' Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
' The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
Imports System
Namespace Global.Microsoft.VisualBasic
Public Enum VariantType
Empty = 0
Null = 1
[Short] = 2
[Integer] = 3
[Single] = 4
[Double] = 5
Currency = 6
[Date] = 7
[String] = 8
[Object] = 9
[Error] = 10
[Boolean] = 11
[Variant] = 12
[DataObject] = 13
[Decimal] = 14
[Byte] = 17
[Char] = 18
[Long] = 20
UserDefinedType = 36
Array = 8192
End Enum
Public Enum AppWinStyle As Short
Hide = 0
NormalFocus = 1
MinimizedFocus = 2
MaximizedFocus = 3
NormalNoFocus = 4
MinimizedNoFocus = 6
End Enum
Public Enum CallType
Method = 1
[Get] = 2
[Let] = 4
[Set] = 8
End Enum
Public Enum CompareMethod
[Binary] = 0
[Text] = 1
End Enum
Public Enum DateFormat
GeneralDate = 0
LongDate = 1
ShortDate = 2
LongTime = 3
ShortTime = 4
End Enum
Public Enum FirstDayOfWeek
System = 0
Sunday = 1
Monday = 2
Tuesday = 3
Wednesday = 4
Thursday = 5
Friday = 6
Saturday = 7
End Enum
<Flags()> Public Enum FileAttribute
[Normal] = 0
[ReadOnly] = 1
[Hidden] = 2
[System] = 4
[Volume] = 8
[Directory] = 16
[Archive] = 32
End Enum
Public Enum FirstWeekOfYear
System = 0
Jan1 = 1
FirstFourDays = 2
FirstFullWeek = 3
End Enum
<Flags()> Public Enum VbStrConv
[None] = 0
[Uppercase] = 1
[Lowercase] = 2
[ProperCase] = 3
[Wide] = 4
[Narrow] = 8
[Katakana] = 16
[Hiragana] = 32
'[Unicode] = 64 'OBSOLETE
'[FromUnicode] = 128 'OBSOLETE
[SimplifiedChinese] = 256
[TraditionalChinese] = 512
[LinguisticCasing] = 1024
End Enum
Public Enum TriState
[False] = 0
[True] = -1
[UseDefault] = -2
End Enum
Public Enum DateInterval
[Year] = 0
[Quarter] = 1
[Month] = 2
[DayOfYear] = 3
[Day] = 4
[WeekOfYear] = 5
[Weekday] = 6
[Hour] = 7
[Minute] = 8
[Second] = 9
End Enum
Public Enum DueDate
EndOfPeriod = 0
BegOfPeriod = 1
End Enum
Public Enum OpenMode
[Input] = 1
[Output] = 2
[Random] = 4
[Append] = 8
[Binary] = 32
End Enum
Friend Enum OpenModeTypes
[Input] = 1
[Output] = 2
[Random] = 4
[Append] = 8
[Binary] = 32
[Any] = -1
End Enum
Public Enum OpenAccess
[Default] = -1
[Read] = System.IO.FileAccess.Read
[ReadWrite] = System.IO.FileAccess.ReadWrite
[Write] = System.IO.FileAccess.Write
End Enum
Public Enum OpenShare
[Default] = -1
[Shared] = System.IO.FileShare.ReadWrite
[LockRead] = System.IO.FileShare.Write
[LockReadWrite] = System.IO.FileShare.None
[LockWrite] = System.IO.FileShare.Read
End Enum
Public Structure TabInfo
Public Column As Short
End Structure
Public Structure SpcInfo
Public Count As Short
End Structure
Public Enum MsgBoxResult
Ok = 1
Cancel = 2
Abort = 3
Retry = 4
Ignore = 5
Yes = 6
No = 7
End Enum
Public Enum MsgBoxStyle
'You may BitOr one value from each group
'Button group: Lower 4 bits, &H00F
OkOnly = &H0I
OkCancel = &H1I
AbortRetryIgnore = &H2I
YesNoCancel = &H3I
YesNo = &H4I
RetryCancel = &H5I
'Icon Group: Middle 4 bits &H0F0
Critical = &H10I 'Same as Windows.Forms.MessageBox.IconError
Question = &H20I 'Same As Windows.MessageBox.IconQuestion
Exclamation = &H30I 'Same As Windows.MessageBox.IconExclamation
Information = &H40I 'Same As Windows.MessageBox.IconInformation
'Default Group: High 4 bits &HF00
DefaultButton1 = 0
DefaultButton2 = &H100I
DefaultButton3 = &H200I
'DefaultButton4 = &H300I
ApplicationModal = &H0I
SystemModal = &H1000I
MsgBoxHelp = &H4000I
MsgBoxRight = &H80000I
MsgBoxRtlReading = &H100000I
MsgBoxSetForeground = &H10000I
End Enum
End Namespace