229 references to Commit
Microsoft.ML.AutoML.Tests (1)
Util.cs (1)
33dst = editor.Commit();
Microsoft.ML.Core (22)
Utilities\VBufferUtils.cs (22)
348dst = editor.Commit(); 392dst = editor.Commit(); 419dst = newIndicesEditor.Commit(); 441dst = editor.Commit(); 490dst = editor.Commit(); 695dst = editor.Commit(); 788dst = editor.Commit(); 853dst = editor.Commit(); 863dst = editor.Commit(); 898res = editor.Commit(); 914res = editor.Commit(); 934res = editor.Commit(); 941res = editor.Commit(); 980res = editor.Commit(); 1009res = editor.Commit(); 1027res = editor.Commit(); 1109res = editor.Commit(); 1156dst = editor.Commit(); 1227dst = editor.Commit(); 1345dst = editor.Commit(); 1363dst = editor.Commit(); 1373.Commit();
Microsoft.ML.Core.Tests (8)
UnitTests\ScoreSchemaTest.cs (1)
30return bufferEditor.Commit();
UnitTests\TestVBuffer.cs (7)
126aOrig = editor.Commit(); 563aa = editor.Commit(); 667dst = VBufferEditor.Create(ref dst, a.Length, 0).Commit(); 1019dst = editor.Commit(); 1122b = bEditor.Commit(); 1131b = bEditor.Commit(); 1153b = bEditor.Commit();
Microsoft.ML.Data (77)
Data\BufferBuilder.cs (2)
455buffer = editor.Commit(); 463buffer = editor.Commit();
Data\RowCursorUtils.cs (2)
294dst = editor.Commit(); 445dst = editor.Commit();
DataLoadSave\Binary\Codecs.cs (2)
1099value = editor.Commit(); 1112value = editor.Commit();
DataLoadSave\Database\DatabaseLoaderCursor.cs (13)
399value = editor.Commit(); 429value = editor.Commit(); 459value = editor.Commit(); 489value = editor.Commit(); 519value = editor.Commit(); 549value = editor.Commit(); 579value = editor.Commit(); 609value = editor.Commit(); 639value = editor.Commit(); 669value = editor.Commit(); 699value = editor.Commit(); 729value = editor.Commit(); 759value = editor.Commit();
DataLoadSave\Text\TextLoaderParser.cs (2)
429dst = editor.Commit(); 434dst = editor.Commit();
DataView\CacheDataView.cs (1)
1408value = editor.Commit();
DataView\DataViewConstructionUtils.cs (4)
320dst = dstEditor.Commit(); 348dst = dstEditor.Commit(); 988dst = dstEditor.Commit(); 1000dst = dstEditor.Commit();
DataView\Transposer.cs (2)
1192value = editor.Commit(); 1218value = editor.Commit();
Deprecated\Instances\HeaderSchema.cs (1)
65dst = editor.Commit();
Deprecated\Vector\VBufferMathUtils.cs (5)
122dst = editor.Commit(); 132dst = editor.Commit(); 210res = editor.Commit(); 369dst = editor.Commit(); 395dst = editor.Commit();
Deprecated\Vector\VectorUtils.cs (1)
154a = aEditor.Commit();
Evaluators\ClusteringEvaluator.cs (3)
698dst = editor.Commit(); 712dst = editor.Commit(); 747dst = editor.Commit();
Evaluators\EvaluatorBase.cs (1)
216dst = editor.Commit();
Evaluators\EvaluatorUtils.cs (4)
517dst = editor.Commit(); 543dst = editor.Commit(); 721dst = editor.Commit(); 1035names = editor.Commit();
Evaluators\MulticlassClassificationEvaluator.cs (5)
538slotNames = editor.Commit(); 762dst = editor.Commit(); 776dst = editor.Commit(); 839dst = editor.Commit(); 851dst = editor.Commit();
Evaluators\MultiOutputRegressionEvaluator.cs (2)
368slotNames = editor.Commit(); 607dst = editor.Commit();
Evaluators\QuantileRegressionEvaluator.cs (2)
201dst = editor.Commit(); 376dst = editor.Commit();
Evaluators\RankingEvaluator.cs (4)
538dst = editor.Commit(); 547slotNames = editor.Commit(); 688dst = editor.Commit(); 782dst = editor.Commit();
Scorers\ScoreSchemaFactory.cs (1)
96value = bufferEditor.Commit();
Transforms\ColumnConcatenatingTransformer.cs (1)
801dst = editor.Commit();
Transforms\Hashing.cs (8)
1055dst = editor.Commit(); 1083dst = editor.Commit(); 1109dst = editor.Commit(); 1137dst = editor.Commit(); 1181dst = editor.Commit(); 1211dst = editor.Commit(); 1245dst = editor.Commit(); 1275dst = editor.Commit();
Transforms\KeyToValue.cs (2)
409dst = editor.Commit(); 436dst = editor.Commit();
Transforms\KeyToVector.cs (2)
423dst = editor.Commit(); 493dst = editor.Commit();
Transforms\ValueMapping.cs (2)
219dst = editor.Commit(); 928dst = editor.Commit();
Transforms\ValueToKeyMappingTransformerImpl.cs (4)
666dst = editor.Commit(); 744dst = editor.Commit(); 798dst = editor.Commit(); 1142dst = editor.Commit();
Utilities\SlotDropper.cs (1)
147dst = editor.Commit();
Microsoft.ML.DataView (8)
VBuffer.cs (7)
185destination = editor.Commit(); 202destination = editor.Commit(); 212destination = editor.Commit(); 235destination = editor.Commit(); 257destination = editor.Commit(); 262destination = editor.Commit(); 330destination = editor.Commit();
VBufferEditor.cs (1)
143/// Like <see cref="Commit"/>, this structure and its properties should not be used once this is called.
Microsoft.ML.Ensemble (8)
EnsembleUtils.cs (2)
62dst = editor.Commit(); 81dst = editor.Commit();
OutputCombiners\BaseMultiAverager.cs (1)
42dst = editor.Commit();
OutputCombiners\BaseMultiCombiner.cs (1)
104dst = editor.Commit();
OutputCombiners\BaseScalarStacking.cs (1)
30dst = editor.Commit();
OutputCombiners\MultiMedian.cs (1)
97dst = editor.Commit();
OutputCombiners\MultiStacking.cs (1)
99dst = editor.Commit();
OutputCombiners\MultiVoting.cs (1)
105dst = editor.Commit();
Microsoft.ML.FastTree (9)
FastTree.cs (3)
1321dst = editor.Commit(); 2528dst = editor.Commit(); 2541dst = editor.Commit();
GamModelParameters.cs (1)
432contributions = editor.Commit();
RandomForestRegression.cs (1)
256dst = editor.Commit();
TreeEnsembleFeaturizer.cs (4)
275dst = editor.Commit(); 482dst = editor.Commit(); 499dst = editor.Commit(); 519dst = editor.Commit();
Microsoft.ML.ImageAnalytics (4)
ImageLoader.cs (3)
283dst = editor.Commit(); 289dst = editor.Commit(); 321imgData = editor.Commit();
ImagePixelExtractor.cs (1)
448dst = editor.Commit();
Microsoft.ML.KMeansClustering (1)
KMeansModelParameters.cs (1)
159dst = editor.Commit();
Microsoft.ML.Mkl.Components (1)
VectorWhitening.cs (1)
706dst = editor.Commit();
Microsoft.ML.OnnxTransformer (3)
OnnxTransform.cs (3)
602dst = dstEditor.Commit(); 722dst = editor.Commit(); 746dst = editor.Commit();
Microsoft.ML.PCA (1)
PcaTransformer.cs (1)
598dst = editor.Commit();
Microsoft.ML.StandardTrainers (14)
LdSvm\LdSvmTrainer.cs (3)
436w[i] = wInit.Commit(); 438thetaPrime[i] = thetaPrimeInit.Commit(); 454theta[i] = thetaInit.Commit();
Standard\LogisticRegression\MulticlassLogisticRegression.cs (1)
794dst = editor.Commit();
Standard\ModelStatistics.cs (5)
384estimate = estimateEditor.Commit(); 385stdErr = stdErrorEditor.Commit(); 386zScore = zScoreEditor.Commit(); 387pValue = pValueEditor.Commit(); 400dst = editor.Commit();
Standard\MulticlassClassification\MulticlassNaiveBayesTrainer.cs (1)
634dst = editor.Commit();
Standard\MulticlassClassification\OneVersusAllTrainer.cs (3)
640dst = editor.Commit(); 744dst = editor.Commit(); 890dst = editor.Commit();
Standard\MulticlassClassification\PairwiseCouplingTrainer.cs (1)
487dst = editor.Commit();
Microsoft.ML.TensorFlow (3)
TensorflowTransform.cs (2)
727dst = editor.Commit(); 743dst = editor.Commit();
TensorflowUtils.cs (1)
72upstreamOperatorNames = bufferEditor.Commit(); // Used in metadata's getter.
Microsoft.ML.TimeSeries (12)
AdaptiveSingularSpectrumSequenceModeler.cs (4)
1473output.ForecastStandardDeviation = sdEditor.Commit(); 1476result.PointForecast = resEditor.Commit(); 1528forecast.UpperBound = upper.Commit(); 1529forecast.LowerBound = lower.Commit();
SequentialAnomalyDetectionTransformBase.cs (2)
519dst = editor.Commit(); 652dst = result.Commit();
SequentialForecastingTransformBase.cs (1)
303dst = editor.Commit();
SlidingWindowTransformBase.cs (2)
151output = result.Commit(); 170output = result.Commit();
SrCnnEntireAnomalyDetector.cs (1)
347dst = result.Commit();
SrCnnTransformBase.cs (2)
292dst = editor.Commit(); 304dst = result.Commit();
Microsoft.ML.TorchSharp (8)
AutoFormerV2\ObjectDetectionTrainer.cs (3)
822dst = editor.Commit(); 846dst = editor.Commit(); 870dst = editor.Commit();
NasBert\NerTrainer.cs (2)
188target = targetEditor.Commit(); 409dst = editor.Commit();
NasBert\TextClassificationTrainer.cs (1)
341dst = editor.Commit();
Roberta\QATrainer.cs (2)
794dst = editor.Commit(); 821dst = editor.Commit();
Microsoft.ML.Transforms (46)
Dracula\CountTableTransformer.cs (3)
667dst = editor.Commit(); 693dst = editor.Commit(); 729dst = editor.Commit();
Dracula\Featurizer.cs (1)
135featureNames = editor.Commit();
ExpressionTransformer.cs (14)
628dst = editor.Commit(); 661dst = editor.Commit(); 689dst = editor.Commit(); 702dst = editor.Commit(); 720dst = editor.Commit(); 752dst = editor.Commit(); 765dst = editor.Commit(); 783dst = editor.Commit(); 818dst = editor.Commit(); 831dst = editor.Commit(); 849dst = editor.Commit(); 887dst = editor.Commit(); 900dst = editor.Commit(); 918dst = editor.Commit();
GcnTransform.cs (1)
507dst = editor.Commit();
GroupTransform.cs (1)
478dst = editor.Commit();
HashJoiningTransform.cs (2)
451dst = dstEditor.Commit(); 564dst = hashes.Commit();
KeyToVectorMapping.cs (1)
333dst = editor.Commit();
MissingValueDroppingTransformer.cs (3)
294dst = editor.Commit(); 335dst = editor.Commit(); 357dst = editor.Commit();
MissingValueIndicatorTransform.cs (2)
234dst = editor.Commit(); 290result = editor.Commit();
MissingValueIndicatorTransformer.cs (4)
359dst = editor.Commit(); 374dst = editor.Commit(); 409dst = editor.Commit(); 435dst = editor.Commit();
MutualInformationFeatureSelection.cs (2)
574_labels = labelsEditor.Commit(); 906output = editor.Commit();
RandomFourierFeaturizing.cs (1)
596dst = dstEditor.Commit();
SvmLight\SvmLightLoader.cs (1)
320output.FeatureKeys = editor.Commit();
Text\LdaTransform.cs (2)
506dst = editor.Commit(); 553dst = editor.Commit();
Text\NgramTransform.cs (1)
554dst = dstEditor.Commit();
Text\TokenizingByCharacters.cs (4)
328dst = editor.Commit(); 500dst = editor.Commit(); 549dst = editor.Commit(); 606dst = editor.Commit();
Text\WordEmbeddingsExtractor.cs (1)
600dst = editor.Commit();
Text\WordTokenizing.cs (2)
271dst = editor.Commit(); 299dst = editor.Commit();
Microsoft.ML.Vision (3)
DnnRetrainTransform.cs (2)
898dst = editor.Commit(); 914dst = editor.Commit();
ImageClassificationTrainer.cs (1)
1499dst = editor.Commit();