File: System\Xml\Xsl\XslException.cs
Web Access
Project: src\src\libraries\System.Private.Xml\src\System.Private.Xml.csproj (System.Private.Xml)
// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Globalization;
using System.Resources;
using System.Runtime.Serialization;
using System.Text;
using System.Xml.Xsl.Xslt;
namespace System.Xml.Xsl
    internal class XslTransformException : XsltException
        public XslTransformException(Exception? inner, string res, params string?[]? args)
            : base(CreateMessage(res, args), inner)
        { }
        [Obsolete(Obsoletions.LegacyFormatterImplMessage, DiagnosticId = Obsoletions.LegacyFormatterImplDiagId, UrlFormat = Obsoletions.SharedUrlFormat)]
        public XslTransformException(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context)
            : base(info, context)
        public XslTransformException(string message)
            : base(CreateMessage(message, null), null)
        { }
        internal XslTransformException(string res, params string?[]? args)
            : this(null, res, args)
        { }
        internal static string CreateMessage(string res, params string?[]? args)
            string? message = null;
                if (args == null)
                    message = res;
                    message = string.Format(res, args);
            catch (MissingManifestResourceException)
            if (message != null)
                return message;
            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(res);
            if (args != null && args.Length > 0)
                Debug.Fail($"Resource string '{res}' was not found");
                for (int idx = 1; idx < args.Length; idx++)
                    sb.Append(", ");
            return sb.ToString();
        internal virtual string FormatDetailedMessage()
            return Message;
        public override string ToString()
            string result = this.GetType().FullName!;
            string info = FormatDetailedMessage();
            if (info != null && info.Length > 0)
                result += $": {info}";
            if (InnerException != null)
                result += $" ---> {InnerException}{Environment.NewLine}   {CreateMessage(SR.Xml_EndOfInnerExceptionStack)}";
            if (StackTrace != null)
                result += Environment.NewLine + StackTrace;
            return result;
    internal class XslLoadException : XslTransformException
        private ISourceLineInfo? _lineInfo;
        internal XslLoadException(string res, params string?[]? args)
            : base(null, res, args)
        { }
        internal XslLoadException(Exception? inner, ISourceLineInfo? lineInfo)
            : base(inner, SR.Xslt_CompileError2, null)
        [Obsolete(Obsoletions.LegacyFormatterImplMessage, DiagnosticId = Obsoletions.LegacyFormatterImplDiagId, UrlFormat = Obsoletions.SharedUrlFormat)]
        internal XslLoadException(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context)
            : base(info, context)
            bool hasLineInfo = (bool)info.GetValue("hasLineInfo", typeof(bool))!;
            if (hasLineInfo)
                string uriString = (string)info.GetValue("Uri", typeof(string))!;
                int startLine = (int)info.GetValue("StartLine", typeof(int))!;
                int startPos = (int)info.GetValue("StartPos", typeof(int))!;
                int endLine = (int)info.GetValue("EndLine", typeof(int))!;
                int endPos = (int)info.GetValue("EndPos", typeof(int))!;
                _lineInfo = new SourceLineInfo(uriString, startLine, startPos, endLine, endPos);
        internal XslLoadException(CompilerError error)
            : base(SR.Xml_UserException, new string[] { error.ErrorText })
            int errorLine = error.Line;
            int errorColumn = error.Column;
            if (errorLine == 0)
                // If the compiler reported error on Line 0 - ignore columns,
                //   0 means it doesn't know where the error was and our SourceLineInfo
                //   expects either all zeroes or all non-zeroes
                errorColumn = 0;
                if (errorColumn == 0)
                    // In this situation the compiler returned for example Line 10, Column 0.
                    // This means that the compiler knows the line of the error, but it doesn't
                    //   know (or support) the column part of the location.
                    // Since we don't allow column 0 (as it's invalid), let's turn it into 1 (the beginning of the line)
                    errorColumn = 1;
            SetSourceLineInfo(new SourceLineInfo(error.FileName, errorLine, errorColumn, errorLine, errorColumn));
        internal void SetSourceLineInfo(ISourceLineInfo? lineInfo)
            Debug.Assert(lineInfo == null || lineInfo.Uri != null);
            _lineInfo = lineInfo;
        [Obsolete(Obsoletions.LegacyFormatterImplMessage, DiagnosticId = Obsoletions.LegacyFormatterImplDiagId, UrlFormat = Obsoletions.SharedUrlFormat)]
        public override void GetObjectData(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context)
            base.GetObjectData(info, context);
            info.AddValue("hasLineInfo", _lineInfo != null);
            if (_lineInfo != null)
                info.AddValue("Uri", _lineInfo.Uri, typeof(string));
                info.AddValue("StartLine", _lineInfo.Start.Line, typeof(int));
                info.AddValue("StartPos", _lineInfo.Start.Pos, typeof(int));
                info.AddValue("EndLine", _lineInfo.End.Line, typeof(int));
                info.AddValue("EndPos", _lineInfo.End.Pos, typeof(int));
        public override string? SourceUri
            get { return _lineInfo?.Uri; }
        public override int LineNumber
            get { return _lineInfo != null ? _lineInfo.Start.Line : 0; }
        public override int LinePosition
            get { return _lineInfo != null ? _lineInfo.Start.Pos : 0; }
        private static string AppendLineInfoMessage(string message, ISourceLineInfo? lineInfo)
            if (lineInfo != null)
                string fileName = SourceLineInfo.GetFileName(lineInfo.Uri!);
                string lineInfoMessage = CreateMessage(SR.Xml_ErrorFilePosition, fileName, lineInfo.Start.Line.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), lineInfo.Start.Pos.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));
                if (lineInfoMessage != null && lineInfoMessage.Length > 0)
                    if (message.Length > 0 && !XmlCharType.IsWhiteSpace(message[message.Length - 1]))
                        message += " ";
                    message += lineInfoMessage;
            return message;
        internal static string CreateMessage(ISourceLineInfo? lineInfo, string res, params string?[]? args)
            return AppendLineInfoMessage(CreateMessage(res, args), lineInfo);
        internal override string FormatDetailedMessage()
            return AppendLineInfoMessage(Message, _lineInfo);