// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using System.Buffers;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
namespace System.Text.RegularExpressions
/// <summary>Contains state and provides operations related to finding the next location a match could possibly begin.</summary>
internal sealed class RegexFindOptimizations
/// <summary>Lookup table used for optimizing ASCII when doing set queries.</summary>
private readonly uint[]?[]? _asciiLookups;
public static RegexFindOptimizations Create(RegexNode root, RegexOptions options)
RegexFindOptimizations opts = new(root, options, isLeadingPartial: false);
if ((options & RegexOptions.RightToLeft) == 0 &&
!opts.IsUseful &&
RegexPrefixAnalyzer.FindLeadingPositiveLookahead(root) is RegexNode positiveLookahead)
RegexFindOptimizations positiveLookaheadOpts = new(positiveLookahead.Child(0), options, isLeadingPartial: true);
// Fixups to incorporate relevant information from the original optimizations.
// - If the original has a larger minimum length than the lookahead, use it. Lookaheads don't currently factor into
// the computation of the minimum as it complicates the logic due to them possibly overlapping with other portions.
// - Use whatever max came from the original, if any. We shouldn't have computed a max for the lookahead because
// it's partial.
positiveLookaheadOpts.MinRequiredLength = Math.Max(opts.MinRequiredLength, positiveLookaheadOpts.MinRequiredLength);
positiveLookaheadOpts.MaxPossibleLength = opts.MaxPossibleLength;
opts = positiveLookaheadOpts;
return opts;
/// <summary>Creates optimization information for searching with the pattern represented by <paramref name="root"/>.</summary>
/// <param name="root">The root of the pattern node tree.</param>
/// <param name="options">Options used when creating the regex.</param>
/// <param name="isLeadingPartial">true if <paramref name="root"/> may not represent the whole pattern, only a leading node in it.</param>
private RegexFindOptimizations(RegexNode root, RegexOptions options, bool isLeadingPartial)
bool rightToLeft = (options & RegexOptions.RightToLeft) != 0;
Debug.Assert(!isLeadingPartial || !rightToLeft, "RightToLeft unexpected when isLeadingPartial");
MinRequiredLength = root.ComputeMinLength();
// Compute any anchor starting the expression. If there is one, we won't need to search for anything,
// as we can just match at that single location.
LeadingAnchor = RegexPrefixAnalyzer.FindLeadingAnchor(root);
if (rightToLeft && LeadingAnchor == RegexNodeKind.Bol)
// Filter out Bol for RightToLeft, as we don't currently optimize for it.
LeadingAnchor = RegexNodeKind.Unknown;
if (LeadingAnchor is RegexNodeKind.Beginning or RegexNodeKind.Start or RegexNodeKind.EndZ or RegexNodeKind.End)
FindMode = (LeadingAnchor, rightToLeft) switch
(RegexNodeKind.Beginning, false) => FindNextStartingPositionMode.LeadingAnchor_LeftToRight_Beginning,
(RegexNodeKind.Beginning, true) => FindNextStartingPositionMode.LeadingAnchor_RightToLeft_Beginning,
(RegexNodeKind.Start, false) => FindNextStartingPositionMode.LeadingAnchor_LeftToRight_Start,
(RegexNodeKind.Start, true) => FindNextStartingPositionMode.LeadingAnchor_RightToLeft_Start,
(RegexNodeKind.End, false) => FindNextStartingPositionMode.LeadingAnchor_LeftToRight_End,
(RegexNodeKind.End, true) => FindNextStartingPositionMode.LeadingAnchor_RightToLeft_End,
(_, false) => FindNextStartingPositionMode.LeadingAnchor_LeftToRight_EndZ,
(_, true) => FindNextStartingPositionMode.LeadingAnchor_RightToLeft_EndZ,
// Compute any anchor trailing the expression. If there is one, and we can also compute a fixed length
// for the whole expression, we can use that to quickly jump to the right location in the input.
if (!rightToLeft && // haven't added FindNextStartingPositionMode trailing anchor support for RTL
!isLeadingPartial) // trailing anchors in a partial root aren't relevant
TrailingAnchor = RegexPrefixAnalyzer.FindTrailingAnchor(root);
if (TrailingAnchor is RegexNodeKind.End or RegexNodeKind.EndZ &&
root.ComputeMaxLength() is int maxLength)
Debug.Assert(maxLength >= MinRequiredLength, $"{maxLength} should have been greater than {MinRequiredLength} minimum");
MaxPossibleLength = maxLength;
if (MinRequiredLength == maxLength)
FindMode = TrailingAnchor == RegexNodeKind.End ?
FindNextStartingPositionMode.TrailingAnchor_FixedLength_LeftToRight_End :
// If there's a leading substring, just use IndexOf and inherit all of its optimizations.
string? prefix = RegexPrefixAnalyzer.FindPrefix(root);
if (prefix.Length > 1)
LeadingPrefix = prefix;
FindMode = rightToLeft ?
FindNextStartingPositionMode.LeadingString_RightToLeft :
// At this point there are no fast-searchable anchors or case-sensitive prefixes. We can now analyze the
// pattern for sets and then use any found sets to determine what kind of search to perform.
// If we're compiling, then the compilation process already handles sets that reduce to a single literal,
// so we can simplify and just always go for the sets.
bool dfa = (options & RegexOptions.NonBacktracking) != 0;
bool compiled = (options & RegexOptions.Compiled) != 0 && !dfa; // for now, we never generate code for NonBacktracking, so treat it as non-compiled
bool interpreter = !compiled && !dfa;
// For interpreter, we want to employ optimizations, but we don't want to make construction significantly
// more expensive; someone who wants to pay to do more work can specify Compiled. So for the interpreter
// we focus only on creating a set for the first character. Same for right-to-left, which is used very
// rarely and thus we don't need to invest in special-casing it.
if (rightToLeft)
// Determine a set for anything that can possibly start the expression.
if (RegexPrefixAnalyzer.FindFirstCharClass(root) is string charClass)
// See if the set is limited to holding only a few characters.
Span<char> scratch = stackalloc char[5]; // max efficiently optimized by IndexOfAny today without SearchValues, which isn't used for RTL
int scratchCount;
char[]? chars = null;
if (!RegexCharClass.IsNegated(charClass) &&
(scratchCount = RegexCharClass.GetSetChars(charClass, scratch)) > 0)
chars = scratch.Slice(0, scratchCount).ToArray();
if (!compiled &&
chars is { Length: 1 })
// The set contains one and only one character, meaning every match starts
// with the same literal value (potentially case-insensitive). Search for that.
FixedDistanceLiteral = (chars[0], null, 0);
FindMode = FindNextStartingPositionMode.LeadingChar_RightToLeft;
// The set may match multiple characters. Search for that.
Debug.Assert(!RegexCharClass.IsNegated(charClass) || chars is null);
FixedDistanceSets = new List<FixedDistanceSet>()
new FixedDistanceSet(chars, charClass, 0)
FindMode = FindNextStartingPositionMode.LeadingSet_RightToLeft;
_asciiLookups = new uint[1][];
// We're now left-to-right only.
prefix = RegexPrefixAnalyzer.FindPrefixOrdinalCaseInsensitive(root);
if (prefix is { Length: > 1 })
LeadingPrefix = prefix;
FindMode = FindNextStartingPositionMode.LeadingString_OrdinalIgnoreCase_LeftToRight;
// We're now left-to-right only and looking for multiple prefixes and/or sets.
// If there are multiple leading strings, we can search for any of them.
if (!interpreter) // this works in the interpreter, but we avoid it due to additional cost during construction
if (RegexPrefixAnalyzer.FindPrefixes(root, ignoreCase: true) is { Length: > 1 } caseInsensitivePrefixes)
LeadingPrefixes = caseInsensitivePrefixes;
FindMode = FindNextStartingPositionMode.LeadingStrings_OrdinalIgnoreCase_LeftToRight;
LeadingStrings = SearchValues.Create(LeadingPrefixes, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
// TODO: While some benchmarks benefit from this significantly, others regressed a bit (in particular those with few
// matches). Before enabling this, we need to investigate the performance impact on real-world scenarios,
// and see if there are ways to reduce the impact.
//if (RegexPrefixAnalyzer.FindPrefixes(root, ignoreCase: false) is { Length: > 1 } caseSensitivePrefixes)
// LeadingPrefixes = caseSensitivePrefixes;
// FindMode = FindNextStartingPositionMode.LeadingStrings_LeftToRight;
// LeadingStrings = SearchValues.Create(LeadingPrefixes, StringComparison.Ordinal);
// return;
// Build up a list of all of the sets that are a fixed distance from the start of the expression.
List<FixedDistanceSet>? fixedDistanceSets = RegexPrefixAnalyzer.FindFixedDistanceSets(root, thorough: !interpreter);
Debug.Assert(fixedDistanceSets is null || fixedDistanceSets.Count != 0);
// See if we can make a string of at least two characters long out of those sets. We should have already caught
// one at the beginning of the pattern, but there may be one hiding at a non-zero fixed distance into the pattern.
if (fixedDistanceSets is not null &&
FindFixedDistanceString(fixedDistanceSets) is (string String, int Distance) bestFixedDistanceString)
FindMode = FindNextStartingPositionMode.FixedDistanceString_LeftToRight;
FixedDistanceLiteral = ('\0', bestFixedDistanceString.String, bestFixedDistanceString.Distance);
// As a backup, see if we can find a literal after a leading atomic loop. That might be better than whatever sets we find, so
// we want to know whether we have one in our pocket before deciding whether to use a leading set (we'll prefer a leading
// set if it's something for which we can search efficiently).
(RegexNode LoopNode, (char Char, string? String, StringComparison StringComparison, char[]? Chars) Literal)? literalAfterLoop = RegexPrefixAnalyzer.FindLiteralFollowingLeadingLoop(root);
// If we got such sets, we'll likely use them. However, if the best of them is something that doesn't support an efficient
// search and we did successfully find a literal after an atomic loop we could search instead, we prefer the efficient search.
// For example, if we have a negated set, we will still prefer the literal-after-an-atomic-loop because negated sets typically
// contain _many_ characters (e.g. [^a] is everything but 'a') and are thus more likely to very quickly match, which means any
// vectorization employed is less likely to kick in and be worth the startup overhead.
if (fixedDistanceSets is not null)
// Sort the sets by "quality", such that whatever set is first is the one deemed most efficient to use.
// In some searches, we may use multiple sets, so we want the subsequent ones to also be the efficiency runners-up.
// If there is no literal after the loop, use whatever set we got.
// If there is a literal after the loop, consider it to be better than a negated set and better than a set with many characters.
if (literalAfterLoop is null ||
(fixedDistanceSets[0].Chars is not null && !fixedDistanceSets[0].Negated))
// Determine whether to do searching based on one or more sets or on a single literal. Compiled engines
// don't need to special-case literals as they already do codegen to create the optimal lookup based on
// the set's characteristics.
if (!compiled &&
fixedDistanceSets.Count == 1 &&
fixedDistanceSets[0].Chars is { Length: 1 } &&
FixedDistanceLiteral = (fixedDistanceSets[0].Chars![0], null, fixedDistanceSets[0].Distance);
FindMode = FindNextStartingPositionMode.FixedDistanceChar_LeftToRight;
// Limit how many sets we use to avoid doing lots of unnecessary work. The list was already
// sorted from best to worst, so just keep the first ones up to our limit.
const int MaxSetsToUse = 3; // arbitrary tuned limit
if (fixedDistanceSets.Count > MaxSetsToUse)
fixedDistanceSets.RemoveRange(MaxSetsToUse, fixedDistanceSets.Count - MaxSetsToUse);
// Store the sets, and compute which mode to use.
FixedDistanceSets = fixedDistanceSets;
FindMode = (fixedDistanceSets.Count == 1 && fixedDistanceSets[0].Distance == 0) ?
FindNextStartingPositionMode.LeadingSet_LeftToRight :
_asciiLookups = new uint[fixedDistanceSets.Count][];
// If we found a literal we can search for after a leading set loop, use it.
if (literalAfterLoop is not null)
FindMode = FindNextStartingPositionMode.LiteralAfterLoop_LeftToRight;
LiteralAfterLoop = literalAfterLoop;
_asciiLookups = new uint[1][];
/// <summary>true iff <see cref="TryFindNextStartingPositionLeftToRight"/> might advance the position.</summary>
public bool IsUseful =>
FindMode != FindNextStartingPositionMode.NoSearch || // there's a searching scheme available
LeadingAnchor == RegexNodeKind.Bol; // there's a leading BOL anchor we can otherwise search for
/// <summary>Gets the selected mode for performing the next <see cref="TryFindNextStartingPositionLeftToRight"/> or <see cref="TryFindNextStartingPositionRightToLeft"/> operation</summary>
public FindNextStartingPositionMode FindMode { get; } = FindNextStartingPositionMode.NoSearch;
/// <summary>Gets the leading anchor (e.g. RegexNodeKind.Bol) if one exists and was computed.</summary>
public RegexNodeKind LeadingAnchor { get; private set; }
/// <summary>Gets the trailing anchor (e.g. RegexNodeKind.Bol) if one exists and was computed.</summary>
public RegexNodeKind TrailingAnchor { get; }
/// <summary>Gets the minimum required length an input need be to match the pattern.</summary>
/// <remarks>0 is a valid minimum length. This value may also be the max (and hence fixed) length of the expression.</remarks>
public int MinRequiredLength { get; private set; }
/// <summary>The maximum possible length an input could be to match the pattern.</summary>
/// <remarks>
/// This is currently only set when <see cref="TrailingAnchor"/> is found to be an end anchor.
/// That can be expanded in the future as needed.
/// </remarks>
public int? MaxPossibleLength { get; private set; }
/// <summary>Gets the leading prefix. May be an empty string.</summary>
public string LeadingPrefix { get; } = string.Empty;
/// <summary>Gets the leading prefixes. May be an empty array.</summary>
public string[] LeadingPrefixes { get; } = Array.Empty<string>();
/// <summary>When in fixed distance literal mode, gets the literal and how far it is from the start of the pattern.</summary>
public (char Char, string? String, int Distance) FixedDistanceLiteral { get; }
/// <summary>When in fixed distance set mode, gets the set and how far it is from the start of the pattern.</summary>
/// <remarks>The case-insensitivity of the 0th entry will always match the mode selected, but subsequent entries may not.</remarks>
public List<FixedDistanceSet>? FixedDistanceSets { get; }
/// <summary>When in leading strings mode, gets the search values to use for searching the input.</summary>
public SearchValues<string>? LeadingStrings { get; }
/// <summary>Data about a character class at a fixed offset from the start of any match to a pattern.</summary>
public struct FixedDistanceSet(char[]? chars, string set, int distance)
/// <summary>The character class description.</summary>
public string Set = set;
/// <summary>Whether the <see cref="Set"/> is negated.</summary>
public bool Negated;
/// <summary>Small list of all of the characters that make up the set, if known; otherwise, null.</summary>
public char[]? Chars = chars;
/// <summary>The distance of the set from the beginning of the match.</summary>
public int Distance = distance;
/// <summary>As an alternative to <see cref="Chars"/>, a description of the single range the set represents, if it does.</summary>
public (char LowInclusive, char HighInclusive)? Range;
/// <summary>When in literal after set loop node, gets the literal to search for and the RegexNode representing the leading loop.</summary>
public (RegexNode LoopNode, (char Char, string? String, StringComparison StringComparison, char[]? Chars) Literal)? LiteralAfterLoop { get; }
/// <summary>Analyzes a list of fixed-distance sets to extract a case-sensitive string at a fixed distance.</summary>
private static (string String, int Distance)? FindFixedDistanceString(List<FixedDistanceSet> fixedDistanceSets)
(string String, int Distance)? best = null;
// A result string must be at least two characters in length; therefore we require at least that many sets.
if (fixedDistanceSets.Count >= 2)
// We're walking the sets from beginning to end, so we need them sorted by distance.
fixedDistanceSets.Sort((s1, s2) => s1.Distance.CompareTo(s2.Distance));
Span<char> scratch = stackalloc char[64];
var vsb = new ValueStringBuilder(scratch);
// Looking for strings of length >= 2
int start = -1;
for (int i = 0; i < fixedDistanceSets.Count + 1; i++)
char[]? chars = i < fixedDistanceSets.Count ? fixedDistanceSets[i].Chars : null;
bool invalidChars = chars is not { Length: 1 } || fixedDistanceSets[i].Negated;
// If the current set ends a sequence (or we've walked off the end), see whether
// what we've gathered constitues a valid string, and if it's better than the
// best we've already seen, store it. Regardless, reset the sequence in order
// to continue analyzing.
if (invalidChars ||
(i > 0 && fixedDistanceSets[i].Distance != fixedDistanceSets[i - 1].Distance + 1))
if (start != -1 && i - start >= (best is null ? 2 : best.Value.String.Length))
best = (vsb.ToString(), fixedDistanceSets[start].Distance);
vsb = new ValueStringBuilder(scratch);
start = -1;
if (invalidChars)
if (start == -1)
start = i;
Debug.Assert(chars is { Length: 1 });
return best;
/// <summary>Try to advance to the next starting position that might be a location for a match.</summary>
/// <param name="textSpan">The text to search.</param>
/// <param name="pos">The position in <paramref name="textSpan"/>. This is updated with the found position.</param>
/// <param name="start">The index in <paramref name="textSpan"/> to consider the start for start anchor purposes.</param>
/// <returns>true if a position to attempt a match was found; false if none was found.</returns>
public bool TryFindNextStartingPositionRightToLeft(ReadOnlySpan<char> textSpan, ref int pos, int start)
// Return early if we know there's not enough input left to match.
if (pos < MinRequiredLength)
pos = 0;
return false;
Debug.Assert(LeadingAnchor != RegexNodeKind.Bol, "BOL isn't enabled for RTL");
switch (FindMode)
// There's an anchor. For some, we can simply compare against the current position.
// For others, we can jump to the relevant location.
case FindNextStartingPositionMode.LeadingAnchor_RightToLeft_Beginning:
if (pos != 0)
// If we're not currently at the beginning, skip ahead (or, rather, backwards)
// since nothing until then can possibly match. (We're iterating from the end
// to the beginning in RightToLeft mode.)
pos = 0;
return true;
case FindNextStartingPositionMode.LeadingAnchor_RightToLeft_Start:
if (pos != start)
// If we're not currently at the starting position, we'll never be, so fail immediately.
// This is different from beginning, since beginning is the fixed location of 0 whereas
// start is wherever the iteration actually starts from; in left-to-right, that's often
// the same as beginning, but in RightToLeft it rarely is.
pos = 0;
return false;
return true;
case FindNextStartingPositionMode.LeadingAnchor_RightToLeft_EndZ:
if (pos < textSpan.Length - 1 || ((uint)pos < (uint)textSpan.Length && textSpan[pos] != '\n'))
// If we're not currently at the end, we'll never be (we're iterating from end to beginning),
// so fail immediately.
pos = 0;
return false;
return true;
case FindNextStartingPositionMode.LeadingAnchor_RightToLeft_End:
if (pos < textSpan.Length)
// If we're not currently at the end, we'll never be (we're iterating from end to beginning),
// so fail immediately.
pos = 0;
return false;
return true;
// There's a case-sensitive prefix. Search for it with ordinal IndexOf.
case FindNextStartingPositionMode.LeadingString_RightToLeft:
int i = textSpan.Slice(0, pos).LastIndexOf(LeadingPrefix.AsSpan());
if (i >= 0)
pos = i + LeadingPrefix.Length;
return true;
pos = 0;
return false;
// There's a literal at the beginning of the pattern. Search for it.
case FindNextStartingPositionMode.LeadingChar_RightToLeft:
int i = textSpan.Slice(0, pos).LastIndexOf(FixedDistanceLiteral.Char);
if (i >= 0)
pos = i + 1;
return true;
pos = 0;
return false;
// There's a set at the beginning of the pattern. Search for it.
case FindNextStartingPositionMode.LeadingSet_RightToLeft:
ref uint[]? startingAsciiLookup = ref _asciiLookups![0];
string set = FixedDistanceSets![0].Set;
ReadOnlySpan<char> span = textSpan.Slice(0, pos);
for (int i = span.Length - 1; i >= 0; i--)
if (RegexCharClass.CharInClass(span[i], set, ref startingAsciiLookup))
pos = i + 1;
return true;
pos = 0;
return false;
// Nothing special to look for. Just return true indicating this is a valid position to try to match.
Debug.Assert(FindMode == FindNextStartingPositionMode.NoSearch);
return true;
/// <summary>Try to advance to the next starting position that might be a location for a match.</summary>
/// <param name="textSpan">The text to search.</param>
/// <param name="pos">The position in <paramref name="textSpan"/>. This is updated with the found position.</param>
/// <param name="start">The index in <paramref name="textSpan"/> to consider the start for start anchor purposes.</param>
/// <returns>true if a position to attempt a match was found; false if none was found.</returns>
public bool TryFindNextStartingPositionLeftToRight(ReadOnlySpan<char> textSpan, ref int pos, int start)
// Return early if we know there's not enough input left to match.
if (pos > textSpan.Length - MinRequiredLength)
pos = textSpan.Length;
return false;
// Optimize the handling of a Beginning-Of-Line (BOL) anchor. BOL is special, in that unlike
// other anchors like Beginning, there are potentially multiple places a BOL can match. So unlike
// the other anchors, which all skip all subsequent processing if found, with BOL we just use it
// to boost our position to the next line, and then continue normally with any searches.
if (LeadingAnchor == RegexNodeKind.Bol)
// If we're not currently positioned at the beginning of a line (either
// the beginning of the string or just after a line feed), find the next
// newline and position just after it.
int posm1 = pos - 1;
if ((uint)posm1 < (uint)textSpan.Length && textSpan[posm1] != '\n')
int newline = textSpan.Slice(pos).IndexOf('\n');
if ((uint)newline > textSpan.Length - 1 - pos)
pos = textSpan.Length;
return false;
// We've updated the position. Make sure there's still enough room in the input for a possible match.
pos = newline + 1 + pos;
if (pos > textSpan.Length - MinRequiredLength)
pos = textSpan.Length;
return false;
switch (FindMode)
// There's an anchor. For some, we can simply compare against the current position.
// For others, we can jump to the relevant location.
case FindNextStartingPositionMode.LeadingAnchor_LeftToRight_Beginning:
// If we're not currently at the beginning, we'll never be, so fail immediately.
if (pos == 0)
return true;
pos = textSpan.Length;
return false;
case FindNextStartingPositionMode.LeadingAnchor_LeftToRight_Start:
// If we're not currently at the start, we'll never be, so fail immediately.
if (pos == start)
return true;
pos = textSpan.Length;
return false;
case FindNextStartingPositionMode.LeadingAnchor_LeftToRight_EndZ:
if (pos < textSpan.Length - 1)
// If we're not currently at the end (or a newline just before it), skip ahead
// since nothing until then can possibly match.
pos = textSpan.Length - 1;
return true;
case FindNextStartingPositionMode.LeadingAnchor_LeftToRight_End:
if (pos < textSpan.Length)
// If we're not currently at the end (or a newline just before it), skip ahead
// since nothing until then can possibly match.
pos = textSpan.Length;
return true;
case FindNextStartingPositionMode.TrailingAnchor_FixedLength_LeftToRight_EndZ:
if (pos < textSpan.Length - MinRequiredLength - 1)
pos = textSpan.Length - MinRequiredLength - 1;
return true;
case FindNextStartingPositionMode.TrailingAnchor_FixedLength_LeftToRight_End:
if (pos < textSpan.Length - MinRequiredLength)
pos = textSpan.Length - MinRequiredLength;
return true;
// There's a case-sensitive prefix. Search for it with ordinal IndexOf.
case FindNextStartingPositionMode.LeadingString_LeftToRight:
int i = textSpan.Slice(pos).IndexOf(LeadingPrefix.AsSpan());
if (i >= 0)
pos += i;
return true;
pos = textSpan.Length;
return false;
// There's a case-insensitive prefix. Search for it with ordinal case-insensitive IndexOf.
case FindNextStartingPositionMode.LeadingString_OrdinalIgnoreCase_LeftToRight:
int i = textSpan.Slice(pos).IndexOf(LeadingPrefix.AsSpan(), StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
if (i >= 0)
pos += i;
return true;
pos = textSpan.Length;
return false;
// There's a set at the beginning of the pattern. Search for it.
case FindNextStartingPositionMode.LeadingSet_LeftToRight:
FixedDistanceSet primarySet = FixedDistanceSets![0];
ReadOnlySpan<char> span = textSpan.Slice(pos);
char[]? chars = primarySet.Chars;
if (chars is { Length: <= 5 }) // 5 == currently the max length efficiently handled by IndexOfAny{Except} without SearchValues
int i = primarySet.Negated ? span.IndexOfAnyExcept(chars) : span.IndexOfAny(chars);
if (i >= 0)
pos += i;
return true;
else if (primarySet.Range is not null)
(char low, char high) = primarySet.Range.GetValueOrDefault();
int i = primarySet.Negated ? span.IndexOfAnyExceptInRange(low, high) : span.IndexOfAnyInRange(low, high);
if (i >= 0)
pos += i;
return true;
ref uint[]? startingAsciiLookup = ref _asciiLookups![0];
for (int i = 0; i < span.Length; i++)
if (RegexCharClass.CharInClass(span[i], primarySet.Set, ref startingAsciiLookup))
pos += i;
return true;
pos = textSpan.Length;
return false;
// There's a literal at a fixed offset from the beginning of the pattern. Search for it.
case FindNextStartingPositionMode.FixedDistanceChar_LeftToRight:
Debug.Assert(FixedDistanceLiteral.Distance <= MinRequiredLength);
int i = textSpan.Slice(pos + FixedDistanceLiteral.Distance).IndexOf(FixedDistanceLiteral.Char);
if (i >= 0)
pos += i;
return true;
pos = textSpan.Length;
return false;
case FindNextStartingPositionMode.FixedDistanceString_LeftToRight:
Debug.Assert(FixedDistanceLiteral.Distance <= MinRequiredLength);
int i = textSpan.Slice(pos + FixedDistanceLiteral.Distance).IndexOf(FixedDistanceLiteral.String.AsSpan());
if (i >= 0)
pos += i;
return true;
pos = textSpan.Length;
return false;
// There are multiple possible strings at the beginning. Search for one.
case FindNextStartingPositionMode.LeadingStrings_LeftToRight:
case FindNextStartingPositionMode.LeadingStrings_OrdinalIgnoreCase_LeftToRight:
Debug.Assert(LeadingStrings is not null);
int i = textSpan.Slice(pos).IndexOfAny(LeadingStrings);
if (i >= 0)
pos += i;
return true;
pos = textSpan.Length;
return false;
// There are one or more sets at fixed offsets from the start of the pattern.
case FindNextStartingPositionMode.FixedDistanceSets_LeftToRight:
List<FixedDistanceSet> sets = FixedDistanceSets!;
FixedDistanceSet primarySet = sets[0];
int endMinusRequiredLength = textSpan.Length - Math.Max(1, MinRequiredLength);
if (primarySet.Chars is { Length: <= 5 }) // 5 == currently the max length efficiently handled by IndexOfAny{Except}
for (int inputPosition = pos; inputPosition <= endMinusRequiredLength; inputPosition++)
int offset = inputPosition + primarySet.Distance;
ReadOnlySpan<char> textSpanAtOffset = textSpan.Slice(offset);
int index = primarySet.Negated ? textSpanAtOffset.IndexOfAnyExcept(primarySet.Chars) : textSpanAtOffset.IndexOfAny(primarySet.Chars);
if (index < 0)
index += offset; // The index here will be offset indexed due to the use of span, so we add offset to get
// real position on the string.
inputPosition = index - primarySet.Distance;
if (inputPosition > endMinusRequiredLength)
for (int i = 1; i < sets.Count; i++)
FixedDistanceSet nextSet = sets[i];
char c = textSpan[inputPosition + nextSet.Distance];
if (!RegexCharClass.CharInClass(c, nextSet.Set, ref _asciiLookups![i]))
goto Bumpalong;
pos = inputPosition;
return true;
ref uint[]? startingAsciiLookup = ref _asciiLookups![0];
for (int inputPosition = pos; inputPosition <= endMinusRequiredLength; inputPosition++)
char c = textSpan[inputPosition + primarySet.Distance];
if (!RegexCharClass.CharInClass(c, primarySet.Set, ref startingAsciiLookup))
goto Bumpalong;
for (int i = 1; i < sets.Count; i++)
FixedDistanceSet nextSet = sets[i];
c = textSpan[inputPosition + nextSet.Distance];
if (!RegexCharClass.CharInClass(c, nextSet.Set, ref _asciiLookups![i]))
goto Bumpalong;
pos = inputPosition;
return true;
pos = textSpan.Length;
return false;
// There's a literal after a leading set loop. Find the literal, then walk backwards through the loop to find the starting position.
case FindNextStartingPositionMode.LiteralAfterLoop_LeftToRight:
Debug.Assert(LiteralAfterLoop is not null);
(RegexNode loopNode, (char Char, string? String, StringComparison StringComparison, char[]? Chars) literal) = LiteralAfterLoop.GetValueOrDefault();
Debug.Assert(loopNode.Kind is RegexNodeKind.Setloop or RegexNodeKind.Setlazy or RegexNodeKind.Setloopatomic);
Debug.Assert(loopNode.N == int.MaxValue);
int startingPos = pos;
while (true)
ReadOnlySpan<char> slice = textSpan.Slice(startingPos);
// Find the literal. If we can't find it, we're done searching.
int i = literal.String is not null ? slice.IndexOf(literal.String.AsSpan(), literal.StringComparison) :
literal.Chars is not null ? slice.IndexOfAny(literal.Chars.AsSpan()) :
if (i < 0)
// We found the literal. Walk backwards from it finding as many matches as we can against the loop.
int prev = i;
while ((uint)--prev < (uint)slice.Length && RegexCharClass.CharInClass(slice[prev], loopNode.Str!, ref _asciiLookups![0])) ;
// If we found fewer than needed, loop around to try again. The loop doesn't overlap with the literal,
// so we can start from after the last place the literal matched.
if ((i - prev - 1) < loopNode.M)
startingPos += i + 1;
// We have a winner. The starting position is just after the last position that failed to match the loop.
// RegexCompiler and the source generator also communicate the location of the found literal via a member of RegexRunner
// they don't use, but that's not viable here.
pos = startingPos + prev + 1;
return true;
pos = textSpan.Length;
return false;
// Nothing special to look for. Just return true indicating this is a valid position to try to match.
Debug.Assert(FindMode == FindNextStartingPositionMode.NoSearch, $"Unexpected FindMode {FindMode}");
return true;
/// <summary>Mode to use for searching for the next location of a possible match.</summary>
internal enum FindNextStartingPositionMode
/// <summary>A "beginning" anchor at the beginning of the pattern.</summary>
/// <summary>A "start" anchor at the beginning of the pattern.</summary>
/// <summary>An "endz" anchor at the beginning of the pattern. This is rare.</summary>
/// <summary>An "end" anchor at the beginning of the pattern. This is rare.</summary>
/// <summary>A "beginning" anchor at the beginning of the right-to-left pattern.</summary>
/// <summary>A "start" anchor at the beginning of the right-to-left pattern.</summary>
/// <summary>An "endz" anchor at the beginning of the right-to-left pattern. This is rare.</summary>
/// <summary>An "end" anchor at the beginning of the right-to-left pattern. This is rare.</summary>
/// <summary>An "end" anchor at the end of the pattern, with the pattern always matching a fixed-length expression.</summary>
/// <summary>An "endz" anchor at the end of the pattern, with the pattern always matching a fixed-length expression.</summary>
/// <summary>A multi-character substring at the beginning of the pattern.</summary>
/// <summary>A multi-character substring at the beginning of the right-to-left pattern.</summary>
/// <summary>A multi-character ordinal case-insensitive substring at the beginning of the pattern.</summary>
/// <summary>Multiple leading prefix strings</summary>
/// <summary>Multiple leading ordinal case-insensitive prefix strings</summary>
/// <summary>A set starting the pattern.</summary>
/// <summary>A set starting the right-to-left pattern.</summary>
/// <summary>A single character at the start of the right-to-left pattern.</summary>
/// <summary>A single character at a fixed distance from the start of the pattern.</summary>
/// <summary>A multi-character case-sensitive string at a fixed distance from the start of the pattern.</summary>
/// <summary>One or more sets at a fixed distance from the start of the pattern.</summary>
/// <summary>A literal (single character, multi-char string, or set with small number of characters) after a non-overlapping set loop at the start of the pattern.</summary>
/// <summary>Nothing to search for. Nop.</summary>