File: HotReload\HotReloadHelper.cs
Web Access
Project: src\src\Core\src\Core.csproj (Microsoft.Maui)
#nullable enable
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
using System.Linq;
using System.Reflection;
using Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection;
using Microsoft.Maui.Hosting;
namespace Microsoft.Maui.HotReload
	public static class MauiHotReloadHelper
		static IMauiHandlersCollection? HandlerService;
		//static IMauiHandlersServiceProvider? HandlerServiceProvider;
		public static void RegisterHandlers(IMauiHandlersCollection handlerService)
			HandlerService = handlerService;
		public static void AddActiveView(IHotReloadableView view) => ActiveViews.Add(view);
		public static void Reset()
		public static bool IsEnabled { get; set; } = Debugger.IsAttached;
		internal static bool IsSupported
			=> System.Reflection.Metadata.MetadataUpdater.IsSupported;
			=> true;
		public static void Register(IHotReloadableView view, params object[] parameters)
			// Check separately to avoid trim warnings
			if (!IsSupported)
			if (!IsEnabled)
			currentViews[view] = parameters;
		public static void UnRegister(IHotReloadableView view)
			// Check separately to avoid trim warnings
			if (!IsSupported)
			if (!IsEnabled)
		public static bool IsReplacedView(IHotReloadableView view, IView newView)
			// Check separately to avoid trim warnings
			if (!IsSupported)
				return false;
			if (!IsEnabled)
				return false;
			if (view == null || newView == null)
				return false;
			if (!replacedViews.TryGetValue(view.GetType().FullName!, out var newViewType))
				return false;
			return newView.GetType() == newViewType;
		public static IView GetReplacedView(IHotReloadableView view)
			// Check separately to avoid trim warnings
			if (!IsSupported)
				return view;
			if (!IsEnabled)
				return view;
			var viewType = view.GetType();
			if (!replacedViews.TryGetValue(viewType.FullName!, out var newViewType) || viewType == newViewType)
				return view;
			currentViews.TryGetValue(view, out var parameters);
				//TODO: Add in a way to use IoC and DI
				var newView = (IView)(parameters?.Length > 0 ? Activator.CreateInstance(newViewType, args: parameters) : Activator.CreateInstance(newViewType))!;
				TransferState(view, newView);
				return newView;
			catch (MissingMethodException)
				Debug.WriteLine("You are using trying to HotReload a view that requires Parameters. Please call `HotReloadHelper.Register(this, params);` in the constructor;");
				//TODO: Notify that we couldnt hot reload.
				return view;
			catch (Exception ex)
				Debug.WriteLine($"Error Hotreloading type: {newViewType}");
				//TODO: Notify that we couldnt hot reload.
				return view;
		static void TransferState(IHotReloadableView oldView, IView newView)
		static internal readonly WeakList<IHotReloadableView> ActiveViews = new WeakList<IHotReloadableView>();
		static Dictionary<string, Type> replacedViews = new(StringComparer.Ordinal);
		static Dictionary<IHotReloadableView, object[]> currentViews = new Dictionary<IHotReloadableView, object[]>();
		static Dictionary<string, List<KeyValuePair<Type, Type>>> replacedHandlers = new(StringComparer.Ordinal);
		[RequiresUnreferencedCode("Hot Reload is not trim compatible")]
		[RequiresDynamicCode("Hot Reload is not AOT compatible")]
		public static void RegisterReplacedView(string oldViewType, Type newViewType)
			// Check separately to avoid trim warnings
			if (!IsSupported)
			if (!IsEnabled)
			Action<MethodInfo> executeStaticMethod = (method) =>
					method?.Invoke(null, null);
				catch (Exception ex)
					Debug.WriteLine($"Error calling {method.Name} on type: {newViewType}");
					//TODO: Notify that we couldnt execute OnHotReload for the Method;
			var onHotReloadMethods = newViewType.GetOnHotReloadMethods();
			onHotReloadMethods.ForEach(x => executeStaticMethod(x));
			if (typeof(IHotReloadableView).IsAssignableFrom(newViewType))
				replacedViews[oldViewType] = newViewType;
			if (typeof(IViewHandler).IsAssignableFrom(newViewType))
				if (replacedHandlers.TryGetValue(oldViewType, out var vTypes))
					foreach (var vType in vTypes)
						RegisterHandler(vType, newViewType);
				_ = HandlerService ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(HandlerService));
				var assemblies = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.GetAssemblies();
				var t = assemblies.Select(x => x.GetType(oldViewType)).FirstOrDefault(x => x != null);
				var views = HandlerService!.Where(x => x.ImplementationType == t).Select(x => new KeyValuePair<Type, Type>(x.ServiceType, x.ImplementationType!)).ToList();
				replacedHandlers[oldViewType] = views.ToList();
				foreach (var h in views)
					RegisterHandler(h, newViewType);
			static void RegisterHandler(KeyValuePair<Type, Type> pair, Type newHandler)
				_ = HandlerService ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(HandlerService));
				var view = pair.Key;
				var newType = newHandler;
				if (pair.Value.IsGenericType)
					newType = pair.Value.GetGenericTypeDefinition().MakeGenericType(newHandler);
				HandlerService.AddHandler(view, newType);
		public static void TriggerReload()
			List<IHotReloadableView>? roots = null;
			while (roots == null)
					roots = ActiveViews.Where(x => x != null && x.Parent == null).ToList();
					//Sometimes we get list changed exception.
			foreach (var view in roots)
		#region Metadata Update Handler
		[RequiresUnreferencedCode("Hot Reload is not trim compatible")]
		[RequiresDynamicCode("Hot Reload is not AOT compatible")]
		public static void UpdateApplication(Type[] types)
			IsEnabled = true;
			foreach (var t in types)
				RegisterReplacedView(t.FullName ?? "", t);
		public static void ClearCache(Type[] types) => TriggerReload();