4 writes to XamlType
System.Xaml (4)
System\Xaml\Context\ObjectWriterContext.cs (1)
520set { _stack.CurrentFrame.XamlType = value; }
System\Xaml\Context\XamlCommonFrame.cs (2)
31XamlType = source.XamlType; 42XamlType = null;
System\Xaml\Context\XamlParserContext.cs (1)
196set { _stack.CurrentFrame.XamlType = value; }
23 references to XamlType
System.Xaml (23)
System\Xaml\Context\ObjectWriterContext.cs (18)
294if (frame.Instance is not null && frame.XamlType is null) 303return frame.XamlType; 344if (frame.XamlType is not null && frame.XamlType.CanAssignTo(type)) 362if (frame.XamlType is not null && frame.XamlType.CanAssignTo(prop.DeclaringType)) 373&& lowerFrame.XamlType is not null && !lowerFrame.XamlType.IsUsableDuringInitialization) 414if (ceilingTypes.Contains(frame.XamlType)) 449if (frame.XamlType is not null && frame.XamlType.CanAssignTo(type)) 519get { return _stack.CurrentFrame.XamlType; } 525get { return _stack.PreviousFrame.XamlType; } 530get { return _stack.PreviousPreviousFrame?.XamlType; } 802if (frame.XamlType is not null && frame.XamlType.IsNameScope) 883if (inst is null && rootFrame.XamlType.IsNameScope) 904XamlType xamlType = rootFrame.XamlType;
System\Xaml\Context\ObjectWriterFrame.cs (2)
72string type = (XamlType is null) ? string.Empty : XamlType.Name;
System\Xaml\Context\XamlCommonFrame.cs (1)
31XamlType = source.XamlType;
System\Xaml\Context\XamlParserContext.cs (2)
195get { return _stack.CurrentFrame.XamlType; } 307get { return _stack.CurrentFrame.XamlType is not null && _stack.Depth == 1; }