// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
// Description:
// Maps namespaceURI and LocalName to appropriate element, properties, and events.
using System;
using System.IO;
using MS.Utility;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Globalization;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Collections.Specialized;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Reflection;
using MS.Internal; // CriticalExceptions
namespace MS.Internal.Markup
namespace System.Windows.Markup
/// Handles mapping between XML NamepaceURI and .NET namespace types
internal class XamlTypeMapper
public partial class XamlTypeMapper
#region Public
#region Methods
/// <summary>
/// Constructor
/// </summary>
/// <param name="assemblyNames">Assemblies XamlTypeMapper should use when resolving XAML</param>
public XamlTypeMapper(string[] assemblyNames)
if(null == assemblyNames)
throw new ArgumentNullException( nameof(assemblyNames));
_assemblyNames = assemblyNames;
_namespaceMaps = null;
/// <summary>
/// Constructor
/// </summary>
/// <param name="assemblyNames">Assemblies XamlTypeMapper should use when resolving XAML</param>
/// <param name="namespaceMaps">NamespaceMap the XamlTypeMapper should use when resolving XAML</param>
public XamlTypeMapper(
string[] assemblyNames,
NamespaceMapEntry[] namespaceMaps)
if(null == assemblyNames)
throw new ArgumentNullException( nameof(assemblyNames));
_assemblyNames = assemblyNames;
_namespaceMaps = namespaceMaps;
_hasInternals = false;
_hasLocalReference = false;
/// <summary>
/// Helper to map an Xaml tag to a DotNet Type
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// Example:<para/>
/// If the xml contained the tags <base:Button xmlns:base="AvalonBase"/>
/// you would call XamlTypeMapper.GetType("AvalonBase","Button");
/// <para/>
/// Note the XmlNamespace "AvalonBase" is the actual namespace value, not
/// the base: prefix.
/// </remarks>
/// <param name="xmlNamespace">NamespaceURI of tag</param>
/// <param name="localName">localName of the Tag</param>
/// <returns>Type for the object. If no type was found NULL is returned</returns>
public Type GetType(
string xmlNamespace,
string localName)
if(null == xmlNamespace)
throw new ArgumentNullException( nameof(xmlNamespace));
if(null == localName)
throw new ArgumentNullException( nameof(localName));
TypeAndSerializer typeAndSerializer =
return typeAndSerializer?.ObjectType;
/// <summary>
/// Programmatic counterpart to the <?Mapping ... ?> XAML PI. For example, <para/>
/// <?Mapping XmlNamespace="swc" ClrNamespace="System.Windows.ComponentModel" Assembly="PresentationFramework" ?>
/// </summary>
/// <param name="xmlNamespace">
/// The "swc" argument in the mapping PI example.
/// </param>
/// <param name="clrNamespace">
/// The "System.Windows.ComponentModel" argument in the mapping PI example.
/// </param>
/// <param name="assemblyName">
/// The "PresentationFramework" argument in the mapping PI example.
/// </param>
public void AddMappingProcessingInstruction(
string xmlNamespace,
string clrNamespace,
string assemblyName )
if( null == xmlNamespace )
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(xmlNamespace));
if( null == clrNamespace )
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(clrNamespace));
if( null == assemblyName )
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(assemblyName));
// Parameter validation : Check for String.Empty as well?
// Add mapping to the table keyed by xmlNamespace
ClrNamespaceAssemblyPair pair = new ClrNamespaceAssemblyPair(clrNamespace, assemblyName);
PITable[xmlNamespace] = pair;
// Add mapping to the table keyed by assembly and clrnamespace
string upperAssemblyName = assemblyName.ToUpper(
String fullName = $"{clrNamespace}#{upperAssemblyName}";
_piReverseTable[fullName] = xmlNamespace;
// Add mapping to the SchemaContext
_schemaContext?.SetMappingProcessingInstruction(xmlNamespace, pair);
/// <summary>
/// This allows specifying a path to use when loading the named assembly.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="assemblyName">
/// The short name of the assembly, with no extension or path specified
/// </param>
/// <param name="assemblyPath">
/// The file path of the assembly
/// </param>
public void SetAssemblyPath(
string assemblyName,
string assemblyPath)
if( null == assemblyName )
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(assemblyName));
if( null == assemblyPath )
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(assemblyPath));
if (assemblyPath == string.Empty)
_lineNumber = 0; // Public API, so we don't know the line number.
if (assemblyName == string.Empty)
_lineNumber = 0; // Public API, so we don't know the line number.
string asmName = assemblyName.ToUpper(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
lock (_assemblyPathTable)
_assemblyPathTable[asmName] = assemblyPath;
PreLoadDefaultAssemblies(asmName, assemblyPath);
// Allow people to reset the path of previously loaded assemblies
// so they can be loaded again. The is the Dev build/load/build/load
// Designer scenario. (Don't mess with GACed assemblies)
Assembly assem = ReflectionHelper.GetAlreadyLoadedAssembly(asmName);
if (assem != null
&& !assem.GlobalAssemblyCache
// No way to reset SchemaContext at assembly granularity, so just reset the whole context
if (_schemaContext != null)
_schemaContext = null;
#endregion Methods
#region Properties
/// <summary>
/// Instance of XamlTypeMapper to use if none is specified in a
/// ParserContext. XamlTypeMapper returned is the internal default.
/// </summary>
public static XamlTypeMapper DefaultMapper
return XmlParserDefaults.DefaultMapper;
#endregion Properties
#endregion Public
#region Internal
#region Initialization
/// Initialize the XamlTypeMapper so that it is ready for a parse operation.
internal void Initialize()
lock (_assemblyPathTable)
_referenceAssembliesLoaded = false;
// Return a new XamlTypeMapper that has the same instance variables as this instance,
// will all complex properties deep copied.
internal XamlTypeMapper Clone()
XamlTypeMapper newMapper = new XamlTypeMapper(_assemblyNames.Clone() as string[])
_mapTable = _mapTable,
_referenceAssembliesLoaded = _referenceAssembliesLoaded,
_lineNumber = _lineNumber,
_linePosition = _linePosition,
_namespaceMaps = _namespaceMaps.Clone() as NamespaceMapEntry[],
_typeLookupFromXmlHashtable = _typeLookupFromXmlHashtable.Clone() as Hashtable,
_namespaceMapHashList = _namespaceMapHashList.Clone() as Hashtable,
_typeInformationCache = CloneHybridDictionary(_typeInformationCache),
_piTable = CloneHybridDictionary(_piTable),
_piReverseTable = CloneStringDictionary(_piReverseTable),
_assemblyPathTable = CloneHybridDictionary(_assemblyPathTable)
return newMapper;
private HybridDictionary CloneHybridDictionary(HybridDictionary dict)
HybridDictionary newDict = new HybridDictionary(dict.Count);
foreach ( DictionaryEntry de in dict )
newDict.Add(de.Key, de.Value);
return newDict;
private Dictionary<string, string> CloneStringDictionary(Dictionary<string, string> dict)
Dictionary<string, string> newDict = new Dictionary<string, string>();
foreach (KeyValuePair<string, string> kvp in dict)
newDict.Add(kvp.Key, kvp.Value);
return newDict;
#endregion Initialization
#region Assemblies
/// Returns the assembly path for the passed assembly. If none, return null.
internal string AssemblyPathFor(string assemblyName)
string path = null;
if (assemblyName != null)
// This method is used by SchemaContext, which needs to be thread-safe, so lock around it
lock (_assemblyPathTable)
path = _assemblyPathTable[assemblyName.ToUpper(
CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)] as string;
if (path == null)
// If the assembly name contains full assembly name, we should use the short
// assembly name to search the assembly path cache table.
int indexComma = assemblyName.IndexOf(",", StringComparison.Ordinal);
if (indexComma > 0)
string assemblyShortName = assemblyName.Substring(0, indexComma).ToUpper(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
path = _assemblyPathTable[assemblyShortName] as String;
return path;
/// <summary>
/// Load assemblies that are in the referenced assembly list passed to the XamlTypeMapper
/// by the compiler. Don't load known assemblies that should already be present,
/// since the references may not be the correct versions.
/// </summary>
private bool LoadReferenceAssemblies()
if (!_referenceAssembliesLoaded)
_referenceAssembliesLoaded = true;
foreach (DictionaryEntry entry in _assemblyPathTable)
ReflectionHelper.LoadAssembly(entry.Key as String, entry.Value as String);
return true;
// Already loaded, so they don't need to be loaded again
return false;
#endregion Assemblies
#region AssemblyLoading
private void PreLoadDefaultAssemblies(string asmName, string asmPath)
if (AssemblyWB == null && string.Equals(asmName, _assemblyNames[0], StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
AssemblyWB = ReflectionHelper.LoadAssembly(asmName, asmPath);
else if (AssemblyPC == null && string.Equals(asmName, _assemblyNames[1], StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
AssemblyPC = ReflectionHelper.LoadAssembly(asmName, asmPath);
else if (AssemblyPF == null && string.Equals(asmName, _assemblyNames[2], StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
AssemblyPF = ReflectionHelper.LoadAssembly(asmName, asmPath);
else if (string.Equals(asmName, "SYSTEM.XML", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
// make sure System.Xml is at least loaded as ReflectionOnly
ReflectionHelper.LoadAssembly(asmName, asmPath);
else if (string.Equals(asmName, "SYSTEM", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
// make sure System is at least loaded as ReflectionOnly
ReflectionHelper.LoadAssembly(asmName, asmPath);
#endregion AssemblyLoading
#region Events
/// <summary>
/// Helper to map an Attribute to a RoutedEvent
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// Example: <para/>
/// If the xaml contained the tag <base:Button base:Click="MyClick" xmlns:base="BaseXmlNs"/>
/// you would call <para/>
/// Type owner = XamlTypeMapper.GetType("BaseXmlNs","Button"); <para/>
/// RoutedEvent = XamlTypeMapper.GetRoutedEvent(owner,"MyClick","BaseXmlNs");
/// </remarks>
/// <param name="owner">Type of the owner</param>
/// <param name="xmlNamespace">Xml NamespaceURI of the attribute</param>
/// <param name="localName">Local name of the attribute</param>
/// <returns>The RoutedEvent ID or null if no match was found</returns>
/// <ExternalAPI/>
internal RoutedEvent GetRoutedEvent(
Type owner,
string xmlNamespace,
string localName)
Type baseType = null;
string dynamicObjectName = null;
if(null == localName)
throw new ArgumentNullException( nameof(localName));
if(null == xmlNamespace)
throw new ArgumentNullException( nameof(xmlNamespace));
if (owner != null && !ReflectionHelper.IsPublicType(owner))
_lineNumber = 0; // Public API, so we don't know the line number.
ThrowException(nameof(SR.ParserOwnerEventMustBePublic), owner.FullName );
RoutedEvent Event = GetDependencyObject(true,owner,xmlNamespace,
localName,ref baseType,ref dynamicObjectName)
as RoutedEvent;
return Event;
#endregion Events
#region Properties
/// Converts the string representation of an Attribute Value to an appropriate
/// Type for the Property. This handles use of type converters and the special
/// *prefix:Type.Field syntax for enums, static properties and fields.
/// </summary>
///<param name="targetObject">Target object that the property needs to be set on</param>
///<param name="propType">Type of the property</param>
///<param name="propName">Name of the property. This is used only for
/// error reporting and some pre-validation</param>
///<param name="dpOrPiOrFi">DependencyProperty or PropertyInfo or FieldInfo. This is used
/// for evaluating the TypeConverter to be used for conversion</param>
///<param name="typeContext">Context for the type converter</param>
///<param name="parserContext">Context for enum, field and property resolution</param>
///<param name="value">string value of the property the Attribute</param>
///<param name="converterTypeId">typeId of converter to use for paring the attribute value</param>
/// An Object for the attribute value is returned.
/// Null is returned if no TypeConverter for the Property type.
internal Object ParseProperty(
object targetObject,
Type propType,
string propName,
object dpOrPiOrFi,
ITypeDescriptorContext typeContext,
ParserContext parserContext,
string value,
short converterTypeId)
_lineNumber = parserContext != null ? parserContext.LineNumber : 0;
_linePosition = parserContext != null ? parserContext.LinePosition : 0;
// If value is to be converted to a string, just return the string itself instead of
// going needlessly through the TC. But check that the target prop Type can accept strings.
if (converterTypeId < 0 && ((short)-converterTypeId == (short)KnownElements.StringConverter))
if (propType == typeof(object) || propType == typeof(string))
return value;
string message = SR.Format(SR.ParserCannotConvertPropertyValueString, value, propName, propType.FullName);
XamlParseException.ThrowException(parserContext, _lineNumber, _linePosition, message, null);
Object obj = null; // Object to return
TypeConverter typeConvert;
if (converterTypeId != 0)
typeConvert = parserContext.MapTable.GetConverterFromId(converterTypeId, propType, parserContext);
// NOTE: This may still be a known converter. This is typically the case when adding
// a text Record. This should also be potentially optimized by resolving & writing out the
// TC at compile time.
// Reflect for per property type converter or type converter based on the property's type
typeConvert = GetPropertyConverter(propType, dpOrPiOrFi);
if( propType.Assembly.FullName == "PresentationFramework"
propType.Assembly.FullName == "PresentationCore"
propType.Assembly.FullName == "WindowsBase" )
Debug.WriteLine($"Reflected for type converter on {propType.Name}.{propName}");
obj = typeConvert.ConvertFromString(typeContext, TypeConverterHelper.InvariantEnglishUS, value);
if( TraceMarkup.IsEnabled )
TraceMarkup.TraceActivityItem( TraceMarkup.TypeConvert,
obj );
catch (Exception e)
if( CriticalExceptions.IsCriticalException(e) || e is XamlParseException )
// If the targetObject can provide a fallback value for this property then use that instead
IProvidePropertyFallback iProvidePropertyFallback = targetObject as IProvidePropertyFallback;
if (iProvidePropertyFallback != null && iProvidePropertyFallback.CanProvidePropertyFallback(propName))
obj = iProvidePropertyFallback.ProvidePropertyFallback(propName, e);
if( TraceMarkup.IsEnabled )
TraceMarkup.TraceActivityItem( TraceMarkup.TypeConvertFallback,
obj );
// If we got the default object TypeConverter, then we know the conversion will
// fail, so create a more meaningful error message here.
else if (typeConvert.GetType() == typeof(TypeConverter))
string message;
if( propName != string.Empty )
// <SomeElement SomeProp="SomeText"/> and there's no TypeConverter
// to handle converting "SomeText" into an instance of something
// that can be set into SomeProp.
message = SR.Format(SR.ParserDefaultConverterProperty, propType.FullName, propName, value);
// <SomeElement>SomeText</SomeElement> and there's no TypeConverter
// associated with the type SomeElement
message = SR.Format(SR.ParserDefaultConverterElement, propType.FullName, value);
XamlParseException.ThrowException(parserContext, _lineNumber, _linePosition, message, null);
string message = TypeConverterFailure( value, propName, propType.FullName );
XamlParseException.ThrowException(parserContext, _lineNumber, _linePosition, message, e);
// Verify that the type converter actually gave us an instance of the correct object type.
if( obj != null )
string message = TypeConverterFailure( value, propName, propType.FullName );
XamlParseException.ThrowException(parserContext, _lineNumber, _linePosition, message, null);
return obj;
private string TypeConverterFailure( string value, string propName, string propType )
string message;
if( propName != string.Empty )
// We were called to do type conversion on a string that's been
// assigned in an element attribute, but failed for whatever reason.
// <Rectangle Fill="Red"/>
// propName is 'Fill' in this case.
message = SR.Format(SR.ParserCannotConvertPropertyValueString, value, propName, propType);
// We are being called by BamlRecordReader::GetObjectFromString
// which is not trying to convert a property. It's actually
// trying to get an element out of this.
// <SolidColorBrush>Red</SolidColorBrush>
// There is no associated propName available in this case, so we
// give a different error message.
message = SR.Format(SR.ParserCannotConvertInitializationText, value, propType );
return message;
// ValidateNames does Name validation, and ValidateEnums does enum
// name validation. Note that both must be called to determine if a
// property is valid before it is set, but the order is not important. Hence
// ValidateNames can be called before writing out a BAML record, and
// ValidateEnums can be called later after the BAML record has been read.
/// <summary>
/// Validate the Name property.
/// This will throw an exception if the property is an
/// Name that does not follow the rules of only letters, digits and underscores in
/// Name names.
/// </summary>
internal void ValidateNames(
string value,
int lineNumber,
int linePosition)
// set the linenumber and position
_lineNumber = lineNumber;
_linePosition = linePosition;
if (value == string.Empty)
ThrowException(nameof(SR.ParserBadName), value);
if (MarkupExtensionParser.LooksLikeAMarkupExtension(value))
string message = SR.Format(SR.ParserBadUidOrNameME, value);
message += " ";
message += SR.Format(SR.ParserLineAndOffset,
XamlParseException parseException = new XamlParseException(message, lineNumber, linePosition);
throw parseException;
if (!NameValidationHelper.IsValidIdentifierName(value))
ThrowException(nameof(SR.ParserBadName), value);
/// <summary>
/// Validate that if the type converter is
/// for enums you can't pass numbers to it.
/// </summary>
internal void ValidateEnums(
string propName,
Type propType,
string attribValue)
if (propType.IsEnum && attribValue != string.Empty)
// Handle enum strings of the form "one, two, three". Check that
// each of the values does NOT start with a digit. This doesn't
// validate that the enum is correct, just that there are no digits
// specified.
bool lookingForComma = false;
for (int i = 0; i < attribValue.Length; i++)
if (!Char.IsWhiteSpace(attribValue[i]))
if (lookingForComma)
if (attribValue[i] == ',')
lookingForComma = false;
else if (Char.IsDigit(attribValue[i]))
ThrowException(nameof(SR.ParserNoDigitEnums), propName, attribValue);
lookingForComma = true;
/// <summary>
/// Get cached member info for the property name. This can be
/// a PropertyInfo for the property or a MethodInfo for the static
/// setter. This does not work for EventInfo, so don't call it.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="owner">Type of the owner of the property </param>
/// <param name="propName">Name of the property</param>
/// <param name="onlyPropInfo">True if the caller wants the PropertyInfo for the
/// case where both a MethodInfo and propertyInfo are cached for this property
/// </param>
/// <param name="infoRecord">The attribute info record retrieved from
/// the map table, if one is found. </param>
/// <remarks>
/// There is only one scenario under which two memberInfo need to be
/// cached for a given attribute. This is the case when there are both a
/// Clr wrapper and static Settor for a given DP. In that case we cache
/// an object array of two elements. Also the MethodInfo for the given DP
/// will be discovered first by the XamlReaderHelper while the PropertyInfo
/// will be discovered by the BamlRecordWriter.
/// </remarks>
private MemberInfo GetCachedMemberInfo(
Type owner,
string propName,
bool onlyPropInfo,
out BamlAttributeInfoRecord infoRecord)
infoRecord = null;
if (MapTable != null)
string fullName = owner.IsGenericType ? $"{owner.Namespace}.{owner.Name}" : owner.FullName;
object key = MapTable.GetAttributeInfoKey(fullName, propName);
infoRecord = MapTable.GetHashTableData(key) as BamlAttributeInfoRecord;
if (infoRecord != null)
return infoRecord.GetPropertyMember(onlyPropInfo) as MemberInfo;
return null;
/// <summary>
/// Add cached member info for the property name.
/// </summary>
private void AddCachedAttributeInfo(
Type ownerType,
BamlAttributeInfoRecord infoRecord)
if (MapTable != null)
object key = MapTable.GetAttributeInfoKey(ownerType.FullName, infoRecord.Name);
MapTable.AddHashTableData(key, infoRecord);
/// <summary>
/// Helper function for getting Clr PropertyInfo on a type and updating the
/// passed attribute info record. Also update the property cache with this
/// attribute information if it was not already present.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// Note that the ObjectHashTable may contain
/// a BamlAttributeInfoRecord from a previous parse for the same property. If
/// we find one in the hash table, use its property info instead of reflecting.
/// </remarks>
internal void UpdateClrPropertyInfo(
Type currentParentType,
BamlAttributeInfoRecord attribInfo)
Debug.Assert(null != attribInfo, "null attribInfo");
Debug.Assert(null != currentParentType, "null currentParentType");
bool isInternal = false;
string propName = attribInfo.Name;
BamlAttributeInfoRecord cachedInfoRecord;
attribInfo.PropInfo = GetCachedMemberInfo(currentParentType, propName, true, out cachedInfoRecord)
as PropertyInfo;
if (attribInfo.PropInfo == null)
// If no cached property info, use the slow route of reflecting to get
// the property info.
attribInfo.PropInfo = PropertyInfoFromName(propName, currentParentType, !ReflectionHelper.IsPublicType(currentParentType), false, out isInternal);
attribInfo.IsInternal = isInternal;
if (attribInfo.PropInfo != null)
// If we successfully find a property info via reflection, cache it.
if (cachedInfoRecord != null)
cachedInfoRecord.IsInternal = attribInfo.IsInternal;
AddCachedAttributeInfo(currentParentType, attribInfo);
attribInfo.IsInternal = cachedInfoRecord.IsInternal;
private void UpdateAttachedPropertyMethdodInfo(BamlAttributeInfoRecord attributeInfo, bool isSetter)
MethodInfo attachedPropertyInfo = null;
Type propertyOwnerType = attributeInfo.OwnerType;
Debug.Assert(propertyOwnerType != null);
bool tryInternal = !ReflectionHelper.IsPublicType(propertyOwnerType);
string propName = (isSetter ? "Set" : "Get") + attributeInfo.Name;
BindingFlags flags = BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.FlattenHierarchy;
// Check Set\GetFoo method presence
if (!tryInternal)
// first try public methods
attachedPropertyInfo = propertyOwnerType.GetMethod(propName, flags);
if (attachedPropertyInfo == null)
// if public method not found, try non-public method next.
attachedPropertyInfo = propertyOwnerType.GetMethod(propName, flags | BindingFlags.NonPublic);
catch (AmbiguousMatchException)
int paramCount = isSetter ? 2 : 1;
if (attachedPropertyInfo != null && attachedPropertyInfo.GetParameters().Length == paramCount)
// the MethodInfo has to be public or internal.
Debug.Assert(attachedPropertyInfo.IsPublic ||
attachedPropertyInfo.IsAssembly ||
if (isSetter)
attributeInfo.AttachedPropertySetter = attachedPropertyInfo;
attributeInfo.AttachedPropertyGetter = attachedPropertyInfo;
internal void UpdateAttachedPropertySetter(BamlAttributeInfoRecord attributeInfo)
if (attributeInfo.AttachedPropertySetter == null)
UpdateAttachedPropertyMethdodInfo(attributeInfo, true);
internal void UpdateAttachedPropertyGetter(BamlAttributeInfoRecord attributeInfo)
if (attributeInfo.AttachedPropertyGetter == null)
UpdateAttachedPropertyMethdodInfo(attributeInfo, false);
/// <summary>
/// Common helper method to resolve an xml XmlNamespace and LocalName to
/// either a EventInfo or a PropertyInfo.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="isEvent">True if Event, False look for Property</param>
/// <param name="owner">Type we should look for attribute on, can be null</param>
/// <param name="xmlNamespace">XmlNamespace or the Attribute</param>
/// <param name="localName">local Name of the Attribute</param>
/// <param name="propName">Name of the resolved property or event</param>
/// <returns>PropertyInfo or EventInfo for resolved property or event</returns>
internal MemberInfo GetClrInfo(
bool isEvent,
Type owner,
string xmlNamespace,
string localName,
ref string propName)
Debug.Assert(null != localName, "null localName");
Debug.Assert(null != xmlNamespace, "null xmlNamespace");
// adjust urtNamespace and localName if there are any periods in the localName.
string globalClassName = null;
int lastIndex = localName.LastIndexOf('.');
if (-1 != lastIndex)
// If using .net then match against the class.
globalClassName = localName.Substring(0, lastIndex);
localName = localName.Substring(lastIndex+1);
return GetClrInfoForClass(isEvent, owner, xmlNamespace, localName, globalClassName, ref propName);
// Checks to see if a given event handler delegate type is accessible.
static private bool IsAllowedEventDelegateType(Type delegateType)
if (!ReflectionHelper.IsPublicType(delegateType))
if (!ReflectionHelper.IsInternalType(delegateType) ||
return false;
return true;
// Checks to see if a given event's add method is accessible.
// Checks for protected add methods as well if requested.
private bool IsAllowedEvent(EventInfo ei, bool isProtectedAllowed)
MethodInfo mi = ei.GetAddMethod(true);
return IsAllowedMethod(mi, isProtectedAllowed);
// Checks to see if a given property's set method is accessible.
// Always checks for protected set methods as well.
internal bool IsAllowedPropertySet(PropertyInfo pi)
MethodInfo mi = pi.GetSetMethod(true);
return IsAllowedMethod(mi, true);
// Checks to see if a given property's get method is accessible.
// Checks for protected get methods as well if requested.
private bool IsAllowedPropertyGet(PropertyInfo pi, bool checkProtected)
MethodInfo mi = pi.GetGetMethod(true);
return IsAllowedMethod(mi, checkProtected);
// Checks to see if a given property's get method is accessible.
// Always checks for protected get methods as well.
internal bool IsAllowedPropertyGet(PropertyInfo pi)
MethodInfo mi = pi.GetGetMethod(true);
return IsAllowedMethod(mi, true);
// Checks to see if a given field member is accessible.
private bool IsAllowedField(FieldInfo fi)
bool allowed = false;
// No field, so not allowed
if (fi != null)
// field is public -- always allow.
allowed = fi.IsPublic;
if (!allowed)
// if not, try accessible internal fields.
// if the field from a base type, then it must be in the same assembly
// as the type from which it was reflected. If not, internals will not
// be allowed.
if (fi.ReflectedType.Assembly == fi.DeclaringType.Assembly)
// if reflected type is public, check to see if internals are allowed
// on that type (i.e local or friend). If not, the type has to be an
// internal allowed type due to the guaranteed central check in
// CreateTypeAndSerializer().
if (ReflectionHelper.IsPublicType(fi.ReflectedType))
allowed = IsInternalAllowedOnType(fi.ReflectedType);
allowed = true;
// Either ways, if reflected type is allowed only allow non-public
// fields that are internal.
allowed = allowed && (fi.IsAssembly || fi.IsFamilyOrAssembly);
return allowed;
// Checks to see if a given methodInfo (for a property's get\set method
// or an event's add method) is accessible.
private bool IsAllowedMethod(MethodInfo mi, bool checkProtected)
bool allowed = false;
// No method, so not allowed
if (mi != null)
// method is public -- always allow.
allowed = mi.IsPublic;
if (!allowed)
// method is not public.
// Next check to see if the mapper will allow looking for protected
// attributes. This will be the case if current methodInfo has been
// reflected off of the markup sub-classed root element, i.e one with
// an x:Class attribute, in which case IsProtectedAttributeAllowed will
// be true. So in this case allow protected if caller wishes for this
// by setting the checkProtected param to true.
if (checkProtected && IsProtectedAttributeAllowed)
// if so, allow protected or internal protected method.
allowed = mi.IsFamily || mi.IsFamilyOrAssembly;
if (!allowed)
// if not, try accessible internal methods.
// if the property or event inherits from a base type, then its
// accessor method must be in the same assembly as the type from
// which it was reflected. If not, internals will not be allowed.
if (mi.ReflectedType.Assembly == mi.DeclaringType.Assembly)
// if reflected type is public, check to see if internals are allowed
// on that type (i.e local or friend). If not, the type has to be an
// internal allowed type due to the guaranteed central check in
// CreateTypeAndSerializer().
if (ReflectionHelper.IsPublicType(mi.ReflectedType))
allowed = IsInternalAllowedOnType(mi.ReflectedType);
allowed = true;
// Either ways, if reflected type is allowed only allow non-public members
// that are internal.
allowed = allowed && (mi.IsAssembly || mi.IsFamilyOrAssembly);
return allowed;
// Checks to see if a given property's set method is public.
// Used only in Xaml Load sceanrios.
internal bool IsAllowedPropertySet(PropertyInfo pi)
MethodInfo mi = pi.GetSetMethod(true);
return (mi != null && mi.IsPublic);
// Checks to see if a given property's get method is public.
// Used only in Xaml Load sceanrios.
internal bool IsAllowedPropertyGet(PropertyInfo pi)
MethodInfo mi = pi.GetGetMethod(true);
return (mi != null && mi.IsPublic);
// Checks to see if a given property's set method is accessible.
// Used only in compiled Baml Load sceanrios.
static internal bool IsAllowedPropertySet(PropertyInfo pi, bool allowProtected, out bool isPublic)
MethodInfo mi = pi.GetSetMethod(true);
bool isProtected = allowProtected && mi != null && mi.IsFamily;
// return isPublic == true only if the property is public on a base declaring Type.
// if the property is public on the reflected internal type itself, then we still
// need to call the generated helper to set the property.
isPublic = mi != null && mi.IsPublic && ReflectionHelper.IsPublicType(mi.DeclaringType);
return (mi != null && (mi.IsPublic || mi.IsAssembly || mi.IsFamilyOrAssembly || isProtected));
// Checks to see if a given property's get method is accessible.
// Used only in compiled Baml Load sceanrios.
static private bool IsAllowedPropertyGet(PropertyInfo pi, bool allowProtected, out bool isPublic)
MethodInfo mi = pi.GetGetMethod(true);
bool isProtected = allowProtected && mi != null && mi.IsFamily;
// return isPublic == true only if the property is public on a base declaring Type.
// if the property is public on the reflected internal type itself, then we still
// need to call the generated helper to get the property.
isPublic = mi != null && mi.IsPublic && ReflectionHelper.IsPublicType(mi.DeclaringType);
return (mi != null && (mi.IsPublic || mi.IsAssembly || mi.IsFamilyOrAssembly || isProtected));
// Checks to see if a given event's add method is accessible.
// Used only in compiled Baml Load sceanrios.
static private bool IsAllowedEvent(EventInfo ei, bool allowProtected, out bool isPublic)
MethodInfo mi = ei.GetAddMethod(true);
bool isProtected = allowProtected && mi != null && mi.IsFamily;
// return isPublic == true only if the event is public on a base declaring Type.
// if the event is public on the reflected internal type itself, then we still
// need to call the generated helper to hook up the event.
isPublic = mi != null && mi.IsPublic && ReflectionHelper.IsPublicType(mi.DeclaringType);
return (mi != null && (mi.IsPublic || mi.IsAssembly || mi.IsFamilyOrAssembly || isProtected));
// Checks to see if a given event's add method is public.
// Used in all (xaml load, xaml compile & compiled Baml Load sceanrios.
static private bool IsPublicEvent(EventInfo ei)
MethodInfo mi = ei.GetAddMethod(true);
return (mi != null && mi.IsPublic);
/// <summary>
/// Allows a sub-classed XamlTypeMapper called under Full Trust to participate
/// in deciding if an internal type should be accessible.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="type">The internal type</param>
/// <returns>
/// When overriden, should return true if accessible, false if not.
/// Returns false by default, if no one overrides.
/// </returns>
protected virtual bool AllowInternalType(Type type)
return false;
private bool IsInternalTypeAllowedInFullTrust(Type type)
bool isAllowed = false;
// If the type is internal, then allow them to participate
// in deciding if that internal type should be accessible.
if (ReflectionHelper.IsInternalType(type))
isAllowed = AllowInternalType(type);
return isAllowed;
/// <summary>
/// Common helper method to resolve an xml XmlNamespace and LocalName to
/// either a EventInfo or a PropertyInfo.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="isEvent">True if Event, False look for Property</param>
/// <param name="owner">Type we should look for attribute on, can be null</param>
/// <param name="xmlNamespace">XmlNamespace or the Attribute</param>
/// <param name="localName">local Name of the Attribute with no class</param>
/// <param name="globalClassName">Class Name of the Attribute, or null if not present</param>
/// <param name="propName">Name of the resolved property or event</param>
/// <returns>PropertyInfo or EventInfo for resolved property or event</returns>
internal MemberInfo GetClrInfoForClass (
bool isEvent,
Type owner,
string xmlNamespace,
string localName,
string globalClassName,
ref string propName)
MemberInfo mi = null;
if (owner == null || ReflectionHelper.IsPublicType(owner))
// first, try normal lookup for public properties and events only.
mi = GetClrInfoForClass(isEvent, owner, xmlNamespace, localName, globalClassName, false, ref propName);
if (mi == null && owner != null)
// if lookup on internal type or if public property or event lookup failed,
// try internal ones as well, or protected if the type happens to be a
// code-generated root.
mi = GetClrInfoForClass(isEvent, owner, xmlNamespace, localName, globalClassName, true, ref propName);
return mi;
private MemberInfo GetClrInfoForClass(
bool isEvent,
Type owner,
string xmlNamespace,
string localName,
string globalClassName,
bool tryInternal,
ref string propName)
bool isInternal = false;
MemberInfo memberInfo = null;
BindingFlags defaultBinding = BindingFlags.Public;
if (tryInternal)
defaultBinding |= BindingFlags.NonPublic;
propName = null;
ParameterInfo[] pis = null;
// if this is a globalClass then resolve the type and then call the dpFromName
if (null != globalClassName)
TypeAndSerializer typeAndSerializer =
GetTypeOnly(xmlNamespace, globalClassName);
if (typeAndSerializer != null && typeAndSerializer.ObjectType != null)
BamlAttributeInfoRecord infoRecord;
Type objectType = typeAndSerializer.ObjectType;
memberInfo = GetCachedMemberInfo(objectType, localName, false, out infoRecord);
if (memberInfo == null)
if (isEvent)
// See if attached event first
memberInfo = objectType.GetMethod($"Add{localName}Handler",
defaultBinding |
BindingFlags.Static |
// Make sure that we found a method of the right signature.
// Otherwise discard what you found.
if (memberInfo != null)
MethodInfo mi = memberInfo as MethodInfo;
if (mi != null)
pis = mi.GetParameters();
Type dependencyObjectType = KnownTypes.Types[(int)KnownElements.DependencyObject];
if (pis == null || pis.Length != 2 || !dependencyObjectType.IsAssignableFrom(pis[0].ParameterType))
memberInfo = null;
if (tryInternal && memberInfo != null && !IsAllowedMethod(mi, false))
ThrowException(nameof(SR.ParserCantSetAttribute), "bubbling event", $"{objectType.Name}.{localName}", "Add Handler method");
if (memberInfo == null)
// Not an attached event so try Clr event
memberInfo = objectType.GetEvent(localName,
defaultBinding |
BindingFlags.Instance |
if (memberInfo != null)
EventInfo ei = memberInfo as EventInfo;
if (!IsAllowedEventDelegateType(ei.EventHandlerType))
if (!ReflectionHelper.IsPublicType(ei.EventHandlerType))
ThrowException(nameof(SR.ParserEventDelegateTypeNotAccessible), ei.EventHandlerType.FullName, $"{objectType.Name}.{localName}");
if (tryInternal)
// Check if the event add method accessor itself is accessible.
// Also if this is a non-public event on a public type, it will
// check to make sure that the public type is accessible\allowed.
if (!IsAllowedEvent(ei, false))
ThrowException(nameof(SR.ParserCantSetAttribute), "event", $"{objectType.Name}.{localName}", "add");
// Check if the event add method accessor itself is public.
if (!IsPublicEvent(ei))
memberInfo = null;
ThrowException(nameof(SR.ParserCantSetAttribute), "event", $"{objectType.Name}.{localName}", "add");
// See if attached property first - start from a Setter
memberInfo = objectType.GetMethod($"Set{localName}",
defaultBinding |
BindingFlags.Static |
if (memberInfo != null && ((MethodInfo)memberInfo).GetParameters().Length != 2)
memberInfo = null;
// Try read-only case (Getter only)
if (memberInfo == null)
memberInfo = objectType.GetMethod($"Get{localName}",
defaultBinding |
BindingFlags.Static |
if (memberInfo != null && ((MethodInfo)memberInfo).GetParameters().Length != 1)
memberInfo = null;
if (tryInternal && memberInfo != null && !IsAllowedMethod(memberInfo as MethodInfo, false))
ThrowException(nameof(SR.ParserCantSetAttribute), "attached property", $"{objectType.Name}.{localName}", "Set method");
if (memberInfo == null)
// Not an attached property, so try clr property
memberInfo = PropertyInfoFromName(localName, objectType, tryInternal, true, out isInternal);
// If we've found a property info, then the owner had better
// be the same type as or a subclass of the objectType, or
// they are in different inheritance hierarchies.
if (memberInfo != null)
if (owner != null &&
if (null != memberInfo)
#pragma warning disable IDE0031
if (infoRecord != null)
// DP's aren't present in the PBT case
if (infoRecord.DP == null)
infoRecord.DP = MapTable.GetDependencyProperty(infoRecord);
#pragma warning restore IDE0031
else if (null != owner)
Type baseType = owner;
// See if the owner knows about this class.
// Look for a parent type until we find a match or fail.
if (null != baseType)
BamlAttributeInfoRecord infoRecord;
memberInfo = GetCachedMemberInfo(baseType, localName, false, out infoRecord);
if (memberInfo == null)
if (isEvent)
// See if attached event first
memberInfo = baseType.GetMethod($"Add{localName}Handler",
defaultBinding | BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.FlattenHierarchy);
// Make sure that we found a method of the right signature.
// Otherwise discard what you found.
if (memberInfo != null)
MethodInfo mi = memberInfo as MethodInfo;
if (mi != null)
pis = mi.GetParameters();
Type dependencyObjectType = KnownTypes.Types[(int)KnownElements.DependencyObject];
if (pis == null || pis.Length != 2 || !dependencyObjectType.IsAssignableFrom(pis[0].ParameterType))
memberInfo = null;
if (tryInternal && memberInfo != null && !IsAllowedMethod(mi, true))
ThrowException(nameof(SR.ParserCantSetAttribute), "bubbling event", $"{owner.Name}.{localName}", "Add Handler method");
if (memberInfo == null)
// Not an attached event, so try for a clr event.
memberInfo = baseType.GetEvent(localName,
BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.FlattenHierarchy | defaultBinding);
if (memberInfo != null)
EventInfo ei = memberInfo as EventInfo;
if (!IsAllowedEventDelegateType(ei.EventHandlerType))
if (!ReflectionHelper.IsPublicType(ei.EventHandlerType))
ThrowException(nameof(SR.ParserEventDelegateTypeNotAccessible), ei.EventHandlerType.FullName, $"{owner.Name}.{localName}");
if (tryInternal)
// Check if the event add method accessor itself is accessible.
// Also if this is a non-public event on a public type, it will
// not check to make sure that the public type is accessible\allowed
// since that would have all ready been done in the caller of this fucntion.
if (!IsAllowedEvent(ei, true))
ThrowException(nameof(SR.ParserCantSetAttribute), "event", $"{owner.Name}.{localName}", "add");
// check if the event add method accessor itself is public.
if (!IsPublicEvent(ei))
memberInfo = null;
ThrowException(nameof(SR.ParserCantSetAttribute), "event", $"{owner.Name}.{localName}", "add");
// See if attached property first - start from a Setter
memberInfo = baseType.GetMethod($"Set{localName}",
defaultBinding |
BindingFlags.Static |
if (memberInfo != null && ((MethodInfo)memberInfo).GetParameters().Length != 2)
memberInfo = null;
// Try read-only case (Getter only)
if (memberInfo == null)
memberInfo = baseType.GetMethod($"Get{localName}",
defaultBinding |
BindingFlags.Static |
if (memberInfo != null && ((MethodInfo)memberInfo).GetParameters().Length != 1)
memberInfo = null;
if (tryInternal && memberInfo != null && !IsAllowedMethod(memberInfo as MethodInfo, true))
ThrowException(nameof(SR.ParserCantSetAttribute), "attached property", $"{owner.Name}.{localName}", "Set method");
if (memberInfo == null)
// Not an attached property, so try for a clr property.
memberInfo = PropertyInfoFromName(localName, baseType, tryInternal, true, out isInternal);
#pragma warning disable IDE0031
if (null != memberInfo)
if (infoRecord != null)
// DP's aren't present in the PBT case
if (infoRecord.DP == null)
infoRecord.DP = MapTable.GetDependencyProperty(infoRecord);
#pragma warning restore IDE0031
if (null != memberInfo)
propName = localName;
return memberInfo;
/// <summary>
/// Helper method to get an event on an owner, walking up the class hierarchy
/// when doing so
/// </summary>
/// <param name="owner">Type we should look for the event on</param>
/// <param name="eventName">Then name of the handler of the event</param>
/// <returns>EventInfo for resolved event</returns>
internal EventInfo GetClrEventInfo(
Type owner,
string eventName)
Debug.Assert(null != eventName, "null eventName");
Debug.Assert(null != owner, "null owner");
EventInfo eventInfo = null;
// Look up the parent chain until we find a match or fail by
// going off the top of the chain.
while (owner != null)
eventInfo = owner.GetEvent(eventName, BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public);
if (eventInfo != null)
owner = GetCachedBaseType(owner);
return eventInfo;
/// <summary>
/// Helper method to resolve an xml namespace and localName to
/// either a RoutedEvent or a DependencyProperty. If they are not present,
/// still resolve using a guess at the valid setter name to look for.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// Note that this will not resolve clr properties. Call GetClrInfo to do that.
/// </remarks>
/// <param name="isEvent">True if Event, False look for Property</param>
/// <param name="owner">Type we should look for attribute on, can be null</param>
/// <param name="xmlNamespace">XmlNamespace or the Attribute</param>
/// <param name="localName">local Name of the Attribute</param>
/// <param name="baseType">Base type the object was found on</param>
/// <param name="dynamicObjectName">registered name of the Object on the type.</param>
/// <returns>resolved object, which can be a RoutedEvent, a DependencyProperty
/// or the MethodInfo for the event or property setter</returns>
internal object GetDependencyObject(
bool isEvent,
Type owner,
string xmlNamespace,
string localName,
ref Type baseType,
ref string dynamicObjectName)
Debug.Assert(null != localName, "null localName");
Debug.Assert(null != xmlNamespace, "null xmlNamespace");
object memInfo = null;
string globalClassName = null;
dynamicObjectName = null;
// Extract the class name if there are any periods in the localName.
int lastIndex = localName.LastIndexOf('.');
if (-1 != lastIndex)
// if using .net then match against the class.
globalClassName = localName.Substring(0,lastIndex);
localName = localName.Substring(lastIndex+1);
// If this is a globalClassName then resolve the type and then call
// DependencyProperty.FromName.
if (null != globalClassName)
TypeAndSerializer typeAndSerializer =
if (typeAndSerializer != null && typeAndSerializer.ObjectType != null)
baseType = typeAndSerializer.ObjectType;
if (isEvent)
memInfo = RoutedEventFromName(localName,baseType);
memInfo = DependencyProperty.FromName(localName, baseType);
if (null != memInfo)
Debug.Assert(null != baseType, "baseType not set");
dynamicObjectName = localName;
NamespaceMapEntry[] namespaceMaps = GetNamespaceMapEntries(xmlNamespace);
if (null == namespaceMaps)
return null;
baseType = owner;
// See if the owner knows about this class.
// Look for a parent type with any namespace matching the property
while (null != baseType)
bool foundNamespaceMatch = false;
// Look at each namespace for a match with this baseType
for (int count = 0;
count < namespaceMaps.Length && !foundNamespaceMatch;
count ++)
NamespaceMapEntry namespaceMap = namespaceMaps[count];
// see if the urtNamespace in the namespace map is valid
// for the type we are trying to apply
if (namespaceMap.ClrNamespace == GetCachedNamespace(baseType))
foundNamespaceMatch = true;
if (foundNamespaceMatch)
// For 'normal' properties and events that are not prefixed by
// a class name, only attempt to get dependency IDs and Events.
// The caller should use GetClrInfo to get CLR properties for
// 'normal' properties and events if this attempt fails.
if (isEvent)
memInfo = RoutedEventFromName(localName,baseType);
memInfo = DependencyProperty.FromName(localName, baseType);
// Only do one loop for events, since all base classes are checked in
// a single operation. For properties, loop through the base classes here.
if (null != memInfo || isEvent)
// for assembly and typeName use the original, not the base
// type we found it on.
dynamicObjectName = localName;
baseType = GetCachedBaseType(baseType);
return memInfo;
/// Returns a DependencyProperty given a local name and an xml namespace
///<param name="localName">
/// The property name
///<param name="xmlNamespace">
/// Xml namespace associated with name
///<param name="ownerType">
/// The Type where this DP was registered.
/// Returns a DependencyProperty the attached property
internal DependencyProperty DependencyPropertyFromName(
string localName,
string xmlNamespace,
ref Type ownerType)
Debug.Assert(null != localName, "null localName");
Debug.Assert(null != xmlNamespace, "null xmlNamespace");
// Adjust localName if there are any periods that indicate a global class. Use
// this class name as the owner type and return it. Otherwise just use the
// passed name and owner.
int lastIndex = localName.LastIndexOf('.');
if (-1 != lastIndex)
string globalClassName = localName.Substring(0,lastIndex);
localName = localName.Substring(lastIndex+1);
TypeAndSerializer typeAndSerializer =
GetTypeOnly(xmlNamespace, globalClassName);
if (typeAndSerializer == null || typeAndSerializer.ObjectType == null)
ThrowException(nameof(SR.ParserNoType), globalClassName);
ownerType = typeAndSerializer.ObjectType;
if(null == ownerType)
throw new ArgumentNullException( nameof(ownerType));
return DependencyProperty.FromName(localName, ownerType);
/// <summary>
/// Return the property that has an attached XmlLang attribute. This identifies this
/// property as being the one to receive xml:lang attribute values when parsing, or
/// the holder of the CultureInfo related string. The XamlTypeMapper caches this
/// along with the TypeAndSerializer information for fast retrieval.
/// </summary>
internal PropertyInfo GetXmlLangProperty(
string xmlNamespace, // xml namespace for the type
string localName) // local name of the type without any '.'
TypeAndSerializer typeAndSerializer = GetTypeOnly(xmlNamespace, localName);
if (typeAndSerializer == null || typeAndSerializer.ObjectType == null)
return null;
if (typeAndSerializer.XmlLangProperty == null)
BamlAssemblyInfoRecord bairPF = MapTable.GetAssemblyInfoFromId(-1);
if (typeAndSerializer.ObjectType.Assembly == bairPF.Assembly)
if (KnownTypes.Types[(int)KnownElements.FrameworkElement].IsAssignableFrom(typeAndSerializer.ObjectType) ||
typeAndSerializer.XmlLangProperty = (KnownTypes.Types[(int)KnownElements.FrameworkElement]).GetProperty("Language",
BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.FlattenHierarchy);
string xmlLangPropertyName = null;
bool xmlLangPropertyFound = false;
AttributeCollection attributes = TypeDescriptor.GetAttributes(typeAndSerializer.ObjectType);
if (attributes != null)
XmlLangPropertyAttribute xlpa = attributes[typeof(XmlLangPropertyAttribute)] as XmlLangPropertyAttribute;
if (xlpa != null)
xmlLangPropertyFound = true;
xmlLangPropertyName = xlpa.Name;
Type typeValue = null;
xmlLangPropertyName = ReflectionHelper.GetCustomAttributeData(typeAndSerializer.ObjectType,
ref xmlLangPropertyFound,
out typeValue);
if ( xmlLangPropertyFound )
if( xmlLangPropertyName != null && xmlLangPropertyName.Length > 0)
typeAndSerializer.XmlLangProperty = typeAndSerializer.ObjectType.GetProperty(
BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.FlattenHierarchy);
if( typeAndSerializer.XmlLangProperty == null )
// Either the given name could not be found, or there
// was no name specified at all. (null or empty string.)
// The latter case may get a special meaning in the future,
// but for now they're all errors.
return typeAndSerializer.XmlLangProperty;
/// Returns a PropertyInfo from an attribute name, given the ownerType of
/// the property.
///<param name="localName">
/// The attribute name
///<param name="ownerType">
/// The Type that owns the attribute
///<param name="tryInternal">
/// Indicates if this function should search for non-public properties as well
///<param name="tryPublicOnly">
/// Indicates if this function should search for public properties only, regardless
/// of tryInternal as is the case in XamlLoad sceanrios.
///<param name="isInternal">
/// Indicates if this fucntion actually found a non-public property
/// Returns a PropertyInfo for the property
private PropertyInfo PropertyInfoFromName(
string localName,
Type ownerType,
bool tryInternal,
bool tryPublicOnly,
out bool isInternal)
PropertyInfo info = null;
isInternal = false;
TypeInformationCacheData typeInfo = GetCachedInformationForType(ownerType);
Debug.Assert(typeInfo != null, "Must have cached type info at this point");
PropertyAndType propAndType = typeInfo.GetPropertyAndType(localName);
// peterost - This is a TEMPORARY workaround to
// properties that have been overridden in some classes using the
// "new" operator. This should be removed when properties such as
// Window.Width and ColumnDefintion.Width are rationalized.
if (propAndType == null || !propAndType.PropInfoSet)
BindingFlags flags = BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.FlattenHierarchy | BindingFlags.Public;
if (tryInternal)
flags |= BindingFlags.NonPublic;
info = ownerType.GetProperty(localName, flags);
if (!tryInternal)
info = ownerType.GetProperty(localName, flags);
// Xaml load scenarios should not look for internals - tryPublicOnly == true
// If the above load failed then try again looking at internals, unless
// tryPublicOnly tells us not to do that.
if (info == null && !tryPublicOnly)
info = ownerType.GetProperty(localName, flags | BindingFlags.NonPublic);
if (info != null)
isInternal = true;
catch (AmbiguousMatchException)
PropertyInfo[] infos = ownerType.GetProperties(
BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public);
for (int i = 0; i < infos.Length; i++)
if (infos[i].Name == localName)
info = infos[i];
if (tryInternal || info != null)
typeInfo.SetPropertyAndType(localName, info, ownerType, isInternal);
info = propAndType.PropInfo;
isInternal = propAndType.IsInternal;
return info;
/// Returns a RoutedEvent from an attribute name
///<param name="localName">
/// The attribute name
///<param name="ownerType">
/// The Type that owns the attribute
/// Returns a RoutedEvent for the name
internal RoutedEvent RoutedEventFromName(
string localName,
Type ownerType)
RoutedEvent Event = null;
Type currentType = ownerType;
// Force load the Statics by walking up the hierarchy and running class constructors
while (null != currentType)
currentType = GetCachedBaseType(currentType);
// EventManager takes care of going up the hierarchy, so we don't need to loop here
// to do it. Just do one call.
Event = EventManager.GetRoutedEventFromName(localName,ownerType);
return Event;
/// <summary>
/// Given an object that is either a PropertyInfo, MethodInfo for the static
/// setter, or DependencyProperty, return the type of the property. This assumes
/// the Avalon rule that a DependencyProperty has a static setter where the
/// second parameter gives the type of the property.
/// </summary>
internal static Type GetPropertyType(object propertyMember)
Type propertyType;
bool propertyCanWrite;
GetPropertyType(propertyMember, out propertyType, out propertyCanWrite);
return propertyType;
/// <summary>
/// Given an object that is either a PropertyInfo, MethodInfo for the static
/// setter, or DependencyProperty, return the type of the property. This assumes
/// the Avalon rule that a DependencyProperty has a static setter where the
/// second parameter gives the type of the property.
/// </summary>
internal static void GetPropertyType(
object propertyMember,
out Type propertyType,
out bool propertyCanWrite)
DependencyProperty dp = propertyMember as DependencyProperty;
if (dp != null)
propertyType = dp.PropertyType;
propertyCanWrite = !dp.ReadOnly;
PropertyInfo propertyInfo = propertyMember as PropertyInfo;
if (propertyInfo != null)
propertyType = propertyInfo.PropertyType;
propertyCanWrite = propertyInfo.CanWrite;
MethodInfo methodInfo = propertyMember as MethodInfo;
if (methodInfo != null)
ParameterInfo[] parameters = methodInfo.GetParameters();
propertyType = parameters.Length == 1 ? methodInfo.ReturnType : parameters[1].ParameterType;
propertyCanWrite = parameters.Length == 1 ? false : true;
// If its not a propertyinfo, methodinfo, or dependencyproperty,
// all we know is that it must be an object...
propertyType = typeof(object);
propertyCanWrite = false;
/// <summary>
/// Given an object that is either a PropertyInfo, MethodInfo for the static
/// setter, or DependencyProperty, return the name of the property. This assumes
/// the Avalon rule that a DependencyProperty has a static getter "Get" + name.
/// </summary>
internal static string GetPropertyName(object propertyMember)
DependencyProperty dp = propertyMember as DependencyProperty;
if (dp != null)
return dp.Name;
PropertyInfo propertyInfo = propertyMember as PropertyInfo;
if (propertyInfo != null)
return propertyInfo.Name;
MethodInfo methodInfo = propertyMember as MethodInfo;
if (methodInfo != null)
return methodInfo.Name.Substring("Get".Length);
return null;
/// <summary>
/// Given an object that is either a PropertyInfo, MethodInfo for the static
/// setter, or DependencyProperty, return the type of the object that declares
/// or owns this property.
/// </summary>
internal static Type GetDeclaringType(object propertyMember)
Type validType = null;
MemberInfo memInfo = propertyMember as MemberInfo;
if (memInfo != null)
validType = memInfo.DeclaringType;
Debug.Assert( propertyMember is DependencyProperty);
validType = ((DependencyProperty)propertyMember).OwnerType;
return validType;
#endregion Properties
#region Types
/// <summary>
/// Return the type that corresponds to typeName, given that the type is
/// located as a subelement or property on the passed element.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="typeName">
/// The full xaml name of a type, including an xml namespace prefix, if needed.
/// The name is of the form prefix:typename, such as MyNs:MyNewButton
/// </param>
/// <param name="element">
/// A DependencyObject that is logical parent for the type to be resolved. This
/// is required because it is this element (or its ancestors) that contains
/// namespace mapping data that is needed to resolve the typeName.
/// </param>
/// <returns>
/// The resolved clr type. Null if not found
/// </returns>
internal static Type GetTypeFromName(string typeName, DependencyObject element)
if (element == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException( nameof(element));
if (typeName == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException( nameof(typeName));
// Now map the prefix to an xml namespace uri
int colonIndex = typeName.IndexOf(':');
string prefix = string.Empty;
if (colonIndex > 0)
prefix = typeName.Substring(0, colonIndex);
typeName = typeName.Substring(colonIndex+1, typeName.Length-colonIndex-1);
// First, get the xmlns dictionary to map prefixes to xml namespace uris
XmlnsDictionary prefixDictionary = element.GetValue(XmlAttributeProperties.XmlnsDictionaryProperty)
as XmlnsDictionary;
object xmlNamespaceObject = prefixDictionary?[prefix];
// Then get the list of NamespaceMapEntry objects that maps the xml namespace uri to one
// or more clr namespace / assembly pairs. This should be stored on the root element
// of the tree.
Hashtable namespaceMaps = element.GetValue(XmlAttributeProperties.XmlNamespaceMapsProperty)
as Hashtable;
NamespaceMapEntry[] namespaces = (namespaceMaps != null && xmlNamespaceObject != null) ? namespaceMaps[xmlNamespaceObject] as NamespaceMapEntry[] : null;
if (namespaces == null)
// If the namespace prefix is empty, we may not have
// loaded the default namespace. Get this from
// the token reader. NOTE: This is a temporary stopgap
// until we figure out exact requirements for namespace
// resolution as it applies to styles, etc.
if (prefix == string.Empty)
List<ClrNamespaceAssemblyPair> namespaceAssemblyPair = GetClrNamespacePairFromCache(XamlReaderHelper.DefaultNamespaceURI);
foreach (ClrNamespaceAssemblyPair usd in namespaceAssemblyPair)
if (usd.AssemblyName != null)
Assembly assy = ReflectionHelper.LoadAssembly(usd.AssemblyName, null);
if (assy != null)
string fullTypeName = $"{usd.ClrNamespace}.{typeName}";
Type t = assy.GetType(fullTypeName);
if (t != null)
return t;
// Stopgap didn't work, so fail now.
return null;
// Check all the clr namespace / assembly pairs to see if there is a type
// that matches the passed short name. Return it if found.
for (int i = 0; i < namespaces.Length; i++)
Assembly assy = namespaces[i].Assembly;
if (assy != null)
string fullTypeName = $"{namespaces[i].ClrNamespace}.{typeName}";
Type t = assy.GetType(fullTypeName);
if (t != null)
return t;
// Didn't find a match, so return null.
return null;
// Given a qualified member Name, returns its declaring Type and its name as a string.
internal Type GetTargetTypeAndMember(string valueParam,
ParserContext context,
bool isTypeExpected,
out string memberName)
string typeName = valueParam;
string prefix = String.Empty;
int typeIndex = typeName.IndexOf(':');
if (typeIndex >= 0)
prefix = typeName.Substring(0, typeIndex);
typeName = typeName.Substring(typeIndex + 1);
memberName = null;
Type targetType = null;
typeIndex = typeName.LastIndexOf('.');
if (typeIndex >= 0)
memberName = typeName.Substring(typeIndex + 1);
typeName = typeName.Substring(0, typeIndex);
string namespaceUri = context.XmlnsDictionary[prefix];
TypeAndSerializer tas = GetTypeOnly(namespaceUri, typeName);
if (tas != null)
targetType = tas.ObjectType;
if (targetType == null)
ThrowException(nameof(SR.ParserNoType), typeName);
else if (!isTypeExpected && prefix.Length == 0)
// A Type may not be expected for e.g. for TemplateBinding param
// values. In this case there must also not be a prefix. If there
// is one it will just point to a namespace and not a Type.
memberName = typeName;
// A type was expected but we didn't find one. So throw.
ThrowException(nameof(SR.ParserBadMemberReference), valueParam);
return targetType;
// Given a qualified member Name, returns its declaring Type and its name as a string.
internal Type GetDependencyPropertyOwnerAndName(string memberValue,
ParserContext context,
Type defaultTargetType,
out string memberName)
Type targetType = GetTargetTypeAndMember(memberValue, context, false, out memberName);
if (targetType == null)
targetType = defaultTargetType;
if (targetType == null)
// if there was also no default target type then throw.
ThrowException(nameof(SR.ParserBadMemberReference), memberValue);
Debug.Assert(memberName != null);
string fieldName = $"{memberName}Property";
MemberInfo memberInfo = GetStaticMemberInfo(targetType, fieldName, true);
Debug.Assert(memberInfo != null);
// Need to get the actual type that declares the DP in order to
// correctly find a possible hit in the KnownProperties table.
if (memberInfo.DeclaringType != targetType)
targetType = memberInfo.DeclaringType;
return targetType;
// Gets the PropertyInfo or FieldInfo of a member.
internal MemberInfo GetStaticMemberInfo(Type targetType, string memberName, bool fieldInfoOnly)
Debug.Assert(targetType != null);
// first try public members only.
MemberInfo mi = GetStaticMemberInfo(targetType, memberName, fieldInfoOnly, false);
if (mi == null)
// If not found, then try non-public members next.
mi = GetStaticMemberInfo(targetType, memberName, fieldInfoOnly, true);
if (mi != null)
// if found, check access levels to see if it should really be allowed.
bool isAllowed = false;
PropertyInfo pi = mi as PropertyInfo;
if (pi != null)
isAllowed = IsAllowedPropertyGet(pi, false);
isAllowed = IsAllowedField(mi as FieldInfo);
if (!isAllowed)
ThrowException(nameof(SR.ParserStaticMemberNotAllowed), memberName, targetType.Name);
if (mi == null)
ThrowException(nameof(SR.ParserInvalidStaticMember), memberName, targetType.Name);
return mi;
private MemberInfo GetStaticMemberInfo(Type targetType, string memberName, bool fieldInfoOnly, bool tryInternal)
MemberInfo memberInfo = null;
BindingFlags bf = BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.FlattenHierarchy | BindingFlags.Static;
if (tryInternal)
bf |= BindingFlags.NonPublic;
if (!fieldInfoOnly)
memberInfo = targetType.GetProperty(memberName, bf);
if (memberInfo == null)
memberInfo = targetType.GetField(memberName, bf);
return memberInfo;
/// <summary>
/// Get the Type that type corresponds to a localName in
/// the given namespace. Note that localName can be of the form classname.typename,
/// and can not include a namespace prefix.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// Return the actual type and the serializer for that type as a
/// TypeAndSerializer object from the cache. Note that in this call
/// the Serializer information may not be present if a new TypeAndSerializer
/// instance is created. Be sure to check the IsSerializerTypeSet flag.
/// </remarks>
internal TypeAndSerializer GetTypeOnly (
string xmlNamespace, // xml namespace for the type
string localName) // local name of the type without any '.'
Debug.Assert(null != xmlNamespace,"null value passed for xmlNamespace");
Debug.Assert(null != localName,"null value passed for localName");
// check if object is in the Hash.
String hashString = $"{xmlNamespace}:{localName}";
TypeAndSerializer typeAndSerializer =
_typeLookupFromXmlHashtable[hashString] as TypeAndSerializer;
if (null == typeAndSerializer)
if (!_typeLookupFromXmlHashtable.Contains(hashString))
typeAndSerializer = CreateTypeAndSerializer(xmlNamespace, localName);
_typeLookupFromXmlHashtable[hashString] = typeAndSerializer;
return typeAndSerializer;
/// <summary>
/// Get the Type and serializer for that type corresponding to a localName in
/// the given namespace. Note that localName can be of the form classname.typename,
/// and can not include a namespace prefix.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// Return the actual type and the serializer for that type as a
/// TypeAndSerializer object from the cache. If there is no
/// serializer defined, as is the case for clr objects, then null is set
/// for the SerializerType in the returned TypeAndSerializer. Also if this type is
/// associated with a property we will check for serializer attributes on the property first.
/// If no matching attribute is found for the property we resort to search for the attribute on the given type.
/// </remarks>
internal TypeAndSerializer GetTypeAndSerializer (
string xmlNamespace, // xml namespace for the type
string localName, // local name of the type without any '.'
object dpOrPiorMi) // property associated with the type
Debug.Assert(null != xmlNamespace,"null value passed for xmlNamespace");
Debug.Assert(null != localName,"null value passed for localName");
// check if object is in the Hash.
String hashString = $"{xmlNamespace}:{localName}";
TypeAndSerializer typeAndSerializer =
_typeLookupFromXmlHashtable[hashString] as TypeAndSerializer;
if (null == typeAndSerializer)
if (!_typeLookupFromXmlHashtable.Contains(hashString))
typeAndSerializer = CreateTypeAndSerializer(xmlNamespace, localName);
_typeLookupFromXmlHashtable[hashString] = typeAndSerializer;
// If we've found a TypeAndSerializer, check whether we have reflected for the
// serializer information yet. If not, then do it now.
if (typeAndSerializer != null && !typeAndSerializer.IsSerializerTypeSet)
// Check for SerializerAttribute on the type. The serializer for the type is evaluated
// the very first time we create a new data strcuture for the given type.
typeAndSerializer.SerializerType = GetXamlSerializerForType(typeAndSerializer.ObjectType);
typeAndSerializer.IsSerializerTypeSet = true;
return typeAndSerializer;
private static bool IsFriendAssembly(Assembly assembly)
// WinFX assemblies can never be friends of compiled assemblies, so just bail out.
if (assembly == XamlTypeMapper.AssemblyPF ||
assembly == XamlTypeMapper.AssemblyPC ||
assembly == XamlTypeMapper.AssemblyWB)
return false;
return ReflectionHelper.IsFriendAssembly(assembly);
private static bool IsInternalAllowedOnType(Type type)
bool isInternalAllowed = ReflectionHelper.LocalAssemblyName == ReflectionUtils.GetAssemblyPartialName(type.Assembly) ||
_hasInternals = _hasInternals || isInternalAllowed;
return isInternalAllowed;
private static bool IsInternalAllowedOnType(NamespaceMapEntry namespaceMap)
bool isInternalAllowed = namespaceMap.LocalAssembly || IsFriendAssembly(namespaceMap.Assembly);
_hasInternals = _hasInternals || isInternalAllowed;
return isInternalAllowed;
internal static bool HasInternals
get { return _hasInternals; }
set { _hasInternals = value; }
internal static bool HasLocalReference
return _hasLocalReference;
/// <summary>
/// Create a TypeAndSerializer object for the passed data, if a valid Type
/// is found.
/// </summary>
private TypeAndSerializer CreateTypeAndSerializer(
string xmlNamespace, // xml namespace for the type
string localName) // local name of the type without any '.'
TypeAndSerializer typeAndSerializer = null;
NamespaceMapEntry[] namespaceMaps = GetNamespaceMapEntries(xmlNamespace);
if (namespaceMaps != null)
// We'll do a first pass with only known types
// and then do a second pass with full reflection
bool knownTypesOnly = true;
for (int count = 0; count < namespaceMaps.Length;)
NamespaceMapEntry namespaceMap = namespaceMaps[count];
if (null != namespaceMap)
Type objectType = GetObjectType(namespaceMap, localName, knownTypesOnly);
if (null != objectType)
// A non-public type is never allowable, except for internal types
// in local or friend assemblies, so catch it here.
if (!ReflectionHelper.IsPublicType(objectType))
// Don't allow internal known types in case we have any.
if (knownTypesOnly ||
!ReflectionHelper.IsInternalType(objectType) ||
// Give Full Trust callers a chance to resolve legitimate internal types.
// This can be used by tools like designers and localizers running in FT.
if (!IsInternalTypeAllowedInFullTrust(objectType))
ThrowException(nameof(SR.ParserPublicType), objectType.Name);
// Create new data structure to store information for the current type
typeAndSerializer = new TypeAndSerializer
ObjectType = objectType
if (knownTypesOnly && (count == namespaceMaps.Length))
// Reset for second pass
knownTypesOnly = false;
count = 0;
return typeAndSerializer;
/// <summary>
/// Return the Type that corresponds to a localName within a given clr namespace
/// in a given assembly
/// </summary>
/// <param name="namespaceMap">Specifies the CLR namespace and Assembly to look in</param>
/// <param name="localName">The name of the type</param>
/// <param name="knownTypesOnly">Search only known types</param>
/// <returns>Type of object that corresponds to localName</returns>
private Type GetObjectType(
NamespaceMapEntry namespaceMap,
string localName,
bool knownTypesOnly)
Debug.Assert(namespaceMap.ClrNamespace != null,"Null CLR Namespace");
Debug.Assert(localName != null,"Null localName");
Type type = null;
// Construct the full type name by concatenating the clr namespace and the local name
if (knownTypesOnly)
short typeID = BamlMapTable.GetKnownTypeIdFromName(namespaceMap.AssemblyName, namespaceMap.ClrNamespace, localName);
if (typeID != 0)
type = BamlMapTable.GetKnownTypeFromId(typeID);
Assembly assembly ;
// This may not work if the assembly is not present at compile time, so allow for that.
// At runtime it had better be there, so don't ignore it.
assembly = namespaceMap.Assembly;
catch (FileNotFoundException)
assembly = null;
if (null != assembly)
// Type loads may fail if all the prerequisite assemblies haven't been loaded
// yet. In this case, try one more time after loaded all assemblies that the
// compiler may have told the XamlTypeMapper about.
string fullTypeName = $"{namespaceMap.ClrNamespace}.{localName}";
type = assembly.GetType(fullTypeName);
catch (Exception e)
if (CriticalExceptions.IsCriticalException(e))
if (LoadReferenceAssemblies())
type = assembly.GetType(fullTypeName);
catch (ArgumentException)
// A null type is allowable, and the caller will catch it
type = null;
return type;
internal int GetCustomBamlSerializerIdForType(Type objectType)
// support for xaml -> custom binary and custom binary -> object.
if (objectType == KnownTypes.Types[(int)KnownElements.Brush])
return (int)KnownElements.XamlBrushSerializer;
else if (objectType == KnownTypes.Types[(int)KnownElements.Geometry] ||
objectType == KnownTypes.Types[(int)KnownElements.StreamGeometry])
// The only type of geometry that can be serialized to a string is
// a StreamGeometry, so if objectType is Geometry and we're getting here
// then the attribute must in fact be a StreamGeometry.
return (int)KnownElements.XamlPathDataSerializer;
else if (objectType == KnownTypes.Types[(int)KnownElements.Point3DCollection])
return (int)KnownElements.XamlPoint3DCollectionSerializer;
else if (objectType == KnownTypes.Types[(int)KnownElements.Vector3DCollection])
return (int)KnownElements.XamlVector3DCollectionSerializer;
else if (objectType == KnownTypes.Types[(int)KnownElements.PointCollection])
return (int)KnownElements.XamlPointCollectionSerializer;
else if (objectType == KnownTypes.Types[(int)KnownElements.Int32Collection])
return (int)KnownElements.XamlInt32CollectionSerializer;
return 0;
/// <summary>
/// Sees if type has a Xaml serializer attribute that gives the
/// type name of the serializer and figure out the type.
/// </summary>
internal Type GetXamlSerializerForType(Type objectType)
// support for xaml -> baml and baml -> objects
if (objectType == KnownTypes.Types[(int)KnownElements.Style])
return typeof(XamlStyleSerializer);
else if (KnownTypes.Types[(int)KnownElements.FrameworkTemplate].IsAssignableFrom(objectType))
return typeof(XamlTemplateSerializer);
return null;
internal static Type GetInternalTypeHelperTypeFromAssembly(ParserContext pc)
Assembly a = pc.StreamCreatedAssembly;
if (a == null)
return null;
Type ithType = a.GetType($"{GeneratedNamespace}.{GeneratedInternalTypeHelperClassName}");
if (ithType == null)
// if GITH is not found, try to see if a root namespace was implicitly added to it.
// This would be the case for assemblies built with VB that had a RootNamespace
// property specified in the project file.
RootNamespaceAttribute rnsa = (RootNamespaceAttribute)Attribute.GetCustomAttribute(a, typeof(RootNamespaceAttribute));
if (rnsa != null)
string rootNamespace = rnsa.Namespace;
ithType = a.GetType($"{rootNamespace}.{GeneratedNamespace}.{GeneratedInternalTypeHelperClassName}");
return ithType;
private static InternalTypeHelper GetInternalTypeHelperFromAssembly(ParserContext pc)
InternalTypeHelper ith = null;
Type ithType = GetInternalTypeHelperTypeFromAssembly(pc);
if (ithType != null)
ith = (InternalTypeHelper)Activator.CreateInstance(ithType);
return ith;
internal static object CreateInternalInstance(ParserContext pc, Type type)
object instance = Activator.CreateInstance(type,
BindingFlags.Public |
BindingFlags.NonPublic |
BindingFlags.Instance |
return instance;
internal static object GetInternalPropertyValue(ParserContext pc, object rootElement, PropertyInfo pi, object target)
object propValue = null;
bool isPublicProperty = false;
bool allowProtected = (rootElement is IComponentConnector) && (rootElement == target);
bool isAllowedProperty = IsAllowedPropertyGet(pi, allowProtected, out isPublicProperty);
if (isAllowedProperty)
propValue = pi.GetValue(target, BindingFlags.Default, null, null, TypeConverterHelper.InvariantEnglishUS);
return propValue;
internal static bool SetInternalPropertyValue(ParserContext pc, object rootElement, PropertyInfo pi, object target, object value)
bool isPublicProperty = false;
bool allowProtected = (rootElement is IComponentConnector) && (rootElement == target);
bool isAllowedProperty = IsAllowedPropertySet(pi, allowProtected, out isPublicProperty);
if (isAllowedProperty)
pi.SetValue(target, value, BindingFlags.Default, null, null, TypeConverterHelper.InvariantEnglishUS);
return true;
return false;
internal static Delegate CreateDelegate(ParserContext pc, Type delegateType, object target, string handler)
Delegate d = null;
bool isAllowedDelegateType = ReflectionHelper.IsPublicType(delegateType) || ReflectionHelper.IsInternalType(delegateType);
if (isAllowedDelegateType)
d = Delegate.CreateDelegate(delegateType, target, handler);
return d;
internal static bool AddInternalEventHandler(ParserContext pc, object rootElement, EventInfo eventInfo, object target, Delegate handler)
bool isPublicEvent = false;
bool allowProtected = rootElement == target;
bool isAllowedEvent = IsAllowedEvent(eventInfo, allowProtected, out isPublicEvent);
if (isAllowedEvent)
eventInfo.AddEventHandler(target, handler);
return true;
return false;
// Return true if this is a locally compiled assembly
internal bool IsLocalAssembly(string namespaceUri)
bool localAssembly = false;
NamespaceMapEntry[] namespaceMaps = GetNamespaceMapEntries(namespaceUri);
localAssembly = (namespaceMaps != null && namespaceMaps.Length == 1 && namespaceMaps[0].LocalAssembly);
return localAssembly;
/// <summary>
/// Given a string of the format MyNs:MyButton return the type that it refers to. This uses
/// the XmlnsDictionary in the passed parse context to resolve prefixes on the
/// type names
/// </summary>
internal Type GetTypeFromBaseString(
string typeString,
ParserContext context,
bool throwOnError)
string xmlns = string.Empty;
Type keyObject = null;
// Check if the typeString is of the form xmlns:type. If so, get
// the appropriate mapped NamespaceURI. If not, use the default URI
int colonIndex = typeString.IndexOf(':');
if (colonIndex == -1)
xmlns = context.XmlnsDictionary[string.Empty];
if (xmlns == null)
ThrowException(nameof(SR.ParserUndeclaredNS), string.Empty);
string prefix = typeString.Substring(0, colonIndex);
xmlns = context.XmlnsDictionary[prefix];
if (xmlns == null)
ThrowException(nameof(SR.ParserUndeclaredNS), prefix);
typeString = typeString.Substring(colonIndex + 1);
// Optimize for SystemMetric types that are very frequently used.
if (string.Equals(xmlns, XamlReaderHelper.DefaultNamespaceURI, StringComparison.Ordinal))
switch (typeString)
case "SystemParameters":
keyObject = typeof(SystemParameters);
case "SystemColors":
keyObject = typeof(SystemColors);
case "SystemFonts":
keyObject = typeof(SystemFonts);
if (keyObject == null)
keyObject = GetType(xmlns, typeString);
if (keyObject == null && throwOnError)
// if local type, then don't throw as it may be resolved in pass2.
// it is upto the caller who has context about compilation passes
// to throw as appropriate in Pass2 if the type is still not found.
if (!IsLocalAssembly(xmlns))
_lineNumber = context != null ? context.LineNumber : 0;
_linePosition = context != null ? context.LinePosition : 0;
ThrowException(nameof(SR.ParserResourceKeyType), typeString);
return keyObject;
internal Type GetTypeArgsType(
string typeString,
ParserContext context,
out string localTypeArgClassName,
out string localTypeArgNamespace)
Type t = null;
localTypeArgClassName = string.Empty;
localTypeArgNamespace = string.Empty;
// Check if the typeString is of the form xmlns:type. If so, get
// the appropriate mapped NamespaceURI. If not, use the default URI
int colonIndex = typeString.IndexOf(':');
if (colonIndex == -1)
string xmlns = context.XmlnsDictionary[string.Empty];
if (xmlns == null)
ThrowException(nameof(SR.ParserUndeclaredNS), string.Empty);
t = GetType(xmlns, typeString);
string prefix = typeString.Substring(0, colonIndex);
string xmlns = context.XmlnsDictionary[prefix];
if (xmlns == null)
ThrowException(nameof(SR.ParserUndeclaredNS), prefix);
NamespaceMapEntry[] namespaceMaps = GetNamespaceMapEntries(xmlns);
typeString = typeString.Substring(colonIndex + 1);
bool isLocalArg = namespaceMaps != null &&
namespaceMaps.Length == 1 &&
if (isLocalArg)
localTypeArgNamespace = namespaceMaps[0].ClrNamespace;
localTypeArgClassName = typeString;
t = GetType(xmlns, typeString);
return t;
/// <summary>
/// Helper method given a type returns the Cached information for the type. If there
/// is no existing cached information for that type, a new cache object is created
/// and added to the cache.
/// </summary>
private TypeInformationCacheData GetCachedInformationForType(Type type)
TypeInformationCacheData typeInformationCacheData;
typeInformationCacheData = _typeInformationCache[type] as TypeInformationCacheData;
if (null == typeInformationCacheData)
typeInformationCacheData = new TypeInformationCacheData(type.BaseType)
ClrNamespace = type.Namespace
_typeInformationCache[type] = typeInformationCacheData;
return typeInformationCacheData;
/// <summary>
/// Returns the type's BaseType. This is cached because the .net Type.BaseType()
/// call is expensive.
/// </summary>
private Type GetCachedBaseType(Type t)
TypeInformationCacheData typeInformation = GetCachedInformationForType(t);
return typeInformation.BaseType;
* XamlTypeMapper.ProcessNameString
* Given a name in markup, extract and process the prefix if any.
internal static string ProcessNameString(ParserContext parserContext, ref string nameString)
// For certain parts of the styling markup, a property is specified as an
// attribute value. This may include the namespace specification. Normally
// when we encounter this in an attribute the XML parser processes the name-
// space for us. But when it's the value we'll have to deal with it our-
// selves. Look for the namespace specifier and extract it for namespace lookup.
// "foons:BarClass.BazProp" -> "http://www.example.com" + "BarClass.BazProp"
// The colon is what we look for to determine if there's a namespace prefix specifier.
int nsIndex = nameString.IndexOf(':');
string nsPrefix = string.Empty;
if( nsIndex != -1 )
// Found a namespace prefix separator, so create replacement propertyName.
// String processing - split "foons" from "BarClass.BazProp"
nsPrefix = nameString.Substring (0, nsIndex);
nameString = nameString.Substring (nsIndex + 1);
// Find the namespace, even if its the default one
string namespaceURI = parserContext.XmlnsDictionary[nsPrefix];
if (namespaceURI == null)
parserContext.XamlTypeMapper.ThrowException(nameof(SR.ParserPrefixNSProperty), nsPrefix, nameString);
return namespaceURI;
* XamlTypeMapper.ParsePropertyName
* Given a property name, find the associated DependencyProperty and return it.
internal static DependencyProperty ParsePropertyName(
ParserContext parserContext,
string propertyName,
ref Type ownerType)
string namespaceURI = ProcessNameString(parserContext, ref propertyName);
DependencyProperty dp = parserContext.XamlTypeMapper.DependencyPropertyFromName(
ref ownerType);
return dp;
* XamlTypeMapper.ParseEventName
* Given an event name, find the associated RoutedEvent and return it.
internal static RoutedEvent ParseEventName(
ParserContext parserContext,
string eventName,
Type ownerType)
string namespaceURI = ProcessNameString(parserContext, ref eventName);
RoutedEvent Event = parserContext.XamlTypeMapper.GetRoutedEvent(
ownerType, namespaceURI, eventName);
return Event;
/// <summary>
/// Return an object of the passed type.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// If the type is a KnownElement (which it likely will be) it is faster
/// to create it using the KnownTypes hardcoded constructors, so check that
/// first before using the Activator.CreateInstance fallback.
/// </remarks>
internal object CreateInstance(Type t)
object o = null;
short typeId = BamlMapTable.GetKnownTypeIdFromType(t);
if (typeId < 0)
o = MapTable.CreateKnownTypeFromId(typeId);
o = Activator.CreateInstance(t,
BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.CreateInstance | BindingFlags.Public,
return o;
#endregion Types
#region Namespaces
// Return true if the passed namespace is known, meaning that it maps
// to a set of assemblies and clr namespaces
internal bool IsXmlNamespaceKnown(
string xmlNamespace,
out string newXmlNamespace)
bool result;
// if the namespace is empty, then there's no need to do all the extra work associated with getting the
// namespace map entries. Just return false.
if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(xmlNamespace))
result = false;
newXmlNamespace = null;
NamespaceMapEntry[] namespaceMaps = GetNamespaceMapEntries(xmlNamespace);
if (_xmlnsCache == null)
Debug.Assert(false, "Should initialize cache prior to compiling");
_xmlnsCache = new XmlnsCache();
newXmlNamespace = _xmlnsCache.GetNewXmlnamespace(xmlNamespace);
// if the xmlNamespace has valid entries or is mapped to another namespace, then it is known.
result = (namespaceMaps != null && namespaceMaps.Length > 0) ||
return result; // return variable isn't needed, just makes debugging easier.
// Pass xmlNamespace to AssemblyList mapping to xmlnsCache so that the xmlnsCache
// can take the assembly list to get the right xmlns->clrns mapping later.
internal void SetUriToAssemblyNameMapping(string xmlNamespace, short[] assemblyIds)
// If the xmlNamespace is for a mapping, there is no need to ask for xmlnsCache
// to get xmlns->clrns mapping.
if (xmlNamespace.StartsWith(XamlReaderHelper.MappingProtocol, StringComparison.Ordinal))
if (_xmlnsCache == null)
_xmlnsCache = new XmlnsCache();
string[] asmNameList = null;
if (assemblyIds != null && assemblyIds.Length > 0)
asmNameList = new string[assemblyIds.Length];
for (int i = 0; i < assemblyIds.Length; i++)
BamlAssemblyInfoRecord assemblyInfo = MapTable.GetAssemblyInfoFromId(assemblyIds[i]);
asmNameList[i] = assemblyInfo.AssemblyFullName;
_xmlnsCache.SetUriToAssemblyNameMapping(xmlNamespace, asmNameList);
/// Returns a NamespaceMapEntry array given a xmlNamespace. Each
/// NamespaceMapEntry contains information the XamlTypeMapper uses for Mapping between an xml
/// XmlNamespace and what Assembly, Namespace to look in.
///<param name="xmlNamespace">
/// The xmlNamespace for the Map
/// Returns an Array of NamespaceMapEntry
internal NamespaceMapEntry[] GetNamespaceMapEntries(string xmlNamespace)
NamespaceMapEntry[] namespaceMaps = null;
// check out hash and if already have resolved the Uri
// don't resolve again.
namespaceMaps = _namespaceMapHashList[xmlNamespace] as NamespaceMapEntry[];
if (null == namespaceMaps)
ArrayList namespaceMapArray = new ArrayList(6);
// this is the first time the XmlNamespace has been requested
// add items from the namespaceMap and then walk the assembly
// list to find matching items.
if (null != _namespaceMaps)
// need to find out the total number of entries by asking each hash
// review, may be better to sort these firt time through
// assumption here that the namespaceMap entries are small.
for (int i = 0; i < _namespaceMaps.Length; i++)
NamespaceMapEntry namespaceMap = _namespaceMaps[i];
if (namespaceMap.XmlNamespace == xmlNamespace)
List<ClrNamespaceAssemblyPair> namespaceAssemblyPair;
// Check for Processing instructions for mapping. If that fails,
// check for Xmlns definition files.
if (PITable.Contains(xmlNamespace))
namespaceAssemblyPair = new List<ClrNamespaceAssemblyPair>(1);
namespaceAssemblyPair = GetClrNamespacePairFromCache(xmlNamespace);
// now walk through any using statements we got and add them
if (null != namespaceAssemblyPair)
for (int j = 0; j < namespaceAssemblyPair.Count; j++)
ClrNamespaceAssemblyPair mapping = namespaceAssemblyPair[j];
string usingAssemblyName = null;
string path = AssemblyPathFor(mapping.AssemblyName);
// using could either have an assembly or not, if it does
// have an assembly just need to add this one entry, if
// no assembly map in the referenced assemblies.
if (
mapping.LocalAssembly ||
(!(String.IsNullOrEmpty(mapping.AssemblyName)) && !(String.IsNullOrEmpty(mapping.ClrNamespace))) )
usingAssemblyName = mapping.AssemblyName;
NamespaceMapEntry nsMap = new NamespaceMapEntry(xmlNamespace,
nsMap.LocalAssembly = mapping.LocalAssembly;
// if xaml has local components, then it could have internals
// but there is no way to determine this until pass2. But we
// need to set this here in order to generate the InternalTypeHelper
// in pass1.
if (nsMap.LocalAssembly)
_hasLocalReference = true;
if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(mapping.ClrNamespace))
// Also add in any assembly from the AssemblyNames collection
for (int k = 0; k < _assemblyNames.Length; k++)
if (usingAssemblyName == null)
namespaceMapArray.Add(new NamespaceMapEntry(xmlNamespace,
// If we have a using Assembly, then only add assemblies from
// AssemblyNames that match the using Assembly.
int charIndex = _assemblyNames[k].LastIndexOf('\\');
if (charIndex > 0 &&
_assemblyNames[k].Substring(charIndex + 1) == usingAssemblyName)
namespaceMapArray.Add(new NamespaceMapEntry(xmlNamespace,
// convert to a namespaceMap
namespaceMaps = (NamespaceMapEntry[]) namespaceMapArray.ToArray(typeof(NamespaceMapEntry));
// add to hash even if not items so we don't do this work again.
if (null != namespaceMaps)
return namespaceMaps;
/// <summary>
/// Invalide the namespace mapping cache associated with a namespace. This should be done
/// when the PITable has been changed and the mapping cache might have been built for the
/// namespace already.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="xmlNamespace">The namespace to for whose cache to invalidate</param>
internal void InvalidateMappingCache(string xmlNamespace)
/// <summary>
/// Set up the XmlnsCache use for resolving namespaces to use only the assembly path
/// table that has been built up by the XamlTypeMapper.
/// </summary>
internal void InitializeReferenceXmlnsCache()
_xmlnsCache = new XmlnsCache(_assemblyPathTable);
// Get the xml namespace from the _piReverseTable that corresponds to the
// passed type full name and assembly name
internal string GetXmlNamespace(
string clrNamespaceFullName,
string assemblyFullName)
string upperAssemblyName = assemblyFullName.ToUpper(
String fullName = $"{clrNamespaceFullName}#{upperAssemblyName}";
String ret;
if (_piReverseTable.TryGetValue(fullName, out ret) && ret != null)
return ret;
return string.Empty;
/// <summary>
/// Given a Type returns it's .net Namespace. This is cached because each call
/// to .urtNamspace allocates a string.
/// </summary>
private string GetCachedNamespace(Type t)
TypeInformationCacheData typeInformation = GetCachedInformationForType(t);
return typeInformation.ClrNamespace;
/// <summary>
/// Check an Xml namespace URI and loads the associated Clr namespaces and assemblies
/// into ClrNamespaceAssemblyPair structures.
/// Throws an exception if no valid namespaces are found.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="namespaceUri">Xml namespace that maps to one or more Clr namespace
/// and assembly pairs</param>
/// <returns>array of ClrNamespaceAssemblyPair structures</returns>
internal static List<ClrNamespaceAssemblyPair> GetClrNamespacePairFromCache(
string namespaceUri)
List<ClrNamespaceAssemblyPair> mappingArray = null;
if (_xmlnsCache == null)
Debug.Assert(false, "Should initialize cache prior to compiling");
_xmlnsCache = new XmlnsCache();
mappingArray = _xmlnsCache.GetMappingArray(namespaceUri);
return mappingArray;
#endregion Namespaces
#region TypeConverters
// Returns the Type of the TypeConverter for the given type.
// Returns null if not found.
internal Type GetTypeConverterType(Type type)
Debug.Assert(null != type, "Null passed for type to GetTypeConverterType");
TypeInformationCacheData typeData = GetCachedInformationForType(type) as TypeInformationCacheData;
Type converterType = null;
if (null != typeData.TypeConverterType)
converterType = typeData.TypeConverterType;
return converterType;
// Check for known TypeConverters first. These are always public.
converterType = MapTable.GetKnownConverterTypeFromType(type);
if (converterType == null)
// If not found, next try looking for the TypeConverter for the type using reflection.
converterType = TypeConverterHelper.GetConverterType(type);
if (converterType == null)
converterType = TypeConverterHelper.GetCoreConverterTypeFromCustomType(type);
typeData.TypeConverterType = converterType;
return converterType;
// Returns the TypeConverter for the given type
// Throws a XamlParseException if no TypeConverter is found.
internal TypeConverter GetTypeConverter(Type type)
Debug.Assert(null != type, "Null passed for type to GetTypeConverter");
TypeInformationCacheData typeData = GetCachedInformationForType(type) as TypeInformationCacheData;
TypeConverter typeConverter = null;
// if the TypeConverter for this type was ever successfully
// queried before it should have a non-null value.
if (null != typeData.Converter)
typeConverter = typeData.Converter;
return typeConverter;
// Check for known TypeConverters first. These are always public.
typeConverter = MapTable.GetKnownConverterFromType(type);
if (typeConverter == null)
// If not found, next try looking for the TypeConverter for the type using reflection.
Type converterType = TypeConverterHelper.GetConverterType(type);
if (converterType == null)
typeConverter = TypeConverterHelper.GetCoreConverterFromCustomType(type);
typeConverter = CreateInstance(converterType) as TypeConverter;
typeData.Converter = typeConverter;
if (null == typeConverter)
ThrowException(nameof(SR.ParserNoTypeConv), type.Name);
return typeConverter;
// Returns the Type of the TypeConverter applied to the given property itself.
// Returns null if not found.
internal Type GetPropertyConverterType(Type propType, object dpOrPiOrMi)
Debug.Assert(null != propType, "Null passed for propType to GetPropertyConverterType");
Type converterType = null;
// If the current value being parsed is a property value then we must look
// if there is special TypeConverter specified as attribute for this property
if (null != dpOrPiOrMi)
TypeInformationCacheData typeData = GetCachedInformationForType(propType) as TypeInformationCacheData;
object ret = typeData.PropertyConverters[dpOrPiOrMi];
if (null != ret)
converterType = (Type)ret;
return converterType;
// Get the memberInfo from the DP, PropertyInfo(CLR) or MethodInfo(Attached) for the property
MemberInfo memberInfo = TypeConverterHelper.GetMemberInfoForPropertyConverter(dpOrPiOrMi);
if (memberInfo != null)
// If not found, next try looking for the TypeConverter on the property itself using reflection.
converterType = TypeConverterHelper.GetConverterType(memberInfo);
// Cache the per property TypeConverter type. This doesn't need to be cached at run-time
// since GetPropertyConverter will be used for getting the actual TypeConveretr instance.
// This saves us the cost of a HashTable.
typeData.SetPropertyConverter(dpOrPiOrMi, converterType);
return converterType;
// Returns the TypeConverter applied to the given property iself.
// If not found returns the TypeConverter applied to the given property's type.
// Throws a XamlParseException if no TypeConverter is found.
internal TypeConverter GetPropertyConverter(Type propType, object dpOrPiOrMi)
Debug.Assert(null != propType, "Null passed for propType to GetPropertyConverter");
TypeConverter typeConverter = null;
TypeInformationCacheData typeData = GetCachedInformationForType(propType) as TypeInformationCacheData;
// If the current value being parsed is a property value then we must look
// if there is special TypeConverter specified as attribute for this property
if (null != dpOrPiOrMi)
object ret = typeData.PropertyConverters[dpOrPiOrMi];
if (null != ret)
typeConverter = (TypeConverter)ret;
return typeConverter;
// Get the memberInfo from the DP, PropertyInfo(CLR) or MethodInfo(Attached) for the property
MemberInfo memberInfo = TypeConverterHelper.GetMemberInfoForPropertyConverter(dpOrPiOrMi);
if (memberInfo != null)
// If not found, next try looking for the TypeConverter on the property itself using reflection.
Type converterType = TypeConverterHelper.GetConverterType(memberInfo);
if (converterType != null)
// create an instance of the TypeConverter if found
typeConverter = CreateInstance(converterType) as TypeConverter;
// If no TypeConverter is found on the property itself, try to find it based on the property's type
if (typeConverter == null)
typeConverter = GetTypeConverter(propType);
// Cache the per property TypeConverter
if (dpOrPiOrMi != null)
typeData.SetPropertyConverter(dpOrPiOrMi, typeConverter);
return typeConverter;
#endregion TypeConverters
#region Resources
/// <summary>
/// Given a string, return a key to be used in a dictionary relating to this string.
/// If the string is a simple string, just return that. If the string represents a
/// Typeof declaration, then return the Type that maps to that string.
/// Note that this can return null if the key is not resolved. It is up to the caller
/// to throw the appropriate error message in that case.
/// </summary>
internal object GetDictionaryKey(string keyString, ParserContext context)
if (keyString.Length > 0 &&
(Char.IsWhiteSpace(keyString[0]) ||
keyString = keyString.Trim();
return keyString;
#endregion Resources
#region ConstructorInfos
/// <summary>
/// Fetches the cached ConstructorInfos if there exists one or
/// then creates a new one and caches it for later.
/// </summary>
internal ConstructorData GetConstructors(Type type)
// Create a cache if it does not already exist
if (_constructorInformationCache == null)
_constructorInformationCache = new HybridDictionary(3);
// Add an entry for the current type if it does not already exist
if (!_constructorInformationCache.Contains(type))
_constructorInformationCache[type] = new ConstructorData(type.GetConstructors(BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance));
// Return the cached value
return (ConstructorData)_constructorInformationCache[type];
/// <summary>
/// Helper class that is used to store constructor information for a type
/// </summary>
internal class ConstructorData
#region Constructors
internal ConstructorData(ConstructorInfo[] constructors)
_constructors = constructors;
#endregion Constructors
#region Methods
/// <summary>
/// Fetches the cached ParameterInfos if there exists one or
/// then creates a new one and caches it for later.
/// </summary>
internal ParameterInfo[] GetParameters(int constructorIndex)
// Create a parameters Cache if it does not already exist
if (_parameters == null)
Debug.Assert(_constructors != null, "This operation is legal only after the constructors have been fetched");
_parameters = new ParameterInfo[_constructors.Length][];
// Add an entry for the current constructor if it does not already exist
if (_parameters[constructorIndex] == null)
_parameters[constructorIndex] = _constructors[constructorIndex].GetParameters();
// Return the cached value
return _parameters[constructorIndex];
#endregion Methods
#region Properties
internal ConstructorInfo[] Constructors
get { return _constructors; }
#endregion Properties
#region Data
private ConstructorInfo[] _constructors;
private ParameterInfo[][] _parameters;
#endregion Data
#endregion ConstructorInfos
#region TrimSurroundingWhitespace
/// <summary>
/// Returns the Cached TrimSurroundingWhitespace for the associated type
/// We cache this because the reflection lookup on the attribute
/// is slow.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="t">type to return the TrimSurroundingWhitespaceAttribute for</param>
/// <returns>The TrimSurroundingWhitespace value for t</returns>
internal bool GetCachedTrimSurroundingWhitespace(Type t)
TypeInformationCacheData typeInformation = GetCachedInformationForType(t);
// if first time asked for the layout Type get it.
if (!typeInformation.TrimSurroundingWhitespaceSet)
typeInformation.TrimSurroundingWhitespace = GetTrimSurroundingWhitespace(t);
typeInformation.TrimSurroundingWhitespaceSet = true;
return typeInformation.TrimSurroundingWhitespace;
/// <summary>
/// Helper function for use to find out the TrimSurroundingWhitespace
/// associated with a Type.
/// </summary>
private bool GetTrimSurroundingWhitespace(Type type)
Debug.Assert(null != type, "null value for type passed to GetWhitespace");
// in retail return default.
if (null != type)
TrimSurroundingWhitespaceAttribute[] trimAttribute =
type.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(TrimSurroundingWhitespaceAttribute),true )
as TrimSurroundingWhitespaceAttribute[];
if (trimAttribute.Length > 0)
Debug.Assert(1 == trimAttribute.Length,"More than one TrimWhitespace Attribute");
return true;
// Reflecting for attributes doesn't work on asmmeta files, so
// we have to hard code known layout types here. This is very
// fragile, but we'll fix it in M8.2. - It's end of M11 already though...
if (KnownTypes.Types[(int)KnownElements.LineBreak].IsAssignableFrom(type))
return true;
return false;
#endregion TrimSurroundingWhitespace
#region Exceptions
// ThrowException wrappers for 0-3 parameter SRIDs
private void ThrowException(string id)
ThrowExceptionWithLine(SR.GetResourceString(id), null);
internal void ThrowException(string id, string parameter)
ThrowExceptionWithLine(SR.Format(SR.GetResourceString(id), parameter), null);
private void ThrowException(string id, string parameter1, string parameter2)
ThrowExceptionWithLine(SR.Format(SR.GetResourceString(id), parameter1, parameter2), null);
private void ThrowException(string id, string parameter1, string parameter2, string parameter3)
ThrowExceptionWithLine(SR.Format(SR.GetResourceString(id), parameter1, parameter2, parameter3), null);
// ThrowException wrapper that just adds the line number & position.
internal void ThrowExceptionWithLine(string message, Exception innerException)
XamlParseException.ThrowException(message, innerException, _lineNumber, _linePosition);
#endregion Exceptions
#region Properties
/// <summary>
/// Hashtable where key is the xmlNamespace, and value is the
/// ClrNamespaceAssemblyPair structure containing clrNamespace and assembly
/// </summary>
internal HybridDictionary PITable
get { return _piTable; }
/// <summary>
/// This is the associated BamlMapTable that contains information about what is
/// in a baml stream. The XamlTypeMapper uses the map table (if present) as a cache
/// to store some assembly, type and property information. If it is not present
/// then this information is not cached and must be retrieved for every request.
/// </summary>
internal BamlMapTable MapTable
get { return _mapTable; }
set { _mapTable = value; }
/// <summary>
/// Line number used for error reporting
/// </summary>
internal int LineNumber
set { _lineNumber = value; }
/// <summary>
/// Line position used for error reporting
/// </summary>
internal int LinePosition
set { _linePosition = value; }
/// <summary>
/// Return the hashtable that is keyed by xml namespace uri and
/// has values that are collection of NamespaceMapEntry objects for that
/// xml namespace.
/// </summary>
internal Hashtable NamespaceMapHashList
get { return _namespaceMapHashList; }
internal System.Xaml.XamlSchemaContext SchemaContext
if (_schemaContext == null)
_schemaContext = new XamlTypeMapperSchemaContext(this);
return _schemaContext;
// true if the Type Mapper can allow protected attributes.
// This will be the case for a markup sub-classed root element only.
internal bool IsProtectedAttributeAllowed
get { return _isProtectedAttributeAllowed; }
set { _isProtectedAttributeAllowed = value; }
internal void ResetMapper()
_lineNumber = 0;
_linePosition = 0;
_isProtectedAttributeAllowed = false;
if (_namespaceMapHashList[XamlReaderHelper.DefaultNamespaceURI] is NamespaceMapEntry[] defaultNsMaps)
_namespaceMapHashList.Add(XamlReaderHelper.DefaultNamespaceURI, defaultNsMaps);
if (_namespaceMapHashList[XamlReaderHelper.DefinitionNamespaceURI] is NamespaceMapEntry[] definitionNsMaps)
_namespaceMapHashList.Add(XamlReaderHelper.DefinitionNamespaceURI, definitionNsMaps);
if (_namespaceMapHashList[XamlReaderHelper.DefinitionMetroNamespaceURI] is NamespaceMapEntry[] definitionMetroNsMaps)
_namespaceMapHashList.Add(XamlReaderHelper.DefinitionMetroNamespaceURI, definitionMetroNsMaps);
#endregion Properties
#region Data
// Class used for Type information data cache.
internal class TypeInformationCacheData
/// <summary>
/// Create a new instance of the type cache. Note that the type of this cached
/// data is not stored anywhere in this object. The type that this object pertains
/// to is stored as the key in the _typeInformationCache dictionary.
/// </summary>
internal TypeInformationCacheData(Type baseType)
_baseType = baseType;
/// <summary>
/// Urt Namespace for this type
/// </summary>
internal string ClrNamespace
get { return _clrNamespace; }
set { _clrNamespace = value; }
/// <summary>
/// The parent type in the inheritance hierarchy of this type. This is
/// stored here since BaseType lookups take some time.
/// </summary>
internal Type BaseType
get { return _baseType; }
/// <summary>
/// TypeConverter associted with this type, if there is one. This is stored
/// here so that GetTypeConverter does not need to be called as often.
/// </summary>
internal TypeConverter Converter
get { return _typeConverter; }
set { _typeConverter = value; }
// The type of the TypeConverter
internal Type TypeConverterType
get { return _typeConverterType; }
set { _typeConverterType = value; }
/// <summary>
/// TrimSurroundingWhitespace value for this type.
/// </summary>
internal bool TrimSurroundingWhitespace
get { return _trimSurroundingWhitespace; }
set { _trimSurroundingWhitespace = value; }
/// <summary>
/// Flag to indicate if we have cached the TrimSurroundingWhitespace
/// </summary>
internal bool TrimSurroundingWhitespaceSet
get { return _trimSurroundingWhitespaceSet; }
set { _trimSurroundingWhitespaceSet = value; }
/// <summary>
/// Get the DependencyProperty from the Hashtable of PropertyAndType
/// keyed by DependencyProperty name
/// </summary>
internal PropertyAndType GetPropertyAndType(string dpName)
if (_dpLookupHashtable == null)
_dpLookupHashtable = new Hashtable();
return null;
return _dpLookupHashtable[dpName] as PropertyAndType;
/// <summary>
/// Set a new PropertyAndType in the DependencyProperty information Hashtable.
/// </summary>
internal void SetPropertyAndType(
string dpName,
PropertyInfo dpInfo,
Type ownerType,
bool isInternal)
Debug.Assert(_dpLookupHashtable != null,
"GetPropertyAndType must always be called before SetPropertyAndType");
// add the type taking a lock
if (_dpLookupHashtable[dpName] is not PropertyAndType pAndT)
_dpLookupHashtable[dpName] = new PropertyAndType(null, dpInfo, false, true, ownerType, isInternal);
pAndT.PropInfo = dpInfo;
pAndT.PropInfoSet = true;
pAndT.IsInternal = isInternal;
/// <summary>
/// TypeConverters based upon attributes on property
/// </summary>
internal HybridDictionary PropertyConverters
if (null == _propertyConverters)
_propertyConverters = new HybridDictionary();
return _propertyConverters;
/// <summary>
/// Set a new PropertyConverter for the given property.
/// NOTE: This method takes a lock on the table. So to set
/// values into the table you must use this method.
/// </summary>
internal void SetPropertyConverter(
object dpOrPi,
TypeConverter converter)
Type converter)
_propertyConverters[dpOrPi] = converter;
// Private data members
string _clrNamespace;
Type _baseType;
bool _trimSurroundingWhitespace;
Hashtable _dpLookupHashtable; // Hashtable of PropertyAndType keyed by dp name
HybridDictionary _propertyConverters = new HybridDictionary(); // Dictionary of TypeConverters keyed on dpOrPi
bool _trimSurroundingWhitespaceSet;
TypeConverter _typeConverter;
Type _typeConverterType;
// DP setter method, PropertyInfo and Type record held in _dpLookupHashtable
internal class PropertyAndType
public PropertyAndType (MethodInfo dpSetter,
PropertyInfo dpInfo,
bool setterSet,
bool propInfoSet,
Type ot,
bool isInternal)
Setter = dpSetter;
PropInfo = dpInfo;
OwnerType = ot;
SetterSet = setterSet;
PropInfoSet = propInfoSet;
IsInternal = isInternal;
public PropertyInfo PropInfo;
public MethodInfo Setter;
public Type OwnerType;
public bool PropInfoSet;
public bool SetterSet;
public bool IsInternal;
// Constants that identify special types of string values
internal const string MarkupExtensionTypeString = "Type ";
internal const string MarkupExtensionStaticString = "Static ";
// internal const string MarkupExtensionNullString = "Null";
internal const string MarkupExtensionDynamicResourceString = "DynamicResource ";
// If the case or name of the assembly name changes in the Framework build,
// then the following will have to change also.
internal const string PresentationFrameworkDllName = "PresentationFramework";
// Namespace & classname of the generated helper class for accessing allowed internal types in PT.
internal const string GeneratedNamespace = "XamlGeneratedNamespace";
internal const string GeneratedInternalTypeHelperClassName = "GeneratedInternalTypeHelper";
internal const string MarkupExtensionTemplateBindingString = "TemplateBinding ";
private static bool _hasInternals = false;
private static bool _hasLocalReference = false;
private bool _isProtectedAttributeAllowed = false;
internal static Assembly AssemblyWB = null;
internal static Assembly AssemblyPC = null;
internal static Assembly AssemblyPF = null;
internal static void Clear()
_hasInternals = false;
_hasLocalReference = false;
AssemblyWB = null;
AssemblyPC = null;
AssemblyPF = null;
// Map table associated with this XamlTypeMapper. This contains information
// about what is stored in BAML. The XamlTypeMapper makes use of the caches in
// the BamlMapTable to store some assembly, type and property information.
BamlMapTable _mapTable;
// Array of assembly names that can be used when resolving clr namespaces
string[] _assemblyNames;
// array or namespace map entries such as `http:// mappings.
NamespaceMapEntry[] _namespaceMaps;
// HashTable of cached type lookups and the serializers for that type. These
// are always TypeAndSerializer objects
Hashtable _typeLookupFromXmlHashtable = new Hashtable();
// Hash table of mappings between xmlNamespace and mappings
Hashtable _namespaceMapHashList = new Hashtable();
// Hashtable where the key is the fullTypeName + '#' + propertyName and the value
HybridDictionary _typeInformationCache = new HybridDictionary();
// Hashtable where the key is the type and the value is the set of constructors for that type
HybridDictionary _constructorInformationCache;
// A SchemaContext that respects the namespace mappings, PIs, and assembly paths
// passed in to this TypeMapper
private XamlTypeMapperSchemaContext _schemaContext;
// Hashtable where key is the xmlNamespace, and value is the
// ClrNamespaceAssemblyPair structure containing clrNamespace and assembly
HybridDictionary _piTable = new HybridDictionary();
// Hashtable where key is the clrNamespace + "#" + assemblyName and the
// value is the corresponding xmlNamespace. This is used for fast lookups
// of xmlnamespace if you know the assembly and clr namespace.
Dictionary<string, string> _piReverseTable = new Dictionary<string, string>();
// Hashtable where key is the assembly's short name that has been uppercased,
// and the value is a path where that assembly can be loaded from.
// Always lock on this object when writing to it
HybridDictionary _assemblyPathTable = new HybridDictionary();
// true if referenced assemblies in the _assemblyPathTable have been loaded
bool _referenceAssembliesLoaded = false;
// Line number and position in original Xaml file corresponding to the
// current BAML record.
int _lineNumber = 0;
int _linePosition = 0;
// Cache of namespace and assemblies.
private static XmlnsCache _xmlnsCache = null;
#endregion Data
#endregion Internal
// Type of object and type of Serializer for that type. If this type
// also contains an [XmlLang] property, this caches the property info also.
// These are contained in the _typeLookupFromXmlHashtable hastable
internal class TypeAndSerializer
public TypeAndSerializer()
public Type ObjectType = null;
public Type SerializerType = null;
public bool IsSerializerTypeSet = false;
public PropertyInfo XmlLangProperty;
/// <summary>
/// Contains information the XamlTypeMapper uses for Mapping between an xml
/// XmlNamespace and what Assembly, Namespace to look in.
/// </summary>
internal class NamespaceMapEntry
public class NamespaceMapEntry
#region Constructors
/// NamespaceMapEntry default constructor
public NamespaceMapEntry()
/// <summary>
/// Constructor
/// </summary>
/// <param name="xmlNamespace">The XML NamespaceURi</param>
/// <param name="assemblyName">Assembly to use when resolving a Tag</param>
/// <param name="clrNamespace">Namespace within the assembly</param>
public NamespaceMapEntry(string xmlNamespace,string assemblyName,string clrNamespace)
if (xmlNamespace == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(xmlNamespace));
if (assemblyName == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(assemblyName));
if (clrNamespace == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(clrNamespace));
_xmlNamespace = xmlNamespace;
_assemblyName = assemblyName;
_clrNamespace = clrNamespace;
/// <summary>
/// Constructor
/// </summary>
/// <param name="xmlNamespace">The XML NamespaceURi</param>
/// <param name="assemblyName">Assembly to use when resolving a Tag</param>
/// <param name="clrNamespace">Namespace within the assembly</param>
/// <param name="assemblyPath">Path to use when loading assembly. This may be null.</param>
internal NamespaceMapEntry(
string xmlNamespace,
string assemblyName,
string clrNamespace,
string assemblyPath) : this(xmlNamespace, assemblyName, clrNamespace)
_assemblyPath = assemblyPath;
#endregion Constructors
#region Properties
/// <summary>
/// Xml namespace specified in the constructor
/// </summary>
public string XmlNamespace
get { return _xmlNamespace; }
if (value == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(value));
if (_xmlNamespace == null)
_xmlNamespace = value;
/// <summary>
/// AssemblyName specified in the constructor
/// </summary>
public string AssemblyName
get { return _assemblyName; }
if (value == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(value));
if (_assemblyName == null)
_assemblyName = value;
/// <summary>
/// ClrNamespace specified within the constructor
/// </summary>
public string ClrNamespace
get { return _clrNamespace; }
if (value == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(value));
if (_clrNamespace == null)
_clrNamespace = value;
#endregion Properties
/// <summary>
/// returns instance of the assembly associate with this
/// namespace map
/// </summary>
internal Assembly Assembly
if (null == _assembly && _assemblyName.Length > 0)
// NOTE: At compile time a local assembly can already be loaded if being
// referenced by dehydrated assemblies and so we should attempt to return
// that.
if (_isLocalAssembly)
string assemblyNameLookup = _assemblyName.ToUpper(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
// Check if the assembly has already been loaded.
if (!ReflectionHelper.HasAlreadyReflectionOnlyLoaded(assemblyNameLookup))
return null;
_assembly = ReflectionHelper.LoadAssembly(_assemblyName, _assemblyPath);
return _assembly;
/// <summary>
/// Get and set the path to use when loading the assembly.
/// </summary>
internal string AssemblyPath
get { return _assemblyPath; }
set { _assemblyPath = value; }
internal bool LocalAssembly
get { return _isLocalAssembly; }
set { _isLocalAssembly = value; }
bool _isLocalAssembly;
#region Data
string _xmlNamespace;
string _assemblyName;
string _assemblyPath;
Assembly _assembly;
string _clrNamespace;
#endregion Data
// This is a convenience holder for all the possible IDs that Xaml understands which could
// be on an object element.
internal class XamlObjectIds
public string Name = null;
public string Uid = null;
public object Key = null;
#region XmlParserDefaults Class
// class for getting and setting mapping defaults.
internal static class XmlParserDefaults
#region Methods
/// <summary>
/// Instance of XamlTypeMapper to use if none is specified in the
/// ParserContext. XamlTypeMapper returned is has its assembly and namespace
/// maps initialized to those set
/// via SetDefaultXmlMapping() or one built from our internal defaults.
/// </summary>
internal static XamlTypeMapper DefaultMapper
return new XamlTypeMapper(GetDefaultAssemblyNames(),GetDefaultNamespaceMaps());
#endregion Methods
#region Properties
/// <summary>
/// Returns an array of the DefaultAssemblyNames
/// </summary>
internal static string[] GetDefaultAssemblyNames()
return (string[])_defaultAssemblies.Clone();
/// <summary>
/// Returns array of the DefaultNamespaceMaps
/// </summary>
internal static NamespaceMapEntry[] GetDefaultNamespaceMaps()
return (NamespaceMapEntry[])_defaultNamespaceMapTable.Clone();
#endregion Properties
#region Data
// array of our defaultAssemblies.
private static readonly string[] _defaultAssemblies = {"WindowsBase", "PresentationCore", "PresentationFramework"};
// array of namespaceMaps the map an xmlns namespaceURI
// to the assembly and urtNamespace to search in when resolving the xml
private static readonly NamespaceMapEntry[] _defaultNamespaceMapTable = { };
#endregion Data
#endregion XmlParserDefaults Class