File: Lowering\ClosureConversion\SynthesizedClosureEnvironment.cs
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Project: src\src\Compilers\CSharp\Portable\Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.csproj (Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp)
// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
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#nullable disable
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Collections.Immutable;
using System.Diagnostics;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CodeGen;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.Symbols;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Emit;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.PooledObjects;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Symbols;
using Roslyn.Utilities;
namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp
    /// <summary>
    /// The synthesized type added to a compilation to hold captured variables for closures.
    /// </summary>
    internal sealed class SynthesizedClosureEnvironment : SynthesizedContainer, ISynthesizedMethodBodyImplementationSymbol
        internal readonly MethodSymbol TopLevelMethod;
        internal readonly SyntaxNode ScopeSyntaxOpt;
        /// <summary>
        /// The closest method/lambda that this frame is originally from. Null if nongeneric static closure.
        /// Useful because this frame's type parameters are constructed from this method and all methods containing this method.
        /// </summary>
        internal readonly MethodSymbol OriginalContainingMethodOpt;
        internal readonly FieldSymbol SingletonCache;
        internal readonly MethodSymbol StaticConstructor;
        private ArrayBuilder<Symbol> _membersBuilder = ArrayBuilder<Symbol>.GetInstance();
        private ImmutableArray<Symbol> _members;
        public override TypeKind TypeKind { get; }
        internal override MethodSymbol Constructor { get; }
        // debug info:
        public readonly DebugId ClosureId;
        public readonly RuntimeRudeEdit? RudeEdit;
        internal SynthesizedClosureEnvironment(
            MethodSymbol topLevelMethod,
            MethodSymbol containingMethod,
            bool isStruct,
            SyntaxNode scopeSyntaxOpt,
            DebugId methodId,
            DebugId closureId,
            RuntimeRudeEdit? rudeEdit)
            : base(MakeName(scopeSyntaxOpt, methodId, closureId), containingMethod)
            TypeKind = isStruct ? TypeKind.Struct : TypeKind.Class;
            TopLevelMethod = topLevelMethod;
            OriginalContainingMethodOpt = containingMethod;
            Constructor = isStruct ? null : new SynthesizedClosureEnvironmentConstructor(this);
            ClosureId = closureId;
            RudeEdit = rudeEdit;
            // static lambdas technically have the class scope so the scope syntax is null 
            if (scopeSyntaxOpt == null)
                StaticConstructor = new SynthesizedStaticConstructor(this);
                var cacheVariableName = GeneratedNames.MakeCachedFrameInstanceFieldName();
                SingletonCache = new SynthesizedLambdaCacheFieldSymbol(this, this, cacheVariableName, topLevelMethod, isReadOnly: true, isStatic: true);
            this.ScopeSyntaxOpt = scopeSyntaxOpt;
        internal void AddHoistedField(LambdaCapturedVariable captured) => _membersBuilder.Add(captured);
        private static string MakeName(SyntaxNode scopeSyntaxOpt, DebugId methodId, DebugId closureId)
            if (scopeSyntaxOpt == null)
                // Display class is shared among static non-generic lambdas across generations, method ordinal is -1 in that case.
                // A new display class of a static generic lambda is created for each method and each generation.
                return GeneratedNames.MakeStaticLambdaDisplayClassName(methodId.Ordinal, methodId.Generation);
            Debug.Assert(methodId.Ordinal >= 0);
            return GeneratedNames.MakeLambdaDisplayClassName(methodId.Ordinal, methodId.Generation, closureId.Ordinal, closureId.Generation);
        private static void AssertIsClosureScopeSyntax(SyntaxNode syntaxOpt)
            // See C# specification, chapter 3.7 Scopes.
            // static lambdas technically have the class scope so the scope syntax is null 
            if (syntaxOpt == null)
            if (LambdaUtilities.IsClosureScope(syntaxOpt))
            throw ExceptionUtilities.UnexpectedValue(syntaxOpt.Kind());
        public override ImmutableArray<Symbol> GetMembers()
            if (_members.IsDefault)
                var builder = _membersBuilder;
                if ((object)StaticConstructor != null)
                _members = builder.ToImmutableAndFree();
                _membersBuilder = null;
            return _members;
        /// <summary>
        /// All fields should have already been added as synthesized members on the
        /// <see cref="CommonPEModuleBuilder" />, so we don't want to duplicate them here.
        /// </summary>
        internal override IEnumerable<FieldSymbol> GetFieldsToEmit()
            => (object)SingletonCache != null
            ? SpecializedCollections.SingletonEnumerable(SingletonCache)
            : SpecializedCollections.EmptyEnumerable<FieldSymbol>();
        // display classes for static lambdas do not have any data and can be serialized.
        public override bool IsSerializable => (object)SingletonCache != null;
        public override Symbol ContainingSymbol => TopLevelMethod.ContainingSymbol;
        // Closures in the same method share the same SynthesizedClosureEnvironment. We must
        // always return true because two closures in the same method might have different
        // AreLocalsZeroed flags.
        public sealed override bool AreLocalsZeroed => true;
        // The lambda method contains user code from the lambda
        bool ISynthesizedMethodBodyImplementationSymbol.HasMethodBodyDependency => true;
        IMethodSymbolInternal ISynthesizedMethodBodyImplementationSymbol.Method => TopLevelMethod;
        internal override bool IsRecord => false;
        internal override bool IsRecordStruct => false;
        internal override bool HasPossibleWellKnownCloneMethod() => false;