File: System\Xaml\Context\XamlParserContext.cs
Web Access
Project: src\src\Microsoft.DotNet.Wpf\src\System.Xaml\System.Xaml.csproj (System.Xaml)
// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
#nullable disable
using System.Reflection;
using System.Xaml;
using MS.Internal.Xaml.Parser;
namespace MS.Internal.Xaml.Context
    internal class XamlParserContext : XamlContext
        private XamlContextStack<XamlParserFrame> _stack;
        private Dictionary<string, string> _prescopeNamespaces;
        public bool AllowProtectedMembersOnRoot { get; set; }
        public Func<string, string> XmlNamespaceResolver { get; set; }
        public XamlParserContext(XamlSchemaContext schemaContext, Assembly localAssembly)
            _stack = new XamlContextStack<XamlParserFrame>(()=>new XamlParserFrame());
            _prescopeNamespaces = new Dictionary<string, string>();
            base._localAssembly = localAssembly;
        // -----  abstracts overriden from XamlContext.
        public override void AddNamespacePrefix(string prefix, string xamlNS)
            _prescopeNamespaces.Add(prefix, xamlNS);
        public string FindNamespaceByPrefixInParseStack(string prefix)
            string xamlNs;
            if (_prescopeNamespaces is not null)
                if (_prescopeNamespaces.TryGetValue(prefix, out xamlNs))
                    return xamlNs;
            XamlParserFrame frame = _stack.CurrentFrame;
            while (frame.Depth > 0)
                if (frame.TryGetNamespaceByPrefix(prefix, out xamlNs))
                    return xamlNs;
                frame = (XamlParserFrame)frame.Previous;
            return null;
        public override string FindNamespaceByPrefix(string prefix)
            // For proper operation of some corner senarios the XmlNamespaceResolver
            // must be set.   But if it isn't we fall back to a look in our own stack.
            // Senarios that REQUIRE an XmlNamespaceResolver
            //  1) Prefix defs that ONLY exist in the XmlNsManager are only found this way
            //  2) Prefix defs on MarkupCompat Tags have effect but don't appear
            //     in the Xml node stream the XAML parser sees.
            // But for normal XAML the XmlNamespaceResolver does not need to be used.
            if (XmlNamespaceResolver is not null)
                return XmlNamespaceResolver(prefix);
            return FindNamespaceByPrefixInParseStack(prefix);
        public override IEnumerable<NamespaceDeclaration> GetNamespacePrefixes()
            XamlParserFrame frame = _stack.CurrentFrame;
            HashSet<string> keys = new HashSet<string>();
            while (frame.Depth > 0)
                if (frame._namespaces is not null)
                    foreach (NamespaceDeclaration namespaceDeclaration in frame.GetNamespacePrefixes())
                        if (keys.Add(namespaceDeclaration.Prefix))
                            yield return namespaceDeclaration;
                frame = (XamlParserFrame)frame.Previous;
            if (_prescopeNamespaces is not null)
                foreach (KeyValuePair<string, string> kvp in _prescopeNamespaces)
                    if (keys.Add(kvp.Key))
                        yield return new NamespaceDeclaration(kvp.Value, kvp.Key);
        // Only pass rootObjectType if the member is being looked up on the root object
        internal override bool IsVisible(XamlMember member, XamlType rootObjectType)
            if (member is null)
                return false;
            Type allowProtectedForType = null;
            if (AllowProtectedMembersOnRoot && rootObjectType is not null)
                allowProtectedForType = rootObjectType.UnderlyingType;
            // First check if the property setter is visible
            if (member.IsWriteVisibleTo(LocalAssembly, allowProtectedForType))
                return true;
            // If the property setter is not visible, but the property getter is, treat the property
            // as if it were read-only
            if (member.IsReadOnly || (member.Type is not null && member.Type.IsUsableAsReadOnly))
                return member.IsReadVisibleTo(LocalAssembly, allowProtectedForType);
            return false;
        // ----- new public methods.
        public void PushScope()
            if (_prescopeNamespaces.Count > 0)
                _prescopeNamespaces = new Dictionary<string, string>();
        public void PopScope()
        internal void InitBracketCharacterCacheForType(XamlType extensionType)
            CurrentEscapeCharacterMapForMarkupExtension = SchemaContext.InitBracketCharacterCacheForType(extensionType);
        /// <summary>
        /// Finds the list of parameters of the constructor with the most number
        /// of arguments.
        /// </summary>
        internal void InitLongestConstructor(XamlType xamlType)
            IEnumerable<ConstructorInfo> constructors = xamlType.GetConstructors();
            ParameterInfo[] constructorParameters = null;
            int parameterCount = 0;
            foreach (ConstructorInfo ctr in constructors)
                ParameterInfo[] parInfo = ctr.GetParameters();
                if (parInfo.Length >= parameterCount)
                    parameterCount = parInfo.Length;
                    constructorParameters = parInfo;
            CurrentLongestConstructorOfMarkupExtension = constructorParameters;
        // FxCop says this is never called
        // public int Depth
        // {
        //    get { return _stack.Depth; }
        // }
        public XamlType CurrentType
            get { return _stack.CurrentFrame.XamlType; }
            set { _stack.CurrentFrame.XamlType = value; }
        internal BracketModeParseParameters CurrentBracketModeParseParameters
            get { return _stack.CurrentFrame.BracketModeParseParameters; }
            set { _stack.CurrentFrame.BracketModeParseParameters = value; }
        internal ParameterInfo[] CurrentLongestConstructorOfMarkupExtension
            get { return _stack.CurrentFrame.LongestConstructorOfCurrentMarkupExtensionType; }
            set { _stack.CurrentFrame.LongestConstructorOfCurrentMarkupExtensionType = value; }
        internal Dictionary<string, SpecialBracketCharacters> CurrentEscapeCharacterMapForMarkupExtension
            get { return _stack.CurrentFrame.EscapeCharacterMapForMarkupExtension; }
            set { _stack.CurrentFrame.EscapeCharacterMapForMarkupExtension = value; }
        // This property refers to a namespace specified explicitly in the XAML document.
        // If this is an implicit type (e.g. GO, x:Data, implicit array) just leave it as null.
        public string CurrentTypeNamespace
            get { return _stack.CurrentFrame.TypeNamespace; }
            set { _stack.CurrentFrame.TypeNamespace = value; }
        public bool CurrentInContainerDirective
            get { return _stack.CurrentFrame.InContainerDirective; }
            set { _stack.CurrentFrame.InContainerDirective = value; }
        // FxCop says this is not called
        // public XamlType ParentType
        // {
        //    get { return _stack.PreviousFrame.XamlType; }
        // }
        public XamlMember CurrentMember
            get { return _stack.CurrentFrame.Member; }
            set { _stack.CurrentFrame.Member = value; }
        // FxCop says this is not called
        // public XamlProperty MemberProperty
        // {
        //    get { return _stack.PreviousFrame.Member; }
        // }
        public int CurrentArgCount
            get { return _stack.CurrentFrame.CtorArgCount; }
            set { _stack.CurrentFrame.CtorArgCount = value; }
        public bool CurrentForcedToUseConstructor
            get { return _stack.CurrentFrame.ForcedToUseConstructor; }
            set { _stack.CurrentFrame.ForcedToUseConstructor = value; }
        public bool CurrentInItemsProperty
            get { return _stack.CurrentFrame.Member == XamlLanguage.Items; }
        public bool CurrentInInitProperty
            get { return _stack.CurrentFrame.Member == XamlLanguage.Initialization; }
        public bool CurrentInUnknownContent
            get { return _stack.CurrentFrame.Member == XamlLanguage.UnknownContent; }
        public bool CurrentInImplicitArray
            get { return _stack.CurrentFrame.InImplicitArray; }
            set { _stack.CurrentFrame.InImplicitArray = value; }
        public bool CurrentInCollectionFromMember
            get { return _stack.CurrentFrame.InCollectionFromMember; }
            set { _stack.CurrentFrame.InCollectionFromMember = value; }
        public XamlType CurrentPreviousChildType
            get { return _stack.CurrentFrame.PreviousChildType; }
            set { _stack.CurrentFrame.PreviousChildType = value; }
        public bool CurrentMemberIsWriteVisible()
            Type allowProtectedForType = null;
            if (AllowProtectedMembersOnRoot && _stack.Depth == 1)
                allowProtectedForType = CurrentType.UnderlyingType;
            return CurrentMember.IsWriteVisibleTo(LocalAssembly, allowProtectedForType);
        public bool CurrentTypeIsRoot
            get { return _stack.CurrentFrame.XamlType is not null && _stack.Depth == 1; }