55 instantiations of NotifyIcon
System.Windows.Forms.Design.Tests (3)
System\Windows\Forms\Design\NotifyIconDesignerActionListTests.cs (1)
17_notifyIcon = new();
System\Windows\Forms\Design\NotifyIconDesignerTests.cs (2)
12using NotifyIcon icon = new(); 23using NotifyIcon icon = new();
System.Windows.Forms.Tests (52)
System\Windows\Forms\NotifyIconTests.cs (52)
17using NotifyIcon notifyIcon = new(); 34using NotifyIcon notifyIcon = new(container); 50Assert.Throws<ArgumentNullException>("container", () => new NotifyIcon(null)); 57NotifyIcon notifyIcon = new() 72NotifyIcon notifyIcon = new(); 80using NotifyIcon notifyIcon = new() 95using NotifyIcon notifyIcon = new() 112using NotifyIcon notifyIcon = new() 127using NotifyIcon notifyIcon = new() 150using NotifyIcon notifyIcon = new() 166using NotifyIcon notifyIcon = new() 183using NotifyIcon notifyIcon = new(); 204using NotifyIcon notifyIcon = new() 220using NotifyIcon notifyIcon = new() 237using NotifyIcon notifyIcon = new() 266using NotifyIcon notifyIcon = new() 291using NotifyIcon notifyIcon = new() 309using NotifyIcon notifyIcon = new(); 320using NotifyIcon notifyIcon = new() 349using NotifyIcon notifyIcon = new() 366using NotifyIcon notifyIcon = new() 412using NotifyIcon notifyIcon = new() 431using NotifyIcon notifyIcon = new(); 439using NotifyIcon notifyIcon = new() 458using NotifyIcon notifyIcon = new() 478using NotifyIcon notifyIcon = new() 506using NotifyIcon notifyIcon = new() 538using NotifyIcon notifyIcon = new() 562using NotifyIcon notifyIcon = new() 574using NotifyIcon notifyIcon = new(); 589using NotifyIcon notifyIcon = new(); 604using NotifyIcon notifyIcon = new(); 619using NotifyIcon notifyIcon = new(); 634using NotifyIcon notifyIcon = new(); 649using NotifyIcon notifyIcon = new(); 664using NotifyIcon notifyIcon = new(); 679using NotifyIcon notifyIcon = new(); 694using NotifyIcon notifyIcon = new(); 709using NotifyIcon notifyIcon = new(); 724using NotifyIcon notifyIcon = new(); 773using NotifyIcon notifyIcon = new() 826using NotifyIcon notifyIcon = new() 840using NotifyIcon notifyIcon = new() 863using NotifyIcon notifyIcon = new() 881using NotifyIcon notifyIcon = new() 898using NotifyIcon notifyIcon = new(); 907using NotifyIcon notifyIcon = new() 920using NotifyIcon notifyIcon = new() 941using NotifyIcon notifyIcon = new() 954using NotifyIcon notifyIcon = new(); 963using NotifyIcon notifyIcon = new() 975using NotifyIcon notifyIcon = new();
73 references to NotifyIcon
DesignSurface (1)
MainForm.cs (1)
System.Windows.Forms (5)
System\Windows\Forms\NotifyIcon.cs (3)
55/// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="NotifyIcon"/> class. 65/// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="NotifyIcon"/> class. 379/// Releases the unmanaged resources used by the <see cref="NotifyIcon" />
System\Windows\Forms\NotifyIcon.NotifyIconNativeWindow.cs (2)
15internal NotifyIcon _reference; 21internal NotifyIconNativeWindow(NotifyIcon component)
System.Windows.Forms.Design (2)
System\Windows\Forms\Design\NotifyIconDesigner.cs (2)
16NotifyIcon icon = (NotifyIcon)Component;
System.Windows.Forms.Design.Tests (5)
EnsureEditorsTests.cs (2)
125[InlineData(typeof(NotifyIcon), "BalloonTipText", typeof(MultilineStringEditor))] 126[InlineData(typeof(NotifyIcon), "Text", typeof(MultilineStringEditor))]
System\Windows\Forms\Design\NotifyIconDesignerActionListTests.cs (1)
11private readonly NotifyIcon _notifyIcon;
System\Windows\Forms\Design\NotifyIconDesignerTests.cs (2)
12using NotifyIcon icon = new(); 23using NotifyIcon icon = new();
System.Windows.Forms.Tests (60)
System\Windows\Forms\NotifyIconTests.cs (60)
17using NotifyIcon notifyIcon = new(); 34using NotifyIcon notifyIcon = new(container); 57NotifyIcon notifyIcon = new() 72NotifyIcon notifyIcon = new(); 80using NotifyIcon notifyIcon = new() 95using NotifyIcon notifyIcon = new() 112using NotifyIcon notifyIcon = new() 127using NotifyIcon notifyIcon = new() 150using NotifyIcon notifyIcon = new() 166using NotifyIcon notifyIcon = new() 183using NotifyIcon notifyIcon = new(); 204using NotifyIcon notifyIcon = new() 220using NotifyIcon notifyIcon = new() 237using NotifyIcon notifyIcon = new() 266using NotifyIcon notifyIcon = new() 291using NotifyIcon notifyIcon = new() 309using NotifyIcon notifyIcon = new(); 320using NotifyIcon notifyIcon = new() 340yield return new object[] { visible, icon, new string('a', NotifyIcon.MaxTextSize), new string('a', NotifyIcon.MaxTextSize) }; 349using NotifyIcon notifyIcon = new() 366using NotifyIcon notifyIcon = new() 392yield return new object[] { visible, null, new string('a', NotifyIcon.MaxTextSize), new string('a', NotifyIcon.MaxTextSize), 0 }; 396yield return new object[] { false, new Icon("bitmaps/10x16_one_entry_32bit.ico"), new string('a', NotifyIcon.MaxTextSize), new string('a', NotifyIcon.MaxTextSize), 0 }; 398yield return new object[] { true, new Icon("bitmaps/10x16_one_entry_32bit.ico"), new string('a', NotifyIcon.MaxTextSize), new string('a', NotifyIcon.MaxTextSize), 1 }; 412using NotifyIcon notifyIcon = new() 431using NotifyIcon notifyIcon = new(); 432Assert.Throws<ArgumentOutOfRangeException>("Text", () => notifyIcon.Text = new string('a', NotifyIcon.MaxTextSize + 1)); 439using NotifyIcon notifyIcon = new() 458using NotifyIcon notifyIcon = new() 478using NotifyIcon notifyIcon = new() 506using NotifyIcon notifyIcon = new() 538using NotifyIcon notifyIcon = new() 562using NotifyIcon notifyIcon = new() 574using NotifyIcon notifyIcon = new(); 589using NotifyIcon notifyIcon = new(); 604using NotifyIcon notifyIcon = new(); 619using NotifyIcon notifyIcon = new(); 634using NotifyIcon notifyIcon = new(); 649using NotifyIcon notifyIcon = new(); 664using NotifyIcon notifyIcon = new(); 679using NotifyIcon notifyIcon = new(); 694using NotifyIcon notifyIcon = new(); 709using NotifyIcon notifyIcon = new(); 724using NotifyIcon notifyIcon = new(); 773using NotifyIcon notifyIcon = new() 826using NotifyIcon notifyIcon = new() 840using NotifyIcon notifyIcon = new() 863using NotifyIcon notifyIcon = new() 881using NotifyIcon notifyIcon = new() 898using NotifyIcon notifyIcon = new(); 907using NotifyIcon notifyIcon = new() 920using NotifyIcon notifyIcon = new() 941using NotifyIcon notifyIcon = new() 954using NotifyIcon notifyIcon = new(); 963using NotifyIcon notifyIcon = new() 975using NotifyIcon notifyIcon = new();