// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Runtime.Intrinsics;
namespace System.Numerics.Tensors
public static partial class TensorPrimitives
/// <summary>Computes the element-wise cube root of numbers in the specified tensor.</summary>
/// <param name="x">The tensor, represented as a span.</param>
/// <param name="destination">The destination tensor, represented as a span.</param>
/// <exception cref="ArgumentException">Destination is too short.</exception>
/// <exception cref="ArgumentException"><paramref name="x"/> and <paramref name="destination"/> reference overlapping memory locations and do not begin at the same location.</exception>
/// <remarks>
/// <para>
/// This method effectively computes <c><paramref name="destination" />[i] = T.Cbrt(<paramref name="x" />[i])</c>.
/// </para>
/// </remarks>
public static void Cbrt<T>(ReadOnlySpan<T> x, Span<T> destination)
where T : IRootFunctions<T> =>
InvokeSpanIntoSpan<T, CbrtOperator<T>>(x, destination);
/// <summary>T.Cbrt(x)</summary>
private readonly struct CbrtOperator<T> : IUnaryOperator<T, T>
where T : IRootFunctions<T>
public static bool Vectorizable => false; // typeof(T) == typeof(float) || typeof(T) == typeof(double); // TODO: https://github.com/dotnet/runtime/issues/100535
public static T Invoke(T x) => T.Cbrt(x);
public static Vector128<T> Invoke(Vector128<T> x)
if (typeof(T) == typeof(float))
return ExpOperator<float>.Invoke(LogOperator<float>.Invoke(x.AsSingle()) / Vector128.Create(3f)).As<float, T>();
Debug.Assert(typeof(T) == typeof(double));
return ExpOperator<double>.Invoke(LogOperator<double>.Invoke(x.AsDouble()) / Vector128.Create(3d)).As<double, T>();
public static Vector256<T> Invoke(Vector256<T> x)
if (typeof(T) == typeof(float))
return ExpOperator<float>.Invoke(LogOperator<float>.Invoke(x.AsSingle()) / Vector256.Create(3f)).As<float, T>();
Debug.Assert(typeof(T) == typeof(double));
return ExpOperator<double>.Invoke(LogOperator<double>.Invoke(x.AsDouble()) / Vector256.Create(3d)).As<double, T>();
public static Vector512<T> Invoke(Vector512<T> x)
if (typeof(T) == typeof(float))
return ExpOperator<float>.Invoke(LogOperator<float>.Invoke(x.AsSingle()) / Vector512.Create(3f)).As<float, T>();
Debug.Assert(typeof(T) == typeof(double));
return ExpOperator<double>.Invoke(LogOperator<double>.Invoke(x.AsDouble()) / Vector512.Create(3d)).As<double, T>();