// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
// Description: Manages the listeners for one accessibility aid or test application.
using System.Collections;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Windows.Automation;
using MS.Win32;
using System;
namespace MS.Internal.Automation
// Manages the listeners for one accessibility aid or test application. Locking
// is used in all public methods to allow for multiple threads in a client process.
internal static class ClientEventManager
// Constructors
#region Constructors
// Static class, no ctor
#endregion Constructors
// Internal Methods
#region Internal Methods
// AddFocusListener - Adds a focus listener for this client.
internal static void AddFocusListener(Delegate eventCallback, EventListener l)
AddRootListener(Tracker.Focus, eventCallback, l);
// RemoveFocusListener - Removes a focus change listener from this client
// and notifies the UIAccess server
internal static void RemoveFocusListener(Delegate eventCallback)
RemoveRootListener(AutomationElement.AutomationFocusChangedEvent, Tracker.Focus, eventCallback);
// AddListener - Adds a listener for this client and notifies the UIA server. All event
// handler additions call through to this method.
internal static void AddListener(AutomationElement rawEl, Delegate eventCallback, EventListener l)
lock (_classLock)
// If we are adding a listener then a proxy could be created as a result of an event so make sure they are loaded
if (_listeners == null)
// enough space for 16 AddXxxListeners (100 bytes)
_listeners = new ArrayList(16);
// Start the callback queue that gets us off the server's
// UI thread when events arrive cross-proc
// The framework handles some events on behalf of providers; do those here
// If listening for BoundingRectangleProperty then may need to start listening on the
// client-side for LocationChange WinEvent (only use *one* BoundingRectTracker instance).
if (_winEventTrackers[(int)Tracker.BoundingRect] == null && HasProperty(AutomationElement.BoundingRectangleProperty, l.Properties))
// There may be special cases to not map BoundingRect to WinEvent. One may be
// where rawEl is a non-top-level native implementation and TreeScope == Element.
// Another may be if rawEl is a native impl and TreeScope includes descendents then
// may not need to worry about BoundingRect prop change on hosted Win32 UI? I think the
// answer is 'yes' because BoundingRectangleProperty should fire events for the top-most
// element that moved in the hierarchy. So if hosted Win32 content Rect changes w/o
// the host changing then it would fire this event.
// Note: Part of cleaning up WinEvent listeners is to move away from WinEvent handlers calling UIA client handlers
AddWinEventListener(Tracker.BoundingRect, new BoundingRectTracker());
// Start listening for menu event in order to raise MenuOpened/Closed events.
if ( _winEventTrackers [(int)Tracker.MenuOpenedOrClosed] == null && (l.EventId == AutomationElement.MenuOpenedEvent || l.EventId == AutomationElement.MenuClosedEvent) )
AddWinEventListener( Tracker.MenuOpenedOrClosed, new MenuTracker( new MenuHandler( OnMenuEvent ) ) );
// Begin watching for hwnd open/close/show/hide so can advise of what events are being listened for.
// Only advise UI contexts of events being added if the event might be raised by a provider.
// TopLevelWindow event is raised by UI Automation framework so no need to track new UI.
// Are there other events like this where Advise can be skipped?
if (_winEventTrackers[(int)Tracker.WindowShowOrOpen] == null )
AddWinEventListener( Tracker.WindowShowOrOpen, new WindowShowOrOpenTracker( new WindowShowOrOpenHandler( OnWindowShowOrOpen ) ) );
AddWinEventListener( Tracker.WindowHideOrClose, new WindowHideOrCloseTracker( new WindowHideOrCloseHandler( OnWindowHideOrClose ) ) );
// If listening for WindowInteractionStateProperty then may need to start listening on the
// client-side for ObjectStateChange WinEvent.
if (_winEventTrackers[(int)Tracker.WindowInteractionState] == null && HasProperty(WindowPattern.WindowInteractionStateProperty, l.Properties))
AddWinEventListener(Tracker.WindowInteractionState, new WindowInteractionStateTracker());
// If listening for WindowVisualStateProperty then may need to start listening on the
// client-side for ObjectLocationChange WinEvent.
if (_winEventTrackers[(int)Tracker.WindowVisualState] == null && HasProperty(WindowPattern.WindowVisualStateProperty, l.Properties))
AddWinEventListener(Tracker.WindowVisualState, new WindowVisualStateTracker());
// Wrap and store this record on the client...
EventListenerClientSide ec = new EventListenerClientSide(rawEl, eventCallback, l);
// Only advise UI contexts of events being added if the event might be raised by
// a provider. TopLevelWindow event is raised by UI Automation framework.
if (ShouldAdviseProviders( l.EventId ))
// .. then let the server know about this listener
ec.EventHandle = UiaCoreApi.UiaAddEvent(rawEl.RawNode, l.EventId.Id, ec.CallbackDelegate, l.TreeScope, PropertyArrayToIntArray(l.Properties), l.CacheRequest);
private static int[] PropertyArrayToIntArray(AutomationProperty[] properties)
if (properties == null)
return null;
int[] propertiesAsInts = new int[properties.Length];
for (int i = 0; i < properties.Length; i++)
propertiesAsInts[i] = properties[i].Id;
return propertiesAsInts;
// RemoveListener - Removes a listener from this client and notifies the UIAutomation server-side
internal static void RemoveListener( AutomationEvent eventId, AutomationElement el, Delegate eventCallback )
lock( _classLock )
if( _listeners != null )
bool boundingRectListeners = false; // if not removing BoundingRect listeners no need to do check below
bool menuListeners = false; // if not removing MenuOpenedOrClosed listeners no need to do check below
bool windowInteracationListeners = false; // if not removing WindowsIntercation listeners no need to do check below
bool windowVisualListeners = false; // if not removing WindowsVisual listeners no need to do check below
for (int i = _listeners.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
EventListenerClientSide ec = (EventListenerClientSide)_listeners[i];
if( ec.IsListeningFor( eventId, el, eventCallback ) )
EventListener l = ec.EventListener;
// Only advise UI contexts of events being removed if the event might be raised by
// a provider. TopLevelWindow event is raised by UI Automation framework.
if ( ShouldAdviseProviders(eventId) )
// Notify the server-side that this event is no longer interesting
ec.EventHandle.Dispose(); // Calls UiaCoreApi.UiaRemoveEvent
catch (ElementNotAvailableException)
// the element is gone already; continue on and remove the listener
// before removing, check if this delegate was listening for the below events
// and see if we can stop clientside WinEvent trackers.
if (HasProperty(AutomationElement.BoundingRectangleProperty, l.Properties))
boundingRectListeners = true;
if( eventId == AutomationElement.MenuOpenedEvent || eventId == AutomationElement.MenuClosedEvent )
menuListeners = true;
if (HasProperty(WindowPattern.WindowInteractionStateProperty, l.Properties))
windowInteracationListeners = true;
if (HasProperty(WindowPattern.WindowVisualStateProperty, l.Properties))
windowVisualListeners = true;
// delete this one
_listeners.RemoveAt( i );
// Check listeners bools to see if clientside listeners can be removed
if (boundingRectListeners)
RemovePropertyTracker(AutomationElement.BoundingRectangleProperty, Tracker.BoundingRect);
if (menuListeners)
if (windowInteracationListeners)
RemovePropertyTracker(WindowPattern.WindowInteractionStateProperty, Tracker.WindowInteractionState);
if (windowVisualListeners)
RemovePropertyTracker(WindowPattern.WindowVisualStateProperty, Tracker.WindowVisualState);
// See if we can cleanup completely
if (_listeners.Count == 0)
// as long as OnWindowShowOrOpen is static can just use new here and get same object instance
// (if there's no WindowShowOrOpen listener, this method just returns)
RemoveWinEventListener(Tracker.WindowShowOrOpen, new WindowShowOrOpenHandler(OnWindowShowOrOpen));
RemoveWinEventListener( Tracker.WindowHideOrClose, new WindowHideOrCloseHandler( OnWindowHideOrClose ) );
_listeners = null;
private static void RemovePropertyTracker(AutomationProperty property, Tracker tracker)
bool foundListener = false; // assume none
foreach (EventListenerClientSide l in _listeners)
if (HasProperty(property, l.EventListener.Properties))
foundListener = true; // delegate is still interested so can't
break; // stop the WinEvent tracking
if (!foundListener)
RemoveWinEventListener(tracker, null);
private static void RemoveMenuListeners()
bool menuListeners = false; // assume none
foreach (EventListenerClientSide l in _listeners)
if (l.EventListener.EventId == AutomationElement.MenuOpenedEvent || l.EventListener.EventId == AutomationElement.MenuClosedEvent)
menuListeners = true; // delegate is still interested so can't
break; // stop the WinEvent tracking
if (!menuListeners)
// as long as OnMenuEvent is static can just use new here and get same object instance
RemoveWinEventListener(Tracker.MenuOpenedOrClosed, new MenuHandler(OnMenuEvent));
// RemoveAllListeners - Removes all listeners from this client and notifies the
// UIAccess server
internal static void RemoveAllListeners()
lock (_classLock)
if (_listeners == null)
// Stop all WinEvent tracking
// Must remove from back to front when calling RemoveAt because ArrayList
// elements are compressed after each RemoveAt.
for (int i = _listeners.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
EventListenerClientSide ec = (EventListenerClientSide)_listeners[i];
// Notify the server-side UIAccess that this event is no longer interesting
EventListener l = ec.EventListener;
// Only advise UI contexts of events being removed if the event might be raised by
// a provider. TopLevelWindow event is raised by UI Automation framework.
if ( ShouldAdviseProviders(l.EventId) )
ec.EventHandle.Dispose(); // Calls RemoveEvent
// delete this one
_listeners = null;
#endregion Internal Methods
// Internal Properties
#region Internal Properties
// return the queue class instance
internal static QueueProcessor CBQ
return _callbackQueue;
#endregion Internal Properties
// Private Methods
#region Private Methods
// check queue is started, or start if necessary (always called w/in a lock)
private static void CheckStartCallbackQueueing()
if (!_isBkgrdThreadRunning)
_isBkgrdThreadRunning = true;
_callbackQueue = new QueueProcessor();
// check if queue is still needed, stop if necessary (always called w/in a lock)
private static void CheckStopCallbackQueueing()
// anything to stop?
if (!_isBkgrdThreadRunning)
// if there are listeners then can't stop
if (_listeners != null)
// Are any WinEvents currently being tracked for this client?
foreach (WinEventWrap eventWrapper in _winEventTrackers)
if (eventWrapper != null)
// OK to stop the queue now
_isBkgrdThreadRunning = false;
// Intentionally not setting _callbackQueue null here; don't want to mess with it from this thread.
// StopWinEventTracking is called when we just want to quit (RemoveAllListeners)
private static void StopWinEventTracking()
int i;
for (i=0; i<(int)Tracker.NumEventTrackers; i++)
WinEventWrap eventWrapper = _winEventTrackers[i];
if (eventWrapper != null)
_winEventTrackers[i] = null;
// Raise events for rawEl
internal static void RaiseEventInThisClientOnly(AutomationEvent eventId, AutomationElement rawEl, AutomationEventArgs e)
// This version of RaiseEventInThisClientOnly can be called with a local (proxied) or remote (native)AutomationElement
lock (_classLock)
if ( _listeners == null )
AutomationElement el = rawEl;
foreach (EventListenerClientSide listener in _listeners)
// Is this event a type this listener is interested in?
if (listener.EventListener.EventId == eventId)
// Did this event happen on an element this listener is interested in?
if (rawEl == null || listener.WithinScope( rawEl ))
UiaCoreApi.UiaCacheRequest cacheRequest = listener.EventListener.CacheRequest;
CBQ.PostWorkItem(new ClientSideQueueItem(listener.ClientCallback, el, cacheRequest, e));
// Raise events for the element that has RuntimeId == rid (special case for events where the element is no longer available)
internal static void RaiseEventInThisClientOnly( AutomationEvent eventId, int [] rid, AutomationEventArgs e)
// This version of RaiseEventInThisClientOnly can be called with a local (proxied) or remote (native)AutomationElement
lock ( _classLock )
if ( _listeners == null )
foreach ( EventListenerClientSide listener in _listeners )
// Is this event a type this listener is interested in?
if ( listener.EventListener.EventId == eventId )
// Did this event happen on an element this listener is interested in?
if ( listener.WithinScope( rid ) )
CBQ.PostWorkItem(new ClientSideQueueItem(listener.ClientCallback, null, null, e));
// GetNewRootTracker - Returns a new WinEvent wrapped object for events that are
// always based on the RootElement (e.g. AutomationFocusChanged or TopWindow events)
private static WinEventWrap GetNewRootTracker(Tracker idx)
if (idx == Tracker.Focus)
return new FocusTracker();
Debug.Assert(false, "GetNewRootTracker internal error: Unexpected Tracker value!");
return null;
// AddRootListener - Add a listener for an event whose reference is always the
// root and scope is all elements
private static void AddRootListener(Tracker idx, Delegate eventCallback, EventListener l)
lock ( _classLock )
// Add this listener to client-side store of listeners and give the server
// a chance to enable accessibility for this event
AddListener( AutomationElement.RootElement, eventCallback, l );
// Track WinEvents
WinEventWrap eventWrapper = _winEventTrackers[(int)idx];
if ( eventWrapper == null )
// First time create a WinEvent tracker and start listening
AddWinEventListener( idx, GetNewRootTracker( idx ) );
// Subsequent times just add the callback to the existing WinEvent
eventWrapper.AddCallback( eventCallback );
// RemoveRootListener - Remove a listener for an event whose reference is always
// the root and scope is all elements
private static void RemoveRootListener(AutomationEvent eventId, Tracker idx, Delegate eventCallback)
lock (_classLock)
RemoveListener(eventId, AutomationElement.RootElement, eventCallback);
RemoveWinEventListener(idx, eventCallback);
// AddWinEventListener - add an event callback for a global listener
private static void AddWinEventListener(Tracker idx, WinEventWrap eventWrapper)
// make sure we can queue items
_winEventTrackers[(int)idx] = eventWrapper;
_callbackQueue.PostSyncWorkItem(new WinEventQueueItem(eventWrapper, WinEventQueueItem.StartListening));
// RemoveWinEventListener - remove an event callback for a global listener
private static void RemoveWinEventListener(Tracker idx, Delegate eventCallback)
WinEventWrap eventWrapper = _winEventTrackers[(int)idx];
if (eventWrapper == null)
bool fRemovedLastListener = eventWrapper.RemoveCallback(eventCallback);
if (fRemovedLastListener)
_callbackQueue.PostSyncWorkItem(new WinEventQueueItem(eventWrapper, WinEventQueueItem.StopListening));
_winEventTrackers[(int)idx] = null;
// HasProperty - helper to check for a property in an AutomationProperty array
private static bool HasProperty(AutomationProperty p, AutomationProperty [] properties)
if (properties == null)
return false;
foreach (AutomationProperty p1 in properties)
if (p1 == p)
return true;
return false;
// OnWindowHideOrClose - Called by the WindowHideOrCloseTracker class when UI is hidden or destroyed
private static void OnWindowHideOrClose( IntPtr hwnd, AutomationElement rawEl, int [] runtimeId )
bool doWindowClosedEvent = false;
bool doStructureChangedEvent = false;
lock ( _classLock )
if (_listeners != null)
// if an hwnd is hidden or closed remove event listeners for the window's provider
for (int i = 0; i < _listeners.Count; i++)
EventListenerClientSide ec = (EventListenerClientSide)_listeners[i];
EventListener l = ec.EventListener;
if ( l.EventId == WindowPattern.WindowClosedEvent )
doWindowClosedEvent = true;
if ( l.EventId == AutomationElement.StructureChangedEvent )
doStructureChangedEvent = true;
// Only advise UI contexts if the provider still exists
// (but keep looking to see if need to do a WindowClosedEvent)
if (rawEl == null)
// Only advise UI contexts if the provider might raise that event.
if (!ShouldAdviseProviders(l.EventId))
// Only advise UI contexts if the element is w/in scope of the reference element
if (!ec.WithinScope(rawEl))
// Notify the server-side that this event is no longer interesting
UiaCoreApi.UiaEventRemoveWindow(ec.EventHandle, hwnd);
// Piggy-back on the listener for Windows hiding or closing to raise WindowClosed and StructureChanged events.
// When the hwnd behind rawEl is being destroyed, it can't be determined that rawEl once had the
// WindowPattern interface. Therefore raise an event for any window close.
if ( doWindowClosedEvent )
// When the hwnd is just hidden, rawEl will not be null, so can test if this would support WindowPattern
// and throw this event away if the window doesn't support that CP
if ( rawEl != null && !HwndProxyElementProvider.IsWindowPatternWindow( NativeMethods.HWND.Cast( hwnd ) ) )
// Go ahead and raise a client-side only WindowClosedEvent (if anyone is listening)
WindowClosedEventArgs e = new WindowClosedEventArgs( runtimeId );
RaiseEventInThisClientOnly(WindowPattern.WindowClosedEvent, runtimeId, e);
if ( doStructureChangedEvent )
// Raise an event for structure changed. This element has essentially gone away so there isn't an
// opportunity to do filtering here. So, just like WindowClosed, this event will be very noisy.
StructureChangedEventArgs e = new StructureChangedEventArgs( StructureChangeType.ChildRemoved, runtimeId );
RaiseEventInThisClientOnly(AutomationElement.StructureChangedEvent, runtimeId, e);
// OnWindowShowOrOpen - Called by the WindowShowOrOpenTracker class when UI is shown or created
private static void OnWindowShowOrOpen( IntPtr hwnd, AutomationElement rawEl )
bool doWindowOpenedEvent = false;
bool doStructureChangedEvent = false;
lock ( _classLock )
if (_listeners != null)
// if rawEl is w/in the scope of any listeners then register for events in the new UI
for (int i = 0; i < _listeners.Count; i++)
EventListenerClientSide ec = (EventListenerClientSide)_listeners[i];
EventListener l = ec.EventListener;
if ( l.EventId == WindowPattern.WindowOpenedEvent )
doWindowOpenedEvent = true;
if ( l.EventId == AutomationElement.StructureChangedEvent )
doStructureChangedEvent = true;
// Only advise UI contexts if the provider might raise that event.
if (!ShouldAdviseProviders( l.EventId ))
// Only advise UI contexts if the element is w/in scope of the reference element
if (!ec.WithinScope( rawEl ))
// Notify the server side
UiaCoreApi.UiaEventAddWindow(ec.EventHandle, hwnd);
// Piggy-back on the listener for Windows hiding or closing to raise WindowClosed and StructureChanged events.
if ( doWindowOpenedEvent )
if ( HwndProxyElementProvider.IsWindowPatternWindow( NativeMethods.HWND.Cast( hwnd ) ) )
// Go ahead and raise a client-side only WindowOpenedEvent (if anyone is listening)
AutomationEventArgs e = new AutomationEventArgs( WindowPattern.WindowOpenedEvent );
RaiseEventInThisClientOnly( WindowPattern.WindowOpenedEvent, rawEl, e);
if ( doStructureChangedEvent )
// Filter on the control elements. Otherwise, this is extremely noisy. Consider not filtering if there is feedback.
//ControlType ct = (ControlType)rawEl.GetPropertyValue( AutomationElement.ControlTypeProperty );
//if ( ct != null )
// Last,raise an event for structure changed
StructureChangedEventArgs e = new StructureChangedEventArgs( StructureChangeType.ChildAdded, rawEl.GetRuntimeId() );
RaiseEventInThisClientOnly(AutomationElement.StructureChangedEvent, rawEl, e);
// OnMenuEvent - Called by MenuTracker class
private static void OnMenuEvent( AutomationElement rawEl, bool menuHasOpened )
AutomationEvent eventId = menuHasOpened ? AutomationElement.MenuOpenedEvent : AutomationElement.MenuClosedEvent;
AutomationEventArgs e = new AutomationEventArgs( eventId );
RaiseEventInThisClientOnly(eventId, rawEl, e);
private static bool ShouldAdviseProviders( AutomationEvent eventId )
foreach (AutomationEvent ev in _doNotShouldAdviseProviders)
if (ev == eventId)
return false;
return true;
#endregion Private Methods
// Private Fields
#region Private Fields
// Indices into ClientEventManager._winEventTrackers. How wrapped WinEvents are added
// and removed is common code; using an array makes it easier to add, remove and do
// cleanup on client exit.
private enum Tracker
Focus = 0,
// insert additional indices here...
// If WindowPattern was exposed by the proxies then the WindowPattern code here
// should change to remove WindowPattern events from those UIAutomation client-side raises.
private static AutomationEvent[] _doNotShouldAdviseProviders = new AutomationEvent[] {
WindowPattern.WindowOpenedEvent, WindowPattern.WindowClosedEvent
private static WinEventWrap [] _winEventTrackers = new WinEventWrap[(int)Tracker.NumEventTrackers];
private static QueueProcessor _callbackQueue; // callbacks are queued on this class to avoid deadlocks
private static bool _isBkgrdThreadRunning = false; // is there a background thread for queueing and recieving WinEvents?
private static ArrayList _listeners; // data representing events the client is listening for
private static readonly object _classLock = new object(); // use lock object vs typeof(class) for perf reasons
#endregion Private Fields