// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
// Description: class which defines the delegates used to invoke the client event handlers
using System;
using System.Windows.Automation;
namespace MS.Internal.Automation
// Temp class used to bundle focus event time along with the usual
// focus change information. The InvokeHandler code below that dispatches
// focus change events checks the time, and drops any events thta have
// a timestamp that is earlier than the most recently dispatched event.
// (This avoids race conditions from events from WinEvents and events from UIA,
// which arrive on different threads, and which can drift during their processing,
// since winevents get scope-checked - slow - as part of their processing before
// being queued, whereas UIA events are just queued up. The key issue with any
// timestamp checking is that it happens *after* the two streams of events have
// been merged - otherwise they could just drift again. This is the case here,
// since the InvokeHandler code is called by the callbackqueue, which services
// both these types of events.)
// This code is "temp" - there's a work item to remove AsyncOperations, and
// removing that should result in a cleaner solution to passing the eventTime
// around, perhaps passing it directly to the InvokeHandlers method instead of
// tunnelling it into a 'wrapped' AutomationFocusChangedEventArgs.
internal class InternalAutomationFocusChangedEventArgs : AutomationFocusChangedEventArgs
internal AutomationFocusChangedEventArgs _args;
internal uint _eventTime;
internal InternalAutomationFocusChangedEventArgs(int idObject, int idChild, uint eventTime)
: base(idObject, idChild)
_args = new AutomationFocusChangedEventArgs(idObject, idChild);
_eventTime = eventTime;
// This class manages dispatching events to the different types of
// UIA event delegates
internal static class InvokeHandlers
// Internal Methods
#region Internal Methods
// The method that gets called from CallbackQueue's thread. Uses Post to invoke the callback on the proper thread.
internal static void InvokeClientHandler(Delegate clientCallback, AutomationElement srcEl, AutomationEventArgs args)
if (args is AutomationPropertyChangedEventArgs)
((AutomationPropertyChangedEventHandler)clientCallback)(srcEl, (AutomationPropertyChangedEventArgs)args);
else if (args is StructureChangedEventArgs)
((StructureChangedEventHandler)clientCallback)(srcEl, (StructureChangedEventArgs)args);
else if (args is InternalAutomationFocusChangedEventArgs)
AutomationFocusChangedEventArgs realArgs = ((InternalAutomationFocusChangedEventArgs)args)._args;
// For focus events, check that the event is actually more recent than the last one (see note at top of file).
// Since the timestamps can wrap around, subtract and measure the delta instead of just comparing them.
// Any events that appear to have taken place within the 5 seconds before the last event we got will be ignored.
// (Because of wraparound, certain before- and after- time spans share the same deltas; 5000ms before has the
// same value as MAXUINT-5000ms after. Since we're just trying to filter out very recent event race conditions,
// confine this test to a small window, just the most recent 5 seconds. That means you'd have to wait a *very*
// long time without any focus changes before getting a false positive here.)
uint eventTime = ((InternalAutomationFocusChangedEventArgs)args)._eventTime;
if (_lastFocusEventTime != 0)
uint delta = _lastFocusEventTime - eventTime;
// Exclude events that happend before the last one, but do allow any that happened "at the same time",
// (delta==0) since they likely actually happened after, but within the resolution of the event timer.
if (delta < 5000 && delta != 0)
_lastFocusEventTime = eventTime;
((AutomationFocusChangedEventHandler)clientCallback)(srcEl, realArgs);
((AutomationEventHandler)clientCallback)(srcEl, args);
catch (Exception e)
if (Misc.IsCriticalException(e))
// Since we can't predict what exceptions an outside client might throw intentionally ignore all
#endregion Internal Methods
// Internal Fields
#region Internal Fields
internal static uint _lastFocusEventTime;
#endregion Internal Fields