File: Training\OptimizationAlgorithms\OptimizationAlgorithm.cs
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Project: src\src\Microsoft.ML.FastTree\Microsoft.ML.FastTree.csproj (Microsoft.ML.FastTree)
// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Microsoft.ML.Runtime;
namespace Microsoft.ML.Trainers.FastTree
    //An interface that can be implemented on
    internal interface IFastTrainingScoresUpdate
        ScoreTracker GetUpdatedTrainingScores();
    internal abstract class OptimizationAlgorithm
        //TODO: We should move Partitioning to OptimizationAlgorithm
        public TreeLearner TreeLearner;
        public ObjectiveFunctionBase ObjectiveFunction;
        // This is added to signalize that we are just about to update all scores
        // This is only used fof printing training graph scores that we can compute fast for the previous iteration saving topLables by scores from n+1 gradient computation
        public delegate void PreScoreUpdateHandler(IChannel ch);
        public PreScoreUpdateHandler PreScoreUpdateEvent;
        public InternalTreeEnsemble Ensemble;
        public ScoreTracker TrainingScores;
        public List<ScoreTracker> TrackedScores;
        public IStepSearch AdjustTreeOutputsOverride; // if set it overrides IStepSearch possibly implemented by ObejctiveFunctionBase
        public double Smoothing;
        public double DropoutRate;
        public Random DropoutRng;
        public bool UseFastTrainingScoresUpdate;
        public OptimizationAlgorithm(InternalTreeEnsemble ensemble, Dataset trainData, double[] initTrainScores)
            Ensemble = ensemble;
            TrainingScores = ConstructScoreTracker("train", trainData, initTrainScores);
            TrackedScores = new List<ScoreTracker>();
            DropoutRng = new Random();
            UseFastTrainingScoresUpdate = true;
        public void SetTrainingData(Dataset trainData, double[] initTrainScores)
            TrainingScores = ConstructScoreTracker("train", trainData, initTrainScores);
            TrackedScores[0] = TrainingScores;
        internal abstract InternalRegressionTree TrainingIteration(IChannel ch, bool[] activeFeatures);
        internal virtual void UpdateAllScores(IChannel ch, InternalRegressionTree tree)
            if (PreScoreUpdateEvent != null)
            using (Timer.Time(TimerEvent.UpdateScores))
                foreach (ScoreTracker t in TrackedScores)
                    UpdateScores(t, tree);
        internal virtual void UpdateScores(ScoreTracker t, InternalRegressionTree tree)
            if (t == TrainingScores)
                IFastTrainingScoresUpdate fastUpdate = AdjustTreeOutputsOverride as IFastTrainingScoresUpdate;
                ScoreTracker updatedScores = (UseFastTrainingScoresUpdate && fastUpdate != null) ? fastUpdate.GetUpdatedTrainingScores() : null;
                if (updatedScores != null)
                    t.AddScores(tree, TreeLearner.Partitioning, 1.0);
                t.AddScores(tree, 1.0);
        public ScoreTracker GetScoreTracker(string name, Dataset set, double[] initScores)
            //Fisrt check for duplicates maybe we already track scores for set dataset
            foreach (var st in TrackedScores)
                if (st.Dataset == set)
                    return st;
            ScoreTracker newTracker = ConstructScoreTracker(name, set, initScores);
            //add the constructed tracker to the list of scores we need to update
            return newTracker;
        protected abstract ScoreTracker ConstructScoreTracker(string name, Dataset set, double[] initScores);
        /// <summary>
        /// Regularize a regression tree with smoothing paramter alpha.
        /// </summary>
        protected virtual void SmoothTree(InternalRegressionTree tree, double smoothing)
            if (smoothing == 0.0)
            //Create recursive structure of the tree starting from root node
            var regularizer = new RecursiveRegressionTree(tree, TreeLearner.Partitioning, 0);
            //Perform bottom-up computation of weighted interior node output
            double rootNodeOutput = regularizer.GetWeightedOutput();
            //followed by top-down propagation of parent's output value
            regularizer.SmoothLeafOutputs(rootNodeOutput, smoothing);
        public virtual void FinalizeLearning(int bestIteration)
            if (bestIteration != Ensemble.NumTrees)
                Ensemble.RemoveAfter(Math.Max(bestIteration, 0));
                TrackedScores.Clear();  //Invalidate all precomputed scores as they are not valid anymore //slow method of score computation will be used instead