File: DataLoadSave\Text\TextLoaderParser.cs
Web Access
Project: src\src\Microsoft.ML.Data\Microsoft.ML.Data.csproj (Microsoft.ML.Data)
// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
using System;
using System.Collections.Concurrent;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading;
using Microsoft.ML.Data.Conversion;
using Microsoft.ML.Internal.Utilities;
using Microsoft.ML.Runtime;
namespace Microsoft.ML.Data
    using Conditional = System.Diagnostics.ConditionalAttribute;
    public sealed partial class TextLoader
        /// <summary>
        /// This type exists to provide efficient delegates for creating a ColumnValue specific to a DataKind.
        /// </summary>
        private sealed class ValueCreatorCache
            private static readonly FuncInstanceMethodInfo1<ValueCreatorCache, PrimitiveDataViewType, Func<RowSet, ColumnPipe>> _getCreatorOneCoreMethodInfo
                = FuncInstanceMethodInfo1<ValueCreatorCache, PrimitiveDataViewType, Func<RowSet, ColumnPipe>>.Create(target => target.GetCreatorOneCore<int>);
            private static readonly FuncInstanceMethodInfo1<ValueCreatorCache, PrimitiveDataViewType, Func<RowSet, ColumnPipe>> _getCreatorVecCoreMethodInfo
                = FuncInstanceMethodInfo1<ValueCreatorCache, PrimitiveDataViewType, Func<RowSet, ColumnPipe>>.Create(target => target.GetCreatorVecCore<int>);
            private static volatile ValueCreatorCache _defaultInstance;
            public static ValueCreatorCache DefaultInstance
                    return _defaultInstance ??
                        Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref _defaultInstance, new ValueCreatorCache(), null) ??
            private static readonly ConcurrentDictionary<DoubleParser.OptionFlags, ValueCreatorCache> _customInstances
                = new ConcurrentDictionary<DoubleParser.OptionFlags, ValueCreatorCache>();
            public static ValueCreatorCache GetInstanceWithDoubleParserOptionFlags(DoubleParser.OptionFlags doubleParserOptionFlags)
                if (!_customInstances.ContainsKey(doubleParserOptionFlags))
                    return _customInstances.GetOrAdd(doubleParserOptionFlags, new ValueCreatorCache(doubleParserOptionFlags));
                return _customInstances[doubleParserOptionFlags];
            private readonly Conversions _conv;
            // Indexed by DataKind.ToIndex()
            private readonly Func<RowSet, ColumnPipe>[] _creatorsOne;
            private readonly Func<RowSet, ColumnPipe>[] _creatorsVec;
            private ValueCreatorCache(DoubleParser.OptionFlags doubleParserOptionFlags = DoubleParser.OptionFlags.Default)
                if (doubleParserOptionFlags == DoubleParser.OptionFlags.Default)
                    _conv = Conversions.DefaultInstance;
                    _conv = Conversions.CreateInstanceWithDoubleParserOptions(doubleParserOptionFlags);
                _creatorsOne = new Func<RowSet, ColumnPipe>[InternalDataKindExtensions.KindCount];
                _creatorsVec = new Func<RowSet, ColumnPipe>[InternalDataKindExtensions.KindCount];
                for (var kind = InternalDataKindExtensions.KindMin; kind < InternalDataKindExtensions.KindLim; kind++)
                    var type = ColumnTypeExtensions.PrimitiveTypeFromKind(kind);
                    _creatorsOne[kind.ToIndex()] = GetCreatorOneCore(type);
                    _creatorsVec[kind.ToIndex()] = GetCreatorVecCore(type);
            private Func<RowSet, ColumnPipe> GetCreatorOneCore(PrimitiveDataViewType type)
                return Utils.MarshalInvoke(_getCreatorOneCoreMethodInfo, this, type.RawType, type);
            private Func<RowSet, ColumnPipe> GetCreatorOneCore<T>(PrimitiveDataViewType type)
                Contracts.Assert(type.IsStandardScalar() || type is KeyDataViewType);
                Contracts.Assert(typeof(T) == type.RawType);
                var fn = _conv.GetTryParseConversion<T>(type);
                return rows => new PrimitivePipe<T>(rows, type, fn);
            private Func<RowSet, ColumnPipe> GetCreatorVecCore(PrimitiveDataViewType type)
                return Utils.MarshalInvoke(_getCreatorVecCoreMethodInfo, this, type.RawType, type);
            private Func<RowSet, ColumnPipe> GetCreatorVecCore<T>(PrimitiveDataViewType type)
                Contracts.Assert(type.IsStandardScalar() || type is KeyDataViewType);
                Contracts.Assert(typeof(T) == type.RawType);
                var fn = _conv.GetTryParseConversion<T>(type);
                return rows => new VectorPipe<T>(rows, type, fn);
            public Func<RowSet, ColumnPipe> GetCreatorOne(KeyDataViewType key)
                // Have to produce a specific one - can't use a cached one.
                return Utils.MarshalInvoke(_getCreatorOneCoreMethodInfo, this, key.RawType, key);
            public Func<RowSet, ColumnPipe> GetCreatorVec(KeyDataViewType key)
                // Have to produce a specific one - can't use a cached one.
                return Utils.MarshalInvoke(_getCreatorVecCoreMethodInfo, this, key.RawType, key);
            public Func<RowSet, ColumnPipe> GetCreatorOne(InternalDataKind kind)
                int index = kind.ToIndex();
                Contracts.Assert(0 <= index && index < _creatorsOne.Length);
                return _creatorsOne[index];
            public Func<RowSet, ColumnPipe> GetCreatorVec(InternalDataKind kind)
                int index = kind.ToIndex();
                Contracts.Assert(0 <= index && index < _creatorsOne.Length);
                return _creatorsVec[index];
        /// <summary>
        /// Basic statistics and reporting of unparsable stuff.
        /// </summary>
        private sealed class ParseStats
            // Maximum number of messages to show.
            private const long MaxShow = 10;
            private readonly long _maxShow;
            // The channel to report messages on.
            private readonly IChannel _ch;
            // Reference count.
            private volatile int _cref;
            // Total number of rows, number of unparsable values, number of format errors.
            private long _rowCount;
            private long _badCount;
            private long _fmtCount;
            public ParseStats(IChannelProvider provider, int cref, long maxShow = MaxShow)
                Contracts.CheckValue(provider, nameof(provider));
                _ch = provider.Start("ParseStats");
                _ch.Assert(cref > 0);
                _cref = cref;
                _maxShow = maxShow;
            public void Release()
                int n = Interlocked.Decrement(ref _cref);
                _ch.Assert(n >= 0);
                if (n == 0)
                    if (_badCount > 0 || _fmtCount > 0)
                        _ch.Info("Processed {0} rows with {1} bad values and {2} format errors",
                            _rowCount, _badCount, _fmtCount);
            public void LogRow()
                Interlocked.Increment(ref _rowCount);
            public void LogBadValue(long line, string colName, int slot)
                long n = Interlocked.Increment(ref _badCount);
                if (n <= _maxShow)
                    _ch.Info(MessageSensitivity.Schema, "  Bad value at line {0} in column {1} at slot {2}", line, colName, slot);
                    if (n == _maxShow)
                        _ch.Info("  Suppressing further bad value messages");
            public void LogBadValue(long line, string colName)
                long n = Interlocked.Increment(ref _badCount);
                if (n <= _maxShow)
                    _ch.Info(MessageSensitivity.Schema, "  Bad value at line {0} in column {1}", line, colName);
                    if (n == _maxShow)
                        _ch.Info("  Suppressing further bad value messages");
            public void LogBadFmt(ref ScanInfo scan, string msg)
                long n = Interlocked.Increment(ref _fmtCount);
                if (n <= _maxShow)
                    if (scan.Line > 0)
                        // The -1 is so the indices are 1-based instead of 0-based.
                        int ichBase = scan.IchMinBuf - 1;
                        _ch.Warning("Format error at {0}({1},{2})-({1},{3}): {4}",
                            scan.Path, scan.Line, scan.IchMin - ichBase, scan.IchLim - ichBase, msg);
                        _ch.Warning("Format error: {0}", msg);
                    if (n == _maxShow)
                        _ch.Warning("Suppressing further format error messages");
        private abstract class ColumnPipe
            public readonly RowSet Rows;
            public abstract bool HasNA { get; }
            public abstract bool IsReal { get; } // If the type of the ColumnPipe is either Single or Double
            protected ColumnPipe(RowSet rows)
                Rows = rows;
            public abstract void Reset(int irow, int size);
            // Passed by-ref for efficiency, not so it can be modified.
            public abstract bool Consume(int irow, int index, ref ReadOnlyMemory<char> text);
            public abstract Delegate GetGetter();
        private sealed class PrimitivePipe<TResult> : ColumnPipe
            private readonly TryParseMapper<TResult> _conv;
            // Has length Rows.Count, so indexed by irow.
            private readonly TResult[] _values;
            public override bool HasNA { get; }
            public override bool IsReal { get; }
            public PrimitivePipe(RowSet rows, PrimitiveDataViewType type, TryParseMapper<TResult> conv)
                : base(rows)
                Contracts.Assert(typeof(TResult) == type.RawType);
                _conv = conv;
                _values = new TResult[Rows.Count];
                HasNA = Conversions.DefaultInstance.TryGetIsNAPredicate(type, out var del);
                IsReal = typeof(TResult) == typeof(Single) || typeof(TResult) == typeof(Double);
            public override void Reset(int irow, int size)
                Contracts.Assert(0 <= irow && irow < _values.Length);
                Contracts.Assert(size == 0);
                _values[irow] = default(TResult);
            public override bool Consume(int irow, int index, ref ReadOnlyMemory<char> text)
                Contracts.Assert(0 <= irow && irow < _values.Length);
                Contracts.Assert(index == 0);
                return _conv(in text, out _values[irow]);
            public void Get(ref TResult value)
                int index = Rows.Index;
                Contracts.Assert(-1 <= index && index < Rows.Count);
                Contracts.Check(index >= 0);
                value = _values[index];
            public override Delegate GetGetter()
                return (ValueGetter<TResult>)Get;
        private sealed class VectorPipe<TItem> : ColumnPipe
            private readonly TryParseMapper<TItem> _conv;
            public override bool HasNA { get; }
            public override bool IsReal { get; }
            private class VectorValue
                private readonly VectorPipe<TItem> _pipe;
                private readonly TryParseMapper<TItem> _conv;
                // We don't need the full power of the BufferBuilder stuff. We always record things
                // in index order, and never have to combine values.
                private int _size;
                private int _count;
                private int _indexPrev;
                private TItem[] _values;
                private int[] _indices;
                public VectorValue(VectorPipe<TItem> pipe)
                    _pipe = pipe;
                    _conv = pipe._conv;
                    _values = new TItem[4];
                    _indices = new int[4];
                public void AssertValid()
                    if (_size == 0)
                    Contracts.Assert(_size > 0);
                    Contracts.Assert(-1 <= _indexPrev);
                    Contracts.Assert(_indexPrev < _size);
                    Contracts.Assert(0 <= _count);
                    Contracts.Assert(_count <= _size);
                    Contracts.Assert(_count <= _values.Length);
                    if (_count < _size)
                        // We're sparse, so there should not be more than _size/2 items and indices should
                        // be big enough.
                        Contracts.Assert(_count <= _size / 2);
                        Contracts.Assert(_count <= _indices.Length);
                public void Reset(int size)
                    Contracts.Assert(size >= 0);
                    _size = size;
                    _count = 0;
                    _indexPrev = -1;
                public bool Consume(int index, ref ReadOnlyMemory<char> text)
                    Contracts.Assert(_indexPrev < index && index < _size);
                    TItem tmp = default(TItem);
                    bool f = _conv(in text, out tmp);
                    if (_count < _size)
                        if (_count < _size / 2)
                            // Stay sparse.
                            if (_values.Length <= _count)
                                Array.Resize(ref _values, 2 * _count);
                            if (_indices.Length <= _count)
                                Array.Resize(ref _indices, 2 * _count);
                            _values[_count] = tmp;
                            _indices[_count] = index;
                            return f;
                        // Convert to dense.
                        if (_values.Length >= _size)
                            Array.Clear(_values, _count, _size - _count);
                            if (_values.Length > _count)
                                Array.Clear(_values, _count, _values.Length - _count);
                            Array.Resize(ref _values, _size);
                        for (int ii = _count; --ii >= 0;)
                            int i = _indices[ii];
                            Contracts.Assert(ii <= i);
                            // If ii == i then we have every slot covered below this.
                            if (ii >= i)
                            // Must fill vacated slots with default(TItem).
                            _values[i] = _values[ii];
                            _values[ii] = default(TItem);
                        _count = _size;
                    Contracts.Assert(_count == _size);
                    _values[index] = tmp;
                    return f;
                public void Get(ref VBuffer<TItem> dst)
                    if (_count == 0)
                        VBufferUtils.Resize(ref dst, _size, 0);
                    var editor = VBufferEditor.Create(ref dst, _size, _count);
                    _values.AsSpan(0, _count).CopyTo(editor.Values);
                    if (_count == _size)
                        dst = editor.Commit();
                    _indices.AsSpan(0, _count).CopyTo(editor.Indices);
                    dst = editor.Commit();
            // Has length Rows.Count, so indexed by irow.
            private readonly VectorValue[] _values;
            public VectorPipe(RowSet rows, PrimitiveDataViewType type, TryParseMapper<TItem> conv)
                : base(rows)
                Contracts.Assert(typeof(TItem) == type.RawType);
                _conv = conv;
                _values = new VectorValue[Rows.Count];
                for (int i = 0; i < _values.Length; i++)
                    _values[i] = new VectorValue(this);
                HasNA = Conversions.DefaultInstance.TryGetIsNAPredicate(type, out var del);
                IsReal = typeof(TItem) == typeof(Single) || typeof(TItem) == typeof(Double);
            public override void Reset(int irow, int size)
                Contracts.Assert(0 <= irow && irow < _values.Length);
                Contracts.Assert(size >= 0);
            public override bool Consume(int irow, int index, ref ReadOnlyMemory<char> text)
                Contracts.Assert(0 <= irow && irow < _values.Length);
                return _values[irow].Consume(index, ref text);
            public void Get(ref VBuffer<TItem> dst)
                int index = Rows.Index;
                Contracts.Assert(-1 <= index && index < Rows.Count);
                Contracts.Check(index >= 0);
                _values[index].Get(ref dst);
            public override Delegate GetGetter()
                return (ValueGetter<VBuffer<TItem>>)Get;
        private sealed class RowSet
            // The associated parse statistics object. Note that multiple RowSets can share the
            // same stats object.
            public readonly ParseStats Stats;
            // The total number of rows in this row set.
            public readonly int Count;
            // The pipes - one per column. Inactive columns have a null entry.
            public readonly ColumnPipe[] Pipes;
            // Current row index being yielded. Only assigned or read on the main
            // cursor thread (assuming clients don't call the getters from other threads).
            public int Index;
            /// <summary>
            /// Takes the number of blocks, number of rows per block, and number of columns.
            /// </summary>
            public RowSet(ParseStats stats, int count, int ccol)
                Contracts.Assert(count > 0);
                Stats = stats;
                Count = count;
                Pipes = new ColumnPipe[ccol];
                Index = -1;
        /// <summary>
        /// This is info tracked while scanning a line to find "fields". For each line, the first
        /// several values, Path, Line, LineText, IchMinText, and IchLimText, are unchanging, but the
        /// remaining values are updated for each field processed.
        /// </summary>
        private struct ScanInfo
            /// <summary>
            /// Path for the input file containing the given line (may be null).
            /// </summary>
            public readonly string Path;
            /// <summary>
            /// Line number.
            /// </summary>
            public readonly long Line;
            /// <summary>
            /// The current text for the entire line (all fields), and possibly more.
            /// </summary>
            public ReadOnlyMemory<char> TextBuf;
            /// <summary>
            /// The min position in <see cref="TextBuf"/> to consider (all fields).
            /// </summary>
            public readonly int IchMinBuf;
            /// <summary>
            /// The lim position in <see cref="TextBuf"/> to consider (all fields).
            /// </summary>
            public readonly int IchLimBuf;
            /// <summary>
            /// Where to start for the next field. This is both an input and
            /// output to the code that fetches the next field.
            /// </summary>
            public int IchMinNext;
            /// <summary>
            /// The (unquoted) text of the field.
            /// </summary>
            public ReadOnlyMemory<char> Span;
            /// <summary>
            /// Whether there was a quoting error in the field.
            /// </summary>
            public bool QuotingError;
            /// <summary>
            /// For sparse encoding, this is the index of the field. Otherwise, -1.
            /// </summary>
            public int Index;
            /// <summary>
            /// The start character location in <see cref="TextBuf"/>, including the sparse index
            /// and quoting, if present. Used for logging.
            /// </summary>
            public int IchMin;
            /// <summary>
            /// The end character location in <see cref="TextBuf"/>, including the sparse index
            /// and quoting, if present. Used for logging.
            /// </summary>
            public int IchLim;
            /// <summary>
            /// Initializes the ScanInfo.
            /// </summary>
            public ScanInfo(ref ReadOnlyMemory<char> text, string path, long line)
                : this()
                Contracts.Assert(line >= 0);
                Path = path;
                Line = line;
                TextBuf = text;
                IchMinBuf = 0;
                IchLimBuf = text.Length;
                IchMinNext = IchMinBuf;
        private sealed class Parser
            /// <summary>
            /// This holds a set of raw text fields. This is the input into the parsing
            /// of the individual typed values.
            /// </summary>
            private sealed class FieldSet
                public int Count;
                // Source indices and associated text (parallel arrays).
                public int[] Indices;
                public ReadOnlyMemory<char>[] Spans;
                public FieldSet()
                    // Always allocate/size Columns after Spans so even if exceptions are thrown we
                    // are guaranteed that Spans.Length >= Columns.Length.
                    Spans = new ReadOnlyMemory<char>[8];
                    Indices = new int[8];
                public void AssertValid()
                    Contracts.Assert(0 <= Count && Count <= Indices.Length && Indices.Length <= Spans.Length);
                public void AssertEmpty()
                    Contracts.Assert(Count == 0);
                /// <summary>
                /// Make sure there is enough space to add one more item.
                /// </summary>
                public void EnsureSpace()
                    if (Count >= Indices.Length)
                        int size = 2 * Count;
                        if (Spans.Length < size)
                            Array.Resize(ref Spans, size);
                        Array.Resize(ref Indices, size);
                public void Clear()
                    Array.Clear(Spans, 0, Count);
                    Count = 0;
            private readonly char[] _separators;
            private readonly OptionFlags _flags;
            private readonly bool _missingRealsAsNaNs;
            private readonly char _escapeChar;
            private readonly int _inputSize;
            private readonly ColInfo[] _infos;
            // These delegates are used to construct new row objects.
            private readonly Func<RowSet, ColumnPipe>[] _creator;
            private volatile int _csrc;
            private volatile int _mismatchCount;
            private ReadOnlyMemory<char> _blank;
            public Parser(TextLoader parent)
                _infos = parent._bindings.Infos;
                _creator = new Func<RowSet, ColumnPipe>[_infos.Length];
                ValueCreatorCache cache;
                var doubleParserOptionFlags = DoubleParser.OptionFlags.Default;
                if (parent._decimalMarker == ',')
                    doubleParserOptionFlags |= DoubleParser.OptionFlags.UseCommaAsDecimalMarker;
                if ((parent._flags & OptionFlags.MissingRealsAsNaNs) != 0)
                    doubleParserOptionFlags |= DoubleParser.OptionFlags.EmptyAsNaN;
                if (doubleParserOptionFlags == DoubleParser.OptionFlags.Default)
                    cache = ValueCreatorCache.DefaultInstance;
                    cache = ValueCreatorCache.GetInstanceWithDoubleParserOptionFlags(doubleParserOptionFlags);
                var mapOne = new Dictionary<InternalDataKind, Func<RowSet, ColumnPipe>>();
                var mapVec = new Dictionary<InternalDataKind, Func<RowSet, ColumnPipe>>();
                for (int i = 0; i < _creator.Length; i++)
                    var info = _infos[i];
                    if (info.ColType is KeyDataViewType keyType)
                        _creator[i] = cache.GetCreatorOne(keyType);
                    VectorDataViewType vectorType = info.ColType as VectorDataViewType;
                    if (vectorType?.ItemType is KeyDataViewType vectorKeyType)
                        _creator[i] = cache.GetCreatorVec(vectorKeyType);
                    DataViewType itemType = vectorType?.ItemType ?? info.ColType;
                    Contracts.Assert(itemType is KeyDataViewType || itemType.IsStandardScalar());
                    var map = vectorType != null ? mapVec : mapOne;
                    if (!map.TryGetValue(info.Kind, out _creator[i]))
                        var fn = vectorType != null ?
                            cache.GetCreatorVec(info.Kind) :
                        map.Add(info.Kind, fn);
                        _creator[i] = fn;
                _separators = parent._separators;
                _flags = parent._flags;
                _escapeChar = parent._escapeChar;
                _inputSize = parent._inputSize;
                _missingRealsAsNaNs = (parent._flags & OptionFlags.MissingRealsAsNaNs) != 0;
                _blank = ReadOnlyMemory<char>.Empty;
                Contracts.Assert(_inputSize >= 0);
            public static void GetInputSize(TextLoader parent, List<ReadOnlyMemory<char>> lines, out int minSize, out int maxSize)
                Contracts.Assert(parent._inputSize == 0, "Why is this being called when inputSize is known?");
                minSize = int.MaxValue;
                maxSize = 0;
                var stats = new ParseStats(parent._host, cref: 1, maxShow: 0);
                var impl = new HelperImpl(stats, parent._flags, parent._separators, parent._escapeChar, 0, int.MaxValue);
                    foreach (var line in lines)
                        var text = (parent._flags & OptionFlags.TrimWhitespace) != 0 ? ReadOnlyMemoryUtils.TrimEndWhiteSpace(line) : line;
                        if (text.IsEmpty)
                        // REVIEW: This is doing more work than we need, but makes sure we're consistent....
                        int srcLim = impl.GatherFields(text, text.Span);
                        // Don't need the fields, just srcLim.
                        if (srcLim == 0)
                        if (minSize > srcLim)
                            minSize = srcLim;
                        if (maxSize < srcLim)
                            maxSize = srcLim;
            public static void ParseSlotNames(TextLoader parent, ReadOnlyMemory<char> textHeader, ColInfo[] infos, VBuffer<ReadOnlyMemory<char>>[] slotNames)
                Contracts.Assert(infos.Length == slotNames.Length);
                var sb = new StringBuilder();
                var stats = new ParseStats(parent._host, cref: 1, maxShow: 0);
                var impl = new HelperImpl(stats, parent._flags, parent._separators, parent._escapeChar, parent._inputSize, int.MaxValue);
                    impl.GatherFields(textHeader, textHeader.Span);
                var header = impl.Fields;
                var bldr = BufferBuilder<ReadOnlyMemory<char>>.CreateDefault();
                for (int iinfo = 0; iinfo < infos.Length; iinfo++)
                    var info = infos[iinfo];
                    if (!info.ColType.IsKnownSizeVector())
                    bldr.Reset(info.SizeBase, false);
                    int ivDst = 0;
                    // The following code is similar to the code in ProcessVec.
                    for (int i = 0; i < info.Segments.Length; i++)
                        var seg = info.Segments[i];
                        int min = seg.Min;
                        int lim = seg.Lim;
                        int sizeSeg = lim - min;
                        Contracts.Assert(ivDst <= info.SizeBase - sizeSeg);
                        int isrc = header.Indices.FindIndexSorted(0, header.Count, min);
                        if (isrc < header.Count && header.Indices[isrc] < lim)
                            int indexBase = ivDst - min;
                            int isrcLim = header.Indices.FindIndexSorted(isrc, header.Count, lim);
                            Contracts.Assert(isrc < isrcLim);
                            for (; isrc < isrcLim; isrc++)
                                var srcCur = header.Indices[isrc];
                                Contracts.Assert(min <= srcCur && srcCur < lim);
                                bldr.AddFeature(indexBase + srcCur, ReadOnlyMemoryUtils.TrimWhiteSpace(header.Spans[isrc]));
                        ivDst += sizeSeg;
                    Contracts.Assert(ivDst == info.SizeBase);
                    if (!bldr.IsEmpty)
                        bldr.GetResult(ref slotNames[iinfo]);
            public RowSet CreateRowSet(ParseStats stats, int count, bool[] active)
                Contracts.Assert(active == null || active.Length == _creator.Length);
                RowSet rows = new RowSet(stats, count, _creator.Length);
                for (int i = 0; i < rows.Pipes.Length; i++)
                    if (active == null || active[i])
                        rows.Pipes[i] = _creator[i](rows);
                return rows;
            /// <summary>
            /// Returns a <see cref="ReadOnlyMemory{T}"/> of <see cref="char"/> with trailing whitespace trimmed.
            /// </summary>
            private ReadOnlyMemory<char> TrimEndWhiteSpace(ReadOnlyMemory<char> memory, ReadOnlySpan<char> span)
                if (memory.IsEmpty)
                    return memory;
                int ichLim = memory.Length;
                if (!char.IsWhiteSpace(span[ichLim - 1]))
                    return memory;
                while (0 < ichLim && char.IsWhiteSpace(span[ichLim - 1]))
                return memory.Slice(0, ichLim);
            public void ParseRow(RowSet rows, int irow, Helper helper, bool[] active, string path, long line, string text)
                Contracts.Assert(irow >= 0);
                Contracts.Assert(helper is HelperImpl);
                Contracts.Assert(active == null || Utils.Size(active) == _infos.Length);
                var impl = (HelperImpl)helper;
                var lineSpan = text.AsMemory();
                var span = lineSpan.Span;
                if ((_flags & OptionFlags.TrimWhitespace) != 0)
                    lineSpan = TrimEndWhiteSpace(lineSpan, span);
                    // Parse the spans into items, ensuring that sparse don't precede non-sparse.
                    int srcLim = impl.GatherFields(lineSpan, span, path, line);
                    // REVIEW: When should we report inconsistency?
                    // VerifyColumnCount(srcLim);
                    ProcessItems(rows, irow, active, impl.Fields, srcLim, line);
            public Helper CreateHelper(ParseStats stats, int srcNeeded)
                Contracts.Assert(srcNeeded >= 0);
                return new HelperImpl(stats, _flags, _separators, _escapeChar, _inputSize, srcNeeded);
            /// <summary>
            /// This is an abstraction containing all the useful stuff for splitting a raw line of text
            /// into a FieldSet. A cursor has one of these that it passes in whenever it wants a line
            /// parsed.
            /// </summary>
            public abstract class Helper
            private sealed class HelperImpl : Helper
                private readonly ParseStats _stats;
                private readonly char[] _seps;
                private readonly char _sep0;
                private readonly char _sep1;
                private readonly bool _sepContainsSpace;
                private readonly char _escapeChar;
                private readonly int _inputSize;
                private readonly int _srcNeeded;
                private readonly bool _quoting;
                private readonly bool _sparse;
                private readonly bool _keepEmpty;
                // This is a working buffer.
                private readonly StringBuilder _sb;
                // Result of a blank field - either Missing or Empty, depending on _quoting.
                private readonly ReadOnlyMemory<char> _blank;
                public readonly FieldSet Fields;
                public HelperImpl(ParseStats stats, OptionFlags flags, char[] seps, char escapeChar, int inputSize, int srcNeeded)
                    // inputSize == 0 means unknown.
                    Contracts.Assert(inputSize >= 0);
                    Contracts.Assert(srcNeeded >= 0);
                    Contracts.Assert(inputSize == 0 || srcNeeded < inputSize);
                    _stats = stats;
                    _seps = seps;
                    _sep0 = _seps[0];
                    _sep1 = _seps.Length > 1 ? _seps[1] : '\0';
                    _sepContainsSpace = IsSep(' ');
                    _escapeChar = escapeChar;
                    _inputSize = inputSize;
                    _srcNeeded = srcNeeded;
                    _quoting = (flags & OptionFlags.AllowQuoting) != 0;
                    _sparse = (flags & OptionFlags.AllowSparse) != 0;
                    _sb = new StringBuilder();
                    _blank = ReadOnlyMemory<char>.Empty;
                    Fields = new FieldSet();
                    // If we want to impute empty real fields as NaNs, then we must keep
                    // all empty field spans, as there's no way for the Parser.HelperImpl
                    // to know beforehand which fields belong to a float field
                    _keepEmpty = (flags & OptionFlags.MissingRealsAsNaNs) != 0;
                /// <summary>
                /// Check if the given char is a separator.
                /// </summary>
                private bool IsSep(char ch)
                    if (ch == _sep0)
                        return true;
                    for (int i = 1; i < _seps.Length; i++)
                        if (ch == _seps[i])
                            return true;
                    return false;
                /// <summary>
                /// Process the line of text into fields, stored in the Fields field. Ensures that sparse
                /// don't precede non-sparse. Returns the lim of the src columns.
                /// </summary>
                public int GatherFields(ReadOnlyMemory<char> lineSpan, ReadOnlySpan<char> span, string path = null, long line = 0)
                    ScanInfo scan = new ScanInfo(ref lineSpan, path, line);
                    Contracts.Assert(scan.IchMinBuf <= scan.IchMinNext && scan.IchMinNext <= scan.IchLimBuf);
                    int src = 0;
                    if (!_sparse)
                        for (; ; )
                            Contracts.Assert(scan.IchMinBuf <= scan.IchMinNext && scan.IchMinNext <= scan.IchLimBuf);
                            bool more = FetchNextField(ref scan, span);
                            Contracts.Assert(scan.IchMinBuf <= scan.IchMinNext && scan.IchMinNext <= scan.IchLimBuf);
                            Contracts.Assert(scan.Index == -1);
                            if (scan.QuotingError)
                                _stats.LogBadFmt(ref scan, "Illegal quoting");
                            if (!scan.Span.IsEmpty)
                                Fields.Spans[Fields.Count] = scan.Span;
                                Fields.Indices[Fields.Count++] = src;
                            else if (_keepEmpty)
                                Fields.Spans[Fields.Count] = _blank;
                                Fields.Indices[Fields.Count++] = src;
                            if (++src > _srcNeeded || !more)
                        return src;
                    // Allow sparse. inputSize == 0 means the text specifies the maxDim value.
                    // Note that we always go one past srcNeeded in case what we think is srcNeeded is
                    // actually the sparse length value.
                    int csrcSparse = -1;
                    int indexPrev = -1;
                    int srcLimFixed = -1;
                    int inputSize = _inputSize;
                    int srcNeeded = _srcNeeded;
                    for (; ; )
                        Contracts.Assert(scan.IchMinBuf <= scan.IchMinNext && scan.IchMinNext <= scan.IchLimBuf);
                        bool more = FetchNextField(ref scan, span);
                        Contracts.Assert(scan.IchMinBuf <= scan.IchMinNext && scan.IchMinNext <= scan.IchLimBuf);
                        Contracts.Assert(scan.Index >= -1);
                        if (scan.QuotingError)
                            _stats.LogBadFmt(ref scan, "Illegal quoting");
                        if (scan.Index < 0)
                            // Not sparse.
                            if (srcLimFixed >= 0)
                                _stats.LogBadFmt(ref scan, "Non-sparse formatted value follows sparse formatted value");
                            if (!scan.Span.IsEmpty)
                                Fields.Spans[Fields.Count] = scan.Span;
                                Fields.Indices[Fields.Count++] = src;
                            if (src++ > srcNeeded || !more)
                        if (srcLimFixed < 0)
                            // First sparse item.
                            Contracts.Assert(src - 1 <= srcNeeded);
                            if (inputSize == 0)
                                // Dimensionality (number of sparse slots) is embedded in the text as the last src value.
                                if (Fields.Count <= 0)
                                    _stats.LogBadFmt(ref scan, "Missing dimensionality or ambiguous sparse item. Use sparse=- for non-sparse file, and/or quote the value.");
                                if (Fields.Indices[Fields.Count - 1] != src - 1)
                                    _stats.LogBadFmt(ref scan, "Missing dimensionality or ambiguous sparse item. Use sparse=- for non-sparse file, and/or quote the value.");
                                var spanT = Fields.Spans[Fields.Count - 1];
                                int csrc;
                                if (!Conversions.DefaultInstance.TryParse(in spanT, out csrc) || csrc <= 0)
                                    _stats.LogBadFmt(ref scan, "Bad dimensionality or ambiguous sparse item. Use sparse=- for non-sparse file, and/or quote the value.");
                                csrcSparse = csrc;
                                srcLimFixed = Fields.Indices[--Fields.Count];
                                if (csrcSparse >= SrcLim - srcLimFixed)
                                    csrcSparse = SrcLim - srcLimFixed - 1;
                                inputSize = srcLimFixed + csrcSparse;
                                if (srcNeeded >= inputSize)
                                    srcNeeded = inputSize - 1;
                                Contracts.Assert(srcNeeded < inputSize);
                                srcLimFixed = Fields.Count;
                                csrcSparse = inputSize - Fields.Count;
                            // Retire "src" - it is no longer used once we get to sparse land.
                            src = -1;
                        // If it's past what we need, stop. Note that this means we require sorted indices!
                        // Note that this test protects against overflow - if we first computed dsrc + srcLimFixed
                        // we would risk overflowing.
                        if (scan.Index > srcNeeded - srcLimFixed)
                            // If the scan.Index value is bigger than expected, warn the user.
                            if (scan.Index >= csrcSparse)
                                _stats.LogBadFmt(ref scan, "Sparse item index larger than expected. Is the specified size incorrect?");
                            if (scan.Index > srcNeeded - srcLimFixed + 1)
                        if (indexPrev >= scan.Index)
                            _stats.LogBadFmt(ref scan, "Sparse indices out of order");
                        indexPrev = scan.Index;
                        // Don't record empties.
                        if (!scan.Span.IsEmpty)
                            Fields.Spans[Fields.Count] = scan.Span;
                            Fields.Indices[Fields.Count++] = srcLimFixed + scan.Index;
                        if (!more)
                    if (srcLimFixed < 0)
                        // Dense
                        return Math.Max(src, inputSize);
                    // Sparse
                    Contracts.Assert(inputSize > 0);
                    Contracts.Assert(csrcSparse == inputSize - srcLimFixed);
                    return inputSize;
                private bool FetchNextField(ref ScanInfo scan, ReadOnlySpan<char> span)
                    Contracts.Assert(scan.IchMinBuf <= scan.IchMinNext && scan.IchMinNext <= scan.IchLimBuf);
                    var text = scan.TextBuf;
                    int ichLim = scan.IchLimBuf;
                    int ichCur = scan.IchMinNext;
                    if (!_sepContainsSpace)
                        // Ignore leading spaces
                        while (ichCur < ichLim && span[ichCur] == ' ')
                    // Initialize the ParseField.
                    scan.QuotingError = false;
                    scan.Index = -1;
                    scan.IchMin = ichCur;
                    if (ichCur >= ichLim)
                        scan.IchMinNext = scan.IchLim = ichCur;
                        scan.Span = _blank;
                        return false;
                    int ichMinRaw = ichCur;
                    if (_sparse && (uint)(span[ichCur] - '0') <= 9)
                        // See if it is sparse. Avoid overflow by limiting the index to 9 digits.
                        // REVIEW: This limits the src index to a billion. Is this acceptable?
                        int ichEnd = Math.Min(ichLim, ichCur + 9);
                        int ichCol = ichCur + 1;
                        Contracts.Assert(ichCol <= ichEnd);
                        while (ichCol < ichEnd && (uint)(span[ichCol] - '0') <= 9)
                        if (ichCol < ichLim && span[ichCol] == ':')
                            // It is sparse. Compute the index.
                            int ind = 0;
                            for (int ich = ichCur; ich < ichCol; ich++)
                                ind = ind * 10 + (span[ich] - '0');
                            ichCur = ichCol + 1;
                            scan.Index = ind;
                            // Skip spaces again.
                            if (!_sepContainsSpace)
                                while (ichCur < ichLim && span[ichCur] == ' ')
                            if (ichCur >= ichLim)
                                scan.IchMinNext = scan.IchLim = ichCur;
                                scan.Span = _blank;
                                return false;
                    Contracts.Assert(ichCur < ichLim);
                    if (span[ichCur] == '"' && _quoting)
                        // Quoted case.
                        int ichRun = ichCur;
                        if (_escapeChar == '"')
                            for (; ; ichCur++)
                                Contracts.Assert(ichCur <= ichLim);
                                if (ichCur >= ichLim)
                                    // Missing close quote!
                                    scan.QuotingError = true;
                                // The logic below allow us to escape double quotes (") inside quoted
                                // fields by using 2 double quotes (""). I.e. when the loader
                                // encounters "" inside a quoted field, it will output only one "
                                // and continue parsing the rest of the field.
                                if (span[ichCur] == '"')
                                    if (ichCur > ichRun)
                                        _sb.AppendSpan(span.Slice(ichRun, ichCur - ichRun));
                                    if (++ichCur >= ichLim)
                                    if (span[ichCur] != '"')
                                    ichRun = ichCur;
                            for (; ; ichCur++)
                                Contracts.Assert(ichCur <= ichLim);
                                if (ichCur >= ichLim)
                                    // Missing close quote!
                                    scan.QuotingError = true;
                                if (span[ichCur] == _escapeChar)
                                    if (ichCur >= ichLim)
                                        // Missing close quote!
                                        scan.QuotingError = true;
                                    if (span[ichCur] == '"')
                                        // Don't include escapeChar in span
                                        _sb.AppendSpan(span.Slice(ichRun, ichCur - ichRun - 1));
                                        ichRun = ichCur;
                                if (span[ichCur] == '"')
                                    if (ichCur > ichRun)
                                        _sb.AppendSpan(span.Slice(ichRun, ichCur - ichRun));
                        // Ignore any spaces between here and the next separator. Anything else is a formatting "error".
                        for (; ichCur < ichLim; ichCur++)
                            if (span[ichCur] == ' ')
                                // End the loop if space is a sep, otherwise ignore this space.
                                if (_sepContainsSpace)
                                // End the loop if this nonspace char is a sep, otherwise it is an error.
                                if (IsSep(span[ichCur]))
                                scan.QuotingError = true;
                        if (scan.QuotingError || _sb.Length == 0)
                            scan.Span = String.Empty.AsMemory();
                            scan.Span = _sb.ToString().AsMemory();
                        int ichMin = ichCur;
                        // Please note that these branched tight loops are intended and performance critical.
                        if (_seps.Length == 1)
                            for (; ; ichCur++)
                                Contracts.Assert(ichCur <= ichLim);
                                if (ichCur >= ichLim)
                                if (_sep0 == span[ichCur])
                        else if (_seps.Length == 2)
                            for (; ; ichCur++)
                                Contracts.Assert(ichCur <= ichLim);
                                if (ichCur >= ichLim)
                                if (_sep0 == span[ichCur] || _sep1 == span[ichCur])
                            for (; ; ichCur++)
                                Contracts.Assert(ichCur <= ichLim);
                                if (ichCur >= ichLim)
                                if (IsSep(span[ichCur]))
                        if (ichMin >= ichCur)
                            scan.Span = _blank;
                            scan.Span = text.Slice(ichMin, ichCur - ichMin);
                    scan.IchLim = ichCur;
                    if (ichCur >= ichLim)
                        scan.IchMinNext = ichCur;
                        return false;
                    scan.IchMinNext = ichCur + 1;
                    return true;
            private void ProcessItems(RowSet rows, int irow, bool[] active, FieldSet fields, int srcLim, long line)
                Contracts.Assert(active == null || Utils.Size(active) == _infos.Length);
                Contracts.Assert(0 <= irow && irow < rows.Count);
                for (int iinfo = 0; iinfo < _infos.Length; iinfo++)
                    if (active != null && !active[iinfo])
                    var info = _infos[iinfo];
                    var v = rows.Pipes[iinfo];
                    Contracts.Assert(v != null);
                    if (!(info.ColType is VectorDataViewType))
                        ProcessOne(fields, info, v, irow, line);
                        ProcessVec(srcLim, fields, info, v, irow, line);
            private void ProcessVec(int srcLim, FieldSet fields, ColInfo info, ColumnPipe v, int irow, long line)
                Contracts.Assert(srcLim >= 0);
                Contracts.Assert(info.ColType is VectorDataViewType);
                Contracts.Assert(info.SizeBase > 0 || info.IsegVariable >= 0);
                int sizeVar = 0;
                if (info.IsegVariable >= 0)
                    // There is a variable segment. Compute the total size.
                    var seg = info.Segments[info.IsegVariable];
                    if (seg.Min < srcLim)
                        sizeVar = srcLim - seg.Min;
                Contracts.Assert(sizeVar >= 0);
                int size = checked(info.SizeBase + sizeVar);
                v.Reset(irow, size);
                int ivDst = 0;
                for (int i = 0; i < info.Segments.Length; i++)
                    var seg = info.Segments[i];
                    Contracts.Assert(seg.IsVariable == (i == info.IsegVariable));
                    int min = seg.Min;
                    int lim = seg.Lim;
                    if (i == info.IsegVariable)
                        lim = srcLim;
                        Contracts.Assert(lim == min + sizeVar);
                    int sizeSeg = lim - min;
                    Contracts.Assert(ivDst <= size - sizeSeg);
                    int indexBase = ivDst - min;
                    int isrc = fields.Indices.FindIndexSorted(0, fields.Count, min);
                    if (isrc < fields.Count && fields.Indices[isrc] < lim)
                        int isrcLim = fields.Indices.FindIndexSorted(isrc, fields.Count, lim);
                        Contracts.Assert(isrc < isrcLim);
                        for (; isrc < isrcLim; isrc++)
                            var srcCur = fields.Indices[isrc];
                            Contracts.Assert(min <= srcCur && srcCur < lim);
                            if (!v.Consume(irow, indexBase + srcCur, ref fields.Spans[isrc]))
                                if (!v.HasNA)
                                    throw Contracts.Except($"Could not parse value {fields.Spans[isrc]} in slot {indexBase + srcCur} of column {info.Name} in line {line}");
                                v.Rows.Stats.LogBadValue(line, info.Name, indexBase + srcCur);
                    if (_missingRealsAsNaNs && isrc >= fields.Count && v.IsReal)
                        // If the user has set the MissingRealsAsNaNs option to true,
                        // And there are missing columns on a given row,
                        // then we should load them as if they were empty (i.e. _blank) fields
                        // So that they can be loaded as NaNs if they're single/double columns
                        // Or as default if they aren't.
                        for (int srcCur = Math.Max(min, fields.Count); srcCur < lim; srcCur++)
                            v.Consume(irow, indexBase + srcCur, ref _blank);
                    ivDst += sizeSeg;
                Contracts.Assert(ivDst == size);
            private void ProcessOne(FieldSet vs, ColInfo info, ColumnPipe v, int irow, long line)
                Contracts.Assert(!(info.ColType is VectorDataViewType));
                Contracts.Assert(Utils.Size(info.Segments) == 1);
                Contracts.Assert(info.Segments[0].Lim == info.Segments[0].Min + 1);
                int src = info.Segments[0].Min;
                int isrc = vs.Indices.FindIndexSorted(0, vs.Count, src);
                if (isrc < vs.Count && vs.Indices[isrc] == src)
                    if (!v.Consume(irow, 0, ref vs.Spans[isrc]))
                        if (!v.HasNA)
                            throw Contracts.Except($"Could not parse value {vs.Spans[isrc]} in line {line}, column {info.Name}");
                        v.Rows.Stats.LogBadValue(line, info.Name);
                else if (_missingRealsAsNaNs && v.IsReal)
                    // If the user has set the MissingRealsAsNaNs option to true,
                    // And there are missing columns on a given row,
                    // then we should load them as if they were empty (i.e. _blank) fields
                    // So that they can be loaded as NaNs if they're single/double columns
                    // Or as default if they aren't.
                    v.Consume(irow, 0, ref _blank);
                    v.Reset(irow, 0);
            // This checks for an inconsistent number of features.
            private void VerifyColumnCount(int csrc)
                if (csrc == _csrc)
                Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref _csrc, csrc, 0);
                if (csrc == _csrc)
                if (Interlocked.Increment(ref _mismatchCount) == 1)
                    Console.WriteLine("Warning: Feature count mismatch: {0} vs {1}", csrc, _csrc);