File: System\windows\Documents\TextEditorMouse.cs
Web Access
Project: src\src\Microsoft.DotNet.Wpf\src\PresentationFramework\PresentationFramework.csproj (PresentationFramework)
// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
using MS.Internal;
using System.Windows.Input;
using System.Windows.Controls; // ScrollChangedEventArgs
using System.Windows.Controls.Primitives;  // CharacterCasing, TextBoxBase
using System.Windows.Media;
using System.Windows.Media.Media3D;
// Description: A Component of TextEditor supporting mouse gestures.
namespace System.Windows.Documents
    /// <summary>
    /// Text editing service for controls.
    /// </summary>
    internal static class TextEditorMouse
        //  Class Internal Methods
        #region Class Internal Methods
        // Registers all text editing command handlers for a given control type
        internal static void _RegisterClassHandlers(Type controlType, bool registerEventListeners)
            if (registerEventListeners)
                // Cursor Behavior
                EventManager.RegisterClassHandler(controlType, Mouse.QueryCursorEvent, new QueryCursorEventHandler(OnQueryCursor));
                // Selection Building
                EventManager.RegisterClassHandler(controlType, Mouse.MouseDownEvent, new MouseButtonEventHandler(OnMouseDown));
                EventManager.RegisterClassHandler(controlType, Mouse.MouseMoveEvent, new MouseEventHandler(OnMouseMove));
                EventManager.RegisterClassHandler(controlType, Mouse.MouseUpEvent, new MouseButtonEventHandler(OnMouseUp));
            // Disable mouse move feeding on mouse down + mouse wheel to workaround scroll-into-view problems.
            // See bug 1639819.
#if DISABLED_FOR_BUG_1639819
            EventManager.RegisterClassHandler(controlType, ScrollViewer.ScrollChangedEvent, new ScrollChangedEventHandler(OnScrollChanged));
        #endregion Class Internal Methods
        //  Internal Methods
        #region Internal Methods
        // Sets the caret in response to a mouse down or mouse up event.
        internal static void SetCaretPositionOnMouseEvent(TextEditor This, Point mouseDownPoint, MouseButton changedButton, int clickCount)
            // Get the character position of the mouse event.
            ITextPointer cursorPosition = This.TextView.GetTextPositionFromPoint(mouseDownPoint, /*snapToText:*/true);
            if (cursorPosition == null)
                // Cursor is between pages in a document viewer.
            // Forget previously suggested horizontal position
            // Discard typing undo unit merging
            // Clear springload formatting
            if (This.Selection is TextSelection)
            // Clear flags for forcing word and paragraphexpansion
            // (which should be true only in case of doubleClick+drag or tripleClick+drag)
            This._forceWordSelection = false;
            This._forceParagraphSelection = false;
            if (changedButton == MouseButton.Right || clickCount == 1)
                // If mouse clicked within selection enter dragging mode, otherwise start building a selection
                if (changedButton != MouseButton.Left || !This._dragDropProcess.SourceOnMouseLeftButtonDown(mouseDownPoint))
                    // Mouse down happend outside of current selection
                    // so position the selection at the clicked location.
                    This.Selection.SetSelectionByMouse(cursorPosition, mouseDownPoint);
            else if (clickCount == 2 && (Keyboard.Modifiers & ModifierKeys.Shift) == 0 && This.Selection.IsEmpty)
                // Double click only works when Shift is not pressed
                This._forceWordSelection = true;
                This._forceParagraphSelection = false;
            else if (clickCount == 3 && (Keyboard.Modifiers & ModifierKeys.Shift) == 0)
                // Triple click only works when Shift is not pressed
                if (This.AcceptsRichContent)
                    This._forceParagraphSelection = true;
                    This._forceWordSelection = false;
        // Determine whether the given point is within interactive area for the TextEditor.
        // Note that the passed point must be relative to the UiScope.
        internal static bool IsPointWithinInteractiveArea(TextEditor textEditor, Point point)
            bool interactiveArea;
            GeneralTransform transform;
            ITextPointer position;
            interactiveArea = IsPointWithinRenderScope(textEditor, point);
            if (interactiveArea)
                interactiveArea = textEditor.TextView.IsValid;
                if (interactiveArea)
                    // Transform point to TextView.RenderScope coordinates.
                    transform = textEditor.UiScope.TransformToDescendant(textEditor.TextView.RenderScope);
                    transform?.TryTransform(point, out point);
                    position = textEditor.TextView.GetTextPositionFromPoint(point, true);
                    interactiveArea = (position != null);
            return interactiveArea;
        // MouseDownEvent handler - used both for Left and Right mouse buttons
        internal static void OnMouseDown(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e)
            TextEditor This = TextEditor._GetTextEditor(sender);
            if (This == null)
            // If UiScope has a ToolTip and it is open, any keyboard/mouse activity should close the tooltip.
            // Ignore the event if the editor has been detached from its scope
            if (!This._IsEnabled)
            // Ignore the event if the attached scope is not focusable content.
            if (!This.UiScope.Focusable)
            // This is a very specific fix for a case where someone displayed a dialog
            // box in response to mouse down.  In general, this entire routine needs
            // to be written to handle that fact that any state can change whenever
            // you call out.  See ButtonBase.OnMouseLeftButtonDown for an example.
            if (e.ButtonState == MouseButtonState.Released)
            e.Handled = true;
            // Start with moving the focus into this control.
            if (This.UiScope != Keyboard.FocusedElement)
            // If this is a right-click, we're done after setting
            // the focus.  Caret is position is only updated when a
            // context menu opens.
            if (e.ChangedButton != MouseButton.Left)
            if (This.TextView == null)
            // Finalize any active IME compositions.
            // We have to do this async because it will potentially
            // invalidate layout.
            if (!This.TextView.IsValid)
                // Do we need to UpdateLayout in other scenarios (MouseMove, MouseUp, etc)?
                // A PropertyTrigger can cause an invalidation merely by setting a property value, thereby
                // breaking our behavior.
                if (This.TextView == null || !This.TextView.IsValid)
            if (!IsPointWithinInteractiveArea(This, e.GetPosition(This.UiScope)))
                // Mouse down happened over padding area or chrome instead of RenderScope; just set focus
            // Scale back any background layout in progress.
            // Get the mouse down position.
            Point mouseDownPoint = e.GetPosition(This.TextView.RenderScope);
            // Check if we're at a position where we need to begin a resize operation for table column
            if (TextEditor.IsTableEditingEnabled && TextRangeEditTables.TableBorderHitTest(This.TextView, mouseDownPoint))
                // Set up resize information, and create adorner
                This._tableColResizeInfo = TextRangeEditTables.StartColumnResize(This.TextView, mouseDownPoint);
                Invariant.Assert(This._tableColResizeInfo != null);
                This._mouseCapturingInProgress = true;
                    This._mouseCapturingInProgress = false;
                    SetCaretPositionOnMouseEvent(This, mouseDownPoint, e.ChangedButton, e.ClickCount);
                    This._mouseCapturingInProgress = true;
                    This._mouseCapturingInProgress = false;
        // MouseMoveEvent handler.
        internal static void OnMouseMove(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
            TextEditor This = TextEditor._GetTextEditor(sender);
            if (This == null)
            // Ignore the event if the editor has been detached from its scope
            if (!This._IsEnabled)
            // Ignore the event if the layout information is not valid.
            if (This.TextView == null || !This.TextView.IsValid)
            // Check if the control has focus
            if (This.UiScope.IsKeyboardFocused)
                OnMouseMoveWithFocus(This, e);
                OnMouseMoveWithoutFocus(This, e);
        // MouseUpEvent handler.
        internal static void OnMouseUp(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e)
            TextEditor This = TextEditor._GetTextEditor(sender);
            if (e.ChangedButton != MouseButton.Left)
            if (e.RightButton != MouseButtonState.Released)
            if (This == null)
            // Ignore the event if the editor has been detached from its scope
            if (!This._IsEnabled)
            if (This.TextView == null || !This.TextView.IsValid)
            if (!This.UiScope.IsMouseCaptured)
            // Consider event handled
            e.Handled = true;
            // Calculate coordinates of mouse poinnt
            Point mousePoint = e.GetPosition(This.TextView.RenderScope);
            // REVIEW:benwest: should this call be in the change block?
            TextEditorMouse.UpdateCursor(This, mousePoint);
            if (This._tableColResizeInfo != null)
                // Apply resizing and dispose table resizing adorner
                using (This.Selection.DeclareChangeBlock())
                    This._tableColResizeInfo = null;
                using (This.Selection.DeclareChangeBlock())
                    // Check for deferred selection (in case if mouse down was within selection)
                    This._forceWordSelection = false;
                    This._forceParagraphSelection = false;
            // Release mouse capture. TextView can be not valid by calling ReleaseMouseCapture()
            // if someone chnage the content(or background) by listening mouse movement.
            This._mouseCapturingInProgress = true;
                This._mouseCapturingInProgress = false;
        // QueryCursorEvent handler
        internal static void OnQueryCursor(object sender, QueryCursorEventArgs e)
            TextEditor This = TextEditor._GetTextEditor(sender);
            if (This == null)
            if (This.TextView == null)
            // Determine whether the cursor is over our render scope.  In particular, we want to distinguish between
            // being directly over our RenderScope (including content of that scope), and being over visual chrome
            // between our UiScope and our RenderScope (such as scroll bars)
            if (IsPointWithinInteractiveArea(This, Mouse.GetPosition(This.UiScope)))
                // Mouse is moving over our render scope, so we apply one of
                // editing cursors - IBeam when outside of selection, Arrow when within selection,
                // Resize - when over table borders, etc.
                // Otherwise (when we are not over the render scope) we do not
                // respond to QueryCursor request, thus leaving it for other
                // elements to decide.
                e.Cursor = This._cursor;
                e.Handled = true;
        #endregion Internal Methods        
        //  Private Methods
        #region Private Methods
        // ................................................................
        // Event Handlers: Selection Building
        // ................................................................
        // MouseMoveEvent handler.
        private static void OnMouseMoveWithoutFocus(TextEditor This, MouseEventArgs e)
            // Note that position can be null here, because we did not request to snap it to text
            TextEditorMouse.UpdateCursor(This, e.GetPosition(This.TextView.RenderScope));
        // MouseMoveEvent handler.
        private static void OnMouseMoveWithFocus(TextEditor This, MouseEventArgs e)
            // Ignore the event if it was caused by us capturing the mouse
            if (This._mouseCapturingInProgress)
            // Clear a flag indicating that Shift key was pressed without any following key
            // This flag is necessary for KeyUp(RightShift/LeftShift) processing.
            TextEditor._ThreadLocalStore.PureControlShift = false;
            // Get the mouse move point.
            Point mouseMovePoint = e.GetPosition(This.TextView.RenderScope);
            // Update mouse cursor shape
            TextEditorMouse.UpdateCursor(This, mouseMovePoint);
            // For bug 1547567, remove when resolved.
            Invariant.Assert(This.Selection != null);
            // We're only interested in moves when the left button is down.
            if (e.LeftButton != MouseButtonState.Pressed)
            // We didn't get the original mouse down event, perhaps a listener
            // handled it.
            if (!This.UiScope.IsMouseCaptured)
            // Scale back any background layout in progress.
            if (This._tableColResizeInfo != null)
                // Consider event handled
                e.Handled = true;
                // For bug 1547567, remove when resolved.
                Invariant.Assert(This.Selection != null);
                // Find a text position for this mouse point
                ITextPointer snappedCursorPosition = This.TextView.GetTextPositionFromPoint(mouseMovePoint, /*snapToText:*/true);
                // For bug 1547567, remove when resolved.
                Invariant.Assert(This.Selection != null);
                if (snappedCursorPosition == null)
                    // For bug 1547567, remove when resolved.
                    Invariant.Assert(This.Selection != null);
                    if (!This._dragDropProcess.SourceOnMouseMove(mouseMovePoint))
                        // Auto-scrolling behavior during selection guesture -
                        // works when the mouse is outside of scroller's viewport.
                        // In such case we artificially increase coordinates to
                        // get to farther text position - which would speed-up scrolling
                        // in particular direction.
                        FrameworkElement scroller = This._Scroller;
                        if (scroller != null && This.UiScope is TextBoxBase)
                            ITextPointer acceleratedCursorPosition = null; // cursorPosition corrected to accelerate scrolling
                            Point targetPoint = new Point(mouseMovePoint.X, mouseMovePoint.Y);
                            Point pointScroller = e.GetPosition((IInputElement)scroller);
                            double pageHeight = (double)((TextBoxBase)This.UiScope).ViewportHeight;
                            double slowAreaDelta = ScrollViewer._scrollLineDelta;
                            // Auto scrolling up/down page for the page height if the mouse Y 
                            // position is out of viewport.
                            if (pointScroller.Y < 0 - slowAreaDelta)
                                Rect targetRect = This.TextView.GetRectangleFromTextPosition(snappedCursorPosition);
                                targetPoint = new Point(targetPoint.X, targetRect.Bottom - pageHeight);
                                acceleratedCursorPosition = This.TextView.GetTextPositionFromPoint(targetPoint, /*snapToText:*/true);
                            else if (pointScroller.Y > pageHeight + slowAreaDelta)
                                Rect targetRect = This.TextView.GetRectangleFromTextPosition(snappedCursorPosition);
                                targetPoint = new Point(targetPoint.X, targetRect.Top + pageHeight);
                                acceleratedCursorPosition = This.TextView.GetTextPositionFromPoint(targetPoint, /*snapToText:*/true);
                            double pageWidth = (double)((TextBoxBase)This.UiScope).ViewportWidth;
                            // Auto scrolling to left/right scroll delta amount if the mouse X position 
                            // is out of viewport area.
                            if (pointScroller.X < 0)
                                targetPoint = new Point(targetPoint.X - slowAreaDelta, targetPoint.Y);
                                acceleratedCursorPosition = This.TextView.GetTextPositionFromPoint(targetPoint, /*snapToText:*/true);
                            else if (pointScroller.X > pageWidth)
                                targetPoint = new Point(targetPoint.X + slowAreaDelta, targetPoint.Y);
                                acceleratedCursorPosition = This.TextView.GetTextPositionFromPoint(targetPoint, /*snapToText:*/true);
                            // Use acceleratedcursorPosition instead of real one to make scrolling reasonable faster
                            if (acceleratedCursorPosition != null)
                                snappedCursorPosition = acceleratedCursorPosition;
                        using (This.Selection.DeclareChangeBlock())
                            // Check end-of-container condition
                            if (snappedCursorPosition.GetNextInsertionPosition(LogicalDirection.Forward) == null &&
                                snappedCursorPosition.ParentType != null) //  This check is a work around of bug that Parent can be null for some text boxes.
                                // We are at the end of text container. Check whether mouse is farther than a last character
                                Rect lastCharacterRect = snappedCursorPosition.GetCharacterRect(LogicalDirection.Backward);
                                if (mouseMovePoint.X > lastCharacterRect.X + lastCharacterRect.Width)
                                    snappedCursorPosition = This.TextContainer.End;
                            // Move the caret/selection to match the cursor position.
                            This.Selection.ExtendSelectionByMouse(snappedCursorPosition, This._forceWordSelection, This._forceParagraphSelection);
#if DISABLED_FOR_BUG_1639819
        private static void OnScrollChanged(object sender, ScrollChangedEventArgs e)
            // We want to extend the selection if the mouse button is down, just as if
            // the user moved the mouse.  The easiest way to do this is to call the OnMouseMove handler.
            MouseEventArgs mouseArgs = new MouseEventArgs(Mouse.PrimaryDevice, Environment.TickCount);
            mouseArgs.RoutedEvent = Mouse.MouseMoveEvent;
            OnMouseMove(sender, mouseArgs);
        // Moves focus into our uiScope.
        // Returns true if focus was successfully moved to this control's UiScope,
        // and if there is no side effects happened with the content during the move.
        private static bool MoveFocusToUiScope(TextEditor This)
            long contentChangeCounter = This._ContentChangeCounter;
            // FrameworkElement will scroll our scope into view, which we don't want.  Since
            // there's no way to prevent this, the best we can do is scroll back before layout
            // updates.  To do this, we listen to the ScrollChanged event that will get generated
            // as a result of the Focus() call we're about to make.
            // This only works if a ScrollViewer is responsible for scrolling.  FrameworkElement
            // needs to provide a way to avoid scrolling to begin with. 
            // GetParent returns a DO which could be a 2D or 3D Visual.  Since we are searching for a
            // ScrollViewer we cast it immediately to a Visual to avoid handling 3D objects.
            Visual scrollViewer = VisualTreeHelper.GetParent(This.UiScope) as Visual;
            while (scrollViewer != null && !(scrollViewer is ScrollViewer))
                scrollViewer = VisualTreeHelper.GetParent(scrollViewer) as Visual;
            if (scrollViewer != null)
                ((ScrollViewer)scrollViewer).AddHandler(ScrollViewer.ScrollChangedEvent, new ScrollChangedEventHandler(OnScrollChangedDuringGotFocus));
            // Cache the selection.  We could be detached when Focus raises a public event.
            ITextSelection selection = This.Selection;
                selection.Changed += OnSelectionChangedDuringGotFocus;
                _selectionChanged = false;
                This.UiScope.Focus(); // Raises a public event.
                selection.Changed -= OnSelectionChangedDuringGotFocus;
                // remove our scroll change handler
                if (scrollViewer != null)
                    ((ScrollViewer)scrollViewer).RemoveHandler(ScrollViewer.ScrollChangedEvent, new ScrollChangedEventHandler(OnScrollChangedDuringGotFocus));
            return This.UiScope == Keyboard.FocusedElement &&
                contentChangeCounter == This._ContentChangeCounter &&
        private static void OnSelectionChangedDuringGotFocus(object sender, EventArgs e)
            _selectionChanged = true;
        // ScrollChanged handler.
        // We use this handler as a mechanism for keeping textboxes from scrolling into view.
        // Usually controls are scrolled to view when focus reaches them.
        // We are making an exception for text containing controls,
        // as they have their own (inner) scrollers - so their content will scroll when necessary.
        // So we have to reverse the scroll when it happens as a result of setting focus
        // to this uiScope.
        // We attach this handler only temporarily - before calling Focus method in MouseLeftButtonDown event,
        // and detach it immediately after that; so that it does not affect regular scrolling.
        private static void OnScrollChangedDuringGotFocus(object sender, ScrollChangedEventArgs e)
            // Reverse the scroll
            ScrollViewer scrollViewer = e.OriginalSource as ScrollViewer;
            if (scrollViewer != null)
                scrollViewer.RemoveHandler(ScrollViewer.ScrollChangedEvent, new ScrollChangedEventHandler(OnScrollChangedDuringGotFocus));
                scrollViewer.ScrollToHorizontalOffset(scrollViewer.HorizontalOffset - e.HorizontalChange);
                scrollViewer.ScrollToVerticalOffset(scrollViewer.VerticalOffset - e.VerticalChange);
        // Check the cursor position against the text selection and see if we need to
        // change which cursor is displayed.  If the cursor is over the selection, show
        // the normal cursor.  Otherwise, show the EditCursors.
        private static void UpdateCursor(TextEditor This, Point mouseMovePoint)
            Invariant.Assert(This.TextView != null && This.TextView.IsValid);
            // Default cursor is editing IBeam
            Cursor cursor = Cursors.IBeam;
            // Check special conditions to setup special cursor shape
            if (TextEditor.IsTableEditingEnabled && TextRangeEditTables.TableBorderHitTest(This.TextView, mouseMovePoint))
                // Mmouse is over a tablecell border. Cursor must indicate potential column resize
                cursor = Cursors.SizeWE;
                // Check if this position belongs to selected area or is over an embedded UIElement
                if (This.Selection != null && !This.UiScope.IsMouseCaptured)
                    if (This.Selection.IsEmpty)
                        UIElement uiElement = GetUIElementWhenMouseOver(This, mouseMovePoint);
                        if (uiElement != null && uiElement.IsEnabled)
                            // Mouse is over an embedded UIElement which is enabled (UiScope may or may not have focus)
                            cursor = Cursors.Arrow;
                    else if (This.UiScope.IsFocused && This.Selection.Contains(mouseMovePoint))
                        // The mouse is over a non-empty selection and we're not dragging
                        cursor = Cursors.Arrow;
            if (cursor != This._cursor)
                This._cursor = cursor;
        // Return a UIElement when mouseMovePoint is within the ui element's bounding Rect. Null otherwise.
        private static UIElement GetUIElementWhenMouseOver(TextEditor This, Point mouseMovePoint)
            ITextPointer mouseMovePosition = This.TextView.GetTextPositionFromPoint(mouseMovePoint, /*snapToText:*/false);
            if (mouseMovePosition == null)
                return null;
            if (!(mouseMovePosition.GetPointerContext(mouseMovePosition.LogicalDirection) == TextPointerContext.EmbeddedElement))
                return null;
            // Find out if mouseMovePoint is within the bounding Rect of UIElement, we need to do this check explicitly
            // because even when snapToText is false, textview returns a first/last position on a line when point is in 
            // an area before/after line start/end. This is by-design behavior for textview.
            // Need to get Rect from TextView, since Rect returned by TextPointer.GetCharacterRect() 
            // is transformed to UiScope coordinates and we want RenderScope coordinates here.
            ITextPointer otherEdgePosition = mouseMovePosition.GetNextContextPosition(mouseMovePosition.LogicalDirection);
            LogicalDirection otherEdgeDirection = (mouseMovePosition.LogicalDirection == LogicalDirection.Forward) ?
                LogicalDirection.Backward : LogicalDirection.Forward;
            // Normalize with correct gravity
            otherEdgePosition = otherEdgePosition.CreatePointer(0, otherEdgeDirection);
            Rect uiElementFirstEdgeRect = This.TextView.GetRectangleFromTextPosition(mouseMovePosition);
            Rect uiElementSecondEdgeRect = This.TextView.GetRectangleFromTextPosition(otherEdgePosition);
            Rect boundingRect = uiElementFirstEdgeRect;
            if (!boundingRect.Contains(mouseMovePoint))
                return null;
            return mouseMovePosition.GetAdjacentElement(mouseMovePosition.LogicalDirection) as UIElement;
        // Determine whether the given point is within the RenderScope but not covered by chrome,
        // scroll bars, etc.
        // Note that the passed point must be relative to the UiScope.
        private static bool IsPointWithinRenderScope(TextEditor textEditor, Point point)
            DependencyObject textContainerOwner = textEditor.TextContainer.Parent;
            UIElement renderScope = textEditor.TextView.RenderScope;
            CaretElement caretElement = textEditor.Selection.CaretElement;
            HitTestResult hitTestResult = VisualTreeHelper.HitTest(textEditor.UiScope, point);
            if (hitTestResult != null)
                bool check = false;
                if(hitTestResult.VisualHit is Visual) check = ((Visual)hitTestResult.VisualHit).IsDescendantOf(renderScope);
                if(hitTestResult.VisualHit is Visual3D) check = ((Visual3D)hitTestResult.VisualHit).IsDescendantOf(renderScope);
                if (hitTestResult.VisualHit == renderScope||
                    check ||
                    hitTestResult.VisualHit == caretElement)
                    return true;
            DependencyObject hitElement = textEditor.UiScope.InputHitTest(point) as DependencyObject;
            while (hitElement != null)
                if (hitElement == textContainerOwner ||
                    hitElement == renderScope || 
                    hitElement == caretElement)
                    return true;
                if (hitElement is FrameworkElement && ((FrameworkElement)hitElement).TemplatedParent == textEditor.UiScope)
                    // The element belongs to control's chrome
                    hitElement = null;
                else if (hitElement is Visual)
                    hitElement = VisualTreeHelper.GetParent(hitElement);
                else if (hitElement is FrameworkContentElement)
                    hitElement = ((FrameworkContentElement)hitElement).Parent;
                    hitElement = null;
            return false;
        #endregion Private methods
        //  Private Fields
        #region Private Fields
        // Whether or not selection changed during a Focus call
        static private bool _selectionChanged;
        #endregion Private Fields