File: Microsoft\VisualBasic\CompilerServices\StringType.vb
Web Access
Project: src\src\libraries\Microsoft.VisualBasic.Core\src\Microsoft.VisualBasic.Core.vbproj (Microsoft.VisualBasic.Core)
' Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
' The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
Imports System
Imports System.Globalization
Imports System.Text
Imports Microsoft.VisualBasic.CompilerServices.ExceptionUtils
Imports Microsoft.VisualBasic.CompilerServices.Utils
Namespace Microsoft.VisualBasic.CompilerServices
    <System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableAttribute(System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableState.Never)> _
    Public NotInheritable Class StringType
        ' Prevent creation.
        Private Sub New()
        End Sub
        Private Const GENERAL_FORMAT As String = "G"
        ' Coercion to functions.
        Public Shared Function FromBoolean(ByVal Value As Boolean) As String
            If Value Then
                Return System.Boolean.TrueString
                Return System.Boolean.FalseString
            End If
        End Function
        Public Shared Function FromByte(ByVal Value As Byte) As String
            Return Value.ToString(Nothing, Nothing)
        End Function
        Public Shared Function FromChar(ByVal Value As Char) As String
            Return Value.ToString()
        End Function
        Public Shared Function FromShort(ByVal Value As Short) As String
            Return Value.ToString(Nothing, Nothing)
        End Function
        Public Shared Function FromInteger(ByVal Value As Integer) As String
            Return Value.ToString(Nothing, Nothing)
        End Function
        Public Shared Function FromLong(ByVal Value As Long) As String
            Return Value.ToString(Nothing, Nothing)
        End Function
        Public Shared Function FromSingle(ByVal Value As Single) As String
            Return FromSingle(Value, Nothing)
        End Function
        Public Shared Function FromDouble(ByVal Value As Double) As String
            Return FromDouble(Value, Nothing)
        End Function
        'Change to this code after the NDP drop includes the formatting changes
        Public Shared Function FromSingle(ByVal Value As Single, ByVal NumberFormat As NumberFormatInfo) As String
            Return Value.ToString(Nothing, NumberFormat)
        End Function
        Public Shared Function FromDouble(ByVal Value As Double, ByVal NumberFormat As NumberFormatInfo) As String
            Return Value.ToString("G", NumberFormat)
        End Function
        Public Shared Function FromDate(ByVal Value As Date) As String
            Dim TimeTicks As Long = Value.TimeOfDay.Ticks
            If (TimeTicks = Value.Ticks) OrElse
                (Value.Year = 1899 AndAlso Value.Month = 12 AndAlso Value.Day = 30) Then 'OA Date with no date is 1899-12-30
                'No date (1/1/1)
                Return Value.ToString("T", Nothing)
            ElseIf TimeTicks = 0 Then
                'No time, or is midnight
                Return Value.ToString("d", Nothing)
                Return Value.ToString(GENERAL_FORMAT, Nothing)
            End If
        End Function
        Public Shared Function FromDecimal(ByVal Value As Decimal) As String
            Return FromDecimal(Value, Nothing)
        End Function
        Public Shared Function FromDecimal(ByVal Value As Decimal, ByVal NumberFormat As NumberFormatInfo) As String
            Return Value.ToString("G", NumberFormat)
        End Function
        Public Shared Function FromObject(ByVal Value As Object) As String
            If Value Is Nothing Then
                Return Nothing
                Dim StringValue As String = TryCast(Value, String)
                If StringValue IsNot Nothing Then
                    Return StringValue
                End If
            End If
            Dim ValueInterface As IConvertible
            Dim ValueTypeCode As TypeCode
            ValueInterface = TryCast(Value, IConvertible)
            If Not ValueInterface Is Nothing Then
                ValueTypeCode = ValueInterface.GetTypeCode()
                Select Case ValueTypeCode
                    Case TypeCode.Boolean
                        Return FromBoolean(ValueInterface.ToBoolean(Nothing))
                    Case TypeCode.Byte
                        Return FromByte(ValueInterface.ToByte(Nothing))
                    Case TypeCode.Int16
                        Return FromShort(ValueInterface.ToInt16(Nothing))
                    Case TypeCode.Int32
                        Return FromInteger(ValueInterface.ToInt32(Nothing))
                    Case TypeCode.Int64
                        Return FromLong(ValueInterface.ToInt64(Nothing))
                    Case TypeCode.Single
                        Return FromSingle(ValueInterface.ToSingle(Nothing))
                    Case TypeCode.Double
                        Return FromDouble(ValueInterface.ToDouble(Nothing))
                    Case TypeCode.Decimal
                        Return FromDecimal(ValueInterface.ToDecimal(Nothing))
                    Case TypeCode.String
                        Return ValueInterface.ToString(Nothing)
                    Case TypeCode.Char
                        Return FromChar(ValueInterface.ToChar(Nothing))
                    Case TypeCode.DateTime
                        Return FromDate(ValueInterface.ToDateTime(Nothing))
                    Case Else
                        ' Fall through to error
                End Select
                Dim CharArray As Char() = TryCast(Value, Char())
                If CharArray IsNot Nothing AndAlso CharArray.Rank = 1 Then
                    Return New String(CharArrayType.FromObject(Value))
                End If
            End If
            Throw New InvalidCastException(SR.Format(SR.InvalidCast_FromTo, VBFriendlyName(Value), "String"))
        End Function
        ' Compare/concat/len functions.
        Public Shared Function StrCmp(ByVal sLeft As String, ByVal sRight As String, ByVal TextCompare As Boolean) As Integer
            If sLeft Is sRight Then
                Return 0
            End If
            If sLeft Is Nothing Then
                If sRight.Length() = 0 Then
                    Return 0
                End If
                Return -1
            End If
            If sRight Is Nothing Then
                If sLeft.Length() = 0 Then
                    Return 0
                End If
                Return 1
            End If
            If TextCompare Then
                Return GetCultureInfo().CompareInfo.Compare(sLeft, sRight, OptionCompareTextFlags)
                Return System.String.CompareOrdinal(sLeft, sRight)
            End If
        End Function
        Public Shared Function StrLike(ByVal Source As String, ByVal Pattern As String, ByVal CompareOption As CompareMethod) As Boolean
            If CompareOption = CompareMethod.Binary Then
                Return StrLikeBinary(Source, Pattern)
                Return StrLikeText(Source, Pattern)
            End If
        End Function
        Public Shared Function StrLikeBinary(ByVal Source As String, ByVal Pattern As String) As Boolean
            'Match Source to Pattern using "?*#[!a-g]" pattern matching characters
            Dim SourceIndex As Integer
            Dim PatternIndex As Integer
            Dim SourceEndIndex As Integer
            Dim PatternEndIndex As Integer
            Dim p As Char
            Dim s As Char
            Dim InsideBracket As Boolean
            Dim SeenHyphen As Boolean
            Dim StartRangeChar As Char
            Dim EndRangeChar As Char
            Dim Match As Boolean
            Dim SeenLiteral As Boolean
            Dim SeenNot As Boolean
            Dim Skip As Integer
            Const NullChar As Char = ChrW(0)
            Dim LiteralIsRangeEnd As Boolean = False
            '        Options = CompareOptions.Ordinal
            If Pattern Is Nothing Then
                PatternEndIndex = 0
                PatternEndIndex = Pattern.Length
            End If
            If Source Is Nothing Then
                SourceEndIndex = 0
                SourceEndIndex = Source.Length
            End If
            If SourceIndex < SourceEndIndex Then
                s = Source.Chars(SourceIndex)
            End If
            Do While PatternIndex < PatternEndIndex
                p = Pattern.Chars(PatternIndex)
                If p = "*"c AndAlso (Not InsideBracket) Then        'If Then Else has faster performance the Select Case
                    'Determine how many source chars to skip
                    Skip = AsteriskSkip(Pattern.Substring(PatternIndex + 1), Source.Substring(SourceIndex), SourceEndIndex - SourceIndex, CompareMethod.Binary, m_InvariantCompareInfo)
                    If Skip < 0 Then
                        Return False
                    ElseIf Skip > 0 Then
                        SourceIndex += Skip
                        If SourceIndex < SourceEndIndex Then
                            s = Source.Chars(SourceIndex)
                        End If
                    End If
                ElseIf p = "?"c AndAlso (Not InsideBracket) Then
                    'Match any character
                    SourceIndex = SourceIndex + 1
                    If SourceIndex < SourceEndIndex Then
                        s = Source.Chars(SourceIndex)
                    End If
                ElseIf p = "#"c AndAlso (Not InsideBracket) Then
                    If Not System.Char.IsDigit(s) Then
                        Exit Do
                    End If
                    SourceIndex = SourceIndex + 1
                    If SourceIndex < SourceEndIndex Then
                        s = Source.Chars(SourceIndex)
                    End If
                ElseIf p = "-"c AndAlso _
                        (InsideBracket AndAlso SeenLiteral AndAlso (Not LiteralIsRangeEnd) AndAlso (Not SeenHyphen)) AndAlso _
                        (((PatternIndex + 1) >= PatternEndIndex) OrElse (Pattern.Chars(PatternIndex + 1) <> "]"c)) Then
                    SeenHyphen = True
                ElseIf p = "!"c AndAlso _
                        (InsideBracket AndAlso (Not SeenNot)) Then
                    SeenNot = True
                    Match = True
                ElseIf p = "["c AndAlso (Not InsideBracket) Then
                    InsideBracket = True
                    StartRangeChar = NullChar
                    EndRangeChar = NullChar
                    SeenLiteral = False
                ElseIf p = "]"c AndAlso InsideBracket Then
                    InsideBracket = False
                    If SeenLiteral Then
                        If Match Then
                            SourceIndex += 1
                            If SourceIndex < SourceEndIndex Then
                                s = Source.Chars(SourceIndex)
                            End If
                            Exit Do
                        End If
                    ElseIf SeenHyphen Then
                        If Not Match Then
                            Exit Do
                        End If
                    ElseIf SeenNot Then
                        '[!] should be matched to literal ! same as if outside brackets
                        If "!"c <> s Then
                            Exit Do
                        End If
                        SourceIndex += 1
                        If SourceIndex < SourceEndIndex Then
                            s = Source.Chars(SourceIndex)
                        End If
                    End If
                    Match = False
                    SeenLiteral = False
                    SeenNot = False
                    SeenHyphen = False
                    'Literal character
                    SeenLiteral = True
                    LiteralIsRangeEnd = False
                    If InsideBracket Then
                        If SeenHyphen Then
                            SeenHyphen = False
                            LiteralIsRangeEnd = True
                            EndRangeChar = p
                            If StartRangeChar > EndRangeChar Then
                                Throw VbMakeException(vbErrors.BadPatStr)
                            ElseIf (SeenNot AndAlso Match) OrElse (Not SeenNot AndAlso Not Match) Then
                                'Calls to ci.Compare are expensive, avoid them for good performance
                                Match = (s > StartRangeChar) AndAlso (s <= EndRangeChar)
                                If SeenNot Then
                                    Match = Not Match
                                End If
                            End If
                            StartRangeChar = p
                            'This compare handles non range chars such as the "abc" and "uvw" 
                            'and the first char of a range such as "d" in "[abcd-tuvw]".
                            Match = StrLikeCompareBinary(SeenNot, Match, p, s)
                        End If
                        If p <> s AndAlso Not SeenNot Then
                            Exit Do
                        End If
                        SeenNot = False
                        SourceIndex += 1
                        If SourceIndex < SourceEndIndex Then
                            s = Source.Chars(SourceIndex)
                        ElseIf SourceIndex > SourceEndIndex Then
                            Return False
                        End If
                    End If
                End If
                PatternIndex += 1
            If InsideBracket Then
                If SourceEndIndex = 0 Then
                    Return False
                    Throw New ArgumentException(SR.Format(SR.Argument_InvalidValue1, "Pattern"))
                End If
                Return (PatternIndex = PatternEndIndex) AndAlso (SourceIndex = SourceEndIndex)
            End If
        End Function
        Public Shared Function StrLikeText(ByVal Source As String, ByVal Pattern As String) As Boolean
            'Match Source to Pattern using "?*#[!a-g]" pattern matching characters
            Dim SourceIndex As Integer
            Dim PatternIndex As Integer
            Dim SourceEndIndex As Integer
            Dim PatternEndIndex As Integer
            Dim p As Char
            Dim s As Char
            Dim InsideBracket As Boolean
            Dim SeenHyphen As Boolean
            Dim StartRangeChar As Char
            Dim EndRangeChar As Char
            Dim Match As Boolean
            Dim SeenLiteral As Boolean
            Dim SeenNot As Boolean
            Dim Skip As Integer
            Dim Options As CompareOptions
            Dim ci As CompareInfo
            Const NullChar As Char = ChrW(0)
            Dim LiteralIsRangeEnd As Boolean = False
            If Pattern Is Nothing Then
                PatternEndIndex = 0
                PatternEndIndex = Pattern.Length
            End If
            If Source Is Nothing Then
                SourceEndIndex = 0
                SourceEndIndex = Source.Length
            End If
            If SourceIndex < SourceEndIndex Then
                s = Source.Chars(SourceIndex)
            End If
            ci = GetCultureInfo().CompareInfo
            Options = CompareOptions.IgnoreCase Or _
                      CompareOptions.IgnoreWidth Or _
                      CompareOptions.IgnoreNonSpace Or _
            Do While PatternIndex < PatternEndIndex
                p = Pattern.Chars(PatternIndex)
                If p = "*"c AndAlso (Not InsideBracket) Then        'If Then Else has faster performance the Select Case
                    'Determine how many source chars to skip
                    Skip = AsteriskSkip(Pattern.Substring(PatternIndex + 1), Source.Substring(SourceIndex), SourceEndIndex - SourceIndex, CompareMethod.Text, ci)
                    If Skip < 0 Then
                        Return False
                    ElseIf Skip > 0 Then
                        SourceIndex += Skip
                        If SourceIndex < SourceEndIndex Then
                            s = Source.Chars(SourceIndex)
                        End If
                    End If
                ElseIf p = "?"c AndAlso (Not InsideBracket) Then
                    'Match any character
                    SourceIndex = SourceIndex + 1
                    If SourceIndex < SourceEndIndex Then
                        s = Source.Chars(SourceIndex)
                    End If
                ElseIf p = "#"c AndAlso (Not InsideBracket) Then
                    If Not System.Char.IsDigit(s) Then
                        Exit Do
                    End If
                    SourceIndex = SourceIndex + 1
                    If SourceIndex < SourceEndIndex Then
                        s = Source.Chars(SourceIndex)
                    End If
                ElseIf p = "-"c AndAlso _
                        (InsideBracket AndAlso SeenLiteral AndAlso (Not LiteralIsRangeEnd) AndAlso (Not SeenHyphen)) AndAlso _
                        (((PatternIndex + 1) >= PatternEndIndex) OrElse (Pattern.Chars(PatternIndex + 1) <> "]"c)) Then
                    SeenHyphen = True
                ElseIf p = "!"c AndAlso _
                        (InsideBracket AndAlso Not SeenNot) Then
                    SeenNot = True
                    Match = True
                ElseIf p = "["c AndAlso (Not InsideBracket) Then
                    InsideBracket = True
                    StartRangeChar = NullChar
                    EndRangeChar = NullChar
                    SeenLiteral = False
                ElseIf p = "]"c AndAlso InsideBracket Then
                    InsideBracket = False
                    If SeenLiteral Then
                        If Match Then
                            SourceIndex += 1
                            If SourceIndex < SourceEndIndex Then
                                s = Source.Chars(SourceIndex)
                            End If
                            Exit Do
                        End If
                    ElseIf SeenHyphen Then
                        If Not Match Then
                            Exit Do
                        End If
                    ElseIf SeenNot Then
                        '[!] should be matched to literal ! same as if outside brackets
                        If (ci.Compare("!", s) <> 0) Then
                            Exit Do
                        End If
                        SourceIndex += 1
                        If SourceIndex < SourceEndIndex Then
                            s = Source.Chars(SourceIndex)
                        End If
                    End If
                    Match = False
                    SeenLiteral = False
                    SeenNot = False
                    SeenHyphen = False
                    'Literal character
                    SeenLiteral = True
                    LiteralIsRangeEnd = False
                    If InsideBracket Then
                        If SeenHyphen Then
                            SeenHyphen = False
                            LiteralIsRangeEnd = True
                            EndRangeChar = p
                            If StartRangeChar > EndRangeChar Then
                                Throw VbMakeException(vbErrors.BadPatStr)
                            ElseIf (SeenNot AndAlso Match) OrElse (Not SeenNot AndAlso Not Match) Then
                                'Calls to ci.Compare are expensive, avoid them for good performance
                                If Options = CompareOptions.Ordinal Then
                                    Match = (s > StartRangeChar) AndAlso (s <= EndRangeChar)
                                    Match = (ci.Compare(StartRangeChar, s, Options) < 0) AndAlso (ci.Compare(EndRangeChar, s, Options) >= 0)
                                End If
                                If SeenNot Then
                                    Match = Not Match
                                End If
                            End If
                            StartRangeChar = p
                            'This compare handles non range chars such as the "abc" and "uvw" 
                            'and the first char of a range such as "d" in "[abcd-tuvw]".
                            Match = StrLikeCompare(ci, SeenNot, Match, p, s, Options)
                        End If
                        If Options = CompareOptions.Ordinal Then
                            If p <> s AndAlso Not SeenNot Then
                                Exit Do
                            End If
                            ' Slurp up the diacritical marks, if any (both non-spacing marks and modifier symbols)
                            ' Note that typically, we'll only have at most one diacritical mark.  Therefore, I'm not
                            ' using StringBuilder here, since the minimal overhead of appending a character doesn't
                            ' justify invoking a couple of instances of StringBuilder. .
                            Dim pstr As String = p
                            Dim sstr As String = s
                            Do While PatternIndex + 1 < PatternEndIndex AndAlso _
                                    (UnicodeCategory.ModifierSymbol = Char.GetUnicodeCategory(Pattern.Chars(PatternIndex + 1)) OrElse _
                                    UnicodeCategory.NonSpacingMark = Char.GetUnicodeCategory(Pattern.Chars(PatternIndex + 1)))
                                pstr = pstr & Pattern.Chars(PatternIndex + 1)
                                PatternIndex = PatternIndex + 1
                            Do While SourceIndex + 1 < SourceEndIndex AndAlso _
                                    (UnicodeCategory.ModifierSymbol = Char.GetUnicodeCategory(Source.Chars(SourceIndex + 1)) OrElse _
                                    UnicodeCategory.NonSpacingMark = Char.GetUnicodeCategory(Source.Chars(SourceIndex + 1)))
                                sstr = sstr & Source.Chars(SourceIndex + 1)
                                SourceIndex = SourceIndex + 1
                            If (ci.Compare(pstr, sstr, OptionCompareTextFlags) <> 0) AndAlso Not SeenNot Then
                                Exit Do
                            End If
                        End If
                        SeenNot = False
                        SourceIndex += 1
                        If SourceIndex < SourceEndIndex Then
                            s = Source.Chars(SourceIndex)
                        ElseIf SourceIndex > SourceEndIndex Then
                            Return False
                        End If
                    End If
                End If
                PatternIndex += 1
            If InsideBracket Then
                If SourceEndIndex = 0 Then
                    Return False
                    Throw New ArgumentException(SR.Format(SR.Argument_InvalidValue1, "Pattern"))
                End If
                Return (PatternIndex = PatternEndIndex) AndAlso (SourceIndex = SourceEndIndex)
            End If
        End Function
        Private Shared Function StrLikeCompareBinary(ByVal SeenNot As Boolean, ByVal Match As Boolean, ByVal p As Char, ByVal s As Char) As Boolean
            If SeenNot AndAlso Match Then
                Return p <> s
            ElseIf Not SeenNot AndAlso Not Match Then
                Return p = s
                Return Match
            End If
        End Function
        Private Shared Function StrLikeCompare(ByVal ci As CompareInfo, ByVal SeenNot As Boolean, ByVal Match As Boolean, ByVal p As Char, ByVal s As Char, ByVal Options As CompareOptions) As Boolean
            If SeenNot AndAlso Match Then
                If Options = CompareOptions.Ordinal Then
                    Return p <> s
                    Return Not (ci.Compare(p, s, Options) = 0)
                End If
            ElseIf Not SeenNot AndAlso Not Match Then
                If Options = CompareOptions.Ordinal Then
                    Return p = s
                    Return (ci.Compare(p, s, Options) = 0)
                End If
                Return Match
            End If
        End Function
        Private Shared Function AsteriskSkip(ByVal Pattern As String, ByVal Source As String, ByVal SourceEndIndex As Integer, _
            ByVal CompareOption As CompareMethod, ByVal ci As CompareInfo) As Integer
            'Returns the number of source characters to skip over to handle an asterisk in the pattern. 
            'When there's only a single asterisk in the pattern, it computes how many pattern equivalent chars  
            'follow the *: [a-z], [abcde], ?, # each count as one char.
            'Pattern contains the substring following the *
            'Source contains the substring not yet matched.
            Dim p As Char
            Dim SeenLiteral As Boolean
            Dim SeenSpecial As Boolean   'Remembers if we've seen #, ?, [abd-eg], or ! when they have their special meanings
            Dim InsideBracket As Boolean
            Dim Count As Integer
            Dim PatternEndIndex As Integer
            Dim PatternIndex As Integer
            Dim TruncatedPattern As String
            Dim Options As CompareOptions
            PatternEndIndex = Len(Pattern)
            'Determine how many pattern equivalent chars follow the *, and if there are multiple *s
            '[a-z], [abcde] each count as one char.
            Do While PatternIndex < PatternEndIndex
                p = Pattern.Chars(PatternIndex)
                Select Case p
                    Case "*"c
                        If Count > 0 Then
                            'We found multiple asterisks with an intervening pattern
                            If SeenSpecial Then
                                'Pattern uses special characters which means we can't compute easily how far to skip. 
                                Count = MultipleAsteriskSkip(Pattern, Source, Count, CompareOption)
                                Return SourceEndIndex - Count
                                'Pattern uses only literals, so we can directly search for the pattern in the source
                                TruncatedPattern = Pattern.Substring(0, PatternIndex)    'Remove the second * and everything trailing  
                                If CompareOption = CompareMethod.Binary Then
                                    Options = CompareOptions.Ordinal
                                    Options = CompareOptions.IgnoreCase Or CompareOptions.IgnoreWidth Or CompareOptions.IgnoreNonSpace Or CompareOptions.IgnoreKanaType
                                End If
                                'Count = Source.LastIndexOf(TruncatedPattern)
                                Count = ci.LastIndexOf(Source, TruncatedPattern, Options)
                                Return Count
                            End If
                            'Do nothing, which colalesces multiple asterisks together
                        End If
                    Case "-"c
                        If Pattern.Chars(PatternIndex + 1) = "]"c Then
                            SeenLiteral = True
                        End If
                    Case "!"c
                        If Pattern.Chars(PatternIndex + 1) = "]"c Then
                            SeenLiteral = True
                            SeenSpecial = True
                        End If
                    Case "["c
                        If InsideBracket Then
                            SeenLiteral = True
                            InsideBracket = True
                        End If
                    Case "]"c
                        If SeenLiteral OrElse Not InsideBracket Then
                            Count += 1
                            SeenSpecial = True
                        End If
                        SeenLiteral = False
                        InsideBracket = False
                    Case "?"c, "#"c
                        If InsideBracket Then
                            SeenLiteral = True
                            Count += 1
                            SeenSpecial = True
                        End If
                    Case Else
                        If InsideBracket Then
                            SeenLiteral = True
                            Count += 1
                        End If
                End Select
                PatternIndex += 1
            Return SourceEndIndex - Count
        End Function
        Private Shared Function MultipleAsteriskSkip(ByVal Pattern As String, ByVal Source As String, ByVal Count As Integer, ByVal CompareOption As CompareMethod) As Integer
            'Multiple asterisks with intervening chars were found in the pattern, such as "*<chars>*".
            'Use a recursive approach to determine how many source chars to skip.
            'Start near the end of Source and move backwards one char at a time until a match is found or we reach start of Source.
            Dim SourceEndIndex As Integer
            Dim NewSource As String
            Dim Result As Boolean
            SourceEndIndex = Len(Source)
            Do While Count < SourceEndIndex
                NewSource = Source.Substring(SourceEndIndex - Count)
                    Result = StrLike(NewSource, Pattern, CompareOption)
                Catch ex As StackOverflowException
                    Throw ex
                Catch ex As OutOfMemoryException
                    Throw ex
                    Result = False
                End Try
                If Result Then
                    Exit Do
                End If
                Count += 1
            Return Count
        End Function
        Public Shared Sub MidStmtStr(ByRef sDest As String, ByVal StartPosition As Integer, ByVal MaxInsertLength As Integer, ByVal sInsert As String)
            Dim DestLength As Integer
            Dim InsertLength As Integer
            Dim EndSegmentLength As Integer
            If sDest Is Nothing Then
                'DestLength = 0
                DestLength = sDest.Length
            End If
            If sInsert Is Nothing Then
                'InsertLength = 0
                InsertLength = sInsert.Length
            End If
            'Zero base the index
            StartPosition -= 1
            If StartPosition < 0 OrElse StartPosition >= DestLength Then
                Throw New ArgumentException(SR.Format(SR.Argument_InvalidValue1, "Start"))
            End If
            If MaxInsertLength < 0 Then
                Throw New ArgumentException(SR.Format(SR.Argument_InvalidValue1, "Length"))
            End If
            '  first, limit the length of the source string
            '  to lenChange
            If (InsertLength > MaxInsertLength) Then
                InsertLength = MaxInsertLength
            End If
            '  second, limit the length to the available space
            '  in the destination string
            If (InsertLength > DestLength - StartPosition) Then
                InsertLength = DestLength - StartPosition
            End If
            If InsertLength = 0 Then
                'Destination string remains unchanged
                Exit Sub
            End If
            'This looks a bit complex for removing and inserting strings
            'but when manipulating long strings, it should provide
            'better performance because of fewer memcpys
            Dim sb As StringBuilder
            sb = New StringBuilder(DestLength)
            If StartPosition > 0 Then
                'Append first part of destination string
                sb.Append(sDest, 0, StartPosition)
            End If
            'Append InsertString
            sb.Append(sInsert, 0, InsertLength)
            EndSegmentLength = DestLength - (StartPosition + InsertLength)
            If EndSegmentLength > 0 Then
                'Append remainder of destination string
                sb.Append(sDest, StartPosition + InsertLength, EndSegmentLength)
            End If
            sDest = sb.ToString()
        End Sub
    End Class
End Namespace