' Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
' The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
' See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
Imports System.Collections.Immutable
Imports System.Runtime.CompilerServices
Imports System.Runtime.InteropServices
Imports Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.PooledObjects
Imports Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Text
Imports Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.VisualBasic.Symbols
Imports Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.VisualBasic.Syntax
Namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.VisualBasic
' Utilities for decoding syntax for use in binding.
Partial Friend Class Binder
''' <summary>
''' If the identifier has a type character, report an error on it.
''' </summary>
Public Shared Sub DisallowTypeCharacter(identifier As SyntaxToken,
diagBag As BindingDiagnosticBag,
Optional errid As ERRID = ERRID.ERR_TypecharNotallowed)
If (identifier.GetTypeCharacter() <> TypeCharacter.None) Then
ReportDiagnostic(diagBag, identifier, errid)
End If
End Sub
Public Shared Function DecodeVariance(varianceKeywordOpt As SyntaxToken) As VarianceKind
Select Case varianceKeywordOpt.Kind
Case SyntaxKind.None
Return VarianceKind.None
Case SyntaxKind.InKeyword
Return VarianceKind.In
Case SyntaxKind.OutKeyword
Return VarianceKind.Out
Case Else
Throw ExceptionUtilities.UnexpectedValue(varianceKeywordOpt.Kind)
End Select
End Function
''' <summary>
''' Given a list of keywords and a set of keywords kinds to search, return the first keyword
''' in the list, if any, that matches one of the keyword kinds.
''' </summary>
Public Shared Function FindFirstKeyword(syntax As SyntaxTokenList,
ParamArray keywordKinds As SyntaxKind()) As SyntaxToken
For Each keywordSyntax In syntax
If Array.IndexOf(keywordKinds, keywordSyntax.Kind) >= 0 Then
Return keywordSyntax
End If
Return Nothing
End Function
' An array consisting of just the Friend keyword.
Private Shared ReadOnly s_friendKeyword As SyntaxKind() = {SyntaxKind.FriendKeyword}
' Report an error on the first keyword to match one of the given kinds.
Public Sub ReportModifierError(modifiers As SyntaxTokenList,
errid As ERRID,
diagBag As DiagnosticBag,
ParamArray keywordKinds As SyntaxKind())
Dim badKeyword = FindFirstKeyword(modifiers, keywordKinds)
' Special case: Report "Protected Friend" as error combination if
' Protected is bad and both Protected and Friend found inside modifiers.
If badKeyword.Kind = SyntaxKind.ProtectedKeyword Then
Dim friendToken = FindFirstKeyword(modifiers, s_friendKeyword)
If friendToken.Kind <> SyntaxKind.None Then
Dim startLoc As Integer = Math.Min(badKeyword.SpanStart, friendToken.SpanStart)
Dim endLoc As Integer = Math.Max(badKeyword.Span.End, friendToken.Span.End)
Dim location = Me.SyntaxTree.GetLocation(New TextSpan(startLoc, endLoc - startLoc))
ReportDiagnostic(diagBag, location, errid, badKeyword.ToString() & " " & friendToken.ToString())
End If
End If
' Normal case.
ReportDiagnostic(diagBag, badKeyword, errid, badKeyword.ToString())
End Sub
''' <summary>
''' Map syntax kind of a modifier keyword to SourceMemberFlags value
''' </summary>
Friend Shared Function MapKeywordToFlag(syntax As SyntaxToken) As SourceMemberFlags
Select Case syntax.Kind
Case SyntaxKind.PrivateKeyword : Return SourceMemberFlags.Private
Case SyntaxKind.FriendKeyword : Return SourceMemberFlags.Friend
Case SyntaxKind.ProtectedKeyword : Return SourceMemberFlags.Protected
Case SyntaxKind.PublicKeyword : Return SourceMemberFlags.Public
Case SyntaxKind.SharedKeyword : Return SourceMemberFlags.Shared
Case SyntaxKind.ReadOnlyKeyword : Return SourceMemberFlags.ReadOnly
Case SyntaxKind.WriteOnlyKeyword : Return SourceMemberFlags.WriteOnly
Case SyntaxKind.OverloadsKeyword : Return SourceMemberFlags.Overloads
Case SyntaxKind.OverridableKeyword : Return SourceMemberFlags.Overridable
Case SyntaxKind.MustOverrideKeyword : Return SourceMemberFlags.MustOverride
Case SyntaxKind.NotOverridableKeyword : Return SourceMemberFlags.NotOverridable
Case SyntaxKind.OverridesKeyword : Return SourceMemberFlags.Overrides
Case SyntaxKind.ShadowsKeyword : Return SourceMemberFlags.Shadows
Case SyntaxKind.ConstKeyword : Return SourceMemberFlags.Const
Case SyntaxKind.StaticKeyword : Return SourceMemberFlags.Static
Case SyntaxKind.DefaultKeyword : Return SourceMemberFlags.Default
Case SyntaxKind.WithEventsKeyword : Return SourceMemberFlags.WithEvents
Case SyntaxKind.WideningKeyword : Return SourceMemberFlags.Widening
Case SyntaxKind.NarrowingKeyword : Return SourceMemberFlags.Narrowing
Case SyntaxKind.PartialKeyword : Return SourceMemberFlags.Partial
Case SyntaxKind.DimKeyword : Return SourceMemberFlags.Dim
Case SyntaxKind.MustInheritKeyword : Return SourceMemberFlags.MustInherit
Case SyntaxKind.NotInheritableKeyword : Return SourceMemberFlags.NotInheritable
Case SyntaxKind.AsyncKeyword : Return SourceMemberFlags.Async
Case SyntaxKind.IteratorKeyword : Return SourceMemberFlags.Iterator
Case Else
#If DEBUG Then
' this case should only be reached for invalid code (invalid == error, not just warnings)
' all possible modifiers should have been handled above.
Dim hasAtLeastOneSyntaxError As Boolean = False
For Each diag In syntax.Errors
If diag.Severity = DiagnosticSeverity.Error Then
hasAtLeastOneSyntaxError = True
Exit For
End If
#End If
Return SourceMemberFlags.None
End Select
End Function
''' <summary>
''' Decodes a set of modifier flags, reported any errors with the flags.
''' </summary>
''' <param name="syntax">The syntax list of the modifiers.</param>
''' <param name="allowableModifiers">A bit-flag of the allowable modifiers. If a bit isn't set, an error occurs.</param>
''' <param name="errIdBadModifier">Error ID to report if a bad modifier is found.</param>
''' <param name="defaultAccessibility">The default accessibility. </param>
''' <returns>Flags for the modifiers.</returns>
Public Function DecodeModifiers(syntax As SyntaxTokenList,
allowableModifiers As SourceMemberFlags,
errIdBadModifier As ERRID,
defaultAccessibility As Accessibility,
diagBag As DiagnosticBag) As MemberModifiers
Dim foundModifiers As SourceMemberFlags = Nothing
Dim privateProtectedToken As SyntaxToken = Nothing
Dim privateOverridableModifier As SyntaxToken = Nothing
Dim privateMustOverrideModifier As SyntaxToken = Nothing
Dim privateNotOverridableModifier As SyntaxToken = Nothing
' Go through each modifiers, accumulating flags of what we've seen and reporting errors.
For Each keywordSyntax In syntax
Dim currentModifier As SourceMemberFlags = MapKeywordToFlag(keywordSyntax)
If currentModifier = SourceMemberFlags.None Then
Continue For
End If
' Report errors with the modifier
If (currentModifier And allowableModifiers) = 0 Then
ReportDiagnostic(diagBag, keywordSyntax, errIdBadModifier, keywordSyntax.ToString())
ElseIf (currentModifier And foundModifiers) <> 0 Then
ReportDiagnostic(diagBag, keywordSyntax, ERRID.ERR_DuplicateSpecifier)
ElseIf (currentModifier And SourceMemberFlags.AllAccessibilityModifiers) <> 0 AndAlso
(foundModifiers And SourceMemberFlags.AllAccessibilityModifiers) <> 0 AndAlso
Not ((foundModifiers Or currentModifier) And SourceMemberFlags.AllAccessibilityModifiers) = (SourceMemberFlags.Protected Or SourceMemberFlags.Friend) AndAlso
Not (((foundModifiers Or currentModifier) And SourceMemberFlags.AllAccessibilityModifiers) = (SourceMemberFlags.Protected Or SourceMemberFlags.Private)) Then
ReportDiagnostic(diagBag, keywordSyntax, ERRID.ERR_DuplicateAccessCategoryUsed)
ElseIf (currentModifier And SourceMemberFlags.AllOverrideModifiers) <> 0 AndAlso
(foundModifiers And SourceMemberFlags.AllOverrideModifiers) <> 0 Then
ReportDiagnostic(diagBag, keywordSyntax, ERRID.ERR_DuplicateModifierCategoryUsed)
ElseIf (currentModifier And SourceMemberFlags.AllWriteabilityModifiers) <> 0 AndAlso
(foundModifiers And SourceMemberFlags.AllWriteabilityModifiers) <> 0 Then
ReportDiagnostic(diagBag, keywordSyntax, ERRID.ERR_DuplicateWriteabilityCategoryUsed)
ElseIf (currentModifier And SourceMemberFlags.AllConversionModifiers) <> 0 AndAlso
(foundModifiers And SourceMemberFlags.AllConversionModifiers) <> 0 Then
ReportDiagnostic(diagBag, keywordSyntax, ERRID.ERR_DuplicateConversionCategoryUsed)
ElseIf (currentModifier And SourceMemberFlags.AllShadowingModifiers) <> 0 AndAlso
(foundModifiers And SourceMemberFlags.AllShadowingModifiers) <> 0 Then
ReportDiagnostic(diagBag, keywordSyntax, ERRID.ERR_BadSpecifierCombo2, "Overloads", "Shadows")
ElseIf (currentModifier And (SourceMemberFlags.Overrides Or SourceMemberFlags.Overridable)) <> 0 AndAlso
(foundModifiers And (SourceMemberFlags.Overrides Or SourceMemberFlags.Overridable)) <> 0 Then
ReportDiagnostic(diagBag, keywordSyntax, ERRID.ERR_OverridesImpliesOverridable)
ElseIf (currentModifier And SourceMemberFlags.PrivateOverridableModifiers) <> 0 AndAlso
(foundModifiers And SourceMemberFlags.PrivateOverridableModifiers) <> 0 Then
privateOverridableModifier = keywordSyntax
foundModifiers = foundModifiers Or currentModifier
ElseIf (currentModifier And SourceMemberFlags.ShadowsAndOverrides) <> 0 AndAlso
(foundModifiers And SourceMemberFlags.ShadowsAndOverrides) <> 0 Then
ReportDiagnostic(diagBag, keywordSyntax, ERRID.ERR_BadSpecifierCombo2, "Overrides", "Shadows")
ElseIf (currentModifier And SourceMemberFlags.PrivateMustOverrideModifiers) <> 0 AndAlso
(foundModifiers And SourceMemberFlags.PrivateMustOverrideModifiers) <> 0 Then
privateMustOverrideModifier = keywordSyntax
foundModifiers = foundModifiers Or currentModifier
ElseIf (currentModifier And SourceMemberFlags.PrivateNotOverridableModifiers) <> 0 AndAlso
(foundModifiers And SourceMemberFlags.PrivateNotOverridableModifiers) <> 0 Then
privateNotOverridableModifier = keywordSyntax
foundModifiers = foundModifiers Or currentModifier
ElseIf (currentModifier And (SourceMemberFlags.Iterator Or SourceMemberFlags.WriteOnly)) <> 0 AndAlso
(foundModifiers And (SourceMemberFlags.Iterator Or SourceMemberFlags.WriteOnly)) <> 0 Then
ReportDiagnostic(diagBag, keywordSyntax, ERRID.ERR_BadSpecifierCombo2, "Iterator", "WriteOnly")
ElseIf (currentModifier And SourceMemberFlags.TypeInheritModifiers) <> 0 AndAlso
(foundModifiers And SourceMemberFlags.TypeInheritModifiers) <> 0 Then
ReportDiagnostic(diagBag, keywordSyntax, ERRID.ERR_BadSpecifierCombo2, "MustInherit", "NotInheritable")
' Note: Need to be present both MustInherit & NotInheritable for properly reporting #30926
foundModifiers = foundModifiers Or currentModifier
If currentModifier = SourceMemberFlags.Private OrElse currentModifier = SourceMemberFlags.Protected Then
privateProtectedToken = keywordSyntax
End If
foundModifiers = foundModifiers Or currentModifier
End If
' Convert the accessibility modifiers into accessibility.
Dim access As Accessibility
If (foundModifiers And SourceMemberFlags.Public) <> 0 Then
access = Accessibility.Public
ElseIf (foundModifiers And (SourceMemberFlags.Friend Or SourceMemberFlags.Protected)) = (SourceMemberFlags.Friend Or SourceMemberFlags.Protected) Then
access = Accessibility.ProtectedOrFriend
ElseIf (foundModifiers And (SourceMemberFlags.Private Or SourceMemberFlags.Protected)) = (SourceMemberFlags.Private Or SourceMemberFlags.Protected) Then
access = Accessibility.ProtectedAndFriend
DirectCast(privateProtectedToken.SyntaxTree, VisualBasicSyntaxTree).Options.LanguageVersion,
ElseIf (foundModifiers And SourceMemberFlags.Friend) <> 0 Then
access = Accessibility.Friend
ElseIf (foundModifiers And SourceMemberFlags.Protected) <> 0 Then
access = Accessibility.Protected
ElseIf (foundModifiers And SourceMemberFlags.Private) <> 0 Then
access = Accessibility.Private
access = defaultAccessibility
End If
If access = Accessibility.Private Then
If (foundModifiers And SourceMemberFlags.Overridable) <> 0 Then
ReportDiagnostic(diagBag, privateOverridableModifier, ERRID.ERR_BadSpecifierCombo2, "Private", "Overridable")
ElseIf (foundModifiers And SourceMemberFlags.MustOverride) <> 0 Then
ReportDiagnostic(diagBag, privateMustOverrideModifier, ERRID.ERR_BadSpecifierCombo2, "Private", "MustOverride")
ElseIf (foundModifiers And SourceMemberFlags.NotOverridable) <> 0 Then
ReportDiagnostic(diagBag, privateNotOverridableModifier, ERRID.ERR_BadSpecifierCombo2, "Private", "NotOverridable")
End If
foundModifiers = foundModifiers And Not (SourceMemberFlags.Overridable Or SourceMemberFlags.MustOverride Or SourceMemberFlags.NotOverridable)
End If
' Add accessibility into the flags.
Return New MemberModifiers(foundModifiers, DirectCast(access, SourceMemberFlags))
End Function
''' <summary>
''' Decode a list of parameter modifiers, and return the flags associated with it.
''' </summary>
Private Shared Function DecodeParameterModifiers(container As Symbol,
modifiers As SyntaxTokenList,
checkModifier As CheckParameterModifierDelegate,
diagBag As BindingDiagnosticBag) As SourceParameterFlags
Dim flags As SourceParameterFlags = Nothing
' Go through each modifiers, accumulating flags of what we've seen and reporting errors.
For Each keywordSyntax In modifiers
Dim foundFlag As SourceParameterFlags
Select Case keywordSyntax.Kind
Case SyntaxKind.ByRefKeyword : foundFlag = SourceParameterFlags.ByRef
Case SyntaxKind.ByValKeyword : foundFlag = SourceParameterFlags.ByVal
Case SyntaxKind.OptionalKeyword : foundFlag = SourceParameterFlags.Optional
Case SyntaxKind.ParamArrayKeyword : foundFlag = SourceParameterFlags.ParamArray
End Select
' Report errors with the modifier
If checkModifier IsNot Nothing Then
' check modifier will clear invalid flags
foundFlag = checkModifier(container, keywordSyntax, foundFlag, diagBag)
End If
flags = flags Or foundFlag
Return flags
End Function
''' <summary>
''' Create the Nullable version of a type.
''' </summary>
Public Function CreateNullableOf(typeArgument As TypeSymbol,
syntax As VisualBasicSyntaxNode,
syntaxTypeArgument As VisualBasicSyntaxNode,
diagBag As BindingDiagnosticBag) As NamedTypeSymbol
' Get the Nullable type
Dim nullableType As NamedTypeSymbol = DirectCast(GetSpecialType(SpecialType.System_Nullable_T, syntax, diagBag), NamedTypeSymbol)
' Construct the Nullable(Of T).
Dim constructedType = nullableType.Construct(ImmutableArray.Create(typeArgument))
' Validate the type argument meets the Structure constraint on the Nullable type.
If ShouldCheckConstraints Then
Dim diagnosticsBuilder = ArrayBuilder(Of TypeParameterDiagnosticInfo).GetInstance()
Dim useSiteDiagnosticsBuilder As ArrayBuilder(Of TypeParameterDiagnosticInfo) = Nothing
constructedType.CheckConstraints(Compilation.LanguageVersion, diagnosticsBuilder, useSiteDiagnosticsBuilder, template:=GetNewCompoundUseSiteInfo(diagBag))
If useSiteDiagnosticsBuilder IsNot Nothing Then
End If
For Each pair In diagnosticsBuilder
diagBag.Add(pair.UseSiteInfo, syntaxTypeArgument.GetLocation())
End If
Return constructedType
End Function
Public Function GetNewCompoundUseSiteInfo(futureDestination As BindingDiagnosticBag) As CompoundUseSiteInfo(Of AssemblySymbol)
Return New CompoundUseSiteInfo(Of AssemblySymbol)(futureDestination, Compilation.Assembly)
End Function
''' <summary>
''' Possible create the array version of type, given the element type and the array modifier syntax.
''' </summary>
Public Function ApplyArrayRankSpecifiersToType(elementType As TypeSymbol,
arrayModifierSyntax As SyntaxList(Of ArrayRankSpecifierSyntax),
diagnostics As BindingDiagnosticBag) As TypeSymbol
Dim currentType As TypeSymbol = elementType
' Array modifiers must be handled in reverse order, that's the language syntax.
For i As Integer = arrayModifierSyntax.Count - 1 To 0 Step -1
' Rank of the array is the number of commas, plus one.
Dim arrayModifier = arrayModifierSyntax(i)
If arrayModifier.Rank > 32 Then
ReportDiagnostic(diagnostics, arrayModifier, ERRID.ERR_ArrayRankLimit)
End If
currentType = ArrayTypeSymbol.CreateVBArray(currentType, Nothing, arrayModifier.Rank, Compilation)
Return currentType
End Function
''' <summary>
''' Possibly create the array version of type, given the element type and the array modifier syntax.
''' </summary>
Public Function ApplyArrayRankSpecifiersAndBoundsToType(elementType As TypeSymbol,
arrayModifierSyntax As SyntaxList(Of ArrayRankSpecifierSyntax),
arrayBoundsOpt As ArgumentListSyntax,
diagnostics As BindingDiagnosticBag) As TypeSymbol
Dim currentType As TypeSymbol = elementType
' Array modifiers must be handled in reverse order, that's the language syntax.
currentType = ApplyArrayRankSpecifiersToType(elementType, arrayModifierSyntax, diagnostics)
' Array bounds must be handled in reverse order, that's the language syntax.
If arrayBoundsOpt IsNot Nothing Then
Dim rank As Integer = arrayBoundsOpt.Arguments.Count
If rank = 0 Then
rank = 1
End If
If rank > 32 Then
ReportDiagnostic(diagnostics, arrayBoundsOpt, ERRID.ERR_ArrayRankLimit)
End If
currentType = ArrayTypeSymbol.CreateVBArray(currentType, Nothing, rank, Compilation)
End If
Return currentType
End Function
''' <summary>
''' Create the array version of type, given the element type and the array modifier syntax. Throws if
''' there aren't any array modifiers and the result is not an array type.
''' </summary>
Public Function CreateArrayOf(elementType As TypeSymbol,
arrayModifierSyntax As SyntaxList(Of ArrayRankSpecifierSyntax),
arrayBoundsOpt As ArgumentListSyntax,
diagnostics As BindingDiagnosticBag) As ArrayTypeSymbol
Debug.Assert(arrayModifierSyntax.Count > 0 OrElse
arrayBoundsOpt IsNot Nothing)
Return DirectCast(ApplyArrayRankSpecifiersAndBoundsToType(elementType,
diagnostics), ArrayTypeSymbol)
End Function
''' <summary>
''' Given an identifier and an As clause, return true if the identifier does not have a type
''' declared for it (e.g., no type character and no as clause).
''' </summary>
Private Shared Function HasDefaultType(identifierSyntax As SyntaxToken,
asClauseOptSyntax As AsClauseSyntax) As Boolean
Return (identifierSyntax.GetTypeCharacter() = TypeCharacter.None AndAlso asClauseOptSyntax Is Nothing)
End Function
''' <summary>
''' Given an identifier and an As clause, return true if the identifier does not have a type
''' declared for it (e.g., no type character and no as clause).
''' </summary>
Private Shared Function HasDefaultType(identifierSyntax As ModifiedIdentifierSyntax,
asClauseOptSyntax As AsClauseSyntax) As Boolean
Return HasDefaultType(identifierSyntax.Identifier, asClauseOptSyntax)
End Function
''' <summary>
''' Given an identifier, return true if the identifier declares an array.
''' (e.g., identifier specifies ())
''' </summary>
Public Shared Function IsArrayType(identifierSyntax As ModifiedIdentifierSyntax) As Boolean
Return identifierSyntax.ArrayBounds IsNot Nothing OrElse identifierSyntax.ArrayRankSpecifiers.Count > 0
End Function
''' <summary>
''' Flags to specify where the decoding of the modified identifier's type happens.
''' </summary>
Public Enum ModifiedIdentifierTypeDecoderContext
''' <summary>
''' No context given (default).
''' </summary>
None = 0
''' <summary>
''' Modified identifier appeared in a lambda declaration.
''' </summary>
LambdaType = 1 << 1
''' <summary>
''' Modified identifier appeared in a local declaration.
''' </summary>
LocalType = 1 << 2
''' <summary>
''' Modified identifier appeared in a field declaration.
''' </summary>
FieldType = 1 << 3
''' <summary>
''' Modified identifier appeared in a parameter.
''' </summary>
ParameterType = 1 << 4
''' <summary>
''' Modified identifier appeared in a query range variable declaration.
''' </summary>
QueryRangeVariableType = 1 << 5
''' <summary>
''' Combined flag to express that a modified identifier appeared in a local or field declaration.
''' </summary>
LocalOrFieldType = LocalType Or
''' <summary>
''' Combined flag to express that a modified identifier appeared in a parameter of a lambda.
''' </summary>
LambdaParameterType = LambdaType Or
StaticLocalType = 1 << 6
End Enum
''' <summary>
''' Given a modified identifier and a type, return the actual type to use. Applies the type character
''' and type modifiers to the given type.
''' </summary>
''' <param name="modifiedIdentifier">The modified identifier.</param>
''' <param name="asClauseOrValueType">Bound type after the As or a type from the initializing value expression. Can be nothing if no type was supplied.</param>
''' <param name="asClauseSyntaxOpt">If specified then it is the syntax for the as clause and the type is the bound type from this syntax.</param>
''' <param name="getRequireTypeDiagnosticInfoFunc">Delegate to get diagnostic info to generate if a required type is missing (Option Strict On/Custom) </param>
''' <returns>The type, as modified by the type character, type modifiers. Uses Object as default if needed.</returns>
''' <remarks></remarks>
Public Function DecodeModifiedIdentifierType(modifiedIdentifier As ModifiedIdentifierSyntax,
asClauseOrValueType As TypeSymbol,
asClauseSyntaxOpt As AsClauseSyntax,
initializerSyntaxOpt As VisualBasicSyntaxNode,
getRequireTypeDiagnosticInfoFunc As Func(Of DiagnosticInfo),
diagBag As BindingDiagnosticBag,
Optional decoderContext As ModifiedIdentifierTypeDecoderContext = ModifiedIdentifierTypeDecoderContext.None
) As TypeSymbol
Dim baseType As TypeSymbol = DecodeIdentifierType(modifiedIdentifier.Identifier, asClauseOrValueType, getRequireTypeDiagnosticInfoFunc, diagBag, decoderContext)
' Create nullable type.
If modifiedIdentifier.Nullable.Node IsNot Nothing Then
If asClauseSyntaxOpt IsNot Nothing Then
If asClauseSyntaxOpt.Type.Kind = SyntaxKind.NullableType Then
' Special case error for e.g.: "x? as Integer?"
ReportDiagnostic(diagBag, asClauseSyntaxOpt, ERRID.ERR_CantSpecifyNullableOnBoth)
' Return the type from the "as" clause, rather than creating a
' second nullable type below (since the user probably intended
' "x? as Integer?" to represent Integer? rather than Integer??).
Return baseType
ElseIf asClauseSyntaxOpt.Kind = SyntaxKind.AsNewClause Then
ReportDiagnostic(diagBag, asClauseSyntaxOpt, ERRID.ERR_CantSpecifyAsNewAndNullable)
ElseIf asClauseOrValueType.IsArrayType Then
' ReportDiagnostic(diagBag, asClauseSyntaxOpt, ERRID.ERR_CantSpecifyArrayAndNullableOnBoth)
End If
End If
If asClauseOrValueType Is Nothing AndAlso baseType.IsObjectType() Then
' We didn't have a type specified and ended up with Object,
' which means that we didn't have type character as well.
Debug.Assert(asClauseSyntaxOpt Is Nothing)
If (decoderContext And ModifiedIdentifierTypeDecoderContext.ParameterType) <> 0 Then
ReportDiagnostic(diagBag, modifiedIdentifier, ERRID.ERR_NullableParameterMustSpecifyType)
ElseIf (decoderContext And ModifiedIdentifierTypeDecoderContext.LocalOrFieldType) <> 0 AndAlso
((decoderContext And ModifiedIdentifierTypeDecoderContext.StaticLocalType) <> 0 OrElse
(initializerSyntaxOpt Is Nothing AndAlso
modifiedIdentifier.ArrayBounds Is Nothing)) AndAlso
OptionInfer Then
' Note: fields do not support Option Infer On / local type inference, but Dev10 shared the error
' reporting between locals and fields like Roslyn does. So these error will also be shown (and they make
' sense) for fields in case Option Infer is On.
' If option infer is off, variable declarations without an AsClause are explicitly
' set to Object, but this message should only be shown for when the type is implicitly system.object
ReportDiagnostic(diagBag, modifiedIdentifier, ERRID.ERR_NullableImplicit)
End If
ElseIf Not baseType.IsValueType Then
' Trying to make a nullable reference type.
ReportDiagnostic(diagBag, modifiedIdentifier, ERRID.ERR_BadTypeArgForStructConstraintNull, baseType)
baseType = CreateNullableOf(baseType,
If(asClauseSyntaxOpt IsNot Nothing,
DirectCast(modifiedIdentifier, VisualBasicSyntaxNode)),
End If
End If
' Check for array modifier on the identifier and array type. VB doesn't allow this combination.
If IsArrayType(modifiedIdentifier) Then
If asClauseSyntaxOpt IsNot Nothing Then
If asClauseSyntaxOpt.Type.Kind = SyntaxKind.ArrayType Then
ReportDiagnostic(diagBag, asClauseSyntaxOpt.Type, ERRID.ERR_CantSpecifyArraysOnBoth)
ElseIf asClauseSyntaxOpt.Type.Kind = SyntaxKind.NullableType Then
' ReportDiagnostic(diagBag, asClauseSyntaxOpt, ERRID.ERR_CantSpecifyArrayAndNullableOnBoth)
End If
ElseIf (decoderContext And ModifiedIdentifierTypeDecoderContext.LambdaParameterType) = ModifiedIdentifierTypeDecoderContext.LambdaParameterType Then
' In lambda parameters's we don't allow array specifiers without the type since
' inference can become ambiguous, see bug dd:80897
ReportDiagnostic(diagBag, modifiedIdentifier, ERRID.ERR_CantSpecifyParamsOnLambdaParamNoType)
End If
End If
Return ApplyArrayRankSpecifiersAndBoundsToType(baseType, modifiedIdentifier.ArrayRankSpecifiers, modifiedIdentifier.ArrayBounds, diagBag)
End Function
''' <summary>
''' Given a modified identifier and a type syntax, return the actual type to use. Applies the type character
''' and type modifiers to the given type.
''' </summary>
''' <param name="modifiedIdentifier">The modified identifier.</param>
''' <param name="asClauseOpt"> As clause syntax. Can be nothing if no type was supplied.</param>
''' <param name="getRequireTypeDiagnosticInfoFunc">Delegate to get diagnostic info to generate if a required type is missing (Option Strict On/Custom) </param>
''' <param name="asClauseType">The type of the AsClauseOpt before applying any modifiers</param>
''' <returns>The type, as modified by the type character, type modifiers. Uses Object as default if needed.</returns>
Public Function DecodeModifiedIdentifierType(modifiedIdentifier As ModifiedIdentifierSyntax,
asClauseOpt As AsClauseSyntax,
initializerSyntaxOpt As EqualsValueSyntax,
getRequireTypeDiagnosticInfoFunc As Func(Of DiagnosticInfo),
<Out()> ByRef asClauseType As TypeSymbol,
diagBag As BindingDiagnosticBag,
Optional decoderContext As ModifiedIdentifierTypeDecoderContext = Nothing
) As TypeSymbol
If asClauseOpt IsNot Nothing Then
' NOTE: This method is NOT supposed to be called for 'As New With {...}'
' expression, if it is it should be revised to return bound node
Debug.Assert(asClauseOpt.Kind <> SyntaxKind.AsNewClause OrElse
DirectCast(asClauseOpt, AsNewClauseSyntax).NewExpression.Kind <> SyntaxKind.AnonymousObjectCreationExpression)
asClauseType = BindTypeSyntax(asClauseOpt.Type, diagBag)
asClauseType = Nothing
End If
Return DecodeModifiedIdentifierType(modifiedIdentifier, asClauseType, asClauseOpt, initializerSyntaxOpt, getRequireTypeDiagnosticInfoFunc, diagBag, decoderContext)
End Function
''' <summary>
''' Given a modified identifier and a type syntax, return the actual type to use. Applies the type character
''' and type modifiers to the given type.
''' </summary>
''' <param name="modifiedIdentifier">The modified identifier.</param>
''' <param name="asClauseOpt"> As clause syntax. Can be nothing if no type was supplied.</param>
''' <param name="getRequireTypeDiagnosticInfoFunc">Delegate to get diagnostic info to generate if a required type is missing (Option Strict On/Custom) </param>
''' <returns>The type, as modified by the type character, type modifiers. Uses Object as default if needed.</returns>
Public Function DecodeModifiedIdentifierType(modifiedIdentifier As ModifiedIdentifierSyntax,
asClauseOpt As AsClauseSyntax,
initializerSyntaxOpt As EqualsValueSyntax,
getRequireTypeDiagnosticInfoFunc As Func(Of DiagnosticInfo),
diagBag As BindingDiagnosticBag,
Optional decoderContext As ModifiedIdentifierTypeDecoderContext = Nothing
) As TypeSymbol
Dim asClauseType As TypeSymbol = Nothing
Return DecodeModifiedIdentifierType(modifiedIdentifier, asClauseOpt, initializerSyntaxOpt, getRequireTypeDiagnosticInfoFunc, asClauseType, diagBag, decoderContext)
End Function
''' <summary>
''' Given a identifier and as clause syntax, return the actual type to use. Uses the type character or the type syntax.
''' </summary>
''' <param name="identifier">The identifier.</param>
''' <param name="asClauseOpt">Syntax for optional as clause. Can be nothing if no type was supplied.</param>
''' <param name="getRequireTypeDiagnosticInfoFunc">Delegate to get diagnostic info to generate if a required type is missing (Option Strict On/Custom) </param>
''' <returns>The type, either from the type character or the as clause. Uses Object as default if needed.</returns>
''' <remarks></remarks>
Public Function DecodeIdentifierType(identifier As SyntaxToken,
asClauseOpt As AsClauseSyntax,
getRequireTypeDiagnosticInfoFunc As Func(Of DiagnosticInfo),
ByRef asClauseType As TypeSymbol,
diagBag As BindingDiagnosticBag) As TypeSymbol
If asClauseOpt IsNot Nothing Then
asClauseType = BindTypeSyntax(asClauseOpt.Type, diagBag)
asClauseType = Nothing
End If
Return DecodeIdentifierType(identifier, asClauseType, getRequireTypeDiagnosticInfoFunc, diagBag)
End Function
''' <summary>
''' Given a identifier and as clause syntax, return the actual type to use. Uses the type character or the type syntax.
''' </summary>
''' <param name="identifier">The identifier.</param>
''' <param name="asClauseOpt">Syntax for optional as clause. Can be nothing if no type was supplied.</param>
''' <param name="getRequireTypeDiagnosticInfoFunc">Delegate to get diagnostic info to generate if a required type is missing (Option Strict On/Custom) </param>
''' <returns>The type, either from the type character or the as clause. Uses Object as default if needed.</returns>
''' <remarks></remarks>
Public Function DecodeIdentifierType(identifier As SyntaxToken,
asClauseOpt As AsClauseSyntax,
getRequireTypeDiagnosticInfoFunc As Func(Of DiagnosticInfo),
diagBag As BindingDiagnosticBag) As TypeSymbol
Dim asClauseType As TypeSymbol = Nothing
Return DecodeIdentifierType(identifier, asClauseOpt, getRequireTypeDiagnosticInfoFunc, asClauseType, diagBag)
End Function
''' <summary>
''' Given a identifier and a type, return the actual type to use. Uses the type character or the given type.
''' </summary>
''' <param name="identifier">The identifier.</param>
''' <param name="asClauseType">Bound type after the As. Can be nothing if no type was supplied.</param>
''' <param name="getRequireTypeDiagnosticInfoFunc">Delegate to get diagnostic info to generate if a required type is missing (Option Strict On/Custom) </param>
''' <returns>The type, either from the type character or the as clause type. Uses Object as default if needed.</returns>
''' <remarks></remarks>
Public Function DecodeIdentifierType(identifier As SyntaxToken,
asClauseType As TypeSymbol,
getRequireTypeDiagnosticInfoFunc As Func(Of DiagnosticInfo),
diagBag As BindingDiagnosticBag,
Optional decoderContext As ModifiedIdentifierTypeDecoderContext = ModifiedIdentifierTypeDecoderContext.None
) As TypeSymbol
Dim typeCharacterType As TypeSymbol = Nothing
Dim typeCharacterString As String = Nothing
Dim specialType As SpecialType = GetSpecialTypeForTypeCharacter(identifier.GetTypeCharacter(), typeCharacterString)
If specialType <> Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.SpecialType.None Then
typeCharacterType = GetSpecialType(specialType, identifier, diagBag)
End If
If asClauseType IsNot Nothing Then
' We have a special error for this situation with query range variables, it is reported
' by the query binding code.
If typeCharacterType IsNot Nothing AndAlso
(decoderContext And ModifiedIdentifierTypeDecoderContext.QueryRangeVariableType) = 0 Then
ReportDiagnostic(diagBag, identifier, ERRID.ERR_TypeCharWithType1, typeCharacterString)
End If
Return asClauseType
ElseIf typeCharacterType IsNot Nothing Then
Return typeCharacterType
If getRequireTypeDiagnosticInfoFunc IsNot Nothing Then
ReportDiagnostic(diagBag, identifier, getRequireTypeDiagnosticInfoFunc())
End If
' default type is object.
Return GetSpecialType(SpecialType.System_Object, identifier, diagBag)
End If
End Function
Public Shared Function GetSpecialTypeForTypeCharacter(typeChar As TypeCharacter, ByRef typeCharacterString As String) As SpecialType
Dim specialType As SpecialType = SpecialType.None
Select Case typeChar
Case TypeCharacter.Decimal
specialType = SpecialType.System_Decimal
typeCharacterString = "@"
Case TypeCharacter.DecimalLiteral
specialType = SpecialType.System_Decimal
typeCharacterString = "D"
Case TypeCharacter.Double
specialType = SpecialType.System_Double
typeCharacterString = "#"
Case TypeCharacter.DoubleLiteral
specialType = SpecialType.System_Double
typeCharacterString = "R"
Case TypeCharacter.Integer
specialType = SpecialType.System_Int32
typeCharacterString = "%"
Case TypeCharacter.IntegerLiteral
specialType = SpecialType.System_Int32
typeCharacterString = "I"
Case TypeCharacter.Long
specialType = SpecialType.System_Int64
typeCharacterString = "&"
Case TypeCharacter.LongLiteral
specialType = SpecialType.System_Int64
typeCharacterString = "L"
Case TypeCharacter.ShortLiteral
specialType = SpecialType.System_Int16
typeCharacterString = "S"
Case TypeCharacter.Single
specialType = SpecialType.System_Single
typeCharacterString = "!"
Case TypeCharacter.SingleLiteral
specialType = SpecialType.System_Single
typeCharacterString = "F"
Case TypeCharacter.String
specialType = SpecialType.System_String
typeCharacterString = "$"
Case TypeCharacter.UIntegerLiteral
specialType = SpecialType.System_UInt32
typeCharacterString = "UI"
Case TypeCharacter.ULongLiteral
specialType = SpecialType.System_UInt64
typeCharacterString = "UL"
Case TypeCharacter.UShortLiteral
specialType = SpecialType.System_UInt16
typeCharacterString = "US"
Case TypeCharacter.None
typeCharacterString = Nothing
Case Else
Throw ExceptionUtilities.UnexpectedValue(typeChar)
End Select
Return specialType
End Function
Public Shared Function ExtractTypeCharacter(node As SyntaxNode) As TypeCharacter
Dim result As TypeCharacter = TypeCharacter.None
If node IsNot Nothing Then
Select Case node.Kind
Case SyntaxKind.IdentifierName
result = DirectCast(node, IdentifierNameSyntax).Identifier.GetTypeCharacter()
Case SyntaxKind.GenericName
result = DirectCast(node, GenericNameSyntax).Identifier.GetTypeCharacter()
Case SyntaxKind.SimpleMemberAccessExpression, SyntaxKind.DictionaryAccessExpression
result = ExtractTypeCharacter(DirectCast(node, MemberAccessExpressionSyntax).Name)
End Select
End If
Return result
End Function
''' <summary>
''' Decode an option "On" or "Off" values into true or false. Not specified is considered true.
''' </summary>
Public Shared Function DecodeOnOff(keywordSyntax As SyntaxToken) As Boolean
If keywordSyntax.Node Is Nothing Then
Return True
Select Case keywordSyntax.Kind
Case SyntaxKind.OnKeyword
Return True
Case SyntaxKind.OffKeyword
Return False
Case Else
Throw ExceptionUtilities.UnexpectedValue(keywordSyntax.Kind)
End Select
End If
End Function
''' <summary>
''' Decode an option "Text" or "Binary" value into true or false. The syntax is not optional.
''' </summary>
Public Shared Function DecodeTextBinary(keywordSyntax As SyntaxToken) As Boolean?
If keywordSyntax.Node Is Nothing Then
Return Nothing ' Must be a syntax error, an error is reported elsewhere
End If
Select Case keywordSyntax.Kind
Case SyntaxKind.TextKeyword
Return True
Case SyntaxKind.BinaryKeyword
Return False
Case Else
Throw ExceptionUtilities.UnexpectedValue(keywordSyntax.Kind)
End Select
End Function
''' <summary>
''' Decode a parameter list from a delegate declaration into a list of parameter symbols.
''' </summary>
''' <param name="container">Containing method declaration.</param>
''' <param name="syntaxOpt">Optional parameter list syntax</param>
Public Function DecodeParameterListOfDelegateDeclaration(
container As Symbol,
syntaxOpt As ParameterListSyntax,
diagBag As BindingDiagnosticBag
) As ImmutableArray(Of ParameterSymbol)
If syntaxOpt Is Nothing Then
Return ImmutableArray(Of ParameterSymbol).Empty
End If
Dim parametersSyntax = syntaxOpt.Parameters
Dim params = ArrayBuilder(Of ParameterSymbol).GetInstance(parametersSyntax.Count)
Dim result As ImmutableArray(Of ParameterSymbol)
' no checks for the parameters:
' Section 9.2.5, "Method Parameters" from the VB Language Reference mentions that duplicate parameter names are
' allowed but discouraged for delegates and extern methods
' Dev10: Function delegates are allowed to have one or more parameters called Invoke
result = params.ToImmutable
Return result
End Function
''' <summary>
''' Decode a parameter list into a list of parameter symbols.
''' </summary>
''' <param name="container">Containing method declaration.</param>
''' <param name="isFromLambda">Parameter is for a lambda expression rather than a regular method.</param>
''' <param name="syntaxOpt">Optional parameter list syntax</param>
''' <remarks>DO NOT call this to get the parameters of a delegate declaration (<see>DecodeParameterListOfDelegateDeclaration</see>).</remarks>
Public Function DecodeParameterList(container As Symbol,
isFromLambda As Boolean,
modifiers As SourceMemberFlags,
syntaxOpt As ParameterListSyntax,
diagBag As BindingDiagnosticBag) As ImmutableArray(Of ParameterSymbol)
Debug.Assert(Not (container.Kind = SymbolKind.Method AndAlso DirectCast(container, MethodSymbol).MethodKind = MethodKind.DelegateInvoke))
If syntaxOpt Is Nothing Then
Return ImmutableArray(Of ParameterSymbol).Empty
End If
Dim params = ArrayBuilder(Of ParameterSymbol).GetInstance(syntaxOpt.Parameters.Count)
Dim result As ImmutableArray(Of ParameterSymbol)
Dim methodSymbol = TryCast(container, MethodSymbol)
Dim modifierValidator As CheckParameterModifierDelegate = Nothing
If methodSymbol IsNot Nothing AndAlso methodSymbol.IsUserDefinedOperator() Then
modifierValidator = s_checkOperatorParameterModifierCallback
End If
Dim typeParams As ImmutableArray(Of TypeParameterSymbol) = If(methodSymbol IsNot Nothing AndAlso Not isFromLambda,
ImmutableArray(Of TypeParameterSymbol).Empty)
For i = 0 To params.Count - 1
Dim paramSyntax = syntaxOpt.Parameters(i)
Dim param = params(i)
If methodSymbol IsNot Nothing Then
If Not methodSymbol.IsSub AndAlso Not methodSymbol.IsUserDefinedOperator() Then
' "Parameter cannot have the same name as its defining function."
CheckReservedParameterName(container.Name, paramSyntax, ERRID.ERR_ParamNameFunctionNameCollision, diagBag)
End If
' Section 9.2.5, "Method Parameters" from the VB Language Reference mentions that duplicate parameter names
' are allowed but discouraged for delegates and extern methods
If Not methodSymbol.MethodKind = MethodKind.DeclareMethod Then
CheckParameterNameNotDuplicate(params, i, paramSyntax, param, diagBag)
End If
End If
Dim name = param.Name
For Each tp In typeParams
If CaseInsensitiveComparison.Equals(tp.Name, name) Then
' "'{0}' is already declared as a type parameter of this method."
ReportDiagnostic(diagBag, paramSyntax.Identifier, ERRID.ERR_NameSameAsMethodTypeParam1, name)
Exit For
End If
result = params.ToImmutable
Return result
End Function
Private Shared ReadOnly s_checkOperatorParameterModifierCallback As CheckParameterModifierDelegate = AddressOf CheckOperatorParameterModifier
Private Shared Function CheckOperatorParameterModifier(container As Symbol, token As SyntaxToken, flag As SourceParameterFlags, diagnostics As BindingDiagnosticBag) As SourceParameterFlags
If (flag And SourceParameterFlags.ByRef) <> 0 Then
diagnostics.Add(ERRID.ERR_ByRefIllegal1, token.GetLocation(), container.GetKindText())
flag = flag And (Not SourceParameterFlags.ByRef)
End If
If (flag And SourceParameterFlags.ParamArray) <> 0 Then
diagnostics.Add(ERRID.ERR_ParamArrayIllegal1, token.GetLocation(), container.GetKindText())
flag = flag And (Not SourceParameterFlags.ParamArray)
End If
If (flag And SourceParameterFlags.Optional) <> 0 Then
diagnostics.Add(ERRID.ERR_OptionalIllegal1, token.GetLocation(), container.GetKindText())
flag = flag And (Not SourceParameterFlags.Optional)
End If
Return flag
End Function
''' <summary>
''' Decode a parameter list into a list of parameter symbols.
''' </summary>
''' <param name="container">Containing property declaration.</param>
''' <param name="syntaxOpt">Optional parameter list syntax</param>
Public Function DecodePropertyParameterList(container As PropertySymbol,
syntaxOpt As ParameterListSyntax,
diagBag As BindingDiagnosticBag) As ImmutableArray(Of ParameterSymbol)
If syntaxOpt Is Nothing Then
Return ImmutableArray(Of ParameterSymbol).Empty
End If
Dim params = ArrayBuilder(Of ParameterSymbol).GetInstance(syntaxOpt.Parameters.Count)
Dim result As ImmutableArray(Of ParameterSymbol)
For i = 0 To params.Count - 1
Dim paramSyntax = syntaxOpt.Parameters(i)
Dim param = params(i)
' "Property parameters cannot have the name 'Value'."
If CheckReservedParameterName(StringConstants.ValueParameterName, paramSyntax, ERRID.ERR_PropertySetParamCollisionWithValue, diagBag) Then
' "Parameter cannot have the same name as its defining function."
CheckReservedParameterName(container.Name, paramSyntax, ERRID.ERR_ParamNameFunctionNameCollision, diagBag)
End If
CheckParameterNameNotDuplicate(params, i, paramSyntax, param, diagBag)
result = params.ToImmutable
Return result
End Function
Private Shared ReadOnly s_checkPropertyParameterModifierCallback As CheckParameterModifierDelegate = AddressOf CheckPropertyParameterModifier
Private Shared Function CheckPropertyParameterModifier(container As Symbol, token As SyntaxToken, flag As SourceParameterFlags, diagnostics As BindingDiagnosticBag) As SourceParameterFlags
If flag = SourceParameterFlags.ByRef Then
Dim location = token.GetLocation()
diagnostics.Add(ERRID.ERR_ByRefIllegal1, location, container.GetKindText(), token.ToString())
Return flag And (Not SourceParameterFlags.ByRef)
End If
Return flag
End Function
Private Shared Function CheckReservedParameterName(reservedName As String, syntax As ParameterSyntax, errorId As ERRID, diagnostics As BindingDiagnosticBag) As Boolean
Dim identifier = syntax.Identifier
Dim name = identifier.Identifier.ValueText
If IdentifierComparison.Equals(reservedName, name) Then
Dim location = identifier.GetLocation()
diagnostics.Add(errorId, location)
Return False
End If
Return True
End Function
' TODO: Caller is O(n^2).
Friend Shared Sub CheckParameterNameNotDuplicate(
params As ArrayBuilder(Of ParameterSymbol),
nParams As Integer,
syntax As ParameterSyntax,
parameter As ParameterSymbol,
diagnostics As BindingDiagnosticBag)
Dim name = parameter.Name
For i = 0 To nParams - 1
If IdentifierComparison.Equals(params(i).Name, name) Then
' "Parameter already declared with name '{0}'."
ReportDiagnostic(diagnostics, syntax.Identifier, ERRID.ERR_DuplicateParamName1, name)
End If
End Sub
Friend Delegate Function CheckParameterModifierDelegate(container As Symbol, token As SyntaxToken, flag As SourceParameterFlags, diagnostics As BindingDiagnosticBag) As SourceParameterFlags
Public Sub DecodeParameterList(container As Symbol,
isFromLambda As Boolean,
modifiers As SourceMemberFlags,
syntax As SeparatedSyntaxList(Of ParameterSyntax),
params As ArrayBuilder(Of ParameterSymbol),
checkModifier As CheckParameterModifierDelegate,
diagBag As BindingDiagnosticBag)
Dim count As Integer = syntax.Count
Dim ordinal = params.Count
Dim paramHasImplicitType = False, paramHasExplicitType = False
Dim flagsOfPreviousParameters As SourceParameterFlags = Nothing
Dim reportedError = False
For i = 0 To count - 1
Dim paramSyntax = syntax(i)
Dim name = paramSyntax.Identifier.Identifier.ValueText
Dim flags As SourceParameterFlags = Nothing
flags = DecodeParameterModifiers(container, paramSyntax.Modifiers, checkModifier, diagBag)
If (flagsOfPreviousParameters And SourceParameterFlags.Optional) = SourceParameterFlags.Optional Then
If (flags And SourceParameterFlags.ParamArray) = SourceParameterFlags.ParamArray AndAlso
Not reportedError Then
' If one of the previous parameters is optional then report an error if paramarray is specified.
ReportDiagnostic(diagBag, paramSyntax.Identifier.Identifier, ERRID.ERR_ParamArrayWithOptArgs)
reportedError = True
ElseIf (flags And SourceParameterFlags.Optional) <> SourceParameterFlags.Optional AndAlso
Not reportedError Then
' If one of the previous parameters is optional then report an error if this one isn't optional.
ReportDiagnostic(diagBag, paramSyntax.Identifier.Identifier, ERRID.ERR_ExpectedOptional)
reportedError = True
End If
End If
If (flagsOfPreviousParameters And SourceParameterFlags.ParamArray) <> 0 AndAlso
Not reportedError Then
ReportDiagnostic(diagBag, paramSyntax, ERRID.ERR_ParamArrayMustBeLast)
reportedError = True
End If
Dim newParam As ParameterSymbol
If isFromLambda Then
newParam = UnboundLambdaParameterSymbol.CreateFromSyntax(paramSyntax, name, flags, ordinal, Me, diagBag)
newParam = SourceComplexParameterSymbol.CreateFromSyntax(container, paramSyntax, name, flags, ordinal, Me, checkModifier, diagBag)
End If
ordinal += 1
If newParam.IsByRef AndAlso (modifiers And SourceMemberFlags.Async) = SourceMemberFlags.Async Then
ReportDiagnostic(diagBag, paramSyntax, ERRID.ERR_BadAsyncByRefParam)
ElseIf newParam.IsByRef AndAlso (modifiers And SourceMemberFlags.Iterator) = SourceMemberFlags.Iterator Then
ReportDiagnostic(diagBag, paramSyntax, ERRID.ERR_BadIteratorByRefParam)
Dim paramType As TypeSymbol = newParam.Type
If paramType IsNot Nothing Then
If paramType.IsArrayType() Then
Dim restrictedType As TypeSymbol = Nothing
If paramType.IsRestrictedArrayType(restrictedType) Then
ReportDiagnostic(diagBag, paramSyntax.AsClause.Type, ERRID.ERR_RestrictedType1, restrictedType)
End If
ElseIf newParam.IsByRef Then
If paramType.IsRestrictedType Then
ReportDiagnostic(diagBag, paramSyntax.AsClause.Type, ERRID.ERR_RestrictedType1, paramType)
End If
ElseIf (modifiers And (SourceMemberFlags.Async Or SourceMemberFlags.Iterator)) <> 0 Then
If paramType.IsRestrictedType Then
ReportDiagnostic(diagBag, paramSyntax.AsClause.Type, ERRID.ERR_RestrictedResumableType1, paramType)
End If
End If
End If
End If
If Not isFromLambda AndAlso Not newParam.Type.IsErrorType() Then
AccessCheck.VerifyAccessExposureForParameterType(container, newParam.Name,
If(paramSyntax.AsClause IsNot Nothing,
DirectCast(paramSyntax, VisualBasicSyntaxNode)),
newParam.Type, diagBag)
End If
If HasDefaultType(paramSyntax.Identifier, paramSyntax.AsClause) Then
paramHasImplicitType = True
paramHasExplicitType = True
End If
flagsOfPreviousParameters = flagsOfPreviousParameters Or flags
' Special rule: if any parameters have implicit type, all must have implicit type.
' Report the error on each parameter with implicit type.
If paramHasImplicitType AndAlso paramHasExplicitType Then
For i = 0 To count - 1
Dim paramSyntax = syntax(i)
If HasDefaultType(paramSyntax.Identifier, paramSyntax.AsClause) Then
ReportDiagnostic(diagBag, paramSyntax.Identifier, ERRID.ERR_ParamTypingInconsistency)
End If
End If
End Sub
' An array consisting of just the NotInheritable keyword.
Private Shared ReadOnly s_notInheritableKeyword As SyntaxKind() = {SyntaxKind.NotInheritableKeyword}
''' <summary>
''' Modifier validation code shared between properties and methods.
''' </summary>
Public Function ValidateSharedPropertyAndMethodModifiers(modifierList As SyntaxTokenList,
memberModifiers As MemberModifiers,
isProperty As Boolean,
container As SourceMemberContainerTypeSymbol,
diagBag As DiagnosticBag) As MemberModifiers
Dim flags = memberModifiers.FoundFlags
If (flags And SourceMemberFlags.Shared) <> 0 AndAlso (flags And SourceMemberFlags.InvalidIfShared) <> 0 Then
ReportModifierError(modifierList, If(isProperty, ERRID.ERR_BadFlagsOnSharedProperty1, ERRID.ERR_BadFlagsOnSharedMeth1), diagBag, InvalidModifiersIfShared)
flags = flags And Not SourceMemberFlags.InvalidIfShared
memberModifiers = New MemberModifiers(flags, memberModifiers.ComputedFlags)
End If
Select Case container.TypeKind
Case TypeKind.Module
' Don't allow overloads in module
If (flags And SourceMemberFlags.Overloads) <> 0 Then
ReportModifierError(modifierList, ERRID.ERR_OverloadsModifierInModule, diagBag, SyntaxKind.OverloadsKeyword)
flags = flags And Not SourceMemberFlags.Overloads
End If
' Members in module are implicitly Shared, and cannot be explicitly Shared.
If (flags And SourceMemberFlags.InvalidInModule) <> 0 Then
ReportModifierError(modifierList, If(isProperty, ERRID.ERR_BadFlagsOnStdModuleProperty1, ERRID.ERR_ModuleCantUseMethodSpecifier1), diagBag, InvalidModifiersInModule)
If (flags And SourceMemberFlags.Protected) <> 0 Then
flags = flags And Not SourceMemberFlags.Friend ' remove "Friend" if removing "Protected"
End If
flags = flags And Not SourceMemberFlags.InvalidInModule
End If
memberModifiers = New MemberModifiers(flags, memberModifiers.ComputedFlags Or SourceMemberFlags.Shared)
Case TypeKind.Interface
If (flags And SourceMemberFlags.InvalidInInterface) <> 0 Then
ReportModifierError(modifierList, If(isProperty, ERRID.ERR_BadInterfacePropertyFlags1, ERRID.ERR_BadInterfaceMethodFlags1), diagBag, InvalidModifiersInInterface)
flags = flags And Not SourceMemberFlags.InvalidInInterface
End If
' Interface members are always public and always implicitly MustOverride.
memberModifiers = New MemberModifiers(flags, memberModifiers.ComputedFlags Or SourceMemberFlags.MustOverride)
Case TypeKind.Structure
If (flags And SourceMemberFlags.Protected) <> 0 AndAlso (flags And SourceMemberFlags.Overrides) = 0 Then
ReportModifierError(modifierList, If(isProperty, ERRID.ERR_StructCantUseVarSpecifier1, ERRID.ERR_StructureCantUseProtected), diagBag, SyntaxKind.ProtectedKeyword)
flags = flags And Not SourceMemberFlags.Protected
memberModifiers = New MemberModifiers(flags,
(memberModifiers.ComputedFlags And Not SourceMemberFlags.AccessibilityMask) Or SourceMemberFlags.AccessibilityPrivate)
End If
If (flags And SourceMemberFlags.InvalidInNotInheritableClass) <> 0 Then
ReportModifierError(modifierList, ERRID.ERR_StructCantUseVarSpecifier1, diagBag,
SyntaxKind.OverridableKeyword, SyntaxKind.NotOverridableKeyword, SyntaxKind.MustOverrideKeyword)
flags = flags And Not SourceMemberFlags.InvalidInNotInheritableClass
End If
End Select
' Don't allow Overridable, etc. on NotInheritable.
If container.IsNotInheritable Then
If (flags And SourceMemberFlags.InvalidInNotInheritableClass) <> 0 Then
' Somewhat strangely, the old VB compiler has different behavior depending on whether the containing type DECLARATION
' has NotInheritable, vs. any partial has NotInheritable (although they are semantically the same). If the containing declaration
' does not have NotInheritable, then only MustOverride has an error reported for it, and the error has a different code.
Dim containingTypeBLock = GetContainingTypeBlock(modifierList.First())
If containingTypeBLock IsNot Nothing AndAlso FindFirstKeyword(containingTypeBLock.BlockStatement.Modifiers, s_notInheritableKeyword).Kind = SyntaxKind.None Then
' Containing type block doesn't have a NotInheritable modifier on it. Must be from other partial declaration.
If (flags And SourceMemberFlags.InvalidInNotInheritableOtherPartialClass) <> 0 Then
ReportModifierError(modifierList, ERRID.ERR_MustOverOnNotInheritPartClsMem1, diagBag, InvalidModifiersInNotInheritableOtherPartialClass)
flags = flags And Not SourceMemberFlags.InvalidInNotInheritableOtherPartialClass
End If
ReportModifierError(modifierList, ERRID.ERR_BadFlagsInNotInheritableClass1, diagBag, InvalidModifiersInNotInheritableClass)
flags = flags And Not SourceMemberFlags.InvalidInNotInheritableClass
End If
memberModifiers = New MemberModifiers(flags, memberModifiers.ComputedFlags)
End If
End If
Return memberModifiers
End Function
Public Function ValidateEventModifiers(modifierList As SyntaxTokenList,
memberModifiers As MemberModifiers,
container As SourceMemberContainerTypeSymbol,
diagBag As DiagnosticBag) As MemberModifiers
Dim flags = memberModifiers.FoundFlags
Select Case container.TypeKind
Case TypeKind.Module
' Members in module are implicitly Shared, and cannot be explicitly Shared.
If (flags And SourceMemberFlags.InvalidInModule) <> 0 Then
ReportModifierError(modifierList, ERRID.ERR_ModuleCantUseEventSpecifier1, diagBag, InvalidModifiersInModule)
If (flags And SourceMemberFlags.Protected) <> 0 Then
flags = flags And Not SourceMemberFlags.Friend ' remove "Friend" if removing "Protected"
End If
flags = flags And Not SourceMemberFlags.InvalidInModule
End If
memberModifiers = New MemberModifiers(flags, memberModifiers.ComputedFlags Or SourceMemberFlags.Shared)
Case TypeKind.Interface
If (flags And SourceMemberFlags.InvalidInInterface) <> 0 Then
ReportModifierError(modifierList, ERRID.ERR_InterfaceCantUseEventSpecifier1, diagBag, InvalidModifiersInInterface)
flags = flags And Not SourceMemberFlags.InvalidInInterface
End If
' Interface members are always public and always implicitly MustOverride.
memberModifiers = New MemberModifiers(flags, memberModifiers.ComputedFlags Or SourceMemberFlags.MustOverride)
Case TypeKind.Structure
If (flags And SourceMemberFlags.Protected) <> 0 Then
ReportModifierError(modifierList, ERRID.ERR_StructureCantUseProtected, diagBag, SyntaxKind.ProtectedKeyword)
flags = flags And Not SourceMemberFlags.Protected
memberModifiers = New MemberModifiers(flags,
(memberModifiers.ComputedFlags And Not SourceMemberFlags.AccessibilityMask) Or SourceMemberFlags.AccessibilityPrivate)
End If
End Select
Return memberModifiers
End Function
' Get the containing type block containing a modifier token on a declared member, or Nothing if no such type block.
Private Shared Function GetContainingTypeBlock(modifierToken As SyntaxToken) As TypeBlockSyntax
Dim containingSyntax = modifierToken.Parent
If TypeOf containingSyntax.Parent Is MethodBlockBaseSyntax OrElse TypeOf containingSyntax.Parent Is PropertyBlockSyntax Then
containingSyntax = containingSyntax.Parent
End If
Return TryCast(containingSyntax.Parent, TypeBlockSyntax)
End Function
Public Enum ConstantContext
End Enum
''' <summary>
''' This function checks if the given expression is a constant from a language point of view and returns
''' constant value if it is. This is different from the fact that the bound node has a constant value.
''' This method also adds the required diagnostics for non const values.
''' </summary>
''' <param name="boundExpression">The bound expression.</param>
''' <param name="diagnostics">The diagnostics.</param>
''' <returns>ConstantValue if the bound expression is compile time constant and can be used
''' for const field/local initializations or enum member initializations. Nothing if not</returns>
Public Function GetExpressionConstantValueIfAny(boundExpression As BoundExpression, diagnostics As BindingDiagnosticBag, context As ConstantContext) As ConstantValue
Dim nonConstantDetected As Boolean = False
If boundExpression.Kind = BoundKind.Local Then
Dim local = DirectCast(boundExpression, BoundLocal).LocalSymbol
If Not local.IsConst Then
ReportDiagnostic(diagnostics, boundExpression.Syntax, ERRID.ERR_RequiredConstExpr)
Return Nothing
End If
Return If(nonConstantDetected, Nothing, local.GetConstantValue(Me))
End If
' Check that the expression is constant.
If boundExpression.ConstantValueOpt IsNot Nothing Then
' if no non constant node was found this if node is constant.
Return If(nonConstantDetected, Nothing, boundExpression.ConstantValueOpt)
Select Case boundExpression.Kind
Case BoundKind.DirectCast
Dim conv = DirectCast(boundExpression, BoundDirectCast)
Dim result = CheckConversionForConstantExpression(conv, conv.Operand, diagnostics, context)
Return If(nonConstantDetected, Nothing, result)
Case BoundKind.TryCast
Dim conv = DirectCast(boundExpression, BoundTryCast)
Dim result = CheckConversionForConstantExpression(conv, conv.Operand, diagnostics, context)
Return If(nonConstantDetected, Nothing, result)
Case BoundKind.Conversion
Dim conv = DirectCast(boundExpression, BoundConversion)
Dim result = CheckConversionForConstantExpression(conv, conv.Operand, diagnostics, context)
Return If(nonConstantDetected, Nothing, result)
Case BoundKind.BinaryOperator
' If we ever got to a binary operator it means there is no constant value,
' but we want to keep the analysis going to properly report errors
Dim binaryOperator = DirectCast(boundExpression, BoundBinaryOperator)
' the right side is expected to be shorter for binary operations, so we use
' recursion for this side.
GetExpressionConstantValueIfAny(binaryOperator.Right, diagnostics, context)
nonConstantDetected = True
boundExpression = binaryOperator.Left
Case BoundKind.UnaryOperator
boundExpression = DirectCast(boundExpression, BoundUnaryOperator).Operand
Case BoundKind.Parenthesized
boundExpression = DirectCast(boundExpression, BoundParenthesized).Expression
Case BoundKind.BadExpression
Return Nothing
Case Else
ReportDiagnostic(diagnostics, boundExpression.Syntax, ERRID.ERR_RequiredConstExpr)
Return Nothing
End Select
End If
Return Nothing
End Function
Private Shared Function IsNothingLiteralAllowedForAType(type As TypeSymbol) As Boolean
If type.IsReferenceType Then
Return True
End If
If type.IsEnumType Then
Return True
End If
Select Case type.SpecialType
Case SpecialType.System_Boolean,
Return True
End Select
Return False
End Function
Private Function CheckConversionForConstantExpression(conv As BoundExpression, operand As BoundExpression, diagnostics As BindingDiagnosticBag, context As ConstantContext) As ConstantValue
If conv.HasErrors Then
Return Nothing
End If
Dim conversionType As TypeSymbol = conv.Type
Dim operandType As TypeSymbol = operand.Type
' First, special handling for the case when operand is a Nothing Literal
If operand.IsNothingLiteral Then
If context = ConstantContext.Default Then
' In default context, Nothing literal can only be converted to either a reference type
' or an intrinsic value type allowing constant values, like int32, etc...
If Not IsNothingLiteralAllowedForAType(conversionType) Then
If(operandType, GetSpecialType(SpecialType.System_Object, operand.Syntax, diagnostics)),
Return Nothing
End If
' In ParameterDefaultValue constant context 'Nothing' literal can be
' converted to any type meaning the type's default value;
Debug.Assert(context = ConstantContext.ParameterDefaultValue)
End If
Return operand.ConstantValueOpt
End If
' Guess the constant value of the operand
Dim nestedConstValue As ConstantValue = GetExpressionConstantValueIfAny(operand, diagnostics, context)
If nestedConstValue Is Nothing Then
' Error should already be generated
Return Nothing
End If
Debug.Assert(conversionType IsNot Nothing)
Debug.Assert(operandType IsNot Nothing)
If conversionType.IsObjectType Then
' Nothing constants of reference type can always be converted to System.Object
If operandType.IsReferenceType AndAlso nestedConstValue.IsNothing Then
Return nestedConstValue
End If
' In ParameterDefaultValue context we also allow constant of types DateTime, Decimal
' and others mentioned as supported by IsNothingLiteralAllowedForAType() to be converted
' to System.Object type; these constants will be emitted as constant values for appropriate
' parameters and when used converted to target type if needed
If context = ConstantContext.ParameterDefaultValue AndAlso
(IsNothingLiteralAllowedForAType(operandType) OrElse operandType.IsDateTimeType OrElse operandType.IsDecimalType) Then
Return nestedConstValue
End If
Return Nothing
End If
If Not nestedConstValue.IsNothing Then
' Conversion of a non-nothing constant value to anything but System.Object is bad
' Note that all valid intrinsic conversions should have been folded and never reach this point
' In ParameterDefaultValue we also allow conversion of T --> S?
If context = ConstantContext.ParameterDefaultValue AndAlso conversionType.IsNullableType Then
If IsSameTypeIgnoringAll(conversionType.GetNullableUnderlyingType, operandType) Then
' A trivial case: T --> T?
Return nestedConstValue
' Let's convert to the underlying type of the Nullable.
' All diagnostics about this conversion have already been reported, so we can treat it as an explicit conversion and ignore any errors/warnings.
Dim conversionToUnderlying As BoundExpression = ApplyConversion(operand.Syntax, conversionType.GetNullableUnderlyingType(), operand, isExplicit:=True, diagnostics:=BindingDiagnosticBag.Discarded)
nestedConstValue = conversionToUnderlying.ConstantValueOpt
If nestedConstValue IsNot Nothing Then
Return nestedConstValue
End If
End If
End If
Return Nothing
End If
' We have a 'Nothing' constant value which was converted to some
' type by nested conversion(s) and now has type of the argument
' No actual conversion is done
If IsSameTypeIgnoringAll(operandType, conversionType) Then
Return nestedConstValue
End If
' It is OK to convert Nothing literal of one reference type to another
' reference type or (only in default parameter value context) Nothing
' literal of reference type to a value type,
' if the conversion is not correct, errors should have been reported by now
If operandType.IsReferenceType AndAlso
(conversionType.IsReferenceType OrElse context = ConstantContext.ParameterDefaultValue) Then
Return nestedConstValue
End If
' In ParameterDefaultValue we also allow conversion of 'Nothing' constants to nullable
If context = ConstantContext.ParameterDefaultValue Then
If conversionType.IsNullableType Then
Return nestedConstValue
End If
End If
Return Nothing
End Function
''' <summary>isWinMd says whether to mangle the name for winmdobj output. See the param tag for details.</summary>
''' <param name="isWinMd">isWinMd is only necessary for set properties, so any MethodKind which is definitely not
''' a set property can safely set this value to False.</param>
Friend Shared Function GetAccessorName(name As String, kind As MethodKind, isWinMd As Boolean) As String
Dim prefix As String
Select Case kind
Case MethodKind.PropertyGet
prefix = StringConstants.PropertyGetPrefix
Case MethodKind.PropertySet
If isWinMd Then
prefix = StringConstants.WinMdPropertySetPrefix
prefix = StringConstants.PropertySetPrefix
End If
Case MethodKind.EventAdd
prefix = StringConstants.EventAddPrefix
Case MethodKind.EventRemove
prefix = StringConstants.EventRemovePrefix
Case MethodKind.EventRaise
prefix = StringConstants.EventRaisePrefix
Case Else
Throw ExceptionUtilities.UnexpectedValue(kind)
End Select
Return prefix & name
End Function
End Class
''' <summary>
''' Holds information about a member in a compact form. Used for all non-type members for simplicity
''' </summary>
''' <remarks></remarks>
Friend Enum SourceMemberFlags
None = 0
' These are the actual accessibility level
' Bits 0,1,2
AccessibilityPrivate = CUShort(Accessibility.Private)
AccessibilityProtected = CUShort(Accessibility.Protected)
AccessibilityFriend = CUShort(Accessibility.Friend)
AccessibilityProtectedFriend = CUShort(Accessibility.ProtectedOrFriend)
AccessibilityPrivateProtected = CUShort(Accessibility.ProtectedAndFriend)
AccessibilityPublic = CUShort(Accessibility.Public)
AccessibilityMask = &H7
' DeclarationModifierFlags
' Bits 3,4,5,...,27
[Private] = CUInt(DeclarationModifiers.Private) << DeclarationModifierFlagShift
[Protected] = CUInt(DeclarationModifiers.Protected) << DeclarationModifierFlagShift
[Friend] = CUInt(DeclarationModifiers.Friend) << DeclarationModifierFlagShift
[Public] = CUInt(DeclarationModifiers.Public) << DeclarationModifierFlagShift
AllAccessibilityModifiers = [Private] Or [Friend] Or [Protected] Or [Public]
[Shared] = CUInt(DeclarationModifiers.Shared) << DeclarationModifierFlagShift
[ReadOnly] = CUInt(DeclarationModifiers.ReadOnly) << DeclarationModifierFlagShift
[WriteOnly] = CUInt(DeclarationModifiers.WriteOnly) << DeclarationModifierFlagShift
AllWriteabilityModifiers = [ReadOnly] Or [WriteOnly]
[Overrides] = CUInt(DeclarationModifiers.Overrides) << DeclarationModifierFlagShift
[Overridable] = CUInt(DeclarationModifiers.Overridable) << DeclarationModifierFlagShift
[MustOverride] = CUInt(DeclarationModifiers.MustOverride) << DeclarationModifierFlagShift
[NotOverridable] = CUInt(DeclarationModifiers.NotOverridable) << DeclarationModifierFlagShift
AllOverrideModifiers = [Overridable] Or [MustOverride] Or [NotOverridable]
PrivateOverridableModifiers = [Overridable] Or [Private]
PrivateMustOverrideModifiers = [MustOverride] Or [Private]
PrivateNotOverridableModifiers = [NotOverridable] Or [Private]
[Overloads] = CUInt(DeclarationModifiers.Overloads) << DeclarationModifierFlagShift
[Shadows] = CUInt(DeclarationModifiers.Shadows) << DeclarationModifierFlagShift
AllShadowingModifiers = [Overloads] Or [Shadows]
ShadowsAndOverrides = [Overrides] Or [Shadows]
[Default] = CUInt(DeclarationModifiers.Default) << DeclarationModifierFlagShift
[WithEvents] = CUInt(DeclarationModifiers.WithEvents) << DeclarationModifierFlagShift
[Widening] = CUInt(DeclarationModifiers.Widening) << DeclarationModifierFlagShift
[Narrowing] = CUInt(DeclarationModifiers.Narrowing) << DeclarationModifierFlagShift
AllConversionModifiers = [Widening] Or [Narrowing]
' These should be kept in sync with the corresponding arrays in InvalidModifiers below.
InvalidInNotInheritableClass = [Overridable] Or [NotOverridable] Or [MustOverride]
InvalidInNotInheritableOtherPartialClass = [MustOverride] ' invalid if containing declaration doesn't have NotInheritable, but other partial does.
InvalidInModule = [Protected] Or [Shared] Or [Default] Or [MustOverride] Or [Overridable] Or [Shadows] Or [Overrides] Or [NotOverridable]
InvalidInInterface = AllAccessibilityModifiers Or [Shared] Or [Overrides] Or AllOverrideModifiers Or [Dim] Or [Const] Or
[Static] Or [WithEvents] Or AllConversionModifiers Or [Partial] Or [MustInherit] Or [NotInheritable] Or
Async Or Iterator
InvalidIfShared = [Overrides] Or AllOverrideModifiers Or [Default]
InvalidIfDefault = [Private]
[Partial] = CUInt(DeclarationModifiers.Partial) << DeclarationModifierFlagShift
[MustInherit] = CUInt(DeclarationModifiers.MustInherit) << DeclarationModifierFlagShift
[NotInheritable] = CUInt(DeclarationModifiers.NotInheritable) << DeclarationModifierFlagShift
TypeInheritModifiers = [MustInherit] Or [NotInheritable]
Async = CUInt(DeclarationModifiers.Async) << DeclarationModifierFlagShift
Iterator = CUInt(DeclarationModifiers.Iterator) << DeclarationModifierFlagShift
[Dim] = CUInt(DeclarationModifiers.Dim) << DeclarationModifierFlagShift
[Const] = CUInt(DeclarationModifiers.Const) << DeclarationModifierFlagShift
[Static] = CUInt(DeclarationModifiers.Static) << DeclarationModifierFlagShift
DeclarationModifierFlagMask = &HFFFFFF8
DeclarationModifierFlagShift = 3
' Bits 25 and above are used for different things depending on the member type.
' 25 - [Dim]
' 26 - [Const]
' 27 - [Static]
' Fields only: Indicates that this const field has an inferred type.
InferredFieldType = 1 << 30
' Fields and properties only: Indicates that this is the first field (or property representing a WithEvents field) of a particular type.
' In "Dim x, y, z As Integer, w As String, a, b as Decimal", set for "x", "w", and "a"
FirstFieldDeclarationOfType = 1 << 31
' Source Methods only: Indicates this method has a void return type / is a Sub.
MethodIsSub = 1 << 25
' Source methods only: Indicates that method syntax has "Handles"
MethodHandlesEvents = 1 << 26
' Method symbols only: Bits 27,28,29,30,31
MethodKindOrdinary = CUInt(MethodKind.Ordinary) << MethodKindShift
MethodKindConstructor = CUInt(MethodKind.Constructor) << MethodKindShift
MethodKindSharedConstructor = CUInt(MethodKind.SharedConstructor) << MethodKindShift
MethodKindDelegateInvoke = CUInt(MethodKind.DelegateInvoke) << MethodKindShift
MethodKindOperator = CUInt(MethodKind.UserDefinedOperator) << MethodKindShift
MethodKindConversion = CUInt(MethodKind.Conversion) << MethodKindShift
MethodKindPropertyGet = CUInt(MethodKind.PropertyGet) << MethodKindShift
MethodKindPropertySet = CUInt(MethodKind.PropertySet) << MethodKindShift
MethodKindEventAdd = CUInt(MethodKind.EventAdd) << MethodKindShift
MethodKindEventRemove = CUInt(MethodKind.EventRemove) << MethodKindShift
MethodKindEventRaise = CUInt(MethodKind.EventRaise) << MethodKindShift
MethodKindDeclare = CUInt(MethodKind.DeclareMethod) << MethodKindShift
MethodKindMask = &H1F
MethodKindShift = 27
End Enum
Friend Module SourceMemberFlagsExtensions
Friend Function ToMethodKind(flags As SourceMemberFlags) As MethodKind
Return CType((flags >> SourceMemberFlags.MethodKindShift) And SourceMemberFlags.MethodKindMask, MethodKind)
End Function
End Module
' These should be kept in sync with the corresponding bit fields in SourceMemberFlags above.
Friend Module InvalidModifiers
Public InvalidModifiersInNotInheritableClass() As SyntaxKind =
Public InvalidModifiersInNotInheritableOtherPartialClass() As SyntaxKind =
Public InvalidModifiersInModule() As SyntaxKind =
Public InvalidModifiersInInterface() As SyntaxKind =
Public InvalidModifiersIfShared() As SyntaxKind =
Public InvalidModifiersIfDefault() As SyntaxKind =
Public InvalidAsyncIterator() As SyntaxKind =
End Module
Friend Structure MemberModifiers
''' <summary>
''' These are the flags that are found in the syntax. They must correspond to the modifiers list.
''' </summary>
''' <remarks></remarks>
Private ReadOnly _foundFlags As SourceMemberFlags
''' <summary>
''' These are flags that are implied or computed
''' </summary>
''' <remarks></remarks>
Private ReadOnly _computedFlags As SourceMemberFlags
Public Sub New(foundFlags As SourceMemberFlags, computedFlags As SourceMemberFlags)
_foundFlags = foundFlags
_computedFlags = computedFlags
End Sub
Public ReadOnly Property FoundFlags As SourceMemberFlags
Return _foundFlags
End Get
End Property
Public ReadOnly Property ComputedFlags As SourceMemberFlags
Return _computedFlags
End Get
End Property
Public ReadOnly Property AllFlags As SourceMemberFlags
Return _foundFlags Or _computedFlags
End Get
End Property
End Structure
End Namespace