File: src\libraries\System.Private.CoreLib\src\System\Buffers\SharedArrayPool.cs
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Project: src\src\coreclr\System.Private.CoreLib\System.Private.CoreLib.csproj (System.Private.CoreLib)
// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Threading;
namespace System.Buffers
    /// <summary>
    /// Provides an ArrayPool implementation meant to be used as the singleton returned from ArrayPool.Shared.
    /// </summary>
    /// <remarks>
    /// The implementation uses a tiered caching scheme, with a small per-thread cache for each array size, followed
    /// by a cache per array size shared by all threads, split into per-core stacks meant to be used by threads
    /// running on that core.  Locks are used to protect each per-core stack, because a thread can migrate after
    /// checking its processor number, because multiple threads could interleave on the same core, and because
    /// a thread is allowed to check other core's buckets if its core's bucket is empty/full.
    /// </remarks>
    internal sealed partial class SharedArrayPool<T> : ArrayPool<T>
        /// <summary>The number of buckets (array sizes) in the pool, one for each array length, starting from length 16.</summary>
        private const int NumBuckets = 27; // Utilities.SelectBucketIndex(1024 * 1024 * 1024 + 1)
        /// <summary>A per-thread array of arrays, to cache one array per array size per thread.</summary>
        private static SharedArrayPoolThreadLocalArray[]? t_tlsBuckets;
        /// <summary>Used to keep track of all thread local buckets for trimming if needed.</summary>
        private readonly ConditionalWeakTable<SharedArrayPoolThreadLocalArray[], object?> _allTlsBuckets = new ConditionalWeakTable<SharedArrayPoolThreadLocalArray[], object?>();
        /// <summary>
        /// An array of per-core partitions. The slots are lazily initialized to avoid creating
        /// lots of overhead for unused array sizes.
        /// </summary>
        private readonly SharedArrayPoolPartitions?[] _buckets = new SharedArrayPoolPartitions[NumBuckets];
        /// <summary>Whether the callback to trim arrays in response to memory pressure has been created.</summary>
        private int _trimCallbackCreated;
        /// <summary>Allocate a new <see cref="SharedArrayPoolPartitions"/> and try to store it into the <see cref="_buckets"/> array.</summary>
        private unsafe SharedArrayPoolPartitions CreatePerCorePartitions(int bucketIndex)
            var inst = new SharedArrayPoolPartitions();
            return Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref _buckets[bucketIndex], inst, null) ?? inst;
        /// <summary>Gets an ID for the pool to use with events.</summary>
        private int Id => GetHashCode();
        public override T[] Rent(int minimumLength)
            ArrayPoolEventSource log = ArrayPoolEventSource.Log;
            T[]? buffer;
            // Get the bucket number for the array length. The result may be out of range of buckets,
            // either for too large a value or for 0 and negative values.
            int bucketIndex = Utilities.SelectBucketIndex(minimumLength);
            // First, try to get an array from TLS if possible.
            SharedArrayPoolThreadLocalArray[]? tlsBuckets = t_tlsBuckets;
            if (tlsBuckets is not null && (uint)bucketIndex < (uint)tlsBuckets.Length)
                buffer = Unsafe.As<T[]?>(tlsBuckets[bucketIndex].Array);
                if (buffer is not null)
                    tlsBuckets[bucketIndex].Array = null;
                    if (log.IsEnabled())
                        log.BufferRented(buffer.GetHashCode(), buffer.Length, Id, bucketIndex);
                    return buffer;
            // Next, try to get an array from one of the partitions.
            SharedArrayPoolPartitions?[] perCoreBuckets = _buckets;
            if ((uint)bucketIndex < (uint)perCoreBuckets.Length)
                SharedArrayPoolPartitions? b = perCoreBuckets[bucketIndex];
                if (b is not null)
                    buffer = Unsafe.As<T[]?>(b.TryPop());
                    if (buffer is not null)
                        if (log.IsEnabled())
                            log.BufferRented(buffer.GetHashCode(), buffer.Length, Id, bucketIndex);
                        return buffer;
                // No buffer available.  Ensure the length we'll allocate matches that of a bucket
                // so we can later return it.
                minimumLength = Utilities.GetMaxSizeForBucket(bucketIndex);
            else if (minimumLength == 0)
                // We allow requesting zero-length arrays (even though pooling such an array isn't valuable)
                // as it's a valid length array, and we want the pool to be usable in general instead of using
                // `new`, even for computed lengths. But, there's no need to log the empty array.  Our pool is
                // effectively infinite for empty arrays and we'll never allocate for rents and never store for returns.
                return Array.Empty<T>();
            buffer = GC.AllocateUninitializedArray<T>(minimumLength);
            if (log.IsEnabled())
                int bufferId = buffer.GetHashCode();
                log.BufferRented(bufferId, buffer.Length, Id, ArrayPoolEventSource.NoBucketId);
                log.BufferAllocated(bufferId, buffer.Length, Id, ArrayPoolEventSource.NoBucketId, bucketIndex >= _buckets.Length ?
                    ArrayPoolEventSource.BufferAllocatedReason.OverMaximumSize :
            return buffer;
        public override void Return(T[] array, bool clearArray = false)
            if (array is null)
            // Determine with what bucket this array length is associated
            int bucketIndex = Utilities.SelectBucketIndex(array.Length);
            // Make sure our TLS buckets are initialized.  Technically we could avoid doing
            // this if the array being returned is erroneous or too large for the pool, but the
            // former condition is an error we don't need to optimize for, and the latter is incredibly
            // rare, given a max size of 1B elements.
            SharedArrayPoolThreadLocalArray[] tlsBuckets = t_tlsBuckets ?? InitializeTlsBucketsAndTrimming();
            bool haveBucket = false;
            bool returned = true;
            if ((uint)bucketIndex < (uint)tlsBuckets.Length)
                haveBucket = true;
                // Clear the array if the user requested it.
                if (clearArray)
                // Check to see if the buffer is the correct size for this bucket.
                if (array.Length != Utilities.GetMaxSizeForBucket(bucketIndex))
                    throw new ArgumentException(SR.ArgumentException_BufferNotFromPool, nameof(array));
                // Store the array into the TLS bucket.  If there's already an array in it,
                // push that array down into the partitions, preferring to keep the latest
                // one in TLS for better locality.
                ref SharedArrayPoolThreadLocalArray tla = ref tlsBuckets[bucketIndex];
                Array? prev = tla.Array;
                tla = new SharedArrayPoolThreadLocalArray(array);
                if (prev is not null)
                    SharedArrayPoolPartitions partitionsForArraySize = _buckets[bucketIndex] ?? CreatePerCorePartitions(bucketIndex);
                    returned = partitionsForArraySize.TryPush(prev);
            // Log that the buffer was returned
            ArrayPoolEventSource log = ArrayPoolEventSource.Log;
            if (log.IsEnabled() && array.Length != 0)
                log.BufferReturned(array.GetHashCode(), array.Length, Id);
                if (!(haveBucket & returned))
                    log.BufferDropped(array.GetHashCode(), array.Length, Id,
                        haveBucket ? bucketIndex : ArrayPoolEventSource.NoBucketId,
                        haveBucket ? ArrayPoolEventSource.BufferDroppedReason.Full : ArrayPoolEventSource.BufferDroppedReason.OverMaximumSize);
        public bool Trim()
            int currentMilliseconds = Environment.TickCount;
            Utilities.MemoryPressure pressure = Utilities.GetMemoryPressure();
            // Log that we're trimming.
            ArrayPoolEventSource log = ArrayPoolEventSource.Log;
            if (log.IsEnabled())
                log.BufferTrimPoll(currentMilliseconds, (int)pressure);
            // Trim each of the per-core buckets.
            SharedArrayPoolPartitions?[] perCoreBuckets = _buckets;
            for (int i = 0; i < perCoreBuckets.Length; i++)
                perCoreBuckets[i]?.Trim(currentMilliseconds, Id, pressure);
            // Trim each of the TLS buckets. Note that threads may be modifying their TLS slots concurrently with
            // this trimming happening. We do not force synchronization with those operations, so we accept the fact
            // that we may end up firing a trimming event even if an array wasn't trimmed, and potentially
            // trim an array we didn't need to.  Both of these should be rare occurrences.
            // Under high pressure, release all thread locals.
            if (pressure == Utilities.MemoryPressure.High)
                if (!log.IsEnabled())
                    foreach (KeyValuePair<SharedArrayPoolThreadLocalArray[], object?> tlsBuckets in _allTlsBuckets)
                    foreach (KeyValuePair<SharedArrayPoolThreadLocalArray[], object?> tlsBuckets in _allTlsBuckets)
                        SharedArrayPoolThreadLocalArray[] buckets = tlsBuckets.Key;
                        for (int i = 0; i < buckets.Length; i++)
                            if (Interlocked.Exchange(ref buckets[i].Array, null) is T[] buffer)
                                log.BufferTrimmed(buffer.GetHashCode(), buffer.Length, Id);
                // Otherwise, release thread locals based on how long we've observed them to be stored. This time is
                // approximate, with the time set not when the array is stored but when we see it during a Trim, so it
                // takes at least two Trim calls (and thus two gen2 GCs) to drop an array, unless we're in high memory
                // pressure. These values have been set arbitrarily; we could tune them in the future.
                uint millisecondsThreshold = pressure switch
                    Utilities.MemoryPressure.Medium => 15_000,
                    _ => 30_000,
                foreach (KeyValuePair<SharedArrayPoolThreadLocalArray[], object?> tlsBuckets in _allTlsBuckets)
                    SharedArrayPoolThreadLocalArray[] buckets = tlsBuckets.Key;
                    for (int i = 0; i < buckets.Length; i++)
                        if (buckets[i].Array is null)
                        // We treat 0 to mean it hasn't yet been seen in a Trim call. In the very rare case where Trim records 0,
                        // it'll take an extra Trim call to remove the array.
                        int lastSeen = buckets[i].MillisecondsTimeStamp;
                        if (lastSeen == 0)
                            buckets[i].MillisecondsTimeStamp = currentMilliseconds;
                        else if ((currentMilliseconds - lastSeen) >= millisecondsThreshold)
                            // Time noticeably wrapped, or we've surpassed the threshold.
                            // Clear out the array, and log its being trimmed if desired.
                            if (Interlocked.Exchange(ref buckets[i].Array, null) is T[] buffer &&
                                log.BufferTrimmed(buffer.GetHashCode(), buffer.Length, Id);
            return true;
        private SharedArrayPoolThreadLocalArray[] InitializeTlsBucketsAndTrimming()
            Debug.Assert(t_tlsBuckets is null, $"Non-null {nameof(t_tlsBuckets)}");
            var tlsBuckets = new SharedArrayPoolThreadLocalArray[NumBuckets];
            t_tlsBuckets = tlsBuckets;
            _allTlsBuckets.Add(tlsBuckets, null);
            if (Interlocked.Exchange(ref _trimCallbackCreated, 1) == 0)
                Gen2GcCallback.Register(s => ((SharedArrayPool<T>)s).Trim(), this);
            return tlsBuckets;
    // The following partition types are separated out of SharedArrayPool<T> to avoid
    // them being generic, in order to avoid the generic code size increase that would
    // result, in particular for Native AOT. The only thing that's necessary to actually
    // be generic is the return type of TryPop, and we can handle that at the access
    // site with a well-placed Unsafe.As.
    /// <summary>Wrapper for arrays stored in ThreadStatic buckets.</summary>
    internal struct SharedArrayPoolThreadLocalArray
        /// <summary>The stored array.</summary>
        public Array? Array;
        /// <summary>Environment.TickCount timestamp for when this array was observed by Trim.</summary>
        public int MillisecondsTimeStamp;
        public SharedArrayPoolThreadLocalArray(Array array)
            Array = array;
            MillisecondsTimeStamp = 0;
    /// <summary>Provides a collection of partitions, each of which is a pool of arrays.</summary>
    internal sealed class SharedArrayPoolPartitions
        /// <summary>The partitions.</summary>
        private readonly Partition[] _partitions;
        /// <summary>Initializes the partitions.</summary>
        public SharedArrayPoolPartitions()
            // Create the partitions.  We create as many as there are processors, limited by our max.
            var partitions = new Partition[SharedArrayPoolStatics.s_partitionCount];
            for (int i = 0; i < partitions.Length; i++)
                partitions[i] = new Partition();
            _partitions = partitions;
        /// <summary>
        /// Try to push the array into any partition with available space, starting with partition associated with the current core.
        /// If all partitions are full, the array will be dropped.
        /// </summary>
        public bool TryPush(Array array)
            // Try to push on to the associated partition first.  If that fails,
            // round-robin through the other partitions.
            Partition[] partitions = _partitions;
            int index = (int)((uint)Thread.GetCurrentProcessorId() % (uint)SharedArrayPoolStatics.s_partitionCount); // mod by constant in tier 1
            for (int i = 0; i < partitions.Length; i++)
                if (partitions[index].TryPush(array)) return true;
                if (++index == partitions.Length) index = 0;
            return false;
        /// <summary>
        /// Try to pop an array from any partition with available arrays, starting with partition associated with the current core.
        /// If all partitions are empty, null is returned.
        /// </summary>
        public Array? TryPop()
            // Try to pop from the associated partition first.  If that fails, round-robin through the other partitions.
            Array? arr;
            Partition[] partitions = _partitions;
            int index = (int)((uint)Thread.GetCurrentProcessorId() % (uint)SharedArrayPoolStatics.s_partitionCount); // mod by constant in tier 1
            for (int i = 0; i < partitions.Length; i++)
                if ((arr = partitions[index].TryPop()) is not null) return arr;
                if (++index == partitions.Length) index = 0;
            return null;
        public void Trim(int currentMilliseconds, int id, Utilities.MemoryPressure pressure)
            Partition[] partitions = _partitions;
            for (int i = 0; i < partitions.Length; i++)
                partitions[i].Trim(currentMilliseconds, id, pressure);
        /// <summary>Provides a simple, bounded stack of arrays, protected by a lock.</summary>
        private sealed class Partition
            /// <summary>The arrays in the partition.</summary>
            private readonly Array?[] _arrays = new Array[SharedArrayPoolStatics.s_maxArraysPerPartition];
            /// <summary>Number of arrays stored in <see cref="_arrays"/>.</summary>
            private int _count;
            /// <summary>Timestamp set by Trim when it sees this as 0.</summary>
            private int _millisecondsTimestamp;
            public bool TryPush(Array array)
                bool enqueued = false;
                Array?[] arrays = _arrays;
                int count = _count;
                if ((uint)count < (uint)arrays.Length)
                    if (count == 0)
                        // Reset the time stamp now that we're transitioning from empty to non-empty.
                        // Trim will see this as 0 and initialize it to the current time when Trim is called.
                        _millisecondsTimestamp = 0;
                    Unsafe.Add(ref MemoryMarshal.GetArrayDataReference(arrays), count) = array; // arrays[count] = array, but avoiding stelemref
                    _count = count + 1;
                    enqueued = true;
                return enqueued;
            public Array? TryPop()
                Array? arr = null;
                Array?[] arrays = _arrays;
                int count = _count - 1;
                if ((uint)count < (uint)arrays.Length)
                    arr = arrays[count];
                    arrays[count] = null;
                    _count = count;
                return arr;
            public void Trim(int currentMilliseconds, int id, Utilities.MemoryPressure pressure)
                const int TrimAfterMS = 60 * 1000;                                  // Trim after 60 seconds for low/moderate pressure
                const int HighTrimAfterMS = 10 * 1000;                              // Trim after 10 seconds for high pressure
                if (_count == 0)
                int trimMilliseconds = pressure == Utilities.MemoryPressure.High ? HighTrimAfterMS : TrimAfterMS;
                lock (this)
                    if (_count == 0)
                    if (_millisecondsTimestamp == 0)
                        _millisecondsTimestamp = currentMilliseconds;
                    if ((currentMilliseconds - _millisecondsTimestamp) <= trimMilliseconds)
                    // We've elapsed enough time since the first item went into the partition.
                    // Drop the top item(s) so they can be collected.
                    int trimCount = pressure switch
                        Utilities.MemoryPressure.High => SharedArrayPoolStatics.s_maxArraysPerPartition,
                        Utilities.MemoryPressure.Medium => 2,
                        _ => 1,
                    ArrayPoolEventSource log = ArrayPoolEventSource.Log;
                    while (_count > 0 && trimCount-- > 0)
                        Array? array = _arrays[--_count];
                        Debug.Assert(array is not null, "No nulls should have been present in slots < _count.");
                        _arrays[_count] = null;
                        if (log.IsEnabled())
                            log.BufferTrimmed(array.GetHashCode(), array.Length, id);
                    _millisecondsTimestamp = _count > 0 ?
                        _millisecondsTimestamp + (trimMilliseconds / 4) : // Give the remaining items a bit more time
    internal static class SharedArrayPoolStatics
        /// <summary>Number of partitions to employ.</summary>
        internal static readonly int s_partitionCount = GetPartitionCount();
        /// <summary>The maximum number of arrays per array size to store per partition.</summary>
        internal static readonly int s_maxArraysPerPartition = GetMaxArraysPerPartition();
        /// <summary>Gets the maximum number of partitions to shard arrays into.</summary>
        /// <remarks>Defaults to int.MaxValue.  Whatever value is returned will end up being clamped to <see cref="Environment.ProcessorCount"/>.</remarks>
        private static int GetPartitionCount()
            int partitionCount = TryGetInt32EnvironmentVariable("DOTNET_SYSTEM_BUFFERS_SHAREDARRAYPOOL_MAXPARTITIONCOUNT", out int result) && result > 0 ?
                result :
                int.MaxValue; // no limit other than processor count
            return Math.Min(partitionCount, Environment.ProcessorCount);
        /// <summary>Gets the maximum number of arrays of a given size allowed to be cached per partition.</summary>
        /// <returns>Defaults to 32. This does not factor in or impact the number of arrays cached per thread in TLS (currently only 1).</returns>
        private static int GetMaxArraysPerPartition()
            return TryGetInt32EnvironmentVariable("DOTNET_SYSTEM_BUFFERS_SHAREDARRAYPOOL_MAXARRAYSPERPARTITION", out int result) && result > 0 ?
                result :
                32; // arbitrary limit
        /// <summary>Look up an environment variable and try to parse it as an Int32.</summary>
        /// <remarks>This avoids using anything that might in turn recursively use the ArrayPool.</remarks>
        private static bool TryGetInt32EnvironmentVariable(string variable, out int result)
            // Avoid globalization stack, as it might in turn be using ArrayPool.
            if (Environment.GetEnvironmentVariableCore_NoArrayPool(variable) is string envVar &&
                envVar.Length is > 0 and <= 32) // arbitrary limit that allows for some spaces around the maximum length of a non-negative Int32 (10 digits)
                ReadOnlySpan<char> value = envVar.AsSpan().Trim(' ');
                if (!value.IsEmpty && value.Length <= 10)
                    long tempResult = 0;
                    foreach (char c in value)
                        uint digit = (uint)(c - '0');
                        if (digit > 9)
                            goto Fail;
                        tempResult = tempResult * 10 + digit;
                    if (tempResult is >= 0 and <= int.MaxValue)
                        result = (int)tempResult;
                        return true;
            result = 0;
            return false;