// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
* Purpose: Contains implementation for specific BamlRecords
using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Collections;
using System.Globalization;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Collections.Specialized;
using System.Windows;
using System.Windows.Media;
using System.Windows.Threading;
using MS.Internal.PresentationFramework; // SafeSecurityHelper
using MS.Utility;
namespace MS.Internal.Markup
namespace System.Windows.Markup
// Types of records. Note that this is a superset of XamlNodeTypes
internal enum BamlRecordType : byte
/// <summary>
/// Unknown Node
/// </summary>
// !!BamlRecordManager class relies on Unknown = 0 for initialization
Unknown = 0,
/// <summary>
/// Start Document Node
/// </summary>
DocumentStart, // 1
/// <summary>
/// End Document Node
/// </summary>
DocumentEnd, // 2
/// <summary>
/// Start Element Node, which may be a CLR object or a DependencyObject
/// </summary>
ElementStart, // 3
/// <summary>
/// End Element Node
/// </summary>
ElementEnd, // 4
/// <summary>
/// Property Node, which may be a CLR property or a DependencyProperty
/// </summary>
Property, // 5
/// <summary>
/// Binary serialization of a property
/// </summary>
PropertyCustom, // 6
/// <summary>
/// Complex Property Node
/// </summary>
PropertyComplexStart, // 7
/// <summary>
/// End Complex Property Node
/// </summary>
PropertyComplexEnd, // 8
/// <summary>
/// Start Array Property Node
/// </summary>
PropertyArrayStart, // 9
/// <summary>
/// End Array Property Node
/// </summary>
PropertyArrayEnd, // 10
/// <summary>
/// Star IList Property Node
/// </summary>
PropertyIListStart, // 11
/// <summary>
/// End PropertyIListStart Node
/// </summary>
PropertyIListEnd, // 12
/// <summary>
/// Start IDictionary Property Node
/// </summary>
PropertyIDictionaryStart, // 13
/// <summary>
/// End IDictionary Property Node
/// </summary>
PropertyIDictionaryEnd, // 14
/// <summary>
/// LiteralContent Node
/// </summary>
LiteralContent, // 15
/// <summary>
/// Text Node
/// </summary>
Text, // 16
/// <summary>
/// Text that has an associated custom typeconverter
/// </summary>
TextWithConverter, // 17
/// <summary>
/// RoutedEventNode
/// </summary>
RoutedEvent, // 18
/// <summary>
/// ClrEvent Node
/// </summary>
ClrEvent, // 19
/// <summary>
/// XmlnsProperty Node
/// </summary>
XmlnsProperty, // 20
/// <summary>
/// XmlAttribute Node
/// </summary>
XmlAttribute, // 21
/// <summary>
/// Processing Intstruction Node
/// </summary>
ProcessingInstruction, // 22
/// <summary>
/// Comment Node
/// </summary>
Comment, // 23
/// <summary>
/// DefTag Node
/// </summary>
DefTag, // 24
/// <summary>
/// x:name="value" attribute. One typical use of this
/// attribute is to define a key to use when inserting an item into an IDictionary
/// </summary>
DefAttribute, // 25
/// <summary>
/// EndAttributes Node
/// </summary>
EndAttributes, // 26
/// <summary>
/// PI xml - clr namespace mapping
/// </summary>
PIMapping, // 27
/// <summary>
/// Assembly information
/// </summary>
AssemblyInfo, // 28
/// <summary>
/// Type information
/// </summary>
TypeInfo, // 29
/// <summary>
/// Type information for a Type that has an associated custom serializer
/// </summary>
TypeSerializerInfo, // 30
/// <summary>
/// Attribute (eg - properties and events) information
/// </summary>
AttributeInfo, // 31
/// <summary>
/// Resource information
/// </summary>
StringInfo, // 32
/// <summary>
/// Property Resource Reference
/// </summary>
PropertyStringReference, // 33
/// <summary>
/// Record for setting a property to a Type reference. This is used for
/// properties that are of type "Type"
/// </summary>
PropertyTypeReference, // 34
/// <summary>
/// Property that has a simple MarkupExtension value.
/// </summary>
PropertyWithExtension, // 35
/// <summary>
/// Property that has an associated custom typeconverter
/// </summary>
PropertyWithConverter, // 36
/// <summary>
/// Start a deferable content block
/// </summary>
DeferableContentStart, // 37
/// <summary>
/// x:name="value" attribute when used within a defer load
/// dictionary. These keys are hoisted to the front of the dictionary when
/// written to baml.
/// </summary>
DefAttributeKeyString, // 38
/// <summary>
/// Implied key that is a Type attribute when used within a defer load
/// dictionary. These keys are hoisted to the front of the dictionary when
/// written to baml.
/// </summary>
DefAttributeKeyType, // 39
/// <summary>
/// This marks the start of an element tree that is used as the key in
/// an IDictionary.
/// </summary>
KeyElementStart, // 40
/// <summary>
/// This marks the end of an element tree that is used as the key in
/// an IDictionary.
/// </summary>
KeyElementEnd, // 41
/// <summary>
/// Record marks the start of a section containing constructor parameters
/// </summary>
ConstructorParametersStart, // 42
/// <summary>
/// Record marks the end of a section containing constructor parameters
/// </summary>
ConstructorParametersEnd, // 43
/// <summary>
/// Constructor parameter that has been resolved to a Type.
/// </summary>
ConstructorParameterType, // 44
/// <summary>
/// Record that has info about which event or id to connect to in an object tree.
/// </summary>
ConnectionId, // 45
/// <summary>
/// Record that set the conntent property context for the element
/// </summary>
ContentProperty, // 46
/// <summary>
/// ElementStartRecord that also carries an element name.
/// </summary>
NamedElementStart, // 47
/// <summary>
/// Start of StaticResourceExtension within the header of a deferred section.
/// </summary>
StaticResourceStart, // 48
/// <summary>
/// End of a StaticResourceExtension within the header of a deferred section.
/// </summary>
StaticResourceEnd, // 49
/// <summary>
/// BamlRecord that carries an identifier for a StaticResourceExtension
/// within the header of a deferred section.
/// </summary>
StaticResourceId, // 50
/// <summary>
/// This is a TextRecord that holds an Id for the String value it represents.
/// </summary>
TextWithId, // 51
/// <summary>
/// PresentationOptions:Freeze="value" attribute. Used for ignorable
/// WPF-specific parsing options
/// </summary>
PresentationOptionsAttribute, // 52
/// <summary>
/// Debugging information record that holds the source XAML linenumber.
/// </summary>
LineNumberAndPosition, // 53
/// <summary>
/// Debugging information record that holds the source XAML line position.
/// </summary>
LinePosition, // 54
/// <summary>
/// OptimizedStaticResourceExtension within the header of a deferred section.
/// </summary>
OptimizedStaticResource, // 55
/// <summary>
/// BamlPropertyRecord that carries an identifier for a StaticResourceExtension
/// within the header of a deferred section.
/// </summary>
PropertyWithStaticResourceId, // 56
/// <summary>
/// Placeholder to mark last record
/// </summary>
/// <summary>
/// Some attributes have special usages or cause additional actions when they
/// are set on an element. This can be have some other effects
/// such as setting the xml:lang or xml:space values in the parser context.
/// The PropertyUsage describes addition effects or usage for this property.
/// </summary>
internal enum BamlAttributeUsage : short
/// <summary> A regular property that has no other use </summary>
Default = 0,
/// <summary> A property that has xml:lang information </summary>
/// <summary> A property that has xml:space information </summary>
/// <summary> A property that has the RuntimeIdProperty information </summary>
// This class handles allocation, read and write management of baml records.
internal class BamlRecordManager
// Genericaly load and create the proper class.
// This method assumes the seek pointer has already moved passed the recordType
// field and is at the RecordSize or record contents (depending on record).
// This method is used so the caller can first read the type of record, and expects
// to get back the entire record, or nothing (for async support).
internal BamlRecord ReadNextRecord(
BinaryReader bamlBinaryReader,
long bytesAvailable,
BamlRecordType recordType)
BamlRecord bamlRecord; // = null
// Create the proper BamlRecord based on the recordType. The assembly,
// type and attribute records are created every time, since they are
// used by the BamlMapTable. The other records are re-used, so they
// are created once and cached.
case BamlRecordType.AssemblyInfo:
bamlRecord = new BamlAssemblyInfoRecord();
case BamlRecordType.TypeInfo:
bamlRecord = new BamlTypeInfoRecord();
case BamlRecordType.TypeSerializerInfo:
bamlRecord = new BamlTypeInfoWithSerializerRecord();
case BamlRecordType.AttributeInfo:
bamlRecord = new BamlAttributeInfoRecord();
case BamlRecordType.StringInfo:
bamlRecord = new BamlStringInfoRecord();
case BamlRecordType.DefAttributeKeyString:
bamlRecord = new BamlDefAttributeKeyStringRecord();
case BamlRecordType.DefAttributeKeyType:
bamlRecord = new BamlDefAttributeKeyTypeRecord();
case BamlRecordType.KeyElementStart:
bamlRecord = new BamlKeyElementStartRecord();
// Get the current record from the cache. If there's nothing there yet,
// or if what is there is pinned, then create one. Note that records in the
// read cache are implicitly recycled, and records in the write cache are explicitly
// recycled (i.e., there's a ReleaseWriteRecord, but no ReleaseReadRecord).
bamlRecord = _readCache[(int)recordType];
if (null == bamlRecord || bamlRecord.IsPinned )
bamlRecord = _readCache[(int)recordType] = AllocateRecord(recordType);
bamlRecord.Next = null;
if (null != bamlRecord)
// If LoadRecordSize indicates it can determine the record size
// and has determined that there is enough content to load the
// entire record, then continue.
if (bamlRecord.LoadRecordSize(bamlBinaryReader, bytesAvailable) &&
bytesAvailable >= bamlRecord.RecordSize)
bamlRecord = null;
return bamlRecord;
/// <summary>
/// Return the object if it should be treated as IAddChild, otherwise return null
/// </summary>
static internal IAddChild AsIAddChild(object obj)
IAddChild iac = obj as IAddChildInternal;
return iac;
/// <summary>
/// True if type should be treated as IAddChild
/// </summary>
static internal bool TreatAsIAddChild(Type parentObjectType)
return (KnownTypes.Types[(int)KnownElements.IAddChildInternal].IsAssignableFrom( parentObjectType ));
static internal BamlRecordType GetPropertyStartRecordType(Type propertyType, bool propertyCanWrite)
BamlRecordType recordType;
if (propertyType.IsArray)
recordType = BamlRecordType.PropertyArrayStart;
else if (ReflectionHelper.GetMscorlibType(typeof(IDictionary)).IsAssignableFrom(propertyType))
recordType = BamlRecordType.PropertyIDictionaryStart;
else if (ReflectionHelper.GetMscorlibType(typeof(IList)).IsAssignableFrom(propertyType) ||
BamlRecordManager.TreatAsIAddChild(propertyType) ||
(ReflectionHelper.GetMscorlibType(typeof(IEnumerable)).IsAssignableFrom(propertyType) && !propertyCanWrite))
else if (typeof(IDictionary).IsAssignableFrom(propertyType))
recordType = BamlRecordType.PropertyIDictionaryStart;
else if ((typeof(IList).IsAssignableFrom(propertyType) ||
BamlRecordManager.TreatAsIAddChild(propertyType) ||
(typeof(IEnumerable).IsAssignableFrom(propertyType) && !propertyCanWrite)))
// we're a list if:
// 1) the property type is an IList.
// 2) the property type is an IAddChild (internal).
// 3) the property type is an IEnumerable and read-only and the parent is an IAddChild (internal).
// for the third case, we can't check the parent until run-time.
recordType = BamlRecordType.PropertyIListStart;
recordType = BamlRecordType.PropertyComplexStart;
return recordType;
internal BamlRecord CloneRecord(BamlRecord record)
BamlRecord newRecord;
switch (record.RecordType)
case BamlRecordType.ElementStart:
if (record is BamlNamedElementStartRecord)
newRecord= new BamlNamedElementStartRecord();
newRecord = new BamlElementStartRecord();
case BamlRecordType.PropertyCustom:
if (record is BamlPropertyCustomWriteInfoRecord)
newRecord = new BamlPropertyCustomWriteInfoRecord();
newRecord = new BamlPropertyCustomRecord();
newRecord = AllocateRecord(record.RecordType);
return newRecord;
// Helper function to create a BamlRecord from a BamlRecordType
private BamlRecord AllocateWriteRecord(BamlRecordType recordType)
BamlRecord record;
switch (recordType)
case BamlRecordType.PropertyCustom:
record = new BamlPropertyCustomWriteInfoRecord();
record = AllocateRecord(recordType);
return record;
// Helper function to create a BamlRecord from a BamlRecordType
private BamlRecord AllocateRecord(BamlRecordType recordType)
BamlRecord record;
case BamlRecordType.DocumentStart:
record = new BamlDocumentStartRecord();
case BamlRecordType.DocumentEnd:
record = new BamlDocumentEndRecord();
case BamlRecordType.ConnectionId:
record = new BamlConnectionIdRecord();
case BamlRecordType.ElementStart:
record = new BamlElementStartRecord();
case BamlRecordType.ElementEnd:
record = new BamlElementEndRecord();
case BamlRecordType.DeferableContentStart:
record = new BamlDeferableContentStartRecord();
case BamlRecordType.DefAttributeKeyString:
record = new BamlDefAttributeKeyStringRecord();
case BamlRecordType.DefAttributeKeyType:
record = new BamlDefAttributeKeyTypeRecord();
case BamlRecordType.LiteralContent:
record = new BamlLiteralContentRecord();
case BamlRecordType.Property:
record = new BamlPropertyRecord();
case BamlRecordType.PropertyWithConverter:
record = new BamlPropertyWithConverterRecord();
case BamlRecordType.PropertyStringReference:
record = new BamlPropertyStringReferenceRecord();
case BamlRecordType.PropertyTypeReference:
record = new BamlPropertyTypeReferenceRecord();
case BamlRecordType.PropertyWithExtension:
record = new BamlPropertyWithExtensionRecord();
case BamlRecordType.PropertyCustom:
record = new BamlPropertyCustomRecord();
case BamlRecordType.PropertyComplexStart:
record = new BamlPropertyComplexStartRecord();
case BamlRecordType.PropertyComplexEnd:
record = new BamlPropertyComplexEndRecord();
case BamlRecordType.RoutedEvent:
record = new BamlRoutedEventRecord();
case BamlRecordType.PropertyArrayStart:
record = new BamlPropertyArrayStartRecord();
case BamlRecordType.PropertyArrayEnd:
record = new BamlPropertyArrayEndRecord();
case BamlRecordType.PropertyIListStart:
record = new BamlPropertyIListStartRecord();
case BamlRecordType.PropertyIListEnd:
record = new BamlPropertyIListEndRecord();
case BamlRecordType.PropertyIDictionaryStart:
record = new BamlPropertyIDictionaryStartRecord();
case BamlRecordType.PropertyIDictionaryEnd:
record = new BamlPropertyIDictionaryEndRecord();
case BamlRecordType.Text:
record = new BamlTextRecord();
case BamlRecordType.TextWithConverter:
record = new BamlTextWithConverterRecord();
case BamlRecordType.TextWithId:
record = new BamlTextWithIdRecord();
case BamlRecordType.XmlnsProperty:
record = new BamlXmlnsPropertyRecord();
case BamlRecordType.PIMapping:
record = new BamlPIMappingRecord();
case BamlRecordType.DefAttribute:
record = new BamlDefAttributeRecord();
case BamlRecordType.PresentationOptionsAttribute:
record = new BamlPresentationOptionsAttributeRecord();
case BamlRecordType.KeyElementStart:
record = new BamlKeyElementStartRecord();
case BamlRecordType.KeyElementEnd:
record = new BamlKeyElementEndRecord();
case BamlRecordType.ConstructorParametersStart:
record = new BamlConstructorParametersStartRecord();
case BamlRecordType.ConstructorParametersEnd:
record = new BamlConstructorParametersEndRecord();
case BamlRecordType.ConstructorParameterType:
record = new BamlConstructorParameterTypeRecord();
case BamlRecordType.ContentProperty:
record = new BamlContentPropertyRecord();
case BamlRecordType.AssemblyInfo:
case BamlRecordType.TypeInfo:
case BamlRecordType.TypeSerializerInfo:
case BamlRecordType.AttributeInfo:
case BamlRecordType.StringInfo:
Debug.Assert(false,"Assembly, Type and Attribute records are not cached, so don't ask for one.");
record = null;
case BamlRecordType.StaticResourceStart:
record = new BamlStaticResourceStartRecord();
case BamlRecordType.StaticResourceEnd:
record = new BamlStaticResourceEndRecord();
case BamlRecordType.StaticResourceId:
record = new BamlStaticResourceIdRecord();
case BamlRecordType.LineNumberAndPosition:
record = new BamlLineAndPositionRecord();
case BamlRecordType.LinePosition:
record = new BamlLinePositionRecord();
case BamlRecordType.OptimizedStaticResource:
record = new BamlOptimizedStaticResourceRecord();
case BamlRecordType.PropertyWithStaticResourceId:
record = new BamlPropertyWithStaticResourceIdRecord();
Debug.Assert(false,"Unknown RecordType");
record = null;
return record;
// This should only be called from BamlRecordWriter -- it gets a record from the record
// cache that must be freed with ReleaseRecord before GetRecord is called again.
internal BamlRecord GetWriteRecord(BamlRecordType recordType)
// Create the cache of records used in writing, on demand
if( _writeCache == null )
_writeCache = new BamlRecord[(int)BamlRecordType.LastRecordType];
BamlRecord record = _writeCache[(int)recordType];
if (null == record)
record = AllocateWriteRecord(recordType);
_writeCache[(int)recordType] = null;
// It is important to set RecordSize for variable size records
// to a negative number to indicate that it has not been set yet.
// Fixed size records should ignore this set.
record.RecordSize = -1;
return record;
// ReleaseWriteRecord
// Frees a record originally claimed with GetWriteRecord. Note that records in the
// read cache are implicitly recycled, and records in the write cache are explicitly
// recycled (i.e., there's a ReleaseWriteRecord, but no ReleaseReadRecord).
internal void ReleaseWriteRecord(BamlRecord record)
// Put the write record back into the cache, if we're allowed to recycle it.
if( !record.IsPinned )
Debug.Assert(null == _writeCache[(int)record.RecordType]);
if (null != _writeCache[(int)record.RecordType])
// This is really an internal error.
throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.ParserMultiBamls);
_writeCache[(int)record.RecordType] = record;
// Cache of BamlRecords, used during read, to avoid lots of records from being
// created. If a record gets pinned (BamlRecord.IsPinned gets set), it is not re-used.
BamlRecord[] _readCache = new BamlRecord[(int)BamlRecordType.LastRecordType];
// Cache of BamlRecords, used during write, also to avoid lots of records
// from being created.
BamlRecord[] _writeCache = null; //new BamlRecord[(int)BamlRecordType.LastRecordType];
// The base of all baml records. This gives a fixed size record that contains
// line number information used for generating error messages. Note that the
// line number information is not currently written out to the baml stream.
internal abstract class BamlRecord
#region Methods
// If there are enough bytes available, load the record size from the
// binary reader. For fixed size records that derive from BamlRecord,
// there is no size field in the baml file, so this always succeeds.
internal virtual bool LoadRecordSize(
BinaryReader bamlBinaryReader,
long bytesAvailable)
return true;
// Load record data. This does not include the record type, or the
// size field, which are loaded separately. If the subclass has no
// specific data to load, then don't override this.
internal virtual void LoadRecordData(BinaryReader bamlBinaryReader)
// Writes data at the current position seek pointer points
// to byte after the end of record when done.
internal virtual void Write(BinaryWriter bamlBinaryWriter)
// BamlRecords may be used without a stream, so if you attempt to write when there
// isn't a writer, just ignore it.
if (bamlBinaryWriter == null)
// Baml records always start with record type
bamlBinaryWriter.Write((byte) RecordType);
// IMPORTANT: The RecordType is the last thing written before calling
// WriteRecordData. Some records assume the record type is located
// directly before the current stream location and may change it, so
// don't change where the record type is written in the stream!!!
// Paint is one example of a DP object that will seek back to change
// the record type if it is unable to serialize itself.
// Write contents of the record, excluding size (if any) and record type.
// If the subclass has no specific data to write out, don't override this.
internal virtual void WriteRecordData(BinaryWriter bamlBinaryWriter)
#endregion Methods
#region Properties
// Actual size of the complete BamlRecord (excluding RecordType) in bytes.
// Currently limited to 2 gigabytes. Default size is 0 bytes of data.
// Subclasses must override if they have a different size.
internal virtual Int32 RecordSize
get { return 0; }
set { Debug.Assert (value == -1, "Setting fixed record to an invalid size"); }
// Identifies the type off BAML record. This is used when casting to
// a BamlRecord subclass. All subclasses **MUST** override this.
internal virtual BamlRecordType RecordType
Debug.Assert(false, "Must override RecordType");
return BamlRecordType.Unknown;
// Next Record pointer - used in BamlObjectFactory
internal BamlRecord Next
get { return _nextRecord; }
set { _nextRecord = value ; }
// The BamlRecorManager keeps a cache of baml records and tries to reuse them automatically.
// To keep a record from being cached, it can be pinned. For correct pinning we keep a
// pin count. To save working set, we only have two bits for the reference count.
// So if the reference count reaches three the record becomes permanently pinned.
internal bool IsPinned
return PinnedCount > 0;
// (See comment on IsPinned.)
internal int PinnedCount
return _flags[_pinnedFlagSection];
Debug.Assert( value <= 3 && value >= 0 );
_flags[_pinnedFlagSection] = value;
// (See comment on IsPinned.)
internal void Pin()
if( PinnedCount < 3 )
// (See comment on IsPinned.)
internal void Unpin()
if( PinnedCount < 3 )
internal virtual void Copy(BamlRecord record)
record._flags = _flags;
record._nextRecord = _nextRecord;
#endregion Properties
#region Data
// Internal flags for efficient storage
// NOTE: bits here are used by sub-classes also.
// This BitVector32 field is shared by subclasses to save working set. Sharing flags like this
// is easier in e.g. FrameworkElement, where the class hierarchy is linear, but can be bug-prone otherwise. To make the
// code less fragile, each class abstractly provides it's last section to subclasses(LastFlagsSection), which they can
// use in their call to CreateSection.
internal BitVector32 _flags;
// Allocate space in _flags.
private static BitVector32.Section _pinnedFlagSection = BitVector32.CreateSection( 3 /* Allocates two bits to store values up to 3 */ );
// This provides subclasses with a referece section to create their own section.
internal static BitVector32.Section LastFlagsSection
get { return _pinnedFlagSection; }
private BamlRecord _nextRecord = null;
// Size of the record type field in the baml file.
internal const int RecordTypeFieldLength = 1;
public override string ToString()
return string.Create(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, $"{RecordType}");
protected static string GetTypeName(int typeId)
string typeName = typeId.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
if(typeId < 0)
KnownElements elm = (KnownElements)(-typeId);
typeName = elm.ToString();
return typeName;
// This helper checks for records that indicate that you're out of
// an element start, and into it's "content" (in the xml sense).
// We have to infer this, because unlike Xml, Baml doesn't provide
// an end-attributes record.
internal static bool IsContentRecord( BamlRecordType bamlRecordType )
return bamlRecordType == BamlRecordType.PropertyComplexStart
bamlRecordType == BamlRecordType.PropertyArrayStart
bamlRecordType == BamlRecordType.PropertyIListStart
bamlRecordType == BamlRecordType.PropertyIDictionaryStart
bamlRecordType == BamlRecordType.Text;
#endregion Data
// An abstract base class for records that record their size as part of the
// baml stream.
internal abstract class BamlVariableSizedRecord : BamlRecord
#region Methods
// If there are enough bytes available, load the record size from the
// binary reader. The default action is to load the 4 byte size from
// the reader, if there are at least 4 bytes available.
internal override bool LoadRecordSize(
BinaryReader bamlBinaryReader,
long bytesAvailable)
int recordSize;
bool loadedSize = LoadVariableRecordSize(bamlBinaryReader, bytesAvailable, out recordSize);
if (loadedSize)
RecordSize = recordSize;
return loadedSize;
// If there are enough bytes available, load the record size from the
// binary reader. The default action is to load the 4 byte size from
// the reader, if there are at least 4 bytes available.
internal static bool LoadVariableRecordSize(
BinaryReader bamlBinaryReader,
long bytesAvailable,
out int recordSize)
if (bytesAvailable >= MaxRecordSizeFieldLength)
recordSize = ((BamlBinaryReader)bamlBinaryReader).Read7BitEncodedInt();
return true;
recordSize = -1;
return false;
protected int ComputeSizeOfVariableLengthRecord(long start, long end)
int size = (Int32)(end - start);
int sizeOfSize = BamlBinaryWriter.SizeOf7bitEncodedSize(size);
sizeOfSize = BamlBinaryWriter.SizeOf7bitEncodedSize(sizeOfSize+size);
return (sizeOfSize+size);
// Writes data at the current position seek pointer points
// to byte after the end of record when done.
internal override void Write(BinaryWriter bamlBinaryWriter)
// BamlRecords may be used without a stream, so if you attempt to write when there
// isn't a writer, just ignore it.
if (bamlBinaryWriter == null)
// Baml records always start with record type
bamlBinaryWriter.Write((byte) RecordType);
// Remember the file location of this baml record. This
// is needed if we have to come back later to update the sync mode.
// IMPORTANT: The RecordType is the last thing written before calling
// WriteRecordData. Some records assume the record type is located
// directly before the current stream location and may change it, so
// don't change where the record type is written in the stream!!!
// Paint is one example of a DP object that will seek back to change
// the record type if it is unable to serialize itself.
// Write just the data, this is just to measure the size.
long startSeekPosition = bamlBinaryWriter.Seek(0,SeekOrigin.Current);
long endSeekPosition = bamlBinaryWriter.Seek(0,SeekOrigin.Current);
Debug.Assert(RecordSize < 0);
RecordSize = ComputeSizeOfVariableLengthRecord(startSeekPosition, endSeekPosition);
// seek back to the begining, this time write the size, then the data.
bamlBinaryWriter.Seek((int)startSeekPosition, SeekOrigin.Begin);
// Write the size of this record. The default action is to write the 4 byte
// size, which may be overwritten later once WriteRecordData has been called.
internal void WriteRecordSize(BinaryWriter bamlBinaryWriter)
internal override void Copy(BamlRecord record)
BamlVariableSizedRecord newRecord = (BamlVariableSizedRecord)record;
newRecord._recordSize = _recordSize;
#endregion Methods
#region Properties
// Actual size of the complete BamlRecord in bytes. Currently
// limited to 2 gigabytes.
internal override Int32 RecordSize
get { return _recordSize; }
set { _recordSize = value; }
// This provides subclasses with a referece section to create their own section.
internal new static BitVector32.Section LastFlagsSection
get { return BamlRecord.LastFlagsSection; }
#endregion Properties
#region Data
// Size of the RecordSize field in the baml file. This must be in
// sync the type type of _recordSize below.
internal const int MaxRecordSizeFieldLength = 4;
Int32 _recordSize = -1; // we use a 7 bit encoded variable size
#endregion Data
internal class BamlXmlnsPropertyRecord : BamlVariableSizedRecord
#region Methods
// LoadRecord specific data
internal override void LoadRecordData(BinaryReader bamlBinaryReader)
Prefix = bamlBinaryReader.ReadString();
XmlNamespace = bamlBinaryReader.ReadString();
short count = bamlBinaryReader.ReadInt16();
if (count > 0)
AssemblyIds = new short[count];
for (short i = 0; i < count; i++)
AssemblyIds[i] = bamlBinaryReader.ReadInt16();
AssemblyIds = null;
// write record specific Data.
internal override void WriteRecordData(BinaryWriter bamlBinaryWriter)
// Write the AssemblyIds which contain XmlnsDefinitionAttribute
// for this xmlns Uri.
// The format should be CountN Id1 Id2 ... IdN
short count = 0;
if (AssemblyIds != null && AssemblyIds.Length > 0)
count = (short) AssemblyIds.Length;
if (count > 0)
for (short i = 0; i < count; i++)
internal override void Copy(BamlRecord record)
BamlXmlnsPropertyRecord newRecord = (BamlXmlnsPropertyRecord)record;
newRecord._prefix = _prefix;
newRecord._xmlNamespace = _xmlNamespace;
newRecord._assemblyIds = _assemblyIds;
#endregion Methods
#region Properties
internal override BamlRecordType RecordType
get { return BamlRecordType.XmlnsProperty; }
internal string Prefix
get { return _prefix; }
set {_prefix = value; }
internal string XmlNamespace
get { return _xmlNamespace; }
set { _xmlNamespace = value; }
internal short[] AssemblyIds
get { return _assemblyIds; }
set { _assemblyIds = value; }
#endregion Properties
#region Data
string _prefix;
string _xmlNamespace;
short[] _assemblyIds;
#endregion Data
internal class BamlPIMappingRecord : BamlVariableSizedRecord
#region Methods
// LoadRecord specific data
internal override void LoadRecordData(BinaryReader bamlBinaryReader)
XmlNamespace = bamlBinaryReader.ReadString();
ClrNamespace = bamlBinaryReader.ReadString();
AssemblyId = bamlBinaryReader.ReadInt16();
// write record specific Data.
internal override void WriteRecordData(BinaryWriter bamlBinaryWriter)
// write out an int for record size but we'll go back and fill
internal override void Copy(BamlRecord record)
BamlPIMappingRecord newRecord = (BamlPIMappingRecord)record;
newRecord._xmlns = _xmlns;
newRecord._clrns = _clrns;
#endregion Methods
#region Properties
internal override BamlRecordType RecordType
get { return BamlRecordType.PIMapping; }
internal string XmlNamespace
get { return _xmlns; }
set {_xmlns = value; }
internal string ClrNamespace
get { return _clrns; }
set { _clrns = value; }
internal short AssemblyId
short value = (short) _flags[_assemblyIdLowSection];
value |= (short) (_flags[_assemblyIdHighSection] << 8);
return value;
_flags[_assemblyIdLowSection] = (short) (value & 0xff);
_flags[_assemblyIdHighSection] = (short) ((value & 0xff00) >> 8);
// Allocate space in _flags.
// BitVector32 doesn't support 16 bit sections, so we have to break
// it up into 2 sections.
private static BitVector32.Section _assemblyIdLowSection
= BitVector32.CreateSection( (short)0xff, BamlVariableSizedRecord.LastFlagsSection );
private static BitVector32.Section _assemblyIdHighSection
= BitVector32.CreateSection( (short)0xff, _assemblyIdLowSection );
// This provides subclasses with a referece section to create their own section.
internal new static BitVector32.Section LastFlagsSection
get { return _assemblyIdHighSection; }
#endregion Properties
#region Data
string _xmlns;
string _clrns;
#endregion Data
// Common base class for variables sized records that contain a string value
internal abstract class BamlStringValueRecord : BamlVariableSizedRecord
#region Methods
// LoadRecord specific data
internal override void LoadRecordData(BinaryReader bamlBinaryReader)
Value = bamlBinaryReader.ReadString();
// write record specific Data.
internal override void WriteRecordData(BinaryWriter bamlBinaryWriter)
internal override void Copy(BamlRecord record)
BamlStringValueRecord newRecord = (BamlStringValueRecord)record;
newRecord._value = _value;
#endregion Methods
#region Properties
internal string Value
get { return _value; }
set { _value = value; }
#endregion Properties
#region Data
string _value;
#endregion Data
// Common methods for baml records that serve as keys in a dictionary.
internal interface IBamlDictionaryKey
// Update the pointer to the Value that was written out when WriteRecordData
// was first called.
void UpdateValuePosition(
Int32 newPosition,
BinaryWriter bamlBinaryWriter);
// Relative stream position in the baml stream where the value associated
// with this key starts. It is relative to the end of the keys section,
// or the start of the values section.
Int32 ValuePosition { get; set; }
// The actual key object used in the dictionary. This may be a string,
// field, type or other object.
object KeyObject { get; set; }
// Position in the stream where ValuePosition was written. This is needed
// when updating the ValuePosition.
Int64 ValuePositionPosition { get; set; }
// True if the value associated with this key is shared.
bool Shared { get; set; }
// Whether Shared was set.
bool SharedSet { get; set; }
object[] StaticResourceValues {get; set;}
// Common interface implemented by BamlRecords that
// use optimized storage for MarkupExtensions.
internal interface IOptimizedMarkupExtension
short ExtensionTypeId
short ValueId
bool IsValueTypeExtension
bool IsValueStaticExtension
// BamlRecord use in a defer loaded dictionary as the key for adding a value.
// The value is a type that is refered to using a TypeID
internal class BamlDefAttributeKeyTypeRecord : BamlElementStartRecord, IBamlDictionaryKey
internal BamlDefAttributeKeyTypeRecord()
Pin(); // Don't allow this record to be recycled in the read cache.
#region Methods
// LoadRecord specific data
internal override void LoadRecordData(BinaryReader bamlBinaryReader)
_valuePosition = bamlBinaryReader.ReadInt32();
((IBamlDictionaryKey)this).Shared = bamlBinaryReader.ReadBoolean();
((IBamlDictionaryKey)this).SharedSet = bamlBinaryReader.ReadBoolean();
// Write record specific Data.
internal override void WriteRecordData(BinaryWriter bamlBinaryWriter)
_valuePositionPosition = bamlBinaryWriter.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Current);
// Update the pointer to the Value that was written out when WriteRecordData
// was first called. At that time the true position was probably not known,
// so it is written out later. Be certain to leave the passed writer pointing
// to the same location it was at when this call was made.
void IBamlDictionaryKey.UpdateValuePosition(
Int32 newPosition,
BinaryWriter bamlBinaryWriter)
Debug.Assert(_valuePositionPosition != -1,
"Must call WriteRecordData before updating position");
// Use relative positions to reduce the possibility of truncation,
// since Seek takes a 32 bit int, but position is a 64 bit int.
Int64 existingPosition = bamlBinaryWriter.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Current);
Int32 deltaPosition = (Int32)(_valuePositionPosition-existingPosition);
bamlBinaryWriter.Seek(deltaPosition, SeekOrigin.Current);
bamlBinaryWriter.Seek(-ValuePositionSize-deltaPosition, SeekOrigin.Current);
internal override void Copy(BamlRecord record)
BamlDefAttributeKeyTypeRecord newRecord = (BamlDefAttributeKeyTypeRecord)record;
newRecord._valuePosition = _valuePosition;
newRecord._valuePositionPosition = _valuePositionPosition;
newRecord._keyObject = _keyObject;
newRecord._staticResourceValues = _staticResourceValues;
#endregion Methods
#region Properties
internal override BamlRecordType RecordType
get { return BamlRecordType.DefAttributeKeyType; }
// Relative stream position in the baml stream where the value associated
// with this key starts. It is relative to the end of the keys section,
// or the start of the values section.
Int32 IBamlDictionaryKey.ValuePosition
get { return _valuePosition; }
set { _valuePosition = value; }
// The actual key used in the defer loaded dictionary. For this type of
// record the key is a Type that is obtained at runtime from the base
// classes TypeId
object IBamlDictionaryKey.KeyObject
get { return _keyObject; }
set { _keyObject = value; }
// Position in the stream where ValuePosition was written. This is needed
// when updating the ValuePosition.
Int64 IBamlDictionaryKey.ValuePositionPosition
get { return _valuePositionPosition; }
set { _valuePositionPosition = value; }
// True if the value associated with this key is shared.
bool IBamlDictionaryKey.Shared
return _flags[_sharedSection] == 1 ? true : false;
_flags[_sharedSection] = value ? 1 : 0;
// Whether Shared was set
bool IBamlDictionaryKey.SharedSet
return _flags[_sharedSetSection] == 1 ? true : false;
_flags[_sharedSetSection] = value ? 1 : 0;
object[] IBamlDictionaryKey.StaticResourceValues
get { return _staticResourceValues; }
set { _staticResourceValues = value; }
// Allocate space in _flags.
private static BitVector32.Section _sharedSection
= BitVector32.CreateSection( 1, BamlElementStartRecord.LastFlagsSection );
private static BitVector32.Section _sharedSetSection
= BitVector32.CreateSection( 1, _sharedSection );
// This provides subclasses with a referece section to create their own section.
internal new static BitVector32.Section LastFlagsSection
get { return _sharedSetSection; }
#endregion Properties
#region Data
// Size in bytes of the ValuePosition field written out to baml. This
// must be in sync with the size of _valuePosition below.
internal const Int32 ValuePositionSize = 4;
// Relative position in the stream where the value associated with this key starts
Int32 _valuePosition;
// Position in the stream where ValuePosition was written. This is needed
// when updating the ValuePosition.
Int64 _valuePositionPosition = -1;
// Actual object key used by a dictionary. This is a Type object
object _keyObject = null;
object[] _staticResourceValues;
#endregion Data
// BamlRecord for x:Key attribute when used in a defer loaded dictionary
// as the key for adding a value. The value is stored as a string.
internal class BamlDefAttributeKeyStringRecord : BamlStringValueRecord, IBamlDictionaryKey
internal BamlDefAttributeKeyStringRecord()
Pin(); // Don't allow this record to be recycled in the read cache.
#region Methods
// LoadRecord specific data
internal override void LoadRecordData(BinaryReader bamlBinaryReader)
ValueId = bamlBinaryReader.ReadInt16();
_valuePosition = bamlBinaryReader.ReadInt32();
((IBamlDictionaryKey)this).Shared = bamlBinaryReader.ReadBoolean();
((IBamlDictionaryKey)this).SharedSet = bamlBinaryReader.ReadBoolean();
_keyObject = null;
// Write record specific Data.
internal override void WriteRecordData(BinaryWriter bamlBinaryWriter)
_valuePositionPosition = bamlBinaryWriter.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Current);
// Update the pointer to the Value that was written out when WriteRecordData
// was first called. At that time the true position was probably not known,
// so it is written out later. Be certain to leave the passed writer pointing
// to the same location it was at when this call was made.
void IBamlDictionaryKey.UpdateValuePosition(
Int32 newPosition,
BinaryWriter bamlBinaryWriter)
Debug.Assert(_valuePositionPosition != -1,
"Must call WriteRecordData before updating position");
// Use relative positions to reduce the possibility of truncation,
// since Seek takes a 32 bit int, but position is a 64 bit int.
Int64 existingPosition = bamlBinaryWriter.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Current);
Int32 deltaPosition = (Int32)(_valuePositionPosition-existingPosition);
bamlBinaryWriter.Seek(deltaPosition, SeekOrigin.Current);
bamlBinaryWriter.Seek(-ValuePositionSize-deltaPosition, SeekOrigin.Current);
internal override void Copy(BamlRecord record)
BamlDefAttributeKeyStringRecord newRecord = (BamlDefAttributeKeyStringRecord)record;
newRecord._valuePosition = _valuePosition;
newRecord._valuePositionPosition = _valuePositionPosition;
newRecord._keyObject = _keyObject;
newRecord._valueId = _valueId;
newRecord._staticResourceValues = _staticResourceValues;
#endregion Methods
#region Properties
internal override BamlRecordType RecordType
get { return BamlRecordType.DefAttributeKeyString; }
// Relative stream position in the baml stream where the value associated
// with this key starts. It is relative to the end of the keys section,
// or the start of the values section.
Int32 IBamlDictionaryKey.ValuePosition
get { return _valuePosition; }
set { _valuePosition = value; }
// True if the value associated with this key is shared.
bool IBamlDictionaryKey.Shared
return _flags[_sharedSection] == 1 ? true : false;
_flags[_sharedSection] = value ? 1 : 0;
// Whether Shared was set
bool IBamlDictionaryKey.SharedSet
return _flags[_sharedSetSection] == 1 ? true : false;
_flags[_sharedSetSection] = value ? 1 : 0;
// Allocate space in _flags.
private static BitVector32.Section _sharedSection
= BitVector32.CreateSection( 1, BamlStringValueRecord.LastFlagsSection );
private static BitVector32.Section _sharedSetSection
= BitVector32.CreateSection( 1, _sharedSection );
// This provides subclasses with a referece section to create their own section.
internal new static BitVector32.Section LastFlagsSection
get { return _sharedSetSection; }
// The following are NOT written out to BAML but are cached at runtime
// The string value translated into a key object. The string may represent
// a type, field, or other object that can be translated into an object using
// using the Mapper.
object IBamlDictionaryKey.KeyObject
get { return _keyObject; }
set { _keyObject = value; }
// Position in the stream where ValuePosition was written. This is needed
// when updating the ValuePosition.
Int64 IBamlDictionaryKey.ValuePositionPosition
get { return _valuePositionPosition; }
set { _valuePositionPosition = value; }
internal Int16 ValueId
get { return _valueId; }
set { _valueId = value; }
object[] IBamlDictionaryKey.StaticResourceValues
get { return _staticResourceValues; }
set { _staticResourceValues = value; }
#endregion Properties
#region Data
// Size in bytes of the ValuePosition field written out to baml. This
// must be in sync with the size of _valuePosition below.
internal const Int32 ValuePositionSize = 4;
// Relative position in the stream where the value associated with this key starts
Int32 _valuePosition;
// Position in the stream where ValuePosition was written. This is needed
// when updating the ValuePosition.
Int64 _valuePositionPosition = -1;
// Actual object key used by a dictionary. This is the Value string
// after conversion.
object _keyObject = null;
Int16 _valueId;
object[] _staticResourceValues;
#endregion Data
// BamlRecord for x:Whatever attribute
internal class BamlDefAttributeRecord : BamlStringValueRecord
#region Methods
// LoadRecord specific data
internal override void LoadRecordData(BinaryReader bamlBinaryReader)
Value = bamlBinaryReader.ReadString();
NameId = bamlBinaryReader.ReadInt16();
Name = null;
// write record specific Data.
internal override void WriteRecordData(BinaryWriter bamlBinaryWriter)
internal override void Copy(BamlRecord record)
BamlDefAttributeRecord newRecord = (BamlDefAttributeRecord)record;
newRecord._name = _name;
newRecord._nameId = _nameId;
newRecord._attributeUsage = _attributeUsage;
#endregion Methods
#region Properties
internal override BamlRecordType RecordType
get { return BamlRecordType.DefAttribute; }
// The following is written out the baml file.
internal Int16 NameId
get { return _nameId; }
set { _nameId = value; }
// The following are cached locally, but not written to baml.
internal string Name
get { return _name; }
set { _name = value; }
// Some attributes have special usage, such as setting the XmlLang and XmlSpace
// strings in the parser context. This is flagged with this property
internal BamlAttributeUsage AttributeUsage
get { return _attributeUsage; }
set { _attributeUsage = value; }
#endregion Properties
public override string ToString()
return string.Create(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture,
$"{RecordType} nameId({NameId}) is '{Name}' usage={AttributeUsage}");
#region Data
string _name;
Int16 _nameId;
BamlAttributeUsage _attributeUsage;
#endregion Data
// BamlRecord for PresentationOptions:Whatever attribute
internal class BamlPresentationOptionsAttributeRecord : BamlStringValueRecord
#region Methods
// LoadRecord specific data
internal override void LoadRecordData(BinaryReader bamlBinaryReader)
Value = bamlBinaryReader.ReadString();
NameId = bamlBinaryReader.ReadInt16();
Name = null;
// write record specific Data.
internal override void WriteRecordData(BinaryWriter bamlBinaryWriter)
internal override void Copy(BamlRecord record)
BamlPresentationOptionsAttributeRecord newRecord = (BamlPresentationOptionsAttributeRecord)record;
newRecord._name = _name;
newRecord._nameId = _nameId;
#endregion Methods
#region Properties
internal override BamlRecordType RecordType
get { return BamlRecordType.PresentationOptionsAttribute; }
// The following is written out the baml file.
internal Int16 NameId
get { return _nameId; }
set { _nameId = value; }
// The following are cached locally, but not written to baml.
internal string Name
get { return _name; }
set { _name = value; }
#endregion Properties
public override string ToString()
return string.Create(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, $"{RecordType} nameId({NameId}) is '{Name}'");
#region Data
string _name;
Int16 _nameId;
#endregion Data
// BamlPropertyComplexStartRecord is for Complex DependencyProperty declarations
// in markup, where the actual type and value is determined by subsequent records.
internal class BamlPropertyComplexStartRecord : BamlRecord
#region Methods
internal override void LoadRecordData(BinaryReader bamlBinaryReader)
AttributeId = bamlBinaryReader.ReadInt16();
internal override void WriteRecordData(BinaryWriter bamlBinaryWriter)
internal override void Copy(BamlRecord record)
BamlPropertyComplexStartRecord newRecord = (BamlPropertyComplexStartRecord)record;
newRecord._attributeId = _attributeId;
#endregion Methods
#region Properties
internal override BamlRecordType RecordType
get { return BamlRecordType.PropertyComplexStart; }
internal short AttributeId
get { return _attributeId; }
set { _attributeId = value; }
internal override Int32 RecordSize
get { return 2; }
set { Debug.Assert (value == -1, "Wrong size set for complex prop record"); }
#endregion Properties
public override string ToString()
return string.Create(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, $"{RecordType} attr({_attributeId})");
#region Data
short _attributeId = -1;
#endregion Data
// BamlPropertyStringReferenceRecord is for Property values that are written
// out as references into the string table.
internal class BamlPropertyStringReferenceRecord : BamlPropertyComplexStartRecord
#region Methods
internal override void LoadRecordData(BinaryReader bamlBinaryReader)
AttributeId = bamlBinaryReader.ReadInt16();
StringId = bamlBinaryReader.ReadInt16();
internal override void WriteRecordData(BinaryWriter bamlBinaryWriter)
internal override void Copy(BamlRecord record)
BamlPropertyStringReferenceRecord newRecord = (BamlPropertyStringReferenceRecord)record;
newRecord._stringId = _stringId;
#endregion Methods
#region Properties
internal override BamlRecordType RecordType
get { return BamlRecordType.PropertyStringReference; }
internal short StringId
get { return _stringId; }
set { _stringId = value; }
internal override Int32 RecordSize
get { return 4; }
set { Debug.Assert (value == -1, "Wrong size set for complex prop record"); }
#endregion Properties
#region Data
short _stringId = 0;
#endregion Data
// BamlPropertyTypeReferenceRecord is for Property values that are written
// out as references into the type table. So the property value is a 'Type' object.
internal class BamlPropertyTypeReferenceRecord : BamlPropertyComplexStartRecord
#region Methods
internal override void LoadRecordData(BinaryReader bamlBinaryReader)
AttributeId = bamlBinaryReader.ReadInt16();
TypeId = bamlBinaryReader.ReadInt16();
internal override void WriteRecordData(BinaryWriter bamlBinaryWriter)
internal override void Copy(BamlRecord record)
BamlPropertyTypeReferenceRecord newRecord = (BamlPropertyTypeReferenceRecord)record;
newRecord._typeId = _typeId;
#endregion Methods
#region Properties
internal override BamlRecordType RecordType
get { return BamlRecordType.PropertyTypeReference; }
internal short TypeId
get { return _typeId; }
set { _typeId = value; }
internal override Int32 RecordSize
get { return 4; }
set { Debug.Assert (value == -1, "Wrong size set for complex prop record"); }
#endregion Properties
#region Data
short _typeId = 0;
#endregion Data
// BamlPropertyWithConverterRecord information for property with custom type converter
internal class BamlPropertyWithConverterRecord : BamlPropertyRecord
#region Methods
internal override void LoadRecordData(BinaryReader bamlBinaryReader)
ConverterTypeId = bamlBinaryReader.ReadInt16();
internal override void WriteRecordData(BinaryWriter bamlBinaryWriter)
internal override void Copy(BamlRecord record)
BamlPropertyWithConverterRecord newRecord = (BamlPropertyWithConverterRecord)record;
newRecord._converterTypeId = _converterTypeId;
#endregion Methods
#region Properties
// The following are stored in the baml stream
// ID of this type converter. Referenced in other baml records where a
// Type is needed.
internal short ConverterTypeId
get { return _converterTypeId; }
set { _converterTypeId = value; }
// Additional properties not stored in the baml stream
internal override BamlRecordType RecordType
get { return BamlRecordType.PropertyWithConverter; }
#endregion Properties
#region Data
short _converterTypeId = 0;
#endregion Data
// BamlPropertyRecord is for DependencyProperty values that are written
// out as strings.
internal class BamlPropertyRecord : BamlStringValueRecord
#region Methods
internal override void LoadRecordData(BinaryReader bamlBinaryReader)
AttributeId = bamlBinaryReader.ReadInt16();
Value = bamlBinaryReader.ReadString();
internal override void WriteRecordData(BinaryWriter bamlBinaryWriter)
internal override void Copy(BamlRecord record)
BamlPropertyRecord newRecord = (BamlPropertyRecord)record;
newRecord._attributeId = _attributeId;
#endregion Methods
#region Properties
internal override BamlRecordType RecordType
get { return BamlRecordType.Property; }
internal short AttributeId
get { return _attributeId; }
set { _attributeId = value; }
#endregion Properties
public override string ToString()
return string.Create(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, $"{RecordType} attr({_attributeId}) <== '{Value}'");
#region Data
short _attributeId = -1;
#endregion Data
// BamlPropertyWithExtensionRecord is for property values that are Markup extensions
// with a single param member that are written out as attributeIds.
internal class BamlPropertyWithExtensionRecord : BamlRecord, IOptimizedMarkupExtension
#region Methods
internal override void LoadRecordData(BinaryReader bamlBinaryReader)
AttributeId = bamlBinaryReader.ReadInt16();
short extensionTypeId = bamlBinaryReader.ReadInt16();
ValueId = bamlBinaryReader.ReadInt16();
// The upper 4 bits of the ExtensionTypeId are used as flags
_extensionTypeId = (short)(extensionTypeId & ExtensionIdMask);
IsValueTypeExtension = (extensionTypeId & TypeExtensionValueMask) == TypeExtensionValueMask;
IsValueStaticExtension = (extensionTypeId & StaticExtensionValueMask) == StaticExtensionValueMask;
internal override void WriteRecordData(BinaryWriter bamlBinaryWriter)
short extensionTypeId = ExtensionTypeId;
if (IsValueTypeExtension)
extensionTypeId |= TypeExtensionValueMask;
else if (IsValueStaticExtension)
extensionTypeId |= StaticExtensionValueMask;
internal override void Copy(BamlRecord record)
BamlPropertyWithExtensionRecord newRecord = (BamlPropertyWithExtensionRecord)record;
newRecord._attributeId = _attributeId;
newRecord._extensionTypeId = _extensionTypeId;
newRecord._valueId = _valueId;
#endregion Methods
#region Properties
internal override BamlRecordType RecordType
get { return BamlRecordType.PropertyWithExtension; }
// Id of the property whose value is the simple ME
internal short AttributeId
get { return _attributeId; }
set { _attributeId = value; }
// KnownElement Id of the MarkupExtension
public short ExtensionTypeId
get { return _extensionTypeId; }
// we shouldn't ever be intruding on the flags portion of the ExtensionTypeId
Debug.Assert(value <= ExtensionIdMask);
_extensionTypeId = value;
// For StaticExtension: AttributeId of a member
// For TemplateBindingExtension: AttributeId of a DependencyProperty
// For a DynamicResourceExtension:
// StringId if the value is a string
// TypeId if the value is a TypeExtension
// AttributeId of the member if the value is a StaticExtension
public short ValueId
get { return _valueId; }
set { _valueId = value; }
internal override Int32 RecordSize
get { return 6; }
set { Debug.Assert(value == -1, "Wrong size set for complex prop record"); }
// For DynamicResourceExtension, if the value is itself a simple TypeExtension
public bool IsValueTypeExtension
get { return _flags[_isValueTypeExtensionSection] == 1 ? true : false; }
set { _flags[_isValueTypeExtensionSection] = value ? 1 : 0; }
// For DynamicResourceExtension, if the value is itself a simple StaticExtension
public bool IsValueStaticExtension
get { return _flags[_isValueStaticExtensionSection] == 1 ? true : false; }
set { _flags[_isValueStaticExtensionSection] = value ? 1 : 0; }
// Allocate space in _flags.
private static BitVector32.Section _isValueTypeExtensionSection
= BitVector32.CreateSection(1, BamlRecord.LastFlagsSection);
private static BitVector32.Section _isValueStaticExtensionSection
= BitVector32.CreateSection(1, _isValueTypeExtensionSection);
// This provides subclasses with a referece section to create their own section.
internal new static BitVector32.Section LastFlagsSection
get { return _isValueStaticExtensionSection; }
public override string ToString()
return string.Create(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture,
$"{RecordType} attr({_attributeId}) extn({_extensionTypeId}) valueId({_valueId})");
#endregion Properties
#region Data
short _attributeId = -1;
short _extensionTypeId = 0;
short _valueId = 0;
private static readonly short ExtensionIdMask = 0x0FFF;
private static readonly short TypeExtensionValueMask = 0x4000;
private static readonly short StaticExtensionValueMask = 0x2000;
#endregion Data
// BamlPropertyCustomWriteInfoRecord is for DependencyProperty values that support
// custom Avalon serialization. The property value objects write directly onto
// the BAML stream in whatever format they understand. This record is used only
// during BAML write time.
internal class BamlPropertyCustomWriteInfoRecord : BamlPropertyCustomRecord
internal override void WriteRecordData(BinaryWriter bamlBinaryWriter)
int writePositionStart = (int)bamlBinaryWriter.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Current);
short serializerTypeId = SerializerTypeId;
if (serializerTypeId == (short)KnownElements.DependencyPropertyConverter)
// There is no need to actually use a real Converter here since we already have the
// DP value as an AttributeInfoId.
// if ValueMemberName exists then remember that the ValueId is a TypeId of the
// type that declares ValueMemberName, so that it can be resolved correctly at
// load time.
if (ValueMemberName != null)
bamlBinaryWriter.Write((short)(serializerTypeId | TypeIdValueMask));
// if ValueMemberName does not exist, ValueId is a KnownProperty Id
// else it is a TypeId of the declaring type.
// Write out the ValueMemberName if it exists
if (ValueMemberName != null)
bool converted = false;
// If we have an enum or a bool, do conversion to custom binary data here,
// since we do not have a serializer associated with these types.
if (ValueType != null && ValueType.IsEnum)
uint uintValue = 0;
string [] enumValues = Value.Split(',');
// if the Enum is a flag, then resolve each flag value in the enum value string.
foreach (string enumValue in enumValues)
FieldInfo enumField = ValueType.GetField(enumValue.Trim(), BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.IgnoreCase);
if (enumField != null)
// get the raw va;ue of the enum field and convert to a uint.
object rawEnumValue = enumField.GetRawConstantValue();
uintValue += (uint)Convert.ChangeType(rawEnumValue, typeof(uint), TypeConverterHelper.InvariantEnglishUS);
converted = true;
converted = false;
if (converted)
else if (ValueType == typeof(Boolean))
TypeConverter boolConverter = TypeDescriptor.GetConverter(typeof(Boolean));
object convertedValue = boolConverter.ConvertFromString(TypeContext, TypeConverterHelper.InvariantEnglishUS, Value);
bamlBinaryWriter.Write((byte)Convert.ChangeType(convertedValue, typeof(byte), TypeConverterHelper.InvariantEnglishUS));
converted = true;
else if (SerializerType == typeof(XamlBrushSerializer))
XamlSerializer serializer = new XamlBrushSerializer();
// If we custom serialize this particular value at this point, then see
// if it can convert.
// NOTE: This is sensitive to changes in the BamlRecordWriter and
// BamlRecordManager code and must be kept in sync with them...
converted = serializer.ConvertStringToCustomBinary(bamlBinaryWriter, Value);
else if (SerializerType == typeof(XamlPoint3DCollectionSerializer))
XamlSerializer serializer = new XamlPoint3DCollectionSerializer();
// If we custom serialize this particular value at this point, then see
// if it can convert.
// NOTE: This is sensitive to changes in the BamlRecordWriter and
// BamlRecordManager code and must be kept in sync with them...
converted = serializer.ConvertStringToCustomBinary(bamlBinaryWriter, Value);
else if (SerializerType == typeof(XamlVector3DCollectionSerializer))
XamlSerializer serializer = new XamlVector3DCollectionSerializer();
// If we custom serialize this particular value at this point, then see
// if it can convert.
// NOTE: This is sensitive to changes in the BamlRecordWriter and
// BamlRecordManager code and must be kept in sync with them...
converted = serializer.ConvertStringToCustomBinary(bamlBinaryWriter, Value);
else if (SerializerType == typeof(XamlPointCollectionSerializer))
XamlSerializer serializer = new XamlPointCollectionSerializer();
// If we custom serialize this particular value at this point, then see
// if it can convert.
// NOTE: This is sensitive to changes in the BamlRecordWriter and
// BamlRecordManager code and must be kept in sync with them...
converted = serializer.ConvertStringToCustomBinary(bamlBinaryWriter, Value);
else if (SerializerType == typeof(XamlInt32CollectionSerializer))
XamlSerializer serializer = new XamlInt32CollectionSerializer();
// If we custom serialize this particular value at this point, then see
// if it can convert.
// NOTE: This is sensitive to changes in the BamlRecordWriter and
// BamlRecordManager code and must be kept in sync with them...
converted = serializer.ConvertStringToCustomBinary(bamlBinaryWriter, Value);
else if (SerializerType == typeof(XamlPathDataSerializer))
XamlSerializer serializer = new XamlPathDataSerializer();
// If we custom serialize this particular value at this point, then see
// if it can convert.
// NOTE: This is sensitive to changes in the BamlRecordWriter and
// BamlRecordManager code and must be kept in sync with them...
converted = serializer.ConvertStringToCustomBinary(bamlBinaryWriter, Value);
if (!converted)
throw new XamlParseException(SR.Format(SR.ParserBadString, Value, ValueType.Name));
internal override void Copy(BamlRecord record)
BamlPropertyCustomWriteInfoRecord newRecord = (BamlPropertyCustomWriteInfoRecord)record;
newRecord._valueId = _valueId;
newRecord._valueType = _valueType;
newRecord._value = _value;
newRecord._valueMemberName = _valueMemberName;
newRecord._serializerType = _serializerType;
newRecord._typeContext = _typeContext;
// The KnownProperty Id of the Value, if it is a property and can be converted into one,
// or the TypeId of the owner of the property value
internal short ValueId
get { return _valueId; }
set { _valueId = value; }
// If ValueId is a TypeId, then this holds the name of the member.
internal string ValueMemberName
get { return _valueMemberName; }
set { _valueMemberName = value; }
// The following properties are NOT written to the BAML stream.
// Type of this property
internal Type ValueType
get { return _valueType; }
set { _valueType = value; }
// The string Value of the property.
internal string Value
get { return _value; }
set { _value = value; }
// Type of the XamlSerializer associated with this property. Null
// if this type is custom serialized by the parser itself.
internal Type SerializerType
get { return _serializerType; }
set { _serializerType = value; }
// Context used for type conversion of built in types.
internal ITypeDescriptorContext TypeContext
get { return _typeContext; }
set { _typeContext = value; }
short _valueId;
Type _valueType;
string _value;
string _valueMemberName;
Type _serializerType;
ITypeDescriptorContext _typeContext;
// BamlPropertyCustomRecord is for DependencyProperty values that support
// custom Avalon serialization. This record is used only during BAML load.
// The property value objects are read directly from the BAML stream by the
// custom binary serializer for the property.
internal class BamlPropertyCustomRecord : BamlVariableSizedRecord
#region Methods
internal override void LoadRecordData(BinaryReader bamlBinaryReader)
AttributeId = bamlBinaryReader.ReadInt16();
short serializerTypeId = bamlBinaryReader.ReadInt16();
IsValueTypeId = (serializerTypeId & TypeIdValueMask) == TypeIdValueMask;
if (IsValueTypeId)
serializerTypeId &= (short)(~TypeIdValueMask);
SerializerTypeId = serializerTypeId;
ValueObjectSet = false;
IsRawEnumValueSet = false;
_valueObject = null;
// ValueObject and ValueObject are not set until BamlRecordReader.ReadPropertyCustomRecord
// because the Mapper is needed for custom DPs
// NOTE: above may no longer true, so this could be potentially changed to be in sync with
// other record. Needs more investigation.
// Read the binary data using the passed reader and use that to set the ValueObject.
internal object GetCustomValue(BinaryReader reader, Type propertyType, short serializerId, BamlRecordReader bamlRecordReader)
// Handle enums and bools here directly.
// Otherwise call the known custom serializers directly.
switch (serializerId)
case (short)KnownElements.EnumConverter:
uint enumBits;
if (_valueObject == null)
// if no raw value has been read in yet, read it now
// from the baml stream.
enumBits = reader.ReadUInt32();
// raw value has been read in earlier, so try to resolve into
// an actual enum value now.
enumBits = (uint)_valueObject;
if (propertyType.IsEnum)
// property Type is an enum, so raw value can be resolved now.
_valueObject = Enum.ToObject(propertyType, enumBits);
ValueObjectSet = true;
IsRawEnumValueSet = false;
// property Type is not available yet, so raw value cannot
// be resolved now. Store it and try later.
_valueObject = enumBits;
ValueObjectSet = false;
IsRawEnumValueSet = true;
return _valueObject;
case (short)KnownElements.BooleanConverter:
byte boolByte = reader.ReadByte();
_valueObject = boolByte == 1;
case (short)KnownElements.XamlBrushSerializer:
// Don't bother creating a XamlBrushSerializer instance & calling ConvertCustomBinaryToObject
// on it since that just calls SCB directly liek below. This saves big on perf.
_valueObject = SolidColorBrush.DeserializeFrom(reader, bamlRecordReader.TypeConvertContext);
case (short)KnownElements.XamlPathDataSerializer:
_valueObject = XamlPathDataSerializer.StaticConvertCustomBinaryToObject(reader);
case (short)KnownElements.XamlPoint3DCollectionSerializer:
_valueObject = XamlPoint3DCollectionSerializer.StaticConvertCustomBinaryToObject(reader);
case (short)KnownElements.XamlVector3DCollectionSerializer:
_valueObject = XamlVector3DCollectionSerializer.StaticConvertCustomBinaryToObject(reader);
case (short)KnownElements.XamlPointCollectionSerializer:
_valueObject = XamlPointCollectionSerializer.StaticConvertCustomBinaryToObject(reader);
case (short)KnownElements.XamlInt32CollectionSerializer:
_valueObject = XamlInt32CollectionSerializer.StaticConvertCustomBinaryToObject(reader);
Debug.Assert (false, "Unknown custom serializer");
return null;
ValueObjectSet = true;
return _valueObject;
internal override void Copy(BamlRecord record)
BamlPropertyCustomRecord newRecord = (BamlPropertyCustomRecord)record;
newRecord._valueObject = _valueObject;
newRecord._attributeId = _attributeId;
newRecord._serializerTypeId = _serializerTypeId;
#endregion Methods
#region Properties
internal override BamlRecordType RecordType
get { return BamlRecordType.PropertyCustom; }
internal short AttributeId
get { return _attributeId; }
set { _attributeId = value; }
// ID of this serializer type. Referenced in other baml records where a
// Type is needed.
internal short SerializerTypeId
get { return _serializerTypeId; }
set { _serializerTypeId = value; }
// The following properties are NOT written to the BAML stream.
// Value of the converted object.
internal object ValueObject
get { return _valueObject; }
set { _valueObject = value; }
// Return true if GetCustomValue has been called, indicating that
// a conversion from binary custom data to a ValueObject has occurred.
internal bool ValueObjectSet
get { return _flags[_isValueSetSection] == 1 ? true : false; }
set { _flags[_isValueSetSection] = value ? 1 : 0; }
internal bool IsValueTypeId
get { return _flags[_isValueTypeIdSection] == 1 ? true : false; }
set { _flags[_isValueTypeIdSection] = value ? 1 : 0; }
// true if only the raw value of enum has been read as it cannot yet be
// converted into an enum as the Type is not available yet.
internal bool IsRawEnumValueSet
get { return _flags[_isRawEnumValueSetSection] == 1 ? true : false; }
set { _flags[_isRawEnumValueSetSection] = value ? 1 : 0; }
object _valueObject;
// Allocate space in _flags.
private static BitVector32.Section _isValueSetSection
= BitVector32.CreateSection(1, BamlVariableSizedRecord.LastFlagsSection);
// Allocate space in _flags.
private static BitVector32.Section _isValueTypeIdSection
= BitVector32.CreateSection(1, _isValueSetSection);
// Allocate space in _flags.
private static BitVector32.Section _isRawEnumValueSetSection
= BitVector32.CreateSection(1, _isValueTypeIdSection);
// This provides subclasses with a referece section to create their own section.
internal new static BitVector32.Section LastFlagsSection
get { return _isRawEnumValueSetSection; }
#endregion Properties
#region Data
internal static readonly short TypeIdValueMask = 0x4000;
short _attributeId = 0;
short _serializerTypeId = 0;
#endregion Data
internal class BamlPropertyArrayEndRecord : BamlRecord
#region Properties
internal override BamlRecordType RecordType
get { return BamlRecordType.PropertyArrayEnd; }
#endregion Properties
internal class BamlConstructorParametersStartRecord : BamlRecord
#region Properties
internal override BamlRecordType RecordType
get { return BamlRecordType.ConstructorParametersStart; }
#endregion Properties
internal class BamlConstructorParametersEndRecord : BamlRecord
#region Properties
internal override BamlRecordType RecordType
get { return BamlRecordType.ConstructorParametersEnd; }
#endregion Properties
internal class BamlConstructorParameterTypeRecord : BamlRecord
#region Methods
internal override void LoadRecordData(BinaryReader bamlBinaryReader)
TypeId = bamlBinaryReader.ReadInt16();
internal override void WriteRecordData(BinaryWriter bamlBinaryWriter)
internal override void Copy(BamlRecord record)
BamlConstructorParameterTypeRecord newRecord = (BamlConstructorParameterTypeRecord)record;
newRecord._typeId = _typeId;
#endregion Methods
#region Properties
internal override BamlRecordType RecordType
get { return BamlRecordType.ConstructorParameterType; }
internal short TypeId
get { return _typeId; }
set { _typeId = value; }
internal override Int32 RecordSize
get { return 2; }
set { Debug.Assert (value == -1, "Wrong size set for complex prop record"); }
#endregion Properties
#region Data
short _typeId = 0;
#endregion Data
internal class BamlPropertyIListEndRecord : BamlRecord
#region Properties
internal override BamlRecordType RecordType
get { return BamlRecordType.PropertyIListEnd; }
#endregion Properties
internal class BamlPropertyIDictionaryEndRecord : BamlRecord
#region Properties
internal override BamlRecordType RecordType
get { return BamlRecordType.PropertyIDictionaryEnd; }
#endregion Properties
internal class BamlPropertyComplexEndRecord : BamlRecord
#region Properties
internal override BamlRecordType RecordType
get { return BamlRecordType.PropertyComplexEnd; }
#endregion Properties
internal class BamlPropertyArrayStartRecord : BamlPropertyComplexStartRecord
#region Properties
internal override BamlRecordType RecordType
get { return BamlRecordType.PropertyArrayStart; }
#endregion Properties
internal class BamlPropertyIListStartRecord : BamlPropertyComplexStartRecord
#region Properties
internal override BamlRecordType RecordType
get { return BamlRecordType.PropertyIListStart; }
#endregion Properties
internal class BamlPropertyIDictionaryStartRecord : BamlPropertyComplexStartRecord
#region Properties
internal override BamlRecordType RecordType
get { return BamlRecordType.PropertyIDictionaryStart; }
#endregion Properties
internal class BamlRoutedEventRecord : BamlStringValueRecord
#region Methods
internal override void LoadRecordData(BinaryReader bamlBinaryReader)
AttributeId = bamlBinaryReader.ReadInt16();
Value = bamlBinaryReader.ReadString();
internal override void WriteRecordData(BinaryWriter bamlBinaryWriter)
internal override void Copy(BamlRecord record)
BamlRoutedEventRecord newRecord = (BamlRoutedEventRecord)record;
newRecord._attributeId = _attributeId;
#endregion Methods
#region Properties
internal override BamlRecordType RecordType
get { return BamlRecordType.RoutedEvent; }
internal short AttributeId
get { return _attributeId; }
set { _attributeId = value; }
#endregion Properties
#region Data
short _attributeId = -1;
#endregion Data
// A section of literal content.
internal class BamlLiteralContentRecord : BamlStringValueRecord
#region Methods
internal override void LoadRecordData(BinaryReader bamlBinaryReader)
Value = bamlBinaryReader.ReadString();
Int32 _lineNumber = bamlBinaryReader.ReadInt32();
Int32 _linePosition = bamlBinaryReader.ReadInt32();
internal override void WriteRecordData(BinaryWriter bamlBinaryWriter)
#endregion Methods
#region Properties
internal override BamlRecordType RecordType
get { return BamlRecordType.LiteralContent; }
#endregion Properties
// An record for the connection id that the (Style)BamlRecordReader uses to
// hookup an ID or event on any element in the object tree or Style visual tree.
internal class BamlConnectionIdRecord : BamlRecord
internal override void LoadRecordData(BinaryReader bamlBinaryReader)
ConnectionId = bamlBinaryReader.ReadInt32();
internal override void WriteRecordData(BinaryWriter bamlBinaryWriter)
internal override void Copy(BamlRecord record)
BamlConnectionIdRecord newRecord = (BamlConnectionIdRecord)record;
newRecord._connectionId = _connectionId;
internal override BamlRecordType RecordType
get { return BamlRecordType.ConnectionId; }
// Id of the type of this object
internal Int32 ConnectionId
get { return _connectionId; }
set { _connectionId = value; }
internal override Int32 RecordSize
get { return 4; }
set { Debug.Assert(value == -1, "Wrong size set for element record"); }
Int32 _connectionId = -1;
// An object record in the object tree. This can be a CLR
// object or a DependencyObject.
internal class BamlElementStartRecord : BamlRecord
#region Methods
internal override void LoadRecordData(BinaryReader bamlBinaryReader)
TypeId = bamlBinaryReader.ReadInt16();
byte flags = bamlBinaryReader.ReadByte();
CreateUsingTypeConverter = (flags & 1) != 0;
IsInjected = (flags & 2) != 0;
internal override void WriteRecordData(BinaryWriter bamlBinaryWriter)
byte flags = (byte)((CreateUsingTypeConverter ? 1 : 0) | (IsInjected ? 2 : 0));
#endregion Methods
#region Properties
internal override BamlRecordType RecordType
get { return BamlRecordType.ElementStart; }
// Id of the type of this object
internal short TypeId
short value = (short) _flags[_typeIdLowSection];
value |= (short) (_flags[_typeIdHighSection] << 8);
return value;
_flags[_typeIdLowSection] = (short) (value & 0xff);
_flags[_typeIdHighSection] = (short) ((value & 0xff00) >> 8);
// Whether this object instance is expected to be created via TypeConverter
internal bool CreateUsingTypeConverter
return _flags[_useTypeConverter] == 1 ? true : false;
_flags[_useTypeConverter] = value ? 1 : 0;
// Whether this element start record is just an injected tag that should not be processed
internal bool IsInjected
return _flags[_isInjected] == 1 ? true : false;
_flags[_isInjected] = value ? 1 : 0;
internal override Int32 RecordSize
get { return 3; }
set { Debug.Assert(value == -1, "Wrong size set for element record"); }
#endregion Properties
public override string ToString()
return string.Create(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, $"{RecordType} typeId={GetTypeName(TypeId)}");
// Allocate space in _flags.
// BitVector32 doesn't support 16 bit sections, so we have to break
// it up into 2 sections.
private static BitVector32.Section _typeIdLowSection
= BitVector32.CreateSection( (short)0xff, BamlRecord.LastFlagsSection );
private static BitVector32.Section _typeIdHighSection
= BitVector32.CreateSection( (short)0xff, _typeIdLowSection );
private static BitVector32.Section _useTypeConverter
= BitVector32.CreateSection( 1, _typeIdHighSection );
private static BitVector32.Section _isInjected
= BitVector32.CreateSection( 1, _useTypeConverter );
// This provides subclasses with a referece section to create their own section.
internal new static BitVector32.Section LastFlagsSection
get { return _isInjected; }
// BamlNamedElementStartRecord
// This is a BamlElementStartRecord that also carries an element name.
// This is currently internal, used only for templates. The original intent for this record was that
// it become the new design for named objects; any object with an x:Name set, would have that name
// incorporated into the element start record. But that design did not happen, instead the
// property attribute are re-ordered such that the name always immediately follows the element
// start record. So this should be removed, and the template code updated accordingly. (And in fact,
// the template design should be updated so as not to be reliant on naming, as that is too fragile.)
internal class BamlNamedElementStartRecord : BamlElementStartRecord
#region Methods
internal override void LoadRecordData(BinaryReader bamlBinaryReader)
TypeId = bamlBinaryReader.ReadInt16();
RuntimeName = bamlBinaryReader.ReadString();
internal override void WriteRecordData(BinaryWriter bamlBinaryWriter)
if( RuntimeName != null )
internal override void Copy(BamlRecord record)
BamlNamedElementStartRecord newRecord = (BamlNamedElementStartRecord)record;
newRecord._isTemplateChild = _isTemplateChild;
newRecord._runtimeName = _runtimeName;
#endregion Methods
#region Properties
internal string RuntimeName
get { return _runtimeName; }
set { _runtimeName = value; }
// This flag is used by templates to indicate that an ElementStart
// record is for an object that will be a template child. We had to add
// this to allow some validation during template application. This isn't
// a good solution, because we shouldn't have this record understanding
// template children. But the long-term plan is to break the template design
// away from a dependence on names, at which point this whole BamlNamedElementStartRecord
// will go away.
private bool _isTemplateChild = false;
internal bool IsTemplateChild
get { return _isTemplateChild; }
set { _isTemplateChild = value; }
#endregion Properties
#region Data
// Id of the type of this object
string _runtimeName = null;
#endregion Data
// Marks a block that has deferable content. This record contains the size
// of the deferable section, excluding the start and end records themselves.
internal class BamlDeferableContentStartRecord : BamlRecord
#region Methods
internal override void LoadRecordData(BinaryReader bamlBinaryReader)
ContentSize = bamlBinaryReader.ReadInt32();
internal override void WriteRecordData(BinaryWriter bamlBinaryWriter)
_contentSizePosition = bamlBinaryWriter.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Current);
// Update the size of the content contained between the end of the start
// record and the beginning of the end record. The size of the content is
// usually not known when the start record is written out.
internal void UpdateContentSize(
Int32 contentSize,
BinaryWriter bamlBinaryWriter)
Debug.Assert(_contentSizePosition != -1,
"Must call WriteRecordData before updating content size");
// Use relative positions to reduce the possibility of truncation,
// since Seek takes a 32 bit int, but position is a 64 bit int.
Int64 existingPosition = bamlBinaryWriter.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Current);
Int32 deltaPosition = (Int32)(_contentSizePosition-existingPosition);
bamlBinaryWriter.Seek(deltaPosition, SeekOrigin.Current);
bamlBinaryWriter.Seek((int)(-ContentSizeSize-deltaPosition), SeekOrigin.Current);
internal override void Copy(BamlRecord record)
BamlDeferableContentStartRecord newRecord = (BamlDeferableContentStartRecord)record;
newRecord._contentSize = _contentSize;
newRecord._contentSizePosition = _contentSizePosition;
newRecord._valuesBuffer = _valuesBuffer;
#endregion Methods
#region Properties
internal override BamlRecordType RecordType
get { return BamlRecordType.DeferableContentStart; }
internal Int32 ContentSize
get { return _contentSize; }
set { _contentSize = value; }
internal override Int32 RecordSize
get { return 4; }
set { Debug.Assert(value == -1, "Wrong size set for element record"); }
/// <summary>
/// For the case of a ResourceDictionary inside template content, we read
/// the dictionary values into a byte array while creating the template
/// content. Later during template instantiation when the dictionary instance
/// is created we use this buffer to create a memory stream so that the
/// ResourceDictionary can use it to RealizeDeferredContent. This is required
/// because at template instantiation time we do not have a stream to work with.
/// The reader operates on a linked list of BamlRecords.
/// </summary>
internal byte[] ValuesBuffer
get { return _valuesBuffer; }
set { _valuesBuffer = value; }
#endregion Properties
#region Data
// Size of the ContentSize field written out to the baml stream. This
// must be kept in sync with the size of the _contentSize field.
const Int64 ContentSizeSize = 4;
// Size of the content between the end of the start record and the
// beginning of the end record for this element.
Int32 _contentSize = - 1;
// Absolute position in the stream where ContentSize is written.
Int64 _contentSizePosition = -1;
byte[] _valuesBuffer;
#endregion Data
// BamlStaticResourceStartRecord
// This record marks the start of a StaticResourceExtension within the header for a deferred section.
internal class BamlStaticResourceStartRecord : BamlElementStartRecord
#region Properties
internal override BamlRecordType RecordType
get { return BamlRecordType.StaticResourceStart; }
#endregion Properties
// BamlStaticResourceEndRecord
// This record marks the end of a StaticResourceExtension within the header for a deferred section.
internal class BamlStaticResourceEndRecord : BamlElementEndRecord
#region Properties
internal override BamlRecordType RecordType
get { return BamlRecordType.StaticResourceEnd; }
#endregion Properties
// BamlOptimizedStaticResourceRecord
// This record represents an optimized StaticResourceExtension within the header for a deferred section.
internal class BamlOptimizedStaticResourceRecord : BamlRecord, IOptimizedMarkupExtension
#region Methods
internal override void LoadRecordData(BinaryReader bamlBinaryReader)
byte flags = bamlBinaryReader.ReadByte();
ValueId = bamlBinaryReader.ReadInt16();
IsValueTypeExtension = (flags & TypeExtensionValueMask) != 0;
IsValueStaticExtension = (flags & StaticExtensionValueMask) != 0;
internal override void WriteRecordData(BinaryWriter bamlBinaryWriter)
byte flags = 0;
if (IsValueTypeExtension)
flags |= TypeExtensionValueMask;
else if (IsValueStaticExtension)
flags |= StaticExtensionValueMask;
internal override void Copy(BamlRecord record)
BamlOptimizedStaticResourceRecord newRecord = (BamlOptimizedStaticResourceRecord)record;
newRecord._valueId = _valueId;
#endregion Methods
#region Properties
internal override BamlRecordType RecordType
get { return BamlRecordType.OptimizedStaticResource; }
public short ExtensionTypeId
get { return (short)KnownElements.StaticResourceExtension; }
// StringId if the value is a string
// TypeId if the value is a TypeExtension
// AttributeId of the member if the value is a StaticExtension
public short ValueId
get { return _valueId; }
set { _valueId = value; }
internal override Int32 RecordSize
get { return 3; }
set { Debug.Assert(value == -1, "Wrong size set for complex prop record"); }
// If the value is itself a simple TypeExtension
public bool IsValueTypeExtension
get { return _flags[_isValueTypeExtensionSection] == 1 ? true : false; }
set { _flags[_isValueTypeExtensionSection] = value ? 1 : 0; }
// If the value is itself a simple StaticExtension
public bool IsValueStaticExtension
get { return _flags[_isValueStaticExtensionSection] == 1 ? true : false; }
set { _flags[_isValueStaticExtensionSection] = value ? 1 : 0; }
#endregion Properties
#region Data
short _valueId = 0;
private static readonly byte TypeExtensionValueMask = 0x01;
private static readonly byte StaticExtensionValueMask = 0x02;
// Allocate space in _flags.
private static BitVector32.Section _isValueTypeExtensionSection
= BitVector32.CreateSection(1, BamlRecord.LastFlagsSection);
private static BitVector32.Section _isValueStaticExtensionSection
= BitVector32.CreateSection(1, _isValueTypeExtensionSection);
// This provides subclasses with a referece section to create their own section.
internal new static BitVector32.Section LastFlagsSection
get { return _isValueStaticExtensionSection; }
public override string ToString()
return string.Create(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture,
$"{RecordType} extn(StaticResourceExtension) valueId({_valueId})");
#endregion Data
// BamlStaticResourceIdRecord
// This BamlRecord is an identifier for a StaticResourceExtension within the header for a deferred section.
internal class BamlStaticResourceIdRecord : BamlRecord
#region Methods
internal override void LoadRecordData(BinaryReader bamlBinaryReader)
StaticResourceId = bamlBinaryReader.ReadInt16();
internal override void WriteRecordData(BinaryWriter bamlBinaryWriter)
internal override void Copy(BamlRecord record)
BamlStaticResourceIdRecord newRecord = (BamlStaticResourceIdRecord)record;
newRecord._staticResourceId = _staticResourceId;
#endregion Methods
#region Properties
internal override BamlRecordType RecordType
get { return BamlRecordType.StaticResourceId; }
internal override Int32 RecordSize
get { return 2; }
set { Debug.Assert(value == -1, "Wrong size set for complex prop record"); }
internal short StaticResourceId
get { return _staticResourceId; }
set { _staticResourceId = value; }
#endregion Properties
#region Data
short _staticResourceId = -1;
public override string ToString()
return string.Create(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture,
$"{RecordType} staticResourceId({StaticResourceId})");
#endregion Data
// BamlPropertyWithStaticResourceIdRecord
// This BamlRecord represents a BamlPropertyRecord with a StaticResourceId as place holder for
// a StaticResourceExtension within a deferred section.
internal class BamlPropertyWithStaticResourceIdRecord : BamlStaticResourceIdRecord
#region Methods
internal override void LoadRecordData(BinaryReader bamlBinaryReader)
AttributeId = bamlBinaryReader.ReadInt16();
StaticResourceId = bamlBinaryReader.ReadInt16();
internal override void WriteRecordData(BinaryWriter bamlBinaryWriter)
internal override void Copy(BamlRecord record)
BamlPropertyWithStaticResourceIdRecord newRecord = (BamlPropertyWithStaticResourceIdRecord)record;
newRecord._attributeId = _attributeId;
#endregion Methods
#region Properties
internal override BamlRecordType RecordType
get { return BamlRecordType.PropertyWithStaticResourceId; }
internal override Int32 RecordSize
get { return 4; }
set { Debug.Assert(value == -1, "Wrong size set for complex prop record"); }
// Id of the property whose value is the simple SR
internal short AttributeId
get { return _attributeId; }
set { _attributeId = value; }
#endregion Properties
#region Data
short _attributeId = -1;
public override string ToString()
return string.Create(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture,
$"{RecordType} attr({AttributeId}) staticResourceId({StaticResourceId})");
#endregion Data
// Text content between the begin and end tag of an element.
internal class BamlTextRecord : BamlStringValueRecord
#region Properties
internal override BamlRecordType RecordType
get { return BamlRecordType.Text; }
#endregion Properties
// This is a text record within a [Static/Dynamic]ResourceExtension.
internal class BamlTextWithIdRecord : BamlTextRecord
#region Methods
internal override void LoadRecordData(BinaryReader bamlBinaryReader)
ValueId = bamlBinaryReader.ReadInt16();
internal override void WriteRecordData(BinaryWriter bamlBinaryWriter)
internal override void Copy(BamlRecord record)
BamlTextWithIdRecord newRecord = (BamlTextWithIdRecord)record;
newRecord._valueId = _valueId;
#endregion Methods
#region Properties
internal override BamlRecordType RecordType
get { return BamlRecordType.TextWithId; }
internal Int16 ValueId
get { return _valueId; }
set { _valueId = value; }
#endregion Properties
#region Data
Int16 _valueId;
#endregion Data
// Text content between the begin and end tag of an element that will be parsed using a type converter.
internal class BamlTextWithConverterRecord : BamlTextRecord
#region Methods
internal override void LoadRecordData(BinaryReader bamlBinaryReader)
ConverterTypeId = bamlBinaryReader.ReadInt16();
internal override void WriteRecordData(BinaryWriter bamlBinaryWriter)
internal override void Copy(BamlRecord record)
BamlTextWithConverterRecord newRecord = (BamlTextWithConverterRecord)record;
newRecord._converterTypeId = _converterTypeId;
#endregion Methods
#region Properties
// The following are stored in the baml stream
// ID of this type converter. Referenced in other baml records where a
// Type is needed.
internal short ConverterTypeId
get { return _converterTypeId; }
set { _converterTypeId = value; }
// Additional properties not stored in the baml stream
internal override BamlRecordType RecordType
get { return BamlRecordType.TextWithConverter; }
#endregion Properties
#region Data
short _converterTypeId = 0;
#endregion Data
// Marks the start of a Baml document. This must always be the first
// record in a BAML stream. It contains version information, and other
// document wide directives.
internal class BamlDocumentStartRecord : BamlRecord
#region Methods
// Writes data at the current position. The seek pointer points
// to byte after the end of record when done.
internal override void Write(BinaryWriter bamlBinaryWriter)
// Remember the file location of this baml record. This
// is needed if we have to come back later to update the sync mode.
if (FilePos == -1 && bamlBinaryWriter != null)
FilePos = bamlBinaryWriter.Seek(0,SeekOrigin.Current);
// Adjust seeks pointer to this Record and updates the data.
// Then sets seek pointer pack to original.
// NOTE: This will ONLY work for file sizes under 2 gig. This is
// not a problem for current useage, since this is mostly used
// when updating LoadAsync attribute on the DocumentStart record,
// which is usually set on the first element in the xaml file.
internal virtual void UpdateWrite(BinaryWriter bamlBinaryWriter)
// default implementation, class should override if
// wants to optimize to only update dirty data.
long currentPosiition = bamlBinaryWriter.Seek(0,SeekOrigin.Current);
// seek to original record position.
Debug.Assert(FilePos != -1,"UpdateWrite called but Write Never was");
// Note: This only works for files up to 2 gig in length.
// This is not a new restriction, but it should be
// fixed to work with larger files...
bamlBinaryWriter.Seek( (int) currentPosiition,SeekOrigin.Begin);
internal override void LoadRecordData(BinaryReader bamlBinaryReader)
LoadAsync = bamlBinaryReader.ReadBoolean();
MaxAsyncRecords = bamlBinaryReader.ReadInt32();
DebugBaml = bamlBinaryReader.ReadBoolean();
internal override void WriteRecordData(BinaryWriter bamlBinaryWriter)
internal override void Copy(BamlRecord record)
BamlDocumentStartRecord newRecord = (BamlDocumentStartRecord)record;
newRecord._maxAsyncRecords = _maxAsyncRecords;
newRecord._loadAsync = _loadAsync;
newRecord._filePos = _filePos;
newRecord._debugBaml = _debugBaml;
#endregion Methods
#region Properties
internal override BamlRecordType RecordType
get { return BamlRecordType.DocumentStart; }
internal bool LoadAsync
get { return _loadAsync; }
set { _loadAsync = value; }
internal int MaxAsyncRecords
get { return _maxAsyncRecords; }
set { _maxAsyncRecords = value; }
// Position in the baml file stream
internal long FilePos
get { return _filePos; }
set { _filePos = value; }
// Are there Debug Baml Records in this Baml Stream
internal bool DebugBaml
get { return _debugBaml; }
set { _debugBaml = value; }
#endregion Properties
#region Data
int _maxAsyncRecords = -1;
bool _loadAsync = false;
long _filePos = -1;
bool _debugBaml = false;
#endregion Data
// This marks the end tag of an element
internal class BamlElementEndRecord : BamlRecord
#region Properties
internal override BamlRecordType RecordType
get { return BamlRecordType.ElementEnd; }
#endregion Properties
// This marks the start tag of an element being used as the key for an IDictionary
internal class BamlKeyElementStartRecord : BamlDefAttributeKeyTypeRecord, IBamlDictionaryKey
internal BamlKeyElementStartRecord()
Pin(); // Don't allow this record to be recycled in the read cache.
#region Properties
internal override BamlRecordType RecordType
get { return BamlRecordType.KeyElementStart; }
#endregion Properties
// This marks the end tag of an element being used as the key for an IDictionary
internal class BamlKeyElementEndRecord : BamlElementEndRecord
#region Properties
internal override BamlRecordType RecordType
get { return BamlRecordType.KeyElementEnd; }
#endregion Properties
// This marks the end of the baml stream, or document.
internal class BamlDocumentEndRecord : BamlRecord
#region Properties
internal override BamlRecordType RecordType
get { return BamlRecordType.DocumentEnd; }
#endregion Properties
// The following records are used internally in the baml stream to
// define attribute (eg - property), type and assembly information
// for records that follow later on in the stream. They are never
// publically exposed
// Information about an assembly where a type is defined
internal class BamlAssemblyInfoRecord : BamlVariableSizedRecord
internal BamlAssemblyInfoRecord()
Pin(); // Don't allow this record to be recycled in the read cache.
AssemblyId = -1;
#region Methods
// LoadRecord specific data
internal override void LoadRecordData(BinaryReader bamlBinaryReader)
AssemblyId = bamlBinaryReader.ReadInt16();
AssemblyFullName = bamlBinaryReader.ReadString();
// write record specific Data.
internal override void WriteRecordData(BinaryWriter bamlBinaryWriter)
// write out an int for record size but we'll go back and fill
internal override void Copy(BamlRecord record)
BamlAssemblyInfoRecord newRecord = (BamlAssemblyInfoRecord)record;
newRecord._assemblyFullName = _assemblyFullName;
newRecord._assembly = _assembly;
#endregion Methods
#region Properties
// The following are stored in the baml stream
// ID of this assembly
internal short AssemblyId
short value = (short) _flags[_assemblyIdLowSection];
value |= (short) (_flags[_assemblyIdHighSection] << 8);
return value;
_flags[_assemblyIdLowSection] = (short) (value & 0xff);
_flags[_assemblyIdHighSection] = (short) ((value & 0xff00) >> 8);
// Allocate space in _flags.
// BitVector32 doesn't support 16 bit sections, so we have to break
// it up into 2 sections.
private static BitVector32.Section _assemblyIdLowSection
= BitVector32.CreateSection( (short)0xff, BamlVariableSizedRecord.LastFlagsSection );
private static BitVector32.Section _assemblyIdHighSection
= BitVector32.CreateSection( (short)0xff, _assemblyIdLowSection );
// This provides subclasses with a referece section to create their own section.
internal new static BitVector32.Section LastFlagsSection
get { return _assemblyIdHighSection; }
// Full name of this assembly, excluding any suffix. This has
// the format "AssemblyName, Version, Culture, PublicKeyToken" when we
// have a true full name. Sometimes we aren't given the full assembly
// name, in which case the full name is the same as the short name.
internal string AssemblyFullName
get { return _assemblyFullName; }
set { _assemblyFullName = value; }
// The following are not part of the BAML stream
// Identify type of record
internal override BamlRecordType RecordType
get { return BamlRecordType.AssemblyInfo; }
// The actual loaded assembly
internal Assembly Assembly
get { return _assembly; }
set { _assembly = value; }
#endregion Properties
#region Data
string _assemblyFullName;
Assembly _assembly;
#endregion Data
// Information about a type for an element, object or property
internal class BamlTypeInfoRecord : BamlVariableSizedRecord
internal BamlTypeInfoRecord()
Pin(); // Don't allow this record to be recycled in the read cache.
TypeId = -1;
#region Methods
// LoadRecord specific data
internal override void LoadRecordData(BinaryReader bamlBinaryReader)
TypeId = bamlBinaryReader.ReadInt16();
AssemblyId = bamlBinaryReader.ReadInt16();
TypeFullName = bamlBinaryReader.ReadString();
// Note that the upper 4 bits of the AssemblyId are used for flags
_typeInfoFlags = (TypeInfoFlags)(AssemblyId >> 12);
_assemblyId &= 0x0FFF;
// write record specific Data.
internal override void WriteRecordData(BinaryWriter bamlBinaryWriter)
// write out an int for record size but we'll go back and fill
// Note that the upper 4 bits of the AssemblyId are used for flags
bamlBinaryWriter.Write((short)(((ushort)AssemblyId) | (((ushort)_typeInfoFlags) << 12)));
internal override void Copy(BamlRecord record)
BamlTypeInfoRecord newRecord = (BamlTypeInfoRecord)record;
newRecord._typeInfoFlags = _typeInfoFlags;
newRecord._assemblyId = _assemblyId;
newRecord._typeFullName = _typeFullName;
newRecord._type = _type;
#endregion Methods
#region Properties
// The following are stored in the baml stream
// ID of this type. Refenced in other baml records where a
// Type is needed.
internal short TypeId
short value = (short) _flags[_typeIdLowSection];
value |= (short) (_flags[_typeIdHighSection] << 8);
return value;
_flags[_typeIdLowSection] = (short) (value & 0xff);
_flags[_typeIdHighSection] = (short) ((value & 0xff00) >> 8);
// Assembly id of the assembly where this type is defined.
// NOTE: This is always positive in BAML files, but can be set
// to -1 for known types when created programmatically.
internal short AssemblyId
get { return _assemblyId; }
// Make sure we don't intrude on the Flags portion of the assembly ID
if (_assemblyId > 0x0FFF)
throw new XamlParseException(SR.ParserTooManyAssemblies);
_assemblyId = value;
// Fully qualified name of type, including namespace
internal string TypeFullName
get { return _typeFullName; }
set { _typeFullName = value; }
// Additional properties not stored in the baml stream
internal override BamlRecordType RecordType
get { return BamlRecordType.TypeInfo; }
// Actual type. Filled in here when xaml is used to create
// a tree, and the token reader knows the type
internal Type Type
get { return _type; }
set { _type = value; }
// Extract the namespace from the type full name and return
// it. We are assuming here that the type full name has a single
// classname at the end and we are not refering to a nested class...
internal string ClrNamespace
int periodIndex = _typeFullName.LastIndexOf('.');
return periodIndex > 0 ?
_typeFullName.Substring(0, periodIndex) :
// True if there is a serializer associated with this type
internal virtual bool HasSerializer
get { return false; }
internal bool IsInternalType
return ((_typeInfoFlags & TypeInfoFlags.Internal) == TypeInfoFlags.Internal);
// Don't allow resetting to false (i.e. converting back top public if
// it becomes non-public, for added safety.
if (value)
_typeInfoFlags |= TypeInfoFlags.Internal;
#endregion Properties
#region Data
// Allocate space in _flags.
// BitVector32 doesn't support 16 bit sections, so we have to break
// it up into 2 sections.
private static BitVector32.Section _typeIdLowSection
= BitVector32.CreateSection( (short)0xff, BamlVariableSizedRecord.LastFlagsSection );
private static BitVector32.Section _typeIdHighSection
= BitVector32.CreateSection( (short)0xff, _typeIdLowSection );
// This provides subclasses with a referece section to create their own section.
internal new static BitVector32.Section LastFlagsSection
get { return _typeIdHighSection; }
// Flags contained in TypeInfo that give additional information
// about the type that is determined at compile time.
private enum TypeInfoFlags : byte
Internal = 0x1,
UnusedTwo = 0x2,
UnusedThree = 0x4,
TypeInfoFlags _typeInfoFlags = 0;
short _assemblyId = -1;
string _typeFullName;
Type _type;
#endregion Data
// Type info record for a type that has a custom serializer associated with it.
// This gives the serializer type that will be used when deserializing this type
internal class BamlTypeInfoWithSerializerRecord : BamlTypeInfoRecord
internal BamlTypeInfoWithSerializerRecord()
Pin(); // Don't allow this record to be recycled in the read cache.
#region Methods
// LoadRecord specific data
internal override void LoadRecordData(BinaryReader bamlBinaryReader)
SerializerTypeId = bamlBinaryReader.ReadInt16();
// write record specific Data.
internal override void WriteRecordData(BinaryWriter bamlBinaryWriter)
internal override void Copy(BamlRecord record)
BamlTypeInfoWithSerializerRecord newRecord = (BamlTypeInfoWithSerializerRecord)record;
newRecord._serializerTypeId = _serializerTypeId;
newRecord._serializerType = _serializerType;
#endregion Methods
#region Properties
// The following are stored in the baml stream
// ID of this type. Refenced in other baml records where a
// Type is needed.
internal short SerializerTypeId
get { return _serializerTypeId; }
set { _serializerTypeId = value; }
// Additional properties not stored in the baml stream
internal override BamlRecordType RecordType
get { return BamlRecordType.TypeSerializerInfo; }
// Actual type of associated serializer. Filled in here when xaml is used to create
// a tree, and the token reader knows the type of the serializer, or
// when we are reading the baml file and have determined the
// serializer type.
internal Type SerializerType
get { return _serializerType; }
set { _serializerType = value; }
// True if there is a serializer associated with this type. A serializer
// will never be the first type object in a baml file, so its type ID will
// never be 0. Any other ID indicates we have a serializer.
internal override bool HasSerializer
Debug.Assert( SerializerTypeId != 0 );
return true;
#endregion Properties
#region Data
short _serializerTypeId = 0;
Type _serializerType;
#endregion Data
// Used for mapping properties and events to an owner type, given the
// name of the attribute. Note that Attribute is used for historical
// reasons and for similarities to Xml attributes. For us attributes
// are just properties and events.
internal class BamlAttributeInfoRecord : BamlVariableSizedRecord
internal BamlAttributeInfoRecord()
Pin(); // Don't allow this record to be recycled in the read cache.
AttributeUsage = BamlAttributeUsage.Default;
#region Methods
// LoadRecord specific data
internal override void LoadRecordData(BinaryReader bamlBinaryReader)
AttributeId = bamlBinaryReader.ReadInt16();
OwnerTypeId = bamlBinaryReader.ReadInt16();
AttributeUsage = (BamlAttributeUsage)bamlBinaryReader.ReadByte();
Name = bamlBinaryReader.ReadString();
// write record specific Data.
internal override void WriteRecordData(BinaryWriter bamlBinaryWriter)
// write out an int for record size but we'll go back and fill
internal override void Copy(BamlRecord record)
BamlAttributeInfoRecord newRecord = (BamlAttributeInfoRecord)record;
newRecord._ownerId = _ownerId;
newRecord._attributeId = _attributeId;
newRecord._name = _name;
newRecord._ownerType = _ownerType;
newRecord._Event = _Event;
newRecord._dp = _dp;
newRecord._ei = _ei;
newRecord._pi = _pi;
newRecord._smi = _smi;
newRecord._gmi = _gmi;
newRecord._dpOrMiOrPi = _dpOrMiOrPi;
#endregion Methods
#region Properties
// The following 3 properties are stored in the Baml file and are read and
// written by the BamlRecordReader and BamlXamlNodeWriter
internal short OwnerTypeId
get { return _ownerId; }
set { _ownerId = value; }
internal short AttributeId
set { _attributeId = value; }
get { return _attributeId; }
internal string Name
get { return _name; }
set { _name = value; }
// The following properties are derived at runtime from the above 3 properties using
// the Mapper. Which are set depends on the attribute and the context in which it is
// used.
internal override BamlRecordType RecordType
get { return BamlRecordType.AttributeInfo; }
// Return type of property. Note that this uses the same logic as
// Mapper.GetPropertyType but uses the cached values of DP, PropInfo
// and AttachedPropertySetter.
internal Type GetPropertyType()
Type validType = null;
DependencyProperty dp = DP;
if (dp == null)
MethodInfo methodInfo = AttachedPropertySetter;
if (methodInfo == null)
PropertyInfo propInfo = PropInfo;
validType = propInfo.PropertyType;
ParameterInfo[] paramInfo = methodInfo.GetParameters();
validType = paramInfo[1].ParameterType;
validType = dp.PropertyType;
return validType;
/// <summary>
/// Set the PropertyMember, which can is assumed to be a MethodInfo for
/// the static setter method for a DP or a PropertyInfo for the clr property
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// The possibility of having multiple member info cached for an attribute is when a
/// dependency property that does not belong to the default namespace is used in once
/// in a once with a namespace prefix and once without it. When it has a namespace
/// prefix we correctly find the dependency property for it. However when it does not
/// have a namespace prefix it the parser tries to look it up in the default namespace
/// and falls back to using the clr wrapper's property info for it instead. Another
/// scenario that requires caching more than one property info is when a dependency
/// property has both a static settor and a clr wrapper.
/// </remarks>
internal void SetPropertyMember (object propertyMember)
Debug.Assert((propertyMember is MethodInfo) || (propertyMember is PropertyInfo)
|| (KnownTypes.Types[(int)KnownElements.DependencyProperty].IsAssignableFrom(propertyMember.GetType())),
"Cache can hold either a MethodInfo and/or a PropertyInfo and/or a DependencyProperty for a given attribute");
if (PropertyMember == null)
PropertyMember = propertyMember;
// Cache a additional MemberInfo for the given attribute
if (PropertyMember is not object[] arr)
arr = new object[3];
arr[0] = PropertyMember;
arr[1] = propertyMember;
Debug.Assert(arr.Length == 3 && arr[0] != null && arr[1] != null);
arr[2] = propertyMember;
/// <summary>
/// Return the PropertyMember, which can is assumed to be a MethodInfo for
/// the static setter method for a DP or a PropertyInfo for the clr property
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// The possibility of having multiple member info cached for an attribute is when a
/// dependency property that does not belong to the default namespace is used in once
/// in a once with a namespace prefix and once without it. When it has a namespace
/// prefix we correctly find the dependency property for it. However when it does not
/// have a namespace prefix it the parser tries to look it up in the default namespace
/// and falls back to using the clr wrapper's property info for it instead. Another
/// scenario that requires caching more than one property info is when a dependency
/// property has both a static settor and a clr wrapper.
/// </remarks>
internal object GetPropertyMember(bool onlyPropInfo)
if (PropertyMember == null ||
PropertyMember is MemberInfo ||
KnownTypes.Types[(int)KnownElements.DependencyProperty].IsAssignableFrom(PropertyMember.GetType( )) )
if (onlyPropInfo)
return PropertyMember as PropertyInfo;
return PropInfo;
return PropertyMember;
// The attribute has multiple member info. Choose which one to return.
object[] arr = (object[])PropertyMember;
Debug.Assert(arr.Length == 3 && arr[0] != null && arr[1] != null);
// If someone queries any MemberInfo for the given attribute then we return the
// first member info cached for it. If they are looking specifically for a
// PropertyInfo we try and find them one.
if (onlyPropInfo)
if (arr[0] is PropertyInfo)
return (PropertyInfo)arr[0];
else if (arr[1] is PropertyInfo)
return (PropertyInfo)arr[1];
return arr[2] as PropertyInfo;
return arr[0];
// Cached value of the DependencyProperty, MethodInfo for the static setter
// method, or the PropertyInfo for a given property. If this is an
// event, then this is null.
internal object PropertyMember
get { return _dpOrMiOrPi; }
set { _dpOrMiOrPi = value; }
// The cached type of the owner or declarer of this property
internal Type OwnerType
get { return _ownerType; }
set { _ownerType = value; }
// Cached value of the routed event id, if this attribute is for a
// routed event. If not a routed event, this is null.
internal RoutedEvent Event
get { return _Event; }
set { _Event = value; }
// Cached value of DP, if available
internal DependencyProperty DP
if (null != _dp)
return _dp;
return _dpOrMiOrPi as DependencyProperty;
_dp = value;
if (_dp != null)
// Release the other copy of the string
_name = _dp.Name;
// Cached value of static property setter method info, if available
internal MethodInfo AttachedPropertySetter
return _smi;
_smi = value;
// Cached value of static property getter method info, if available
internal MethodInfo AttachedPropertyGetter
return _gmi;
_gmi = value;
// Cached value of EventInfo, if available
internal EventInfo EventInfo
get { return _ei; }
set { _ei = value; }
// Cached value of PropertyInfo, if available
internal PropertyInfo PropInfo
return _pi;
set { _pi = value; }
internal bool IsInternal
return _flags[_isInternalSection] == 1 ? true : false;
_flags[_isInternalSection] = value ? 1 : 0;
// Some attributes have special usage, such as setting the XmlLang and XmlSpace
// strings in the parser context. This is flagged with this property
internal BamlAttributeUsage AttributeUsage
return (BamlAttributeUsage) _flags[_attributeUsageSection];
_flags[_attributeUsageSection] = (int) value;
// Allocate space in _flags.
private static BitVector32.Section _isInternalSection
= BitVector32.CreateSection( 1, BamlVariableSizedRecord.LastFlagsSection );
private static BitVector32.Section _attributeUsageSection
= BitVector32.CreateSection( 3, _isInternalSection );
// This provides subclasses with a referece section to create their own section.
internal new static BitVector32.Section LastFlagsSection
get { return _attributeUsageSection; }
#endregion Properties
public override string ToString()
return string.Create(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture,
$"{RecordType} owner={GetTypeName(OwnerTypeId)} attr({AttributeId}) is '{_name}'");
#region Data
short _ownerId;
short _attributeId;
string _name;
Type _ownerType = null;
RoutedEvent _Event = null;
DependencyProperty _dp = null;
EventInfo _ei = null;
PropertyInfo _pi = null;
MethodInfo _smi = null;
MethodInfo _gmi = null;
object _dpOrMiOrPi = null; // MethodInfo, PropertyInfo or DependencyProperty
#endregion Data
// Information about a String that is an entry in the String table.
internal class BamlStringInfoRecord : BamlVariableSizedRecord
internal BamlStringInfoRecord()
Pin(); // Don't allow this record to be recycled in the read cache.
StringId = -1;
#region Methods
// LoadRecord specific data
internal override void LoadRecordData(BinaryReader bamlBinaryReader)
StringId = bamlBinaryReader.ReadInt16();
Value = bamlBinaryReader.ReadString();
// write record specific Data.
internal override void WriteRecordData(BinaryWriter bamlBinaryWriter)
// write out an int for string Id
internal override void Copy(BamlRecord record)
BamlStringInfoRecord newRecord = (BamlStringInfoRecord)record;
newRecord._value = _value;
#endregion Methods
#region Properties
// Resource Identifier pointing to the StringTable Entry
internal short StringId
short value = (short) _flags[_stringIdLowSection];
value |= (short) (_flags[_stringIdHighSection] << 8);
return value;
_flags[_stringIdLowSection] = (short) (value & 0xff);
_flags[_stringIdHighSection] = (short) ((value & 0xff00) >> 8);
// Resource String
internal string Value
get { return _value; }
set { _value = value; }
// Additional properties not stored in the baml stream
internal override BamlRecordType RecordType
get { return BamlRecordType.StringInfo; }
// True if there is a serializer associated with this type
internal virtual bool HasSerializer
get { return false; }
#endregion Properties
public override string ToString()
return string.Create(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture,
$"{RecordType} stringId({StringId}='{_value}'");
#region Data
// Allocate space in _flags.
// BitVector32 doesn't support 16 bit sections, so we have to break
// it up into 2 sections.
private static BitVector32.Section _stringIdLowSection
= BitVector32.CreateSection( (short)0xff, BamlVariableSizedRecord.LastFlagsSection );
private static BitVector32.Section _stringIdHighSection
= BitVector32.CreateSection( (short)0xff, _stringIdLowSection );
// This provides subclasses with a referece section to create their own section.
internal new static BitVector32.Section LastFlagsSection
get { return _stringIdHighSection; }
string _value ;
#endregion Data
// Sets the content property context for an element
internal class BamlContentPropertyRecord : BamlRecord
#region Methods
// LoadRecord specific data
internal override void LoadRecordData(BinaryReader bamlBinaryReader)
AttributeId = bamlBinaryReader.ReadInt16();
// write record specific Data.
internal override void WriteRecordData(BinaryWriter bamlBinaryWriter)
// write out an int for attribute Id
internal override void Copy(BamlRecord record)
BamlContentPropertyRecord newRecord = (BamlContentPropertyRecord)record;
newRecord._attributeId = _attributeId;
#endregion Methods
#region Properties
// Id of the property being set as the context
internal short AttributeId
get { return _attributeId; }
set { _attributeId = value; }
// Additional properties not stored in the baml stream
internal override BamlRecordType RecordType
get { return BamlRecordType.ContentProperty; }
// True if there is a serializer associated with this type
internal virtual bool HasSerializer
get { return false; }
#endregion Properties
#region Data
short _attributeId = -1;
#endregion Data
// Debugging Linenumber record. Linenumber from the XAML
internal class BamlLineAndPositionRecord : BamlRecord
#region Methods
internal override void LoadRecordData(BinaryReader bamlBinaryReader)
LineNumber = (uint) bamlBinaryReader.ReadInt32();
LinePosition = (uint) bamlBinaryReader.ReadInt32();
internal override void WriteRecordData(BinaryWriter bamlBinaryWriter)
internal override void Copy(BamlRecord record)
BamlLineAndPositionRecord newRecord = (BamlLineAndPositionRecord)record;
newRecord._lineNumber = _lineNumber;
newRecord._linePosition = _linePosition;
#endregion Methods
#region Properties
internal override BamlRecordType RecordType
get { return BamlRecordType.LineNumberAndPosition; }
// Id of the type of this object
internal uint LineNumber
get { return _lineNumber; }
set { _lineNumber = value; }
internal uint LinePosition
get { return _linePosition; }
set { _linePosition = value; }
internal override Int32 RecordSize
get { return 8; }
uint _lineNumber;
uint _linePosition;
#endregion Properties
public override string ToString()
return string.Create(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture,
$"{RecordType} LineNum={LineNumber} Pos={LinePosition}");
// Debugging Line Position record. Line Position from the XAML
internal class BamlLinePositionRecord : BamlRecord
#region Methods
internal override void LoadRecordData(BinaryReader bamlBinaryReader)
LinePosition = (uint) bamlBinaryReader.ReadInt32();
internal override void WriteRecordData(BinaryWriter bamlBinaryWriter)
internal override void Copy(BamlRecord record)
BamlLinePositionRecord newRecord = (BamlLinePositionRecord)record;
newRecord._linePosition = _linePosition;
#endregion Methods
#region Properties
internal override BamlRecordType RecordType
get { return BamlRecordType.LinePosition; }
internal uint LinePosition
get { return _linePosition; }
set { _linePosition = value; }
internal override Int32 RecordSize
get { return 4; }
uint _linePosition;
#endregion Properties
public override string ToString()
return string.Create(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture,
$"{RecordType} LinePos={LinePosition}");