File: System\Numerics\BigIntegerCalculator.DivRem.cs
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Project: src\src\libraries\System.Runtime.Numerics\src\System.Runtime.Numerics.csproj (System.Runtime.Numerics)
// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using System.Buffers;
using System.Diagnostics;
namespace System.Numerics
    internal static partial class BigIntegerCalculator
        // Mutable for unit testing...
        internal static
        internal const
        int DivideBurnikelZieglerThreshold = 32;
        public static void Divide(ReadOnlySpan<uint> left, uint right, Span<uint> quotient, out uint remainder)
            ulong carry = 0UL;
            Divide(left, right, quotient, ref carry);
            remainder = (uint)carry;
        public static void Divide(ReadOnlySpan<uint> left, uint right, Span<uint> quotient)
            ulong carry = 0UL;
            Divide(left, right, quotient, ref carry);
        private static void Divide(ReadOnlySpan<uint> left, uint right, Span<uint> quotient, ref ulong carry)
            Debug.Assert(left.Length >= 1);
            Debug.Assert(quotient.Length == left.Length);
            // Executes the division for one big and one 32-bit integer.
            // Thus, we've similar code than below, but there is no loop for
            // processing the 32-bit integer, since it's a single element.
            for (int i = left.Length - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                ulong value = (carry << 32) | left[i];
                ulong digit = value / right;
                quotient[i] = (uint)digit;
                carry = value - digit * right;
        public static uint Remainder(ReadOnlySpan<uint> left, uint right)
            Debug.Assert(left.Length >= 1);
            // Same as above, but only computing the remainder.
            ulong carry = 0UL;
            for (int i = left.Length - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                ulong value = (carry << 32) | left[i];
                carry = value % right;
            return (uint)carry;
        public static void Divide(ReadOnlySpan<uint> left, ReadOnlySpan<uint> right, Span<uint> quotient, Span<uint> remainder)
            Debug.Assert(left.Length >= 1);
            Debug.Assert(right.Length >= 1);
            Debug.Assert(left.Length >= right.Length);
            Debug.Assert(quotient.Length == left.Length - right.Length + 1);
            Debug.Assert(remainder.Length == left.Length);
            if (right.Length < DivideBurnikelZieglerThreshold || left.Length - right.Length < DivideBurnikelZieglerThreshold)
                DivideGrammarSchool(remainder, right, quotient);
                DivideBurnikelZiegler(left, right, quotient, remainder);
        public static void Divide(ReadOnlySpan<uint> left, ReadOnlySpan<uint> right, Span<uint> quotient)
            Debug.Assert(left.Length >= 1);
            Debug.Assert(right.Length >= 1);
            Debug.Assert(left.Length >= right.Length);
            Debug.Assert(quotient.Length == left.Length - right.Length + 1);
            if (right.Length < DivideBurnikelZieglerThreshold || left.Length - right.Length < DivideBurnikelZieglerThreshold)
                // Same as above, but only returning the quotient.
                uint[]? leftCopyFromPool = null;
                // NOTE: left will get overwritten, we need a local copy
                // However, mutated left is not used afterwards, so use array pooling or stack alloc
                Span<uint> leftCopy = (left.Length <= StackAllocThreshold ?
                                      stackalloc uint[StackAllocThreshold]
                                      : leftCopyFromPool = ArrayPool<uint>.Shared.Rent(left.Length)).Slice(0, left.Length);
                DivideGrammarSchool(leftCopy, right, quotient);
                if (leftCopyFromPool != null)
                DivideBurnikelZiegler(left, right, quotient, default);
        public static void Remainder(ReadOnlySpan<uint> left, ReadOnlySpan<uint> right, Span<uint> remainder)
            Debug.Assert(left.Length >= 1);
            Debug.Assert(right.Length >= 1);
            Debug.Assert(left.Length >= right.Length);
            Debug.Assert(remainder.Length == left.Length);
            if (right.Length < DivideBurnikelZieglerThreshold || left.Length - right.Length < DivideBurnikelZieglerThreshold)
                // Same as above, but only returning the remainder.
                DivideGrammarSchool(remainder, right, default);
                int quotientLength = left.Length - right.Length + 1;
                uint[]? quotientFromPool = null;
                Span<uint> quotient = (quotientLength <= StackAllocThreshold ?
                                      stackalloc uint[StackAllocThreshold]
                                      : quotientFromPool = ArrayPool<uint>.Shared.Rent(quotientLength)).Slice(0, quotientLength);
                DivideBurnikelZiegler(left, right, quotient, remainder);
                if (quotientFromPool != null)
        /// <summary>
        /// Logically equivalent to the following code.
        /// <code>
        /// quotient = left / right;
        /// left %= right;
        /// </code>
        /// </summary>
        private static void DivRem(Span<uint> left, ReadOnlySpan<uint> right, Span<uint> quotient)
            Debug.Assert(left.Length >= 1);
            Debug.Assert(right.Length >= 1);
            Debug.Assert(left.Length >= right.Length);
            Debug.Assert(quotient.Length == left.Length - right.Length + 1
                || quotient.Length == 0);
            if (right.Length < DivideBurnikelZieglerThreshold || left.Length - right.Length < DivideBurnikelZieglerThreshold)
                DivideGrammarSchool(left, right, quotient);
                uint[]? leftCopyFromPool = null;
                // NOTE: left will get overwritten, we need a local copy
                // However, mutated left is not used afterwards, so use array pooling or stack alloc
                Span<uint> leftCopy = (left.Length <= StackAllocThreshold ?
                                      stackalloc uint[StackAllocThreshold]
                                      : leftCopyFromPool = ArrayPool<uint>.Shared.Rent(left.Length)).Slice(0, left.Length);
                uint[]? quotientActualFromPool = null;
                scoped Span<uint> quotientActual;
                if (quotient.Length == 0)
                    int quotientLength = left.Length - right.Length + 1;
                    quotientActual = (quotientLength <= StackAllocThreshold ?
                                stackalloc uint[StackAllocThreshold]
                                : quotientActualFromPool = ArrayPool<uint>.Shared.Rent(quotientLength)).Slice(0, quotientLength);
                    quotientActual = quotient;
                DivideBurnikelZiegler(leftCopy, right, quotientActual, left);
                if (quotientActualFromPool != null)
                if (leftCopyFromPool != null)
        private static void DivideGrammarSchool(Span<uint> left, ReadOnlySpan<uint> right, Span<uint> quotient)
            Debug.Assert(left.Length >= 1);
            Debug.Assert(right.Length >= 1);
            Debug.Assert(left.Length >= right.Length);
                quotient.Length == 0
                || quotient.Length == left.Length - right.Length + 1
                || (CompareActual(left.Slice(left.Length - right.Length), right) < 0 && quotient.Length == left.Length - right.Length));
            // Executes the "grammar-school" algorithm for computing q = a / b.
            // Before calculating q_i, we get more bits into the highest bit
            // block of the divisor. Thus, guessing digits of the quotient
            // will be more precise. Additionally we'll get r = a % b.
            uint divHi = right[right.Length - 1];
            uint divLo = right.Length > 1 ? right[right.Length - 2] : 0;
            // We measure the leading zeros of the divisor
            int shift = BitOperations.LeadingZeroCount(divHi);
            int backShift = 32 - shift;
            // And, we make sure the most significant bit is set
            if (shift > 0)
                uint divNx = right.Length > 2 ? right[right.Length - 3] : 0;
                divHi = (divHi << shift) | (divLo >> backShift);
                divLo = (divLo << shift) | (divNx >> backShift);
            // Then, we divide all of the bits as we would do it using
            // pen and paper: guessing the next digit, subtracting, ...
            for (int i = left.Length; i >= right.Length; i--)
                int n = i - right.Length;
                uint t = (uint)i < (uint)left.Length ? left[i] : 0;
                ulong valHi = ((ulong)t << 32) | left[i - 1];
                uint valLo = i > 1 ? left[i - 2] : 0;
                // We shifted the divisor, we shift the dividend too
                if (shift > 0)
                    uint valNx = i > 2 ? left[i - 3] : 0;
                    valHi = (valHi << shift) | (valLo >> backShift);
                    valLo = (valLo << shift) | (valNx >> backShift);
                // First guess for the current digit of the quotient,
                // which naturally must have only 32 bits...
                ulong digit = valHi / divHi;
                if (digit > 0xFFFFFFFF)
                    digit = 0xFFFFFFFF;
                // Our first guess may be a little bit to big
                while (DivideGuessTooBig(digit, valHi, valLo, divHi, divLo))
                if (digit > 0)
                    // Now it's time to subtract our current quotient
                    uint carry = SubtractDivisor(left.Slice(n), right, digit);
                    if (carry != t)
                        Debug.Assert(carry == t + 1);
                        // Our guess was still exactly one too high
                        carry = AddDivisor(left.Slice(n), right);
                        Debug.Assert(carry == 1);
                // We have the digit!
                if ((uint)n < (uint)quotient.Length)
                    quotient[n] = (uint)digit;
                if ((uint)i < (uint)left.Length)
                    left[i] = 0;
        private static uint AddDivisor(Span<uint> left, ReadOnlySpan<uint> right)
            Debug.Assert(left.Length >= right.Length);
            // Repairs the dividend, if the last subtract was too much
            ulong carry = 0UL;
            for (int i = 0; i < right.Length; i++)
                ref uint leftElement = ref left[i];
                ulong digit = (leftElement + carry) + right[i];
                leftElement = unchecked((uint)digit);
                carry = digit >> 32;
            return (uint)carry;
        private static uint SubtractDivisor(Span<uint> left, ReadOnlySpan<uint> right, ulong q)
            Debug.Assert(left.Length >= right.Length);
            Debug.Assert(q <= 0xFFFFFFFF);
            // Combines a subtract and a multiply operation, which is naturally
            // more efficient than multiplying and then subtracting...
            ulong carry = 0UL;
            for (int i = 0; i < right.Length; i++)
                carry += right[i] * q;
                uint digit = unchecked((uint)carry);
                carry >>= 32;
                ref uint leftElement = ref left[i];
                if (leftElement < digit)
                leftElement -= digit;
            return (uint)carry;
        private static bool DivideGuessTooBig(ulong q, ulong valHi, uint valLo,
                                              uint divHi, uint divLo)
            Debug.Assert(q <= 0xFFFFFFFF);
            // We multiply the two most significant limbs of the divisor
            // with the current guess for the quotient. If those are bigger
            // than the three most significant limbs of the current dividend
            // we return true, which means the current guess is still too big.
            ulong chkHi = divHi * q;
            ulong chkLo = divLo * q;
            chkHi += (chkLo >> 32);
            uint chkLoUInt32 = (uint)(chkLo);
            return (chkHi > valHi) || ((chkHi == valHi) && (chkLoUInt32 > valLo));
        private static void DivideBurnikelZiegler(ReadOnlySpan<uint> left, ReadOnlySpan<uint> right, Span<uint> quotient, Span<uint> remainder)
            Debug.Assert(left.Length >= 1);
            Debug.Assert(right.Length >= 1);
            Debug.Assert(left.Length >= right.Length);
            Debug.Assert(quotient.Length == left.Length - right.Length + 1);
            Debug.Assert(remainder.Length == left.Length
                        || remainder.Length == 0);
            // Executes the Burnikel-Ziegler algorithm for computing q = a / b.
            // Burnikel, C., Ziegler, J.: Fast recursive division. Research Report MPI-I-98-1-022, MPI Saarbrücken, 1998
            // Fast recursive division: Algorithm 3
            int n;
                // m = min{1<<k|(1<<k) * DivideBurnikelZieglerThreshold > right.Length}
                int m = (int)BitOperations.RoundUpToPowerOf2((uint)right.Length / (uint)DivideBurnikelZieglerThreshold + 1);
                int j = (right.Length + m - 1) / m; // Ceil(right.Length/m)
                n = j * m;
            int sigmaDigit = n - right.Length;
            int sigmaSmall = BitOperations.LeadingZeroCount(right[^1]);
            uint[]? bFromPool = null;
            Span<uint> b = (n <= StackAllocThreshold ?
                            stackalloc uint[StackAllocThreshold]
                            : bFromPool = ArrayPool<uint>.Shared.Rent(n)).Slice(0, n);
            int aLength = left.Length + sigmaDigit;
            // if: BitOperations.LeadingZeroCount(left[^1]) < sigmaSmall, requires one more digit obviously.
            // if: BitOperations.LeadingZeroCount(left[^1]) == sigmaSmall, requires one more digit, because the leftmost bit of a must be 0.
            if (BitOperations.LeadingZeroCount(left[^1]) <= sigmaSmall)
            uint[]? aFromPool = null;
            Span<uint> a = (aLength <= StackAllocThreshold ?
                            stackalloc uint[StackAllocThreshold]
                            : aFromPool = ArrayPool<uint>.Shared.Rent(aLength)).Slice(0, aLength);
            // 4. normalize
            static void Normalize(ReadOnlySpan<uint> src, int sigmaDigit, int sigmaSmall, Span<uint> bits)
                Debug.Assert((uint)sigmaSmall <= 32);
                Debug.Assert(src.Length + sigmaDigit <= bits.Length);
                bits.Slice(0, sigmaDigit).Clear();
                Span<uint> dst = bits.Slice(sigmaDigit);
                if (sigmaSmall != 0)
                    // Left shift
                    int carryShift = 32 - sigmaSmall;
                    uint carry = 0;
                    for (int i = 0; i < bits.Length; i++)
                        uint carryTmp = bits[i] >> carryShift;
                        bits[i] = bits[i] << sigmaSmall | carry;
                        carry = carryTmp;
                    Debug.Assert(carry == 0);
            Normalize(left, sigmaDigit, sigmaSmall, a);
            Normalize(right, sigmaDigit, sigmaSmall, b);
            int t = Math.Max(2, (a.Length + n - 1) / n); // Max(2, Ceil(a.Length/n))
            Debug.Assert(t < a.Length || (t == a.Length && (int)a[^1] >= 0));
            uint[]? rFromPool = null;
            Span<uint> r = ((n + 1) <= StackAllocThreshold ?
                            stackalloc uint[StackAllocThreshold]
                            : rFromPool = ArrayPool<uint>.Shared.Rent(n + 1)).Slice(0, n + 1);
            uint[]? zFromPool = null;
            Span<uint> z = (2 * n <= StackAllocThreshold ?
                            stackalloc uint[StackAllocThreshold]
                            : zFromPool = ArrayPool<uint>.Shared.Rent(2 * n)).Slice(0, 2 * n);
            a.Slice((t - 2) * n).CopyTo(z);
            z.Slice(a.Length - (t - 2) * n).Clear();
            Span<uint> quotientUpper = quotient.Slice((t - 2) * n);
            if (quotientUpper.Length < n)
                uint[]? qFromPool = null;
                Span<uint> q = (n <= StackAllocThreshold ?
                                stackalloc uint[StackAllocThreshold]
                                : qFromPool = ArrayPool<uint>.Shared.Rent(n)).Slice(0, n);
                BurnikelZieglerD2n1n(z, b, q, r);
                q.Slice(0, quotientUpper.Length).CopyTo(quotientUpper);
                if (qFromPool != null)
                BurnikelZieglerD2n1n(z, b, quotientUpper.Slice(0, n), r);
            for (int i = t - 3; i >= 0; i--)
                a.Slice(i * n, n).CopyTo(z);
                r.Slice(0, n).CopyTo(z.Slice(n));
                BurnikelZieglerD2n1n(z, b, quotient.Slice(i * n, n), r);
            if (zFromPool != null)
            if (bFromPool != null)
            if (aFromPool != null)
            Debug.Assert(r[^1] == 0);
            Debug.Assert(!r.Slice(0, sigmaDigit).ContainsAnyExcept(0u));
            if (remainder.Length != 0)
                Span<uint> rt = r.Slice(sigmaDigit);
                if (sigmaSmall != 0)
                    // Right shift
                    Debug.Assert((uint)sigmaSmall <= 32);
                    int carryShift = 32 - sigmaSmall;
                    uint carry = 0;
                    for (int i = rt.Length - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                        remainder[i] = rt[i] >> sigmaSmall | carry;
                        carry = rt[i] << carryShift;
                    Debug.Assert(carry == 0);
            if (rFromPool != null)
        private static void BurnikelZieglerFallback(ReadOnlySpan<uint> left, ReadOnlySpan<uint> right, Span<uint> quotient, Span<uint> remainder)
            // Fast recursive division: Algorithm 1
            // 1. If n is odd or smaller than some convenient constant
            Debug.Assert(left.Length == 2 * right.Length);
            Debug.Assert(CompareActual(left.Slice(right.Length), right) < 0);
            Debug.Assert(quotient.Length == right.Length);
            Debug.Assert(remainder.Length >= right.Length + 1);
            Debug.Assert(right[^1] > 0);
            Debug.Assert(right.Length < DivideBurnikelZieglerThreshold);
            left = left.Slice(0, ActualLength(left));
            if (left.Length < right.Length)
            else if (right.Length == 1)
                ulong carry;
                if (quotient.Length < left.Length)
                    Debug.Assert(quotient.Length + 1 == left.Length);
                    Debug.Assert(left[^1] < right[0]);
                    carry = left[^1];
                    Divide(left.Slice(0, quotient.Length), right[0], quotient, ref carry);
                    carry = 0;
                    Divide(left, right[0], quotient, ref carry);
                if (remainder.Length != 0)
                    remainder[0] = (uint)carry;
                uint[]? r1FromPool = null;
                Span<uint> r1 = (left.Length <= StackAllocThreshold ?
                                stackalloc uint[StackAllocThreshold]
                                : r1FromPool = ArrayPool<uint>.Shared.Rent(left.Length)).Slice(0, left.Length);
                int quotientLength = Math.Min(left.Length - right.Length + 1, quotient.Length);
                DivideGrammarSchool(r1, right, quotient.Slice(0, quotientLength));
                if (r1.Length < remainder.Length)
                    r1.Slice(0, remainder.Length).CopyTo(remainder);
                if (r1FromPool != null)
        private static void BurnikelZieglerD2n1n(ReadOnlySpan<uint> left, ReadOnlySpan<uint> right, Span<uint> quotient, Span<uint> remainder)
            // Fast recursive division: Algorithm 1
            Debug.Assert(left.Length == 2 * right.Length);
            Debug.Assert(CompareActual(left.Slice(right.Length), right) < 0);
            Debug.Assert(quotient.Length == right.Length);
            Debug.Assert(remainder.Length >= right.Length + 1);
            Debug.Assert(right[^1] > 0);
            if ((right.Length & 1) != 0 || right.Length < DivideBurnikelZieglerThreshold)
                BurnikelZieglerFallback(left, right, quotient, remainder);
            int halfN = right.Length >> 1;
            uint[]? r1FromPool = null;
            Span<uint> r1 = ((right.Length + 1) <= StackAllocThreshold ?
                            stackalloc uint[StackAllocThreshold]
                            : r1FromPool = ArrayPool<uint>.Shared.Rent(right.Length + 1)).Slice(0, right.Length + 1);
            BurnikelZieglerD3n2n(left.Slice(right.Length), left.Slice(halfN, halfN), right, quotient.Slice(halfN), r1);
            BurnikelZieglerD3n2n(r1.Slice(0, right.Length), left.Slice(0, halfN), right, quotient.Slice(0, halfN), remainder);
            if (r1FromPool != null)
        private static void BurnikelZieglerD3n2n(ReadOnlySpan<uint> left12, ReadOnlySpan<uint> left3, ReadOnlySpan<uint> right, Span<uint> quotient, Span<uint> remainder)
            // Fast recursive division: Algorithm 2
            Debug.Assert(right.Length % 2 == 0);
            Debug.Assert(left12.Length == right.Length);
            Debug.Assert(2 * left3.Length == right.Length);
            Debug.Assert(2 * quotient.Length == right.Length);
            Debug.Assert(remainder.Length >= right.Length + 1);
            Debug.Assert(right[^1] > 0);
            Debug.Assert(CompareActual(left12, right) < 0);
            int n = right.Length >> 1;
            ReadOnlySpan<uint> a1 = left12.Slice(n);
            ReadOnlySpan<uint> b1 = right.Slice(n);
            ReadOnlySpan<uint> b2 = right.Slice(0, n);
            Span<uint> r1 = remainder.Slice(n);
            uint[]? dFromPool = null;
            Span<uint> d = (right.Length <= StackAllocThreshold ?
                            stackalloc uint[StackAllocThreshold]
                            : dFromPool = ArrayPool<uint>.Shared.Rent(right.Length)).Slice(0, right.Length);
            if (CompareActual(a1, b1) < 0)
                BurnikelZieglerD2n1n(left12, b1, quotient, r1);
                MultiplyActual(quotient, b2, d);
                Debug.Assert(CompareActual(a1, b1) == 0);
                ReadOnlySpan<uint> a2 = left12.Slice(0, n);
                Add(a2, b1, r1);
                d.Slice(0, n).Clear();
                SubtractSelf(d, b2);
            // R = [R1, A3]
            left3.CopyTo(remainder.Slice(0, n));
            Span<uint> rr = remainder.Slice(0, d.Length + 1);
            while (CompareActual(rr, d) < 0)
                AddSelf(rr, right);
                int qi = -1;
                while (quotient[++qi] == 0) ;
                Debug.Assert((uint)qi < (uint)quotient.Length);
                quotient.Slice(0, qi).Fill(uint.MaxValue);
            SubtractSelf(rr, d);
            if (dFromPool != null)
            static void MultiplyActual(ReadOnlySpan<uint> left, ReadOnlySpan<uint> right, Span<uint> bits)
                Debug.Assert(bits.Length == left.Length + right.Length);
                left = left.Slice(0, ActualLength(left));
                right = right.Slice(0, ActualLength(right));
                bits = bits.Slice(0, left.Length + right.Length);
                if (left.Length < right.Length)
                    Multiply(right, left, bits);
                    Multiply(left, right, bits);