// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
#nullable disable
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.ComponentModel.Design.Serialization;
using System.Drawing;
namespace System.Windows.Forms.Tests;
// NB: doesn't require thread affinity
public class ListViewItemConverterTests
public static TheoryData<Type, bool> CanConvertFromData =>
[InlineData(typeof(ListViewItem), false)]
[InlineData(typeof(string), false)]
public void ListViewItemConverter_CanConvertFrom_Invoke_ReturnsExpected(Type sourceType, bool expected)
ListViewItemConverter converter = new();
Assert.Equal(expected, converter.CanConvertFrom(sourceType));
public void ListViewItemConverter_ConvertFrom_InvalidValue_ThrowsNotSupportedException(object value)
ListViewItemConverter converter = new();
Assert.Throws<NotSupportedException>(() => converter.ConvertFrom(value));
[InlineData(typeof(string), true)]
[InlineData(typeof(InstanceDescriptor), true)]
[InlineData(typeof(ListViewItem), false)]
[InlineData(typeof(int), false)]
[InlineData(null, false)]
public void ListViewItemConverter_ConverterCanConvertTo_Invoke_ReturnsExpected(Type destinationType, bool expected)
ListViewItemConverter converter = new();
Assert.Equal(expected, converter.CanConvertTo(destinationType));
public static IEnumerable<object[]> ConvertTo_InstanceDescriptor_TestData()
ListViewGroup group = new();
var subItem1 = new ListViewItem.ListViewSubItem(null, "text1");
var subItem2 = new ListViewItem.ListViewSubItem(null, "text2");
var subItem3 = new ListViewItem.ListViewSubItem(null, "text3")
ForeColor = Color.Blue
var subItem4 = new ListViewItem.ListViewSubItem(null, "text4")
BackColor = Color.Blue
var subItem5 = new ListViewItem.ListViewSubItem(null, "text5")
Font = SystemFonts.MenuFont
// Simple.
yield return new object[]
new ListViewItem(),
new Type[] { typeof(string) },
new object[] { string.Empty }
yield return new object[]
new ListViewItem(group),
new Type[] { typeof(string) },
new object[] { string.Empty }
yield return new object[]
new ListViewItem("text"),
new Type[] { typeof(string) },
new object[] { "text" }
yield return new object[]
new ListViewItem("text", group),
new Type[] { typeof(string) },
new object[] { "text" }
yield return new object[]
new ListViewItem("text", "imageKey"),
new Type[] { typeof(string), typeof(string) },
new object[] { "text", "imageKey" }
yield return new object[]
new ListViewItem("text", 1),
new Type[] { typeof(string), typeof(int) },
new object[] { "text", 1 }
yield return new object[]
new ListViewItem("text", "imageKey", group),
new Type[] { typeof(string), typeof(string) },
new object[] { "text", "imageKey" }
yield return new object[]
new ListViewItem("text", 1, group),
new Type[] { typeof(string), typeof(int) },
new object[] { "text", 1 }
// Item.
yield return new object[]
new ListViewItem([subItem1], "imageKey"),
new Type[] { typeof(string), typeof(string) },
new object[] { "text1", "imageKey" }
yield return new object[]
new ListViewItem([subItem1], 1),
new Type[] { typeof(string), typeof(int) },
new object[] { "text1", 1 }
yield return new object[]
new ListViewItem([subItem1], "imageKey", group),
new Type[] { typeof(string), typeof(string) },
new object[] { "text1", "imageKey" }
yield return new object[]
new ListViewItem([subItem1], 1, group),
new Type[] { typeof(string), typeof(int) },
new object[] { "text1", 1 }
yield return new object[]
new ListViewItem([subItem1, subItem2], "imageKey"),
new Type[] { typeof(string[]), typeof(string) },
new object[] { new string[] { "text1", "text2" }, "imageKey" }
yield return new object[]
new ListViewItem([subItem1, subItem2], 1),
new Type[] { typeof(string[]), typeof(int) },
new object[] { new string[] { "text1", "text2" }, 1 }
yield return new object[]
new ListViewItem([subItem1, subItem2], "imageKey", group),
new Type[] { typeof(string[]), typeof(string) },
new object[] { new string[] { "text1", "text2" }, "imageKey" }
yield return new object[]
new ListViewItem([subItem1, subItem2], 1, group),
new Type[] { typeof(string[]), typeof(int) },
new object[] { new string[] { "text1", "text2" }, 1 }
yield return new object[]
new ListViewItem([subItem1, subItem2, subItem3, subItem4, subItem5], "imageKey"),
new Type[] { typeof(ListViewItem.ListViewSubItem[]), typeof(string) },
new object[] { new ListViewItem.ListViewSubItem[] { subItem1, subItem2, subItem3, subItem4, subItem5 }, "imageKey" }
yield return new object[]
new ListViewItem([subItem1, subItem2, subItem3, subItem4, subItem5], 1),
new Type[] { typeof(ListViewItem.ListViewSubItem[]), typeof(int) },
new object[] { new ListViewItem.ListViewSubItem[] { subItem1, subItem2, subItem3, subItem4, subItem5 }, 1 }
yield return new object[]
new ListViewItem([subItem1, subItem2, subItem3, subItem4, subItem5], "imageKey", group),
new Type[] { typeof(ListViewItem.ListViewSubItem[]), typeof(string) },
new object[] { new ListViewItem.ListViewSubItem[] { subItem1, subItem2, subItem3, subItem4, subItem5 }, "imageKey" }
yield return new object[]
new ListViewItem([subItem1, subItem2, subItem3, subItem4, subItem5], 1, group),
new Type[] { typeof(ListViewItem.ListViewSubItem[]), typeof(int) },
new object[] { new ListViewItem.ListViewSubItem[] { subItem1, subItem2, subItem3, subItem4, subItem5 }, 1 }
yield return new object[]
new ListViewItem([subItem3], 1),
new Type[] { typeof(string[]), typeof(int), typeof(Color), typeof(Color), typeof(Font) },
new object[] { new string[] { "text3" }, 1, Color.Blue, Color.Empty, null }
yield return new object[]
new ListViewItem([subItem4], 1),
new Type[] { typeof(string[]), typeof(int), typeof(Color), typeof(Color), typeof(Font) },
new object[] { new string[] { "text4" }, 1, Color.Empty, Color.Blue, null }
yield return new object[]
new ListViewItem([subItem5], 1),
new Type[] { typeof(string[]), typeof(int), typeof(Color), typeof(Color), typeof(Font) },
new object[] { new string[] { "text5" }, 1, Color.Empty, Color.Empty, SystemFonts.MenuFont }
yield return new object[]
new ListViewItem([subItem3], "imageKey"),
new Type[] { typeof(string[]), typeof(string), typeof(Color), typeof(Color), typeof(Font) },
new object[] { new string[] { "text3" }, "imageKey", Color.Blue, Color.Empty, null }
yield return new object[]
new ListViewItem([subItem4], "imageKey"),
new Type[] { typeof(string[]), typeof(string), typeof(Color), typeof(Color), typeof(Font) },
new object[] { new string[] { "text4" }, "imageKey", Color.Empty, Color.Blue, null }
yield return new object[]
new ListViewItem([subItem5], "imageKey"),
new Type[] { typeof(string[]), typeof(string), typeof(Color), typeof(Color), typeof(Font) },
new object[] { new string[] { "text5" }, "imageKey", Color.Empty, Color.Empty, SystemFonts.MenuFont }
// Custom style - text.
yield return new object[]
new ListViewItem(["text"], "imageKey", Color.Red, Color.Blue, SystemFonts.MenuFont),
new Type[] { typeof(string[]), typeof(string), typeof(Color), typeof(Color), typeof(Font) },
new object[] { new string[] { "text" }, "imageKey", Color.Red, Color.Blue, SystemFonts.MenuFont }
yield return new object[]
new ListViewItem(["text"], 1, Color.Red, Color.Blue, SystemFonts.MenuFont),
new Type[] { typeof(string[]), typeof(int), typeof(Color), typeof(Color), typeof(Font) },
new object[] { new string[] { "text" }, 1, Color.Red, Color.Blue, SystemFonts.MenuFont }
yield return new object[]
new ListViewItem(["text"], "imageKey", Color.Red, Color.Blue, SystemFonts.MenuFont, group),
new Type[] { typeof(string[]), typeof(string), typeof(Color), typeof(Color), typeof(Font) },
new object[] { new string[] { "text" }, "imageKey", Color.Red, Color.Blue, SystemFonts.MenuFont }
yield return new object[]
new ListViewItem(["text"], 1, Color.Red, Color.Blue, SystemFonts.MenuFont, group),
new Type[] { typeof(string[]), typeof(int), typeof(Color), typeof(Color), typeof(Font) },
new object[] { new string[] { "text" }, 1, Color.Red, Color.Blue, SystemFonts.MenuFont }
public void ListViewItemConverter_ConvertTo_InstanceDescriptor_ReturnsExpected(ListViewItem value, Type[] parameterTypes, object[] arguments)
ListViewItemConverter converter = new();
InstanceDescriptor descriptor = Assert.IsType<InstanceDescriptor>(converter.ConvertTo(value, typeof(InstanceDescriptor)));
Assert.Equal(typeof(ListViewItem).GetConstructor(parameterTypes), descriptor.MemberInfo);
Assert.Equal(arguments, descriptor.Arguments);
[InlineData(null, "")]
[InlineData(1, "1")]
public void ListViewItemConverter_ConvertTo_String_ReturnsExpected(object value, string expected)
ListViewItemConverter converter = new();
Assert.Equal(expected, converter.ConvertTo(value, typeof(string)));
public void ListViewItemConverter_ConvertTo_NullDestinationType_ThrowsArgumentNullException()
ListViewItemConverter converter = new();
Assert.Throws<ArgumentNullException>("destinationType", () => converter.ConvertTo(new object(), null));
public void ListViewItemConverter_ConvertTo_ValueNotThrowsNotSupportedException()
ListViewItemConverter converter = new();
Assert.Throws<NotSupportedException>(() => converter.ConvertTo(1, typeof(InstanceDescriptor)));
public void ListViewItemConverter_ConvertTo_InvalidDestinationType_ThrowsNotSupportedException(Type destinationType)
ListViewItemConverter converter = new();
Assert.Throws<NotSupportedException>(() => converter.ConvertTo(new ListViewItem(), destinationType));
public void ListViewItemConverter_GetPropertiesSupported_Invoke_ReturnsTrue()
ListViewItemConverter converter = new();
public void ListViewItemConverter_GetProperties_Invoke_ReturnsExpected()
ListViewItemConverter converter = new();
ListViewItem item = new();
Assert.Equal(TypeDescriptor.GetProperties(item, null).Count, converter.GetProperties(null, item, null).Count);
public void ListViewItemConverter_GetStandardValues_Invoke_ReturnsNull()
ListViewItemConverter converter = new();
public void ListViewItemConverter_GetStandardValuesExclusive_Invoke_ReturnsFalse()
ListViewItemConverter converter = new();
public void ListViewItemConverter_GetStandardValuesSupported_Invoke_ReturnsFalse()
ListViewItemConverter converter = new();