// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
namespace System.Linq
public static partial class Enumerable
private abstract partial class OrderedIterator<TElement>
public override TElement[] ToArray()
TElement[] buffer = _source.ToArray();
if (buffer.Length <= 1)
return buffer;
TElement[] array = new TElement[buffer.Length];
Fill(buffer, array);
return array;
public override List<TElement> ToList()
TElement[] buffer = _source.ToArray();
List<TElement> list = new(buffer.Length);
if (buffer.Length >= 2)
Fill(buffer, SetCountAndGetSpan(list, buffer.Length));
else if (buffer.Length == 1)
return list;
private void Fill(TElement[] buffer, Span<TElement> destination)
int[] map = SortedMap(buffer);
for (int i = 0; i < destination.Length; i++)
destination[i] = buffer[map[i]];
public override int GetCount(bool onlyIfCheap)
if (_source is Iterator<TElement> iterator)
return iterator.GetCount(onlyIfCheap);
return !onlyIfCheap || _source is ICollection<TElement> || _source is ICollection ? _source.Count() : -1;
internal TElement[] ToArray(int minIdx, int maxIdx)
TElement[] buffer = _source.ToArray();
if (buffer.Length <= minIdx)
return [];
if (buffer.Length <= maxIdx)
maxIdx = buffer.Length - 1;
if (minIdx == maxIdx)
return [GetEnumerableSorter().ElementAt(buffer, buffer.Length, minIdx)];
TElement[] array = new TElement[maxIdx - minIdx + 1];
Fill(minIdx, maxIdx, buffer, array);
return array;
internal List<TElement> ToList(int minIdx, int maxIdx)
TElement[] buffer = _source.ToArray();
if (buffer.Length <= minIdx)
return [];
if (buffer.Length <= maxIdx)
maxIdx = buffer.Length - 1;
if (minIdx == maxIdx)
return new List<TElement>(1) { GetEnumerableSorter().ElementAt(buffer, buffer.Length, minIdx) };
List<TElement> list = [];
Fill(minIdx, maxIdx, buffer, SetCountAndGetSpan(list, maxIdx - minIdx + 1));
return list;
private void Fill(int minIdx, int maxIdx, TElement[] buffer, Span<TElement> destination)
int[] map = SortedMap(buffer, minIdx, maxIdx);
int idx = 0;
while (minIdx <= maxIdx)
destination[idx] = buffer[map[minIdx]];
internal int GetCount(int minIdx, int maxIdx, bool onlyIfCheap)
int count = GetCount(onlyIfCheap);
if (count <= 0)
return count;
if (count <= minIdx)
return 0;
return (count <= maxIdx ? count : maxIdx + 1) - minIdx;
public override Iterator<TElement> Skip(int count) => new SkipTakeOrderedIterator<TElement>(this, count, int.MaxValue);
public override Iterator<TElement> Take(int count) => new SkipTakeOrderedIterator<TElement>(this, 0, count - 1);
public override TElement? TryGetElementAt(int index, out bool found)
if (index == 0)
return TryGetFirst(out found);
if (index > 0)
TElement[] buffer = _source.ToArray();
if (index < buffer.Length)
found = true;
return GetEnumerableSorter().ElementAt(buffer, buffer.Length, index);
found = false;
return default;
public override TElement? TryGetFirst(out bool found)
CachingComparer<TElement> comparer = GetComparer();
using IEnumerator<TElement> e = _source.GetEnumerator();
if (!e.MoveNext())
found = false;
return default;
TElement value = e.Current;
while (e.MoveNext())
TElement x = e.Current;
if (comparer.Compare(x, true) < 0)
value = x;
found = true;
return value;
public override TElement? TryGetLast(out bool found)
using IEnumerator<TElement> e = _source.GetEnumerator();
if (!e.MoveNext())
found = false;
return default;
CachingComparer<TElement> comparer = GetComparer();
TElement value = e.Current;
while (e.MoveNext())
TElement current = e.Current;
if (comparer.Compare(current, false) >= 0)
value = current;
found = true;
return value;
public TElement? TryGetLast(int minIdx, int maxIdx, out bool found)
TElement[] buffer = _source.ToArray();
if (minIdx < buffer.Length)
found = true;
return (maxIdx < buffer.Length - 1) ?
GetEnumerableSorter().ElementAt(buffer, buffer.Length, maxIdx) :
found = false;
return default;
public override bool Contains(TElement value) =>
private TElement Last(TElement[] items)
CachingComparer<TElement> comparer = GetComparer();
TElement value = items[0];
for (int i = 1; i < items.Length; ++i)
TElement x = items[i];
if (comparer.Compare(x, cacheLower: false) >= 0)
value = x;
return value;
private sealed partial class OrderedIterator<TElement, TKey> : OrderedIterator<TElement>
// For complicated cases, rely on the base implementation that's more comprehensive.
// For the simple case of OrderBy(...).First() or OrderByDescending(...).First() (i.e. where
// there's just a single comparer we need to factor in), we can just do the iteration directly.
public override TElement? TryGetFirst(out bool found)
if (_parent is not null)
return base.TryGetFirst(out found);
using IEnumerator<TElement> e = _source.GetEnumerator();
if (e.MoveNext())
IComparer<TKey> comparer = _comparer;
Func<TElement, TKey> keySelector = _keySelector;
TElement resultValue = e.Current;
TKey resultKey = keySelector(resultValue);
if (_descending)
while (e.MoveNext())
TElement nextValue = e.Current;
TKey nextKey = keySelector(nextValue);
if (comparer.Compare(nextKey, resultKey) > 0)
resultKey = nextKey;
resultValue = nextValue;
while (e.MoveNext())
TElement nextValue = e.Current;
TKey nextKey = keySelector(nextValue);
if (comparer.Compare(nextKey, resultKey) < 0)
resultKey = nextKey;
resultValue = nextValue;
found = true;
return resultValue;
found = false;
return default;
public override TElement? TryGetLast(out bool found)
if (_parent is not null)
return base.TryGetLast(out found);
using IEnumerator<TElement> e = _source.GetEnumerator();
if (e.MoveNext())
IComparer<TKey> comparer = _comparer;
Func<TElement, TKey> keySelector = _keySelector;
TElement resultValue = e.Current;
TKey resultKey = keySelector(resultValue);
if (_descending)
while (e.MoveNext())
TElement nextValue = e.Current;
TKey nextKey = keySelector(nextValue);
if (comparer.Compare(nextKey, resultKey) <= 0)
resultKey = nextKey;
resultValue = nextValue;
while (e.MoveNext())
TElement nextValue = e.Current;
TKey nextKey = keySelector(nextValue);
if (comparer.Compare(nextKey, resultKey) >= 0)
resultKey = nextKey;
resultValue = nextValue;
found = true;
return resultValue;
found = false;
return default;
private sealed partial class ImplicitlyStableOrderedIterator<TElement> : OrderedIterator<TElement>
public override TElement[] ToArray()
TElement[] array = _source.ToArray();
Sort(array, _descending);
return array;
public override List<TElement> ToList()
List<TElement> list = _source.ToList();
Sort(CollectionsMarshal.AsSpan(list), _descending);
return list;
public override TElement? TryGetFirst(out bool found) =>
TryGetFirstOrLast(out found, first: !_descending);
public override TElement? TryGetLast(out bool found) =>
TryGetFirstOrLast(out found, first: _descending);
private TElement? TryGetFirstOrLast(out bool found, bool first)
if (TryGetSpan(_source, out ReadOnlySpan<TElement> span))
if (span.Length != 0)
Debug.Assert(TypeIsImplicitlyStable<TElement>(), "Using Min/Max has different semantics for floating-point values.");
found = true;
return first ?
Min(_source) :
using IEnumerator<TElement> e = _source.GetEnumerator();
if (e.MoveNext())
TElement resultValue = e.Current;
if (first)
while (e.MoveNext())
TElement nextValue = e.Current;
if (Comparer<TElement>.Default.Compare(nextValue, resultValue) < 0)
resultValue = nextValue;
while (e.MoveNext())
TElement nextValue = e.Current;
if (Comparer<TElement>.Default.Compare(nextValue, resultValue) >= 0)
resultValue = nextValue;
found = true;
return resultValue;
found = false;
return default;
private sealed class SkipTakeOrderedIterator<TElement> : Iterator<TElement>
private readonly OrderedIterator<TElement> _source;
private readonly int _minIndexInclusive;
private readonly int _maxIndexInclusive;
private TElement[]? _buffer;
private int[]? _map;
private int _maxIdx;
public SkipTakeOrderedIterator(OrderedIterator<TElement> source, int minIdxInclusive, int maxIdxInclusive)
_source = source;
_minIndexInclusive = minIdxInclusive;
_maxIndexInclusive = maxIdxInclusive;
private protected override Iterator<TElement> Clone() => new SkipTakeOrderedIterator<TElement>(_source, _minIndexInclusive, _maxIndexInclusive);
public override bool MoveNext()
int state = _state;
if (state > 1)
Debug.Assert(_buffer is not null);
Debug.Assert(_map is not null);
int[] map = _map;
int i = state - 2 + _minIndexInclusive;
if (i <= _maxIdx)
_current = _buffer[map[i]];
return true;
else if (state == 1)
TElement[] buffer = _source._source.ToArray();
int count = buffer.Length;
if (count > _minIndexInclusive)
_maxIdx = _maxIndexInclusive;
if (count <= _maxIdx)
_maxIdx = count - 1;
if (_minIndexInclusive == _maxIdx)
_current = _source.GetEnumerableSorter().ElementAt(buffer, count, _minIndexInclusive);
_state = -1;
return true;
_map = _source.SortedMap(buffer, _minIndexInclusive, _maxIdx);
_buffer = buffer;
_state = state = 2;
goto Initialized;
return false;
public override Iterator<TElement>? Skip(int count)
int minIndex = _minIndexInclusive + count;
return (uint)minIndex > (uint)_maxIndexInclusive ? null : new SkipTakeOrderedIterator<TElement>(_source, minIndex, _maxIndexInclusive);
public override Iterator<TElement> Take(int count)
int maxIndex = _minIndexInclusive + count - 1;
if ((uint)maxIndex >= (uint)_maxIndexInclusive)
return this;
return new SkipTakeOrderedIterator<TElement>(_source, _minIndexInclusive, maxIndex);
public override TElement? TryGetElementAt(int index, out bool found)
if ((uint)index <= (uint)(_maxIndexInclusive - _minIndexInclusive))
return _source.TryGetElementAt(index + _minIndexInclusive, out found);
found = false;
return default;
public override TElement? TryGetFirst(out bool found) => _source.TryGetElementAt(_minIndexInclusive, out found);
public override TElement? TryGetLast(out bool found) =>
_source.TryGetLast(_minIndexInclusive, _maxIndexInclusive, out found);
public override TElement[] ToArray() => _source.ToArray(_minIndexInclusive, _maxIndexInclusive);
public override List<TElement> ToList() => _source.ToList(_minIndexInclusive, _maxIndexInclusive);
public override int GetCount(bool onlyIfCheap) => _source.GetCount(_minIndexInclusive, _maxIndexInclusive, onlyIfCheap);