// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
// Description: TextParagClient is responsible for handling display related
// data of text paragraphs.
using System.Collections.ObjectModel;
using System.Windows;
using System.Windows.Media;
using System.Windows.Media.TextFormatting;
using System.Windows.Documents;
using MS.Internal.Documents;
using MS.Internal.Text;
using MS.Internal.PtsHost.UnsafeNativeMethods;
namespace MS.Internal.PtsHost
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// TextParaClient is responsible for handling display related data of
// text paragraphs.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
internal sealed class TextParaClient : BaseParaClient
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// Constructor.
// paragraph - Paragraph associated with this object.
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
internal TextParaClient(TextParagraph paragraph) : base(paragraph)
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// Internal Methods
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
#region Internal Methods
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// Validate visual node associated with paragraph.
// fskupdInherited - inherited update info
// fswdir - inherited flow direction
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
internal override void ValidateVisual(PTS.FSKUPDATE fskupdInherited)
// Query paragraph details and render its content
PTS.Validate(PTS.FsQueryTextDetails(PtsContext.Context, _paraHandle, out textDetails));
VisualCollection visualChildren = _visual.Children;
ContainerVisual lineContainerVisual = _visual;
bool ignoreUpdateInfo = false;
// There are 3 different types of text paragraphs:
// (a) full with simple lines
// (b) full with composite lines - when figures/floaters are present
// (c) cached - when using ParaChache
if (textDetails.fsktd == PTS.FSKTEXTDETAILS.fsktdFull)
if (visualChildren.Count != 0 && !(visualChildren[0] is LineVisual))
ignoreUpdateInfo = true;
if(IsDeferredVisualCreationSupported(ref textDetails.u.full))
// Transition to from no deferred visuals to deferred visuals -- Ignore update info
if(_lineIndexFirstVisual == -1 && lineContainerVisual.Children.Count > 0)
ignoreUpdateInfo = true;
SyncUpdateDeferredLineVisuals(lineContainerVisual.Children, ref textDetails.u.full, ignoreUpdateInfo);
// Transition from deferred visuals to no deferred visuals -- Ignore update info
if(_lineIndexFirstVisual != -1)
_lineIndexFirstVisual = -1;
// If we have no children, update isn't really possible.
if(lineContainerVisual.Children.Count == 0)
ignoreUpdateInfo = true;
// Add visuals for all lines.
if (textDetails.u.full.cLines > 0)
if (!PTS.ToBoolean(textDetails.u.full.fLinesComposite))
// (a) full with simple lines
RenderSimpleLines(lineContainerVisual, ref textDetails.u.full, ignoreUpdateInfo);
// (b) full with composite lines - when figures/floaters are present
RenderCompositeLines(lineContainerVisual, ref textDetails.u.full, ignoreUpdateInfo);
// Add visuals for floaters and figures.
if (textDetails.u.full.cAttachedObjects > 0)
ValidateVisualFloatersAndFigures(fskupdInherited, textDetails.u.full.cAttachedObjects);
// (c) cached - when using ParaChache
Debug.Assert(textDetails.fsktd == PTS.FSKTEXTDETAILS.fsktdCached);
Debug.Assert(false, "Should not get here. ParaCache is not currently used.");
// Mirror lines around the page.
if(ThisFlowDirection != PageFlowDirection)
PTS.FSRECT pageRect = _pageContext.PageRect;
PtsHelper.UpdateMirroringTransform(PageFlowDirection, ThisFlowDirection, lineContainerVisual, TextDpi.FromTextDpi(2 * pageRect.u + pageRect.du));
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// Updates viewport
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
internal override void UpdateViewport(ref PTS.FSRECT viewport)
// Here's where the magic happens.
PTS.Validate(PTS.FsQueryTextDetails(PtsContext.Context, _paraHandle, out textDetails));
Invariant.Assert(textDetails.fsktd == PTS.FSKTEXTDETAILS.fsktdFull, "Only 'full' text paragraph type is expected.");
if (IsDeferredVisualCreationSupported(ref textDetails.u.full))
// Query paragraph details and render its content
ContainerVisual lineContainerVisual = _visual;
Debug.Assert(!((TextParagraph) Paragraph).HasFiguresFloatersOrInlineObjects());
UpdateViewportSimpleLines(lineContainerVisual, ref textDetails.u.full, ref viewport);
int attachedObjectCount = textDetails.u.full.cAttachedObjects;
// Recurse into figures and floaters
if (attachedObjectCount > 0)
// Get list of attached objects
PtsHelper.AttachedObjectListFromParagraph(PtsContext, _paraHandle, attachedObjectCount, out arrayAttachedObjectDesc);
// Arrange attached objects
for (int index = 0; index < arrayAttachedObjectDesc.Length; index++)
PTS.FSATTACHEDOBJECTDESCRIPTION attachedObjectDesc = arrayAttachedObjectDesc[index];
BaseParaClient paraClient = PtsContext.HandleToObject(attachedObjectDesc.pfsparaclient) as BaseParaClient;
paraClient.UpdateViewport(ref viewport);
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// Hit tests to the correct IInputElement within the paragraph
// that the mouse is over.
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
internal override IInputElement InputHitTest(PTS.FSPOINT pt)
IInputElement ie = null;
// Query paragraph details and hittest its content
PTS.Validate(PTS.FsQueryTextDetails(PtsContext.Context, _paraHandle, out textDetails));
// There are 3 different types of text paragraphs:
// (a) full with simple lines
// (b) full with composite lines - when figures/floaters are present
// (c) cached - when using ParaChache
if (textDetails.fsktd == PTS.FSKTEXTDETAILS.fsktdFull)
PTS.FSPOINT localPoint = pt;
// Mirror input point around page to hit test lines.
if(ThisFlowDirection != PageFlowDirection)
localPoint.u = _pageContext.PageRect.du - localPoint.u;
if (textDetails.u.full.cLines > 0)
if (!PTS.ToBoolean(textDetails.u.full.fLinesComposite))
// (a) full with simple lines
ie = InputHitTestSimpleLines(localPoint, ref textDetails.u.full);
// (b) full with composite lines - when figures/floaters are present
ie = InputHitTestCompositeLines(localPoint, ref textDetails.u.full);
// Attached object hit tests are handled at page context level, as they're logically floating elements.
// (c) cached - when using ParaChache
Debug.Assert(textDetails.fsktd == PTS.FSKTEXTDETAILS.fsktdCached);
Debug.Assert(false, "Should not get here. ParaCache is not currently used.");
// If nothing is hit, return the owner of the paragraph.
if (ie == null)
ie = Paragraph.Element as IInputElement;
return ie;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// Returns ArrayList of rectangles for the given ContentElement
// if it is found. Returns empty list otherwise.
// start: int representing start position for e relative to base TextContainer.
// length: int representing number of positions occupied by e.
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
internal override List<Rect> GetRectangles(ContentElement e, int start, int length)
List<Rect> rectangles = new List<Rect>();
Debug.Assert(Paragraph.Element as ContentElement != e);
PTS.Validate(PTS.FsQueryTextDetails(PtsContext.Context, _paraHandle, out textDetails));
// There are 3 different types of text paragraphs:
// (a) full with simple lines
// (b) full with composite lines - when figures/floaters are present
// (c) cached - when using ParaChache
if (textDetails.fsktd == PTS.FSKTEXTDETAILS.fsktdFull)
// Check figures and floaters
if (textDetails.u.full.cAttachedObjects > 0)
PtsHelper.AttachedObjectListFromParagraph(PtsContext, _paraHandle, textDetails.u.full.cAttachedObjects, out arrayAttachedObjectDesc);
for (int index = 0; index < arrayAttachedObjectDesc.Length; index++)
PTS.FSATTACHEDOBJECTDESCRIPTION attachedObjectDesc = arrayAttachedObjectDesc[index];
BaseParaClient paraClient = PtsContext.HandleToObject(attachedObjectDesc.pfsparaclient) as BaseParaClient;
if (start < paraClient.Paragraph.ParagraphEndCharacterPosition)
rectangles = paraClient.GetRectangles(e, start, length);
Invariant.Assert(rectangles != null);
if (rectangles.Count != 0)
// If no success with figures and floaters, check in line
if (rectangles.Count == 0 && textDetails.u.full.cLines > 0)
if (!PTS.ToBoolean(textDetails.u.full.fLinesComposite))
// (a) full with simple lines
rectangles = GetRectanglesInSimpleLines(e, start, length, ref textDetails.u.full);
// (b) full with complex lines
rectangles = GetRectanglesInCompositeLines(e, start, length, ref textDetails.u.full);
// Ensure these are specified in page coordinates.
if(rectangles.Count > 0 && ThisFlowDirection != PageFlowDirection)
PTS.FSRECT pageRect = _pageContext.PageRect;
for(int index = 0; index < rectangles.Count; index++)
PTS.FSRECT rectTransform = new PTS.FSRECT(rectangles[index]);
PTS.Validate(PTS.FsTransformRectangle(PTS.FlowDirectionToFswdir(ThisFlowDirection), ref pageRect, ref rectTransform, PTS.FlowDirectionToFswdir(PageFlowDirection), out rectTransform));
rectangles[index] = rectTransform.FromTextDpi();
// (c) cached - when using ParaChache
Debug.Assert(textDetails.fsktd == PTS.FSKTEXTDETAILS.fsktdCached);
Debug.Assert(false, "Should not get here. ParaCache is not currently used.");
Invariant.Assert(rectangles != null);
return rectangles;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// Create paragraph result representing this paragraph.
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
internal override ParagraphResult CreateParagraphResult()
return new TextParagraphResult(this);
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// Returns a collection of LineResults for the paragraph.
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
internal ReadOnlyCollection<LineResult> GetLineResults()
TextPanelDebug.IncrementCounter("TextPara.GetLines", TextPanelDebug.Category.TextView);
ReadOnlyCollection<LineResult> lines = ReadOnlyCollection<LineResult>.Empty;
// Query paragraph details
PTS.Validate(PTS.FsQueryTextDetails(PtsContext.Context, _paraHandle, out textDetails));
// There are 3 different types of text paragraphs:
// (a) full with simple lines
// (b) full with composite lines - when figures/floaters are present
// (c) cached - when using ParaChache
if (textDetails.fsktd == PTS.FSKTEXTDETAILS.fsktdFull)
if (textDetails.u.full.cLines > 0)
if (!PTS.ToBoolean(textDetails.u.full.fLinesComposite))
// (a) full with simple lines
lines = LineResultsFromSimpleLines(ref textDetails.u.full);
// (b) full with composite lines - when figures/floaters are present
lines = LineResultsFromCompositeLines(ref textDetails.u.full);
// (c) cached - when using ParaChache
Debug.Assert(textDetails.fsktd == PTS.FSKTEXTDETAILS.fsktdCached);
Debug.Assert(false, "Should not get here. ParaCache is not currently used.");
return lines;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// Returns a collection of UIElements representing floated objects.
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
internal ReadOnlyCollection<ParagraphResult> GetFloaters()
List<ParagraphResult> floaters = null;
// Query paragraph details
PTS.Validate(PTS.FsQueryTextDetails(PtsContext.Context, _paraHandle, out textDetails));
// Floaters are only supported by full paragraphs
if ( textDetails.fsktd == PTS.FSKTEXTDETAILS.fsktdFull
&& textDetails.u.full.cAttachedObjects > 0)
// Get list of floaters
PtsHelper.AttachedObjectListFromParagraph(PtsContext, _paraHandle, textDetails.u.full.cAttachedObjects, out arrayAttachedObjectDesc);
floaters = new List<ParagraphResult>(arrayAttachedObjectDesc.Length);
// Create view results for floaters
for (int index = 0; index < arrayAttachedObjectDesc.Length; index++)
PTS.FSATTACHEDOBJECTDESCRIPTION attachedObjectDesc = arrayAttachedObjectDesc[index];
BaseParaClient paraClient = PtsContext.HandleToObject(attachedObjectDesc.pfsparaclient) as BaseParaClient;
if(paraClient is FloaterParaClient)
return (floaters != null && floaters.Count > 0) ? new ReadOnlyCollection<ParagraphResult>(floaters) : null;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// Returns a collection of UIElements representing positioned objects.
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
internal ReadOnlyCollection<ParagraphResult> GetFigures()
List<ParagraphResult> figures = null;
// Query paragraph details
PTS.Validate(PTS.FsQueryTextDetails(PtsContext.Context, _paraHandle, out textDetails));
// Floaters are only supported by full paragraphs
if ( textDetails.fsktd == PTS.FSKTEXTDETAILS.fsktdFull
&& textDetails.u.full.cAttachedObjects > 0)
PtsHelper.AttachedObjectListFromParagraph(PtsContext, _paraHandle, textDetails.u.full.cAttachedObjects, out arrayAttachedObjectDesc);
figures = new List<ParagraphResult>(arrayAttachedObjectDesc.Length);
// Create view results for figures
for (int index = 0; index < arrayAttachedObjectDesc.Length; index++)
PTS.FSATTACHEDOBJECTDESCRIPTION attachedObjectDesc = arrayAttachedObjectDesc[index];
BaseParaClient paraClient = PtsContext.HandleToObject(attachedObjectDesc.pfsparaclient) as BaseParaClient;
if(paraClient is FigureParaClient)
return (figures != null && figures.Count > 0) ? new ReadOnlyCollection<ParagraphResult>(figures) : null;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// Return TextContentRange for the content of the paragraph.
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
internal override TextContentRange GetTextContentRange()
int dcpFirst = 0, dcpLast = 0;
// Query paragraph details
PTS.Validate(PTS.FsQueryTextDetails(PtsContext.Context, _paraHandle, out textDetails));
Invariant.Assert(textDetails.fsktd == PTS.FSKTEXTDETAILS.fsktdFull, "Only 'full' text paragraph type is expected.");
dcpFirst = textDetails.u.full.dcpFirst;
dcpLast = textDetails.u.full.dcpLim;
// The last TextParaClient has EOP character included, which does not
// exist in the tree. Need to remove it.
// NOTE: cannot remove it when formatting line because PTS does not like empty lines.
if (HasEOP && dcpLast > Paragraph.Cch)
ErrorHandler.Assert(dcpLast == Paragraph.Cch + Line.SyntheticCharacterLength, ErrorHandler.ParagraphCharacterCountMismatch);
dcpLast -= Line.SyntheticCharacterLength;
// Text paragraph has always just one range
int dcp = Paragraph.ParagraphStartCharacterPosition;
TextContentRange textContentRange;
PTS.FSATTACHEDOBJECTDESCRIPTION [] arrayAttachedObjectDesc = null;
int attachedObjectCount = textDetails.u.full.cAttachedObjects;
textContentRange = new TextContentRange();
// Recurse into figures and floaters
if (attachedObjectCount > 0)
// Get list of attached objects
PtsHelper.AttachedObjectListFromParagraph(PtsContext, _paraHandle, attachedObjectCount, out arrayAttachedObjectDesc);
// Figures and floaters cannot break
TextParagraph.UpdateTextContentRangeFromAttachedObjects(textContentRange, dcp + dcpFirst, dcp + dcpLast, arrayAttachedObjectDesc);
textContentRange = new TextContentRange(dcp + dcpFirst, dcp + dcpLast, Paragraph.StructuralCache.TextContainer);
return textContentRange;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// Retrieves detailed information about a line of text.
// dcpLine - Index of the first character in the line.
// cchContent - Number of content characters in the line.
// cchEllipses - Number of content characters hidden by ellipses.
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
internal void GetLineDetails(int dcpLine, out int cchContent, out int cchEllipses)
// Query paragraph details
PTS.Validate(PTS.FsQueryTextDetails(PtsContext.Context, _paraHandle, out textDetails));
int lineWidth = 0;
bool firstLine = (dcpLine == 0);
int dcpLim = 0;
IntPtr breakRecLine = IntPtr.Zero;
// There are 3 different types of text paragraphs:
// (a) full with simple lines
// (b) full with composite lines - when figures/floaters are present
// (c) cached - when using ParaChache
if (textDetails.fsktd == PTS.FSKTEXTDETAILS.fsktdFull)
if (textDetails.u.full.cLines > 0)
if (!PTS.ToBoolean(textDetails.u.full.fLinesComposite))
// (a) full with simple lines
PtsHelper.LineListSimpleFromTextPara(PtsContext, _paraHandle, ref textDetails.u.full, out arrayLineDesc);
// Get lines information
int index;
for (index = 0; index < arrayLineDesc.Length; index++)
PTS.FSLINEDESCRIPTIONSINGLE lineDesc = arrayLineDesc[index];
if (dcpLine == lineDesc.dcpFirst)
lineWidth = lineDesc.dur;
// Store dcpLim to check that line lengths are in sync
dcpLim = lineDesc.dcpLim;
breakRecLine = lineDesc.pfsbreakreclineclient;
// (b) full with composite lines - when figures/floaters are present
PtsHelper.LineListCompositeFromTextPara(PtsContext, _paraHandle, ref textDetails.u.full, out arrayLineDesc);
// Get lines information
int index;
for (index = 0; index < arrayLineDesc.Length; index++)
if (lineDesc.cElements == 0) continue;
// Get list of line elements.
PTS.FSLINEELEMENT[] arrayLineElement;
PtsHelper.LineElementListFromCompositeLine(PtsContext, ref lineDesc, out arrayLineElement);
int elIndex;
for (elIndex = 0; elIndex < arrayLineElement.Length; elIndex++)
PTS.FSLINEELEMENT element = arrayLineElement[elIndex];
if (element.dcpFirst == dcpLine)
lineWidth = element.dur;
// Store dcpLim to check that line lengths are in sync
dcpLim = element.dcpLim;
breakRecLine = element.pfsbreakreclineclient;
if (elIndex < arrayLineElement.Length)
firstLine = (index == 0);
// (c) cached - when using ParaChache
Invariant.Assert(textDetails.fsktd == PTS.FSKTEXTDETAILS.fsktdCached);
Invariant.Assert(false, "Should not get here. ParaCache is not currently used.");
// Recreate text line
Line.FormattingContext ctx = new Line.FormattingContext(false, true, true, TextParagraph.TextRunCache);
Line line = new Line(Paragraph.StructuralCache.TextFormatterHost, this, Paragraph.ParagraphStartCharacterPosition);
ctx.LineFormatLengthTarget = dcpLim - dcpLine;
TextParagraph.FormatLineCore(line, breakRecLine, ctx, dcpLine, lineWidth, firstLine, dcpLine);
// Assert that number of characters in Text line is the same as our expected length
Invariant.Assert(line.SafeLength == dcpLim - dcpLine, "Line length is out of sync");
cchContent = line.ContentLength;
cchEllipses = line.GetEllipsesLength();
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// Retrieves baseline information for first line of text
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
internal override int GetFirstTextLineBaseline()
// Query paragraph details
PTS.Validate(PTS.FsQueryTextDetails(PtsContext.Context, _paraHandle, out textDetails));
Invariant.Assert(textDetails.fsktd == PTS.FSKTEXTDETAILS.fsktdFull, "Only 'full' text paragraph type is expected.");
Rect rect = System.Windows.Rect.Empty;
int vrBaseline = 0;
if (!PTS.ToBoolean(textDetails.u.full.fLinesComposite))
// (a) full with simple lines
RectFromDcpSimpleLines(0, 0, LogicalDirection.Forward, TextPointerContext.Text, ref textDetails.u.full, ref rect, ref vrBaseline);
// (b) full with composite lines - when figures/floaters are present
RectFromDcpCompositeLines(0, 0, LogicalDirection.Forward, TextPointerContext.Text, ref textDetails.u.full, ref rect, ref vrBaseline);
return vrBaseline;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// Retrieves ITextPosition for specified character position.
// dcp - Offset from the beginning of the text paragraph.
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
internal ITextPointer GetTextPosition(int dcp, LogicalDirection direction)
return TextContainerHelper.GetTextPointerFromCP(Paragraph.StructuralCache.TextContainer, dcp + Paragraph.ParagraphStartCharacterPosition, direction);
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// Retrieves bounds of an object/character at the specified ITextPointer.
// position - Position of an object/character.
// Returns: Bounds of an object/character.
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
internal Rect GetRectangleFromTextPosition(ITextPointer position)
Rect rect = System.Windows.Rect.Empty;
int cp = Paragraph.StructuralCache.TextContainer.Start.GetOffsetToPosition((TextPointer)position);
int dcp = cp - Paragraph.ParagraphStartCharacterPosition;
int originalDcp = dcp;
if (position.LogicalDirection == LogicalDirection.Backward && dcp > 0)
// Query paragraph details
PTS.Validate(PTS.FsQueryTextDetails(PtsContext.Context, _paraHandle, out textDetails));
// There are 3 different types of text paragraphs:
// (a) full with simple lines
// (b) full with composite lines - when figures/floaters are present
// (c) cached - when using ParaChache
if (textDetails.fsktd == PTS.FSKTEXTDETAILS.fsktdFull)
if (textDetails.u.full.cLines > 0)
int vrBaseline = 0;
if (!PTS.ToBoolean(textDetails.u.full.fLinesComposite))
// (a) full with simple lines
RectFromDcpSimpleLines(dcp, originalDcp, position.LogicalDirection, position.GetPointerContext(position.LogicalDirection), ref textDetails.u.full, ref rect, ref vrBaseline);
// (b) full with composite lines - when figures/floaters are present
RectFromDcpCompositeLines(dcp, originalDcp, position.LogicalDirection, position.GetPointerContext(position.LogicalDirection), ref textDetails.u.full, ref rect, ref vrBaseline);
// (c) cached - when using ParaChache
Debug.Assert(textDetails.fsktd == PTS.FSKTEXTDETAILS.fsktdCached);
Debug.Assert(false, "Should not get here. ParaCache is not currently used.");
// Mirror back to page flow direction
if(ThisFlowDirection != PageFlowDirection)
PTS.FSRECT pageRect = _pageContext.PageRect;
PTS.FSRECT rectTransform = new PTS.FSRECT(rect);
PTS.Validate(PTS.FsTransformRectangle(PTS.FlowDirectionToFswdir(ThisFlowDirection), ref pageRect, ref rectTransform, PTS.FlowDirectionToFswdir(PageFlowDirection), out rectTransform));
rect = rectTransform.FromTextDpi();
return rect;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// Returns tight bounding path geometry.
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
internal Geometry GetTightBoundingGeometryFromTextPositions(ITextPointer startPosition, ITextPointer endPosition, double paragraphTopSpace, Rect visibleRect)
Geometry geometry = null;
Geometry floatAndFigGeometry = null;
int cpStartTextPointer = startPosition.Offset;
int cpParagraphStart = Paragraph.ParagraphStartCharacterPosition;
int dcpStart = Math.Max(cpStartTextPointer, cpParagraphStart) - cpParagraphStart;
int cpEndTextPointer = endPosition.Offset;
int cpParagraphEnd = Paragraph.ParagraphEndCharacterPosition;
int dcpEnd = Math.Min(cpEndTextPointer, cpParagraphEnd) - cpParagraphStart;
// apply first line top space only if selection starts before or exactly at this paragraph
double firstLineTopSpace = (cpStartTextPointer < cpParagraphStart) ? paragraphTopSpace : 0.0;
// handle end-of-para only if the range extends beyond this paragraph
bool handleEndOfPara = cpEndTextPointer > cpParagraphEnd;
// mirror transform - needed if flow direction changes
Transform transform = null;
if (ThisFlowDirection != PageFlowDirection)
transform = new MatrixTransform(-1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, TextDpi.FromTextDpi(2 * _pageContext.PageRect.u + _pageContext.PageRect.du), 0.0);
// (and while we are at it) visibleRect should be mirrored too
visibleRect = transform.TransformBounds(visibleRect);
// query paragraph details
PTS.Validate(PTS.FsQueryTextDetails(PtsContext.Context, _paraHandle, out textDetails));
// There are 3 different types of text paragraphs:
// (a) full with simple lines
// (b) full with composite lines - when figures/floaters are present
// (c) cached - when using ParaCache
if (textDetails.fsktd == PTS.FSKTEXTDETAILS.fsktdFull)
if (textDetails.u.full.cLines > 0)
if (!PTS.ToBoolean(textDetails.u.full.fLinesComposite))
// (a) full with simple lines
geometry = PathGeometryFromDcpRangeSimpleLines(dcpStart, dcpEnd, firstLineTopSpace, handleEndOfPara, ref textDetails.u.full, visibleRect);
// (b) full with composite lines - when figures/floaters are present
geometry = PathGeometryFromDcpRangeCompositeLines(dcpStart, dcpEnd, firstLineTopSpace, handleEndOfPara, ref textDetails.u.full, visibleRect);
// build highlight for floaters and figures in this paragraph
if (textDetails.u.full.cAttachedObjects > 0)
floatAndFigGeometry = PathGeometryFromDcpRangeFloatersAndFigures(cpStartTextPointer, cpEndTextPointer, ref textDetails.u.full);
// (c) cached - when using ParaCache
Debug.Assert(textDetails.fsktd == PTS.FSKTEXTDETAILS.fsktdCached);
Debug.Assert(false, "Should not get here. ParaCache is not currently used.");
// at this point geometry contains only the text content related geometry
if (geometry != null && transform != null)
// mirror back to page flow direction
CaretElement.AddTransformToGeometry(geometry, transform);
// rectangles from which floatAndFigGeometry is calculated are already mirrored.
// this is why geometry and floatAndFigGeometry are combined after geometry is mirrored above
if (floatAndFigGeometry != null)
CaretElement.AddGeometry(ref geometry, floatAndFigGeometry);
return (geometry);
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// Returns true if caret is at unit boundary
// position - Position of an object/character.
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
internal bool IsAtCaretUnitBoundary(ITextPointer position)
bool isAtCaretUnitBoundary = false;
// Get position offset in paragraph
Debug.Assert(position is TextPointer);
int cp = Paragraph.StructuralCache.TextContainer.Start.GetOffsetToPosition(position as TextPointer);
int dcp = cp - Paragraph.ParagraphStartCharacterPosition;
// Query paragraph details
PTS.Validate(PTS.FsQueryTextDetails(PtsContext.Context, _paraHandle, out textDetails));
// There are 3 different types of text paragraphs:
// (a) full with simple lines
// (b) full with composite lines - when figures/floaters are present
// (c) cached - when using ParaChache
if (textDetails.fsktd == PTS.FSKTEXTDETAILS.fsktdFull)
if (textDetails.u.full.cLines > 0)
if (!PTS.ToBoolean(textDetails.u.full.fLinesComposite))
// (a) full with simple lines
isAtCaretUnitBoundary = IsAtCaretUnitBoundaryFromDcpSimpleLines(dcp, position, ref textDetails.u.full);
// (b) full with composite lines - when figures/floaters are present
isAtCaretUnitBoundary = IsAtCaretUnitBoundaryFromDcpCompositeLines(dcp, position, ref textDetails.u.full);
// (c) cached - when using ParaChache
Debug.Assert(textDetails.fsktd == PTS.FSKTEXTDETAILS.fsktdCached);
Debug.Assert(false, "Should not get here. ParaCache is not currently used.");
return isAtCaretUnitBoundary;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// Returns next caret unit position
// position - Position of an object/character.
// direction - Logical direction in which we seek the position
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
internal ITextPointer GetNextCaretUnitPosition(ITextPointer position, LogicalDirection direction)
ITextPointer nextCaretPosition = position;
// Get position offset in paragraph
Debug.Assert(position is TextPointer);
int cp = Paragraph.StructuralCache.TextContainer.Start.GetOffsetToPosition(position as TextPointer);
int dcp = cp - Paragraph.ParagraphStartCharacterPosition;
// Query paragraph details
PTS.Validate(PTS.FsQueryTextDetails(PtsContext.Context, _paraHandle, out textDetails));
// There are 3 different types of text paragraphs:
// (a) full with simple lines
// (b) full with composite lines - when figures/floaters are present
// (c) cached - when using ParaChache
if (textDetails.fsktd == PTS.FSKTEXTDETAILS.fsktdFull)
if (textDetails.u.full.cLines > 0)
if (!PTS.ToBoolean(textDetails.u.full.fLinesComposite))
// (a) full with simple lines
nextCaretPosition = NextCaretUnitPositionFromDcpSimpleLines(dcp, position, direction, ref textDetails.u.full);
// (b) full with composite lines - when figures/floaters are present
nextCaretPosition = NextCaretUnitPositionFromDcpCompositeLines(dcp, position, direction, ref textDetails.u.full);
// (c) cached - when using ParaChache
Debug.Assert(textDetails.fsktd == PTS.FSKTEXTDETAILS.fsktdCached);
Debug.Assert(false, "Should not get here. ParaCache is not currently used.");
return nextCaretPosition;
internal ITextPointer GetBackspaceCaretUnitPosition(ITextPointer position)
ITextPointer backspaceCaretPosition = position;
// Get position offset in paragraph
Invariant.Assert(position is TextPointer);
int cp = Paragraph.StructuralCache.TextContainer.Start.GetOffsetToPosition(position as TextPointer);
int dcp = cp - Paragraph.ParagraphStartCharacterPosition;
// Query paragraph details
PTS.Validate(PTS.FsQueryTextDetails(PtsContext.Context, _paraHandle, out textDetails));
// There are 3 different types of text paragraphs:
// (a) full with simple lines
// (b) full with composite lines - when figures/floaters are present
// (c) cached - when using ParaChache
if (textDetails.fsktd == PTS.FSKTEXTDETAILS.fsktdFull)
if (textDetails.u.full.cLines > 0)
if (!PTS.ToBoolean(textDetails.u.full.fLinesComposite))
// (a) full with simple lines
backspaceCaretPosition = BackspaceCaretUnitPositionFromDcpSimpleLines(dcp, position, ref textDetails.u.full);
// (b) full with composite lines - when figures/floaters are present
backspaceCaretPosition = BackspaceCaretUnitPositionFromDcpCompositeLines(dcp, position, ref textDetails.u.full);
// (c) cached - when using ParaChache
Invariant.Assert(textDetails.fsktd == PTS.FSKTEXTDETAILS.fsktdCached);
Invariant.Assert(false, "Should not get here. ParaCache is not currently used.");
return backspaceCaretPosition;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// Retrieves a text position given the distance from the beginning
// of the line.
// dcpLine - Character offset identifying the line. This is
// the first character position of the line.
// distance - Distance from the beginning of the line.
// Returns: Text position.
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
internal ITextPointer GetTextPositionFromDistance(int dcpLine, double distance)
// Query paragraph details
int urDistance = TextDpi.ToTextDpi(distance);
PTS.Validate(PTS.FsQueryTextDetails(PtsContext.Context, _paraHandle, out textDetails));
if(ThisFlowDirection != PageFlowDirection)
urDistance = _pageContext.PageRect.du - urDistance;
int lineWidth = 0;
bool firstLine = (dcpLine == 0);
int dcpLim = 0;
IntPtr breakRecLine = IntPtr.Zero;
// There are 3 different types of text paragraphs:
// (a) full with simple lines
// (b) full with composite lines - when figures/floaters are present
// (c) cached - when using ParaChache
if (textDetails.fsktd == PTS.FSKTEXTDETAILS.fsktdFull)
if (textDetails.u.full.cLines > 0)
if (!PTS.ToBoolean(textDetails.u.full.fLinesComposite))
// (a) full with simple lines
PtsHelper.LineListSimpleFromTextPara(PtsContext, _paraHandle, ref textDetails.u.full, out arrayLineDesc);
// Get lines information
int index;
for (index = 0; index < arrayLineDesc.Length; index++)
PTS.FSLINEDESCRIPTIONSINGLE lineDesc = arrayLineDesc[index];
if (dcpLine == lineDesc.dcpFirst)
lineWidth = lineDesc.dur;
urDistance -= lineDesc.urStart;
// Store dcpLim to check if line lengths are in sync
dcpLim = lineDesc.dcpLim;
breakRecLine = lineDesc.pfsbreakreclineclient;
// (b) full with composite lines - when figures/floaters are present
PtsHelper.LineListCompositeFromTextPara(PtsContext, _paraHandle, ref textDetails.u.full, out arrayLineDesc);
// Get lines information
int index;
for (index = 0; index < arrayLineDesc.Length; index++)
if (lineDesc.cElements == 0) continue;
// Get list of line elements.
PTS.FSLINEELEMENT [] arrayLineElement;
PtsHelper.LineElementListFromCompositeLine(PtsContext, ref lineDesc, out arrayLineElement);
int elIndex;
for (elIndex = 0; elIndex < arrayLineElement.Length; elIndex++)
PTS.FSLINEELEMENT element = arrayLineElement[elIndex];
if (element.dcpFirst == dcpLine)
lineWidth = element.dur;
urDistance -= element.urStart;
// Store dcpLim to check if line lengths are in sync
dcpLim = element.dcpLim;
breakRecLine = element.pfsbreakreclineclient;
if (elIndex < arrayLineElement.Length)
firstLine = (index == 0);
// (c) cached - when using ParaChache
Debug.Assert(textDetails.fsktd == PTS.FSKTEXTDETAILS.fsktdCached);
Debug.Assert(false, "Should not get here. ParaCache is not currently used.");
// Recreate text line
Line.FormattingContext ctx = new Line.FormattingContext(false, true, true, TextParagraph.TextRunCache);
Line line = new Line(Paragraph.StructuralCache.TextFormatterHost, this, Paragraph.ParagraphStartCharacterPosition);
ctx.LineFormatLengthTarget = dcpLim - dcpLine;
TextParagraph.FormatLineCore(line, breakRecLine, ctx, dcpLine, lineWidth, firstLine, dcpLine);
// Assert that number of characters in Text line is the same as our expected length
Invariant.Assert(line.SafeLength == dcpLim - dcpLine, "Line length is out of sync");
CharacterHit charHit = line.GetTextPositionFromDistance(urDistance);
int cpPosition = charHit.FirstCharacterIndex + charHit.TrailingLength;
int dcpLastAttachedObject = TextParagraph.GetLastDcpAttachedObjectBeforeLine(dcpLine);
if(cpPosition < dcpLastAttachedObject)
cpPosition = dcpLastAttachedObject;
StaticTextPointer pos = TextContainerHelper.GetStaticTextPointerFromCP(Paragraph.StructuralCache.TextContainer, cpPosition + Paragraph.ParagraphStartCharacterPosition);
LogicalDirection logicalDirection = (charHit.TrailingLength > 0) ? LogicalDirection.Backward : LogicalDirection.Forward;
return pos.CreateDynamicTextPointer(logicalDirection);
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// Retrieves collection of GlyphRuns from a range of text.
// glyphRuns - preallocated collection of GlyphRuns. May already
// contain runs and new runs need to be appended.
// start - the beginning of the range
// end - the end of the range
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
internal void GetGlyphRuns(List<GlyphRun> glyphRuns, ITextPointer start, ITextPointer end)
// Query paragraph details
PTS.Validate(PTS.FsQueryTextDetails(PtsContext.Context, _paraHandle, out textDetails));
// There are 3 different types of text paragraphs:
// (a) full with simple lines
// (b) full with composite lines - when figures/floaters are present
// (c) cached - when using ParaChache
if (textDetails.fsktd == PTS.FSKTEXTDETAILS.fsktdFull)
int dcpStart = Paragraph.StructuralCache.TextContainer.Start.GetOffsetToPosition((TextPointer)start) - Paragraph.ParagraphStartCharacterPosition;
int dcpEnd = Paragraph.StructuralCache.TextContainer.Start.GetOffsetToPosition((TextPointer)end) - Paragraph.ParagraphStartCharacterPosition;
Invariant.Assert(dcpStart >= textDetails.u.full.dcpFirst && dcpEnd <= textDetails.u.full.dcpLim);
if (textDetails.u.full.cLines > 0)
if (!PTS.ToBoolean(textDetails.u.full.fLinesComposite))
// (a) full with simple lines
GetGlyphRunsFromSimpleLines(glyphRuns, dcpStart, dcpEnd, ref textDetails.u.full);
// (b) full with composite lines - when figures/floaters are present
GetGlyphRunsFromCompositeLines(glyphRuns, dcpStart, dcpEnd, ref textDetails.u.full);
// (c) cached - when using ParaChache
Invariant.Assert(textDetails.fsktd == PTS.FSKTEXTDETAILS.fsktdCached);
Invariant.Assert(false, "Should not get here. ParaCache is not currently used.");
#endregion Internal Methods
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// Internal Properties
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
#region Internal Properties
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// Paragraph associated with this ParaClient.
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
internal TextParagraph TextParagraph { get { return (TextParagraph)_paragraph; } }
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// Has EOP character? Is it the last ParaClient of TextParagraph?
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
internal bool HasEOP
get { return IsLastChunk; }
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// Is this the first chunk of paginated content.
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
internal override bool IsFirstChunk
// Query paragraph details
PTS.Validate(PTS.FsQueryTextDetails(PtsContext.Context, _paraHandle, out textDetails));
Invariant.Assert(textDetails.fsktd == PTS.FSKTEXTDETAILS.fsktdFull, "Only 'full' text paragraph type is expected.");
// The first chunk always starts with dcpFirst == 0.
return (textDetails.u.full.cLines > 0 && textDetails.u.full.dcpFirst == 0);
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// Is this the last chunk of paginated content.
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
internal override bool IsLastChunk
bool lastChunk = false;
// Query paragraph details
PTS.Validate(PTS.FsQueryTextDetails(PtsContext.Context, _paraHandle, out textDetails));
Invariant.Assert(textDetails.fsktd == PTS.FSKTEXTDETAILS.fsktdFull, "Only 'full' text paragraph type is expected.");
if (textDetails.u.full.cLines > 0)
if (Paragraph.Cch > 0)
lastChunk = (textDetails.u.full.dcpLim >= Paragraph.Cch);
lastChunk = (textDetails.u.full.dcpLim == Line.SyntheticCharacterLength);
// Is there a possibility to have para with just one character
// and it is not the last chunk?
// If yes, this logic needs to be changed.
return lastChunk;
#endregion Internal Properties
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// Protected Methods
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
#region Protected Methods
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// Arrange paragraph.
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
protected override void OnArrange()
// Optimization - Don't arrange if we have no figures, floaters, inline objects
// Query paragraph details
PTS.Validate(PTS.FsQueryTextDetails(PtsContext.Context, _paraHandle, out textDetails));
// There are 3 different types of text paragraphs:
// (a) full with simple lines
// (b) full with composite lines - when figures/floaters are present
// (c) cached - when using ParaChache
if (textDetails.fsktd == PTS.FSKTEXTDETAILS.fsktdFull)
// (a) full with simple lines
// (b) full with composite lines - when figures/floaters are present
if (textDetails.u.full.cLines > 0)
if (!PTS.ToBoolean(textDetails.u.full.fLinesComposite))
// (a) full with simple lines
PtsHelper.LineListSimpleFromTextPara(PtsContext, _paraHandle, ref textDetails.u.full, out arrayLineDesc);
for (int index = 0; index < arrayLineDesc.Length; index++)
PTS.FSLINEDESCRIPTIONSINGLE lineDesc = arrayLineDesc[index];
// Enumerate all inline objects and reformat them.
List<InlineObject> inlineObjects = TextParagraph.InlineObjectsFromRange(lineDesc.dcpFirst, lineDesc.dcpLim);
if (inlineObjects != null)
for (int i = 0; i < inlineObjects.Count; i++)
UIElement uiElement = (UIElement)inlineObjects[i].Element;
if(uiElement.IsMeasureValid && !uiElement.IsArrangeValid)
uiElement.Arrange(new Rect(uiElement.DesiredSize));
// (b) full with composite lines - when figures/floaters are present
PtsHelper.LineListCompositeFromTextPara(PtsContext, _paraHandle, ref textDetails.u.full, out arrayLineDesc);
for (int index = 0; index < arrayLineDesc.Length; index++)
// Get list of line elements
PTS.FSLINEELEMENT[] arrayLineElement;
PtsHelper.LineElementListFromCompositeLine(PtsContext, ref lineDesc, out arrayLineElement);
for (int elIndex = 0; elIndex < arrayLineElement.Length; elIndex++)
PTS.FSLINEELEMENT element = arrayLineElement[elIndex];
// Enumerate all inline objects and reformat them.
List<InlineObject> inlineObjects = TextParagraph.InlineObjectsFromRange(element.dcpFirst, element.dcpLim);
if (inlineObjects != null)
for (int i = 0; i < inlineObjects.Count; i++)
UIElement uiElement = (UIElement)inlineObjects[i].Element;
if(uiElement.IsMeasureValid && !uiElement.IsArrangeValid)
uiElement.Arrange(new Rect(uiElement.DesiredSize));
if (textDetails.u.full.cAttachedObjects > 0)
// Get list of floaters
PtsHelper.AttachedObjectListFromParagraph(PtsContext, _paraHandle, textDetails.u.full.cAttachedObjects, out arrayAttachedObjectDesc);
// Arrange floaters
for (int index = 0; index < arrayAttachedObjectDesc.Length; index++)
PTS.FSATTACHEDOBJECTDESCRIPTION attachedObjectDesc = arrayAttachedObjectDesc[index];
BaseParaClient paraClient = PtsContext.HandleToObject(attachedObjectDesc.pfsparaclient) as BaseParaClient;
if(paraClient is FloaterParaClient)
PTS.Validate(PTS.FsQueryFloaterDetails(PtsContext.Context, attachedObjectDesc.pfspara, out floaterDetails));
PTS.FSRECT rectFloater = floaterDetails.fsrcFloater;
if(ThisFlowDirection != PageFlowDirection)
PTS.FSRECT pageRect = _pageContext.PageRect;
PTS.Validate(PTS.FsTransformRectangle(PTS.FlowDirectionToFswdir(ThisFlowDirection), ref pageRect, ref rectFloater, PTS.FlowDirectionToFswdir(PageFlowDirection), out rectFloater));
((FloaterParaClient)paraClient).ArrangeFloater(rectFloater, _rect, PTS.FlowDirectionToFswdir(ThisFlowDirection), _pageContext);
else if(paraClient is FigureParaClient)
PTS.Validate(PTS.FsQueryFigureObjectDetails(PtsContext.Context, attachedObjectDesc.pfspara, out figureDetails));
PTS.FSRECT rectFigure = figureDetails.fsrcFlowAround;
if(ThisFlowDirection != PageFlowDirection)
PTS.FSRECT pageRect = _pageContext.PageRect;
PTS.Validate(PTS.FsTransformRectangle(PTS.FlowDirectionToFswdir(ThisFlowDirection), ref pageRect, ref rectFigure, PTS.FlowDirectionToFswdir(PageFlowDirection), out rectFigure));
((FigureParaClient)paraClient).ArrangeFigure(rectFigure, _rect, PTS.FlowDirectionToFswdir(ThisFlowDirection), _pageContext);
Invariant.Assert(false, "Attached object not figure or floater.");
// (c) cached - when using ParaChache
Debug.Assert(textDetails.fsktd == PTS.FSKTEXTDETAILS.fsktdCached);
Debug.Assert(false, "Should not get here. ParaCache is not currently used.");
#endregion Protected Methods
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// Private Methods
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
#region Private Methods
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// Syncs a deferred line visuals list (and update information) with existing visuals
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
private void SyncUpdateDeferredLineVisuals(VisualCollection lineVisuals, ref PTS.FSTEXTDETAILSFULL textDetails, bool ignoreUpdateInfo)
if (!PTS.ToBoolean(textDetails.fUpdateInfoForLinesPresent) || ignoreUpdateInfo ||
textDetails.cLines == 0)
// _lineIndexFirstVisual will be updated based on the size of this list, so clearing is sufficient here.
else if (_lineIndexFirstVisual != -1)
PtsHelper.LineListSimpleFromTextPara(PtsContext, _paraHandle, ref textDetails, out arrayLineDesc);
int lineIndexToBeginRemoval = textDetails.cLinesBeforeChange;
int cLinesToRemove = textDetails.cLinesChanged - textDetails.dcLinesChanged;
int insertionIndex = -1;
// Shift lines before change
if(textDetails.dvrShiftBeforeChange != 0)
int countVisualsShiftBeforeChange = Math.Min(Math.Max(lineIndexToBeginRemoval - _lineIndexFirstVisual, 0), lineVisuals.Count);
for(int index = 0; index < countVisualsShiftBeforeChange; index++)
// Shift line's visual
ContainerVisual lineVisual = (ContainerVisual) lineVisuals[index];
Vector offset = lineVisual.Offset;
offset.Y += TextDpi.FromTextDpi(textDetails.dvrShiftBeforeChange);
lineVisual.Offset = offset;
// If the line index to begin removal is before our first visual, then the overlap will look like
// |---------------| (Committed visual range)
// |------| (Range to remove)
if (lineIndexToBeginRemoval < _lineIndexFirstVisual)
// Determine the amount of overlap, and remove.
int actualLinesToRemove = Math.Min(Math.Max(lineIndexToBeginRemoval - _lineIndexFirstVisual + cLinesToRemove, 0), lineVisuals.Count);
if (actualLinesToRemove > 0)
lineVisuals.RemoveRange(0, actualLinesToRemove);
if (lineVisuals.Count == 0)
_lineIndexFirstVisual = -1;
insertionIndex = 0;
_lineIndexFirstVisual = lineIndexToBeginRemoval;
else if (lineIndexToBeginRemoval < _lineIndexFirstVisual + lineVisuals.Count)
// Else case for overlap
// |---------------| (Committed visual range)
// |-----| (Range to remove)
// Or
// |---------------|
// |--------------|
// Removing from the middle
int actualLinesToRemove = Math.Min(cLinesToRemove, lineVisuals.Count - (lineIndexToBeginRemoval - _lineIndexFirstVisual));
lineVisuals.RemoveRange(lineIndexToBeginRemoval - _lineIndexFirstVisual, actualLinesToRemove);
insertionIndex = lineIndexToBeginRemoval - _lineIndexFirstVisual; // Insertion index is relative to committed visual range
int shiftIndex = -1;
if (insertionIndex != -1)
// Add new lines
// Insertion must occur at some point along our committed visual range
Debug.Assert(insertionIndex >= 0 && insertionIndex <= lineVisuals.Count);
for (int index = textDetails.cLinesBeforeChange; index < textDetails.cLinesBeforeChange + textDetails.cLinesChanged; index++)
PTS.FSLINEDESCRIPTIONSINGLE lineDesc = arrayLineDesc[index];
ContainerVisual lineVisual = CreateLineVisual(ref arrayLineDesc[index], Paragraph.ParagraphStartCharacterPosition);
lineVisuals.Insert(insertionIndex + (index - textDetails.cLinesBeforeChange), lineVisual);
lineVisual.Offset = new Vector(TextDpi.FromTextDpi(lineDesc.urStart), TextDpi.FromTextDpi(lineDesc.vrStart));
shiftIndex = insertionIndex + textDetails.cLinesChanged;
// Any committed visuals after our inserted section must be shifted
if (shiftIndex != -1)
// Shift remaining lines
for (int index = shiftIndex; index < lineVisuals.Count; index++)
// Shift line's visual
ContainerVisual lineVisual = (ContainerVisual) lineVisuals[index];
Vector offset = lineVisual.Offset;
offset.Y += TextDpi.FromTextDpi(textDetails.dvrShiftAfterChange);
lineVisual.Offset = offset;
// If no visuals, committed range is nonexistant, so -1
if (lineVisuals.Count == 0)
_lineIndexFirstVisual = -1;
// Verify our visuals are in-sync with the actual line visuals.
VerifyVisuals(ref textDetails);
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// Retrieve lines from simple lines.
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
private ReadOnlyCollection<LineResult> LineResultsFromSimpleLines(ref PTS.FSTEXTDETAILSFULL textDetails)
ErrorHandler.Assert(!PTS.ToBoolean(textDetails.fDropCapPresent), ErrorHandler.NotSupportedDropCap);
if (textDetails.cLines == 0)
return null;
// Get list of complex lines.
PtsHelper.LineListSimpleFromTextPara(PtsContext, _paraHandle, ref textDetails, out arrayLineDesc);
List<LineResult> lines = new List<LineResult>(arrayLineDesc.Length);
// Get lines information
for (int index = 0; index < arrayLineDesc.Length; index++)
PTS.FSLINEDESCRIPTIONSINGLE lineDesc = arrayLineDesc[index];
Rect lbox = new Rect(
TextDpi.FromTextDpi(lineDesc.urBBox), TextDpi.FromTextDpi(lineDesc.vrStart),
TextDpi.FromTextDpi(lineDesc.durBBox), TextDpi.FromTextDpi(lineDesc.dvrAscent + lineDesc.dvrDescent));
// Mirror layout box to page flow direction
if(PageFlowDirection != ThisFlowDirection)
PTS.FSRECT pageRect = _pageContext.PageRect;
PTS.FSRECT rectTransform = new PTS.FSRECT(lbox);
PTS.Validate(PTS.FsTransformRectangle(PTS.FlowDirectionToFswdir(ThisFlowDirection), ref pageRect, ref rectTransform, PTS.FlowDirectionToFswdir(PageFlowDirection), out rectTransform));
lbox = rectTransform.FromTextDpi();
lines.Add(new TextParaLineResult(this, lineDesc.dcpFirst, lineDesc.dcpLim - lineDesc.dcpFirst,
lbox, TextDpi.FromTextDpi(lineDesc.dvrAscent)));
if (lines.Count != 0)
// Hide EOP character
TextParaLineResult lastLineResult = (TextParaLineResult)lines[lines.Count - 1];
if (HasEOP && lastLineResult.DcpLast > Paragraph.Cch)
ErrorHandler.Assert(lastLineResult.DcpLast - Line.SyntheticCharacterLength == Paragraph.Cch, ErrorHandler.ParagraphCharacterCountMismatch);
lastLineResult.DcpLast -= Line.SyntheticCharacterLength;
return (lines.Count > 0) ? new ReadOnlyCollection<LineResult>(lines) : null;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// Retrieve lines from composite lines.
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
private ReadOnlyCollection<LineResult> LineResultsFromCompositeLines(ref PTS.FSTEXTDETAILSFULL textDetails)
ErrorHandler.Assert(!PTS.ToBoolean(textDetails.fDropCapPresent), ErrorHandler.NotSupportedDropCap);
if (textDetails.cLines == 0)
return null;
// Get list of complex composite lines.
PtsHelper.LineListCompositeFromTextPara(PtsContext, _paraHandle, ref textDetails, out arrayLineDesc);
List<LineResult> lines = new List<LineResult>(arrayLineDesc.Length);
// Get lines information
for (int index = 0; index < arrayLineDesc.Length; index++)
if (lineDesc.cElements == 0) { continue; }
// Get list of line elements.
PTS.FSLINEELEMENT [] arrayLineElement;
PtsHelper.LineElementListFromCompositeLine(PtsContext, ref lineDesc, out arrayLineElement);
for (int elIndex = 0; elIndex < arrayLineElement.Length; elIndex++)
PTS.FSLINEELEMENT element = arrayLineElement[elIndex];
// Create line info
Rect lbox = new Rect(TextDpi.FromTextDpi(element.urBBox), TextDpi.FromTextDpi(lineDesc.vrStart),
TextDpi.FromTextDpi(element.durBBox), TextDpi.FromTextDpi(element.dvrAscent + element.dvrDescent));
// Mirror layout box to page flow direction
if(ThisFlowDirection != PageFlowDirection)
PTS.FSRECT pageRect = _pageContext.PageRect;
PTS.FSRECT rectTransform = new PTS.FSRECT(lbox);
PTS.Validate(PTS.FsTransformRectangle(PTS.FlowDirectionToFswdir(ThisFlowDirection), ref pageRect, ref rectTransform, PTS.FlowDirectionToFswdir(PageFlowDirection), out rectTransform));
lbox = rectTransform.FromTextDpi();
lines.Add(new TextParaLineResult(this, element.dcpFirst, element.dcpLim - element.dcpFirst,
lbox, TextDpi.FromTextDpi(element.dvrAscent)));
if (lines.Count != 0)
// Hide EOP character
TextParaLineResult lastLineResult = (TextParaLineResult)lines[lines.Count - 1];
if (HasEOP && lastLineResult.DcpLast > Paragraph.Cch)
ErrorHandler.Assert(lastLineResult.DcpLast - Line.SyntheticCharacterLength == Paragraph.Cch, ErrorHandler.ParagraphCharacterCountMismatch);
lastLineResult.DcpLast -= Line.SyntheticCharacterLength;
return (lines.Count > 0) ? new ReadOnlyCollection<LineResult>(lines) : null;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// Retrieve bounds of an object/character at specified text position.
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
private void RectFromDcpSimpleLines(
int dcp,
int originalDcp,
LogicalDirection orientation,
TextPointerContext context,
ref Rect rect,
ref int vrBaseline)
ErrorHandler.Assert(!PTS.ToBoolean(textDetails.fDropCapPresent), ErrorHandler.NotSupportedDropCap);
if (textDetails.cLines == 0)
// Get list of lines
PtsHelper.LineListSimpleFromTextPara(PtsContext, _paraHandle, ref textDetails, out arrayLineDesc);
// First iterate through lines
for (int index = 0; index < arrayLineDesc.Length; index++)
PTS.FSLINEDESCRIPTIONSINGLE lineDesc = arrayLineDesc[index];
// 'dcp' needs to be within line range. If position points to dcpLim,
// it means that the next line starts from such position, hence go to the next line.
// But if this is the last line (EOP character), get rectangle form the last
// character of the line.
if ( ((lineDesc.dcpFirst <= dcp) && (lineDesc.dcpLim > dcp))
|| ((lineDesc.dcpLim == dcp) && (index == arrayLineDesc.Length - 1)))
// Create and format line
Line line = new Line(Paragraph.StructuralCache.TextFormatterHost, this, Paragraph.ParagraphStartCharacterPosition);
Line.FormattingContext ctx = new Line.FormattingContext(false, PTS.ToBoolean(lineDesc.fClearOnLeft), PTS.ToBoolean(lineDesc.fClearOnRight), TextParagraph.TextRunCache);
ctx.LineFormatLengthTarget = lineDesc.dcpLim - lineDesc.dcpFirst;
TextParagraph.FormatLineCore(line, lineDesc.pfsbreakreclineclient, ctx, lineDesc.dcpFirst, lineDesc.dur, PTS.ToBoolean(lineDesc.fTreatedAsFirst), lineDesc.dcpFirst);
// Assert that number of characters in Text line is the same as our expected length
Invariant.Assert(line.SafeLength == lineDesc.dcpLim - lineDesc.dcpFirst, "Line length is out of sync");
// Get rect from cp
FlowDirection flowDirection;
rect = line.GetBoundsFromTextPosition(dcp, out flowDirection);
rect.X += TextDpi.FromTextDpi(lineDesc.urStart);
rect.Y += TextDpi.FromTextDpi(lineDesc.vrStart);
// Return only TopLeft and Height.
// Adjust rect.Left by taking into account flow direction of the
// content and orientation of input position.
if (ThisFlowDirection != flowDirection)
if (orientation == LogicalDirection.Forward)
rect.X = rect.Right;
// NOTE: check for 'originalCharacterIndex > 0' is only required for position at the beginning
// content with Backward orientation. This should not be a valid position.
// Remove it later
// We also need to check here if the context is an inline element, such as a hidden run. In such a
// case we will have the rect of the character immediately following the hidden run, which is the same as
// originalDcp. If we take the right bounds of the rect case we will be off by one character.
if (orientation == LogicalDirection.Backward && originalDcp > 0 && (context == TextPointerContext.Text || context == TextPointerContext.EmbeddedElement))
rect.X = rect.Right;
rect.Width = 0;
vrBaseline = line.Baseline + lineDesc.vrStart;
// Dispose the line
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// Retrieve bounds of an object/character at specified text position.
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
private void RectFromDcpCompositeLines(
int dcp,
int originalDcp,
LogicalDirection orientation,
TextPointerContext context,
ref Rect rect,
ref int vrBaseline)
ErrorHandler.Assert(!PTS.ToBoolean(textDetails.fDropCapPresent), ErrorHandler.NotSupportedDropCap);
if (textDetails.cLines == 0)
// Get list of lines
PtsHelper.LineListCompositeFromTextPara(PtsContext, _paraHandle, ref textDetails, out arrayLineDesc);
// First iterate through lines
for (int index = 0; index < arrayLineDesc.Length; index++)
if (lineDesc.cElements == 0) { continue; }
// Get list of line elements.
PTS.FSLINEELEMENT [] arrayLineElement;
PtsHelper.LineElementListFromCompositeLine(PtsContext, ref lineDesc, out arrayLineElement);
for (int elIndex = 0; elIndex < arrayLineElement.Length; elIndex++)
PTS.FSLINEELEMENT element = arrayLineElement[elIndex];
// 'dcp' needs to be within line range. If position points to dcpLim,
// it means that the next line starts from such position, hence go to the next line.
// But if this is the last line (EOP character), get rectangle form the last
// character of the line.
if ( ((element.dcpFirst <= dcp) && (element.dcpLim > dcp))
|| ((element.dcpLim == dcp) && (elIndex == arrayLineElement.Length - 1) && (index == arrayLineDesc.Length - 1)))
// Create and format line
Line line = new Line(Paragraph.StructuralCache.TextFormatterHost, this, Paragraph.ParagraphStartCharacterPosition);
Line.FormattingContext ctx = new Line.FormattingContext(false, PTS.ToBoolean(element.fClearOnLeft), PTS.ToBoolean(element.fClearOnRight), TextParagraph.TextRunCache);
ctx.LineFormatLengthTarget = element.dcpLim - element.dcpFirst;
TextParagraph.FormatLineCore(line, element.pfsbreakreclineclient, ctx, element.dcpFirst, element.dur, PTS.ToBoolean(lineDesc.fTreatedAsFirst), element.dcpFirst);
// Assert that number of characters in Text line is the same as our expected length
Invariant.Assert(line.SafeLength == element.dcpLim - element.dcpFirst, "Line length is out of sync");
// Get rect from cp
FlowDirection flowDirection;
rect = line.GetBoundsFromTextPosition(dcp, out flowDirection);
rect.X += TextDpi.FromTextDpi(element.urStart);
rect.Y += TextDpi.FromTextDpi(lineDesc.vrStart);
// Return only TopLeft and Height.
// Adjust rect.Left by taking into account flow direction of the
// content and orientation of input position.
if (ThisFlowDirection != flowDirection)
if (orientation == LogicalDirection.Forward)
rect.X = rect.Right;
// NOTE: check for 'originalCharacterIndex > 0' is only required for position at the beginning
// content with Backward orientation. This should not be a valid position.
// Remove it later
if (orientation == LogicalDirection.Backward && originalDcp > 0 && (context == TextPointerContext.Text || context == TextPointerContext.EmbeddedElement))
rect.X = rect.Right;
rect.Width = 0;
vrBaseline = line.Baseline + lineDesc.vrStart;
// Dispose the line
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// Returns tight bounding path geometry for simple lines
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
private Geometry PathGeometryFromDcpRangeSimpleLines(
int dcpStart,
int dcpEnd,
double paragraphTopSpace,
bool handleEndOfPara,
Rect visibleRect)
ErrorHandler.Assert(!PTS.ToBoolean(textDetails.fDropCapPresent), ErrorHandler.NotSupportedDropCap);
if (textDetails.cLines == 0)
return null;
Geometry geometry = null;
// get list of lines
PtsHelper.LineListSimpleFromTextPara(PtsContext, _paraHandle, ref textDetails, out arrayLineDesc);
int lineStart = 0;
int lineCount = arrayLineDesc.Length;
if(_lineIndexFirstVisual != -1)
lineStart = _lineIndexFirstVisual;
lineCount = _visual.Children.Count;
for (int lineIndex = lineStart; lineIndex < (lineStart + lineCount); ++lineIndex)
PTS.FSLINEDESCRIPTIONSINGLE lineDesc = arrayLineDesc[lineIndex];
if (handleEndOfPara)
// Note (end-of-para workaround): '<' gives the chance
// for the EOP handling code below to emulate EOP glyph
if (dcpEnd < lineDesc.dcpFirst)
// this line starts after the range's end.
// safe to break from the loop.
if (dcpEnd <= lineDesc.dcpFirst)
// this line starts after the range's end.
// safe to break from the loop.
// 'dcp' needs to be within line range. If position points to dcpLim,
// it means that the next line starts from such position, hence go to the next line.
// But if this is the last line (EOP character), get geometry form the last
// character of the line.
if ( lineDesc.dcpLim > dcpStart
|| ( (lineIndex == arrayLineDesc.Length - 1)
&& (lineDesc.dcpLim == dcpStart) )
int dcpRangeStartForThisLine = Math.Max(lineDesc.dcpFirst, dcpStart);
// Note (end-of-para workaround): dcp can be '0' due to end-of-para
// not included into cp count - but it is there!!!
int cchRangeForThisLine = Math.Max(Math.Min(lineDesc.dcpLim, dcpEnd) - dcpRangeStartForThisLine, 1);
double lineTopSpace = (lineIndex == 0) ? paragraphTopSpace : 0.0;
double endOfParaGlyphWidth;
if ( (handleEndOfPara && lineIndex == (arrayLineDesc.Length - 1))
|| (dcpEnd >= lineDesc.dcpLim && HasAnyLineBreakAtCp(lineDesc.dcpLim)) )
endOfParaGlyphWidth = ((double)TextParagraph.Element.GetValue(TextElement.FontSizeProperty) * CaretElement.c_endOfParaMagicMultiplier);
endOfParaGlyphWidth = 0;
// get rectangles for this line.
IList<Rect> rectangles = RectanglesFromDcpRangeOfSimpleLine(
ref lineDesc,
if (rectangles != null)
for (int i = 0, count = rectangles.Count; i < count; ++i)
RectangleGeometry rectGeometry = new RectangleGeometry(rectangles[i]);
CaretElement.AddGeometry(ref geometry, rectGeometry);
return geometry;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// Returns tight bounding path geometry for composite lines
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
private Geometry PathGeometryFromDcpRangeCompositeLines(
int dcpStart,
int dcpEnd,
double paragraphTopSpace,
bool handleEndOfPara,
Rect visibleRect)
ErrorHandler.Assert(!PTS.ToBoolean(textDetails.fDropCapPresent), ErrorHandler.NotSupportedDropCap);
if (textDetails.cLines == 0)
return null;
Geometry geometry = null;
// get list of lines
PtsHelper.LineListCompositeFromTextPara(PtsContext, _paraHandle, ref textDetails, out arrayLineDesc);
for (int lineIndex = 0; lineIndex < arrayLineDesc.Length; ++lineIndex)
PTS.FSLINEDESCRIPTIONCOMPOSITE lineDesc = arrayLineDesc[lineIndex];
if (lineDesc.cElements == 0)
// get list of line elements.
PTS.FSLINEELEMENT[] arrayLineElement;
PtsHelper.LineElementListFromCompositeLine(PtsContext, ref lineDesc, out arrayLineElement);
for (int elemIndex = 0; elemIndex < arrayLineElement.Length; ++elemIndex)
PTS.FSLINEELEMENT elemDesc = arrayLineElement[elemIndex];
if (handleEndOfPara)
// Note (end-of-para workaround): '<' gives the chance
// for the EOP handling code below to emulate EOP glyph
if (dcpEnd < elemDesc.dcpFirst)
// this line starts after the range's end.
// safe to break from the loop.
if (dcpEnd <= elemDesc.dcpFirst)
// this line starts after the range's end.
// safe to break from the loop.
// 'dcp' needs to be within line range. If position points to dcpLim,
// it means that the next line starts from such position, hence go to the next line.
// But if this is the last line (EOP character), get geometry form the last
// character of the line.
if ( elemDesc.dcpLim > dcpStart
|| ( (elemDesc.dcpLim == dcpStart)
&& (elemIndex == arrayLineElement.Length - 1)
&& (lineIndex == arrayLineDesc.Length - 1) ) )
int dcpRangeStartForThisElem = Math.Max(elemDesc.dcpFirst, dcpStart);
// Note (end-of-para workaround): dcp can be '0' due to end-of-para
// not included into cp count - but it is there!!!
int cchRangeForThisElem = Math.Max(Math.Min(elemDesc.dcpLim, dcpEnd) - dcpRangeStartForThisElem, 1);
double lineTopSpace = (lineIndex == 0) ? paragraphTopSpace : 0.0;
double endOfParaGlyphWidth;
if ( (handleEndOfPara && lineIndex == (arrayLineDesc.Length - 1))
|| (dcpEnd >= elemDesc.dcpLim && HasAnyLineBreakAtCp(elemDesc.dcpLim) ) )
endOfParaGlyphWidth = ((double)TextParagraph.Element.GetValue(TextElement.FontSizeProperty) * CaretElement.c_endOfParaMagicMultiplier);
endOfParaGlyphWidth = 0;
// get rectangles for this element.
IList<Rect> rectangles = RectanglesFromDcpRangeOfCompositeLineElement(
ref lineDesc,
ref elemDesc,
if (rectangles != null)
for (int i = 0, count = rectangles.Count; i < count; ++i)
RectangleGeometry rectGeometry = new RectangleGeometry(rectangles[i]);
CaretElement.AddGeometry(ref geometry, rectGeometry);
return geometry;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// Helper to check if there is any line break at the given dcp.
// Dcp adjusted to this paragraph.
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
private bool HasAnyLineBreakAtCp(int dcp)
ITextPointer position = Paragraph.StructuralCache.TextContainer.CreatePointerAtOffset(Paragraph.ParagraphStartCharacterPosition + dcp, LogicalDirection.Forward);
// The call to IsNextToAnyBreak is pretty expensive 31->47ms regression. Need to optimize it.
return (TextPointerBase.IsNextToAnyBreak(position, LogicalDirection.Backward));
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// Returns rectangles for a single simple line correcsponding to the
// given dcp range. Includes trailing whitespaces.
// Params:
// dcpRangeStart - range's cp start position. Adjusted for
// line's cp range.
// cchRange - nuber of cps in the range.
// lineTopSpace - the value that line's height should
// be extended to at the top.
// lineRightSpace - the value that line's width should
// be extended to at the right.
// lineDesc - line description.
// lineIndex - line index.
// visibleRect - visibility rectangle. It is Ok to return
// null if the line is not visible.
// hasAttachedObjects- attached objects are present.
// Returns:
// null - if line is not visible
// rectangles - otherwise.
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
private List<Rect> RectanglesFromDcpRangeOfSimpleLine(
int dcpRangeStart,
int cchRange,
double lineTopSpace,
double lineRightSpace,
int lineIndex,
Rect visibleRect)
List<Rect> rectangles = null;
Invariant.Assert(lineDesc.dcpFirst <= dcpRangeStart && dcpRangeStart <= lineDesc.dcpLim && cchRange > 0);
Rect lineRect = new PTS.FSRECT(lineDesc.urBBox, lineDesc.vrStart, lineDesc.durBBox, lineDesc.dvrAscent + lineDesc.dvrDescent).FromTextDpi();
// width has to be adjusted to include trailing whitespaces...
LineVisual lineVisual = FetchLineVisual(lineIndex);
if (lineVisual != null)
lineRect.Width = Math.Max(lineVisual.WidthIncludingTrailingWhitespace, 0);
lineRect.Y = lineRect.Y - lineTopSpace;
lineRect.Height = lineRect.Height + lineTopSpace;
lineRect.Width = lineRect.Width + lineRightSpace;
// Ignore horizontal offset because TextBox page width != extent width.
// It's ok to include content that doesn't strictly intersect -- this
// is a perf optimization and the edge cases won't significantly hurt us.
Rect testRect = lineRect;
testRect.X = visibleRect.X;
if (testRect.IntersectsWith(visibleRect))
// Check whether the line is fully selected - we don't need to reformat it in this case
if (dcpRangeStart == lineDesc.dcpFirst && lineDesc.dcpLim <= (dcpRangeStart + cchRange))
rectangles = new List<Rect>(1);
// create and format line
Line line = new Line(Paragraph.StructuralCache.TextFormatterHost, this, Paragraph.ParagraphStartCharacterPosition);
Line.FormattingContext ctx = new Line.FormattingContext(false, PTS.ToBoolean(lineDesc.fClearOnLeft), PTS.ToBoolean(lineDesc.fClearOnRight), TextParagraph.TextRunCache);
if (IsOptimalParagraph)
ctx.LineFormatLengthTarget = lineDesc.dcpLim - lineDesc.dcpFirst;
TextParagraph.FormatLineCore(line, lineDesc.pfsbreakreclineclient, ctx, lineDesc.dcpFirst, lineDesc.dur, PTS.ToBoolean(lineDesc.fTreatedAsFirst), lineDesc.dcpFirst);
Invariant.Assert(line.SafeLength == lineDesc.dcpLim - lineDesc.dcpFirst, "Line length is out of sync");
double duOffset = TextDpi.FromTextDpi(lineDesc.urStart);
double dvOffset = TextDpi.FromTextDpi(lineDesc.vrStart);
rectangles = line.GetRangeBounds(dcpRangeStart, cchRange, duOffset, dvOffset);
if (!DoubleUtil.IsZero(lineTopSpace))
for (int i = 0, count = rectangles.Count; i < count; ++i)
Rect r = rectangles[i];
r.Y = r.Y - lineTopSpace;
r.Height = r.Height + lineTopSpace;
rectangles[i] = r;
if (!DoubleUtil.IsZero(lineRightSpace))
// add the rect representing end-of-line / end-of-para
new Rect(
duOffset + TextDpi.FromTextDpi(line.Start + line.Width),
dvOffset - lineTopSpace,
TextDpi.FromTextDpi(line.Height) + lineTopSpace
// dispose of the line
return (rectangles);
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// Returns rectangles for a single composite line correcsponding to the
// given dcp range. Includes trailing whitespaces.
// Params:
// dcpRangeStart - range's cp start position. Adjusted for
// line's cp range.
// cchRange - nuber of cps in the range.
// lineTopSpace - the value that line's height should
// be extended to at the top.
// lineRightSpace - the value that line's width should
// be extended to at the right.
// lineDesc - line description.
// lineIndex - line index.
// elemDesc - element description.
// visibleRect - visibility rectangle. It is Ok to return
// null if the line is not visible.
// hasAttachedObjects- Attached objects are present
// Returns:
// null - if line is not visible
// rectangles - otherwise.
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
private List<Rect> RectanglesFromDcpRangeOfCompositeLineElement(
int dcpRangeStart,
int cchRange,
double lineTopSpace,
double lineRightSpace,
int lineIndex,
int elemIndex,
Rect visibleRect)
List<Rect> rectangles = null;
Rect elementRect = new PTS.FSRECT(elemDesc.urBBox, lineDesc.vrStart, elemDesc.durBBox, lineDesc.dvrAscent + lineDesc.dvrDescent).FromTextDpi();
// width has to be adjusted to include trailing whitespaces...
LineVisual lineVisual = FetchLineVisualComposite(lineIndex, elemIndex);
if (lineVisual != null)
elementRect.Width = Math.Max(lineVisual.WidthIncludingTrailingWhitespace, 0);
elementRect.Y = elementRect.Y - lineTopSpace;
elementRect.Height = elementRect.Height + lineTopSpace;
elementRect.Width = elementRect.Width + lineRightSpace;
// Ignore horizontal offset because TextBox page width != extent width.
// It's ok to include content that doesn't strictly intersect -- this
// is a perf optimization and the edge cases won't significantly hurt us.
Rect testRect = elementRect;
testRect.X = visibleRect.X;
if (testRect.IntersectsWith(visibleRect))
// Check whether the line is fully selected - we don't need to reformat it in this case
if (dcpRangeStart == elemDesc.dcpFirst && elemDesc.dcpLim <= (dcpRangeStart + cchRange))
rectangles = new List<Rect>(1);
// Create and format line
Line line = new Line(Paragraph.StructuralCache.TextFormatterHost, this, Paragraph.ParagraphStartCharacterPosition);
Line.FormattingContext ctx = new Line.FormattingContext(false, PTS.ToBoolean(elemDesc.fClearOnLeft), PTS.ToBoolean(elemDesc.fClearOnRight), TextParagraph.TextRunCache);
if (IsOptimalParagraph)
ctx.LineFormatLengthTarget = elemDesc.dcpLim - elemDesc.dcpFirst;
TextParagraph.FormatLineCore(line, elemDesc.pfsbreakreclineclient, ctx, elemDesc.dcpFirst, elemDesc.dur, PTS.ToBoolean(lineDesc.fTreatedAsFirst), elemDesc.dcpFirst);
Invariant.Assert(line.SafeLength == elemDesc.dcpLim - elemDesc.dcpFirst, "Line length is out of sync");
double duOffset = TextDpi.FromTextDpi(elemDesc.urStart);
double dvOffset = TextDpi.FromTextDpi(lineDesc.vrStart);
rectangles = line.GetRangeBounds(dcpRangeStart, cchRange, duOffset, dvOffset);
if (!DoubleUtil.IsZero(lineTopSpace))
for (int i = 0, count = rectangles.Count; i < count; ++i)
Rect r = rectangles[i];
r.Y = r.Y - lineTopSpace;
r.Height = r.Height + lineTopSpace;
rectangles[i] = r;
if (!DoubleUtil.IsZero(lineRightSpace))
// add the rect representing end-of-line / end-of-para
new Rect(
duOffset + TextDpi.FromTextDpi(line.Start + line.Width),
dvOffset - lineTopSpace,
TextDpi.FromTextDpi(line.Height) + lineTopSpace
// dispose of the line
return (rectangles);
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// Helper to return visual corresponding to a line in
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
private LineVisual FetchLineVisual(int index)
LineVisual visual = null;
int count = VisualTreeHelper.GetChildrenCount(Visual);
if (count != 0)
int visualIndex = index;
if (_lineIndexFirstVisual != -1)
visualIndex -= _lineIndexFirstVisual;
if (0 <= visualIndex && visualIndex < count)
visual = VisualTreeHelper.GetChild(Visual, visualIndex) as LineVisual;
// verify that our assumptions about visual structure is correct...
Invariant.Assert(visual != null || VisualTreeHelper.GetChild(Visual, visualIndex) == null);
return (visual);
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// Helper to return visual corresponding to a line in
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
private LineVisual FetchLineVisualComposite(int lineIndex, int elemIndex)
LineVisual visual = null;
Visual temp = Visual;
int count = VisualTreeHelper.GetChildrenCount(Visual);
if (count != 0)
int visualIndex = lineIndex;
if(VisualTreeHelper.GetChild(Visual, visualIndex) is ParagraphElementVisual)
temp = Visual.InternalGetVisualChild(lineIndex);
visualIndex = elemIndex;
visual = VisualTreeHelper.GetChild(temp, visualIndex) as LineVisual;
// verify that our assumptions about visual structure is correct...
Invariant.Assert(visual != null || VisualTreeHelper.GetChild(temp, visualIndex) == null);
return (visual);
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// Returns tight bounding path geometry for
// floaters and figures objects
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
private Geometry PathGeometryFromDcpRangeFloatersAndFigures(
int dcpStart,
int dcpEnd,
Geometry geometry = null;
if (textDetails.cAttachedObjects > 0)
// get list of attached objects
PtsHelper.AttachedObjectListFromParagraph(PtsContext, _paraHandle, textDetails.cAttachedObjects, out arrayAttachedObjectDesc);
for (int index = 0; index < arrayAttachedObjectDesc.Length; ++index)
PTS.FSATTACHEDOBJECTDESCRIPTION attachedObjectDesc = arrayAttachedObjectDesc[index];
BaseParaClient objectParaClient = PtsContext.HandleToObject(attachedObjectDesc.pfsparaclient) as BaseParaClient;
BaseParagraph objectPara = objectParaClient.Paragraph;
if (dcpEnd <= objectPara.ParagraphStartCharacterPosition)
if (objectPara.ParagraphEndCharacterPosition > dcpStart)
Rect objectRect = objectParaClient.Rect.FromTextDpi();
RectangleGeometry objectGeometry = new RectangleGeometry(objectRect);
CaretElement.AddGeometry(ref geometry, objectGeometry);
return (geometry);
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// Return true if caret is at unit boundary
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
private bool IsAtCaretUnitBoundaryFromDcpSimpleLines(
int dcp,
ITextPointer position,
ErrorHandler.Assert(!PTS.ToBoolean(textDetails.fDropCapPresent), ErrorHandler.NotSupportedDropCap);
if (textDetails.cLines == 0)
return false;
// Get list of lines
PtsHelper.LineListSimpleFromTextPara(PtsContext, _paraHandle, ref textDetails, out arrayLineDesc);
bool isAtCaretUnitBoundary = false;
// First iterate through lines
for (int index = 0; index < arrayLineDesc.Length; index++)
PTS.FSLINEDESCRIPTIONSINGLE lineDesc = arrayLineDesc[index];
// 'dcp' needs to be within line range. If position points to dcpLim,
// it means that the next line starts from such position, hence go to the next line.
if (((lineDesc.dcpFirst <= dcp) && (lineDesc.dcpLim > dcp))
|| ((lineDesc.dcpLim == dcp) && (index == arrayLineDesc.Length - 1)))
CharacterHit charHit = new CharacterHit();
if (dcp >= lineDesc.dcpLim - 1 && index == arrayLineDesc.Length - 1)
// Special case: last line has additional character to mark the end of paragraph.
// We should not try and check for next source character index
// But just return true in this case
return true;
if (position.LogicalDirection == LogicalDirection.Backward)
if (lineDesc.dcpFirst == dcp)
if (index == 0)
// First position of first line does not have a trailing edge. Return false.
return false;
// Get the trailing edge of the last character on the previous line, at dcp - 1
lineDesc = arrayLineDesc[index];
Invariant.Assert(dcp > 0);
charHit = new CharacterHit(dcp - 1, 1);
// Get CharacterHit at trailing edge of previous position
Invariant.Assert(dcp > 0);
charHit = new CharacterHit(dcp - 1, 1);
else if (position.LogicalDirection == LogicalDirection.Forward)
// Get character hit at leading edge
charHit = new CharacterHit(dcp, 0);
// Create and format line
Line line = new Line(Paragraph.StructuralCache.TextFormatterHost, this, Paragraph.ParagraphStartCharacterPosition);
Line.FormattingContext ctx = new Line.FormattingContext(false, PTS.ToBoolean(lineDesc.fClearOnLeft), PTS.ToBoolean(lineDesc.fClearOnRight), TextParagraph.TextRunCache);
ctx.LineFormatLengthTarget = lineDesc.dcpLim - lineDesc.dcpFirst;
TextParagraph.FormatLineCore(line, lineDesc.pfsbreakreclineclient, ctx, lineDesc.dcpFirst, lineDesc.dur, PTS.ToBoolean(lineDesc.fTreatedAsFirst), lineDesc.dcpFirst);
// Assert that number of characters in Text line is the same as our expected length
Invariant.Assert(line.SafeLength == lineDesc.dcpLim - lineDesc.dcpFirst, "Line length is out of sync");
isAtCaretUnitBoundary = line.IsAtCaretCharacterHit(charHit);
// Dispose the line
return isAtCaretUnitBoundary;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// Return true if caret is at unit boundary
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
private bool IsAtCaretUnitBoundaryFromDcpCompositeLines(
int dcp,
ITextPointer position,
ErrorHandler.Assert(!PTS.ToBoolean(textDetails.fDropCapPresent), ErrorHandler.NotSupportedDropCap);
if (textDetails.cLines == 0)
return false;
// Get list of lines
PtsHelper.LineListCompositeFromTextPara(PtsContext, _paraHandle, ref textDetails, out arrayLineDesc);
bool isAtCaretUnitBoundary = false;
// First iterate through lines
for (int index = 0; index < arrayLineDesc.Length; index++)
if (lineDesc.cElements == 0)
// Get list of line elements.
PTS.FSLINEELEMENT[] arrayLineElement;
PtsHelper.LineElementListFromCompositeLine(PtsContext, ref lineDesc, out arrayLineElement);
for (int elIndex = 0; elIndex < arrayLineElement.Length; elIndex++)
PTS.FSLINEELEMENT element = arrayLineElement[elIndex];
// 'dcp' needs to be within line range. If position points to dcpLim,
// it means that the next line starts from such position, hence go to the next line.
if (((element.dcpFirst <= dcp) && (element.dcpLim > dcp))
|| ((element.dcpLim == dcp) && (elIndex == arrayLineElement.Length - 1) && (index == arrayLineDesc.Length - 1)))
CharacterHit charHit = new CharacterHit();
if (dcp >= element.dcpLim - 1 && elIndex == arrayLineElement.Length - 1 && index == arrayLineDesc.Length - 1)
// Special case: at the end of the last line there is a special character that
// does not belong to the line. Return true for this case
return true;
if (position.LogicalDirection == LogicalDirection.Backward)
// Beginning of element.
if (dcp == element.dcpFirst)
if (elIndex > 0)
// Beginning of element, but not of line. Create char hit at last dcp of previous element, trailing edge.
element = arrayLineElement[elIndex];
charHit = new CharacterHit(dcp - 1, 1);
// Beginning of line
if (index == 0)
// Backward context at start position of first line is not considered a unit boundary
return false;
// Go to previous line
lineDesc = arrayLineDesc[index];
if (lineDesc.cElements == 0)
return false;
// Get list of line elements.
PtsHelper.LineElementListFromCompositeLine(PtsContext, ref lineDesc, out arrayLineElement);
element = arrayLineElement[arrayLineElement.Length - 1];
charHit = new CharacterHit(dcp - 1, 1);
// Get trailing edge of previous dcp
Invariant.Assert(dcp > 0);
charHit = new CharacterHit(dcp - 1, 1);
else if (position.LogicalDirection == LogicalDirection.Forward)
// Create character hit at leading edge
charHit = new CharacterHit(dcp, 0);
// Create and format line
Line line = new Line(Paragraph.StructuralCache.TextFormatterHost, this, Paragraph.ParagraphStartCharacterPosition);
Line.FormattingContext ctx = new Line.FormattingContext(false, PTS.ToBoolean(element.fClearOnLeft), PTS.ToBoolean(element.fClearOnRight), TextParagraph.TextRunCache);
ctx.LineFormatLengthTarget = element.dcpLim - element.dcpFirst;
TextParagraph.FormatLineCore(line, element.pfsbreakreclineclient, ctx, element.dcpFirst, element.dur, PTS.ToBoolean(lineDesc.fTreatedAsFirst), element.dcpFirst);
// Assert that number of characters in Text line is the same as our expected length
Invariant.Assert(line.SafeLength == element.dcpLim - element.dcpFirst, "Line length is out of sync");
isAtCaretUnitBoundary = line.IsAtCaretCharacterHit(charHit);
// Dispose the line
return isAtCaretUnitBoundary;
return isAtCaretUnitBoundary;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// Get Next caret unit position
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
private ITextPointer NextCaretUnitPositionFromDcpSimpleLines(
int dcp,
ITextPointer position,
LogicalDirection direction,
ErrorHandler.Assert(!PTS.ToBoolean(textDetails.fDropCapPresent), ErrorHandler.NotSupportedDropCap);
if (textDetails.cLines == 0)
return position;
// Get list of lines
PtsHelper.LineListSimpleFromTextPara(PtsContext, _paraHandle, ref textDetails, out arrayLineDesc);
// Declare next position and set it to initial position
ITextPointer nextCaretPosition = position;
// First iterate through lines
for (int index = 0; index < arrayLineDesc.Length; index++)
PTS.FSLINEDESCRIPTIONSINGLE lineDesc = arrayLineDesc[index];
// 'dcp' needs to be within line range. If position points to dcpLim,
// it means that the next line starts from such position, hence go to the next line.
if (((lineDesc.dcpFirst <= dcp) && (lineDesc.dcpLim > dcp))
|| ((lineDesc.dcpLim == dcp) && (index == arrayLineDesc.Length - 1)))
if (dcp == lineDesc.dcpFirst && direction == LogicalDirection.Backward)
// Go to previous line
if (index == 0)
return position;
// Update dcp, lineDesc
Debug.Assert(index > 0);
lineDesc = arrayLineDesc[index];
else if (dcp >= lineDesc.dcpLim - 1 && direction == LogicalDirection.Forward)
// If we are at the last line there will be a fake marker for this, so we return
if (index == arrayLineDesc.Length - 1)
return position;
// Create and format line
Line line = new Line(Paragraph.StructuralCache.TextFormatterHost, this, Paragraph.ParagraphStartCharacterPosition);
Line.FormattingContext ctx = new Line.FormattingContext(false, PTS.ToBoolean(lineDesc.fClearOnLeft), PTS.ToBoolean(lineDesc.fClearOnRight), TextParagraph.TextRunCache);
ctx.LineFormatLengthTarget = lineDesc.dcpLim - lineDesc.dcpFirst;
TextParagraph.FormatLineCore(line, lineDesc.pfsbreakreclineclient, ctx, lineDesc.dcpFirst, lineDesc.dur, PTS.ToBoolean(lineDesc.fTreatedAsFirst), lineDesc.dcpFirst);
// Assert that number of characters in Text line is the same as our expected length
Invariant.Assert(line.SafeLength == lineDesc.dcpLim - lineDesc.dcpFirst, "Line length is out of sync");
// Create CharacterHit
CharacterHit charHit = new CharacterHit(dcp, 0);
// Get previous caret position from the line
// Determine logical direction for next caret index and create TextPointer from it
CharacterHit nextCharacterHit;
if (direction == LogicalDirection.Forward)
nextCharacterHit = line.GetNextCaretCharacterHit(charHit);
nextCharacterHit = line.GetPreviousCaretCharacterHit(charHit);
LogicalDirection logicalDirection;
if ((nextCharacterHit.FirstCharacterIndex + nextCharacterHit.TrailingLength == lineDesc.dcpLim) && direction == LogicalDirection.Forward)
// Going forward brought us to the end of a line, context must be forward for next line
if (index == arrayLineDesc.Length - 1)
// last line so context must stay backward
logicalDirection = LogicalDirection.Backward;
logicalDirection = LogicalDirection.Forward;
else if ((nextCharacterHit.FirstCharacterIndex + nextCharacterHit.TrailingLength == lineDesc.dcpFirst) && direction == LogicalDirection.Backward)
// Going forward brought us to the start of a line, context must be backward for previous line
if (index == 0)
// First line, so we will stay forward
logicalDirection = LogicalDirection.Forward;
logicalDirection = LogicalDirection.Backward;
logicalDirection = (nextCharacterHit.TrailingLength > 0) ? LogicalDirection.Backward : LogicalDirection.Forward;
nextCaretPosition = GetTextPosition(nextCharacterHit.FirstCharacterIndex + nextCharacterHit.TrailingLength, logicalDirection);
// Dispose the line
return nextCaretPosition;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// Retrieve bounds of an object/character at specified text position.
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
private ITextPointer NextCaretUnitPositionFromDcpCompositeLines(
int dcp,
ITextPointer position,
LogicalDirection direction,
ErrorHandler.Assert(!PTS.ToBoolean(textDetails.fDropCapPresent), ErrorHandler.NotSupportedDropCap);
if (textDetails.cLines == 0)
return position;
// Get list of lines
PtsHelper.LineListCompositeFromTextPara(PtsContext, _paraHandle, ref textDetails, out arrayLineDesc);
// Declare next position and set it to initial position
ITextPointer nextCaretPosition = position;
// First iterate through lines
for (int index = 0; index < arrayLineDesc.Length; index++)
if (lineDesc.cElements == 0) { continue; }
// Get list of line elements.
PTS.FSLINEELEMENT [] arrayLineElement;
PtsHelper.LineElementListFromCompositeLine(PtsContext, ref lineDesc, out arrayLineElement);
for (int elIndex = 0; elIndex < arrayLineElement.Length; elIndex++)
PTS.FSLINEELEMENT element = arrayLineElement[elIndex];
// 'dcp' needs to be within line range. If position points to dcpLim,
// it means that the next line starts from such position, hence go to the next line.
if ( ((element.dcpFirst <= dcp) && (element.dcpLim > dcp))
|| ((element.dcpLim == dcp) && (elIndex == arrayLineElement.Length - 1) && (index == arrayLineDesc.Length - 1)))
if (dcp == element.dcpFirst && direction == LogicalDirection.Backward)
// Beginning of element.
if (dcp == 0)
// Assert that this is first elment on first line
Debug.Assert(index == 0);
Debug.Assert(elIndex == 0);
return position;
if (elIndex > 0)
// Beginning of element, but not of line
element = arrayLineElement[elIndex];
// There must be at least one line above this
Debug.Assert(index > 0);
// Go to previous line
lineDesc = arrayLineDesc[index];
if (lineDesc.cElements == 0)
// Stay in same position
return position;
// Get list of line elements.
PtsHelper.LineElementListFromCompositeLine(PtsContext, ref lineDesc, out arrayLineElement);
element = arrayLineElement[arrayLineElement.Length - 1];
else if (dcp >= element.dcpLim - 1 && direction == LogicalDirection.Forward)
if (dcp == element.dcpLim)
// End of paragraph
Debug.Assert(elIndex == arrayLineElement.Length - 1);
Debug.Assert(index == arrayLineDesc.Length - 1);
return position;
else if (dcp == element.dcpLim - 1 && elIndex == arrayLineElement.Length - 1 && index == arrayLineDesc.Length - 1)
// Special end character does not belong to line
return position;
// Create and format line
Line line = new Line(Paragraph.StructuralCache.TextFormatterHost, this, Paragraph.ParagraphStartCharacterPosition);
Line.FormattingContext ctx = new Line.FormattingContext(false, PTS.ToBoolean(element.fClearOnLeft), PTS.ToBoolean(element.fClearOnRight), TextParagraph.TextRunCache);
ctx.LineFormatLengthTarget = element.dcpLim - element.dcpFirst;
TextParagraph.FormatLineCore(line, element.pfsbreakreclineclient, ctx, element.dcpFirst, element.dur, PTS.ToBoolean(lineDesc.fTreatedAsFirst), element.dcpFirst);
// Assert that number of characters in Text line is the same as our expected length
Invariant.Assert(line.SafeLength == element.dcpLim - element.dcpFirst, "Line length is out of sync");
// Create CharacterHit from dcp, and get next
CharacterHit charHit = new CharacterHit(dcp, 0);
CharacterHit nextCharacterHit;
if (direction == LogicalDirection.Forward)
nextCharacterHit = line.GetNextCaretCharacterHit(charHit);
nextCharacterHit = line.GetPreviousCaretCharacterHit(charHit);
LogicalDirection logicalDirection;
if ((nextCharacterHit.FirstCharacterIndex + nextCharacterHit.TrailingLength == element.dcpLim) && direction == LogicalDirection.Forward)
// Going forward brought us to the end of a line, context must be forward for next line
if (index == arrayLineDesc.Length - 1)
// last line so context must stay backward
logicalDirection = LogicalDirection.Backward;
// It is a new element, on the same line or a new one. Either way it;s forward context
logicalDirection = LogicalDirection.Forward;
else if ((nextCharacterHit.FirstCharacterIndex + nextCharacterHit.TrailingLength == element.dcpFirst) && direction == LogicalDirection.Backward)
// Going forward brought us to the start of a line, context must be backward for previous line
if (index == 0)
// First line, so we will stay forward
logicalDirection = LogicalDirection.Forward;
// Either the previous element or last element on previous line, context is backward
logicalDirection = LogicalDirection.Backward;
logicalDirection = (nextCharacterHit.TrailingLength > 0) ? LogicalDirection.Backward : LogicalDirection.Forward;
nextCaretPosition = GetTextPosition(nextCharacterHit.FirstCharacterIndex + nextCharacterHit.TrailingLength, logicalDirection);
// Dispose the line
return nextCaretPosition;
return nextCaretPosition;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// Get Backspace caret unit position
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
private ITextPointer BackspaceCaretUnitPositionFromDcpSimpleLines(
int dcp,
ITextPointer position,
ErrorHandler.Assert(!PTS.ToBoolean(textDetails.fDropCapPresent), ErrorHandler.NotSupportedDropCap);
if (textDetails.cLines == 0)
return position;
// Get list of lines
PtsHelper.LineListSimpleFromTextPara(PtsContext, _paraHandle, ref textDetails, out arrayLineDesc);
// Declare backspace position and set it to initial position
ITextPointer backspaceCaretPosition = position;
// First iterate through lines
for (int index = 0; index < arrayLineDesc.Length; index++)
PTS.FSLINEDESCRIPTIONSINGLE lineDesc = arrayLineDesc[index];
// 'dcp' needs to be within line range. If position points to dcpLim,
// it means that the next line starts from such position, hence go to the next line.
if (((lineDesc.dcpFirst <= dcp) && (lineDesc.dcpLim > dcp))
|| ((lineDesc.dcpLim == dcp) && (index == arrayLineDesc.Length - 1)))
if (dcp == lineDesc.dcpFirst)
// Go to previous line
if (index == 0)
return position;
// Update dcp, lineDesc
Debug.Assert(index > 0);
lineDesc = arrayLineDesc[index];
// Create and format line
Line line = new Line(Paragraph.StructuralCache.TextFormatterHost, this, Paragraph.ParagraphStartCharacterPosition);
Line.FormattingContext ctx = new Line.FormattingContext(false, PTS.ToBoolean(lineDesc.fClearOnLeft), PTS.ToBoolean(lineDesc.fClearOnRight), TextParagraph.TextRunCache);
ctx.LineFormatLengthTarget = lineDesc.dcpLim - lineDesc.dcpFirst;
TextParagraph.FormatLineCore(line, lineDesc.pfsbreakreclineclient, ctx, lineDesc.dcpFirst, lineDesc.dur, PTS.ToBoolean(lineDesc.fTreatedAsFirst), lineDesc.dcpFirst);
// Assert that number of characters in Text line is the same as our expected length
Invariant.Assert(line.SafeLength == lineDesc.dcpLim - lineDesc.dcpFirst, "Line length is out of sync");
// Create CharacterHit and get backspace index from line API
CharacterHit textSourceCharacterIndex = new CharacterHit(dcp, 0);
CharacterHit backspaceCharacterHit = line.GetBackspaceCaretCharacterHit(textSourceCharacterIndex);
LogicalDirection logicalDirection;
if (backspaceCharacterHit.FirstCharacterIndex + backspaceCharacterHit.TrailingLength == lineDesc.dcpFirst)
// Going forward brought us to the start of a line, context must be backward for previous line
if (index == 0)
// First line, so we will stay forward
logicalDirection = LogicalDirection.Forward;
logicalDirection = LogicalDirection.Backward;
logicalDirection = (backspaceCharacterHit.TrailingLength > 0) ? LogicalDirection.Backward : LogicalDirection.Forward;
backspaceCaretPosition = GetTextPosition(backspaceCharacterHit.FirstCharacterIndex + backspaceCharacterHit.TrailingLength, logicalDirection);
// Dispose the line
Debug.Assert(backspaceCaretPosition != null);
return backspaceCaretPosition;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// Retrieve bounds of an object/character at specified text position.
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
private ITextPointer BackspaceCaretUnitPositionFromDcpCompositeLines(
int dcp,
ITextPointer position,
ErrorHandler.Assert(!PTS.ToBoolean(textDetails.fDropCapPresent), ErrorHandler.NotSupportedDropCap);
if (textDetails.cLines == 0)
return position;
// Get list of lines
PtsHelper.LineListCompositeFromTextPara(PtsContext, _paraHandle, ref textDetails, out arrayLineDesc);
// Declare backspace position and set it to initial position
ITextPointer backspaceCaretPosition = position;
// First iterate through lines
for (int index = 0; index < arrayLineDesc.Length; index++)
if (lineDesc.cElements == 0) { continue; }
// Get list of line elements.
PTS.FSLINEELEMENT[] arrayLineElement;
PtsHelper.LineElementListFromCompositeLine(PtsContext, ref lineDesc, out arrayLineElement);
for (int elIndex = 0; elIndex < arrayLineElement.Length; elIndex++)
PTS.FSLINEELEMENT element = arrayLineElement[elIndex];
// 'dcp' needs to be within line range. If position points to dcpLim,
// it means that the next line starts from such position, hence go to the next line.
if (((element.dcpFirst <= dcp) && (element.dcpLim > dcp))
|| ((element.dcpLim == dcp) && (elIndex == arrayLineElement.Length - 1) && (index == arrayLineDesc.Length - 1)))
if (dcp == element.dcpFirst)
// Beginning of element.
if (dcp == 0)
// Assert that this is first elment on first line
Debug.Assert(index == 0);
Debug.Assert(elIndex == 0);
return position;
if (elIndex > 0)
// Beginning of element, but not of line
element = arrayLineElement[elIndex];
// There must be at least one line above this
Debug.Assert(index > 0);
// Go to previous line
lineDesc = arrayLineDesc[index];
if (lineDesc.cElements == 0)
// Stay in same position
return position;
// Get list of line elements.
PtsHelper.LineElementListFromCompositeLine(PtsContext, ref lineDesc, out arrayLineElement);
element = arrayLineElement[arrayLineElement.Length - 1];
// Create and format line
Line line = new Line(Paragraph.StructuralCache.TextFormatterHost, this, Paragraph.ParagraphStartCharacterPosition);
Line.FormattingContext ctx = new Line.FormattingContext(false, PTS.ToBoolean(element.fClearOnLeft), PTS.ToBoolean(element.fClearOnRight), TextParagraph.TextRunCache);
ctx.LineFormatLengthTarget = element.dcpLim - element.dcpFirst;
TextParagraph.FormatLineCore(line, element.pfsbreakreclineclient, ctx, element.dcpFirst, element.dur, PTS.ToBoolean(lineDesc.fTreatedAsFirst), element.dcpFirst);
// Assert that number of characters in Text line is the same as our expected length
Invariant.Assert(line.SafeLength == element.dcpLim - element.dcpFirst, "Line length is out of sync");
// Create CharacterHit from dcp, and get backspace
CharacterHit charHit = new CharacterHit(dcp, 0);
CharacterHit backspaceCharacterHit = line.GetBackspaceCaretCharacterHit(charHit);
LogicalDirection logicalDirection;
if (backspaceCharacterHit.FirstCharacterIndex + backspaceCharacterHit.TrailingLength == element.dcpFirst)
// Going forward brought us to the start of a line, context must be backward for previous line
if (index == 0)
// First line, so we will stay forward
logicalDirection = LogicalDirection.Forward;
logicalDirection = LogicalDirection.Backward;
logicalDirection = (backspaceCharacterHit.TrailingLength > 0) ? LogicalDirection.Backward : LogicalDirection.Forward;
backspaceCaretPosition = GetTextPosition(backspaceCharacterHit.FirstCharacterIndex + backspaceCharacterHit.TrailingLength, logicalDirection);
// Dispose the line
return backspaceCaretPosition;
return backspaceCaretPosition;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// Retrieves collection of GlyphRuns from a range of text.
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
private void GetGlyphRunsFromSimpleLines(
List<GlyphRun> glyphRuns,
int dcpStart,
int dcpEnd,
ErrorHandler.Assert(!PTS.ToBoolean(textDetails.fDropCapPresent), ErrorHandler.NotSupportedDropCap);
if (textDetails.cLines == 0)
// Get list of lines
PtsHelper.LineListSimpleFromTextPara(PtsContext, _paraHandle, ref textDetails, out arrayLineDesc);
// Iterate through all lines
for (int index = 0; index < arrayLineDesc.Length; index++)
PTS.FSLINEDESCRIPTIONSINGLE lineDesc = arrayLineDesc[index];
// Range (dcpStart...dcpEnd) needs to insersect with line's range.
if (dcpStart < lineDesc.dcpLim && dcpEnd > lineDesc.dcpFirst)
// Create and format line
Line line = new Line(Paragraph.StructuralCache.TextFormatterHost, this, Paragraph.ParagraphStartCharacterPosition);
Line.FormattingContext ctx = new Line.FormattingContext(false, PTS.ToBoolean(lineDesc.fClearOnLeft), PTS.ToBoolean(lineDesc.fClearOnRight), TextParagraph.TextRunCache);
ctx.LineFormatLengthTarget = lineDesc.dcpLim - lineDesc.dcpFirst;
TextParagraph.FormatLineCore(line, lineDesc.pfsbreakreclineclient, ctx, lineDesc.dcpFirst, lineDesc.dur, PTS.ToBoolean(lineDesc.fTreatedAsFirst), lineDesc.dcpFirst);
// Assert that number of characters in Text line is the same as our expected length
Invariant.Assert(line.SafeLength == lineDesc.dcpLim - lineDesc.dcpFirst, "Line length is out of sync");
// Retrieve glyphs from this line
line.GetGlyphRuns(glyphRuns, Math.Max(dcpStart, lineDesc.dcpFirst), Math.Min(dcpEnd, lineDesc.dcpLim));
// Dispose the line
// No need to continue, if dcpEnd has been reached.
if (dcpEnd < lineDesc.dcpLim)
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// Retrieves collection of GlyphRuns from a range of text.
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
private void GetGlyphRunsFromCompositeLines(
List<GlyphRun> glyphRuns,
int dcpStart,
int dcpEnd,
ErrorHandler.Assert(!PTS.ToBoolean(textDetails.fDropCapPresent), ErrorHandler.NotSupportedDropCap);
if (textDetails.cLines == 0)
// Get list of lines
PtsHelper.LineListCompositeFromTextPara(PtsContext, _paraHandle, ref textDetails, out arrayLineDesc);
// First iterate through lines
for (int index = 0; index < arrayLineDesc.Length; index++)
if (lineDesc.cElements == 0) { continue; }
// Get list of line elements.
PTS.FSLINEELEMENT[] arrayLineElement;
PtsHelper.LineElementListFromCompositeLine(PtsContext, ref lineDesc, out arrayLineElement);
for (int elIndex = 0; elIndex < arrayLineElement.Length; elIndex++)
PTS.FSLINEELEMENT element = arrayLineElement[elIndex];
// Range (dcpStart...dcpEnd) needs to insersect with line's range.
if (dcpStart < element.dcpLim && dcpEnd > element.dcpFirst)
// Create and format line
Line line = new Line(Paragraph.StructuralCache.TextFormatterHost, this, Paragraph.ParagraphStartCharacterPosition);
Line.FormattingContext ctx = new Line.FormattingContext(false, PTS.ToBoolean(element.fClearOnLeft), PTS.ToBoolean(element.fClearOnRight), TextParagraph.TextRunCache);
ctx.LineFormatLengthTarget = element.dcpLim - element.dcpFirst;
TextParagraph.FormatLineCore(line, element.pfsbreakreclineclient, ctx, element.dcpFirst, element.dur, PTS.ToBoolean(lineDesc.fTreatedAsFirst), element.dcpFirst);
// Assert that number of characters in Text line is the same as our expected length
Invariant.Assert(line.SafeLength == element.dcpLim - element.dcpFirst, "Line length is out of sync");
// Retrieve glyphs from this line
line.GetGlyphRuns(glyphRuns, Math.Max(dcpStart, element.dcpFirst), Math.Min(dcpEnd, element.dcpLim));
// Dispose the line
// No need to continue, if dcpEnd has been reached.
if (dcpEnd < element.dcpLim)
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// Render text paragraph content.
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
private void RenderSimpleLines(
ContainerVisual visual,
bool ignoreUpdateInfo)
ErrorHandler.Assert(!PTS.ToBoolean(textDetails.fDropCapPresent), ErrorHandler.NotSupportedDropCap);
int cpTextParaStart = Paragraph.ParagraphStartCharacterPosition;
if (textDetails.cLines == 0)
VisualCollection visualChildren = visual.Children;
// Get list of simple lines.
PtsHelper.LineListSimpleFromTextPara(PtsContext, _paraHandle, ref textDetails, out arrayLineDesc);
// Create lines and render them
if (!PTS.ToBoolean(textDetails.fUpdateInfoForLinesPresent) || ignoreUpdateInfo)
// There is no update information, hence need to recreate
// visuals for all lines.
for (int index = 0; index < arrayLineDesc.Length; index++)
PTS.FSLINEDESCRIPTIONSINGLE lineDesc = arrayLineDesc[index];
// Create and format line
Line.FormattingContext ctx = new Line.FormattingContext(false, PTS.ToBoolean(lineDesc.fClearOnLeft), PTS.ToBoolean(lineDesc.fClearOnRight), TextParagraph.TextRunCache);
Line line = new Line(Paragraph.StructuralCache.TextFormatterHost, this, cpTextParaStart);
ctx.LineFormatLengthTarget = lineDesc.dcpLim - lineDesc.dcpFirst;
TextParagraph.FormatLineCore(line, lineDesc.pfsbreakreclineclient, ctx, lineDesc.dcpFirst, lineDesc.dur, PTS.ToBoolean(lineDesc.fTreatedAsFirst), lineDesc.dcpFirst);
// Assert that number of characters in Text line is the same as our expected length
Invariant.Assert(line.SafeLength == lineDesc.dcpLim - lineDesc.dcpFirst, "Line length is out of sync");
// Create and validate line's visual
ContainerVisual lineVisual = line.CreateVisual();
visualChildren.Insert(index, lineVisual);
lineVisual.Offset = new Vector(TextDpi.FromTextDpi(lineDesc.urStart), TextDpi.FromTextDpi(lineDesc.vrStart));
// Dispose the line
// Shift lines before change
if(textDetails.dvrShiftBeforeChange != 0)
for(int index = 0; index < textDetails.cLinesBeforeChange; index++)
ContainerVisual lineVisual = (ContainerVisual) visualChildren[index];
Vector offset = lineVisual.Offset;
offset.Y += TextDpi.FromTextDpi(textDetails.dvrShiftBeforeChange);
lineVisual.Offset = offset;
// Skip not changed lines
// Remove changed lines.
visualChildren.RemoveRange(textDetails.cLinesBeforeChange, textDetails.cLinesChanged - textDetails.dcLinesChanged);
// Add new lines
for (int index = textDetails.cLinesBeforeChange; index < textDetails.cLinesBeforeChange + textDetails.cLinesChanged; index++)
PTS.FSLINEDESCRIPTIONSINGLE lineDesc = arrayLineDesc[index];
// Create and format line
Line.FormattingContext ctx = new Line.FormattingContext(false, PTS.ToBoolean(lineDesc.fClearOnLeft), PTS.ToBoolean(lineDesc.fClearOnRight), TextParagraph.TextRunCache);
Line line = new Line(Paragraph.StructuralCache.TextFormatterHost, this, cpTextParaStart);
ctx.LineFormatLengthTarget = lineDesc.dcpLim - lineDesc.dcpFirst;
TextParagraph.FormatLineCore(line, lineDesc.pfsbreakreclineclient, ctx, lineDesc.dcpFirst, lineDesc.dur, PTS.ToBoolean(lineDesc.fTreatedAsFirst), lineDesc.dcpFirst);
// Assert that number of characters in Text line is the same as our expected length
Invariant.Assert(line.SafeLength == lineDesc.dcpLim - lineDesc.dcpFirst, "Line length is out of sync");
// Create and validate line's visual
ContainerVisual lineVisual = line.CreateVisual();
visualChildren.Insert(index, lineVisual);
lineVisual.Offset = new Vector(TextDpi.FromTextDpi(lineDesc.urStart), TextDpi.FromTextDpi(lineDesc.vrStart));
// Dispose the line
// Shift remaining lines
for (int index = textDetails.cLinesBeforeChange + textDetails.cLinesChanged; index < arrayLineDesc.Length; index++)
// Shift line's visual
ContainerVisual lineVisual = (ContainerVisual) visualChildren[index];
Vector offset = lineVisual.Offset;
offset.Y += TextDpi.FromTextDpi(textDetails.dvrShiftAfterChange);
lineVisual.Offset = offset;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// Determines whether this para intersects with the rect on v dimension
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
private bool IntersectsWithRectOnV(ref PTS.FSRECT rect)
return ((_rect.v) <= (rect.v + rect.dv)) &&
((_rect.v + _rect.dv) >= rect.v);
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// Determines whether this para is totally contained in the given rect on v dimension
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
private bool ContainedInRectOnV(ref PTS.FSRECT rect)
return (rect.v <= (_rect.v)) &&
(rect.v + rect.dv >= (_rect.v + _rect.dv));
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// From a line desc and the cp for the para start, formats a line and creates a visual
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
private ContainerVisual CreateLineVisual(ref PTS.FSLINEDESCRIPTIONSINGLE lineDesc, int cpTextParaStart)
Line.FormattingContext ctx = new Line.FormattingContext(false, PTS.ToBoolean(lineDesc.fClearOnLeft), PTS.ToBoolean(lineDesc.fClearOnRight), TextParagraph.TextRunCache);
Line line = new Line(Paragraph.StructuralCache.TextFormatterHost, this, cpTextParaStart);
ctx.LineFormatLengthTarget = lineDesc.dcpLim - lineDesc.dcpFirst;
TextParagraph.FormatLineCore(line, lineDesc.pfsbreakreclineclient, ctx, lineDesc.dcpFirst, lineDesc.dur, PTS.ToBoolean(lineDesc.fTreatedAsFirst), lineDesc.dcpFirst);
// Assert that number of characters in Text line is the same as our expected length
Invariant.Assert(line.SafeLength == lineDesc.dcpLim - lineDesc.dcpFirst, "Line length is out of sync");
// Create and validate line's visual
ContainerVisual lineVisual = line.CreateVisual();
// Dispose the line
return lineVisual;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// Resyncs the committed visuals section with actual viewport visibility
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
private void UpdateViewportSimpleLines(
ContainerVisual visual,
ref PTS.FSRECT viewport)
VisualCollection visualChildren = visual.Children;
// Common case, invisible para - Clear our children, _lineIndexFirstVisual will be cleared later
if (!IntersectsWithRectOnV(ref viewport) || textDetails.cLines == 0)
else if (ContainedInRectOnV(ref viewport) && _lineIndexFirstVisual == 0 && visualChildren.Count == textDetails.cLines)
// Totally visible para
// Nothing to do here, totally visible and lines are updated. Don't query line list
// Index of first visible line
int lineIndexFirstVisible = -1;
// Index of first invisible line - MAY BE EQUAL TO COUNT.
int lineIndexFirstInvisible = -1;
int cpTextParaStart = Paragraph.ParagraphStartCharacterPosition;
PtsHelper.LineListSimpleFromTextPara(PtsContext, _paraHandle, ref textDetails, out arrayLineDesc);
// If this para is totally contained in the viewport, valid range is all lines.
if (ContainedInRectOnV(ref viewport))
lineIndexFirstVisible = 0;
lineIndexFirstInvisible = textDetails.cLines;
// Subset is valid, walk the lines to determine the first (even partially) visible line
int lineIndex;
for (lineIndex = 0; lineIndex < arrayLineDesc.Length; lineIndex++)
PTS.FSLINEDESCRIPTIONSINGLE lineDesc = arrayLineDesc[lineIndex];
// Vrstart is top of line, not baseline.
if ((lineDesc.vrStart + lineDesc.dvrAscent + lineDesc.dvrDescent) > viewport.v)
// May be equal to count if no lines are visible
lineIndexFirstVisible = lineIndex;
// Subset is valid, walk the lines to determine the first totally invisible line
for (lineIndex = lineIndexFirstVisible; lineIndex < arrayLineDesc.Length; lineIndex++)
PTS.FSLINEDESCRIPTIONSINGLE lineDesc = arrayLineDesc[lineIndex];
if ((lineDesc.vrStart) > (viewport.v + viewport.dv))
// May be equal to count if the remainder of lines is visible.
lineIndexFirstInvisible = lineIndex;
// If we have some committed range, but there's no overlap between the previously committed range and the new desired range,
// Delete all existing lines.
if (_lineIndexFirstVisual != -1 && ((lineIndexFirstVisible > _lineIndexFirstVisual + visualChildren.Count) ||
(lineIndexFirstInvisible < _lineIndexFirstVisual)))
_lineIndexFirstVisual = -1;
// If no existing lines, interate over visible range and add appropriate lines.
if (_lineIndexFirstVisual == -1)
for (int index = lineIndexFirstVisible; index < lineIndexFirstInvisible; index++)
PTS.FSLINEDESCRIPTIONSINGLE lineDesc = arrayLineDesc[index];
ContainerVisual lineVisual = CreateLineVisual(ref lineDesc, cpTextParaStart);
lineVisual.Offset = new Vector(TextDpi.FromTextDpi(lineDesc.urStart), TextDpi.FromTextDpi(lineDesc.vrStart));
_lineIndexFirstVisual = lineIndexFirstVisible;
else if (lineIndexFirstVisible != _lineIndexFirstVisual || (lineIndexFirstInvisible - lineIndexFirstVisible) != visualChildren.Count)
// Need to resolve existing list with new list - sync the beginning of the list
// |----------------| (Old committed range)
// |-------| (New committed range)
// Need to add visuals to the beginning to sync the start position
if (lineIndexFirstVisible < _lineIndexFirstVisual)
for (int index = lineIndexFirstVisible; index < _lineIndexFirstVisual; index++)
PTS.FSLINEDESCRIPTIONSINGLE lineDesc = arrayLineDesc[index];
ContainerVisual lineVisual = CreateLineVisual(ref lineDesc, cpTextParaStart);
visualChildren.Insert(index - lineIndexFirstVisible, lineVisual);
lineVisual.Offset = new Vector(TextDpi.FromTextDpi(lineDesc.urStart), TextDpi.FromTextDpi(lineDesc.vrStart));
else if (lineIndexFirstVisible != _lineIndexFirstVisual)
// |----------------| (Old committed range)
// |-------| (New committed range)
// Need to remove visuals from the beginning to sync start positions.
visualChildren.RemoveRange(0, lineIndexFirstVisible - _lineIndexFirstVisual);
_lineIndexFirstVisual = lineIndexFirstVisible;
Debug.Assert(_lineIndexFirstVisual == lineIndexFirstVisible);
// Now sync the end of the list, two cases..
// Fewer lines than existed before, remove lines from end
// |---------------|
// |----------|
if (lineIndexFirstInvisible - lineIndexFirstVisible < visualChildren.Count)
int visualsToRemove = visualChildren.Count - (lineIndexFirstInvisible - lineIndexFirstVisible);
visualChildren.RemoveRange(visualChildren.Count - visualsToRemove, visualsToRemove);
else if ((lineIndexFirstInvisible - lineIndexFirstVisible) > visualChildren.Count)
// Or we need to add more lines to the end, format and insert those visuals
// |--------------|
// |----------------------|
for (int index = _lineIndexFirstVisual + visualChildren.Count; index < lineIndexFirstInvisible; index++)
PTS.FSLINEDESCRIPTIONSINGLE lineDesc = arrayLineDesc[index];
ContainerVisual lineVisual = CreateLineVisual(ref lineDesc, cpTextParaStart);
lineVisual.Offset = new Vector(TextDpi.FromTextDpi(lineDesc.urStart), TextDpi.FromTextDpi(lineDesc.vrStart));
Debug.Assert(visualChildren.Count == (lineIndexFirstInvisible - lineIndexFirstVisible));
// Ensure the _lineIndexFirstVisual is syncced with visualChildren.Count
if (visualChildren.Count == 0)
_lineIndexFirstVisual = -1;
// Verify visuals against visuals list.
VerifyVisuals(ref textDetails);
// Verifies all of our committed visuals are in the right order and agree with the locations of all of the full text details visuals
private void VerifyVisuals(ref PTS.FSTEXTDETAILSFULL textDetails)
ContainerVisual lineContainerVisual = _visual;
// Add visuals for floaters and figures.
if (textDetails.cFigures > 0 || textDetails.cFloaters > 0)
lineContainerVisual = _visual.Children[0];
VisualCollection visualChildren = lineContainerVisual.Children;
if(_lineIndexFirstVisual == -1)
Debug.Assert(visualChildren.Count == 0);
Debug.Assert(visualChildren.Count > 0 && textDetails.cLines > 0);
PtsHelper.LineListSimpleFromTextPara(PtsContext, _paraHandle, ref textDetails, out arrayLineDesc);
for(int index = _lineIndexFirstVisual; index < _lineIndexFirstVisual + visualChildren.Count; index++)
PTS.FSLINEDESCRIPTIONSINGLE lineDesc = arrayLineDesc[index];
Visual visualChild = visualChildren[index - _lineIndexFirstVisual];
Vector offset = visualChild.Offset;
int u = TextDpi.ToTextDpi(offset.X);
int v = TextDpi.ToTextDpi(offset.Y);
Debug.Assert(u == (lineDesc.urStart) && v == (lineDesc.vrStart));
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// Render composite lines.
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
private void RenderCompositeLines(
ContainerVisual visual,
bool ignoreUpdateInfo)
ErrorHandler.Assert(!PTS.ToBoolean(textDetails.fDropCapPresent), ErrorHandler.NotSupportedDropCap);
VisualCollection visualChildren = visual.Children;
int cpTextParaStart = Paragraph.ParagraphStartCharacterPosition;
// Get list of composite lines.
PtsHelper.LineListCompositeFromTextPara(PtsContext, _paraHandle, ref textDetails, out arrayLineDesc);
// Create lines and render them
if (!PTS.ToBoolean(textDetails.fUpdateInfoForLinesPresent) || ignoreUpdateInfo)
// There is no update information, hence need to recreate
// visuals for all lines.
for (int index = 0; index < arrayLineDesc.Length; index++)
int visualIndex;
VisualCollection lineVisuals;
if (lineDesc.cElements == 1)
visualIndex = index;
lineVisuals = visualChildren;
visualIndex = 0;
ParagraphElementVisual lineVisual = new ParagraphElementVisual();
lineVisuals = lineVisual.Children;
// Get list of line elements
PTS.FSLINEELEMENT [] arrayLineElement;
PtsHelper.LineElementListFromCompositeLine(PtsContext, ref lineDesc, out arrayLineElement);
for (int elIndex = 0; elIndex < arrayLineElement.Length; elIndex++)
PTS.FSLINEELEMENT element = arrayLineElement[elIndex];
// Create and format line
Line.FormattingContext ctx = new Line.FormattingContext(false, PTS.ToBoolean(element.fClearOnLeft), PTS.ToBoolean(element.fClearOnRight), TextParagraph.TextRunCache);
Line line = new Line(Paragraph.StructuralCache.TextFormatterHost, this, cpTextParaStart);
ctx.LineFormatLengthTarget = element.dcpLim - element.dcpFirst;
TextParagraph.FormatLineCore(line, element.pfsbreakreclineclient, ctx, element.dcpFirst, element.dur, PTS.ToBoolean(lineDesc.fTreatedAsFirst), element.dcpFirst);
// Assert that number of characters in Text line is the same as our expected length
Invariant.Assert(line.SafeLength == element.dcpLim - element.dcpFirst, "Line length is out of sync");
// Create and validate line's visual
ContainerVisual lineVisual = line.CreateVisual();
lineVisuals.Insert(visualIndex + elIndex, lineVisual);
lineVisual.Offset = new Vector(TextDpi.FromTextDpi(element.urStart), TextDpi.FromTextDpi(lineDesc.vrStart));
// Dispose the line
// Shift lines before change
if(textDetails.dvrShiftBeforeChange != 0)
for (int index = 0; index < textDetails.cLinesBeforeChange; index++)
ContainerVisual lineVisual = (ContainerVisual) visualChildren[index];
Vector offset = lineVisual.Offset;
offset.Y += TextDpi.FromTextDpi(textDetails.dvrShiftBeforeChange);
lineVisual.Offset = offset;
// Skip not changed lines
// Remove changed lines
visualChildren.RemoveRange(textDetails.cLinesBeforeChange, textDetails.cLinesChanged - textDetails.dcLinesChanged);
// Add new lines
for (int index = textDetails.cLinesBeforeChange; index < textDetails.cLinesBeforeChange + textDetails.cLinesChanged; index++)
int visualIndex;
VisualCollection lineVisuals;
if (lineDesc.cElements == 1)
visualIndex = index;
lineVisuals = visualChildren;
visualIndex = 0;
ParagraphElementVisual lineVisual = new ParagraphElementVisual();
lineVisuals = lineVisual.Children;
// Get list of line elements.
PTS.FSLINEELEMENT [] arrayLineElement;
PtsHelper.LineElementListFromCompositeLine(PtsContext, ref lineDesc, out arrayLineElement);
for (int elIndex = 0; elIndex < arrayLineElement.Length; elIndex++)
PTS.FSLINEELEMENT element = arrayLineElement[elIndex];
// Create and format line
Line.FormattingContext ctx = new Line.FormattingContext(false, PTS.ToBoolean(element.fClearOnLeft), PTS.ToBoolean(element.fClearOnRight), TextParagraph.TextRunCache);
Line line = new Line(Paragraph.StructuralCache.TextFormatterHost, this, cpTextParaStart);
ctx.LineFormatLengthTarget = element.dcpLim - element.dcpFirst;
TextParagraph.FormatLineCore(line, element.pfsbreakreclineclient, ctx, element.dcpFirst, element.dur, PTS.ToBoolean(lineDesc.fTreatedAsFirst), element.dcpFirst);
// Assert that number of characters in Text line is the same as our expected length
Invariant.Assert(line.SafeLength == element.dcpLim - element.dcpFirst, "Line length is out of sync");
// Create and validate line's visual
ContainerVisual lineVisual = line.CreateVisual();
lineVisuals.Insert(visualIndex + elIndex, lineVisual);
lineVisual.Offset = new Vector(TextDpi.FromTextDpi(element.urStart), TextDpi.FromTextDpi(lineDesc.vrStart));
// Dispose the line
// Shift remaining lines
for (int index = textDetails.cLinesBeforeChange + textDetails.cLinesChanged; index < arrayLineDesc.Length; index++)
ContainerVisual lineVisual = (ContainerVisual)visualChildren[index];
Vector offset = lineVisual.Offset;
offset.Y += TextDpi.FromTextDpi(textDetails.dvrShiftAfterChange);
lineVisual.Offset = offset;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// Render floaters and figures.
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
private void ValidateVisualFloatersAndFigures(
PTS.FSKUPDATE fskupdInherited,
int cAttachedObjects)
int index;
if (cAttachedObjects > 0)
BaseParaClient paraClient;
// Get list of floaters
PtsHelper.AttachedObjectListFromParagraph(PtsContext, _paraHandle, cAttachedObjects,
out arrayAttachedObjectDesc);
// Render floaters. For each floater do following:
// (1) Retrieve ParaClient object
// (2) Validate visual, if necessary
for (index = 0; index < arrayAttachedObjectDesc.Length; index++)
PTS.FSATTACHEDOBJECTDESCRIPTION attachedObjectDesc = arrayAttachedObjectDesc[index];
paraClient = PtsContext.HandleToObject(attachedObjectDesc.pfsparaclient) as BaseParaClient;
fskupd = attachedObjectDesc.fsupdinf.fskupd;
if (fskupd == PTS.FSKUPDATE.fskupdInherited)
fskupd = fskupdInherited;
if(fskupd != PTS.FSKUPDATE.fskupdNoChange)
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// Hittest simple lines.
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
private IInputElement InputHitTestSimpleLines(
ErrorHandler.Assert(!PTS.ToBoolean(textDetails.fDropCapPresent), ErrorHandler.NotSupportedDropCap);
if (textDetails.cLines == 0)
return null;
IInputElement ie = null;
int cpTextParaStart = Paragraph.ParagraphStartCharacterPosition;
// Get list of complex lines.
PtsHelper.LineListSimpleFromTextPara(PtsContext, _paraHandle, ref textDetails, out arrayLineDesc);
// Find affected line by looking at vertical offset
for (int index = 0; index < arrayLineDesc.Length; index++)
PTS.FSLINEDESCRIPTIONSINGLE lineDesc = arrayLineDesc[index];
if (lineDesc.vrStart + lineDesc.dvrAscent + lineDesc.dvrDescent > pt.v)
// Create and format line
Line.FormattingContext ctx = new Line.FormattingContext(false, PTS.ToBoolean(lineDesc.fClearOnLeft), PTS.ToBoolean(lineDesc.fClearOnRight), TextParagraph.TextRunCache);
Line line = new Line(Paragraph.StructuralCache.TextFormatterHost, this, cpTextParaStart);
ctx.LineFormatLengthTarget = lineDesc.dcpLim - lineDesc.dcpFirst;
using (line)
TextParagraph.FormatLineCore(line, lineDesc.pfsbreakreclineclient, ctx, lineDesc.dcpFirst, lineDesc.dur, PTS.ToBoolean(lineDesc.fTreatedAsFirst), lineDesc.dcpFirst);
// Assert that number of characters in Text line is the same as our expected length
Invariant.Assert(line.SafeLength == lineDesc.dcpLim - lineDesc.dcpFirst, "Line length is out of sync");
if (lineDesc.urStart + line.CalculateUOffsetShift() <= pt.u && pt.u <= (lineDesc.urStart + line.CalculateUOffsetShift() + lineDesc.dur))
int distance = pt.u - lineDesc.urStart;
// Assert that number of characters in Text line is the same as our expected length
Invariant.Assert(line.SafeLength == lineDesc.dcpLim - lineDesc.dcpFirst, "Line length is out of sync");
if ((line.Start <= distance) && (distance <= (line.Start + line.Width)))
ie = line.InputHitTest(distance);
return ie;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// We don't support deferred visuals in finite case, composite lines case, or figures/floaters/inline objects case
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
private bool IsDeferredVisualCreationSupported(ref PTS.FSTEXTDETAILSFULL textDetails)
return false;
return false;
return false;
return true;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// GetRectangles in simple lines
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
private List<Rect> GetRectanglesInSimpleLines(
ContentElement e,
int start,
int length,
ErrorHandler.Assert(!PTS.ToBoolean(textDetails.fDropCapPresent), ErrorHandler.NotSupportedDropCap);
List<Rect> rectangles = new List<Rect>();
// Calculate local element start by subtracting TextPara start relative to TextContainer
// from element start
int localStart = start - Paragraph.ParagraphStartCharacterPosition;
if (localStart < 0 || textDetails.cLines == 0)
// May happen in case of figures, floaters
return rectangles;
// Get list of complex lines.
PtsHelper.LineListSimpleFromTextPara(PtsContext, _paraHandle, ref textDetails, out arrayLineDesc);
// Find affected line by looking at vertical offset
for (int index = 0; index < arrayLineDesc.Length; index++)
PTS.FSLINEDESCRIPTIONSINGLE lineDesc = arrayLineDesc[index];
List<Rect> lineRectangles = GetRectanglesInSingleLine(lineDesc, e, localStart, length);
Invariant.Assert(lineRectangles != null);
if (lineRectangles.Count != 0)
return rectangles;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// Returns ArrayList of rectangles (at msot one) for the given ContentElement
// e if it spans all or part of the specified line
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
private List<Rect> GetRectanglesInSingleLine(
ContentElement e,
int start,
int length)
// Calculate end of element relative to TextParagraph by adding length to start position
int end = start + length;
List<Rect> rectangles = new List<Rect>();
// If the element does not lie in the line at all, return empty list
if (start >= lineDesc.dcpLim)
// Element starts after line ends
return rectangles;
if (end <= lineDesc.dcpFirst)
// Element ends before line starts
return rectangles;
// Establish start and end points of element span within the line so that
// we can get rectangle between them
int localStart = (start < lineDesc.dcpFirst) ? lineDesc.dcpFirst : start;
int localEnd = (end < lineDesc.dcpLim) ? end : lineDesc.dcpLim;
Debug.Assert(localEnd > localStart);
// Create and format line
Line line = new Line(Paragraph.StructuralCache.TextFormatterHost, this, Paragraph.ParagraphStartCharacterPosition);
Line.FormattingContext ctx = new Line.FormattingContext(false, PTS.ToBoolean(lineDesc.fClearOnLeft), PTS.ToBoolean(lineDesc.fClearOnRight), TextParagraph.TextRunCache);
ctx.LineFormatLengthTarget = lineDesc.dcpLim - lineDesc.dcpFirst;
TextParagraph.FormatLineCore(line, lineDesc.pfsbreakreclineclient, ctx, lineDesc.dcpFirst, lineDesc.dur, PTS.ToBoolean(lineDesc.fTreatedAsFirst), lineDesc.dcpFirst);
// Assert that number of characters in Text line is the same as our expected length
Invariant.Assert(line.SafeLength == lineDesc.dcpLim - lineDesc.dcpFirst, "Line length is out of sync");
// Get rectangles from start and end positions of range
rectangles = line.GetRangeBounds(localStart, localEnd - localStart, TextDpi.FromTextDpi(lineDesc.urStart), TextDpi.FromTextDpi(lineDesc.vrStart));
// Rectangles must have at least one element
Invariant.Assert(rectangles.Count > 0);
// Dispose the line
return rectangles;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// Hittest composite lines.
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
private IInputElement InputHitTestCompositeLines(
ErrorHandler.Assert(!PTS.ToBoolean(textDetails.fDropCapPresent), ErrorHandler.NotSupportedDropCap);
if (textDetails.cLines == 0)
return null;
IInputElement ie = null;
int cpTextParaStart = Paragraph.ParagraphStartCharacterPosition;
// Get list of complex lines.
PtsHelper.LineListCompositeFromTextPara(PtsContext, _paraHandle, ref textDetails, out arrayLineDesc);
// Find affected composite line by looking at vertical offset
for (int index = 0; index < arrayLineDesc.Length; index++)
if (lineDesc.cElements == 0) continue;
if (lineDesc.vrStart + lineDesc.dvrAscent + lineDesc.dvrDescent > pt.v)
// Affected composite line has been found.
// Get list of line elements.
PTS.FSLINEELEMENT [] arrayLineElement;
PtsHelper.LineElementListFromCompositeLine(PtsContext, ref lineDesc, out arrayLineElement);
for (int elIndex = 0; elIndex < arrayLineElement.Length; elIndex++)
PTS.FSLINEELEMENT element = arrayLineElement[elIndex];
// Create and format line
Line.FormattingContext ctx = new Line.FormattingContext(false, PTS.ToBoolean(element.fClearOnLeft), PTS.ToBoolean(element.fClearOnRight), TextParagraph.TextRunCache);
Line line = new Line(Paragraph.StructuralCache.TextFormatterHost, this, cpTextParaStart);
ctx.LineFormatLengthTarget = element.dcpLim - element.dcpFirst;
using (line)
TextParagraph.FormatLineCore(line, element.pfsbreakreclineclient, ctx, element.dcpFirst, element.dur, PTS.ToBoolean(lineDesc.fTreatedAsFirst), element.dcpFirst);
// Assert that number of characters in Text line is the same as our expected length
Invariant.Assert(line.SafeLength == element.dcpLim - element.dcpFirst, "Line length is out of sync");
if (element.urStart + line.CalculateUOffsetShift() <= pt.u && pt.u <= (element.urStart + line.CalculateUOffsetShift() + element.dur))
int distance = pt.u - element.urStart;
// Assert that number of characters in Text line is the same as our expected length
Invariant.Assert(line.SafeLength == element.dcpLim - element.dcpFirst, "Line length is out of sync");
// Assert that number of characters in Text line is the same as our expected length
Invariant.Assert(line.SafeLength == element.dcpLim - element.dcpFirst, "Line length is out of sync");
if ((line.Start <= distance) && (distance <= (line.Start + line.Width)))
ie = line.InputHitTest(distance);
return ie;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// Get Rectangles in composite lines.
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
private List<Rect> GetRectanglesInCompositeLines(
ContentElement e,
int start,
int length,
ErrorHandler.Assert(!PTS.ToBoolean(textDetails.fDropCapPresent), ErrorHandler.NotSupportedDropCap);
List<Rect> rectangles = new List<Rect>();
int localStart = start - Paragraph.ParagraphStartCharacterPosition;
if (localStart < 0 || textDetails.cLines == 0)
// May happen in case of figures, floaters
return rectangles;
// Get list of complex lines.
PtsHelper.LineListCompositeFromTextPara(PtsContext, _paraHandle, ref textDetails, out arrayLineDesc);
// Find affected composite line by looking at vertical offset
for (int index = 0; index < arrayLineDesc.Length; index++)
if (lineDesc.cElements == 0) continue;
List<Rect> lineRectangles = GetRectanglesInCompositeLine(lineDesc, e, localStart, length);
Invariant.Assert(lineRectangles != null);
if (lineRectangles.Count != 0)
return rectangles;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// Returns ArrayList of rectangles (at msot one) for the given ContentElement
// e if it spans all or part of the specified line
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
private List<Rect> GetRectanglesInCompositeLine(
ContentElement e,
int start,
int length)
List<Rect> rectangles = new List<Rect>();
int end = start + length;
// If the element does not lie in the line at all, return empty list
//if (start > lineDesc.dcpLim)
// // Element starts after line ends
// return rectangles;
//if (end < lineDesc.dcpFirst)
// Element ends before line starts
// return rectangles;
// Get list of line elements.
PTS.FSLINEELEMENT[] arrayLineElement;
PtsHelper.LineElementListFromCompositeLine(PtsContext, ref lineDesc, out arrayLineElement);
for (int elIndex = 0; elIndex < arrayLineElement.Length; elIndex++)
PTS.FSLINEELEMENT element = arrayLineElement[elIndex];
// Check if element we are looking for does not span the current element at all
if (start >= element.dcpLim)
// Element starts after other element ends
if (end <= element.dcpFirst)
// Element ends before line starts
// Establish start and end points of element span within the line so that
// we can get rectangle between them
int localStart = (start < element.dcpFirst) ? element.dcpFirst : start;
int localEnd = (end < element.dcpLim) ? end : element.dcpLim;
Debug.Assert(localEnd > localStart);
Line line = new Line(Paragraph.StructuralCache.TextFormatterHost, this, Paragraph.ParagraphStartCharacterPosition);
Line.FormattingContext ctx = new Line.FormattingContext(false, PTS.ToBoolean(element.fClearOnLeft), PTS.ToBoolean(element.fClearOnRight), TextParagraph.TextRunCache);
ctx.LineFormatLengthTarget = element.dcpLim - element.dcpFirst;
TextParagraph.FormatLineCore(line, element.pfsbreakreclineclient, ctx, element.dcpFirst, element.dur, PTS.ToBoolean(lineDesc.fTreatedAsFirst), element.dcpFirst);
// Assert that number of characters in Text line is the same as our expected length
Invariant.Assert(line.SafeLength == element.dcpLim - element.dcpFirst, "Line length is out of sync");
// Get rectangles from start and end positions of range for this element
List<Rect> elementRectangles = line.GetRangeBounds(localStart, localEnd - localStart, TextDpi.FromTextDpi(element.urStart), TextDpi.FromTextDpi(lineDesc.vrStart));
// Rectangles must have at least one element
Invariant.Assert(elementRectangles.Count > 0);
// Add rectangles from this element to rectangles from whole line
// Dispose the line
return rectangles;
#endregion Private Methods
#region Private Properties
private bool IsOptimalParagraph { get { return TextParagraph.IsOptimalParagraph; } }
// Private Fields
#region Private Fields
private int _lineIndexFirstVisual = -1;
#endregion Private Fields