' Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
' The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
' See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
Imports System.Reflection.Metadata
Imports Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CodeGen
Imports Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.VisualBasic.Symbols
Namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.VisualBasic.CodeGen
Partial Friend Class CodeGenerator
' VB has additional, stronger than CLR requirements on whether a reference to an item
' can be taken.
' In particular in VB read-only requirements are recursive.
' For example struct fields of readonly local are also considered readonly.
' If one needs to take a reference of such local it is not enough to not write to the
' reference itself. We need to guarantee that through such reference
' nested fields will not be changed too. Otherwise a clone must be created.
' On the other hand CLR only cares about shallow readonlyness.
' To have enough information in both cases we use 3-state value (unlike C# that just uses bool)
' That specifies the context under which a reference is taken.
Private Enum AddressKind
' reference may be written to
' reference itself will not be written to, but may be used to modify fields.
' will not directly or indirectly assign to the reference or to fields.
End Enum
''' <summary>
''' Emits address as in &
''' May introduce a temp which it will return. (otherwise returns null)
''' </summary>
Private Function EmitAddress(expression As BoundExpression, addressKind As AddressKind) As LocalDefinition
Dim kind As BoundKind = expression.Kind
Dim tempOpt As LocalDefinition = Nothing
Dim allowedToTakeReference As Boolean = AllowedToTakeRef(expression, addressKind)
If Not allowedToTakeReference Then
' language says expression should not be mutated. Emit address of a clone.
Return EmitAddressOfTempClone(expression)
End If
Select Case kind
Case BoundKind.Local
Dim boundLocal = DirectCast(expression, BoundLocal)
If IsStackLocal(boundLocal.LocalSymbol) Then
Debug.Assert(boundLocal.LocalSymbol.IsByRef) ' only allow byref locals in this context
' do nothing, it should be on the stack
Dim local = GetLocal(boundLocal)
_builder.EmitLocalAddress(local) ' EmitLocalAddress knows about byref locals
End If
Case BoundKind.Dup
Debug.Assert(DirectCast(expression, BoundDup).IsReference, "taking address of a stack value?")
Case BoundKind.ReferenceAssignment
EmitReferenceAssignment(DirectCast(expression, BoundReferenceAssignment), used:=True, needReference:=True)
Case BoundKind.ConditionalAccessReceiverPlaceholder
' do nothing receiver ref must be already pushed
Debug.Assert(Not expression.Type.IsReferenceType)
Debug.Assert(Not expression.Type.IsValueType OrElse expression.Type.IsNullableType())
Case BoundKind.ComplexConditionalAccessReceiver
EmitComplexConditionalAccessReceiverAddress(DirectCast(expression, BoundComplexConditionalAccessReceiver))
Case BoundKind.Parameter
EmitParameterAddress(DirectCast(expression, BoundParameter))
Case BoundKind.FieldAccess
tempOpt = EmitFieldAddress(DirectCast(expression, BoundFieldAccess), addressKind)
Case BoundKind.ArrayAccess
EmitArrayElementAddress(DirectCast(expression, BoundArrayAccess), addressKind)
Case BoundKind.MeReference,
Debug.Assert(expression.Type.IsValueType, "only valuetypes may need a ref to Me/MyClass")
Case BoundKind.ValueTypeMeReference
Case BoundKind.MyBaseReference
Debug.Assert(False, "base is always a reference type, why one may need a reference to it?")
Case BoundKind.Parenthesized
' rewriter should take care of Parenthesized
' we do not know how to emit address of a parenthesized without context.
' when it is an argument like goo((arg)), it must be cloned,
' in other cases like (receiver).goo() it might not need to be...
Debug.Assert(False, "we should not see parenthesized in EmitAddress.")
Case BoundKind.Sequence
tempOpt = EmitSequenceAddress(DirectCast(expression, BoundSequence), addressKind)
Case BoundKind.SequencePointExpression
EmitSequencePointExpressionAddress(DirectCast(expression, BoundSequencePointExpression), addressKind)
Case BoundKind.PseudoVariable
EmitPseudoVariableAddress(DirectCast(expression, BoundPseudoVariable))
Case BoundKind.Call
Dim [call] = DirectCast(expression, BoundCall)
EmitCallExpression([call], UseKind.UsedAsAddress)
Case Else
Throw ExceptionUtilities.UnexpectedValue(kind)
End Select
Return tempOpt
End Function
Private Sub EmitPseudoVariableAddress(expression As BoundPseudoVariable)
EmitExpression(expression.EmitExpressions.GetAddress(expression), used:=True)
End Sub
''' <summary>
''' Emits address of a temp.
''' Used in cases where taking address directly is not possible
''' (typically because expression does not have a home)
''' Will introduce a temp which it will return.
''' </summary>
Private Function EmitAddressOfTempClone(expression As BoundExpression) As LocalDefinition
EmitExpression(expression, True)
Dim value = AllocateTemp(expression.Type, expression.Syntax)
Return value
End Function
Private Function EmitSequenceAddress(sequence As BoundSequence, addressKind As AddressKind) As LocalDefinition
Dim hasLocals As Boolean = Not sequence.Locals.IsEmpty
If hasLocals Then
For Each local In sequence.Locals
Me.DefineLocal(local, sequence.Syntax)
End If
Debug.Assert(sequence.ValueOpt IsNot Nothing)
Dim tempOpt = Me.EmitAddress(sequence.ValueOpt, addressKind)
' when a sequence Is happened to be a byref receiver
' we may need to extend the life time of the target until we are done accessing it
' {.v ; v = Goo(); v}.Bar() // v should be released after Bar() Is over.
Dim doNotRelease As LocalSymbol = Nothing
If (tempOpt Is Nothing) Then
Dim referencedLocal As BoundLocal = DigForLocal(sequence.ValueOpt)
If (referencedLocal IsNot Nothing) Then
doNotRelease = referencedLocal.LocalSymbol
End If
End If
If hasLocals Then
For Each local In sequence.Locals
If (local IsNot doNotRelease) Then
tempOpt = GetLocal(doNotRelease)
End If
End If
Return tempOpt
End Function
Private Function DigForLocal(value As BoundExpression) As BoundLocal
Select Case value.Kind
Case BoundKind.Local
Dim local = DirectCast(value, BoundLocal)
If Not local.LocalSymbol.IsByRef Then
Return local
End If
Case BoundKind.Sequence
Return DigForLocal((DirectCast(value, BoundSequence)).ValueOpt)
Case BoundKind.FieldAccess
Dim fieldAccess = DirectCast(value, BoundFieldAccess)
If Not fieldAccess.FieldSymbol.IsShared Then
Return DigForLocal(fieldAccess.ReceiverOpt)
End If
End Select
Return Nothing
End Function
''' <summary>
''' Checks if expression represents directly or indirectly a value with its own home.
''' In such cases it is possible to get a reference without loading into a temporary.
''' This is a CLR concept which is weaker than VB's IsLValue.
''' For example all locals are homed even if VB may consider some locals read-only.
''' </summary>
Private Function HasHome(expression As BoundExpression) As Boolean
Select Case expression.Kind
Case BoundKind.Sequence
Dim boundSequenceValue = DirectCast(expression, BoundSequence).ValueOpt
Return boundSequenceValue IsNot Nothing AndAlso Me.HasHome(boundSequenceValue)
Case BoundKind.FieldAccess
Return HasHome(DirectCast(expression, BoundFieldAccess))
Case BoundKind.MeReference,
Return True
Case BoundKind.Local
'Note: in a case if we have a reference in a stack local, we definitely can "obtain" a reference.
' Unlike a case where we have a value.
Dim local = DirectCast(expression, BoundLocal).LocalSymbol
Return Not IsStackLocal(local) OrElse local.IsByRef
Case BoundKind.Call
Dim method = DirectCast(expression, BoundCall).Method
Return method.ReturnsByRef
Case BoundKind.Dup
' For a dupped local we assume that if the dup
' is created for byref local it does have home
Return DirectCast(expression, BoundDup).IsReference
Case BoundKind.ValueTypeMeReference
Return True
End Select
Return False
End Function
''' <summary>
''' Special HasHome for fields. Fields have homes when they are writable.
''' </summary>
Private Function HasHome(fieldAccess As BoundFieldAccess) As Boolean
Dim field = fieldAccess.FieldSymbol
' const fields are literal values with no homes
If field.IsConst AndAlso Not field.IsConstButNotMetadataConstant Then
Return False
End If
If Not field.IsReadOnly Then
Return True
End If
' while readonly fields have home it is not valid to refer to it when not constructing.
If Not TypeSymbol.Equals(field.ContainingType, Me._method.ContainingType, TypeCompareKind.ConsiderEverything) Then
Return False
End If
If field.IsShared Then
Return Me._method.MethodKind = MethodKind.SharedConstructor
Return Me._method.MethodKind = MethodKind.Constructor AndAlso
fieldAccess.ReceiverOpt.Kind = BoundKind.MeReference
End If
End Function
''' <summary>
''' Checks if it is allowed to take a writable reference to expression according to VB rules.
''' </summary>
Private Function AllowedToTakeRef(expression As BoundExpression, addressKind As AddressKind) As Boolean
If expression.Kind = BoundKind.ConditionalAccessReceiverPlaceholder OrElse
expression.Kind = BoundKind.ComplexConditionalAccessReceiver Then
Return addressKind = AddressKind.ReadOnly OrElse addressKind = AddressKind.Immutable Or expression.Type.IsNullableType()
End If
' taking immutable addresses is ok as long as expression has home
If addressKind <> AddressKind.Immutable Then
Select Case expression.Kind
Case BoundKind.Sequence
Dim boundSequenceValue = DirectCast(expression, BoundSequence).ValueOpt
Return boundSequenceValue IsNot Nothing AndAlso Me.AllowedToTakeRef(boundSequenceValue, addressKind)
Case BoundKind.FieldAccess
Return AllowedToTakeRef(DirectCast(expression, BoundFieldAccess), addressKind)
Case BoundKind.Local
' VB has concept of readonly locals. Some constants look like locals too.
Return AllowedToTakeRef(DirectCast(expression, BoundLocal), addressKind)
Case BoundKind.Parameter
' parameters can be readonly (parameters in query lambdas)
' we ignore their read-onlyness for Dev10 compatibility
Return True
Case BoundKind.PseudoVariable
Return True
Case BoundKind.Dup
' If this is a Dup of ByRef local we can use the address directly
Return DirectCast(expression, BoundDup).IsReference
Case BoundKind.MeReference, BoundKind.MyClassReference
' cannot modify Me/MyClass wholesale, but can modify fields
' from within structure methods.
Return addressKind <> CodeGenerator.AddressKind.Writeable
End Select
End If
Return HasHome(expression)
End Function
''' <summary>
''' Checks if it is allowed to take a writable reference to expression according to VB rules.
''' </summary>
Private Function AllowedToTakeRef(boundLocal As BoundLocal, addressKind As AddressKind) As Boolean
Debug.Assert(addressKind <> CodeGenerator.AddressKind.Immutable, "immutable address is always ok")
' TODO: The condition is applicable only when LocalSymbol.IsReadOnly
' cannot write to a readonly local unless explicitly marked as an LValue
If addressKind = CodeGenerator.AddressKind.Writeable AndAlso
boundLocal.LocalSymbol.IsReadOnly AndAlso
Not boundLocal.IsLValue Then
Return False
End If
' cannot take address of homeless local
If Not HasHome(boundLocal) Then
Return False
End If
'TODO: we have to do the following to separate real locals
' from constants.
' ideally we should not see local constants at this point,
' they all should be either true locals (decimal, datetime) or BoundLiterals.
If boundLocal.IsConstant Then
Dim localConstType = boundLocal.Type
If Not localConstType.IsDecimalType AndAlso
Not localConstType.IsDateTimeType Then
' this is not a local. It is a named literal.
Return False
End If
End If
Return True
End Function
''' <summary>
''' Can take a reference.
''' </summary>
Private Function AllowedToTakeRef(fieldAccess As BoundFieldAccess, addressKind As AddressKind) As Boolean
' taking immutable addresses is ok as long as expression has home
If addressKind <> AddressKind.Immutable Then
' If this field itself does not have home it cannot be mutated
If Not HasHome(fieldAccess) Then
Return False
End If
' fields of readonly structs are considered recursively readonly in VB
If fieldAccess.FieldSymbol.ContainingType.IsValueType Then
Dim fieldReceiver = fieldAccess.ReceiverOpt
' even when writing to a field, receiver is accessed as readonly
If fieldReceiver IsNot Nothing AndAlso Not AllowedToTakeRef(fieldReceiver, CodeGenerator.AddressKind.ReadOnly) Then
If Not HasHome(fieldReceiver) Then
' can mutate field since its parent has no home and we will be dealing with a copy
Return True
' this field access is readonly due to language reasons -
' most likely topmost receiver is a readonly local or a runtime const
Return False
End If
End If
End If
End If
Return HasHome(fieldAccess)
End Function
Private Sub EmitArrayElementAddress(arrayAccess As BoundArrayAccess, addressKind As AddressKind)
EmitExpression(arrayAccess.Expression, True)
EmitExpressions(arrayAccess.Indices, True)
Dim elementType As TypeSymbol = arrayAccess.Type
'arrays are covariant, but elements can be written to.
'the flag tells that we do not intend to use the address for writing.
If addressKind <> AddressKind.Writeable AndAlso elementType.IsTypeParameter() Then
End If
If DirectCast(arrayAccess.Expression.Type, ArrayTypeSymbol).IsSZArray Then
EmitSymbolToken(elementType, arrayAccess.Syntax)
_builder.EmitArrayElementAddress(_module.Translate(DirectCast(arrayAccess.Expression.Type, ArrayTypeSymbol)), arrayAccess.Syntax, _diagnostics)
End If
End Sub
Private Function EmitFieldAddress(fieldAccess As BoundFieldAccess, addressKind As AddressKind) As LocalDefinition
Dim field = fieldAccess.FieldSymbol
If fieldAccess.FieldSymbol.IsShared Then
EmitStaticFieldAddress(field, fieldAccess.Syntax)
Return Nothing
Return EmitInstanceFieldAddress(fieldAccess, addressKind)
End If
End Function
Private Sub EmitStaticFieldAddress(field As FieldSymbol, syntaxNode As SyntaxNode)
EmitSymbolToken(field, syntaxNode)
End Sub
Private Sub EmitParameterAddress(parameter As BoundParameter)
Dim slot As Integer = ParameterSlot(parameter)
If Not parameter.ParameterSymbol.IsByRef Then
End If
End Sub
''' <summary>
''' Emits receiver in a form that allows member accesses ( O or & ). For verifiably
''' reference types it is the actual reference. For generic types it is a address of the
''' receiver with readonly intent. For the value types it is an address of the receiver.
''' isAccessConstrained indicates that receiver is a target of a constrained callvirt
''' in such case it is unnecessary to box a receiver that is typed to a type parameter
''' May introduce a temp which it will return. (otherwise returns null)
''' </summary>
Private Function EmitReceiverRef(receiver As BoundExpression,
isAccessConstrained As Boolean,
addressKind As AddressKind) As LocalDefinition
Dim receiverType = receiver.Type
If IsVerifierReference(receiverType) Then
EmitExpression(receiver, used:=True)
Return Nothing
End If
If receiverType.TypeKind = TypeKind.TypeParameter Then
'[Note: Constraints on a generic parameter only restrict the types that
'the generic parameter may be instantiated with. Verification (see Partition III)
'requires that a field, property or method that a generic parameter is known
'to provide through meeting a constraint, cannot be directly accessed/called
'via the generic parameter unless it is first boxed (see Partition III) or
'the callvirt instruction is prefixed with the constrained. prefix instruction
'(see Partition III). end note]
If isAccessConstrained Then
Return EmitAddress(receiver, AddressKind.ReadOnly)
EmitExpression(receiver, used:=True)
' conditional receivers are already boxed if needed when pushed
If receiver.Kind <> BoundKind.ConditionalAccessReceiverPlaceholder Then
EmitBox(receiverType, receiver.Syntax)
End If
Return Nothing
End If
End If
Return EmitAddress(receiver, addressKind)
End Function
''' <summary>
''' May introduce a temp which it will return. (otherwise returns null)
''' </summary>
Private Function EmitInstanceFieldAddress(fieldAccess As BoundFieldAccess, addressKind As AddressKind) As LocalDefinition
Dim field = fieldAccess.FieldSymbol
' writing to a field is considered reading a receiver, unless receiver is a struct and not "Me"
If addressKind = AddressKind.Writeable AndAlso IsMeReceiver(fieldAccess.ReceiverOpt) Then
addressKind = AddressKind.ReadOnly
End If
Dim tempOpt = EmitReceiverRef(fieldAccess.ReceiverOpt, isAccessConstrained:=False, addressKind:=addressKind)
Debug.Assert(HasHome(fieldAccess), "taking a ref of homeless field")
EmitSymbolToken(field, fieldAccess.Syntax)
Return tempOpt
End Function
End Class
End Namespace