// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
using System.Collections;
using System.Windows.Controls.Primitives;
using System.Windows.Documents;
using System.Windows.Input;
using System.Windows.Media;
using System.Windows.Automation.Peers;
using MS.Internal.KnownBoxes;
using MS.Internal.Telemetry.PresentationFramework;
namespace System.Windows.Controls
/// <summary>
/// Enum to indicate whether GridSplitter resizes Columns or Rows
/// </summary>
public enum GridResizeDirection
/// <summary>
/// Determines whether to resize rows or columns based on its Alignment and
/// width compared to height
/// </summary>
/// <summary>
/// Resize columns when dragging Splitter.
/// </summary>
/// <summary>
/// Resize rows when dragging Splitter.
/// </summary>
// NOTE: if you add or remove any values in this enum, be sure to update GridSplitter.IsValidResizeDirection()
/// <summary>
/// Enum to indicate what Columns or Rows the GridSplitter resizes
/// </summary>
public enum GridResizeBehavior
/// <summary>
/// Determine which columns or rows to resize based on its Alignment.
/// </summary>
/// <summary>
/// Resize the current and next Columns or Rows.
/// </summary>
/// <summary>
/// Resize the previous and current Columns or Rows.
/// </summary>
/// <summary>
/// Resize the previous and next Columns or Rows.
/// </summary>
// NOTE: if you add or remove any values in this enum, be sure to update GridSplitter.IsValidResizeBehavior()
/// <summary>
/// GridSplitter is used to redistribute space between two adjacent columns or rows.
/// This control, when used in conjunction with Grid, can be used to create flexible
/// and complex user interfaces
/// </summary>
[StyleTypedProperty(Property = "PreviewStyle", StyleTargetType = typeof(Control))]
public class GridSplitter : Thumb
#region Constructors
static GridSplitter()
EventManager.RegisterClassHandler(typeof(GridSplitter), Thumb.DragStartedEvent, new DragStartedEventHandler(GridSplitter.OnDragStarted));
EventManager.RegisterClassHandler(typeof(GridSplitter), Thumb.DragDeltaEvent, new DragDeltaEventHandler(GridSplitter.OnDragDelta));
EventManager.RegisterClassHandler(typeof(GridSplitter), Thumb.DragCompletedEvent, new DragCompletedEventHandler(GridSplitter.OnDragCompleted));
DefaultStyleKeyProperty.OverrideMetadata(typeof(GridSplitter), new FrameworkPropertyMetadata(typeof(GridSplitter)));
_dType = DependencyObjectType.FromSystemTypeInternal(typeof(GridSplitter));
FocusableProperty.OverrideMetadata(typeof(GridSplitter), new FrameworkPropertyMetadata(MS.Internal.KnownBoxes.BooleanBoxes.TrueBox));
FrameworkElement.HorizontalAlignmentProperty.OverrideMetadata(typeof(GridSplitter), new FrameworkPropertyMetadata(HorizontalAlignment.Right));
// Cursor depends on ResizeDirection, ActualWidth, and ActualHeight
CursorProperty.OverrideMetadata(typeof(GridSplitter), new FrameworkPropertyMetadata(null, new CoerceValueCallback(CoerceCursor)));
/// <summary>
/// Instantiates a new instance of a GridSplitter.
/// </summary>
public GridSplitter()
#region Properties
private static void UpdateCursor(DependencyObject o, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e)
private static object CoerceCursor(DependencyObject o, object value)
GridSplitter splitter = (GridSplitter)o;
bool hasModifiers;
BaseValueSourceInternal vs = splitter.GetValueSource(CursorProperty, null, out hasModifiers);
if (value == null && vs == BaseValueSourceInternal.Default)
switch (splitter.GetEffectiveResizeDirection())
case GridResizeDirection.Columns:
return Cursors.SizeWE;
case GridResizeDirection.Rows:
return Cursors.SizeNS;
return value;
/// <summary>
/// The DependencyProperty for the ResizeDirection property.
/// Default Value: GridResizeDirection.Auto
/// </summary>
public static readonly DependencyProperty ResizeDirectionProperty
= DependencyProperty.Register("ResizeDirection",
new FrameworkPropertyMetadata(GridResizeDirection.Auto,
new PropertyChangedCallback(UpdateCursor)),
new ValidateValueCallback(IsValidResizeDirection));
/// <summary>
/// Indicates whether the Splitter resizes the Columns, Rows, or Both.
/// </summary>
public GridResizeDirection ResizeDirection
get { return (GridResizeDirection)GetValue(ResizeDirectionProperty); }
set { SetValue(ResizeDirectionProperty, value); }
private static bool IsValidResizeDirection(object o)
GridResizeDirection resizeDirection = (GridResizeDirection)o;
return resizeDirection == GridResizeDirection.Auto ||
resizeDirection == GridResizeDirection.Columns ||
resizeDirection == GridResizeDirection.Rows;
/// <summary>
/// The DependencyProperty for the ResizeBehavior property.
/// Default Value: GridResizeBehavior.BasedOnAlignment
/// </summary>
public static readonly DependencyProperty ResizeBehaviorProperty
= DependencyProperty.Register("ResizeBehavior",
new FrameworkPropertyMetadata(GridResizeBehavior.BasedOnAlignment),
new ValidateValueCallback(IsValidResizeBehavior));
/// <summary>
/// Indicates which Columns or Rows the Splitter resizes.
/// </summary>
public GridResizeBehavior ResizeBehavior
get { return (GridResizeBehavior)GetValue(ResizeBehaviorProperty); }
set { SetValue(ResizeBehaviorProperty, value); }
private static bool IsValidResizeBehavior(object o)
GridResizeBehavior resizeBehavior = (GridResizeBehavior)o;
return resizeBehavior == GridResizeBehavior.BasedOnAlignment ||
resizeBehavior == GridResizeBehavior.CurrentAndNext ||
resizeBehavior == GridResizeBehavior.PreviousAndCurrent ||
resizeBehavior == GridResizeBehavior.PreviousAndNext;
/// <summary>
/// The DependencyProperty for the ShowsPreview property.
/// Default Value: false
/// </summary>
public static readonly DependencyProperty ShowsPreviewProperty
= DependencyProperty.Register("ShowsPreview",
new FrameworkPropertyMetadata(BooleanBoxes.FalseBox));
/// <summary>
/// Indicates whether to Preview the column resizing without updating layout.
/// </summary>
public bool ShowsPreview
get { return (bool)GetValue(ShowsPreviewProperty); }
set { SetValue(ShowsPreviewProperty, BooleanBoxes.Box(value)); }
/// <summary>
/// The DependencyProperty for the PreviewStyle property.
/// Default Value: null
/// </summary>
public static readonly DependencyProperty PreviewStyleProperty =
new FrameworkPropertyMetadata((Style)null));
/// <summary>
/// The Style used to render the Preview.
/// </summary>
public Style PreviewStyle
get { return (Style)GetValue(PreviewStyleProperty); }
set { SetValue(PreviewStyleProperty, value); }
/// <summary>
/// The DependencyProperty for the KeyboardIncrement property.
/// Default Value: 10.0
/// </summary>
public static readonly DependencyProperty KeyboardIncrementProperty =
new FrameworkPropertyMetadata(10.0),
new ValidateValueCallback(IsValidDelta));
/// <summary>
/// The Distance to move the splitter when pressing the Keyboard arrow keys
/// </summary>
public double KeyboardIncrement
get { return (double)GetValue(KeyboardIncrementProperty); }
set { SetValue(KeyboardIncrementProperty, value); }
private static bool IsValidDelta(object o)
double delta = (double)o;
return delta > 0.0 && !Double.IsPositiveInfinity(delta);
/// <summary>
/// The DependencyProperty for the DragIncrement property.
/// Default Value: 1.0
/// </summary>
public static readonly DependencyProperty DragIncrementProperty =
new FrameworkPropertyMetadata(1.0),
new ValidateValueCallback(IsValidDelta));
/// <summary>
/// Restricts splitter to move a multiple of the specified units.
/// </summary>
public double DragIncrement
get { return (double)GetValue(DragIncrementProperty); }
set { SetValue(DragIncrementProperty, value); }
#region Method Overrides
/// <summary>
/// Creates AutomationPeer (<see cref="UIElement.OnCreateAutomationPeer"/>)
/// </summary>
protected override AutomationPeer OnCreateAutomationPeer()
return new GridSplitterAutomationPeer(this);
// Converts BasedOnAlignment direction to Rows, Columns, or Both depending on its width/height
private GridResizeDirection GetEffectiveResizeDirection()
GridResizeDirection direction = ResizeDirection;
if (direction == GridResizeDirection.Auto)
// When HorizontalAlignment is Left, Right or Center, resize Columns
if (HorizontalAlignment != HorizontalAlignment.Stretch)
direction = GridResizeDirection.Columns;
else if (VerticalAlignment != VerticalAlignment.Stretch)
direction = GridResizeDirection.Rows;
else if (ActualWidth <= ActualHeight)// Fall back to Width vs Height
direction = GridResizeDirection.Columns;
direction = GridResizeDirection.Rows;
return direction;
// Convert BasedOnAlignment to Next/Prev/Both depending on alignment and Direction
private GridResizeBehavior GetEffectiveResizeBehavior(GridResizeDirection direction)
GridResizeBehavior resizeBehavior = ResizeBehavior;
if (resizeBehavior == GridResizeBehavior.BasedOnAlignment)
if (direction == GridResizeDirection.Columns)
switch (HorizontalAlignment)
case HorizontalAlignment.Left:
resizeBehavior = GridResizeBehavior.PreviousAndCurrent;
case HorizontalAlignment.Right:
resizeBehavior = GridResizeBehavior.CurrentAndNext;
resizeBehavior = GridResizeBehavior.PreviousAndNext;
switch (VerticalAlignment)
case VerticalAlignment.Top:
resizeBehavior = GridResizeBehavior.PreviousAndCurrent;
case VerticalAlignment.Bottom:
resizeBehavior = GridResizeBehavior.CurrentAndNext;
resizeBehavior = GridResizeBehavior.PreviousAndNext;
return resizeBehavior;
/// <summary>
/// Override for <seealso cref="UIElement.OnRenderSizeChanged"/>
/// </summary>
protected internal override void OnRenderSizeChanged(SizeChangedInfo sizeInfo)
#region PreviewAdorner
// This adorner draws the preview for the GridSplitter
// It also positions the adorner
// Note:- This class is sealed because it calls OnVisualChildrenChanged virtual in the
// constructor and it does not override it, but derived classes could.
private sealed class PreviewAdorner : Adorner
public PreviewAdorner(GridSplitter gridSplitter, Style previewStyle)
: base(gridSplitter)
// Create a preview control to overlay on top of the GridSplitter
Control previewControl = new Control
Style = previewStyle,
IsEnabled = false
// Add a decorator to perform translations
Translation = new TranslateTransform();
_decorator = new Decorator
Child = previewControl,
RenderTransform = Translation
/// <summary>
/// Derived class must implement to support Visual children. The method must return
/// the child at the specified index. Index must be between 0 and GetVisualChildrenCount-1.
/// By default a Visual does not have any children.
/// Remark:
/// During this virtual call it is not valid to modify the Visual tree.
/// </summary>
protected override Visual GetVisualChild(int index)
// it is initialized in the constructor
Debug.Assert(_decorator != null);
if(index != 0)
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(index), index, SR.Visual_ArgumentOutOfRange);
return _decorator;
/// <summary>
/// Derived classes override this property to enable the Visual code to enumerate
/// the Visual children. Derived classes need to return the number of children
/// from this method.
/// By default a Visual does not have any children.
/// Remark: During this virtual method the Visual tree must not be modified.
/// </summary>
protected override int VisualChildrenCount
// it is initialized in the constructor
Debug.Assert(_decorator != null);
return 1;
protected override Size ArrangeOverride(Size finalSize)
_decorator.Arrange(new Rect(new Point(), finalSize));
return finalSize;
// The Preview's Offset in the X direction from the GridSplitter
public double OffsetX
get { return Translation.X; }
set { Translation.X = value; }
// The Preview's Offset in the Y direction from the GridSplitter
public double OffsetY
get { return Translation.Y; }
set { Translation.Y = value; }
private TranslateTransform Translation;
private Decorator _decorator;
// Removes the Preview Adorner
private void RemovePreviewAdorner()
// Remove the preview grid from the adorner
if (_resizeData.Adorner != null)
AdornerLayer layer = VisualTreeHelper.GetParent(_resizeData.Adorner) as AdornerLayer;
#region Splitter Setup
// Initialize the data needed for resizing
private void InitializeData(bool ShowsPreview)
Grid grid = Parent as Grid;
// If not in a grid or can't resize, do nothing
if (grid != null)
// Setup data used for resizing
_resizeData = new ResizeData
Grid = grid,
ShowsPreview = ShowsPreview,
ResizeDirection = GetEffectiveResizeDirection()
_resizeData.ResizeBehavior = GetEffectiveResizeBehavior(_resizeData.ResizeDirection);
_resizeData.SplitterLength = Math.Min(ActualWidth, ActualHeight);
// Store the rows and columns to resize on drag events
if (!SetupDefinitionsToResize())
// Unable to resize, clear data
_resizeData = null;
// Setup the preview in the adorner if ShowsPreview is true
// Returns true if GridSplitter can resize rows/columns
private bool SetupDefinitionsToResize()
int splitterIndex, index1, index2;
int gridSpan = (int)GetValue(_resizeData.ResizeDirection == GridResizeDirection.Columns ? Grid.ColumnSpanProperty : Grid.RowSpanProperty);
if (gridSpan == 1)
splitterIndex = (int)GetValue(_resizeData.ResizeDirection == GridResizeDirection.Columns ? Grid.ColumnProperty : Grid.RowProperty);
// Select the columns based on Behavior
switch (_resizeData.ResizeBehavior)
case GridResizeBehavior.PreviousAndCurrent:
// get current and previous
index1 = splitterIndex - 1;
index2 = splitterIndex;
case GridResizeBehavior.CurrentAndNext:
// get current and next
index1 = splitterIndex;
index2 = splitterIndex + 1;
default: // GridResizeBehavior.PreviousAndNext
// get previous and next
index1 = splitterIndex - 1;
index2 = splitterIndex + 1;
// Get # of rows/columns in the resize direction
int count = (_resizeData.ResizeDirection == GridResizeDirection.Columns) ? _resizeData.Grid.ColumnDefinitions.Count : _resizeData.Grid.RowDefinitions.Count;
if (index1 >= 0 && index2 < count)
_resizeData.SplitterIndex = splitterIndex;
_resizeData.Definition1Index = index1;
_resizeData.Definition1 = GetGridDefinition(_resizeData.Grid, index1, _resizeData.ResizeDirection);
_resizeData.OriginalDefinition1Length = _resizeData.Definition1.UserSizeValueCache; //save Size if user cancels
_resizeData.OriginalDefinition1ActualLength = GetActualLength(_resizeData.Definition1);
_resizeData.Definition2Index = index2;
_resizeData.Definition2 = GetGridDefinition(_resizeData.Grid, index2, _resizeData.ResizeDirection);
_resizeData.OriginalDefinition2Length = _resizeData.Definition2.UserSizeValueCache; //save Size if user cancels
_resizeData.OriginalDefinition2ActualLength = GetActualLength(_resizeData.Definition2);
// Determine how to resize the columns
bool isStar1 = IsStar(_resizeData.Definition1);
bool isStar2 = IsStar(_resizeData.Definition2);
if (isStar1 && isStar2)
// If they are both stars, resize both
_resizeData.SplitBehavior = SplitBehavior.Split;
// One column is fixed width, resize the first one that is fixed
_resizeData.SplitBehavior = !isStar1 ? SplitBehavior.Resize1 : SplitBehavior.Resize2;
return true;
return false;
// Create the Preview adorner and add it to the adorner layer
private void SetupPreview()
if (_resizeData.ShowsPreview)
// Get the adorner layer and add an adorner to it
AdornerLayer adornerlayer = AdornerLayer.GetAdornerLayer(_resizeData.Grid);
// Can't display preview
if (adornerlayer == null)
_resizeData.Adorner = new PreviewAdorner(this, PreviewStyle);
// Get constraints on preview's translation
GetDeltaConstraints(out _resizeData.MinChange, out _resizeData.MaxChange);
#region Event Handlers
/// <summary>
/// An event announcing that the splitter is no longer focused
/// </summary>
protected override void OnLostKeyboardFocus(KeyboardFocusChangedEventArgs e)
if (_resizeData != null)
private static void OnDragStarted(object sender, DragStartedEventArgs e)
GridSplitter splitter = sender as GridSplitter;
// Thumb Mouse Down
private void OnDragStarted(DragStartedEventArgs e)
Debug.Assert(_resizeData == null, "_resizeData is not null, DragCompleted was not called");
private static void OnDragDelta(object sender, DragDeltaEventArgs e)
GridSplitter splitter = sender as GridSplitter;
// Thumb dragged
private void OnDragDelta(DragDeltaEventArgs e)
if (_resizeData != null)
double horizontalChange = e.HorizontalChange;
double verticalChange = e.VerticalChange;
// Round change to nearest multiple of DragIncrement
double dragIncrement = DragIncrement;
horizontalChange = Math.Round(horizontalChange / dragIncrement) * dragIncrement;
verticalChange = Math.Round(verticalChange / dragIncrement) * dragIncrement;
if (_resizeData.ShowsPreview)
//Set the Translation of the Adorner to the distance from the thumb
if (_resizeData.ResizeDirection == GridResizeDirection.Columns)
_resizeData.Adorner.OffsetX = Math.Min(Math.Max(horizontalChange, _resizeData.MinChange), _resizeData.MaxChange);
_resizeData.Adorner.OffsetY = Math.Min(Math.Max(verticalChange, _resizeData.MinChange), _resizeData.MaxChange);
// Directly update the grid
MoveSplitter(horizontalChange, verticalChange);
private static void OnDragCompleted(object sender, DragCompletedEventArgs e)
GridSplitter splitter = sender as GridSplitter;
// Thumb dragging finished
private void OnDragCompleted(DragCompletedEventArgs e)
if (_resizeData != null)
if (_resizeData.ShowsPreview)
// Update the grid
MoveSplitter(_resizeData.Adorner.OffsetX, _resizeData.Adorner.OffsetY);
_resizeData = null;
/// <summary>
/// This is the method that responds to the KeyDown event.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="e">Event Arguments</param>
protected override void OnKeyDown(KeyEventArgs e)
Key key = e.Key;
switch (key)
case Key.Escape:
if (_resizeData != null)
e.Handled = true;
case Key.Left:
e.Handled = KeyboardMoveSplitter(-KeyboardIncrement, 0);
case Key.Right:
e.Handled = KeyboardMoveSplitter(KeyboardIncrement, 0);
case Key.Up:
e.Handled = KeyboardMoveSplitter(0, -KeyboardIncrement);
case Key.Down:
e.Handled = KeyboardMoveSplitter(0, KeyboardIncrement);
// Cancels the Resize when the user hits Escape
private void CancelResize()
// Restore original column/row lengths
Grid grid = Parent as Grid;
if (_resizeData.ShowsPreview)
else // Reset the columns'/rows' lengths to the saved values
SetDefinitionLength(_resizeData.Definition1, _resizeData.OriginalDefinition1Length);
SetDefinitionLength(_resizeData.Definition2, _resizeData.OriginalDefinition2Length);
_resizeData = null;
#region Helper Methods
#region Row/Column Abstractions
// These methods are to help abstract dealing with rows and columns.
// DefinitionBase already has internal helpers for getting Width/Height, MinWidth/MinHeight, and MaxWidth/MaxHeight
// Returns true if the row/column has a Star length
private static bool IsStar(DefinitionBase definition)
return definition.UserSizeValueCache.IsStar;
// Gets Column or Row definition at index from grid based on resize direction
private static DefinitionBase GetGridDefinition(Grid grid, int index, GridResizeDirection direction)
return direction == GridResizeDirection.Columns ? (DefinitionBase)grid.ColumnDefinitions[index] : (DefinitionBase)grid.RowDefinitions[index];
// Retrieves the ActualWidth or ActualHeight of the definition depending on its type Column or Row
private double GetActualLength(DefinitionBase definition)
ColumnDefinition column = definition as ColumnDefinition;
return column == null ? ((RowDefinition)definition).ActualHeight : column.ActualWidth;
// Gets Column or Row definition at index from grid based on resize direction
private static void SetDefinitionLength(DefinitionBase definition, GridLength length)
definition.SetValue(definition is ColumnDefinition ? ColumnDefinition.WidthProperty : RowDefinition.HeightProperty, length);
// Get the minimum and maximum Delta can be given definition constraints (MinWidth/MaxWidth)
private void GetDeltaConstraints(out double minDelta, out double maxDelta)
double definition1Len = GetActualLength(_resizeData.Definition1);
double definition1Min = _resizeData.Definition1.UserMinSizeValueCache;
double definition1Max = _resizeData.Definition1.UserMaxSizeValueCache;
double definition2Len = GetActualLength(_resizeData.Definition2);
double definition2Min = _resizeData.Definition2.UserMinSizeValueCache;
double definition2Max = _resizeData.Definition2.UserMaxSizeValueCache;
//Set MinWidths to be greater than width of splitter
if (_resizeData.SplitterIndex == _resizeData.Definition1Index)
definition1Min = Math.Max(definition1Min, _resizeData.SplitterLength);
else if (_resizeData.SplitterIndex == _resizeData.Definition2Index)
definition2Min = Math.Max(definition2Min, _resizeData.SplitterLength);
if (_resizeData.SplitBehavior == SplitBehavior.Split)
// Determine the minimum and maximum the columns can be resized
minDelta = -Math.Min(definition1Len - definition1Min, definition2Max - definition2Len);
maxDelta = Math.Min(definition1Max - definition1Len, definition2Len - definition2Min);
else if (_resizeData.SplitBehavior == SplitBehavior.Resize1)
minDelta = definition1Min - definition1Len;
maxDelta = definition1Max - definition1Len;
minDelta = definition2Len - definition2Max;
maxDelta = definition2Len - definition2Min;
//Sets the length of definition1 and definition2
private void SetLengths(double definition1Pixels, double definition2Pixels)
// For the case where both definition1 and 2 are stars, update all star values to match their current pixel values
if (_resizeData.SplitBehavior == SplitBehavior.Split)
IEnumerable definitions = _resizeData.ResizeDirection == GridResizeDirection.Columns ? (IEnumerable)_resizeData.Grid.ColumnDefinitions : (IEnumerable)_resizeData.Grid.RowDefinitions;
int i = 0;
foreach (DefinitionBase definition in definitions)
// For each definition, if it is a star, set is value to ActualLength in stars
// This makes 1 star == 1 pixel in length
if (i == _resizeData.Definition1Index)
SetDefinitionLength(definition, new GridLength(definition1Pixels, GridUnitType.Star));
else if (i == _resizeData.Definition2Index)
SetDefinitionLength(definition, new GridLength(definition2Pixels, GridUnitType.Star ));
else if (IsStar(definition))
SetDefinitionLength(definition, new GridLength(GetActualLength(definition), GridUnitType.Star));
else if (_resizeData.SplitBehavior == SplitBehavior.Resize1)
SetDefinitionLength(_resizeData.Definition1, new GridLength(definition1Pixels));
SetDefinitionLength(_resizeData.Definition2, new GridLength(definition2Pixels));
// Move the splitter by the given Delta's in the horizontal and vertical directions
private void MoveSplitter(double horizontalChange, double verticalChange)
Debug.Assert(_resizeData != null, "_resizeData should not be null when calling MoveSplitter");
double delta;
DpiScale dpi = GetDpi();
// Calculate the offset to adjust the splitter. If layout rounding is enabled, we
// need to round to an integer physical pixel value to avoid round-ups of children that
// expand the bounds of the Grid. In practice this only happens in high dpi because
// horizontal/vertical offsets here are never fractional (they correspond to mouse movement
// across logical pixels). Rounding error only creeps in when converting to a physical
// display with something other than the logical 96 dpi.
if (_resizeData.ResizeDirection == GridResizeDirection.Columns)
delta = horizontalChange;
if (this.UseLayoutRounding)
delta = UIElement.RoundLayoutValue(delta, dpi.DpiScaleX);
delta = verticalChange;
if (this.UseLayoutRounding)
delta = UIElement.RoundLayoutValue(delta, dpi.DpiScaleY);
DefinitionBase definition1 = _resizeData.Definition1;
DefinitionBase definition2 = _resizeData.Definition2;
if (definition1 != null && definition2 != null)
double actualLength1 = GetActualLength(definition1);
double actualLength2 = GetActualLength(definition2);
// When splitting, Check to see if the total pixels spanned by the definitions
// is the same asbefore starting resize. If not cancel the drag
if (_resizeData.SplitBehavior == SplitBehavior.Split &&
!LayoutDoubleUtil.AreClose(actualLength1 + actualLength2, _resizeData.OriginalDefinition1ActualLength + _resizeData.OriginalDefinition2ActualLength))
double min, max;
GetDeltaConstraints(out min, out max);
// Flip when the splitter's flow direction isn't the same as the grid's
if (FlowDirection != _resizeData.Grid.FlowDirection)
delta = -delta;
// Constrain Delta to Min/MaxWidth of columns
delta = Math.Min(Math.Max(delta, min), max);
// With floating point operations there may be loss of precision to some degree. Eg. Adding a very
// small value to a very large one might result in the small value being ignored. In the following
// steps there are two floating point operations viz. actualLength1+delta and actualLength2-delta.
// It is possible that the addition resulted in loss of precision and the delta value was ignored, whereas
// the subtraction actual absorbed the delta value. This now means that
// (definition1LengthNew + definition2LengthNewis) 2 factors of precision away from
// (actualLength1 + actualLength2). This can cause a problem in the subsequent drag iteration where
// this will be interpreted as the cancellation of the resize operation. To avoid this imprecision we use
// make definition2LengthNew be a function of definition1LengthNew so that the precision or the loss
// thereof can be counterbalanced. See DevDiv bug#140228 for a manifestation of this problem.
double definition1LengthNew = actualLength1 + delta;
//double definition2LengthNew = actualLength2 - delta;
double definition2LengthNew = actualLength1 + actualLength2 - definition1LengthNew;
SetLengths(definition1LengthNew, definition2LengthNew);
// Move the splitter using the Keyboard (Don't show preview)
internal bool KeyboardMoveSplitter(double horizontalChange, double verticalChange)
// If moving with the mouse, ignore keyboard motion
if (_resizeData != null)
return false; // don't handle the event
InitializeData(false); // don't show preview
// Check that we are actually able to resize
if (_resizeData == null)
return false; // don't handle the event
// Keyboard keys are unaffected by FlowDirection.
if (FlowDirection == FlowDirection.RightToLeft)
horizontalChange = -horizontalChange;
MoveSplitter(horizontalChange, verticalChange);
_resizeData = null;
return true;
#region Data
// GridSplitter has special Behavior when columns are fixed
// If the left column is fixed, splitter will only resize that column
// Else if the right column is fixed, splitter will only resize the right column
private enum SplitBehavior
Split, // Both columns/rows are star lengths
Resize1, // resize 1 only
Resize2, // resize 2 only
// Only store resize data if we are resizing
private class ResizeData
public bool ShowsPreview;
public PreviewAdorner Adorner;
// The constraints to keep the Preview within valid ranges
public double MinChange;
public double MaxChange;
// The grid to Resize
public Grid Grid;
// cache of Resize Direction and Behavior
public GridResizeDirection ResizeDirection;
public GridResizeBehavior ResizeBehavior;
// The columns/rows to resize
public DefinitionBase Definition1;
public DefinitionBase Definition2;
// Are the columns/rows star lengths
public SplitBehavior SplitBehavior;
// The index of the splitter
public int SplitterIndex;
// The indices of the columns/rows
public int Definition1Index;
public int Definition2Index;
// The original lengths of Definition1 and Definition2 (to restore lengths if user cancels resize)
public GridLength OriginalDefinition1Length;
public GridLength OriginalDefinition2Length;
public double OriginalDefinition1ActualLength;
public double OriginalDefinition2ActualLength;
// The minimum of Width/Height of Splitter. Used to ensure splitter
//isn't hidden by resizing a row/column smaller than the splitter
public double SplitterLength;
// Data used for resizing
private ResizeData _resizeData;
#region DTypeThemeStyleKey
// Returns the DependencyObjectType for the registered ThemeStyleKey's default
// value. Controls will override this method to return approriate types.
internal override DependencyObjectType DTypeThemeStyleKey
get { return _dType; }
private static DependencyObjectType _dType;
#endregion DTypeThemeStyleKey