// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using System.Buffers;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
namespace System.Numerics
internal static partial class BigIntegerCalculator
// Mutable for unit testing...
internal static
internal const
int SquareThreshold = 32;
public static void Square(ReadOnlySpan<uint> value, Span<uint> bits)
Debug.Assert(bits.Length == value.Length + value.Length);
// Executes different algorithms for computing z = a * a
// based on the actual length of a. If a is "small" enough
// we stick to the classic "grammar-school" method; for the
// rest we switch to implementations with less complexity
// albeit more overhead (which needs to pay off!).
// NOTE: useful thresholds needs some "empirical" testing,
// which are smaller in DEBUG mode for testing purpose.
if (value.Length < SquareThreshold)
// Switching to managed references helps eliminating
// index bounds check...
ref uint resultPtr = ref MemoryMarshal.GetReference(bits);
// Squares the bits using the "grammar-school" method.
// Envisioning the "rhombus" of a pen-and-paper calculation
// we see that computing z_i+j += a_j * a_i can be optimized
// since a_j * a_i = a_i * a_j (we're squaring after all!).
// Thus, we directly get z_i+j += 2 * a_j * a_i + c.
// ATTENTION: an ordinary multiplication is safe, because
// z_i+j + a_j * a_i + c <= 2(2^32 - 1) + (2^32 - 1)^2 =
// = 2^64 - 1 (which perfectly matches with ulong!). But
// here we would need an UInt65... Hence, we split these
// operation and do some extra shifts.
for (int i = 0; i < value.Length; i++)
ulong carry = 0UL;
uint v = value[i];
for (int j = 0; j < i; j++)
ulong digit1 = Unsafe.Add(ref resultPtr, i + j) + carry;
ulong digit2 = (ulong)value[j] * v;
Unsafe.Add(ref resultPtr, i + j) = unchecked((uint)(digit1 + (digit2 << 1)));
carry = (digit2 + (digit1 >> 1)) >> 31;
ulong digits = (ulong)v * v + carry;
Unsafe.Add(ref resultPtr, i + i) = unchecked((uint)digits);
Unsafe.Add(ref resultPtr, i + i + 1) = (uint)(digits >> 32);
// Based on the Toom-Cook multiplication we split value
// into two smaller values, doing recursive squaring.
// The special form of this multiplication, where we
// split both operands into two operands, is also known
// as the Karatsuba algorithm...
// https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Toom-Cook_multiplication
// https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Karatsuba_algorithm
// Say we want to compute z = a * a ...
// ... we need to determine our new length (just the half)
int n = value.Length >> 1;
int n2 = n << 1;
// ... split value like a = (a_1 << n) + a_0
ReadOnlySpan<uint> valueLow = value.Slice(0, n);
ReadOnlySpan<uint> valueHigh = value.Slice(n);
// ... prepare our result array (to reuse its memory)
Span<uint> bitsLow = bits.Slice(0, n2);
Span<uint> bitsHigh = bits.Slice(n2);
// ... compute z_0 = a_0 * a_0 (squaring again!)
Square(valueLow, bitsLow);
// ... compute z_2 = a_1 * a_1 (squaring again!)
Square(valueHigh, bitsHigh);
int foldLength = valueHigh.Length + 1;
uint[]? foldFromPool = null;
Span<uint> fold = ((uint)foldLength <= StackAllocThreshold ?
stackalloc uint[StackAllocThreshold]
: foldFromPool = ArrayPool<uint>.Shared.Rent(foldLength)).Slice(0, foldLength);
int coreLength = foldLength + foldLength;
uint[]? coreFromPool = null;
Span<uint> core = ((uint)coreLength <= StackAllocThreshold ?
stackalloc uint[StackAllocThreshold]
: coreFromPool = ArrayPool<uint>.Shared.Rent(coreLength)).Slice(0, coreLength);
// ... compute z_a = a_1 + a_0 (call it fold...)
Add(valueHigh, valueLow, fold);
// ... compute z_1 = z_a * z_a - z_0 - z_2
Square(fold, core);
if (foldFromPool != null)
SubtractCore(bitsHigh, bitsLow, core);
// ... and finally merge the result! :-)
AddSelf(bits.Slice(n), core);
if (coreFromPool != null)
public static void Multiply(ReadOnlySpan<uint> left, uint right, Span<uint> bits)
Debug.Assert(bits.Length == left.Length + 1);
// Executes the multiplication for one big and one 32-bit integer.
// Since every step holds the already slightly familiar equation
// a_i * b + c <= 2^32 - 1 + (2^32 - 1)^2 < 2^64 - 1,
// we are safe regarding to overflows.
int i = 0;
ulong carry = 0UL;
for (; i < left.Length; i++)
ulong digits = (ulong)left[i] * right + carry;
bits[i] = unchecked((uint)digits);
carry = digits >> 32;
bits[i] = (uint)carry;
// Mutable for unit testing...
internal static
internal const
int MultiplyKaratsubaThreshold = 32;
public static void Multiply(ReadOnlySpan<uint> left, ReadOnlySpan<uint> right, Span<uint> bits)
Debug.Assert(left.Length >= right.Length);
Debug.Assert(bits.Length >= left.Length + right.Length);
Debug.Assert(MultiplyKaratsubaThreshold >= 2);
// Executes different algorithms for computing z = a * b
// based on the actual length of b. If b is "small" enough
// we stick to the classic "grammar-school" method; for the
// rest we switch to implementations with less complexity
// albeit more overhead (which needs to pay off!).
// NOTE: useful thresholds needs some "empirical" testing,
// which are smaller in DEBUG mode for testing purpose.
if (right.Length < MultiplyKaratsubaThreshold)
Naive(left, right, bits);
// upper lower
// A= | | | a1 = a[n..2n] | a0 = a[0..n] |
// B= | | | b1 = b[n..2n] | b0 = b[0..n] |
// Result
// z0= | | | a0 * b0 |
// z1= | | a1 * b0 + a0 * b1 | |
// z2= | a1 * b1 | | |
// z1 = a1 * b0 + a0 * b1
// = (a0 + a1) * (b0 + b1) - a0 * b0 - a1 * b1
// = (a0 + a1) * (b0 + b1) - z0 - z2
// Based on the Toom-Cook multiplication we split left/right
// into two smaller values, doing recursive multiplication.
// The special form of this multiplication, where we
// split both operands into two operands, is also known
// as the Karatsuba algorithm...
// https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Toom-Cook_multiplication
// https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Karatsuba_algorithm
// Say we want to compute z = a * b ...
// ... we need to determine our new length (just the half)
int n = (left.Length + 1) >> 1;
if (right.Length <= n)
// ... split left like a = (a_1 << n) + a_0
ReadOnlySpan<uint> leftLow = left.Slice(0, n);
ReadOnlySpan<uint> leftHigh = left.Slice(n);
Debug.Assert(leftLow.Length >= leftHigh.Length);
// ... prepare our result array (to reuse its memory)
Span<uint> bitsLow = bits.Slice(0, n + right.Length);
Span<uint> bitsHigh = bits.Slice(n);
// ... compute low
Multiply(leftLow, right, bitsLow);
int carryLength = right.Length;
uint[]? carryFromPool = null;
Span<uint> carry = ((uint)carryLength <= StackAllocThreshold ?
stackalloc uint[StackAllocThreshold]
: carryFromPool = ArrayPool<uint>.Shared.Rent(carryLength)).Slice(0, carryLength);
Span<uint> carryOrig = bits.Slice(n, right.Length);
// ... compute high
if (leftHigh.Length < right.Length)
MultiplyKaratsuba(right, leftHigh, bitsHigh.Slice(0, leftHigh.Length + right.Length), (right.Length + 1) >> 1);
Multiply(leftHigh, right, bitsHigh.Slice(0, leftHigh.Length + right.Length));
AddSelf(bitsHigh, carry);
if (carryFromPool != null)
MultiplyKaratsuba(left, right, bits, n);
static void MultiplyKaratsuba(ReadOnlySpan<uint> left, ReadOnlySpan<uint> right, Span<uint> bits, int n)
Debug.Assert(left.Length >= right.Length);
Debug.Assert(2 * n - left.Length is 0 or 1);
Debug.Assert(right.Length > n);
Debug.Assert(bits.Length >= left.Length + right.Length);
if (right.Length < MultiplyKaratsubaThreshold)
Naive(left, right, bits);
// ... split left like a = (a_1 << n) + a_0
ReadOnlySpan<uint> leftLow = left.Slice(0, n);
ReadOnlySpan<uint> leftHigh = left.Slice(n);
// ... split right like b = (b_1 << n) + b_0
ReadOnlySpan<uint> rightLow = right.Slice(0, n);
ReadOnlySpan<uint> rightHigh = right.Slice(n);
// ... prepare our result array (to reuse its memory)
Span<uint> bitsLow = bits.Slice(0, n + n);
Span<uint> bitsHigh = bits.Slice(n + n);
Debug.Assert(leftLow.Length >= leftHigh.Length);
Debug.Assert(rightLow.Length >= rightHigh.Length);
Debug.Assert(bitsLow.Length >= bitsHigh.Length);
// ... compute z_0 = a_0 * b_0 (multiply again)
MultiplyKaratsuba(leftLow, rightLow, bitsLow, (leftLow.Length + 1) >> 1);
// ... compute z_2 = a_1 * b_1 (multiply again)
Multiply(leftHigh, rightHigh, bitsHigh);
int foldLength = n + 1;
uint[]? leftFoldFromPool = null;
Span<uint> leftFold = ((uint)foldLength <= StackAllocThreshold ?
stackalloc uint[StackAllocThreshold]
: leftFoldFromPool = ArrayPool<uint>.Shared.Rent(foldLength)).Slice(0, foldLength);
uint[]? rightFoldFromPool = null;
Span<uint> rightFold = ((uint)foldLength <= StackAllocThreshold ?
stackalloc uint[StackAllocThreshold]
: rightFoldFromPool = ArrayPool<uint>.Shared.Rent(foldLength)).Slice(0, foldLength);
// ... compute z_a = a_1 + a_0 (call it fold...)
Add(leftLow, leftHigh, leftFold);
// ... compute z_b = b_1 + b_0 (call it fold...)
Add(rightLow, rightHigh, rightFold);
int coreLength = foldLength + foldLength;
uint[]? coreFromPool = null;
Span<uint> core = ((uint)coreLength <= StackAllocThreshold ?
stackalloc uint[StackAllocThreshold]
: coreFromPool = ArrayPool<uint>.Shared.Rent(coreLength)).Slice(0, coreLength);
// ... compute z_ab = z_a * z_b
MultiplyKaratsuba(leftFold, rightFold, core, (leftFold.Length + 1) >> 1);
if (leftFoldFromPool != null)
if (rightFoldFromPool != null)
// ... compute z_1 = z_a * z_b - z_0 - z_2 = a_0 * b_1 + a_1 * b_0
SubtractCore(bitsLow, bitsHigh, core);
Debug.Assert(ActualLength(core) <= left.Length + 1);
// ... and finally merge the result! :-)
AddSelf(bits.Slice(n), core.Slice(0, ActualLength(core)));
if (coreFromPool != null)
static void Naive(ReadOnlySpan<uint> left, ReadOnlySpan<uint> right, Span<uint> bits)
Debug.Assert(right.Length < MultiplyKaratsubaThreshold);
// Switching to managed references helps eliminating
// index bounds check...
ref uint resultPtr = ref MemoryMarshal.GetReference(bits);
// Multiplies the bits using the "grammar-school" method.
// Envisioning the "rhombus" of a pen-and-paper calculation
// should help getting the idea of these two loops...
// The inner multiplication operations are safe, because
// z_i+j + a_j * b_i + c <= 2(2^32 - 1) + (2^32 - 1)^2 =
// = 2^64 - 1 (which perfectly matches with ulong!).
for (int i = 0; i < right.Length; i++)
uint rv = right[i];
ulong carry = 0UL;
for (int j = 0; j < left.Length; j++)
ref uint elementPtr = ref Unsafe.Add(ref resultPtr, i + j);
ulong digits = elementPtr + carry + (ulong)left[j] * rv;
elementPtr = unchecked((uint)digits);
carry = digits >> 32;
Unsafe.Add(ref resultPtr, i + left.Length) = (uint)carry;
private static void SubtractCore(ReadOnlySpan<uint> left, ReadOnlySpan<uint> right, Span<uint> core)
Debug.Assert(left.Length >= right.Length);
Debug.Assert(core.Length >= left.Length);
// Executes a special subtraction algorithm for the multiplication,
// which needs to subtract two different values from a core value,
// while core is always bigger than the sum of these values.
// NOTE: we could do an ordinary subtraction of course, but we spare
// one "run", if we do this computation within a single one...
int i = 0;
long carry = 0L;
// Switching to managed references helps eliminating
// index bounds check...
ref uint leftPtr = ref MemoryMarshal.GetReference(left);
ref uint corePtr = ref MemoryMarshal.GetReference(core);
for (; i < right.Length; i++)
long digit = (Unsafe.Add(ref corePtr, i) + carry) - Unsafe.Add(ref leftPtr, i) - right[i];
Unsafe.Add(ref corePtr, i) = unchecked((uint)digit);
carry = digit >> 32;
for (; i < left.Length; i++)
long digit = (Unsafe.Add(ref corePtr, i) + carry) - left[i];
Unsafe.Add(ref corePtr, i) = unchecked((uint)digit);
carry = digit >> 32;
for (; carry != 0 && i < core.Length; i++)
long digit = core[i] + carry;
core[i] = (uint)digit;
carry = digit >> 32;