// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Threading;
namespace System.Text.RegularExpressions.Symbolic
/// <summary>Provides a generic implementation for minterm generation over a given Boolean Algebra.</summary>
/// <typeparam name="TSet">The type of set of elements (typically <see cref="BDD"/>, <see cref="BitVector"/> for more than 64 elements, or <see cref="ulong"/> for 64 or fewer elements).</typeparam>
/// <remarks>
/// The minterms for a collection of sets are all their non-overlapping, satisfiable Boolean combinations. For example,
/// if the sets are [0-9] and [0-4], then there are three minterms: [0-4], [5-9] and [^0-9]. Notably, there is no
/// minterm corresponding to "[0-9] and not [0-4]", since that is unsatisfiable (empty).
/// </remarks>
internal static class MintermGenerator<TSet> where TSet : IComparable<TSet>
/// <summary>
/// Given an array of sets {p_1, p_2, ..., p_n} where n>=0,
/// enumerate all satisfiable (non-empty) Boolean combinations Tuple({b_1, b_2, ..., b_n}, p)
/// where p is satisfiable and equivalent to p'_1 & p'_2 & ... & p'_n,
/// where p'_i = p_i if b_i = true and p'_i is Not(p_i). Otherwise, if n=0 return Tuple({},True).
/// </summary>
/// <param name="solver">The solver to use for processing the sets.</param>
/// <param name="sets">The sets from which to generate the minterms.</param>
/// <returns>All minterms of the given set sequence</returns>
public static List<TSet> GenerateMinterms(ISolver<TSet> solver, HashSet<TSet> sets)
var tree = new PartitionTree(solver.Full);
foreach (TSet set in sets)
// Push each set into the partition tree
tree.Refine(solver, set);
// Return all minterms as the leaves of the partition tree
return tree.GetLeafSets();
/// <summary>A partition tree for efficiently solving minterms.</summary>
/// <remarks>
/// Sets are pushed into the tree with Refine(), which creates leaves in the tree for all satisfiable (non-empty)
/// and non-overlapping combinations with any previously pushed sets. At the end of the process the
/// minterms can be read from the leaves of the tree.
/// </remarks>
private sealed class PartitionTree
internal readonly TSet _set;
private PartitionTree? _left;
private PartitionTree? _right;
internal PartitionTree(TSet set) => _set = set;
internal void Refine(ISolver<TSet> solver, TSet other)
if (!StackHelper.TryEnsureSufficientExecutionStack())
StackHelper.CallOnEmptyStack(Refine, solver, other);
TSet thisAndOther = solver.And(_set, other);
if (!solver.IsEmpty(thisAndOther))
// The sets overlap, now check if this is contained in other
TSet thisMinusOther = solver.And(_set, solver.Not(other));
if (!solver.IsEmpty(thisMinusOther))
// This is not contained in other, minterms may need to be split
if (_left is null)
Debug.Assert(_right is null);
_left = new PartitionTree(thisAndOther);
_right = new PartitionTree(thisMinusOther);
Debug.Assert(_right is not null);
_left.Refine(solver, other);
_right.Refine(solver, other);
/// <summary>Get the sets from all of the leaves in the tree.</summary>
internal List<TSet> GetLeafSets()
var leaves = new List<TSet>();
var stack = new Stack<PartitionTree>();
while (stack.TryPop(out PartitionTree? node))
if (node._left is null && node._right is null)
Debug.Assert(node._left is not null && node._right is not null);
return leaves;