File: System\Windows\Media\Effects\Effect.cs
Web Access
Project: src\src\Microsoft.DotNet.Wpf\src\PresentationCore\PresentationCore.csproj (PresentationCore)
// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Windows;
using System.Windows.Media;
using System.Security;
using SecurityHelper=MS.Internal.SecurityHelper; 
namespace System.Windows.Media.Effects
    /// <summary>
    /// Effect
    /// </summary>
    public abstract partial class Effect
        static Effect()
            // Let the ImplicitInput be a very obscure brush, and treat it as
            // the implicit input if the exact color matches.  Note that this
            // color will be matched in native code that recognized
            // ImplicitInput, so don't change.
            // This specific brush is used as a placeholder for the implicit input 
            // texture. This is a little hacky, but *way* easier than adding a new 
            // Brush subclass for the implicit input and having it work properly 
            // as a real brush.
            ImplicitInput = new ImplicitInputBrush();
        /// Represents the Sampler-destined shader input that comes from
        /// context.  Like the representation of the UIElement when a
        /// UIElement.Effect is applied.  Intended to be set into an input of a
        /// ShaderEffect.
        public static Brush ImplicitInput
            private set;
        /// <summary>
        /// Default constructor for an Effect.
        /// </summary>
        protected Effect()
        /// <summary>
        /// Takes in content bounds, and returns the bounds of the rendered
        /// output of that content after the Effect is applied.
        /// </summary>
        internal abstract Rect GetRenderBounds(Rect contentBounds);
        /// <summary>
        /// Input will get transformed through the inverse of this transform.
        /// TransformToAncestor/Descendant will also go through this.
        /// Override to modify from the identity transform.  Should expect
        /// incoming coordinates to be in the [0-1] range, and outgoing points
        /// should map to [0-1] as well.  The Inverse property should return a
        /// GeneralTransform that does the inverse mapping.  
        /// The inverse maps a point from after the effect was applied to the
        /// point that it came from before the effect.  The non-inverse maps
        /// where a point before the effect is applied goes after the effect is
        /// applied. 
        /// </summary>
        internal protected virtual GeneralTransform EffectMapping
                return Transform.Identity;
        // The GeneralTransform returned by Effect is in unit space.  The
        // invocation of GeneralTransform is in world space.  This method
        // returns a GeneralTransform that maps between the two.
        internal GeneralTransform CoerceToUnitSpaceGeneralTransform(GeneralTransform gt,
                                                                    Rect worldBounds)
            GeneralTransform result;
            // First, if the gt is identity, just return it straight away.
            if (gt == Transform.Identity)
                result = Transform.Identity;
                // Maintain an MRU cache of GeneralTransforms with exactly one in
                // it.  May want to extend in the future.  Note that this will
                // thrash if the effect is used on multiple elements with different
                // sizes, but that's not our sweetspot.
                if (_mruWorldBounds != worldBounds || _mruInnerGeneralTransform != gt)
                    _mruWorldBounds = worldBounds;
                    _mruInnerGeneralTransform = gt;
                    _mruWorldSpaceGeneralTransform = new UnitSpaceCoercingGeneralTransform(worldBounds, gt);
                result = _mruWorldSpaceGeneralTransform;
            return result;
        // If worldBounds is Rect.Empty, will return (NaN, NaN) which tends to propagate silently and eventually show up as corruption much later
        private static Point UnitToWorldUnsafe(Point unitPoint, Rect worldBounds)
            return new Point(
                worldBounds.Left + unitPoint.X * worldBounds.Width,
                worldBounds.Top  + unitPoint.Y * worldBounds.Height);
        internal static Point? UnitToWorld(Point unitPoint, Rect worldBounds)
            return worldBounds.IsEmpty ? null : new Nullable<Point>(UnitToWorldUnsafe(unitPoint, worldBounds));
        internal static Point? WorldToUnit(Point worldPoint, Rect worldBounds)
            if (worldBounds.Width == 0 || worldBounds.Height == 0)
                return null;
            return new Point(
                (worldPoint.X - worldBounds.Left) / worldBounds.Width,
                (worldPoint.Y - worldBounds.Top)  / worldBounds.Height);
        internal static Rect UnitToWorld(Rect unitRect, Rect worldBounds)
            return worldBounds.IsEmpty 
                ? Rect.Empty
                : new Rect(UnitToWorldUnsafe(unitRect.TopLeft, worldBounds),
                                UnitToWorldUnsafe(unitRect.BottomRight, worldBounds));
        internal static Rect? WorldToUnit(Rect worldRect, Rect worldBounds)
            Point? tl = WorldToUnit(worldRect.TopLeft, worldBounds);
            Point? br = WorldToUnit(worldRect.BottomRight, worldBounds);
            if (tl == null || br == null)
                return null;
            return new Rect(tl.Value, br.Value);
        // Private GeneralTransform subclass that's all about transforming from
        // and to the unit square.
        private class UnitSpaceCoercingGeneralTransform : GeneralTransform
            public UnitSpaceCoercingGeneralTransform(Rect worldBounds, GeneralTransform innerTransform)
                _worldBounds = worldBounds;
                _innerTransform = innerTransform;
                _isInverse = false;
            public override GeneralTransform Inverse
                    if (_inverseTransform == null)
                        // We can cache the clone because the _worldBounds and
                        // inner transform won't change.
                        _inverseTransform = (UnitSpaceCoercingGeneralTransform)this.Clone();
                        _inverseTransform._isInverse = !_isInverse;
                    return _inverseTransform;
            public override Rect TransformBounds(Rect rect)
                // Since this doesn't rotate or skew, we can just pass each
                // point to the point transformer.
                Point topLeftResult = new Point();
                Point bottomRightResult = new Point();
                bool ok = TryTransform(rect.TopLeft, out topLeftResult)
                       && TryTransform(rect.BottomRight, out bottomRightResult);
                if (!ok)
                    return Rect.Empty;
                return new Rect(topLeftResult, bottomRightResult);
            public override bool TryTransform(Point inPoint, out Point result)
                bool ok = false;
                result = new Point();
                // Both the normal and the inverse require the point to first be
                // translated from world space to unit space.
                Point? unitSpace = Effect.WorldToUnit(inPoint, _worldBounds);
                if (unitSpace != null)
                    // Now just run through the normal or the inverse version of the
                    // inner effect.
                    GeneralTransform innerToUse = GetCorrectInnerTransform();
                    Point unitResult;
                    if (innerToUse.TryTransform(unitSpace.Value, out unitResult))
                        // Both the normal and the inverse require the unit-space result
                        // to be converted back to world space
                        Point? worldSpace = Effect.UnitToWorld(unitResult, _worldBounds);
                        if (worldSpace != null)
                            result = worldSpace.Value;
                            ok = true;
                return ok;
            protected override Freezable CreateInstanceCore()
                return new UnitSpaceCoercingGeneralTransform(_worldBounds, _innerTransform) { _isInverse = _isInverse };
            private GeneralTransform GetCorrectInnerTransform()
                GeneralTransform result;
                if (_isInverse)
                    if (_innerTransformInverse == null)
                        // Cache the inverse so it doesn't get new'd up all the
                        // time. 
                        _innerTransformInverse = _innerTransform.Inverse;
                    result = _innerTransformInverse;
                    result = _innerTransform;
                return result;
            private readonly Rect _worldBounds;
            private readonly GeneralTransform _innerTransform;
            private GeneralTransform _innerTransformInverse = null;
            private bool _isInverse;
            private UnitSpaceCoercingGeneralTransform _inverseTransform = null;
        // Stores the "cache" of bounds x inner transform -> world space transform.
        private Rect _mruWorldBounds = Rect.Empty;
        private GeneralTransform _mruInnerGeneralTransform = null;
        private GeneralTransform _mruWorldSpaceGeneralTransform;