2 writes to CurrentView
Microsoft.Maui (2)
Platform\iOS\ElementExtensions.cs (1)
20 return new ContainerViewController { CurrentView = view, Context = context };
Platform\iOS\PageViewController.cs (1)
10 CurrentView = page;
7 references to CurrentView
Microsoft.Maui (7)
Platform\iOS\ContainerViewController.cs (3)
35 if (CurrentView is IElement existingView && view == existingView && !forceRefresh) 65 if (CurrentView is IElement view && Context != null) 96 public void Reload() => SetView(CurrentView, true);
Platform\iOS\PageViewController.cs (4)
25 => CurrentView is IiOSPageSpecifics pageSpecifics && pageSpecifics.IsHomeIndicatorAutoHidden; 29 if (CurrentView is IiOSPageSpecifics pageSpecifics) 46 if (CurrentView is IiOSPageSpecifics pageSpecifics) 61 if (CurrentView?.Handler is ElementHandler handler)