// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
using System.Xml.Schema;
using System.Xml.XPath;
using System.Xml.Xsl.Qil;
using System.Xml.Xsl.Runtime;
using System.Xml.Xsl.XPath;
using FunctionInfo = System.Xml.Xsl.XPath.XPathBuilder.FunctionInfo<System.Xml.Xsl.Xslt.QilGenerator.FuncId>;
using T = System.Xml.Xsl.XmlQueryTypeFactory;
namespace System.Xml.Xsl.Xslt
internal sealed partial class QilGenerator : IXPathEnvironment
// Everywhere in this code in case of error in the stylesheet we should throw XslLoadException.
// This helper IErrorHelper implementation is used to wrap XmlException's into XslLoadException's.
private readonly struct ThrowErrorHelper : IErrorHelper
public void ReportError(string res, params string?[]? args)
Debug.Assert(args == null || args.Length == 0, "Error message must already be composed in res");
throw new XslLoadException(SR.Xml_UserException, res);
public void ReportWarning(string res, params string?[]? args)
Debug.Fail("Should never get here");
// -------------------------------- IXPathEnvironment --------------------------------
// IXPathEnvironment represents static context (namespaces, focus) and most naturaly implemented by QilGenerator itself
// $var current() key()
// */@select or */@test + + +
// template/@match - - +
// key/@match - - -
// key/@use - + -
// number/@count + - +
// number/@from + - +
private bool _allowVariables = true;
private bool _allowCurrent = true;
private bool _allowKey = true;
private void SetEnvironmentFlags(bool allowVariables, bool allowCurrent, bool allowKey)
_allowVariables = allowVariables;
_allowCurrent = allowCurrent;
_allowKey = allowKey;
XPathQilFactory IXPathEnvironment.Factory { get { return _f; } }
// IXPathEnvironment interface
QilNode IFocus.GetCurrent() { return this.GetCurrentNode(); }
QilNode IFocus.GetPosition() { return this.GetCurrentPosition(); }
QilNode IFocus.GetLast() { return this.GetLastPosition(); }
string IXPathEnvironment.ResolvePrefix(string prefix)
return ResolvePrefixThrow(true, prefix);
QilNode IXPathEnvironment.ResolveVariable(string prefix, string name)
if (!_allowVariables)
throw new XslLoadException(SR.Xslt_VariablesNotAllowed);
string ns = ResolvePrefixThrow(/*ignoreDefaultNs:*/true, prefix);
Debug.Assert(ns != null);
// Look up in params and variables of the current scope and all outer ones
QilNode? var = _scope.LookupVariable(name, ns);
if (var == null)
throw new XslLoadException(SR.Xslt_InvalidVariable, Compiler.ConstructQName(prefix, name));
// All Node* parameters are guaranteed to be in document order with no duplicates, so TypeAssert
// this so that optimizer can use this information to avoid redundant sorts and duplicate removal.
XmlQueryType varType = var.XmlType!;
if (var.NodeType == QilNodeType.Parameter && varType.IsNode && varType.IsNotRtf && varType.MaybeMany && !varType.IsDod)
var = _f.TypeAssert(var, XmlQueryTypeFactory.NodeSDod);
return var;
// NOTE: DO NOT call QilNode.Clone() while executing this method since fixup nodes cannot be cloned
[UnconditionalSuppressMessage("ReflectionAnalysis", "IL2026:RequiresUnreferencedCode",
Justification = "Suppressing the warning for the ResolveFunction call on the Scripts since " +
"Scripts functionality is not supported by .NET Core")]
QilNode IXPathEnvironment.ResolveFunction(string prefix, string name, IList<QilNode> args, IFocus env)
Debug.Assert(!args.IsReadOnly, "Writable collection expected");
if (prefix.Length == 0)
FunctionInfo? func;
if (FunctionTable.TryGetValue(name, out func))
func.CastArguments(args, name, _f);
switch (func.id)
case FuncId.Current:
if (!_allowCurrent)
throw new XslLoadException(SR.Xslt_CurrentNotAllowed);
// NOTE: This is the only place where the current node (and not the context node) must be used
return ((IXPathEnvironment)this).GetCurrent()!;
case FuncId.Key:
if (!_allowKey)
throw new XslLoadException(SR.Xslt_KeyNotAllowed);
return CompileFnKey(args[0], args[1], env);
case FuncId.Document: return CompileFnDocument(args[0], args.Count > 1 ? args[1] : null);
case FuncId.FormatNumber: return CompileFormatNumber(args[0], args[1], args.Count > 2 ? args[2] : null);
case FuncId.UnparsedEntityUri: return CompileUnparsedEntityUri(args[0]);
case FuncId.GenerateId: return CompileGenerateId(args.Count > 0 ? args[0] : env.GetCurrent()!);
case FuncId.SystemProperty: return CompileSystemProperty(args[0]);
case FuncId.ElementAvailable: return CompileElementAvailable(args[0]);
case FuncId.FunctionAvailable: return CompileFunctionAvailable(args[0]);
Debug.Fail($"{func.id} is present in the function table, but absent from the switch");
return null;
throw new XslLoadException(SR.Xslt_UnknownXsltFunction, Compiler.ConstructQName(prefix, name));
string ns = ResolvePrefixThrow(/*ignoreDefaultNs:*/true, prefix);
Debug.Assert(ns != null);
if (ns == XmlReservedNs.NsMsxsl)
if (name == "node-set")
FunctionInfo.CheckArity(/*minArg:*/1, /*maxArg:*/1, name, args.Count);
return CompileMsNodeSet(args[0]);
else if (name == "string-compare")
FunctionInfo.CheckArity(/*minArg:*/2, /*maxArg:*/4, name, args.Count);
return _f.InvokeMsStringCompare(
/*x: */_f.ConvertToString(args[0]),
/*y: */_f.ConvertToString(args[1]),
/*lang: */2 < args.Count ? _f.ConvertToString(args[2]) : _f.String(string.Empty),
/*options:*/3 < args.Count ? _f.ConvertToString(args[3]) : _f.String(string.Empty)
else if (name == "utc")
FunctionInfo.CheckArity(/*minArg:*/1, /*maxArg:*/1, name, args.Count);
return _f.InvokeMsUtc(/*datetime:*/_f.ConvertToString(args[0]));
else if (name == "format-date" || name == "format-time")
FunctionInfo.CheckArity(/*minArg:*/1, /*maxArg:*/3, name, args.Count);
return _f.InvokeMsFormatDateTime(
/*format: */1 < args.Count ? _f.ConvertToString(args[1]) : _f.String(string.Empty),
/*lang: */2 < args.Count ? _f.ConvertToString(args[2]) : _f.String(string.Empty),
/*isDate: */_f.Boolean(name == "format-date")
else if (name == "local-name")
FunctionInfo.CheckArity(/*minArg:*/1, /*maxArg:*/1, name, args.Count);
return _f.InvokeMsLocalName(_f.ConvertToString(args[0]));
else if (name == "namespace-uri")
FunctionInfo.CheckArity(/*minArg:*/1, /*maxArg:*/1, name, args.Count);
return _f.InvokeMsNamespaceUri(_f.ConvertToString(args[0]), env.GetCurrent()!);
else if (name == "number")
FunctionInfo.CheckArity(/*minArg:*/1, /*maxArg:*/1, name, args.Count);
return _f.InvokeMsNumber(args[0]);
if (ns == XmlReservedNs.NsExsltCommon)
if (name == "node-set")
FunctionInfo.CheckArity(/*minArg:*/1, /*maxArg:*/1, name, args.Count);
return CompileMsNodeSet(args[0]);
else if (name == "object-type")
FunctionInfo.CheckArity(/*minArg:*/1, /*maxArg:*/1, name, args.Count);
return EXslObjectType(args[0]);
// NOTE: If you add any function here, add it to IsFunctionAvailable as well
// Ensure that all node-set parameters are DocOrderDistinct
for (int i = 0; i < args.Count; i++)
args[i] = _f.SafeDocOrderDistinct(args[i]);
if (_compiler.Settings.EnableScript)
XmlExtensionFunction? scrFunc = _compiler.Scripts.ResolveFunction(name, ns, args.Count, (IErrorHelper)this);
if (scrFunc != null)
return GenerateScriptCall(_f.QName(name, ns, prefix), scrFunc, args);
if (_compiler.Scripts.ScriptClasses.ContainsKey(ns))
return _f.Error(_lastScope!.SourceLine, SR.Xslt_ScriptsProhibited);
return _f.XsltInvokeLateBound(_f.QName(name, ns, prefix), args);
private QilNode GenerateScriptCall(QilName name, XmlExtensionFunction scrFunc, IList<QilNode> args)
XmlQueryType xmlTypeFormalArg;
for (int i = 0; i < args.Count; i++)
xmlTypeFormalArg = scrFunc.GetXmlArgumentType(i);
switch (xmlTypeFormalArg.TypeCode)
case XmlTypeCode.Boolean: args[i] = _f.ConvertToBoolean(args[i]); break;
case XmlTypeCode.Double: args[i] = _f.ConvertToNumber(args[i]); break;
case XmlTypeCode.String: args[i] = _f.ConvertToString(args[i]); break;
case XmlTypeCode.Node: args[i] = xmlTypeFormalArg.IsSingleton ? _f.ConvertToNode(args[i]) : _f.ConvertToNodeSet(args[i]); break;
case XmlTypeCode.Item: break;
default: Debug.Fail($"This XmlTypeCode should never be inferred from a Clr type: {xmlTypeFormalArg.TypeCode}"); break;
return _f.XsltInvokeEarlyBound(name, scrFunc.Method!, scrFunc.XmlReturnType!, args);
private string ResolvePrefixThrow(bool ignoreDefaultNs, string prefix)
if (ignoreDefaultNs && prefix.Length == 0)
return string.Empty;
string? ns = _scope.LookupNamespace(prefix);
if (ns == null)
if (prefix.Length != 0)
throw new XslLoadException(SR.Xslt_InvalidPrefix, prefix);
ns = string.Empty;
return ns;
// XSLT Functions
public enum FuncId
private static readonly XmlTypeCode[] s_argFnDocument = { XmlTypeCode.Item, XmlTypeCode.Node };
private static readonly XmlTypeCode[] s_argFnKey = { XmlTypeCode.String, XmlTypeCode.Item };
private static readonly XmlTypeCode[] s_argFnFormatNumber = { XmlTypeCode.Double, XmlTypeCode.String, XmlTypeCode.String };
public static Dictionary<string, FunctionInfo> FunctionTable = CreateFunctionTable();
private static Dictionary<string, FunctionInfo> CreateFunctionTable()
Dictionary<string, FunctionInfo> table = new Dictionary<string, FunctionInfo>(16);
table.Add("current", new FunctionInfo(FuncId.Current, 0, 0, null));
table.Add("document", new FunctionInfo(FuncId.Document, 1, 2, s_argFnDocument));
table.Add("key", new FunctionInfo(FuncId.Key, 2, 2, s_argFnKey));
table.Add("format-number", new FunctionInfo(FuncId.FormatNumber, 2, 3, s_argFnFormatNumber));
table.Add("unparsed-entity-uri", new FunctionInfo(FuncId.UnparsedEntityUri, 1, 1, XPathBuilder.argString));
table.Add("generate-id", new FunctionInfo(FuncId.GenerateId, 0, 1, XPathBuilder.argNodeSet));
table.Add("system-property", new FunctionInfo(FuncId.SystemProperty, 1, 1, XPathBuilder.argString));
table.Add("element-available", new FunctionInfo(FuncId.ElementAvailable, 1, 1, XPathBuilder.argString));
table.Add("function-available", new FunctionInfo(FuncId.FunctionAvailable, 1, 1, XPathBuilder.argString));
return table;
public static bool IsFunctionAvailable(string localName, string nsUri)
if (XPathBuilder.IsFunctionAvailable(localName, nsUri))
return true;
if (nsUri.Length == 0)
return FunctionTable.ContainsKey(localName) && localName != "unparsed-entity-uri";
if (nsUri == XmlReservedNs.NsMsxsl)
return (
localName == "node-set" ||
localName == "format-date" ||
localName == "format-time" ||
localName == "local-name" ||
localName == "namespace-uri" ||
localName == "number" ||
localName == "string-compare" ||
localName == "utc"
if (nsUri == XmlReservedNs.NsExsltCommon)
return localName == "node-set" || localName == "object-type";
return false;
public static bool IsElementAvailable(XmlQualifiedName name)
if (name.Namespace == XmlReservedNs.NsXslt)
string localName = name.Name;
return (
localName == "apply-imports" ||
localName == "apply-templates" ||
localName == "attribute" ||
localName == "call-template" ||
localName == "choose" ||
localName == "comment" ||
localName == "copy" ||
localName == "copy-of" ||
localName == "element" ||
localName == "fallback" ||
localName == "for-each" ||
localName == "if" ||
localName == "message" ||
localName == "number" ||
localName == "processing-instruction" ||
localName == "text" ||
localName == "value-of" ||
localName == "variable"
// NOTE: msxsl:script is not an "instruction", so we return false for it
return false;
private QilNode CompileFnKey(QilNode name, QilNode keys, IFocus env)
QilNode result;
QilIterator i, n, k;
if (keys.XmlType!.IsNode)
if (keys.XmlType.IsSingleton)
result = CompileSingleKey(name, _f.ConvertToString(keys), env);
result = _f.Loop(i = _f.For(keys), CompileSingleKey(name, _f.ConvertToString(i), env));
else if (keys.XmlType.IsAtomicValue)
result = CompileSingleKey(name, _f.ConvertToString(keys), env);
result = _f.Loop(n = _f.Let(name), _f.Loop(k = _f.Let(keys),
_f.Conditional(_f.Not(_f.IsType(k, T.AnyAtomicType)),
_f.Loop(i = _f.For(_f.TypeAssert(k, T.NodeS)), CompileSingleKey(n, _f.ConvertToString(i), env)),
CompileSingleKey(n, _f.XsltConvert(k, T.StringX), env)
return _f.DocOrderDistinct(result);
private QilNode CompileSingleKey(QilNode name, QilNode key, IFocus env)
Debug.Assert(name.XmlType == T.StringX && key.XmlType == T.StringX);
QilNode result;
if (name.NodeType == QilNodeType.LiteralString)
string keyName = (QilLiteral)name;
_compiler.ParseQName(keyName, out string prefix, out string local, default(ThrowErrorHelper));
string nsUri = ResolvePrefixThrow(/*ignoreDefaultNs:*/true, prefix);
QilName qname = _f.QName(local, nsUri, prefix);
if (!_compiler.Keys.Contains(qname))
throw new XslLoadException(SR.Xslt_UndefinedKey, keyName);
result = CompileSingleKey(_compiler.Keys[qname], key, env);
_generalKey ??= CreateGeneralKeyFunction();
QilIterator i = _f.Let(name);
QilNode resolvedName = ResolveQNameDynamic(/*ignoreDefaultNs:*/true, i);
result = _f.Invoke(_generalKey, _f.ActualParameterList(i, resolvedName, key, env.GetCurrent()!));
result = _f.Loop(i, result);
return result;
private QilNode CompileSingleKey(List<Key> defList, QilNode key, IFocus env)
Debug.Assert(defList != null && defList.Count > 0);
if (defList.Count == 1)
return _f.Invoke(defList[0].Function!, _f.ActualParameterList(env.GetCurrent()!, key));
QilIterator i = _f.Let(key);
QilNode result = _f.Sequence();
foreach (Key keyDef in defList)
result.Add(_f.Invoke(keyDef.Function!, _f.ActualParameterList(env.GetCurrent()!, i)));
return _f.Loop(i, result);
private QilNode CompileSingleKey(List<Key> defList, QilIterator key, QilIterator context)
Debug.Assert(defList != null && defList.Count > 0);
QilList result = _f.BaseFactory.Sequence();
QilNode? keyRef = null;
foreach (Key keyDef in defList)
keyRef = _f.Invoke(keyDef.Function!, _f.ActualParameterList(context, key));
return defList.Count == 1 ? keyRef! : result;
private QilFunction CreateGeneralKeyFunction()
QilIterator name = _f.Parameter(T.StringX);
QilIterator resolvedName = _f.Parameter(T.QNameX);
QilIterator key = _f.Parameter(T.StringX);
QilIterator context = _f.Parameter(T.NodeNotRtf);
QilNode fdef = _f.Error(SR.Xslt_UndefinedKey, name);
for (int idx = 0; idx < _compiler.Keys.Count; idx++)
fdef = _f.Conditional(_f.Eq(resolvedName, _compiler.Keys[idx][0].Name!.DeepClone(_f.BaseFactory)),
CompileSingleKey(_compiler.Keys[idx], key, context),
QilFunction result = _f.Function(_f.FormalParameterList(name, resolvedName, key, context), fdef, _f.False());
result.DebugName = "key";
return result;
private QilNode CompileFnDocument(QilNode uris, QilNode? baseNode)
QilNode result;
QilIterator i, u;
QilIterator? j;
if (!_compiler.Settings.EnableDocumentFunction)
return _f.Error(_lastScope!.SourceLine, SR.Xslt_DocumentFuncProhibited);
if (uris.XmlType!.IsNode)
result = _f.DocOrderDistinct(_f.Loop(i = _f.For(uris),
CompileSingleDocument(_f.ConvertToString(i), baseNode ?? i)
else if (uris.XmlType.IsAtomicValue)
result = CompileSingleDocument(_f.ConvertToString(uris), baseNode);
u = _f.Let(uris);
j = (baseNode != null) ? _f.Let(baseNode) : null;
result = _f.Conditional(_f.Not(_f.IsType(u, T.AnyAtomicType)),
_f.DocOrderDistinct(_f.Loop(i = _f.For(_f.TypeAssert(u, T.NodeS)),
CompileSingleDocument(_f.ConvertToString(i), j ?? i)
CompileSingleDocument(_f.XsltConvert(u, T.StringX), j)
result = (baseNode != null) ? _f.Loop(j!, result) : result;
result = _f.Loop(u, result);
return result;
private QilNode CompileSingleDocument(QilNode uri, QilNode? baseNode)
QilNode baseUri;
if (baseNode == null)
baseUri = _f.String(_lastScope!.SourceLine!.Uri);
if (baseNode.XmlType!.IsSingleton)
baseUri = _f.InvokeBaseUri(baseNode);
// According to errata E14, it is an error if the second argument node-set is empty
// and the URI reference is relative. We pass an empty string as a baseUri to indicate
// that case.
QilIterator i;
baseUri = _f.StrConcat(_f.Loop(i = _f.FirstNode(baseNode), _f.InvokeBaseUri(i)));
return _f.DataSource(uri, baseUri);
private QilNode CompileFormatNumber(QilNode value, QilNode formatPicture, QilNode? formatName)
XmlQualifiedName? resolvedName;
if (formatName == null)
resolvedName = new XmlQualifiedName();
// formatName must be non-null in the f.InvokeFormatNumberDynamic() call below
formatName = _f.String(string.Empty);
if (formatName.NodeType == QilNodeType.LiteralString)
resolvedName = ResolveQNameThrow(/*ignoreDefaultNs:*/true, formatName);
resolvedName = null;
if (resolvedName != null)
DecimalFormatDecl format;
if (_compiler.DecimalFormats.Contains(resolvedName))
format = _compiler.DecimalFormats[resolvedName];
if (resolvedName != DecimalFormatDecl.Default.Name)
throw new XslLoadException(SR.Xslt_NoDecimalFormat, (string)(QilLiteral)formatName);
format = DecimalFormatDecl.Default;
// If both formatPicture and formatName are literal strings, there is no need to reparse
// formatPicture on every execution of this format-number(). Instead, we create a DecimalFormatter
// object on the first execution, save its index into a global variable, and reuse that object
// on all subsequent executions.
if (formatPicture.NodeType == QilNodeType.LiteralString)
QilIterator fmtIdx = _f.Let(_f.InvokeRegisterDecimalFormatter(formatPicture, format));
fmtIdx.DebugName = _f.QName($"formatter{_formatterCnt++}", XmlReservedNs.NsXslDebug).ToString();
return _f.InvokeFormatNumberStatic(value, fmtIdx);
_formatNumberDynamicUsed = true;
QilNode name = _f.QName(resolvedName.Name, resolvedName.Namespace);
return _f.InvokeFormatNumberDynamic(value, formatPicture, name, formatName);
_formatNumberDynamicUsed = true;
QilIterator i = _f.Let(formatName);
QilNode name = ResolveQNameDynamic(/*ignoreDefaultNs:*/true, i);
return _f.Loop(i, _f.InvokeFormatNumberDynamic(value, formatPicture, name, i));
private QilNode CompileUnparsedEntityUri(QilNode n)
return _f.Error(_lastScope!.SourceLine, SR.Xslt_UnsupportedXsltFunction, "unparsed-entity-uri");
private QilNode CompileGenerateId(QilNode n)
if (n.XmlType!.IsSingleton)
return _f.XsltGenerateId(n);
QilIterator i;
return _f.StrConcat(_f.Loop(i = _f.FirstNode(n), _f.XsltGenerateId(i)));
private XmlQualifiedName ResolveQNameThrow(bool ignoreDefaultNs, QilNode qilName)
string name = (QilLiteral)qilName;
_compiler.ParseQName(name, out string prefix, out string local, default(ThrowErrorHelper));
string nsUri = ResolvePrefixThrow(/*ignoreDefaultNs:*/ignoreDefaultNs, prefix);
return new XmlQualifiedName(local, nsUri);
private QilNode CompileSystemProperty(QilNode name)
if (name.NodeType == QilNodeType.LiteralString)
XmlQualifiedName qname = ResolveQNameThrow(/*ignoreDefaultNs:*/true, name);
if (EvaluateFuncCalls)
XPathItem propValue = XsltFunctions.SystemProperty(qname);
if (propValue.ValueType == typeof(string))
return _f.String(propValue.Value);
Debug.Assert(propValue.ValueType == typeof(double));
return _f.Double((double)propValue.ValueAsDouble);
name = _f.QName(qname.Name, qname.Namespace);
name = ResolveQNameDynamic(/*ignoreDefaultNs:*/true, name);
return _f.InvokeSystemProperty(name);
private QilNode CompileElementAvailable(QilNode name)
if (name.NodeType == QilNodeType.LiteralString)
XmlQualifiedName qname = ResolveQNameThrow(/*ignoreDefaultNs:*/false, name);
if (EvaluateFuncCalls)
return _f.Boolean(IsElementAvailable(qname));
name = _f.QName(qname.Name, qname.Namespace);
name = ResolveQNameDynamic(/*ignoreDefaultNs:*/false, name);
return _f.InvokeElementAvailable(name);
private QilNode CompileFunctionAvailable(QilNode name)
if (name.NodeType == QilNodeType.LiteralString)
XmlQualifiedName qname = ResolveQNameThrow(/*ignoreDefaultNs:*/true, name);
if (EvaluateFuncCalls)
// Script blocks and extension objects cannot implement neither null nor XSLT namespace
if (qname.Namespace.Length == 0 || qname.Namespace == XmlReservedNs.NsXslt)
return _f.Boolean(QilGenerator.IsFunctionAvailable(qname.Name, qname.Namespace));
// We might precalculate the result for script namespaces as well
name = _f.QName(qname.Name, qname.Namespace);
name = ResolveQNameDynamic(/*ignoreDefaultNs:*/true, name);
return _f.InvokeFunctionAvailable(name);
private QilNode CompileMsNodeSet(QilNode n)
if (n.XmlType!.IsNode && n.XmlType.IsNotRtf)
return n;
return _f.XsltConvert(n, T.NodeSDod);
// EXSLT Functions
private QilNode EXslObjectType(QilNode n)
if (EvaluateFuncCalls)
switch (n.XmlType!.TypeCode)
case XmlTypeCode.Boolean: return _f.String("boolean");
case XmlTypeCode.Double: return _f.String("number");
case XmlTypeCode.String: return _f.String("string");
if (n.XmlType.IsNode && n.XmlType.IsNotRtf)
return _f.String("node-set");
return _f.InvokeEXslObjectType(n);