File: System\Windows\Markup\BamlReader.cs
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Project: src\src\Microsoft.DotNet.Wpf\src\PresentationFramework\PresentationFramework.csproj (PresentationFramework)
// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
* Purpose:  Public interface for reading BamlRecords with an interface
*           that is similar to XmlReader
using System.Xml;
using System.IO;
using System.Text;
using System.Collections;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Globalization;
namespace System.Windows.Markup
    /// <summary>
    /// Type of BAML node at the current BamlReader location in
    /// the BAML stream.
    /// </summary>
    internal enum BamlNodeType
        /// <summary>
        /// This is returned if Read() has not been called, or the end of the
        /// file has been reached.
        /// </summary>
        /// <summary>
        /// Start of a BAML document.  This contains version information about the BAML.
        /// </summary>
        /// <summary>
        /// End of a BAML document
        /// </summary>
        /// <summary>
        /// Connection Id.
        /// </summary>
        /// <summary>
        /// Start of an Element.  An Element is any object that exists in
        /// an object tree.  This has a rough correspondance to Element nodes in XML
        /// </summary>
        /// <summary>
        /// End of an Element.
        /// </summary>
        /// <summary>
        /// A simple property of an Element.  This can be a native property, attached
        /// property, or XML specific properties such as namespaces
        /// </summary>
        /// <summary>
        /// The content property of an Element.
        /// </summary>
        /// <summary>
        /// A namespace property that defines prefix to namespace mappings in xml
        /// </summary>
        /// <summary>
        /// The start of a compound property on an Element.  This is used when the property value is
        /// represented as a single string Value, but as an element tree.
        /// </summary>
        /// <summary>
        /// The end of a compound property on an Element.
        /// </summary>
        /// <summary>
        /// A section of literal content that is handled by an object
        /// </summary>
        /// <summary>
        /// Text content of an element.
        /// </summary>
        /// <summary>
        /// A RoutedEvent
        /// </summary>
        /// <summary>
        /// A non-routed, or normal CLR Event
        /// </summary>
        /// <summary>
        /// A reference to a Resource that is included at this point in the BAML stream
        /// </summary>
        /// <summary>
        /// A specific attribute or property in the reserved "Definition" namespace.
        /// These attributes do not map to CLR properties or events, but are used
        /// as processing directives.
        /// </summary>
        /// <summary>
        /// A specific attribute or property in the reserved "PresentationOptions" namespace.
        /// These attributes do not map to CLR properties or events, but are used
        /// as processing directives.
        /// </summary>
        /// <summary>
        /// A namespace mapping instruction used for including custom code and namespaces
        /// </summary>
        /// <summary>
        /// Start of a section that specifies a list of objects to be passed to the
        /// element's constructor
        /// </summary>
        /// <summary>
        /// End of a section that specifies a list of objects to be passed to the
        /// element's constructor
        /// </summary>
    /// <summary>
    /// Reads BAML from a Stream and exposes an XmlReader-liker interface for BAML
    /// </summary>
    internal class BamlReader
        #region Constructor
        /// <summary>
        /// Create an instance of the BamlReader on the passed stream using
        /// the passed ParserContext.
        /// </summary>summary>
        public BamlReader(Stream bamlStream)
            _parserContext = new ParserContext
                XamlTypeMapper = XmlParserDefaults.DefaultMapper
            _bamlRecordReader = new BamlRecordReader(bamlStream, _parserContext, false);
            _readState = ReadState.Initial;
            _bamlNodeType = BamlNodeType.None;
            _prefixDictionary = new XmlnsDictionary();
            _value = string.Empty;
            _assemblyName = string.Empty;
            _prefix = string.Empty;
            _xmlNamespace = string.Empty;
            _clrNamespace = string.Empty;
            _name = string.Empty;
            _localName = string.Empty;
            _ownerTypeName = string.Empty;
            _properties = new ArrayList();
            _haveUnprocessedRecord = false;
            _deferableContentBlockDepth = -1;
            _nodeStack = new Stack<BamlNodeInfo>();
            _reverseXmlnsTable = new Dictionary<String, List<String>>();
        #endregion Constructor
        #region Public Methods
        /// <summary>
        /// Return the number of properties.  Note that this
        /// does not include complex properties or children elements
        /// </summary>
        public int PropertyCount
            get { return _properties.Count; }
        /// <summary>
        /// Return true if the current node has any simple properties
        /// </summary>
        public bool HasProperties
            get { return PropertyCount > 0; }
        /// <summary>
        /// Return the connection Id of current element for hooking up
        /// IDs and events.
        /// </summary>
        public Int32 ConnectionId
            get { return _connectionId; }
        /// <summary>
        /// Defines what this attribute is used for such as being an alias for
        /// xml:lang, xml:space or x:ID
        /// </summary>
        public BamlAttributeUsage AttributeUsage
            get { return _attributeUsage; }
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the type of the current node (eg  Element, StartComplexProperty,
        /// Text, etc)
        /// </summary>
        public BamlNodeType NodeType
            get { return _bamlNodeType; }
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the fully qualified name of the current node.
        /// </summary>
        public string Name
            get { return _name; }
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the local name only, with prefix and owning class removed
        /// </summary>
        public string LocalName
            get { return _localName; }
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the prefix associated with the current node, if there is one
        /// </summary>
        // NOTE: Used by the localization tools via reflection.
        public string Prefix
            get { return _prefix; }
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the assembly name associated with the type of the current node, if there is one
        /// </summary>
        public string AssemblyName
            get { return _assemblyName; }
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the XML namespace URI of the node on which the reader is positioned
        /// </summary>
        public string XmlNamespace
            get { return _xmlNamespace; }
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the CLR namespace of the node on which the reader is positioned
        /// </summary>
        public string ClrNamespace
            get { return _clrNamespace; }
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the text value of the current node (eg  property value or text content)
        /// </summary>
        public string Value
            get { return _value; }
        public bool IsInjected
            get { return _isInjected; }
        // Whether this object instance is expected to be created via TypeConverter
        public bool CreateUsingTypeConverter
            get { return _useTypeConverter; }
        public string TypeConverterName
            get { return _typeConverterName; }
        public string TypeConverterAssemblyName
            get { return _typeConverterAssemblyName; }
        /// <summary>
        /// Reads the next node from the stream.
        /// </summary>
        public bool Read()
            if (_readState == ReadState.EndOfFile ||
                _readState == ReadState.Closed)
                throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.BamlReaderClosed);
            return _readState != ReadState.EndOfFile;
        private BamlNodeType NodeTypeInternal
            set { _bamlNodeType = value; }
        private void AddToPropertyInfoCollection(object info)
        /// <summary>
        /// Close the underlying BAML stream.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// Once the BamlReader is closed, it cannot be used
        /// for any further operations.  Calling any public interfaces will fail.
        /// </remarks>
        public void Close()
            if (_readState != ReadState.Closed)
                _currentBamlRecord = null;
                _bamlRecordReader = null;
                _readState = ReadState.Closed;
        /// <summary>
        /// Moves to the first property for this element or object.
        /// Return true if property exists, false otherwise.
        /// </summary>
        public bool MoveToFirstProperty()
            if (HasProperties)
                _propertiesIndex = -1;
                return MoveToNextProperty();
                return false;
        /// <summary>
        /// Move to the next property for this element or object.
        /// Return true if there is a next property; false if there are no more properties.
        /// </summary>
        public bool MoveToNextProperty()
            if (_propertiesIndex < _properties.Count - 1)
                object obj = _properties[_propertiesIndex];
                BamlPropertyInfo info = obj as BamlPropertyInfo;
                if (info != null)
                    _name = info.Name;
                    _localName = info.LocalName;
                    int index = info.Name.LastIndexOf('.');
                    if (index > 0)
                        _ownerTypeName = info.Name.Substring(0, index);
                        // Eg. xmlns property
                        _ownerTypeName = string.Empty;
                    _value = info.Value;
                    _assemblyName = info.AssemblyName;
                    _prefix = info.Prefix;
                    _xmlNamespace = info.XmlNamespace;
                    _clrNamespace = info.ClrNamespace;
                    _connectionId = 0;
                    _contentPropertyName = string.Empty;
                    _attributeUsage = info.AttributeUsage;
                    // There are several node types for properties, but for now the only one that
                    // doesn't map to BamlNodeType.Property is xml namespace declarations.
                    if (info.RecordType == BamlRecordType.XmlnsProperty)
                        NodeTypeInternal = BamlNodeType.XmlnsProperty;
                    else if (info.RecordType == BamlRecordType.DefAttribute)
                        NodeTypeInternal = BamlNodeType.DefAttribute;
                    else if (info.RecordType == BamlRecordType.PresentationOptionsAttribute)
                        NodeTypeInternal = BamlNodeType.PresentationOptionsAttribute;
                        NodeTypeInternal = BamlNodeType.Property;
                    return true;
                BamlContentPropertyInfo cpInfo = obj as BamlContentPropertyInfo;
                if(null != cpInfo)
                    _contentPropertyName = cpInfo.LocalName;
                    _connectionId = 0;
                    _prefix = string.Empty;
                    _name = cpInfo.Name;
                    int index = cpInfo.Name.LastIndexOf('.');
                    if (index > 0)
                        _ownerTypeName = cpInfo.Name.Substring(0, index);
                    _localName = cpInfo.LocalName;
                    _ownerTypeName = string.Empty;
                    _assemblyName = cpInfo.AssemblyName;
                    _xmlNamespace = string.Empty;
                    _clrNamespace = string.Empty;
                    _attributeUsage = BamlAttributeUsage.Default;
                    _value = cpInfo.LocalName;
                    NodeTypeInternal = BamlNodeType.ContentProperty;
                    return true;
                // Otherwise it must be a ConnectionId.
                // Is there something we can Assert on for that?
                _connectionId = (Int32)obj;
                _contentPropertyName = string.Empty;
                _prefix = string.Empty;
                _name = string.Empty;
                _localName = string.Empty;
                _ownerTypeName = string.Empty;
                _assemblyName = string.Empty;
                _xmlNamespace = string.Empty;
                _clrNamespace = string.Empty;
                _attributeUsage = BamlAttributeUsage.Default;
                _value = _connectionId.ToString(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture);
                NodeTypeInternal = BamlNodeType.ConnectionId;
                return true;
                return false;
        #endregion Public Methods
        #region Internal Methods
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the next BamlRecord to be processed
        /// </summary>
        private void GetNextRecord()
            if (_currentStaticResourceRecords != null)
                // Load the record from the front loaded static resource
                _currentBamlRecord = _currentStaticResourceRecords[_currentStaticResourceRecordIndex++];
                if (_currentStaticResourceRecordIndex == _currentStaticResourceRecords.Count)
                    // We are done with the records for this front loaded static resource
                    _currentStaticResourceRecords = null;
                    _currentStaticResourceRecordIndex = -1;
                // Use the BamlRecord Reader to get the record
                _currentBamlRecord = _bamlRecordReader.GetNextRecord();
        * BamlReader.ReadNextRecord
        * Read the next record, setting the ReadState, NodeType and other pertinent
        * information about the record just read.
        private void ReadNextRecord()
            // If this is the first call to Read.  Then read the Version Header.
            if(_readState == ReadState.Initial)
            // We'll read in a loop until we get to a significant record.  Note that Assembly,
            // Type and Attribute records are read and processed, but the BamlReader never stops
            // on one of these records, since they are not externally exposed.
            bool keepOnReading = true;
            while (keepOnReading)
                // We may already have a record that was previously read in but not
                // processed.  This occurs when we've looped through all the properties
                // on an element and have encountered a non-property record to stop
                // the loop.  In that case don't read another record and just process
                // the one we have.
                if (_haveUnprocessedRecord)
                    _haveUnprocessedRecord = false;
                // If the current baml record is null, then the stream is finished, closed
                // or something else that prevents us reading further, so treat this
                // as an end-of-file condition
                if (_currentBamlRecord == null)
                    NodeTypeInternal = BamlNodeType.None;
                    _readState = ReadState.EndOfFile;
                // By default, the read state is interactive after a record has been read, and we
                // should stop reading after this record is processed.  This may be altered for
                // specific record types.
                _readState = ReadState.Interactive;
                keepOnReading = false;
                switch (_currentBamlRecord.RecordType)
                    // The following three records are internal to the BAMLReader and
                    // are not exposed publicly.  They are used to update the map table
                    // that maps ids to assemblies, types and attributes.
                    case BamlRecordType.AssemblyInfo:
                        keepOnReading = true;
                    case BamlRecordType.TypeInfo:
                    case BamlRecordType.TypeSerializerInfo:
                        keepOnReading = true;
                    case BamlRecordType.AttributeInfo:
                        keepOnReading = true;
                    case BamlRecordType.StringInfo:
                        keepOnReading = true;
                    case BamlRecordType.ContentProperty:
                        // This is just a cache of meta-data, no visible effect.
                        keepOnReading = true;
                    // The following records are publically exposed
                    case BamlRecordType.DocumentStart:
                    case BamlRecordType.DocumentEnd:
                    case BamlRecordType.PIMapping:
                    case BamlRecordType.LiteralContent:
                    case BamlRecordType.ElementStart:
                    case BamlRecordType.StaticResourceStart:
                    case BamlRecordType.ElementEnd:
                    case BamlRecordType.StaticResourceEnd:
                    case BamlRecordType.PropertyComplexStart:
                    case BamlRecordType.PropertyArrayStart:
                    case BamlRecordType.PropertyIListStart:
                    case BamlRecordType.PropertyIDictionaryStart:
                    case BamlRecordType.PropertyComplexEnd:
                    case BamlRecordType.PropertyArrayEnd:
                    case BamlRecordType.PropertyIListEnd:
                    case BamlRecordType.PropertyIDictionaryEnd:
                    case BamlRecordType.Text:
                    case BamlRecordType.TextWithId:
                    case BamlRecordType.TextWithConverter:
                    case BamlRecordType.DeferableContentStart:
                        keepOnReading = true;
                    case BamlRecordType.ConstructorParametersStart:
                    case BamlRecordType.ConstructorParametersEnd:
                    case BamlRecordType.ConnectionId:
                    case BamlRecordType.StaticResourceId:
                        keepOnReading = true;
                        // Can't have any other type of record at this point.
                        throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.Format(SR.ParserUnknownBaml,
        * BamlReader.ReadProperties
        * This is called when an element start has been encountered (or something
        * similar) and a number of properties may or may not follow.  Read all the
        * properties, storing them in the _properties arraylist.  When a non-property
        * record is encountered, stop, but store that record as the
        * _currentBamlRecord.
        private void ReadProperties()
            // Keep reading records until we get one that is not processed
            while (!_haveUnprocessedRecord)
        * BamlReader.ProcessPropertyRecord
        * This is called we assume we have a record that is an attribute in the start
        * tag of an xml element.  It is processed here.  If we encounter something
        * that is not a 'property', then set the _haveUnprocessedRecord flag.
        private void ProcessPropertyRecord()
            switch (_currentBamlRecord.RecordType)
                // The following five records are internal to the BAMLReader and
                // are not exposed publicly.  They are used to update the map table
                // that maps ids to assemblies, types and attributes.
                case BamlRecordType.AssemblyInfo:
                case BamlRecordType.TypeInfo:
                case BamlRecordType.TypeSerializerInfo:
                case BamlRecordType.AttributeInfo:
                case BamlRecordType.StringInfo:
                // The following records are property-like
                case BamlRecordType.XmlnsProperty:
                case BamlRecordType.ConnectionId:
                case BamlRecordType.Property:
                case BamlRecordType.PropertyWithConverter:
                case BamlRecordType.ContentProperty:
                    // This is just a cache of meta-data, no visible effect.
                case BamlRecordType.PropertyStringReference:
                case BamlRecordType.PropertyTypeReference:
                case BamlRecordType.PropertyWithExtension:
                case BamlRecordType.PropertyWithStaticResourceId:
                case BamlRecordType.PropertyCustom:
                case BamlRecordType.DefAttribute:
                case BamlRecordType.PresentationOptionsAttribute:
                case BamlRecordType.DefAttributeKeyType:
                case BamlRecordType.RoutedEvent:
                case BamlRecordType.ClrEvent:
                case BamlRecordType.KeyElementStart:
                        // Process the subtree that is stored as part of a key tree and
                        // translate this back into a compact MarkupExtension string that
                        // is represented as a x:Key="something"
                        BamlKeyInfo info = ProcessKeyTree();
                // Any other record types are not processed here
                    _haveUnprocessedRecord = true;
        * BamlReader.ReadXmlnsPropertyRecord
        * Read the namespace record and update the namespace dictionary with the
        * key being the namespace prefix and the value being the namespace string.
        * Note that Xmlns properties are not the same as regular properties, since
        * prefix, xmlnamespace, clrnamespace and name have quite different meanings.
        private void ReadXmlnsPropertyRecord()
            BamlXmlnsPropertyRecord bamlRecord = (BamlXmlnsPropertyRecord)_currentBamlRecord;
            _parserContext.XmlnsDictionary[bamlRecord.Prefix] = bamlRecord.XmlNamespace;
            _prefixDictionary[bamlRecord.XmlNamespace] = bamlRecord.Prefix;
            BamlPropertyInfo info = new BamlPropertyInfo
                Value = bamlRecord.XmlNamespace,
                XmlNamespace = string.Empty,
                ClrNamespace = string.Empty,
                AssemblyName = string.Empty,
                Prefix = "xmlns",
                LocalName = bamlRecord.Prefix ?? string.Empty,
                Name = string.IsNullOrEmpty(bamlRecord.Prefix) ?
                                          "xmlns" :
                RecordType = BamlRecordType.XmlnsProperty
        * BamlReader.ReadPropertyRecord
        * Read the property record and store the pertinent contents in the
        * _properties array list.
        private void ReadPropertyRecord()
            string value = ((BamlPropertyRecord)_currentBamlRecord).Value;
            // Escape the text as necessary to avoid being mistaken for a MarkupExtension.
            value = MarkupExtensionParser.AddEscapeToLiteralString(value);
        private void ReadContentPropertyRecord()
            BamlContentPropertyInfo cpInfo = new BamlContentPropertyInfo();
            BamlContentPropertyRecord bamlRecord = (BamlContentPropertyRecord)_currentBamlRecord;
            SetCommonPropertyInfo(cpInfo, bamlRecord.AttributeId);
            cpInfo.RecordType = _currentBamlRecord.RecordType;
        * BamlReader.ReadPropertyStringRecord
        * Read the property record and store the pertinent contents in the
        * _properties array list.
        private void ReadPropertyStringRecord()
            string value = MapTable.GetStringFromStringId(((BamlPropertyStringReferenceRecord)_currentBamlRecord).StringId);
        * BamlReader.ReadPropertyTypeRecord
        * Read the property record and store the pertinent contents in the
        * _properties array list.  Convert the TypeId into a fully qualified type
        * name.
        private void ReadPropertyTypeRecord()
            BamlPropertyInfo info = new BamlPropertyInfo();
            info.RecordType = _currentBamlRecord.RecordType;
            info.Value = GetTypeValueString(((BamlPropertyTypeReferenceRecord)_currentBamlRecord).TypeId);
            info.AttributeUsage = BamlAttributeUsage.Default;
        private void ReadPropertyWithExtensionRecord()
            BamlPropertyInfo info = new BamlPropertyInfo();
            SetCommonPropertyInfo(info, ((BamlPropertyWithExtensionRecord)_currentBamlRecord).AttributeId);
            info.RecordType = _currentBamlRecord.RecordType;
            info.Value = GetExtensionValueString((IOptimizedMarkupExtension)_currentBamlRecord);
            info.AttributeUsage = BamlAttributeUsage.Default;
        private void ReadPropertyWithStaticResourceIdRecord()
            BamlPropertyWithStaticResourceIdRecord bamlPropertyWithStaticResourceIdRecord =
            BamlPropertyInfo info = new BamlPropertyInfo();
            SetCommonPropertyInfo(info, bamlPropertyWithStaticResourceIdRecord.AttributeId);
            info.RecordType = _currentBamlRecord.RecordType;
            BamlOptimizedStaticResourceRecord optimizedStaticResourceRecord =
            info.Value = GetExtensionValueString((IOptimizedMarkupExtension)optimizedStaticResourceRecord);
            info.AttributeUsage = BamlAttributeUsage.Default;
        * BamlReader.ReadPropertyRecordCore
        * Read the property record and return the pertinent contents in a
        * BamlPropertyInfo record.
        private BamlPropertyInfo ReadPropertyRecordCore(string value)
            BamlPropertyInfo info = new BamlPropertyInfo();
            info.RecordType = _currentBamlRecord.RecordType;
            info.Value = value;
            return info;
        * BamlReader.ReadPropertyCustomRecord
        * Read the custom property record and store the pertinent contents in the
        * _properties array list.  This involves reversing the binary representation
        * of the data back into a string using the TypeConverter for the
        * property type.
        private void ReadPropertyCustomRecord()
            BamlPropertyInfo info = GetPropertyCustomRecordInfo();
        private BamlPropertyInfo GetPropertyCustomRecordInfo()
            BamlPropertyInfo info = new BamlPropertyInfo();
            BamlAttributeInfoRecord attrInfo = SetCommonPropertyInfo(info,
            info.RecordType = _currentBamlRecord.RecordType;
            info.AttributeUsage = BamlAttributeUsage.Default;
            BamlPropertyCustomRecord bamlRecord = (BamlPropertyCustomRecord)_currentBamlRecord;
            // Reverse the binary data stored in the record into a string by first getting the
            // property.  If it has not already been cached in the attribute info record, then
            // attempt to resolve it as a DependencyProperty or a PropertyInfo.
            if (attrInfo.DP == null && attrInfo.PropInfo == null)
                attrInfo.DP = MapTable.GetDependencyProperty(attrInfo);
                if (attrInfo.OwnerType == null)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.Format(SR.BamlReaderNoOwnerType, attrInfo.Name, AssemblyName));
                if (attrInfo.DP == null)
                        attrInfo.PropInfo = attrInfo.OwnerType.GetProperty(attrInfo.Name,
                                BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public);
                    catch (AmbiguousMatchException)
                        // Handle ambiguous match just like XamlTypeMapper.PropertyInfoFromName does.
                        // This is for consistency, although it's probably wrong.
                        // The doc for GetProperties says:
                        //      The GetProperties method does not return properties
                        //      in a particular order, such as alphabetical or
                        //      declaration order. Your code must not depend on the
                        //      order in which properties are returned, because that
                        //      order varies.
                        // It's probably more correct to walk up the base class
                        // tree calling GetProperty with the DeclaredOnly flag.
                        PropertyInfo[] infos = attrInfo.OwnerType.GetProperties(
                                      BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public);
                        for (int i = 0; i < infos.Length; i++)
                            if (infos[i].Name == attrInfo.Name)
                                attrInfo.PropInfo = infos[i];
                    if (attrInfo.PropInfo == null)
                        throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.Format(SR.ParserCantGetDPOrPi, info.Name));
            // If we have a property, then get its type and call GetCustomValue,
            // which uses the XamlSerializer to turn the binary data into a
            // real object
            Type propertyType = attrInfo.GetPropertyType();
            string propertyName = attrInfo.Name;
            short sid = bamlRecord.SerializerTypeId;
            // if a Setter of Trigger's Property property is being set, then its value is always
            // a DP. Get the attribInfo of this DP property from the ValueId read into the custom
            // property record and resolve it into an actual DP instance.
            if (sid == (short)KnownElements.DependencyPropertyConverter)
                Type declaringType = null;
                _propertyDP = _bamlRecordReader.GetCustomDependencyPropertyValue(bamlRecord, out declaringType);
                declaringType = declaringType ?? _propertyDP.OwnerType;
                info.Value = $"{declaringType.Name}.{_propertyDP.Name}";
                string xmlns = _parserContext.XamlTypeMapper.GetXmlNamespace(declaringType.Namespace,
                string prefix = GetXmlnsPrefix(xmlns);
                if (prefix != string.Empty)
                    info.Value = $"{prefix}:{info.Value}";
                if (!_propertyDP.PropertyType.IsEnum)
                    _propertyDP = null;
                if (_propertyDP != null)
                    propertyType = _propertyDP.PropertyType;
                    propertyName = _propertyDP.Name;
                    _propertyDP = null;
                object value = _bamlRecordReader.GetCustomValue(bamlRecord, propertyType, propertyName);
                // Once we have a real object, turn that back into a string, and store this
                // as the value for this property
                TypeConverter converter = TypeDescriptor.GetConverter(value.GetType());
                info.Value = converter.ConvertToString(null,
            return info;
        * BamlReader.ReadDefAttributeRecord
        * Read a x: record that contains the object to use as a key when inserting
        * the current element into a dictionary.
        private void ReadDefAttributeRecord()
            BamlDefAttributeRecord bamlRecord = (BamlDefAttributeRecord)_currentBamlRecord;
            bamlRecord.Name = MapTable.GetStringFromStringId(bamlRecord.NameId);
            BamlPropertyInfo info = new BamlPropertyInfo
                Value = bamlRecord.Value,
                AssemblyName = string.Empty,
                Prefix = (string)_prefixDictionary[XamlReaderHelper.DefinitionNamespaceURI],
                XmlNamespace = XamlReaderHelper.DefinitionNamespaceURI,
                ClrNamespace = string.Empty,
                Name = bamlRecord.Name
            info.LocalName = info.Name;
            info.RecordType = BamlRecordType.DefAttribute;
        * BamlReader.ReadPresentationOptionsAttributeRecord
        * Read a PresentationsOptions: record used for WPF-specific
        * parsing options (e.g., PresentationOptions:Freeze).
        private void ReadPresentationOptionsAttributeRecord()
            BamlPresentationOptionsAttributeRecord bamlRecord = (BamlPresentationOptionsAttributeRecord)_currentBamlRecord;
            bamlRecord.Name = MapTable.GetStringFromStringId(bamlRecord.NameId);
            BamlPropertyInfo info = new BamlPropertyInfo
                Value = bamlRecord.Value,
                AssemblyName = string.Empty,
                Prefix = (string)_prefixDictionary[XamlReaderHelper.PresentationOptionsNamespaceURI],
                XmlNamespace = XamlReaderHelper.PresentationOptionsNamespaceURI,
                ClrNamespace = string.Empty,
                Name = bamlRecord.Name
            info.LocalName = info.Name;
            info.RecordType = BamlRecordType.PresentationOptionsAttribute;
        * BamlReader.ReadDefAttributeKeyTypeRecord
        * Read a x: record that contains the object to use as a key when inserting
        * the current element into a dictionary.
        private void ReadDefAttributeKeyTypeRecord()
            BamlDefAttributeKeyTypeRecord bamlRecord = (BamlDefAttributeKeyTypeRecord)_currentBamlRecord;
            BamlPropertyInfo info = new BamlPropertyInfo
                Value = GetTypeValueString(bamlRecord.TypeId),
                AssemblyName = string.Empty,
                Prefix = (string)_prefixDictionary[XamlReaderHelper.DefinitionNamespaceURI],
                XmlNamespace = XamlReaderHelper.DefinitionNamespaceURI,
                ClrNamespace = string.Empty,
                Name = XamlReaderHelper.DefinitionName
            info.LocalName = info.Name;
            info.RecordType = BamlRecordType.DefAttribute;
        * BamlReader.ReadDeferableContentRecord
        * Read defered content section of a baml file.  Note that this is written
        * to baml with the following format:
        *     BamlDeferableContentStartRecord
        *     BamlDefAttributeKeyString/Type records, one for each value
        *     BamlElementStartRecord, one for each value
        *       BamlRecords within the element
        *     BamlElementEndRecord
        * This is presented to the user like a 'normal' dictionary, so here is
        * what the user should see:
        *     ElementStart for the dictionary
        *      ElementStart, one for each value
        *       DictionaryKey record, one for each value
        *       Records within the element
        *      ElementEnd
        *     ElementEnd for the dictionary
        * To do this, queue up the entire contents of the Deferable block and
        * re-arrange the records.
        private void ReadDeferableContentRecord()
            _deferableContentBlockDepth = _nodeStack.Count;
            // The start of a block of deferable content has been reached.  Build
            // a key table that will be inserted into the Values as they are loaded.
            _deferableContentPosition = ReadDeferKeys();
        * BamlReader.ReadDeferKeys
        * Read the keys in a defered content section, and build a table that holds
        * these records.  These keys are automagically inserted into the outer level
        * value start element records to make it look like a x:Key attribute.
        * Return the baml stream position for the end of the key section to which
        * all key offsets are relative
        private Int64 ReadDeferKeys()
            // Keep reading records until we get one that is not processed
            Int64 endOfDefKeys = -1;
            _deferKeys = new List<BamlKeyInfo>();
            while (!_haveUnprocessedRecord)
                if (!_haveUnprocessedRecord)
                    endOfDefKeys = _bamlRecordReader.StreamPosition;
            return endOfDefKeys;
        * BamlReader.ProcessDeferKey
        * Read a single baml record.  If it is a defer key, add it to the table of
        * keys.  If we encounter something that is not a 'key', then set the
        *_haveUnprocessedRecord flag.
        private void ProcessDeferKey()
            switch (_currentBamlRecord.RecordType)
                // The following three records are internal to the BAMLReader and
                // are not exposed publicly.  They are used to update the map table
                // that maps ids to assemblies, types and attributes.
                case BamlRecordType.DefAttributeKeyString:
                    BamlDefAttributeKeyStringRecord stringKeyRecord = _currentBamlRecord as BamlDefAttributeKeyStringRecord;
                    if (stringKeyRecord != null)
                        BamlKeyInfo info;
                        // The "Shared"ness is stored in the BAML with the Key
                        // But at the XAML level it is a sibling attribute of the key.
                        info = CheckForSharedness();
                        if (null != info)
                        // Get the value string from the string table, and cache it in the
                        // record.
                        stringKeyRecord.Value = MapTable.GetStringFromStringId(
                        // Add information to the key list to indicate we have a x:Key
                        // attribute
                        info = new BamlKeyInfo
                            Value = stringKeyRecord.Value,
                            AssemblyName = string.Empty,
                            Prefix = (string)_prefixDictionary[XamlReaderHelper.DefinitionNamespaceURI],
                            XmlNamespace = XamlReaderHelper.DefinitionNamespaceURI,
                            ClrNamespace = string.Empty,
                            Name = XamlReaderHelper.DefinitionName
                        info.LocalName = info.Name;
                        info.RecordType = BamlRecordType.DefAttribute;
                        info.Offset = ((IBamlDictionaryKey)stringKeyRecord).ValuePosition;
                case BamlRecordType.DefAttributeKeyType:
                    BamlDefAttributeKeyTypeRecord typeKeyRecord = _currentBamlRecord as BamlDefAttributeKeyTypeRecord;
                    if (typeKeyRecord != null)
                        // Translate the type information held in the baml record into
                        // the {x:Type prefix:Classname} format that would be used on
                        // a x:Key attribute.
                        string typeExtensionPrefix = (string)_prefixDictionary[XamlReaderHelper.DefinitionNamespaceURI];
                        string typeExtensionName;
                        if (typeExtensionPrefix != string.Empty)
                            typeExtensionName = $"{{{typeExtensionPrefix}:Type ";
                            typeExtensionName = "{Type ";
                        BamlTypeInfoRecord typeInfo = MapTable.GetTypeInfoFromId(typeKeyRecord.TypeId);
                        string typeName = typeInfo.TypeFullName;
                        typeName = typeName.Substring(typeName.LastIndexOf('.') + 1);
                        string assemblyName;
                        string prefix;
                        string xmlNamespace;
                        GetAssemblyAndPrefixAndXmlns(typeInfo, out assemblyName, out prefix, out xmlNamespace);
                        if (prefix != string.Empty)
                            typeName = $"{typeExtensionName}{prefix}:{typeName}}}";
                            typeName = $"{typeExtensionName}{typeName}}}";
                        // Add information to the key list to indicate we have a x:Key
                        // attribute
                        BamlKeyInfo info = new BamlKeyInfo
                            Value = typeName,
                            AssemblyName = string.Empty,
                            Prefix = typeExtensionPrefix,
                            XmlNamespace = XamlReaderHelper.DefinitionNamespaceURI,
                            ClrNamespace = string.Empty,
                            Name = XamlReaderHelper.DefinitionName
                        info.LocalName = info.Name;
                        info.RecordType = BamlRecordType.DefAttribute;
                        info.Offset = ((IBamlDictionaryKey)typeKeyRecord).ValuePosition;
                case BamlRecordType.KeyElementStart:
                        BamlKeyInfo info;
                        // The "Shared"ness is stored in the BAML with the Key
                        // But at the XAML level it is a sibling attribute of the key.
                        info = CheckForSharedness();
                        if(null != info)
                        // Process the subtree that is stored as part of a key tree and
                        // translate this back into a compact MarkupExtension string.
                        // Add information to the key list to indicate we have a x:Key
                        // with a MarkupExtension
                        info = ProcessKeyTree();
                case BamlRecordType.StaticResourceStart:
                case BamlRecordType.OptimizedStaticResource:
                        // Process the subtree stored as part of a StaticResource
                        List<BamlRecord> srRecords = new List<BamlRecord>();
                        // This is for the start record
                        // Note that BamlOptmizedStaticResourceRecord is a singleton record
                        if (_currentBamlRecord.RecordType == BamlRecordType.StaticResourceStart)
                            // Process the subtree that is stored as part of this static resource
                        // Add the current StaticResource record to the list of StaticResources held per key
                        BamlKeyInfo keyInfo = _deferKeys[_deferKeys.Count-1];
                // Any other record types are not processed here
                    _haveUnprocessedRecord = true;
        private BamlKeyInfo CheckForSharedness()
            IBamlDictionaryKey dictKey = (IBamlDictionaryKey)_currentBamlRecord;
            Debug.Assert(dictKey != null, "Bad Key record");
            if (!dictKey.SharedSet)
                return null;
            BamlKeyInfo info = new BamlKeyInfo
                Value = dictKey.Shared.ToString(),
                AssemblyName = string.Empty,
                Prefix = (string)_prefixDictionary[XamlReaderHelper.DefinitionNamespaceURI],
                XmlNamespace = XamlReaderHelper.DefinitionNamespaceURI,
                ClrNamespace = string.Empty,
                Name = XamlReaderHelper.DefinitionShared
            info.LocalName = info.Name;
            info.RecordType = BamlRecordType.DefAttribute;
            info.Offset = dictKey.ValuePosition;
            return info;
        * BamlReader.ProcessKeyTree
        * Read a tree of baml records that make up a dictionary key and translate them
        * back in the compact syntax representation of a MarkupExtension section.
        * When we encounter KeyElementEnd record, then stop.
        private BamlKeyInfo ProcessKeyTree()
            BamlKeyElementStartRecord keyStartRecord = _currentBamlRecord as BamlKeyElementStartRecord;
            Debug.Assert(keyStartRecord != null, "Bad Key Element Start record");
            // Translate the type information held in the baml record into
            // the "{prefix:Classname " format that would be used on
            // a x:Key attribute.
            BamlTypeInfoRecord typeInfo = MapTable.GetTypeInfoFromId(keyStartRecord.TypeId);
            string markupString = typeInfo.TypeFullName;
            markupString = markupString.Substring(markupString.LastIndexOf('.') + 1);
            string assemblyName;
            string prefix;
            string xmlNamespace;
            GetAssemblyAndPrefixAndXmlns(typeInfo, out assemblyName, out prefix, out xmlNamespace);
            if (prefix != string.Empty)
                markupString = $"{{{prefix}:{markupString} ";
                markupString = $"{{{markupString} ";
            bool notDone = true;
            BamlNodeInfo nodeInfo;
            // Keep track of whether we have written a property or not at a given nesting
            // level so that we know when to add commas between properties.  Also keep
            // track of when we have entered a constructor parameter section and when
            // we have written out the first parameter to handle adding commas between
            // constructor parameters.
            Stack<bool> readProperty = new();
            Stack<bool> readConstructor = new();
            Stack<bool> readFirstConstructor = new();
            readProperty.Push(false);         // Property has not yet been read
            readConstructor.Push(false);      // Constructor section has not been read
            readFirstConstructor.Push(false); // First constructor parameter has not been read
            while (notDone)
                // Read the next record.  Some of the processing below reads ahead one
                // record and sets _haveUnprocessedRecord to true, in which case we
                // don't want to read another one.
                if (!_haveUnprocessedRecord)
                    _haveUnprocessedRecord = false;
                switch (_currentBamlRecord.RecordType)
                    // The following five records are internal to the BAMLReader and
                    // are not exposed publicly.  They are used to update the map table
                    // that maps ids to assemblies, types and attributes.
                    case BamlRecordType.AssemblyInfo:
                    case BamlRecordType.TypeInfo:
                    case BamlRecordType.TypeSerializerInfo:
                    case BamlRecordType.AttributeInfo:
                    case BamlRecordType.StringInfo:
                    case BamlRecordType.PropertyComplexStart:
                        nodeInfo = _nodeStack.Pop();
                        if (readProperty.Pop())
                            markupString += ", ";
                        markupString += $"{nodeInfo.LocalName}=";
                    case BamlRecordType.PropertyComplexEnd:
                    case BamlRecordType.Text:
                    case BamlRecordType.TextWithId:
                        BamlTextWithIdRecord textWithIdRecord = _currentBamlRecord as BamlTextWithIdRecord;
                        if (textWithIdRecord != null)
                            // Get the value string from the string table, and cache it in the
                            // record.
                            textWithIdRecord.Value = MapTable.GetStringFromStringId(
                        // If the text contains '{' or '}' then we have to escape these
                        // so that it won't be interpreted as a MarkupExtension
                        string escapedString = EscapeString(((BamlTextRecord)_currentBamlRecord).Value);
                        if (readFirstConstructor.Peek())
                            markupString += ", ";
                        markupString += escapedString;
                        if (readConstructor.Peek())
                    case BamlRecordType.ElementStart:
                        // Process commas between constructor parameters
                        if (readFirstConstructor.Peek())
                            markupString += ", ";
                        if (readConstructor.Peek())
                        // Setup for the next level
                        // Write element type. Translate the type information held in the
                        // baml record into the "prefix:Classname" format
                        BamlElementStartRecord elementStartRecord = _currentBamlRecord as BamlElementStartRecord;
                        BamlTypeInfoRecord elementTypeInfo = MapTable.GetTypeInfoFromId(elementStartRecord.TypeId);
                        string typename = elementTypeInfo.TypeFullName;
                        typename = typename.Substring(typename.LastIndexOf('.') + 1);
                        GetAssemblyAndPrefixAndXmlns(elementTypeInfo, out assemblyName, out prefix, out xmlNamespace);
                        if (prefix != string.Empty)
                            markupString += $"{{{prefix}:{typename} ";
                            markupString = $"{{{typename} ";
                    case BamlRecordType.ElementEnd:
                        markupString += "}";
                    case BamlRecordType.ConstructorParametersStart:
                    case BamlRecordType.ConstructorParametersEnd:
                    case BamlRecordType.ConstructorParameterType:
                        // Process commas between constructor parameters
                        if (readFirstConstructor.Peek())
                            markupString += ", ";
                        if (readConstructor.Peek())
                        BamlConstructorParameterTypeRecord constTypeRecord = _currentBamlRecord as BamlConstructorParameterTypeRecord;
                        markupString += GetTypeValueString(constTypeRecord.TypeId);
                    case BamlRecordType.Property:
                    case BamlRecordType.PropertyWithConverter:
                            string value = ((BamlPropertyRecord)_currentBamlRecord).Value;
                            BamlPropertyInfo propertyInfo = ReadPropertyRecordCore(value);
                            if (readProperty.Pop())
                                markupString += ", ";
                            markupString += $"{propertyInfo.LocalName}={propertyInfo.Value}";
                    case BamlRecordType.PropertyCustom:
                            BamlPropertyInfo propertyInfo = GetPropertyCustomRecordInfo();
                            if (readProperty.Pop())
                                markupString += ", ";
                            markupString += $"{propertyInfo.LocalName}={propertyInfo.Value}";
                    case BamlRecordType.PropertyStringReference:
                            string value = MapTable.GetStringFromStringId(((BamlPropertyStringReferenceRecord)_currentBamlRecord).StringId);
                            BamlPropertyInfo propertyInfo = ReadPropertyRecordCore(value);
                            if (readProperty.Pop())
                                markupString += ", ";
                            markupString += $"{propertyInfo.LocalName}={propertyInfo.Value}";
                    case BamlRecordType.PropertyTypeReference:
                            string value = GetTypeValueString(((BamlPropertyTypeReferenceRecord)_currentBamlRecord).TypeId);
                            string attributeName = MapTable.GetAttributeNameFromId(
                            if (readProperty.Pop())
                                markupString += ", ";
                            markupString += $"{attributeName}={value}";
                    case BamlRecordType.PropertyWithExtension:
                            string value = GetExtensionValueString((BamlPropertyWithExtensionRecord)_currentBamlRecord);
                            string attributeName = MapTable.GetAttributeNameFromId(
                            if (readProperty.Pop())
                                markupString += ", ";
                            markupString += $"{attributeName}={value}";
                    case BamlRecordType.KeyElementEnd:
                        markupString += "}";
                        notDone = false;
                        _haveUnprocessedRecord = false;
                        // Can't have any other type of record at this point.
                        throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.Format(SR.ParserUnknownBaml,
            // At this point the markup string representing the MarkupExtension should
            // be complete, so set this as the value for this key.
            BamlKeyInfo info = new BamlKeyInfo
                Value = markupString,
                AssemblyName = string.Empty,
                Prefix = (string)_prefixDictionary[XamlReaderHelper.DefinitionNamespaceURI],
                XmlNamespace = XamlReaderHelper.DefinitionNamespaceURI,
                ClrNamespace = string.Empty,
                Name = XamlReaderHelper.DefinitionName
            info.LocalName = info.Name;
            info.RecordType = BamlRecordType.DefAttribute;
            info.Offset = ((IBamlDictionaryKey)keyStartRecord).ValuePosition;
            return info;
        /// <summary>
        /// Picks up all the BamlRecords for a front loaded static resource into a
        /// list of BamlRecords.
        /// </summary>
        private void ProcessStaticResourceTree(List<BamlRecord> srRecords)
            bool notDone = true;
            while (notDone)
                // We may already have a record that was previously read in but not
                // processed.  This occurs when we've looped through all the properties
                // on an element and have encountered a non-property record to stop
                // the loop.  In that case don't read another record and just process
                // the one we have.
                if (_haveUnprocessedRecord)
                    _haveUnprocessedRecord = false;
                // Remember the BamlRecords beloning to this StaticResource
                if (_currentBamlRecord.RecordType == BamlRecordType.StaticResourceEnd)
                    notDone = false;
        /// <summary>
        /// Picks up the list of BamlRecords in the deferred
        /// section corresponding to this StaticResourceId
        /// </summary>
        private void ReadStaticResourceId()
            BamlStaticResourceIdRecord bamlRecord = (BamlStaticResourceIdRecord)_currentBamlRecord;
            _currentStaticResourceRecords = _currentKeyInfo.StaticResources[bamlRecord.StaticResourceId];
            _currentStaticResourceRecordIndex = 0;
        * BamlReader.EscapeString
        * Check for '{' and '}' and escape any that are found in the passed value.
        * Don't create a new string unless you have to.
        private string EscapeString(string value)
            StringBuilder builder = null;
            for (int i=0; i<value.Length; i++)
                if (value[i] == '{' || value[i] == '}')
                    if (builder == null)
                        builder = new StringBuilder(value.Length+2);
            if (builder == null)
                return value;
                return builder.ToString();
        * BamlReader.ReadRoutedEventRecord
        * Read a routed event record.  These are currently not stored in the
        * BAML stream, but are handled by code generated by the compiler.
        private void ReadRoutedEventRecord()
            throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.Format(SR.ParserBamlEvent, string.Empty));
        * BamlReader.ReadClrEventRecord
        * Read a clr event record.  These are currently not stored in the
        * BAML stream, but are handled by code generated by the compiler.
        private void ReadClrEventRecord()
            throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.Format(SR.ParserBamlEvent, string.Empty));
        * BamlReader.ReadDocumentStartRecord
        * Read the start of the document record.  This should contain some
        * version information.
        private void ReadDocumentStartRecord()
            NodeTypeInternal = BamlNodeType.StartDocument;
            BamlDocumentStartRecord documentStartRecord = (BamlDocumentStartRecord)_currentBamlRecord;
            _parserContext.IsDebugBamlStream = documentStartRecord.DebugBaml;
            // Push information on the node stack to indicate we have a start document
            BamlNodeInfo nodeInfo = new BamlNodeInfo
                RecordType = BamlRecordType.DocumentStart
        * BamlReader.ReadDocumentEndRecord
        * Read the end of the document record.  This is used to flag that the end
        * of the file has been reached.
        private void ReadDocumentEndRecord()
            // Pop information off the node stack to ensure we have matched all the
            // start and end nodes and have nothing left but the start document node.
            BamlNodeInfo nodeInfo = _nodeStack.Pop();
            if (nodeInfo.RecordType != BamlRecordType.DocumentStart)
                throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.Format(SR.BamlScopeError,
            NodeTypeInternal = BamlNodeType.EndDocument;
        private void ReadAssemblyInfoRecord()
            BamlAssemblyInfoRecord asmRecord = (BamlAssemblyInfoRecord)_currentBamlRecord;
            Assembly asm = Assembly.Load(asmRecord.AssemblyFullName);
            foreach (XmlnsDefinitionAttribute xmlnsDef in asm.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(XmlnsDefinitionAttribute), true))
                SetXmlNamespace(xmlnsDef.ClrNamespace, asm.FullName, xmlnsDef.XmlNamespace);
        * BamlReader.ReadPIMappingRecord
        * Read the clr to xml namespace to assembly mapping record.  The contents
        * of this record are represented as three properties, one each for
        * XmlNamespace, ClrNamespace and Assembly Name.
        private void ReadPIMappingRecord()
            BamlPIMappingRecord piMappingRecord = (BamlPIMappingRecord)_currentBamlRecord;
            BamlAssemblyInfoRecord assemblyInfo = MapTable.GetAssemblyInfoFromId(
            if (assemblyInfo == null)
                throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.ParserMapPIMissingAssembly);
            // If this mapping has not already been set up, then set it now
            if (!_parserContext.XamlTypeMapper.PITable.Contains(piMappingRecord.XmlNamespace))
                // Add information to the MappingPI hashtable and the reverse lookup
                // hashtable.
            NodeTypeInternal = BamlNodeType.PIMapping;
            _name = "Mapping";
            _localName = _name;
            _ownerTypeName = string.Empty;
            // Set the xml namespace, clr namespace and assembly properties as defined
            // in the mapping PI.
            _xmlNamespace = piMappingRecord.XmlNamespace;
            _clrNamespace = piMappingRecord.ClrNamespace;
            _assemblyName = assemblyInfo.AssemblyFullName;
            _value = string.Create(null, stackalloc char[100], $"XmlNamespace=\"{_xmlNamespace}\" ClrNamespace=\"{_clrNamespace}\" Assembly=\"{_assemblyName}\"");
        * BamlReader.ReadLiteralContentRecord
        * Read literal content record, which is the responsibility of the current
        * element to parse.
        private void ReadLiteralContentRecord()
            BamlLiteralContentRecord bamlRecord = (BamlLiteralContentRecord)_currentBamlRecord;
            NodeTypeInternal = BamlNodeType.LiteralContent;
            _value = bamlRecord.Value;
        private void ReadConnectionIdRecord()
            BamlConnectionIdRecord bamlRecord = (BamlConnectionIdRecord)_currentBamlRecord;
        * BamlReader.ReadElementStartRecord
        * Read the start of an element.  This is either a CLR or DependencyObject
        * that is part of an object tree.
        private void ReadElementStartRecord()
            _propertyDP = null;
            BamlElementStartRecord bamlRecord = (BamlElementStartRecord)_currentBamlRecord;
            BamlTypeInfoRecord typeInfo = MapTable.GetTypeInfoFromId(bamlRecord.TypeId);
            NodeTypeInternal = BamlNodeType.StartElement;
            _name = typeInfo.TypeFullName;
            _localName = _name.Substring(_name.LastIndexOf('.') + 1);
            _ownerTypeName = string.Empty;
            _clrNamespace = typeInfo.ClrNamespace;
            GetAssemblyAndPrefixAndXmlns(typeInfo, out _assemblyName, out _prefix, out _xmlNamespace);
            // Push information on the node stack to indicate we have a start element
            BamlNodeInfo nodeInfo = new BamlNodeInfo
                Name = _name,
                LocalName = _localName,
                AssemblyName = _assemblyName,
                Prefix = _prefix,
                ClrNamespace = _clrNamespace,
                XmlNamespace = _xmlNamespace,
                RecordType = BamlRecordType.ElementStart
            _useTypeConverter = bamlRecord.CreateUsingTypeConverter;
            _isInjected = bamlRecord.IsInjected;
            // If we are in a deferable block, then see if this is a top level element for
            // that block that matches an offset in the list of defered dictionary keys.  If
            // so, then insert a x:Key="keystring" to make this appear like a normal
            // dictionary.
            if (_deferableContentBlockDepth == _nodeStack.Count)
                // Calculate the offset for the start of the current element record in
                // the baml stream.
                Int32 offset = (Int32)(_bamlRecordReader.StreamPosition - _deferableContentPosition);
                // Subtract off the size of the current Record.
                offset -= bamlRecord.RecordSize + BamlRecord.RecordTypeFieldLength;
                // If there is a debug extension record then subtract that off also.
                if (BamlRecordHelper.HasDebugExtensionRecord(_parserContext.IsDebugBamlStream, bamlRecord))
                    BamlRecord bamlDebugRecord = bamlRecord.Next;
                    offset -= bamlDebugRecord.RecordSize + BamlRecord.RecordTypeFieldLength;
            // Read the properties that may be part of the start tag of this element
        * BamlReader.ReadElementEndRecord
        * Read the end of an element.  This is either a CLR or DependencyObject
        * that is part of an object tree.
        private void ReadElementEndRecord()
            // If we are processing a deferable content block and we've reached the
            // end record for the deferable element, then pop off the deferable content
            // start record that is on the stack.
            if (_deferableContentBlockDepth == _nodeStack.Count)
                _deferableContentBlockDepth = -1;
                _deferableContentPosition = -1;
            // Pop information off the node stack that tells us what element this
            // is the end of.  Check to make sure the record on the stack is for a
            // start element.
            BamlNodeInfo nodeInfo = _nodeStack.Pop();
            if (nodeInfo.RecordType != BamlRecordType.ElementStart)
                throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.Format(SR.BamlScopeError,
            NodeTypeInternal = BamlNodeType.EndElement;
            _name = nodeInfo.Name;
            _localName = nodeInfo.LocalName;
            _ownerTypeName = string.Empty;
            _assemblyName = nodeInfo.AssemblyName;
            _prefix = nodeInfo.Prefix;
            _xmlNamespace = nodeInfo.XmlNamespace;
            _clrNamespace = nodeInfo.ClrNamespace;
            // read properties, if any, after this end tag.
        * BamlReader.ReadPropertyComplexStartRecord
        * Read the start of a complex property.  This can be any type of complex
        * property, including arrays, ILists, IDictionaries, Clr properties or
        * dependency properties.
        private void ReadPropertyComplexStartRecord()
            BamlNodeInfo nodeInfo = new BamlNodeInfo();
            // Set instance variables to node info extracted from record.
            NodeTypeInternal = BamlNodeType.StartComplexProperty;
            _localName = nodeInfo.LocalName;
            int index = nodeInfo.Name.LastIndexOf('.');
            if (index > 0)
                _ownerTypeName = nodeInfo.Name.Substring(0, index);
                // Eg. xmlns property
                _ownerTypeName = string.Empty;
            _name = nodeInfo.Name;
            _clrNamespace = nodeInfo.ClrNamespace;
            _assemblyName = nodeInfo.AssemblyName;
            _prefix = nodeInfo.Prefix;
            _xmlNamespace = nodeInfo.XmlNamespace;
            nodeInfo.RecordType = _currentBamlRecord.RecordType;
            // Read the properties that may be part of the start tag
        * BamlReader.ReadPropertyComplexEndRecord
        * Read the end of a complex property.  This can be any type of complex
        * property, including arrays, ILists, IDictionaries, Clr properties or
        * dependency properties.
        private void ReadPropertyComplexEndRecord()
            // Pop information off the node info stack that tells us what the starting
            // record was for this ending record.  Check to make sure it is the
            // correct type.  If not, throw an exception.
            BamlNodeInfo nodeInfo = _nodeStack.Pop();
            BamlRecordType expectedType;
            switch (nodeInfo.RecordType)
                case BamlRecordType.PropertyComplexStart:
                    expectedType = BamlRecordType.PropertyComplexEnd;
                case BamlRecordType.PropertyArrayStart:
                    expectedType = BamlRecordType.PropertyArrayEnd;
                case BamlRecordType.PropertyIListStart:
                    expectedType = BamlRecordType.PropertyIListEnd;
                case BamlRecordType.PropertyIDictionaryStart:
                    expectedType = BamlRecordType.PropertyIDictionaryEnd;
                    expectedType = BamlRecordType.Unknown;
            if (_currentBamlRecord.RecordType != expectedType)
                throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.Format(SR.BamlScopeError,
            NodeTypeInternal = BamlNodeType.EndComplexProperty;
            _name = nodeInfo.Name;
            _localName = nodeInfo.LocalName;
            int index = nodeInfo.Name.LastIndexOf('.');
            if (index > 0)
                _ownerTypeName = nodeInfo.Name.Substring(0, index);
                // Eg. xmlns property
                _ownerTypeName = string.Empty;
            _assemblyName = nodeInfo.AssemblyName;
            _prefix = nodeInfo.Prefix;
            _xmlNamespace = nodeInfo.XmlNamespace;
            _clrNamespace = nodeInfo.ClrNamespace;
        * BamlReader.ReadTextRecord
        * Read record containing text content that goes between the start and end
        * tags of an object.
        private void ReadTextRecord()
            BamlTextWithIdRecord textWithIdRecord = _currentBamlRecord as BamlTextWithIdRecord;
            if (textWithIdRecord != null)
                // Get the value string from the string table, and cache it in the
                // record.
                textWithIdRecord.Value = MapTable.GetStringFromStringId(
            BamlTextWithConverterRecord textWithConverter = _currentBamlRecord as BamlTextWithConverterRecord;
            if (textWithConverter != null)
                short converterTypeId = textWithConverter.ConverterTypeId;
                Type converter = MapTable.GetTypeFromId(converterTypeId);
                _typeConverterAssemblyName = converter.Assembly.FullName;
                _typeConverterName = converter.FullName;
            NodeTypeInternal = BamlNodeType.Text;
            _prefix = string.Empty;
            _value = ((BamlTextRecord)_currentBamlRecord).Value;
        * BamlReader.ReadConstructorStart
        * Read a <x:ConstructorParameters   ...   > start tag, which indicates that
        * the following objects are to be used as constructor parameters.
        private void ReadConstructorStart()
            NodeTypeInternal = BamlNodeType.StartConstructor;
            // Push information on the node stack to indicate we have a start array
            BamlNodeInfo nodeInfo = new BamlNodeInfo
                RecordType = BamlRecordType.ConstructorParametersStart
        * BamlReader.ReadConstructorEnd
        * Read a <\x:ConstructorParameters   ...   > end tag, which indicates that
        * the previous objects are to be used as constructor parameters.
        private void ReadConstructorEnd()
            NodeTypeInternal = BamlNodeType.EndConstructor;
            // Pop information off the node stack that tells us what element this
            // is the end of.  Check to make sure the record on the stack is for a
            // start element.
            BamlNodeInfo nodeInfo = _nodeStack.Pop();
            if (nodeInfo.RecordType != BamlRecordType.ConstructorParametersStart)
                throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.Format(SR.BamlScopeError,
            // read properties, if any, after this end tag.
        * BamlReader.InsertDeferedKey
        * Search the _deferedKeys list for a dictionary key that has the same offset
        * as the current baml stream position.  If one is found, generate a
        * def attribute record to simulate a dictionary key.
        private void InsertDeferedKey(Int32 valueOffset)
            if (_deferKeys == null)
            BamlKeyInfo keyInfo = _deferKeys[0];
            while (keyInfo.Offset == valueOffset)
                // Remember the _currentKeyInfo so that we can use it to resolve StaticResourceId
                // records that may occur within the corresponding value.
                _currentKeyInfo = keyInfo;
                BamlPropertyInfo info = new BamlPropertyInfo
                    Value = keyInfo.Value,
                    AssemblyName = string.Empty,
                    Prefix = (string)_prefixDictionary[XamlReaderHelper.DefinitionNamespaceURI],
                    XmlNamespace = XamlReaderHelper.DefinitionNamespaceURI,
                    ClrNamespace = string.Empty,
                    Name = keyInfo.Name
                info.LocalName = info.Name;
                info.RecordType = BamlRecordType.DefAttribute;
                // We no longer need this key record, so remove it to make subsequent
                // searches faster.
                if (_deferKeys.Count > 0)
                    keyInfo = _deferKeys[0];
        * BamlReader.ClearProperties
        * Clear properties that are likely to change as different baml records
        * are read in.
        private void ClearProperties()
            _value = string.Empty;
            _prefix = string.Empty;
            _name = string.Empty;
            _localName = string.Empty;
            _ownerTypeName = string.Empty;
            _assemblyName = string.Empty;
            _xmlNamespace = string.Empty;
            _clrNamespace = string.Empty;
            _connectionId = 0;
            _contentPropertyName = string.Empty;
            _attributeUsage = BamlAttributeUsage.Default;
            _typeConverterAssemblyName = string.Empty;
            _typeConverterName = string.Empty;
        * BamlReader.SetCommonPropertyInfo
        * Get information that is common to all types of property records and
        * fill in the passed node info record with this information.
        * Return the attribute info found.
        private BamlAttributeInfoRecord SetCommonPropertyInfo(
            BamlNodeInfo       nodeInfo,
            short              attrId)
            BamlAttributeInfoRecord attrInfo = MapTable.GetAttributeInfoFromId(attrId);
            BamlTypeInfoRecord typeInfo = MapTable.GetTypeInfoFromId(attrInfo.OwnerTypeId);
            // Fill node info record with this data.
            nodeInfo.LocalName = attrInfo.Name;
            nodeInfo.Name = $"{typeInfo.TypeFullName}.{nodeInfo.LocalName}";
            string assembly, prefix, namespaceUri;
            GetAssemblyAndPrefixAndXmlns(typeInfo, out assembly, out prefix, out namespaceUri);
            nodeInfo.AssemblyName = assembly;
            nodeInfo.Prefix = prefix;
            nodeInfo.XmlNamespace = namespaceUri;
            nodeInfo.ClrNamespace = typeInfo.ClrNamespace;
            nodeInfo.AttributeUsage = attrInfo.AttributeUsage;
            return attrInfo;
        private string GetTemplateBindingExtensionValueString(short memberId)
            string valueString = string.Empty;
            string valuePrefix = null;
            string typeName = null;
            string propName = null;
            if (memberId < 0)
                memberId = (short)-memberId;
                DependencyProperty dp = null;
                if (memberId < (short)KnownProperties.MaxDependencyProperty)
                    KnownProperties knownId = (KnownProperties)(memberId);
                        dp = KnownTypes.GetKnownDependencyPropertyFromId(knownId);
                if (dp == null)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.BamlBadExtensionValue);
                    typeName = dp.OwnerType.Name;
                    propName = dp.Name;
                object prefixObject = _prefixDictionary[XamlReaderHelper.DefaultNamespaceURI];
                valuePrefix = (prefixObject == null) ? string.Empty : (string)prefixObject;
                BamlAttributeInfoRecord attrInfo = MapTable.GetAttributeInfoFromId(memberId);
                BamlTypeInfoRecord valueTypeInfo = MapTable.GetTypeInfoFromId(attrInfo.OwnerTypeId);
                string valueXmlNamespace;
                string valueAssemblyName;
                GetAssemblyAndPrefixAndXmlns(valueTypeInfo, out valueAssemblyName, out valuePrefix, out valueXmlNamespace);
                typeName = valueTypeInfo.TypeFullName;
                typeName = typeName.Substring(typeName.LastIndexOf('.') + 1);
                propName = attrInfo.Name;
            if (valuePrefix == string.Empty)
                valueString += typeName;
                valueString += $"{valuePrefix}:{typeName}";
            valueString += $".{propName}}}";
            return valueString;
        private string GetStaticExtensionValueString(short memberId)
            string valueString = string.Empty;
            string valuePrefix = null;
            string typeName = null;
            string propName = null;
            string extensionPrefix = (string)_prefixDictionary[XamlReaderHelper.DefinitionNamespaceURI];
            if (extensionPrefix != string.Empty)
                valueString = $"{{{extensionPrefix}:Static ";
                valueString = "{Static ";
            if (memberId < 0)
                memberId = (short)-memberId;
                bool isKey = true;
                // this is a known StaticExtension param.
                // if keyId is more than the range it is the actual resource,
                // else it is the key.
                memberId = SystemResourceKey.GetSystemResourceKeyIdFromBamlId(memberId, out isKey);
                SystemResourceKeyID keyId = (SystemResourceKeyID)memberId;
                if (Enum.IsDefined(keyId))
                    typeName = SystemKeyConverter.GetSystemClassName(keyId);
                    if (isKey)
                        propName = SystemKeyConverter.GetSystemKeyName(keyId);
                        propName = SystemKeyConverter.GetSystemPropertyName(keyId);
                    throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.BamlBadExtensionValue);
                object prefixObject = _prefixDictionary[XamlReaderHelper.DefaultNamespaceURI];
                valuePrefix = (prefixObject == null) ? string.Empty : (string)prefixObject;
                BamlAttributeInfoRecord attrInfo = MapTable.GetAttributeInfoFromId(memberId);
                BamlTypeInfoRecord valueTypeInfo = MapTable.GetTypeInfoFromId(attrInfo.OwnerTypeId);
                string valueXmlNamespace;
                string valueAssemblyName;
                GetAssemblyAndPrefixAndXmlns(valueTypeInfo, out valueAssemblyName, out valuePrefix, out valueXmlNamespace);
                typeName = valueTypeInfo.TypeFullName;
                typeName = typeName.Substring(typeName.LastIndexOf('.') + 1);
                propName = attrInfo.Name;
            if (valuePrefix == string.Empty)
                valueString += typeName;
                valueString += $"{valuePrefix}:{typeName}";
            valueString += $".{propName}}}";
            return valueString;
        private string GetExtensionPrefixString(string extensionName)
            string valueString = string.Empty;
            string extensionPrefix = (string)_prefixDictionary[XamlReaderHelper.DefaultNamespaceURI];
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(extensionPrefix))
                valueString = $"{{{extensionPrefix}:{extensionName} ";
                valueString = $"{{{extensionName} ";
            return valueString;
        private string GetInnerExtensionValueString(IOptimizedMarkupExtension optimizedMarkupExtensionRecord)
            string valueString = string.Empty;
            short memberId = optimizedMarkupExtensionRecord.ValueId;
            if (optimizedMarkupExtensionRecord.IsValueTypeExtension)
                valueString = GetTypeValueString(memberId);
            else if (optimizedMarkupExtensionRecord.IsValueStaticExtension)
                valueString = GetStaticExtensionValueString(memberId);
                valueString = MapTable.GetStringFromStringId(memberId);
            return $"{valueString}}}";
        private string GetExtensionValueString(IOptimizedMarkupExtension optimizedMarkupExtensionRecord)
            string valueString = string.Empty;
            short memberId = optimizedMarkupExtensionRecord.ValueId;
            short extensionId = optimizedMarkupExtensionRecord.ExtensionTypeId;
            switch (extensionId)
                case (short)KnownElements.StaticExtension:
                    valueString = GetStaticExtensionValueString(memberId);
                case (short)KnownElements.TemplateBindingExtension:
                    valueString = GetExtensionPrefixString("TemplateBinding");
                    valueString += GetTemplateBindingExtensionValueString(memberId);
                case (short)KnownElements.DynamicResourceExtension:
                    valueString = GetExtensionPrefixString("DynamicResource");
                    valueString += GetInnerExtensionValueString(optimizedMarkupExtensionRecord);
                case (short)KnownElements.StaticResourceExtension:
                    valueString = GetExtensionPrefixString("StaticResource");
                    valueString += GetInnerExtensionValueString(optimizedMarkupExtensionRecord);
            return valueString;
        * BamlReader.GetTypeValueString
        * Construct a MarkupExtension that represents the type given its ID in the
        * BamlMapTable.
        private string GetTypeValueString(short typeId)
            string typeExtensionPrefix = (string)_prefixDictionary[XamlReaderHelper.DefinitionNamespaceURI];
            string valueString;
            if (typeExtensionPrefix != string.Empty)
                valueString = $"{{{typeExtensionPrefix}:Type ";
                valueString = "{Type ";
            BamlTypeInfoRecord valueTypeInfo = MapTable.GetTypeInfoFromId(typeId);
            string valueXmlNamespace;
            string valuePrefix;
            string valueAssemblyName;
            GetAssemblyAndPrefixAndXmlns(valueTypeInfo, out valueAssemblyName, out valuePrefix, out valueXmlNamespace);
            string typeName = valueTypeInfo.TypeFullName;
            typeName = typeName.Substring(typeName.LastIndexOf('.') + 1);
            if (valuePrefix == string.Empty)
                valueString += typeName;
                valueString += $"{valuePrefix}:{typeName}";
            valueString +="}";
            return valueString;
        * BamlReader.GetAssemblyAndPrefixAndXmlns
        * Get a namespace prefix and the associated Xml namespace for a given type.
        * If none, return empty strings.
        private void GetAssemblyAndPrefixAndXmlns(
                BamlTypeInfoRecord typeInfo,
            out string assemblyFullName,
            out string prefix,
            out string xmlns)
            // If the typeInfo indicates the type is NOT a core Avalon type, then the
            // assembly should be in the Assembly table of the BamlMapTable.  Otherwise
            // we have to get the Assembly information from the actual type.
            if (typeInfo.AssemblyId >= 0 || typeInfo.Type == null)
                BamlAssemblyInfoRecord assyInfo = MapTable.GetAssemblyInfoFromId(
                assemblyFullName = assyInfo.AssemblyFullName;
                Assembly typeAssembly = typeInfo.Type.Assembly;
                assemblyFullName = typeAssembly.FullName;
            // Look through the mapping table for an xml namespace that matches
            // the assembly and type namespace.
            // Note that it may be one of the known namespaces, such as the definition
            // namespace so check for that first.
            if (typeInfo.ClrNamespace == "System.Windows.Markup" &&
                (assemblyFullName.StartsWith("PresentationFramework", StringComparison.Ordinal)
                || assemblyFullName.StartsWith("System.Xaml", StringComparison.Ordinal)))
                xmlns = XamlReaderHelper.DefinitionNamespaceURI;
                // XamlTypeMapper only stored MappingPI Xml Namesaces
                xmlns = _parserContext.XamlTypeMapper.GetXmlNamespace(
                          typeInfo.ClrNamespace, assemblyFullName);
                // Now check our own private list for URI based Xml Namespaces
                    List<String> xmlnsList = GetXmlNamespaceList(typeInfo.ClrNamespace, assemblyFullName);
                    prefix = GetXmlnsPrefix(xmlnsList);
            prefix = GetXmlnsPrefix(xmlns);
        // store the all XmlNs UIRs that map to each CLRNamespace + AssemblyName
        private void SetXmlNamespace(string clrNamespace, string assemblyFullName, string xmlNs)
            String fullName = $"{clrNamespace}#{assemblyFullName}";
            List<String> list;
                list = _reverseXmlnsTable[fullName];
                list = new List<String>();
                _reverseXmlnsTable[fullName] = list;
        // Retrieve the XmlNs UIRs that map to a CLRNamespace + AssemblyName
        private List<String> GetXmlNamespaceList(string clrNamespace, string assemblyFullName)
            String fullName = $"{clrNamespace}#{assemblyFullName}";
            List<String> xmlnsList=null;
            if (_reverseXmlnsTable.ContainsKey(fullName))
                xmlnsList = _reverseXmlnsTable[fullName];
            return xmlnsList;
        internal string GetXmlnsPrefix(string xmlns)
            string prefix = string.Empty;
            // If we don't find an xmlns, then the clr namespace must be in the
            // default definition file group for this file.  Otherwise, lookup the
            // prefix in the xmlns-to-prefix dictionary built up in ReadXmlnsProperty
            if (xmlns == string.Empty)
                xmlns = _parserContext.XmlnsDictionary[string.Empty];
                object prefixObject = _prefixDictionary[xmlns];
                // If there is nothing in the prefix dictionary for this namespace,
                // then assume this is the default namespace and set prefix to
                // an empty string.
                if (prefixObject != null)
                    prefix = (string)prefixObject;
            return prefix;
        private string GetXmlnsPrefix(List<String> xmlnsList)
            string prefix;
            string xmlns;
            if (xmlnsList != null)
                // return the first non-null prefix defined.
                // the default prefix is "" and is non-null.
                for (int i=0; i<xmlnsList.Count; i++)
                    xmlns = xmlnsList[i];
                    prefix = _prefixDictionary[xmlns];
                    if(prefix != null)
                        return prefix;
            return String.Empty;   // and error actually but old code defaulted this way.
        * BamlReader.MapTable
        * Get value of map table from the parser context.
        private BamlMapTable MapTable
            get { return _parserContext.MapTable; }
        #endregion Internal Methods
        #region Data
        // The BamlRecordReader that is handling getting records from the baml stream
        private BamlRecordReader _bamlRecordReader;
        // Dictionary with XML namespaces as keys and prefixes as values.  This is
        // the same information kept in _parserContext.XmlnsDictionary, but we lookup
        // by Xmlns more often, so it is more efficient to keep another dictionary.
        private XmlnsDictionary _prefixDictionary;
        // The last record read in from the _bamlRecordReader
        private BamlRecord _currentBamlRecord;
        // The _currentBamlRecord is valid, but has not been processed yet.
        private bool _haveUnprocessedRecord;
        // Stack depth where a deferable content block starts.  -1 if not in deferable content.
        private int _deferableContentBlockDepth;
        // The position in the stream where deferable content values begin
        private Int64 _deferableContentPosition;
        // List of keys for a deferable content dictionary.  These are arranged at the front
        // of the deferable content block and are read into a list before processing the
        // values for the dictionary.
        private List<BamlKeyInfo> _deferKeys;
        // Info for the key being currently read.
        private BamlKeyInfo _currentKeyInfo;
        // The currently active StaticResourceInfo
        private List<BamlRecord> _currentStaticResourceRecords;
        private int              _currentStaticResourceRecordIndex;
        // The type of current BAML node (or a condensed version of the real baml record type)
        private BamlNodeType _bamlNodeType;
        // The current read state of this BamlReader.
        private ReadState _readState;
        // The value of the assembly name for the current node
        private string _assemblyName;
        // The value of the namespace prefix for the current node
        private string _prefix;
        // Xml namespace for the current node;
        private string _xmlNamespace;
        // Clr namespace for the current node;
        private string _clrNamespace;
        // The attribute value for the current node, if a property or namespace
        private string _value;
        // The fully qualified name of the current node
        private string _name;
        // The local part of the name of the current node, without class or prefix
        private string _localName;
        // The fully qualified class name of the current node's owner type, without prefix
        // Applies only to properties and events
        private string _ownerTypeName;
        // Arraylist of various PropertyInfo objects in the order retrieved from the baml stream
        private ArrayList _properties;
        // DP value of a property. If this is set the type of this property is used to resolve the
        // value of any subsequent property. Setter.Property & Setter.Value is an example of this sceanrio.
        private DependencyProperty _propertyDP;
        // Index of current property in _properties collection that is being viewed.
        private int _propertiesIndex;
        // connection Id of current element for hooking up IDs and events.
        private Int32 _connectionId;
        // contentProperty Name of current element.
        private string _contentPropertyName;
        // Defines what this property is used for such as being an alias for
        // xml:lang, xml:space or x:ID
        private BamlAttributeUsage _attributeUsage;
        // Stack of node information about the element tree being built.
        private readonly Stack<BamlNodeInfo> _nodeStack;
        // Context information used when reading baml file.  This contains the XamlTypeMapper used
        // for resolving binary property information into strings.
        private ParserContext _parserContext;
        private bool _isInjected;
        private bool _useTypeConverter;
        private string _typeConverterAssemblyName;
        private string _typeConverterName;
        // Maps CLRNameSpace#AssemblyFullName  <-->  List of XmlNamespacesURIs.
        private Dictionary<String, List<String>> _reverseXmlnsTable;
#endregion Data
        * BamlNodeInfo
        * This class holds information about a single element or other node record
        * that is encountered when reading the baml file.
        internal class BamlNodeInfo
            // Create an empty property info record
            internal BamlNodeInfo()
            // The type of record, be it element, complex property, array, etc.
            internal BamlRecordType RecordType
                get { return _recordType; }
                set { _recordType = value; }
            // The value of the assembly name for the declaring type of the current node or property
            internal string AssemblyName
                get { return _assemblyName; }
                set { _assemblyName = value; }
            // The value of the namespace prefix for the current node or property
            internal string Prefix
                get { return _prefix; }
                set { _prefix = value; }
            // Xml namespace for the current node or property
            internal string XmlNamespace
                get { return _xmlNamespace; }
                set { _xmlNamespace = value; }
            // Clr namespace for the current node or property
            internal string ClrNamespace
                get { return _clrNamespace; }
                set { _clrNamespace = value; }
            // The fully qualified name of the current node or property
            internal string Name
                get { return _name; }
                set { _name = value; }
            // The local part of the name of the current node or property
            internal string LocalName
                get { return _localName; }
                set { _localName = value; }
            // Defines what this property is used for such as being an alias for
            // xml:lang, xml:space or x:ID
            internal BamlAttributeUsage AttributeUsage
                get { return _attributeUsage; }
                set { _attributeUsage = value; }
            // The type of record, be it element, complex property, array, etc.
            private BamlRecordType _recordType;
            // The value of the assembly name for the declaring type of the current node or property
            private string _assemblyName;
            // The value of the namespace prefix for the current node or property
            private string _prefix;
            // Xml namespace for the current node or property
            private string _xmlNamespace;
            // Clr namespace for the current node or property
            private string _clrNamespace;
            // The fully qualified name of the current node or property
            private string _name;
            // The local part of the name of the current node or property
            private string _localName;
            // Defines what this property is used for such as being an alias for
            // xml:lang, xml:space or x:ID
            private BamlAttributeUsage _attributeUsage;
        * BamlPropertyInfo
        * This class holds information about a single Baml property record that is
        * encountered when reading all the property-like records on an element.
        internal class BamlPropertyInfo : BamlNodeInfo
            // Create an empty property info record
            internal BamlPropertyInfo()
            // The string value for the current property
            internal string Value
                get { return _value; }
                set { _value = value; }
            // The string value for the current property
            private string _value;
        * BamlContentPropertyInfo
        * This class holds information about a single Baml property record that is
        * encountered when reading all the property-like records on an element.
        internal class BamlContentPropertyInfo : BamlNodeInfo
            // this doesn't need any different fields it just needs to be
            // a different type.
        * BamlKeyInfo
        * This class holds information about a single Baml property record that is
        * encountered when reading all the property-like records on an element.
        internal class BamlKeyInfo : BamlPropertyInfo
            // Create an empty info record
            internal BamlKeyInfo()
            // The offset of the value from the start of the values section.
            internal Int32 Offset
                get { return _offset; }
                set { _offset = value; }
            internal List<List<BamlRecord>> StaticResources
                    if (_staticResources == null)
                        _staticResources = new List<List<BamlRecord>>();
                    return _staticResources;
            private Int32 _offset;
            private List<List<BamlRecord>> _staticResources;