File: Lowering\ClosureConversion\ClosureConversion.Analysis.cs
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Project: src\src\Compilers\CSharp\Portable\Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.csproj (Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp)
// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
#nullable disable
using System.Collections.Immutable;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Linq;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CodeGen;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.Symbols;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.Syntax;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Emit;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.PooledObjects;
using Roslyn.Utilities;
namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp
    internal partial class ClosureConversion
        /// <summary>
        /// Perform a first analysis pass in preparation for removing all lambdas from a method body.  The entry point is Analyze.
        /// The results of analysis are placed in the fields seenLambda, blockParent, variableBlock, captured, and captures.
        /// </summary>
        internal sealed partial class Analysis
#nullable enable
            /// <summary>
            /// If a local function is in the set, at some point in the code it is converted to a delegate and should then not be optimized to a struct closure.
            /// Also contains all lambdas (as they are converted to delegates implicitly).
            /// </summary>
            public readonly PooledHashSet<MethodSymbol> MethodsConvertedToDelegates;
            /// <summary>
            /// True if the method signature can be rewritten to contain ref/out parameters.
            /// </summary>
            public bool CanTakeRefParameters(MethodSymbol function)
                => !function.IsAsync && !function.IsIterator
                    // We can't rewrite delegate signatures
                    && !MethodsConvertedToDelegates.Contains(function);
            /// <summary>
            /// The root of the scope tree for this method.
            /// </summary>
            public readonly Scope ScopeTree;
            private readonly MethodSymbol _topLevelMethod;
            private readonly int _topLevelMethodOrdinal;
            private readonly VariableSlotAllocator? _slotAllocator;
            private readonly TypeCompilationState _compilationState;
            private Analysis(
                Scope scopeTree,
                PooledHashSet<MethodSymbol> methodsConvertedToDelegates,
                MethodSymbol topLevelMethod,
                int topLevelMethodOrdinal,
                VariableSlotAllocator? slotAllocator,
                TypeCompilationState compilationState)
                ScopeTree = scopeTree;
                MethodsConvertedToDelegates = methodsConvertedToDelegates;
                _topLevelMethod = topLevelMethod;
                _topLevelMethodOrdinal = topLevelMethodOrdinal;
                _slotAllocator = slotAllocator;
                _compilationState = compilationState;
#nullable disable
            public static Analysis Analyze(
                BoundNode node,
                MethodSymbol method,
                int topLevelMethodOrdinal,
                VariableSlotAllocator slotAllocatorOpt,
                TypeCompilationState compilationState,
                DiagnosticBag diagnostics)
                var methodsConvertedToDelegates = PooledHashSet<MethodSymbol>.GetInstance();
                var scopeTree = ScopeTreeBuilder.Build(
                Debug.Assert(scopeTree != null);
                var analysis = new Analysis(
                if (compilationState.Compilation.Options.OptimizationLevel == OptimizationLevel.Release)
                    // This can affect when a variable is in scope whilst debugging, so only do this in release mode.
                return analysis;
            private static BoundNode FindNodeToAnalyze(BoundNode node)
                while (true)
                    switch (node.Kind)
                        case BoundKind.SequencePoint:
                            node = ((BoundSequencePoint)node).StatementOpt;
                        case BoundKind.SequencePointWithSpan:
                            node = ((BoundSequencePointWithSpan)node).StatementOpt;
                        case BoundKind.Block:
                        case BoundKind.StatementList:
                        case BoundKind.FieldEqualsValue:
                            return node;
                        case BoundKind.GlobalStatementInitializer:
                            return ((BoundGlobalStatementInitializer)node).Statement;
                            // Other node types should not appear at the top level
                            throw ExceptionUtilities.UnexpectedValue(node.Kind);
            /// <summary>
            /// Must be called only after <see cref="NestedFunction.CapturedEnvironments"/>
            /// has been calculated.
            /// Finds the most optimal capture environment to place a closure in. 
            /// This roughly corresponds to the 'highest' Scope in the tree where all
            /// the captured variables for this closure are in scope. This minimizes
            /// the number of indirections we may have to traverse to access captured
            /// variables.
            /// </summary>
            private void ComputeLambdaScopesAndFrameCaptures()
                VisitNestedFunctions(ScopeTree, (scope, function) =>
                    if (function.CapturedEnvironments.Count > 0)
                        var capturedEnvs = PooledHashSet<ClosureEnvironment>.GetInstance();
                        // Find the nearest captured class environment, if one exists
                        var curScope = scope;
                        while (curScope != null)
                            var env = curScope.DeclaredEnvironment;
                            if (!(env is null) && capturedEnvs.Remove(env) && !env.IsStruct)
                                function.ContainingEnvironmentOpt = env;
                            curScope = curScope.Parent;
                        // Now we need to walk up the scopes to find environment captures
                        var oldEnv = curScope?.DeclaredEnvironment;
                        curScope = curScope?.Parent;
                        while (curScope != null)
                            if (capturedEnvs.Count == 0)
                            var env = curScope.DeclaredEnvironment;
                            if (!(env is null))
                                if (!env.IsStruct)
                                    Debug.Assert(oldEnv.Parent == null || oldEnv.Parent == env);
                                    oldEnv.Parent = env;
                                    oldEnv = env;
                            curScope = curScope.Parent;
                        if (capturedEnvs.Count > 0)
                            throw ExceptionUtilities.Unreachable();
            /// <summary>
            /// We may have ended up with a closure environment containing only
            /// 'this'. This is basically equivalent to the containing type itself,
            /// so we can inline the 'this' parameter into environments that
            /// reference this one or lower closures directly onto the containing
            /// type.
            /// </summary>
            private void InlineThisOnlyEnvironments()
                // First make sure 'this' even exists
                if (!_topLevelMethod.TryGetThisParameter(out var thisParam) ||
                    thisParam == null)
                var env = ScopeTree.DeclaredEnvironment;
                // If it does exist, 'this' is always in the top-level environment
                if (env is null)
                // The environment must contain only 'this' to be inlined
                if (env.CapturedVariables.Count > 1 ||
                if (env.IsStruct)
                    // If everything that captures the 'this' environment
                    // lives in the containing type, we can remove the env
                    bool cantRemove = CheckNestedFunctions(ScopeTree, (scope, closure) =>
                        return closure.CapturedEnvironments.Contains(env) &&
                            closure.ContainingEnvironmentOpt != null;
                    if (!cantRemove)
                // If we are in a variant interface, runtime might not consider the 
                // method synthesized directly within the interface as variant safe.
                // For simplicity we do not perform precise analysis whether this would
                // definitely be the case. If we are in a variant interface, we always force
                // creation of a display class.
                else if (VarianceSafety.GetEnclosingVariantInterface(_topLevelMethod) is null)
                    // Class-based 'this' closures can move member functions to
                    // the top-level type and environments which capture the 'this'
                    // environment can capture 'this' directly.
                    // Note: the top-level type is treated as the initial containing
                    // environment, so by removing the 'this' environment, all
                    // nested environments which captured a pointer to the 'this'
                    // environment will now capture 'this'
                    VisitNestedFunctions(ScopeTree, (scope, closure) =>
                        if (closure.ContainingEnvironmentOpt == env)
                            closure.ContainingEnvironmentOpt = null;
                void RemoveEnv()
                    ScopeTree.DeclaredEnvironment = null;
                    VisitNestedFunctions(ScopeTree, (scope, nested) =>
                        var index = nested.CapturedEnvironments.IndexOf(env);
                        if (index >= 0)
            private void MakeAndAssignEnvironments()
                VisitScopeTree(ScopeTree, scope =>
                    // Currently all variables declared in the same scope are added
                    // to the same closure environment
                    var variablesInEnvironment = scope.DeclaredVariables;
                    // Don't create empty environments
                    if (variablesInEnvironment.Count == 0)
                    // First walk the nested scopes to find all closures which
                    // capture variables from this scope. They all need to capture
                    // this environment. This includes closures which captured local
                    // functions that capture those variables, so multiple passes may
                    // be needed. This will also decide if the environment is a struct
                    // or a class.
                    // If we are in a variant interface, runtime might not consider the 
                    // method synthesized directly within the interface as variant safe.
                    // For simplicity we do not perform precise analysis whether this would
                    // definitely be the case. If we are in a variant interface, we always force
                    // creation of a display class.
                    bool isStruct = VarianceSafety.GetEnclosingVariantInterface(_topLevelMethod) is null;
                    var closures = new SetWithInsertionOrder<NestedFunction>();
                    bool addedItem;
                    // This loop is O(n), where n is the length of the chain
                    //   L_1 <- L_2 <- L_3 ...
                    // where L_1 represents a local function that directly captures the current
                    // environment, L_2 represents a local function that directly captures L_1,
                    // L_3 represents a local function that captures L_2, and so on.
                    // Each iteration of the loop runs a visitor that is proportional to the
                    // number of closures in nested scopes, so we hope that the total number
                    // of nested functions and function chains is small in any real-world code.
                        addedItem = false;
                        VisitNestedFunctions(scope, (closureScope, closure) =>
                            if (!closures.Contains(closure) &&
                                (closure.CapturedVariables.Overlaps(scope.DeclaredVariables) ||
                                 closure.CapturedVariables.Overlaps(closures.Select(c => c.OriginalMethodSymbol))))
                                addedItem = true;
                                isStruct &= CanTakeRefParameters(closure.OriginalMethodSymbol);
                    } while (addedItem == true);
                    // Next create the environment and add it to the declaration scope
                    var env = new ClosureEnvironment(variablesInEnvironment, isStruct);
                    Debug.Assert(scope.DeclaredEnvironment is null);
                    scope.DeclaredEnvironment = env;
                    _topLevelMethod.TryGetThisParameter(out var thisParam);
                    foreach (var closure in closures)
                        if (thisParam != null && env.CapturedVariables.Contains(thisParam))
                            closure.CapturesThis = true;
            /// <summary>
            /// Calculates all functions which directly or indirectly capture a scope's variables.
            /// </summary>
            /// <returns></returns>
            private PooledDictionary<Scope, PooledHashSet<NestedFunction>> CalculateFunctionsCapturingScopeVariables()
                var closuresCapturingScopeVariables = PooledDictionary<Scope, PooledHashSet<NestedFunction>>.GetInstance();
                // calculate functions which directly capture a scope
                var environmentsToScopes = PooledDictionary<ClosureEnvironment, Scope>.GetInstance();
                VisitScopeTree(ScopeTree, scope =>
                    if (!(scope.DeclaredEnvironment is null))
                        closuresCapturingScopeVariables[scope] = PooledHashSet<NestedFunction>.GetInstance();
                        environmentsToScopes[scope.DeclaredEnvironment] = scope;
                    foreach (var closure in scope.NestedFunctions)
                        foreach (var env in closure.CapturedEnvironments)
                            // A closure should only ever capture a scope which is an ancestor of its own,
                            // which we should have already visited
                // if a function captures a scope, which captures its parent, then the closure also captures the parents scope.
                // we update closuresCapturingScopeVariables to reflect this.
                foreach (var (scope, capturingClosures) in closuresCapturingScopeVariables)
                    if (scope.DeclaredEnvironment is null)
                    var currentScope = scope;
                    while (currentScope.DeclaredEnvironment is null || currentScope.DeclaredEnvironment.CapturesParent)
                        currentScope = currentScope.Parent;
                        if (currentScope == null)
                            throw ExceptionUtilities.Unreachable();
                        if (currentScope.DeclaredEnvironment is null ||
                return closuresCapturingScopeVariables;
            /// <summary>
            /// Must be called only after <see cref="MakeAndAssignEnvironments"/> and <see cref="ComputeLambdaScopesAndFrameCaptures"/>.
            /// In order to reduce allocations, merge environments into a parent environment when it is safe to do so.
            /// This must be done whilst preserving semantics.
            /// We also have to make sure not to extend the life of any variable.
            /// This means that we can only merge an environment into its parent if exactly the same closures directly or indirectly reference both environments.
            /// </summary>
            private void MergeEnvironments()
                var closuresCapturingScopeVariables = CalculateFunctionsCapturingScopeVariables();
                // now we merge environments into their parent environments if it is safe to do so
                foreach (var (scope, closuresCapturingScope) in closuresCapturingScopeVariables)
                    if (closuresCapturingScope.Count == 0)
                    var scopeEnv = scope.DeclaredEnvironment;
                    // structs don't allocate, so no point merging them
                    if (scopeEnv.IsStruct)
                    var bestScope = scope;
                    var currentScope = scope;
                    // Walk up the scope tree, checking at each point if it is:
                    // a) semantically safe to merge the scope's environment into it's parent scope's environment
                    // b) doing so would not change GC behaviour
                    // Once either of these conditions fails, we merge into the closure environment furthest up the scope tree we've found so far
                    while (currentScope.Parent != null)
                        if (!currentScope.CanMergeWithParent)
                        var parentScope = currentScope.Parent;
                        // we skip any scopes which do not have any captured variables, and try to merge into the parent scope instead.
                        // We also skip any struct environments as they don't allocate, so no point merging them
                        var env = parentScope.DeclaredEnvironment;
                        if (env is null || env.IsStruct)
                            currentScope = parentScope;
                        var closuresCapturingParentScope = closuresCapturingScopeVariables[parentScope];
                        // if more closures reference one scope's environments than the other scope's environments,
                        // then merging the two environments would increase the number of objects referencing some variables, 
                        // which may prevent the variables being garbage collected.
                        if (!closuresCapturingParentScope.SetEquals(closuresCapturingScope))
                        bestScope = parentScope;
                        currentScope = parentScope;
                    if (bestScope == scope) // no better scope was found, so continue
                    // do the actual work of merging the closure environments
                    var targetEnv = bestScope.DeclaredEnvironment;
                    foreach (var variable in scopeEnv.CapturedVariables)
                    scope.DeclaredEnvironment = null;
                    foreach (var closure in closuresCapturingScope)
                        if (!closure.CapturedEnvironments.Contains(targetEnv))
                        if (closure.ContainingEnvironmentOpt == scopeEnv)
                            closure.ContainingEnvironmentOpt = targetEnv;
                // cleanup
                foreach (var set in closuresCapturingScopeVariables.Values)
            internal DebugId GetTopLevelMethodId()
                return _slotAllocator?.MethodId ?? new DebugId(_topLevelMethodOrdinal, _compilationState.ModuleBuilderOpt.CurrentGenerationOrdinal);
            internal DebugId GetClosureId(ClosureEnvironment environment, SyntaxNode syntax, ArrayBuilder<EncClosureInfo> closureDebugInfo, out RuntimeRudeEdit? rudeEdit)
                Debug.Assert(syntax != null);
                var parentClosure = environment.Parent?.SynthesizedEnvironment;
                // Frames are created and assigned top-down, so the parent scope's environment has to be assigned at this point.
                // This may not be true if environments are merged in release build.
                Debug.Assert(_slotAllocator == null || environment.Parent is null || parentClosure is not null);
                rudeEdit = parentClosure?.RudeEdit;
                var parentClosureId = parentClosure?.ClosureId;
                var structCaptures = _slotAllocator != null && environment.IsStruct
                    ? environment.CapturedVariables.SelectAsArray(v => v is ThisParameterSymbol ? GeneratedNames.ThisProxyFieldName() : v.Name)
                    : default;
                DebugId closureId;
                if (rudeEdit == null &&
                    _slotAllocator != null &&
                    _slotAllocator.TryGetPreviousClosure(syntax, parentClosureId, structCaptures, out var previousClosureId, out rudeEdit) &&
                    rudeEdit == null)
                    closureId = previousClosureId;
                    closureId = new DebugId(closureDebugInfo.Count, _compilationState.ModuleBuilderOpt.CurrentGenerationOrdinal);
                int syntaxOffset = _topLevelMethod.CalculateLocalSyntaxOffset(LambdaUtilities.GetDeclaratorPosition(syntax), syntax.SyntaxTree);
                closureDebugInfo.Add(new EncClosureInfo(new ClosureDebugInfo(syntaxOffset, closureId), parentClosureId, structCaptures));
                return closureId;
            /// <summary>
            /// Walk up the scope tree looking for a variable declaration.
            /// </summary>
            public static Scope GetVariableDeclarationScope(Scope startingScope, Symbol variable)
                if (variable is ParameterSymbol p && p.IsThis)
                    return null;
                var currentScope = startingScope;
                while (currentScope != null)
                    switch (variable.Kind)
                        case SymbolKind.Parameter:
                        case SymbolKind.Local:
                            if (currentScope.DeclaredVariables.Contains(variable))
                                return currentScope;
                        case SymbolKind.Method:
                            foreach (var function in currentScope.NestedFunctions)
                                if (function.OriginalMethodSymbol == variable)
                                    return currentScope;
                            throw ExceptionUtilities.UnexpectedValue(variable.Kind);
                    currentScope = currentScope.Parent;
                return null;
            /// <summary>
            /// Find the parent <see cref="Scope"/> of the <see cref="Scope"/> corresponding to
            /// the given <see cref="BoundNode"/>.
            /// </summary>
            public static Scope GetScopeParent(Scope treeRoot, BoundNode scopeNode)
                var correspondingScope = GetScopeWithMatchingBoundNode(treeRoot, scopeNode);
                return correspondingScope.Parent;
            /// <summary>
            /// Finds a <see cref="Scope" /> with a matching <see cref="BoundNode"/>
            /// as the one given.
            /// </summary>
            public static Scope GetScopeWithMatchingBoundNode(Scope treeRoot, BoundNode node)
                return Helper(treeRoot) ?? throw ExceptionUtilities.Unreachable();
                Scope Helper(Scope currentScope)
                    if (currentScope.BoundNode == node)
                        return currentScope;
                    foreach (var nestedScope in currentScope.NestedScopes)
                        var found = Helper(nestedScope);
                        if (found != null)
                            return found;
                    return null;
            /// <summary>
            /// Walk up the scope tree looking for a nested function.
            /// </summary>
            /// <returns>
            /// A tuple of the found <see cref="NestedFunction"/> and the <see cref="Scope"/> it was found in.
            /// </returns>
            public static (NestedFunction, Scope) GetVisibleNestedFunction(Scope startingScope, MethodSymbol functionSymbol)
                var currentScope = startingScope;
                while (currentScope != null)
                    foreach (var function in currentScope.NestedFunctions)
                        if (function.OriginalMethodSymbol == functionSymbol)
                            return (function, currentScope);
                    currentScope = currentScope.Parent;
                throw ExceptionUtilities.Unreachable();
            /// <summary>
            /// Finds a <see cref="NestedFunction"/> with a matching original symbol somewhere in the given scope or nested scopes.
            /// </summary>
            public static NestedFunction GetNestedFunctionInTree(Scope treeRoot, MethodSymbol functionSymbol)
                return helper(treeRoot) ?? throw ExceptionUtilities.Unreachable();
                NestedFunction helper(Scope scope)
                    foreach (var function in scope.NestedFunctions)
                        if (function.OriginalMethodSymbol == functionSymbol)
                            return function;
                    foreach (var nestedScope in scope.NestedScopes)
                        var found = helper(nestedScope);
                        if (found != null)
                            return found;
                    return null;
            public void Free()