// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
using System;
using System.Reflection;
// These are the non-generated parts of the KnownTypes and TypeIndexer classes
namespace MS.Internal.Markup
namespace System.Windows.Markup
internal static partial class KnownTypes
// Keep Known WCP Types in a private array, accessed through an indexer
private static TypeIndexer _typeIndexer = new TypeIndexer((int)KnownElements.MaxElement);
internal static TypeIndexer Types
return _typeIndexer;
internal static void InitializeKnownTypes(Assembly asmFramework, Assembly asmCore, Assembly asmBase)
_typeIndexer.Initialize(asmFramework, asmCore, asmBase);
internal static void Clear()
internal partial class TypeIndexer
public TypeIndexer(int size)
_typeTable =new Type[size];
public System.Type this[int index]
Type t = _typeTable[index];
if (t == null)
t = InitializeOneType((KnownElements)index);
_typeTable[index] = t;
return t;
internal void Clear()
_initialized = false;
_asmBase = null;
_asmCore = null;
_asmFramework = null;
Array.Clear(_typeTable, 0, _typeTable.Length);
private Type[] _typeTable;