' Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
' The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
Imports System
Imports System.Diagnostics
Imports System.Security
Imports System.Globalization
Imports System.IO
Imports System.Text
Imports System.Runtime.Versioning
Imports Microsoft.VisualBasic.CompilerServices.StructUtils
Imports Microsoft.VisualBasic.CompilerServices.ExceptionUtils
Imports Microsoft.VisualBasic.CompilerServices.Utils
Imports System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis
Namespace Microsoft.VisualBasic.CompilerServices
Friend Enum tagVT As Short
VT_I2 = 2
VT_I4 = 3
VT_R4 = 4
VT_R8 = 5
VT_CY = 6
VT_BOOL = 11
VT_I1 = 16
VT_UI1 = 17
VT_UI2 = 18
VT_UI4 = 19
VT_I8 = 20
VT_UI8 = 21
VT_INT = 22
VT_UINT = 23
VT_VOID = 24
VT_PTR = 26
VT_BLOB = 65
VT_CF = 71
VT_VECTOR = 4096
VT_ARRAY = 8192
VT_BYREF = 16384
End Enum
Friend Enum VT As Short
[Error] = tagVT.VT_ERROR
[Boolean] = tagVT.VT_BOOL
[Byte] = tagVT.VT_UI1
[Short] = tagVT.VT_I2
[Integer] = tagVT.VT_I4
[Decimal] = tagVT.VT_DECIMAL
[Single] = tagVT.VT_R4
[Double] = tagVT.VT_R8
[String] = tagVT.VT_BSTR
[ByteArray] = tagVT.VT_UI1 Or _
[CharArray] = tagVT.VT_UI2 Or _
[Date] = tagVT.VT_DATE
[Long] = tagVT.VT_I8
[Char] = tagVT.VT_UI2
[Variant] = tagVT.VT_VARIANT
[Array] = tagVT.VT_ARRAY
[DBNull] = tagVT.VT_NULL
[Empty] = tagVT.VT_EMPTY
[Structure] = tagVT.VT_RECORD
[Currency] = tagVT.VT_CY
End Enum
<System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableAttribute(System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableState.Never)> _
Friend NotInheritable Class PutHandler
Implements IRecordEnum
Public m_oFile As VB6File
<RequiresUnreferencedCode("This implementation of IRecordEnum is unsafe. Marking ctor unsafe in order to suppress warnings for overridden methods as unsafe.")>
Sub New(ByVal oFile As VB6File)
m_oFile = oFile
End Sub
<UnconditionalSuppressMessage("ReflectionAnalysis", "IL2026:RequiresUnreferencedCode",
Justification:="The constructor of this interface implementation has been anotated.")>
Function Callback(ByVal field_info As Reflection.FieldInfo, ByRef vValue As Object) As Boolean Implements IRecordEnum.Callback
Dim FieldType As System.Type = field_info.FieldType
If FieldType Is Nothing Then
Throw VbMakeException(New ArgumentException(SR.Format(SR.Argument_UnsupportedFieldType2, field_info.Name, "Empty")), vbErrors.IllegalFuncCall)
End If
If FieldType.IsArray() Then
Dim attributeList As Object()
Dim ElementType As System.Type
Dim attrFixedArray As VBFixedArrayAttribute
Dim FixedStringLength As Integer = -1
attributeList = field_info.GetCustomAttributes(GetType(VBFixedArrayAttribute), False)
If Not attributeList Is Nothing AndAlso attributeList.Length <> 0 Then
attrFixedArray = CType(attributeList(0), VBFixedArrayAttribute)
attrFixedArray = Nothing
End If
ElementType = FieldType.GetElementType()
If ElementType Is GetType(System.String) Then
attributeList = field_info.GetCustomAttributes(GetType(VBFixedStringAttribute), False)
If attributeList Is Nothing OrElse attributeList.Length = 0 Then
FixedStringLength = -1
FixedStringLength = CType(attributeList(0), VBFixedStringAttribute).Length
End If
End If
If attrFixedArray Is Nothing Then
m_oFile.PutDynamicArray(0, CType(vValue, System.Array), False, FixedStringLength)
m_oFile.PutFixedArray(0, CType(vValue, System.Array), ElementType, FixedStringLength, attrFixedArray.FirstBound, attrFixedArray.SecondBound)
End If
Select Case Type.GetTypeCode(FieldType)
Case TypeCode.String
Dim s As String
If Not vValue Is Nothing Then
s = vValue.ToString()
s = Nothing
End If
Dim attributeList As Object() = field_info.GetCustomAttributes(GetType(VBFixedStringAttribute), False)
'If (field_info.Attributes And Reflection.FieldAttributes.HasFieldMarshal) <> Reflection.FieldAttributes.HasFieldMarshal Then
If attributeList Is Nothing OrElse attributeList.Length = 0 Then
m_oFile.PutStringWithLength(0, s)
Dim ma As VBFixedStringAttribute
Dim length As Integer
ma = CType(attributeList(0), VBFixedStringAttribute)
length = ma.Length
If length = 0 Then
length = -1
End If
m_oFile.PutFixedLengthString(0, s, length)
End If
Case TypeCode.Single
m_oFile.PutSingle(0, SingleType.FromObject(vValue))
Case TypeCode.Double
m_oFile.PutDouble(0, DoubleType.FromObject(vValue))
Case TypeCode.Int16
m_oFile.PutShort(0, ShortType.FromObject(vValue))
Case TypeCode.Int32
m_oFile.PutInteger(0, IntegerType.FromObject(vValue))
Case TypeCode.Byte
m_oFile.PutByte(0, ByteType.FromObject(vValue))
Case TypeCode.Int64
m_oFile.PutLong(0, LongType.FromObject(vValue))
Case TypeCode.DateTime
m_oFile.PutDate(0, DateType.FromObject(vValue))
Case TypeCode.Boolean
m_oFile.PutBoolean(0, BooleanType.FromObject(vValue))
Case TypeCode.Decimal
m_oFile.PutDecimal(0, DecimalType.FromObject(vValue))
Case TypeCode.Char
m_oFile.PutChar(0, CharType.FromObject(vValue))
Case TypeCode.DBNull
Throw VbMakeException(New ArgumentException(SR.Format(SR.Argument_UnsupportedFieldType2, field_info.Name, "DBNull")), vbErrors.IllegalFuncCall)
Case Else 'Case TypeCode.Object
If FieldType Is GetType(Object) Then
m_oFile.PutObject(vValue, 0)
ElseIf FieldType Is GetType(System.Exception) Then
Throw VbMakeException(New ArgumentException(SR.Format(SR.Argument_UnsupportedFieldType2, field_info.Name, "Exception")), vbErrors.IllegalFuncCall)
ElseIf FieldType Is GetType(System.Reflection.Missing) Then
Throw VbMakeException(New ArgumentException(SR.Format(SR.Argument_UnsupportedFieldType2, field_info.Name, "Missing")), vbErrors.IllegalFuncCall)
Throw VbMakeException(New ArgumentException(SR.Format(SR.Argument_UnsupportedFieldType2, field_info.Name, FieldType.Name)), vbErrors.IllegalFuncCall)
End If
End Select
End If
Return False
End Function
End Class
Friend NotInheritable Class GetHandler
Implements IRecordEnum
Dim m_oFile As VB6File
<RequiresUnreferencedCode("This implementation of IRecordEnum is unsafe. Marking ctor unsafe in order to suppress warnings for overridden methods as unsafe.")>
Sub New(ByVal oFile As VB6File)
m_oFile = oFile
End Sub
<UnconditionalSuppressMessage("ReflectionAnalysis", "IL2026:RequiresUnreferencedCode",
Justification:="The constructor of this interface implementation has been anotated.")>
Function Callback(ByVal field_info As Reflection.FieldInfo, ByRef vValue As Object) As Boolean Implements IRecordEnum.Callback
Dim FieldType As System.Type
FieldType = field_info.FieldType
If FieldType Is Nothing Then
Throw VbMakeException(New ArgumentException(SR.Format(SR.Argument_UnsupportedFieldType2, field_info.Name, "Empty")), vbErrors.IllegalFuncCall)
End If
If FieldType.IsArray() Then
Dim attributeList As Object() = field_info.GetCustomAttributes(GetType(VBFixedArrayAttribute), False)
Dim arr As System.Array = Nothing
Dim FixedStringLength As Integer = -1
Dim FixedStringAttributeList As Object() = field_info.GetCustomAttributes(GetType(VBFixedStringAttribute), False)
If Not FixedStringAttributeList Is Nothing AndAlso FixedStringAttributeList.Length > 0 Then
Dim FixedStringAttribute As VBFixedStringAttribute = CType(FixedStringAttributeList(0), VBFixedStringAttribute)
If FixedStringAttribute.Length > 0 Then
FixedStringLength = FixedStringAttribute.Length
End If
End If
If attributeList Is Nothing OrElse attributeList.Length = 0 Then
m_oFile.GetDynamicArray(arr, FieldType.GetElementType, FixedStringLength)
Dim attr As VBFixedArrayAttribute = CType(attributeList(0), VBFixedArrayAttribute)
Dim FirstBound As Integer = attr.FirstBound
Dim SecondBound As Integer = attr.SecondBound
arr = CType(vValue, System.Array)
m_oFile.GetFixedArray(0, arr, FieldType.GetElementType(), FirstBound, SecondBound, FixedStringLength)
End If
vValue = arr
Select Case Type.GetTypeCode(FieldType)
Case TypeCode.String
Dim attributeList As Object() = field_info.GetCustomAttributes(GetType(VBFixedStringAttribute), False)
If attributeList Is Nothing OrElse attributeList.Length = 0 Then
vValue = m_oFile.GetLengthPrefixedString(0)
Dim ma As VBFixedStringAttribute = CType(attributeList(0), VBFixedStringAttribute)
Dim length As Integer = ma.Length
If length = 0 Then
length = -1
End If
vValue = m_oFile.GetFixedLengthString(0, length)
End If
Case TypeCode.Single
vValue = m_oFile.GetSingle(0)
Case TypeCode.Double
vValue = m_oFile.GetDouble(0)
Case TypeCode.Int16
vValue = m_oFile.GetShort(0)
Case TypeCode.Int32
vValue = m_oFile.GetInteger(0)
Case TypeCode.Byte
vValue = m_oFile.GetByte(0)
Case TypeCode.Int64
vValue = m_oFile.GetLong(0)
Case TypeCode.DateTime
vValue = m_oFile.GetDate(0)
Case TypeCode.Boolean
vValue = m_oFile.GetBoolean(0)
Case TypeCode.Decimal
vValue = m_oFile.GetDecimal(0)
Case TypeCode.Char
vValue = m_oFile.GetChar(0)
Case TypeCode.DBNull
Throw VbMakeException(New ArgumentException(SR.Format(SR.Argument_UnsupportedFieldType2, field_info.Name, "DBNull")), vbErrors.IllegalFuncCall)
Case Else
'Case TypeCode.Object
If FieldType Is GetType(Object) Then
ElseIf FieldType Is GetType(System.Exception) Then
Throw VbMakeException(New ArgumentException(SR.Format(SR.Argument_UnsupportedFieldType2, field_info.Name, "Exception")), vbErrors.IllegalFuncCall)
ElseIf FieldType Is GetType(System.Reflection.Missing) Then
Throw VbMakeException(New ArgumentException(SR.Format(SR.Argument_UnsupportedFieldType2, field_info.Name, "Missing")), vbErrors.IllegalFuncCall)
Throw VbMakeException(New ArgumentException(SR.Format(SR.Argument_UnsupportedFieldType2, field_info.Name, FieldType.Name)), vbErrors.IllegalFuncCall)
End If
End Select
End If
Return False
End Function
End Class
'* VB6File
'* Base for all VB6 compatible file i/o
Friend MustInherit Class VB6File
Friend m_lCurrentColumn As Integer
Friend m_lWidth As Integer
Friend m_lRecordLen As Integer
Friend m_lRecordStart As Long
Friend m_sFullPath As String
Friend m_share As OpenShare
Friend m_access As OpenAccess
Friend m_eof As Boolean
Friend m_position As Long
Friend m_file As FileStream
Friend m_fAppend As Boolean
Friend m_bPrint As Boolean
Protected m_sw As StreamWriter
Protected m_sr As StreamReader
Protected m_bw As BinaryWriter
Protected m_br As BinaryReader
Protected m_Encoding As Encoding
Protected Const lchTab As Integer = 9
Protected Const lchCR As Integer = 13
Protected Const lchLF As Integer = 10
Protected Const lchSpace As Integer = 32
Protected Const lchIntlSpace As Integer = &H3000I
Protected Const lchDoubleQuote As Integer = 34
Protected Const lchPound As Integer = AscW("#")
Protected Const lchComma As Integer = AscW(",")
Protected Const EOF_INDICATOR As Integer = -1
Protected Const EOF_CHAR As Integer = &H1A
Protected Const FIN_NUMTERMCHAR As Short = 6
Protected Const FIN_LINEINP As Short = 0
Protected Const FIN_QSTRING As Short = 1
Protected Const FIN_STRING As Short = 2
Protected Const FIN_NUMBER As Short = 3
' Construction functions.
Protected Sub New()
End Sub
Protected Sub New(ByVal sPath As String, ByVal access As OpenAccess, ByVal share As OpenShare, ByVal lRecordLen As Integer)
If access <> OpenAccess.Read AndAlso
access <> OpenAccess.ReadWrite AndAlso
access <> OpenAccess.Write Then
Throw New ArgumentException(SR.Format(SR.Argument_InvalidValue1, "Access"))
End If
m_access = access
If (share <> OpenShare.Shared AndAlso
share <> OpenShare.LockRead AndAlso
share <> OpenShare.LockReadWrite AndAlso
share <> OpenShare.LockWrite) Then
Throw New ArgumentException(SR.Format(SR.Argument_InvalidValue1, "Share"))
End If
m_share = share
m_lRecordLen = lRecordLen
m_sFullPath = (New FileInfo(sPath)).FullName
End Sub
' Open/Close/Information functions.
Friend Function GetAbsolutePath() As String
Return m_sFullPath
End Function
Friend Overridable Sub OpenFile()
If File.Exists(m_sFullPath) Then
m_file = New FileStream(m_sFullPath, FileMode.Open, CType(m_access, FileAccess), CType(m_share, FileShare))
m_file = New FileStream(m_sFullPath, FileMode.Create, CType(m_access, FileAccess), CType(m_share, FileShare))
End If
Catch e2 As SecurityException
Throw VbMakeException(vbErrors.FileNotFound)
End Try
End Sub
Friend Overridable Sub CloseFile()
End Sub
Protected Sub CloseTheFile()
If m_sw Is Nothing Then
'nothing to do
m_sw = Nothing
End If
If m_sr Is Nothing Then
'nothing to do
m_sr = Nothing
End If
If Not m_file Is Nothing Then
m_file = Nothing
End If
End Sub
Friend Function GetColumn() As Integer
Return m_lCurrentColumn
End Function
Friend Sub SetColumn(ByVal lColumn As Integer)
If m_lWidth <> 0 AndAlso m_lCurrentColumn <> 0 AndAlso
(lColumn + 14) > m_lWidth Then
SPC(lColumn - m_lCurrentColumn)
End If
End Sub
Friend Function GetWidth() As Integer
Return m_lWidth
End Function
Friend Sub SetWidth(ByVal RecordWidth As Integer)
If RecordWidth < 0 OrElse RecordWidth > 255 Then
Throw VbMakeException(vbErrors.IllegalFuncCall)
End If
m_lWidth = RecordWidth
End Sub
' Output functions.
Friend Overridable Sub WriteLine(ByVal s As String)
Throw VbMakeException(vbErrors.BadFileMode)
End Sub
Friend Overridable Sub WriteString(ByVal s As String)
Throw VbMakeException(vbErrors.BadFileMode)
End Sub
Friend Overridable Function EOF() As Boolean
Return m_eof
End Function
Friend Function LOF() As Long
Return m_file.Length
End Function
Friend Overridable Function LOC() As Long
If (m_lRecordLen = -1) OrElse (GetMode() <> OpenMode.Random) Then
Return (m_position + 1)
End If
If m_lRecordLen = 0 Then
Throw VbMakeException(vbErrors.InternalError)
Dim pos As Long
pos = m_position
If pos = 0 Then
Return 0
End If
Return (m_position \ m_lRecordLen) + 1
End If
End Function
Friend Overridable Function GetStreamReader() As StreamReader
Return m_sr
End Function
Friend Sub SetRecord(ByVal RecordNumber As Long)
Dim lSeekPos As Long
If m_lRecordLen = 0 Then
Exit Sub
End If
If RecordNumber = 0 Then
Exit Sub
ElseIf m_lRecordLen = -1 Then
If RecordNumber = -1 Then
'Binary file, leave at current position
Exit Sub
'No records, use actual byte position
lSeekPos = RecordNumber - 1
End If
ElseIf RecordNumber = -1 Then
'Go to next record
lSeekPos = GetPos()
If lSeekPos = 0 Then
m_lRecordStart = 0
Exit Sub
End If
If (lSeekPos Mod m_lRecordLen) = 0 Then
'Already on record boundary
m_lRecordStart = lSeekPos
Exit Sub
End If
'Go to next record
lSeekPos = m_lRecordLen * (lSeekPos \ m_lRecordLen + 1)
ElseIf RecordNumber <> 0 Then
'Go to specified record
'lSeekPos = (RecordNumber - 1) * m_lRecordLen
If m_lRecordLen = -1 Then
lSeekPos = RecordNumber
lSeekPos = (RecordNumber - 1) * m_lRecordLen
End If
End If
m_lRecordStart = lSeekPos
End Sub
Friend Overridable Overloads Sub Seek(ByVal BaseOnePosition As Long)
If BaseOnePosition <= 0 Then
Throw VbMakeException(vbErrors.BadRecordNum)
End If
Dim BaseZeroPosition As Long = BaseOnePosition - 1
If BaseZeroPosition > m_file.Length Then
End If
m_file.Position = BaseZeroPosition
m_position = BaseZeroPosition
m_eof = (m_position >= m_file.Length)
If Not m_sr Is Nothing Then
End If
End Sub
'Function Seek
'RANDOM MODE - Returns number of next record
'other modes - Returns the byte position at which the next operation
' will take place
Friend Overridable Overloads Function Seek() As Long
'm_position is the last read byte as a zero based offset
'Seek returns the position of the next byte to read
Return (m_position + 1)
End Function
Friend Sub SeekOffset(ByVal offset As Long)
'Do not call m_file.SetLength here because that could extend the file length,
'which shouldn't happen until a subsequent Write or Put operation.
m_position = offset
m_file.Position = offset
If Not m_sr Is Nothing Then
End If
End Sub
Friend Function GetPos() As Long
Return m_position
End Function
Friend Overridable Overloads Sub Lock()
'Lock the whole file, not just the current size of file, since file could change.
m_file.Lock(0, Int32.MaxValue)
End Sub
Friend Overridable Overloads Sub Unlock()
m_file.Unlock(0, Int32.MaxValue)
End Sub
Friend Overridable Overloads Sub Lock(ByVal Record As Long)
If m_lRecordLen = -1 Then
m_file.Lock((Record - 1), 1)
m_file.Lock((Record - 1) * m_lRecordLen, m_lRecordLen)
End If
End Sub
Friend Overridable Overloads Sub Unlock(ByVal Record As Long)
If m_lRecordLen = -1 Then
m_file.Unlock((Record - 1), 1)
m_file.Unlock((Record - 1) * m_lRecordLen, m_lRecordLen)
End If
End Sub
Friend Overridable Overloads Sub Lock(ByVal RecordStart As Long, ByVal RecordEnd As Long)
If m_lRecordLen = -1 Then
m_file.Lock((RecordStart - 1), (RecordEnd - RecordStart) + 1)
m_file.Lock((RecordStart - 1) * m_lRecordLen, ((RecordEnd - RecordStart) + 1) * m_lRecordLen)
End If
End Sub
Friend Overridable Overloads Sub Unlock(ByVal RecordStart As Long, ByVal RecordEnd As Long)
If m_lRecordLen = -1 Then
m_file.Unlock((RecordStart - 1), (RecordEnd - RecordStart) + 1)
m_file.Unlock((RecordStart - 1) * m_lRecordLen, ((RecordEnd - RecordStart) + 1) * m_lRecordLen)
End If
End Sub
Friend Function LineInput() As String
Dim Result As String = m_sr.ReadLine()
If Result Is Nothing Then
Result = ""
End If
Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(Not m_Encoding Is Nothing)
m_position += m_Encoding.GetByteCount(Result) + 2
m_eof = CheckEOF(m_sr.Peek())
Return Result
End Function
Friend Overridable Function CanInput() As Boolean
Return False
End Function
Friend Overridable Function CanWrite() As Boolean
Return False
End Function
Protected Overridable Sub InputObject(ByRef Value As Object)
Throw VbMakeException(vbErrors.BadFileMode)
End Sub
Protected Overridable Function InputStr() As String
Dim lChar As Integer
'Read past any leading spaces or tabs
'Skip over leading whitespace
lChar = SkipWhiteSpaceEOF()
If lChar = lchDoubleQuote Then
lChar = m_sr.Read()
m_position += 1
InputStr = ReadInField(FIN_QSTRING)
InputStr = ReadInField(FIN_STRING)
End If
End Function
Protected Overridable Function InputNum(ByVal vt As VariantType) As Object
Dim sField As String
'Read past any leading spaces or tabs
'Skip over leading whitespace
sField = ReadInField(FIN_NUMBER)
' considering adding validity checks for expected varianttype
InputNum = sField
End Function
Public MustOverride Function GetMode() As OpenMode
Friend Function InputString(ByVal lLen As Integer) As String
Dim sb As StringBuilder
Dim i As Integer
Dim lInput As Integer
Dim FileOpenMode As OpenMode
sb = New StringBuilder(lLen)
FileOpenMode = GetMode()
For i = 1 To lLen
If FileOpenMode = OpenMode.Binary Then
lInput = m_br.Read()
m_position += 1
If (lInput = -1) Then 'Binary files don't stop upon reading 26=CTRL-Z
Exit For
End If
ElseIf FileOpenMode = OpenMode.Input Then
lInput = m_sr.Read()
m_position += 1
If (lInput = -1) Or (lInput = 26) Then 'Input files do stop upon reading 26=CTRL-Z
m_eof = True
Throw VbMakeException(vbErrors.EndOfFile)
End If
Throw VbMakeException(vbErrors.BadFileMode)
End If
If lInput <> 0 Then
End If
Next i
If FileOpenMode = OpenMode.Binary Then
m_eof = (m_br.PeekChar() = EOF_INDICATOR)
m_eof = CheckEOF(m_sr.Peek())
End If
Return sb.ToString()
End Function
Friend Sub SPC(ByVal iCount As Integer)
Dim lCurPos As Integer
Dim lWidth As Integer
Dim s As String
If iCount <= 0 Then
' iCount = 0
Exit Sub
End If
lCurPos = GetColumn()
lWidth = GetWidth()
If lWidth <> 0 Then
' File output with line length limit
If iCount >= lWidth Then
iCount = iCount Mod lWidth ' Modulo the line length
End If
If (iCount + lCurPos) > lWidth Then
' Spaces don't fit on this line. Subtract what fits and put the
' rest on next line.
iCount -= (lWidth - lCurPos)
GoTo NewLine
End If
End If
iCount += lCurPos
' If tab position is less than current position,
' goto next line.
If (iCount < lCurPos) Then
'FileOutString(iodata, FILE_EOL, FILE_EOL_LEN)
lCurPos = 0
End If
If (iCount > lCurPos) Then
s = New System.String(" "c, iCount - lCurPos)
End If
End Sub
Friend Sub Tab(ByVal Column As Integer)
Dim lCurPos As Integer
Dim lWidth As Integer
Dim s As String
If Column < 1 Then
Column = 1
End If
'When tabbing, we go to the space before the column
'so the next print will be in that column
Column -= 1
lCurPos = GetColumn()
lWidth = GetWidth()
If lWidth <> 0 Then
' File output with line length limit
If Column >= lWidth Then
Column = Column Mod lWidth ' Modulo the line length
End If
End If
' If tab position is less than current position,
' goto next line.
If (Column < lCurPos) Then
lCurPos = 0
End If
If (Column > lCurPos) Then
s = New System.String(" "c, Column - lCurPos)
End If
End Sub
Friend Sub SetPrintMode()
Dim mode As OpenMode
mode = GetMode()
If mode = OpenMode.Input OrElse
mode = OpenMode.Binary OrElse
mode = OpenMode.Random Then
Throw VbMakeException(vbErrors.BadFileMode)
End If
m_bPrint = True
End Sub
Friend Shared Function VTType(ByVal VarName As Object) As VT
If VarName Is Nothing Then
Return VT.Variant
End If
Return VTFromComType(VarName.GetType())
End Function
Friend Shared Function VTFromComType(ByVal typ As System.Type) As VT
If typ Is Nothing Then
Return VT.Variant
End If
If typ.IsArray() Then
typ = typ.GetElementType()
If typ.IsArray Then
Return CType(VT.Array Or VT.Variant, VT)
End If
Dim Result As VT = VTFromComType(typ)
If (Result And VT.Array) <> 0 Then
'Element type is also an array, so just return "array of objects"
Return CType(VT.Array Or VT.Variant, VT)
End If
Return CType(Result Or VT.Array, VT)
ElseIf typ.IsEnum() Then
typ = System.Enum.GetUnderlyingType(typ)
End If
If typ Is Nothing Then
Return VT.Empty
End If
Select Case Type.GetTypeCode(typ)
Case TypeCode.String
Return VT.String
Case TypeCode.Int32
Return VT.Integer
Case TypeCode.Int16
Return VT.Short
Case TypeCode.Int64
Return VT.Long
Case TypeCode.Single
Return VT.Single
Case TypeCode.Double
Return VT.Double
Case TypeCode.DateTime
Return VT.Date
Case TypeCode.Boolean
Return VT.Boolean
Case TypeCode.Decimal
Return VT.Decimal
Case TypeCode.Byte
Return VT.Byte
Case TypeCode.Char
Return VT.Char
Case TypeCode.DBNull
Return VT.DBNull
End Select
If typ Is GetType(System.Reflection.Missing) Then
Return VT.Error
ElseIf typ Is GetType(System.Exception) OrElse typ.IsSubclassOf(GetType(System.Exception)) Then
Return VT.Error
'Must come after all the Intrinsic types
ElseIf typ.IsValueType() Then
Return VT.Structure
Return VT.Variant
End If
End Function
<RequiresUnreferencedCode("Calls PutArrayData")>
Friend Sub PutFixedArray(ByVal RecordNumber As Long, ByVal arr As System.Array, ByVal ElementType As System.Type,
Optional ByVal FixedStringLength As Integer = -1, Optional ByVal FirstBound As Integer = -1,
Optional ByVal SecondBound As Integer = -1)
If ElementType Is Nothing Then
ElementType = arr.GetType().GetElementType()
End If
PutArrayData(arr, ElementType, FixedStringLength, FirstBound, SecondBound)
End Sub
<RequiresUnreferencedCode("Calls PutArrayData")>
Friend Sub PutDynamicArray(ByVal RecordNumber As Long, ByVal arr As System.Array,
Optional ByVal ContainedInVariant As Boolean = True, Optional ByVal FixedStringLength As Integer = -1)
Dim FirstBound As Integer
Dim SecondBound As Integer
Dim cDims As Integer
If arr Is Nothing Then
cDims = 0
cDims = arr.Rank()
FirstBound = arr.GetUpperBound(0)
End If
If cDims = 1 Then
SecondBound = -1
ElseIf cDims = 2 Then
SecondBound = arr.GetUpperBound(1)
ElseIf cDims <> 0 Then
Throw New ArgumentException(SR.Argument_UnsupportedArrayDimensions)
End If
If ContainedInVariant Then
Dim vtype As VT
vtype = VTType(arr)
m_position += 2
If (vtype And VT.Array) = 0 Then
Throw VbMakeException(vbErrors.InvalidTypeLibVariable)
End If
End If
If cDims <> 0 Then
PutArrayData(arr, arr.GetType().GetElementType(), FixedStringLength, FirstBound, SecondBound)
End If
End Sub
Friend Sub LengthCheck(ByVal Length As Integer)
If m_lRecordLen = -1 Then
Exit Sub
End If
If Length > m_lRecordLen Then
Throw VbMakeException(vbErrors.BadRecordLen)
If (GetPos() + Length) > (m_lRecordStart + m_lRecordLen) Then
Throw VbMakeException(vbErrors.BadRecordLen)
End If
End If
End Sub
'Writes a fixed length string member of a structure to the file
Friend Sub PutFixedLengthString(ByVal RecordNumber As Long, ByVal s As String, ByVal lengthToWrite As Integer)
Dim PadChar As Char = " "c
If s Is Nothing Then
s = ""
End If
If s = "" Then
PadChar = ChrW(0)
End If
'Need to handle double byte chars in s
Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(Not m_Encoding Is Nothing)
Dim ByteLength As Integer = m_Encoding.GetByteCount(s)
If ByteLength > lengthToWrite Then
If ByteLength = s.Length Then
s = Left(s, lengthToWrite)
'String contains multi-byte characters. Truncate to 'length' bytes.
Dim Bytes() As Byte = m_Encoding.GetBytes(s)
s = m_Encoding.GetString(Bytes, 0, lengthToWrite)
Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(Not m_Encoding Is Nothing)
ByteLength = m_Encoding.GetByteCount(s)
If ByteLength > lengthToWrite Then
For i As Integer = lengthToWrite - 1 To 0 Step -1
Bytes(i) = 0
s = m_Encoding.GetString(Bytes, 0, lengthToWrite)
ByteLength = m_Encoding.GetByteCount(s)
If ByteLength <= lengthToWrite Then
Exit For
End If
End If
Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(ByteLength <= lengthToWrite)
End If
End If
If ByteLength < lengthToWrite Then
s = s & StrDup(lengthToWrite - ByteLength, PadChar)
End If
Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(m_Encoding.GetByteCount(s) = lengthToWrite)
m_position += lengthToWrite
End Sub
Friend Sub PutVariantString(ByVal RecordNumber As Long, ByVal s As String)
If s Is Nothing Then
s = ""
End If
Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(Not m_Encoding Is Nothing)
Dim ByteLength As Integer = m_Encoding.GetByteCount(s)
LengthCheck(ByteLength + 2 + 2) 'Add sizeof string length and vartype
If (ByteLength <> 0) Then
End If
m_position += ByteLength + 2 + 2
End Sub
Friend Sub PutString(ByVal RecordNumber As Long, ByVal s As String)
If s Is Nothing Then
s = ""
End If
Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(Not m_Encoding Is Nothing)
Dim ByteLength As Integer = m_Encoding.GetByteCount(s)
If (ByteLength <> 0) Then
End If
m_position += ByteLength
End Sub
Friend Sub PutStringWithLength(ByVal RecordNumber As Long, ByVal s As String)
If s Is Nothing Then
s = ""
End If
Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(Not m_Encoding Is Nothing)
Dim ByteLength As Integer = m_Encoding.GetByteCount(s)
LengthCheck(ByteLength + 2)
If ByteLength <> 0 Then
'Must use streamwriter to get the unicode/ansi conversion done
End If
m_position += ByteLength + 2
End Sub
Friend Sub PutDate(ByVal RecordNumber As Long, ByVal dt As Date, Optional ByVal ContainedInVariant As Boolean = False)
Dim RecLength As Integer = 8
Dim dbl As Double
If ContainedInVariant Then
RecLength += 2
End If
If ContainedInVariant Then
End If
dbl = dt.ToOADate()
m_position += RecLength
End Sub
Friend Sub PutShort(ByVal RecordNumber As Long, ByVal i As Short, Optional ByVal ContainedInVariant As Boolean = False)
Dim RecLength As Integer = 2
If ContainedInVariant Then
RecLength += 2
End If
If ContainedInVariant Then
End If
m_position += RecLength
End Sub
Friend Sub PutInteger(ByVal RecordNumber As Long, ByVal l As Integer, Optional ByVal ContainedInVariant As Boolean = False)
Dim RecLength As Integer = 4
If ContainedInVariant Then
RecLength += 2
End If
If ContainedInVariant Then
End If
m_position += RecLength
End Sub
Friend Sub PutLong(ByVal RecordNumber As Long, ByVal l As Long, Optional ByVal ContainedInVariant As Boolean = False)
Dim RecLength As Integer = 8
If ContainedInVariant Then
RecLength += 2 ' Add length of vartype
End If
If ContainedInVariant Then
End If
m_position += RecLength
End Sub
Friend Sub PutByte(ByVal RecordNumber As Long, ByVal byt As Byte, Optional ByVal ContainedInVariant As Boolean = False)
Dim RecLength As Integer = 1
If ContainedInVariant Then
RecLength += 2 ' Add length of vartype
End If
If ContainedInVariant Then
End If
m_position += RecLength
End Sub
Friend Sub PutChar(ByVal RecordNumber As Long, ByVal ch As Char, Optional ByVal ContainedInVariant As Boolean = False)
Dim RecLength As Integer = 2
If ContainedInVariant Then
RecLength += 2 ' Add length of vartype
End If
If ContainedInVariant Then
End If
m_position += RecLength
End Sub
Friend Sub PutSingle(ByVal RecordNumber As Long, ByVal sng As Single, Optional ByVal ContainedInVariant As Boolean = False)
Dim RecLength As Integer = 4
If ContainedInVariant Then
RecLength += 2 ' Add length of vartype
End If
If ContainedInVariant Then
End If
m_position += RecLength
End Sub
Friend Sub PutDouble(ByVal RecordNumber As Long, ByVal dbl As Double, Optional ByVal ContainedInVariant As Boolean = False)
Dim RecLength As Integer = 8
If ContainedInVariant Then
RecLength += 2 ' Add length of vartype
End If
If ContainedInVariant Then
End If
m_position += RecLength
End Sub
Friend Sub PutEmpty(ByVal RecordNumber As Long)
'This will always be a Variant
m_position += 2
End Sub
Friend Sub PutBoolean(ByVal RecordNumber As Long, ByVal b As Boolean, Optional ByVal ContainedInVariant As Boolean = False)
Dim RecLength As Integer = 2
If ContainedInVariant Then
RecLength += 2 ' Add length of vartype
End If
If ContainedInVariant Then
End If
If b Then
End If
m_position += RecLength
End Sub
Friend Sub PutDecimal(ByVal RecordNumber As Long, ByVal dec As Decimal, Optional ByVal ContainedInVariant As Boolean = False)
Dim RecLength As Integer = 16
If ContainedInVariant Then
RecLength += 2 ' Add length of vartype
End If
If ContainedInVariant Then
End If
Dim lo, mid, hi As Integer
Dim flags As Byte
Dim sign As Byte
Dim bits() As Integer
bits = System.Decimal.GetBits(dec)
flags = CByte((bits(3) And &H7FFFFFFFI) \ &H10000I)
lo = bits(0)
mid = bits(1)
hi = bits(2)
If (bits(3) And &H80000000I) <> 0 Then
sign = 128
End If
m_bw.Write(CShort(VT.Decimal)) ' Decimal contains the vtype as first 2 bytes
m_position += RecLength
End Sub
Friend Sub PutCurrency(ByVal RecordNumber As Long, ByVal dec As Decimal, Optional ByVal ContainedInVariant As Boolean = False)
Dim RecLength As Integer = 16
If ContainedInVariant Then
RecLength += 2 ' Add length of vartype
End If
If ContainedInVariant Then
End If
m_position += RecLength
End Sub
<RequiresUnreferencedCode("Calls EnumerateUDT")>
Friend Sub PutRecord(ByVal RecordNumber As Long, ByVal o As ValueType)
If o Is Nothing Then
Throw New NullReferenceException
End If
Dim intf As IRecordEnum
Dim ph As PutHandler
ph = New PutHandler(Me)
intf = ph
If intf Is Nothing Then
Throw VbMakeException(vbErrors.IllegalFuncCall)
End If
EnumerateUDT(o, intf, False)
End Sub
Friend Function ComTypeFromVT(ByVal vtype As VT) As System.Type
Select Case vtype
Case VT.Variant
Return GetType(System.Object)
Case VT.Empty
Return Nothing
Case VT.DBNull
Return GetType(System.DBNull)
Case VT.Short
Return GetType(System.Int16)
Case VT.Integer
Return GetType(System.Int32)
Case VT.Long
Return GetType(System.Int64)
Case VT.Single
Return GetType(System.Single)
Case VT.Double
Return GetType(System.Double)
Case VT.Date
Return GetType(System.DateTime)
Case VT.String
Return GetType(System.String)
Case VT.Error
Return GetType(System.Exception)
Case VT.Boolean
Return GetType(System.Boolean)
Case VT.Decimal
Return GetType(System.Decimal)
Case VT.Byte
Return GetType(System.Byte)
Case VT.Char
Return GetType(System.Char)
'Case VT.Structure
' 'Return m_Type
Case Else
Throw VbMakeException(vbErrors.InvalidTypeLibVariable)
End Select
End Function
<RequiresUnreferencedCode("Calls GetArrayData")>
Friend Sub GetFixedArray(ByVal RecordNumber As Long, ByRef arr As System.Array,
ByVal FieldType As System.Type, Optional ByVal FirstBound As Integer = -1,
Optional ByVal SecondBound As Integer = -1, Optional ByVal FixedStringLength As Integer = -1)
If SecondBound = -1 Then
arr = System.Array.CreateInstance(FieldType, FirstBound + 1)
arr = System.Array.CreateInstance(FieldType, FirstBound + 1, SecondBound + 1)
End If
GetArrayData(arr, FieldType, FirstBound, SecondBound, FixedStringLength)
End Sub
<RequiresUnreferencedCode("Calls GetArrayData")>
Friend Sub GetDynamicArray(ByRef arr As System.Array, ByVal t As System.Type, Optional ByVal FixedStringLength As Integer = -1)
arr = GetArrayDesc(t)
Dim cDims As Integer = arr.Rank
Dim FirstBound As Integer = arr.GetUpperBound(0)
Dim SecondBound As Integer
If cDims = 1 Then
SecondBound = -1
SecondBound = arr.GetUpperBound(1)
End If
GetArrayData(arr, t, FirstBound, SecondBound, FixedStringLength)
End Sub
Private Sub PutArrayDesc(ByVal arr As System.Array)
Dim cDims As Short
Dim i As Integer
If arr Is Nothing Then
cDims = 0
cDims = CShort(arr.Rank())
End If
m_position += 2
If cDims = 0 Then
Exit Sub
End If
For i = 0 To cDims - 1
m_bw.Write(CInt(arr.GetLowerBound(i))) 'Lower bound
m_position += 8
Next i
End Sub
Friend Function GetArrayDesc(ByVal typ As System.Type) As System.Array
Dim cDims As Integer
Dim lElementCounts() As Integer
Dim lLowerBounds() As Integer
Dim i As Integer
' for reading, read cDims, and how many in each, and redim
cDims = m_br.ReadInt16()
m_position += 2
If cDims = 0 Then
Return System.Array.CreateInstance(typ, 0)
End If
ReDim lElementCounts(cDims - 1)
ReDim lLowerBounds(cDims - 1)
For i = 0 To cDims - 1
lElementCounts(i) = m_br.ReadInt32()
lLowerBounds(i) = m_br.ReadInt32()
m_position += 8
Next i
Return System.Array.CreateInstance(typ, lElementCounts, lLowerBounds)
End Function
Friend Overridable Function GetLengthPrefixedString(ByVal RecordNumber As Long) As String
If EOF() Then
Return ""
End If
Return ReadString()
End Function
Friend Overridable Function GetFixedLengthString(ByVal RecordNumber As Long, ByVal ByteLength As Integer) As String
Return ReadString(ByteLength)
End Function
Protected Overloads Function ReadString(ByVal ByteLength As Integer) As String
Dim byteArray As Byte()
If ByteLength = 0 Then
Return Nothing
End If
byteArray = m_br.ReadBytes(ByteLength)
m_position += ByteLength
Return m_Encoding.GetString(byteArray)
End Function
Protected Overloads Function ReadString() As String
Dim ByteLen As Integer
ByteLen = m_br.ReadInt16()
m_position += 2
If ByteLen = 0 Then
Return Nothing
End If
Return ReadString(ByteLen)
End Function
Friend Function GetDate(ByVal RecordNumber As Long) As Date
Dim dbl As Double
dbl = m_br.ReadDouble()
m_position += 8
Return System.DateTime.FromOADate(dbl)
End Function
Friend Function GetShort(ByVal RecordNumber As Long) As Short
Dim s As Short
s = m_br.ReadInt16()
m_position += 2
Return s
End Function
Friend Function GetInteger(ByVal RecordNumber As Long) As Integer
Dim i As Integer
i = m_br.ReadInt32()
m_position += 4
Return i
End Function
Friend Function GetLong(ByVal RecordNumber As Long) As Long
Dim l As Long
l = m_br.ReadInt64()
m_position += 8
Return l
End Function
Friend Function GetByte(ByVal RecordNumber As Long) As Byte
Dim b As Byte
b = m_br.ReadByte()
m_position += 1
Return b
End Function
Friend Function GetChar(ByVal RecordNumber As Long) As Char
Dim c As Char
c = m_br.ReadChar()
m_position += 1
Return c
End Function
Friend Function GetSingle(ByVal RecordNumber As Long) As Single
Dim s As Single
s = m_br.ReadSingle()
m_position += 4
Return s
End Function
Friend Function GetDouble(ByVal RecordNumber As Long) As Double
Dim d As Double
d = m_br.ReadDouble()
m_position += 8
Return d
End Function
Friend Function GetDecimal(ByVal RecordNumber As Long) As Decimal
Dim vt As Integer
Dim lo, mid, hi As Integer
Dim flags As Byte
Dim negative As Boolean
Dim sign As Byte
vt = m_br.ReadInt16()
flags = m_br.ReadByte()
sign = m_br.ReadByte()
hi = m_br.ReadInt32()
lo = m_br.ReadInt32()
mid = m_br.ReadInt32()
m_position += 16
If sign <> 0 Then
negative = True
End If
Return New Decimal(lo, mid, hi, negative, flags)
End Function
Friend Function GetCurrency(ByVal RecordNumber As Long) As Decimal
Dim i64 As Int64
i64 = m_br.ReadInt64()
m_position += 8
Return Decimal.FromOACurrency(i64)
End Function
Friend Function GetBoolean(ByVal RecordNumber As Long) As Boolean
Dim i As Short
i = m_br.ReadInt16()
m_position += 2
If i = 0 Then
Return False
Return True
End If
End Function
<RequiresUnreferencedCode("Calls EnumerateUDT")>
Friend Sub GetRecord(ByVal RecordNumber As Long, ByRef o As ValueType, Optional ByVal ContainedInVariant As Boolean = False)
Dim intf As IRecordEnum
Dim ph As GetHandler
If o Is Nothing Then
Throw New NullReferenceException
End If
ph = New GetHandler(Me)
intf = ph
If intf Is Nothing Then
Throw VbMakeException(vbErrors.IllegalFuncCall)
End If
EnumerateUDT(o, intf, True)
End Sub
<RequiresUnreferencedCode("Calls PutObject")>
Friend Sub PutArrayData(ByVal arr As System.Array, ByVal typ As System.Type, ByVal FixedStringLength As Integer,
ByVal FirstBound As Integer, ByVal SecondBound As Integer)
Dim vtype As VT
Dim obj As Object
Dim iElementX As Integer
Dim iElementY As Integer
Dim iUpperElementX As Integer
Dim iUpperElementY As Integer
Dim sTemp As String
Dim ArrUBoundX, ArrUBoundY As Integer
Dim FixedBlankString As String = Nothing
Dim FixedCharArray As Char() = Nothing
If arr Is Nothing Then
ArrUBoundY = -1
ArrUBoundX = -1
ElseIf (arr.GetUpperBound(0) > FirstBound) Then
Throw New ArgumentException(SR.Argument_ArrayDimensionsDontMatch)
End If
If typ Is Nothing Then
typ = arr.GetType().GetElementType()
End If
vtype = VTFromComType(typ)
If SecondBound = -1 Then
iUpperElementX = 0
iUpperElementY = FirstBound
If Not arr Is Nothing Then
ArrUBoundY = arr.GetUpperBound(0)
End If
iUpperElementX = SecondBound
iUpperElementY = FirstBound
If Not arr Is Nothing Then
If arr.Rank <> 2 OrElse arr.GetUpperBound(1) <> SecondBound Then
Throw New ArgumentException(SR.Argument_ArrayDimensionsDontMatch)
End If
ArrUBoundY = arr.GetUpperBound(0)
ArrUBoundX = arr.GetUpperBound(1)
End If
End If
If vtype = VT.String Then
If FixedStringLength = 0 Then
'Use length of first String element
If SecondBound = -1 Then
obj = arr.GetValue(0)
obj = arr.GetValue(0, 0)
End If
If Not obj Is Nothing Then
FixedStringLength = obj.ToString().Length
End If
End If
If FixedStringLength = 0 Then
Throw New ArgumentException(SR.Argument_InvalidFixedLengthString)
ElseIf FixedStringLength > 0 Then
FixedBlankString = StrDup(FixedStringLength, " "c)
FixedCharArray = FixedBlankString.ToCharArray() 'Used for padding
End If
End If
Dim vtByteLength As Integer = GetByteLength(vtype)
' Only attempt to write data down as a byte array for improved performance if:
' 1. 1-Dimension array.
' 2. Array is of the supported type (see GetByteLength).
' 3. The given bound (iUpperElement - fixed size array) is the same as real size of the array (ArrUBound).
' (The first check at the start of the array ensure that iUpperElement (FirstBound) will never < ArrUBound.
If (SecondBound = -1) AndAlso (vtByteLength > 0) AndAlso (iUpperElementY = ArrUBoundY) Then
' Calculate the total byte length we're writing down.
Dim totalLength As Integer = vtByteLength * (iUpperElementY + 1)
' The totalLength has to be less than the record length (See LengthCheck).
If GetPos() + totalLength <= m_lRecordStart + m_lRecordLen Then
Dim byteArr(totalLength - 1) As Byte
System.Buffer.BlockCopy(arr, 0, byteArr, 0, totalLength)
m_position += totalLength
End If
End If
For iElementX = 0 To iUpperElementX
For iElementY = 0 To iUpperElementY
If SecondBound = -1 Then
If iElementY > ArrUBoundY Then
obj = Nothing
obj = arr.GetValue(iElementY)
End If
If iElementY > ArrUBoundY OrElse iElementX > ArrUBoundX Then
obj = Nothing
'These are supposed to be ordered Y, X
' because of the order VB6 writes out
obj = arr.GetValue(iElementY, iElementX)
End If
End If
Catch Ex As IndexOutOfRangeException
'The VBFixedArrayAttribute size must be larger than the array, pad it.
obj = 0
End Try
Select Case vtype
Case VT.DBNull, VT.Empty
Case VT.Byte '1 byte
m_position += 1
Case VT.Short '2 bytes
m_position += 2
Case VT.Boolean '2 bytes
Dim b As Boolean = BooleanType.FromObject(obj)
If b Then
End If
m_position += 2
Case VT.Integer '4 Bytes
m_position += 4
Case VT.Long '8 Bytes
m_position += 8
Case VT.Single '4 bytes
m_position += 4
Case VT.Error '4 bytes
Throw VbMakeException(vbErrors.TypeMismatch)
Case VT.Double '8 bytes
m_position += 8
Case VT.Date '8 bytes
m_position += 8
Case VT.Decimal '8 bytes
m_position += 8
Case VT.String
Dim ByteLength As Integer
If obj Is Nothing Then
If FixedStringLength > 0 Then
sTemp = FixedBlankString
ByteLength = FixedStringLength
Debug.Assert(m_Encoding.GetByteCount(sTemp) = ByteLength)
sTemp = ""
ByteLength = 0
End If
sTemp = obj.ToString()
Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(Not m_Encoding Is Nothing)
ByteLength = m_Encoding.GetByteCount(sTemp)
If FixedStringLength > 0 AndAlso ByteLength > FixedStringLength Then
'We need to truncate the string to the fixed string length (in bytes, not characters)
If ByteLength = sTemp.Length Then
'SBCS or DBCS but the string contains only SBCS characters
sTemp = Microsoft.VisualBasic.Left(sTemp, FixedStringLength)
Debug.Assert(m_Encoding.GetByteCount(sTemp) = FixedStringLength)
ByteLength = FixedStringLength
'String contains multi-byte characters. Truncate to 'FixedStringLength'
' bytes (if cuts off half of a DBCS character, that character
' is replaced with a single Chr(0))
Dim Bytes() As Byte = m_Encoding.GetBytes(sTemp)
sTemp = m_Encoding.GetString(Bytes, 0, FixedStringLength)
ByteLength = m_Encoding.GetByteCount(sTemp)
Debug.Assert(ByteLength <= FixedStringLength)
End If
End If
End If
If ByteLength > System.Int16.MaxValue Then
'Size for strings is 2 bytes, thus the Short.MaxValue limitation
Throw VbMakeException(New ArgumentException(SR.FileIO_StringLengthExceeded), vbErrors.IllegalFuncCall)
End If
'Do a length check and write out the length if not fixed length
If FixedStringLength > 0 Then
Debug.Assert(ByteLength = m_Encoding.GetByteCount(sTemp) AndAlso ByteLength <= FixedStringLength)
If ByteLength < FixedStringLength Then
'Pad with spaces
m_sw.Write(FixedCharArray, 0, FixedStringLength - ByteLength)
End If
m_position += FixedStringLength
LengthCheck(ByteLength + 2)
m_position += (2 + ByteLength)
End If
Case VT.Char '2 bytes
m_position += 2
Case VT.Variant
PutObject(obj, 0, True)
Case VT.Structure
PutObject(obj, 0, False)
Case Else
If (vtype And VT.Array) <> 0 Then
'Arrays of arrays not supported
Throw VbMakeException(vbErrors.TypeMismatch)
Throw VbMakeException(vbErrors.InvalidTypeLibVariable)
End If
vtype = vtype Xor VT.Array
If vtype = VT.Variant Then
Throw VbMakeException(vbErrors.TypeMismatch)
End If
If vtype > VT.Variant AndAlso (vtype <> VT.Byte AndAlso vtype <> VT.Decimal AndAlso vtype <> VT.Char AndAlso vtype <> VT.Long) Then
Throw VbMakeException(vbErrors.InvalidTypeLibVariable)
End If
End Select
Next iElementY
Next iElementX
End Sub
<RequiresUnreferencedCode("Calls GetObject")>
Friend Sub GetArrayData(ByVal arr As System.Array, ByVal typ As System.Type, Optional ByVal FirstBound As Integer = -1,
Optional ByVal SecondBound As Integer = -1, Optional ByVal FixedStringLength As Integer = -1)
Dim vtype As VT
Dim obj As Object = Nothing
Dim iElementX As Integer
Dim iElementY As Integer
Dim iUpperElementX As Integer
Dim iUpperElementY As Integer
If arr Is Nothing Then
Throw New ArgumentException(SR.Argument_ArrayNotInitialized)
End If
If typ Is Nothing Then
typ = arr.GetType().GetElementType()
End If
vtype = VTFromComType(typ)
If SecondBound = -1 Then
iUpperElementX = 0
iUpperElementY = FirstBound
iUpperElementX = SecondBound
iUpperElementY = FirstBound
End If
Dim vtByteLength As Integer = GetByteLength(vtype)
' Only attempt to read data as a byte array for improved performance if:
' 1. 1-Dimension array.
' 2. Array is of the supported type (see GetByteLength).
' 3. The given bound (iUpperElement - fixed size array) is the same as the real size of the array.
If (SecondBound = -1) AndAlso (vtByteLength > 0) AndAlso (iUpperElementY = arr.GetUpperBound(0)) Then
' Calculate the total byte length we're reading.
Dim totalLength As Integer = vtByteLength * (iUpperElementY + 1)
' The totalLength has to be less than the length in byte of the array.
If totalLength <= arr.Length * vtByteLength Then
System.Buffer.BlockCopy(m_br.ReadBytes(totalLength), 0, arr, 0, totalLength)
m_position += totalLength
End If
End If
For iElementX = 0 To iUpperElementX
For iElementY = 0 To iUpperElementY
Select Case vtype
Case VT.DBNull, VT.Empty
Case VT.Byte '1 byte
obj = m_br.ReadByte()
m_position += 1
Case VT.Short '2 bytes
obj = m_br.ReadInt16()
m_position += 2
Case VT.Boolean '2 bytes
obj = CBool(m_br.ReadInt16())
m_position += 2
Case VT.Integer '4 Bytes
obj = m_br.ReadInt32()
m_position += 4
Case VT.Long '8 Bytes
obj = m_br.ReadInt64()
m_position += 8
Case VT.Single '4 bytes
obj = m_br.ReadSingle()
m_position += 4
Case VT.Error '4 bytes
'consider error case
Case VT.Double '8 bytes
obj = m_br.ReadDouble()
m_position += 8
Case VT.Date '8 bytes
obj = System.DateTime.FromOADate(m_br.ReadDouble())
m_position += 8
Case VT.Decimal '8 bytes
Dim l As Long
l = m_br.ReadInt64()
m_position += 8
obj = System.Decimal.FromOACurrency(l)
Case VT.String
If FixedStringLength >= 0 Then
obj = ReadString(FixedStringLength)
obj = ReadString()
End If
Case VT.Char
obj = m_br.ReadChar()
m_position += 1
Case VT.Variant
If SecondBound = -1 Then
obj = arr.GetValue(iElementY)
obj = arr.GetValue(iElementY, iElementX)
End If
GetObject(obj, 0, True)
Case VT.Structure
If SecondBound = -1 Then
obj = arr.GetValue(iElementY)
obj = arr.GetValue(iElementY, iElementX)
End If
GetObject(obj, 0, False)
Case Else
If (vtype And VT.Array) <> 0 Then
Throw VbMakeException(vbErrors.InvalidTypeLibVariable)
End If
vtype = vtype Xor VT.Array
If vtype = VT.Variant Then
Throw VbMakeException(vbErrors.TypeMismatch)
End If
If vtype > VT.Variant AndAlso (vtype <> VT.Byte AndAlso vtype <> VT.Decimal AndAlso vtype <> VT.Char AndAlso vtype <> VT.Long) Then
Throw VbMakeException(vbErrors.InvalidTypeLibVariable)
End If
End Select
If SecondBound = -1 Then
arr.SetValue(obj, iElementY)
arr.SetValue(obj, iElementY, iElementX)
End If
Catch Ex As IndexOutOfRangeException
Throw New ArgumentException(SR.Argument_ArrayDimensionsDontMatch)
End Try
Next iElementY
Next iElementX
End Sub
''' ;GetByteLength
''' <summary>
''' This function is also used to check if a value type is supported for optimized FilePut in array case.
''' Given a VT value, determine the byte length of that type. Return -1 if that type is not supported.
''' </summary>
Private Function GetByteLength(ByVal vtype As VT) As Integer
Select Case vtype
Case VT.Byte '1 byte
Return 1
Case VT.Short '2 bytes
Return 2
Case VT.Integer '4 Bytes
Return 4
Case VT.Long '8 Bytes
Return 8
Case VT.Single '4 bytes
Return 4
Case VT.Double '8 bytes
Return 8
Case Else
Return -1
End Select
End Function
Private Sub PrintTab(ByVal ti As TabInfo)
If ti.Column = -1 Then
Dim CurColumn As Integer
CurColumn = GetColumn()
CurColumn += (14 - (CurColumn Mod 14))
End If
End Sub
Private Function AddSpaces(ByVal s As String) As String
Dim NegativeSign As String
NegativeSign = Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture.NumberFormat.NegativeSign
If NegativeSign.Length = 1 Then
If s.Chars(0) = NegativeSign.Chars(0) Then
'Append trailing space
Return s & " "
End If
ElseIf Left(s, NegativeSign.Length) = NegativeSign Then
'Append trailing space
Return s & " "
End If
'Append both leading and trailing space
Return System.String.Concat(" ", s, " ")
End Function
Friend Sub PrintLine(ByVal ParamArray Output() As Object)
End Sub
Friend Sub Print(ByVal ParamArray Output() As Object)
Dim i As Integer
Dim s As String
Dim obj As Object
Dim typ As Type
Dim ParamCount As Integer
Dim LastTabOrSpc As Integer
If (Output Is Nothing) OrElse (Output.Length = 0) Then
Exit Sub
End If
ParamCount = Output.GetUpperBound(0)
LastTabOrSpc = -1
For i = 0 To ParamCount
s = Nothing
obj = Output(i)
If obj Is Nothing Then
typ = Nothing
typ = obj.GetType()
If typ.IsEnum() Then
typ = System.Enum.GetUnderlyingType(typ)
End If
End If
If obj Is Nothing Then
'Treat as empty
s = ""
End If
If typ Is Nothing Then
s = ""
Select Case Type.GetTypeCode(typ)
Case TypeCode.String
s = obj.ToString()
Case TypeCode.Int16
s = AddSpaces(StringType.FromShort(ShortType.FromObject(obj)))
Case TypeCode.Int32
s = AddSpaces(StringType.FromInteger(IntegerType.FromObject(obj)))
Case TypeCode.Int64
s = AddSpaces(StringType.FromLong(LongType.FromObject(obj)))
Case TypeCode.Byte
s = AddSpaces(StringType.FromByte(ByteType.FromObject(obj)))
Case TypeCode.DateTime
s = StringType.FromDate(DateType.FromObject(obj)) & " "
Case TypeCode.Double
s = AddSpaces(StringType.FromDouble(DoubleType.FromObject(obj)))
Case TypeCode.Single
s = AddSpaces(StringType.FromSingle(SingleType.FromObject(obj)))
Case TypeCode.Decimal
s = AddSpaces(StringType.FromDecimal(DecimalType.FromObject(obj)))
Case TypeCode.DBNull
s = "Null"
Case TypeCode.Boolean
s = StringType.FromBoolean(BooleanType.FromObject(obj))
Case TypeCode.Char
s = StringType.FromChar(CharType.FromObject(obj))
Case Else
If typ Is GetType(TabInfo) Then
PrintTab(CType(obj, TabInfo))
LastTabOrSpc = i
Continue For
ElseIf typ Is GetType(SpcInfo) Then
SPC(CType(obj, SpcInfo).Count)
LastTabOrSpc = i
Continue For
ElseIf typ Is GetType(System.Reflection.Missing) Then
s = "Error 448"
Throw New ArgumentException(SR.Format(SR.Argument_UnsupportedIOType1, VBFriendlyName(typ)))
End If
End Select
End If
If LastTabOrSpc <> (i - 1) Then
Dim lCurPos As Integer
lCurPos = GetColumn()
SetColumn(lCurPos + (14 - (lCurPos Mod 14)))
End If
Next i
End Sub
Friend Sub WriteLineHelper(ByVal ParamArray Output() As Object)
End Sub
Friend Sub WriteHelper(ByVal ParamArray Output() As Object)
End Sub
Private Sub InternalWriteHelper(ByVal ParamArray Output() As Object)
Dim SpcInfoType As Type = GetType(SpcInfo)
Dim CurrentType As Type = SpcInfoType
Dim value As Object
Dim i As Integer
'Always write in invariant format for cross culture compatibility
Dim InvariantNumberFormat As NumberFormatInfo = GetInvariantCultureInfo().NumberFormat
For i = 0 To Output.GetUpperBound(0)
value = Output(i)
If value Is Nothing Then
WriteString("#ERROR 448#")
If Not (CurrentType Is SpcInfoType) Then
End If
CurrentType = value.GetType()
If CurrentType Is SpcInfoType Then
SPC(CType(value, SpcInfo).Count)
ElseIf CurrentType Is GetType(TabInfo) Then
Dim ti As TabInfo = CType(value, TabInfo)
If ti.Column >= 0 Then
End If
ElseIf CurrentType Is GetType(System.Reflection.Missing) Then
WriteString("#ERROR 448#")
Select Case Type.GetTypeCode(CurrentType)
Case TypeCode.String
Case TypeCode.Int16
Case TypeCode.Int32
Case TypeCode.Int64
Case TypeCode.Byte
Case TypeCode.DateTime
Case TypeCode.Double
WriteString(IOStrFromDouble(DoubleType.FromObject(value), InvariantNumberFormat))
Case TypeCode.Single
WriteString(IOStrFromSingle(SingleType.FromObject(value), InvariantNumberFormat))
Case TypeCode.Decimal
WriteString(IOStrFromDecimal(DecimalType.FromObject(value), InvariantNumberFormat))
Case TypeCode.DBNull
Case TypeCode.Boolean
If BooleanType.FromObject(value) Then
End If
Case TypeCode.Char
Case Else
' consider support for UDT
If TypeOf value Is Char() AndAlso CType(value, Array).Rank = 1 Then
Throw VbMakeException(vbErrors.IllegalFuncCall)
End If
End Select
End If
End If
End Sub
Private Function IOStrFromSingle(ByVal Value As Single, ByVal NumberFormat As NumberFormatInfo) As String
Return Value.ToString(Nothing, NumberFormat)
End Function
Private Function IOStrFromDouble(ByVal Value As Double, ByVal NumberFormat As NumberFormatInfo) As String
Return Value.ToString(Nothing, NumberFormat)
End Function
Private Function IOStrFromDecimal(ByVal Value As Decimal, ByVal NumberFormat As NumberFormatInfo) As String
Return Value.ToString("G29", NumberFormat)
End Function
Friend Function FormatUniversalDate(ByVal dt As Date) As String
Dim bHasDate As Boolean
Dim sFormat As String
'sb = New StringBuilder("#", 24)
sFormat = sTimeFormat
' only insert date If not at the "start of time" (1/1/0)
If (dt.Year <> 0 OrElse dt.Month <> 1 OrElse dt.Day <> 1) Then
bHasDate = True
sFormat = sDateFormat
End If
' only insert time If not midnight (00:00:00)
If ((dt.Hour + dt.Minute + dt.Second) <> 0) Then
' insert space separator If date was output
If bHasDate Then
sFormat = sDateTimeFormat
End If
End If
Return dt.ToString(sFormat, m_WriteDateFormatInfo)
' sb.Append("#")
' FormatUniversalDate = sb.ToString()
End Function
Protected Function GetQuotedString(ByVal Value As String) As String
'Wrap Value with quotes, but make sure to escape quotes contained in Value.
Return """" & Value.Replace("""", """""") & """"
End Function
Protected Sub ValidateRec(ByVal RecordNumber As Long)
If RecordNumber < 1 Then
Throw VbMakeException(vbErrors.BadRecordNum)
End If
End Sub
<RequiresUnreferencedCode("VB6RandomFile implementation is unsafe.")>
Friend Overridable Sub GetObject(ByRef Value As Object, Optional ByVal RecordNumber As Long = 0, Optional ByVal ContainedInVariant As Boolean = True)
Throw VbMakeException(vbErrors.BadFileMode)
End Sub
<RequiresUnreferencedCode("VB6RandomFile implementation is unsafe.")>
Friend Overridable Overloads Sub [Get](ByRef Value As ValueType, Optional ByVal RecordNumber As Long = 0)
Throw VbMakeException(vbErrors.BadFileMode)
End Sub
<RequiresUnreferencedCode("VB6RandomFile implementation is unsafe.")>
Friend Overridable Overloads Sub [Get](ByRef Value As System.Array, Optional ByVal RecordNumber As Long = 0,
Optional ByVal ArrayIsDynamic As Boolean = False, Optional ByVal StringIsFixedLength As Boolean = False)
Throw VbMakeException(vbErrors.BadFileMode)
End Sub
Friend Overridable Overloads Sub [Get](ByRef Value As Boolean, Optional ByVal RecordNumber As Long = 0)
Throw VbMakeException(vbErrors.BadFileMode)
End Sub
Friend Overridable Overloads Sub [Get](ByRef Value As Byte, Optional ByVal RecordNumber As Long = 0)
Throw VbMakeException(vbErrors.BadFileMode)
End Sub
Friend Overridable Overloads Sub [Get](ByRef Value As Short, Optional ByVal RecordNumber As Long = 0)
Throw VbMakeException(vbErrors.BadFileMode)
End Sub
Friend Overridable Overloads Sub [Get](ByRef Value As Integer, Optional ByVal RecordNumber As Long = 0)
Throw VbMakeException(vbErrors.BadFileMode)
End Sub
Friend Overridable Overloads Sub [Get](ByRef Value As Long, Optional ByVal RecordNumber As Long = 0)
Throw VbMakeException(vbErrors.BadFileMode)
End Sub
Friend Overridable Overloads Sub [Get](ByRef Value As Char, Optional ByVal RecordNumber As Long = 0)
Throw VbMakeException(vbErrors.BadFileMode)
End Sub
Friend Overridable Overloads Sub [Get](ByRef Value As Single, Optional ByVal RecordNumber As Long = 0)
Throw VbMakeException(vbErrors.BadFileMode)
End Sub
Friend Overridable Overloads Sub [Get](ByRef Value As Double, Optional ByVal RecordNumber As Long = 0)
Throw VbMakeException(vbErrors.BadFileMode)
End Sub
Friend Overridable Overloads Sub [Get](ByRef Value As Decimal, Optional ByVal RecordNumber As Long = 0)
Throw VbMakeException(vbErrors.BadFileMode)
End Sub
Friend Overridable Overloads Sub [Get](ByRef Value As String, Optional ByVal RecordNumber As Long = 0, Optional ByVal StringIsFixedLength As Boolean = False)
Throw VbMakeException(vbErrors.BadFileMode)
End Sub
Friend Overridable Overloads Sub [Get](ByRef Value As Date, Optional ByVal RecordNumber As Long = 0)
Throw VbMakeException(vbErrors.BadFileMode)
End Sub
<RequiresUnreferencedCode("VB6RandomFile implementation is unsafe.")>
Friend Overridable Sub PutObject(ByVal Value As Object, Optional ByVal RecordNumber As Long = 0, Optional ByVal ContainedInVariant As Boolean = True)
Throw VbMakeException(vbErrors.BadFileMode)
End Sub
Friend Overridable Overloads Sub Put(ByVal Value As Object, Optional ByVal RecordNumber As Long = 0)
Throw VbMakeException(vbErrors.BadFileMode)
End Sub
<RequiresUnreferencedCode("VB6RandomFile implementation is unsafe.")>
Friend Overridable Overloads Sub Put(ByVal Value As ValueType, Optional ByVal RecordNumber As Long = 0)
Throw VbMakeException(vbErrors.BadFileMode)
End Sub
<RequiresUnreferencedCode("VB6RandomFile implementation is unsafe.")>
Friend Overridable Overloads Sub Put(ByVal Value As System.Array, Optional ByVal RecordNumber As Long = 0,
Optional ByVal ArrayIsDynamic As Boolean = False, Optional ByVal StringIsFixedLength As Boolean = False)
Throw VbMakeException(vbErrors.BadFileMode)
End Sub
Friend Overridable Overloads Sub Put(ByVal Value As Boolean, Optional ByVal RecordNumber As Long = 0)
Throw VbMakeException(vbErrors.BadFileMode)
End Sub
Friend Overridable Overloads Sub Put(ByVal Value As Byte, Optional ByVal RecordNumber As Long = 0)
Throw VbMakeException(vbErrors.BadFileMode)
End Sub
Friend Overridable Overloads Sub Put(ByVal Value As Short, Optional ByVal RecordNumber As Long = 0)
Throw VbMakeException(vbErrors.BadFileMode)
End Sub
Friend Overridable Overloads Sub Put(ByVal Value As Integer, Optional ByVal RecordNumber As Long = 0)
Throw VbMakeException(vbErrors.BadFileMode)
End Sub
Friend Overridable Overloads Sub Put(ByVal Value As Long, Optional ByVal RecordNumber As Long = 0)
Throw VbMakeException(vbErrors.BadFileMode)
End Sub
Friend Overridable Overloads Sub Put(ByVal Value As Char, Optional ByVal RecordNumber As Long = 0)
Throw VbMakeException(vbErrors.BadFileMode)
End Sub
Friend Overridable Overloads Sub Put(ByVal Value As Single, Optional ByVal RecordNumber As Long = 0)
Throw VbMakeException(vbErrors.BadFileMode)
End Sub
Friend Overridable Overloads Sub Put(ByVal Value As Double, Optional ByVal RecordNumber As Long = 0)
Throw VbMakeException(vbErrors.BadFileMode)
End Sub
Friend Overridable Overloads Sub Put(ByVal Value As Decimal, Optional ByVal RecordNumber As Long = 0)
Throw VbMakeException(vbErrors.BadFileMode)
End Sub
Friend Overridable Overloads Sub Put(ByVal Value As String, Optional ByVal RecordNumber As Long = 0, Optional ByVal StringIsFixedLength As Boolean = False)
Throw VbMakeException(vbErrors.BadFileMode)
End Sub
Friend Overridable Overloads Sub Put(ByVal Value As Date, Optional ByVal RecordNumber As Long = 0)
Throw VbMakeException(vbErrors.BadFileMode)
End Sub
' Input
<RequiresUnreferencedCode("Implementation of Vb6InputFile is unsafe.")>
Friend Overridable Overloads Sub Input(ByRef obj As Object)
Throw VbMakeException(vbErrors.BadFileMode)
End Sub
Friend Overridable Overloads Sub Input(ByRef Value As Boolean)
Throw VbMakeException(vbErrors.BadFileMode)
End Sub
Friend Overridable Overloads Sub Input(ByRef Value As Byte)
Throw VbMakeException(vbErrors.BadFileMode)
End Sub
Friend Overridable Overloads Sub Input(ByRef Value As Short)
Throw VbMakeException(vbErrors.BadFileMode)
End Sub
Friend Overridable Overloads Sub Input(ByRef Value As Integer)
Throw VbMakeException(vbErrors.BadFileMode)
End Sub
Friend Overridable Overloads Sub Input(ByRef Value As Long)
Throw VbMakeException(vbErrors.BadFileMode)
End Sub
Friend Overridable Overloads Sub Input(ByRef Value As Char)
Throw VbMakeException(vbErrors.BadFileMode)
End Sub
Friend Overridable Overloads Sub Input(ByRef Value As Single)
Throw VbMakeException(vbErrors.BadFileMode)
End Sub
Friend Overridable Overloads Sub Input(ByRef Value As Double)
Throw VbMakeException(vbErrors.BadFileMode)
End Sub
Friend Overridable Overloads Sub Input(ByRef Value As Decimal)
Throw VbMakeException(vbErrors.BadFileMode)
End Sub
Friend Overridable Overloads Sub Input(ByRef Value As String)
Throw VbMakeException(vbErrors.BadFileMode)
End Sub
Friend Overridable Overloads Sub Input(ByRef Value As Date)
Throw VbMakeException(vbErrors.BadFileMode)
End Sub
Protected Function SkipWhiteSpace() As Integer
Dim lChar As Integer = m_sr.Peek()
If CheckEOF(lChar) Then
m_eof = True
GoTo SkipWhiteSpaceExit
End If
Do While (IntlIsSpace(lChar) OrElse (lChar = lchTab))
m_position += 1
lChar = m_sr.Peek()
If CheckEOF(lChar) Then
m_eof = True
Exit Do
End If
Return lChar
End Function
Private Function GetFileInTerm(ByVal iTermType As Short) As String
Select Case iTermType
GetFileInTerm = " ," & ControlChars.Tab & ControlChars.Cr
GetFileInTerm = ControlChars.Cr
GetFileInTerm = chDblQuote
GetFileInTerm = "," & ControlChars.Cr
GetFileInTerm = " ," & ControlChars.Tab & ControlChars.Cr
Case Else
Throw VbMakeException(vbErrors.IllegalFuncCall)
End Select
End Function
Protected Function IntlIsSpace(ByVal lch As Integer) As Boolean
' consider testing for intl spaces
Return (lch = lchSpace) Or (lch = lchIntlSpace)
End Function
Protected Function IntlIsDoubleQuote(ByVal lch As Integer) As Boolean
' consider testing for intl double quotes
Return (lch = lchDoubleQuote)
End Function
Protected Function IntlIsComma(ByVal lch As Integer) As Boolean
' consider testing for intl commas
Return (lch = lchComma)
End Function
Protected Function SkipWhiteSpaceEOF() As Integer
Dim retValue As Integer = SkipWhiteSpace()
If CheckEOF(retValue) Then
Throw VbMakeException(vbErrors.EndOfFile)
End If
Return retValue
End Function
Protected Sub SkipTrailingWhiteSpace()
Dim lChar As Integer
' get the field termination character
lChar = m_sr.Peek()
If CheckEOF(lChar) Then
m_eof = True
Exit Sub
End If
' If field was teminated by space/tab (numeric) or quote
' quoted-string, scan ahead over any further spaces/tabs
If (IntlIsSpace(lChar) OrElse IntlIsDoubleQuote(lChar) OrElse lChar = lchTab) Then
lChar = m_sr.Read() 'Remove it
m_position += 1
'Remove any remaining whitespace
lChar = m_sr.Peek()
If CheckEOF(lChar) Then
m_eof = True
Exit Sub
End If
Do While (IntlIsSpace(lChar) OrElse (lChar = lchTab))
m_sr.Read() 'Remove it
m_position += 1
lChar = m_sr.Peek() 'Look at next char
If CheckEOF(lChar) Then
m_eof = True
Exit Sub
End If
End If
' If a carriage-return terminates the field, scan over
' a following line-feed If there
If (lChar = lchCR) Then
lChar = m_sr.Read()
m_position += 1
If CheckEOF(lChar) Then
m_eof = True
Exit Sub
End If
If (m_sr.Peek() = lchLF) Then
lChar = m_sr.Read()
m_position += 1
End If
ElseIf IntlIsComma(lChar) Then
' Go past the comma
lChar = m_sr.Read()
m_position += 1
End If
lChar = m_sr.Peek()
If CheckEOF(lChar) Then
m_eof = True
Exit Sub
End If
End Sub
Protected Function ReadInField(ByVal iTermType As Short) As String
Dim sTermChars As String
Dim lChar As Integer
Dim sb As StringBuilder
sb = New StringBuilder
sTermChars = GetFileInTerm(iTermType)
' Peek at the first character
lChar = m_sr.Peek()
If CheckEOF(lChar) Then
m_eof = True
Do While (Not sTermChars.Contains(ChrW(lChar)))
lChar = m_sr.Read()
m_position += 1
If lChar <> 0 Then
End If
lChar = m_sr.Peek()
If CheckEOF(lChar) Then
m_eof = True
Exit Do
End If
End If
' if no error, finish up
' if reading a string, or field string exists,
' append buffer to string.
' if the string is not quoted, and we are not
' in line-input mode, then RTrim the string.
If (iTermType = FIN_STRING OrElse iTermType = FIN_NUMBER) Then
ReadInField = RTrim(sb.ToString())
ReadInField = sb.ToString()
End If
End Function
Protected Function CheckEOF(ByVal lChar As Integer) As Boolean
Return (lChar = EOF_INDICATOR OrElse lChar = EOF_CHAR)
End Function
' The NullReferenceException is for compatibility with VB6 which threw a NullReferenceException when
' reading from a file that was write-only. The inner exception was added to provide more context.
Private Sub ValidateReadable()
If (m_access <> OpenAccess.ReadWrite) AndAlso (m_access <> OpenAccess.Read) Then
Dim JustNeedTheMessage As New NullReferenceException ' We don't have access to the localized resources for this string.
Throw New NullReferenceException(JustNeedTheMessage.Message, New IO.IOException(SR.FileOpenedNoRead))
End If
End Sub
End Class
End Namespace