using System;
using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
using Microsoft.Maui.HotReload;
using ObjCRuntime;
using UIKit;
namespace Microsoft.Maui.Platform
public class ContainerViewController : UIViewController, IReloadHandler
WeakReference<IElement>? _view;
[UnconditionalSuppressMessage("Memory", "MEM0002", Justification = "Proven safe in test: NavigationPageTests.DoesNotLeak")]
UIView? currentPlatformView;
// The handler needs this view before LoadView is called on the controller
// So this is used to create the first view that the handler will use
// without forcing the VC to call LoadView
[UnconditionalSuppressMessage("Memory", "MEM0002", Justification = "Proven safe in test: NavigationPageTests.DoesNotLeak")]
UIView? _pendingLoadedView;
public IElement? CurrentView
get => _view?.GetTargetOrDefault();
set => SetView(value);
public UIView? CurrentPlatformView
=> _pendingLoadedView ?? currentPlatformView;
[UnconditionalSuppressMessage("Memory", "MEM0002", Justification = "IMauiContext is a non-NSObject in MAUI.")]
public IMauiContext? Context { get; set; }
void SetView(IElement? view, bool forceRefresh = false)
if (CurrentView is IElement existingView && view == existingView && !forceRefresh)
_view = view is null ? null : new(view);
if (view is ITitledElement page)
Title = page.Title;
if (view is IHotReloadableView ihr)
ihr.ReloadHandler = this;
currentPlatformView = null;
if (IsViewLoaded && view is not null)
internal UIView LoadFirstView(IElement view)
_pendingLoadedView = CreatePlatformView(view);
return _pendingLoadedView;
public override void LoadView()
if (CurrentView is IElement view && Context != null)
void LoadPlatformView(IElement view)
currentPlatformView = _pendingLoadedView ?? CreatePlatformView(view);
_pendingLoadedView = null;
if (view is IView v && v.Background == null)
View.BackgroundColor = ColorExtensions.BackgroundColor;
protected virtual UIView CreatePlatformView(IElement view)
_ = Context ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(Context));
_ = _view ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(view));
return view.ToPlatform(Context);
public override void ViewDidLayoutSubviews()
if (currentPlatformView == null)
currentPlatformView.Frame = View!.Bounds;
public void Reload() => SetView(CurrentView, true);
} |