// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
// Description: FloaterParaClient class is responsible for handling display
// related data of paragraphs associated with floaters.
using System.Collections.ObjectModel;
using System.Windows;
using System.Windows.Media;
using System.Windows.Documents;
using MS.Internal.Documents;
using MS.Internal.Text;
using MS.Internal.PtsHost.UnsafeNativeMethods;
namespace MS.Internal.PtsHost
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// FloaterParaClient class is responsible for handling display related
// data of paragraphs associated with nested floaters.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
internal sealed class FloaterParaClient : FloaterBaseParaClient
// Constructors
#region Constructors
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// Constructor.
// paragraph - Paragraph associated with this object.
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
internal FloaterParaClient(FloaterParagraph paragraph)
: base(paragraph)
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// IDisposable.Dispose
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
public override void Dispose()
#endregion Constructors
protected override void OnArrange()
// Query subpage details
PTS.Validate(PTS.FsQuerySubpageDetails(PtsContext.Context, _paraHandle, out subpageDetails));
// Arrange subpage content. Subpage content may be simple or complex -
// depending of set of features used in the content of the subpage.
// (1) simple subpage (contains only one track)
// (2) complex subpage (contains columns)
if (PTS.ToBoolean(subpageDetails.fSimple))
_pageContextOfThisPage.PageRect = new PTS.FSRECT(subpageDetails.u.simple.trackdescr.fsrc);
// (1) simple subpage (contains only one track)
// Exceptions don't need to pop, as the top level arrange context will be nulled out if thrown.
Paragraph.StructuralCache.CurrentArrangeContext.PushNewPageData(_pageContextOfThisPage, subpageDetails.u.simple.trackdescr.fsrc,
PtsHelper.ArrangeTrack(PtsContext, ref subpageDetails.u.simple.trackdescr, subpageDetails.u.simple.fswdir);
_pageContextOfThisPage.PageRect = new PTS.FSRECT(subpageDetails.u.complex.fsrc);
// (2) complex page (contains columns)
// cBasicColumns == 0, means that subpage content is empty
if (subpageDetails.u.complex.cBasicColumns != 0)
// Retrieve description for each column.
PtsHelper.TrackListFromSubpage(PtsContext, _paraHandle, ref subpageDetails, out arrayColumnDesc);
// Arrange each track
for (int index = 0; index < arrayColumnDesc.Length; index++)
// Exceptions don't need to pop, as the top level arrange context will be nulled out if thrown.
Paragraph.StructuralCache.CurrentArrangeContext.PushNewPageData(_pageContextOfThisPage, arrayColumnDesc[index].fsrc,
PtsHelper.ArrangeTrack(PtsContext, ref arrayColumnDesc[index], subpageDetails.u.complex.fswdir);
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// Updates viewport
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
internal override void UpdateViewport(ref PTS.FSRECT viewport)
// Query subpage details
PTS.Validate(PTS.FsQuerySubpageDetails(PtsContext.Context, _paraHandle, out subpageDetails));
PTS.FSRECT viewportSubpage = new PTS.FSRECT
u = viewport.u - ContentRect.u,
v = viewport.v - ContentRect.v,
du = viewport.du,
dv = viewport.dv
// Subpage content may be simple or complex -
// depending of set of features used in the content of the subpage.
// (1) simple subpage (contains only one track)
// (2) complex subpage (contains columns)
if (PTS.ToBoolean(subpageDetails.fSimple))
PtsHelper.UpdateViewportTrack(PtsContext, ref subpageDetails.u.simple.trackdescr, ref viewportSubpage);
// (2) complex page (contains columns)
// cBasicColumns == 0, means that subpage content is empty
bool emptySubpage = (subpageDetails.u.complex.cBasicColumns == 0);
if (!emptySubpage)
// Retrieve description for each column.
PtsHelper.TrackListFromSubpage(PtsContext, _paraHandle, ref subpageDetails, out arrayColumnDesc);
emptySubpage = (arrayColumnDesc.Length == 0);
if (!emptySubpage)
for (int index = 0; index < arrayColumnDesc.Length; index++)
PtsHelper.UpdateViewportTrack(PtsContext, ref arrayColumnDesc[index], ref viewportSubpage);
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// Arrange floater
// rcFloater - rectangle of the floater
// rcHostPara - rectangle of the host text paragraph.
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
internal override void ArrangeFloater(PTS.FSRECT rcFloater, PTS.FSRECT rcHostPara, uint fswdirParent, PageContext pageContext)
// If alignment is set to Stretch and floater width is less than para width, center it
if (IsFloaterHorizontallyCentered(rcFloater, rcHostPara))
rcFloater.u = rcHostPara.u + (rcHostPara.du - rcFloater.du) / 2;
// Set paragraph rectangle (relative to the page)
_rect = rcFloater;
// Adjust rect to account for margins
// Add margin values to rect offsets and subtract them from rect widths
MbpInfo mbp = MbpInfo.FromElement(Paragraph.Element, Paragraph.StructuralCache.TextFormatterHost.PixelsPerDip);
_rect.v += mbp.MarginTop;
_rect.dv -= mbp.MarginTop + mbp.MarginBottom;
_rect.u += mbp.MarginLeft;
_rect.du -= mbp.MarginLeft + mbp.MarginRight;
_flowDirectionParent = PTS.FswdirToFlowDirection(fswdirParent);
_flowDirection = (FlowDirection)Paragraph.Element.GetValue(FrameworkElement.FlowDirectionProperty);
_pageContext = pageContext;
if(ThisFlowDirection != PageFlowDirection)
_contentRect.u = _rect.u + mbp.BPLeft;
_contentRect.du = Math.Max(TextDpi.ToTextDpi(TextDpi.MinWidth), _rect.du - mbp.BPRight - mbp.BPLeft);
_contentRect.v = _rect.v + mbp.BPTop;
_contentRect.dv = Math.Max(TextDpi.ToTextDpi(TextDpi.MinWidth), _rect.dv - mbp.BPBottom - mbp.BPTop);
_paddingRect.u = _rect.u + mbp.BorderLeft;
_paddingRect.du = Math.Max(TextDpi.ToTextDpi(TextDpi.MinWidth), _rect.du - mbp.BorderRight - mbp.BorderLeft);
_paddingRect.v = _rect.v + mbp.BorderTop;
_paddingRect.dv = Math.Max(TextDpi.ToTextDpi(TextDpi.MinWidth), _rect.dv - mbp.BorderBottom - mbp.BorderTop);
// Do paragraph specifc arrange
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// Hit tests to the correct IInputElement within the paragraph
// that the mouse is over.
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
internal override IInputElement InputHitTest(PTS.FSPOINT pt)
IInputElement ie = null;
if(_pageContextOfThisPage.FloatingElementList != null)
for(int index = 0; index < _pageContextOfThisPage.FloatingElementList.Count && ie == null; index++)
BaseParaClient floatingElement = _pageContextOfThisPage.FloatingElementList[index];
ie = floatingElement.InputHitTest(pt);
if(ie == null)
// Query subpage details
PTS.Validate(PTS.FsQuerySubpageDetails(PtsContext.Context, _paraHandle, out subpageDetails));
pt = new PTS.FSPOINT(pt.u - ContentRect.u, pt.v - ContentRect.v);
// Hittest subpage content. Subpage content may be simple or complex -
// depending of set of features used in the content of the page.
// (1) simple subpage (contains only one track)
// (2) complex subpage (contains columns)
if (PTS.ToBoolean(subpageDetails.fSimple))
ie = PtsHelper.InputHitTestTrack(PtsContext, pt, ref subpageDetails.u.simple.trackdescr);
// (2) complex page (contains columns)
// cBasicColumns == 0, means that subpage content is empty
if (subpageDetails.u.complex.cBasicColumns != 0)
// Retrieve description for each column.
PtsHelper.TrackListFromSubpage(PtsContext, _paraHandle, ref subpageDetails, out arrayColumnDesc);
// Arrange each track
for (int index = 0; index < arrayColumnDesc.Length && ie == null; index++)
ie = PtsHelper.InputHitTestTrack(PtsContext, pt, ref arrayColumnDesc[index]);
if(ie == null)
ie = Paragraph.Element as IInputElement;
return ie;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// Returns ArrayList of rectangles for the given ContentElement
// if it is found. Returns null otherwise.
// start: int representing start offset of e.
// length: int representing number of positions occupied by e.
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
internal override List<Rect> GetRectangles(ContentElement e, int start, int length)
List<Rect> rectangles = new List<Rect>();
if (Paragraph.Element as ContentElement == e)
// We have found the element. Return rectangles for this paragraph.
GetRectanglesForParagraphElement(out rectangles);
// Query subpage details
PTS.Validate(PTS.FsQuerySubpageDetails(PtsContext.Context, _paraHandle, out subpageDetails));
// Check subpage content for element. Subpage content may be simple or complex -
// depending of set of features used in the content of the page.
// (1) simple subpage (contains only one track)
// (2) complex subpage (contains columns)
if (PTS.ToBoolean(subpageDetails.fSimple))
// (1) simple subpage (contains only one track)
rectangles = PtsHelper.GetRectanglesInTrack(PtsContext, e, start, length, ref subpageDetails.u.simple.trackdescr);
// (2) complex page (contains columns)
// cBasicColumns == 0, means that subpage content is empty
if (subpageDetails.u.complex.cBasicColumns != 0)
// Retrieve description for each column.
PtsHelper.TrackListFromSubpage(PtsContext, _paraHandle, ref subpageDetails, out arrayColumnDesc);
// Arrange each track
for (int index = 0; index < arrayColumnDesc.Length; index++)
List<Rect> trackRectangles = PtsHelper.GetRectanglesInTrack(PtsContext, e, start, length, ref arrayColumnDesc[index]);
Invariant.Assert(trackRectangles != null);
if (trackRectangles.Count != 0)
// Add rectangles found in this track to all rectangles
rectangles = PtsHelper.OffsetRectangleList(rectangles, TextDpi.FromTextDpi(ContentRect.u), TextDpi.FromTextDpi(ContentRect.v));
Invariant.Assert(rectangles != null);
return rectangles;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// Validate visual node associated with paragraph.
// fskupdInherited - inherited update info
// fswdir - inherited flow direction
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
internal override void ValidateVisual(PTS.FSKUPDATE fskupdInherited)
// Floater is always reported as NEW. Override PTS inherited value.
fskupdInherited = PTS.FSKUPDATE.fskupdNew;
// Query subpage details
PTS.Validate(PTS.FsQuerySubpageDetails(PtsContext.Context, _paraHandle, out subpageDetails));
// Obtain all mbd info
MbpInfo mbp = MbpInfo.FromElement(Paragraph.Element, Paragraph.StructuralCache.TextFormatterHost.PixelsPerDip);
if(ThisFlowDirection != PageFlowDirection)
Brush backgroundBrush = (Brush)Paragraph.Element.GetValue(TextElement.BackgroundProperty);
Visual.DrawBackgroundAndBorder(backgroundBrush, mbp.BorderBrush, mbp.Border, _rect.FromTextDpi(), IsFirstChunk, IsLastChunk);
ContainerVisual pageContentVisual;
ContainerVisual floatingElementsVisual;
if(_visual.Children.Count != 2)
_visual.Children.Add(new ContainerVisual());
_visual.Children.Add(new ContainerVisual());
pageContentVisual = (ContainerVisual)_visual.Children[0];
floatingElementsVisual = (ContainerVisual)_visual.Children[1];
// Subpage content may be simple or complex -
// depending of set of features used in the content of the subpage.
// (1) simple subpage (contains only one track)
// (2) complex subpage (contains columns)
if (PTS.ToBoolean(subpageDetails.fSimple))
// (1) simple subpage (contains only one track)
PTS.FSKUPDATE fskupd = subpageDetails.u.simple.trackdescr.fsupdinf.fskupd;
if (fskupd == PTS.FSKUPDATE.fskupdInherited)
fskupd = fskupdInherited;
VisualCollection visualChildren = pageContentVisual.Children;
if (fskupd == PTS.FSKUPDATE.fskupdNew)
visualChildren.Add(new ContainerVisual());
// For complex subpage SectionVisual is added. So, when morphing
// complex subpage to simple one, remove SectionVisual.
else if (visualChildren.Count == 1 && !(visualChildren[0] is ContainerVisual))
visualChildren.Add(new ContainerVisual());
Debug.Assert(visualChildren.Count == 1 && visualChildren[0] is ContainerVisual);
ContainerVisual trackVisual = (ContainerVisual)visualChildren[0];
PtsHelper.UpdateTrackVisuals(PtsContext, trackVisual.Children, fskupdInherited, ref subpageDetails.u.simple.trackdescr);
// (2) complex page (contains columns)
// cBasicColumns == 0, means that subpage content is empty
bool emptySubpage = (subpageDetails.u.complex.cBasicColumns == 0);
if (!emptySubpage)
// Retrieve description for each column.
PtsHelper.TrackListFromSubpage(PtsContext, _paraHandle, ref subpageDetails, out arrayColumnDesc);
emptySubpage = (arrayColumnDesc.Length == 0);
if (!emptySubpage)
PTS.FSKUPDATE fskupd = fskupdInherited;
ErrorHandler.Assert(fskupd != PTS.FSKUPDATE.fskupdShifted, ErrorHandler.UpdateShiftedNotValid);
Debug.Assert(fskupd != PTS.FSKUPDATE.fskupdNoChange);
// For complex subpage SectionVisual is added. So, when morphing
// simple subpage to complex one, remove ParagraphVisual.
VisualCollection visualChildren = pageContentVisual.Children;
if (visualChildren.Count == 0)
visualChildren.Add(new SectionVisual());
else if (!(visualChildren[0] is SectionVisual))
visualChildren.Add(new SectionVisual());
Debug.Assert(visualChildren.Count == 1 && visualChildren[0] is SectionVisual);
SectionVisual sectionVisual = (SectionVisual)visualChildren[0];
// Draw column rules.
ColumnPropertiesGroup columnProperties = new ColumnPropertiesGroup(Paragraph.Element);
sectionVisual.DrawColumnRules(ref arrayColumnDesc, TextDpi.FromTextDpi(subpageDetails.u.complex.fsrc.v), TextDpi.FromTextDpi(subpageDetails.u.complex.fsrc.dv), columnProperties);
visualChildren = sectionVisual.Children;
if (fskupd == PTS.FSKUPDATE.fskupdNew)
for (int index = 0; index < arrayColumnDesc.Length; index++)
visualChildren.Add(new ContainerVisual());
ErrorHandler.Assert(visualChildren.Count == arrayColumnDesc.Length, ErrorHandler.ColumnVisualCountMismatch);
for (int index = 0; index < arrayColumnDesc.Length; index++)
ContainerVisual trackVisual = (ContainerVisual)visualChildren[index];
PtsHelper.UpdateTrackVisuals(PtsContext, trackVisual.Children, fskupdInherited, ref arrayColumnDesc[index]);
if (emptySubpage)
// There is no content, remove all existing visuals.
pageContentVisual.Offset = new PTS.FSVECTOR(ContentRect.u, ContentRect.v).FromTextDpi();
floatingElementsVisual.Offset = new PTS.FSVECTOR(ContentRect.u, ContentRect.v).FromTextDpi();
PTS.FSRECT clipRect = new PTS.FSRECT(_paddingRect.u - _contentRect.u, _paddingRect.v - _contentRect.v, _paddingRect.du, _paddingRect.dv);
PtsHelper.ClipChildrenToRect(_visual, clipRect.FromTextDpi());
PtsHelper.UpdateFloatingElementVisuals(floatingElementsVisual, _pageContextOfThisPage.FloatingElementList);
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// Create paragraph result representing this paragraph.
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
internal override ParagraphResult CreateParagraphResult()
return new FloaterParagraphResult(this);
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// Return TextContentRange for the content of the paragraph.
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
internal override TextContentRange GetTextContentRange()
TextContentRange textContentRange;
// Query subpage details
PTS.Validate(PTS.FsQuerySubpageDetails(PtsContext.Context, _paraHandle, out subpageDetails));
// Subpage content may be simple or complex -
// depending of set of features used in the content of the page.
// (1) simple subpage (contains only one track)
// (2) complex subpage (contains columns)
if (PTS.ToBoolean(subpageDetails.fSimple))
// (1) simple subpage (contains only one track)
textContentRange = PtsHelper.TextContentRangeFromTrack(PtsContext, subpageDetails.u.simple.trackdescr.pfstrack);
textContentRange = new TextContentRange();
// (2) complex page (contains columns)
// cBasicColumns == 0, means that subpage content is empty
if (subpageDetails.u.complex.cBasicColumns != 0)
// Retrieve description for each column.
PtsHelper.TrackListFromSubpage(PtsContext, _paraHandle, ref subpageDetails, out arrayColumnDesc);
// Arrange each track
for (int index = 0; index < arrayColumnDesc.Length; index++)
// Merge TextContentRanges for all columns
textContentRange.Merge(PtsHelper.TextContentRangeFromTrack(PtsContext, arrayColumnDesc[index].pfstrack));
// Beginning and end tags should be consumed by host para.
// If the first paragraph is the first paragraph in the paraclient and it is the first chunk,
// include start position of this element.
if (IsFirstChunk)
Paragraph.Element as TextElement, ElementEdge.BeforeStart));
// If the last paragraph is the last paragraph in the paraclient and it is the last chunk,
// include end position of this element.
if (IsLastChunk)
Paragraph.Element as TextElement, ElementEdge.AfterEnd));
return textContentRange;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// Returns a new colleciton of ParagraphResults for the contained paragraphs.
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
private ReadOnlyCollection<ParagraphResult> GetChildrenParagraphResults(out bool hasTextContent)
List<ParagraphResult> paragraphResults;
// Query subpage details
PTS.Validate(PTS.FsQuerySubpageDetails(PtsContext.Context, _paraHandle, out subpageDetails));
// hasTextContent is set to true if any of the children paragraphs has text content, not just attached objects
hasTextContent = false;
// Subpage content may be simple or complex -
// depending of set of features used in the content of the page.
// (1) simple subpage (contains only one track)
// (2) complex subpage (contains columns)
if (PTS.ToBoolean(subpageDetails.fSimple))
// (1) simple subpage (contains only one track)
// Get track details
PTS.Validate(PTS.FsQueryTrackDetails(PtsContext.Context, subpageDetails.u.simple.trackdescr.pfstrack, out trackDetails));
hasTextContent = true;
if (trackDetails.cParas == 0)
return ReadOnlyCollection<ParagraphResult>.Empty;
// Get list of paragraphs
PtsHelper.ParaListFromTrack(PtsContext, subpageDetails.u.simple.trackdescr.pfstrack, ref trackDetails, out arrayParaDesc);
paragraphResults = new List<ParagraphResult>(arrayParaDesc.Length);
for (int i = 0; i < arrayParaDesc.Length; i++)
BaseParaClient paraClient = PtsContext.HandleToObject(arrayParaDesc[i].pfsparaclient) as BaseParaClient;
ParagraphResult paragraphResult = paraClient.CreateParagraphResult();
if (paragraphResult.HasTextContent)
hasTextContent = true;
// (2) complex page (contains columns)
// cBasicColumns == 0, means that subpage content is empty
if (subpageDetails.u.complex.cBasicColumns == 0)
return ReadOnlyCollection<ParagraphResult>.Empty;
// Retrieve description for each column.
PtsHelper.TrackListFromSubpage(PtsContext, _paraHandle, ref subpageDetails, out arrayColumnDesc);
Debug.Assert(arrayColumnDesc.Length == 1);
// Get track details
PTS.Validate(PTS.FsQueryTrackDetails(PtsContext.Context, arrayColumnDesc[0].pfstrack, out trackDetails));
if (trackDetails.cParas == 0)
return ReadOnlyCollection<ParagraphResult>.Empty;
// Get list of paragraphs
PtsHelper.ParaListFromTrack(PtsContext, arrayColumnDesc[0].pfstrack, ref trackDetails, out arrayParaDesc);
paragraphResults = new List<ParagraphResult>(arrayParaDesc.Length);
for (int i = 0; i < arrayParaDesc.Length; i++)
BaseParaClient paraClient = PtsContext.HandleToObject(arrayParaDesc[i].pfsparaclient) as BaseParaClient;
ParagraphResult paragraphResult = paraClient.CreateParagraphResult();
if (paragraphResult.HasTextContent)
hasTextContent = true;
return new ReadOnlyCollection<ParagraphResult>(paragraphResults);
/// <summary>
/// Returns a new collection of ColumnResults for the subpage. Will always
/// have at least one column.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="hasTextContent">
/// True if any column in the floater has text content, i.e. does not contain only figures/floaters
/// </param>
internal ReadOnlyCollection<ColumnResult> GetColumnResults(out bool hasTextContent)
List<ColumnResult> columnResults = new List<ColumnResult>(0);
Vector contentOffset = new Vector();
// hasTextContent is set to true if any of the columns has text content, not just attached objects. A column has text content if any of
// it's paragraph results has text content
hasTextContent = false;
// Query subpage details
PTS.Validate(PTS.FsQuerySubpageDetails(PtsContext.Context, _paraHandle, out subpageDetails));
// Subpage content may be simple or complex -
// depending of set of features used in the content of the page.
// (1) simple subpage (contains only one track)
// (2) complex subpage (contains columns)
if (PTS.ToBoolean(subpageDetails.fSimple))
// (1) simple subpage (contains only one track)
PTS.Validate(PTS.FsQueryTrackDetails(PtsContext.Context, subpageDetails.u.simple.trackdescr.pfstrack, out trackDetails));
if (trackDetails.cParas > 0)
columnResults = new List<ColumnResult>(1);
ColumnResult columnResult = new ColumnResult(this, ref subpageDetails.u.simple.trackdescr, contentOffset);
if (columnResult.HasTextContent)
hasTextContent = true;
// (2) complex page (contains columns)
// cBasicColumns == 0, means that subpage content is empty
if (subpageDetails.u.complex.cBasicColumns != 0)
// Retrieve description for each column.
PtsHelper.TrackListFromSubpage(PtsContext, _paraHandle, ref subpageDetails, out arrayColumnDesc);
// Floaters are held at one column; just add the first one
columnResults = new List<ColumnResult>(1);
PTS.Validate(PTS.FsQueryTrackDetails(PtsContext.Context, arrayColumnDesc[0].pfstrack, out trackDetails));
if (trackDetails.cParas > 0)
ColumnResult columnResult = new ColumnResult(this, ref arrayColumnDesc[0], contentOffset);
if (columnResult.HasTextContent)
hasTextContent = true;
return new ReadOnlyCollection<ColumnResult>(columnResults);
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// Returns a collection of ParagraphResults for the column's paragraphs.
// pfstrack - Pointer to PTS track representing a column.
// parentOffset - Parent offset from the top of the page.
// hasTextContent - true if any paragraph has text content
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
internal ReadOnlyCollection<ParagraphResult> GetParagraphResultsFromColumn(IntPtr pfstrack, Vector parentOffset, out bool hasTextContent)
// Floater has only one column. This is the same as getting children paragraphs.
return GetChildrenParagraphResults(out hasTextContent);
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// Retrieves text range for contents of the column represented by
// 'pfstrack'.
// pfstrack - Pointer to PTS track representing a column.
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
internal TextContentRange GetTextContentRangeFromColumn(IntPtr pfstrack)
// Floater has only one column.
return GetTextContentRange();
/// <summary>
/// Returns tight bounding path geometry.
/// </summary>
internal Geometry GetTightBoundingGeometryFromTextPositions(ReadOnlyCollection<ColumnResult> columns, ReadOnlyCollection<ParagraphResult> floatingElements, ITextPointer startPosition, ITextPointer endPosition, Rect visibleRect)
Geometry geometry = null;
// Floater always has one column, so we can skip getting a column from the text position range
Invariant.Assert(columns != null && columns.Count <= 1, "Columns collection is null.");
Invariant.Assert(floatingElements != null, "Floating element collection is null.");
ReadOnlyCollection<ParagraphResult> paragraphs = (columns.Count > 0) ? columns[0].Paragraphs : ReadOnlyCollection<ParagraphResult>.Empty;
if (paragraphs.Count > 0 || floatingElements.Count > 0)
geometry = TextDocumentView.GetTightBoundingGeometryFromTextPositionsHelper(paragraphs, floatingElements, startPosition, endPosition, TextDpi.FromTextDpi(_dvrTopSpace), visibleRect);
// restrict geometry to the floater's content rect boundary.
// because of end-of-line / end-of-para simulation calculated geometry could be larger.
Rect viewport = new Rect(0, 0, TextDpi.FromTextDpi(_contentRect.du), TextDpi.FromTextDpi(_contentRect.dv));
CaretElement.ClipGeometryByViewport(ref geometry, viewport);
return (geometry);
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// Handle to PTS subpage object.
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
internal IntPtr SubpageHandle
// getter removed (unused internal API). If needed, recall from history.
set { _paraHandle = value; }
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// Rect of content in page coordinate system
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
internal PTS.FSRECT ContentRect { get { return _contentRect; } }
// Floating element list
internal ReadOnlyCollection<ParagraphResult> FloatingElementResults
List<ParagraphResult> floatingElements = new List<ParagraphResult>(0);
List<BaseParaClient> floatingElementList = _pageContextOfThisPage.FloatingElementList;
if (floatingElementList != null)
for (int i = 0; i < floatingElementList.Count; i++)
ParagraphResult paragraphResult = floatingElementList[i].CreateParagraphResult();
return new ReadOnlyCollection<ParagraphResult>(floatingElements);
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// Returns whether a floater should be horizontally centered
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
private bool IsFloaterHorizontallyCentered(PTS.FSRECT rcFloater, PTS.FSRECT rcHostPara)
Floater floater = Paragraph.Element as Floater;
if(floater == null)
return false;
if(floater.HorizontalAlignment != HorizontalAlignment.Stretch)
return false;
if(rcFloater.du >= rcHostPara.du)
return false;
return true;
private PTS.FSRECT _contentRect;
private PTS.FSRECT _paddingRect;
// Page context this para client provides.
private PageContext _pageContextOfThisPage = new PageContext();