// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
// Description: BamlTreeNode structures
using System.Windows;
using System.Windows.Markup;
namespace MS.Internal.Globalization
#region BamlTree
/// <summary>
/// This reprenents a BamlTree.
/// It contains two views of the tree.
/// 1) the tree itself through BamlTreeNode. It maintains the Baml
/// file structure for serialization
/// 2) flat baml through in depth first order
/// it will be used when creating flat baml resources
/// </summary>
internal sealed class BamlTree
// Constructor
/// <summary>
/// create an emtpy baml tree
/// </summary>
internal BamlTree() { }
/// <summary>
/// Create a baml tree on a root node.
/// </summary>
internal BamlTree(BamlTreeNode root, int size)
Debug.Assert(root != null, "Baml tree root is null!");
Debug.Assert(size > 0, "Baml tree size is less than 1");
_root = root;
_nodeList = new List<BamlTreeNode>(size);
CreateInternalIndex(ref _root, ref _nodeList, false);
internal BamlTreeNode Root
get { return _root; }
internal int Size
get { return _nodeList.Count; }
// index into the flattened baml tree
internal BamlTreeNode this[int i]
return _nodeList[i];
// create a deep copy of the tree
internal BamlTree Copy()
// create new root and new list
BamlTreeNode newTreeRoot = _root;
List<BamlTreeNode> newNodeList = new List<BamlTreeNode>(Size);
// create a new copy of the tree.
CreateInternalIndex(ref newTreeRoot, ref newNodeList, true);
BamlTree newTree = new BamlTree
_root = newTreeRoot,
_nodeList = newNodeList
return newTree;
// adds a node into the flattened tree node list.
internal void AddTreeNode(BamlTreeNode node)
// travese the tree and store the node in the arraylist in the same order as travesals.
// it can also create a a new tree by give true to "toCopy"
private void CreateInternalIndex(ref BamlTreeNode parent, ref List<BamlTreeNode> nodeList, bool toCopy)
// gets the old children
List<BamlTreeNode> children = parent.Children;
if (toCopy)
// creates a copy of the current node
parent = parent.Copy();
if (children != null)
// create an new list if there are children.
parent.Children = new List<BamlTreeNode>(children.Count);
// add the node to the flattened list
// return if this is the leaf
if (children == null)
// for each child
for (int i = 0; i < children.Count; i++)
// get to the child
BamlTreeNode child = children[i];
// recursively create index
CreateInternalIndex(ref child, ref nodeList, toCopy);
if (toCopy)
// if toCopy, we link the new child and new parent.
child.Parent = parent;
private BamlTreeNode _root; // the root of the tree
private List<BamlTreeNode> _nodeList; // stores flattened baml tree in depth first order
#region ILocalizabilityInheritable inteface
/// <summary>
/// Nodes in the Baml tree can inherit localizability from parent nodes. Nodes that
/// implements this interface will be part of the localizabilty inheritance tree.
/// </summary>
internal interface ILocalizabilityInheritable
/// <summary>
/// The ancestor node to inherit localizability from
/// </summary>
ILocalizabilityInheritable LocalizabilityAncestor { get; }
/// <summary>
/// The inheritable attributs to child nodes.
/// </summary>
LocalizabilityAttribute InheritableAttribute
get; set;
bool IsIgnored
get; set;
#region BamlTreeNode and sub-classes
/// <summary>
/// The node for the internal baml tree
/// </summary>
internal abstract class BamlTreeNode
// Constructor
internal BamlTreeNode(BamlNodeType type)
NodeType = type;
// internal methods
/// <summary>
/// Add a child to this node.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="child">child node to add</param>
internal void AddChild(BamlTreeNode child)
if (_children == null)
_children = new List<BamlTreeNode>();
_children.Add(child); // Add the children
child.Parent = this; // Link to its parent
/// <summary>
/// Create a copy of the BamlTreeNode
/// </summary>
internal abstract BamlTreeNode Copy();
/// <summary>
/// Serialize the node through BamlWriter
/// </summary>
internal abstract void Serialize(BamlWriter writer);
// internal properties.
/// <summary>
/// NodeType
/// </summary>
/// <value>BamlNodeType</value>
internal BamlNodeType NodeType
return _nodeType;
_nodeType = value;
/// <summary>
/// List of children nodes.
/// </summary>
internal List<BamlTreeNode> Children
return _children;
_children = value;
/// <summary>
/// Parent node.
/// </summary>
/// <value>BamlTreeNode</value>
internal BamlTreeNode Parent
return _parent;
_parent = value;
/// <summary>
/// Whether the content of this node has been formatted to be part of
/// parent node's content.
/// </summary>
internal bool Formatted
return (_state & BamlTreeNodeState.ContentFormatted) != 0;
if (value)
_state |= BamlTreeNodeState.ContentFormatted;
_state &= (~BamlTreeNodeState.ContentFormatted);
/// <summary>
/// Whether the node has been visited. Used to detect loop in the tree.
/// </summary>
internal bool Visited
return (_state & BamlTreeNodeState.NodeVisited) != 0;
if (value)
_state |= BamlTreeNodeState.NodeVisited;
_state &= (~BamlTreeNodeState.NodeVisited);
/// <summary>
/// Indicate if the node is not uniquely identifiable in the tree. Its value
/// is true when the node or its parent doesn't have unique Uid.
/// </summary>
internal bool Unidentifiable
return (_state & BamlTreeNodeState.Unidentifiable) != 0;
if (value)
_state |= BamlTreeNodeState.Unidentifiable;
_state &= (~BamlTreeNodeState.Unidentifiable);
// protected members
protected BamlNodeType _nodeType; // node type
protected List<BamlTreeNode> _children; // the children list.
protected BamlTreeNode _parent; // the tree parent of this node
private BamlTreeNodeState _state; // the state of this tree node
private enum BamlTreeNodeState : byte
/// <summary>
/// Default state
/// </summary>
None = 0,
/// <summary>
/// Indicate that the content of this node has been formatted inline. We don't need to
/// produce an individual localizable resource for it.
/// </summary>
ContentFormatted = 1,
/// <summary>
/// Indicate that this node has already been visited once in the tree traversal (such as serialization).
/// It is used to prevent the Baml tree contains multiple references to one node.
/// </summary>
NodeVisited = 2,
/// <summary>
/// Indicate that this node cannot be uniquely identify in the Baml tree. It happens when
/// it or its parent element has a duplicate Uid.
/// </summary>
Unidentifiable = 4,
/// <summary>
/// Baml StartDocument node
/// </summary>
internal sealed class BamlStartDocumentNode : BamlTreeNode, ILocalizabilityInheritable
internal BamlStartDocumentNode() : base(BamlNodeType.StartDocument) { }
internal override void Serialize(BamlWriter writer)
internal override BamlTreeNode Copy()
return new BamlStartDocumentNode();
public ILocalizabilityInheritable LocalizabilityAncestor
// return null as StartDocument is the root of the inheritance tree
get { return null; }
public LocalizabilityAttribute InheritableAttribute
// return the default attribute as it is at the root of the inheritance
LocalizabilityAttribute defaultAttribute = new LocalizabilityAttribute(LocalizationCategory.None)
Readability = Readability.Readable,
Modifiability = Modifiability.Modifiable
return defaultAttribute;
set { }
public bool IsIgnored
get { return false; }
set { }
/// <summary>
/// Baml EndDocument node
/// </summary>
internal sealed class BamlEndDocumentNode : BamlTreeNode
internal BamlEndDocumentNode() : base(BamlNodeType.EndDocument) { }
internal override void Serialize(BamlWriter writer)
internal override BamlTreeNode Copy()
return new BamlEndDocumentNode();
/// <summary>
/// Baml ConnectionId node
/// </summary>
internal sealed class BamlConnectionIdNode : BamlTreeNode
internal BamlConnectionIdNode(Int32 connectionId) : base(BamlNodeType.ConnectionId)
_connectionId = connectionId;
internal override void Serialize(BamlWriter writer)
internal override BamlTreeNode Copy()
return new BamlConnectionIdNode(_connectionId);
private Int32 _connectionId;
/// <summary>
/// Baml StartElement node, it can also inherit localizability attributes from parent nodes.
/// </summary>
internal sealed class BamlStartElementNode : BamlTreeNode, ILocalizabilityInheritable
internal BamlStartElementNode(
string assemblyName,
string typeFullName,
bool isInjected,
bool useTypeConverter
) : base(BamlNodeType.StartElement)
_assemblyName = assemblyName;
_typeFullName = typeFullName;
_isInjected = isInjected;
_useTypeConverter = useTypeConverter;
internal override void Serialize(BamlWriter writer)
writer.WriteStartElement(_assemblyName, _typeFullName, _isInjected, _useTypeConverter);
internal override BamlTreeNode Copy()
BamlStartElementNode node = new BamlStartElementNode(_assemblyName, _typeFullName, _isInjected, _useTypeConverter)
_content = _content,
_uid = _uid,
_inheritableAttribute = _inheritableAttribute
return node;
/// <summary>
/// insert property node
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// Property node needs to be group in front of
/// child elements. This method is called when creating a
/// new property node.
/// </remarks>
internal void InsertProperty(BamlTreeNode child)
if (_children == null)
int lastProperty = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < _children.Count; i++)
if (_children[i].NodeType == BamlNodeType.Property)
lastProperty = i;
_children.Insert(lastProperty, child);
child.Parent = this;
// Internal properties
internal string AssemblyName
get { return _assemblyName; }
internal string TypeFullName
get { return _typeFullName; }
internal string Content
get { return _content; }
set { _content = value; }
internal string Uid
get { return _uid; }
set { _uid = value; }
public ILocalizabilityInheritable LocalizabilityAncestor
// Baml element node inherit from parent element
if (_localizabilityAncestor == null)
// walk up the tree to find a parent node that is ILocalizabilityInheritable
for (BamlTreeNode parentNode = Parent;
_localizabilityAncestor == null && parentNode != null;
parentNode = parentNode.Parent)
_localizabilityAncestor = (parentNode as ILocalizabilityInheritable);
return _localizabilityAncestor;
public LocalizabilityAttribute InheritableAttribute
get { return _inheritableAttribute; }
Debug.Assert(value.Category != LocalizationCategory.Ignore && value.Category != LocalizationCategory.Inherit);
_inheritableAttribute = value;
public bool IsIgnored
get { return _isIgnored; }
set { _isIgnored = value; }
// Private members
private string _assemblyName;
private string _typeFullName;
private string _content;
private string _uid;
private LocalizabilityAttribute _inheritableAttribute;
private ILocalizabilityInheritable _localizabilityAncestor;
private bool _isIgnored;
private bool _isInjected;
private bool _useTypeConverter;
/// <summary>
/// Baml EndElement node
/// </summary>
internal sealed class BamlEndElementNode : BamlTreeNode
internal BamlEndElementNode() : base(BamlNodeType.EndElement)
internal override void Serialize(BamlWriter writer)
internal override BamlTreeNode Copy()
return new BamlEndElementNode();
/// <summary>
/// Baml XmlnsProperty node
/// </summary>
internal sealed class BamlXmlnsPropertyNode : BamlTreeNode
internal BamlXmlnsPropertyNode(
string prefix,
string xmlns
) : base(BamlNodeType.XmlnsProperty)
_prefix = prefix;
_xmlns = xmlns;
internal override void Serialize(BamlWriter writer)
writer.WriteXmlnsProperty(_prefix, _xmlns);
internal override BamlTreeNode Copy()
return new BamlXmlnsPropertyNode(_prefix, _xmlns);
private string _prefix;
private string _xmlns;
/// <summary>
/// StartComplexProperty node
/// </summary>
internal class BamlStartComplexPropertyNode : BamlTreeNode, ILocalizabilityInheritable
internal BamlStartComplexPropertyNode(
string assemblyName,
string ownerTypeFullName,
string propertyName
) : base(BamlNodeType.StartComplexProperty)
_assemblyName = assemblyName;
_ownerTypeFullName = ownerTypeFullName;
_propertyName = propertyName;
internal override void Serialize(BamlWriter writer)
internal override BamlTreeNode Copy()
return new BamlStartComplexPropertyNode(
internal string AssemblyName
get { return _assemblyName; }
internal string PropertyName
get { return _propertyName; }
internal string OwnerTypeFullName
get { return _ownerTypeFullName; }
public ILocalizabilityInheritable LocalizabilityAncestor
get { return _localizabilityAncestor; }
set { _localizabilityAncestor = value; }
public LocalizabilityAttribute InheritableAttribute
get { return _inheritableAttribute; }
Debug.Assert(value.Category != LocalizationCategory.Ignore && value.Category != LocalizationCategory.Inherit);
_inheritableAttribute = value;
public bool IsIgnored
get { return _isIgnored; }
set { _isIgnored = value; }
protected string _assemblyName;
protected string _ownerTypeFullName;
protected string _propertyName;
private ILocalizabilityInheritable _localizabilityAncestor;
private LocalizabilityAttribute _inheritableAttribute;
private bool _isIgnored;
/// <summary>
/// EndComplexProperty node
/// </summary>
internal sealed class BamlEndComplexPropertyNode : BamlTreeNode
internal BamlEndComplexPropertyNode() : base(BamlNodeType.EndComplexProperty)
internal override void Serialize(BamlWriter writer)
internal override BamlTreeNode Copy()
return new BamlEndComplexPropertyNode();
/// <summary>
/// Baml Property node, it can inherit localizable attributes from parent nodes.
/// </summary>
internal sealed class BamlPropertyNode : BamlStartComplexPropertyNode
internal BamlPropertyNode(
string assemblyName,
string ownerTypeFullName,
string propertyName,
string value,
BamlAttributeUsage usage
) : base(assemblyName, ownerTypeFullName, propertyName)
_value = value;
_attributeUsage = usage;
_nodeType = BamlNodeType.Property;
internal override void Serialize(BamlWriter writer)
// skip seralizing Localization.Comments and Localization.Attributes properties
if (!LocComments.IsLocCommentsProperty(_ownerTypeFullName, _propertyName)
&& !LocComments.IsLocLocalizabilityProperty(_ownerTypeFullName, _propertyName))
internal override BamlTreeNode Copy()
return new BamlPropertyNode(
internal string Value
get { return _value; }
set { _value = value; }
internal int Index
get { return _index; }
set { _index = value; }
private string _value;
private BamlAttributeUsage _attributeUsage;
private int _index = 0; // used for auto-numbering repeated properties within an element
/// <summary>
/// LiteralContent node
/// </summary>
internal sealed class BamlLiteralContentNode : BamlTreeNode
internal BamlLiteralContentNode(string literalContent) : base(BamlNodeType.LiteralContent)
_literalContent = literalContent;
internal override void Serialize(BamlWriter writer)
internal override BamlTreeNode Copy()
return new BamlLiteralContentNode(_literalContent);
internal string Content
get { return _literalContent; }
set { _literalContent = value; }
private string _literalContent;
/// <summary>
/// Text node
/// </summary>
internal sealed class BamlTextNode : BamlTreeNode
internal BamlTextNode(string text) : this(text, null, null)
internal BamlTextNode(
string text,
string typeConverterAssemblyName,
string typeConverterName
) : base(BamlNodeType.Text)
_content = text;
_typeConverterAssemblyName = typeConverterAssemblyName;
_typeConverterName = typeConverterName;
internal override void Serialize(BamlWriter writer)
writer.WriteText(_content, _typeConverterAssemblyName, _typeConverterName);
internal override BamlTreeNode Copy()
return new BamlTextNode(_content, _typeConverterAssemblyName, _typeConverterName);
internal string Content
get { return _content; }
private string _content;
private string _typeConverterAssemblyName;
private string _typeConverterName;
/// <summary>
/// Routed event node
/// </summary>
internal sealed class BamlRoutedEventNode : BamlTreeNode
internal BamlRoutedEventNode(
string assemblyName,
string ownerTypeFullName,
string eventIdName,
string handlerName
) : base(BamlNodeType.RoutedEvent)
_assemblyName = assemblyName;
_ownerTypeFullName = ownerTypeFullName;
_eventIdName = eventIdName;
_handlerName = handlerName;
internal override void Serialize(BamlWriter writer)
internal override BamlTreeNode Copy()
return new BamlRoutedEventNode(
private string _assemblyName;
private string _ownerTypeFullName;
private string _eventIdName;
private string _handlerName;
/// <summary>
/// event node
/// </summary>
internal sealed class BamlEventNode : BamlTreeNode
internal BamlEventNode(
string eventName,
string handlerName
) : base(BamlNodeType.Event)
_eventName = eventName;
_handlerName = handlerName;
internal override void Serialize(BamlWriter writer)
internal override BamlTreeNode Copy()
return new BamlEventNode(_eventName, _handlerName);
private string _eventName;
private string _handlerName;
/// <summary>
/// DefAttribute node
/// </summary>
internal sealed class BamlDefAttributeNode : BamlTreeNode
internal BamlDefAttributeNode(string name, string value) : base(BamlNodeType.DefAttribute)
_name = name;
_value = value;
internal override void Serialize(BamlWriter writer)
writer.WriteDefAttribute(_name, _value);
internal override BamlTreeNode Copy()
return new BamlDefAttributeNode(_name, _value);
private string _name;
private string _value;
/// <summary>
/// PIMapping node
/// </summary>
internal sealed class BamlPIMappingNode : BamlTreeNode
internal BamlPIMappingNode(
string xmlNamespace,
string clrNamespace,
string assemblyName
) : base(BamlNodeType.PIMapping)
_xmlNamespace = xmlNamespace;
_clrNamespace = clrNamespace;
_assemblyName = assemblyName;
internal override void Serialize(BamlWriter writer)
internal override BamlTreeNode Copy()
return new BamlPIMappingNode(
private string _xmlNamespace;
private string _clrNamespace;
private string _assemblyName;
/// <summary>
/// StartConstructor node
/// </summary>
internal sealed class BamlStartConstructorNode : BamlTreeNode
internal BamlStartConstructorNode() : base(BamlNodeType.StartConstructor)
internal override void Serialize(BamlWriter writer)
internal override BamlTreeNode Copy()
return new BamlStartConstructorNode();
/// <summary>
/// EndConstructor node
/// </summary>
internal sealed class BamlEndConstructorNode : BamlTreeNode
internal BamlEndConstructorNode() : base(BamlNodeType.EndConstructor)
internal override void Serialize(BamlWriter writer)
internal override BamlTreeNode Copy()
return new BamlEndConstructorNode();
///// <summary>
///// ContentProperty node
///// </summary>
internal sealed class BamlContentPropertyNode : BamlTreeNode
internal BamlContentPropertyNode(
string assemblyName,
string typeFullName,
string propertyName
) : base(BamlNodeType.ContentProperty)
_assemblyName = assemblyName;
_typeFullName = typeFullName;
_propertyName = propertyName;
internal override void Serialize(BamlWriter writer)
internal override BamlTreeNode Copy()
return new BamlContentPropertyNode(
private string _assemblyName;
private string _typeFullName;
private string _propertyName;
internal sealed class BamlPresentationOptionsAttributeNode : BamlTreeNode
internal BamlPresentationOptionsAttributeNode(string name, string value)
: base(BamlNodeType.PresentationOptionsAttribute)
_name = name;
_value = value;
internal override void Serialize(BamlWriter writer)
writer.WritePresentationOptionsAttribute(_name, _value);
internal override BamlTreeNode Copy()
return new BamlPresentationOptionsAttributeNode(_name, _value);
private string _name;
private string _value;