// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Runtime.Intrinsics;
namespace System.Numerics.Tensors
public static partial class TensorPrimitives
/// <summary>Computes the element-wise natural (base <c>e</c>) logarithm of numbers in the specified tensor.</summary>
/// <param name="x">The tensor, represented as a span.</param>
/// <param name="destination">The destination tensor, represented as a span.</param>
/// <exception cref="ArgumentException">Destination is too short.</exception>
/// <exception cref="ArgumentException"><paramref name="x"/> and <paramref name="destination"/> reference overlapping memory locations and do not begin at the same location.</exception>
/// <remarks>
/// <para>
/// This method effectively computes <c><paramref name="destination" />[i] = <typeparamref name="T"/>.Log(<paramref name="x" />[i])</c>.
/// </para>
/// <para>
/// If a value equals 0, the result stored into the corresponding destination location is set to <see cref="IFloatingPointIeee754{TSelf}.NegativeInfinity"/>.
/// If a value is negative or equal to <see cref="IFloatingPointIeee754{TSelf}.NaN"/>, the result stored into the corresponding destination location is set to NaN.
/// If a value is positive infinity, the result stored into the corresponding destination location is set to <see cref="IFloatingPointIeee754{TSelf}.PositiveInfinity"/>.
/// Otherwise, if a value is positive, its natural logarithm is stored into the corresponding destination location.
/// </para>
/// <para>
/// This method may call into the underlying C runtime or employ instructions specific to the current architecture. Exact results may differ between different
/// operating systems or architectures.
/// </para>
/// </remarks>
public static void Log<T>(ReadOnlySpan<T> x, Span<T> destination)
where T : ILogarithmicFunctions<T> =>
InvokeSpanIntoSpan<T, LogOperator<T>>(x, destination);
/// <summary>Computes the element-wise logarithm of the numbers in a specified tensor to the specified base in another specified tensor.</summary>
/// <param name="x">The first tensor, represented as a span.</param>
/// <param name="y">The second tensor, represented as a span.</param>
/// <param name="destination">The destination tensor, represented as a span.</param>
/// <exception cref="ArgumentException">Length of <paramref name="x" /> must be same as length of <paramref name="y" />.</exception>
/// <exception cref="ArgumentException">Destination is too short.</exception>
/// <exception cref="ArgumentException"><paramref name="x"/> and <paramref name="destination"/> reference overlapping memory locations and do not begin at the same location.</exception>
/// <exception cref="ArgumentException"><paramref name="y"/> and <paramref name="destination"/> reference overlapping memory locations and do not begin at the same location.</exception>
/// <remarks>
/// <para>
/// This method effectively computes <c><paramref name="destination" />[i] = <typeparamref name="T"/>.Log(<paramref name="x" />[i], <paramref name="y" />[i])</c>.
/// </para>
/// <para>
/// This method may call into the underlying C runtime or employ instructions specific to the current architecture. Exact results may differ between different
/// operating systems or architectures.
/// </para>
/// </remarks>
public static void Log<T>(ReadOnlySpan<T> x, ReadOnlySpan<T> y, Span<T> destination)
where T : ILogarithmicFunctions<T> =>
InvokeSpanSpanIntoSpan<T, LogBaseOperator<T>>(x, y, destination);
/// <summary>Computes the element-wise logarithm of the numbers in a specified tensor to the specified base in another specified tensor.</summary>
/// <param name="x">The first tensor, represented as a span.</param>
/// <param name="y">The second tensor, represented as a scalar.</param>
/// <param name="destination">The destination tensor, represented as a span.</param>
/// <exception cref="ArgumentException">Destination is too short.</exception>
/// <exception cref="ArgumentException"><paramref name="x"/> and <paramref name="destination"/> reference overlapping memory locations and do not begin at the same location.</exception>
/// <remarks>
/// <para>
/// This method effectively computes <c><paramref name="destination" />[i] = <typeparamref name="T"/>.Log(<paramref name="x" />[i], <paramref name="y" />)</c>.
/// </para>
/// <para>
/// This method may call into the underlying C runtime or employ instructions specific to the current architecture. Exact results may differ between different
/// operating systems or architectures.
/// </para>
/// </remarks>
public static void Log<T>(ReadOnlySpan<T> x, T y, Span<T> destination)
where T : ILogarithmicFunctions<T> =>
InvokeSpanScalarIntoSpan<T, LogBaseOperator<T>>(x, y, destination);
/// <summary>T.Log(x)</summary>
internal readonly struct LogOperator<T> : IUnaryOperator<T, T>
where T : ILogarithmicFunctions<T>
public static bool Vectorizable => (typeof(T) == typeof(double))
|| (typeof(T) == typeof(float));
public static T Invoke(T x) => T.Log(x);
public static Vector128<T> Invoke(Vector128<T> x)
if (typeof(T) == typeof(double))
return Vector128.Log(x.AsDouble()).As<double, T>();
Debug.Assert(typeof(T) == typeof(float));
return Vector128.Log(x.AsSingle()).As<float, T>();
if (typeof(T) == typeof(double))
return LogOperatorDouble.Invoke(x.AsDouble()).As<double, T>();
Debug.Assert(typeof(T) == typeof(float));
return LogOperatorSingle.Invoke(x.AsSingle()).As<float, T>();
public static Vector256<T> Invoke(Vector256<T> x)
if (typeof(T) == typeof(double))
return Vector256.Log(x.AsDouble()).As<double, T>();
Debug.Assert(typeof(T) == typeof(float));
return Vector256.Log(x.AsSingle()).As<float, T>();
if (typeof(T) == typeof(double))
return LogOperatorDouble.Invoke(x.AsDouble()).As<double, T>();
Debug.Assert(typeof(T) == typeof(float));
return LogOperatorSingle.Invoke(x.AsSingle()).As<float, T>();
public static Vector512<T> Invoke(Vector512<T> x)
if (typeof(T) == typeof(double))
return Vector512.Log(x.AsDouble()).As<double, T>();
Debug.Assert(typeof(T) == typeof(float));
return Vector512.Log(x.AsSingle()).As<float, T>();
if (typeof(T) == typeof(double))
return LogOperatorDouble.Invoke(x.AsDouble()).As<double, T>();
Debug.Assert(typeof(T) == typeof(float));
return LogOperatorSingle.Invoke(x.AsSingle()).As<float, T>();
/// <summary>T.Log(x, y)</summary>
private readonly struct LogBaseOperator<T> : IBinaryOperator<T>
where T : ILogarithmicFunctions<T>
public static bool Vectorizable => false; //LogOperator<T>.Vectorizable; // TODO: https://github.com/dotnet/runtime/issues/100535
public static T Invoke(T x, T y) => T.Log(x, y);
public static Vector128<T> Invoke(Vector128<T> x, Vector128<T> y) => LogOperator<T>.Invoke(x) / LogOperator<T>.Invoke(y);
public static Vector256<T> Invoke(Vector256<T> x, Vector256<T> y) => LogOperator<T>.Invoke(x) / LogOperator<T>.Invoke(y);
public static Vector512<T> Invoke(Vector512<T> x, Vector512<T> y) => LogOperator<T>.Invoke(x) / LogOperator<T>.Invoke(y);
/// <summary>double.Log(x)</summary>
private readonly struct LogOperatorDouble : IUnaryOperator<double, double>
// This code is based on `vrd2_log` from amd/aocl-libm-ose
// Copyright (C) 2018-2020 Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
// See THIRD-PARTY-NOTICES.TXT for the full license text
// Reduce x into the form:
// x = (-1)^s*2^n*m
// s will be always zero, as log is defined for positive numbers
// n is an integer known as the exponent
// m is mantissa
// x is reduced such that the mantissa, m lies in [2/3,4/3]
// x = 2^n*m where m is in [2/3,4/3]
// log(x) = log(2^n*m) We have log(a*b) = log(a)+log(b)
// = log(2^n) + log(m) We have log(a^n) = n*log(a)
// = n*log(2) + log(m)
// = n*log(2) + log(1+(m-1))
// = n*log(2) + log(1+f) Where f = m-1
// = n*log(2) + log1p(f) f lies in [-1/3,+1/3]
// Thus we have :
// log(x) = n*log(2) + log1p(f)
// In the above, the first term n*log(2), n can be calculated by using right shift operator and the value of log(2)
// is known and is stored as a constant
// The second term log1p(F) is approximated by using a polynomial
private const ulong V_MIN = 0x00100000_00000000; // SmallestNormal
private const ulong V_MAX = 0x7FF00000_00000000; // +Infinity
private const ulong V_MSK = 0x000FFFFF_FFFFFFFF; // (1 << 52) - 1
private const ulong V_OFF = 0x3FE55555_55555555; // 2.0 / 3.0
private const double LN2_HEAD = 0.693359375;
private const double LN2_TAIL = -0.00021219444005469057;
private const double C02 = -0.499999999999999560;
private const double C03 = +0.333333333333414750;
private const double C04 = -0.250000000000297430;
private const double C05 = +0.199999999975985220;
private const double C06 = -0.166666666608919500;
private const double C07 = +0.142857145600277100;
private const double C08 = -0.125000005127831270;
private const double C09 = +0.111110952357159440;
private const double C10 = -0.099999750495501240;
private const double C11 = +0.090914349823462390;
private const double C12 = -0.083340600527551860;
private const double C13 = +0.076817603328311300;
private const double C14 = -0.071296718946287310;
private const double C15 = +0.067963465211535730;
private const double C16 = -0.063995035098960040;
private const double C17 = +0.049370587082412105;
private const double C18 = -0.045370170994891980;
private const double C19 = +0.088970636003577750;
private const double C20 = -0.086906174116908760;
public static bool Vectorizable => true;
public static double Invoke(double x) => double.Log(x);
public static Vector128<double> Invoke(Vector128<double> x)
Vector128<double> specialResult = x;
// x is zero, subnormal, infinity, or NaN
Vector128<ulong> specialMask = Vector128.GreaterThanOrEqual(x.AsUInt64() - Vector128.Create(V_MIN), Vector128.Create(V_MAX - V_MIN));
if (specialMask != Vector128<ulong>.Zero)
Vector128<long> xBits = x.AsInt64();
// (x < 0) ? float.NaN : x
Vector128<double> lessThanZeroMask = Vector128.LessThan(xBits, Vector128<long>.Zero).AsDouble();
specialResult = Vector128.ConditionalSelect(
// double.IsZero(x) ? double.NegativeInfinity : x
Vector128<double> zeroMask = Vector128.Equals(xBits << 1, Vector128<long>.Zero).AsDouble();
specialResult = Vector128.ConditionalSelect(
// double.IsZero(x) | (x < 0) | double.IsNaN(x) | double.IsPositiveInfinity(x)
Vector128<double> temp = zeroMask
| lessThanZeroMask
| Vector128.GreaterThanOrEqual(xBits, Vector128.Create(double.PositiveInfinity).AsInt64()).AsDouble();
// subnormal
Vector128<double> subnormalMask = Vector128.AndNot(specialMask.AsDouble(), temp);
// multiply by 2^52, then normalize
x = Vector128.ConditionalSelect(
((x * 4503599627370496.0).AsUInt64() - Vector128.Create(52ul << 52)).AsDouble(),
specialMask = temp.AsUInt64();
// Reduce the mantissa to [+2/3, +4/3]
Vector128<ulong> vx = x.AsUInt64() - Vector128.Create(V_OFF);
Vector128<double> n = Vector128.ConvertToDouble(vx.AsInt64() >> 52);
vx = (vx & Vector128.Create(V_MSK)) + Vector128.Create(V_OFF);
// Adjust the mantissa to [-1/3, +1/3]
Vector128<double> r = vx.AsDouble() - Vector128<double>.One;
Vector128<double> r02 = r * r;
Vector128<double> r04 = r02 * r02;
Vector128<double> r08 = r04 * r04;
Vector128<double> r16 = r08 * r08;
// Compute log(x + 1) using Polynomial approximation
// C0 + (r * C1) + (r^2 * C2) + ... + (r^20 * C20)
Vector128<double> poly = (((r04 * C20)
+ ((((r * C19) + Vector128.Create(C18)) * r02)
+ ((r * C17) + Vector128.Create(C16)))) * r16)
+ (((((((r * C15) + Vector128.Create(C14)) * r02)
+ ((r * C13) + Vector128.Create(C12))) * r04)
+ ((((r * C11) + Vector128.Create(C10)) * r02)
+ ((r * C09) + Vector128.Create(C08)))) * r08)
+ (((((r * C07) + Vector128.Create(C06)) * r02)
+ ((r * C05) + Vector128.Create(C04))) * r04)
+ ((((r * C03) + Vector128.Create(C02)) * r02) + r);
return Vector128.ConditionalSelect(
(n * LN2_HEAD) + ((n * LN2_TAIL) + poly)
public static Vector256<double> Invoke(Vector256<double> x)
Vector256<double> specialResult = x;
// x is zero, subnormal, infinity, or NaN
Vector256<ulong> specialMask = Vector256.GreaterThanOrEqual(x.AsUInt64() - Vector256.Create(V_MIN), Vector256.Create(V_MAX - V_MIN));
if (specialMask != Vector256<ulong>.Zero)
Vector256<long> xBits = x.AsInt64();
// (x < 0) ? float.NaN : x
Vector256<double> lessThanZeroMask = Vector256.LessThan(xBits, Vector256<long>.Zero).AsDouble();
specialResult = Vector256.ConditionalSelect(
// double.IsZero(x) ? double.NegativeInfinity : x
Vector256<double> zeroMask = Vector256.Equals(xBits << 1, Vector256<long>.Zero).AsDouble();
specialResult = Vector256.ConditionalSelect(
// double.IsZero(x) | (x < 0) | double.IsNaN(x) | double.IsPositiveInfinity(x)
Vector256<double> temp = zeroMask
| lessThanZeroMask
| Vector256.GreaterThanOrEqual(xBits, Vector256.Create(double.PositiveInfinity).AsInt64()).AsDouble();
// subnormal
Vector256<double> subnormalMask = Vector256.AndNot(specialMask.AsDouble(), temp);
// multiply by 2^52, then normalize
x = Vector256.ConditionalSelect(
((x * 4503599627370496.0).AsUInt64() - Vector256.Create(52ul << 52)).AsDouble(),
specialMask = temp.AsUInt64();
// Reduce the mantissa to [+2/3, +4/3]
Vector256<ulong> vx = x.AsUInt64() - Vector256.Create(V_OFF);
Vector256<double> n = Vector256.ConvertToDouble(vx.AsInt64() >> 52);
vx = (vx & Vector256.Create(V_MSK)) + Vector256.Create(V_OFF);
// Adjust the mantissa to [-1/3, +1/3]
Vector256<double> r = vx.AsDouble() - Vector256<double>.One;
Vector256<double> r02 = r * r;
Vector256<double> r04 = r02 * r02;
Vector256<double> r08 = r04 * r04;
Vector256<double> r16 = r08 * r08;
// Compute log(x + 1) using Polynomial approximation
// C0 + (r * C1) + (r^2 * C2) + ... + (r^20 * C20)
Vector256<double> poly = (((r04 * C20)
+ ((((r * C19) + Vector256.Create(C18)) * r02)
+ ((r * C17) + Vector256.Create(C16)))) * r16)
+ (((((((r * C15) + Vector256.Create(C14)) * r02)
+ ((r * C13) + Vector256.Create(C12))) * r04)
+ ((((r * C11) + Vector256.Create(C10)) * r02)
+ ((r * C09) + Vector256.Create(C08)))) * r08)
+ (((((r * C07) + Vector256.Create(C06)) * r02)
+ ((r * C05) + Vector256.Create(C04))) * r04)
+ ((((r * C03) + Vector256.Create(C02)) * r02) + r);
return Vector256.ConditionalSelect(
(n * LN2_HEAD) + ((n * LN2_TAIL) + poly)
public static Vector512<double> Invoke(Vector512<double> x)
Vector512<double> specialResult = x;
// x is zero, subnormal, infinity, or NaN
Vector512<ulong> specialMask = Vector512.GreaterThanOrEqual(x.AsUInt64() - Vector512.Create(V_MIN), Vector512.Create(V_MAX - V_MIN));
if (specialMask != Vector512<ulong>.Zero)
Vector512<long> xBits = x.AsInt64();
// (x < 0) ? float.NaN : x
Vector512<double> lessThanZeroMask = Vector512.LessThan(xBits, Vector512<long>.Zero).AsDouble();
specialResult = Vector512.ConditionalSelect(
// double.IsZero(x) ? double.NegativeInfinity : x
Vector512<double> zeroMask = Vector512.Equals(xBits << 1, Vector512<long>.Zero).AsDouble();
specialResult = Vector512.ConditionalSelect(
// double.IsZero(x) | (x < 0) | double.IsNaN(x) | double.IsPositiveInfinity(x)
Vector512<double> temp = zeroMask
| lessThanZeroMask
| Vector512.GreaterThanOrEqual(xBits, Vector512.Create(double.PositiveInfinity).AsInt64()).AsDouble();
// subnormal
Vector512<double> subnormalMask = Vector512.AndNot(specialMask.AsDouble(), temp);
// multiply by 2^52, then normalize
x = Vector512.ConditionalSelect(
((x * 4503599627370496.0).AsUInt64() - Vector512.Create(52ul << 52)).AsDouble(),
specialMask = temp.AsUInt64();
// Reduce the mantissa to [+2/3, +4/3]
Vector512<ulong> vx = x.AsUInt64() - Vector512.Create(V_OFF);
Vector512<double> n = Vector512.ConvertToDouble(vx.AsInt64() >> 52);
vx = (vx & Vector512.Create(V_MSK)) + Vector512.Create(V_OFF);
// Adjust the mantissa to [-1/3, +1/3]
Vector512<double> r = vx.AsDouble() - Vector512<double>.One;
Vector512<double> r02 = r * r;
Vector512<double> r04 = r02 * r02;
Vector512<double> r08 = r04 * r04;
Vector512<double> r16 = r08 * r08;
// Compute log(x + 1) using Polynomial approximation
// C0 + (r * C1) + (r^2 * C2) + ... + (r^20 * C20)
Vector512<double> poly = (((r04 * C20)
+ ((((r * C19) + Vector512.Create(C18)) * r02)
+ ((r * C17) + Vector512.Create(C16)))) * r16)
+ (((((((r * C15) + Vector512.Create(C14)) * r02)
+ ((r * C13) + Vector512.Create(C12))) * r04)
+ ((((r * C11) + Vector512.Create(C10)) * r02)
+ ((r * C09) + Vector512.Create(C08)))) * r08)
+ (((((r * C07) + Vector512.Create(C06)) * r02)
+ ((r * C05) + Vector512.Create(C04))) * r04)
+ ((((r * C03) + Vector512.Create(C02)) * r02) + r);
return Vector512.ConditionalSelect(
(n * LN2_HEAD) + ((n * LN2_TAIL) + poly)
/// <summary>float.Log(x)</summary>
private readonly struct LogOperatorSingle : IUnaryOperator<float, float>
// This code is based on `vrs4_logf` from amd/aocl-libm-ose
// Copyright (C) 2018-2019 Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
// See THIRD-PARTY-NOTICES.TXT for the full license text
// Spec:
// logf(x)
// = logf(x) if x ∈ F and x > 0
// = x if x = qNaN
// = 0 if x = 1
// = -inf if x = (-0, 0}
// = NaN otherwise
// Assumptions/Expectations
// - ULP is derived to be << 4 (always)
// - Some FPU Exceptions may not be available
// - Performance is at least 3x
// Implementation Notes:
// 1. Range Reduction:
// x = 2^n*(1+f) .... (1)
// where n is exponent and is an integer
// (1+f) is mantissa ∈ [1,2). i.e., 1 ≤ 1+f < 2 .... (2)
// From (1), taking log on both sides
// log(x) = log(2^n * (1+f))
// = log(2^n) + log(1+f)
// = n*log(2) + log(1+f) .... (3)
// let z = 1 + f
// log(z) = log(k) + log(z) - log(k)
// log(z) = log(kz) - log(k)
// From (2), range of z is [1, 2)
// by simply dividing range by 'k', z is in [1/k, 2/k) .... (4)
// Best choice of k is the one which gives equal and opposite values
// at extrema +- -+
// 1 | 2 |
// --- - 1 = - |--- - 1 |
// k | k | .... (5)
// +- -+
// Solving for k, k = 3/2,
// From (4), using 'k' value, range is therefore [-0.3333, 0.3333]
// 2. Polynomial Approximation:
// More information refer to tools/sollya/vrs4_logf.sollya
// 7th Deg - Error abs: 0x1.04c4ac98p-22 rel: 0x1.2216e6f8p-19
// 6th Deg - Error abs: 0x1.179e97d8p-19 rel: 0x1.db676c1p-17
private const uint V_MIN = 0x00800000;
private const uint V_MAX = 0x7F800000;
private const uint V_MASK = 0x007FFFFF;
private const uint V_OFF = 0x3F2AAAAB;
private const float V_LN2 = 0.6931472f;
private const float C0 = 0.0f;
private const float C1 = 1.0f;
private const float C2 = -0.5000001f;
private const float C3 = 0.33332965f;
private const float C4 = -0.24999046f;
private const float C5 = 0.20018855f;
private const float C6 = -0.16700386f;
private const float C7 = 0.13902695f;
private const float C8 = -0.1197452f;
private const float C9 = 0.14401625f;
private const float C10 = -0.13657966f;
public static bool Vectorizable => true;
public static float Invoke(float x) => float.Log(x);
public static Vector128<float> Invoke(Vector128<float> x)
Vector128<float> specialResult = x;
// x is subnormal or infinity or NaN
Vector128<uint> specialMask = Vector128.GreaterThanOrEqual(x.AsUInt32() - Vector128.Create(V_MIN), Vector128.Create(V_MAX - V_MIN));
if (specialMask != Vector128<uint>.Zero)
// float.IsZero(x) ? float.NegativeInfinity : x
Vector128<float> zeroMask = Vector128.Equals(x, Vector128<float>.Zero);
specialResult = Vector128.ConditionalSelect(
// (x < 0) ? float.NaN : x
Vector128<float> lessThanZeroMask = Vector128.LessThan(x, Vector128<float>.Zero);
specialResult = Vector128.ConditionalSelect(
// float.IsZero(x) | (x < 0) | float.IsNaN(x) | float.IsPositiveInfinity(x)
Vector128<float> temp = zeroMask
| lessThanZeroMask
| ~Vector128.Equals(x, x)
| Vector128.Equals(x, Vector128.Create(float.PositiveInfinity));
// subnormal
Vector128<float> subnormalMask = Vector128.AndNot(specialMask.AsSingle(), temp);
x = Vector128.ConditionalSelect(
((x * 8388608.0f).AsUInt32() - Vector128.Create(23u << 23)).AsSingle(),
specialMask = temp.AsUInt32();
Vector128<uint> vx = x.AsUInt32() - Vector128.Create(V_OFF);
Vector128<float> n = Vector128.ConvertToSingle(Vector128.ShiftRightArithmetic(vx.AsInt32(), 23));
vx = (vx & Vector128.Create(V_MASK)) + Vector128.Create(V_OFF);
Vector128<float> r = vx.AsSingle() - Vector128<float>.One;
Vector128<float> r2 = r * r;
Vector128<float> r4 = r2 * r2;
Vector128<float> r8 = r4 * r4;
Vector128<float> q = (Vector128.Create(C10) * r2 + (Vector128.Create(C9) * r + Vector128.Create(C8)))
* r8 + (((Vector128.Create(C7) * r + Vector128.Create(C6))
* r2 + (Vector128.Create(C5) * r + Vector128.Create(C4)))
* r4 + ((Vector128.Create(C3) * r + Vector128.Create(C2))
* r2 + (Vector128.Create(C1) * r + Vector128.Create(C0))));
return Vector128.ConditionalSelect(
n * Vector128.Create(V_LN2) + q
public static Vector256<float> Invoke(Vector256<float> x)
Vector256<float> specialResult = x;
// x is subnormal or infinity or NaN
Vector256<uint> specialMask = Vector256.GreaterThanOrEqual(x.AsUInt32() - Vector256.Create(V_MIN), Vector256.Create(V_MAX - V_MIN));
if (specialMask != Vector256<uint>.Zero)
// float.IsZero(x) ? float.NegativeInfinity : x
Vector256<float> zeroMask = Vector256.Equals(x, Vector256<float>.Zero);
specialResult = Vector256.ConditionalSelect(
// (x < 0) ? float.NaN : x
Vector256<float> lessThanZeroMask = Vector256.LessThan(x, Vector256<float>.Zero);
specialResult = Vector256.ConditionalSelect(
// float.IsZero(x) | (x < 0) | float.IsNaN(x) | float.IsPositiveInfinity(x)
Vector256<float> temp = zeroMask
| lessThanZeroMask
| ~Vector256.Equals(x, x)
| Vector256.Equals(x, Vector256.Create(float.PositiveInfinity));
// subnormal
Vector256<float> subnormalMask = Vector256.AndNot(specialMask.AsSingle(), temp);
x = Vector256.ConditionalSelect(
((x * 8388608.0f).AsUInt32() - Vector256.Create(23u << 23)).AsSingle(),
specialMask = temp.AsUInt32();
Vector256<uint> vx = x.AsUInt32() - Vector256.Create(V_OFF);
Vector256<float> n = Vector256.ConvertToSingle(Vector256.ShiftRightArithmetic(vx.AsInt32(), 23));
vx = (vx & Vector256.Create(V_MASK)) + Vector256.Create(V_OFF);
Vector256<float> r = vx.AsSingle() - Vector256<float>.One;
Vector256<float> r2 = r * r;
Vector256<float> r4 = r2 * r2;
Vector256<float> r8 = r4 * r4;
Vector256<float> q = (Vector256.Create(C10) * r2 + (Vector256.Create(C9) * r + Vector256.Create(C8)))
* r8 + (((Vector256.Create(C7) * r + Vector256.Create(C6))
* r2 + (Vector256.Create(C5) * r + Vector256.Create(C4)))
* r4 + ((Vector256.Create(C3) * r + Vector256.Create(C2))
* r2 + (Vector256.Create(C1) * r + Vector256.Create(C0))));
return Vector256.ConditionalSelect(
n * Vector256.Create(V_LN2) + q
public static Vector512<float> Invoke(Vector512<float> x)
Vector512<float> specialResult = x;
// x is subnormal or infinity or NaN
Vector512<uint> specialMask = Vector512.GreaterThanOrEqual(x.AsUInt32() - Vector512.Create(V_MIN), Vector512.Create(V_MAX - V_MIN));
if (specialMask != Vector512<uint>.Zero)
// float.IsZero(x) ? float.NegativeInfinity : x
Vector512<float> zeroMask = Vector512.Equals(x, Vector512<float>.Zero);
specialResult = Vector512.ConditionalSelect(
// (x < 0) ? float.NaN : x
Vector512<float> lessThanZeroMask = Vector512.LessThan(x, Vector512<float>.Zero);
specialResult = Vector512.ConditionalSelect(
// float.IsZero(x) | (x < 0) | float.IsNaN(x) | float.IsPositiveInfinity(x)
Vector512<float> temp = zeroMask
| lessThanZeroMask
| ~Vector512.Equals(x, x)
| Vector512.Equals(x, Vector512.Create(float.PositiveInfinity));
// subnormal
Vector512<float> subnormalMask = Vector512.AndNot(specialMask.AsSingle(), temp);
x = Vector512.ConditionalSelect(
((x * 8388608.0f).AsUInt32() - Vector512.Create(23u << 23)).AsSingle(),
specialMask = temp.AsUInt32();
Vector512<uint> vx = x.AsUInt32() - Vector512.Create(V_OFF);
Vector512<float> n = Vector512.ConvertToSingle(Vector512.ShiftRightArithmetic(vx.AsInt32(), 23));
vx = (vx & Vector512.Create(V_MASK)) + Vector512.Create(V_OFF);
Vector512<float> r = vx.AsSingle() - Vector512<float>.One;
Vector512<float> r2 = r * r;
Vector512<float> r4 = r2 * r2;
Vector512<float> r8 = r4 * r4;
Vector512<float> q = (Vector512.Create(C10) * r2 + (Vector512.Create(C9) * r + Vector512.Create(C8)))
* r8 + (((Vector512.Create(C7) * r + Vector512.Create(C6))
* r2 + (Vector512.Create(C5) * r + Vector512.Create(C4)))
* r4 + ((Vector512.Create(C3) * r + Vector512.Create(C2))
* r2 + (Vector512.Create(C1) * r + Vector512.Create(C0))));
return Vector512.ConditionalSelect(
n * Vector512.Create(V_LN2) + q