File: MS\Internal\AutomationProxies\WindowsListViewItem.cs
Web Access
Project: src\src\Microsoft.DotNet.Wpf\src\UIAutomation\UIAutomationClientSideProviders\UIAutomationClientSideProviders.csproj (UIAutomationClientSideProviders)
// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
// Description: Win32 ListView Item proxy
using System;
using System.Windows.Automation;
using System.Windows.Automation.Provider;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Windows;
using Accessibility;
using MS.Win32;
namespace MS.Internal.AutomationProxies
    internal class ListViewItem : ProxyFragment, IInvokeProvider,
                    ISelectionItemProvider, IValueProvider, IGridItemProvider,
        // ------------------------------------------------------
        //  Constructors
        #region Constructors
        internal ListViewItem (IntPtr hwnd, ProxyFragment parent, int item)
            : base (hwnd, parent, item)
            // Set the strings to return properly the properties.
            if (WindowsListView.IsDetailMode(hwnd))
                _cControlType = ControlType.DataItem;
                _cControlType = ControlType.ListItem;
            _fHasPersistentID = false;
            _fIsKeyboardFocusable = true;
            _isComctrlV6OnOsVerV6orHigher = Misc.IsComctrlV6OnOsVerV6orHigher(hwnd);
        #endregion Constructos
        //  Patterns Implementation
        #region ProxySimple Interface
        // Returns a pattern interface if supported.
        internal override object GetPatternProvider (AutomationPattern iid)
            if (iid == InvokePattern.Pattern && WindowsListView.ListViewInvokable(_hwnd))
                return this;
            if (iid == SelectionItemPattern.Pattern)
                return this;
            if (iid == ValuePattern.Pattern && WindowsListView.ListViewEditable (_hwnd))
                return this;
            if (iid == GridItemPattern.Pattern && IsImplementingGrid (_hwnd))
                return this;
            if (iid == TogglePattern.Pattern && IsItemWithCheckbox(_hwnd, _item))
                return CreateListViewItemCheckbox();
            if (iid == ScrollItemPattern.Pattern && WindowScroll.IsScrollable(_hwnd))
                return this;
            return null;
        // Gets the bounding rectangle for this element
        internal override Rect BoundingRectangle
                NativeMethods.Win32Rect itemRectangle = NativeMethods.Win32Rect.Empty;
                Rect boundingRectangle = Rect.Empty;
                // If we have a listview that could support group view we need to use a diferent method
                // to get the builnding rect.  If anything fails trying this way just fall back to the old way
                // of doing things.
                if (_isComctrlV6OnOsVerV6orHigher)
                    itemRectangle.left = NativeMethods.LVIR_BOUNDS;
                    WindowsListViewGroup windowsListViewGroup = _parent as WindowsListViewGroup;
                    if (windowsListViewGroup != null)
                        // The group might have been destroyed by an event 
                        WindowsListView._groupsCollection.EnsureCreation (_hwnd);
                        GroupManager manager = WindowsListView._groupsCollection[_hwnd];
                        int [] groupIds = manager.GetGroupIds ();
                        // find the index for this group
                        int index;
                        for (index = 0; index < groupIds.Length && windowsListViewGroup.ID != groupIds[index]; index++);
                        if (index >= groupIds.Length)
                            return boundingRectangle;
                        NativeMethods.LVITEMINDEX ii = new NativeMethods.LVITEMINDEX
                            iGroup = index,
                            iItem = _item
                            if (XSendMessage.XSend(_hwnd, NativeMethods.LVM_GETITEMINDEXRECT, new IntPtr(&ii), new IntPtr(&itemRectangle), Marshal.SizeOf(ii.GetType()), Marshal.SizeOf(itemRectangle.GetType())))
                                if (Misc.MapWindowPoints(_hwnd, IntPtr.Zero, ref itemRectangle, 2))
                                    // Don't need to normalize, GetItemRect returns absolute coordinates.
                                    boundingRectangle = itemRectangle.ToRect(false);
                                    return boundingRectangle;
                // If this node represents the container itself...
                if (WindowsListView.GetItemRect(_hwnd, _item, NativeMethods.LVIR_BOUNDS, out itemRectangle))
                    // Don't need to normalize, GetItemRect returns absolute coordinates.
                    boundingRectangle = itemRectangle.ToRect(false);
                return boundingRectangle;
        //Gets the controls help text
        internal override string HelpText
                // Getting tooltips from Win32 APIs is currently broken.  See WinOS Bugs #1454943.
                //string helpText = WindowsListView.GetItemToolTipText(_hwnd);
                //if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(helpText))
                string helpText = "";
                    // port the msaa impl for this from .\oleacc\listview.cpp
                    // failed to get HelpText from tooltips so try MSAA accHelp
                    IAccessible acc = AccessibleObject;
                    if (acc != null)
                        // in ListViewItem class _item is idChild - 1
                        Accessible accItem = Accessible.Wrap(acc, _item + 1);
                        if (accItem != null)
                            helpText = accItem.HelpText;
                return string.IsNullOrEmpty(helpText) ? null : helpText;
        //Gets the localized name
        internal override string LocalizedName
                string text = GetText(_hwnd, _item, 0);
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(text))
                    IAccessible acc = AccessibleObject;
                    if (acc != null)
                        // in ListViewItem class _item is idChild - 1
                        Accessible accItem = Accessible.Wrap(acc, _item + 1);
                        if (accItem != null)
                            text = accItem.Name;
                return text;
        // Sets the focus to this item.
        internal override bool SetFocus ()
            // Set the item's state to focused.
            return WindowsListView.SetItemFocused (_hwnd, _item);
        internal override object GetElementProperty(AutomationProperty propertyId)
            if (propertyId == AutomationElement.ClickablePointProperty)
                // Special case ClickablePoint - for details view, we need to
                // return a point on the first item. (The default impl in proxy simple
                // excludes the children when looking for a point.)
                NativeMethods.Win32Point clickPoint;
                if(GetListviewitemClickablePoint (out clickPoint))
                    return new double[] { clickPoint.x, clickPoint.y };
            // EventManager.DispatchEvent() genericaly uses GetElementProperty()
            // to get properties during a property change event.  Proccess ToggleStateProperty
            // so the ToggleStateProperty Change Event can get the correct state.
            else if (propertyId == TogglePattern.ToggleStateProperty
                        && IsItemWithCheckbox(_hwnd, _item))
                IToggleProvider listViewItemCheckbox =
                if (listViewItemCheckbox != null)
                    return listViewItemCheckbox.ToggleState;
            return base.GetElementProperty(propertyId);
        #region ProxyFragment Interface
        // Returns the next sibling element in the raw hierarchy.
        // Peripheral controls have always negative values.
        // Returns null if no next child
        internal override ProxySimple GetNextSibling (ProxySimple child)
            int item = child._item;
            if (WindowsListView.IsDetailMode (_hwnd))
                int countCol = GetSubItemCount (_hwnd);
                if (item >= 0 && item < countCol)
                    return CreateListViewSubItem (item);
            return null;
        // Returns the previous sibling element in the raw hierarchy.
        // Peripheral controls have always negative values.
        // Returns null is no previous
        internal override ProxySimple GetPreviousSibling (ProxySimple child)
            int item = child._item;
            if (IsItemWithCheckbox(_hwnd, _item) && item == 0)
                return CreateListViewItemCheckbox();
            else if (WindowsListView.IsDetailMode (_hwnd))
                int countCol = GetSubItemCount (_hwnd);
                if (item > 0 && item < countCol)
                    return CreateListViewSubItem(item - 1);
            return null;
        // Returns the first child element in the raw hierarchy.
        internal override ProxySimple GetFirstChild ()
            if (IsItemWithCheckbox(_hwnd, _item))
                return CreateListViewItemCheckbox();
            else if (WindowsListView.IsDetailMode(_hwnd))
                int countCol = GetSubItemCount (_hwnd);
                if (countCol > 0)
                    return CreateListViewSubItem (0);
            return null;
        // Returns the last child element in the raw hierarchy.
        internal override ProxySimple GetLastChild ()
            if (WindowsListView.IsDetailMode (_hwnd))
                int countCol = GetSubItemCount (_hwnd);
                if (countCol > 0)
                    return CreateListViewSubItem (countCol - 1);
            if (IsItemWithCheckbox(_hwnd, _item))
                return CreateListViewItemCheckbox();
            return null;
        // Returns a Proxy element corresponding to the specified screen coordinates.
        internal override ProxySimple ElementProviderFromPoint (int x, int y)
            // Test for the checkbox first
            if (IsItemWithCheckbox (_hwnd, _item))
                NativeMethods.Win32Rect checkboxRectangle = ListViewItemCheckbox.ListViewCheckBoxRect (_hwnd, _item);
                if (!checkboxRectangle.IsEmpty && Misc.PtInRect(ref checkboxRectangle, x, y))
                    // listviewitem checkbox
                    return new ListViewItemCheckbox (_hwnd, this, _item, _checkbox);
            if (WindowsListView.IsDetailMode (_hwnd))
                // test for subitem (returns either subitem or lvitem)
                return ListViewSubItem.ElementProviderFromPoint (_hwnd, this, _item, x, y);
            return this;
        // Returns an item corresponding to the focused element (if there is one), or null otherwise.
        internal override ProxySimple GetFocus ()
            if (_isComctrlV6OnOsVerV6orHigher)
                int columns = ListViewItem.GetSubItemCount (_hwnd);
                if (columns > 0)
                    int column = (int)Misc.ProxySendMessage(_hwnd, NativeMethods.LVM_GETFOCUSEDCOLUMN, IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero);
                    if (column >= 0)
                        return CreateListViewSubItem (column);
            return this;
        #region SelectionItem Pattern
        // Selects this element
        void ISelectionItemProvider.Select ()
            // Make sure that the control is enabled
            if (!SafeNativeMethods.IsWindowEnabled(_hwnd))
                throw new ElementNotEnabledException();
            // simple case: object already selected - only works for single selection element
            if (!WindowsListView.MultiSelected (_hwnd) && WindowsListView.IsItemSelected (_hwnd, _item))
            // Unselect all items.
            WindowsListView.UnselectAll (_hwnd);
            // Select the specified item.
            if (!WindowsListView.SelectItem(_hwnd, _item))
                throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.OperationCannotBePerformed);
        // Adds this element to the selection
        void ISelectionItemProvider.AddToSelection ()
            // Make sure that the control is enabled
            if (!SafeNativeMethods.IsWindowEnabled(_hwnd))
                throw new ElementNotEnabledException();
            // simple case: object already selected
            if (WindowsListView.IsItemSelected (_hwnd, _item))
            // object does not support multi-selection
            if (!WindowsListView.MultiSelected(_hwnd))
                IRawElementProviderSimple container = ((ISelectionItemProvider)this).SelectionContainer;
                bool selectionRequired = container != null ? ((ISelectionProvider)container).IsSelectionRequired : true;
                // For single selection containers that IsSelectionRequired == false and nothing is selected
                // an AddToSelection is valid.
                if (selectionRequired || WindowsListView.GetSelectedItemCount(_hwnd) > 0)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.DoesNotSupportMultipleSelection);
            // At this point we know: Item either supports multiple selection or nothing
            // is selected in the list
            // Try to select an item
            if (!WindowsListView.SelectItem(_hwnd, _item))
                throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.OperationCannotBePerformed);
        // Removes this element from the selection
        void ISelectionItemProvider.RemoveFromSelection ()
            // Make sure that the control is enabled
            if (!SafeNativeMethods.IsWindowEnabled(_hwnd))
                throw new ElementNotEnabledException();
            // simple case: item is not selected
            if (!WindowsListView.IsItemSelected (_hwnd, _item))
            // object does not support multi-selection
            if (!WindowsListView.MultiSelected (_hwnd))
                IRawElementProviderSimple container = ((ISelectionItemProvider)this).SelectionContainer;
                bool selectionRequired = container != null ? ((ISelectionProvider)container).IsSelectionRequired : true;
                // For single selection containers that IsSelectionRequired == false a
                // RemoveFromSelection is valid.
                if (selectionRequired)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.SelectionRequired);
            // try to unselect the item
            if (!WindowsListView.UnSelectItem(_hwnd, _item))
                throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.OperationCannotBePerformed);
        // True if this element is part of the the selection
        bool ISelectionItemProvider.IsSelected
                return WindowsListView.IsItemSelected (_hwnd, _item);
        // Returns the container for this element
        IRawElementProviderSimple ISelectionItemProvider.SelectionContainer
                // SelectionContainer is always a listview item
                // However it is possible that between listview item and the listview
                // we have a Group, if this is the case skip it.
                ProxyFragment parent = _parent;
                while (!(parent is WindowsListView))
                    System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert (parent != null, "Hit null while looking for the SelectionContainer");
                    parent = parent._parent;
                return parent;
        #endregion SelectionItem Pattern
        #region  InvokePattern
        // Same as clicking on a list item.
        void IInvokeProvider.Invoke ()
            // Make sure that the control is enabled
            if (!SafeNativeMethods.IsWindowEnabled(_hwnd))
                throw new ElementNotEnabledException();
            if (WindowsListView.Scrollable (_hwnd))
                // ensure item vertical visibility
                WindowsListView.EnsureVisible (_hwnd, _item, true);
            NativeMethods.Win32Point clickPoint;
            // try to obtaine the clickable point
            if (!GetListviewitemClickablePoint (out clickPoint))
                throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.OperationCannotBePerformed);
        #endregion Invoke Pattern
        #region Value Pattern
        void IValueProvider.SetValue (string val)
            // Make sure that the control is enabled
            if (!SafeNativeMethods.IsWindowEnabled(_hwnd))
                throw new ElementNotEnabledException();
            SetValue(val, _hwnd, _item);
        // Request to get the value that this UI element is representing as a string
        string IValueProvider.Value
                return ListViewItem.GetText (_hwnd, _item, 0);
        // Read only status
        bool IValueProvider.IsReadOnly
                return !WindowsListView.ListViewEditable (_hwnd);
        #endregion ValuePattern
        #region GridItemPattern
        int IGridItemProvider.Row
                if (WindowsListView.IsGroupViewEnabled (_hwnd))
                    return GetItemRowPositionInGroup ();
                // Calculation depends on snakeness of the column
                if (WindowsListView.IsListMode (_hwnd))
                    int itemCount = WindowsListView.GetItemCount (_hwnd);
                    int rowCount = WindowsListView.GetRowCountListMode (_hwnd, itemCount);
                    int column = _item / rowCount;
                    return (_item - (column * rowCount));
                int columnCount = WindowsListView.GetColumnCountOtherModes (_hwnd);
                return _item / columnCount;
        int IGridItemProvider.Column
                if (WindowsListView.IsGroupViewEnabled (_hwnd))
                    return GetItemColumnPositionInGroup ();
                // Calculation depends on snakeness of the column
                if (WindowsListView.IsListMode (_hwnd))
                    int itemCount = WindowsListView.GetItemCount (_hwnd);
                    int rowCount = WindowsListView.GetRowCountListMode (_hwnd, itemCount);
                    return _item / rowCount;
                int columnCount = WindowsListView.GetColumnCountOtherModes (_hwnd);
                int row = _item / columnCount;
                return (_item - (row * columnCount));
        int IGridItemProvider.RowSpan
                return 1;
        int IGridItemProvider.ColumnSpan
                return 1;
        IRawElementProviderSimple IGridItemProvider.ContainingGrid
                return _parent;
        #endregion GridItemPattern
        #region ScrollItem Pattern
        void IScrollItemProvider.ScrollIntoView()
            // Make sure that the control is enabled
            if (!SafeNativeMethods.IsWindowEnabled(_hwnd))
                throw new ElementNotEnabledException();
            // Currently this ignores the alignToTop, as there is no easy way to set something to the bottom of a listbox
            if (!WindowsListView.Scrollable(_hwnd))
                throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.OperationCannotBePerformed);
            // ensure item vertical visibility
            WindowsListView.EnsureVisible(_hwnd, _item, false);
        #endregion ScrollItem Pattern
        //  Internal Methods
        #region Internal Methods
        internal static int GetSubItemCount (IntPtr hwnd)
            // Subitems are only available in details mode.
                IntPtr hwndHeader = WindowsListView.ListViewGetHeader (hwnd);
                if (hwndHeader == IntPtr.Zero)
                    return 0;
                return WindowsListView.HeaderItemCount (hwndHeader);
            return -1;
        // retrieves listview item/subitem text
        internal static string GetText (IntPtr hwnd, int item, int subitem)
            NativeMethods.LVITEM lvitem = new NativeMethods.LVITEM
                mask = NativeMethods.LVIF_TEXT,
                iItem = item,
                iSubItem = subitem
            return WindowsListView.GetItemText (hwnd, lvitem);
        // detect if given listviewitem has a checkbox
        internal static bool IsItemWithCheckbox (IntPtr hwnd, int item)
            if (!WindowsListView.CheckBoxes (hwnd))
                return false;
            // this listview supports checkbox, detect if
            // current item has it
            return (CheckState.NoCheckbox != (CheckState) WindowsListView.GetCheckedState (hwnd, item));
        // retrieve an id of the group to which this lvitem belongs
        // valid only if lv has groups enabled
        static internal int GetGroupID (IntPtr hwnd, int lvItem)
            System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert (WindowsListView.IsGroupViewEnabled (hwnd), "GetGroupID: called when lv does not have groups");
            NativeMethods.LVITEM_V6 item = new NativeMethods.LVITEM_V6
                mask = NativeMethods.LVIF_GROUPID,
                iItem = lvItem
            if (XSendMessage.GetItem(hwnd, ref item))
                return item.iGroupID;
            return -1;
        internal static void SetValue (string val, IntPtr hwnd, int item)
            if (!WindowsListView.ListViewEditable (hwnd))
                throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.ValueReadonly);
            // set focus to the item
            WindowsListView.SetItemFocused (hwnd, item);
            // retrieve edit window
            IntPtr hwndEdit = WindowsListView.ListViewEditLabel (hwnd, item);
            if (IntPtr.Zero == hwndEdit)
                throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.OperationCannotBePerformed);
            // re-use editbox proxy to do the job
            // Note: we will pass null and -1 for some of the parameters
            // this is ok, since the only thing that matters to us is an ability to set the text
            // and these parameters irrelevant for our task
            WindowsEditBox editBox = new WindowsEditBox (hwndEdit, null, -1);
            // get value pattern
            IValueProvider valueProvider = editBox.GetPatternProvider (ValuePattern.Pattern) as IValueProvider;
            // try to set user-provided text
            bool setValueSucceeded = false;
                valueProvider.SetValue (val);
                setValueSucceeded = true;
                // even if there is a problem doing SetValue need to exit
                // editing mode (e.g. cleanup from editing mode).
                FinishEditing(setValueSucceeded, hwnd, hwndEdit);
            // Need to give some time for the control to do all its processing.
            bool wasTextSet = false;
            for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
                // Now see if the item really got set.
                if (val.Equals(ListViewItem.GetText(hwnd, item, 0)))
                    wasTextSet = true;
            if (!wasTextSet)
                throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.OperationCannotBePerformed);
        #endregion Internal Methods
        //  Internal Fields
        #region Internal Fields
        // Represent the state of the checkbox, for lvitem with checkbox
        internal enum CheckState: int
            NoCheckbox = -1,
            Unchecked = 0,
            Checked = 1
        #endregion Internal Fields
        //  Protected Methods
        #region Protected Methods
        // This routine is only called on elements belonging to an hwnd that has the focus.
        protected override bool IsFocused ()
            return WindowsListView.IsItemFocused (_hwnd, _item);
        // To test if a list view item is offscreen, we need to
        // take into account the fact that it may be obscured by
        // the list view header.
        internal override bool IsOffscreen()
            IntPtr hwndHeader = WindowsListView.ListViewGetHeader(_hwnd);
            if (hwndHeader != IntPtr.Zero)
                NativeMethods.Win32Rect listViewRect = new NativeMethods.Win32Rect();
                NativeMethods.Win32Rect headerRect = new NativeMethods.Win32Rect();
                if (Misc.GetWindowRect(hwndHeader, ref headerRect)
                    && Misc.GetClientRectInScreenCoordinates(_hwnd, ref listViewRect))
                    // Remove the listview header rect.
           = headerRect.bottom;
                    NativeMethods.Win32Rect itemRect =
                        new NativeMethods.Win32Rect(BoundingRectangle);
                    if (!listViewRect.IsEmpty
                        && !Misc.IsItemVisible(ref listViewRect, ref itemRect))
                        return true;
            return false;
        //  Private Methods
        #region Private Methods
        private ProxySimple CreateListViewSubItem (int index)
            return new ListViewSubItem (_hwnd, this, index, _item);
        private ProxySimple CreateListViewItemCheckbox ()
            return new ListViewItemCheckbox (_hwnd, this, _item, _checkbox);
        // detect if this listviewitem needs to support GridItem pattern
        static private bool IsImplementingGrid (IntPtr hwnd)
            // in the detail mode, GridItem will be implemented on the subitem
            // and not item
            if (WindowsListView.IsDetailMode (hwnd))
                return false;
            return (WindowsListView.IsListMode (hwnd) || WindowsListView.ListViewAutoArrange (hwnd));
        // Obtain clickable point on the listviewitem
        // in the case when one doesnot exist return false
        private bool GetListviewitemClickablePoint (out NativeMethods.Win32Point clickPoint)
            // When this method is called, lv was already scrolled vertically
            // hence item is visible veritcally
            clickPoint.x = clickPoint.y = 0;
            NativeMethods.Win32Rect itemRectangle;
            // Obtain rectangle
            if (!WindowsListView.GetItemRect(_hwnd, _item, NativeMethods.LVIR_LABEL, out itemRectangle))
                return false;
            if (WindowsListView.IsDetailMode (_hwnd) && !WindowsListView.FullRowSelect (_hwnd))
                // LVS_REPORT - possible that we may need to scroll horizontaly
                // Need to implement Bidi?
                NativeMethods.Win32Point pt = new NativeMethods.Win32Point (itemRectangle.left, 0);
                if (!Misc.MapWindowPoints(IntPtr.Zero, _hwnd, ref pt, 1))
                    return false;
                // In client coordinates, hence negative indicates that item is to the left of lv client area
                if (pt.x < 0)
                    if (!WindowsListView.GetItemRect(_hwnd, _item, NativeMethods.LVIR_LABEL, out itemRectangle))
                        return false;
            clickPoint.x = Math.Min ((itemRectangle.left + 5), (itemRectangle.left + itemRectangle.right) / 2);
            clickPoint.y = ( + itemRectangle.bottom) / 2;
            return true;
        private void Click (NativeMethods.Win32Point clickPoint)
            Misc.MouseClick(clickPoint.x, clickPoint.y, !WindowsListView.ListViewSingleClickActivate(_hwnd));
        // send an enter key to the control
        // hence finishing label editting
        // Assumption: control has focus
        private static void FinishEditing (bool setValueSucceeded, IntPtr hwnd, IntPtr hwndEdit)
            // If editing was successful exit editing mode using Return key otherwise Esc out
            IntPtr key = (IntPtr)((setValueSucceeded) ? NativeMethods.VK_RETURN : NativeMethods.VK_ESCAPE);
            // get the scankey
            int scanCode = SafeNativeMethods.MapVirtualKey (NativeMethods.VK_RETURN, 0);
            scanCode <<= 16;
            IntPtr keyUpLParam = new IntPtr (scanCode + (1 << 31) + (1 << 30));
            // send keyboard message
            Misc.ProxySendMessage(hwndEdit, NativeMethods.WM_KEYDOWN, key, new IntPtr(scanCode));
            Misc.ProxySendMessage(hwnd, NativeMethods.WM_KEYUP, key, keyUpLParam);
        // retrieve lvitem column position in the Grid
        // To be called only when Group is enabled
        private int GetItemColumnPositionInGroup ()
            // get id of the group to which this item belongs
            int groupID = GetGroupID (_hwnd, _item);
            if (groupID != -1)
                // get position of this lvitem within the array of all items in the group
                GroupManager.GroupInfo groupInfo = WindowsListViewGroup.GetGroupInfo (_hwnd, groupID);
                if (groupInfo)
                    int position = groupInfo.IndexOf (_item); //Array.IndexOf(groupInfo._items, _item);
                    if (position != -1)
                        // number of columns in the grid
                        int columnCount = WindowsListViewGroup.GetColumnCountExternal (_hwnd, groupID);
                        // item's row position
                        int itemRowPosition = position / columnCount;
                        // item's column position
                        return (position - (itemRowPosition * columnCount));
            return -1;
        // retrieve lvitem row position in the Grid
        // To be called only when Group is enabled
        private int GetItemRowPositionInGroup ()
            // get id of the group to which this item belongs
            int groupID = GetGroupID (_hwnd, _item);
            if (groupID != -1)
                // get position of this lvitem within the array of all items in the group
                GroupManager.GroupInfo groupInfo = WindowsListViewGroup.GetGroupInfo (_hwnd, groupID);
                if (groupInfo)
                    int position = groupInfo.IndexOf (_item);
                    if (position != -1)
                        // number of columns in the grid
                        int columnCount = WindowsListViewGroup.GetColumnCountExternal (_hwnd, groupID);
                        // calculate the row position of the item
                        return position / columnCount;
            return -1;
        #endregion Private Methods
        //  Private Fields
        #region Private Fields
        private const int _checkbox = -1;
        bool _isComctrlV6OnOsVerV6orHigher;
        #endregion Private Fields