File: MS\Internal\PtsHost\PtsPage.cs
Web Access
Project: src\src\Microsoft.DotNet.Wpf\src\PresentationFramework\PresentationFramework.csproj (PresentationFramework)
// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
// Description: Wrapper for PTS page. 
using System.Threading;
using System.Windows;
using System.Windows.Media;
using System.Windows.Documents;
using MS.Internal.Text;
using System.Windows.Threading;
using MS.Internal.Documents;
using MS.Internal.PtsHost.UnsafeNativeMethods;
namespace MS.Internal.PtsHost
    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Wrapper for PTS page object.
    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    internal class PtsPage : IDisposable
        //  Constructors
        #region Constructors
        // ------------------------------------------------------------------
        // Constructor.
        //      section - PTS section: root of the NameTable
        // ------------------------------------------------------------------
        internal PtsPage(Section section) : this()
            _section = section;
        // ------------------------------------------------------------------
        // Constructor.
        // ------------------------------------------------------------------
        private PtsPage()
            _ptsPage = IntPtr.Zero;
        // ------------------------------------------------------------------
        // Finalizer.
        // ------------------------------------------------------------------
        // ------------------------------------------------------------------
        // Dispose unmanaged resources.
        // ------------------------------------------------------------------
        public void Dispose()
        #endregion Constructors
        //  Internal Methods
        #region Internal Methods
        // Prepare for incremental update process. If update is not possible
        // make sure that structural cache is in clean state.
        // Following logic is used for to prepare for reformat/update:
        // a) if _ptsPage == NULL,  full format + clear NameTable(from DTRs) + clear DTRs
        // b) if NameTable == NULL, full format + clear DTRs (covered by a))
        // c) if ForceReformat,     full format + clear DTRs + clear NameTable
        // e) otherwise,            update
        // Allow incremental update if there is a page previously created
        // and ForceReformat flag is not set.
        // Before formatting needs to make sure that following is done:
        // 1) If ForceReformat is true, clear entire NameTable.
        // 2) If there is existing DTR and update is not possible,
        //    invalidate NameTable from the firts position
        //    stored in DTR list, then clear DTR list.
        // Returns: 'true' if can do incremental update.
        internal bool PrepareForBottomlessUpdate()
            bool canUpdate = !IsEmpty;
                // Main text segment is null for section, no update possible.
                canUpdate = false;
            else if (_section.StructuralCache != null)
                // No update is possible when ForceReformat flag is set.
                // Clear update information and clear entire NameTable.
                if (_section.StructuralCache.ForceReformat)
                    canUpdate = false;
                else if (_section.StructuralCache.DtrList != null)
                    // If there is DRT list and the page cannot be updated, 
                    // invalidate entire NameTable starting from the position 
                    // of the first DTR.
                    // Then clear update info.
                    if (!canUpdate)
                // else the NameTable is in a valid state.
            return canUpdate;
        // Prepare for incremental update process of a finite page. Finite 
        // page incremental is always done by PTS as full format with change
        // delta exposed through queries.
        // Allow incremental update if there is a page previously created.
        // Before formatting needs to make sure that following is done:
        // a) If ForceReformat is true, clear entire NameTable (reformat needs to
        //    start from the first page).
        // b) If there is existing DTR, invalidate NameTable from the firts position
        //    stored in DTR list, then clear DTR list.
        // NOTE: If ForceReformat is false and DTR list is null, it means that 
        //       existing NameTable is in a valid state, and format can be done using
        //       cached portion of the NameTable.
        //      breakRecord - PageBreakRecord describing start position of the page.
        // Returns: 'true' if can do incremental update.
        internal bool PrepareForFiniteUpdate(PageBreakRecord breakRecord)
            bool canUpdate = !IsEmpty;
            Debug.Assert(!canUpdate || _section.CanUpdate);
            if (_section.StructuralCache != null)
                // No update is possible when ForceReformat flag is set.
                // Clear update information and clear entire NameTable.
                if (_section.StructuralCache.ForceReformat)
                    canUpdate = false;
                    Debug.Assert(breakRecord == null || !_section.StructuralCache.DestroyStructure, "Cannot format from dirty break record unless StructuralCache.DestroyStructure is not set.");
                    // Update structural cache info. The DestroyStructureCache parameter is set to true if
                    // the name table is not preserved. If the name table is to be preserved, e.g. for highlight
                    // changed, we do not clear structure cache
                    _section.StructuralCache.ClearUpdateInfo(/*destroy structure cache:*/ _section.StructuralCache.DestroyStructure);
                // If there is DRT list, invalidate entire NameTable starting from the 
                // position of the first DTR.
                // Then clear update info, if incremental update is not possible.
                else if (_section.StructuralCache.DtrList != null)
                    if (!canUpdate)
                // The NameTable is in a valid state, but cannot do incremental update, because
                // there is no DTR stored anymore.
                    canUpdate = false;
            return canUpdate;
        // Hit tests to the correct IInputElement within the page that the 
        // mouse is over.
        //      p - Mouse coordinates relative to the page.
        // Returns: IInputElement that has been hit.
        internal IInputElement InputHitTest(Point p)
            IInputElement ie = null;
            if (!IsEmpty)
                PTS.FSPOINT pt = TextDpi.ToTextPoint(p);
                ie = InputHitTestPage(pt);
            return ie;
        // Returns rectangles for a specified element.
        //      e - ContentElement for which rectangles are to be returned
        //      start - int representing start offset of e
        //      length - int representing number of positions occupied by e
        // Returns: ArrayList of rectangles. If element is not found or if 
        // there is nothing in this page, returns empty ArrayList
        internal List<Rect> GetRectangles(ContentElement e, int start, int length)
            List<Rect> rectangles = new List<Rect>();
            if (!IsEmpty)
                rectangles = GetRectanglesInPage(e, start, length);
            return rectangles;
        // Callback for background layout / update
        private static DispatcherOperationCallback BackgroundUpdateCallback = new DispatcherOperationCallback(PtsPage.BackgroundFormatStatic);
        // Static function, just proxies over to our real function
        private static object BackgroundFormatStatic(object arg)
            Invariant.Assert(arg is PtsPage);
            return null;
        // Does the work of background format - For now, this is simply an invalidate measure call.
        // text.
        private void BackgroundFormat()
            FlowDocument formattingOwner = _section.StructuralCache.FormattingOwner; 
            if (formattingOwner.Formatter is FlowDocumentFormatter)
                _section.StructuralCache.BackgroundFormatInfo.BackgroundFormat(formattingOwner.BottomlessFormatter, false /* ignoreThrottle */);
        // Defers remaining text formatting to background - treated as if new text
        private void DeferFormattingToBackground()
            int cpLast = _section.StructuralCache.BackgroundFormatInfo.CPInterrupted;
            int cpTextContainer = _section.StructuralCache.BackgroundFormatInfo.CchAllText;
            DirtyTextRange dtr = new DirtyTextRange(cpLast, cpTextContainer - cpLast, cpTextContainer - cpLast);
            _backgroundFormatOperation = Dispatcher.CurrentDispatcher.BeginInvoke(DispatcherPriority.Background, BackgroundUpdateCallback, this);
        // ------------------------------------------------------------------
        // Create bottomless page.
        // ------------------------------------------------------------------
        internal void CreateBottomlessPage()
            OnBeforeFormatPage(false, false);
            if (TracePageFormatting.IsEnabled)
            PTS.FSFMTRBL formattingResult;
            IntPtr ptsPage;
            int fserr = PTS.FsCreatePageBottomless(PtsContext.Context, _section.Handle, out formattingResult, out ptsPage);
            if (fserr != PTS.fserrNone)
                // Formatting failed and ptsPage may be set to a partially formatted page. Set value to IntPtr.Zero
                _ptsPage = IntPtr.Zero;
                PTS.ValidateAndTrace(fserr, PtsContext);
                // Formatting succeeded. Set page value
                _ptsPage = ptsPage;
            if (TracePageFormatting.IsEnabled)
            OnAfterFormatPage(true, false);
            if(formattingResult == PTS.FSFMTRBL.fmtrblInterrupted)
        // ------------------------------------------------------------------
        // Update bottomless page.
        // ------------------------------------------------------------------
        internal void UpdateBottomlessPage()
            if (IsEmpty)
            OnBeforeFormatPage(false, true);
            if (TracePageFormatting.IsEnabled)
            PTS.FSFMTRBL formattingResult;
            int fserr = PTS.FsUpdateBottomlessPage(PtsContext.Context, _ptsPage, _section.Handle, out formattingResult);
            if (fserr != PTS.fserrNone)
                // Do inplace cleanup.
                // Generic error handling.
                PTS.ValidateAndTrace(fserr, PtsContext);
            if (TracePageFormatting.IsEnabled)
            OnAfterFormatPage(true, true);
            if(formattingResult == PTS.FSFMTRBL.fmtrblInterrupted)
        // ------------------------------------------------------------------
        // Create finite page.
        // ------------------------------------------------------------------
        internal void CreateFinitePage(PageBreakRecord breakRecord)
            OnBeforeFormatPage(true, false);
            if (TracePageFormatting.IsEnabled)
            // Retrieve PTS break record
            IntPtr brIn = (breakRecord != null) ? breakRecord.BreakRecord : IntPtr.Zero;
            // Create finite page and update layout size information
            PTS.FSFMTR formattingResult;
            IntPtr brOut;
            IntPtr ptsPage;
            int fserr = PTS.FsCreatePageFinite(PtsContext.Context, brIn, _section.Handle, out formattingResult, out ptsPage, out brOut);
            if (fserr != PTS.fserrNone)
                // Formatting failed and ptsPage may be set to a partially formatted page. Set value to IntPtr.Zero
                _ptsPage = IntPtr.Zero;
                brOut = IntPtr.Zero;
                PTS.ValidateAndTrace(fserr, PtsContext);
                _ptsPage = ptsPage;
            if (brOut != IntPtr.Zero)
                StructuralCache structuralCache = _section.StructuralCache;
                if (structuralCache != null)
                    _breakRecord = new PageBreakRecord(PtsContext, brOut, (breakRecord != null) ? breakRecord.PageNumber + 1 : 1);
            if (TracePageFormatting.IsEnabled)
            OnAfterFormatPage(true, false);
        // ------------------------------------------------------------------
        // Update finite page.
        // ------------------------------------------------------------------
        internal void UpdateFinitePage(PageBreakRecord breakRecord)
            if (IsEmpty)
            OnBeforeFormatPage(true, true);
            if (TracePageFormatting.IsEnabled)
            // Retrieve PTS break record
            IntPtr brIn = (breakRecord != null) ? breakRecord.BreakRecord : IntPtr.Zero;
            // Create finite page and update layout size information
            PTS.FSFMTR formattingResult;
            IntPtr brOut;
            int fserr = PTS.FsUpdateFinitePage(PtsContext.Context, _ptsPage, brIn,
                                               _section.Handle, out formattingResult, out brOut);
            if (fserr != PTS.fserrNone)
                // Do inplace cleanup.
                // Generic error handling.
                PTS.ValidateAndTrace(fserr, PtsContext);
            if (brOut != IntPtr.Zero)
                StructuralCache structuralCache = _section.StructuralCache;
                if (structuralCache != null)
                    _breakRecord = new PageBreakRecord(PtsContext, brOut, (breakRecord != null) ? breakRecord.PageNumber + 1 : 1);
            if (TracePageFormatting.IsEnabled)
            OnAfterFormatPage(true, true);
        // Arrange top level PTS page.
        internal void ArrangePage()
            if (IsEmpty)
            // Get page details
            PTS.FSPAGEDETAILS pageDetails;
            PTS.Validate(PTS.FsQueryPageDetails(PtsContext.Context, _ptsPage, out pageDetails));
            // Arrange page content. Page content may be simple or complex -
            // depending of set of features used in the content of the page.
            // (1) simple page (contains only one track)
            // (2) complex page (contains header, page body (list of sections), footnotes and footer)
            if (PTS.ToBoolean(pageDetails.fSimple))
                // (1) simple page (contains only one track)
                // Exceptions don't need to pop, as the top level arrange context will be nulled out if thrown.
                _section.StructuralCache.CurrentArrangeContext.PushNewPageData(_pageContextOfThisPage, pageDetails.u.simple.trackdescr.fsrc, _finitePage);
                PtsHelper.ArrangeTrack(PtsContext, ref pageDetails.u.simple.trackdescr, PTS.FlowDirectionToFswdir(_section.StructuralCache.PageFlowDirection));
                // (2) complex page (contains header, page body (list of sections), footnotes and footer)
                //     NOTE: only page body (list of sections is currently supported).
                //ErrorHandler.Assert(!PTS.ToBoolean(pageDetails.u.complex.fTopBottomHeaderFooter), ErrorHandler.NotSupportedHeadersFooters);
                //ErrorHandler.Assert(!PTS.ToBoolean(pageDetails.u.complex.fJustified), ErrorHandler.NotSupportedVerticalJustify);
                ErrorHandler.Assert(pageDetails.u.complex.cFootnoteColumns == 0, ErrorHandler.NotSupportedFootnotes);
                // cSections == 0, means that page body content is empty.
                if (pageDetails.u.complex.cSections != 0)
                    // Retrieve description for each section.
                    PTS.FSSECTIONDESCRIPTION[] arraySectionDesc;
                    PtsHelper.SectionListFromPage(PtsContext, _ptsPage, ref pageDetails, out arraySectionDesc);
                    // Arrange each section
                    for (int index = 0; index < arraySectionDesc.Length; index++)
                        ArrangeSection(ref arraySectionDesc[index]);
        // Update viewport top-level
        internal void UpdateViewport(ref PTS.FSRECT viewport)
            if (!IsEmpty)
                // Get page details
                PTS.FSPAGEDETAILS pageDetails;
                PTS.Validate(PTS.FsQueryPageDetails(PtsContext.Context, _ptsPage, out pageDetails));
                // Arrange page content. Page content may be simple or complex -
                // depending of set of features used in the content of the page.
                // (1) simple page (contains only one track)
                // (2) complex page (contains header, page body (list of sections), footnotes and footer)
                if (PTS.ToBoolean(pageDetails.fSimple))
                    // (1) simple page (contains only one track)
                    PtsHelper.UpdateViewportTrack(PtsContext, ref pageDetails.u.simple.trackdescr, ref viewport);
                    // (2) complex page (contains header, page body (list of sections), footnotes and footer)
                    //     NOTE: only page body (list of sections is currently supported).
                    //ErrorHandler.Assert(!PTS.ToBoolean(pageDetails.u.complex.fTopBottomHeaderFooter), ErrorHandler.NotSupportedHeadersFooters);
                    //ErrorHandler.Assert(!PTS.ToBoolean(pageDetails.u.complex.fJustified), ErrorHandler.NotSupportedVerticalJustify);
                    ErrorHandler.Assert(pageDetails.u.complex.cFootnoteColumns == 0, ErrorHandler.NotSupportedFootnotes);
                    // cSections == 0, means that page body content is empty.
                    if (pageDetails.u.complex.cSections != 0)
                        // Retrieve description for each section.
                        PTS.FSSECTIONDESCRIPTION[] arraySectionDesc;
                        PtsHelper.SectionListFromPage(PtsContext, _ptsPage, ref pageDetails, out arraySectionDesc);
                        // Arrange each section
                        for (int index = 0; index < arraySectionDesc.Length; index++)
                            UpdateViewportSection(ref arraySectionDesc[index], ref viewport);
        // ------------------------------------------------------------------
        // Clear update info.
        // ------------------------------------------------------------------
        internal void ClearUpdateInfo()
            if (!IsEmpty)
                // Clear any incremental update state acummulated during update process.
                PTS.Validate(PTS.FsClearUpdateInfoInPage(PtsContext.Context, _ptsPage), PtsContext);
        // ------------------------------------------------------------------
        // Get a visual representing the page's content.
        // ------------------------------------------------------------------
        internal ContainerVisual GetPageVisual()
            if (_visual == null)
                _visual = new ContainerVisual();
            if (!IsEmpty)
            return _visual;
        #endregion Internal Methods
        //  Internal Properties
        #region Internal Properties
        // BreakRecord indicating break position of the page. 
        // 'null' if the page is bottomless or it is the last page
        internal PageBreakRecord BreakRecord { get { return _breakRecord; } }
        // Calculated size of the page.
        internal Size CalculatedSize { get { return _calculatedSize; } }
        // Content size of the page.
        internal Size ContentSize { get { return _contentSize; } }
        // Is it finite page or bottomless?
        internal bool FinitePage { get { return _finitePage; } }
        // Page context
        internal PageContext PageContext { get { return _pageContextOfThisPage; } }
        // Is during incremental update mode?
        internal bool IncrementalUpdate { get { return _incrementalUpdate; } }
        // PTS Host.
        internal PtsContext PtsContext { get { return _section.PtsContext; } }
        // Handle to PTS page.
        internal IntPtr PageHandle { get { return _ptsPage; } }
        // Is being used in a plain text box?
        internal bool UseSizingWorkaroundForTextBox
            get { return _useSizingWorkaroundForTextBox; }
            set { _useSizingWorkaroundForTextBox = value; }
        #endregion Internal Properties
        // ------------------------------------------------------------------
        //  Private Methods
        // ------------------------------------------------------------------
        #region Private Methods
        // ------------------------------------------------------------------
        // Dispose unmanaged resources.
        // ------------------------------------------------------------------
        /// <remarks>
        /// Finalizer needs to follow rules below:
        ///     a) Your Finalize method must tolerate partially constructed instances.
        ///     b) Your Finalize method must consider the consequence of failure.
        ///     c) Your object is callable after Finalization.
        ///     d) Your object is callable during Finalization.
        ///     e) Your Finalizer could be called multiple times.
        ///     f) Your Finalizer runs in a delicate security context.
        /// See:
        /// </remarks>
        private void Dispose(bool disposing)
            if (Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref _disposed, true, false) == false)
                // Destroy PTS page.
                // According to following article the entire reachable graph from 
                // a finalizable object is promoted, and it is safe to access its 
                // members if they do not have their own finalizers.
                // Hence it is OK to access _section during finalization.
                // See:
                if (!IsEmpty)
                    _section.PtsContext.OnPageDisposed(_ptsPage, disposing, true);
                // Cleanup the state.
                _ptsPage = IntPtr.Zero;
                _breakRecord = null;
                _visual = null;
                _backgroundFormatOperation = null;
        // ------------------------------------------------------------------
        // Inlitialize page state before formatting of the page.
        // ------------------------------------------------------------------
        private void OnBeforeFormatPage(bool finitePage, bool incremental)
            // If not in incremental mode a new PTS page is created, hence there is 
            // a need to destroy existing one to avoid unmanaged resources leaking. 
            if (!incremental && !IsEmpty)
            _incrementalUpdate = incremental;
            _finitePage = finitePage;
            _breakRecord = null;
            _pageContextOfThisPage.PageRect = new PTS.FSRECT(new Rect(_section.StructuralCache.CurrentFormatContext.PageSize));
            // Ensure we have no background work pending
            if (!_finitePage)
        // ------------------------------------------------------------------
        // Clear state and collect necessary data after formatting of the page.
        // ------------------------------------------------------------------
        private void OnAfterFormatPage(bool setSize, bool incremental)
            // Update page size if necessary
            if (setSize)
                PTS.FSRECT rect = GetRect();
                PTS.FSBBOX bbox = GetBoundingBox();
                // Workaround for PTS bug 860: get max of the page rect and 
                // bounding box of the page.
                if (!FinitePage && PTS.ToBoolean(bbox.fDefined))
                    rect.dv = Math.Max(rect.dv, bbox.fsrc.dv);
                // Set page size
                _calculatedSize.Width  = Math.Max(TextDpi.MinWidth, TextDpi.FromTextDpi(rect.du));
                _calculatedSize.Height = Math.Max(TextDpi.MinWidth, TextDpi.FromTextDpi(rect.dv));
                // Set content size
                if (PTS.ToBoolean(bbox.fDefined))
                    _contentSize.Width = Math.Max(Math.Max(TextDpi.FromTextDpi(bbox.fsrc.du), TextDpi.MinWidth), _calculatedSize.Width);
                    _contentSize.Height = Math.Max(TextDpi.MinWidth, TextDpi.FromTextDpi(bbox.fsrc.dv));
                    // In bottomless pages, page size reported by PTS is 
                    // actually content size (see PTS bug 860 for exceptions).
                    // Take PTS calculated value into account.
                    if (!FinitePage)
                        _contentSize.Height = Math.Max(_contentSize.Height, _calculatedSize.Height);
                    _contentSize = _calculatedSize;
            if (!IsEmpty)
                // If page has been just created, notify PtsContext about this fact.
                // PtsContext keeps track of all created pages.
                if (!incremental)
            // Make sure that structural cache is in clean state after formatting
            // is done.
        // ------------------------------------------------------------------
        // Retrieve rectangle the page/subpage.
        // ------------------------------------------------------------------
        private PTS.FSRECT GetRect()
            PTS.FSRECT rect;
            // There are 3 cases when calculating page rect:
            // (1) PTS page is not created - return empty rect.
            // (2) PTS page    - use page PTS APIs to get page rectangle.
            // (3) PTS subpage - use subpage PTS APIs to get page rectangle.
            if (IsEmpty)
                // (1) PTS page is not created - empty rect.
                rect = new PTS.FSRECT();
                // (2) PTS page - use page PTS APIs to get page rectangle.
                PTS.FSPAGEDETAILS pageDetails;
                PTS.Validate(PTS.FsQueryPageDetails(PtsContext.Context, _ptsPage, out pageDetails));
                // There are 2 different types of PTS page and calculated rectangle depends on it:
                // (a) simple page (contains only one track) - get rectanglefrom the track.
                // (b) complex page (contains header, page body, footnotes and footer) - get bounding 
                //     box of each segment and union them.
                if (PTS.ToBoolean(pageDetails.fSimple))
                    // (a) simple page (contains only one track) - get rectanglefrom the track.
                    rect = pageDetails.u.simple.trackdescr.fsrc;
                    // (b) complex page (contains header, page body, footnotes and footer) - get rectangle 
                    //     of each segment and union them.
                    //ErrorHandler.Assert(!PTS.ToBoolean(pageDetails.u.complex.fTopBottomHeaderFooter) || this.PresenterCache.CurrentPresenter.IsBottomless, ErrorHandler.NotSupportedHeadersFooters);
                    //ErrorHandler.Assert(!PTS.ToBoolean(pageDetails.u.complex.fJustified) || this.PresenterCache.CurrentPresenter.IsBottomless, ErrorHandler.NotSupportedVerticalJustify);
                    ErrorHandler.Assert(pageDetails.u.complex.cFootnoteColumns == 0, ErrorHandler.NotSupportedFootnotes);
                    // Since header/footer and footnotes are not supported yet, use page body rectangle
                    rect = pageDetails.u.complex.fsrcPageBody;
            return rect;
        // ------------------------------------------------------------------
        // Retrieve bounding box of the page/subpage
        // ------------------------------------------------------------------
        private PTS.FSBBOX GetBoundingBox()
            PTS.FSBBOX bbox = new PTS.FSBBOX();
            // There are 3 cases when calculating bounding box:
            // (1) PTS page is not created - return empty rect.
            // (2) PTS page - use page PTS APIs to get bounding box.
            // (3) PTS subpage - use subpage PTS APIs to get bounding box.
            if (IsEmpty)
                // (1) PTS page is not created - bbox is not defined
                // (2) PTS page - use page PTS APIs to get bounding box.
                PTS.FSPAGEDETAILS pageDetails;
                PTS.Validate(PTS.FsQueryPageDetails(PtsContext.Context, _ptsPage, out pageDetails));
                // There are 2 different types of PTS page and bounding box calculation depends on it:
                // (a) simple page (contains only one track) - get bounding box from the track.
                // (b) complex page (contains header, page body, footnotes and footer) - get bounding 
                //     box of each segment and union them.
                if (PTS.ToBoolean(pageDetails.fSimple))
                    // (a) simple page (contains only one track) - get bounding box from the track.
                    bbox = pageDetails.u.simple.trackdescr.fsbbox;
                    // (b) complex page (contains header, page body, footnotes and footer) - get bounding 
                    //     box of each segment and union them.
                    //ErrorHandler.Assert(!PTS.ToBoolean(pageDetails.u.complex.fTopBottomHeaderFooter), ErrorHandler.NotSupportedHeadersFooters);
                    //ErrorHandler.Assert(!PTS.ToBoolean(pageDetails.u.complex.fJustified), ErrorHandler.NotSupportedVerticalJustify);
                    ErrorHandler.Assert(pageDetails.u.complex.cFootnoteColumns == 0, ErrorHandler.NotSupportedFootnotes);
                    // Since header/footer and footnotes are not supported yet, use page body bounding box
                    bbox = pageDetails.u.complex.fsbboxPageBody;
            return bbox;
        // Arrange PTS section.
        private void ArrangeSection(ref PTS.FSSECTIONDESCRIPTION sectionDesc)
            // Get section details
            PTS.FSSECTIONDETAILS sectionDetails;
            PTS.Validate(PTS.FsQuerySectionDetails(PtsContext.Context, sectionDesc.pfssection, out sectionDetails));
            // There are 2 types of sections:
            // (1) with page notes - footnotes in section treated as endnotes
            // (2) with column notes - footnotes in section treated as column notes
            if (PTS.ToBoolean(sectionDetails.fFootnotesAsPagenotes))
                // (1) with page notes - footnotes in section treated as endnotes
                ErrorHandler.Assert(sectionDetails.u.withpagenotes.cEndnoteColumns == 0, ErrorHandler.NotSupportedFootnotes);
                // Need to impl. Extended multi-column layout.
                Debug.Assert(sectionDetails.u.withpagenotes.cSegmentDefinedColumnSpanAreas == 0);
                Debug.Assert(sectionDetails.u.withpagenotes.cHeightDefinedColumnSpanAreas == 0);
                // cBasicColumns == 0, means that section content is empty.
                // In such case there is nothing to render.
                if (sectionDetails.u.withpagenotes.cBasicColumns != 0)
                    // Retrieve description for each column.
                    PTS.FSTRACKDESCRIPTION [] arrayColumnDesc;
                    PtsHelper.TrackListFromSection(PtsContext, sectionDesc.pfssection, ref sectionDetails, out arrayColumnDesc);
                    // Arrange each column
                    for (int index = 0; index < arrayColumnDesc.Length; index++)
                        // Exceptions don't need to pop, as the top level arrange context will be nulled out if thrown.
                        _section.StructuralCache.CurrentArrangeContext.PushNewPageData(_pageContextOfThisPage, arrayColumnDesc[index].fsrc, _finitePage);
                        PtsHelper.ArrangeTrack(PtsContext, ref arrayColumnDesc[index], sectionDetails.u.withpagenotes.fswdir);
                // (2) with column notes - footnotes in section treated as column notes
                ErrorHandler.Assert(false, ErrorHandler.NotSupportedCompositeColumns);
        // Update the viewport for a section
        private void UpdateViewportSection(ref PTS.FSSECTIONDESCRIPTION sectionDesc, ref PTS.FSRECT viewport)
            // Get section details
            PTS.FSSECTIONDETAILS sectionDetails;
            PTS.Validate(PTS.FsQuerySectionDetails(PtsContext.Context, sectionDesc.pfssection, out sectionDetails));
            // There are 2 types of sections:
            // (1) with page notes - footnotes in section treated as endnotes
            // (2) with column notes - footnotes in section treated as column notes
            if (PTS.ToBoolean(sectionDetails.fFootnotesAsPagenotes))
                // (1) with page notes - footnotes in section treated as endnotes
                ErrorHandler.Assert(sectionDetails.u.withpagenotes.cEndnoteColumns == 0, ErrorHandler.NotSupportedFootnotes);
                //  Need to impl. Extended multi-column layout.
                Debug.Assert(sectionDetails.u.withpagenotes.cSegmentDefinedColumnSpanAreas == 0);
                Debug.Assert(sectionDetails.u.withpagenotes.cHeightDefinedColumnSpanAreas == 0);
                // cBasicColumns == 0, means that section content is empty.
                // In such case there is nothing to render.
                if (sectionDetails.u.withpagenotes.cBasicColumns != 0)
                    // Retrieve description for each column.
                    PTS.FSTRACKDESCRIPTION [] arrayColumnDesc;
                    PtsHelper.TrackListFromSection(PtsContext, sectionDesc.pfssection, ref sectionDetails, out arrayColumnDesc);
                    // Arrange each column
                    for (int index = 0; index < arrayColumnDesc.Length; index++)
                        PtsHelper.UpdateViewportTrack(PtsContext, ref arrayColumnDesc[index], ref viewport);
                // (2) with column notes - footnotes in section treated as column notes
                ErrorHandler.Assert(false, ErrorHandler.NotSupportedCompositeColumns);
        // Update PTS page visuals.
        private void UpdatePageVisuals(Size arrangeSize)
            VisualCollection visualChildren;
            // Get page details
            PTS.FSPAGEDETAILS pageDetails;
            PTS.Validate(PTS.FsQueryPageDetails(PtsContext.Context, _ptsPage, out pageDetails));
            // If there is no change, visual information is valid
            if (pageDetails.fskupd == PTS.FSKUPDATE.fskupdNoChange) { return; }
            ErrorHandler.Assert(pageDetails.fskupd != PTS.FSKUPDATE.fskupdShifted, ErrorHandler.UpdateShiftedNotValid);
            ContainerVisual pageContentVisual;
            ContainerVisual floatingElementsVisual;
            if(_visual.Children.Count != 2)
                _visual.Children.Add(new ContainerVisual());
                _visual.Children.Add(new ContainerVisual());
            pageContentVisual = (ContainerVisual)_visual.Children[0];
            floatingElementsVisual = (ContainerVisual)_visual.Children[1];
            // Page content may be simple or complex -
            // depending of set of features used in the content of the page.
            // (1) simple page (contains only one track)
            // (2) complex page (contains header, page body (list of sections), footnotes and footer)
            if (PTS.ToBoolean(pageDetails.fSimple))
                // (1) simple page (contains only one track)
                //     Each track is represented as a ContainerVisual.
                PTS.FSKUPDATE fskupd = pageDetails.u.simple.trackdescr.fsupdinf.fskupd;
                if (fskupd == PTS.FSKUPDATE.fskupdInherited)
                    fskupd = pageDetails.fskupd;
                visualChildren = pageContentVisual.Children;
                if (fskupd == PTS.FSKUPDATE.fskupdNew)
                    visualChildren.Add(new ContainerVisual());
                // For complex page SectionVisual is added. So, when morphing
                // complex subpage to simple one, remove SectionVisual.
                else if (visualChildren.Count == 1 && visualChildren[0] is SectionVisual)
                    visualChildren.Add(new ContainerVisual());
                Debug.Assert(visualChildren.Count == 1 && visualChildren[0] is ContainerVisual);
                ContainerVisual trackVisual = (ContainerVisual)visualChildren[0];
                PtsHelper.UpdateTrackVisuals(PtsContext, trackVisual.Children, pageDetails.fskupd, ref pageDetails.u.simple.trackdescr);
                // (2) complex page (contains header, page body (list of sections), footnotes and footer)
                //     NOTE: only page body (list of sections is currently supported).
                //ErrorHandler.Assert(!PTS.ToBoolean(pageDetails.u.complex.fTopBottomHeaderFooter), ErrorHandler.NotSupportedHeadersFooters);
                //ErrorHandler.Assert(!PTS.ToBoolean(pageDetails.u.complex.fJustified), ErrorHandler.NotSupportedVerticalJustify);
                ErrorHandler.Assert(pageDetails.u.complex.cFootnoteColumns == 0, ErrorHandler.NotSupportedFootnotes);
                // cSections == 0, means that page body content is empty.
                bool emptyPage = (pageDetails.u.complex.cSections == 0);
                if (!emptyPage)
                    // Retrieve description for each section.
                    PTS.FSSECTIONDESCRIPTION [] arraySectionDesc;
                    PtsHelper.SectionListFromPage(PtsContext, _ptsPage, ref pageDetails, out arraySectionDesc);
                    emptyPage = (arraySectionDesc.Length == 0);
                    if (!emptyPage)
                        ErrorHandler.Assert(arraySectionDesc.Length == 1, ErrorHandler.NotSupportedMultiSection);
                        // For complex subpage SectionVisual is added. So, when morphing
                        // simple subpage to complex one, remove ParagraphVisual.
                        visualChildren = pageContentVisual.Children;
                        if (visualChildren.Count == 0)
                            visualChildren.Add(new SectionVisual());
                        else if (!(visualChildren[0] is SectionVisual))
                            visualChildren.Add(new SectionVisual());
                        UpdateSectionVisuals((SectionVisual)visualChildren[0], pageDetails.fskupd, ref arraySectionDesc[0]);
                if (emptyPage)
                    // There is no content, remove all existing visuals.
            PtsHelper.UpdateFloatingElementVisuals(floatingElementsVisual, _pageContextOfThisPage.FloatingElementList);
        // Update PTS section visuals.
        private void UpdateSectionVisuals(
            SectionVisual visual, 
            PTS.FSKUPDATE fskupdInherited, 
            ref PTS.FSSECTIONDESCRIPTION sectionDesc)
            PTS.FSKUPDATE fskupd = sectionDesc.fsupdinf.fskupd;
            if (fskupd == PTS.FSKUPDATE.fskupdInherited)
                fskupd = fskupdInherited;
            ErrorHandler.Assert(fskupd != PTS.FSKUPDATE.fskupdShifted, ErrorHandler.UpdateShiftedNotValid);
            // If there is no change, visual information is valid
            if (fskupd == PTS.FSKUPDATE.fskupdNoChange) { return; }
            bool emptySection;
            // Get section details
            PTS.FSSECTIONDETAILS sectionDetails;
            PTS.Validate(PTS.FsQuerySectionDetails(PtsContext.Context, sectionDesc.pfssection, out sectionDetails));
            // There are 2 types of sections:
            // (1) with page notes - footnotes in section treated as endnotes
            // (2) with column notes - footnotes in section treated as column notes
            if (PTS.ToBoolean(sectionDetails.fFootnotesAsPagenotes))
                // (1) with page notes - footnotes in section treated as endnotes
                ErrorHandler.Assert(sectionDetails.u.withpagenotes.cEndnoteColumns == 0, ErrorHandler.NotSupportedFootnotes);
                //      Need to impl. Extended multi-column layout.
                Debug.Assert(sectionDetails.u.withpagenotes.cSegmentDefinedColumnSpanAreas == 0);
                Debug.Assert(sectionDetails.u.withpagenotes.cHeightDefinedColumnSpanAreas == 0);
                // cBasicColumns == 0, means that section content is empty.
                emptySection = (sectionDetails.u.withpagenotes.cBasicColumns == 0);
                if (!emptySection)
                    // Retrieve description for each column.
                    PTS.FSTRACKDESCRIPTION [] arrayColumnDesc;
                    PtsHelper.TrackListFromSection(PtsContext, sectionDesc.pfssection, ref sectionDetails, out arrayColumnDesc);
                    emptySection = (arrayColumnDesc.Length == 0);
                    if (!emptySection)
                        // Draw column rules.
                        ColumnPropertiesGroup columnProperties = new ColumnPropertiesGroup(_section.Element);
                        visual.DrawColumnRules(ref arrayColumnDesc, TextDpi.FromTextDpi(sectionDesc.fsrc.v), TextDpi.FromTextDpi(sectionDesc.fsrc.dv), columnProperties);
                        VisualCollection visualChildren = visual.Children;
                        if (fskupd == PTS.FSKUPDATE.fskupdNew)
                            for (int index = 0; index < arrayColumnDesc.Length; index++)
                                visualChildren.Add(new ContainerVisual());
                        ErrorHandler.Assert(visualChildren.Count == arrayColumnDesc.Length, ErrorHandler.ColumnVisualCountMismatch);
                        for (int index = 0; index < arrayColumnDesc.Length; index++)
                            ContainerVisual trackVisual = (ContainerVisual)visualChildren[index];
                            PtsHelper.UpdateTrackVisuals(PtsContext, trackVisual.Children, fskupd, ref arrayColumnDesc[index]);
                // (2) with column notes - footnotes in section treated as column notes
                ErrorHandler.Assert(false, ErrorHandler.NotSupportedCompositeColumns);
                emptySection = true;
            if (emptySection)
                // There is no content, remove all existing visuals.
        // Hit tests to the correct IInputElement within the page that the 
        // mouse is over.
        private IInputElement InputHitTestPage(PTS.FSPOINT pt)
            IInputElement ie = null;
            if(_pageContextOfThisPage.FloatingElementList != null)
                for(int index = 0; index < _pageContextOfThisPage.FloatingElementList.Count && ie == null; index++)
                    BaseParaClient floatingElement = _pageContextOfThisPage.FloatingElementList[index];
                    ie = floatingElement.InputHitTest(pt);
            if(ie == null)
                // Get page details
                PTS.FSPAGEDETAILS pageDetails;
                PTS.Validate(PTS.FsQueryPageDetails(PtsContext.Context, _ptsPage, out pageDetails));
                // Hittest page content. Page content may be simple or complex -
                // depending of set of features used in the content of the page.
                // (1) simple page (contains only one track)
                // (2) complex page (contains header, page body (list of sections), footnotes and footer)
                if (PTS.ToBoolean(pageDetails.fSimple))
                    // (1) simple page (contains only one track)
                    if (pageDetails.u.simple.trackdescr.fsrc.Contains(pt))
                        ie = PtsHelper.InputHitTestTrack(PtsContext, pt, ref pageDetails.u.simple.trackdescr); 
                    // (2) complex page (contains header, page body (list of sections), footnotes and footer)
                    //     NOTE: only page body (list of sections is currently supported).
                    //ErrorHandler.Assert(!PTS.ToBoolean(pageDetails.u.complex.fTopBottomHeaderFooter), ErrorHandler.NotSupportedHeadersFooters);
                    //ErrorHandler.Assert(!PTS.ToBoolean(pageDetails.u.complex.fJustified), ErrorHandler.NotSupportedVerticalJustify);
                    ErrorHandler.Assert(pageDetails.u.complex.cFootnoteColumns == 0, ErrorHandler.NotSupportedFootnotes);
                    // cSections == 0, means that page body content is empty.
                    // In such case there is nothing to render.
                    if (pageDetails.u.complex.cSections != 0)
                        // Retrieve description for each section.
                        PTS.FSSECTIONDESCRIPTION [] arraySectionDesc;
                        PtsHelper.SectionListFromPage(PtsContext, _ptsPage, ref pageDetails, out arraySectionDesc);
                        // Hittest each section
                        for (int index = 0; index < arraySectionDesc.Length && ie == null; index++)
                            if (arraySectionDesc[index].fsrc.Contains(pt))
                                ie = InputHitTestSection(pt, ref arraySectionDesc[index]);
            return ie;
        // Returns ArrayList of rectangles for the ContentElement e within
        // the page. If element is not found, returns empty ArrayList
        // start: int representing start offset of e
        // length: int representing number of positions occupied by e
        // ------------------------------------------------------------------
        private List<Rect> GetRectanglesInPage(ContentElement e, int start, int length)
            // Rectangles to be returned
            List<Rect> rectangles = new List<Rect>();
            // Get page details
            PTS.FSPAGEDETAILS pageDetails;
            PTS.Validate(PTS.FsQueryPageDetails(PtsContext.Context, _ptsPage, out pageDetails));
            // Check for page content - if simple, contains only one track and we call the helper to
            // find the element within that track. If complex, we must traverse sections within the content.
            if (PTS.ToBoolean(pageDetails.fSimple))
                // (1) simple page (contains only one track)
                rectangles = PtsHelper.GetRectanglesInTrack(PtsContext, e, start, length, ref pageDetails.u.simple.trackdescr);
                // (2) complex page (contains header, page body (list of sections), footnotes and footer)
                //     NOTE: only page body (list of sections is currently supported).
                //ErrorHandler.Assert(!PTS.ToBoolean(pageDetails.u.complex.fTopBottomHeaderFooter), ErrorHandler.NotSupportedHeadersFooters);
                //ErrorHandler.Assert(!PTS.ToBoolean(pageDetails.u.complex.fJustified), ErrorHandler.NotSupportedVerticalJustify);
                ErrorHandler.Assert(pageDetails.u.complex.cFootnoteColumns == 0, ErrorHandler.NotSupportedFootnotes);
                // cSections == 0, means that page body content is empty.
                // In such case there is nothing to render.
                if (pageDetails.u.complex.cSections != 0)
                    // Retrieve description for each section.
                    PTS.FSSECTIONDESCRIPTION[] arraySectionDesc;
                    PtsHelper.SectionListFromPage(PtsContext, _ptsPage, ref pageDetails, out arraySectionDesc);
                    // Check each section for element
                    for (int index = 0; index < arraySectionDesc.Length; index++)
                        rectangles = GetRectanglesInSection(e, start, length, ref arraySectionDesc[index]);
                        // For consistency, helpers cannot return null for rectangles
                        Invariant.Assert(rectangles != null);
                        if (rectangles.Count != 0)
                            // Found element and rectangles. We will sotp here because the element has been
                            // found and it cannot span more than one section. So we do not need to search
                            // the rest of the sections
                    // No complex content, return empty list
                    rectangles = new List<Rect>();
            return rectangles;
        // Hit tests to the correct IInputElement within the section that the 
        // mouse is over.
        private IInputElement InputHitTestSection(
            PTS.FSPOINT pt, 
            ref PTS.FSSECTIONDESCRIPTION sectionDesc)
            IInputElement ie = null;
            // Get section details
            PTS.FSSECTIONDETAILS sectionDetails;
            PTS.Validate(PTS.FsQuerySectionDetails(PtsContext.Context, sectionDesc.pfssection, out sectionDetails));
            // There are 2 types of sections:
            // (1) with page notes - footnotes in section treated as endnotes
            // (2) with column notes - footnotes in section treated as column notes
            if (PTS.ToBoolean(sectionDetails.fFootnotesAsPagenotes))
                // (1) with page notes - footnotes in section treated as endnotes
                ErrorHandler.Assert(sectionDetails.u.withpagenotes.cEndnoteColumns == 0, ErrorHandler.NotSupportedFootnotes);
                //  Need to impl. Extended multi-column layout.
                Debug.Assert(sectionDetails.u.withpagenotes.cSegmentDefinedColumnSpanAreas == 0);
                Debug.Assert(sectionDetails.u.withpagenotes.cHeightDefinedColumnSpanAreas == 0);
                // cBasicColumns == 0, means that section content is empty.
                // In such case there is nothing to hit-test.
                if (sectionDetails.u.withpagenotes.cBasicColumns != 0)
                    // Retrieve description for each column.
                    PTS.FSTRACKDESCRIPTION [] arrayColumnDesc;
                    PtsHelper.TrackListFromSection(PtsContext, sectionDesc.pfssection, ref sectionDetails, out arrayColumnDesc);
                    // Hittest each column
                    for (int index = 0; index < arrayColumnDesc.Length; index++)
                        if (arrayColumnDesc[index].fsrc.Contains(pt))
                            ie = PtsHelper.InputHitTestTrack(PtsContext, pt, ref arrayColumnDesc[index]);
                // (2) with column notes - footnotes in section treated as column notes
                ErrorHandler.Assert(false, ErrorHandler.NotSupportedCompositeColumns);
            return ie;
        // Returns ArrayList of rectangles for the ContentElement e in the 
        // section if it is found in the section. Returns empty ArrayList 
        // if section does not contain e. e may span multiple tracks in which
        // case we will have more than one rectangle
        // start: int representing start offset of e
        // length: int representing number of positions occupied by e 
        private List<Rect> GetRectanglesInSection(
            ContentElement e,
            int start,
            int length,
            ref PTS.FSSECTIONDESCRIPTION sectionDesc)
            // Get section details
            PTS.FSSECTIONDETAILS sectionDetails;
            PTS.Validate(PTS.FsQuerySectionDetails(PtsContext.Context, sectionDesc.pfssection, out sectionDetails));
            // Declare ArrayList to be returned
            List<Rect> rectangles = new List<Rect>();
            // There are 2 types of sections:
            // (1) with page notes - footnotes in section treated as endnotes
            // (2) with column notes - footnotes in section treated as column notes
            if (PTS.ToBoolean(sectionDetails.fFootnotesAsPagenotes))
                // (1) with page notes - footnotes in section treated as endnotes
                ErrorHandler.Assert(sectionDetails.u.withpagenotes.cEndnoteColumns == 0, ErrorHandler.NotSupportedFootnotes);
                //      Need to impl. Extended multi-column layout.
                Debug.Assert(sectionDetails.u.withpagenotes.cSegmentDefinedColumnSpanAreas == 0);
                Debug.Assert(sectionDetails.u.withpagenotes.cHeightDefinedColumnSpanAreas == 0);
                // cBasicColumns == 0, means that section content is empty.
                // In such case there is nothing to hit-test.
                if (sectionDetails.u.withpagenotes.cBasicColumns != 0)
                    // Retrieve description for each column.
                    PTS.FSTRACKDESCRIPTION[] arrayColumnDesc;
                    PtsHelper.TrackListFromSection(PtsContext, sectionDesc.pfssection, ref sectionDetails, out arrayColumnDesc);
                    // Check each column for element or part of element - element may span multiple
                    // columns/tracks
                    for (int index = 0; index < arrayColumnDesc.Length; index++)
                        // See if any rectangles for the element are found in this track
                        List<Rect> trackRectangles = PtsHelper.GetRectanglesInTrack(PtsContext, e, start, length, ref arrayColumnDesc[index]);
                        // For consistency, rectangles collection is never null, only empty
                        Invariant.Assert(trackRectangles != null);
                        if (trackRectangles.Count != 0)
                            // Add rectangles found in this track to rectangles for element
                // (2) with column notes - footnotes in section treated as column notes
                ErrorHandler.Assert(false, ErrorHandler.NotSupportedCompositeColumns);
            return rectangles;
        // ------------------------------------------------------------------
        // Destroy page - release unmanaged resources.
        // ------------------------------------------------------------------
        private void DestroyPage()
            if (_ptsPage != IntPtr.Zero)
                PtsContext.OnPageDisposed(_ptsPage, true, false);
                _ptsPage = IntPtr.Zero;
        #endregion Private Methods
        // ------------------------------------------------------------------
        //  Private Properties
        // ------------------------------------------------------------------
        #region Private Properties
        private bool IsEmpty
                return (_ptsPage == IntPtr.Zero); 
        #endregion Private Properties
        // ------------------------------------------------------------------
        //  Private Fields
        // ------------------------------------------------------------------
        #region Private Fields
        // ------------------------------------------------------------------
        // PTS section - root of the NameTable.
        // ------------------------------------------------------------------
        private readonly Section _section;
        // BreakRecord indicating break position of the page.
        private PageBreakRecord _breakRecord;
        // Visual node representing content of the page.
        private ContainerVisual _visual;
        // Handle to pending background format operation
        private DispatcherOperation _backgroundFormatOperation;
        // ------------------------------------------------------------------
        // Calculated size of the page.
        // ------------------------------------------------------------------
        private Size _calculatedSize = new Size();
        // ------------------------------------------------------------------
        // Content size of the page.
        // ------------------------------------------------------------------
        private Size _contentSize = new Size();
        // ------------------------------------------------------------------
        // Context the current page provides for its content.
        // ------------------------------------------------------------------
        private PageContext _pageContextOfThisPage = new PageContext(); 
        // ------------------------------------------------------------------
        // PTS page object.
        // ------------------------------------------------------------------
        private IntPtr _ptsPage;
        // ------------------------------------------------------------------
        // Is it finite page?
        // ------------------------------------------------------------------
        private bool _finitePage;
        // Is during incremental update mode?
        private bool _incrementalUpdate;
        // Is being used in a plain text box?
        internal bool _useSizingWorkaroundForTextBox;
        // ------------------------------------------------------------------
        // Is object already disposed.
        // ------------------------------------------------------------------
        private bool _disposed;
        #endregion Private Fields
    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    // A page context object represents the current page or subpage being formatted.
    // It allows for collection of floating elements, and provides sizing information for RTL mirroring.
    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    internal class PageContext
        internal PTS.FSRECT PageRect { get { return _pageRect; } set { _pageRect = value; } }
        internal List<BaseParaClient> FloatingElementList { get { return _floatingElementList; } }
        internal void AddFloatingParaClient(BaseParaClient floatingElement)
            if(_floatingElementList == null)
                _floatingElementList = new List<BaseParaClient>();
        internal void RemoveFloatingParaClient(BaseParaClient floatingElement)
            if(_floatingElementList.Count == 0)
                _floatingElementList = null;
        // ------------------------------------------------------------------
        // Floating element list
        // ------------------------------------------------------------------
        private List<BaseParaClient> _floatingElementList;
        // ------------------------------------------------------------------
        // Page rect
        // ------------------------------------------------------------------
        private PTS.FSRECT _pageRect;