// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Collections.Immutable;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Threading;
using Roslyn.Utilities;
namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis
internal sealed class CombineNode<TInput1, TInput2> : IIncrementalGeneratorNode<(TInput1, TInput2)>
private static readonly string? s_tableType = typeof((TInput1, TInput2)).FullName;
private readonly IIncrementalGeneratorNode<TInput1> _input1;
private readonly IIncrementalGeneratorNode<TInput2> _input2;
private readonly IEqualityComparer<(TInput1, TInput2)>? _comparer;
private readonly string? _name;
public CombineNode(IIncrementalGeneratorNode<TInput1> input1, IIncrementalGeneratorNode<TInput2> input2, IEqualityComparer<(TInput1, TInput2)>? comparer = null, string? name = null)
_input1 = input1;
_input2 = input2;
_comparer = comparer;
_name = name;
public NodeStateTable<(TInput1, TInput2)> UpdateStateTable(DriverStateTable.Builder graphState, NodeStateTable<(TInput1, TInput2)>? previousTable, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
// get both input tables
var input1Table = graphState.GetLatestStateTableForNode(_input1);
var input2Table = graphState.GetLatestStateTableForNode(_input2);
if (input1Table.IsCached && input2Table.IsCached && previousTable is not null)
this.LogTables(_name, s_tableType, previousTable, previousTable, input1Table, input2Table);
if (graphState.DriverState.TrackIncrementalSteps)
return RecordStepsForCachedTable(graphState, previousTable, input1Table, input2Table);
return previousTable;
var totalEntryItemCount = input1Table.GetTotalEntryItemCount();
var tableBuilder = graphState.CreateTableBuilder(previousTable, _name, _comparer, totalEntryItemCount);
// Semantics of a join:
// When input1[i] is cached:
// - cached if input2 is also cached
// - modified otherwise
// State of input1[i] otherwise.
// get the input2 item
var isInput2Cached = input2Table.IsCached;
(TInput2 input2, IncrementalGeneratorRunStep? input2Step) = input2Table.Single();
// append the input2 item to each item in input1
foreach (var entry1 in input1Table)
var stopwatch = SharedStopwatch.StartNew();
var stepInputs = tableBuilder.TrackIncrementalSteps ? ImmutableArray.Create((entry1.Step!, entry1.OutputIndex), (input2Step!, 0)) : default;
var state = (entry1.State, isInput2Cached) switch
(EntryState.Cached, true) => EntryState.Cached,
(EntryState.Cached, false) => EntryState.Modified,
_ => entry1.State
var entry = (entry1.Item, input2);
if (state != EntryState.Modified || _comparer is null || !tableBuilder.TryModifyEntry(entry, stopwatch.Elapsed, stepInputs, state))
tableBuilder.AddEntry(entry, state, stopwatch.Elapsed, stepInputs, state);
Debug.Assert(tableBuilder.Count == totalEntryItemCount);
var newTable = tableBuilder.ToImmutableAndFree();
this.LogTables(_name, s_tableType, previousTable, newTable, input1Table, input2Table);
return newTable;
private NodeStateTable<(TInput1, TInput2)> RecordStepsForCachedTable(DriverStateTable.Builder graphState, NodeStateTable<(TInput1, TInput2)> previousTable, NodeStateTable<TInput1> input1Table, NodeStateTable<TInput2> input2Table)
Debug.Assert(input1Table.HasTrackedSteps && input2Table.IsCached);
var builder = graphState.CreateTableBuilder(previousTable, _name, _comparer);
(_, IncrementalGeneratorRunStep? input2Step) = input2Table.Single();
foreach (var entry in input1Table)
var stepInputs = ImmutableArray.Create((entry.Step!, entry.OutputIndex), (input2Step!, 0));
bool usedCachedEntry = builder.TryUseCachedEntries(TimeSpan.Zero, stepInputs);
return builder.ToImmutableAndFree();
public IIncrementalGeneratorNode<(TInput1, TInput2)> WithComparer(IEqualityComparer<(TInput1, TInput2)> comparer) => new CombineNode<TInput1, TInput2>(_input1, _input2, comparer, _name);
public IIncrementalGeneratorNode<(TInput1, TInput2)> WithTrackingName(string name) => new CombineNode<TInput1, TInput2>(_input1, _input2, _comparer, name);
public void RegisterOutput(IIncrementalGeneratorOutputNode output)
// We have to call register on both branches of the join, as they may chain up to different input nodes