// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using System.Collections.Specialized;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Drawing.Text;
using System.Windows.Forms.Layout;
namespace System.Windows.Forms.ButtonInternal;
internal abstract partial class ButtonBaseAdapter
internal partial class LayoutOptions
private static readonly int s_combineCheck = BitVector32.CreateMask();
private static readonly int s_combineImageText = BitVector32.CreateMask(s_combineCheck);
private bool _disableWordWrapping;
// If this is changed to a property callers will need to be updated
// as they modify fields in the Rectangle.
public Rectangle Client;
public bool GrowBorderBy1PxWhenDefault { get; set; }
public bool IsDefault { get; set; }
public int BorderSize { get; set; }
public int PaddingSize { get; set; }
public bool MaxFocus { get; set; }
public bool FocusOddEvenFixup { get; set; }
public Font Font { get; set; } = null!;
public string? Text { get; set; }
public Size ImageSize { get; set; }
public int CheckSize { get; set; }
public int CheckPaddingSize { get; set; }
public ContentAlignment CheckAlign { get; set; }
public ContentAlignment ImageAlign { get; set; }
public ContentAlignment TextAlign { get; set; }
public TextImageRelation TextImageRelation { get; set; }
public bool HintTextUp { get; set; }
public bool TextOffset { get; set; }
public bool ShadowedText { get; set; }
public bool LayoutRTL { get; set; }
public bool VerticalText { get; set; }
public bool UseCompatibleTextRendering { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// .NET Framework 1.0/1.1 compatibility
/// </summary>
public bool DotNetOneButtonCompat { get; set; } = true;
public TextFormatFlags GdiTextFormatFlags { get; set; } = TextFormatFlags.WordBreak | TextFormatFlags.TextBoxControl;
public StringFormatFlags GdiPlusFormatFlags { get; set; }
public StringTrimming GdiPlusTrimming { get; set; }
public HotkeyPrefix GdiPlusHotkeyPrefix { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// Horizontal alignment.
/// </summary>
public StringAlignment GdiPlusAlignment { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// Vertical alignment.
/// </summary>
public StringAlignment GdiPlusLineAlignment { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// We don't cache the <see cref="StringFormat"/> itself because we don't have a deterministic way of
/// disposing it, instead we cache the flags that make it up and create it on demand so it can be disposed
/// by calling code.
/// </summary>
public StringFormat StringFormat
StringFormat format = new()
FormatFlags = GdiPlusFormatFlags,
Trimming = GdiPlusTrimming,
HotkeyPrefix = GdiPlusHotkeyPrefix,
Alignment = GdiPlusAlignment,
LineAlignment = GdiPlusLineAlignment
if (_disableWordWrapping)
format.FormatFlags |= StringFormatFlags.NoWrap;
return format;
GdiPlusFormatFlags = value.FormatFlags;
GdiPlusTrimming = value.Trimming;
GdiPlusHotkeyPrefix = value.HotkeyPrefix;
GdiPlusAlignment = value.Alignment;
GdiPlusLineAlignment = value.LineAlignment;
public TextFormatFlags TextFormatFlags =>
_disableWordWrapping ? GdiTextFormatFlags & ~TextFormatFlags.WordBreak : GdiTextFormatFlags;
/// <summary>
/// TextImageInset compensates for two factors: 3d text when the button is disabled,
/// and moving text on 3d-look buttons. These factors make the text require a couple
/// more pixels of space. We inset image by the same amount so they line up.
/// </summary>
public int TextImageInset { get; set; } = 2;
public Padding Padding { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// Uses <see cref="CheckAlign"/>, <see cref="ImageAlign"/>, and <see cref="TextAlign"/> to compose
/// <paramref name="checkSize"/>, <paramref name="imageSize"/>, and <paramref name="textSize"/> into
/// the preferred size.
/// </summary>
private Size Compose(Size checkSize, Size imageSize, Size textSize)
Composition hComposition = GetHorizontalComposition();
Composition vComposition = GetVerticalComposition();
return new Size(
xCompose(hComposition, checkSize.Width, imageSize.Width, textSize.Width),
xCompose(vComposition, checkSize.Height, imageSize.Height, textSize.Height));
static int xCompose(Composition composition, int checkSize, int imageSize, int textSize)
switch (composition)
case Composition.NoneCombined:
return checkSize + imageSize + textSize;
case Composition.CheckCombined:
return Math.Max(checkSize, imageSize + textSize);
case Composition.TextImageCombined:
return Math.Max(imageSize, textSize) + checkSize;
case Composition.AllCombined:
return Math.Max(Math.Max(checkSize, imageSize), textSize);
Debug.Fail(string.Format(SR.InvalidArgument, nameof(composition), composition.ToString()));
return -7107;
/// <summary>
/// Uses <see cref="CheckAlign"/>, <see cref="ImageAlign"/>, and <see cref="TextAlign"/> to decompose
/// <paramref name="proposedSize"/> into the space left over for text.
/// </summary>
private Size Decompose(Size checkSize, Size imageSize, Size proposedSize)
Composition hComposition = GetHorizontalComposition();
Composition vComposition = GetVerticalComposition();
return new Size(
xDecompose(hComposition, checkSize.Width, imageSize.Width, proposedSize.Width),
xDecompose(vComposition, checkSize.Height, imageSize.Height, proposedSize.Height));
static int xDecompose(Composition composition, int checkSize, int imageSize, int proposedSize)
switch (composition)
case Composition.NoneCombined:
return proposedSize - (checkSize + imageSize);
case Composition.CheckCombined:
return proposedSize - imageSize;
case Composition.TextImageCombined:
return proposedSize - checkSize;
case Composition.AllCombined:
return proposedSize;
Debug.Fail(string.Format(SR.InvalidArgument, nameof(composition), composition.ToString()));
return -7109;
private Composition GetHorizontalComposition()
BitVector32 action = default;
// Checks reserve space horizontally if possible, so only AnyLeft/AnyRight prevents combination.
action[s_combineCheck] =
CheckAlign == ContentAlignment.MiddleCenter || !LayoutUtils.IsHorizontalAlignment(CheckAlign);
action[s_combineImageText] = !LayoutUtils.IsHorizontalRelation(TextImageRelation);
return (Composition)action.Data;
internal Size GetPreferredSizeCore(Size proposedSize)
// Get space required for border and padding.
int linearBorderAndPadding = BorderSize * 2 + PaddingSize * 2;
if (GrowBorderBy1PxWhenDefault)
linearBorderAndPadding += 2;
Size bordersAndPadding = new(linearBorderAndPadding, linearBorderAndPadding);
proposedSize -= bordersAndPadding;
// Get space required for check.
int checkSizeLinear = FullCheckSize;
Size checkSize = checkSizeLinear > 0 ? new(checkSizeLinear + 1, checkSizeLinear) : Size.Empty;
// Get space required for Image - textImageInset compensated for by expanding image.
Size textImageInsetSize = new(TextImageInset * 2, TextImageInset * 2);
Size requiredImageSize = (ImageSize != Size.Empty) ? ImageSize + textImageInsetSize : Size.Empty;
// Pack Text into remaining space
proposedSize -= textImageInsetSize;
proposedSize = Decompose(checkSize, requiredImageSize, proposedSize);
Size textSize = Size.Empty;
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Text))
// When Button.AutoSizeMode is set to GrowOnly TableLayoutPanel expects buttons not to
// automatically wrap on word break. If there's enough room for the text to word-wrap then it
// will happen but the layout would not be adjusted to allow text wrapping. If someone has a
// carriage return in the text we'll honor that for preferred size, but we won't wrap based
// on constraints.
_disableWordWrapping = true;
textSize = GetTextSize(proposedSize) + textImageInsetSize;
_disableWordWrapping = false;
// Combine pieces to get final preferred size.
Size requiredSize = Compose(checkSize, ImageSize, textSize);
requiredSize += bordersAndPadding;
return requiredSize;
private Composition GetVerticalComposition()
BitVector32 action = default;
// Checks reserve space horizontally if possible, so only Top/Bottom prevents combination.
action[s_combineCheck] = CheckAlign == ContentAlignment.MiddleCenter || !LayoutUtils.IsVerticalAlignment(CheckAlign);
action[s_combineImageText] = !LayoutUtils.IsVerticalRelation(TextImageRelation);
return (Composition)action.Data;
private int FullBorderSize => OnePixExtraBorder ? BorderSize++ : BorderSize;
private bool OnePixExtraBorder => GrowBorderBy1PxWhenDefault && IsDefault;
internal LayoutData Layout()
LayoutData layout = new(this)
Client = Client
// Subtract border size from layout area.
int fullBorderSize = FullBorderSize;
layout.Face = Rectangle.Inflate(layout.Client, -fullBorderSize, -fullBorderSize);
// CheckBounds, CheckArea, Field.
// ImageBounds, ImageLocation, TextBounds.
// Focus.
if (MaxFocus)
layout.Focus = layout.Field;
layout.Focus.Inflate(-1, -1);
// Adjust for padding.
layout.Focus = LayoutUtils.InflateRect(layout.Focus, Padding);
Rectangle textAdjusted = new(
layout.TextBounds.X - 1,
layout.TextBounds.Y - 1,
layout.TextBounds.Width + 2,
layout.TextBounds.Height + 3);
layout.Focus = ImageSize != Size.Empty
? Rectangle.Union(textAdjusted, layout.ImageBounds)
: textAdjusted;
if (FocusOddEvenFixup)
if (layout.Focus.Height % 2 == 0)
if (layout.Focus.Width % 2 == 0)
return layout;
private TextImageRelation RtlTranslateRelation(TextImageRelation relation)
// If RTL, we swap ImageBeforeText and TextBeforeImage.
if (LayoutRTL)
switch (relation)
case TextImageRelation.ImageBeforeText:
return TextImageRelation.TextBeforeImage;
case TextImageRelation.TextBeforeImage:
return TextImageRelation.ImageBeforeText;
return relation;
internal ContentAlignment RtlTranslateContent(ContentAlignment align)
if (LayoutRTL)
ContentAlignment[][] mapping =
[ContentAlignment.TopLeft, ContentAlignment.TopRight],
[ContentAlignment.MiddleLeft, ContentAlignment.MiddleRight],
[ContentAlignment.BottomLeft, ContentAlignment.BottomRight],
for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
if (mapping[i][0] == align)
return mapping[i][1];
else if (mapping[i][1] == align)
return mapping[i][0];
return align;
private int FullCheckSize => CheckSize + CheckPaddingSize;
private void CalcCheckmarkRectangle(LayoutData layout)
int checkSizeFull = FullCheckSize;
layout.CheckBounds = new Rectangle(Client.X, Client.Y, checkSizeFull, checkSizeFull);
// Translate checkAlign for Rtl applications
ContentAlignment align = RtlTranslateContent(CheckAlign);
Rectangle field = Rectangle.Inflate(layout.Face, -PaddingSize, -PaddingSize);
layout.Field = field;
if (checkSizeFull <= 0)
if ((align & LayoutUtils.AnyRight) != 0)
layout.CheckBounds.X = (field.X + field.Width) - layout.CheckBounds.Width;
else if ((align & LayoutUtils.AnyCenter) != 0)
layout.CheckBounds.X = field.X + (field.Width - layout.CheckBounds.Width) / 2;
if ((align & LayoutUtils.AnyBottom) != 0)
layout.CheckBounds.Y = (field.Y + field.Height) - layout.CheckBounds.Height;
else if ((align & LayoutUtils.AnyTop) != 0)
layout.CheckBounds.Y = field.Y + 2; // + 2: this needs to be aligned to the text (
layout.CheckBounds.Y = field.Y + (field.Height - layout.CheckBounds.Height) / 2;
switch (align)
case ContentAlignment.TopLeft:
case ContentAlignment.MiddleLeft:
case ContentAlignment.BottomLeft:
layout.CheckArea.X = field.X;
layout.CheckArea.Width = checkSizeFull + 1;
layout.CheckArea.Y = field.Y;
layout.CheckArea.Height = field.Height;
layout.Field.X += checkSizeFull + 1;
layout.Field.Width -= checkSizeFull + 1;
case ContentAlignment.TopRight:
case ContentAlignment.MiddleRight:
case ContentAlignment.BottomRight:
layout.CheckArea.X = field.X + field.Width - checkSizeFull;
layout.CheckArea.Width = checkSizeFull + 1;
layout.CheckArea.Y = field.Y;
layout.CheckArea.Height = field.Height;
layout.Field.Width -= checkSizeFull + 1;
case ContentAlignment.TopCenter:
layout.CheckArea.X = field.X;
layout.CheckArea.Width = field.Width;
layout.CheckArea.Y = field.Y;
layout.CheckArea.Height = checkSizeFull;
layout.Field.Y += checkSizeFull;
layout.Field.Height -= checkSizeFull;
case ContentAlignment.BottomCenter:
layout.CheckArea.X = field.X;
layout.CheckArea.Width = field.Width;
layout.CheckArea.Y = field.Y + field.Height - checkSizeFull;
layout.CheckArea.Height = checkSizeFull;
layout.Field.Height -= checkSizeFull;
case ContentAlignment.MiddleCenter:
layout.CheckArea = layout.CheckBounds;
layout.CheckBounds.Width -= CheckPaddingSize;
layout.CheckBounds.Height -= CheckPaddingSize;
/// <summary>
/// Maps an image align to the set of <see cref="Forms.TextImageRelation"/>s that represent the same edge.
/// For example, <see cref="ContentAlignment.TopLeft"/> maps to <see cref="TextImageRelation.ImageAboveText"/>
/// and <see cref="TextImageRelation.ImageBeforeText"/>.
/// </summary>
private static readonly TextImageRelation[] s_imageAlignToRelation =
TextImageRelation.ImageAboveText | TextImageRelation.ImageBeforeText, // TopLeft
TextImageRelation.ImageAboveText, // TopCenter
TextImageRelation.ImageAboveText | TextImageRelation.TextBeforeImage, // TopRight
0, // Invalid
TextImageRelation.ImageBeforeText, // MiddleLeft
0, // MiddleCenter
TextImageRelation.TextBeforeImage, // MiddleRight
0, // Invalid
TextImageRelation.TextAboveImage | TextImageRelation.ImageBeforeText, // BottomLeft
TextImageRelation.TextAboveImage, // BottomCenter
TextImageRelation.TextAboveImage | TextImageRelation.TextBeforeImage // BottomRight
private static TextImageRelation ImageAlignToRelation(ContentAlignment alignment)
=> s_imageAlignToRelation[LayoutUtils.ContentAlignmentToIndex(alignment)];
private static TextImageRelation TextAlignToRelation(ContentAlignment alignment)
=> LayoutUtils.GetOppositeTextImageRelation(ImageAlignToRelation(alignment));
internal void LayoutTextAndImage(LayoutData layout)
// Translate for Rtl applications. This shadows the member variables.
ContentAlignment imageAlign = RtlTranslateContent(ImageAlign);
ContentAlignment textAlign = RtlTranslateContent(TextAlign);
TextImageRelation textImageRelation = RtlTranslateRelation(TextImageRelation);
// Figure out the maximum bounds for text & image.
Rectangle maxBounds = Rectangle.Inflate(layout.Field, -TextImageInset, -TextImageInset);
if (OnePixExtraBorder)
maxBounds.Inflate(1, 1);
// Compute the final image and text bounds.
if (ImageSize == Size.Empty || Text is null || Text.Length == 0 || textImageRelation == TextImageRelation.Overlay)
// Do not worry about text/image overlaying
Size textSize = GetTextSize(maxBounds.Size);
// For .NET Framework 1.1 compatibility.
Size size = ImageSize;
if (layout.Options.DotNetOneButtonCompat && ImageSize != Size.Empty)
size = new Size(size.Width + 1, size.Height + 1);
layout.ImageBounds = LayoutUtils.Align(size, maxBounds, imageAlign);
layout.TextBounds = LayoutUtils.Align(textSize, maxBounds, textAlign);
// Rearrange text/image to prevent overlay. Pack text into maxBounds - space reserved for image.
Size maxTextSize = LayoutUtils.SubAlignedRegion(maxBounds.Size, ImageSize, textImageRelation);
Size textSize = GetTextSize(maxTextSize);
Rectangle maxCombinedBounds = maxBounds;
// Combine text & image into one rectangle that we center within maxBounds.
Size combinedSize = LayoutUtils.AddAlignedRegion(textSize, ImageSize, textImageRelation);
maxCombinedBounds.Size = LayoutUtils.UnionSizes(maxCombinedBounds.Size, combinedSize);
Rectangle combinedBounds = LayoutUtils.Align(combinedSize, maxCombinedBounds, ContentAlignment.MiddleCenter);
// ImageEdge indicates whether the combination of ImageAlign and TextImageRelation place
// the image along the edge of the control. If so, we can increase the space for text.
bool imageEdge = (AnchorStyles)(ImageAlignToRelation(imageAlign) & textImageRelation) != AnchorStyles.None;
// TextEdge indicates whether the combination of TextAlign and TextImageRelation place
// the text along the edge of the control. If so, we can increase the space for image.
bool textEdge = (AnchorStyles)(TextAlignToRelation(textAlign) & textImageRelation) != AnchorStyles.None;
if (imageEdge)
// Just split imageSize off of maxCombinedBounds.
out layout.ImageBounds,
out layout.TextBounds);
else if (textEdge)
// Just split textSize off of maxCombinedBounds.
out layout.TextBounds,
out layout.ImageBounds);
// Expand the adjacent regions to maxCombinedBounds (centered) and split the rectangle into
// imageBounds and textBounds.
out layout.ImageBounds,
out layout.TextBounds);
ref layout.ImageBounds,
ref layout.TextBounds);
// Align text/image within their regions.
layout.ImageBounds = LayoutUtils.Align(ImageSize, layout.ImageBounds, imageAlign);
layout.TextBounds = LayoutUtils.Align(textSize, layout.TextBounds, textAlign);
// Don't call "layout.imageBounds = Rectangle.Intersect(layout.imageBounds, maxBounds);"
// because that is a breaking change that causes images to be scaled to the dimensions of the control.
// adjust textBounds so that the text is still visible even if the image is larger than the button's size
// Why do we intersect with layout.field for textBounds while we intersect with maxBounds for imageBounds?
// this is because there are some legacy code which squeezes the button so small that text will get clipped
// if we intersect with maxBounds. Have to do this for backward compatibility.
if (textImageRelation is TextImageRelation.TextBeforeImage or TextImageRelation.ImageBeforeText)
// Adjust the vertical position of textBounds so that the text doesn't fall off the boundary of the button
int textBottom = Math.Min(layout.TextBounds.Bottom, layout.Field.Bottom);
layout.TextBounds.Y = Math.Max(
Math.Min(layout.TextBounds.Y, layout.Field.Y + (layout.Field.Height - layout.TextBounds.Height) / 2),
layout.TextBounds.Height = textBottom - layout.TextBounds.Y;
if (textImageRelation is TextImageRelation.TextAboveImage or TextImageRelation.ImageAboveText)
// Adjust the horizontal position of textBounds so that the text doesn't fall off the boundary of the button
int textRight = Math.Min(layout.TextBounds.Right, layout.Field.Right);
layout.TextBounds.X = Math.Max(
Math.Min(layout.TextBounds.X, layout.Field.X + (layout.Field.Width - layout.TextBounds.Width) / 2),
layout.TextBounds.Width = textRight - layout.TextBounds.X;
if (textImageRelation == TextImageRelation.ImageBeforeText && layout.ImageBounds.Size.Width != 0)
// Squeezes imageBounds.Width so that text is visible
layout.ImageBounds.Width = Math.Max(
Math.Min(maxBounds.Width - layout.TextBounds.Width, layout.ImageBounds.Width));
layout.TextBounds.X = layout.ImageBounds.X + layout.ImageBounds.Width;
if (textImageRelation == TextImageRelation.ImageAboveText && layout.ImageBounds.Size.Height != 0)
// Squeezes imageBounds.Height so that the text is visible
layout.ImageBounds.Height = Math.Max(
Math.Min(maxBounds.Height - layout.TextBounds.Height, layout.ImageBounds.Height));
layout.TextBounds.Y = layout.ImageBounds.Y + layout.ImageBounds.Height;
// Make sure that textBound is contained in layout.field
layout.TextBounds = Rectangle.Intersect(layout.TextBounds, layout.Field);
if (HintTextUp)
if (TextOffset)
layout.TextBounds.Offset(1, 1);
// For .NET Framework 1.1 compatibility.
if (layout.Options.DotNetOneButtonCompat)
layout.ImageStart = layout.ImageBounds.Location;
layout.ImageBounds = Rectangle.Intersect(layout.ImageBounds, layout.Field);
else if (!Application.RenderWithVisualStyles)
// Not sure why this is here, but we can't remove it, since it might break
// ToolStrips on non-themed machines
// Clip
int bottom;
// If we are using GDI to measure text, then we can get into a situation, where
// the proposed height is ignore. In this case, we want to clip it against maxBounds.
if (!UseCompatibleTextRendering)
bottom = Math.Min(layout.TextBounds.Bottom, maxBounds.Bottom);
layout.TextBounds.Y = Math.Max(layout.TextBounds.Y, maxBounds.Y);
// If we are using GDI+ (like .NET Framework 1.1), then use the old code.
// This ensures that we have pixel-level rendering compatibility.
bottom = Math.Min(layout.TextBounds.Bottom, layout.Field.Bottom);
layout.TextBounds.Y = Math.Max(layout.TextBounds.Y, layout.Field.Y);
layout.TextBounds.Height = bottom - layout.TextBounds.Y;
protected virtual Size GetTextSize(Size proposedSize)
// Set the Prefix field of TextFormatFlags
proposedSize = LayoutUtils.FlipSizeIf(VerticalText, proposedSize);
Size textSize = Size.Empty;
if (UseCompatibleTextRendering)
// GDI+ text rendering.
using var screen = GdiCache.GetScreenDCGraphics();
using StringFormat stringFormat = StringFormat;
textSize = Size.Ceiling(
screen.Graphics.MeasureString(Text, Font, new SizeF(proposedSize.Width, proposedSize.Height),
else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Text))
// GDI text rendering (.NET Framework 2.0 feature).
textSize = TextRenderer.MeasureText(Text, Font, proposedSize, TextFormatFlags);
// Else skip calling MeasureText, it should return 0,0
return LayoutUtils.FlipSizeIf(VerticalText, textSize);
public override string ToString() =>
{ client = {{Client}}
OnePixExtraBorder = {{OnePixExtraBorder}}
borderSize = {{BorderSize}}
paddingSize = {{PaddingSize}}
maxFocus = {{MaxFocus}}
font = {{Font}}
text = {{Text}}
imageSize = {{ImageSize}}
checkSize = {{CheckSize}}
checkPaddingSize = {{CheckPaddingSize}}
checkAlign = {{CheckAlign}}
imageAlign = {{ImageAlign}}
textAlign = {{TextAlign}}
textOffset = {{TextOffset}}
shadowedText = {{ShadowedText}}
textImageRelation = {{TextImageRelation}}
layoutRTL = {{LayoutRTL}} }