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitXmlComment(node As BoundXmlComment) As BoundNode
Dim value As BoundExpression = DirectCast(Me.Visit(node.Value), BoundExpression)
Dim objectCreation As BoundExpression = node.ObjectCreation
Dim type as TypeSymbol = Me.VisitType(node.Type)
Return node.Update(value, objectCreation, type)
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitXmlAttribute(node As BoundXmlAttribute) As BoundNode
Dim name As BoundExpression = DirectCast(Me.Visit(node.Name), BoundExpression)
Dim value As BoundExpression = DirectCast(Me.Visit(node.Value), BoundExpression)
Dim objectCreation As BoundExpression = node.ObjectCreation
Dim type as TypeSymbol = Me.VisitType(node.Type)
Return node.Update(name, value, node.MatchesImport, objectCreation, type)
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitXmlElement(node As BoundXmlElement) As BoundNode
Dim argument As BoundExpression = DirectCast(Me.Visit(node.Argument), BoundExpression)
Dim childNodes As ImmutableArray(Of BoundExpression) = Me.VisitList(node.ChildNodes)
Dim type as TypeSymbol = Me.VisitType(node.Type)
Return node.Update(argument, childNodes, node.RewriterInfo, type)
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitXmlMemberAccess(node As BoundXmlMemberAccess) As BoundNode
Dim memberAccess As BoundExpression = DirectCast(Me.Visit(node.MemberAccess), BoundExpression)
Dim type as TypeSymbol = Me.VisitType(node.Type)
Return node.Update(memberAccess, type)
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitXmlEmbeddedExpression(node As BoundXmlEmbeddedExpression) As BoundNode
Dim expression As BoundExpression = DirectCast(Me.Visit(node.Expression), BoundExpression)
Dim type as TypeSymbol = Me.VisitType(node.Type)
Return node.Update(expression, type)
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitXmlCData(node As BoundXmlCData) As BoundNode
Dim value As BoundLiteral = DirectCast(Me.Visit(node.Value), BoundLiteral)
Dim objectCreation As BoundExpression = node.ObjectCreation
Dim type as TypeSymbol = Me.VisitType(node.Type)
Return node.Update(value, objectCreation, type)
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitResumeStatement(node As BoundResumeStatement) As BoundNode
Dim labelExpressionOpt As BoundExpression = DirectCast(Me.Visit(node.LabelExpressionOpt), BoundExpression)
Return node.Update(node.ResumeKind, node.LabelOpt, labelExpressionOpt)
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitOnErrorStatement(node As BoundOnErrorStatement) As BoundNode
Dim labelExpressionOpt As BoundExpression = DirectCast(Me.Visit(node.LabelExpressionOpt), BoundExpression)
Return node.Update(node.OnErrorKind, node.LabelOpt, labelExpressionOpt)
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitUnstructuredExceptionHandlingStatement(node As BoundUnstructuredExceptionHandlingStatement) As BoundNode
Dim body As BoundBlock = DirectCast(Me.Visit(node.Body), BoundBlock)
Return node.Update(node.ContainsOnError, node.ContainsResume, node.ResumeWithoutLabelOpt, node.TrackLineNumber, body)
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitUnstructuredExceptionHandlingCatchFilter(node As BoundUnstructuredExceptionHandlingCatchFilter) As BoundNode
Dim activeHandlerLocal As BoundLocal = DirectCast(Me.Visit(node.ActiveHandlerLocal), BoundLocal)
Dim resumeTargetLocal As BoundLocal = DirectCast(Me.Visit(node.ResumeTargetLocal), BoundLocal)
Dim type as TypeSymbol = Me.VisitType(node.Type)
Return node.Update(activeHandlerLocal, resumeTargetLocal, type)
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitUnstructuredExceptionOnErrorSwitch(node As BoundUnstructuredExceptionOnErrorSwitch) As BoundNode
Dim value As BoundExpression = DirectCast(Me.Visit(node.Value), BoundExpression)
Dim jumps As ImmutableArray(Of BoundGotoStatement) = Me.VisitList(node.Jumps)
Return node.Update(value, jumps)
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitUnstructuredExceptionResumeSwitch(node As BoundUnstructuredExceptionResumeSwitch) As BoundNode
Dim resumeTargetTemporary As BoundLocal = DirectCast(Me.Visit(node.ResumeTargetTemporary), BoundLocal)
Dim resumeLabel As BoundLabelStatement = DirectCast(Me.Visit(node.ResumeLabel), BoundLabelStatement)
Dim resumeNextLabel As BoundLabelStatement = DirectCast(Me.Visit(node.ResumeNextLabel), BoundLabelStatement)
Dim jumps As ImmutableArray(Of BoundGotoStatement) = Me.VisitList(node.Jumps)
Return node.Update(resumeTargetTemporary, resumeLabel, resumeNextLabel, jumps)
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitAwaitOperator(node As BoundAwaitOperator) As BoundNode
Dim operand As BoundExpression = DirectCast(Me.Visit(node.Operand), BoundExpression)
Dim awaitableInstancePlaceholder As BoundRValuePlaceholder = DirectCast(Me.Visit(node.AwaitableInstancePlaceholder), BoundRValuePlaceholder)
Dim getAwaiter As BoundExpression = DirectCast(Me.Visit(node.GetAwaiter), BoundExpression)
Dim awaiterInstancePlaceholder As BoundLValuePlaceholder = DirectCast(Me.Visit(node.AwaiterInstancePlaceholder), BoundLValuePlaceholder)
Dim isCompleted As BoundExpression = DirectCast(Me.Visit(node.IsCompleted), BoundExpression)
Dim getResult As BoundExpression = DirectCast(Me.Visit(node.GetResult), BoundExpression)
Dim type as TypeSymbol = Me.VisitType(node.Type)
Return node.Update(operand, awaitableInstancePlaceholder, getAwaiter, awaiterInstancePlaceholder, isCompleted, getResult, type)
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitSpillSequence(node As BoundSpillSequence) As BoundNode
Dim statements As ImmutableArray(Of BoundStatement) = Me.VisitList(node.Statements)
Dim valueOpt As BoundExpression = DirectCast(Me.Visit(node.ValueOpt), BoundExpression)
Dim type as TypeSymbol = Me.VisitType(node.Type)
Return node.Update(node.Locals, node.SpillFields, statements, valueOpt, type)
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitStopStatement(node As BoundStopStatement) As BoundNode
Return node
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitEndStatement(node As BoundEndStatement) As BoundNode
Return node
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitMidResult(node As BoundMidResult) As BoundNode
Dim original As BoundExpression = DirectCast(Me.Visit(node.Original), BoundExpression)
Dim start As BoundExpression = DirectCast(Me.Visit(node.Start), BoundExpression)
Dim lengthOpt As BoundExpression = DirectCast(Me.Visit(node.LengthOpt), BoundExpression)
Dim source As BoundExpression = DirectCast(Me.Visit(node.Source), BoundExpression)
Dim type as TypeSymbol = Me.VisitType(node.Type)
Return node.Update(original, start, lengthOpt, source, type)
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitConditionalAccess(node As BoundConditionalAccess) As BoundNode
Dim receiver As BoundExpression = DirectCast(Me.Visit(node.Receiver), BoundExpression)
Dim placeholder As BoundRValuePlaceholder = DirectCast(Me.Visit(node.Placeholder), BoundRValuePlaceholder)
Dim accessExpression As BoundExpression = DirectCast(Me.Visit(node.AccessExpression), BoundExpression)
Dim type as TypeSymbol = Me.VisitType(node.Type)
Return node.Update(receiver, placeholder, accessExpression, type)
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitConditionalAccessReceiverPlaceholder(node As BoundConditionalAccessReceiverPlaceholder) As BoundNode
Dim type as TypeSymbol = Me.VisitType(node.Type)
Return node.Update(node.PlaceholderId, node.Capture, type)
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitLoweredConditionalAccess(node As BoundLoweredConditionalAccess) As BoundNode
Dim receiver As BoundExpression = DirectCast(Me.Visit(node.Receiver), BoundExpression)
Dim whenNotNull As BoundExpression = DirectCast(Me.Visit(node.WhenNotNull), BoundExpression)
Dim whenNullOpt As BoundExpression = DirectCast(Me.Visit(node.WhenNullOpt), BoundExpression)
Dim type as TypeSymbol = Me.VisitType(node.Type)
Return node.Update(receiver, node.CaptureReceiver, node.PlaceholderId, whenNotNull, whenNullOpt, type)
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitComplexConditionalAccessReceiver(node As BoundComplexConditionalAccessReceiver) As BoundNode
Dim valueTypeReceiver As BoundExpression = DirectCast(Me.Visit(node.ValueTypeReceiver), BoundExpression)
Dim referenceTypeReceiver As BoundExpression = DirectCast(Me.Visit(node.ReferenceTypeReceiver), BoundExpression)
Dim type as TypeSymbol = Me.VisitType(node.Type)
Return node.Update(valueTypeReceiver, referenceTypeReceiver, type)
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitNameOfOperator(node As BoundNameOfOperator) As BoundNode
Dim argument As BoundExpression = DirectCast(Me.Visit(node.Argument), BoundExpression)
Dim type as TypeSymbol = Me.VisitType(node.Type)
Return node.Update(argument, node.ConstantValueOpt, type)
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitTypeAsValueExpression(node As BoundTypeAsValueExpression) As BoundNode
Dim expression As BoundTypeExpression = DirectCast(Me.Visit(node.Expression), BoundTypeExpression)
Dim type as TypeSymbol = Me.VisitType(node.Type)
Return node.Update(expression, type)
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitInterpolatedStringExpression(node As BoundInterpolatedStringExpression) As BoundNode
Dim contents As ImmutableArray(Of BoundNode) = Me.VisitList(node.Contents)
Dim constructionOpt As BoundExpression = node.ConstructionOpt
Dim type as TypeSymbol = Me.VisitType(node.Type)
Return node.Update(contents, constructionOpt, type)
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitInterpolation(node As BoundInterpolation) As BoundNode
Dim expression As BoundExpression = DirectCast(Me.Visit(node.Expression), BoundExpression)
Dim alignmentOpt As BoundExpression = DirectCast(Me.Visit(node.AlignmentOpt), BoundExpression)
Dim formatStringOpt As BoundLiteral = DirectCast(Me.Visit(node.FormatStringOpt), BoundLiteral)
Return node.Update(expression, alignmentOpt, formatStringOpt)
End Function
End Class
Friend NotInheritable Class BoundTreeDumperNodeProducer
Inherits BoundTreeVisitor(Of Object, TreeDumperNode)
Private Sub New()
End Sub
Public Shared Function MakeTree(node As BoundNode) As TreeDumperNode
Return (New BoundTreeDumperNodeProducer()).Visit(node, Nothing)
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitTypeArguments(node As BoundTypeArguments, arg As Object) As TreeDumperNode
Return New TreeDumperNode("typeArguments", Nothing, New TreeDumperNode() {
New TreeDumperNode("arguments", node.Arguments, Nothing),
New TreeDumperNode("type", node.Type, Nothing)
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitOmittedArgument(node As BoundOmittedArgument, arg As Object) As TreeDumperNode
Return New TreeDumperNode("omittedArgument", Nothing, New TreeDumperNode() {
New TreeDumperNode("type", node.Type, Nothing)
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitLValueToRValueWrapper(node As BoundLValueToRValueWrapper, arg As Object) As TreeDumperNode
Return New TreeDumperNode("lValueToRValueWrapper", Nothing, New TreeDumperNode() {
New TreeDumperNode("underlyingLValue", Nothing, new TreeDumperNode() {Visit(node.UnderlyingLValue, Nothing)}),
New TreeDumperNode("type", node.Type, Nothing)
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitWithLValueExpressionPlaceholder(node As BoundWithLValueExpressionPlaceholder, arg As Object) As TreeDumperNode
Return New TreeDumperNode("withLValueExpressionPlaceholder", Nothing, New TreeDumperNode() {
New TreeDumperNode("type", node.Type, Nothing)
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitWithRValueExpressionPlaceholder(node As BoundWithRValueExpressionPlaceholder, arg As Object) As TreeDumperNode
Return New TreeDumperNode("withRValueExpressionPlaceholder", Nothing, New TreeDumperNode() {
New TreeDumperNode("type", node.Type, Nothing)
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitRValuePlaceholder(node As BoundRValuePlaceholder, arg As Object) As TreeDumperNode
Return New TreeDumperNode("rValuePlaceholder", Nothing, New TreeDumperNode() {
New TreeDumperNode("type", node.Type, Nothing)
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitLValuePlaceholder(node As BoundLValuePlaceholder, arg As Object) As TreeDumperNode
Return New TreeDumperNode("lValuePlaceholder", Nothing, New TreeDumperNode() {
New TreeDumperNode("type", node.Type, Nothing)
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitDup(node As BoundDup, arg As Object) As TreeDumperNode
Return New TreeDumperNode("dup", Nothing, New TreeDumperNode() {
New TreeDumperNode("isReference", node.IsReference, Nothing),
New TreeDumperNode("type", node.Type, Nothing)
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitBadExpression(node As BoundBadExpression, arg As Object) As TreeDumperNode
Return New TreeDumperNode("badExpression", Nothing, New TreeDumperNode() {
New TreeDumperNode("resultKind", node.ResultKind, Nothing),
New TreeDumperNode("symbols", node.Symbols, Nothing),
New TreeDumperNode("childBoundNodes", Nothing, From x In node.ChildBoundNodes Select Visit(x, Nothing)),
New TreeDumperNode("type", node.Type, Nothing)
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitBadStatement(node As BoundBadStatement, arg As Object) As TreeDumperNode
Return New TreeDumperNode("badStatement", Nothing, New TreeDumperNode() {
New TreeDumperNode("childBoundNodes", Nothing, From x In node.ChildBoundNodes Select Visit(x, Nothing))
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitParenthesized(node As BoundParenthesized, arg As Object) As TreeDumperNode
Return New TreeDumperNode("parenthesized", Nothing, New TreeDumperNode() {
New TreeDumperNode("expression", Nothing, new TreeDumperNode() {Visit(node.Expression, Nothing)}),
New TreeDumperNode("type", node.Type, Nothing)
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitBadVariable(node As BoundBadVariable, arg As Object) As TreeDumperNode
Return New TreeDumperNode("badVariable", Nothing, New TreeDumperNode() {
New TreeDumperNode("expression", Nothing, new TreeDumperNode() {Visit(node.Expression, Nothing)}),
New TreeDumperNode("isLValue", node.IsLValue, Nothing),
New TreeDumperNode("type", node.Type, Nothing)
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitArrayAccess(node As BoundArrayAccess, arg As Object) As TreeDumperNode
Return New TreeDumperNode("arrayAccess", Nothing, New TreeDumperNode() {
New TreeDumperNode("expression", Nothing, new TreeDumperNode() {Visit(node.Expression, Nothing)}),
New TreeDumperNode("indices", Nothing, From x In node.Indices Select Visit(x, Nothing)),
New TreeDumperNode("isLValue", node.IsLValue, Nothing),
New TreeDumperNode("type", node.Type, Nothing)
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitArrayLength(node As BoundArrayLength, arg As Object) As TreeDumperNode
Return New TreeDumperNode("arrayLength", Nothing, New TreeDumperNode() {
New TreeDumperNode("expression", Nothing, new TreeDumperNode() {Visit(node.Expression, Nothing)}),
New TreeDumperNode("type", node.Type, Nothing)
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitGetType(node As BoundGetType, arg As Object) As TreeDumperNode
Return New TreeDumperNode("[getType]", Nothing, New TreeDumperNode() {
New TreeDumperNode("sourceType", Nothing, new TreeDumperNode() {Visit(node.SourceType, Nothing)}),
New TreeDumperNode("getTypeFromHandle", node.GetTypeFromHandle, Nothing),
New TreeDumperNode("type", node.Type, Nothing)
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitFieldInfo(node As BoundFieldInfo, arg As Object) As TreeDumperNode
Return New TreeDumperNode("fieldInfo", Nothing, New TreeDumperNode() {
New TreeDumperNode("field", node.Field, Nothing),
New TreeDumperNode("type", node.Type, Nothing)
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitMethodInfo(node As BoundMethodInfo, arg As Object) As TreeDumperNode
Return New TreeDumperNode("methodInfo", Nothing, New TreeDumperNode() {
New TreeDumperNode("method", node.Method, Nothing),
New TreeDumperNode("getMethodFromHandle", node.GetMethodFromHandle, Nothing),
New TreeDumperNode("type", node.Type, Nothing)
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitTypeExpression(node As BoundTypeExpression, arg As Object) As TreeDumperNode
Return New TreeDumperNode("typeExpression", Nothing, New TreeDumperNode() {
New TreeDumperNode("unevaluatedReceiverOpt", Nothing, new TreeDumperNode() {Visit(node.UnevaluatedReceiverOpt, Nothing)}),
New TreeDumperNode("aliasOpt", node.AliasOpt, Nothing),
New TreeDumperNode("type", node.Type, Nothing)
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitTypeOrValueExpression(node As BoundTypeOrValueExpression, arg As Object) As TreeDumperNode
Return New TreeDumperNode("typeOrValueExpression", Nothing, New TreeDumperNode() {
New TreeDumperNode("data", node.Data, Nothing),
New TreeDumperNode("type", node.Type, Nothing)
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitNamespaceExpression(node As BoundNamespaceExpression, arg As Object) As TreeDumperNode
Return New TreeDumperNode("namespaceExpression", Nothing, New TreeDumperNode() {
New TreeDumperNode("unevaluatedReceiverOpt", Nothing, new TreeDumperNode() {Visit(node.UnevaluatedReceiverOpt, Nothing)}),
New TreeDumperNode("aliasOpt", node.AliasOpt, Nothing),
New TreeDumperNode("namespaceSymbol", node.NamespaceSymbol, Nothing),
New TreeDumperNode("type", node.Type, Nothing)
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitMethodDefIndex(node As BoundMethodDefIndex, arg As Object) As TreeDumperNode
Return New TreeDumperNode("methodDefIndex", Nothing, New TreeDumperNode() {
New TreeDumperNode("method", node.Method, Nothing),
New TreeDumperNode("type", node.Type, Nothing)
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitMaximumMethodDefIndex(node As BoundMaximumMethodDefIndex, arg As Object) As TreeDumperNode
Return New TreeDumperNode("maximumMethodDefIndex", Nothing, New TreeDumperNode() {
New TreeDumperNode("type", node.Type, Nothing)
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitInstrumentationPayloadRoot(node As BoundInstrumentationPayloadRoot, arg As Object) As TreeDumperNode
Return New TreeDumperNode("instrumentationPayloadRoot", Nothing, New TreeDumperNode() {
New TreeDumperNode("analysisKind", node.AnalysisKind, Nothing),
New TreeDumperNode("isLValue", node.IsLValue, Nothing),
New TreeDumperNode("type", node.Type, Nothing)
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitModuleVersionId(node As BoundModuleVersionId, arg As Object) As TreeDumperNode
Return New TreeDumperNode("moduleVersionId", Nothing, New TreeDumperNode() {
New TreeDumperNode("isLValue", node.IsLValue, Nothing),
New TreeDumperNode("type", node.Type, Nothing)
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitModuleVersionIdString(node As BoundModuleVersionIdString, arg As Object) As TreeDumperNode
Return New TreeDumperNode("moduleVersionIdString", Nothing, New TreeDumperNode() {
New TreeDumperNode("type", node.Type, Nothing)
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitSourceDocumentIndex(node As BoundSourceDocumentIndex, arg As Object) As TreeDumperNode
Return New TreeDumperNode("sourceDocumentIndex", Nothing, New TreeDumperNode() {
New TreeDumperNode("document", node.Document, Nothing),
New TreeDumperNode("type", node.Type, Nothing)
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitUnaryOperator(node As BoundUnaryOperator, arg As Object) As TreeDumperNode
Return New TreeDumperNode("unaryOperator", Nothing, New TreeDumperNode() {
New TreeDumperNode("operatorKind", node.OperatorKind, Nothing),
New TreeDumperNode("operand", Nothing, new TreeDumperNode() {Visit(node.Operand, Nothing)}),
New TreeDumperNode("checked", node.Checked, Nothing),
New TreeDumperNode("constantValueOpt", node.ConstantValueOpt, Nothing),
New TreeDumperNode("type", node.Type, Nothing)
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitUserDefinedUnaryOperator(node As BoundUserDefinedUnaryOperator, arg As Object) As TreeDumperNode
Return New TreeDumperNode("userDefinedUnaryOperator", Nothing, New TreeDumperNode() {
New TreeDumperNode("operatorKind", node.OperatorKind, Nothing),
New TreeDumperNode("underlyingExpression", Nothing, new TreeDumperNode() {Visit(node.UnderlyingExpression, Nothing)}),
New TreeDumperNode("type", node.Type, Nothing)
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitNullableIsTrueOperator(node As BoundNullableIsTrueOperator, arg As Object) As TreeDumperNode
Return New TreeDumperNode("nullableIsTrueOperator", Nothing, New TreeDumperNode() {
New TreeDumperNode("operand", Nothing, new TreeDumperNode() {Visit(node.Operand, Nothing)}),
New TreeDumperNode("type", node.Type, Nothing)
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitBinaryOperator(node As BoundBinaryOperator, arg As Object) As TreeDumperNode
Return New TreeDumperNode("binaryOperator", Nothing, New TreeDumperNode() {
New TreeDumperNode("operatorKind", node.OperatorKind, Nothing),
New TreeDumperNode("left", Nothing, new TreeDumperNode() {Visit(node.Left, Nothing)}),
New TreeDumperNode("right", Nothing, new TreeDumperNode() {Visit(node.Right, Nothing)}),
New TreeDumperNode("checked", node.Checked, Nothing),
New TreeDumperNode("constantValueOpt", node.ConstantValueOpt, Nothing),
New TreeDumperNode("type", node.Type, Nothing)
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitUserDefinedBinaryOperator(node As BoundUserDefinedBinaryOperator, arg As Object) As TreeDumperNode
Return New TreeDumperNode("userDefinedBinaryOperator", Nothing, New TreeDumperNode() {
New TreeDumperNode("operatorKind", node.OperatorKind, Nothing),
New TreeDumperNode("underlyingExpression", Nothing, new TreeDumperNode() {Visit(node.UnderlyingExpression, Nothing)}),
New TreeDumperNode("checked", node.Checked, Nothing),
New TreeDumperNode("type", node.Type, Nothing)
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitUserDefinedShortCircuitingOperator(node As BoundUserDefinedShortCircuitingOperator, arg As Object) As TreeDumperNode
Return New TreeDumperNode("userDefinedShortCircuitingOperator", Nothing, New TreeDumperNode() {
New TreeDumperNode("leftOperand", Nothing, new TreeDumperNode() {Visit(node.LeftOperand, Nothing)}),
New TreeDumperNode("leftOperandPlaceholder", Nothing, new TreeDumperNode() {Visit(node.LeftOperandPlaceholder, Nothing)}),
New TreeDumperNode("leftTest", Nothing, new TreeDumperNode() {Visit(node.LeftTest, Nothing)}),
New TreeDumperNode("bitwiseOperator", Nothing, new TreeDumperNode() {Visit(node.BitwiseOperator, Nothing)}),
New TreeDumperNode("type", node.Type, Nothing)
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitCompoundAssignmentTargetPlaceholder(node As BoundCompoundAssignmentTargetPlaceholder, arg As Object) As TreeDumperNode
Return New TreeDumperNode("compoundAssignmentTargetPlaceholder", Nothing, New TreeDumperNode() {
New TreeDumperNode("type", node.Type, Nothing)
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitAssignmentOperator(node As BoundAssignmentOperator, arg As Object) As TreeDumperNode
Return New TreeDumperNode("assignmentOperator", Nothing, New TreeDumperNode() {
New TreeDumperNode("left", Nothing, new TreeDumperNode() {Visit(node.Left, Nothing)}),
New TreeDumperNode("leftOnTheRightOpt", Nothing, new TreeDumperNode() {Visit(node.LeftOnTheRightOpt, Nothing)}),
New TreeDumperNode("right", Nothing, new TreeDumperNode() {Visit(node.Right, Nothing)}),
New TreeDumperNode("suppressObjectClone", node.SuppressObjectClone, Nothing),
New TreeDumperNode("type", node.Type, Nothing)
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitReferenceAssignment(node As BoundReferenceAssignment, arg As Object) As TreeDumperNode
Return New TreeDumperNode("referenceAssignment", Nothing, New TreeDumperNode() {
New TreeDumperNode("byRefLocal", Nothing, new TreeDumperNode() {Visit(node.ByRefLocal, Nothing)}),
New TreeDumperNode("lValue", Nothing, new TreeDumperNode() {Visit(node.LValue, Nothing)}),
New TreeDumperNode("isLValue", node.IsLValue, Nothing),
New TreeDumperNode("type", node.Type, Nothing)
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitAddressOfOperator(node As BoundAddressOfOperator, arg As Object) As TreeDumperNode
Return New TreeDumperNode("addressOfOperator", Nothing, New TreeDumperNode() {
New TreeDumperNode("binder", node.Binder, Nothing),
New TreeDumperNode("withDependencies", node.WithDependencies, Nothing),
New TreeDumperNode("methodGroup", Nothing, new TreeDumperNode() {Visit(node.MethodGroup, Nothing)}),
New TreeDumperNode("type", node.Type, Nothing)
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitTernaryConditionalExpression(node As BoundTernaryConditionalExpression, arg As Object) As TreeDumperNode
Return New TreeDumperNode("ternaryConditionalExpression", Nothing, New TreeDumperNode() {
New TreeDumperNode("condition", Nothing, new TreeDumperNode() {Visit(node.Condition, Nothing)}),
New TreeDumperNode("whenTrue", Nothing, new TreeDumperNode() {Visit(node.WhenTrue, Nothing)}),
New TreeDumperNode("whenFalse", Nothing, new TreeDumperNode() {Visit(node.WhenFalse, Nothing)}),
New TreeDumperNode("constantValueOpt", node.ConstantValueOpt, Nothing),
New TreeDumperNode("type", node.Type, Nothing)
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitBinaryConditionalExpression(node As BoundBinaryConditionalExpression, arg As Object) As TreeDumperNode
Return New TreeDumperNode("binaryConditionalExpression", Nothing, New TreeDumperNode() {
New TreeDumperNode("testExpression", Nothing, new TreeDumperNode() {Visit(node.TestExpression, Nothing)}),
New TreeDumperNode("convertedTestExpression", Nothing, new TreeDumperNode() {Visit(node.ConvertedTestExpression, Nothing)}),
New TreeDumperNode("testExpressionPlaceholder", Nothing, new TreeDumperNode() {Visit(node.TestExpressionPlaceholder, Nothing)}),
New TreeDumperNode("elseExpression", Nothing, new TreeDumperNode() {Visit(node.ElseExpression, Nothing)}),
New TreeDumperNode("constantValueOpt", node.ConstantValueOpt, Nothing),
New TreeDumperNode("type", node.Type, Nothing)
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitConversion(node As BoundConversion, arg As Object) As TreeDumperNode
Return New TreeDumperNode("conversion", Nothing, New TreeDumperNode() {
New TreeDumperNode("operand", Nothing, new TreeDumperNode() {Visit(node.Operand, Nothing)}),
New TreeDumperNode("conversionKind", node.ConversionKind, Nothing),
New TreeDumperNode("checked", node.Checked, Nothing),
New TreeDumperNode("explicitCastInCode", node.ExplicitCastInCode, Nothing),
New TreeDumperNode("constantValueOpt", node.ConstantValueOpt, Nothing),
New TreeDumperNode("extendedInfoOpt", Nothing, new TreeDumperNode() {Visit(node.ExtendedInfoOpt, Nothing)}),
New TreeDumperNode("type", node.Type, Nothing)
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitRelaxationLambda(node As BoundRelaxationLambda, arg As Object) As TreeDumperNode
Return New TreeDumperNode("relaxationLambda", Nothing, New TreeDumperNode() {
New TreeDumperNode("lambda", Nothing, new TreeDumperNode() {Visit(node.Lambda, Nothing)}),
New TreeDumperNode("receiverPlaceholderOpt", Nothing, new TreeDumperNode() {Visit(node.ReceiverPlaceholderOpt, Nothing)})
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitConvertedTupleElements(node As BoundConvertedTupleElements, arg As Object) As TreeDumperNode
Return New TreeDumperNode("convertedTupleElements", Nothing, New TreeDumperNode() {
New TreeDumperNode("elementPlaceholders", Nothing, From x In node.ElementPlaceholders Select Visit(x, Nothing)),
New TreeDumperNode("convertedElements", Nothing, From x In node.ConvertedElements Select Visit(x, Nothing))
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitUserDefinedConversion(node As BoundUserDefinedConversion, arg As Object) As TreeDumperNode
Return New TreeDumperNode("userDefinedConversion", Nothing, New TreeDumperNode() {
New TreeDumperNode("underlyingExpression", Nothing, new TreeDumperNode() {Visit(node.UnderlyingExpression, Nothing)}),
New TreeDumperNode("inOutConversionFlags", node.InOutConversionFlags, Nothing),
New TreeDumperNode("type", node.Type, Nothing)
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitDirectCast(node As BoundDirectCast, arg As Object) As TreeDumperNode
Return New TreeDumperNode("[directCast]", Nothing, New TreeDumperNode() {
New TreeDumperNode("operand", Nothing, new TreeDumperNode() {Visit(node.Operand, Nothing)}),
New TreeDumperNode("conversionKind", node.ConversionKind, Nothing),
New TreeDumperNode("suppressVirtualCalls", node.SuppressVirtualCalls, Nothing),
New TreeDumperNode("constantValueOpt", node.ConstantValueOpt, Nothing),
New TreeDumperNode("relaxationLambdaOpt", Nothing, new TreeDumperNode() {Visit(node.RelaxationLambdaOpt, Nothing)}),
New TreeDumperNode("type", node.Type, Nothing)
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitTryCast(node As BoundTryCast, arg As Object) As TreeDumperNode
Return New TreeDumperNode("[tryCast]", Nothing, New TreeDumperNode() {
New TreeDumperNode("operand", Nothing, new TreeDumperNode() {Visit(node.Operand, Nothing)}),
New TreeDumperNode("conversionKind", node.ConversionKind, Nothing),
New TreeDumperNode("constantValueOpt", node.ConstantValueOpt, Nothing),
New TreeDumperNode("relaxationLambdaOpt", Nothing, new TreeDumperNode() {Visit(node.RelaxationLambdaOpt, Nothing)}),
New TreeDumperNode("type", node.Type, Nothing)
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitTypeOf(node As BoundTypeOf, arg As Object) As TreeDumperNode
Return New TreeDumperNode("[typeOf]", Nothing, New TreeDumperNode() {
New TreeDumperNode("operand", Nothing, new TreeDumperNode() {Visit(node.Operand, Nothing)}),
New TreeDumperNode("isTypeOfIsNotExpression", node.IsTypeOfIsNotExpression, Nothing),
New TreeDumperNode("targetType", node.TargetType, Nothing),
New TreeDumperNode("type", node.Type, Nothing)
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitSequencePoint(node As BoundSequencePoint, arg As Object) As TreeDumperNode
Return New TreeDumperNode("sequencePoint", Nothing, New TreeDumperNode() {
New TreeDumperNode("statementOpt", Nothing, new TreeDumperNode() {Visit(node.StatementOpt, Nothing)})
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitSequencePointExpression(node As BoundSequencePointExpression, arg As Object) As TreeDumperNode
Return New TreeDumperNode("sequencePointExpression", Nothing, New TreeDumperNode() {
New TreeDumperNode("expression", Nothing, new TreeDumperNode() {Visit(node.Expression, Nothing)}),
New TreeDumperNode("type", node.Type, Nothing)
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitSequencePointWithSpan(node As BoundSequencePointWithSpan, arg As Object) As TreeDumperNode
Return New TreeDumperNode("sequencePointWithSpan", Nothing, New TreeDumperNode() {
New TreeDumperNode("statementOpt", Nothing, new TreeDumperNode() {Visit(node.StatementOpt, Nothing)}),
New TreeDumperNode("span", node.Span, Nothing)
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitNoOpStatement(node As BoundNoOpStatement, arg As Object) As TreeDumperNode
Return New TreeDumperNode("noOpStatement", Nothing, New TreeDumperNode() {
New TreeDumperNode("flavor", node.Flavor, Nothing)
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitMethodGroup(node As BoundMethodGroup, arg As Object) As TreeDumperNode
Return New TreeDumperNode("methodGroup", Nothing, New TreeDumperNode() {
New TreeDumperNode("typeArgumentsOpt", Nothing, new TreeDumperNode() {Visit(node.TypeArgumentsOpt, Nothing)}),
New TreeDumperNode("methods", node.Methods, Nothing),
New TreeDumperNode("pendingExtensionMethodsOpt", node.PendingExtensionMethodsOpt, Nothing),
New TreeDumperNode("resultKind", node.ResultKind, Nothing),
New TreeDumperNode("receiverOpt", Nothing, new TreeDumperNode() {Visit(node.ReceiverOpt, Nothing)}),
New TreeDumperNode("qualificationKind", node.QualificationKind, Nothing),
New TreeDumperNode("type", node.Type, Nothing)
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitPropertyGroup(node As BoundPropertyGroup, arg As Object) As TreeDumperNode
Return New TreeDumperNode("propertyGroup", Nothing, New TreeDumperNode() {
New TreeDumperNode("properties", node.Properties, Nothing),
New TreeDumperNode("resultKind", node.ResultKind, Nothing),
New TreeDumperNode("receiverOpt", Nothing, new TreeDumperNode() {Visit(node.ReceiverOpt, Nothing)}),
New TreeDumperNode("qualificationKind", node.QualificationKind, Nothing),
New TreeDumperNode("type", node.Type, Nothing)
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitReturnStatement(node As BoundReturnStatement, arg As Object) As TreeDumperNode
Return New TreeDumperNode("returnStatement", Nothing, New TreeDumperNode() {
New TreeDumperNode("expressionOpt", Nothing, new TreeDumperNode() {Visit(node.ExpressionOpt, Nothing)}),
New TreeDumperNode("functionLocalOpt", node.FunctionLocalOpt, Nothing),
New TreeDumperNode("exitLabelOpt", node.ExitLabelOpt, Nothing)
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitYieldStatement(node As BoundYieldStatement, arg As Object) As TreeDumperNode
Return New TreeDumperNode("yieldStatement", Nothing, New TreeDumperNode() {
New TreeDumperNode("expression", Nothing, new TreeDumperNode() {Visit(node.Expression, Nothing)})
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitThrowStatement(node As BoundThrowStatement, arg As Object) As TreeDumperNode
Return New TreeDumperNode("throwStatement", Nothing, New TreeDumperNode() {
New TreeDumperNode("expressionOpt", Nothing, new TreeDumperNode() {Visit(node.ExpressionOpt, Nothing)})
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitRedimStatement(node As BoundRedimStatement, arg As Object) As TreeDumperNode
Return New TreeDumperNode("redimStatement", Nothing, New TreeDumperNode() {
New TreeDumperNode("clauses", Nothing, From x In node.Clauses Select Visit(x, Nothing))
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitRedimClause(node As BoundRedimClause, arg As Object) As TreeDumperNode
Return New TreeDumperNode("redimClause", Nothing, New TreeDumperNode() {
New TreeDumperNode("operand", Nothing, new TreeDumperNode() {Visit(node.Operand, Nothing)}),
New TreeDumperNode("indices", Nothing, From x In node.Indices Select Visit(x, Nothing)),
New TreeDumperNode("arrayTypeOpt", node.ArrayTypeOpt, Nothing),
New TreeDumperNode("preserve", node.Preserve, Nothing)
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitEraseStatement(node As BoundEraseStatement, arg As Object) As TreeDumperNode
Return New TreeDumperNode("eraseStatement", Nothing, New TreeDumperNode() {
New TreeDumperNode("clauses", Nothing, From x In node.Clauses Select Visit(x, Nothing))
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitCall(node As BoundCall, arg As Object) As TreeDumperNode
Return New TreeDumperNode("[call]", Nothing, New TreeDumperNode() {
New TreeDumperNode("method", node.Method, Nothing),
New TreeDumperNode("methodGroupOpt", Nothing, new TreeDumperNode() {Visit(node.MethodGroupOpt, Nothing)}),
New TreeDumperNode("receiverOpt", Nothing, new TreeDumperNode() {Visit(node.ReceiverOpt, Nothing)}),
New TreeDumperNode("arguments", Nothing, From x In node.Arguments Select Visit(x, Nothing)),
New TreeDumperNode("defaultArguments", node.DefaultArguments, Nothing),
New TreeDumperNode("constantValueOpt", node.ConstantValueOpt, Nothing),
New TreeDumperNode("isLValue", node.IsLValue, Nothing),
New TreeDumperNode("suppressObjectClone", node.SuppressObjectClone, Nothing),
New TreeDumperNode("type", node.Type, Nothing)
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitAttribute(node As BoundAttribute, arg As Object) As TreeDumperNode
Return New TreeDumperNode("attribute", Nothing, New TreeDumperNode() {
New TreeDumperNode("constructor", node.Constructor, Nothing),
New TreeDumperNode("constructorArguments", Nothing, From x In node.ConstructorArguments Select Visit(x, Nothing)),
New TreeDumperNode("constructorDefaultArguments", node.ConstructorDefaultArguments, Nothing),
New TreeDumperNode("namedArguments", Nothing, From x In node.NamedArguments Select Visit(x, Nothing)),
New TreeDumperNode("resultKind", node.ResultKind, Nothing),
New TreeDumperNode("type", node.Type, Nothing)
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitLateMemberAccess(node As BoundLateMemberAccess, arg As Object) As TreeDumperNode
Return New TreeDumperNode("lateMemberAccess", Nothing, New TreeDumperNode() {
New TreeDumperNode("nameOpt", node.NameOpt, Nothing),
New TreeDumperNode("containerTypeOpt", node.ContainerTypeOpt, Nothing),
New TreeDumperNode("receiverOpt", Nothing, new TreeDumperNode() {Visit(node.ReceiverOpt, Nothing)}),
New TreeDumperNode("typeArgumentsOpt", Nothing, new TreeDumperNode() {Visit(node.TypeArgumentsOpt, Nothing)}),
New TreeDumperNode("accessKind", node.AccessKind, Nothing),
New TreeDumperNode("type", node.Type, Nothing)
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitLateInvocation(node As BoundLateInvocation, arg As Object) As TreeDumperNode
Return New TreeDumperNode("lateInvocation", Nothing, New TreeDumperNode() {
New TreeDumperNode("member", Nothing, new TreeDumperNode() {Visit(node.Member, Nothing)}),
New TreeDumperNode("argumentsOpt", Nothing, From x In node.ArgumentsOpt Select Visit(x, Nothing)),
New TreeDumperNode("argumentNamesOpt", node.ArgumentNamesOpt, Nothing),
New TreeDumperNode("accessKind", node.AccessKind, Nothing),
New TreeDumperNode("methodOrPropertyGroupOpt", Nothing, new TreeDumperNode() {Visit(node.MethodOrPropertyGroupOpt, Nothing)}),
New TreeDumperNode("type", node.Type, Nothing)
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitLateAddressOfOperator(node As BoundLateAddressOfOperator, arg As Object) As TreeDumperNode
Return New TreeDumperNode("lateAddressOfOperator", Nothing, New TreeDumperNode() {
New TreeDumperNode("binder", node.Binder, Nothing),
New TreeDumperNode("memberAccess", Nothing, new TreeDumperNode() {Visit(node.MemberAccess, Nothing)}),
New TreeDumperNode("type", node.Type, Nothing)
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitTupleLiteral(node As BoundTupleLiteral, arg As Object) As TreeDumperNode
Return New TreeDumperNode("tupleLiteral", Nothing, New TreeDumperNode() {
New TreeDumperNode("inferredType", node.InferredType, Nothing),
New TreeDumperNode("argumentNamesOpt", node.ArgumentNamesOpt, Nothing),
New TreeDumperNode("inferredNamesOpt", node.InferredNamesOpt, Nothing),
New TreeDumperNode("arguments", Nothing, From x In node.Arguments Select Visit(x, Nothing)),
New TreeDumperNode("type", node.Type, Nothing)
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitConvertedTupleLiteral(node As BoundConvertedTupleLiteral, arg As Object) As TreeDumperNode
Return New TreeDumperNode("convertedTupleLiteral", Nothing, New TreeDumperNode() {
New TreeDumperNode("naturalTypeOpt", node.NaturalTypeOpt, Nothing),
New TreeDumperNode("arguments", Nothing, From x In node.Arguments Select Visit(x, Nothing)),
New TreeDumperNode("type", node.Type, Nothing)
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitObjectCreationExpression(node As BoundObjectCreationExpression, arg As Object) As TreeDumperNode
Return New TreeDumperNode("objectCreationExpression", Nothing, New TreeDumperNode() {
New TreeDumperNode("constructorOpt", node.ConstructorOpt, Nothing),
New TreeDumperNode("methodGroupOpt", Nothing, new TreeDumperNode() {Visit(node.MethodGroupOpt, Nothing)}),
New TreeDumperNode("arguments", Nothing, From x In node.Arguments Select Visit(x, Nothing)),
New TreeDumperNode("defaultArguments", node.DefaultArguments, Nothing),
New TreeDumperNode("initializerOpt", Nothing, new TreeDumperNode() {Visit(node.InitializerOpt, Nothing)}),
New TreeDumperNode("type", node.Type, Nothing)
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitNoPiaObjectCreationExpression(node As BoundNoPiaObjectCreationExpression, arg As Object) As TreeDumperNode
Return New TreeDumperNode("noPiaObjectCreationExpression", Nothing, New TreeDumperNode() {
New TreeDumperNode("guidString", node.GuidString, Nothing),
New TreeDumperNode("initializerOpt", Nothing, new TreeDumperNode() {Visit(node.InitializerOpt, Nothing)}),
New TreeDumperNode("type", node.Type, Nothing)
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitAnonymousTypeCreationExpression(node As BoundAnonymousTypeCreationExpression, arg As Object) As TreeDumperNode
Return New TreeDumperNode("anonymousTypeCreationExpression", Nothing, New TreeDumperNode() {
New TreeDumperNode("binderOpt", node.BinderOpt, Nothing),
New TreeDumperNode("declarations", Nothing, From x In node.Declarations Select Visit(x, Nothing)),
New TreeDumperNode("arguments", Nothing, From x In node.Arguments Select Visit(x, Nothing)),
New TreeDumperNode("type", node.Type, Nothing)
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitAnonymousTypePropertyAccess(node As BoundAnonymousTypePropertyAccess, arg As Object) As TreeDumperNode
Return New TreeDumperNode("anonymousTypePropertyAccess", Nothing, New TreeDumperNode() {
New TreeDumperNode("binder", node.Binder, Nothing),
New TreeDumperNode("propertyIndex", node.PropertyIndex, Nothing),
New TreeDumperNode("type", node.Type, Nothing)
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitAnonymousTypeFieldInitializer(node As BoundAnonymousTypeFieldInitializer, arg As Object) As TreeDumperNode
Return New TreeDumperNode("anonymousTypeFieldInitializer", Nothing, New TreeDumperNode() {
New TreeDumperNode("binder", node.Binder, Nothing),
New TreeDumperNode("value", Nothing, new TreeDumperNode() {Visit(node.Value, Nothing)}),
New TreeDumperNode("type", node.Type, Nothing)
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitObjectInitializerExpression(node As BoundObjectInitializerExpression, arg As Object) As TreeDumperNode
Return New TreeDumperNode("objectInitializerExpression", Nothing, New TreeDumperNode() {
New TreeDumperNode("createTemporaryLocalForInitialization", node.CreateTemporaryLocalForInitialization, Nothing),
New TreeDumperNode("placeholderOpt", Nothing, new TreeDumperNode() {Visit(node.PlaceholderOpt, Nothing)}),
New TreeDumperNode("initializers", Nothing, From x In node.Initializers Select Visit(x, Nothing)),
New TreeDumperNode("type", node.Type, Nothing)
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitCollectionInitializerExpression(node As BoundCollectionInitializerExpression, arg As Object) As TreeDumperNode
Return New TreeDumperNode("collectionInitializerExpression", Nothing, New TreeDumperNode() {
New TreeDumperNode("placeholderOpt", Nothing, new TreeDumperNode() {Visit(node.PlaceholderOpt, Nothing)}),
New TreeDumperNode("initializers", Nothing, From x In node.Initializers Select Visit(x, Nothing)),
New TreeDumperNode("type", node.Type, Nothing)
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitNewT(node As BoundNewT, arg As Object) As TreeDumperNode
Return New TreeDumperNode("newT", Nothing, New TreeDumperNode() {
New TreeDumperNode("initializerOpt", Nothing, new TreeDumperNode() {Visit(node.InitializerOpt, Nothing)}),
New TreeDumperNode("type", node.Type, Nothing)
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitDelegateCreationExpression(node As BoundDelegateCreationExpression, arg As Object) As TreeDumperNode
Return New TreeDumperNode("delegateCreationExpression", Nothing, New TreeDumperNode() {
New TreeDumperNode("receiverOpt", Nothing, new TreeDumperNode() {Visit(node.ReceiverOpt, Nothing)}),
New TreeDumperNode("method", node.Method, Nothing),
New TreeDumperNode("relaxationLambdaOpt", Nothing, new TreeDumperNode() {Visit(node.RelaxationLambdaOpt, Nothing)}),
New TreeDumperNode("relaxationReceiverPlaceholderOpt", Nothing, new TreeDumperNode() {Visit(node.RelaxationReceiverPlaceholderOpt, Nothing)}),
New TreeDumperNode("methodGroupOpt", Nothing, new TreeDumperNode() {Visit(node.MethodGroupOpt, Nothing)}),
New TreeDumperNode("type", node.Type, Nothing)
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitArrayCreation(node As BoundArrayCreation, arg As Object) As TreeDumperNode
Return New TreeDumperNode("arrayCreation", Nothing, New TreeDumperNode() {
New TreeDumperNode("isParamArrayArgument", node.IsParamArrayArgument, Nothing),
New TreeDumperNode("bounds", Nothing, From x In node.Bounds Select Visit(x, Nothing)),
New TreeDumperNode("initializerOpt", Nothing, new TreeDumperNode() {Visit(node.InitializerOpt, Nothing)}),
New TreeDumperNode("arrayLiteralOpt", Nothing, new TreeDumperNode() {Visit(node.ArrayLiteralOpt, Nothing)}),
New TreeDumperNode("arrayLiteralConversion", node.ArrayLiteralConversion, Nothing),
New TreeDumperNode("type", node.Type, Nothing)
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitArrayLiteral(node As BoundArrayLiteral, arg As Object) As TreeDumperNode
Return New TreeDumperNode("arrayLiteral", Nothing, New TreeDumperNode() {
New TreeDumperNode("hasDominantType", node.HasDominantType, Nothing),
New TreeDumperNode("numberOfCandidates", node.NumberOfCandidates, Nothing),
New TreeDumperNode("inferredType", node.InferredType, Nothing),
New TreeDumperNode("bounds", Nothing, From x In node.Bounds Select Visit(x, Nothing)),
New TreeDumperNode("initializer", Nothing, new TreeDumperNode() {Visit(node.Initializer, Nothing)}),
New TreeDumperNode("binder", node.Binder, Nothing),
New TreeDumperNode("type", node.Type, Nothing)
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitArrayInitialization(node As BoundArrayInitialization, arg As Object) As TreeDumperNode
Return New TreeDumperNode("arrayInitialization", Nothing, New TreeDumperNode() {
New TreeDumperNode("initializers", Nothing, From x In node.Initializers Select Visit(x, Nothing)),
New TreeDumperNode("type", node.Type, Nothing)
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitFieldAccess(node As BoundFieldAccess, arg As Object) As TreeDumperNode
Return New TreeDumperNode("fieldAccess", Nothing, New TreeDumperNode() {
New TreeDumperNode("receiverOpt", Nothing, new TreeDumperNode() {Visit(node.ReceiverOpt, Nothing)}),
New TreeDumperNode("fieldSymbol", node.FieldSymbol, Nothing),
New TreeDumperNode("isLValue", node.IsLValue, Nothing),
New TreeDumperNode("suppressVirtualCalls", node.SuppressVirtualCalls, Nothing),
New TreeDumperNode("constantsInProgressOpt", node.ConstantsInProgressOpt, Nothing),
New TreeDumperNode("type", node.Type, Nothing)
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitPropertyAccess(node As BoundPropertyAccess, arg As Object) As TreeDumperNode
Return New TreeDumperNode("propertyAccess", Nothing, New TreeDumperNode() {
New TreeDumperNode("propertySymbol", node.PropertySymbol, Nothing),
New TreeDumperNode("propertyGroupOpt", Nothing, new TreeDumperNode() {Visit(node.PropertyGroupOpt, Nothing)}),
New TreeDumperNode("accessKind", node.AccessKind, Nothing),
New TreeDumperNode("isWriteable", node.IsWriteable, Nothing),
New TreeDumperNode("isLValue", node.IsLValue, Nothing),
New TreeDumperNode("receiverOpt", Nothing, new TreeDumperNode() {Visit(node.ReceiverOpt, Nothing)}),
New TreeDumperNode("arguments", Nothing, From x In node.Arguments Select Visit(x, Nothing)),
New TreeDumperNode("defaultArguments", node.DefaultArguments, Nothing),
New TreeDumperNode("type", node.Type, Nothing)
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitEventAccess(node As BoundEventAccess, arg As Object) As TreeDumperNode
Return New TreeDumperNode("eventAccess", Nothing, New TreeDumperNode() {
New TreeDumperNode("receiverOpt", Nothing, new TreeDumperNode() {Visit(node.ReceiverOpt, Nothing)}),
New TreeDumperNode("eventSymbol", node.EventSymbol, Nothing),
New TreeDumperNode("type", node.Type, Nothing)
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitBlock(node As BoundBlock, arg As Object) As TreeDumperNode
Return New TreeDumperNode("block", Nothing, New TreeDumperNode() {
New TreeDumperNode("statementListSyntax", node.StatementListSyntax, Nothing),
New TreeDumperNode("locals", node.Locals, Nothing),
New TreeDumperNode("statements", Nothing, From x In node.Statements Select Visit(x, Nothing))
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitStateMachineScope(node As BoundStateMachineScope, arg As Object) As TreeDumperNode
Return New TreeDumperNode("stateMachineScope", Nothing, New TreeDumperNode() {
New TreeDumperNode("fields", node.Fields, Nothing),
New TreeDumperNode("statement", Nothing, new TreeDumperNode() {Visit(node.Statement, Nothing)})
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitLocalDeclaration(node As BoundLocalDeclaration, arg As Object) As TreeDumperNode
Return New TreeDumperNode("localDeclaration", Nothing, New TreeDumperNode() {
New TreeDumperNode("localSymbol", node.LocalSymbol, Nothing),
New TreeDumperNode("declarationInitializerOpt", Nothing, new TreeDumperNode() {Visit(node.DeclarationInitializerOpt, Nothing)}),
New TreeDumperNode("identifierInitializerOpt", Nothing, new TreeDumperNode() {Visit(node.IdentifierInitializerOpt, Nothing)}),
New TreeDumperNode("initializedByAsNew", node.InitializedByAsNew, Nothing)
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitAsNewLocalDeclarations(node As BoundAsNewLocalDeclarations, arg As Object) As TreeDumperNode
Return New TreeDumperNode("asNewLocalDeclarations", Nothing, New TreeDumperNode() {
New TreeDumperNode("localDeclarations", Nothing, From x In node.LocalDeclarations Select Visit(x, Nothing)),
New TreeDumperNode("initializer", Nothing, new TreeDumperNode() {Visit(node.Initializer, Nothing)}),
New TreeDumperNode("binder", node.Binder, Nothing)
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitDimStatement(node As BoundDimStatement, arg As Object) As TreeDumperNode
Return New TreeDumperNode("dimStatement", Nothing, New TreeDumperNode() {
New TreeDumperNode("localDeclarations", Nothing, From x In node.LocalDeclarations Select Visit(x, Nothing)),
New TreeDumperNode("initializerOpt", Nothing, new TreeDumperNode() {Visit(node.InitializerOpt, Nothing)})
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitInitializer(node As BoundInitializer, arg As Object) As TreeDumperNode
Return New TreeDumperNode("initializer", Nothing, Array.Empty(Of TreeDumperNode)())
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitFieldInitializer(node As BoundFieldInitializer, arg As Object) As TreeDumperNode
Return New TreeDumperNode("fieldInitializer", Nothing, New TreeDumperNode() {
New TreeDumperNode("initializedFields", node.InitializedFields, Nothing),
New TreeDumperNode("memberAccessExpressionOpt", Nothing, new TreeDumperNode() {Visit(node.MemberAccessExpressionOpt, Nothing)}),
New TreeDumperNode("initialValue", Nothing, new TreeDumperNode() {Visit(node.InitialValue, Nothing)}),
New TreeDumperNode("binderOpt", node.BinderOpt, Nothing)
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitPropertyInitializer(node As BoundPropertyInitializer, arg As Object) As TreeDumperNode
Return New TreeDumperNode("propertyInitializer", Nothing, New TreeDumperNode() {
New TreeDumperNode("initializedProperties", node.InitializedProperties, Nothing),
New TreeDumperNode("memberAccessExpressionOpt", Nothing, new TreeDumperNode() {Visit(node.MemberAccessExpressionOpt, Nothing)}),
New TreeDumperNode("initialValue", Nothing, new TreeDumperNode() {Visit(node.InitialValue, Nothing)}),
New TreeDumperNode("binderOpt", node.BinderOpt, Nothing)
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitParameterEqualsValue(node As BoundParameterEqualsValue, arg As Object) As TreeDumperNode
Return New TreeDumperNode("parameterEqualsValue", Nothing, New TreeDumperNode() {
New TreeDumperNode("parameter", node.Parameter, Nothing),
New TreeDumperNode("value", Nothing, new TreeDumperNode() {Visit(node.Value, Nothing)})
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitGlobalStatementInitializer(node As BoundGlobalStatementInitializer, arg As Object) As TreeDumperNode
Return New TreeDumperNode("globalStatementInitializer", Nothing, New TreeDumperNode() {
New TreeDumperNode("statement", Nothing, new TreeDumperNode() {Visit(node.Statement, Nothing)})
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitSequence(node As BoundSequence, arg As Object) As TreeDumperNode
Return New TreeDumperNode("sequence", Nothing, New TreeDumperNode() {
New TreeDumperNode("locals", node.Locals, Nothing),
New TreeDumperNode("sideEffects", Nothing, From x In node.SideEffects Select Visit(x, Nothing)),
New TreeDumperNode("valueOpt", Nothing, new TreeDumperNode() {Visit(node.ValueOpt, Nothing)}),
New TreeDumperNode("type", node.Type, Nothing)
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitExpressionStatement(node As BoundExpressionStatement, arg As Object) As TreeDumperNode
Return New TreeDumperNode("expressionStatement", Nothing, New TreeDumperNode() {
New TreeDumperNode("expression", Nothing, new TreeDumperNode() {Visit(node.Expression, Nothing)})
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitIfStatement(node As BoundIfStatement, arg As Object) As TreeDumperNode
Return New TreeDumperNode("ifStatement", Nothing, New TreeDumperNode() {
New TreeDumperNode("condition", Nothing, new TreeDumperNode() {Visit(node.Condition, Nothing)}),
New TreeDumperNode("consequence", Nothing, new TreeDumperNode() {Visit(node.Consequence, Nothing)}),
New TreeDumperNode("alternativeOpt", Nothing, new TreeDumperNode() {Visit(node.AlternativeOpt, Nothing)})
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitSelectStatement(node As BoundSelectStatement, arg As Object) As TreeDumperNode
Return New TreeDumperNode("selectStatement", Nothing, New TreeDumperNode() {
New TreeDumperNode("expressionStatement", Nothing, new TreeDumperNode() {Visit(node.ExpressionStatement, Nothing)}),
New TreeDumperNode("exprPlaceholderOpt", Nothing, new TreeDumperNode() {Visit(node.ExprPlaceholderOpt, Nothing)}),
New TreeDumperNode("caseBlocks", Nothing, From x In node.CaseBlocks Select Visit(x, Nothing)),
New TreeDumperNode("recommendSwitchTable", node.RecommendSwitchTable, Nothing),
New TreeDumperNode("exitLabel", node.ExitLabel, Nothing)
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitCaseBlock(node As BoundCaseBlock, arg As Object) As TreeDumperNode
Return New TreeDumperNode("caseBlock", Nothing, New TreeDumperNode() {
New TreeDumperNode("caseStatement", Nothing, new TreeDumperNode() {Visit(node.CaseStatement, Nothing)}),
New TreeDumperNode("body", Nothing, new TreeDumperNode() {Visit(node.Body, Nothing)})
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitCaseStatement(node As BoundCaseStatement, arg As Object) As TreeDumperNode
Return New TreeDumperNode("caseStatement", Nothing, New TreeDumperNode() {
New TreeDumperNode("caseClauses", Nothing, From x In node.CaseClauses Select Visit(x, Nothing)),
New TreeDumperNode("conditionOpt", Nothing, new TreeDumperNode() {Visit(node.ConditionOpt, Nothing)})
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitSimpleCaseClause(node As BoundSimpleCaseClause, arg As Object) As TreeDumperNode
Return New TreeDumperNode("simpleCaseClause", Nothing, New TreeDumperNode() {
New TreeDumperNode("valueOpt", Nothing, new TreeDumperNode() {Visit(node.ValueOpt, Nothing)}),
New TreeDumperNode("conditionOpt", Nothing, new TreeDumperNode() {Visit(node.ConditionOpt, Nothing)})
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitRangeCaseClause(node As BoundRangeCaseClause, arg As Object) As TreeDumperNode
Return New TreeDumperNode("rangeCaseClause", Nothing, New TreeDumperNode() {
New TreeDumperNode("lowerBoundOpt", Nothing, new TreeDumperNode() {Visit(node.LowerBoundOpt, Nothing)}),
New TreeDumperNode("upperBoundOpt", Nothing, new TreeDumperNode() {Visit(node.UpperBoundOpt, Nothing)}),
New TreeDumperNode("lowerBoundConditionOpt", Nothing, new TreeDumperNode() {Visit(node.LowerBoundConditionOpt, Nothing)}),
New TreeDumperNode("upperBoundConditionOpt", Nothing, new TreeDumperNode() {Visit(node.UpperBoundConditionOpt, Nothing)})
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitRelationalCaseClause(node As BoundRelationalCaseClause, arg As Object) As TreeDumperNode
Return New TreeDumperNode("relationalCaseClause", Nothing, New TreeDumperNode() {
New TreeDumperNode("operatorKind", node.OperatorKind, Nothing),
New TreeDumperNode("valueOpt", Nothing, new TreeDumperNode() {Visit(node.ValueOpt, Nothing)}),
New TreeDumperNode("conditionOpt", Nothing, new TreeDumperNode() {Visit(node.ConditionOpt, Nothing)})
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitDoLoopStatement(node As BoundDoLoopStatement, arg As Object) As TreeDumperNode
Return New TreeDumperNode("doLoopStatement", Nothing, New TreeDumperNode() {
New TreeDumperNode("topConditionOpt", Nothing, new TreeDumperNode() {Visit(node.TopConditionOpt, Nothing)}),
New TreeDumperNode("bottomConditionOpt", Nothing, new TreeDumperNode() {Visit(node.BottomConditionOpt, Nothing)}),
New TreeDumperNode("topConditionIsUntil", node.TopConditionIsUntil, Nothing),
New TreeDumperNode("bottomConditionIsUntil", node.BottomConditionIsUntil, Nothing),
New TreeDumperNode("body", Nothing, new TreeDumperNode() {Visit(node.Body, Nothing)}),
New TreeDumperNode("continueLabel", node.ContinueLabel, Nothing),
New TreeDumperNode("exitLabel", node.ExitLabel, Nothing)
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitWhileStatement(node As BoundWhileStatement, arg As Object) As TreeDumperNode
Return New TreeDumperNode("whileStatement", Nothing, New TreeDumperNode() {
New TreeDumperNode("condition", Nothing, new TreeDumperNode() {Visit(node.Condition, Nothing)}),
New TreeDumperNode("body", Nothing, new TreeDumperNode() {Visit(node.Body, Nothing)}),
New TreeDumperNode("continueLabel", node.ContinueLabel, Nothing),
New TreeDumperNode("exitLabel", node.ExitLabel, Nothing)
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitForToUserDefinedOperators(node As BoundForToUserDefinedOperators, arg As Object) As TreeDumperNode
Return New TreeDumperNode("forToUserDefinedOperators", Nothing, New TreeDumperNode() {
New TreeDumperNode("leftOperandPlaceholder", Nothing, new TreeDumperNode() {Visit(node.LeftOperandPlaceholder, Nothing)}),
New TreeDumperNode("rightOperandPlaceholder", Nothing, new TreeDumperNode() {Visit(node.RightOperandPlaceholder, Nothing)}),
New TreeDumperNode("addition", Nothing, new TreeDumperNode() {Visit(node.Addition, Nothing)}),
New TreeDumperNode("subtraction", Nothing, new TreeDumperNode() {Visit(node.Subtraction, Nothing)}),
New TreeDumperNode("lessThanOrEqual", Nothing, new TreeDumperNode() {Visit(node.LessThanOrEqual, Nothing)}),
New TreeDumperNode("greaterThanOrEqual", Nothing, new TreeDumperNode() {Visit(node.GreaterThanOrEqual, Nothing)})
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitForToStatement(node As BoundForToStatement, arg As Object) As TreeDumperNode
Return New TreeDumperNode("forToStatement", Nothing, New TreeDumperNode() {
New TreeDumperNode("initialValue", Nothing, new TreeDumperNode() {Visit(node.InitialValue, Nothing)}),
New TreeDumperNode("limitValue", Nothing, new TreeDumperNode() {Visit(node.LimitValue, Nothing)}),
New TreeDumperNode("stepValue", Nothing, new TreeDumperNode() {Visit(node.StepValue, Nothing)}),
New TreeDumperNode("checked", node.Checked, Nothing),
New TreeDumperNode("operatorsOpt", Nothing, new TreeDumperNode() {Visit(node.OperatorsOpt, Nothing)}),
New TreeDumperNode("declaredOrInferredLocalOpt", node.DeclaredOrInferredLocalOpt, Nothing),
New TreeDumperNode("controlVariable", Nothing, new TreeDumperNode() {Visit(node.ControlVariable, Nothing)}),
New TreeDumperNode("body", Nothing, new TreeDumperNode() {Visit(node.Body, Nothing)}),
New TreeDumperNode("nextVariablesOpt", Nothing, From x In node.NextVariablesOpt Select Visit(x, Nothing)),
New TreeDumperNode("continueLabel", node.ContinueLabel, Nothing),
New TreeDumperNode("exitLabel", node.ExitLabel, Nothing)
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitForEachStatement(node As BoundForEachStatement, arg As Object) As TreeDumperNode
Return New TreeDumperNode("forEachStatement", Nothing, New TreeDumperNode() {
New TreeDumperNode("collection", Nothing, new TreeDumperNode() {Visit(node.Collection, Nothing)}),
New TreeDumperNode("enumeratorInfo", node.EnumeratorInfo, Nothing),
New TreeDumperNode("declaredOrInferredLocalOpt", node.DeclaredOrInferredLocalOpt, Nothing),
New TreeDumperNode("controlVariable", Nothing, new TreeDumperNode() {Visit(node.ControlVariable, Nothing)}),
New TreeDumperNode("body", Nothing, new TreeDumperNode() {Visit(node.Body, Nothing)}),
New TreeDumperNode("nextVariablesOpt", Nothing, From x In node.NextVariablesOpt Select Visit(x, Nothing)),
New TreeDumperNode("continueLabel", node.ContinueLabel, Nothing),
New TreeDumperNode("exitLabel", node.ExitLabel, Nothing)
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitExitStatement(node As BoundExitStatement, arg As Object) As TreeDumperNode
Return New TreeDumperNode("exitStatement", Nothing, New TreeDumperNode() {
New TreeDumperNode("label", node.Label, Nothing)
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitContinueStatement(node As BoundContinueStatement, arg As Object) As TreeDumperNode
Return New TreeDumperNode("continueStatement", Nothing, New TreeDumperNode() {
New TreeDumperNode("label", node.Label, Nothing)
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitTryStatement(node As BoundTryStatement, arg As Object) As TreeDumperNode
Return New TreeDumperNode("tryStatement", Nothing, New TreeDumperNode() {
New TreeDumperNode("tryBlock", Nothing, new TreeDumperNode() {Visit(node.TryBlock, Nothing)}),
New TreeDumperNode("catchBlocks", Nothing, From x In node.CatchBlocks Select Visit(x, Nothing)),
New TreeDumperNode("finallyBlockOpt", Nothing, new TreeDumperNode() {Visit(node.FinallyBlockOpt, Nothing)}),
New TreeDumperNode("exitLabelOpt", node.ExitLabelOpt, Nothing)
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitCatchBlock(node As BoundCatchBlock, arg As Object) As TreeDumperNode
Return New TreeDumperNode("catchBlock", Nothing, New TreeDumperNode() {
New TreeDumperNode("localOpt", node.LocalOpt, Nothing),
New TreeDumperNode("exceptionSourceOpt", Nothing, new TreeDumperNode() {Visit(node.ExceptionSourceOpt, Nothing)}),
New TreeDumperNode("errorLineNumberOpt", Nothing, new TreeDumperNode() {Visit(node.ErrorLineNumberOpt, Nothing)}),
New TreeDumperNode("exceptionFilterOpt", Nothing, new TreeDumperNode() {Visit(node.ExceptionFilterOpt, Nothing)}),
New TreeDumperNode("body", Nothing, new TreeDumperNode() {Visit(node.Body, Nothing)}),
New TreeDumperNode("isSynthesizedAsyncCatchAll", node.IsSynthesizedAsyncCatchAll, Nothing)
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitLiteral(node As BoundLiteral, arg As Object) As TreeDumperNode
Return New TreeDumperNode("literal", Nothing, New TreeDumperNode() {
New TreeDumperNode("value", node.Value, Nothing),
New TreeDumperNode("type", node.Type, Nothing)
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitMeReference(node As BoundMeReference, arg As Object) As TreeDumperNode
Return New TreeDumperNode("meReference", Nothing, New TreeDumperNode() {
New TreeDumperNode("type", node.Type, Nothing)
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitValueTypeMeReference(node As BoundValueTypeMeReference, arg As Object) As TreeDumperNode
Return New TreeDumperNode("valueTypeMeReference", Nothing, New TreeDumperNode() {
New TreeDumperNode("type", node.Type, Nothing)
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitMyBaseReference(node As BoundMyBaseReference, arg As Object) As TreeDumperNode
Return New TreeDumperNode("myBaseReference", Nothing, New TreeDumperNode() {
New TreeDumperNode("type", node.Type, Nothing)
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitMyClassReference(node As BoundMyClassReference, arg As Object) As TreeDumperNode
Return New TreeDumperNode("myClassReference", Nothing, New TreeDumperNode() {
New TreeDumperNode("type", node.Type, Nothing)
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitPreviousSubmissionReference(node As BoundPreviousSubmissionReference, arg As Object) As TreeDumperNode
Return New TreeDumperNode("previousSubmissionReference", Nothing, New TreeDumperNode() {
New TreeDumperNode("sourceType", node.SourceType, Nothing),
New TreeDumperNode("type", node.Type, Nothing)
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitHostObjectMemberReference(node As BoundHostObjectMemberReference, arg As Object) As TreeDumperNode
Return New TreeDumperNode("hostObjectMemberReference", Nothing, New TreeDumperNode() {
New TreeDumperNode("type", node.Type, Nothing)
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitLocal(node As BoundLocal, arg As Object) As TreeDumperNode
Return New TreeDumperNode("local", Nothing, New TreeDumperNode() {
New TreeDumperNode("localSymbol", node.LocalSymbol, Nothing),
New TreeDumperNode("isLValue", node.IsLValue, Nothing),
New TreeDumperNode("type", node.Type, Nothing)
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitPseudoVariable(node As BoundPseudoVariable, arg As Object) As TreeDumperNode
Return New TreeDumperNode("pseudoVariable", Nothing, New TreeDumperNode() {
New TreeDumperNode("localSymbol", node.LocalSymbol, Nothing),
New TreeDumperNode("isLValue", node.IsLValue, Nothing),
New TreeDumperNode("emitExpressions", node.EmitExpressions, Nothing),
New TreeDumperNode("type", node.Type, Nothing)
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitParameter(node As BoundParameter, arg As Object) As TreeDumperNode
Return New TreeDumperNode("parameter", Nothing, New TreeDumperNode() {
New TreeDumperNode("parameterSymbol", node.ParameterSymbol, Nothing),
New TreeDumperNode("isLValue", node.IsLValue, Nothing),
New TreeDumperNode("suppressVirtualCalls", node.SuppressVirtualCalls, Nothing),
New TreeDumperNode("type", node.Type, Nothing)
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitByRefArgumentPlaceholder(node As BoundByRefArgumentPlaceholder, arg As Object) As TreeDumperNode
Return New TreeDumperNode("byRefArgumentPlaceholder", Nothing, New TreeDumperNode() {
New TreeDumperNode("isOut", node.IsOut, Nothing),
New TreeDumperNode("type", node.Type, Nothing)
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitByRefArgumentWithCopyBack(node As BoundByRefArgumentWithCopyBack, arg As Object) As TreeDumperNode
Return New TreeDumperNode("byRefArgumentWithCopyBack", Nothing, New TreeDumperNode() {
New TreeDumperNode("originalArgument", Nothing, new TreeDumperNode() {Visit(node.OriginalArgument, Nothing)}),
New TreeDumperNode("inConversion", Nothing, new TreeDumperNode() {Visit(node.InConversion, Nothing)}),
New TreeDumperNode("inPlaceholder", Nothing, new TreeDumperNode() {Visit(node.InPlaceholder, Nothing)}),
New TreeDumperNode("outConversion", Nothing, new TreeDumperNode() {Visit(node.OutConversion, Nothing)}),
New TreeDumperNode("outPlaceholder", Nothing, new TreeDumperNode() {Visit(node.OutPlaceholder, Nothing)}),
New TreeDumperNode("type", node.Type, Nothing)
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitLateBoundArgumentSupportingAssignmentWithCapture(node As BoundLateBoundArgumentSupportingAssignmentWithCapture, arg As Object) As TreeDumperNode
Return New TreeDumperNode("lateBoundArgumentSupportingAssignmentWithCapture", Nothing, New TreeDumperNode() {
New TreeDumperNode("originalArgument", Nothing, new TreeDumperNode() {Visit(node.OriginalArgument, Nothing)}),
New TreeDumperNode("localSymbol", node.LocalSymbol, Nothing),
New TreeDumperNode("type", node.Type, Nothing)
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitLabelStatement(node As BoundLabelStatement, arg As Object) As TreeDumperNode
Return New TreeDumperNode("labelStatement", Nothing, New TreeDumperNode() {
New TreeDumperNode("label", node.Label, Nothing)
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitLabel(node As BoundLabel, arg As Object) As TreeDumperNode
Return New TreeDumperNode("label", Nothing, New TreeDumperNode() {
New TreeDumperNode("label", node.Label, Nothing),
New TreeDumperNode("type", node.Type, Nothing)
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitGotoStatement(node As BoundGotoStatement, arg As Object) As TreeDumperNode
Return New TreeDumperNode("gotoStatement", Nothing, New TreeDumperNode() {
New TreeDumperNode("label", node.Label, Nothing),
New TreeDumperNode("labelExpressionOpt", Nothing, new TreeDumperNode() {Visit(node.LabelExpressionOpt, Nothing)})
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitStatementList(node As BoundStatementList, arg As Object) As TreeDumperNode
Return New TreeDumperNode("statementList", Nothing, New TreeDumperNode() {
New TreeDumperNode("statements", Nothing, From x In node.Statements Select Visit(x, Nothing))
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitConditionalGoto(node As BoundConditionalGoto, arg As Object) As TreeDumperNode
Return New TreeDumperNode("conditionalGoto", Nothing, New TreeDumperNode() {
New TreeDumperNode("condition", Nothing, new TreeDumperNode() {Visit(node.Condition, Nothing)}),
New TreeDumperNode("jumpIfTrue", node.JumpIfTrue, Nothing),
New TreeDumperNode("label", node.Label, Nothing)
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitWithStatement(node As BoundWithStatement, arg As Object) As TreeDumperNode
Return New TreeDumperNode("withStatement", Nothing, New TreeDumperNode() {
New TreeDumperNode("originalExpression", Nothing, new TreeDumperNode() {Visit(node.OriginalExpression, Nothing)}),
New TreeDumperNode("body", Nothing, new TreeDumperNode() {Visit(node.Body, Nothing)}),
New TreeDumperNode("binder", node.Binder, Nothing)
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitUnboundLambda(node As UnboundLambda, arg As Object) As TreeDumperNode
Return New TreeDumperNode("unboundLambda", Nothing, New TreeDumperNode() {
New TreeDumperNode("binder", node.Binder, Nothing),
New TreeDumperNode("flags", node.Flags, Nothing),
New TreeDumperNode("parameters", node.Parameters, Nothing),
New TreeDumperNode("returnType", node.ReturnType, Nothing),
New TreeDumperNode("bindingCache", node.BindingCache, Nothing),
New TreeDumperNode("type", node.Type, Nothing)
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitLambda(node As BoundLambda, arg As Object) As TreeDumperNode
Return New TreeDumperNode("lambda", Nothing, New TreeDumperNode() {
New TreeDumperNode("lambdaSymbol", node.LambdaSymbol, Nothing),
New TreeDumperNode("body", Nothing, new TreeDumperNode() {Visit(node.Body, Nothing)}),
New TreeDumperNode("diagnostics", node.Diagnostics, Nothing),
New TreeDumperNode("lambdaBinderOpt", node.LambdaBinderOpt, Nothing),
New TreeDumperNode("delegateRelaxation", node.DelegateRelaxation, Nothing),
New TreeDumperNode("methodConversionKind", node.MethodConversionKind, Nothing),
New TreeDumperNode("type", node.Type, Nothing)
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitQueryExpression(node As BoundQueryExpression, arg As Object) As TreeDumperNode
Return New TreeDumperNode("queryExpression", Nothing, New TreeDumperNode() {
New TreeDumperNode("lastOperator", Nothing, new TreeDumperNode() {Visit(node.LastOperator, Nothing)}),
New TreeDumperNode("type", node.Type, Nothing)
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitQuerySource(node As BoundQuerySource, arg As Object) As TreeDumperNode
Return New TreeDumperNode("querySource", Nothing, New TreeDumperNode() {
New TreeDumperNode("expression", Nothing, new TreeDumperNode() {Visit(node.Expression, Nothing)}),
New TreeDumperNode("type", node.Type, Nothing)
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitToQueryableCollectionConversion(node As BoundToQueryableCollectionConversion, arg As Object) As TreeDumperNode
Return New TreeDumperNode("toQueryableCollectionConversion", Nothing, New TreeDumperNode() {
New TreeDumperNode("conversionCall", Nothing, new TreeDumperNode() {Visit(node.ConversionCall, Nothing)}),
New TreeDumperNode("type", node.Type, Nothing)
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitQueryableSource(node As BoundQueryableSource, arg As Object) As TreeDumperNode
Return New TreeDumperNode("queryableSource", Nothing, New TreeDumperNode() {
New TreeDumperNode("source", Nothing, new TreeDumperNode() {Visit(node.Source, Nothing)}),
New TreeDumperNode("rangeVariableOpt", node.RangeVariableOpt, Nothing),
New TreeDumperNode("rangeVariables", node.RangeVariables, Nothing),
New TreeDumperNode("compoundVariableType", node.CompoundVariableType, Nothing),
New TreeDumperNode("binders", node.Binders, Nothing),
New TreeDumperNode("type", node.Type, Nothing)
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitQueryClause(node As BoundQueryClause, arg As Object) As TreeDumperNode
Return New TreeDumperNode("queryClause", Nothing, New TreeDumperNode() {
New TreeDumperNode("underlyingExpression", Nothing, new TreeDumperNode() {Visit(node.UnderlyingExpression, Nothing)}),
New TreeDumperNode("rangeVariables", node.RangeVariables, Nothing),
New TreeDumperNode("compoundVariableType", node.CompoundVariableType, Nothing),
New TreeDumperNode("binders", node.Binders, Nothing),
New TreeDumperNode("type", node.Type, Nothing)
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitOrdering(node As BoundOrdering, arg As Object) As TreeDumperNode
Return New TreeDumperNode("ordering", Nothing, New TreeDumperNode() {
New TreeDumperNode("underlyingExpression", Nothing, new TreeDumperNode() {Visit(node.UnderlyingExpression, Nothing)}),
New TreeDumperNode("type", node.Type, Nothing)
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitQueryLambda(node As BoundQueryLambda, arg As Object) As TreeDumperNode
Return New TreeDumperNode("queryLambda", Nothing, New TreeDumperNode() {
New TreeDumperNode("lambdaSymbol", node.LambdaSymbol, Nothing),
New TreeDumperNode("rangeVariables", node.RangeVariables, Nothing),
New TreeDumperNode("expression", Nothing, new TreeDumperNode() {Visit(node.Expression, Nothing)}),
New TreeDumperNode("exprIsOperandOfConditionalBranch", node.ExprIsOperandOfConditionalBranch, Nothing),
New TreeDumperNode("type", node.Type, Nothing)
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitRangeVariableAssignment(node As BoundRangeVariableAssignment, arg As Object) As TreeDumperNode
Return New TreeDumperNode("rangeVariableAssignment", Nothing, New TreeDumperNode() {
New TreeDumperNode("rangeVariable", node.RangeVariable, Nothing),
New TreeDumperNode("value", Nothing, new TreeDumperNode() {Visit(node.Value, Nothing)}),
New TreeDumperNode("type", node.Type, Nothing)
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitGroupTypeInferenceLambda(node As GroupTypeInferenceLambda, arg As Object) As TreeDumperNode
Return New TreeDumperNode("groupTypeInferenceLambda", Nothing, New TreeDumperNode() {
New TreeDumperNode("binder", node.Binder, Nothing),
New TreeDumperNode("parameters", node.Parameters, Nothing),
New TreeDumperNode("compilation", node.Compilation, Nothing),
New TreeDumperNode("type", node.Type, Nothing)
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitAggregateClause(node As BoundAggregateClause, arg As Object) As TreeDumperNode
Return New TreeDumperNode("aggregateClause", Nothing, New TreeDumperNode() {
New TreeDumperNode("capturedGroupOpt", Nothing, new TreeDumperNode() {Visit(node.CapturedGroupOpt, Nothing)}),
New TreeDumperNode("groupPlaceholderOpt", Nothing, new TreeDumperNode() {Visit(node.GroupPlaceholderOpt, Nothing)}),
New TreeDumperNode("underlyingExpression", Nothing, new TreeDumperNode() {Visit(node.UnderlyingExpression, Nothing)}),
New TreeDumperNode("rangeVariables", node.RangeVariables, Nothing),
New TreeDumperNode("compoundVariableType", node.CompoundVariableType, Nothing),
New TreeDumperNode("binders", node.Binders, Nothing),
New TreeDumperNode("type", node.Type, Nothing)
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitGroupAggregation(node As BoundGroupAggregation, arg As Object) As TreeDumperNode
Return New TreeDumperNode("groupAggregation", Nothing, New TreeDumperNode() {
New TreeDumperNode("group", Nothing, new TreeDumperNode() {Visit(node.Group, Nothing)}),
New TreeDumperNode("type", node.Type, Nothing)
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitRangeVariable(node As BoundRangeVariable, arg As Object) As TreeDumperNode
Return New TreeDumperNode("rangeVariable", Nothing, New TreeDumperNode() {
New TreeDumperNode("rangeVariable", node.RangeVariable, Nothing),
New TreeDumperNode("type", node.Type, Nothing)
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitAddHandlerStatement(node As BoundAddHandlerStatement, arg As Object) As TreeDumperNode
Return New TreeDumperNode("addHandlerStatement", Nothing, New TreeDumperNode() {
New TreeDumperNode("eventAccess", Nothing, new TreeDumperNode() {Visit(node.EventAccess, Nothing)}),
New TreeDumperNode("handler", Nothing, new TreeDumperNode() {Visit(node.Handler, Nothing)})
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitRemoveHandlerStatement(node As BoundRemoveHandlerStatement, arg As Object) As TreeDumperNode
Return New TreeDumperNode("removeHandlerStatement", Nothing, New TreeDumperNode() {
New TreeDumperNode("eventAccess", Nothing, new TreeDumperNode() {Visit(node.EventAccess, Nothing)}),
New TreeDumperNode("handler", Nothing, new TreeDumperNode() {Visit(node.Handler, Nothing)})
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitRaiseEventStatement(node As BoundRaiseEventStatement, arg As Object) As TreeDumperNode
Return New TreeDumperNode("raiseEventStatement", Nothing, New TreeDumperNode() {
New TreeDumperNode("eventSymbol", node.EventSymbol, Nothing),
New TreeDumperNode("eventInvocation", Nothing, new TreeDumperNode() {Visit(node.EventInvocation, Nothing)})
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitUsingStatement(node As BoundUsingStatement, arg As Object) As TreeDumperNode
Return New TreeDumperNode("usingStatement", Nothing, New TreeDumperNode() {
New TreeDumperNode("resourceList", Nothing, From x In node.ResourceList Select Visit(x, Nothing)),
New TreeDumperNode("resourceExpressionOpt", Nothing, new TreeDumperNode() {Visit(node.ResourceExpressionOpt, Nothing)}),
New TreeDumperNode("body", Nothing, new TreeDumperNode() {Visit(node.Body, Nothing)}),
New TreeDumperNode("usingInfo", node.UsingInfo, Nothing),
New TreeDumperNode("locals", node.Locals, Nothing)
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitSyncLockStatement(node As BoundSyncLockStatement, arg As Object) As TreeDumperNode
Return New TreeDumperNode("syncLockStatement", Nothing, New TreeDumperNode() {
New TreeDumperNode("lockExpression", Nothing, new TreeDumperNode() {Visit(node.LockExpression, Nothing)}),
New TreeDumperNode("body", Nothing, new TreeDumperNode() {Visit(node.Body, Nothing)})
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitXmlName(node As BoundXmlName, arg As Object) As TreeDumperNode
Return New TreeDumperNode("xmlName", Nothing, New TreeDumperNode() {
New TreeDumperNode("xmlNamespace", Nothing, new TreeDumperNode() {Visit(node.XmlNamespace, Nothing)}),
New TreeDumperNode("localName", Nothing, new TreeDumperNode() {Visit(node.LocalName, Nothing)}),
New TreeDumperNode("objectCreation", Nothing, new TreeDumperNode() {Visit(node.ObjectCreation, Nothing)}),
New TreeDumperNode("type", node.Type, Nothing)
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitXmlNamespace(node As BoundXmlNamespace, arg As Object) As TreeDumperNode
Return New TreeDumperNode("xmlNamespace", Nothing, New TreeDumperNode() {
New TreeDumperNode("xmlNamespace", Nothing, new TreeDumperNode() {Visit(node.XmlNamespace, Nothing)}),
New TreeDumperNode("objectCreation", Nothing, new TreeDumperNode() {Visit(node.ObjectCreation, Nothing)}),
New TreeDumperNode("type", node.Type, Nothing)
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitXmlDocument(node As BoundXmlDocument, arg As Object) As TreeDumperNode
Return New TreeDumperNode("xmlDocument", Nothing, New TreeDumperNode() {
New TreeDumperNode("declaration", Nothing, new TreeDumperNode() {Visit(node.Declaration, Nothing)}),
New TreeDumperNode("childNodes", Nothing, From x In node.ChildNodes Select Visit(x, Nothing)),
New TreeDumperNode("rewriterInfo", node.RewriterInfo, Nothing),
New TreeDumperNode("type", node.Type, Nothing)
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitXmlDeclaration(node As BoundXmlDeclaration, arg As Object) As TreeDumperNode
Return New TreeDumperNode("xmlDeclaration", Nothing, New TreeDumperNode() {
New TreeDumperNode("version", Nothing, new TreeDumperNode() {Visit(node.Version, Nothing)}),
New TreeDumperNode("encoding", Nothing, new TreeDumperNode() {Visit(node.Encoding, Nothing)}),
New TreeDumperNode("standalone", Nothing, new TreeDumperNode() {Visit(node.Standalone, Nothing)}),
New TreeDumperNode("objectCreation", Nothing, new TreeDumperNode() {Visit(node.ObjectCreation, Nothing)}),
New TreeDumperNode("type", node.Type, Nothing)
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitXmlProcessingInstruction(node As BoundXmlProcessingInstruction, arg As Object) As TreeDumperNode
Return New TreeDumperNode("xmlProcessingInstruction", Nothing, New TreeDumperNode() {
New TreeDumperNode("target", Nothing, new TreeDumperNode() {Visit(node.Target, Nothing)}),
New TreeDumperNode("data", Nothing, new TreeDumperNode() {Visit(node.Data, Nothing)}),
New TreeDumperNode("objectCreation", Nothing, new TreeDumperNode() {Visit(node.ObjectCreation, Nothing)}),
New TreeDumperNode("type", node.Type, Nothing)
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitXmlComment(node As BoundXmlComment, arg As Object) As TreeDumperNode
Return New TreeDumperNode("xmlComment", Nothing, New TreeDumperNode() {
New TreeDumperNode("value", Nothing, new TreeDumperNode() {Visit(node.Value, Nothing)}),
New TreeDumperNode("objectCreation", Nothing, new TreeDumperNode() {Visit(node.ObjectCreation, Nothing)}),
New TreeDumperNode("type", node.Type, Nothing)
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitXmlAttribute(node As BoundXmlAttribute, arg As Object) As TreeDumperNode
Return New TreeDumperNode("xmlAttribute", Nothing, New TreeDumperNode() {
New TreeDumperNode("name", Nothing, new TreeDumperNode() {Visit(node.Name, Nothing)}),
New TreeDumperNode("value", Nothing, new TreeDumperNode() {Visit(node.Value, Nothing)}),
New TreeDumperNode("matchesImport", node.MatchesImport, Nothing),
New TreeDumperNode("objectCreation", Nothing, new TreeDumperNode() {Visit(node.ObjectCreation, Nothing)}),
New TreeDumperNode("type", node.Type, Nothing)
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitXmlElement(node As BoundXmlElement, arg As Object) As TreeDumperNode
Return New TreeDumperNode("xmlElement", Nothing, New TreeDumperNode() {
New TreeDumperNode("argument", Nothing, new TreeDumperNode() {Visit(node.Argument, Nothing)}),
New TreeDumperNode("childNodes", Nothing, From x In node.ChildNodes Select Visit(x, Nothing)),
New TreeDumperNode("rewriterInfo", node.RewriterInfo, Nothing),
New TreeDumperNode("type", node.Type, Nothing)
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitXmlMemberAccess(node As BoundXmlMemberAccess, arg As Object) As TreeDumperNode
Return New TreeDumperNode("xmlMemberAccess", Nothing, New TreeDumperNode() {
New TreeDumperNode("memberAccess", Nothing, new TreeDumperNode() {Visit(node.MemberAccess, Nothing)}),
New TreeDumperNode("type", node.Type, Nothing)
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitXmlEmbeddedExpression(node As BoundXmlEmbeddedExpression, arg As Object) As TreeDumperNode
Return New TreeDumperNode("xmlEmbeddedExpression", Nothing, New TreeDumperNode() {
New TreeDumperNode("expression", Nothing, new TreeDumperNode() {Visit(node.Expression, Nothing)}),
New TreeDumperNode("type", node.Type, Nothing)
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitXmlCData(node As BoundXmlCData, arg As Object) As TreeDumperNode
Return New TreeDumperNode("xmlCData", Nothing, New TreeDumperNode() {
New TreeDumperNode("value", Nothing, new TreeDumperNode() {Visit(node.Value, Nothing)}),
New TreeDumperNode("objectCreation", Nothing, new TreeDumperNode() {Visit(node.ObjectCreation, Nothing)}),
New TreeDumperNode("type", node.Type, Nothing)
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitResumeStatement(node As BoundResumeStatement, arg As Object) As TreeDumperNode
Return New TreeDumperNode("resumeStatement", Nothing, New TreeDumperNode() {
New TreeDumperNode("resumeKind", node.ResumeKind, Nothing),
New TreeDumperNode("labelOpt", node.LabelOpt, Nothing),
New TreeDumperNode("labelExpressionOpt", Nothing, new TreeDumperNode() {Visit(node.LabelExpressionOpt, Nothing)})
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitOnErrorStatement(node As BoundOnErrorStatement, arg As Object) As TreeDumperNode
Return New TreeDumperNode("onErrorStatement", Nothing, New TreeDumperNode() {
New TreeDumperNode("onErrorKind", node.OnErrorKind, Nothing),
New TreeDumperNode("labelOpt", node.LabelOpt, Nothing),
New TreeDumperNode("labelExpressionOpt", Nothing, new TreeDumperNode() {Visit(node.LabelExpressionOpt, Nothing)})
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitUnstructuredExceptionHandlingStatement(node As BoundUnstructuredExceptionHandlingStatement, arg As Object) As TreeDumperNode
Return New TreeDumperNode("unstructuredExceptionHandlingStatement", Nothing, New TreeDumperNode() {
New TreeDumperNode("containsOnError", node.ContainsOnError, Nothing),
New TreeDumperNode("containsResume", node.ContainsResume, Nothing),
New TreeDumperNode("resumeWithoutLabelOpt", node.ResumeWithoutLabelOpt, Nothing),
New TreeDumperNode("trackLineNumber", node.TrackLineNumber, Nothing),
New TreeDumperNode("body", Nothing, new TreeDumperNode() {Visit(node.Body, Nothing)})
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitUnstructuredExceptionHandlingCatchFilter(node As BoundUnstructuredExceptionHandlingCatchFilter, arg As Object) As TreeDumperNode
Return New TreeDumperNode("unstructuredExceptionHandlingCatchFilter", Nothing, New TreeDumperNode() {
New TreeDumperNode("activeHandlerLocal", Nothing, new TreeDumperNode() {Visit(node.ActiveHandlerLocal, Nothing)}),
New TreeDumperNode("resumeTargetLocal", Nothing, new TreeDumperNode() {Visit(node.ResumeTargetLocal, Nothing)}),
New TreeDumperNode("type", node.Type, Nothing)
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitUnstructuredExceptionOnErrorSwitch(node As BoundUnstructuredExceptionOnErrorSwitch, arg As Object) As TreeDumperNode
Return New TreeDumperNode("unstructuredExceptionOnErrorSwitch", Nothing, New TreeDumperNode() {
New TreeDumperNode("value", Nothing, new TreeDumperNode() {Visit(node.Value, Nothing)}),
New TreeDumperNode("jumps", Nothing, From x In node.Jumps Select Visit(x, Nothing))
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitUnstructuredExceptionResumeSwitch(node As BoundUnstructuredExceptionResumeSwitch, arg As Object) As TreeDumperNode
Return New TreeDumperNode("unstructuredExceptionResumeSwitch", Nothing, New TreeDumperNode() {
New TreeDumperNode("resumeTargetTemporary", Nothing, new TreeDumperNode() {Visit(node.ResumeTargetTemporary, Nothing)}),
New TreeDumperNode("resumeLabel", Nothing, new TreeDumperNode() {Visit(node.ResumeLabel, Nothing)}),
New TreeDumperNode("resumeNextLabel", Nothing, new TreeDumperNode() {Visit(node.ResumeNextLabel, Nothing)}),
New TreeDumperNode("jumps", Nothing, From x In node.Jumps Select Visit(x, Nothing))
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitAwaitOperator(node As BoundAwaitOperator, arg As Object) As TreeDumperNode
Return New TreeDumperNode("awaitOperator", Nothing, New TreeDumperNode() {
New TreeDumperNode("operand", Nothing, new TreeDumperNode() {Visit(node.Operand, Nothing)}),
New TreeDumperNode("awaitableInstancePlaceholder", Nothing, new TreeDumperNode() {Visit(node.AwaitableInstancePlaceholder, Nothing)}),
New TreeDumperNode("getAwaiter", Nothing, new TreeDumperNode() {Visit(node.GetAwaiter, Nothing)}),
New TreeDumperNode("awaiterInstancePlaceholder", Nothing, new TreeDumperNode() {Visit(node.AwaiterInstancePlaceholder, Nothing)}),
New TreeDumperNode("isCompleted", Nothing, new TreeDumperNode() {Visit(node.IsCompleted, Nothing)}),
New TreeDumperNode("getResult", Nothing, new TreeDumperNode() {Visit(node.GetResult, Nothing)}),
New TreeDumperNode("type", node.Type, Nothing)
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitSpillSequence(node As BoundSpillSequence, arg As Object) As TreeDumperNode
Return New TreeDumperNode("spillSequence", Nothing, New TreeDumperNode() {
New TreeDumperNode("locals", node.Locals, Nothing),
New TreeDumperNode("spillFields", node.SpillFields, Nothing),
New TreeDumperNode("statements", Nothing, From x In node.Statements Select Visit(x, Nothing)),
New TreeDumperNode("valueOpt", Nothing, new TreeDumperNode() {Visit(node.ValueOpt, Nothing)}),
New TreeDumperNode("type", node.Type, Nothing)
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitStopStatement(node As BoundStopStatement, arg As Object) As TreeDumperNode
Return New TreeDumperNode("stopStatement", Nothing, Array.Empty(Of TreeDumperNode)())
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitEndStatement(node As BoundEndStatement, arg As Object) As TreeDumperNode
Return New TreeDumperNode("endStatement", Nothing, Array.Empty(Of TreeDumperNode)())
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitMidResult(node As BoundMidResult, arg As Object) As TreeDumperNode
Return New TreeDumperNode("midResult", Nothing, New TreeDumperNode() {
New TreeDumperNode("original", Nothing, new TreeDumperNode() {Visit(node.Original, Nothing)}),
New TreeDumperNode("start", Nothing, new TreeDumperNode() {Visit(node.Start, Nothing)}),
New TreeDumperNode("lengthOpt", Nothing, new TreeDumperNode() {Visit(node.LengthOpt, Nothing)}),
New TreeDumperNode("source", Nothing, new TreeDumperNode() {Visit(node.Source, Nothing)}),
New TreeDumperNode("type", node.Type, Nothing)
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitConditionalAccess(node As BoundConditionalAccess, arg As Object) As TreeDumperNode
Return New TreeDumperNode("conditionalAccess", Nothing, New TreeDumperNode() {
New TreeDumperNode("receiver", Nothing, new TreeDumperNode() {Visit(node.Receiver, Nothing)}),
New TreeDumperNode("placeholder", Nothing, new TreeDumperNode() {Visit(node.Placeholder, Nothing)}),
New TreeDumperNode("accessExpression", Nothing, new TreeDumperNode() {Visit(node.AccessExpression, Nothing)}),
New TreeDumperNode("type", node.Type, Nothing)
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitConditionalAccessReceiverPlaceholder(node As BoundConditionalAccessReceiverPlaceholder, arg As Object) As TreeDumperNode
Return New TreeDumperNode("conditionalAccessReceiverPlaceholder", Nothing, New TreeDumperNode() {
New TreeDumperNode("placeholderId", node.PlaceholderId, Nothing),
New TreeDumperNode("capture", node.Capture, Nothing),
New TreeDumperNode("type", node.Type, Nothing)
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitLoweredConditionalAccess(node As BoundLoweredConditionalAccess, arg As Object) As TreeDumperNode
Return New TreeDumperNode("loweredConditionalAccess", Nothing, New TreeDumperNode() {
New TreeDumperNode("receiver", Nothing, new TreeDumperNode() {Visit(node.Receiver, Nothing)}),
New TreeDumperNode("captureReceiver", node.CaptureReceiver, Nothing),
New TreeDumperNode("placeholderId", node.PlaceholderId, Nothing),
New TreeDumperNode("whenNotNull", Nothing, new TreeDumperNode() {Visit(node.WhenNotNull, Nothing)}),
New TreeDumperNode("whenNullOpt", Nothing, new TreeDumperNode() {Visit(node.WhenNullOpt, Nothing)}),
New TreeDumperNode("type", node.Type, Nothing)
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitComplexConditionalAccessReceiver(node As BoundComplexConditionalAccessReceiver, arg As Object) As TreeDumperNode
Return New TreeDumperNode("complexConditionalAccessReceiver", Nothing, New TreeDumperNode() {
New TreeDumperNode("valueTypeReceiver", Nothing, new TreeDumperNode() {Visit(node.ValueTypeReceiver, Nothing)}),
New TreeDumperNode("referenceTypeReceiver", Nothing, new TreeDumperNode() {Visit(node.ReferenceTypeReceiver, Nothing)}),
New TreeDumperNode("type", node.Type, Nothing)
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitNameOfOperator(node As BoundNameOfOperator, arg As Object) As TreeDumperNode
Return New TreeDumperNode("nameOfOperator", Nothing, New TreeDumperNode() {
New TreeDumperNode("argument", Nothing, new TreeDumperNode() {Visit(node.Argument, Nothing)}),
New TreeDumperNode("constantValueOpt", node.ConstantValueOpt, Nothing),
New TreeDumperNode("type", node.Type, Nothing)
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitTypeAsValueExpression(node As BoundTypeAsValueExpression, arg As Object) As TreeDumperNode
Return New TreeDumperNode("typeAsValueExpression", Nothing, New TreeDumperNode() {
New TreeDumperNode("expression", Nothing, new TreeDumperNode() {Visit(node.Expression, Nothing)}),
New TreeDumperNode("type", node.Type, Nothing)
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitInterpolatedStringExpression(node As BoundInterpolatedStringExpression, arg As Object) As TreeDumperNode
Return New TreeDumperNode("interpolatedStringExpression", Nothing, New TreeDumperNode() {
New TreeDumperNode("contents", Nothing, From x In node.Contents Select Visit(x, Nothing)),
New TreeDumperNode("constructionOpt", Nothing, new TreeDumperNode() {Visit(node.ConstructionOpt, Nothing)}),
New TreeDumperNode("type", node.Type, Nothing)
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitInterpolation(node As BoundInterpolation, arg As Object) As TreeDumperNode
Return New TreeDumperNode("interpolation", Nothing, New TreeDumperNode() {
New TreeDumperNode("expression", Nothing, new TreeDumperNode() {Visit(node.Expression, Nothing)}),
New TreeDumperNode("alignmentOpt", Nothing, new TreeDumperNode() {Visit(node.AlignmentOpt, Nothing)}),
New TreeDumperNode("formatStringOpt", Nothing, new TreeDumperNode() {Visit(node.FormatStringOpt, Nothing)})
End Function
End Class
End Namespace