File: System\Windows\Forms\NotifyIcon.NotifyIconNativeWindow.cs
Web Access
Project: src\src\System.Windows.Forms\System.Windows.Forms.csproj (System.Windows.Forms)
// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
namespace System.Windows.Forms;
public sealed partial class NotifyIcon
    /// <summary>
    ///  Defines a placeholder window that the NotifyIcon is attached to.
    /// </summary>
    private class NotifyIconNativeWindow : NativeWindow
        internal NotifyIcon _reference;
        private GCHandle _rootRef;   // We will root the control when we do not want to be eligible for garbage collection.
        /// <summary>
        ///  Create a new NotifyIcon, and bind the window to the NotifyIcon component.
        /// </summary>
        internal NotifyIconNativeWindow(NotifyIcon component)
            _reference = component;
            // This same post is done in Control's Dispose method, so if you change it, change it there too.
            if (Handle != 0)
                PInvokeCore.PostMessage(this, PInvokeCore.WM_CLOSE);
            // This releases the handle from our window proc, re-routing it back to the system.
        public void LockReference(bool locked)
            if (locked)
                if (!_rootRef.IsAllocated)
                    _rootRef = GCHandle.Alloc(_reference, GCHandleType.Normal);
                if (_rootRef.IsAllocated)
        protected override void OnThreadException(Exception e)
        /// <summary>
        ///  Pass messages on to the NotifyIcon object's wndproc handler.
        /// </summary>
        protected override void WndProc(ref Message m)
            Debug.Assert(_reference is not null, "NotifyIcon was garbage collected while it was still visible. How did we let that happen?");
            _reference.WndProc(ref m);