' Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
' The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
' See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
Imports System.Collections.Immutable
Imports System.Reflection.Metadata
Imports System.Runtime.InteropServices
Imports Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CodeGen
Imports Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Collections
Imports Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Emit
Imports Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.PooledObjects
Imports Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.VisualBasic.Symbols
Namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.VisualBasic.CodeGen
Partial Friend Class CodeGenerator
Private Sub EmitStatement(statement As BoundStatement)
Select Case statement.Kind
Case BoundKind.Block
EmitBlock(DirectCast(statement, BoundBlock))
Case BoundKind.SequencePoint
EmitSequencePointStatement(DirectCast(statement, BoundSequencePoint))
Case BoundKind.SequencePointWithSpan
EmitSequencePointStatement(DirectCast(statement, BoundSequencePointWithSpan))
Case BoundKind.ExpressionStatement
EmitExpression((DirectCast(statement, BoundExpressionStatement)).Expression, False)
Case BoundKind.NoOpStatement
EmitNoOpStatement(DirectCast(statement, BoundNoOpStatement))
Case BoundKind.StatementList
Dim list = DirectCast(statement, BoundStatementList)
Dim n As Integer = list.Statements.Length
For i = 0 To n - 1
Case BoundKind.ReturnStatement
EmitReturnStatement(DirectCast(statement, BoundReturnStatement))
Case BoundKind.ThrowStatement
EmitThrowStatement(DirectCast(statement, BoundThrowStatement))
Case BoundKind.GotoStatement
EmitGotoStatement(DirectCast(statement, BoundGotoStatement))
Case BoundKind.LabelStatement
EmitLabelStatement(DirectCast(statement, BoundLabelStatement))
Case BoundKind.ConditionalGoto
EmitConditionalGoto(DirectCast(statement, BoundConditionalGoto))
Case BoundKind.TryStatement
EmitTryStatement(DirectCast(statement, BoundTryStatement))
Case BoundKind.SelectStatement
EmitSelectStatement(DirectCast(statement, BoundSelectStatement))
Case BoundKind.UnstructuredExceptionOnErrorSwitch
EmitUnstructuredExceptionOnErrorSwitch(DirectCast(statement, BoundUnstructuredExceptionOnErrorSwitch))
Case BoundKind.UnstructuredExceptionResumeSwitch
EmitUnstructuredExceptionResumeSwitch(DirectCast(statement, BoundUnstructuredExceptionResumeSwitch))
Case BoundKind.StateMachineScope
EmitStateMachineScope(DirectCast(statement, BoundStateMachineScope))
Case Else
Throw ExceptionUtilities.UnexpectedValue(statement.Kind)
End Select
#If DEBUG Then
If Me._stackLocals Is Nothing OrElse Not Me._stackLocals.Any Then
End If
#End If
End Sub
Private Function EmitStatementAndCountInstructions(statement As BoundStatement) As Integer
Dim n = _builder.InstructionsEmitted
Return _builder.InstructionsEmitted - n
End Function
Private Sub EmitNoOpStatement(statement As BoundNoOpStatement)
Select Case statement.Flavor
Case NoOpStatementFlavor.Default
If _ilEmitStyle = ILEmitStyle.Debug Then
End If
Case NoOpStatementFlavor.AwaitYieldPoint
Debug.Assert((_asyncYieldPoints Is Nothing) = (_asyncResumePoints Is Nothing))
If _asyncYieldPoints Is Nothing Then
_asyncYieldPoints = ArrayBuilder(Of Integer).GetInstance
_asyncResumePoints = ArrayBuilder(Of Integer).GetInstance
End If
Debug.Assert(_asyncYieldPoints.Count = _asyncResumePoints.Count)
Case NoOpStatementFlavor.AwaitResumePoint
Debug.Assert(_asyncYieldPoints IsNot Nothing)
Debug.Assert(_asyncResumePoints IsNot Nothing)
Debug.Assert((_asyncYieldPoints.Count - 1) = _asyncResumePoints.Count)
Case Else
Throw ExceptionUtilities.UnexpectedValue(statement.Flavor)
End Select
End Sub
Private Sub EmitTryStatement(statement As BoundTryStatement, Optional emitCatchesOnly As Boolean = False)
Debug.Assert(Not statement.CatchBlocks.IsDefault)
' Stack must be empty at beginning of try block.
' IL requires catches and finally block to be distinct try
' blocks so if the source contained both a catch and
' a finally, nested scopes are emitted.
Dim emitNestedScopes As Boolean = (Not emitCatchesOnly AndAlso (statement.CatchBlocks.Length > 0) AndAlso (statement.FinallyBlockOpt IsNot Nothing))
Me._tryNestingLevel += 1
If emitNestedScopes Then
EmitTryStatement(statement, emitCatchesOnly:=True)
End If
Debug.Assert(Me._tryNestingLevel > 0)
Me._tryNestingLevel -= 1
' close Try scope
If Not emitNestedScopes Then
For Each catchBlock In statement.CatchBlocks
End If
If Not emitCatchesOnly AndAlso (statement.FinallyBlockOpt IsNot Nothing) Then
End If
If Not emitCatchesOnly AndAlso statement.ExitLabelOpt IsNot Nothing Then
End If
End Sub
'The interesting part in the following method is the support for exception filters.
'=== Example:
' <SomeCode>
'Catch ex as NullReferenceException When ex.Message isnot Nothing
' <Handler>
'End Try
'gets emitted as something like ===>
' <SomeCode>
' Condition ' starts with exception on the stack
' Dim temp As NullReferenceException = TryCast(Pop, NullReferenceException)
' if temp is Nothing
' Push 0
' Else
' ex = temp
' Push if ((ex.Message isnot Nothing), 1, 0)
' End If
' End Condition ' leaves 1 or 0 on the stack
' Handler ' gets called after finalization of nested exception frames if condition above produced 1
' <Handler>
' End Handler
'End Try
Private Sub EmitCatchBlock(catchBlock As BoundCatchBlock)
Dim oldCatchBlock = _currentCatchBlock
_currentCatchBlock = catchBlock
Dim typeCheckFailedLabel As Object = Nothing
Dim exceptionSource = catchBlock.ExceptionSourceOpt
Dim exceptionType As Cci.ITypeReference
If exceptionSource IsNot Nothing Then
exceptionType = Me._module.Translate(exceptionSource.Type, exceptionSource.Syntax, _diagnostics)
' if type is not specified it is assumed to be System.Exception
exceptionType = Me._module.Translate(Me._module.Compilation.GetWellKnownType(WellKnownType.System_Exception), catchBlock.Syntax, _diagnostics)
End If
' exception on stack
If catchBlock.ExceptionFilterOpt IsNot Nothing AndAlso catchBlock.ExceptionFilterOpt.Kind = BoundKind.UnstructuredExceptionHandlingCatchFilter Then
' This is a special catch created for Unstructured Exception Handling
Debug.Assert(catchBlock.LocalOpt Is Nothing)
Debug.Assert(exceptionSource Is Nothing)
' Generate the OnError filter.
' The On Error filter catches an exception when a handler is active and the method
' isn't currently in the process of handling an earlier error. We know the method
' is handling an earlier error when we have a valid Resume target.
' The filter expression is the equivalent of:
' Catch e When (TypeOf e Is Exception) And (ActiveHandler <> 0) And (ResumeTarget = 0)
Dim filter = DirectCast(catchBlock.ExceptionFilterOpt, BoundUnstructuredExceptionHandlingCatchFilter)
'Determine if the exception object is or inherits from System.Exception
_builder.EmitToken(exceptionType, catchBlock.Syntax, _diagnostics)
' Calculate ActiveHandler <> 0
EmitLocalLoad(filter.ActiveHandlerLocal, used:=True)
' AND the values together.
' Calculate ResumeTarget = 0
EmitLocalLoad(filter.ResumeTargetLocal, used:=True)
' AND the values together.
' Now we are starting the actual handler
_builder.EmitToken(exceptionType, catchBlock.Syntax, _diagnostics)
If ShouldNoteProjectErrors() Then
EmitSetProjectError(catchBlock.Syntax, catchBlock.ErrorLineNumberOpt)
End If
' open appropriate exception handler scope. (Catch or Filter)
' if it is a Filter, emit prologue that checks if the type on the stack
' converts to what we want.
If catchBlock.ExceptionFilterOpt Is Nothing Then
_builder.OpenLocalScope(ScopeType.Catch, exceptionType)
If catchBlock.IsSynthesizedAsyncCatchAll Then
Debug.Assert(_asyncCatchHandlerOffset < 0)
_asyncCatchHandlerOffset = _builder.AllocateILMarker()
End If
' Filtering starts with simulating regular Catch through an imperative type check
' If this is not our type, then we are done
Dim typeCheckPassedLabel As New Object
typeCheckFailedLabel = New Object
_builder.EmitToken(exceptionType, catchBlock.Syntax, _diagnostics)
_builder.EmitBranch(ILOpCode.Brtrue, typeCheckPassedLabel)
_builder.EmitBranch(ILOpCode.Br, typeCheckFailedLabel)
End If
' define local if we have one
Dim localOpt = catchBlock.LocalOpt
If localOpt IsNot Nothing Then
' TODO: this local can be released when we can release named locals.
Dim declNodes = localOpt.DeclaringSyntaxReferences
DefineLocal(localOpt, If(Not declNodes.IsEmpty, DirectCast(declNodes(0).GetSyntax(), VisualBasicSyntaxNode), catchBlock.Syntax))
End If
' assign the exception variable if we have one
If exceptionSource IsNot Nothing Then
If ShouldNoteProjectErrors() Then
EmitSetProjectError(catchBlock.Syntax, catchBlock.ErrorLineNumberOpt)
End If
' here we have our exception on the stack in a form of a reference type (O)
' it means that we have to "unbox" it before storing to the local
' if exception's type is a generic type parameter.
If exceptionSource.Type.IsTypeParameter Then
EmitSymbolToken(exceptionSource.Type, exceptionSource.Syntax)
End If
' TODO: parts of the following code is common with AssignmentExpression
' the only major difference is that assignee is on the stack
' consider factoring out common code.
While exceptionSource.Kind = BoundKind.Sequence
Dim seq = DirectCast(exceptionSource, BoundSequence)
If seq.ValueOpt Is Nothing Then
Exit While
exceptionSource = seq.ValueOpt
End If
End While
Select Case exceptionSource.Kind
Case BoundKind.Local
Debug.Assert(Not DirectCast(exceptionSource, BoundLocal).LocalSymbol.IsByRef)
_builder.EmitLocalStore(GetLocal(DirectCast(exceptionSource, BoundLocal)))
Case BoundKind.Parameter
Dim left = DirectCast(exceptionSource, BoundParameter)
' When assigning to a byref param
' we need to push param address below the exception
If left.ParameterSymbol.IsByRef Then
Dim temp = AllocateTemp(exceptionSource.Type, exceptionSource.Syntax)
End If
Case BoundKind.FieldAccess
Dim left = DirectCast(exceptionSource, BoundFieldAccess)
If Not left.FieldSymbol.IsShared Then
Dim stateMachineField = TryCast(left.FieldSymbol, StateMachineFieldSymbol)
If (stateMachineField IsNot Nothing) AndAlso (stateMachineField.SlotIndex >= 0) Then
End If
' When assigning to a field
' we need to push param address below the exception
Dim temp = AllocateTemp(exceptionSource.Type, exceptionSource.Syntax)
Dim receiver = left.ReceiverOpt
' EmitFieldReceiver will handle receivers with type parameter type,
' but we do not know of a test case that will get here with receiver
' of type T. The assert is here to catch such a case. If the assert
' fails, remove the assert and add a corresponding test case.
Debug.Assert(receiver.Type.TypeKind <> TypeKind.TypeParameter)
Dim temp1 = EmitReceiverRef(receiver, isAccessConstrained:=False, addressKind:=AddressKind.[ReadOnly])
Debug.Assert(temp1 Is Nothing, "temp is unexpected when assigning to a field")
End If
Case Else
Throw ExceptionUtilities.UnexpectedValue(exceptionSource.Kind)
End Select
If ShouldNoteProjectErrors() Then
EmitSetProjectError(catchBlock.Syntax, catchBlock.ErrorLineNumberOpt)
End If
End If
' emit the actual filter expression, if we have one,
' and normalize results
If catchBlock.ExceptionFilterOpt IsNot Nothing Then
EmitCondExpr(catchBlock.ExceptionFilterOpt, True)
' Normalize the return value because values other than 0 or 1 produce unspecified results.
' Now we are starting the actual handler
'pop the exception, it should have been already stored to the variable by the filter.
End If
End If
' emit actual handler body
' Note that it is a block so it will introduce its own scope for locals
' it should also have access to the exception local if we have declared one
' as that is scoped to the whole Catch/Filter
' if the end of handler is reachable we should clear project errors.
' (if unreachable, this will not be emitted)
If ShouldNoteProjectErrors() AndAlso
(catchBlock.ExceptionFilterOpt Is Nothing OrElse catchBlock.ExceptionFilterOpt.Kind <> BoundKind.UnstructuredExceptionHandlingCatchFilter) Then
End If
_currentCatchBlock = oldCatchBlock
End Sub
''' <summary>
''' Tells if we should emit [Set/Clear]ProjectErrors when entering/leaving handlers
''' </summary>
Private Function ShouldNoteProjectErrors() As Boolean
Return Not Me._module.SourceModule.ContainingSourceAssembly.IsVbRuntime
End Function
Private Sub EmitSetProjectError(syntaxNode As SyntaxNode, errorLineNumberOpt As BoundExpression)
Dim setProjectErrorMethod As MethodSymbol
If errorLineNumberOpt Is Nothing Then
setProjectErrorMethod = DirectCast(Me._module.Compilation.GetWellKnownTypeMember(WellKnownMember.Microsoft_VisualBasic_CompilerServices_ProjectData__SetProjectError), MethodSymbol)
' consumes exception object from the stack
_builder.EmitOpCode(ILOpCode.Call, -1)
setProjectErrorMethod = DirectCast(Me._module.Compilation.GetWellKnownTypeMember(WellKnownMember.Microsoft_VisualBasic_CompilerServices_ProjectData__SetProjectError_Int32), MethodSymbol)
EmitExpression(errorLineNumberOpt, used:=True)
' consumes exception object from the stack and the error line number
_builder.EmitOpCode(ILOpCode.Call, -2)
End If
Me.EmitSymbolToken(setProjectErrorMethod, syntaxNode)
End Sub
Private Sub EmitClearProjectError(syntaxNode As SyntaxNode)
Const clearProjectError As WellKnownMember = WellKnownMember.Microsoft_VisualBasic_CompilerServices_ProjectData__ClearProjectError
Dim clearProjectErrorMethod = DirectCast(Me._module.Compilation.GetWellKnownTypeMember(clearProjectError), MethodSymbol)
' void static with no arguments
_builder.EmitOpCode(ILOpCode.Call, 0)
Me.EmitSymbolToken(clearProjectErrorMethod, syntaxNode)
End Sub
' specifies whether emitted conditional expression was a constant true/false or not a constant
Private Enum ConstResKind
End Enum
Private Sub EmitConditionalGoto(boundConditionalGoto As BoundConditionalGoto)
Dim label As Object = boundConditionalGoto.Label
Debug.Assert(label IsNot Nothing)
EmitCondBranch(boundConditionalGoto.Condition, label, boundConditionalGoto.JumpIfTrue)
End Sub
' 3.17 The brfalse instruction transfers control to target if value (of type int32, int64, object reference, managed
'pointer, unmanaged pointer or native int) is zero (false). If value is non-zero (true), execution continues at
'the next instruction.
Private Function CanPassToBrfalse(ts As TypeSymbol) As Boolean
If ts.IsEnumType Then
' valid enums are all primitives
Return True
End If
Dim tc = ts.PrimitiveTypeCode
Select Case tc
Case Cci.PrimitiveTypeCode.Float32, Cci.PrimitiveTypeCode.Float64
Return False
Case Cci.PrimitiveTypeCode.NotPrimitive
' if this is a generic type param, verifier will want us to box
' EmitCondBranch knows that
Return ts.IsReferenceType
Case Else
Debug.Assert(tc <> Cci.PrimitiveTypeCode.Invalid)
Debug.Assert(tc <> Cci.PrimitiveTypeCode.Void)
Return True
End Select
End Function
Private Function TryReduce(condition As BoundBinaryOperator, ByRef sense As Boolean) As BoundExpression
Dim opKind = condition.OperatorKind And BinaryOperatorKind.OpMask
Debug.Assert(opKind = BinaryOperatorKind.Equals OrElse
opKind = BinaryOperatorKind.NotEquals OrElse
opKind = BinaryOperatorKind.Is OrElse
opKind = BinaryOperatorKind.IsNot)
Dim nonConstOp As BoundExpression
Dim constOp As ConstantValue = condition.Left.ConstantValueOpt
If constOp IsNot Nothing Then
nonConstOp = condition.Right
constOp = condition.Right.ConstantValueOpt
If constOp Is Nothing Then
Return Nothing
End If
nonConstOp = condition.Left
End If
Dim nonConstType = nonConstOp.Type
Debug.Assert(nonConstType IsNot Nothing OrElse (nonConstOp.IsNothingLiteral() AndAlso (opKind = BinaryOperatorKind.Is OrElse opKind = BinaryOperatorKind.IsNot)))
If nonConstType IsNot Nothing AndAlso Not CanPassToBrfalse(nonConstType) Then
Return Nothing
End If
Dim isBool As Boolean = nonConstType IsNot Nothing AndAlso nonConstType.PrimitiveTypeCode = Microsoft.Cci.PrimitiveTypeCode.Boolean
Dim isZero As Boolean = constOp.IsDefaultValue
If Not isBool AndAlso Not isZero Then
Return Nothing
End If
If isZero Then
sense = Not sense
End If
If opKind = BinaryOperatorKind.NotEquals OrElse opKind = BinaryOperatorKind.IsNot Then
sense = Not sense
End If
Return nonConstOp
End Function
Private Const s_IL_OP_CODE_ROW_LENGTH = 4
' // < <= > >=
' ILOpCode.Blt, ILOpCode.Ble, ILOpCode.Bgt, ILOpCode.Bge, // Signed
' ILOpCode.Bge, ILOpCode.Bgt, ILOpCode.Ble, ILOpCode.Blt, // Signed Invert
' ILOpCode.Blt_un, ILOpCode.Ble_un, ILOpCode.Bgt_un, ILOpCode.Bge_un, // Unsigned
' ILOpCode.Bge_un, ILOpCode.Bgt_un, ILOpCode.Ble_un, ILOpCode.Blt_un, // Unsigned Invert
' ILOpCode.Blt, ILOpCode.Ble, ILOpCode.Bgt, ILOpCode.Bge, // Float
' ILOpCode.Bge_un, ILOpCode.Bgt_un, ILOpCode.Ble_un, ILOpCode.Blt_un, // Float Invert
Private Shared ReadOnly s_condJumpOpCodes As ILOpCode() = New ILOpCode() {
ILOpCode.Blt, ILOpCode.Ble, ILOpCode.Bgt, ILOpCode.Bge,
ILOpCode.Bge, ILOpCode.Bgt, ILOpCode.Ble, ILOpCode.Blt,
ILOpCode.Blt_un, ILOpCode.Ble_un, ILOpCode.Bgt_un, ILOpCode.Bge_un,
ILOpCode.Bge_un, ILOpCode.Bgt_un, ILOpCode.Ble_un, ILOpCode.Blt_un,
ILOpCode.Blt, ILOpCode.Ble, ILOpCode.Bgt, ILOpCode.Bge,
ILOpCode.Bge_un, ILOpCode.Bgt_un, ILOpCode.Ble_un, ILOpCode.Blt_un}
Private Function CodeForJump(expression As BoundBinaryOperator, sense As Boolean, <Out()> ByRef revOpCode As ILOpCode) As ILOpCode
Dim opIdx As Integer
Dim opKind = (expression.OperatorKind And BinaryOperatorKind.OpMask)
Dim operandType = expression.Left.Type
Debug.Assert(operandType IsNot Nothing OrElse (expression.Left.IsNothingLiteral() AndAlso (opKind = BinaryOperatorKind.Is OrElse opKind = BinaryOperatorKind.IsNot)))
If operandType IsNot Nothing AndAlso operandType.IsBooleanType() Then
' Since VB True is -1 but is stored as 1 in IL, relational operations on Boolean must
' be reversed to yield the correct results. Note that = and <> do not need reversal.
Select Case opKind
Case BinaryOperatorKind.LessThan
opKind = BinaryOperatorKind.GreaterThan
Case BinaryOperatorKind.LessThanOrEqual
opKind = BinaryOperatorKind.GreaterThanOrEqual
Case BinaryOperatorKind.GreaterThan
opKind = BinaryOperatorKind.LessThan
Case BinaryOperatorKind.GreaterThanOrEqual
opKind = BinaryOperatorKind.LessThanOrEqual
End Select
End If
Select Case opKind
Case BinaryOperatorKind.IsNot
Return If(sense, ILOpCode.Bne_un, ILOpCode.Beq)
Case BinaryOperatorKind.Is
Return If(sense, ILOpCode.Beq, ILOpCode.Bne_un)
Case BinaryOperatorKind.Equals
Return If(sense, ILOpCode.Beq, ILOpCode.Bne_un)
Case BinaryOperatorKind.NotEquals
Return If(sense, ILOpCode.Bne_un, ILOpCode.Beq)
Case BinaryOperatorKind.LessThan
opIdx = 0
Case BinaryOperatorKind.LessThanOrEqual
opIdx = 1
Case BinaryOperatorKind.GreaterThan
opIdx = 2
Case BinaryOperatorKind.GreaterThanOrEqual
opIdx = 3
Case Else
Throw ExceptionUtilities.UnexpectedValue(opKind)
End Select
If operandType IsNot Nothing Then
If operandType.IsUnsignedIntegralType() Then
opIdx += 2 * s_IL_OP_CODE_ROW_LENGTH 'unsigned
If operandType.IsFloatingType() Then
opIdx += 4 * s_IL_OP_CODE_ROW_LENGTH 'float
End If
End If
End If
Dim revOpIdx = opIdx
If Not sense Then
opIdx += s_IL_OP_CODE_ROW_LENGTH 'invert op
revOpIdx += s_IL_OP_CODE_ROW_LENGTH 'invert orev
End If
revOpCode = s_condJumpOpCodes(revOpIdx)
Return s_condJumpOpCodes(opIdx)
End Function
' generate a jump to dest if (condition == sense) is true
' it is ok if lazyDest is Nothing
' if lazyDest is needed it will be initialized to a new object
Private Sub EmitCondBranch(condition As BoundExpression, ByRef lazyDest As Object, sense As Boolean)
_recursionDepth += 1
If _recursionDepth > 1 Then
EmitCondBranchCore(condition, lazyDest, sense)
EmitCondBranchCoreWithStackGuard(condition, lazyDest, sense)
End If
_recursionDepth -= 1
End Sub
Private Sub EmitCondBranchCoreWithStackGuard(condition As BoundExpression, ByRef lazyDest As Object, sense As Boolean)
Debug.Assert(_recursionDepth = 1)
EmitCondBranchCore(condition, lazyDest, sense)
Debug.Assert(_recursionDepth = 1)
Catch ex As InsufficientExecutionStackException
Throw New EmitCancelledException()
End Try
End Sub
Private Sub EmitCondBranchCore(condition As BoundExpression, ByRef lazyDest As Object, sense As Boolean)
Dim ilcode As ILOpCode
Dim constExprValue = condition.ConstantValueOpt
If constExprValue IsNot Nothing Then
' make sure that only the bool bits are set or it is a Nothing literal
' or it is a string literal in which case it is equal to True
Debug.Assert(constExprValue.Discriminator = ConstantValueTypeDiscriminator.Boolean OrElse
constExprValue.Discriminator = ConstantValueTypeDiscriminator.String OrElse
Dim taken As Boolean = constExprValue.IsDefaultValue <> sense
If taken Then
lazyDest = If(lazyDest, New Object())
_builder.EmitBranch(ILOpCode.Br, lazyDest)
' otherwise this branch will never be taken, so just fall through...
End If
End If
Select Case condition.Kind
Case BoundKind.BinaryOperator
Dim binOp = DirectCast(condition, BoundBinaryOperator)
Dim testBothArgs As Boolean = sense
Select Case binOp.OperatorKind And BinaryOperatorKind.OpMask
Case BinaryOperatorKind.OrElse
testBothArgs = Not testBothArgs
GoTo BinaryOperatorKindLogicalAnd
Case BinaryOperatorKind.AndAlso
If testBothArgs Then
' gotoif(a != sense) fallThrough
' gotoif(b == sense) dest
' fallThrough:
Dim lazyFallThrough = New Object
EmitCondBranch(binOp.Left, lazyFallThrough, Not sense)
EmitCondBranch(binOp.Right, lazyDest, sense)
If (lazyFallThrough IsNot Nothing) Then
End If
EmitCondBranch(binOp.Left, lazyDest, sense)
condition = binOp.Right
GoTo oneMoreTime
End If
Case BinaryOperatorKind.IsNot,
GoTo BinaryOperatorKindEqualsNotEquals
Case BinaryOperatorKind.Equals,
Dim reduced = TryReduce(binOp, sense)
If reduced IsNot Nothing Then
condition = reduced
GoTo oneMoreTime
End If
GoTo BinaryOperatorKindLessThan
Case BinaryOperatorKind.LessThan,
EmitExpression(binOp.Left, True)
EmitExpression(binOp.Right, True)
Dim revOpCode As ILOpCode
ilcode = CodeForJump(binOp, sense, revOpCode)
lazyDest = If(lazyDest, New Object())
_builder.EmitBranch(ilcode, lazyDest, revOpCode)
End Select
' none of above.
' then it is regular binary expression - Or, And, Xor ...
GoTo OtherExpressions
Case BoundKind.UnaryOperator
Dim unOp = DirectCast(condition, BoundUnaryOperator)
If (unOp.OperatorKind = UnaryOperatorKind.Not) Then
sense = Not sense
condition = unOp.Operand
GoTo oneMoreTime
GoTo OtherExpressions
End If
Case BoundKind.TypeOf
Dim typeOfExpression = DirectCast(condition, BoundTypeOf)
EmitTypeOfExpression(typeOfExpression, used:=True, optimize:=True)
If typeOfExpression.IsTypeOfIsNotExpression Then
sense = Not sense
End If
ilcode = If(sense, ILOpCode.Brtrue, ILOpCode.Brfalse)
lazyDest = If(lazyDest, New Object())
_builder.EmitBranch(ilcode, lazyDest)
#If False Then
Case BoundKind.AsOperator
Dim asOp = DirectCast(condition, BoundIsOperator)
EmitExpression(asOp.Operand, True)
ilcode = If(sense, ILOpCode.Brtrue, ILOpCode.Brfalse)
_builder.EmitBranch(ilcode, dest)
#End If
Case BoundKind.Sequence
Dim sequence = DirectCast(condition, BoundSequence)
EmitSequenceCondBranch(sequence, lazyDest, sense)
Case Else
EmitExpression(condition, True)
Dim conditionType = condition.Type
If Not conditionType.IsValueType AndAlso Not IsVerifierReference(conditionType) Then
EmitBox(conditionType, condition.Syntax)
End If
ilcode = If(sense, ILOpCode.Brtrue, ILOpCode.Brfalse)
lazyDest = If(lazyDest, New Object())
_builder.EmitBranch(ilcode, lazyDest)
End Select
End Sub
Private Sub ValidateReferenceEqualityOperands(binOp As BoundBinaryOperator)
Debug.Assert(binOp.Left.IsNothingLiteral() OrElse binOp.Left.Type.SpecialType = SpecialType.System_Object OrElse binOp.WasCompilerGenerated)
Debug.Assert(binOp.Right.IsNothingLiteral() OrElse binOp.Right.Type.SpecialType = SpecialType.System_Object OrElse binOp.WasCompilerGenerated)
End Sub
'TODO: is this to fold value? Same in C#?
Private Sub EmitSequenceCondBranch(sequence As BoundSequence, ByRef lazyDest As Object, sense As Boolean)
Dim hasLocals As Boolean = Not sequence.Locals.IsEmpty
If hasLocals Then
For Each local In sequence.Locals
Me.DefineLocal(local, sequence.Syntax)
End If
Debug.Assert(sequence.ValueOpt IsNot Nothing)
Me.EmitCondBranch(sequence.ValueOpt, lazyDest, sense)
If hasLocals Then
For Each local In sequence.Locals
End If
End Sub
Private Sub EmitLabelStatement(boundLabelStatement As BoundLabelStatement)
End Sub
Private Sub EmitGotoStatement(boundGotoStatement As BoundGotoStatement)
' if branch leaves current Catch block we need to emit ClearProjectError()
If ShouldNoteProjectErrors() Then
If _currentCatchBlock IsNot Nothing AndAlso
(_currentCatchBlock.ExceptionFilterOpt Is Nothing OrElse _currentCatchBlock.ExceptionFilterOpt.Kind <> BoundKind.UnstructuredExceptionHandlingCatchFilter) AndAlso
Not LabelFinder.NodeContainsLabel(_currentCatchBlock, boundGotoStatement.Label) Then
End If
End If
_builder.EmitBranch(ILOpCode.Br, boundGotoStatement.Label)
End Sub
''' <summary>
''' tells if given node contains a label statement that defines given label symbol
''' </summary>
Private Class LabelFinder
Inherits StatementWalker
Private ReadOnly _label As LabelSymbol
Private _found As Boolean = False
Private Sub New(label As LabelSymbol)
Me._label = label
End Sub
Public Overrides Function Visit(node As BoundNode) As BoundNode
If Not _found AndAlso TypeOf node IsNot BoundExpression Then
Return MyBase.Visit(node)
End If
Return Nothing
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitLabelStatement(node As BoundLabelStatement) As BoundNode
If node.Label Is Me._label Then
_found = True
End If
Return MyBase.VisitLabelStatement(node)
End Function
Public Shared Function NodeContainsLabel(node As BoundNode, label As LabelSymbol) As Boolean
Dim finder = New LabelFinder(label)
Return finder._found
End Function
End Class
Private Sub EmitReturnStatement(boundReturnStatement As BoundReturnStatement)
Me.EmitExpression(boundReturnStatement.ExpressionOpt, True)
_builder.EmitRet(boundReturnStatement.ExpressionOpt Is Nothing)
End Sub
Private Sub EmitThrowStatement(boundThrowStatement As BoundThrowStatement)
Dim operand = boundThrowStatement.ExpressionOpt
If operand IsNot Nothing Then
EmitExpression(operand, used:=True)
Dim operandType = operand.Type
' "Throw Nothing" is not supported by the language
' so operand.Type should always be set.
Debug.Assert(operandType IsNot Nothing)
If (operandType IsNot Nothing) AndAlso (operandType.TypeKind = TypeKind.TypeParameter) Then
EmitBox(operandType, operand.Syntax)
End If
End If
_builder.EmitThrow(operand Is Nothing)
End Sub
Private Sub EmitSelectStatement(boundSelectStatement As BoundSelectStatement)
Dim selectExpression = boundSelectStatement.ExpressionStatement.Expression
Dim caseBlocks = boundSelectStatement.CaseBlocks
Dim exitLabel = boundSelectStatement.ExitLabel
Dim fallThroughLabel = exitLabel
Debug.Assert(selectExpression.Type IsNot Nothing)
' Create labels for case blocks
Dim caseBlockLabels As ImmutableArray(Of GeneratedLabelSymbol) = CreateCaseBlockLabels(caseBlocks)
' Create an array of key value pairs (key: case clause constant value, value: case block label)
' for emitting switch table based header.
' This function also ensures the correct fallThroughLabel is set, i.e. case else block label if one exists, otherwise exit label.
Dim caseLabelsForEmit As KeyValuePair(Of ConstantValue, Object)() = GetCaseLabelsForEmitSwitchHeader(caseBlocks, caseBlockLabels, fallThroughLabel)
' Emit switch table header
EmitSwitchTableHeader(selectExpression, caseLabelsForEmit, fallThroughLabel)
' Emit case blocks
EmitCaseBlocks(caseBlocks, caseBlockLabels, exitLabel)
' Emit exit label
End Sub
' Create a label for each case block
Private Function CreateCaseBlockLabels(caseBlocks As ImmutableArray(Of BoundCaseBlock)) As ImmutableArray(Of GeneratedLabelSymbol)
Debug.Assert(Not caseBlocks.IsEmpty)
Dim caseBlockLabels = ArrayBuilder(Of GeneratedLabelSymbol).GetInstance(caseBlocks.Length)
Dim cur As Integer = 0
For Each caseBlock In caseBlocks
cur = cur + 1
caseBlockLabels.Add(New GeneratedLabelSymbol("Case Block " + cur.ToString()))
Return caseBlockLabels.ToImmutableAndFree()
End Function
' Creates an array of key value pairs (key: case clause constant value, value: case block label)
' for emitting switch table based header.
' This function also ensures the correct fallThroughLabel is set, i.e. case else block label if one exists, otherwise exit label.
Private Function GetCaseLabelsForEmitSwitchHeader(
caseBlocks As ImmutableArray(Of BoundCaseBlock),
caseBlockLabels As ImmutableArray(Of GeneratedLabelSymbol),
ByRef fallThroughLabel As LabelSymbol
) As KeyValuePair(Of ConstantValue, Object)()
Debug.Assert(Not caseBlocks.IsEmpty)
Debug.Assert(Not caseBlockLabels.IsEmpty)
Debug.Assert(caseBlocks.Length = caseBlockLabels.Length)
Dim labelsBuilder = ArrayBuilder(Of KeyValuePair(Of ConstantValue, Object)).GetInstance()
Dim constantsSet = New HashSet(Of ConstantValue)(New SwitchConstantValueHelper.SwitchLabelsComparer())
Dim cur As Integer = 0
For Each caseBlock In caseBlocks
Dim caseBlockLabel = caseBlockLabels(cur)
Dim caseClauses = caseBlock.CaseStatement.CaseClauses
If caseClauses.Any() Then
For Each caseClause In caseClauses
Dim constant As ConstantValue
Select Case caseClause.Kind
Case BoundKind.SimpleCaseClause
Dim simpleCaseClause = DirectCast(caseClause, BoundSimpleCaseClause)
Debug.Assert(simpleCaseClause.ValueOpt IsNot Nothing)
Debug.Assert(simpleCaseClause.ConditionOpt Is Nothing)
constant = simpleCaseClause.ValueOpt.ConstantValueOpt
Case BoundKind.RelationalCaseClause
Dim relationalCaseClause = DirectCast(caseClause, BoundRelationalCaseClause)
Debug.Assert(relationalCaseClause.OperatorKind = BinaryOperatorKind.Equals)
Debug.Assert(relationalCaseClause.ValueOpt IsNot Nothing)
Debug.Assert(relationalCaseClause.ConditionOpt Is Nothing)
constant = relationalCaseClause.ValueOpt.ConstantValueOpt
Case BoundKind.RangeCaseClause
' TODO: For now we use IF lists if we encounter
' TODO: BoundRangeCaseClause, we should not reach here.
Throw ExceptionUtilities.UnexpectedValue(caseClause.Kind)
Case Else
Throw ExceptionUtilities.UnexpectedValue(caseClause.Kind)
End Select
Debug.Assert(constant IsNot Nothing)
' If we have duplicate case value constants, use the lexically first case constant.
If Not constantsSet.Contains(constant) Then
labelsBuilder.Add(New KeyValuePair(Of ConstantValue, Object)(constant, caseBlockLabel))
End If
Debug.Assert(caseBlock.Syntax.Kind = SyntaxKind.CaseElseBlock)
' We have a case else block, update the fallThroughLabel to the corresponding caseBlockLabel
fallThroughLabel = caseBlockLabel
End If
cur = cur + 1
Return labelsBuilder.ToArrayAndFree()
End Function
Private Sub EmitSwitchTableHeader(selectExpression As BoundExpression, caseLabels As KeyValuePair(Of ConstantValue, Object)(), fallThroughLabel As LabelSymbol)
Debug.Assert(selectExpression.Type IsNot Nothing)
Debug.Assert(caseLabels IsNot Nothing)
If Not caseLabels.Any() Then
' No case labels, emit branch to fallThroughLabel
_builder.EmitBranch(ILOpCode.Br, fallThroughLabel)
Dim exprType = selectExpression.Type
Dim temp As LocalDefinition = Nothing
If exprType.SpecialType <> SpecialType.System_String Then
If selectExpression.Kind = BoundKind.Local AndAlso Not DirectCast(selectExpression, BoundLocal).LocalSymbol.IsByRef Then
_builder.EmitIntegerSwitchJumpTable(caseLabels, fallThroughLabel, GetLocal(DirectCast(selectExpression, BoundLocal)), keyTypeCode:=exprType.GetEnumUnderlyingTypeOrSelf.PrimitiveTypeCode)
ElseIf selectExpression.Kind = BoundKind.Parameter AndAlso Not DirectCast(selectExpression, BoundParameter).ParameterSymbol.IsByRef Then
_builder.EmitIntegerSwitchJumpTable(caseLabels, fallThroughLabel, ParameterSlot(DirectCast(selectExpression, BoundParameter)), keyTypeCode:=exprType.GetEnumUnderlyingTypeOrSelf.PrimitiveTypeCode)
EmitExpression(selectExpression, True)
temp = AllocateTemp(exprType, selectExpression.Syntax)
_builder.EmitIntegerSwitchJumpTable(caseLabels, fallThroughLabel, temp, keyTypeCode:=exprType.GetEnumUnderlyingTypeOrSelf.PrimitiveTypeCode)
End If
If selectExpression.Kind = BoundKind.Local AndAlso Not DirectCast(selectExpression, BoundLocal).LocalSymbol.IsByRef Then
EmitStringSwitchJumpTable(caseLabels, fallThroughLabel, GetLocal(DirectCast(selectExpression, BoundLocal)), selectExpression.Syntax)
EmitExpression(selectExpression, True)
temp = AllocateTemp(exprType, selectExpression.Syntax)
EmitStringSwitchJumpTable(caseLabels, fallThroughLabel, temp, selectExpression.Syntax)
End If
End If
If temp IsNot Nothing Then
End If
End If
End Sub
Private Sub EmitStringSwitchJumpTable(caseLabels As KeyValuePair(Of ConstantValue, Object)(), fallThroughLabel As LabelSymbol, key As LocalDefinition, syntaxNode As SyntaxNode)
Dim genHashTableSwitch As Boolean = SwitchStringJumpTableEmitter.ShouldGenerateHashTableSwitch(caseLabels.Length)
Dim keyHash As LocalDefinition = Nothing
If genHashTableSwitch Then
Dim privateImplClass = _module.GetPrivateImplClass(syntaxNode, _diagnostics)
Dim stringHashMethodRef As Microsoft.Cci.IReference = privateImplClass.GetMethod(PrivateImplementationDetails.SynthesizedStringHashFunctionName)
Debug.Assert(stringHashMethodRef IsNot Nothing)
' static uint ComputeStringHash(string s)
' pop 1 (s)
' push 1 (uint return value)
' stackAdjustment = (pushCount - popCount) = 0
_builder.EmitOpCode(ILOpCode.[Call], stackAdjustment:=0)
_builder.EmitToken(stringHashMethodRef, syntaxNode, _diagnostics)
Dim UInt32Type = DirectCast(_module.GetSpecialType(SpecialType.System_UInt32, syntaxNode, _diagnostics).GetInternalSymbol(), TypeSymbol)
keyHash = AllocateTemp(UInt32Type, syntaxNode)
End If
' Prefer embedded version of the member if present
Dim embeddedOperatorsType As NamedTypeSymbol = Me._module.Compilation.GetWellKnownType(WellKnownType.Microsoft_VisualBasic_CompilerServices_EmbeddedOperators)
Dim compareStringMember As WellKnownMember =
If(embeddedOperatorsType.IsErrorType AndAlso TypeOf embeddedOperatorsType Is MissingMetadataTypeSymbol,
Dim stringCompareMethod = DirectCast(Me._module.Compilation.GetWellKnownTypeMember(compareStringMember), MethodSymbol)
Dim stringCompareMethodRef As Cci.IReference = Me._module.Translate(stringCompareMethod, needDeclaration:=False, syntaxNodeOpt:=syntaxNode, diagnostics:=_diagnostics)
Dim compareDelegate As SwitchStringJumpTableEmitter.EmitStringCompareAndBranch =
Sub(keyArg, stringConstant, targetLabel)
EmitStringCompareAndBranch(keyArg, syntaxNode, stringConstant, targetLabel, stringCompareMethodRef)
End Sub
AddressOf SynthesizedStringSwitchHashMethod.ComputeStringHash)
If keyHash IsNot Nothing Then
End If
End Sub
''' <summary>
''' Delegate to emit string compare call and conditional branch based on the compare result.
''' </summary>
''' <param name="key">Key to compare</param>
''' <param name="syntaxNode">Node for diagnostics</param>
''' <param name="stringConstant">Case constant to compare the key against</param>
''' <param name="targetLabel">Target label to branch to if key = stringConstant</param>
''' <param name="stringCompareMethodRef">String equality method</param>
Private Sub EmitStringCompareAndBranch(key As LocalOrParameter, syntaxNode As SyntaxNode, stringConstant As ConstantValue, targetLabel As Object, stringCompareMethodRef As Microsoft.Cci.IReference)
' Emit compare and branch:
' If key = stringConstant Then
' Goto targetLabel
' End If
Debug.Assert(stringCompareMethodRef IsNot Nothing)
#If DEBUG Then
Dim assertDiagnostics = DiagnosticBag.GetInstance()
Debug.Assert(stringCompareMethodRef Is Me._module.Translate(DirectCast(
If(TypeOf Me._module.Compilation.GetWellKnownType(WellKnownType.Microsoft_VisualBasic_CompilerServices_EmbeddedOperators) Is MissingMetadataTypeSymbol,
Me._module.Compilation.GetWellKnownTypeMember(WellKnownMember.Microsoft_VisualBasic_CompilerServices_EmbeddedOperators__CompareStringStringStringBoolean)), MethodSymbol), needDeclaration:=False,
syntaxNodeOpt:=DirectCast(syntaxNode, VisualBasicSyntaxNode), diagnostics:=assertDiagnostics))
#End If
' Public Shared Function CompareString(Left As String, Right As String, TextCompare As Boolean) As Integer
' pop 3 (Left, Right, TextCompare)
' push 1 (Integer return value)
' stackAdjustment = (pushCount - popCount) = -2
' NOTE: We generate string switch table only for Option Compare Binary, i.e. TextCompare = False
_builder.EmitOpCode(ILOpCode.Call, stackAdjustment:=-2)
_builder.EmitToken(stringCompareMethodRef, syntaxNode, _diagnostics)
' CompareString returns 0 if Left and Right strings are equal.
' Branch to targetLabel if CompareString returned 0.
_builder.EmitBranch(ILOpCode.Brfalse, targetLabel, ILOpCode.Brtrue)
End Sub
Private Sub EmitCaseBlocks(caseBlocks As ImmutableArray(Of BoundCaseBlock), caseBlockLabels As ImmutableArray(Of GeneratedLabelSymbol), exitLabel As LabelSymbol)
Debug.Assert(Not caseBlocks.IsEmpty)
Debug.Assert(Not caseBlockLabels.IsEmpty)
Debug.Assert(caseBlocks.Length = caseBlockLabels.Length)
Dim cur As Integer = 0
For Each caseBlock In caseBlocks
' Emit case block label
cur = cur + 1
' Emit case statement sequence point
Dim caseStatement = caseBlock.CaseStatement
If Not caseStatement.WasCompilerGenerated Then
Debug.Assert(caseStatement.Syntax IsNot Nothing)
If _emitPdbSequencePoints Then
End If
If _ilEmitStyle = ILEmitStyle.Debug Then
' Emit nop for the case statement otherwise the above sequence point
' will get associated with the first statement in subsequent case block.
' This matches the native compiler codegen.
End If
End If
' Emit case block body
' Emit a branch to exit label
_builder.EmitBranch(ILOpCode.Br, exitLabel)
End Sub
Private Sub EmitBlock(scope As BoundBlock)
Dim hasLocals As Boolean = Not scope.Locals.IsEmpty
If hasLocals Then
For Each local In scope.Locals
Dim declNodes = local.DeclaringSyntaxReferences
Me.DefineLocal(local, If(declNodes.IsEmpty, scope.Syntax, declNodes(0).GetVisualBasicSyntax()))
End If
For Each statement In scope.Statements
If hasLocals Then
'TODO: can we free any locals here? Perhaps nameless temps?
End If
End Sub
Private Function DefineLocal(local As LocalSymbol, syntaxNode As SyntaxNode) As LocalDefinition
Dim dynamicTransformFlags = ImmutableArray(Of Boolean).Empty
Dim tupleElementNames = If(Not local.IsCompilerGenerated AndAlso local.Type.ContainsTupleNames(),
ImmutableArray(Of String).Empty)
' We're treating constants of type Decimal and DateTime as local here to not create a new instance for each time
' the value is accessed. This means there will be one local in the scope for this constant.
' This has the side effect that this constant will later on appear in the PDB file as a common local and one is able
' to modify the value in the debugger (which is a regression from Dev10).
' To fix this while keeping the behavior of having just one local for the const, one would need to preserve the
' information that this local is a ConstantButNotMetadataConstant (update ScopeManager.DeclareLocal & LocalDefinition)
' and modify PEWriter.Initialize to DefineLocalConstant instead of DefineLocalVariable if the local is
' ConstantButNotMetadataConstant.
' See bug #11047
If local.HasConstantValue Then
Dim compileTimeValue As MetadataConstant = _module.CreateConstant(local.Type, local.ConstantValue, syntaxNode, _diagnostics)
Dim localConstantDef = New LocalConstantDefinition(
If(local.Locations.FirstOrDefault(), Location.None),
' Reference in the scope for debugging purpose
Return Nothing
End If
If Me.IsStackLocal(local) Then
Return Nothing
End If
Dim translatedType = _module.Translate(local.Type, syntaxNodeOpt:=syntaxNode, diagnostics:=_diagnostics)
' Even though we don't need the token immediately, we will need it later when signature for the local is emitted.
' Also, requesting the token has side-effect of registering types used, which is critical for embedded types (NoPia, VBCore, etc).
_module.GetFakeSymbolTokenForIL(translatedType, syntaxNode, _diagnostics)
Dim constraints = If(local.IsByRef, LocalSlotConstraints.ByRef, LocalSlotConstraints.None) Or
If(local.IsPinned, LocalSlotConstraints.Pinned, LocalSlotConstraints.None)
Dim localId As LocalDebugId = Nothing
Dim name As String = GetLocalDebugName(local, localId)
Dim synthesizedKind = local.SynthesizedKind
Dim localDef = _builder.LocalSlotManager.DeclareLocal(
isSlotReusable:=synthesizedKind.IsSlotReusable(_ilEmitStyle <> ILEmitStyle.Release))
' If named, add it to the local debug scope.
If localDef.Name IsNot Nothing Then
End If
Return localDef
End Function
''' <summary>
''' Gets the name And id of the local that are going to be generated into the debug metadata.
''' </summary>
Private Function GetLocalDebugName(local As LocalSymbol, <Out> ByRef localId As LocalDebugId) As String
localId = LocalDebugId.None
If local.IsImportedFromMetadata Then
Return local.Name
End If
' We include function value locals in async and iterator methods so that appropriate
' errors can be reported when users attempt to refer to them. However, there's no
' reason to actually emit them into the resulting MoveNext method, because they will
' never be accessed. Unfortunately, for implementation-specific reasons, dropping them
' would be non-trivial. Instead, we drop their names so that they do not appear while
' debugging (esp in the Locals window).
If local.DeclarationKind = LocalDeclarationKind.FunctionValue AndAlso
TypeOf _method Is SynthesizedStateMachineMethod Then
Return Nothing
End If
Dim localKind = local.SynthesizedKind
' only user-defined locals should be named during lowering:
Debug.Assert((local.Name Is Nothing) = (localKind <> SynthesizedLocalKind.UserDefined))
If Not localKind.IsLongLived() Then
Return Nothing
End If
If _ilEmitStyle = ILEmitStyle.Debug Then
Dim syntax = local.GetDeclaratorSyntax()
Dim syntaxOffset = _method.CalculateLocalSyntaxOffset(syntax.SpanStart, syntax.SyntaxTree)
Dim ordinal = _synthesizedLocalOrdinals.AssignLocalOrdinal(localKind, syntaxOffset)
' user-defined locals should have 0 ordinal
Debug.Assert(ordinal = 0 OrElse localKind <> SynthesizedLocalKind.UserDefined)
localId = New LocalDebugId(syntaxOffset, ordinal)
End If
If local.Name IsNot Nothing Then
Return local.Name
End If
Return GeneratedNames.MakeSynthesizedLocalName(localKind, _uniqueNameId)
End Function
Private Function IsSlotReusable(local As LocalSymbol) As Boolean
Return local.SynthesizedKind.IsSlotReusable(_ilEmitStyle <> ILEmitStyle.Release)
End Function
Private Sub FreeLocal(local As LocalSymbol)
'TODO: releasing locals with name NYI.
'NOTE: VB considers named local's extent to be whole method
' so releasing them may just not be possible.
If local.Name Is Nothing AndAlso IsSlotReusable(local) AndAlso Not IsStackLocal(local) Then
End If
End Sub
''' <summary>
''' Gets already declared and initialized local.
''' </summary>
Private Function GetLocal(localExpression As BoundLocal) As LocalDefinition
Dim symbol = localExpression.LocalSymbol
Return GetLocal(symbol)
End Function
Private Function GetLocal(symbol As LocalSymbol) As LocalDefinition
Return _builder.LocalSlotManager.GetLocal(symbol)
End Function
''' <summary>
''' Allocates a temp without identity.
''' </summary>
Private Function AllocateTemp(type As TypeSymbol, syntaxNode As SyntaxNode) As LocalDefinition
Return _builder.LocalSlotManager.AllocateSlot(
Me._module.Translate(type, syntaxNodeOpt:=syntaxNode, diagnostics:=_diagnostics),
End Function
''' <summary>
''' Frees a temp without identity.
''' </summary>
Private Sub FreeTemp(temp As LocalDefinition)
End Sub
''' <summary>
''' Frees an optional temp.
''' </summary>
Private Sub FreeOptTemp(temp As LocalDefinition)
If temp IsNot Nothing Then
End If
End Sub
Private Sub EmitUnstructuredExceptionOnErrorSwitch(node As BoundUnstructuredExceptionOnErrorSwitch)
EmitExpression(node.Value, used:=True)
End Sub
Private Sub EmitSwitch(jumps As ImmutableArray(Of BoundGotoStatement))
Dim labels(jumps.Length - 1) As Object
For i As Integer = 0 To jumps.Length - 1
labels(i) = jumps(i).Label
End Sub
Private Sub EmitStateMachineScope(scope As BoundStateMachineScope)
For Each field In scope.Fields
Dim stateMachineField = DirectCast(field, StateMachineFieldSymbol)
If stateMachineField.SlotIndex >= 0 Then
End If
End Sub
Private Sub DefineUserDefinedStateMachineHoistedLocal(field As StateMachineFieldSymbol)
Debug.Assert(field.SlotIndex >= 0)
If _module.debugInformationFormat = DebugInformationFormat.Pdb Then
'Native PDBs: VB EE uses name mangling to match up original locals and the fields where they are hoisted
'The scoping information is passed by recording PDB scopes of "fake" locals named the same
'as the fields. These locals are not emitted to IL.
' vb\language\debugger\procedurecontext.cpp
' 813 // Since state machines lift (almost) all locals of a method, the lifted fields should
' 814 // only be shown in the debugger when the original local variable was in scope. So
' 815 // we first check if there's a local by the given name and attempt to remove it from
' 816 // m_localVariableMap. If it was present, we decode the original local's name, otherwise
' 817 // we skip loading this lifted field since it is out of scope.
_builder.AddLocalToScope(New LocalDefinition(
End If
End Sub
Private Sub EmitUnstructuredExceptionResumeSwitch(node As BoundUnstructuredExceptionResumeSwitch)
' Resume statements will branch here. Just load the resume local and
' branch to the switch table
EmitExpression(node.ResumeTargetTemporary, used:=True)
Dim switchLabel As New Object()
_builder.EmitBranch(ILOpCode.Br_s, switchLabel)
' Resume Next statements will branch here. Increment the resume local and
' fall through to the switch table
EmitExpression(node.ResumeTargetTemporary, used:=True)
' now start generating the resume switch table
' but first clear the resume local
End Sub
End Class
End Namespace