// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using System.Buffers;
using System.Diagnostics;
namespace System.Numerics
internal static partial class BigIntegerCalculator
// Executes different exponentiation algorithms, which are
// based on the classic square-and-multiply method.
// https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Exponentiation_by_squaring
public static void Pow(uint value, uint power, Span<uint> bits)
Pow(value != 0U ? new ReadOnlySpan<uint>(in value) : default, power, bits);
public static void Pow(ReadOnlySpan<uint> value, uint power, Span<uint> bits)
Debug.Assert(bits.Length == PowBound(power, value.Length));
uint[]? tempFromPool = null;
Span<uint> temp = (bits.Length <= StackAllocThreshold ?
stackalloc uint[StackAllocThreshold]
: tempFromPool = ArrayPool<uint>.Shared.Rent(bits.Length)).Slice(0, bits.Length);
uint[]? valueCopyFromPool = null;
Span<uint> valueCopy = (bits.Length <= StackAllocThreshold ?
stackalloc uint[StackAllocThreshold]
: valueCopyFromPool = ArrayPool<uint>.Shared.Rent(bits.Length)).Slice(0, bits.Length);
Span<uint> result = PowCore(valueCopy, value.Length, temp, power, bits);
if (tempFromPool != null)
if (valueCopyFromPool != null)
private static Span<uint> PowCore(Span<uint> value, int valueLength, Span<uint> temp, uint power, Span<uint> result)
Debug.Assert(value.Length >= valueLength);
Debug.Assert(temp.Length == result.Length);
Debug.Assert(value.Length == temp.Length);
result[0] = 1;
int resultLength = 1;
// The basic pow algorithm using square-and-multiply.
while (power != 0)
if ((power & 1) == 1)
resultLength = MultiplySelf(ref result, resultLength, value.Slice(0, valueLength), ref temp);
if (power != 1)
valueLength = SquareSelf(ref value, valueLength, ref temp);
power >>= 1;
return result.Slice(0, resultLength);
private static int MultiplySelf(ref Span<uint> left, int leftLength, ReadOnlySpan<uint> right, ref Span<uint> temp)
Debug.Assert(leftLength <= left.Length);
int resultLength = leftLength + right.Length;
if (leftLength >= right.Length)
Multiply(left.Slice(0, leftLength), right, temp.Slice(0, resultLength));
Multiply(right, left.Slice(0, leftLength), temp.Slice(0, resultLength));
//switch buffers
Span<uint> t = left;
left = temp;
temp = t;
return ActualLength(left.Slice(0, resultLength));
private static int SquareSelf(ref Span<uint> value, int valueLength, ref Span<uint> temp)
Debug.Assert(valueLength <= value.Length);
Debug.Assert(temp.Length >= valueLength + valueLength);
int resultLength = valueLength + valueLength;
Square(value.Slice(0, valueLength), temp.Slice(0, resultLength));
//switch buffers
Span<uint> t = value;
value = temp;
temp = t;
return ActualLength(value.Slice(0, resultLength));
public static int PowBound(uint power, int valueLength)
// The basic pow algorithm, but instead of squaring
// and multiplying we just sum up the lengths.
int resultLength = 1;
while (power != 0)
if ((power & 1) == 1)
resultLength += valueLength;
if (power != 1)
valueLength += valueLength;
power >>= 1;
return resultLength;
public static uint Pow(uint value, uint power, uint modulus)
// The 32-bit modulus pow method for a 32-bit integer
// raised by a 32-bit integer...
return PowCore(value, power, modulus, 1);
public static uint Pow(ReadOnlySpan<uint> value, uint power, uint modulus)
// The 32-bit modulus pow method for a big integer
// raised by a 32-bit integer...
uint v = Remainder(value, modulus);
return PowCore(v, power, modulus, 1);
public static uint Pow(uint value, ReadOnlySpan<uint> power, uint modulus)
// The 32-bit modulus pow method for a 32-bit integer
// raised by a big integer...
return PowCore(value, power, modulus, 1);
public static uint Pow(ReadOnlySpan<uint> value, ReadOnlySpan<uint> power, uint modulus)
// The 32-bit modulus pow method for a big integer
// raised by a big integer...
uint v = Remainder(value, modulus);
return PowCore(v, power, modulus, 1);
private static uint PowCore(ulong value, ReadOnlySpan<uint> power, uint modulus, ulong result)
// The 32-bit modulus pow algorithm for all but
// the last power limb using square-and-multiply.
for (int i = 0; i < power.Length - 1; i++)
uint p = power[i];
for (int j = 0; j < 32; j++)
if ((p & 1) == 1)
result = (result * value) % modulus;
value = (value * value) % modulus;
p >>= 1;
return PowCore(value, power[power.Length - 1], modulus, result);
private static uint PowCore(ulong value, uint power, uint modulus, ulong result)
// The 32-bit modulus pow algorithm for the last or
// the only power limb using square-and-multiply.
while (power != 0)
if ((power & 1) == 1)
result = (result * value) % modulus;
if (power != 1)
value = (value * value) % modulus;
power >>= 1;
return (uint)(result % modulus);
public static void Pow(uint value, uint power,
ReadOnlySpan<uint> modulus, Span<uint> bits)
Pow(value != 0U ? new ReadOnlySpan<uint>(in value) : default, power, modulus, bits);
public static void Pow(ReadOnlySpan<uint> value, uint power,
ReadOnlySpan<uint> modulus, Span<uint> bits)
Debug.Assert(bits.Length == modulus.Length + modulus.Length);
// The big modulus pow method for a big integer
// raised by a 32-bit integer...
uint[]? valueCopyFromPool = null;
int size = Math.Max(value.Length, bits.Length);
Span<uint> valueCopy = (size <= StackAllocThreshold ?
stackalloc uint[StackAllocThreshold]
: valueCopyFromPool = ArrayPool<uint>.Shared.Rent(size)).Slice(0, size);
// smallish optimization here:
// subsequent operations will copy the elements to the beginning of the buffer,
// no need to clear everything
if (value.Length > modulus.Length)
Remainder(value, modulus, valueCopy.Slice(0, value.Length));
uint[]? tempFromPool = null;
Span<uint> temp = (bits.Length <= StackAllocThreshold ?
stackalloc uint[StackAllocThreshold]
: tempFromPool = ArrayPool<uint>.Shared.Rent(bits.Length)).Slice(0, bits.Length);
PowCore(valueCopy, ActualLength(valueCopy), power, modulus, temp, bits);
if (valueCopyFromPool != null)
if (tempFromPool != null)
public static void Pow(uint value, ReadOnlySpan<uint> power,
ReadOnlySpan<uint> modulus, Span<uint> bits)
Pow(value != 0U ? new ReadOnlySpan<uint>(in value) : default, power, modulus, bits);
public static void Pow(ReadOnlySpan<uint> value, ReadOnlySpan<uint> power,
ReadOnlySpan<uint> modulus, Span<uint> bits)
Debug.Assert(bits.Length == modulus.Length + modulus.Length);
// The big modulus pow method for a big integer
// raised by a big integer...
int size = Math.Max(value.Length, bits.Length);
uint[]? valueCopyFromPool = null;
Span<uint> valueCopy = (size <= StackAllocThreshold ?
stackalloc uint[StackAllocThreshold]
: valueCopyFromPool = ArrayPool<uint>.Shared.Rent(size)).Slice(0, size);
// smallish optimization here:
// subsequent operations will copy the elements to the beginning of the buffer,
// no need to clear everything
if (value.Length > modulus.Length)
Remainder(value, modulus, valueCopy.Slice(0, value.Length));
uint[]? tempFromPool = null;
Span<uint> temp = (bits.Length <= StackAllocThreshold ?
stackalloc uint[StackAllocThreshold]
: tempFromPool = ArrayPool<uint>.Shared.Rent(bits.Length)).Slice(0, bits.Length);
PowCore(valueCopy, ActualLength(valueCopy), power, modulus, temp, bits);
if (valueCopyFromPool != null)
if (tempFromPool != null)
// Mutable for unit testing...
internal static
internal const
int ReducerThreshold = 32;
private static void PowCore(Span<uint> value, int valueLength,
ReadOnlySpan<uint> power, ReadOnlySpan<uint> modulus,
Span<uint> temp, Span<uint> bits)
// Executes the big pow algorithm.
bits[0] = 1;
if (modulus.Length < ReducerThreshold)
Span<uint> result = PowCore(value, valueLength, power, modulus, bits, 1, temp);
int size = modulus.Length * 2 + 1;
uint[]? rFromPool = null;
Span<uint> r = ((uint)size <= StackAllocThreshold ?
stackalloc uint[StackAllocThreshold]
: rFromPool = ArrayPool<uint>.Shared.Rent(size)).Slice(0, size);
size = r.Length - modulus.Length + 1;
uint[]? muFromPool = null;
Span<uint> mu = ((uint)size <= StackAllocThreshold ?
stackalloc uint[StackAllocThreshold]
: muFromPool = ArrayPool<uint>.Shared.Rent(size)).Slice(0, size);
size = modulus.Length * 2 + 2;
uint[]? q1FromPool = null;
Span<uint> q1 = ((uint)size <= StackAllocThreshold ?
stackalloc uint[StackAllocThreshold]
: q1FromPool = ArrayPool<uint>.Shared.Rent(size)).Slice(0, size);
uint[]? q2FromPool = null;
Span<uint> q2 = ((uint)size <= StackAllocThreshold ?
stackalloc uint[StackAllocThreshold]
: q2FromPool = ArrayPool<uint>.Shared.Rent(size)).Slice(0, size);
FastReducer reducer = new FastReducer(modulus, r, mu, q1, q2);
if (rFromPool != null)
Span<uint> result = PowCore(value, valueLength, power, reducer, bits, 1, temp);
if (muFromPool != null)
if (q1FromPool != null)
if (q2FromPool != null)
private static void PowCore(Span<uint> value, int valueLength,
uint power, ReadOnlySpan<uint> modulus,
Span<uint> temp, Span<uint> bits)
// Executes the big pow algorithm.
bits[0] = 1;
if (modulus.Length < ReducerThreshold)
Span<uint> result = PowCore(value, valueLength, power, modulus, bits, 1, temp);
int size = modulus.Length * 2 + 1;
uint[]? rFromPool = null;
Span<uint> r = ((uint)size <= StackAllocThreshold ?
stackalloc uint[StackAllocThreshold]
: rFromPool = ArrayPool<uint>.Shared.Rent(size)).Slice(0, size);
size = r.Length - modulus.Length + 1;
uint[]? muFromPool = null;
Span<uint> mu = ((uint)size <= StackAllocThreshold ?
stackalloc uint[StackAllocThreshold]
: muFromPool = ArrayPool<uint>.Shared.Rent(size)).Slice(0, size);
size = modulus.Length * 2 + 2;
uint[]? q1FromPool = null;
Span<uint> q1 = ((uint)size <= StackAllocThreshold ?
stackalloc uint[StackAllocThreshold]
: q1FromPool = ArrayPool<uint>.Shared.Rent(size)).Slice(0, size);
uint[]? q2FromPool = null;
Span<uint> q2 = ((uint)size <= StackAllocThreshold ?
stackalloc uint[StackAllocThreshold]
: q2FromPool = ArrayPool<uint>.Shared.Rent(size)).Slice(0, size);
FastReducer reducer = new FastReducer(modulus, r, mu, q1, q2);
if (rFromPool != null)
Span<uint> result = PowCore(value, valueLength, power, reducer, bits, 1, temp);
if (muFromPool != null)
if (q1FromPool != null)
if (q2FromPool != null)
private static Span<uint> PowCore(Span<uint> value, int valueLength,
ReadOnlySpan<uint> power, ReadOnlySpan<uint> modulus,
Span<uint> result, int resultLength,
Span<uint> temp)
// The big modulus pow algorithm for all but
// the last power limb using square-and-multiply.
// NOTE: we're using an ordinary remainder here,
// since the reducer overhead doesn't pay off.
for (int i = 0; i < power.Length - 1; i++)
uint p = power[i];
for (int j = 0; j < 32; j++)
if ((p & 1) == 1)
resultLength = MultiplySelf(ref result, resultLength, value.Slice(0, valueLength), ref temp);
resultLength = Reduce(result.Slice(0, resultLength), modulus);
valueLength = SquareSelf(ref value, valueLength, ref temp);
valueLength = Reduce(value.Slice(0, valueLength), modulus);
p >>= 1;
return PowCore(value, valueLength, power[power.Length - 1], modulus, result, resultLength, temp);
private static Span<uint> PowCore(Span<uint> value, int valueLength,
uint power, ReadOnlySpan<uint> modulus,
Span<uint> result, int resultLength,
Span<uint> temp)
// The big modulus pow algorithm for the last or
// the only power limb using square-and-multiply.
// NOTE: we're using an ordinary remainder here,
// since the reducer overhead doesn't pay off.
while (power != 0)
if ((power & 1) == 1)
resultLength = MultiplySelf(ref result, resultLength, value.Slice(0, valueLength), ref temp);
resultLength = Reduce(result.Slice(0, resultLength), modulus);
if (power != 1)
valueLength = SquareSelf(ref value, valueLength, ref temp);
valueLength = Reduce(value.Slice(0, valueLength), modulus);
power >>= 1;
return result.Slice(0, resultLength);
private static Span<uint> PowCore(Span<uint> value, int valueLength,
ReadOnlySpan<uint> power, in FastReducer reducer,
Span<uint> result, int resultLength,
Span<uint> temp)
// The big modulus pow algorithm for all but
// the last power limb using square-and-multiply.
// NOTE: we're using a special reducer here,
// since it's additional overhead does pay off.
for (int i = 0; i < power.Length - 1; i++)
uint p = power[i];
for (int j = 0; j < 32; j++)
if ((p & 1) == 1)
resultLength = MultiplySelf(ref result, resultLength, value.Slice(0, valueLength), ref temp);
resultLength = reducer.Reduce(result.Slice(0, resultLength));
valueLength = SquareSelf(ref value, valueLength, ref temp);
valueLength = reducer.Reduce(value.Slice(0, valueLength));
p >>= 1;
return PowCore(value, valueLength, power[power.Length - 1], reducer, result, resultLength, temp);
private static Span<uint> PowCore(Span<uint> value, int valueLength,
uint power, in FastReducer reducer,
Span<uint> result, int resultLength,
Span<uint> temp)
// The big modulus pow algorithm for the last or
// the only power limb using square-and-multiply.
// NOTE: we're using a special reducer here,
// since it's additional overhead does pay off.
while (power != 0)
if ((power & 1) == 1)
resultLength = MultiplySelf(ref result, resultLength, value.Slice(0, valueLength), ref temp);
resultLength = reducer.Reduce(result.Slice(0, resultLength));
if (power != 1)
valueLength = SquareSelf(ref value, valueLength, ref temp);
valueLength = reducer.Reduce(value.Slice(0, valueLength));
power >>= 1;
return result.Slice(0, resultLength);