// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Specialized;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Windows.Threading;
using System.Windows.Markup;
using MS.Utility;
namespace System.Windows
/// <summary>
/// Styling and Templating
/// </summary>
public class Style : DispatcherObject, INameScope, IAddChild, ISealable, IHaveResources, IQueryAmbient
static Style()
// Register for the "alternative Expression storage" feature, since
// we store Expressions in per-instance StyleData.
/// <summary>
/// Style construction
/// </summary>
public Style()
/// <summary>
/// Style construction
/// </summary>
/// <param name="targetType">Type in which Style will be applied</param>
public Style(Type targetType)
TargetType = targetType;
/// <summary>
/// Style construction
/// </summary>
/// <param name="targetType">Type in which Style will be applied</param>
/// <param name="basedOn">Style to base this Style on</param>
public Style(Type targetType, Style basedOn)
TargetType = targetType;
BasedOn = basedOn;
#region INameScope
/// <summary>
/// Registers the name - Context combination
/// </summary>
/// <param name="name">Name to register</param>
/// <param name="scopedElement">Element where name is defined</param>
public void RegisterName(string name, object scopedElement)
// Verify Context Access
_nameScope.RegisterName(name, scopedElement);
/// <summary>
/// Unregisters the name - element combination
/// </summary>
/// <param name="name">Name of the element</param>
public void UnregisterName(string name)
// Verify Context Access
/// <summary>
/// Find the element given name
/// </summary>
/// <param name="name">Name of the element</param>
object INameScope.FindName(string name)
// Verify Context Access
return _nameScope.FindName(name);
private NameScope _nameScope = new NameScope();
#endregion IIdScope
/// <summary>
/// Each Style gets its own unique index used for Style.GetHashCode
/// </summary>
private void GetUniqueGlobalIndex()
lock (Synchronized)
// Setup unqiue global index
GlobalIndex = StyleInstanceCount;
/// <summary>
/// Style mutability state
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// A style is sealed when another style is basing on it, or,
/// when it's applied
/// </remarks>
public bool IsSealed
// Verify Context Access
return _sealed;
/// <summary>
/// Type that this style is intended
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// By default, the target type is FrameworkElement
/// </remarks>
public Type TargetType
// Verify Context Access
return _targetType;
// Verify Context Access
if (_sealed)
throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.Format(SR.CannotChangeAfterSealed, "Style"));
if (!typeof(FrameworkElement).IsAssignableFrom(value) &&
!typeof(FrameworkContentElement).IsAssignableFrom(value) &&
!(DefaultTargetType == value))
throw new ArgumentException(SR.Format(SR.MustBeFrameworkDerived, value.Name));
_targetType = value;
/// <summary>
/// Style to base on
/// </summary>
public Style BasedOn
// Verify Context Access
return _basedOn;
// Verify Context Access
if (_sealed)
throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.Format(SR.CannotChangeAfterSealed, "Style"));
if( value == this )
// Basing on self is not allowed. This is a degenerate case
// of circular reference chain, the full check for circular
// reference is done in Seal().
throw new ArgumentException(SR.StyleCannotBeBasedOnSelf);
_basedOn = value;
/// <summary>
/// Visual triggers
/// </summary>
public TriggerCollection Triggers
// Verify Context Access
if (_visualTriggers == null)
_visualTriggers = new TriggerCollection();
// If the style has been sealed prior to this the newly
// created TriggerCollection also needs to be sealed
if (_sealed)
return _visualTriggers;
/// <summary>
/// The collection of property setters for the target type
/// </summary>
public SetterBaseCollection Setters
// Verify Context Access
if( _setters == null )
_setters = new SetterBaseCollection();
// If the style has been sealed prior to this the newly
// created SetterBaseCollection also needs to be sealed
if (_sealed)
return _setters;
/// <summary>
/// The collection of resources that can be
/// consumed by the container and its sub-tree.
/// </summary>
public ResourceDictionary Resources
// Verify Context Access
if( _resources == null )
_resources = new ResourceDictionary
// A Style ResourceDictionary can be accessed across threads
CanBeAccessedAcrossThreads = true
// If the style has been sealed prior to this the newly
// created ResourceDictionary also needs to be sealed
if (_sealed)
_resources.IsReadOnly = true;
return _resources;
// Verify Context Access
if( _sealed )
throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.Format(SR.CannotChangeAfterSealed, "Style"));
_resources = value;
if (_resources != null)
// A Style ResourceDictionary can be accessed across threads
_resources.CanBeAccessedAcrossThreads = true;
ResourceDictionary IHaveResources.Resources
get { return Resources; }
set { Resources = value; }
/// <summary>
/// Tries to find a Resource for the given resourceKey in the current
/// style's ResourceDictionary or the basedOn style's ResourceDictionary
/// in that order.
/// </summary>
internal object FindResource(object resourceKey, bool allowDeferredResourceReference, bool mustReturnDeferredResourceReference)
if ((_resources != null) && _resources.Contains(resourceKey))
bool canCache;
return _resources.FetchResource(resourceKey, allowDeferredResourceReference, mustReturnDeferredResourceReference, out canCache);
if (_basedOn != null)
return _basedOn.FindResource(resourceKey, allowDeferredResourceReference, mustReturnDeferredResourceReference);
return DependencyProperty.UnsetValue;
internal ResourceDictionary FindResourceDictionary(object resourceKey)
Debug.Assert(resourceKey != null, "Argument cannot be null");
if (_resources != null && _resources.Contains(resourceKey))
return _resources;
if (_basedOn != null)
return _basedOn.FindResourceDictionary(resourceKey);
return null;
bool IQueryAmbient.IsAmbientPropertyAvailable(string propertyName)
// We want to make sure that StaticResource resolution checks the .Resources
// Ie. The Ambient search should look at Resources if it is set.
// Even if it wasn't set from XAML (eg. the Ctor (or derived Ctor) added stuff)
switch (propertyName)
case "Resources":
if (_resources == null)
return false;
case "BasedOn":
if (_basedOn == null)
return false;
return true;
/// This method is called to Add a Setter object as a child of the Style.
/// This method is used primarily by the parser to set style properties and events.
///<param name="value">
/// The object to add as a child; it must be a SetterBase subclass.
void IAddChild.AddChild (Object value)
// Verify Context Access
SetterBase sb = value as SetterBase;
if (sb == null)
throw new ArgumentException(SR.Format(SR.UnexpectedParameterType, value.GetType(), typeof(SetterBase)), nameof(value));
/// This method is called by the parser when text appears under the tag in markup.
/// As default Styles do not support text, calling this method has no effect.
///<param name="text">
/// Text to add as a child.
void IAddChild.AddText (string text)
// Verify Context Access
XamlSerializerUtil.ThrowIfNonWhiteSpaceInAddText(text, this);
/// <summary>
/// Given a set of values for the PropertyValue struct, put that in
/// to the PropertyValueList, overwriting any existing entry.
/// </summary>
private void UpdatePropertyValueList(
DependencyProperty dp,
PropertyValueType valueType,
object value)
// Check for existing value on dp
int existingIndex = -1;
for( int i = 0; i < PropertyValues.Count; i++ )
if( PropertyValues[i].Property == dp )
existingIndex = i;
if( existingIndex >= 0 )
// Overwrite existing value for dp
PropertyValue propertyValue = PropertyValues[existingIndex];
propertyValue.ValueType = valueType;
propertyValue.ValueInternal = value;
// Put back modified struct
PropertyValues[existingIndex] = propertyValue;
// Store original data
PropertyValue propertyValue = new PropertyValue
ValueType = valueType,
ChildName = StyleHelper.SelfName,
Property = dp,
ValueInternal = value
internal void CheckTargetType(object element)
// In the most common case TargetType is Default
// and we can avoid a call to IsAssignableFrom() who's performance is unknown.
if(DefaultTargetType == TargetType)
Type elementType = element.GetType();
throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.Format(SR.StyleTargetTypeMismatchWithElement,
/// <summary>
/// This Style and all factories/triggers are now immutable
/// </summary>
public void Seal()
// Verify Context Access
// 99% case - Style is already sealed.
if (_sealed)
// Most parameter checking is done as "upstream" as possible, but some
// can't be checked until Style is sealed.
if (_targetType == null)
throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.Format(SR.NullPropertyIllegal, "TargetType"));
if (_basedOn != null)
if(DefaultTargetType != _basedOn.TargetType &&
throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.Format(SR.MustBaseOnStyleOfABaseType, _targetType.Name));
// Seal setters
// Seal triggers
// Will throw InvalidOperationException if we find a loop of
// BasedOn references. (A.BasedOn = B, B.BasedOn = C, C.BasedOn = A)
// Seal BasedOn Style chain
// Seal the ResourceDictionary
if (_resources != null)
_resources.IsReadOnly = true;
// Build shared tables
// Process all Setters set on the selfStyle. This stores all the property
// setters on the current styles into PropertyValues list, so it can be used
// by ProcessSelfStyle in the next step. The EventSetters for the current
// and all the basedOn styles are merged into the EventHandlersStore on the
// current style.
// Add an entry in the EventDependents list for
// the TargetType's EventHandlersStore. Notice
// that the childIndex is 0.
StyleHelper.AddEventDependent(0, this.EventHandlersStore, ref EventDependents);
// Process all PropertyValues (all are "Self") in the Style
// chain (base added first)
// Process all TriggerBase PropertyValues ("Self" triggers
// and child triggers) in the Style chain last (highest priority)
// Sort the ResourceDependents, to help avoid duplicate invalidations
StyleHelper.SortResourceDependents(ref ResourceDependents);
// All done, seal self and call it a day.
_sealed = true;
// Remove thread affinity so it can be accessed across threads
/// <summary>
/// This method checks to see if the BasedOn hierarchy contains
/// a loop in the chain of references.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// Classic "when did we enter the cycle" problem where we don't know
/// what to start remembering and what to check against. Brute-
/// force approach here is to remember everything with a stack
/// and do a linear comparison through everything. Since the Style
/// BasedOn hierarchy is not expected to be large, this should be OK.
/// </remarks>
private void CheckForCircularBasedOnReferences()
Stack basedOnHierarchy = new Stack(10); // 10 because that's the default value (see MSDN) and the perf team wants us to specify something.
Style latestBasedOn = this;
while( latestBasedOn != null )
if( basedOnHierarchy.Contains( latestBasedOn ) )
// Uh-oh. We've seen this Style before. This means
// the BasedOn hierarchy contains a loop.
throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.Format(
// Debugging note: If we stop here, the basedOnHierarchy
// object is still alive and we can browse through it to
// see what we've explored. (This does not apply if
// somebody catches this exception and re-throws.)
// Haven't seen it, push on stack and go to next level.
basedOnHierarchy.Push( latestBasedOn );
latestBasedOn = latestBasedOn.BasedOn;
// Iterates through the setters collection and adds the EventSetter information into
// an EventHandlersStore for easy and fast retrieval during event routing. Also adds
// an entry in the EventDependents list for EventhandlersStore holding the TargetType's
// events.
private void ProcessSetters(Style style)
// Walk down to bottom of based-on chain
if (style == null)
style.Setters.Seal(); // Does not mark individual setters as sealed, that's up to the loop below.
// On-demand create the PropertyValues list, so that we can specify the right size.
if(PropertyValues.Count == 0)
PropertyValues = new FrugalStructList<System.Windows.PropertyValue>(style.Setters.Count);
// Add EventSetters to local EventHandlersStore
for (int i = 0; i < style.Setters.Count; i++)
SetterBase setterBase = style.Setters[i];
Debug.Assert(setterBase != null, "Setter collection must contain non-null instances of SetterBase");
// Setters are folded into the PropertyValues table only for the current style. The
// processing of BasedOn Style properties will occur in subsequent call to ProcessSelfStyle
Setter setter = setterBase as Setter;
if (setter != null)
// Style Setters are not allowed to have a child target name - since there are no child nodes in a Style.
if( setter.TargetName != null )
throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.Format(SR.SetterOnStyleNotAllowedToHaveTarget, setter.TargetName));
if (style == this)
DynamicResourceExtension dynamicResource = setter.ValueInternal as DynamicResourceExtension;
if (dynamicResource == null)
UpdatePropertyValueList( setter.Property, PropertyValueType.Set, setter.ValueInternal );
UpdatePropertyValueList( setter.Property, PropertyValueType.Resource, dynamicResource.ResourceKey );
Debug.Assert(setterBase is EventSetter,
"Unsupported SetterBase subclass in style triggers ({0})", setterBase.GetType().ToString());
// Add this to the _eventHandlersStore
EventSetter eventSetter = (EventSetter)setterBase;
if (_eventHandlersStore == null)
_eventHandlersStore = new EventHandlersStore();
_eventHandlersStore.AddRoutedEventHandler(eventSetter.Event, eventSetter.Handler, eventSetter.HandledEventsToo);
// If this event setter watches the loaded/unloaded events, set the optimization
// flag.
if (eventSetter.Event == FrameworkElement.LoadedEvent || eventSetter.Event == FrameworkElement.UnloadedEvent)
_hasLoadedChangeHandler = true;
// Process EventSetters on based on style so they get merged
// into the EventHandlersStore for the current style.
private void ProcessSelfStyles(Style style)
// Walk down to bottom of based-on chain
if (style == null)
// Merge in "self" PropertyValues while walking back up the tree
// "Based-on" style "self" rules are always added first (lower priority)
for (int i = 0; i < style.PropertyValues.Count; i++)
PropertyValue propertyValue = style.PropertyValues[i];
StyleHelper.UpdateTables(ref propertyValue, ref ChildRecordFromChildIndex,
ref TriggerSourceRecordFromChildIndex, ref ResourceDependents, ref _dataTriggerRecordFromBinding,
null /*_childIndexFromChildID*/, ref _hasInstanceValues);
// Track properties on the container that are being driven by
// the Style so that they can be invalidated during style changes
StyleHelper.AddContainerDependent(propertyValue.Property, false /*fromVisualTrigger*/, ref ContainerDependents);
private void ProcessVisualTriggers(Style style)
// Walk down to bottom of based-on chain
if (style == null)
if (style._visualTriggers != null)
// Merge in "self" and child TriggerBase PropertyValues while walking
// back up the tree. "Based-on" style rules are always added first
// (lower priority)
int triggerCount = style._visualTriggers.Count;
for (int i = 0; i < triggerCount; i++)
TriggerBase trigger = style._visualTriggers[i];
// Set things up to handle Setter values
for (int j = 0; j < trigger.PropertyValues.Count; j++)
PropertyValue propertyValue = trigger.PropertyValues[j];
// Check for trigger rules that act on container
if (propertyValue.ChildName != StyleHelper.SelfName)
throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.StyleTriggersCannotTargetTheTemplate);
TriggerCondition[] conditions = propertyValue.Conditions;
for (int k=0; k<conditions.Length; k++)
if( conditions[k].SourceName != StyleHelper.SelfName )
throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.Format(SR.TriggerOnStyleNotAllowedToHaveSource, conditions[k].SourceName));
// Track properties on the container that are being driven by
// the Style so that they can be invalidated during style changes
StyleHelper.AddContainerDependent(propertyValue.Property, true /*fromVisualTrigger*/, ref this.ContainerDependents);
StyleHelper.UpdateTables(ref propertyValue, ref ChildRecordFromChildIndex,
ref TriggerSourceRecordFromChildIndex, ref ResourceDependents, ref _dataTriggerRecordFromBinding,
null /*_childIndexFromChildID*/, ref _hasInstanceValues);
// Set things up to handle TriggerActions
if( trigger.HasEnterActions || trigger.HasExitActions )
if( trigger is Trigger )
StyleHelper.AddPropertyTriggerWithAction( trigger, ((Trigger)trigger).Property, ref this.PropertyTriggersWithActions );
else if (trigger is MultiTrigger multiTrigger)
for (int k = 0; k < multiTrigger.Conditions.Count; k++)
Condition triggerCondition = multiTrigger.Conditions[k];
StyleHelper.AddPropertyTriggerWithAction(trigger, triggerCondition.Property, ref this.PropertyTriggersWithActions);
else if (trigger is DataTrigger)
StyleHelper.AddDataTriggerWithAction(trigger, ((DataTrigger)trigger).Binding, ref this.DataTriggersWithActions);
else if (trigger is MultiDataTrigger multiDataTrigger)
for (int k = 0; k < multiDataTrigger.Conditions.Count; k++)
Condition dataCondition = multiDataTrigger.Conditions[k];
StyleHelper.AddDataTriggerWithAction(trigger, dataCondition.Binding, ref this.DataTriggersWithActions);
throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.Format(SR.UnsupportedTriggerInStyle, trigger.GetType().Name));
// Set things up to handle EventTrigger
EventTrigger eventTrigger = trigger as EventTrigger;
if( eventTrigger != null )
if( eventTrigger.SourceName != null && eventTrigger.SourceName.Length > 0 )
throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.Format(SR.EventTriggerOnStyleNotAllowedToHaveTarget, eventTrigger.SourceName));
null /*_childIndexFromChildID*/,
ref _triggerActions,
ref EventDependents,
null /*_templateFactoryRoot*/,
ref _eventHandlersStore,
ref _hasLoadedChangeHandler);
/// <summary>
/// Serves as a hash function for a particular type, suitable for use in
/// hashing algorithms and data structures like a hash table
/// </summary>
/// <returns>The Style's GlobalIndex</returns>
public override int GetHashCode()
// Verify Context Access
return GlobalIndex;
#region ISealable
/// <summary>
/// Can this style be sealed
/// </summary>
bool ISealable.CanSeal
get { return true; }
/// <summary>
/// Is this style sealed
/// </summary>
bool ISealable.IsSealed
get { return IsSealed; }
/// <summary>
/// Seal this style
/// </summary>
void ISealable.Seal()
#endregion ISealable
internal bool HasResourceReferences
return ResourceDependents.Count > 0;
/// <summary>
/// Store all the event handlers for this Style TargetType
/// </summary>
internal EventHandlersStore EventHandlersStore
get { return _eventHandlersStore; }
/// <summary>
/// Does the current style or any of its template children
/// have any event setters OR event triggers
/// </summary>
internal bool HasEventDependents
return (EventDependents.Count > 0);
/// <summary>
/// Does the current style or any of its template children
/// have event setters, ignoring event triggers.
/// </summary>
internal bool HasEventSetters
return IsModified(HasEventSetter);
// Says if this style contains any per-instance values
internal bool HasInstanceValues
get { return _hasInstanceValues; }
// Says if we have anything listening for the Loaded or Unloaded
// event (used for an optimization in FrameworkElement).
internal bool HasLoadedChangeHandler
get { return _hasLoadedChangeHandler; }
set { _hasLoadedChangeHandler = value; }
// Special equality check that takes into account 'null'
private static bool IsEqual(object a, object b)
return (a != null) ? a.Equals(b) : (b == null);
internal bool IsBasedOnModified { get { return IsModified(BasedOnID); } }
private EventHandlersStore _eventHandlersStore = null;
private bool _sealed;
private bool _hasInstanceValues;
internal static readonly Type DefaultTargetType = typeof(IFrameworkInputElement);
private bool _hasLoadedChangeHandler;
private Type _targetType = DefaultTargetType;
private Style _basedOn;
private TriggerCollection _visualTriggers = null;
private SetterBaseCollection _setters = null;
// Holds resources that are applicable to the container
// of this style and its sub-tree.
internal ResourceDictionary _resources = null;
/* property */ internal int GlobalIndex;
// Style tables
// Synchronized (write locks, lock-free reads): Covered by Style instance lock
/* property */ internal FrugalStructList<ChildRecord> ChildRecordFromChildIndex = new FrugalStructList<ChildRecord>(); // Indexed by Child.ChildIndex
// Synchronized (write locks, lock-free reads): Covered by Style instance lock
// Shared tables used during OnTriggerSourcePropertyInvalidated
internal FrugalStructList<ItemStructMap<TriggerSourceRecord>> TriggerSourceRecordFromChildIndex = new FrugalStructList<ItemStructMap<TriggerSourceRecord>>();
// Dictionary of property triggers that have TriggerActions, keyed via DP.GlobalIndex affecting those triggers.
// Each trigger can be listed multiple times, if they are dependent on multiple properties.
internal FrugalMap PropertyTriggersWithActions;
// Original Style data (not including based-on data)
// Synchronized (write locks, lock-free reads): Covered by Style instance lock
/* property */ internal FrugalStructList<System.Windows.PropertyValue> PropertyValues = new FrugalStructList<System.Windows.PropertyValue>();
// Properties driven on the container (by the Style) that should be
// invalidated when the style gets applied/unapplied. These properties
// could have been set via Style.SetValue or TriggerBase.SetValue
// Synchronized (write locks, lock-free reads): Covered by Style instance lock
/* property */ internal FrugalStructList<ContainerDependent> ContainerDependents = new FrugalStructList<ContainerDependent>();
// Properties driven by a resource that should be invalidated
// when a resource dictionary changes
// Synchronized (write locks, lock-free reads): Covered by Style instance lock
/* property */ internal FrugalStructList<ChildPropertyDependent> ResourceDependents = new FrugalStructList<ChildPropertyDependent>();
// Events driven by a this style. An entry for every childIndex that has associated events.
// childIndex '0' is used to represent events set on the style's TargetType. This data-structure
// will be frequently looked up during event routing.
// Synchronized (write locks, lock-free reads): Covered by Style instance lock
/* property */ internal ItemStructList<ChildEventDependent> EventDependents = new ItemStructList<ChildEventDependent>(1);
// Used by EventTrigger: Maps a RoutedEventID to a set of TriggerAction objects
// to be performed.
internal HybridDictionary _triggerActions = null;
// Data trigger information. An entry for each Binding that appears in a
// condition of a data trigger.
// Synchronized: Covered by Style instance
internal HybridDictionary _dataTriggerRecordFromBinding;
// An entry for each Binding that appears in a DataTrigger with EnterAction or ExitAction
// This overlaps but should not be the same as _dataTriggerRecordFromBinding above:
// A DataTrigger can have Setters but no EnterAction/ExitAction. (The reverse can also be true.)
internal HybridDictionary DataTriggersWithActions = null;
// Unique index for every instance of Style
// Synchronized: Covered by Style.Synchronized
private static int StyleInstanceCount = 0;
// Global, cross-object synchronization
internal static object Synchronized = new object();
private const int TargetTypeID = 0x01;
internal const int BasedOnID = 0x02;
// Using the modified flags to note whether we have an EventSetter.
private const int HasEventSetter = 0x10;
private int _modified = 0;
private void SetModified(int id) { _modified |= id; }
internal bool IsModified(int id) { return (id & _modified) != 0; }