// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
// Description: This class wraps an event listener object on the client side.
using System;
using System.Windows.Automation;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using MS.Win32;
namespace MS.Internal.Automation
// This class wraps an event listener object on the client side.
internal class EventListenerClientSide : MarshalByRefObject
// Constructors
#region Constructors
internal EventListenerClientSide(AutomationElement elRoot, Delegate clientCallback, EventListener l)
_eventListener = l;
_refElement = elRoot;
// Ensure that RuntimeId is cached on elRoot so that later compares can be done w/o accessing the native element
_refRid = elRoot.GetRuntimeId();
_clientCallback = clientCallback;
_callbackDelegate = new UiaCoreApi.UiaEventCallback(OnEvent);
_gch = GCHandle.Alloc(_callbackDelegate);
// Note: currently we don't have a well-defined lifetime for the usage of the callback, so don't
// really know when to release the GCHandle. Really nead the other event classes to call back to
// us when they're done.
// For now, just leave _gch to be collected when this object itself is collected. Note that we
// don't have a finalizer, since that is only for finalizing non-CLR entities; the GCHandle should
// take care of itself.
#endregion Constructors
// Internal Methods
#region Internal Methods
// called when unhooking the event - release resources
internal void Dispose()
// Unmanaged DLL calls back on this to notify a UIAccess client of an event.
internal void OnEvent(IntPtr argsAddr, object[,] requestedData, string treeStructure)
AutomationEventArgs e = UiaCoreApi.GetUiaEventArgs(argsAddr);
if (e.EventId == AutomationElement.AutomationFocusChangedEvent)
uint eventTime = SafeNativeMethods.GetTickCount();
if (eventTime == 0) // 0 is used as a marker value, so bump up to 1 if we get it.
eventTime = 1;
// There's no FocusChangedEventArgs in core, but clients expect one, so substitute if needed...
// (otherwise the cast in InvokeHandlers will fail...)
e = new InternalAutomationFocusChangedEventArgs(0, 0, eventTime);
UiaCoreApi.UiaCacheResponse cacheResponse = new UiaCoreApi.UiaCacheResponse(requestedData, treeStructure, _eventListener.CacheRequest);
// Invoke the listener's callback but not on this thread. Queuing this onto a worker thread allows
// OnEvent to return (which allows the call on the server-side to complete) and avoids a deadlock
// situation when the client accesses properties on the source element.
ClientEventManager.CBQ.PostWorkItem(new CalloutQueueItem(_clientCallback, cacheResponse, e, _eventListener.CacheRequest));
// IsListeningFor - called by UIAccess client during removal of listeners. Returns
// true if rid, eventId and clientCallback represent this listener instance.
internal bool IsListeningFor(AutomationEvent eventId, AutomationElement el, Delegate clientCallback)
// Removing the event handler using the element RuntimeId prevents problems with dead elements
int[] rid = null;
rid = el.GetRuntimeId();
catch( ElementNotAvailableException )
// This can't be the element this instance is holding because when
// creating this instance we caused the RuntimeId to be cached.
return false;
if( !Misc.Compare( _refRid, rid ) )
return false;
if( _eventListener.EventId != eventId )
return false;
if (_clientCallback != clientCallback)
return false;
return true;
// WithinScope - returns true if el is within the scope of this listener.
internal bool WithinScope(AutomationElement el)
// Quick look: If want all elements then no compare is necessary
if ((_eventListener.TreeScope & TreeScope.Subtree) == TreeScope.Subtree &&
Misc.Compare(_refRid, AutomationElement.RootElement.GetRuntimeId()))
return true;
// If our weak reference is still alive, then get it
AutomationElement elThis = AutomationElement;
if (elThis == null)
return false; // reference is no longer alive
// Quick look: If they want this element
if ((_eventListener.TreeScope & TreeScope.Element) != 0 && Misc.Compare(el, elThis))
return true;
AutomationElement elParent;
// Quick look (sort of): If they want to include children
if (((_eventListener.TreeScope & TreeScope.Children) != 0 || (_eventListener.TreeScope & TreeScope.Descendants) != 0))
elParent = TreeWalker.RawViewWalker.GetParent(el);
if (elParent != null && Misc.Compare(elParent, elThis))
return true;
// Quick look (sort of): If they want to include the parent
if (((_eventListener.TreeScope & TreeScope.Parent) != 0 || (_eventListener.TreeScope & TreeScope.Ancestors) != 0))
elParent = TreeWalker.RawViewWalker.GetParent(elThis);
if (elParent != null && Misc.Compare(elParent, el))
return true;
// More work if they want to include any descendents of this element
if ((_eventListener.TreeScope & TreeScope.Descendants) != 0 && IsChildOf(elThis, el))
return true;
// More work if they want to include any anscestors of this element
if ((_eventListener.TreeScope & TreeScope.Ancestors) != 0 && IsChildOf(el, elThis))
return true;
return false;
// WithinScope - returns true if rid is the RuntimeId of this listener or listening for all elements.
internal bool WithinScope( int [] rid )
// Quick look: If want all elements then no compare is necessary
if ((_eventListener.TreeScope & TreeScope.Subtree) == TreeScope.Subtree &&
Misc.Compare(_refRid, AutomationElement.RootElement.GetRuntimeId()))
return true;
// Can only determine if ref element is the element using RuntimeId;
// can't determine other relationships.
if ( ( _eventListener.TreeScope & TreeScope.Element ) == 0 )
return false;
// Quick look: If they want this element but use our ref RuntimeId
// since the weak reference may be gone.
if ( Misc.Compare( rid, _refRid ) )
return true;
// rid is not the ref element
return false;
#endregion Internal Methods
// Internal Properties
#region Internal Properties
internal EventListener EventListener
return _eventListener;
internal Delegate ClientCallback
return _clientCallback;
internal AutomationElement AutomationElement
return _refElement;
internal UiaCoreApi.UiaEventCallback CallbackDelegate
return _callbackDelegate;
internal SafeEventHandle EventHandle
return _eventHandle;
_eventHandle = value;
#endregion Internal Properties
// Private Methods
#region Private Methods
// return true if el is a child of elPossibleParent
private bool IsChildOf(AutomationElement elPossibleParent, AutomationElement el)
// Do the work [slower] using the proxies
if( ! Misc.Compare( el, elPossibleParent ) )
AutomationElement elPossibleChild = TreeWalker.RawViewWalker.GetParent(el);
while( elPossibleChild != null )
if( Misc.Compare( elPossibleChild, elPossibleParent ) )
return true;
elPossibleChild = TreeWalker.RawViewWalker.GetParent(elPossibleChild);
return false;
#endregion Private Methods
// Private Fields
#region Private Fields
private EventListener _eventListener;
private AutomationElement _refElement;
private int [] _refRid;
private Delegate _clientCallback;
private UiaCoreApi.UiaEventCallback _callbackDelegate;
private GCHandle _gch; // GCHandle to keep GCs from moving the callback
private SafeEventHandle _eventHandle;
#endregion Private Fields