8 writes to Count
System.ComponentModel.TypeConverter (8)
System\ComponentModel\PropertyDescriptorCollection.cs (8)
41Count = 0; 46Count = properties.Length; 69Count = propCount; 107_properties[Count++] = value; 118Count = 0; 159Count = 0; 247Count++; 277Count--;
38 references to Count
PresentationFramework (2)
MS\Internal\Data\PropertyPathWorker.cs (1)
1504if (0 <= index && index < properties.Count)
System\Windows\Data\BindingListCollectionView.cs (1)
2216if ((pdc == null) || (pdc.Count == 0))
System.ComponentModel.Annotations (1)
System\ComponentModel\DataAnnotations\Validator.cs (1)
520var items = new List<KeyValuePair<ValidationContext, object?>>(properties.Count);
System.ComponentModel.TypeConverter (33)
System\ComponentModel\Design\DesignerOptionService.cs (1)
184propList = new ArrayList(props.Count);
System\ComponentModel\PropertyDescriptorCollection.cs (32)
85if (index >= Count) 106EnsureSize(Count + 1); 108return Count - 1; 127Array.Copy(_properties, 0, array, index, Count); 137PropertyDescriptor[] newProps = new PropertyDescriptor[Count]; 138Array.Copy(_properties, newProps, Count); 168Array.Copy(_properties, newProps, Count); 206for (int i = 0; i < Count; i++) 232public int IndexOf(PropertyDescriptor? value) => Array.IndexOf(_properties, value, 0, Count); 241EnsureSize(Count + 1); 242if (index < Count) 244Array.Copy(_properties, index, _properties, index + 1, Count - index); 272if (index < Count - 1) 274Array.Copy(_properties, index + 1, _properties, index, Count - index - 1); 276_properties[Count - 1] = null!; 286return new PropertyDescriptorCollection(_properties, Count, _namedSort, _comparer); 296return new PropertyDescriptorCollection(_properties, Count, names, _comparer); 305return new PropertyDescriptorCollection(_properties, Count, names, comparer); 314return new PropertyDescriptorCollection(_properties, Count, _namedSort, comparer); 393if (_properties.Length != Count) 395PropertyDescriptor[] enumProps = new PropertyDescriptor[Count]; 396Array.Copy(_properties, enumProps, Count); 406int ICollection.Count => Count; 469if (index < 0 || index >= Count) 476for (int i = 0; i < Count; i++) 510string[] keys = new string[Count]; 511for (int i = 0; i < Count; i++) 524if (_properties.Length != Count) 526PropertyDescriptor[] newProps = new PropertyDescriptor[Count]; 527Array.Copy(_properties, newProps, Count); 573if (index >= Count) 616if (_index < (_owner.Count - 1))
System.Data.Common (2)
System\Data\Common\DbConnectionStringBuilder.cs (1)
550PropertyDescriptor[] propertiesArray = new PropertyDescriptor[propertyDescriptors.Count];
System\Data\xmlsaver.cs (1)
124for (int i = 0; i < pds.Count; i++)